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A02613 The ensamples of vertue and vice, gathered oute of holye scripture. By Nicolas Hanape patriarch of Ierusalem. Very necessarye for all christen men and women to loke vpon. And Englyshed by Thomas Paynell; Exempla Sacrae Scriptae ex utroque Testamento collecta. English Hannapes, Nicolas de, patriarch of Jerusalem, 1225-1291?; Paynell, Thomas.; Peraldus, Guilelmus, 13th cent. 1561 (1561) STC 12742; ESTC S103820 271,342 814

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1. regu 3. When kynge Dauid satte in his house after that our Lorde had giuen him rest rounde abou●e from all hys enemyes 2. regu 7. he sayde vnto Nathan the Prophete Thou seyste that I dwell nowe in an howse of Cedarre trees but the Arke of God dwelleth within the curtaine It was shewed vnto Helias that fled from the face of Iezabel 3. regu 19. that our lorde was not in a greate spirite nor in no cōmotion nor winde nor earthquake but in a small styll voyce The mynde of man muste take his iudgement by the sumilitude and likenes of corporall thinges or els it must be lifted vp to god in whō what soeuer is sene or thought delectable in anye creature is inseperable sounde muche better 4. regu 3. So that when the mynstrell played before Eliseus the hande of Oure lorde came vpon him When Eliseus woulde praye deligentely for the Sunamites child that was departed 4. regu 4. he dyd it not openly before al men but shutte the dore to the lad and him and prayed vnto Oure lorde Sara Raguels doughter beynge rebuked and slaundred of on of her maydens Tob. 3. went into the innermost chamber of her house and thre dayes and thre nightes she nether eat nor drank but continued in prayer and besought god with teares that he woulde deliuer her frome that rebuke Iudith perceyuing her people to be streyted and in daunger went into her closet Iudi. 9. put on an heary smocke strawed ashes vpon her head and fallynge downe before oure Lorde cryed vnto hym Quene Esther fearing the daunger that was at hande Esth. 14. fledde vnto oure lorde And when she had laide a waye her glorius apparel she put on garmentes that serued for syghinge and mourninge and prayd thus vnto our Lorde helpe me desolate woman After the tribulations and perturbations which Dauid sustained suffred Psal 54. he sayd Who shal geue me winges lyke a doue For then would I flie away and be at reste Then he sheweth the maner howe to come to these wynges rest saying Lo then would I get me away farre of and remayne in the wyldernesse When Ezechiell was amonge or in the myddes of the prisoners Eze. 1. the hande of our Lorde came vpon hym and he sawe a stormy wynde come out of the north When Daniell hearde of the cruell sentence that was pronounced against the wise men of Babilon Dani. 2. he wente home and the mysterye was shewed vnto hym by a vision by night Dani. 9. The Angell Gabriell sayde vnto Daniell that prayde feruently I am nowe come to teache thee and to make thee vnderstand that thou art a man greatly beloued I wyll stande vppon my watche sayth habacuc Haba 2. and shall fasten my ioy vpon my bulworke to looke and se what shal be sayd vnto me and what answere I should make hym that reproued me And when the people were sent awaye he wente vp into a mountaine to praye alone Math. 14. And when night was come he was there hym selfe alone By the whiche thynge he geueth the people an ensample to flee and to seke for solitariousnes And zacharias wente into the temple of our Lorde LuKe. 1. and the whole multitude of the people were wyth oute in prayer while the incense was a burnynge And then there appeared vnto hym an Angell of oure Lorde Martha was troubled and combred about muche seruinge Luke 10. but Mary syttyng at Gods feete hearde the woorde of God And it is greatly to be noted that quyetnes and the hearing of gods word should be preferde aboue al religyons and deuoute ministery seruice Iohn 11. When Iesus sawe mary wepe and the Iewes also wepinge whiche came wyth her he groned in the spirite and wepte the whyche thinge he dyd not when Martha spake vnto him Our lordes disciples wer wonderfullye illuminated and taughte at the cōminge of the holy ghost Act. 2. After the light from heauen shyned rounde a boute Saule Act. 9. he fell to the earthe and was made blind the fasted and prayed by the space of thre dayes and hadde many exellente reuelations from Christ. When Peter was lodged in Simōs the Tanners house Act. 10. at a certain time he wente into the hyest place of the house to praye to the entent that he beynge farre from the troublous people that were beneathe myghte geue hym selfe the more quyetlye to hys prayers Oure Lorde Peter beynge in a traunce shewed vnto hym that the heathen oughte not to be repelled from the predication of the gospel Paule was taken vppe into the thyrd heauen 2. Cor. 12. and hard secreate wordes which no man can vtter rom His exceading great wisdome appeareth in hys Epistles Ephe. 1.2 and principallye to the Romaynes Col. 1.2 To the Ephesyans To the Collossyans And also to the Hebrues Heb. 1. Oure Lorde disclosed vnto blessed Sainte Ihon beyng sequestred from the tumulte and consolatyon of the worlde and banyshed into the I le of Pathmos the celestial and heauenly workes and dedes as it appeareth in his reuelations ¶ Of longanimity ¶ Capit. xxxvii ABraham taried many yeares or euer he hadde any chylde by Sara Gen. 21. for hee was an hundred yere old when his sonne Isaac was borne vnto him From the fyrst promise made vnto Abraham vntyl he hadde sede were yeres 440. Oure Lorde suffered Israell to bee scourged and afflicted in Egipt a lōg time and season And afterwardes to be tempted and proued in wildernes the space of 40. yeares or euer they came to the land of promise as it appeareth thorowe oute all the boke of Exodus and Numery Iudi. 20 The children of Israel fightyng against the tribe of Beniamin many against a few wer twise ouerthrown and yet at the last they preuailed Iob. 13. Iob beyng punyshed in bodye depriued of al hys chyldren laughed to scorne of hys frendes and spoyled of all hys goodes dyd say Lo though he slaye mee yet wyl I put my truste in hym Tobyas elders kinsfolkes laughed hym to scorne whyche sayde vnto hym Tob. 2. where is thy hope for the whyche thou haste done almesse and buryed the deade But Tobias rebuked them spake Say not so for we are the chyldren of holy men and looke for the lyfe which God shall geue vnto them that neuer turne their belefe from him When Susanna was condempned by the false testimony and wytnesse of two iudges Dani. 13. it is thus wrytten of her That her heart hadde a sure truste in the Lorde When one of those seuen brethren was requyred of the tyrande 2 Mach. 7. quyckely he put oute his tounge and constantly helde forth his handes and spake with a steadfaste fayeth These haue I of heauen Iudas Machabeus sente vnto Ierusalem two thousande dragmas of syluer to bee offred there for the offences and synnes of the dead 2. Mach.
Hebrues 2. Cor. 11. Heb. 1. ¶ Of vndiscrete zele Capit. lii WHen Iosue Moses seruant saw two menne in the hooste that Prophesyed Nume 11. he sayde mayster Moses forbyd them And Moses saide vnto hym what enuyest thou for my sake Abisai the sonne of Seruia was willing to haue cut of Semeis head 2. regu 19. because he cursed Dauid that suffred Absolons persecutiō but Dauid wold not suffer that he shoulde haue anye harme or dammage The children of the Prophets constrayned Elizeus to sende menne to seeke hys mayster 4. regu 2 leaste happely the spirit of our Lord had taken him vp and cast him vpon some mountain or into some valey Ionas fled from the face and sight of God when hee commaunded him to preach to the Niniuites And afterwardes he was sorye and discontent Ionas 1.4 that the city pearyshed not as he had preached When oure LORD had shewed hys Disciples howe that he shoulde suffer manye thinges of the hye priestes and elders of the Iewes Mat. 16. and bee killed Peter began to rebuke hym sayinge Mayster fauor thy selfe this shal not happen vnto the. The Pharises did greatly contend for the obseruation of the Sabbothe Mar. 2. when they saw oure Lorde heale the sycke LuKe. 6. and hys disciples pluck the cares of the corne and rubbe them in theyr handes on that day The Pharises contended more for the traditions of man Mat. 15. than for the cōmaundementes of God And the people contēded more for the gould of the Temple Mat. 23. then for the temple and for the giftes of the aultare then for the aultare They brought children to our Lord that he should laye his handes vppon them Mar. 10. and pray And his disciples rebuked those that brought them But Iesus said suffer the children to come vnto me for bid them not for of suche is the kingdome of God When Mary had poured the pretious oyntment vpon the Lordes hed some of the disciples disdained Mar. 14. wer not content with her for the wast and losse of the oyntment Ihon forbade a certain mā that casted out deuils in our Lorde Iesus name Luke 9. because he folowed not them with other Disciples And Iesus saide vnto him forbid him not for he that is not against vs is with vs. LuKe. 9. When Iames and Ihon hard that the Samaritans wold not receiue the messengers of our Lorde they sayde Lord wilt thou that we commaunde fire to come downe from heauen and consume them Iesus turned about rebuked them sayinge ye wotte not what manner sprite ye are of Luke 22. Our Lord reproued Peter because he had stroken of the eare of the high prestes seruaunt For it was not christes time then to shew his power but his patience It appeareth that Ihon the Baptist Disciples bare no great good zeale towardes oure Lorde Iohn 3. when they sayde vnto Ihon their master Rabby he that was wyth thee beyonde Iordan the same baptiseth and all men come to him Ihon answered them rightwel and said a man can receiue nothyng except it be geuen him from heauen When that many sick folkes were brought out of the city Act. 5. and wer healed of Peter the chefe priest rose vp and all they that were with him wer ful of indignation Paule was a great folower of hys fathers traditions againste manye of his owne felowes when he made hauocke of the congregation Act. 8.9 entrynge into euery house and drawynge oute both men and women and thrustyng them into prison Likewise he obtayned letters of the hie Priest to the sinagog● that was at Damasco that he if he found any ther that cald vpō the name of Christ might bringe thē bound vnto Ierusalem Act. 13. The Iewes perceiuing that almost the whole city came together to hear the worde of GOD that Paule and Barnabas dyd preache they wer ful of zeale and indignation and spake rayling wordes against those things which were spoken of Paule When Paule was come to Ierusalem the brethren saide vnto hym Act. 21. how manye thousandes of Iewes be there that beleue and are earnest folowers of the law And of such speaketh Paule Roma 10. sayinge I bare them record that they haue a zeale and a feruent minde to Godwarde but not according to knowledge ¶ Of prudency and discretion Capitulo .liii. ABraham comming into Egipt dyd wysely and warely Gen. 12.20 as touchynge hys wyfe for he cloked the truthe and yet affirmed no falshode saying She is my sister He did the like when he came to Abimelech And Abraham did prudently seperate hym self from Lot Gen. 13. because theyr herd menne shoulde not stryue together Abraham discretelye while he yet liued Gen. 25. did deuide and geue euery child hys portion least that they after hys deathe shoulde stryue and hee at debate Rebecca did wiselye enstructe her sonne Iacob Gen. 27. how he should obtayne and come by his fathers blessing and prudently she caused hym to departe from those partyes vntyll hys brothers fearsnesse wer swaged Iacob by crafte dyd euen very wel begyle Labans craftinesse Gen. 30. when Laban denyed to geue hym competente wages for hys seruyce Iacob dyd prudently that he whē he shoulde meete wyth hys brother Gen. 32. sente hym Presentes and when hee deuyded hys Substaunce leaste that hee euen at one brounte shoulde lose al and put such thinges as he loued best in daunger Gen. 41. Ioseph spake prudētly before Pharao expounding the dreame vnto him and geuing him counsell againste the famine that was to come Gen. 44. Ioseph did warely and wiselye deprehend and accuse his brethren and put them in feare Iethro gaue Moses good counsaile saying Exo. 18. prouide thy selfe men of power and such as feare God true men such as hate couetousnesse Or euer Moses inuaded the land of promise Nume 13. he sent spies thither to consider the state and condition therof The spies that Iosue sente lurked and wisely kept them selues close Iosu. 1. vntil they that sought for them were returned to theyr owne agayn Iosue vsed greate policye and wisdome when he laide awaite vnto the towne of Hai Iosu. 8. and afterwards made as though he had fled his way The Gabaonites thinking by craft and subtlety to beguile Iosue by hys discretion were broughte into seruytude and bondage Iosu. 9. Phinees and other messengers that were sent to the children of Ruben Iosu. 22. spake discreately vnto theym and wyth wyse communication appeased them Ahud bringinge a present vnto Eglon kyng of Moab Iudi. 3. craftely deceyued hym Gedeon did smite and destroye the hoost of his enemies Iudi. 8. the whiche beinge wythoute care dyd cast no peryls Iephthe like a wyse man dyd signifye Iudi. 11. by messengers vnto the kynge of the chyldren of Ammon that he dyd wrong to warre agaynst him but
the came to take him 4. regu 6. to haue● anye hurte but caused meate to be sette before them and when they had eaten he sent thē away Tobias beynge blind shewed wonderful great patience Tobi. 23. as wel against the deuine scourge plage of blindenes as againste the derisions of hys wife and his frendes Iob when he lost hys goodes hys chyldren Iob. 1.2 and almoste hym selfe ●o was pacient And it is to be noted that at once he lost his goodes hys chyldren and the Temptation was the more vehement But yet such frendes as were lefte were rather a desolation then a comfort vnto him as it is euidente in those his frendes the which were ouerous and heauye comforters vnto him Daniels companions that wer cast into the burning fornace did exhibit a mearye and a ioyfull pacience Dani. 3. and our Lord was more praysed by theyr pacience then by the sapience or wisdome of Daniel Sara Raguels daughter toke paciently the greuous rebuke and slander of one of her fathers handmaidēs not answering her again Tobi. 3. but incontinently turning her self to prayer When Eleazarus was sore plaged and punished 2. Mach. 6 he saide O Lorde thou knowest that wher as I might be deliuered from death I suffer these sore paines of my bodye but in my minde I am well content to suffer them because I fear thee The seuen brethren and their mother did ioyfully suffer sore torments and punishments 2. mach 7. When Peter hadde demaunded of our Lord how oft shal I forgeue my brother if he synne againste me tyll seuen times Mat. 28. He hard our Lord saye I say not vntil seuen times but seuētye times seuen times And that we shoulde remit and forgeue oure brethren euen from the hart oure Lorde brought forth the Parable of the vngratious seruaunte whome he moste liberallye forgaue a thousande Talentes When Iames and Ihon had harde that the Samaritanes had not receyued our Lords messengers they said wylt thou that we commaund fyre to come downe from heauen Luc. 9. and consume them euen as Helias dyd And our Lorde rebuked them sayinge ye wot not what māner sprite ye are of The woman that was taken in aduoutry and accused before our Lord answered nothinge to her accusers Iohn 8. but our Lord toke the matter in hād and mercifully absolued her Nowe and than a man muste geue place and auoid the fury of those that persecute him Luke 4. For oure Lorde that came to suffer and to die dyd not as fearful but as wise and lokynge for a competent houre of hys passion auoid and eschue oftentimes the fierce rage of the Iewes Iohn 8. Iesus hydde hym selfe LuKe. 4. and went oute of the Temple And he departed and went hys waye euen thorow the mids of them Mat. 11. Our LORD saythe of hym selfe learne of me for I am meke and lowly of heart Our Lord toke paciently the iniuries that wer done vnto him by word and deede By backbitigne woordes contradictorius tauntinge and contumelious woordes They slaundred hym bothe priuelye and openly pryuelye within them selues and iudgynge hym temerariously and falsly if thys manne were a Prophet hee woulde knowe what manner of woman this is Againe Thys manne blasphemeth Luc. ● Openlye whan the Pharises saide to his Disciples L●c. 5. why doth your master eat and drynk with Publicans and sinners Mar. 2. Also when they depraued his miracles saying Mat. 12. He dryueth oute deuels by the helpe of Belzebub the chefe of the deuels Iohn 9. We know that this man is a sinner And again they saide that he was possest with the deuil He suffred contradictorius words Iohn 8. as when they said Thou bearest record of thy self thy record is not true And againe Thou art not yet l. yere old Mat. 9. and hast thou sene Abraham and scornfull wordes he suffred when he said The maid is not deade but slepeth And contumelious wordes As Say we not wel that thou art a Samaritane and haste the deuell Iohn 8. And who is this that speaketh blasphemies Luc. 5. But specially he heard these wordes in the time of his passyon or euer he came to the crosse in Annas and Caiphas house and before Pilate and Herode And at the last euen hāgyng vpon the crosse he hard suche wordes spoken against him Likewise in dedes he hathe suffred greuous iniuries for as he was preching all they in the Sinagoge were filled with wrath and thrusting him out of the city Luke 4. they would haue caste him downe headling from the toppe of the mountaine Ihon. 8 And againe they toke stones to stone him And when he went out of Ierusalem minedynge to goe by Samaria LuKe. 9. but the Samaritans woulde not receiue his messengers the whyche he sent before him And when he preached and rebuked the Iewes of theyr malice sinne they gathered vp stones to haue stoned him Ihon. 8. But all this was in a manner nothing in respect of those thynges which he sustained in his passion wher vpon thou maiste note that he euen as he foretolde it was mocked scourged and crucified mocked in Caiphas house For it is wrytten that the men that held him Mar. 15. did scorn him saying All haile king of the Iewes And likewise in Pilates iudgements house mat 27. they mocked hym bowynge their kne And in Herodes house Herode wyth hys men of war despysed hym Lu. 23 and mocked hym Item oure lorde Iesus was illuded hanging vpon the crosse Luc. 23. and mocked of the souldiars preastes and commenly of those that passed by and of the theues Of the souldiours it is writtē Luc. 13. The souldiours dyd mocke hym and proferd him vineger Mat. 27. And of the preastes Also the hie preastes mocking him with the Scribes and the elders sayed he saued other Mar. 15. him selfe can he not saue They that passed by blasphemed him shaking their heddes Luc. 23. And the theues whiche were crucified with him rayled on him Furthermore note that he was scorned with be●kys signes whan thei wagged their headdes and bowed theyr knees And wyth woordes As whan thei that did salute him sayde ma. 15. All hayle kynge of Iewes And with dede when they crownde hym wyth thorne and in place of a cepter put a rede in hys hande and defyled with spittle and now clothed with a purple vesture now with a white Oure sauioure shewed mekenes in his passion to Iudas the traytoure Mat. 26. whom he called frend and to Malcas the sergeant whose eare he restored and healed Iohn 18.19 And to Annas Caiphas and Pilate before whome he was accused he answered very gentely and mekely And to those that crucifyed him for the whiche he prayed and to the theefe Luc. 23. vnto whome hee aunswered so courteously We must thinke and ●ounder the diuers s●ourginges
vow a vow to be sāctified Nume 6. or did consecrate or appoint thē selues vnto oure lorde they abstained from all suche kyndes of dryncke as myght caste them into dronckennesse The Aungel appearinge vnto mānas wife which should conceaue him Iudi. 13. that shoulde deliuer the people commaunded her to abstayne This maketh muche to the cōmendation of sobriety the which doth stande in the vse of fishe and in the abstinence from flesh that our lord in his gospel doth euen often times multiply fishe Luke 5. and not flesh And at oure lordes commaundement the disciples in closed a great multitude of fishes Marke 6. furthermore we reade that he twyse multiplied bread fishes Luke 9. And of .v. loues Ihon. 6. ii fishes in Marcke Math. 15. Luke Iohn And of .7 loues a few fishes the which our lord multiplied Marke 8. mentiō is made ī Mat Marke Peter purposinge to shew that the disciples Actes ● which wer replenished with the holy ghost wer not drunken saied that it was not yet the thyrd houre of the daye Geuynge vs to wyt that it was not conuenient to drincke before the thyrd houre The people of Israell were a hungerd there was hony in the fyeld 1. regu 14. but no man eat thereof but Ionathas the sonne of Saul When Dauid desyred water of the well or cesterne of Bethelem it was broughte hym 2. regu 23. but yet he woulde not dryncke thereof because he longed to greadely after it A small and a slender sustenaunce contented Elias 3. regu 17. the which asked only of the wyddow Sereptane a lytle water and a morsell of bread Ieroboās wyfe goynge to Helias the prophet 3. regu 14. toke with her .10 loues and a cruse of hony There is no mētion made of any flesh For he supposed that the prophet dyd eate no suche meate And it is notable that the rauens fed Helias wyth fleshe twyse in one daye 3. regu 17. 3. regu 19. And how that the Aungell of oure Lorde shewed him bread and a vessell of water onely Achab hearinge after he had put Naboth to death 3. regu 21. our Lordes cōminatiō and threatning declared vnto him by Helias the prophet put a shyrt of here vppon his fleshe and fasted and laye in sackcloth and went barefote and helde downe hys head And therfore oure Lorde did temper the payne and punyshmente the whyche hee threatned Esdras proclaimed a fast and caused all men to afflicte and humble thē selues 1. Esd. 8. for they desyred of oure Lorde that hee woulde geue them a ryghte waye Then there foloweth So we fasted and besought our lord for this and he hearde vs. The children of Hely of Amnon wyth certayn of the Amonites gathered them selues together 2. Para. 20. to fyghte against Iosaphat the king of Iuda And when he hearde it he set hym selfe to seke and to praye our LORDE and proclaimed a fasting throughout all Iuda And there foloweth that he obtayned the victorye When Paule and Barnabas had ordained elders and priestes in diuers cities Act. 14. and in euery cōgregation had prayed and fasted they cōmended thē to our Lorde on whom they beleued When Nehemias shuld praye Arthaxarses for the holy citie 2. Esd. 1. and that the walles thereof might be repaired He sayeth of hym selfe I fasted and prayed before the God of heauen It is sayed of yonge Tobias and of his father in lawe ToBi 8.12 other his frends that wyth the feare of God they helde the feaste of the marriage And the Aungel sayed afterwarde to both the Tobias prayer is good with fastinge and almes When the chyldren of Ierusalem hearde of the terryble and fearefull power of Holofernes Iudith 4. they humbled theyr soules wyth fastinge and prayers Also it is sayed of Iudyth that she ware a smocke of heere and fasted all the daies of her lyfe Iudith 8. excepte the Sabothes and newe mones and the solempne dayes of the house of Israell When Esther shoulde speake vnto king Ahaswerus she saide to Mardocheus Go and gether all the Iewes together that are founde at Susan Esther 4. and pray ye for me Loke ye eate not nor drinck not in thre dayes neyther day nor night I and my maids wyll fast likewise Our Lorde commendeth the abstynence of the Rachabites Ieremy 35. because they would drink no wine as their father had commaunded them Our Lord caused Ezechiel the prophet to keepe an harde diet Ezechiel 4 sayinge Take vnto the wheat barly beanes gromel sede Millium and fitches Daniel was at a poynt wyth hym self that he would not be defiled thorow the kinges meat Daniell 1. There followeth God gaue those springaldes conninge and learninge in all scripture and wisdome Daniell for the space of iii. wekes eate no bread as for fleshe and wyne there came none within his mouthe Daniel 10. And our Lorde shewed him a maruelous vision Sainte Gregorye in hys Homely of Pentecost saithe that the holy ghost did fil the abstinent childe and made the Prophet iudge of the old men Our Lord sente to Daniell by the prophet Abacucke Daniell 14. bread and potage beinge in the denne of Lyons but he sent hym no fleshe nor no other delycate meates Eleazar an aged man had rather die a cruell death 2. Mach. 6. thē contrary to the lawe to eate or to faine to eate anye swines flesh It chaunced the vii brethren wyth theyr mother to be compelled by the king against the law 2. Mach. 7. to eate swines flesh but they chose rather to sustaine and suffer most cruel torment It is wrytten of Ihon the Baptist that his meat was Locustes wylde hony Math. 2.11 and liued so as though he neyther eat nor dranke Anna the prophetisse the doughter of Phanuell is among other thinges commended Luc. 2. that she departed not frō the temple but serued GOD wyth Fastynges and prayers nyghte and day Our sauioure after he was baptysed by and by was led into the wyldernesse and there he fasted tyll hee hōgred Luc. 4. which thing maketh against those that faste with a filthye conscience nor will not for the tyme of fasting suffer nor sustain no honger The children of Israel which were of the xii Tribes Iudi. 20. were twyse ouerthrown by the children of Beniamin afterward they wept before our lord and fasted the same day and so ouercame theym and preuayled agaynste theym In the tyme and daies of Hely the Philistines● 1. regu 4.7 preuayled agaynste the children of Israell once or twise and the Arke of oure Lorde was taken Thirdly the Philistines gathered together in Samuels daies but the chyldren of Israell fasted the same day saide we haue synned agaynste oure Lord. And it foloweth that the chyldren of Israell destroyed them After oure Lordes resurrection he manyfestlye shewed hym selfe to the .vii.
and feare was for the holy temple Our Lord speaking vnto the people one saide vnto him Mat. 12. beholde thy mother and thy brethren stand wythout seking thee But he aunswered who is my mother or who are my brethren whosoeuer doth the will of my father which is in heauen the same is my brother sister and mother Our Lorde dyd aunswer hys aunt after the fleshe Mat. 20. desyringe that her two sonnes myghte sytte by hym in hys kyngdome so rigorouslye and hardlye as thoughe she hadde beene a straunger And so he is as readye to sell heauen as good cheape to thee as to them Although blessed Saint Ihon and the two Iames were menne of great holinesse and imperfection● Yet hee Ihon. 21. commytted not the generall cure of the Churche to anye of them● but dyd ordaine Peter the whiche was nothing kin vnto hym to be the heade the Prince and the pastoure of hys Church Our sauioure approuynge and alowing Peters confession whyche he made of hym when he saide Thou arte Christe the sonne of the liuynge God Math. 16 did consequently say fleshe and bloude hathe not opened that vnto thee Meanynge there by that fleshe is wonte to make but euill reuelatyons The Apostle Paule commendinge his Gospel doth saye It pleased hym which seperated me frō my mothers wombe Galat. 1. and called me here vnto by hys grace c. I by and by communed not of the matter wyth flesh and bloud ¶ Of the Ire and anger of man throughe zeale and loue Capi. xcv WHen Moses spake vnto Pharao Exo. 11. that Pharao woulde not hear him he went oute from Pharao very angry Moses commaunded the children of Israel Exo. 16. that no man shuld leue ought remain of Manna tyll the mornyng that notwithstanding they harkened not vnto Moses but some of them left of vntyll the mornynge and it waxed and craulde full of Wormes and stanke and Moses was angrye wyth them Moses returning and cōming nye vnto the ●oste Exo. 32. sawe the calfe and the daunsing and being angrye he caste the tables out of his handes brake them beneath the hill When Moses sought for the Goate that was offred for sinne Leui. 10. he founde that it was burnt being angrye wyth Eleazar and Ithamar the sonnes of Aaron he saide Wherefore haue ye not eaten the sinne offering c. Nume 16. Moses beholdinge the rebellyon of Chore his company and being very angry said vnto our lord Turne not thou vnto their offering 1. Re. 20. Ionathas Sauls sōne considring the iniquity of his father against Dauid arose from the table in great anger and did eat no meat that day 2. regu 13. When Dauid had hard the parable of Nathan the Prophet he was dysdainful and exceding wroth with the man and said As surely as our Lord liueth the man that hathe done thys thing is the child of death Elizeus was angry with Ioas the kinge of Israel 4. regu 13. because he hadde not smitten the ground with the arrowe v. or vi times that he myghte haue destroyed all Siria Nehemias hearynge the peoples clamor and complaint for the vsury that the rulers nobles exacted 2. Esd. 5. was sore dyspleased and angry Esth. 7. After that king Ahaswerus hadde hard Quene Esthers cōplaint against Aman the which sought the death of all the Iewes he arose from the common seat in displeasure and anger Our Lord loked roūd about him on the Iewes with anger mar 3. and mourned on the blindnesse of theyr hartes ¶ Of the anger of man through vice Ca. xcvi OUr Lord had respecte vnto Abell and to his oblation Gen. 4. And Cain was exceading wroth hys countenaunce abated Balaac being angry wroth wyth Balaam Nume 24. smote his handes together and said I sent for the to cursse mine enemies and thou hast blessed them Saule hearynge that Dauid after the victory was commended 1. regu 18. was exceading wrothe and the sayinge dyspleased hym c. When Ionathas had excused Dauid vnto his father 1. regu 20. Saule being angry with Ionathas said Thou rebel do not I know that thou dost loue the sonne of Isai vnto thyne owne rebuke and confusyon Achab the king of Israel came home to his house heauy and euil apaid because of the word which Naboth the Israelite had spoken vnto him 3. regu 21. After Elizeus easy and holsom coūsel Naaman was wrothe 4. regu 5. and went away and said I thoughte wyth my self he wold surely come out to me call on the name of his God Hanai the prophet came to Asa and reproued him 2. Para. 16. that he had putte hys trust in Benadab the kinge of Siria And Asa was wroth with the seer commaunded him to be tied and put into a prison Amazias seuered the host whyche came out of Ephraim to aid and help him 2. Para. 25. But they wer exceading wroth with Iuda and retourned home into their country in great anger The priestes reproued Ozias the king of Iuda 2. Para 26. whych went aboute to burne insence and beinge angrye he held the censare and threatned them When Sanallat hard that the wal of Ierusalem was a building 2. Esd. 4. he was very wroth and beynge sore moued mocked the Iewes When Sennacherib retourned againe and fled out of Iewry Tobi. 1. because of the plage and punishmente of God for his blasphemy in his wrathe and anger he slue many Iewes When Tobias spake of the kid that cried Tobi. 2. loke that it be not stoln c. Hys wife was angry and said Now is thy hope become vaine openly It was shewed Holofernes that the children of Israel prepared them selues to make resistance againste hym Iudith 5. then was he exceading wroth When Achior had shewed them that the power of the God of Israell was great and mightye Iudith 5. the greate men of Holofernes were wroth and thought to slay him When Aman hard say and had proued by experience that Mardocheus wold not bow his kne vnto hym Esth. 3. nor worship him he was exceadinge angrye Elihu the bussite disdained was angrye at Iob Iob. 32. because he called hym self iust before God The princes of Iuda thinckinge that Ier. 37. Ieremy wold haue rund to the Caldees were angry with him bet him and cast him in prison Nabuchodonozor in his great fury and anger Daui 2.3 commaunded to destroye all the wise men of Babilon because they coulde not declare and open hys dreame vnto him and in hys anger he commaunded the three men to bee brought before him Ionas 4. Our Lord reproued Ionas because he was angry for the wilde vine 1. Mac. 3 When king Antiochus hard of Iudas battailes and victories he was angry in his minde and gathered an hoaste 2. Mach. 6. The tormentors of Eleazar hearing his constant wordes
house with fyre Achab beinge wounded in battayl dyed at euen and the dogges licked vp Nabothes bloud 3. Re. 21.22 the which Achab dissemblinge the thyng that he shuld and myght haue voyded was stoned and he dyed 4. regu 1. When Eliseus went vp to Bethel a sorte of yll taughte chyldren mocked hym And there came oute two beares and tare .42 of them One of those two which were present wyth the kinge of Israell 4. regu 7. would not credit Heliseus wordes for speakynge of the abundaunce that was to come The next daye after the people that ranne to the spoyle trode hym downe and so he dyed Benadab kinge of Siria whiche dyd the children of Israel much woo 4. regu 8. was at the laste strangled of Asahell hys sonne Iehu beholdinge wicked Iezabell the whyche was the cause of muche euyll 4. regu 9. commaunded her to be caste down hedlyng the which was so trotrodē with horses that she albeit she was a kings doughter was not buried for there was nothinge left but her skul her fret and the palmes of her hands Athalia Ochozias mother destroyed all the kynge seede that she might raygne ouer the people 4. regu 11. afterwardes by Ioiada the preastes cōmaundement she was slayne mooste fylthelye Ioas that euyll and vnkynde kinge of Iuda 4. regu 12. the whiche caused Zacharias Ioiada the preaste sonne to be stoned was slayn after that of his own seruants Senacheryb that proude kinge of the Assyrians 4. regu 19. and blasphemer of God of heauen auoyded and fledde oute of Iewry wyth shame ynoughe hys owne sonnes flewe him Sedechias kynge of Iuda beynge euyll to God and man was taken as he fled and wente hys wayes 4. regu 25. The kynge of Babylon flewe hys sonnes before hys eyes And after that hys owne were put oute he was caryed to Babilon and there he dyed wretchedlye Holofernes toke and destroied many conntreys Iudith 13. and at lengthe beynge a sleape and dronken a woman smote of hys head Proude Aman the whyche caused men to worshippe him Esther 7. was hanged on the galowes that he had made for Mardocheus Balthazar the king of Babilō was nothing amended by the ensample of his father Nabuchodonozor Dani. 3.5 the whiche euen before him was changed into a beast And being at his banket he saw a wryting in the wall Mane Thetel Phares and the very same night he was slain and his kingdome translated to the Medes and Perses Dani. 6. Danyels accusers by Darius the kinge of Perses commaundemente were cast into the Lions den and deuoured The like chaunced in the xiiii chapter It is said that Alexander after that he went vnto hys bed 1 Mach. 1 knewe that he should die as though that before that time he neyther had remembraunce nor knowledge of death Alchinus the traytor was to smytten with the palsy 1. Mach. 9. that he coulde not speake nor cōmaund any of his house concerning his businesse and so he died in great misery Antiochus was sorye in his minde that Andronicus had vniustly put Onias the hie priest to death 2. mach 4. And commaunded that Andronicus should be slayne in the same place wher he cōmitted to great impiety and wyckednesse When Lysimachus had commytted many great sacrilegis in the temple 2. Mach. 4. the multitude gathered them together againste him and killed hym beside the treasury Wicked Iason that toke his owne brother prisonner 2. Mach. 5. and had expelled many out of theyr country peryshed from home and was throwne out vnburyed no man mournyng for hym Antiochus whiche had martired other mens bowels suffred an horryble and greuous payne of hys bowels 2. Mach. 9. and he died a miserable and a meruelous death vpon the mountaines Menelaus the whiche for a time had gotten the dominion and rule 2. Mach. 13. was cast headlonge oute of a hie tower among the ashes The riche manne whose grounde brought forth plentiful frutes thought to destroy hys barnes Luc. 12. and builde greater he trusted to liue longe But the Lord said vnto him Thou foole this night thou shalt die The example of the rich glutton is very terrible Luc. 16. he died was buried and brought into hell Because that Ananias and his wife Saphira craftely kept away parte of the price of the land which was sold Act. 5. they at Peters increpatyon fearfully gaue vp the ghost Herode arayed in royall apparell fate in hys iudgement seat Act. 12. and made an oration to the people And they gaue a shout sayinge It is the voyce of a God and not of a man And immediatly the angell of the LORDE smote hym because he gaue not God the honoure and he was eaten of wormes and gaue vp the ghost ¶ Of the pretious deathe of the iust Cap. Cxxxiiii WHen Caine and Abell were in the field Gen. 4. Caine rose vp against Abel and slue hym Ihon dothe shewe the cause for hys woorkes and doynges were euel and hys brothers iust Enoche walked wyth God Gen. 5. and he was no more sene for God toke hym awaye Abraham dyed in a lustye age Gen. 25. verye olde and was put●e to hys people The dayes of Isaac were an 180. yeares Gene. 35. he died euen for very age and was put vnto his people beyng olde and ful of dayes When Iacob hadde commaunded all that he would vnto hys sonnes Gene. 49. he plucked vppe hys feete vnto the bed and dyed and was putte vnto hys people After that Ioseph hadde taken an oth of hys brethren Gene. 50. and hadde sayde GOD wyll visytte you carye my bones hence wyth you he died Nume 20. Moses and Aaron as the LORD commaunded them went vppe into mount Hor in the syght of al the multitude And whan Aaron had put of his clothes and put them vpon Eleazar his sonne he died there Moses the seruaunt of God dyed at Gods commaundement in the lande of Moab Deut. 34. The Lord buried hym but no manne knoweth of hys sepulchre vnto this day 1. Para. 29. Dauid after he had instructed hys sonne Salomon and made hys oratyon vnto God for him and al the people he died in a good age ful of dais richesse and honor 4 re 2. As Helias and Helizeus were walking together a charet of fyre horses of fyre departed them a sondre and Helias went vp thorow the whirlwinde into heauen 2. Para. ●4 The spirit of God came vpon Zacharia Io●adas sonne Whiche sayde vnto the people Why transgresse ye the commaundementes of the Lord that ye can not prosper And they gathered them selues agaynst hym and stoned him at the commaundemēt of the king and so he dyed Thobias in the hour of his death Tobi. 14. called hys sonne vnto hym and seuen spryngaldes hys sonnes Children and sayde vnto them My deathe is at hande And a little after it is sayde of hys sonne that when he was ninety yeare of age and had fulfylled them in the feare of the LORDE wyth ioy and gladnesse they buried him Iob after his afflyctyons lyued an hundred and fortye yeares Iob. 41. and sawe his childers children into the fourthe generation and so died beinge olde and of a perfect age Dauid whyche lamented for hys sonne beyng sicke 2. re 12.18 woulde not weepe for hys innocente Chylde that dyed But hee wepte sore for Absolon the paricide Matathias after he had instructed comforted his Children 1. mach 2. gaue them his blessynge and dyed and was put vnto hys fathers 1. Mach. 9. When Iudas Machabeus saw the multitude of hys ennemyes and so fewe of hys owne men he sayde If our time be come let vs die manfully for our brethren Eleazarus after manye tormentes dyed 2. Mach. 6 leauinge to all the people a remembraunce of hys deathe for an example of vertue and manlinesse 2. Mach. 7. The seuen brethren wyth their deuout mother made a wonderfull and a laudable end And there may be noted many examples of vertue Mar. 6. Ihon the Baptist for the truthe and honesty of mariage was beheaded of Herode the Tetrarch It is wrytten thus of Lazarus that famous poore man And it fortuned that the begger dyed Luc. 16. and was caryed by the aungels into Abrahams bosome Dauid after he had instructed hys sonne Salomon 1. Para. 29. and made hys oratyon vnto God for him and al the people he died in a good age ful of dais richesse and honor How so euer the thefe lyued vnto whome Christe sayde Luc. 23. This day shalt thou be wyth me in Paradise He died happely When Sainte Steuen was stoned hee called on the LORDE saying Act. 7. LORDE Iesu receaue my spirit And hee knealed downe and cryed wyth a loude voyce and saide Lorde laye not thys synne to theyr charge And when he hadde thus spoken hee fell a sleape Lette vs geue dylygence that oure deathe maye bee lyke vnto hys And oure Sauyoure and LORD IESUS CHRISTE by hys syngulare deathe Li. 4. de tri Lib. 14. de ciui dei as sayth Saint Augustyne destroyed oure dowble Deathe and graunted vnto vs as saythe the selfe Augustyne so greate grace of faythe that hee was and became the instrumente of deathe the whyche is as it manyfestly appeares contrary to lyfe by the whyche wee should come to lyfe The which life the true author of eternall healthe that is the waye the truthe and lyfe and hathe the dominyon ouer death and lyfe Graunt vs. The whyche wyth the father and the holye ghoste lyueth and raygneth one God worlde without end So be it FINIS
man sitting vpon him When ther should haue bene a vehemente bataile betwene Tymothe and Iudas Machabeus 2. Mach. 1● there appeared v. men vpon horsbacks garnished wyth brydles of golde leadynge the Iewes and two of them hauing Machabeus betwixt them that kepte him safe on euery side with their weapōs The Iewes goynge to battaile againste 2. Mach. 1●● the greate and myghtye hoste of Lisias Machabeus beyng theyr capitaine there appeared before theym vppon horsbacke a man in white clothynge wyth harnesse of golde shaking his speare We do read that the angel of God appeared thrise vnto Ioseph Mat. 1.2 first our lord being in his mothers womb Secondarely when he was come forthe of his mothers wombe And thyrdlye when he was in Egipt When Iesus was baptised the spirit of god was sene vpon him in a bodely shape like a doue Mat. 3. Luke 4. and the fathers voyce was hard sayinge Thys is my well be loued sonne Also in our lordes transfyguratyon ther apeared Moses and Helias speaking Mat. 17. wyth our Lord. And there came a voyce from heauen Luke 9. When our Lord Iesus arose from death to life Mat. 27. manye bodies of sainctes which slept arose and comming oute of the graues came into the holy city and appeared vnto manye When Iesus was rysen earlye the fyrst day after the saboth Mar. 16. he appeared first to Mary Magdalen After this he appeared to two dysciples goyng by the way Luke 24. and laste of all he appeared vnto the eleuen as they sate at meate Mar. 16. and caste in theyr teethe theyr vnbelefe and hardnesse of heart Our Lord Iesus shewed hym selfe alyue after hys passyon Act. 1. and that by manye argumentes and tokens appearing vnto them xl daies and speakinge of the kingdome of God Then ther followeth And while they loked stedfastly vp toward heauen behold two men stode by them in whyte apparell When the fiftye dayes were come to an end Act. 2. they wer al with one accord together in one place And ther apeared vnto them clouen tongues like as they had bene of fyre Stephen beynge full of the holye ghoste Act. 7. loked vp into heauen he sawe the glory of God and sayd Beholde I se the heauens open and the sonne of man standynge on the right hande of God And the Aungell of God was there presente and a lyghte shyned in the habitacion of the prysonne Actes 12. And he smote Peter whyche was bound with chaynes on the syde and stered hym vp saying aryse vp quickely And when Paule was come nye to Damasco to take those that were christened Act. 10. sodenly there shined round aboute hym a lyghte frome heauen And he hearde oure Lorde Iesus of Nazareth sayinge vnto hym Saull why persecutest thou me And afterwardes he appeared to Ananias Cornelius the capitayne a deuout man Act. 9. and one that feared God sawe euydentelye aboute the nynth houre of the daye an angell of God sayinge vnto him Corneli send men to Ioppa and call for one Simon whose syrname is Peter he shal tell thee what thou oughtest to dooe Peter beynge in hys prayers and a hungerd fell into a traunce sawe Heauen opened Act. 10. and a certaine vessell came downe to hym as it had bene a greate shete knytte at the foure corners and was let downe to the earth wherin were all maner of fourefoted beastes of the earth and vermen and wormes and foules of the ayre When Paule and Barnabas had gone throughe Misia they came to Troada Act. 16. And a vision appeared too Paule in the nyghte There stode a man of Macedonia and prayed him sayinge Act. 17. Come into Macedonia and helpe vs our Lorde sayd vnto Paule by a vision in the nyghte feare not speake and holde not thy peace On a certain night god standing by Paule said vnto him be constant and of good chere Paule Act. 23. for as thou haste testified of me in Ierusalem so muste thou beare witnes also at Rome Paule purposing to comforte and cheere his fellowes in the time of the tempest Act. 27. persuaded them to be of good cheere saying There stode by me this night thangel of God said fear not Paule thou muste be brought before Ceaser and lo God hath geuen the al them that sayle with the. Blessed Iohan the Apostle Euangelist exiled into the I le of Pathmos Apoca. 1. sawe Christe in the myddes of seuen golden candelstyckes Ye all the boke is full of such visions ¶ Of good angelles Capi. xxxi ANgelles appeared vnto Abrahā wer very familier with him Gen. 18. Angels wer loged with Loth folowing in a maner his gētle violēce deliuered him frō all perel danger Gen. 19. The angel of god called vnto Abraham forbode him to sacrifice or to offre vp his sonne Gen. 22. and promised him great thinges for his obedience Iacob fleyng frō his brother Esau Gen. 28. sawe the Angelles ascendynge and descending vpon the ladder Iacob returned from Labans seruyce to Isaac his father Gen. 31. The angels came to mete him and to defend him And the angell of God which went before the hooste of Israell when the people came oute of Egypte Exo. 14. stode betwyxte the hooste of the Egypcians and the hooste of Israell For it is wrytten Exo. 23. beholde I sende my angell before thee to keepe thee in the way and to bring thee into the place which I haue prepared Nume 22. The angell of god stode in the way against Balaam riding vpō his Asse The angell of oure Lorde rebuked the chyldren of Israell Iudi. 2. because they hadde sworne and made a peace with the Cananites puttynge them in remembraunce of Gods benefites done and shewde vnto them The angell of oure Lorde appearynge vnto Gedeon dyd comfort him Iudi. 6. and holded him to deliuer the people The Angell appeared to Manues wyfe that was barren Iudi. 13. declarynge vnto her that she shoulde conceaue and that she should kepe abstinence After that the people at Daudis cōmaundement wer nombred our lorde sent a pestilence into Israel 2. regu 24. And whē the angel stretched out his hand vpon Ierusalem to destroy it Dauid seyng the angell that smote the people said Lo it is I that haue done wyckedly Our Lordes aungell dyd comforte Helias ●●eynge the tiranny of Iezabel and refreshed hym wyth sober meat 3. regu 19. And the angel opened vnto Helias 4. regu 1. what he should answer vnto Ochozias messengers There were mo good angels with Elizeus to defend hym 4. regu 6. then ther wer euil menne wyth hys aduersaryes to hurt hym The aungell of oure Lorde came 4. regu 19. and smote in one nyght of the Assiryans an hundred foure score and fyue thousand The aungell Raphaell that was Tobias guid Tobi. 5.6 deliuered him from the
did manfullye when he slew two kinges and Ochozias brethren the children of Achab and when hee kylde a greate multitude of Baals Prophets Ioiada with great strennuitye and force pluckt the kingdom of Iuda out of the handes of Athalia 4. regu 11. and crowned the kinges litle sonne of the kynred of Dauid Ioab the sonne of Seruia was the prince and head captain of the hoste 1. Para. 11 because that he before all other smote the Iebusites that dwelt in the citye of Ierusalem and so dyd Dauid appoynt it Nehemias said vnto the noble men and iudges Let vs aryse and buyld and theyr handes were strengthed to good 2. Esd. 2. The children of transmigratiō dyd build the wall of Ierusalem round about 2. Esd. 4 and wyth one hand dyd euerye one worke and wyth the other helde his weapon The ennemies of the chyldren of transmigration did diuers maner of waies put them in feare 2. Esd. 6 thinckynge that there by they woulde cease from theyr woorke But Nehemias sayde That therfore he strengthed his handes the more When the chyldren of Israel hearde of Holofernes myghte and power Iudith 4 they prepared most diligentlye to resist him for they tooke in and occupied all the toppes of the mountains and walde theyr Townes and prepared Corne for them agaynste the battayle Iudith 13 Iudith had in her self a meruelous strenuity corage when she went to Holofernes and slue him in his tent Daniels companions saide to Nabuchodonozor the kinge of Babylon Dani. 3 our God is able to keepe vs from the hote burninge ouen And if he wyll not yet shalt thou knowe O kynge that we wyll not serue nor worshyp thy Gods Dani. 6 Daniel left not of for all the kings decre to pray vnto his God 1. mach 2 Mathathias and his children had a wonderful fortitude and strēgth that so withstode kyng Antiochus so oft preuailed against him Iudas Machabeus with good hope and very manfully and boldly passed ouer the riuer to his ennemyes 1. macha 5 the which had pitched their tents beyond the water Eleazar the sonne of Saura ranne boldly and with a courage to an Elephant 1. mach 6 and gat vnder him and slue him then fel the Elephant down vpon him and there he died Eleazarus saide vnto the tormentors If I die manfully and as it becommeth mine age 1. mach ● I may parauenture leaue an example of stedfastnes for such as be yonge if I with a ready minde and manfullye die an honest death for the moste worthye and holy lawes● Machabeus and thei that wer with him went promptly and willingly to battaile againste Lysias hauinge an helping from heauen 2. mach 11. and our Lorde was mercifull vnto them They fell mightely vpō their enemies like Lyons they brought down xi M. fotemē xvi C. horsmen and put all other to flight many of them being wounded and some got away naked And wyth greate power gaue the Act. 4. Apostles wytnesse of the resurrection of our Lord Iesu Christe and greate grace was in them all Steuen ful of grace and power did great wonders and miracles among the people Act. 6 His fortitude dyd mooste appeare in that that moste constantly he resisted the Iewes and toke hys most cruel death most pacientlye Fortitude as Cicero doth say is a preconsiderate susception and taking vpon of pearils and daungers And a sufferaunce or bearinge of laboures And in that it is verye euydent that Paule was Christes moste strongest Apostle and souldioure the whyche for Christes sake sustained so greate pearils and dangers Capi. 11 as it appeareth in th● Actes of the Apostles Capi. 11 he doth recite and nomber them in the secōde to the Corinthians ¶ Of Confydence and magnanimity Ca. lxxviii Exo. 5 MOses stode often before Pharao and constantly reproued hym Nathan the Prophet constantlye and yet reuerentely dyd reproue Dauid after he hadde committed aduoutrye and murther 2. regu 11. Helias sayde to Achab. It is not I that haue troubled the house of Israel 3. regu 18. but thou and thy fathers house in that ye haue forsaken the commaūdementes of our lorde And after that he caused CCCC prophetes to be slayne Item he sayde to Ochozias the kynge of Israel 4. regu 1. Thou shalt not come down of the bed on which thou art gone vp but shalt dye the death Achab the kinge of Israel sayd vnto Helias 3. regu 21. hast thou founde me thine enemye he answered I haue founde the for thou art euen solde to worke wickednesse in the sight of oure lord Eliseus spake maruelus frely and boldlye to Ioam the kinge of Israell his host standinge about him 4. regu 3. What haue I to doo wyth the Gat the to thy fathers prophetes and to thy mothers Our lorde was with Iosaphat 2. Para. 7. because he walked in the wayes of his father Dauid Then foloweth When hys hart had taken bold●es by the wayes of oure lorde c. The spirite of our lorde came vpon zacharia the son of Ioiada the preast 2. para 24. whiche stode in the syghte of the people sayinge why transgresse ye the commaundementes of oure lorde the whyche thynge shall not be for your profite Hezechias comforted his menne of warre sayinge 2. Para. 32. Plucke vp your hartes and be strong Be not afraied nor discouraged for the kinge of the Assirians nor for al the multitude that he hath with him for there be mo with vs then wyth hym wyth hym is an arme of flesh But with vs is the lord oure god for to helpe vs and to fight oure battayls Sanabalat and other enemyes beynge sory that the walles of Ierusalem were a buylding 2. Esdras 4 endeuerd them selues to resiste and diuers waies to feare Nehemias but they could not Iudit 10.13 Iudith was a womā of a maruelus great magnanimity the which vnarmed went to Holofernes tent slue him Mardocheus dyd boldely refuse to worshippe proude Aman althoughe he knew that the king had commaunded it And also he spake vnto the Quene seuerely and frelye Esther 3.4 sayinge Thinke not to saue thine owne lyfe while thou a●te in the kynges house for yf thou holdest thy peace at this tyme then shal the Iewes haue helpe and delyueraunce oute of an other place and thou and thy fathers house shal be destroyed Ananias his felowes said stoutly to kyng Nabuchodonosor Daniell 3. oure God whom we serue and worshyp is able to delyuer vs out of thy handes Daniell lytle regarding kyng Da●ius decree Daniell 6. or cōmaundemente dyd worshyp and pray vnto his lord God ●s he was wont accustomed to doo Matathias his sonnes dyd strongye and boldly rebell and resist kynge Antiochus 1. Macha 2 Eleazar Saures sonne ran boldlye 1. macha 6 ●o the Elephant wher he coniectured that the kyng was and gat hym vnder him and