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A01979 The vvhole-armor of God: or A Christians spiritual furniture, to keepe him safe from all the assaults of Satan First preached, and now the second time published and enlarged for the good of all such as well vse it:whereunto is also added a treatise of the sinne against the Holy Ghost. By VVilliam Gouge B.D. and preacher of Gods Word in Blacke Fryers London. ...; Panoplia tou Theou Gouge, William, 1578-1653. 1619 (1619) STC 12123; ESTC S103304 450,873 662

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thanksgiuing many Psalmes he beginneth and endeth with praise yea euery verse of some Psalmes beginneth with an exhortation hereunto and euery verse of other Psalmes end with a thankfull acknowledgement of Gods mercie Diuers verses in many Psalmes both beginne and end with praising God There is nothing which that booke of Psalmes more tumbleth vp and downe repeating it very often againe and againe then this clause Praise yee the Lord yea his Psalmes of humiliation which hee beginneth with sobs and teares hee endeth with praise A worthy patterne to follow the more frequent we are in thanksgiuing the more doe we resemble the triumphant Church in heauen which cease not day nor night saying Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almightie In the booke of Reuelation it is oft noted that the heauenly Spirits so soone as any occasion was offered presently fell on their faces and gaue glory to God They doe after an holy manner rebound vp and downe this word Hallelu-Iah one from another Thus doe they alwayes giue thankes It well beseemeth them how can it then but well beseeme vs wee must endeauor to be like them onely heere lieth a difference betwixt them and vs that all teares are wiped away from their eyes so as they haue not such matter of supplication as we haue we must mixe petition and thanksgiuing together so giue thankes alwayes as wee make supplication alwayes for to both these parts of prayer is this extent to be applied one must not exclude another neither must either of them exclude any other duetie THE FOVRTH PART The Ground of Prayer §. 126. Of the meaning of this phrase in the Spirit THe third general branch concerning praier is the ground from whence it ariseth and that is the Spirit Pray in the Spirit saith the Apostle Some heere vnderstand the spirit of man which is the soule and heart of a man and so is this phrase vsed where the Apostle saith I will pray with the Spirit or in the Spirit Others vnderstand the Spirit of God which is the holy Ghost and so is this phrase vsed f where the Apostle Iude saith Pray in the holy Ghost and where Saint Paul saith The Spirit maketh request for vs. I take it that they which exclude either of these come short of the Apostles meaning for I doubt not but he heere intendeth both the Spirit of God and also the spirit of man sure I am that both may stand together yea that both do alwaies concurre together and cannot be seuered for without the holy Spirit of God man cannot pray in his spirit and heart and whensoeuer the Spirit of God helpeth vs to pray hee stirreth vp our spirits and hearts to pray The spirit of man is that especiall place where the Spirit of God hath his residencie This clause then affordeth vnto vs these two instructions 1 True prayer is a worke of the holy Spirit of God and commeth from his motion 2 Prayer framed by the Spirit of God floweth out of the very spirit and heart of a man §. 127. Of the worke of the Spirit in prayer FOr the first note what the Prophet saith in Gods name to Ierusalem I will powre vpon them the spirit of supplications He calleth the gifts of prayer the spirit of supplications because it is Gods Spirit which worketh in vs this gift and inableth vs to call vpon God in a like respect Saint Paul vseth this phrase The Spirit of faith More plainely is this point proued by that phrase which Saint Iude vseth Praying in the holy Ghost but most euidently by Saint Paul who layeth it downe first affirmatiuely saying The Spirit helpeth our infirmities and maketh intercession for vs then negatiuely saying Wee know not what to pray c. What may the Apostle meane by this phrase The Spirit it selfe maketh intercession Doth the holy Ghost truely and properly pray for vs as Christ our High Priest and Mediator or as one of vs for another Noe verily for then should the holy Ghost bee our Mediator which was one of Arrius his heresies an office which is neuer attributed to him but appropriated to Christ For there is one God and one Mediator betwixt God and man the man Christ Iesus Besides then also should God make request to God for the holy Ghost is God but not man also as Christ was The meaning then of the Apostle must needs bee this that the Spirit of God stirreth vs vp to pray quickning and putting life into our dead and dull spirits yea inwardly as it were suggesteth vnto vs and infuseth into vs such desires such sighes grones yea and such words as are acceptable to God which for the truth and sincer●●●e of them for the vehemencie and ardencie of them for the power and efficacie of them are vnutterable they pierce thorow the very heauens and enter vnto the glorious Throne of Gods grace and there make a loud crie in the eares of the Almightie Therefore in the next verse the Apostle addeth he that searcheth the hearts that is God the searcher of all hearts knoweth what is the minde of the Spirit that is what desires what sighes and groanes what prayers proceed from the work of his Spirit being stirred vp thereby in our spirits for Gods Spirit informeth and instructeth our spirits to make prayers to God according to the will of God which otherwise were most impossible for vs to doe we neither could tell what to aske nor how to aske Thus plainely and clearely we see that true prayer commeth from the motion and worke of Gods Spirit which may yet further be confirmed by comparing Gal. 4. 6. with Rom. 8. 15. in that it is said the Spirit in our hearts crieth Abba Father in this by the Spirit we crie Abba Father The reasons why thus the Spirit prayeth yea why it is needfull that the Spirit should pray and so we pray in the Spirit are these 1 In regard of our naturall estate we haue no abilitie at all to pray a dead man can as wel craue help of another man as a naturall man in faith craue succour of God Wee are not sufficient of our selues to thinke any thing as of our selues Can we then be sufficient of our selues to pray aright 2 In our regenerate estate wee are no longer able to doe any good thing then the Spirit helpeth and assisteth vs. Though once we be inabled by the Spirit to pray aright vet if the Spirit leaue vs and continue not in vs his powerfull worke all our abilitie is gone as a wheele which is turned about with an hand if the hand be taken away the wheele will soone stand still it is needfull that vnto the first grace following grace be added for man after he is regenerate still needeth the present effectuall continual worke of Gods holy Spirit It is therefore said He that hath begunne a good worke in you will
for their vnworthy walking therin make themselues accessary to this great and grieuous sinne of blasphemie and accordingly shall bee iudged with the iudgement of blasphemers §. 8. Of Gods mercy in forgiuing blasphemy THough blasphemy bee so heinous a sinne as hath beene declared yet Christ here expresly saith that Blasphemy shall be forgiuen so as from hence we may gather that Blasphemers are not vtterly excluded from all hope of pardon Instance Saint Paul who thus saith of himselfe I was a blasphemer but I obtained mercy Thus the Lord sheweth that the saluation of man is as deare and tender vnto him as his owne name the piercing and striking thorow of his own name doth not prouoke him to cast the blasphemer into hel but his pitty rather moueth him to offer pardon that so the blasphemer beholding Gods goodnesse striuing with his wretchednesse may be ashamed of the foulenesse of sinne and brought to repentance for it Haue we not iust cause in this respect to wonder and say O the depth of the riches of the mercy of God! Hearken to this ô ye blasphemers of the name of God though the great flying Booke of Gods curse be gone forth against you yet may it be called in againe Note for this purpose what Saint Paul saith of Gods mercy to him who had beene in former times a blasphemer For this cause I obtained mercy that in me first Iesus Christ might shew forth all long suffering for a patterne to them which should hereafter beleeue in him to life euerlasting Cease therefore to blaspheme any more Lay hold of this Gospell this glad tidings of reconciliation and be moued thereby to seeke how you may best honour his name whom in former times you haue blasphemed And let all of vs herein shew our selues children of our Heauenly Father in bearing with such as haue sought our disgrace This is an hard lesson to learne for man accounts his name more deare the his life and had rather his head or heart should be stricken thorow then his name and honour Hence is it that the least reproach and disgrace causeth the greatest reuenge that can be thought of But this humour ariseth from corrupt nature Christ commandeth to blesse them that curse vs which precept the Apostles put in practise for of himselfe and of others saith Saint Paul Being defamed we intreat §. 9. Of the principall Obiect of Gods mercy Man AS the riches of Gods mercy is in generall commended by forgiuing all manner of sinne euen blasphemie so in particular it is commended vnto Man by making him the peculiar obiect of this mercy of God for to man doth Christ in speciall appropriate it saying All manner of sinne shall be forgiuen vnto MEN as Saint Matthew records it To the SONS OF MEN as Saint Marke sets it downe From whence we may gather that MAN is the most principall obiect of Gods mercy This instance of forgiuing sinne goeth beyond all other that can be giuen to commend the mercy of God especially if we consider what was done to effect this To discharge man of that debt whereunto hee stood bound through sinne vnto the iustice of God the Sonne of God must come downe from Heauen and become a son of man and in mans roome and steed he made sinne offering himselfe vp a sacrifice to satisfie Gods iustice for mans sinne And that man might be made partaker of that which Christ did in this kind Sonnes of men must be vnited to the Sonnne of God by the Spirit of God that as by the former vnion God and man became one person so by this latter vnion the sonnes of men and the Son of God might make one body which is Christ No creature but Man doth partake of Gods mercy in this kinde vnsensible and vnreasonable creatures are not subiect to sin nor yet to the eternall punishment of sinne because they haue no immortall soules The good Angels neuer sinned and in that respect had no need to taste of this kind of mercy whereupon when an Angell brought the newes of Christs birth he saith in the second person To you is borne a Sauiour but when the Prophet a sonne of man foretold thereof he saith in the first person To vs a child is borne To vs a Sonne is giuen The euill Angels that had as much need thereof as sonnes of men are reserued in euerlasting chaines vnder darkenesse vnto the iudgement of the great day This mercy is not vouchsafed vnto them in regard whereof it is said that Christ tooke not on him the nature of Angels but he tooke on him the seede of Abraham In this respect we may with an holy admiration cry out and say What is man that thou art mindfull of him and the sonne of man that thou visitest him The reason why God should thus respect man aboue all other creatures cannot be fetched out of man Man hath his being from god as well as other creatures in his nature there is no such excellency as for it he should be preferred before all others for he was made of the dust and in his substance much inferiour to the Angels neither can there be any merit or desert in his actions for in his best estate hee could doe no more then what of duty hee was bound vnto But when God afforded him this great mercy whereof we now speake he was dead in sin a slaue of Satan an enemy of God It was therefore Gods good pleasure that made him thus to make choice of man to make him the most principall obiect of his mercy and in this respect the Apostle vseth a word which signifieth a proper and peculiar loue to man How doth this checke the sonnes of men for their vngratefulnesse against God whereas this proper and peculiar loue of God to man should prouoke him to exceede all other creatures in setting forth the honour and glory of God who hath so respected him Man for the most part dishonoureth God more then all other creatures except the infernall spirits who wholy and onely set themselues to dishonour and blaspheme the name of that great God who reserueth them in euerlasting chaines For if wee looke into the highest Heauens there we shall see the heauenly Spirits stand before the Throne of God ready to receiue and execute any charge that he shall giue them yea there we shall heare them singing continually praise vnto the Lord and reioycing when God is any way glorified in Heauen or in earth Doe any of the sonnes of men so farre exceede the Angels in glorifying God as Gods mercy hath more abounded to vs then to them What we shall doe in Heauen I know not but how farre short the best of vs on earth doe come of them none can be ignorant Descend we therefore a little lower into the next heauens where wee may behold the Sunne Moone Starres and whole hoast of those
in it but to fight to this purpose many like metaphors are vsed Christians themselues are called Souldiers their course of life a fight they which oppose against them enemies the temptations wherwith they are annoyed assaults in a word this is a difference betwixt the Church in Heauen and in earth that this is militant that triumphant Thus hath God in wisedome disposed our estate on earth for weightie reasons 1. The more to manifest his pittie power prouidence and truth in keeping promise the straits whereunto in this world we are brought the promises which God hath made to deliuer vs and the many deliuerances which we haue shew that God pittieth vs in our distresses that he is prouident and carefull for our good and wise in disposing euill to good that hee is able to deliuer vs and faithfull in doing it For this cause did God suffer the Israelites to goe into Egypt to be there kept in hard bondage to be brought into many dangers and set vpon by many enemies 2. To make proofe of the gifts hee bestoweth on his children A souldiers valour is not knowne but in warre in time of peace what difference is seene betwixt a valourous man and timerous coward by that sore combate wherunto Iob was brought were the graces which God had bestowed on him euidently made knowne 3. To weine them the better from this world for so long as all things are quiet in the world without troubles oppositions and assaults we are exceedingly prone to delight in it and to say It is good to bee heere Much prosperity maketh many to be like that foole that bid his soule liue at ease c. 4. To make Heauen the more longed for while wee are on earth and the more acceptable when we come to possesse it How earnestly doth the souldier in tedious and dangerous combates desire victorie How welcome is triumph after warre As a safe hauen to Marriners tossed vp and downe in troublesome seas is most welcome so Heauen to Christians whose life in this world is a warfare a sea-fare Vse 1 Is our Christian estate a souldier-like estate a warfare accordingly let vs carry our selues a little sleepe a little food is enough for a souldier hee lyeth not on beds of downe he pampereth not his body with delicate cheare but he watcheth much hee fareth hard and lyeth hard Thus Christians may not suffer themselues to be ouertaken with the vaine delights and pleasures of this world Note what the Apostle saith of a Christian souldier No man that warreth intangleth himselfe with the affaires of this life that hee may please him who hath chosen him to be a souldier Who hauing this armour thinke to take their ease follow their pleasures embrace the world they peruert the maine end of it for it is giuen to stand and to resist which if they doe not vnworthy they are of armour and shall be cashired Ease and rest is not heere to be looked for but rather temptations and assaults which wee must watch against and when one conflict is past looke for another and resist all as they come of all things wee must take heed of security and prouide that at any time wee be not vnfurnished reade the historie of the people of Laish and make a spirituall application thereof Thus much for the Metaphor §. 3. The vse of spirituall graces COnsider we now what is meant thereby It is euident by the Apostles exemplification hereof that such spirituall sanctifying graces as God indueth his Saints withall are the armour heere meant In that these are compared to armour obserue that The graces of Gods Spirit are for safegard and defence This is the maine and principall end of armour as the Apostle himselfe in this and in the 13. verse plainely sheweth for in both places expresly hee saith that wee must put on and take to vs the whole armour of God for this very end to stand against and to resist our enemies Thus is righteousnesse as a brest-plate hope as an helmet faith as a shield al for defence as we shal after more distinctly shew in the meane while let this general obseruation be noted both of such as yet haue none of those graces and also of such as haue them or at least thinke they haue them Vse 1 For the first sort with what care and diligence are they to desire and seeke after them being so needfull and necessary what rest can they giue vnto their soules till they haue obtained them would we not count him a madde man or at least weary of his life who should rush naked without any armor into the field among his deadly enemies what then may we iudge of those that liue in this world among the mortall enemies of their soules vtterly destitute of all sauing graces how many thousands thus liue as it were weary of their soules and iudge themselues vnworthy of eternall life Vse 2 For the other sort which haue these grace they are to vse them for their defence as armour is vsed and not for ostentation Armour is not giuen to iet vp and downe in it and be proud of it as many are of apparell Let those who haue no better gifts then such as are called parts of nature as wit strength bewtie and the like boast in them if they list these are like light sleight gay stuffes which make children and fooles bragge Gods graces are of a more sound and solide substance and therefore to be vsed accordingly and not made a matter of shew ostentation Let this be noted of such as are ouer conceited and so proud of their knowledge faith patience other graces §. 4. Christians armour spirituall THus hauing handled the Metaphor and the meaning thereof come wee to the amplification The first point whereof is the kinde of armour heere set forth It is called armour of God and that in foure especiall respects 1. It is made of God euen in heauen 2. It is prescribed of God euen in his Word 3. It is giuen of God euen by his Spirit 4. It is agreeable to God euen to his will All these doe shew that The armour wherewith Christians are fenced is diuine and spirituall In this respect saith the Apostle The weapons of our warfare are not carnall by denying one contrarie he affirmeth the other not carnall that is spirituall The seuerall peeces after mentioned do euidently proue this point Our enemies are spirituall and their assaults spirituall must not then our armour needs be spirituall What other armour can stand vs in stead against such enemies such assaults as good haue a sheete of paper on our naked brests to keepe off a musket shot as vse any other armour then spirituall against the spirituall assaults of spirituall enemies Vse 1 Hereby is discouered the egregious folly of many in fencing themselues against spirituall
his head-peece Or if hee haue a brest-plate and want a girdle to knit it close or tassets and cushes to couer his belly Thus if faith or hope or righteousnesse or veritie or any other part of the Christian armour bee wanting the Diuell can thereby take his aduantage to destroy the soule so as not onely duetie to God but safety of our selues may moue vs to put on the whole armour 3. True triall of the truth of those graces which wee seeme to haue is made by the concurrence meeting of al together Single graces that is graces which stād alone are counterfeit graces Faith without righteousnes is presumption righteousnes without truth is hypocrisie so in the rest Al come from the same fountaine he that hath not all hath none at all How needful is it that we follow the counsel of Saint Peter Vse 1 which is to giue all diligence to ioyne one grace vnto another to knowledge faith to faith hope to hope righteousnesse to righteousnesse truth to truth patience and so in the rest Thus will it not repent the Lord to haue prouided whole armor for vs when we shall vse all Thus shall we giue no aduantage to our spirituall enemies thus shall we haue euident proofe of the Spirits abode in vs and be assured that indeed we are borne anew §. 8. Mans endeauour to be added to Gods assistance THe two generall parts of the Apostles direction haue hitherto beene distinctly handled now let vs consider them ioyntly together The first part is that wee bee strong in the Lord. The second that wee vse those meanes which God hath appointed for our safetie Whence obserue that Gods assistance and mans endeauour concurre together Doct. 7. they may not be seuered Without Gods mighty power man can doe nothing vnlesse man put on the whole armour of God God will doe nothing This the Church knew right well and therefore both prayeth vnto God to bee enabled by him draw me and also promiseth to doe her vttermost endeauour and follow his direction wee will runne after thee The like we reade of Dauid but most clearely is this point laid downe by Christ who hauing said No man can come to mee except the Father draw him wherby he sheweth that God must enable man to come to him addeth Euery man that hath learned of the Father commeth to mee whereby he sheweth that man enabled of God addeth his owne endeauour Why Gods powerfull worke is necessary hath beene shewed before on vers 10. namely because of our owne vtter inabilitie to doe any thing of our selues Before God quickeneth vs we are dead in sinnes no more able to doe any spirituall function then a dead corpse to doe any naturall function yea after we are quickned we are still supported by Gods grace which worketh in vs yet being quickned wee must do our endeauour because of that order which the Lord hath in wisdome appointed to bring vs to glory For this end doth God worke in vs both to will and to doe that we should worke out our owne saluation Phil. 2. 12. 13. God worketh not vpon vs as vpon stockes or stones but giueth to vs life and abilitie as when hee raised the Widdowes sonne the Rulers daughter and Lazarus he put life into them and inabled them to mooue rise vp walke eate and doe other functions of the liuing Vse 1 By this is discouered the error of proud presumptuous Papists on the one side and of secure carelesse Libertines on the other The Papists to establish their owne power and strength hold and teach that after the first motion and stirting of the heart which they acknowledge to bee of God only a man absolutely by his free will may doe well if hee will But Christ saith of the branches which were in the vine whose hearts were stirred vp Without me yee can doe nothing The care which the Apostle hath to direct them vnto the fountaine of strength the Lord euen then when especially hee vrgeth them to arme themselues argueth that without continuall strength supplied vnto them from the Lord they are not able to stand of themselues against the assaults of their enemies Libertines fall into another extreame they to pamper their flesh and pursue their carnall delights so referre all to the worke and power of God that they are altogether carelesse in vsing any meanes themselues vpon conceit that God is able of himselfe to saue them and that when God pleaseth he wil saue them do they in the meane time what they list But fondly they argue from Gods power who neglect the meanes which God hath appointed and reuealed wherein and wherby he wil manifest his power His reuealed will is the ground of our faith and obedience if we follow the direction of it then may we safely trust vnto the power of God otherwise in attributing all to the grace of God we abuse it and turne it into want onnesse Were it not necessary for vs to doe what God enableth vs to do as wel as trust to the power of Gods might the Apostle needed not haue been thus careful in stirring vs vp to arme our selues Vse 2 As wee presume not in trusting to our owne strength left we prouoke God to resist vs so neither tempt we God in neglect of the meanes which he hath appointed lest we cause God to forsake vs but as wee looke for helpe and strength from God so must we be carefull in well vsing all those meanes which God hath ordained for our helpe and safety To this purpose tend all the exhortations in the Scripture whereby any duety is required at our hands Note the complaint of our Lord against Ierusalem How often would I haue gathered thy children together and yee would not Be we not like to them lest wee be reiected as they were Know we this for certaine that God wil not with cart-ropes by force and violence against our wills draw vs to Heauen To this end doth God take out of vs that stonie and inflexible heart which is in vs by nature and giueth vs an heart of flesh which is flexible that it being made pliable by Gods Spirit should apply it selfe to Gods worke as Dauid did Psal 119. 112. The truth is that many Christians are wonderfully wounded and foiled by the Enemie because of their owne idlenesse and securitie in that they are backward in putting forth themselues and negligent in endeuouring to do what God inableth them to doe Loe here is compleate armour of God prouided for our defence and safetie be we careful in putting it on and well vsing it Thus much for the meanes to be vsed §. 8. The end and benefit of Christian armour THe end why this meanes is to bee vsed followeth in these words That yee may be able to stand c. In setting downe this end hee declareth the benefit of the fore named
one and the other The third is worldly Gouernors This I take to be added as an exposition of the first or rather as a limitation thereof shewing ouer whom the Diuels are gouernours not ouer the chosen and called of God but ouer the world For Christ maketh a direct opposition betwixt these therefore the Apostle vseth a compound word which expresseth not onely their gouernement but also their subiects But the elect also are counted to be of the world while heere they liue because in the world they were bred brought forth brought vp and ended their dayes They are in the world but not of the world after that they are effectually called therefore for more perspi●uitie sake the Apostle addeth this clause of the darkenesse of this world whereby particularly he sheweth whom the Diuels gouerne in this world namely such as are darknesse here againe for emphasis sake he rather vseth this word darknesse then darke and hee vnderstandeth the darknesse of ignorance and wickednesse so that in plaine termes they are the ignorant and wicked men of the world ouer whom the Diuels reigne The fourth is spirituall wickednesse This declareth their nature that they are spirits and their condition that they are euill and malicious The phrase which the Apostle vseth is somewhat strange word for word it is this Spirituals of wickednesse or spirits of wickednesse that is most monstrous wicked spirits Lastly is added a phrase somewhat ambiguous because that whereunto it hath reference is not expressed it is this word for word in heauenlies Heere some to make vp the sence adde places whereby is implied that these euill spirits are ouer vs in the ayre for there are three places in Scripture termed Heauen First the ayre where fowles are Secondly the firmament where the ●tarres are Thirdly that place of glory which is called Gods Throne where Christ in his body and the soules of the iust and perfect men departed are This is called the third Heauen the highest Heauen Now if the place of spirits be heere meant by heauenly places must needs be meant the ayre which is the lowest heauen for out of the highest heauen they are excluded Other adde things whereby is implied the cause of this combate which is not any light fading earthly trash but heauenly and spirituall treasure Of the difference of these expositions I shall speake more fully when I come more distinctly to handle this clause Of these foure fore-named branches two namely the first and the third doe in the generall scope set foorth one and the same point namely the dominion of the Diuels the fourth containeth three distinct points First the nature of Diuels Secondly their qualitie Thirdly the place or cause of the combate Our enemies then are in this affirmatiue part described by fiue arguments 1. Their gouernment 2 Their power 3. Their nature 4. Their qualitie 5. Their place of abode or cause of fight §. 13. Of Satans dominion FOr the first this word principallit●es being meant of Diuels sheweth that Our spirituall enemies haue a dominion a rule a gouernment For this title principallities is giuen to men that are in authoritie and in this very respect because they haue rule and gouernment As for the Diuels they are expresly called gouernours in this verse and in other places the Diuell is called a prince a god Quest. How came the Diuels to haue a regiment is their gouernment from God ordained of him Answ I may to this question in some sort apply the answere which Christ gaue to Pilat they could haue no power at all except it were giuen them from aboue So that their dominion is by Gods permission who in iust iudgement for punishment of the wicked hath giuen libertie to the Diuel to exercise iurisdiction ouer them For as God gaue the rebellious Israelites into the power of cruell tyrants and vsurpers so hee giueth the world into the power of the Diuell Yet haue they no true right and title to their gouernment as if it were properly deputed vnto them of God as the gouernment of lawfull Kings and Magistrates on earth is For as the Kings of forraine Nations which inuaded Israel and for a while ruled ouer them were but oppressors and vsurpers though God in iustice made them a rod to punish the people and therefore when Israel repented the Lord deliuered them and cast the rodde into the fire so the Diuels Other reasons therefore there bee of the Diuels dominion and that partly in regard of themselues and partly in regard of their vassals For themselues they haue vsurped dominion they haue by tyrannie taken principallitie vnto themselues euen as one of their chiefest instruments on earth haue done I meane that man of sinne Who exalteth himselfe aboue all that is called god or worshipped shewing himselfe that he is God euen that Whore of Babylon who glorified her selfe Thus haue these Principallities heere spoken of exalted and glorified themselues In regard of this ambitious tyrannicall vsurpation the Diuell hauing shewed Christ all the Kingdomes of the world and the glory of them said This is deliuered to me and to whomsoeuer I will I giue it For the Diuels vassals which are all the wicked of the world they slauishly and willingly yeeld themselues to his gouernment and tyrannie making themselues subiect to these principallities whereby the rather these Diuels haue taken dominion ouer them as the men of Shechem subiecting themselues to Abimelech hee became their King as the hearts of Israel turned after Absolom and he became their King and after that to Ieroboam and hee became their King and to many others who became their Kings in which respect God said They haue set vp a King but not by me they haue made Princes and I knew it not That the wicked doe willingly and slauishly subiect themselues to the Diuell is without question for it is written The whole world worshipped the Dragon which is the Diuell Vse 1 Take heede how we giue any place to the Diuell or yeeld vnto him any whit at all Where hee getteth any entrance there will he set his throne as Nebuchadnezzar did he is exceeding ambitious and tyrannicall hee will be a King or no body if he get an inch hee will take an ell if any make themselues in any thing subiect vnto him he will soone take a principallitie ouer them Now cōsider in how woful an estate they liue who haue earthly I yrants to rule ouer them withall consider how far the Diuell exceedeth all the Tyrants of this world in malice and mischiefe and from thence gather in what misery they lie who are vnder the principallity of Satan Vse 2 How besotted are they who thinke that the Diuell is their seruant at their command which is the conceit of
restraint namely that he should not come so high as the Saints head to crush it he should onely snarle at his heele and bite it that is he should not bee able vtterly to destroy their soules but onely annoy them with smaller temptations But more cleerely is this laid downe by many particular instances Satans power in the Sorcerers of Egypt was restrained the euill spirit could not enter into Saul till God permitted him for it is said God sent him The like is noted of the lying spirit that seduced Ahab Satan stood at Iehoshuahs right hand to resist him but the Lord reproued him He desired to wi●ow Peter and the other Apostles so as without leaue he could not doe it and yet he preuailed not as he desired Many other particular instances might be alledged but the most famous of all is that which is noted in the history of Iob where hee could doe nothing against Iob till hee had leaue and when he had leaue he could doe no more then was permitted Lastly as an argument from the lesse to the greater and so a more forceable argument note how hee could not enter into swine without permission much lesse can be doe any thing against man without leaue Are not men much better then swine Obiect But now Satan is loosed and hath libertie to doe what he can Answ That is spoken comparatiuely in regard of former restraint as when a dogge hath sometime beene tied very close and afterwards his chaine is let out further he may be said to be loosed The Lord thus limiteth his power both in regard of himselfe and also in regard of man who is made after Gods Image For himselfe 1. That hee might manifest a difference betwixt his owne power which is infinite without limits and bounds and the power of his enemies who oppose themselues against him Therefore is his power called a power of might as if no other power were mightie but his 2. That hee might shew himselfe to bee an absolute Lord and Commander ouer all creatures not only those who voluntarily subiect themselues to him but also those who obstinately oppose against him For man left the Diuell should soone deuour all mankinde for that hee seeketh If hee were not restrained no creature could resist him and stand before him As the Sea if it had not bounds would soone ouerwhelme the whole world so would the Diuell soone turne all topsie turuie quickely destroy all liuing creatures and bring all to the very depth of hell where himselfe is Therefore though the Lord for iust reasons hath giuen him a very great and mightie power yet in wisdome and goodnesse hath hee also restrained his power and set bounds vnto it Thus wee haue heard of the extent and of the restraint of the Diuels power both which are well to bee noted The one that we should not make too light account of him The other that wee should not dread him too much Is the Diuell a Prince of such power Bee neither arrogant nor secure but know that all the meanes which wee can vse are little enough to keepe vs safe from him Yea let vs seeke for greater power and strength then is in our selues remembring the exhortation in the tenth verse and the direction in the eluenth Yet because hee is neyther able to doe what hee will nor hath libertie alwayes to doe what hee is able but hath his power restained and limitted by God bee not faint-hearted nor despaire Though hee may s●rely assaile vs yet assuredly shall he neuer preuaile against vs remember Iobs conflict and the end thereof As we cast one eye on the extent of the Diuels power to keepe vs from securitie so cast another on the restraint thereof to keepe vs from despaire §. 23. Of the place where Satan ruleth THe next point sheweth yet a further restraint of the Diuells power For it declareth the parties ouer whom especially he exerciseth his power who are first implied vnder this compound word worldly gouernours and then more expressely handled in the next ensuing words From the generall I collect that The gouernment of Diuels is onely in this world and ouer the men thereof It can no further extend then to the compasse of this inferiour world vnder heauen neither can it longer last then the time of this world Thus the diuels dominion is restrained to the ayre and expresly is he termed the god of this world At the end of this world shall Christ put downe his authoritie and power It hath pleased the Lord to appoint this world and the continuance thereof the place and time of probation wherein he will make triall who are fit for his Kingdom who vnworthy of it● and for the more thorough triall of good and bad to giue Satan dominion and power in this world Vse This is a good ground of incouragement vnto vs to mooue vs patiently and constantly to endure all those brunts whereunto thorough the malice and power of the Diuell wee shall be brought in this world without the circuit of this world they cannot reach when wee passe from it then passe wee out of their iurisdiction to the place where with Christ our head wee shall triumph ouer these principallities For in Heauen where Christ in his bodie is contained where are the spirits of iust and perfect men and the glorious company of good Angels the diuels haue nothing to doe they are thence cast out As Christ who in this world was sorely assaulted by Satan when hee ascended vp on high led captiuitiecaptiue and triumphed ouer them so If we suffer we shall also reigne with him Death whereby a passage is made from this war-faring world to that world of triumph is the last enemie the pangs thereof the last assaults so as this being well thought of cannot but moue vs with patience to resist vnto blood and death §. 24. Of the parties ouer whom Satan ruleth YEt more distinctly are the parties ouer whom Satan ruleth expressed in these words Darkenesse of this world whereby are meant such ignorant and wicked men as haue no light of spirituall vnderstanding no life of grace in them and therefore deseruedly called darkenesse The Di●els rule and dominion is properly and principally ouer ignorant and euill men euen such as are described Chap. 4. vers 18. 19. and before that called children of disobedience or of vnbeleefe for the originall word will beare both For ignorant men the Diuell is said to be the god of them that are blinded For wicked they which commit sinne are said to be of the Diuell These resist him not but yeeld vnto him for ignorant persons know not his power malice subtiltie sedulitie mischieuous enterprises with the like no maruell therefore that they suffer themselues to be guided and gouerned by Satan
they haue very great aduantage against vs by reason of the place where they are For the Diuels being in the Aire 1 They are aboue vs ouer our heads euery where round about vs and so still ready to annoy vs this among men is counted a very great aduantage a few men on a hill or on high walles and Towers are able to doe much mischiefe to a great Army in a low valley beneath them 2 They can espy all things that we doe so that in this respect wee are to bee the more circumspect ouer our selues and vigilant against them They which haue enuious malicious enemies which ouerlooke them and so can see whatsoeuer they doe will be carefull that they doe nothing whereby those espiers may take aduantage to accuse them or to worke any mischiefe against them 3 They are in their owne Kingdome for the Diuell is a Prince that ruleth in the Aire Now amongst men they which are in their owne Dominion where they haue all at command where they may haue still new supply haue a great aduantage And they which warre in their enemies Dominions had need bee backed with a farre greater power then their enemies haue but wee of our selues are far weaker and lesse in power then our spirituall enemies and we fight with them in the aire which is their Kingdome where they haue all at command haue they not then in this respect a great aduantage haue not we need to be backed with a far greater power These and such like obseruations may be drawne from this circumstance of the place which I haue the rather noted because most doe so interpret this clause §. 31 Of the cause of Satans quarrell BVt yet freely and ingenuously to make known my owne iudgement with submission to better iudgements I rather thinke that the Apostle here meaneth the cause or prize of this combate for which it is maintained as if it were thus translated In heauenly things My reasons are these 1 In the originall places are not exprest but indefinitely the Apostle saith In heauenlies Now when an adiectiue is so set alone most vsually the substantiue vnderstood is thing or things 2 In other places being thus indefinitely set downe it is taken for heauenly things and so translated as Heb. 8. 5. They serue vnto the example and shadow of heauenly things 3 This word being oft vsed in the new Testament at least twenty seuerall times is neuer vsed in any mans opinion this place onely excepted of any aeriall place or thing but of those things which are truely heauenly and spirituall the word it selfe according to the proper notation thereof signifieth the vpper heauenlies so as most improperly it is taken for the lowest Heauens the aire 4 It is not a matter of so great weight and moment for spirits to bee in high places ouer vs for they can as much annoy vs being beside vs within vs beneath vs as aboue vs high places may be an helpe to men who are clogged with flesh and blood to spirits they can be small aduantages 5 The words being expounded of heauenly things this last clause addeth as great weight to the discription of our enemies as any of the former as wee shall see when we handle the Doctrine 6 Both ancient and later Diuines and those of good learning and iudgement haue thus expounded this clause so as it is no new or priuate conceite of mine Obiection This very word is oft indefinitely vsed as here and yet it signifieth Places as Chap. 1. Vers 3. 20. 2. 6. c. Answere Though it signifie heauenly places yet not such as are in the lowest heauen the aire but the highest which is not the place of Diuels thither because the Diuell cannot come I expound it Heauenly things Obiect 2. The phrase will not beare this exposition for the preposition in is neuer put for the cause Answ One of the Greeke Fathers who was very skilfull in the propriety of that tongue so expoundeth it Besides this particle is so vsed in other places of the new Testament twice in one verse namely Mat. 10. 32. Whosoeuer shall confesse me I will confesse him c word for word in me in him Here the preposition in signifieth the cause as if he had said he that shall make confession before men for my sake I will make confession before my Father for his sake So againe Mat. 11. 6. Blessed is he whosoeuer shall not be offended in me that is for my sake and Mat. 26. 31. All ye shall be offended in me The Kings Translators turne it because of me So in this my Text this last clause hauing reference to the principall verbe may be thus translated Wee wrestle because of heauenly things The Doctrine then which hence I gather is this The maine things for which the Diuels fight against vs are heauenly matters Before I proceede further to proue or apply this point I will a little more fully explaine it 1 By heauenly matters I meane such as principally respect Gods glory for God being himselfe Heauenly whatsoeuer tendeth to his Honour is in that respect Heauenly and then such as respect our soules saluation for as the things which concerne the temporall good of our body are earthly so the things which concerne the eternall good of our soules are Heauenly for to Heauen they aspire and in Heauen shall they enioy their happinesse 2 Where I say the Diuels fight for heauenly matters matters my meaning is not that they desire to get them but that they endeauour to spoile vs of them so that in this combate the prize propounded to vs is heauenly namely whether we will serue our Heauenly Father or the hellish feene whether we will let goe or fast hold that heauenly treasure which Christ hath purchased for vs all those heauenly things whereby God is honoured and our soules are saued For proofe that they be heauenly things which Satan especially aimes at obserue those seuerall temptations recorded in the Scripture I will giue a taste of some What aimed he at in tempting Adam and Eue was it not to deface Gods Image in them and to strip them of that happinesse wherein God had created them The issue sheweth as much What sought hee in tempting Christ was it not to make him doubt whether he were the Sonne of God or no yea and vtterly renounce God and worship the Diuell Was it not Peters faith that he sought to winow Doth he not blind mens eyes that the light of the glorious Gospell of Christ which is the Image of God should not shine vnto them As for earthly things he maketh not much account of them hee can be well content to let men enioy them he casts them to men as baits wee reade how hee offered to Christ all the kingdomes of the world and the glory of them if Christ would haue worshipped him Obiect
He depriued Iob of his temporall estate Answ It was an higher matter which Satan aimed at namely to bring him to denie God and blaspheme him to his face as may bee gathered by Satans answere to God He would make all like to himselfe Thorow his pride hee is fallen from Heauen and vtterly spoiled and depriued of all heauenly goodnesse and happinesse wherefore he seekes also to depriue man of the like Behold here the malice of the Diuell it is no good that hee seeketh for himselfe by this fierce and long conflict which he maintaineth but our woe and misery Hee seeketh whom to deuoure Malice first moued him to assault man and malice still whets him on to continue his fight against mankinde Durst he euer haue ventred on Christ Iesus the Sonne of God but that malice wholly possessed him Not vnfitly therefore are many titles giuen vnto him in Scripture to set forth his malice as Satan which signifieth an aduersary Diuell an accuser Tempter Euill one Enemie Murtherer and Father of lies If the reasons of all these names which are not hard to gather be duly weighed they will shew that hee is euen made of malice Among other motiues to stirre vs vp to arme our selues well and constantly to stand and fight against the Diuell this is none of the least It is no small matter that we fight for but a matter of the greatest weight and consequence that can be Satan could say Iob 2. 4. All that a man hath will he giue for his life yet is life but a temporall and earthly matter If all for his life what for his soule and the saluation thereof which is an heauenly matter so as there is no comparison betwixt them What then shall it profit a man though hee should win the whole World if he lose his owne soule or what shall a man giue for recompence of his soule When wise Captaines see that a sore and fierce battaile is to bee fought which with the very rumor thereof may dishearten their souldiers they vse to hearten and encourage them by bringing to their mind and setting before them the prize or cause of their fight some will say Loe ye fight for whole Townes and Cities and Kingdomes others Yee fight not to get that which is other mens but to keepe that which is your owne yee fight for your Countrey your lands and inheritances your wiues and children others It is not honour and conquest they are not goods and lands that ye fight for but liberty and life stand to it therefore if the day be lost ye are either dead men or slaues Note how the Philistims encouraged one another Be strong and play the men O Philistims that ye be not seruants to the Hebrews Now all these are but earthly matters but I may say to the Lords souldiers It is the Lord of Heauen whose battels ye fight his honour is ingaged therein it is your soules saluation and heauenly happinesse which is in hazard your enemies seeke to spoile you of the precious graces of Gods sanctifying Spirit and to depriue you of that rich glorious inheritance which Christ by no lesse price then his owne blood hath purchased for you if ye yeeld to your enemies all these yee lose and become vassals vnto your mortall and malicious enemie the Diuell ye are euen fire-brands of Hell Be strong therefore and of a valiant courage feare not but fight and stand it out to the vttermost so shall ye be more then conquerers The things which especially we ought to looke vnto to be watchfull ouer and to labour to keepe safe are the forenamed heauenly things and that not onely in regard of the excellency and worth of them but also in regard of Satans maine opposition against them What hee in malice doth most assault wee in wisdome must most defend and set foote to foote against him if an enemy bring all his forces against the chiefest Tower of a City wise Citizens will thither bring their best munition and strongest defence if thus wee deale with Satan wee shall oppose godly wisedome to his wicked subtilty and so keepe our selues safe from all his assaults This is the wisdome which the Apostle here teacheth vs by those seuerall peeces of Armour which follow to be handled for they are all concerning heauenly things and tend to the saluation of the soule THE FOVRTH PART A repetition of the meanes Ephes 6. 13. For this cause take vnto you the whole Armour of God that ye may be able to withstand in the euill day and hauing done all to stand §. 1. Of repeating one and the same thing HEre the Apostle returneth againe to the second part of his former direction and repeateth in effect the very same things which he deliuered in the 11. verse namely how we may keepe our selues safe against the forenamed enemies We may not thinke that this his repetition is vaine and idle for he was guided by Gods holy Spirit who doth nothing in vaine Note what Ioseph saith of the iteration of one and the same thing to Pharaoh in two dreames The dreame was doubled the second time because the thing is established by God and God hasteth to performe it Many good reasons may bee giuen why here the Apostle thus repeateth his direction as to shew 1 That what before he had deliuered was vpon very good aduice deliuered not rashly so as he doubted whether he might stand to it or no but so as he dares auouch it againe and againe as being an infallible truth which he also knew to be a truth Like to that thundering denunciation of a curse against all that should preach another Gospell which he laieth downe twice together 2 That it was a needefull behoouefull and profitable truth a most soueraigne and necessary meanes to keepe vs safe necessary for vs in regard of our owne inabilitie to stand fast without it soueraigne in regard of the sufficiency of the meanes which can and will being rightly vsed keepe vs safe Marke the reason why it was not greeuous to the Apostle to write the same things euen because to them to whom he wrote it was safe 3 That naturally wee are backward and sluggish in vsing this armour therefore hee thought it not enough once to vrge the point but againe presseth it Thus Salomon oft repeateth diuers exhortations So Captaines when they see their souldiers loath to arme when there is great need they should arme will call vpon them again and againe to arme Ministers may here learne as iust occasion is giuen to call their people to the remembrance of weighty points especially such as they obserue their people most backeward vnto It is not sufficient once to haue deliuered such a point but againe and if neede be againe it is to be vrged The Apostle hauing propounded Christ a patterne of patience to the Hebrewes because
in and by whom wee are iustified and sanctifying Faith because by it God purifieth our hearts §. 14. Of the definition of iustifying Faith THis true sound vnfained iustifying sanctifying sauing Faith whereof wee now speake I say this Faith is a beliefe of the Gospel whereby Christ and all his benefits offered therein are receiued In this definition note the two vsuall parts of a definition 1. The common matter of it A beliefe of the Gospell 2. The particular forme or difference whereby Christ c. The former sheweth wherein true iustifying faith agreeth with other kinds of faith the latter wherein it differeth from them 1 It is a beleefe this it hath common with all kindes of faith where there is no beleefe no credence no assent giuen there is no faith at all 2 Of the Gospell though the whole word of God bee the generall obiect of iustifying Faith yet the Gospell is the speciall obiect thereof by it is the heart of a beleeuer especially moued and affected and this is it which iustifying faith hath common with that kinde of faith that commeth nearest vnto it and is hardly distinguished from it namely a temporary faith What the Gospell is wee haue shewed before The summe of it is plainely and fully laide downe by Christ himselfe in these words God so loued the World that hee gaue his onely begotten Sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life 3 Whereby Christ and all his benefits offered therein Christ Iesus is the subiect matter and very substance of the Gospel and so the proper and peculiar obiect of iustifying faith Christ I say not barely and nakedly considered in himselfe for then were he no Sauiour but accompanied with all those benefits which as our Mediator and Redeemer he wrought and purchased for vs. The Apostle setteth downe foure of those benefits Wisdome Righteousnesse Sanctification Redemption vnder which the other may bee comprised These are said to bee offered in the Gospell 1 Because of the necessary relation betwixt receiuing and offering for receiuing presupposeth an offering 2 To shew the ground of our receiuing which is Gods free offer 3 To shew that all they who receiue not Christ plainly reiect him and so are iustly condemned for reiecting him 4 Are receiued In the act of receiuing the nature of iustifying faith especially consisteth for thereby is Christ made a mans owne in this the best temporary faith that may be commeth short of iustifying faith for all that ioy which temporary beleeuers conceiue ariseth not from any true possession of Christ but onely from some apprehension of those great and excellent things which in the Gospell are promised Iustifying faith is as it it were the hand of the soule a spirituall instrument framed in our hearts by the Spirit of God whereby we lay hold on Christ and apply or take vnto our selues and receiue those things which God in the Gospel offereth vnto vs. This word of receiuing fitly answereth that metaphor of eating and drinking so oft vsed in the Scripture to set forth the nature of Faith Ye know that all the benefit we receiue by food cometh from our eating drinking it though there be set before a man great plenty of dainty and wholesom cheare yet if it be not eaten where is the benefit of it so in vaine is Christ with all his benefits offered if he be not receiued Fitly also doth it answer another excellent metaphor namely of marriage which is oft vsed in the holy Scripture to set forth that neere vnion which is betwixt Christ and the faithfull God maketh offer of his Sonne in marriage to mankinde Christ came downe from heauen to be a suter and to bee espoused Ministers his friends intreat vs in Christs steed to accept him when in our hearts we accept this offer and receiue this Sonne of God to be our husband then in truth and indeed wee beleeue and not before Thus haue I opened this definition of Faith in the seuerall parts thereof out of it two especiall points are to be noted 1 That euery faithfull soule euery true beleeuer giueth a full assent in his mind to the truth of the Gospel that God so loued the world that he gaue his onely begotten Sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life so as heere is excluded a wauering opinion for beliefe is a strong perswasion and also a presumptuous conceit for the Gospel is the Word of Truth which cannot deceiue 2 That with the assent of the mind there goeth a consent of the will soas what the beleeuer conceiueth in his vnderstanding to be true he embraceth in his will to be good and so in his heart ioyfully receiueth that fa●●r which God freely offereth vnto him namely Christ Ie Iesus and in with him all things needfull to saluation Thus by Gods offer of his Sonne in the Gospel and our receiuing of him by Faith we come to be espoused to Christ as a Bride to her Bridegroome to be in graffed into him as sciences into a stocke to be of one body with him he the head we the members and so he and we to make one Christ By the Faith here spoken of Christ dwelleth in our hearts he is ours and we are his This and nothing but this is it wherewith we shal be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked §. 15. Of the resemblance betwixt Faith and a Shield NOw further marke how fitly this Faith is compared to a Shield A Shield is a generall fence for the whole body especially for the principall parts the head and heart There are sundry kindes of shields bucklers and targets vsed in warre some round and small some square some like an halfe moone some after one fashion some after another and accordingly they haue diuers names The Greeke word which heere the Apostle vseth is taken from a doore or gate so as it signifieth a long broad large shield wherewith the whole body was couered The vse of it is both to auoide handy blowes strokes foines pushes and the like made with Sword Halberd Sp●are and such like weapons and also to keepe off Darts Arrowes Bullets Stones and such annoyances as were shot and flung afarre off so as it is a common defence against all sorts of weapons all kinds of assaults Of this vse is Faith able to defend the whole man from al sorts of temptations cast against him by any of his spirituall enemies the flesh world or diuell By Faith the beleeuer holdeth out Christ himselfe and the power and efficacy of his obedience and suffering against all spirituall assaults if this defend him not from all what can This will keepe vs safe from temptations taken from the corruption of our nature imperfection of our obedience
Satan and our owne lusts as for a time he gaue Dauid ouer §. 62. Of the assurance of Faith THe ground of the latter extreame is that they feele the flesh in them they are very weake and prone to fall away and many in all times haue fallen away Answer These that are thus tempted must know that the cause of our assurance is not in our selues but in Christ our head as we lay hold of him so he fast holdeth vs for there is a double bond whereby we are knit vnto Christ one on Christs part the other on ours That is the Spirit of Christ Hereby wee know that wee dwell in him and he in vs because he hath giuen vs of his Spirit This is our Faith for Christ dwelleth in our hearts by Faith Now though our Faith should let goe her hold yet Christs Spirit wōld not let go his hold This ground of assurance the Scripture expresly declareth for saith Christ I know my sheepe I giue vnto them eternallife and they shall neuer perish now marke the reason There shall not any plucke them out of my hand My Father which gaue them me is greater then all and none is able to take them out of my Fathers hand Wherefore the Diuell and all his adherents can doe no more to put out the light of Faith and plucke vs from Christ then all Creatures on Earth can to extinguish the light of the Sunne For why The Sun from whence this light commeth is farre aboue all they cannot come at it So Christ on whom our Faith is founded is farre aboue all our enemies Christ must be plucked out of Heauen if true Faith vtterly fall away 2 Let the fore-named weake ones consider that as the flesh is in them to make them weake so also the power of Christs Spirit is in them to make them strong Though the spirit suffer the flesh sometimes to preuaile it is not because the flesh is stronger then the spirit or the spirit weaker then the flesh but because the Spirit in wisdome will haue vs see our weakenesse see in what need we stand of the power of God flie to God depend vpon him and at length the Spirit will preuaile and get full conquest 3 As for the fals of other wee know not what they were in truth §. 63. Of the grounds of Scripture for perseuerance TO be freed from this last temptation they which are subiect thereunto must seriously ponder those scriptures which set forth the certainty and perseuerance of Faith which are such as these He that beleeueth hath euerlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death vnto life He that drinketh of the water that I shal giue him shall neuer thirst but the water that I shall giue him shal be in him a well of water springing vp into euerlasting life This is the victory that ouercommeth the World euen our Faith Hee that beleeueth on Christ shall not be confounded They that trust in the Lord shall be as Mount Zion which cannot be remoued but abideth for euer The grounds of this stability of Faith are in the Scripture noted to be these 1 The constancy of Gods loue mercy truth couenant calling gifts and the like which is set forth by these and such like promises as these be I haue loued thee with an euerlasting loue With euerlasting kindnesse will I haue mercy on thee My mercy shall not depart away from him The Lord hath sworne in truth hee will not turne from it I will make an euerlasting couenant with them The calling and gifts of God are without repentance 2 The perpetuall efficacy of Christs intercession manifested in one particular example which is to be applied to all his Elect for what he said to Peter I haue praied that they Faith faile not he performeth for all 3 The continuall assistance of the Holy Ghost in which respect it is said That hee shall abide with vs for euer and that hee which hath begunne a good worke will finish it If well we weigh and apply these and such like testimonies of Scripture though we worke out our saluation with feare and trembling yet shall we not be fearefull and doubtfull of the issue §. 64. Of preseruing and encreasing Faith AS a preseruatiue against those two poysonous potions and as a meanes to keepe vs in the right way from falling into any of the two extreames diligent care must bee vsed to preserue and encrease this precious gift of Faith for if Faith be kept aliue so as it may beare sway in vs it will keepe vs both from boasting and doubting Two especiall points there be which make to this purpose 1 A conscionable and constant vse of the meanes which God to this end hath appointed 2 Faithfull and hearty prayer for Gods blessing on those meanes The meanes are two First the ministery of Gods Word Secondly the administration of the Sacraments §. 65. Of vsing the word for increase of Faith VVEe haue heard before how Faith was bred by the word now the word is like to a kind natural mother which giueth sucke to the child which shee hath brought forth whereupon saith the Apostle As new borne babes desire the sincere milke of the word that yee may grow thereby He had said before That we were borne anew by the word of God Here hee sheweth that the Word hath a further vse namely to make vs grow For by the Word the promises of God which at first were made known vnto vs and whereby Faith was bred are againe and againe brought to our remembrance the tender and offer of them oft renewed so as thereby our Faith which otherwise might languish away thorow our own weakenesse and Satans temptations is not onely preserued but exceedingly quickened strengthened and increased Vse Our care therefore must be diligently to frequent the publike ministery of the Word for by it Christ is lift vp in the Church as the brasen Serpent was in the Wildernesse Yea also to reade and search the Scriptures in Families and with our selues alone We heard before that we must attend on the Word till we find Faith wrought in vs. Here we further learne neuer to giue ouer but so long as our Faith hath neede to be confirmed and increased which will be so long as we liue in this world to vse the Word Wee may not therefore thinke it sufficient that we haue had this benefit of the Word to beleeue we must labour for a further benefit to be established and confirmed thereby more and more in our most holy Faith §. 66. Of vsing the Sacraments for increase of Faith THe Sacraments are purposely added for this end to strengthen our Faith which they doe two wayes First they are Gods seales added vnto his word that by two immutable things Gods promise and Gods seale wherein it
who said I am vile or rather Dauid who laveth his sinnes in order before God He that duely pondereth with himselfe how his sinnes for number are innumerable and for weight infinite and how all his righteousnesse is as filthy ragges defiled with that sinke of corruption which is in him cannot but vtterly deny himselfe and so bee of a lowly minde not pu●t vp with any conceit of himselfe §. 13. Of holinesse in him that prayeth HOlinesse of life is also very needfull for true is that which the blind-man said God heareth not sinners Though yee make many prayers I will not heare saith the Lord to the wicked Wherefore the Apostle exhorteth to lift vp pure hands which Dauid professeth to doe Thinke of this all impious and prophane persons vncleane and cruell persons all impenitent sinners whatsoeuer God will not haue his holy name polluted in your polluted mouthes But the prayer of a righteous man auaileth much §. 13. Of praying with vnderstanding COncerning the things prayed for it is requisite that we haue 1 A true vnderstanding and sense of them 2 A true and earnest desire of them Vnderstanding and sence respecteth both good things and euill If we pray for good things we must both know they are worth the hauing and also sencibly feele the want of them Such are those poore is spirit whom Christ pronounceth blessed It we pray against euill we must both know that they are in themselues heauy burdens and also feele that they lie vpon vs as Dauid did otherwise we shall neuer pray heartily for the one or against the other §. 14. Of our desire in Prayer OVr desire in Prayer must bee both sincere and feruent euen an hungring thirsting longing desire Vnder these metaphors the desires of the faithfull are oft set forth Now hungry and thirsty persons and women that long doe both in truth and also with great earnestnesse desire that which they desire If in Prayer our desire be such it will pierce the Heauens and moue God to yeeld vnto it if it be not a true and sincere desire but complementall and hypocriticall it is no prayer of the heart but meere lip labour and so no whit acceptable to him who searcheth the heart If it be not feruent but a cold desire it cannot pierce so high as Heauen For as a bullet flieth no further then the heate and force of powder driueth it so Prayer no further then the feruour of spirit carrieth it Be therefore feruent in spirit We heard that the Prayer of a righteous man auatleth much but with this Prouiso If it be feruent Thus in generall we see what Prayer is whereby wee may be directed how to pray Now let vs see what motiues there be to stirre vs vp thereunto §. 15. Of the first motiue to Prayer Gods command I Might here vrge Gods expresse charge and commandement thereunto which is oft inculcated thorowout the Scripture a motiue sufficient though there were no other For Gods Precepts being wilfully contemned or carelesly neglected procure no lesse penalty then eternall destruction of body and soule It should seeme that this motiue preuailed much with Dauid for so soone as the Lord said Seeke ye my face his heart answered O Lord I will seeke thy face and much will it preuaile with all such as desire to approue themselues to God But because it is a generall motiue vnto all Christians whatsoeuer I will no longer insist vpon it Particular motiues haue respect either to God vnto whom we pray or vnto our selues who pray §. 16. Of the second motiue to Prayer Gods worship FOr God First Prayer is a part the most principal especiall and proper part of Gods worship Dauid ioyneth them together saying Let vs worship and fall downe c. That is by falling downe and calling vpon God let vs worship him 2 Among other parts of Gods worship the most reuerend gesture is applied and euen appropriated to this 3 The place of God worship was by an excellency termed The House of Prayer 4 Prayer is made an essentiall note of difference betwixt such as worship God and such as worship him not They are said to call vpon God These not to call vpon God §. 17. Of the third motiue Gods honour 2 IT is the best and chiefest meanes of honouring God that can be by it we acknowledge God 1 To be euery where present and in euery place to heare his children and on this ground euery where we call on him 2 To be the fountaine of all blessing and therefore when our selues or others want any blessing temporall or spirituall by prayer we aske it of God yea when we receiue any we giue the praise of it to God 3 To be a God full of pitty and compassion which maketh vs to lay open our griefes and distresses to him 4 To be an Almighty God able to giue whatsoeuer we desire 5 To be a bountifull God who giueth to all liberally and vpbraideth not 6 To be a God true of his promises and therefore we craue the accomplishment of them These and otherlike properties of God doth faithfull prayer set forth and so bring great honour to God in which respect God himselfe saith Call vpon me and thou shalt glorifie me §. 18. Of the fourth motiue the necessity of Prayer FOr our selues foure points there be which commend this holy exercise 1 The necessitie of prayer 2 The vtilitie of prayer 3 The efficacie of prayer 4 The dignitie of prayer 1 If any good thing be necessary to a Christian praier must needs be necessary because it is that meanes which God hath appointed to obtaine euery good thing Aske and it shall be giuen you saith the Lord which giueth all Ye get nothing because ye aske not saith his Apostle we haue no good thing in our selues or of our selues all is hid in God he is the fountaine of all blessing but he is a deepe well we must haue something to draw vp water the onely meanes is prayer Is it not necessary that a poore man that hath not of his owne a crumme of bread or drop of water should make his want knowne to such as can and will releeue him How much more necessary is it that Christians should make their wants knowne to God seeing otherwise there is no hope of receiuing reliefe from him §. 19. Of the things which men receiue without calling vpon God Obiect MAny prophane and wicked men who neuer call vpon God receiue many blessings from God He maketh his Sunne to arise on the euill and sendeth raine on the vniust Ans 1. The things which such receiue are euen as nothing not to be spoken of because they tend not truly properly to their good al that they receiue are either temporal things or only restraining graces which tend rather to the good
of others then of them which receiue them 2 Such persons were much better want all those things then haue them for because they call not on God God giueth them no grace well to vse them so as they abuse them to their owne destruction Achitophels wit Goliahs strength Herods eloquence were the cause of their ouerthrow in this World and though all haue not like ends in this World yet all heape vp wrath vnto themselues against the day of wrath Reade Rom. 2. 4. 5. 3 That spirit which commeth accompanied with all needfull sauing and sanctifying graces is not gotten without Prayer God giueth the holy Ghost to them that desire him §. 20. Of the fift motiue the profit of Prayer 2 THe vtility or profit of Prayer is much euery manner of way It is profitable 1 To obtaine euery good thing as is euident by the promise of Christ Ioh. 16. 23. Verily verily I say vnto you whatsoeuer ye shall aske the Father in my name he will giue it you Note the certainty of this promise in Christs vehement asseueration Note the generality of it Whatsoeuer The Heathen among whom the Christians liued after the Apostles dayes obseruing so much said There was nothing which Christians could not obtaine of God by Prayer I might here particularly exemplifie this by seuerall instances of all kinds of blessings spirituall and temporall publike and priuate for our selues and others concerning this life and a better and shew how Gods children haue by Prayer obtained them and also declare seuerall promises made by God for all these But I haue in part declared these before and I shall haue fitter occasion to handle them when I speake of the matter of prayer 2 To preuent iudgements threatned and remoue iudgements inflicted Note for this purpose the prayer of Salomon 1 Kings 8. 33 c. 3 To preserue nourish and strengthen in vs all spirituall graces by Christs prayer was Peters faith kept from failing whereby Christ sheweth that Prayer is an especiall meanes to be vsed to that end So the Apostle praied in the behalf of the Colossians that they might be filled with knowledg c increasing therin strengthned c. 4 To obtaine remission of sinnes for this is the sum of the fift Petition and for this end Peter saith to Simon Magus Pray God that if it be possible the thought of thine heart may be forgiuen thee whereby he implieth that if remission of sinnes may be obtained by any meanes Praier is that meanes 5 To subdue in vs the power of sin which Dauid well knowing praied that sin might not haue dominion ouer him I dare boldly auouch and I dout not but euery Christian soule that is acquainted with this holy exercise of prayer can by experience iustifie the truth of what I shall auouch that the more constant and powerfull a man is in prayer the lesse power sinne hath in him the more sin preuaileth the weaker is the spirit of prayer when Gods children fall into temptation and yeeld vnto sinne their soules are intangled thereby as a bird whose feathers are besmeared with birdlime or whose feete are caught in a snare they cannot flye vp to heauen If by prayer they keepe their hearts aloft they are the more free from being intangled by Satan Faithfull prayer and purpose to sin cannot stand together In this respect I may not vnfitly compare the spirit of prayer to that spirit and breath which commeth from the lungs of a man whereby that ouer-great heate which otherwise would drie vp all his radicall and naturall moisture is cooled and allayed for it is prayer which cooleth and allayeth in man the immoderate heate of lust anger malice enuy c. 6 To sanctifie all Gods creatures vnto our vse for as Gods word giueth a warrant for the vsing of the creatures which are needfull and a direction whereby we are taught how to vse them so prayer to God obtaineth a right vnto them and a blessing vpon them therefore the Apostle ioyneth both these together and saith that the creature is sanctified by the Word and prayer For this end Christ vsually prayed before he vsed the creature and all euen they who haue abundance must pray Giue vs this day our daily bread that they may haue a right vnto and a blessing vpon the creatures which they vse the like may be said of the callings wherein we are placed of the actions which we do and of al things which we haue or vse all are sanctified by prayer who without prayer doe or vse any thing are vsurpers and can looke for no blessing To conclude Prayer is profitable vnto all things §. 21. Of the respects wherein ones Prayer is not heard Obiect AGainst all that is said of the profit of Prayer some obiect that the Prayers of many are fruitlesse they obtaine not the things desired yea that God sweareth he would not heare Moses Samuel Noah Daniel Iob. Answer 1 Many pray amisse and so receiue not wherefore that out Prayers may be profitable we must learne to pray aright as we haue beene directed before 2 Though God alwaies grant not his seruants request instantly yet afterwards when there is a more seasonable time he doth for God is the Lord of times and seasons and best knoweth which is the fittest season both for his owne glory and his childrens good to grant their request For this end did not Christ at first grant his Mothers request when shee desired supply of wine nor the request of the Cananite which shee made for her daughter Note his answer to his Disciples It is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the Father hath put in his owne power 3 Though he heare them not in that particular yet in as good or in a better thing will he heare them As when Paul prayed against a temptation God gaue him grace sufficient to resist it and when Christ praied to haue his bitter cup remoued God enabled him to drink it wherevpon it is said that he was heard in that which he feared Dauid prayed for his childe that died yet was not his prayer in vaine for first his prayer was a sacrifice acceptable to God Secondly God had mercy on the soule of his childe Thirdly God gaue him another sonne of the same mother a Salomon a Iedediah a Prince of peace beloued of the Lord whom God made King after Dauid God better knoweth what is good for vs then wee doe our selues accordingly though he heare vs not alwaies to our owne will and grant what wee suppose to be good yet alwaies he heareth vs to his owne will and granteth what he knoweth to be good for vs. 4 The Saints well know what God hath absolutely promised as all needfull sauing graces and saluation it selfe those absolutely they pray for and
obtaine and what conditionally as all temporall things and such like as may make sometime to their aduantage and sometime to their damage These they pray for with a subiection of their owne wils to Gods as Christ vnto his Father Not as I will but as thou wilt and the Leaper to Christ If thou wilt thou canst make mee cleane and Dauid to God Behold here I am let him doe to mee as seemeth good in his eyes That which was obiected of Moses Samuel Noah Daniel Iob is but a meere supposition not a thing done besides it is said They should deliuer their owne soules so as their Prayers should not be without profit §. 22. Of the sixth motiue the efficacy of Prayer 3 SVch is the efficacy of Prayer as nothing can bee more powerfull for it preuaileth ouer all creatures whether reasonable or vnreasonable and of reasonable both visible as man and inuisible as Angels whether euill or good yea it preuaileth with the Creator himselfe 1 Daniel by Prayer stopped the mouthes of Lyons among whom he was cast 2 By Dauids Prayer was Achitophels wisdome turned into foolishnesse By Iaakobs Prayer was Esaus wrath allaied By Mordichaies Esthers Prayer was Hamans malice like Sauls sword turned into his own bowels By Hezekiahs Praier was the whole hoste of Senacherib ouerthrown One faithful mās prayer is more forcible thē the power of a whole army witnes the example of Moses who lift vp his hand while Israel fought against Amalek 3 By Prayer the Diuel when he hath gotten fastest hold and surest possession is cast out It is here in this Text laid downe as a meanes to subdue the forenamed principalities and powers 4 If Christ would haue prayed he might haue had more then twelue legions of good Angels to guard him At Elishahs Prayer a mountaine was full of horses and chariots of fire round about it Obiect If Prayer be thus powerfull with Angls it is good to pray vnto them Answ The Angels are prest onely to Gods seruice and alwayes behold his face when he sends they go and not when we call them Now our Prayer moueth God to send them and thus at our Prayer they come to guide vs. Vnreasonable creatures by Prayer are restrained from hurting vs and made seruiceable is it therefore reason that we should pray vnto them 5 By Prayer Iaakob had power ouer the Angel which was the Angell of the couenant Christ Iesus true God who therefore was called Israel because he preuailed with God Prayer so far preuaileth with God that it euen forceth a blessing from him whereupon we are saide ●o striue or wrestle in Prayer to God and * stayeth and holdeth him backe when he is going out in wrath and causeth him to repent and reuerse his sentence pronounced §. 23. In what respects men are said to preuaile with God by Prayer Obiect THis may seeme to impeach the immutability and omnipotency of God If man preuaile with him how is he almighty if he repent how is he vnchangeable Answ Those phrases of preuailing with God of holding him of his repenting and the like are spoken figuratiuely after the manner of men for our better vnderstanding Voluntarily God yeeldeth to all that he seemeth to be forced vnto yea he hath before-hand determined so to doe but as he appointeth the thing to be done so the meanes whereby it is done without the meanes nothing shall be done vpon a right vse of the meanes all things shall be effected now prayer being the meanes appointed by God of procuring blessing and auoyding iudgement Prayer may fitly be said in regard of that order which God hath voluntarily set downe to be of power with God §. 24. Of extraordinary effects of Prayer MAny admirable and extraordinary are the things which the Prayers of Gods faithfull children haue in all ages effected At Moses Prayer the red Sea was diuided asunder At Iosuahs Prayer the Sunne stayed his course At Hezekiahs Prayer it turned backward At Eliahs Prayer raine was stayed three yeeres and an halfe together infinite it were to reckon vp all particulars I wil bring to your remembrance onely one which among and aboue the rest is most remarkeable which is concerning Christs Prayer at his baptisme by the power wherof first the heauens were clouen Secondly the holy Ghost descended downe vpon him Thirdly the Father gaue an euident and audible testimony that Christ was his beloued Sonne whereby is declared that the Prayers of Gods children pierce the heauens make the holy Ghost to come into them and cause God to witnesse that they are his children though not so visibly and audibly yet as truely and effectually §. 25. Of the vse which we may make of efficacy of extraordinary Prayers Obiect THese are extraordinary examples of extraordinary persons who had an extraordinary spirit so as ordinary persons can looke for no such matters As for Christ he was the true naturall Sonne of God Answ 1 These things are recorded to shew the power and efficacy of Prayer To which purpose Saint Iames alledgeth that extraordinary example of the Prayer of Eliah And the argument will well follow from the greater to the lesse For if God heard his seruants in extraordinary matters will he not much more heare vs in such ordinary matters as we stand in need of and he hath promised to giue vs 2 Though Christ were the only begotten Son of God and the proper obiect of his loue yet in and thorow Christ God hath adopted vs to be his children and with that loue he beareth vnto Christ he loueth vs so as if we call vpon him in Christs name he will hearken vnto to vs as vnto his children and accept of our Prayers as if Christ had made them for he offereth them vp vnto his Father Thus we see that the prayer of a righteous man auaileth much §. 26. Of the seuenth motiue the honour of Praying 4 THere is no one thing wherein and whereby God doth more honour his seruants then by vouchsafing vnto them this high priuiledge and sauour to pray vnto him By prayer haue the Saints a free accesse vnto the glorious throne of Gods grace yea they haue a familiar acquaintance with him It is a great prerogatiue that God in his Word vouchsafeth to speake to man but not comparable to this that man should talke with God God by his Word speaketh to all euen to the wicked and rebellious but none but Saints by Prayer speake to him the Prayer of the wicked is no Prayer but meere lip-labour We know that it implyeth much more familiarity for an inferiour freely to speake to his superior then a superior to his inferior Esther though a Queene accounted it a great fauour that she was louingly and kindly accepted when she approached into the presence of a mortall Monarch Now
himselfe we haue no warrant in all the Scripture for it and therefore it must needs be a matter of impiety besides it is against very nature it selfe for No man euer yet hated himselfe and therefore it must needs be matter of iniquitie and iniurie Obiect Many of the Saints haue made imprecations against themselues as Dauid Salomon and other who in their oathes vsed these and such like words God doe so to me and more also Answ 1. When an oath is taken in truth not falsly in iudgement not rashly in righteousnesse not wrongfully the imprecation expressed or implyed therein is not simply made as if he that tooke the oath desired any such thing to fall vpon himselfe but vsed onely for a more vehement testification of the truth to moue the hearer the rather to giue credence thereunto or else to binde him that sweareth the more stedfastly to performe his oath 2 If any of the Saints haue vsed imprecations in an oath falsely as Peter or rashly as the Princes in Ioshuahs time or wrongfully as Dauid their examples are no good warrant Obiect 2. A wife suspected by her husband was bound by the Law to make imprecations against herselfe Answ She was not bound to doe so For if she were free of the crime laid to her charge that imprecation wa● no imprecation but if she were guilty then she ought to acknowledge her fault and not curse her selfe If being guilty she assented to that imprecation it was her owne fault and not the bond of the Law Vse Vse How impious are they against God how iniurious against their owne soules who vpon euery light occasion yea and that many times falsly for common rash swearers are oftentimes falseswearers do imprecate direfull vengeance against themselues as I would I might neuer stir I would I might neuer eat bread more I would I might die presently I would I might be swallowed vp quicke I would I might be damned Oh fearefull● the Iewes of ancient time were so fearefull of vttering imprecations that when in their oathes they had occasion to vse them they would either expresse them in generall termes thus God doe so to me and more also or else leaue them cleane out make the sentence imperfect as if I do this or if I do not that or if this be so and there stay Thus Dauid If I enter into the Tabernacle of mine house If I goe vp into my bedde If I giue sleepe to mine eyes And thus Zedekiah vnto the Prophet Ieremiah As the Lord liueth which made vs this soule if I put thee to death If I giue thee into the hand of these men that seeke thy life Yea thus God himselfe I haue sworne if I lie vnto Dauid And againe I sweare in my wrath if they shall enter into my rest To shew that this is the right translation of that forme of speech the Apostle alleadging that forme of Gods oath so translateth it What doth this teach vs but that we should be very fearefull to vtter any imprecation against our selues especially to doe it falsly or rashly the Iewes which caused Christ to be crucified and their posterity to this day haue felt the woe and curse of that imprecation which they made against themselues when they said to Pilat of Christ His bloud be vpon vs and our children So hath God caused the vengeance of many others imprecations to fal vpon their owne neckes and that in iust iudgement §. 56. Of the persons against whom imprecation may be made WHerefore lawful warrantable imprecations are to be made against others those other to be enemies enemies I say not our owne priuate enemies in particular causes betwixt vs and them for these must be prayed for as we heard before but publike such as are enemies to God his Church and Gospel yea also obstinate desperate reprobate enemies who neither will nor can bee reclaimed as were Corah Dathan Abiram against whom Moses prayed Such were those against whom Dauid so earnestly praied Psal 109. 67 c. and whom S. Paul wished to be cut off Such an one was Alexander concerning whom S. Paul thus prayed The Lord reward him according to his works meaning his euill works 1. Quest. How can such be discerned Answ By an ordinary spirit they cannot be discerned but onely by an extraordinary spirit euen such a spirit as the Prophets and Apostles had to whom God by his spirit reuealed what such and such persons were against whom they prayed Wherefore when the Disciples would haue caused fire to come downe from heauen and consume the Samaritans Christ said vnto them Ye know not of what spirit ye are 2 Quest. How then may ordinary persons make imprecations against any Ans No ordinary man can lawfully make any imprecation against the persons of any particular distinct men Only in these three respects may imprecations be made 1. Indefinitely against all such publike desparate enemies as were noted before without any application of the imprecation to any particular persons no not so much as in thought and thus was that general imprecation vsed when the Arke went forward Rise vp Lord and let thine enemies be scattered And thus Dauid vseth many generall imprecations as Let them bee confounded which transgresse without cause Let them all bee confounded that hate Sion c. 2. Conditionally as when we obserue any to persist obstinately in persecuting the Saints and suppressing the Gospell to desire that if they belong to God it would please God to turn their hart or else if they belong not to him to confound them thus may impreiations be directed against particular men 3. Without any respect at all vnto their persons lea●uing them vnto God against their malitious plots and wicked deeds thus Dauid prayed against the wicked policy of Achitophel saying O Lord I pray thee turne the counsell of Achitophel into foolishnesse §. 57. Of the vnlawfulnesse of vsual imprecations AS for those vsuall imprecations direfull and hatefull imprecatiōs such as my hart abhorreth to think of my tong is ashamed to name which prophane wicked men make against their neighbours vpon euery petty wrong and slight occasion they can neither stand with any true feare of God nor loue to man For to call vpon God who is A God of long suffering and great forbearance full of compassion and slow to anger to be a reuenger of euery little iniury argueth little respect of his greatnesse and goodnesse To wish Gods heauy vengeance to fall vpon the body soule goods or any other things which belong vnto our neighbour discouereth much malice no loue Such were those of whom Dauid thus speaketh Their throate is an open sepulcher The poyson of Aspes is vnder their lips Their mouth is full of cursing and bitternesse Many mens tongues
His Propheticall Office to instruct and direct his Church in the way of Saluation In the name of this Our Lord Iesus Crhist must all the calues of our lippes all our praises be offered vp vnto God Let vs by him saith the Apostle speaking of Christ Iesus offer the sacrifice of praise This point was before handled in the generall doctrine of Prayer §. 63. Of the matter of Thanksgiuing 4 THe matter of thanksgiuing is very ample large limitted with no restraint but extended to al things So that whatsoeuer the Lord doth affordeth matter of praise to the Saints Oft is this generall particle all vsed in this point In all things giue thankes saith the Apostle in another place Forget not all his benefits saith Dauid Wee know that all things worke together for good to them that loue God If all things worke to our good is it not iust and meete that thankes should be giuen for all things That wee may somewhat more distinctly discerne the matter of thanksgiuing I will set downe in order some particular branches of this generall point The matter of Thankesgiuing may sundry wayes be distinguished 1 In regard of the nature or kinde of benefits They are Good things bestowed Euill things remoued 2 In regard of the quality of them They are Spirituall Temporall 3 In regard of the manner of bestowing them They are already giuen promised to be giuen 4 In regard of the persons vpon whom they are bestowed which are Our selues Others Vnder these generall heads there are many particular branches which I will in order declare §. 64. Of the spirituall blessings for which thankes is to be giuen SPirituall blessings are Bestowed here on Earth Reserued in Heauen In the ranke of the former kinde of spirituall blessings these particulars following must be accounted 1 The ground of them which is Election Together with which we are to reckon the cause thereof Gods free grace and rich mercy and also the fruit thereof certenty of saluation 2 The meritorious cause of them namely our Redemption vnder which wee must comprise the price of our redemption Christs blood and the speciall fruits thereof as Reconciliation Adoption Remission of sinnes imputation of righteousnesse c. 3 The meanes of applying the benefits of our election and redemption namely the effectuall operation of Gods Spirit vnder this head are comprised effectuall vocation regeneration sanctification and all those particular sanctifying graces which we find feele to be wrought in vs as Knowledge Faith Hope Loue Repentance Patience new Obedience c. together with the blessed fruits of them as peace of conscience ioy in the spirit holy security with the like Finally the meanes which the Spirit vseth to worke and encrease all these graces are to be remembred which are the Ministery of the Word Administration of the Sacraments and other holy Ordinances of God together with liberty of the Sabbaths of good and faithfull Ministers of publike Assemblies with the like Those eternall blessings which are in Heauen reserued for vs are such as Eye hath not seene nor eare heard nor haue entred into the heart of man We cannot in particular reckon them vp yet in the generall we must haue our hearts filled with an holy admiration of them and our mouthes with praise for them §. 65. Of the temporall blessings for which thankes is to be giuen TEmporall blessings for which thankes is to be giuen are such as concerne 1 Mankinde in generall as creation and preseruation of Man Gods prouidence ouer him and all the fruits and benefits of these 2 The whole Church thorowout the World the increase peace and prosperity of it particularly the Churches in that Land where we liue 3 Common-wealths and in particular that Common-wealth whereof we our selues are members and therein in good Magistrates good Lawes peace plenty c. 4 Families especially our owne and therein good Gouernours good seruants good parents good children a competency of goods to maintaine the state of it If God giue not onely sufficiency but also abundance more thankes is to be giuen 5 Our own persons in regard of them soūdnes of mind health of body ability to performe the work of our calling Gods blessing on our labour and calling with the like §. 66. Ofgiuing thanks for remouing euils EVils remoued for which thankes is to bee giuen are Publike Priuate both these Spirituall Temporall Temporall publike euils arise from the enemies of the Church Common-wealth Thanks therfore is to be giuen when those enemies are either ouerthrown or conuerted or when their conspiracies are discouered we preserued from their mischieuous practises whether by warres inuasions treasons rebellions or priuie and secret plots with the like To this head may be referred deliuerance from plagues famines fires inundations c. Spirituall publike euils are common publike sinnes maintained by law or common practise Publike sinnes which vse to be in diuerse countries maintained by law are Idolatry Superstition Heresies Vsury Play-houses Brothel-houses c. Publike sinnes maintained in many places by common practise are Swearing Pro●hanenesse Drunkennesse Vncl●anenesse Pride and brauery in apparrell c. When and where it pleaseth the Lord to afford a●ny meanes of reforming and restraining these publike sins then and there is matter of thanksgiuing afforded Spirituall priuate euils are either such particular sinnes wherunto our selues are most giuen or the causes of such sins as the temptations of Satan or euil lusts the vaine allurements of others or else a spirituall punishment of them as trouble of minde hardnes of heart a tormenting conscience a seared and sencelesse conscience c. They who are deliuered out of any of these snares must bee thankfull for that deliuerance Priuate temporll euils are such outward iudgements as God in anger inflicteth on men as punishments also of sinne such are penurie ignominie paine griefe sicknesse losse of goods losse of friends and other like crosses The remouing of these is matter of thanksgiuing §. 67. Of giuing thanks for crosses YEt are not outward temporall iudgements whether publike or priuate alwaies to be simply accounted euils but many times to bee reckoned and accounted in the number of Gods blessings For God oft inflicteth them on his children and that in loue for their good They are indeede grieuous and irksome to the flesh but many times profitable to the soule an heauie burthen they are but they bring forth a good precious fruit wherefore in regard of them we must wholy refer our selues to Gods will as Christ did in his bitter agonie If God bee pleased to preserue vs from them or being fallen vpon vs to remoue them we are to account this preseruation and deliuerance a blessing and fauor of the Lord and to be thankfull vnto God for it But otherwise if it please the Lord to lay any crosse vpon vs or when it lieth on
glore Therewith especially blesse we God and therefore by an excellency it is called glory As Dauid speaking of his tongue saith My glory reioyceth And againe Awake my glory And againe I will sing and giue praise with my glory In regard of these three last reasons it is meet to vse words euen in priuate prayers when we are alone Prouided that it be not for ostentation to be known to pray for that is a note of hypocrisie condemned by our Lord in the Scribes and Pharisies §. 76. Of sudden prayer SVdden prayer is when vpon some present occasion the heart is instantly lift vp vnto God whether it be onely by some sighes of the heart or by some few words vttered It is likely that Nehemiahs prayer was some sudden desire of the hart For the King offring speech vnto him gaue him occasion to make a suit vnto the King which that he might obtain he presently lift vp his hart to God These sudden praiers are called ciaculations of the heart which are to be vsed as salt with meat with euery bit of meat we commonly take a little salt to season it So when we doe any thing when we confer of any thing when we goe any whether vpon all occasions we must lift vp our hearts to God This argueth an holy familiarity with God yea it manifesteth an heauenly mind euen as those things which are ready vpon all occasions to fly vpward appeare to be of a light aerial or fiery nature not earthly heauy weighty This kind of praier must so be vsed as it bee added to solemne and set prayers and not make them to bee neglected No man maketh a meale of salt alone and refuseth other solid meat because salt is now and then to be eaten Much lesse must these sudden praiers hinder solemne or composed prayers §. 77. Of composed prayer COmposed prayer is when a Christian setteth himselfe to make some solemn prayer vnto God whether it be in Church family closet field or any other place whether it be vttered with words or onely conceiued in hart as the morning and euening prayer which Christians vse to make or the praier at solemne assemblies with the like Such were the prayers that Daniel vsed to make three times a day God to whom wee make our praier is a great God of excellent Maiesty not lightly but with all due reuerence to bee regarded and therefore most meet that wee should compose our selues in a solemne manner to appeare before his glorious presence §. 78. Of preparation before prayer THat this kinde of prayer may bee the better performed preparation is very needefull which the Preacher implyeth saying Be not rash with thy mouth and let not thine heart be hasty to vtter any thing before God In preparation vnto prayer two things are to bee performed First we must empty our foules of al such things as may hinder prayer Secondly fill them with such things as may be helpfull thereunto The things that hinder are either wicked or worldly Wicked things are against God or against man Against God are all sinnes and transgressions of his Law These we must search out and hauing found them out set our selues with a full and honest purpose of heart vtterly to forsake them If we regard wickednes God will not heare our prayer Whereupon saith Dauid I will wash mine hands in inocency O Lord and compasse thine alter Against man are wrath anger malice and such like reuengeful affections in regard whereof the Apostle exhorteth to lift vp pure hands without wrath And Christ cōmanded to be reconciled before the gift be offered In a word then that we may empty our soules of al such wicked things both against God and man which would hinder our praiers these two things are needfull First repentance towards God secondly reconciliation with man Worldly things are such cares as concerne the things of this life our temporall estate earthly affaires which though at other times they may be warantable commendable and needfull yet may be an incumberance hinderance vnto praier This was prefigured vnder the Law by that rite of plucking off shooes when men appeared before the Lord. Shooes are lawfull to be worne yea very needfull yet in approching before the Lord they must be put off So moderate care concerning the businesse affairs of this world are lawfull and needful yet when we goe to prayer they must be laid aside and our soules emptied of them For they are as heauy burdens and clogs which will hold downe our hearts and keepe them from flying vp into heauen Now note the counsell of the Apostle Cast away euery thing that presseth downe If our soules be onely emptied of these things they are like that empty house which the vnclean spirit finding entreth into with seauen other spirits Wherfore that we may bee prepared to prayer wee must be filled with such spirituall matters as fit prayer which are concerning God and our selues Gods greatnesse is to be meditated of to strike our hearts with reuerence and his goodnesse to breed faith in vs. Yea also his blessings bestowed to fill our mouths with praise Our wretchednesse is duely to be weighed that wee may bee truely humbled and our wants are to be obserued that wee may know what to aske Thus are we to come prepared to composed praier § 79. Of conceiued praier COnceiued prayer is that which he who vttereth the prayer inuenteth conceiueth himselfe as are most of the praiers recorded in the Scripture This kind of prayer the Saints in al ages haue vsed It is very commendable expedient and needfull For 1 It manifesteth the gift and power of the Spirit who can giue both matter and manner words and affections who can suggest what to pray and how to pray 2 Euery day we haue new wants new assaults new sinnes Is it not needfull then that our praiers be conceiued and framed accordingly that our petitions be made according to our present wants our supplications according to our particular assaults our confession according to our seuerall sinnes 3 As God daily continueth and reneweth old blessings so also hee addeth new to them Is it not most meete that notice bee taken of those new blessings and accordingly thankes bee giuen in particular for them Obiect This present inuenting and conceiuing of prayer maketh prayer to bee confused and either very defectiue or very tedious Answ In them that haue not ability to pray or suddenly and rashly come vnto prayer it may bee so But if a man haue any competent ability if he premeditate before hand what to pray if hee set vnto himselfe any good method and order such defect tediousnesse and confusion as is supposed will bee easily auoided §. 80. Of prescribed prayer PRescribed prayer is when a set constant forme is laid downe before hand and either
vpon an extraordinary occasion he prescribed a forme of prayer for them to vse In like manner saith Ezra I proclaimed a Fast that we might seeke of God a right way c. And accordingly they obserued his direction and ioined fasting and prayer together for saith he We fasted and be sought our God c. So saith Nehemiah of himselfe I fasted and prayed And of the Church in the new Testament it is said when they sent forth Paul and Barnabas they fasted and prayed and when they ordained Elders they Prayed and fasted Great reason there is to adde Fasting to extraordinary Prayer for when there is an extraordinary occasion of Prayer extraordinary ardency and continuance in prayer must be vsed as was before shewed Now fasting doth quicken our spirits and rowse vp our dull hearts and so both sharpen our prayers adding life and efficacy vnto them and also make vs able to hold out and continue the longer in Prayer For as fulnesse maketh a man drowsie in body and heauy in spirit so as he can neither pray ardently nor continue long in prayer so fasting maketh him fresh and cheerefull both in body and spirit Note the most ardent long continued supplications in Scripture and you shall find them supported by fasting Besides as fasting is an helpe to prayer so it is a testification of our vehement earnest desire of obtaining that which we pray for for by our voluntary abstaining from ordinary foode and other delights of our body we shew that we preferre the thing which we pray for before them The other duties which were reckoned vp among the ends of a Religious Fast as Examination humiliation and mortification as was before noted subordinate vnto Prayer and helpefull thereunto In that fasting therefore is vsed for the better performance of them in the vse of them it proueth to be a further helpe for prayer which will the better appeare if distinctly we consider how fasting maketh vs more fit to performe these duties §. 108. Of Examination another end of Fasting COncerning Examination of our selues we cannot be ignorant but that when any needfull extraordinary blessing is to be obtained or any iudgement to be preuented or remoued it is very requisite to search whether there be not any sinne in vs which may make our prayers to be reiected and not regarded That which the Lord said of the Army of Israel in Iosuahs time may be applied to particular persons namely that if they did not search and find out and take away the execrable and excommunicate among them the Lord would not be with them any more wherefore the Prophet exhorteth first to search and trie our wayes and turne to the Lord and then to lift vp our hearts with our hands vnto God in the Heauens Now by fasting we both gaine more time for examination euen that time which otherwise would be spent in sleeping eating drinking and other like things which in the day of a Fast are forborne and also make ourselues more fit thereto in that our spirits are cheered and our hearts rowsed vp thereby as was noted before This the Saints well knew and therefore were wont in the dayes of their Fast to enter into a serious and solemne examination of their owne and of others sinnes Reade the Prayer that Ezra made in the day of his Fast and in it you may obserue how he searcheth out the sinnes of the Iewes in his time which had prouoked the wrath of God and setteth them in order before God So did the Leuites in that Fast which was kept in Nehemiahs time §. 109. Of Humiliation a third end of Fasting COncerning Humiliation it is well knowne that they which looke to preuaile by Prayer with God must come before him with an humbled heart To him saith the Lord will I looke that is poore and of a contrite spirit Now by fasting wee manifest our vnworthinesse of the least of Gods blessings and so testifie great humiliation yea the very rites of a Fast are a means to humble the soule somewhat the more By laying aside our best apparell by our voluntary abstinence from Gods Creatures by forbearing some of our ordinary sleepe and by refusing in other respects to refresh our bodies we shew that we thinke our selues vnworthy of any outward delights yea of the least crumme of bread and drop of water In old time they were wont to weare sack-cloth in the time of a Fast to shew that the worst cloathing was good enough and to lay dust vpon their heads to shew that they thought themselues more worthy to be vnder the ground then to tread vpon it Againe when we fast because God is displeased for our sinne and as a token of his displeasure inflicteth some iudgement vpon vs we doe not only manifest our great griefe for displeasing God but also after an holy manner take vengeance of our selues which is an especiall point of humiliation commended in the Corinthians §. 110. Of Mortification a fourth end of fasting COncerning Mortification It hath been before shewed that the lusts of the flesh and the wanton affections therof are a great hindrance to feruent prayer being as birdlime to the fethers of a fowle which keepe it from mounting high Yea it is more cleare then needs be proued that they continually fight against the spirit and are a meanes to quench it so as the spirit is kept from making requests for vs so long as lust boyleth and domineereth in vs. Necessarie it is therefore that in this respect the body be beaten downe and brought into subiection But fasting is an especiall meanes to subdue our wanton flesh and corrupt lusts for as pampering our bodies addeth strength to the olde man so fasting mortifieth it and keepeth it downe The Apostle where he implieth that while man and wife giue themselues to fasting and prayer may the better abstaine intimateth that by fasting and prayer lust is subdued §. 111. Of fasting now vnder the New Testament BY that which hath hitherto beene deliuered in explication of a religious Fast we may well conclude that it is a warrantable commendable and needfull exercise Warrantable because commended Commendable because the practise thereof is commended Needfull because of the ends before Propounded It is therefore an exercise carefully and conscionably to be obserued of vs. Obiect It is no where commanded in the new Testament Answ 1. The Apostles and Churches practise thereof in the time of the Gospell sheweth that the Commandements of the old Testament concerning fasting were not as other ceremoniall ordinances of force only for the time of the law but of perpetuall vse so long as a Church should remaine on earth 2 The answere which Christ gaue to the Pharisies in defence of his Disciples not fasting in these words The daies will come when the Bridegrome shall bee
obseruance is to bee made of all things helpfull or hurtfull thereunto To this purpose tend those many exhortations which by Christ his Diciples are made to watch When Christ warned his Diciples of his last comming and when he was in his agony he bid them watch So Paul so Peter To this purpose also tendeth that patheticall speech of Dauid Awake my glory awake Viol and Harpe I will awake early §. 134 Of the causes of drowsinesse BOth body spirit are carefully to be rowsed vp because of our naturall pronenes to drowsines and heauinesse in body spirit two causes there be which cause bodily slumbering First debility and weaknesse of senses whence it is that young children and old folkes are more proane to slumbering then lusty strong persons Secondly abundance of vapours which stupifie the senses for fulnesse of meat and drinke whence those vapors arise make men sluggish and sleepy Answerable there be two causes which procure spirituall sleepinesse and slumbring 1 Weakenesse of the flesh as Christ implieth when he checketh his Disciples for their sluggishnesse saying The flesh is weake whereby it commeth to passe that by nature we are exceeding drowsie dull as to all good and godly exercises so especially to Prayer which is the best of all I neede not further proue this then by appealing to the conscience of euery one that vse this holy exercise Many are loath to goe about it many when they are at it fall fast asleepe as Eutichus I haue heard this direction prescribed when one cannot sleepe Say thy prayers and thou shalt sleepe it is commonly the direction of prophane persons spoken of sluggish prayers for if a man pray in the spirit with that earnestnesse which hee ought it will rather keepe him the longer from sleepe but yet it sheweth that men are commonly dull and drowsie in Prayer Our spirituall sluggishnesse maketh our hearts heauy and our eyes sleepy Againe our bodily sluggishnesse maketh our spirits more dull 2 Abundance of bye wandring vaine earthly wicked thoughts cares lusts and such other things which like vapours arise in our soules and which the Diuell also is very busie to cast into our hearts in time of prayer These adde much vnto our naturall dulnesse and drowsinesse so as in these two respects there is great neede of watchfulnesse §. 135. Of going drowsily to Prayer LIttle doe they consider the neede thereof who going to prayer are so farre from rowsing vp their spirits and bodies that they doe as it may seeme purposely set themselues to sleepe some compose themselues to such gestures as make them sleepe they hang downe their heads and leane them vpon their armes or hands they sit vpon seates or vpon the ground they close their eyes c Some neuer pray till they goe to bed and so sleepe preuenteth them some againe come immediatly from their pots and platters or from their worldly affaires and businesses and presently goe to prayers without any premeditation or cogitation of what businesse they haue in hand With what deuotion can such prayers be performed Is this to watch vnto prayer The truth is that such doe but mocke God §. 136. Directions for Watchfulnesse Vse 2 FOr auoiding of this and such like aberrations and for a better performance of this duty of watchfulnesse obserue these few directions following In regard of the body first choose such times as are freest from drowsinesse these are mornings for our bodies hauing rested all the night and by rest being refreshed are the more free ready and cheerefull to prayer Schollers find it the fittest times for their studies and so may Christians if they obserue a difference of times find it fittest for their prayer If for prayer sake we rise the sooner we watch vnto Prayer 2 Considering that it is so needefull that we pray at euening which is a drowsie time rowse vp thy selfe before prayer goe not to it halfe sleeping halfe waking Learne of the watchfull Bird the Cocke who when he is about to crow especially in the night time flappeth hi● wings and so beateth hi● body and rowseth vp himself● to crow Doe thou something to driue away drowsinesse stirre thy body walke meditate sing a Psalme befor● prayer at euening Vse such gest●res as wi●l keepe thee from drowsinesse kneele vpright or to helpe thy weakenesse stand Hasten to prayer goe not to it too late Who doe these things for prayers sake Watch vnto Prayer 3 Moderate thine appetite and vse a temperate diet if after meate thou art to pray sobriety is often ioined to watchfulnesse as an especiall helpe thereof Christ hauing giuen a warning to take heede of surfetting drunkennesse and cares of this World inferreth this exhortation Watch and pray otherwise we cannot well watch pray Wherefore saith Saint Paul Let vs watch and be sober And Saint Peter Be sober and watching in prayer Who eate for prayer sake somewhat the more sparingly doe watch vnto prayer In regard of the soule 1 Take heed it be not too much distracted with worldly thoughts Cares of this World choake the Word much more will they choake the spirit of Prayer Hee that remembring the time of prayer disburdeneth his soule hereof Watcheth vnto prayer 2 Most especially be watchfull against sinne which as hath beene shewed before like birdlime wil so cling the feathers of the soule that it cannot flie vp to Heauen Nothing more dulleth the heart of man then sinne He that yeeldeth thereto can hardly recouer himselfe and reuiue his spirit againe in a long time It was three quarters of a yeere before Dauid was throughly recouered after his great fall for his child was borne before and an extraordinary meanes was vsed to recouer him the Prophet Nathan was sent vnto him It was an admirable and extraordinary thing that Peter was so soone recouered Sinnes doe grieue the spirit and quench his good gift in vs the Spirit being grieued and prouoked to withdraw his presence will not returne againe with a wet finger Especially be watchfull against such sinnes as by nature thou art most proane vnto for in them especially will Satan most attempt thee when thou art going to prayer If thou beest giuen to lust make a couenant with thine eye not to cast it vpon a strange woman auoide wanton company garish attire fulnesse of bread and whatsoeuer may prouoke lust so in anger voluptuousnesse couetousnesse c. This is an excellent point of wisdome and argueth great watchfulnesse vnto prayer if for prayer sake it be done 3 Take notice of Gods mercies and iudgements of his blessings bestowed on thee and of thy wants of the estate of others and of other points concerning the matter of prayer Reade also some part of Gods Word before Prayer Thus shalt thou come furnished to Prayer This is also to watch vnto Prayer Many complaine