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A03087 A simple, and religious consultation of vs Herman by the grace of God Archebishop of Colone, and prince Electour. [et] c. by what meanes a Christian reformation, and founded in Gods worde, of doctrine, administration of the deuine sacramentes, of ceremonies, and the hole cure of soules, and other ecclesiastical ministeries may be begon among men committed to our pastorall charge, vntil the Lorde graunt a better to be appoynted either by a free, and Christian cou[n]sayle, general, or national, or elles by the states of the empire of the natio[n] of Germanie, gathered together in the holye Gost; Einfaltigs Bedencken, warauff ein christliche in dem Wort Gottes gegrünte Reformation an Lehr, Brauch der heyligen Sacramenten un Ceremonien, Seelsorg und anderem Kirchendienst, biss auff eines freyen, christlichen, gemeinen oder nationals Concilii, oder dess Reichs Teutscher Nation Stende, im Heyligen Geyst versamelt, Verbesserung, bei denen so unserer Seelsorge befohlen, anzurichten seye, English Wied, Hermann von.; Melanchthon, Philipp, 1497-1560.; Bucer, Martin, 1491-1551. 1547 (1547) STC 13213; ESTC S103980 258,817 620

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thy brest that the power of Christe crucified may be euer thy succour and sure protection in all thynge ❧ Then let hym saye to the people The Lorde be wyth you ❧ Let the the people answere And wyth thy spirite ❧ The pastour Let vs praye Almightie and euerlastyng God the father of oure Lorde Iesus Christe I call the vpon thys N. thy seruaunte for whom the churche requireth the Sacramente of baptisme and therein thy grace and spirituall regeneration and thou saydeste aske and ye shal receyue etc. so gyue thy grace and mercie to thys chylde as thy church prayeth the that he maye obteine the redemption of thy sonne and inheritaunce of euerlastynge and blessed lyfe whiche thy cōgregation seeketh for hym thorowe baptisme Open to hym the dore of thy kyngdome at whiche thy churche knocketh for hym thorowe Christe our Lorde Amen ❧ Let vs praye Further almightie God whiche in olde tyme dyddeste destroye the wycked worlde wyth the floude accordynge to thy terrible iudgement and dyddeste preserue onely the familie of godly Noe eighte soules of thy vnspeakable mercie and which also dyddest droune in the redde sea obstinate Pharao the Kynge of the Egiptians wyth all his armie and warlike power and causedist thy people of Israel to passe ouer with dry feete and wouldest shadowe in them holy baptistisme the lauer of regeneration furthermore whiche dyddeste consecrate Iordane wyth the Baptisme of thy sonne Christe Iesu and other waters to holie deepynge and washynge of synnes we praye the for thy exceadynge mercie loke fauourably vpon thys Infante gyue hym true fayeth and thy holie spirite that what so euer fylth he hath taken of Adam it maye be drouned and be put awaye by thys holie floude that being seperated from the numbre of the vngodlie he maye be kepte safe in the holie arke of the churche and maye confesse and sanctifie thy name wyth a lustie and feruent spirite and serue thy kyngdome wyth constant truste and sure hope that at length he maye atteyne to the promises of eternal lyfe wyth all the godlie Amen ❧ The pastour The Lorde be with you ❧ The people And wyth thy spirite Heare the Gospell of oure Lorde Iesus Christe Marke x. In that tyme they broughte chyldren to Iesus that he might toutch them But the disciples rebuked them that broughte them When Iesus sawe that he toke indigna ion and sayed vnto them sulfure the litleoues to come vnto me etc. Beleue these wordes and thys deede of our Lorde Iesu Christe vpō them and doubt not but that he wyll so receyue your chyldren also and embrace them wyth the armes of his mercie and gyue them the blessynge of eternall lyfe and the euerlasting communion of the kyngdome of God The same Lorde and our Sauiour Iesus Christe confirme and encrease thys your fayth Amen ❧ After thys the pastoure shall laye his handes vpon the chyldes heade and the godfathers touching the child shall praye wyth hym Oure father whiche arte etc. Then they shall also rehearse the crede I beleue in God the father etc. ¶ Let vs praye After thys the churche shall synge the Psal Cxiiij Item Cxv. and. Cxxxvi. When Israell went forth etc. Not to vs Lorde etc. Item prayse the name of the Lorde etc. Ye seruauntes prayse the Lorde ❧ The pastour The Lorde be with you ¶ The people And wyth thy spirite ❧ Let vs praye Almightie and euerlastynge God heauenlie father we gyue the eternall thankes that thou haste vouchsafed to cal vs to thys knowledge of thy grace fayth towardes the. Encrease and confirme this fayth in vs euermore Gyue thy holie spirite to thys infant that he maye be borne agayne and be made heyre of euerlastyng saluation which of thy groce and mercie thou hast promised to thy holie churche to olde men and to children thorow our Lorde Iesus Christ which liueth and reigneth wyth the nowe and for euer Amen ❧ Thus gyuynge his blessynge let hym dimisse the congregation ❧ Of administration of Baptisme The daye folowinge let the infantes beinge exorcised the daye before be broughte agayne to the cōgregation a litle before the supper of the Lorde whō there the pastour after that the Gospel is reade and declared and the crede songe shal bid to be broughte to the foūtstone and shal exhort the parētes the godfathers and kinsfolke after the maner folowinge Beloued in Christ yesterday by the grace of God we hearde how exceading and vnspeakable mercie is exhibited in Baptisme Ye haue renounced Satā and the worlde ye haue cōfessed the fayth of Christe ye haue promised obedience to Christ and the cōgregation and ye haue required of God the father that for his sōnes sake our Lorde Iesus Christ he will deliuer these infātes from the kingdome of darkenes and settle thē in the kingdome of his beloued sōne You must remēbre these thinges and doubt nothing but that we shal receyue all these thynges that we require if we beleue Therefore liftynge vp your mindes vnto the Lorde appeare ye here with all religion as in the sighte of almightie God the father the sōne and the holie gost and receiue ye sure fayth and thankesgiuing the benifitte of regeneration and adoptiō into euerlastyng life of the one god him selfe the father the sonne and the holie goste And bicause the Lorde hym selfe commaunded vs to baptise in the name of the father the sōne and the holie gost vndoubtedly god him selfe baptiseth our infātes cleanseth thē frō sinnes deliuereth thē frō euerlasting death putteth vpō thē his owne rightuousnes and gyueth them life eternal We must acknowledge with true faith and euer magnifie these exceading benifittes of God Wherfore that we may steare vp our fayth and mindes Let vs heare the wordes of S. Paule folowing concernynge thys matter ❧ To Tite Chapter iij. But after that the goodnes and loue of oure sauiour God towardes mē appeared not of the workes of ryghtuousnes whiche we dyd but after his mercie he saued vs by the lauer of regeneration and renuing of the holie goste etc. ❧ The pastour The Lorde be wyth you ❧ The people And wyth thy spirite ¶ Out of the Gospell of Mathewe the laste Chapter The Lorde Iesus said vnto his disciples All power in heauen and in earth is gyuen vnto me Go ye therfore into al the worlde and preache the Gospell to al creatures and teach al the heathē baptising thē in the name of the father the sonne the holie gost etc ❧ The pastour The Lorde be with you ❧ The people And wyth thy spiritie ❧ Let vs praye Almightie and mercifull God and father thou diddest promise to Abraham oure father and the father of all that beleue and in him thou dyddeste promise to vs also his chyldren that thou wouldeste be a God to vs and to oure seede Wherefore as thou diddest receyue the infantes of the olde people into grace and into thyne owne people by circumcisiō And thy sonne Christe Iesus our Lorde and
same haue mercie on me for thy sonnes Iesus Christe whiche for our sakes was made a sacrifice Kindle my minde with thy lighte and gouerne me with thy holy spirite whiche thou haste promised vs for thy sōnes sake Thus in our praier we must euer cōprehēd Christ the mediatour as the church hath vsen in collets A fourme of calling vpon Christ frō the beginning adding these wordes in th ende thorow Christ our Lorde Moreouer this is a true inuocation acceptable to God O Lorde Iesu Christe the sonne of God heare me loke vpō me pitie me and geue me thy holy spirite and eternal lyfe Thus we reade that S. Stephan Act. viij called vpō Christ Lorde Iesu receiue my spirite Such prayer attibuteth vnto Christ the glorie of diuinitie for that that God hath reueiled him selfe in hym and worketh together with hym as we reade Io. v. what so euer the father worketh the same doeth the sonne also And in the xiiij He that seeth me seeth the father I am in the father and the father is in me This is the sentence of such an inuocation Lorde Iesu Christe sōne of God healpe me geue me thy holy spirite which together cōfesseth the father the sōne whiche is mediatoure and the holy gooste Wherefore this article of the diuine substaūce and of the thre persons must be learned and exercised in dayly prayers But forasmuch as this sincere doctrine of true and godly inuocatiō is horribly darkened Agaynst the inuocation of dead sayntes and ymages thorow that abomimable wickednesse and madnes vpon Idols whiche is cōmitted in calling vpō dead men their images bones wherunto they haue boūd not only diuine power but also a certen peculiar strēgth and efficacie of saintes wheras yet it is euidēt that we must assigne the power working of god to nothing in which god him selfe hath not expressedly witnessed in his worde that he wyl gyue the same but it is playne that deade mē helpe nobody Nor worke in ydoles for these causes I saye the people muste be called backe from suche ydolotrye vnto the true and religiouse inuocation of God as to a moste godlye worke and principall worshypping of God wherin we chiefely learne and feele which is the true fayth yea this is the only worke wherby the true people of God may be most discerned from the vngodly Of the creation and gouernaunce of al thinges OVre hole saluatiō and euerlasting lyfe consisteth herin that we truly knowe God in oure Lorde Iesus Christe that is to saye with a sure and lyuely fayth In thys knowledge the chiefest poynt is to knowe that it is God which made all thinges and preserueth and gouerneth the same alone wherfore the preachers shall studye to declare to the people wyth singuler dylygence and to beate into their heads those places of the scripture that teach and testifie of the eternal substaūce of God of his power knowledge goodnesse and seueritie for wythout this knowledge and fayth we can neuer truely and effectuously fele our sinnes much lesse repent and amende our selues neyther shal the law alone driue vs therunto for what shal eyther his preceptes or threates moue or feare vs of whose power bowntuousnes or seueritie as yet we knowe or fele nothinge substantially and effectuosely wherfore he that wil comme to God muste necessarily knowe afore hande and beleue that it is God which made preserueth and iudgeth all men and largelye rewardeth them that loue him Very many boste them selues to knowe God but in that that thei studi not to frame their life according to the wil of god dispising the worde of God they beare sufficiente witnes of thē selfe to the cōtrary namely that they say in theyr hertes there is no God though they confesse the same before men It is therfore ryght necessarye that preachers often tymes and with great diligence do propounde and beate in to theyr eares the common place of creation preseruacion and gouernaūce of all thynges And in the article of the creation of thynges the pastours shal diligently teach that that Lorde whiche delyuered the ten commaundementes the whole holy scripture and the gospell it selfe is the only true God and maker of thinges whiche of no thinge created heauen earth the sea and whatsoeuer is conteined in thē our selues also and alone preserueth the same throughe his power and hath partly made the other creatures subiecte vnto vs beinge created to his ymage appoyntynge them to a profitable vse and partly ordeyned them to the ministerye of the health both of the bodye and soule Wherfore the preachers shal often allege faythfully declare and printe in the mindes of theyr herers those places of the scripture that teache that God made vs and al other thinges of no thinge and that we were fashoned after the ymage of god finally that inferiour creatures be subiecte vnto oure rule by Goddes ordinance and that the superiour creatures be appoynted to procure oure healthe that the same herers maye dayly lerne more and more the almightines and goodnes of Goddes maiestie and that in them selues and in all other thinges that they handle in whyche they be occupyed whyche they beholde here or by any meanes do exercise they knowe hym haue him in reuerēce prayse him cal vpon him And that therby they may trust more fully in the almightines goodnes of God and more cherefully obey his cōmaūdementes and also feare his wrathe the more and that they maye vse all thinges whiche they do vse in this lyfe as the moste holy creatures and gistes of God and our sauiour wyth more holynes dayly and thankfulnes and larger liberalytie towardes theyr neighbours ▪ For this cause the prophets in the prayses of God do so magnifie and sette before our eyes with moste elegant descripcions the principal and notablest workes of God in the vniuersall nature of thynges as the heauens the son the moone the sterres the Why the holy scripture often propoūneth vnto vs the merueylous workes of God clowdes the wyndes mystes rayne dewe snowe froste thunder lyghtnynge mountaynes valleys fildes contreys medowes springes riuers standinge waters sondry trees and herbes the pryncypall kyndes of beastes both tame and wylde men and other innumerable workes of God For whiche many psalmes doe greatly magnifie the glory of God as psal xix xcv Ciiii. Cxxxvi. Cxlv. Cxlvii Cxlviii Iob doeth the same thinge from the xxxviii Chapiter to th ende of his booke And Esay in the .xl. chapter vnto th ende of hys boke Lyke places ye shal finde in other canonicall bookes euery where This contemplaciō of the notable workes of God and admiracion of the diuine maieste was the cause why Christe the Lorde hym selfe and other sayntes lyfted vp theyr eyes and handes to heauē whē they praye And in the fourme of prayinge the Lorde taught vs to saye Oure father whiche arte in heauen for when we behold wyth oure eyes and myndes those mooste excellent and wonderfull workes
holie Gospell but onely parte of the Gospel I meane that part wherin God pronoūceth the euerlasting punishment of the euyl and not that part wherein he offereth his grace to them that beleue For they that haue thys fayth beleue that there is a God that made and ruleth all thynges that punisheth the euyll but they beleue not that God wyll be merciful vnto them forgiue them theyr sinnes freely for his sonnes sake Finally that we muste not vnderstande a temperarie fayeth wherewyth men beleue the whole Gospell in dede but it is but for a tyme. For they receyue the worde of God with ioye but whē afliction and persecution chaunceth for the Gospell they fall agayne and theyr fayeth vanishinge out of theyr myndes the sede of Goddes worde though it be spronge vp is kylled and dryeth awaye wyth the heate of persecution Wherefore the preachers muste teache men diligently that when they heare that we whiche beleue in Christe haue euerlastynge life that we be borne agayne thorowe fayth that the chyldren of God be instified and saued thorowe fayth they muste vnderstande and considre that these thinges be spoken of true and lyuely fayeth whiche steareth vp in them that beleue a sure truste of Goddes beniuolence and of adoption vnto euerlastyng life And hereby breadeth in them and enflameth an earnest and feruent loue of God and worketh also a perpetuall and effectuous studie of all holines and sincere seruiceable loue towardes our neighbours Finally bryngeth to passe that they that beleue giue them selues altogyther to the fulfilling of the lawe ¶ Of the crosse and aflictions VVHē this faith is sincerely taught and learned and preuaileth in the lyfe of the sayntes it can not be God so orderinge and finishinge the renuinge of his but the crosse and aflictih● wyl folow sincere doctrine and a godlie life For God willing thorow his secrete purpose to trie the faith of his and to dryue them to call for his healpe permitteth Satan to exercise them with sundrie tētations whiche is an enemie of pure doctrine and christian Wherfore while this is permitted vnto him he resisteth and wrastleth against good doctrine and godlie life with all the crafte and might that he can and moueth against the same what so euer he hath in his power And he hath the whole world in his power Wherefore Christe calleth him the prince of the worlde Iohn xij If he be then the prince of the worlde what other thynge shall we loke for then that he wil be against vs with al the worlde and wil fight against pure doctrine and pure life Of doctrine Christes worde testifieth Iohn xv If they haue harde me they will heare you also If they haue persecuted me they wil persecute you also etc. And that they wyll persecute a godly life S. Paul teacheth ij Tim. iij. As manie as wyll lyue godlie in Christe shall suffre persecution It is then ryghte necessarie that the ministers of the worde teache comforte and strengthen the people wyth all faythfulnes and diligence to beare the crosse to learne to ouercome aduersities wyth patience For we maye heare euerie where the vngodlie and blasphemous wordes of men that be in aflictions For whē they are warned to arme theyr mynde with patience bycause that aflictiōs are sent of God agaynst that they crie streyght waye that they are not sent of God but of Satan and if thou wylte saye styll that God chastiseth them whom he loueth they saye they wishe that he woulde not loue them so muche When anie incommoditie or aduersitie chaunceth to them vnloked for the cause whereof they can not attayne wyth theyr folishe reason forthwyth they ascribe it to arte magike Whiche errour and superstition is chiefely in vplandishe men and other rude felowes Thorowe whiche errour it cometh to passe that when they fall into anie calamitie they runne streyght waies to wisardes and witches they aske counsell of them and beleue their lyes and for the moste parte burthen them wyth iniuste suspicions and falsely sclaunder them that be innocent Further also they embrace their enchauntmētes and magike remedies vsing the ayde of deuyls which is an horrible defectiō from the true God and a deniyng of him whiche surely be great and heynous synnes for reuengeaunce wherof the wrath of God and manifest punishmentes are wonte to come vpon the vnfaythfull as the Apostle witnesseth Therfore that we maye resist so great wickednes and abhomination and that men maye be broughte to haue true patience in the crosse the preachers muste teache some what after thys sorte of the crosse First though the deuyll wyth his garde burne wyth an incredible hatred agaynste the godlie and desireth excedingly to hurte them by all meanes and in what thynge so euer he can in bodie soule goodes fame as Petre testifieth sayinge the deuill walketh about etc. Neuertheles this is certaine that he can not once moue an heare of our heade excepte God suffre hym so to do as Christe sayth Math. x. Are not two sparowes solde for a farthynge and one of them falleth not vpō the earth wythout your father And the verie heares of your heade are al numbred The storie of Iob witnesseth the same whō Satan coulde not hurte but by the permission of God neither in goodes nor bodie For we are enuironned wyth manie thousandes of Angels which haue charge of vs as the prophete Eliseus sayeth to his ladde iiij of kynges vi When the kynge of Siria commaunded the prophete to be taken Dauid in the Psalm xxxiij wytnesseth that the same is gyuen not onely to Eliseus but also to all the godlie sayinge They that feare the Lorde he compasseth them aboute as it were with pauilions and the watching Angell keepeth them safe But where tentes be pitched there the holiest muste needes be present So Christe hym selfe sayeth also of the yonge children Their angels se alwaies the face of my father whiche is in heauen We maye dayly se and feele thys defence garde and custodie of the Angels if we wilturne oure myndes to the workes of God and considre them wyth the eyes of fayth For how many new enginnes deuiseth Satan daily What mischiues inuēteth he thorowe wicked men wherewyth he yet profiteth nothyng so that we must needes graūt that God disapoynteth those deuises of Satan and not anie wisedome of man Wherfore men muste be taughte diligently that what so euer good or euyll chaunce to them synne onely excepted they beleue it chaunceth to them from God and his prouidence though it be done by the ministerie of Satan and of the vngodly Secondly forasmuche as it is well knowen that aduersitie cometh not by chaunce but by the permission and determined purpose of God we oughte not to doubte but that it chaunceth to vs for good and that suche thynges be as signes of Goddes beniuolence and not of his wrath as the Epistle to the Hebrues teacheth xij My sonne neglecte not the correction of God nor faint thou
men wyth all theyr hertes for the Lorde Christes sake that they serue al maner of men and do them good in all thynges that perteyne to the neede of the bodie or to ciuile societie Therefore in thys ciuile lyfe societie they exercise theyr fayth and shewe exemples of loue towardes their neighbours wyth whom they lyue in all theyr necessities all maner of wayes What soeuer gētle behauiour there is in the world what so euer perteyneth or healpeth to faythfull and honest ciuilitie and participation of present thynges and to the maynteinyng and adurnyng of the common weale that christē mē only do rightly vnderstand labour to perfourme most prōptly In like maner the pastours must often substantially declare and excusse those doctrines also that perteyne to a spirituall lyfe for whiche the Anabaptistes make muche busines as of originall synne of the baptisme of infātes of the rightuousnes of fayth and these thinges they shall teache out of the holie scriptures as of original synne what an horrible euyll it is bycause mannes reason doeth no● se those thynges to be damned whiche remayne in the nature of man I meane the ignoraunce of God want of the feare of God and distrusting of God Item that God alloweth the baptisme of our infantes receyueth our infantes into his chyldren thorowe baptisme and maketh them heyres of his grace and euerlastyng lyfe That remission of synnes the communion of Christe the felowshoppe of a newe and blessed lyfe is only in the congregation of Christ and not amonge the Iewes or Turbes or other men amonge whom the Gospell is not preached the sacramentes of Christe are not administered but rather the name and doctrine of Christ is blasphemed The matter standing thus and seinge that it is euident that God wyl be the God of our seede also that is to saye a sauiour and authour of a newe and blessed lyfe to vs which thorowe Christ be made the sonnes of Abraham and heyres of the promyse and couenaunte whiche God Gene. xvij Gala iii. made wyth hym the father of all them that beleue the matter beinge thus I saye surely we maye conclude and it is playne that our infantes borne of vs synners and loste through synnes muste be offered to Christ be incorporated to him thorowe baptisme that by hym they maye be washed in the churche from synnes and haue his ryghtuousenes gyuē thē put vpon them For seing that the kingdome of Christ is reueiled amounge vs and the mistery of redemptiō and saluation wrought by Christe is more clearely and abundaūtly exhibited and preached then before for manye Kynges and prophetes desired to heare and see the thinges that we heare and se and it was not giuen to them it muste needes be that they playnlie knowe not the Gospell of Christe and cōmunion of sayntes amonge them selues that were sayntes in dede and acceptable to God or els that they inuade Christe and his churche with a wicked furie whosoeuer they be that wyl not haue our infantes to be purged from synnes wyth the Sacramente of regeneration and to be planted in the churche of God seinge that it behoued infantes of the olde people to be sanctified and planted into the bodie of Christ whiche is the churche wyth that Sacramente that God then gaue them for thys purpose For why shoulde oure infantes perteyne lesse to the kyngdome of God then theirs seinge that thorow Christ we be grafted in the holy roote of that people and made partakers of the blessed fatnes of thys Olyue Ro. x● Furthermore we haue giuē vnto vs a mig●tier spirite Romo viij But we be gotten i● synnes aswel as the Iewes and haue neede to be deliuered from synnes thorowe Christ and to be brought vnto the life of God and that in Christes church For there is not saluation wythout the churche where neither the worde nor Sacrament is Infantes then muste be planted into the church we must gyue them the signe that wytnesseth that the promise perteyneth vnto thē And forasmuche as in this time the Gospel the grace of God and redemption of Christe be more clearely and effectuously exhibited and preached in the churche both wyth wordes and sacramentes then amonge the olde people euerie man surely beinge rightly warned hereof excepte he be a verie vngodlie person shall acknowledge that oure infantes also muste be washed from synnes by baptisme whiche is the Sacrament of regeneration and that they muste be planted into Christe our Lorde and his churche in whiche church Christe worketh thorowe his worde and sacramentes as Ephes● v. Paule sayeth that Christ loued the cōgregation and gaue him selfe for it to sanctifie it and cleanse it wyth the lauer of water etc. He describeth not the congregation wythout signes and without the worde Wherefore he sayeth also in an other place one bodie one spirite one Lorde one fayth one baptisme Whiche thynges surely do testifie that they whiche perteyne to the cōgregation be planted into the same wyth some outwarde signe also If mē shall be warned hereof often and substantially they shal reuerentlie vse holie baptisme they shal come to it and stande by it more religiously and they shal more feruently pray for the grace of God to them selues and to the infātes and wyth purer myndes and greater sanctification of them selues they shal labour to offre to Christe the Lorde both their owne chyldren and also the chyldren of the whole church according to the Lordes wordes suffre the litelones to come vnto me for the kingdome of heauen perteyneth to such Whiche moste sweete sayinge of the Lorde oure sauioure they shall also embrace wyth more certeyne fayth and wyth greater deuotion gyue God thankes for his so greate benifitte Men shall moreouer be moued and enflamed to procure theyr chyldren beinge grafted in Christe to be brought vp to hym and to his churche wyth greater diligence and they shall cause them to be nosseled in the knowledge of him that they may profite the church and whē they be growen vp they shall dedicate them betymes as the membres of Christe vnto his churche being the sonnes and heyres of God and ioynte heyres wyth Christ In lyke maner the rightuousnes of fayth must be declared and sette forth by comparyng of the Anabaptisticall imaginations For that comparison shall brynge greater lyght to thys ministerie I saye when it shal be playnely shewed howe greate difference there is betwene the true ryghtuousnes of Christ and the hypocrisie of these heretikes For that rightuousnes that the Gospel teacheth is to take handfast of Christ the lorde with sure faith so that the mynde trust therin constantly and call vpon God the father thorowe Christe wyth the cōfidence of chyldren and studie to glorifie the same wyth good workes wherewyth our neighbours may be holpen by al possible meanes accordynge to all the power of the holie goste that it hath receyued But the rightuousnes whiche the Anabaptistes teache and wherin they boste themselues is al
prayse and magnifie the Lorde holie father almightie euerlastyng God thorowe Iesus Christ our Lorde by whom thou madest vs of nothinge vnto thy image and haste appoynted al other creatures to our vses and where as we thorowe the synne of Adam slidynge frō the were made thyne enemies and therefore subiecte to death and eternall damnation thou of thy infinite mercie and vnspeakable loue dyddest sende the same thy sonne the eternall worde into thys worlde who thorowe the crosse and death deliuered vs from synnes and the power of the Deuyll and brought vs agayne into thy fauoure by his holie spirite whom he sent to vs from the and gaue his bodie and bloude to be the fode of a newe and eternall lyfe that being more confirmed thorowe the truste of thy mercie and loue we should euer go forward to all that that is thy pleasure by renuinge and sanctifiynge of our selues and that we should glorifie and exalte the here and euermore in all our wordes and dedes and singe vnto the without ende with al thy holie Angels and beloued chyldren After these thinges Sanctus shall be songe where clerkes be in latine but of the people in douche one syde answerynge the other thryse of bothe partes As for that that is wont to be added The Lorde God of hostes and Benedictus it shal be songe cōmunely of the whole congregation and therefore in douche Streyght waye after thys let the priest synge the wordes of the Lordes supper in douche Our Lorde the nighte in whiche he was deliuered etc. But these wordes muste be songe of the priest wyth great reuerence and playnely that they maye be wel vnderstanded of all men And the people shal saye to these wordes Amen Whiche all the olde church obserued and the Grekes do yet obserue the same For the whole substance of this Sacrament is conteyned in these wordes And it consisteth altogether in the true vnderstandyng and fayth of these wordes that the Sacrament be holesomely administred and receyued ❧ Whē the people then haue answered Amen The priest shall adde lette vs praye Oure father whiche arte in heauen etc. To whiche prayer of the Lorde the people shal say agayne Amen ¶ The priest The Lordes peace be euer wyth you ¶ The people And with thy spirite After thys they which be admitted to the cōmunion and do loke for the same in their place shal come to the Lordes bourde religiously Firste men and then women and the whole Sacrament shal be gyuen to them al that they may be partakers of the body and bloud of the Lorde receiuing not only bread but also the Cuppe euen as he instituted it ¶ At the exhibition of the bodi let the the pastour saye Take and eate to thy health the body of the Lorde whiche was deliuered for thy synnes ¶ At the exhibition of the cuppe Take and drinke to thy health the bloud of the Lorde whiche was shedde for thy synnes ¶ After the communion lette Agnus dei be songe both in douche and in latine one syde answeryng the other where clerkes be And then lette thys douch songe be songe Gotte sey gelobette Item Iesus Christus Vnser Heylant If the communion shall gyue so muche tyme and leasure ¶ When the communion is ended let the priest synge turnyng to the people The Lorde be wyth ynn ❧ The people And with thy spirite ¶ The priest Let vs praye Almightie euerlastynge God we gyue thankes to thy exceadynge godnes bicause thou haste fedde vs wyth the bodie of thy only begottē sonne and gyuen vs his bloud to drynke We humbly beseche the worke in vs wyth thy spirite that as we haue receyued thys diuine Sacrament wyth oure mouthes so we maye also receyue and euer holde fast with true fayth thy grace remission of synnes and communion with Christ thy sonne Al whiche thinges thou haste exhibited vnto vs in these sacramentes thorow our Lorde Iesus Christe thy sonne whiche lyueth and reygneth wyth the in vnitie of the holie gost verie God and verie man foreuer Amen ❧ An other thankesgyuyng We gyue the thankes father almightie God whiche haste refreshed vs wyth the singuler gyfte of thy bodie and bloude we beseche thy goodnesse that the same maye healpe to confirme our fayth in the and to kendle mutual loue amonge vs by the same our Lorde Iesus Christ etc. ¶ Laste of all lette the pastoure blesse the people wyth these wordes The Lorde blesse the and keepe the the Lorde lighten his coūtenaunce vpon the and haue mercie on the. The Lorde lyfte vp his face vpon the and settle the in peace ❧ Or thus God haue mercie on vs and blesse vs lyghten his countenaunce vpō vs and gyue vs his peace Amen ❧ Or thus God the father the sonne and the holie goste blesse and keepe vs. Amen ❧ Or thus The blessyng of god the father the sonne and the holie gooste be wyth vs remaine wyth vs for euer Amen But where clerkes be not as in villages there lette all be reade and songe in douche But lette the songes be so moderated as in euerie congregation shall make to the edification of godlines But forasmuche as our Lorde instituted thys his sacrament onely for thys purpose that we shoulde eate it and drynke it for the remēbraunce of him and not that we should set it forth or carie it about to be loked vpon forasmuch as sundrie abuses be brought in the true vse of this sacramēt being ouer passed so this sacrament hath bene drawen to horrible superstition and vngodlines for the takyng awaye both of this superstition and vngodlines and also sundrie scruples of the worke and irreligious questions aboute these misteries the pastours and they that administre the Sacramente shall endeuoure them selues that as often as the supper shal be ministred whether it be in the cōgregatiō or in priuate houses for sicke folke they compte the numbre of them certeynely whiche shall communicate that accordynge to the same thei may receiue pieces of bread and measure of wyne As for the remnauntes after that the communion is ended lette the pastours them selues receyue them forthwith and lette them not keepe the same nor lay them vp in any place nor eary them away or set them forth to be beholded For the worde of God whiche saueth vs if we beleue and obey it and damneth perpetually if we do not beleue nor obey it hath thus prescribed cōcerning his sacramētes Take and eate this is my bodie Take and drinke this is my bloude Therfore we must stand in thys institution of Christe and not institute a newe vsage wythout Goddes worde about thys moste holy Sacrament And bicause also that here the Lordes death muste be preached and the communion of hym cōfirmed in vs that thorowe hym we maye be daily more crucified to the world al worldly pompe muste lykewyse be taken frō thys ministration and all tynges muste be so ordeined and moderated that thei may healpe forth and adurne the
ye Wherefore let vs constitute hym a Doctoure of authoritie and iudge of all writinges Peruse Cypriās boke ij Epistle iij. And that Christ ought only to be heard the father witnesseth also from heauen saying this is my sonne in whom I am well pleased heare hym Wherfore if Christ only oughte to be hearde we must not looke what any mā before vs hath thought good to bee doone but what Christe fyrste dyd whych is before all All preachinges ought to be taken out of the holie scriptures Forasmuch as thā this doctrine of God the father and of oure Lorde Jesus Chryst is taught in no wrytinges but in the wrytynges of the Propheies and the Apostles and seyng that there is none other doctrine wherin the wyll of God from the begynnyng concernyng mannes saluation is set furth with more certayne and strong testimonies Paule saiyng also that the churche Ephe. ij is buylded therupon it is ryght necessary that al the ministers of the Gospel read often pondre the hole deuine scripture with the feare of God and exquisite diligence both that they them selues maye be better learned and also that they may enstruct other of the euerlastyng wyl of God of the law of synne of the wrath of God of grace and ryghteousnes promysed for Chryst the mediatour of lyfe euerlastyng and paynes euerlasting which the dispisers of the word must nedes suffre This wysdome as Paule witnesseth to the Corinth doth far excel al mans wisdom For he saith we speake the wisdome of God in mistery which is hid whych God predestinated before the worldes vnto our glory whyche none of the prynces of this worlde hath knowne but God hath opened it vnto vs by his spirit i. Corin. xi Wherefore forasmuch as God hathe propouned vnto vs this his holesome and heauenlye doctryne onely in the writynges of the Prophetes of the holy Apostles and because we cannot receiue the same certaine and vndouted els where al shepherdes preachers ought to exercyse them selues diligently daye and nyght in these holy and deuyne bokes that they may be apter to teach other As the holy S. Ciprian to Pompeius agaynst Stephanes Epistle I● behoueth a byshop not only to teach but also to learne For he dothe better teache which dayely encreaseth and profiteth in learnynge better thynges Se. s Augu. also boke v. of Baptisme agaynste the Donatistes Cha. xvi Gost requireth it in them by name that they declare and shewe them selues approued to God and such workemen of Christ as nede not to be ashamed of their mynistery and whych also may rightly deuide the word of truth and teach other with fruite ij Timoth. ij Item that they holde fast that faythful word whych is accordyng to doctryne that they may bee able to exhort thorough holsome doctrine and to conuince the agaynsayers therof Titu i. In which deuine precept propouned to al teachers ministers of congregations the pastours and preachers shall obserue diligently Fyrst that it is required of thē that in teachyng they hold fast the certayne and faythful word that is to say to whych certayne and vndouted fayth ought to be geuē Wherof it foloweth that thei must take ryght diligent hede that they myngle none opinions of men with their doctryne and preachyng but that they teache religiously and deliuer to the people the syncere worde Ther be ma ▪ of God For this saiyng is euer true Euery man is a lyar Psalm Cxvi And Paule saith The natural man vnderstandeth not those thynges that be of the spirite of God for thei be folyshnes vnto hym and he cannot perceiue them i. Cori. ij After the same sort sayth Esay xl Al flesh is grasse and al the glory therof is as the flour of the felde the grasse wythereth and the floure fadeth But the word of the lorde abideth for euer Seing then that men of theyr owne nature be deceyued and can not of them selues vnderstande the doctrine of grace and seinge that theyr glorie or excellencie by whiche worde the prophete would chiefely signifie mannes wysedome falleth awaye lyke a floure howe can mannes reason and wisdome when it is not guyded and directed by the spirite and worde of God perceyue and teache anie certentie and truth chiefely concernyng diuine matters and the restitution of man And although al christian men haue the spirite of God whiche as he leadeth eche one into all truth as muche as is sufficient for his owne saluation and for the profitte of the congregation so he hath witnessed in man the gospell of Christe wyth goodly bookes and wrytynges and doeth euen vnto thys daye wytnesse and preache neuerthelesse fleshe and bloude abyde in al men be they neuer so holy and spiritual as Augustine I can not denie nether ought to denie that as in oure elders them selues so there be many thinges in so manie my workes that may be blamed wyth ryghte iudgement and no rashenes at all longe as they lyue here whiche fleshe and bloude perceyue not the thynges that pertayne vnto God The sense and vnderstandyng of the fleshe remayneth whiche stryueth agaynst God Wherfore in thys lyfe there neyther hath ben nor is anie man endued wyth so great holines or doctrine but that it hath chaunced hym often to fall and to be deceyued Wherefore as Saynte Augustine so lykewyse other fathers and olde doctours allowed not all the writinges and sentences of them whiche had taughte eyther before them or in theyr tyme for thys cause that those thynges came from men so excellent in godlines and learnynge but as farre as euerie man confirmed his doctrine The same antour in the Epistle to saint Hierome and sentence with the worde of God and sure reasons And they counted those onely reasons to be sure and certaine which thei perceiued to be deriued out of the word of God Of which sort those be with which S. Paule proueth that a woman muste couer Howe we muste iudge of the wrytynges of the fathers hyr heade in the congregation and kepe silence and not teache men i. the Corhinth xi and. xiiii For the apostle cōfirmeth these thynges wyth thys reason namely because the worde of God testifieth that the womā is of the man that she was made after the man and first admitted the gyle of Satan Item that she oughte to be subiecte to hy husbande Wherfore al cōfirmations of godlie doctrine consiste in the onely testimonie of the Vppon what foundation al godly doctrine ought to stand scripture vpon wihche scripture al that we either beleue or teache of God and oure Christe oughte to be grounded For thys scripture only setteth before vs the word of God vnmixte and certayne wherunto onely we ought to giue credence in diuine matters for it was not taught of mē but of the holy goste from heauen as S. Petre wytnesseth sayinge knowe this first that euerie prophetical scripture is not of priuate interpretation For prophecie was not at
goodnes diuine maiestie God hymselfe in Christ the Lord may be preached glorified acknoledged called vpon and magnified among our selues and in all the world thorowe manifest sincere and constant confession and preachyng of the Gospel openly and priuately with al mennes wordes and dedes The second wish is that at this preachyng of Gods name his kyngdome come dayly to vs to al called to the same more mightely and aboundauntly that is to say that the heauenly father wil poure vpon vs euer more plentifully the spirit of his sonne which maye brynge to passe that a iust and pure ministration of religion and dispensation of the worde sacramētes and holy lernyng may florysh and preuayle among vs and euery where all they whiche beleue in his name beyng so ioyned together and copled as it were members into his bodye so that thys selfe same body maye be repared and augmented both in number of thē that pertayne to the church also in encrease of their godlines which be alredy come to the church by euery manne that liueth in Christ specially by the holy ministre of the church But because sinne dwelling in vs and offences commyng from without hindre thys worke of the holy Gost that though we be in the church in the kyngdom of Christ and therein be dayly enstructed to godlines yet we go slouly forwarde in the same he dyd well to adde the thirde petition wherewyth we praye that Goddes wyll be done in vs whiche yet lyue in the earth and be depressed with the grosse lompe of the bodie so as it is done in heauē by the holie spirites thys burthen of the fleshe and these lettes of the worlde beinge remoued wyth lyke prompnes and studie whether we muste do or susfre any thynge for the name of Christ And bicause that as long as we lyue here we haue neede of meate and drynke and other necessaries of thys lyfe as prosperous health and good administration of the common weale in the fourth petition we desire that also vndre the name of dayly breade that we maye the better and more cōmodiouslie sanctifie the name of God promute his kyngdome and go forwarde in the same wyth all godlines We are commaunded to aske these necessaries of lyfe dayly that we maye considre that they be not layed vp in oure storehouses but in the prouidence of God and that they be euer ministred vnto vs of the free beniuolence of God and not gotten by our industrie or strength howe be it euerie man oughte to applie his industrie and labour to thys bountuousnes of God accordynge to the worde of God He addeth our and dayly bread epiousion that is to saye that whiche the instant and present vse of lyfe requireth that he maye teach vs that in these bodilie thynges we oughte to aske nor gette no more then the neede of our lyfe requireth to prouide the kyngdome of Christe in our neighbours and moreouer that we shoulde acknowledge that measure of thys oure neede that the heauenlie father hath limited and not that oure vnmeasurable desire appointeth to whom it perteineth alone to meate out to vs his chyldren oure measure that we maye thinke that to be our breade and not doubte but that it shall suffice vs abundauntly to lyue well and godlie that the heauenlie father shall gyue vs what so euer it be In these partes then of thys fourme of prayinge the Lorde hath taughte vs what good thinges we muste pray for of the heauenlie father both spirituall and corporall Afterwarde he teacheth to praye for the remouing of euyls namely our misdedes and synnes whiche we euer cōmitte and the punishmentes that we owe to Goddes iustice for the same Wherefore he taughte vs to praye Forgyue vs oure dettes For we do neuer our duetie so religiouslie in those thinges whiche God hath cōmaunded but that yet we owe a great deale more vnto the full obedience of Gods lawe Nowe we do not onely runne into those dettes of the law not fulfilled and heape daylie more and more but also we committe manie thinges playnlie against the lawe for which we are endetted to God of greuous punishmentes And we can paye neither of these two kyndes of dettes For we do not only neuer satisfie the lawe whereby we runne in newe dettes of the lawe not fulfilled but also oftentymes we committe manie thynges agaynste the lawe of God whereby we runne into infinite dettes of punishmentes Wherefore the Lorde taught vs to fleee onely to the mercie of the heauenlie father thorowe hym selfe for we muste praye for all these thynges in his name and to desire forgyuenes of oure dettes and he addeth no condition of satisfiyng For the Lorde alone hath satisfied for our synnes and he gyueth vs that satisfaction when we committe our selues vnto him But he woulde haue vs to professe that we wyll forgyue all the dettes that oure neighbours maye owe vnto vs either bicause against humanitie they haue done vs wrong or bicause they haue not done theyr duetie towardes vs and he wyl that this thinge be surely perfourmed For seinge that God in al his commaundementes prescribeth onely those thynges vnto vs whiche perteine to our health and felicitie he made this the summe of our preceptes that we loue and healpe one an other with a sincere herte and perpetuall beniuolence and he requireth verie straitlie that frō the hert we forgiue one an other mutual offences which euer more happen thorow the naughtines and weaknes of our nature yea and that we studie one to ouercome an others wronges with benifites and leaue the reuengeaunce to hym and praye that he wil remitte the same to them that hurte vs. He wyll haue suche a sure and perpetuall beniuolence to growe amonge vs and to be confirmed with all kindes of gentlenes Moreouer bicause no man can aske of the heauenlie father forgiuenes of his dettes except he humble him selfe al togither vndre his hāde and vtterly yelde him selfe to his commaundementes the Lorde hath well prescribed in this fourme of praying that we should professe before the heauenlie father that we woulde forgiue our bretherne what so euer dueties or punishmentes they myghte seme to be endetted for vnto vs in that place of prayer where we pray vnto him to forgiue vs our dettes whiche we owe vnto him infinite either for oure obedience whiche we haue not fullie perfourmed or for the punishmentes that we deserue both for neglectyng our dueties and also for the despitefull wronges that we do to his maiestie cōmittynge so manie thynges againste the duetie that we owe him Which our dettes if we rightlie acknowledge as we muste needes acknowledge thē if we aske forgiuenes of them with all oure herte we shal not doubt but that the wronges that oure neighbours do vs be the fatherlie chastisement of God muche gentler then we haue deserued and that they shal be also an holesome remedie for vs againste synnes For whiche causes it shall be easie for vs earnestly
sauiour admitted chyldrē offered vnto hym right gently and blessed thē testifiynge that the kyngdome of God perteyneth to such So let it be thy pleasure to begette our infantes agayne and to adopte thē into sonnes vnto the felowship of euerlastynge lyfe by the sacrament of baptisme Graūt then heauēly father that we may earnestly requir so gret riches of grace setfurth in baptisme for these infātes that we may acknowledge and receyue them wyth true fayth beinge offered both in the worde and in the sacrament finallie that we maye euer thanke the and magnifie the for them And impute not to these infantes the synne of Adam issued into thē and engendred by their parentes regarde not the merites of theyr parentes and of all thys people but let the death and merite of thy sonne our Lorde Iesus Christ preuayle in them and impute vnto them his rightuousnes and obedience Plant them into his death and resurrection make them membres of his bodie put hym vpon thē that they maye be thy sonnes and heyres and continue for euer Graunte vs also that after Baptisme we maye acknowledge them for thy chyldren and membres of the bodie of thy sonne that we may godly brynge them vp in the feare of the vnto thy glorie that we maye healpe them in all corporall and spirituall thynges that also by them thy holie name maye be more magnified the kyngdome of thy sonne enlarged thy wyl be done in thys earth as in heauen Furthermore keepe them safe gyue them bountuously the necessaries of lyfe and preserue them from all euyll Amen ❧ Thys prayer ended lette the pastoure require the Infantes to be gyuen hym let hym aske the names that they shall haue and lette hym Baptise them saiynge I baptise the N. in the name of the father the sonne and the holie goste Let the godfathers forthwith receyue the Infant from Baptisme the priest saying as it foloweth The almyghtie euerlastynge God and father of oure Lorde Iesus Christe whiche hath begotten the agayne wyth water and the holie goste and hath forgiuen the al thy synnes confirme the wyth his grace vnto euerlastynge lyfe Amen ❧ The Pastour The peace of the Lorde be wyth you ❧ Answere Amen Here lette the whole congregation synge in Douche Nowe all thankes etc. or the Psalme God be mercifull vnto vs. Then let the pastour go forth in the ministratiō of the Lordes supper ¶ How baptisme must be menistead at other tymes But if the infantes be weake so that it is to be feared that they wyll not lyue to the nexte sondaie or holye daie or if for weyghtie matters Baptisme cannot bee ministred vppon those dayes the Pastoures shall warne the people that yet they bringe their chyldren to bee Baptised at those houres whan after the custoume the people resorteteth together to heare the lordes wo●de But if that thynge cannot bee doone neyther baptisme in the meane whyle must not be denyed to the infantes offered therevnto whan so euer they be brought for as much as lieth in vs we must not suffer that any departe out of this lyfe without the sacrament of baptisme For the Lorde instituted baptisme that it maye be to vs a sacrament of regenecion and wasshinge of sinnes from whiche in this lyfe no man is free no not an infante one daye olde for it is oure parte to do in all thynges after the Lordes word and to receyue his giftes and benefites that way that he him selfe hath appoynted vnto vs. Whan baptisme than shal be mynistred vpon workynge dayes lette the pastours ioyne to gether in order the Catechisme exorcisme and baptisme and they shal moderate their exhortacions prayers according to the companie and strength of the child For if thei se that the childe is in daunger of lyfe and that the cōpanye is small they shal be shorte in all thynges And they shall vse only the first part of the admonicion which we willed to be saide before the Catachisme vnto these wordes wherefore we exhorte and praye you beloued etc. So they shal vse the firste parte only of the demaundes of euery article and in the exorcisme thei shal vse only one praier wyth the Lordes prayer the Crede and the Gospell Which thinges premised lette them Baptise the infante furthwith and let them exhort the parentes God fathers and other that stand by that thei determine certainly that the infant whether he lyue or dye is the sonne of God and heyre of euerlastinge life and if he lyue that they procure him to be broughte vp vnto religiō and goddes glorye according to the exhortacion sette before whiche beginneth After that beloued etc. ¶ Of baptisme ministred to childrē assone as they be borne for danger of lyfe The peple shal be taught and warned in sermōs that they presume not lightly to ministre priuatli this most diuine sacramēt for it is worthie to be ministred in the cōgregacion bi peculiar ministers with al grauitie and reuerēce and that maketh much for this purpose that it maye be holesomely mynistred and receyued But if exterme necessitie pres vs that thei that be presēt with the child beinge in danger mayei ioyne them selues together in the Lorde and lyftinge vp their mindes religiously vnto God lette them calle for his mercye promised and exhibited in Christ Iesus our Lord vpon the infante and whan they haue sayde the Lordes prayer lette them baptis him in the name of the father the sōne and the hollye gost Which done lette them not doubte but that their infante is trulye baptised washed from sinnes borne agayne in Christ and made the sonne and heire of god lette thē than giue thankes to god for this his so greate benifite and let them not thynke that baptisme muste be renued in children so baptised for in all pointes asmuch as we maye we muste so do althynges as the Lord hath appoynted If any godlie man be present whan the infant is in extremitie lette hys ministerie be vsed to baptysme Further if it chaunce that the infante so baptised at home do liue it is conuenient that he be brought afterwarde to the temple of hys parentes kynsfolke and godfathers which must com with a good company and religiously as men that ought to giue thankes for this excedinge benifite of regeneracion ministred to their infante and to offer him to god and his sauiour in the congregatiō The pastours than shall aske theis men after what sort and with what wordes they baptised the infante whether they dyd baptise him as the Lord commaunded in water and in the name of the father the sonne and the holye gost Whiche if they shall answer that they called god vpon the childe and prayed for him and baptised in the name of the father the sonne and the holye goste and that thei beleue that he is truly clensed from sinnes borne againe to God the pastours must confirme them in this belefe and in no wise Baptise suche an infante againe And that men
a Christian Answere To be borne agayn in Christ and to haue remission of sinnes and partipation of euerlastinge lyfe through him Demaunde Wher by trusteste thou that these thynges be geuen the Answere Bicause I am Baptised in the name of the father the sonne and the holie gost Demaunde What beleuest thou of God the father the sonne and the holie gooste Answere The same that the articles of oure crede do comprehende Demā Rehearse them Answer I do beleue in God the father almightie etc. ¶ Let the chylde in this place recite al the articles of the crede playnely and distinctlie Demaun What vnderstādest thou whā thou sayest I beleue in God the father in the sonne and in the holie goste Answere That they be three personnes of one substance and power and yet but one God Demaun Why sayest thou God almighti● maker of heauen and earth Answere Bycause I beleue that god as he made al othe● thynges so he made me of nothynge by hi● onely sonne oure Lorde Iesus Christe and preserueth and gouerneth thorowe the same Iesus Christe alone and is present in euerie place and worketh all good thynges in all men thorowe his onely euer wyse purpose and ryghtuous wyl Demaund How doest thou vnderstand the second article of Christ our Lorde Answere I knowledge thereby that our nature thorowe the fal of Adam is so corrupted that no angell nor man coulde purge oure synnes and satisfie for them so that it was necessarie that the eternal worde the sonne of God shoulde be made man cōceyued of the holie goste and borne of the substance of the virgin Marie a verie man vndoubtedly but wythout sinne which thorowe his death satisfied for our synnes and thorowe his resurrection and ascention into heauen he sat vs wyth hym selfe in heauenly thynges to whom the father hath gyuen alpower in heauē and in earth that he may gouerne vs and restore in vs his owne Image and at length when he shall come to iudge the quicke and the deade that he may ●ayse vs from the deade and that he maye gyue to vs whiche were perfectly framed againe to his owne Image the enheritaunce of eternall bliffulnes in heauen and deliuer other to be punished in euerlastynge fyre whiche haue obstinately despised him Demaund What is the meanyng of the thirde article Answere Thus that Christe the Lorde hath gyuē the holy goste to vs which thorowe the ministerie of the Gospel gathereth togyther the faythfull into his congregation wherin they must be euer steared vp vnto repentaunce and vnto fayth and to receyue remission of synnes by the worde of God and sacramētes of the communion of Christ and so in leadyng a lyfe holie godly and profitable to theyr neyghbours wyth a good cōscience that they loke for Christ the sauiour which shal take thē vp to him selfe in heauen out of thys worlde and shall also rayse vp agayne theyr bodies in the daye of iudgement vnto an heauenlie life Demaun Doest thou then surelie beleue al these thinges Answere I beleue them al and I praye God that he wyl vouchsafe to encrease this fayth in me Demaunde What ought thys fayth to worke in the. Answ That I doubte nothynge but that God and the father of oure Lorde Iesus Christe whiche wyth this his sonne sent vs his word and gaue vs all thynges is the only true God that he made all thynges of nothynge that he onely worketh and gyueth all good thynges and that he wyl shewe hym selfe a father vnto me also for the same his sōnes sake our Lorde Iesus Christe that he washed me from synnes wyth holie Baptisme that he gaue me his holie spirite that he incorporated me to his deare sonne so receiued me into his church and adopted me to be his sonne and heyre that also he wyll keepe me in his congregation gyue me in the same repentaunce and remission of synnes and the communion of his sonne that thorowe hym I may euer cal vpō his name with childrens trust and that in the renuing of my self I may profit dayly vnto his Image furthemore I beleue that thorowe his worde and sacramentes he wyll confirme and encrease the same in me so that I maye studie continually to sanctifie his name and to serue his congregation wyth all maner of good workes tyl he take me out of thys worlde vnto heauenlie ioyes and the blessed resurrection Al which thynges I acknowledge that thei be perfourmed vnto me and shal be thorowe the onely free mercie of the heauenlie father and thorowe the inestable merite of his sonne oure Lorde Iesus Christ Demaund God and our heauenlie father encrease and confirme this thy fayth thorowe his sonne oure Lorde Iesus Christe Amen Doest thou thynke then and doest thou acknowledge in thys fayth that thou art verily the sonne of god his hey●e the brother and ioynt heyre of our lorde Iesu Christ and therfore a mēbre of his bodie which the cōgregation is Ans I thinke so acknowledge trustyng in the most certeyne promise of Gods beniuolēce and in the merite of our lorde Iesus Christ Dem. Doeth that please the thē and doest thou allowe it and wilte thou continue in the same that thy godfathers promised and professed in thy name at holy baptisme when in thy steede thei renoūced Satā the world and bound the to Christe and to his congregation that thou shouldest be thorowlie obedient to the Gospel Ans I allowe these thinges and by the healpe of our Lorde Iesus Christ I wyl cōtinue in the same vnto th ende Dem. And doest thou thy selfe renounce Satan and all his workes wyth thy herte and mouth here in the syght of God and before his holie cōgregation Ans I renounce Dema. And the worlde and all his cōcupiscences Ans I renounce Dema. And doest thou wholy giue selfe vnto al obedience of Christ and his cōgregation Ans I wholy giue ouer my selfe thereunto Dema. How wast thou first adopted of God to be his sonne to be receyued into his cōgregation Ans By holie baptisme Dema. What is baptisme The la●●e● of regeneration wherby I am washed from sinnes and grafted in Christe the Lorde and haue put him vpon me Dem. Wilt thou cōtinue in this cōmuniō of Christ vnto th ende Ans I will by the healpe of our Lorde Iesu Christ Dem. What requireth this cōmuniō of Christe Ans That I cōtinue in this doctrine that I haue cōfessed in al the articles of our fayeth and that I beleue that I haue remission of sinnes in Christ the Lord that I am iustified acceptable to God and heyre of euerlastynge lyfe for this deare beloued sōnes sake not thorow myne owne merite of rigtuousnes further that I studie to liue according to al the cōmaūdementes of God And that I may go forwarde in this knowledge of God and obediēce it requireth that I diligently heare the worde of God by the ministers chiefely vpō the sūdaies and holy dayes and if the Elders of
ought vnterly to humble and caste vs doune before the Lorde and to cutte our hertes wyth suche repentaunce of synnes that we shoulde be pricked forth and enflamed to seeke receyue with sure fayth and greatly desire the grace of God offered to vs in the worde and sacramentes and the restitution and renuinge of our selues thorowe the cōmunion of Christe and holsome participation of his fleshe and bloude Furthermore let vs diligently considre that the eternal worde of God the sonne of God al. mightie to deliuer vs out of thys meserie was made flesh was made our brother that there myght be some holie fleshe and holie bloude that is to saye a verie heauenlie and diuine man by whom the fleshe and bloude of all vs mighte be restored and sanctified whiche thinge is then brought to passe whē we truly eate his flesh and drinke his bloud Iohn vi Here it is meete that we be moued the more to wondre at and to embrace with certeyner fayth and gredier wil in this onely begotten sonne of God our sauiour the exceadynge and vnspeakable loue of God towardes vs whiche gaue his sonne vnto vs that beleuyng in him we should not perishe as we were borne and as we deserued but haue euerlastynge lyfe whiche he deserued and gyueth vnto vs. Thirdly let vs acknowledge and firmely beleue that the Lorde Iesus truely offereth vnto vs this his sanctifiyng fleshe and bloude in his holie supper wyth visible signes of breade and wyne by the ministerie of the congregation and exibiteth the same vnto the remission of synnes to be meate of euerlastyng lyfe to confirme the couenaunt of Gods adoption and of euerlastyng lyfe for so be his wordes Wherefore they cā not deceyue and they shall remayne when heauen and earth passe awaye and they truely exhibite and gyue vnto vs the thinges that they preache so that we applie true fayeth vnto them Take sayeth he eate thys is my bodie that is gyuen for you Item drinke of thys all thys is my bloud of the newe testament whiche is shedde forth for you and for many vnto the remission of synnes we must receyue these wordes wyth true fayth and doubte nothynge but that the Lorde when we celebrate the holie supper after his institution is in the middeste of vs and offereth hym selfe vnto vs by the ministerie of the congregation whiche he instituted for the same purpose and deliuereth his bodie and bloude and all his merites and satisfaction for oure synnes whiche he perfourmed his bodie and his bloude beynge offered on the crosse remission of synnes and the grace of the father and the ryghte of the Testament of the euerlastynge couenaunte of adoption and communion vnto the lyfe of God so that the breade that we breake in the holie supper is truely euen to vs the communion of his bodie and the cuppe at whiche we blesse the communion of his bloude Therefore lette vs euer religiously considre why the Lorde doeth often exhibite vnto vs thys holie and holesome communion of himselfe in the sacrament namely for this purpose that he maye brynge vs daily in to the knowlege of our sinnes and more ernest repentaunce that we maye desire more feruently remission of the same by him and receyue it with perfecter fayth gredier mindes and so be more confirmed and sette for warde in a new lyfe thorough the true communion of him that so we maye daily more and more abide and lyue in hym and he in vs and be more fully his dodie and mēbers and he our heade whiche thinge we professe whan we all receiue the communion of him in his sacrament so beinge parttakers of his bodye and bloude as we in cōmen be parttakes of one brade and cuppe Finally we must praye and labour also to receyue these heauenlye giftes wyth true fayth and greate reuerence and that we celebrate the holesome remēbraūce of the Lord wyth godly ioye and pleasaunt thankfullnes and that we gyue vp our selues and all ours to him and testifie the same with collacions and almes for the vse of the poore lyberally and accordinge to euerie mans power finally that we euer prayse and magnifie Christe in al oure wordes and worckes for these so greate benifites for his incarnacion whereby he was made oure heade and brother for hys most bitter death whereby he satisfied for our sinnes for his resurrection and ascenciō in to heauen heauēly kingdō which he administreth at the ryght hand of the father maketh vs perfect and absolute in his lyfe beinge quickened with his spirite and sette in heauenlye thinges whiche lyfe he hath gyuen in the lyfe of God and it is an euerlastinge lyfe for this holesome communion of hys bodie and bloude whereby we are confirmed in this same lyfe of God and are sette forwarde and euer finyshed vp For al which thynges we must chiefely geue thanckes in the cōmunion of this supper And forasmuch as our God is such one as alloweth not wickednes nether canne all thei stande before him which worcke iniquitie it is necessarie that we knowe that those men muste not be admitted to the supper of the Lorde that is to saye to his communion whiche lyue without true faith and loue by whome the glorie of God is manifestly blemisched and hys congregacion is offended I meane all vnbeleuers and manyfest Idolaters whiche calle vppon and worshippe saints departed Angels or other creatures whiche honour paynted or grauen stockes Item all enchaunters and sothsaiers which wil preserue catel and other thinges against perils with their consecrations yea and I meane those to which beleue shuch enchaumentes and the manifest despicers and blasphemers of God the mockers of goddes worde and sacramētes Item al those which at appointed tymes wildely continue in neglectinge sermons and other open exercises of the congregacion which obeye not accordinge to goddes commaundement theyr parentes ordinarye officers and maisters but speake euil of thē and rayle vpon thē do thē spight and resiste them seditiously and stubburnly whiche bringe not vp their children familie shuch as they haue charge of nor enstructe them to godlynes honestie and iustice Furthermore I meane murtherers and all those whych willingely continue in hatred of their bretherne in braulinges and shedinge of their neygboures bloude Item al whoremongers aduo●●erers and Dronkerdes al theues vserers raueners disers vnlaufull gainers exercisers of faulse marchandises al those lykewise which lyue idely without a lawful excuse and burthen other al ilspeakers liers periuers backbyters and whych confesse not the truth and rightuousnes and confirme not the same wyth theyr testimonies where they are bounde to do it by reasone of their vocacion All these felowes as longe as thei liue and continue in such sinnes nether haue a true purpose to amende their liues maye in no wise be admitted to the holye supper of the Lorde seinge that they be restrayned and excluded from thens by God by his owne worde Another exhortacion Forasmuch as deareli beloued in
maye studye to do those thynges with al oure hertes whiche pertaine to oure helth thorough oure Lorde Iesus Christe ¶ Heare ye the Gospel Iohn iij. God so loued the worlde that he gaue his only begotten sonne that al whych beleue in him shoulde haue lyfe euerlainge ¶ Or. i. Timo. i. ¶ This is a sure sainge and worthey of all embrachynge that Iesus Christe came in to this worlde to saue sinners ¶ Or Iohan. iij. ❧ The father loueth the sonne and hath giuen althinges in to his handes he that beleueth in the sonne hath lyfe euerlastynge ❧ Or Acte x. ❧ All the prophetes beare wytnesse vnto Christ that all that beleue in him receiue remission of theyr sinnes thorought hym ❧ Or. i. Iohan. ij ❧ My litel children if anye haue synned we haue o iuste aduocate with the father Iesus Christ and he is an attomement for our synnes ❧ Whan the pastour hath shewed to The people one of the sayde Gospels He shal saye further Because our blessed Lorde hath lefte thys power to his congregacion that it maye absolue them from sinnes and restore them in to the sauour of the heauenlie father which being repētance for theyr sinnes do truly beleue in christ the lord I the minister of christ the congregacion declare and pronoūce remission of synnes the fauoure of God and life euerlastinge thorought our Lord Iesus Christ to all thē which be sorie for their sinnes which haue true faith in Christ the Lord and desire to opproue them selues vnto him After this where clerckes or scholars shal be they shal syng some what in latine taken out of the holye scriptures for an entraunce or begininge After that thei shal singe kyrie eleson and gloria in excelses but because that kyrie eleson is a cōmune praier of the congregacion and gloria in excelses is also a cōmune thankes giuing let the people sing both in douch After this songe he that shall execute the holie ministerie shal recite a collect in douch but yet so that all the people maye well vnderstand it For therefore the ministre speaketh thys sentence to the people The Lorde be with you And let vs praie and the people answereth And with thy spirite signifiinge thereby that they also praye together with the minister For so Chrisostome interpreteth this saiynge And because thys must be a cōmune praier of the whole congregacion it is called a collet for that that a praier gathered of the wyshes of al that be presēte is offred to god by the minister or because it is a prayer of the cōgregacion gathered together and prainge together vnto the Lord But the purer collectes and more cōsonāt to the holie scriptures must be chosen out of which sorte we wil cause some to be set furth After the collectes there shall folowe accordynge to the custoume a lesson of an epistle which shal be red in suche a place the reader turninge hys face to the people that it maie be hearde and vnderstāded of the whole cōgregaciō Wher fore it shal be also red in douch because that lesson pertayneth to the instruction and admonition of all the people After the epistle where clerckes be lette alleluia be songe in latine or a graile or sequence if they haue anye pure and some douch songe Than let the Gospel be red in douche to the people whych reading an interpretacion and ordinarie sermon shall folowe furth with and after the sermon a praier for al states of men and necessites of the congregation after this sorte Almightie euerlastinge God and mercyfull father which by thy dere sonne our Lord Iesus Christ and his Apostles cōmaundest that we shoulde come before the in his name and diddest promise that thou wouldest mercifully giue vs whatsoeuer agreinge together we should aske in his name we beseche the by thy sonne our only sauiour first that thou wilte mercifully forgiue vs al our sinnes iniquites which we acknowledge and cōfesse here in thy sighte and that thou wilte fauourally turne awaye from vs thorough the bloude and satisfaction of thy sonne our mediator thy most iuste wrath whyche we haue deserued thorough so manifolde transgression of thy commaundementes But confirme thou in vs thy holye spirite that we maye holy giue ouer our selues to the obedience of the now and euer that calinge vpon the alwaies for our selues and for other we maye obteine thy grace and helpe We praie therefore cheifely for thy congregacions deliuer them from a … olues hired seruauntes which ether spoile and deuour thy shepe miserabli or tratrouously for sake them and destroy them and proudly reioise and delite thēselues in theyr destruction Geue thē good and faithful ministers and pastours preserue the same Encrease thy holie spirite in al persones whiche be at this holie ministerie that therein they maye faythfully serue the and with the profite of thy flocke that thy scatered sheepe maye thorough thy gospell be gathered to thy dearesōne the high and only true shepeherde and bishoppe of oure soules Iesus Christe from all straynge ether of errours or of synnes breifely that they maie be brought againe to the true communion of him that there maye be one flocke and one shepeherde So we praie the also holie father for thy seruauntes the ministers of ciuile gouernaūces for our most gracious emperour king for all other kynges princes and magistrates And specially we praie the for our most reuerende archebisoppe and ryght excellent prince for his consel and officers for the consel and magystrates of thys citie Gyue all these thy holie spirite that they maye truly knowe and embrace Christe thy sonne to whom thou hast giuen al power and al iudgement in heauen and in erth and that accordinge to their strength they maye so serue his kingdome that thei maie so gouerne vs whiche are in dede subiectes to them but be the creatures of thy hande and the shepe of thy pastures that in thys place and euerye where we maye lyue a peacible and quiete life with al godlines and honesti and being deliuered fro al fear of our enimies we maie serue the in al righteousnes and holines we pray also heauenlie father for al those moreouer whiche yet pertayne not to thy kyngedome cause the lyght of thy gospel to shyne vnto them also drawe thē to they sonne oure sauioure that beleuinge in him they bee saued with vs. And as touchinge them whom thou haste some what drawen vnto hym so that thei graunt him to be their sauiour and the sauioure of al men but neuer theles thei haue not yet bound them selues to al obedience of the gospel encrease in these the faith and knowledge of they sōne which thou hast giuen thē that they maye thoroughlye geue ouer their selues vnto the obedience of him and of his congregacion and that they may magnifie the in the same thorugh out al their lyfe wyth godlie saiynges and doinges Furthermore we praye the father mercyful God the great conforter of the
Gospel wyth true fayth that dying dayly more and more to our selues we may wholy giue ouer our selues to thy deare sonne our onely sauiour which onely thorowe his stripes and moste bitter death hath redemed vs frō sinnes and eternal damnation hath restored vs into thy fauour thorow his resurrection and heauenly kyngdome hath called vs vnto him selfe into his congregation and hath planted vs into hym selfe vnto euerlystyng lyfe and made vs his owne membres that we shoulde lyue more and more in hym and he in vs that thy holie name maye be more largely sanctified by vs in all oure lyfe and all our doinges that thy kyngdome may be amplified by vs and in other that at lēgth all thynges maye be done amonge vs vpon earth wyth suche prompnes and cherefulnes as they be done in heauen And for thys purpose that we maye wholy liue and serue vnto the gyue vs also our dayly bread etc. as in the prayer before After thys solemne prayer lette the whole congregation synge the Crede For thys confession of our fayth when the Gospell is hearde and declared oughte to be done of ryght by all men communely as al equally heard the Gospel and the declaration therof And bicause no man can heare the Gospell wyth fayth and knowe and cōsidre out of the same howe greate loue and gentlenes God hath shewed towardes vs in that that he gaue vs his sonne and all thynges wyth hym which shal not out of this fayth wholy gyue ouer and bynde hym selfe to oure Lorde Iesus Christe thys thynge foloweth also out of the nature of true fayth that the faythfull studie to declare thys byndyng of them selues to the obedience of Christe and thankefulnes of theyr myndes for so greate godnes of God towardes thē selues which at that tyme they more earnestly remembre wyth holie oblations for Christe being needie in his litleons Therefore whyle the Crede is in syngynge lette the faythfull offre theyr free oblations euerie mā according to the blessyng whiche he hath receyued of the liberall and bountuous hande of God To whiche office of fayth and godlines the pastours and teachers shall diligētly exhort the people teachyng them that these oblations ought to folowe the confession of fayth and prayer euen by the verie nature of true religion neither cā be absent from the same when we wante not wherewyth to declare thys liberalitie And that thys worke of religion maye be cōueniently done and rightly commended to the faythfull we wyl that there be some notable place appoynted in euerie temple not farre frō the altare which euerie man maye comely go to and where the faythful may offre theyr oblations opēly before the whole congregation Whiche after that the sacramēt is ended the officers of the holie treasure shall gather together and shal lay the same vp in the treasurie the congregation lokyng vpon them It was the maner of the olde church and that taken out of Goddes worde that after the preachyng of the Gospell before the ministration of the Sacramēt should beginne not onely those shoulde be commaunded to go out of the tēple whiche were not admitted into the cōgregation nor perteined there vnto but they also whiche were yet in repētaunce and not reconciled to the congregation wyth open absolution of sinnes Therfore bycause thys discipline was taughte of the Lorde hym selfe and oughte of ryghte to be called agayne into the congregation the pastours shall diligently and often exhorte those whiche lyue in suche synnes as be against theyr conscience that they leaue them and turne them selues wyth all theyr hertes vnto the Lorde And after that they be restored into the fauour of God and begynne agayne to be the true disciples of the Lorde then lette them be present at the Lordes supper and communicate But if anie will not suffre them selues to be brought thereunto and wyll continue in theyr synnes wyth so great cōtempt of God and his Christe let the preachers declare to suche that they maye not be present at the Lordes holie supper and if they take vpon them to be present that they do despite vnto Christe and prouoke vpon them selues the muste greuous iudgement of God As for other whiche lyue not wyth an euyll conscience and yet receyue not the sacramet wyth other or seldome receiue it the pastour must often warne them that it perteyneth to the dutie of a christen man to be often partaker of the Lordes bourde and so to feede and strēgthen his fayth and to witnes the same vnto the congregation to the edification of many seinge that God hath instituted thys moste holie exercise of religion for his that they myght therby be established and enflamed in fayth and study of godlines Wherfore we see that they whiche neglect so great a benifite of God become dayly colder in al godlines and religion For they greuously offende God thorowe cōtempt of his bountuousnes and they hurt the cōgregation verie sore wyth that euyll exemple and moreouer they make thē selues giltie of the Lordes bodie and bloude abhorryng this meate and drynke of euerlastynge lyfe so irreligiously and so vnthankefully But forasmuch as both the knowledge of thys misterie and moreouer al the discipline of the congregation is so much gone out of vse and therof cometh so great weakenes of the verie faythful the pastours must restore to the people the knowledge existimation of so greate misteries wyth conuenient and tymelie admonition and not trouble anie man wyth vntimely rigorousnes as we admonished before For firste the sheepe of Christe so miserably scatered and diseased muste be fully broughte to Christe and be healed before that any rigorous discipline be restored and exercised amonge them But howe so euer the rest be handled in the congregation at thys tyme they neuertheles that shall be admitted to the communion as sone as they haue made theyr oblation must go together to that place that shall be appoynted vnto them nigh to the altare For in euerie temple there muste some place be appoynted nigh the altare for them whiche shal communicate accordyng to the oportunitie and fitnes of euerie temple They then whiche shal be admitted to the cōmunion of the Lordes bourde shal stande in that place the men in theyr propre place and the womē in theyr place and there they shall gyue thākes and pray religiously wyth the pastour The gyuynge of thankes shall be handled after the accustomed maner but in douche that the people vniuersally may gyue thankes as both the exemple and the commaundement of the Lorde requireth and also the olde churche obserued ❧ The priest The Lorde be with you ¶ The people And wyth thy spirite ❧ The priest Lyfte vp your hertes The people We haue vnto the Lorde The priest Lette vs gyue thankes vnto the Lorde oure God ❧ The people It is meete and right ¶ The priest It is verely a thing worthy right meete and holsome that we gyue thankes vnto the alwayes and euerie where that we
preaching of the crosse and of the death of Christe ❧ Of the communion of wayfaring men and sicke folke When it shall chaunce that wayefaryng men or such as cōmitte them selues to daungerous iourneis or be sicke shal require the Lordes supper vpon workynge dayes fearyng that they can not come to the communion the nexte holy daye the pastours shall ministre the Lordes supper vnto them vpon any daye after that they haue receyued of them a conuenient confession of theyr sinnes and fayth in Christ Howe be it as much as maye be it shal be done in the mornyng and at suche time as some assemble of the people is wont to be gathered or at the leste they shal call some together to thys ministration of the supper When then they haue admonished and exhorted in the assemble suche as wyll take iourneis in hande or be sickely of these misteries and the whole fayth in Christe they shall administre the holy supper and distribute the sacramentes in that fourme and facion that we described before saueing that they maye omitte singyng and reade all thynges whiche neuertheles muste be done playnely and clearely and wyth greate grauitie But if the sicke folke be in suche case that they can not come to the temple the pastours muste go to them and giue them the holy supper at home so that they do all thynges according to the fourme prescribed or thys that foloweth whiche is peculiarly appoynted for sicke folke asmuche as the state of them to whom the sacramēt shal be ministred wyll suffre and asmuch as shal make for the edification of saith in them that be present The pastours muste also exhort the people that not onely theyr householde but also the neighbours and kinsfolke of the sicke endeuoure to come together to the celebration of that holie supper and to receyue the sacramentes together ❧ Howe sicke folke muste be visited and howe the communion muste be celebrated wyth them ❧ An other exhortation to the sycke person My brother in the Lorde forasmuche as the Lorde visiteth the wyth sicknes of the bodie that thou mayest reste the better in his wil thou must faythfully cōsidre recompt first that diseases are sent to vs frō the Lord God for none other cause then for synnes and that originall synne whiche was deriued from Adā vnto vs draweth death wyth it selfe and what so euer perteyneth to the kingdome of death that is to saye al maner of diseases sicknesses miseries and calamities For if we had continued in originall ryghtuousnes wythout synne death should not haue had any right vpon vs muche lesse diseases and other calamities Further thou muste remembre that leste we should despeare by reason of our sinnes diseases and other tētations and anguishes of death the Gospel was giuen vs that out of the same we shoulde learne and beleue that Christe the sonne of God deliuereth vs frō synnes and saueth vs if we beleue in hym and that two maner wayes Firste in purifiynge our hertes frō the wyll and gylt of synnes here in earth by the Gospell and sacramentes Act. xv purifiynge their hertes wyth fayth Secondly when that oure consciences be thus cleansed from synnes and reconciled to God the father by fayth in takyng away and purgyng synne by litle and litle out of our nature that at length beinge made pure and perfecte from all vices and holie in all poyntes we maye lyue wyth the holie God in heauē in diuine rightuousnes and innocencie Thyrdly that for the workyng and fulfyllynge hereof God oure father sendeth vnto vs sūdrie diseases death it selfe not bicause he is angrie wyth vs or wyll destroye vs but bicause thorowe verie fatherlie beniuolence and care he wyl steare vs vp vnto true repentaunce of synnes and fayth of his sonne and so deliuer vs bothe frō synnes wherin we yet sticke and moreouer from all euyls both corporall and spirituall vnto whiche we be subiect by reason of synnes whiche thing the holie scriptures testifie abūdātly For thus saith S. Paule i. Cor. xi When we are iudged of the Lorde we are corrected that we be not dāned wyth thys worlde Roma viij To them that loue God all thynges worke health neither can anie thynge disseuer them from the loue of God whiche is in Christe Iesu not afflictition nor anguyshe nor persecution etc. Fourthly forasmuch as these thynges be euen so as I haue said and bicause thou arte taught certified out of the Gospell which the sonne of God him selfe preached and cōfirmed with his death and resurrection that al thy synnes are caste vpon Christe yea vtterly taken awaye and abolished for euer of Christe him selfe so that God hath now no cause of wrath and condemnation agaynste the beleuynge in Christ but the grace of the father mercie lyfe and health be certeynely restored to the thorowe Christe considre all these so exceading benifites of god towards the wyth sure and certeyne fayth and confirme thys truste in thy selfe that God the father compteth the not nowe for suche one as thou waste borne of Adā and made tho rowe thyne owne synnes that is to saye hatefull vnto hym and appoynted vnto destruction but compteth the for Christes sake deare and destined to eternall lyfe and be thou persuaded that thou shalt lyue for euer by the ryghtuousnes and lyfe of Christe in perfecte blisfulnes as certeynly as it is certeyne that he suffered the wrath of God and death not for his owne synnes but for thine Seinge then that it is so see that thou comforte thy selfe wyth so great benifites and knowledge certeynely that synne death and hell hath nowe no ryght vpon the but that Christe the lambe of God hath taken away al those Iohn i. For he hath translated those thynges vpon hym selfe he hath ouercomed them by hym selfe and blotted them out foreuer Wherefore be of God comforte thy synnes be forgiuen the and there is no cause if from thy herte thou beleue in Christe the Lorde but thou maist certeynely and constantly thorowe Christe oure Lorde loke for al grace consolation tymely healpe and saluation from God Therefore wyth suche truste cōmitte and gyue vp thy selfe wholy to his mercifull and fatherly wyll sayinge wyth Dauid God is my lyght of whō shal I be a frayed Heauenly father thy wyll be done Into thy handes I commende my spirite Amen After thys exhortation if the state of the sicke person wyll suffre the pastoure shall reade before hym and the present congregatiō the Lordes wordes out of the .vi. of Iohn Frō thys place verely verely I saye vnto you excepte ye eate the fleshe of the sonne of man vnto the wordes of the Euāgeliste These wordes he spake in the synagoge And he shall declare the same texte for the cōforte and edification aswel of the sicke as of the congregation that is present But the exposition shal be moderated accordyng to the commoditie of the sicke person When thexposition is ended lette the pastour rehearse a commune confession
other whych are nowe in Abbaies that they take good hede that this so necessarye and holesome worke of christian reformation be not made open in any part to the il speakyng of men nor hindred nor defaced wyth anye abuse or offence seyng that very many stomblyng blockes and lettes otherwyse happē to this worke before it come to any purpose and be established throughe so great wekenes of men and so sharpe and continuall awaytes of Satan As for vs we must nedes folow the Lordes worde and not to go before it whyche word not onli enioyneth not to mā wiueles lyfe nether by necessitie of commaundemēt nor by commendation or exaction of a vow or by the occasition of anye kynde of lyfe or mynistery but also it byndeth and moderateth the prayse of wyueles lyfe and not of euery wyueles lyfe but of that which may cause a man to cleaue to God and godly actions more fastly and with greate continuaunce It moderateth the praise therof I say so studiousli and with so singuler a promise that as often as it bryngeth furth any thing in the commendation of thys wyueles lyfe and of the maner of seruyng God wythout Mariage it addeth furthwyth somewhat wherby it admonisheth that it is not geuen to euery body to serue God out of wedlock and that eueri man ought to consider what gift he hath receiued of the Lord lest labourynge to higher thynges he bee not able to stand in the lower and lest whyle he foloweth the higher vertue he lese the lower and laye a snare for himselfe Thus the Lordes mouth the holy gost hath taught of wiueles lyfe Math. xix i. Cor. vij i. Timo. v. Seyng than that the Lord himselfe and master of religion commēdeth wineles lyfe after this sort and with this warines bothe by hymselfe and by his Apostle it cannot surely be lawful to vs his disciples to laye a snare to men commeuded to oure charge that we should kepe thē in the grace of God ether by any renuyng of commaundementes or exaction of vowes whereby they perishe and to thrust thē from that that might be to them a better and a surer way as it is to be ioyned in Matrimony to them which burne and to dryue them to that that is not good to theym but daungerons For as the Lorde wyll haue nothynge commaunded to manne in his name but that that certaynly pertayneth to his welth so he wyll haue no vowe either to bee commended or required whiche helpeth not to the same For he came to saue that that of mē had perished and not to bryng them into anye daunger of saluation He came not to presse doune his wyth the burthen of vnprofitable comaundementes but to deliuer them Wherfore we must stand herein nether can it be lawful vnto vs to depart from the religion of our office eyther that we may turne away anye temporal displeasures or get cōmodities For we must not do euyll that good maye happen In the meane while as all christen men so al cloisterers to must no lesse religiously cōsidre the thinges that the lorde so ernestly cōmaundeth requireth cōcerning the reuerēce obediēce of parētes kinsfolk such as in this lif ar made of the lord our gonerners Item howe we shoulde not entre into mariage but in hym that is to saye accordyng to his worde and pleasure Furthermore concernynge the eschuinge of offences and the luste that we shoulde haue to approue oureselues to all men vnto theyr wealth and edification in al our lyfe and doinges Item to folowe and to studie for all those thynges that be acceptable and of good reporte and laudable and wynne greater worshyppe to the Gospel Out of these commaundementes of the Lorde we admonishe and exhort in the Lorde and in his name al virgines cloisterers and al other men what so euer they be that they wyl godly considre and lay vp in theyr hertes al these commaundementes of the Lorde that they trouble not them at any tyme with vntymely mariages to whom they owe all honour reuerence and loue and so disworshyppe the Gospel of Christe and be offensiue to the cōgregation of God and to other mē which offense by the healpe of God thei might auoied For if any aske of God with true fayth and cal for his spirite in the name of his sonne oure Lorde Iesus Christ he wyl not denie his healpe to the perfourmance of those thynges whiche he so muche cōmaundeth and requireth Whiche thynge we see dayly in so many holy maydens and wydowes whom he preserueth in ryght puritie of lyfe wythout all foule superstition and offēce while there chaunce to them no meete husbandes to whom they myghte be maried And there is no gyfte surely perteynyng to the edifiyng and adournynge of his congregation but God wyl bountuously gyue it vs euen in this tyme so that we do not dispice nor caste away his liberalitie but seeke and praye for the same godly Wherefore God wyll gyue no lesse in thys tyme virgines and wydowes and other holie men whiche shall gelde them selues for the kingdome of heauen then he dyd in the tyme of the holie fathers if we shal godly require of hym these ornamentes of the congregation And there be some surelye in thys tyme to whome the gyfte of godlye wyueles lyfe hath chaunced from God if onely they wyl vse the same in the true feare of God and zeale of promotynge the Gospell Therfore let al cloisterers wyth al diligence and carefulnes beware that they abuse not the libertie of Christe in any thynge and make the good thynge whiche they haue receyued of the Lorde and the profession of the Gospell to be subiect to the yl speakyng of men But that they loke aboute them religiously trie and discerne whither the Lorde hath called them and doth cal thē not whither carnal curiositie and desire dryueth them which yet the Lorde wyl giue them grace to ouercome if onely they wyl diligently pray for it and labour studiosly to thys poynte and facion thys whole lyfe wyth godly care that they maye approue them selues to all men but chiefely to them amonge whom they liue by Goddes ordinaunce that they maye please them I saye unto theyr wealth and edification and seeke theyr owne in nothynge but the thynges that profite other as the Lorde requireth of all christen men by Paule To al these thynges we warne and exhort cloisterers after that sort and religion that Paule dyd namely for the true profite of cloisterers for that that is comely to them and healpeth them hereunto that they maye cleaue the better to the Lorde and more nighly and wyth lesse daunger of seperation And not in any wyse after that sort superstition that we shoulde laye a snare to anie man that is to saye that we shoulde gyue any occasion to enterprise more thynges and higher then euerie mā hath receyued power of the Lorde as we protested before Wherfore as at other tymes so we