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A01200 The chronicle and institution of the Order of the seraphicall father S. Francis conteyning his life, his death, and his miracles, and of all his holie disciples and companions / set foorth first in the Portugall, next in the Spanish, then in the Italian, lastlie in the French, and now in the English tongue. Marcos, de Lisboa, Bishop of Porto, 1511-1591.; Cape, William. 1618 (1618) STC 11314.2; ESTC S4305 734,345 826

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virginall purity wherin God did alwayes conserue him in the middes of worldly vanities and that he had such speciall care therof that he deserued to haue the sacred woundes of our Redeemer engrauen on this his pure and virginall flesh Wherof Brother Leo gaue testimony who notwithstanding that he was his Confessour being curious to be confirmed therin did neuertheles in his prayer demaund the same of our lord IESVS CHRIST who by diuine reuelation ascertayned him therof for he shortlie after saw the holie Father in spiritt on a high mountaine in a most beautifull garden among roses and lilies hauing his handes full of them He was hereby aduertised that what he saw on this mountaine was the sainct registred in heauen with the virgines not only of body but euen of spiritt and will How the holy Father taught his Bretbren to shunne idlenes THE XXXV CHAPTER HE a boue all other thinges taught both by doctrine and example that idlenes ought to be shunned as a principall cause of lewd cogitations and corrupter of vertue shewing by example of his life with what diligence one ought to exercise the flesh by fruitfull mortificatiō in regard that it is addicted to sloath and is rebellious And therfore he called the body litle asse as one that ought to be subiected to the ordinary supporting of the burdens of labours not making resistance and that it ought to be chasticed with stripes and nourished with very course and rude meates If by chaunce he saw any loitring and idle person that would eat of an others labour he said that he ought to be called Brother Fly because not doeing any good but distayning and hindering the good worckes of others he ought to be reputed contemptible and abhominable In the beginning of the institution of the order to giue example of exercise vnto his Brethren he trauailed alone to seeke almose wherin he extremelie laboured his body that was already very sickly He spent the night in watchinges and continuall prayers and the day in reading the office in seruing and preaching in the townes and villages or in administring to leapers or decking and triming the churches It succeeded afterward that many Brethren who were not fitt to keep the quire did liue of the labours of others as of Brother Giles Brother Ginipero and some others who were imployed in certaine profitable occupations to shuune the capitall ennemy of the life and soule thence it proceeded that they had sufficient almose for themselues and for others Neither would he permitt his Brethren to giue eare to newes and relation of seculer matters that they came not by omitting the contemplation and tast of celestiall thinges to employ themselues in vaine and worldly thinges which they had already abandoned It was not permitted to any of them to relate what he heard abroad All they that were nere S. Francis were aswell by night as day exercised in diuine prayses wherin they rather seemed Angels thē men In this sort did they maintaine the schoole of the holy Father in labour and exercises of the spiritt Among the said Brethren it was held a great sinne for one to take his recreation and pleasure in any other thing then the consolation of the spiritt The holy Father affirmed that the negligent and sloathfull that applyed not themselues to any exercise should be incōtinently vomited out of the mouth of God And if he mett with any such he would incontinently reprehend him as one that by his example of perfectiō was in continuall exercise to the end that in his schoole none should loose any part of so great a benefitt as is time which is giuen vs by our lord IESVS CHRIST After his refection he accustomed with his Brethren to vse some exercise to auoyd idlenes that when afterwardes they were to pray they might not by meane of their vnfruitfull wordes then vttered loose the gifte and recompence which they had merited att the handes of God So the more to shunne idlenes he gaue this rule that by his commandement all the Brethren that should vtter any idle word conuersing or trauayling together should be obliged to say one Pater and to praise God in the beginning and end to the benefitt of the soule of the culpable cōditionally that he first acknoledged his fault before he were reprehēded by others But if he were first admonished and reprehēded by an other the said Pater noster should be for the soule of the reprehender And if the culpable would not admitt the admonitiō and penāce mayntainning his speech not to be idle the holy Father ordayned that he should be obliged to redouble the said penāce and now to say twice the Pater noster once for the reprehēder and once for him that should iudge his worde to be idle or vnprofitable Now the prayses which he ordayned to be said before and after the Pater noster he would they should be vttered with such and so distinct a voice that it might be vnderstood of all the Brethren there present who should then be silent to heare the prayse of God and if any one then spake he should in like manner be obliged to say Pater noster for him that was to praise He would that all the Brethren entring into any house or other place and casually meeting one an other should prayse God saying God be praysed or some like wordes This Seraphicall Father was accustomed to giue these honoures to God with a most zealous feruour and desired that all his Brethren should be carefull and religious in doeing the like How he was ennemye to murmuringe and how he reprehended it THE XXXVI CHAPTER THe holy Father extremely abhorred murmurers the venimous fruit of murmures growing of the pestiferous tree of idlenes yea he shunned them aboue all other kind of vicious personnes affirming them to haue a most mortall venime in the topp of their tongue wherewith they empoyson men both present and absent Wherefore hauing one day heard a Brother offending the reputation of an other he tourned to Brother Peter Catanio and crying with a loud voice he vttered these wordes Discorde beginneth to enter into religion if detractours be not chasticed with discipline and if these loathsome mouthes be not stopt the sweet odour of the good will incontinently be infected Arise arise speedily and dilligently examine the matter and if thou finde the offended Brother innocent chastice the murmurer sharpely that he serue for an example to all others And so I will that all Gardiens and Ministers be verie vigillant that this pestiferous infirmitie take not root in religion To this purpose he often said that whosoeuer did frustrate his Brother of his glory and fame merited to be depriued of the habitt of the order and of all power euer to lift vp his eyes to God till he had to his power restored the honour taken from his Brother He further affirmed that the crueltie of detractors exceeded that of murderers in regard of the law of IESVS
be alwayes in cogitation with thee that we be with thee in intention and with thee in spiritt seeking thine honour in all our actions with all the forces and powers of our soule and bodie freelie employing all in the seruice of thy loue and in no other thing and that to obserue thy commandement we loue our neighbour as our selues shewing to all as to our selues an entier charitie for thy loue reioycing att the good of others as att our owne compassionating their necessities and afflictions as our owne giuing them all assistance we can possible far from offending them as our selues would desire to be assisted in like necessity Giue vs this day our daily bread that is thy deerly beloued and blessed Sonne our Redeemer IESVS CHRIST in our spiritt and vnderstanding with all reuerence by the great loue wherwith he hath affected and by what soeuer he hath said done and endured for vs wretches And forgiue vs our debtes by thine infinite mercy by the vertue of the passion of thine only Sonne our lord IESVS CHRIST and by the merittes and prayers of the blessed virgin Mary pardon vs also good God As we forgiue our debters and if we pardon not them perfectly as we ought make vs Lord to doe it that we may meritt pardon Graunt good God that by thy loue we doe not only forbeare to doe euill for euill nor hate our ennemies but that we loue them and that by good offices and prayers for them we demonstrate the same to thee O God of mercie Lord God forsake vs not in our cruell temptations both secrett and manifest and permit vs not to fall therin but deliuer vs from euill past by meane of true contrition and holy pennance present by preseruation of thy grace and future by perseuerance in thy most holy feare Amen Of certaine other mysticall prayers and canticles which the holy Frther S. Francis made THE CXVIII CHAPTER The Holy Father in his canonicall houres said in latin these prayers following which he composed in the prayse of God HOly holy holy lord God almightie which art which hast bin and art to come thou art worthy that we offer vnto thee and to receaue of vs all prayse and honour and that we exalt and acknowledge thee aboue althinges the lambe that was slaine is worthy to receaue all vertue diuinitie wisdome force glorie honour and benediction Lett vs alwayes prayse God lett vs yeld the honour dew vnto the Father the Sonne and the the holie Ghost lett vs praise God for euer lett vs prayse the lord of heauen and earth and of all other thinges created vnder and on the earth with those that are in heauen lett vs prayse God and exalt him for euer Glorie be to the Father and to the Sonne and to the holie Ghost Lett vs prayse God for euer and magnifie him as he hath bin is now and shall be world without end Amen Lett vs prayse God and exalt him for euer Amen An other breife prayer vnto God Almighty most high and my soueraigne good all good that onlie is good We giue thee all praise all praise all glorie all honour and yeld thee all the thanckes we can and will that all good be referred to thee alone Amen An other short prayer for the diuine office Most high most mighty most iust and most mercifull lord afford vs miserable wretches so much of thy grace that we may accomplish thy holy will and may with all diligence seeke that alone which pleaseth thee that being interiourly illuminated and enflamed with the fire of the holy Ghost we may tread the most holy steppes of thine only Sonne our Redeemer IESVS CHRIST that by meane of this thy grace we may see thee with the blessed thou that art the most high God who liuest in perfect Trinity simplicity and vnity and as almighty raignest in eternall glory Amen A prayer to the Queene of heauen and to the Angels God saue thee holy Queene most holy Mary mother of God and perpetuall virgin chosen of God the Father and of the holy Ghost the comforter in whome is faith and the entier perfection of all eminent vertue with all good vnited sith thou hast merited to haue in thee the author of life and grace God saue thee diuine Pallace God saue thee the habitation and tabernacle of the Redeemer God saue thee thee robe of God God saue thee the seruant and mother of God and God saue thee with all the Angelicall powers considering that thou art sent by the holy Ghost into the hartes of rebelles that of Infidelles thou make faithfull and true seruantes of God O most worthy mother of our Sauiour IESVS CHRIST Espouse of the holy Ghost pray for vs with S. Michael the Archangell and all the celestiall spirittes vnto they beloued Sonne our lord and master Amen An other prayer to the virgin Holy Mary virgin and lady like vnto whome neuer woman was borne nor shal be in the world daughter and seruant of the most high king and celestiall Father most sacred mother of IESVS CHRIST and Espouse of the holy Ghost pray for vs with all the Angels and sainctes vnto they beloued Sonne that he will voutsafe to saue vs Glory be to the Father vnto the Sonne and to the blessed holy Ghost Amen Praises vnto God Lord God thou art holy and God of all Goddes that worckest merueillous thinges that art the mighty and most high thou art the omnipotent Father and entierly soueraigne lord of heauen and earth God in Trinity and Vnity and sempiternall soueraigne good all good and euery good thing Lord God liuing and true thou art true loue and perfect charity thou art wisdome humility and patience thou art the incomprehensible beauty thou art true pleasure and assured repose thou art our hope and ioy thou art iustice temperance fortitude and prudence of mortall men thou art the richesse that can satiate vs thou art meeke thou art our only protectour and our guard thou art our vertue faith hope and charity and the sweetnes and consolation of all thou art the bounty without end a great God and admirable God omnipotent pittifull merciful and our Sauiour Glory be to the Father and to the Sonne c. The holy Father sainct Francis had a very feruent deuotiō to this versicle Gloria Patri therfore he often repeated it in his prayers He respected not so much Sicut erat Saying euensong one day with Brother Leo att euery verse of Magnificat he said Gloria Patri feeling therin a merueillous tast and contentment yea such as he thought he should neuer be satisfied with saying thereof he taught a Religious Preist that was in affliction and extremely tempted to say Gloria Patri which he did and was incontinently deliuered of his temptation Of the Canticle of the sunne and other creatures composed by S. Francis THE CIX CHAPTER THis holy Father composed a Canticle in latin in the prayse of God when he reuealed vnto him the
manifestation that he had not any thing in this world and with the more facility to wrestle against his furious aduersary in this last conflict and triall wherin consisted the crowne he with an exceeding feruour and courage stript himselfe all naked as he had bin without any infirmity then cast himselfe on the ground couering with his left hand the precious wound of his right hand and tourning his ioyfull face towardes the kingdome whither he was to goe he began to prayse and blesse his sweet lord IESVS CHRIST that being dischardged and freed of all worldly impedimentes he might ascend to heauen and enioy his diuine Maiestie then tourning towardes his Religious he said vnto them My deere Brethren I haue to this present done what I ought to doe These wordes were diuersely vnderstood of the Religious some of them wept in regard he was to leaue them without Pastour and gouernour others because he seemed to leaue them as men forlorne others for other occasions only the Guardian whome he obeyed vnderstood the desire of the holy Father wherfore taking presentlie an habitt with the cord and linnen breeches brought and gaue it vnto him saying Father take this habitt which I lend you with the corde and breeches that you may be buryed therwith as a poore creature who of your selfe haue not so much as wherwith to couer your nakednes I command you to receaue it in this your last houre euen by the vertue and meritt of obedience wherof the Sainct discouered to haue the greatest contentment that can be imagined considering that in this extremity he had obserued his holy pouerty in such sort as he desired euen to the last end He contentedlie accepted the breeches but to conforme himselfe entierlie to his truely-beloued IESVS CHRIST that would dye naked on the crosse to the performance wherof wanting nothing but to dye naked hauing already bin and euen for the present being admirably crucified by the vertue of the almighty he commaunded his Religious not only to permitt him to dye on the ground but euen to leaue him there a long time after his death Hauing procured to be brought vnto him the holy Sacramentes and they being successiuely administred vnto him those I meane which the Church accustometh to afford such as are ready to dye he lastly tourned towardes his Religious to whome he made a worthy sermon exhorting them to the loue of God then of their neighbour and especially to obedience vnto his holie Romane Church next to obserue their pouerty and before the same and all other thinges to be alwayes mindfull to preferre the obseruance of the holy ghospell and the diuine counsailes therof Then crossing his hādes this great Patriarch of the poore gaue his holy benediction to all his Religious both present and absent saying My deere Brethren God of his mercy blesse you as also I blesse you be it his holy will to confirme me it in heauen Remayne ye all in his holy feare perseuering alwayes therin for the time of afflictions approach wherin they shal be happy who shall perseuer euen to the end remayne ye all in his holy obedience as you haue solemnely promised vnto him Finally remayne ye all in his most holy peace and in charity among your selues God blesse you I goe in great hast vnto God to whose grace I recommend you Amen Which hauing said he asked for the gospell and speaking no more to any person he only desired that place to be read vnto him where is mentioned the departure of our lord Ante diem festum paschae which being read to the end he began to say to himselfe Voce mea ad Dominum clamaui And being come to the verse Educ de custodia animam meam that is deliuer my soule if thou please my God out of this prison that it may attaine to thee my God and my lord where the iust expect me to the end thou mayest giue me my recompence Which being ended this holy soule at it desired was deliuered out of the prison of her proper flesh and eleuated to heauen there foreuer to enioy the eternall bounty with all the sainctes his elected of both sexes in that degree which his diuine maiestie ordayned and parepared for him How some saw the soule of the glorious Father sainct Francis ascend in glory THE LXXI CHAPTER THis holy soule failed not to appeare to some when it ascended to the celestiall glory For Brother Angelus a Religious of worthy sanctity being att that time prouinciall of the prouince of Naples and very neere his end saw in an instant the soule of the sainct as a resplendant starre on the toppe of a verie bright cloud to be transported aboue the great waters and directlie mounted and eleuated into heauen And albeit he had the space of two dayes lost his speech he neuertheles then resumed his spirittes for seeing the blessed spiritt of the sainct he began to crye out Stay for me Father stay for me for I goe also with you The Religious asking what he meant therbie See you not said he our holie Father sainct Francis that now goeth to the glory of Paradice which hauing spoaken he yelded his soule to God and followed his most holy Father The Bishop of Assisium being gone in pilgrimage to visitt the Church of S. Michael the Archangell on the mount Gargan S. Francis appeared vnto him the very night of his death and said My lord know that I haue left the world and goe to heauen The Bishop therfore being risen told his people that S. Francis was dead the night before which was proued to be true An other Religious of this Order being the same night rapt into deep contemplation saw the blessed Deacon of IESVS CHRIST vested with a very rich tunicle accompanyed with a great multitude of soules that attended him as a worthy Prince who so ascended into a pallace of merueillous beauty and eminency it is piously beleeued that the said soules were by his merittes deliuered out of Purgatory This glorious soule ascended to glory accompanied with many Angels that attended and visited him continually in this life and is now seated among the Seraphins which glory he merited not only in this life by the excessiue and Seraphicall loue of God but also it appartayned vnto him in regard of the Seraphicall vision of IESVS CHRIST who transformed him into himselfe making him a Seraphin by gtace and sealing the same with diuine seales as hath bin reuealed to many holy personnes worthy of creditt as well during the life of the Sainct as after his death The verie birdes and particulerlie the Larckes that were much beloued and verie familiar vnto him did exceedinglie reioyce att his glorie a great flight of them appearing verie earlie the next morning on the roufe of the house where sainct Francis lay dead warbling a verie delightfull and extraordinarie note yea as it were miraculous which continued diuers howers celebrating the prayses
that they first yeld and say We are vnprofitable seruantes answearing alwayes with humility and being very carefull of growing into passion For men that maintaine their choller against their neighbour are obliged to render account therof att the iudgement of God and he that shall vpbraid his neighbour with contemptible wordes shal be condemned to the fire of hell Lett them therfore loue one an other as our lord teacheth vs when he saith My children this is the precept I giue you that you loue one an other as I haue loued you Now the truest manner of mutuall loue according to the Apostle is knowne by wordes by worckes and in verity Lett them not curse any personne lett them not murmure nor lett them not speake ill of any for it is written The murmurers and detracters are abhorred of God Lett them be modest shewing themselues gentle and tractable to all not iudging nor condemning any man and as our lord saith consider not the litle sinnes of others but rather with a bitternes and contrition of your soule obserue your owne and endeauour to enter by the streight gate because our lord saith the way is streight as also is the gate that giueth entry to eternall life and there are few that finde it and enter theratt That the Brethren ought to be wary not to behould nor conuerse with women THE XII CHAPTER LEtt all the Brethren in whatsoeuer place they reside very respectiuely forbeare wanton lasciuious aspectes and lewd and dangerous conuersations with women When it shal be necessary lett none presume to speake alone with a woman excepting the Preistes who may speake modestly vnto them when they giue them any penance or any spirituall counsaile and lett no woman in what soeuer manner be receiued to obedience by any Brother what soeuer to whome it shal be yet permitted to counsaile her spiritually to doe penance where she will And lett vs all carefully preserue ourselues with exceeding warines and dilligence for God hath said that what man soeuer shall behold a woman to couett her he hath already sinned withher in his hart because it is not lawfull for vs to behold that which is not lawfull for vs to desire Of the punishment of the Brethren that shall fall into the sinne of the flesh THE XIII CHAPTER IF any Brother by instigation of the deuill committ the sinne of the flesh lett him vtterly loose and be depriued of the habit which by his offence and lewdnes he shall haue defiled and wher of by his finne he shall haue depriued himselfe lett him be vtterly expelled the Religion and let him goe to doe penance for his sinne Of the manner the brethren ought to obserue trauailling thorough the world THE XIIII CHAPTER VVHen the Brethren thall trauaile through the world they must not nor may not carry any kind of prouision nor wallet purse mony nor staffe and into what soeuer houses they shall enter they shall say The peace of our lord be in this house and being entertained in any place they may there repose and eat and drincke of what shal be presented vnto them And if they shall be abused in wordes or effectes by any one lett them not be moued therwith yea if one should giue them a buffet on the one cheek lett them tourne the other if any one would disapparell them lett thē not hinder it yea if one should violētly robbe them of their coat lett them not aske it againe but lett them beleeue that all this arriueth vnto them by the prouidence of God That the Religious may not haue any horses THE XV. CHAPTER I Command all my Brethren aswell Preistes as lay that when they shall trauaile thorough the world or shall reside in any place they haue no kind of beast to ride on neither for them selues nor for others nor that it be euer lawfull for them to ride on horse-backe but in case of sicknes or of manifest necessity Of them that shall goe to the Mores and Infidels THE XVI CHAPTER OVr lord saith Behold I send you as sheep in the middes of wolues Be ye therfore wise as serpentes and simple as doues And if any Brother moued with a diuine inspiration would goe among the infidell Mores he may not goe without licēce of his Minister Prouinciall who knowing that Religious sufficient and of such a spiritt that therof one may hope some fruit to redounde to others not only saluation to himselfe let him not be denyed all vnderstood with the assistāce of God For the said Minister Prouinciall shal be obliged to be accountable vnto God if graunting or refusing permissiō to the faid Brother his resolutiō shal be pious or indiscreet And the Brethren that shall goe among the infidels may in two manners conuerse with them First they may not contentiously impugne them but lett them be subiect not only to the said infidels but to euery creature for the loue of God yet confessing themselues alwayes to be Christians Secondly that when they perceiue it to be the will of God they preach his word to the end they beleeue in him one soueraigne power the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost on God in Trinity and in the humanity of the Redeemer and Sauiour of the world exhorting them to be baptised and to liue thence-foward in Christianity because he that shall not be borne againe by Baptisme and the holy Ghost cannot enter into the kingdome of heauen They shall preach to the Infidell people these thinges and many others which God shall inspire them For our lord said in the gospell I will confesse before my Father which is in heauen all those that shall confesse me before men but the day when I shall come on the earth in the Maiesty of my Father I will deny them that shal be ashamed to confesse me to be the Sonne of man Lett all the Brethren in what soeuer place they are remember that they haue already offered their soules and bodies to the soueraigne God and that they ought to expose and employe them for the loue of him in all occurrances and to present the same to the ennemies visible and inuisible because our lord hath said he that in this world shall loose his life for my sake shall finde it safe in eternall life and blessed are they that suffer persecution for iustice for theirs is the kingdome of heauen Lett them also call to minde that which our lord saith If you be persecuted of the impious and wicked they haue first persecuted me and if you be persecuted in one citty fly into an other When men shall hate you and persecute your name and you renowme and shall speake all euill of you for my sake and for my loue reioyce yee boldely for your recompēce therof is great in heauen And thus much I speake to you my Brethren to thēd you should not feare those that haue power to kill the body and with your patience you shall possesse you
senceles he was expelled the church whither he came afterward to aske pardon of God and the S. which being obtayned the fish retourned into a capons legge and the holy Father publikely recounted the successe of the fact for which they generally gaue infinite thankes to God With what rigour he chasticed his passionate wordes and thoughts THE LXXXXI CHAPTER HAuing bin many dayes blinde as by reason of the great infirmity of his eyes which his wepinges had procured him it often happened he determined for his consolation to visitt Brother Bernard one of his first companions and inward freindes and to remayne some time with him to talke of God But comming to his cell on the toppe of the mountaine and finding it shutt he thought he was in prayer as indeed he was and hauing no meane to see him he called him by these wordes Open Bernard and come comfort this poore blind mā and many times reiterating the same the Religious not answearing he was much disquieted and said to his companion I haue called him many times he will not answeare me lett vs goe in the name of God and so departing iudged Brother Bernard to be proud and neuertheles considering better that it was not his coustume so to doe he tourned from his companion and fell to prayer where he was not long but he heard answeare from God who reprehending him said Litle man why doest thou trouble they selfe so much doest thou thinck it reasonable to leaue the Creatour for the creature when thou calledst Brother Bernard he was with me not with him selfe and therfore he could not answeare thee for he did not heare thee Which S. Francis hearing he humbled him selfe to God and asked him pardon Then incontinently retourning directly to Brother Bernard he mett him without his cell hauing ended his prayer and as Brother Bernard fell att his feet he likewise fell at his and acknowledged his fault of the ill iudgement he had conceaued of him then required of him to enioyne him this pennance I will said he that thou sett they feet on my throat and on my mouth and treading hard theron shalt say Poore worme the sonne of Peter Benardone there lye one the earth sith thou hast so exalted thee in pride bafe and abiect as thou art which poore Brother Bernard hearing he would in no sort yeld ther to till the holy Father commanded him in vertue of obedience and then with the greatest modesty and reuerence he could possibly he obeyed first conditioned that the S. should in like sort doe to him what he would and so hauing obeyed the S. he reciprocally commanded him very sharply to reprehend him for euery fault of his he should know as often as they should meete together Thus did the Religious Saints of those dayes exercise themselues in humility But S. Fracis hearing that was in such sort afflicted for hauing promised him obedience for the great reuerence he had towardes him aswell for his great worthynes as because he was the first of his Order as that he resolued rather to forbeare his sweet and gratious cōuersation then to haue subiect to reprehend him though in such a seruant of God there were litle or nothing to reprehend A Religious that had care of a leaper comming with him to our Lady of Angels the S. reprehended him for hauing brought him thither with trouble and afliction which he had scarcely vttered but thinking that he had offended the leaper in reprehending the Religious in his presence he presently went and acknowledged his fault vnto his Vicaire of whome he demanded for pennace that he would enioyne him to eat with the leaper in one same dish who not to giue him discontent was constrained so to command him and so there was incōtinently brought a dish of pottage from the kitchen for the leaper and himselfe it was admirable to see with what patience and tast this worthy seruant of God endeauoured to eat of the pottage in which the leaper putt his finges which being all couered with the loathsome infection of his leapry the droppes of putrefaction ran into the dish which caused in the Religious there present an extreame hart-greife and compassion that their Father without offence should performe so bitter and intollerable a penance Lett this be spoaken to our confusion that seeke so many curious arts to season our meates which we desire to haue so delicious The said Religious did assuredly affirme that as often thence-forward ae they remembred that refection of their Father with the leaper all meat how delicate soeuer it might be made their hart arise and was disdayned of them Of the new and notable Matines of holy humility which S. Francii and Brother Leo did sing hauing no Breuiary to read them THE LXXXXII CHAPTER THe holy Father being one time in the hermitage with Brother Leo he went so farre from the celle that the night preuented them and hauing no Breuiary with them the houre of Matines being come S. Francis said to the Brother will not yee that we employ this time vnprofitably that therfore we passe it in the prayse of God say as I shall tell you but take heed that you chaunge not any word I then will say O Francis thou hast committed so many sinnes in the world that thou deseruest hell and you shall answeare me you say the truth that you deserue a place in the deepest part of hell Brother Leo most humble and obedient promised him to say so but as the S. began to vtter the foresaid wordes Brother Leo answeared Know Brother Franc. that you shal not goe to hel but to the glory of Paradice Which the holy Father admiting he commanded him againe not to say so but as now I shall tell thee I will begin to say Francis thou hast so much offended God that thou well deseruest to be eternally accursed and you shall answeare without any variation thou art doubtles worthy to be foreuer expelled from the face of God which the good Brother Leo promising to obserue the holy Father with a loud and fearefull voice knocking his brest began O God lord of heauen earth I haue committed so many offences against thy diuine Maiesty that I am well assured I meritt to be eternally banished thy glory and perpetually damned and Brother Leo answeared God will accept thee for such an one as among the great multitude of his elect thou shalt be especially blessed and glorious in his celestiall kingdome S. Francis more admiring then before in that he knew how obedient Brother Leo was he said why doe you not answeare me as I enioyned you and as you promised me I now command you in vertue of obedience that when I say O wretched and miserable Francis doest thou thinck euer to deserue pardon of the God of mercies hauing alwayes so much offended him thou art not worthy of grace I command you I say to answeare me thou in no sort deseruest the mercie of
fruition of the glory of Paradice and because the sunne of all corporall creatures is the cheife of the irreasonable and our Redeemer IESVS CHRIST is called the Sunne of iustice he therfore intituled it the Canticle of the sunne which is that which followeth diuided into eight litle verses conformable to the eight beatitudes Most high lord all prayses glory and honours are thine to thee alone ought to be rendred and referred al graces and no man is worthy to name thee My God be thou praysed and exalted of all creatures and particulerly of our brother the Sunne thy worcke which illuminateth the day that lighteneth vs it is also thy figure by his beauty and splendour likewise of the siluer moone and glittering starres which thou hast created in heauen so bright and so beautifull My God be praysed by the fire whereby the night is lightened in his darcknes because it is resplendent pleasant subtil cleare beautifull and vigorous Lett the aire and windes cleare and cloudy seasons and all other seasons prayse my God wherby all other base creatures doe liue Lett my God be praysed by the water an element most necessary and profitable to mortall creatures humble chast and cleare Lett my God be praysed by the earth our mother which supporteth and nourisheth vs producing such diuersity of herbes flowers and fruites S. Francis added the ensuing versicle when he accorded the Bishop and the Capitaine of Assisium as in place proper shal be inserted Let my God be praysed by them that pardon each for his loue and support in pacience afflictions and infirmities with alacritie of spiritt Blessed are they that liue in peace for they shall be crowned in heauen The holy Father likewise added the verse ensuyng when God had reuealed vnto him the day of his death Let my God be praysed by corporall death which no liuing man can escape Wretched be they that dy in mortall sinne and blessed those that att the houre of their death be found in thy grace as hauing obeyd thy most sacred will for they shall not see the second death of eternall torments Lett all creatures prayse and giue thanckes to my God lett them be gratefull vnto him and serue him with due humility This Canticle was many times sung by the said S. vnto his Brethren whome he also taught to sing the same He exceedingly reioyced when he saw them sing it with grace and feruour for hearing it he merueillouslie eleuated his spirit vnto God He sent certaine of his Religious that were very spirituall vnto Brother Pacificus who liuing in the world had bin a very skilfull Musitian as we haue said that he might learne them to sing it perfectly in Musicke therby to praise God afterward when they should preach ouer the world for he would they should obserue to sing this canticle after their preaching as a prayse vnto God and that they should affirme themselues to the people to be the musitians of God and that they would no other reward for this their musicke but that they should doe pennance for their sinnes For confirmation whereof what are the seruantes of God said he but his representers to moue and awaken humane hartes to true spirituall ioy and particulerlie the Freer Minors who are giuen to the people for their saluation The holy Father affirmed that in the morning att Sunne rising a man ought to prayse God the Creatour of the Sunne by whose beames our eyes are illuminated by day and that he ought likewise to prayse God in the night for his Brother the Fire because by it our eyes are lightened by night and that we should be all blinde if God did not illuminate our eyes by these two creatures for which and for the other creatures whose vse we ordinarily haue we ought continually to prayse our glorious Creatour Of the prayer and thanckes giuing to God which S. Francis made after the confirmation of his rule THE CX CHAPTER MOst mighty most high most holy and soueraigne God holy Father and iust Lord king of heauen and earth we thanck thee for the loue of thy selfe because that by thy will and by thy only Sonne with the holy Ghost thou hast created all thinges corporall and incorporall then diddest frame vs according to thine image and placed vs in the terrestriall Paradice whence through our fault we are fallen We also thancke thee for that as thou hast created vs for thy Sonne so for the infinite loue which thou diddest beare vnto vs thou hast procured him to be borne in this world true God and true man of the wombe of the euer glorious virgin Mary and wouldest that his life should be vnto vs an example of pouerty humility and penitence and that his precious bloud his tormentes and most cruell death should be the price of the Redemption of humaine nature Finally we thanck thee for that thy Sonne is once againe to come downe on earth in glory and maiesty to chase the accursed into hell who would not repent nor acknowledge thee for Redeemer and to say to them that shall haue serued and adored him and done pennance Come ye blessed of my Father possesse the kingdome which is prepared for you from the beginning of the world But because we miserable sinners are not worthy so much as to name thee we humblie beseech thee to accept that our Sauiour IESVS CHRIST thine only beloued Sonne with the holy Ghost the true comforter doe yeld vnto thee for each of vs the thanckes we owe thee according to thy pleasure and that he satisfy thee for all the graces thou giuest vs by his meane and shalt giue vs prouided that we faile not in our endeauour such and so great as no humane tongue shal be able to expresse We also pray the blessed Virgin S. Michael S. Gabriel S. Raphael and all the quiers of blessed Spirittes Seraphins Cherubins Thrones Dominations Principalities Pouers Vertues Archangels and Angels the blessed Elias and Noe and all the Patriarckes and Prophetes S. Iohn Baptist and all the holy Innocentes S. Peter and S. Paul withall the other Apostles and Euangelistes Disciples Martyrs Confessors Virgins and all the sainctes that haue bin are and shal be that with the good pleasure of thy diuine Maiesty they giue thee thanckes for so many fauours as it hath pleased thee to afford vs to thee that art soueraine true eternall and liuing and to thy most glorious Sonne our Lord IESVS CHRIST and to the holy Ghost the comforter world without end Amen Al●etuya We Frere Minors vnprofitable seruantes demaund of thee and most humbly beseech thy diuine Maiestie to graunt vnto all them that will serue thee in thy holie Catholicke Apostolique Romane church and to all Orders of the said holy Church Preistes Deacons Subdeacons Acolites Exorci●tes Lectors Porters and to all the Cleargie to all Religious of both sex and to al Kinges Princes Lords and seruants Artizans and labourers to all Virgines widowes and maryed women and to all
lay men and women healthy and diseased children yong and old to all people families tongues to all nations and all the men of the whole earth that are and shal be the grace of true pennance in this life and so perseuerance in the true faith without which no man can be saued and we beseech thee to graunt vs grace together with thē to loue thee withall our hart withal our spiritt with all our forces withall our vnderstanding and withall our affections desires and interious willes sith thou alone hast giuen vs soule body and life creating and redeeming vs by thine only mercie thou hast saued vs and hast giuen vs miserable rotten and putrified ingratefull and ignorāt lowed and rebellious wretches dayly doest giue vs infinite benefittes Permitt then good God that we neuer desire nor seeke other thinge and that no other thing seeme good vnto vs or delight vs but they selfe our Creatour Sauiour and Redeemer only true God that art the perfect good all true and soueraine good that only is good and pitifull meeke and delightfull that only is holy iust true and vpright of whome for whome and in whome consisteth all our pardon all the grace and glory of all penitentes of all the iust and of all the blessed that raigne in heauen Permitt also Lord that nothing preuaile and hinder vs but that in euery place in all time att all houres continually we loue thee in verity and humility and that we hold thee imprinted in our hart as our true God And graunt if thou please that we loue thee honour adore serue prayse glorifie and preach thee for great and glorious and that we thank thee thou that art most high and God three and one Fa●her Sonne and holy Ghost Creatour of althinges and Sauiour of all them that beleeue in thee and haue placed in thee their only hope and loue who art without beginning and without end immutable inuisible inenarrable ineffable incomprehensible inscrutable blessed praysed glorious glorified high amiable agreable delectable and aboue all thinges desirable world without end Amen Of the intelligence and spiritt of prophetie which this S. had THE CXI CHAPTER THe holy Father S. Francis had in such sort cleared his soule illuminated and vnited it to our soueraine God by the continuall exercise of prayer that albeit he had no ouer-great vnderstanding of holy scripture being neuerthelesse illuminated by the beames of diuine reuelation he did penetrate the sublimity of the said scripture with an admirable intelligence of the diuine mysteries by which acquired science remayneth excluded the infused of diuine loue entring in his place And therfore what he read in holy scripture he vnderstood by diuine reuelation as a dilligent disciple of the holy Ghost he first imprinted it in his memory and then ruminated the same with an interiour tast of deuotion And if God inspired him not he neuer reuealed it to any person to appeare a learned master as now the practise is The Cardinall of Hostia Protectour of the Order who was afterward Pope Gregory the ninth secretlie requested him one time for the consolation of his soule to expound vnto him certaine profound places of holy scripture I doe not said he demaund this theologicall exposition of you as of a great doctour for I know well you haue not studied But I require it as of a man illuminated of the holy Ghost The S. satisfied him and gaue him such contentment as he could desire no more Being one day att Sienna a Religious diuine asked him how the Prophett Ezechiel is to be vnderstood where he saith If thou doe not admonish the impious of his impiety an account of his eternall death shal be exacted of thee the holy Father answeared if those wordes be to be vnderstood generally as they sound I thus vnderstand them that the seruant of God ought in such sort to burne and giue light by exemplare life and by his pious conuersation that he seeme silently to reprehend all the impious for by such in deed he preacheth their vices Wherein is duely to be considered how much more a Religious is obliged herevnto by the light of his good life seeing that it is here apparent that if he doe it not he cannot escape the terrible iudgement of the liuing God which prudent and true interpretation the diuine affirmed to proceed directlie from heauen and that himselfe could not giue a more direct exposition then was giuen by him with the swift speedy winges of the eagle soaring from infused science And affirmed with all that our interpretation was not such which proceeding from our blinded vnderstanding goeth naturally as a serpent trayling his body on the earth The said Religious did not try the holie Father in this matter onlie but in diuers others also in all which he rested fully satisfied and exceedinglie admiring att the grace which God had giuen him which was so great that he could not only discouer and vnderstand mysteries past but which God alone of himselfe can doe he discouered euē the thinges to come as if he had had them then before his very eyes as by this example and them that follow shall euidentlie appeare The holie Father being yet in the cittie of Sienna he once demaunded a charitie for the loue of God of an affectionate freind of his who directlie answeared him he would not graunt it but that he should first tell him the certainty of his predestinatiō a demaund doubtles verie straūge yea exceeding terrible But God that would for his profitt manifest vnto the world the merits of this his so glorious seruāt was cōtent he shold promise to assure him Being thē amazed att this so inciuill request he eleuated and addressed his countenance to heauē but much more his spiritt and so remayned in prayer a certaine space wherin was reuealed vnto him that this man was of the nōber of the predestinate and then he promised his deuout freind eternall life assuring him of his saluatiō But this good man vnable to conceale this his so extreme spirituall alacrity and so cōming to the eares of the afore said Religious diuine he was exceedinglie scādalized att the presūption of the holie Father Therefore repayring vnto him filled with choller as an other Pharisie he demaunded if it were true the S. answearing affirmatiuelie he laughing and deriding him said and who hath reuealed vnto youthat this your freind should be saued to whome the S. verie iealous of the honour of God openly answeared he that also told me that the last night thou committedst such a secrett sinne and that therfore in short time thou shalt abandō thy habitt But because the Religious deserued not pardon though by manifestation of his sinne he might be well assured of the ensuying punishment which he prophesied vnto him he neuertheles did not penance as the holie Father then admonished him God permitting him to die out of his Order that by his
in their afflictions and appeare to all the Brethren a modell and patterne in the obseruation of the holie gospell and our rule fuch ought to be my sonne the Generall of the Frere Minors I would also that such a Prelate should be feared loued and honoured of all and that all his necessities be prouided for with a singuler loue as true Father and most louing Pastour Of a letter which the holy Father S. Francis wrote to Brother Helyas his Vicar Generall THE XIV CHAPTER THe holie Father S. Francis being sick wrote this letter following to Brother Helias his Vicar Generall that gouerned and visited the Order Brother God giue you his holy benediction I admonish you to be alwayes patient in what soeuer you shall take in hand and well disposed to support whatsoeuer accidēt may giue you discontēt And if you should be iniuriously offended by any of the Religious or other receaue all as proceeding from the hand of God manifesting to the world that you seeke no other thing but to loue them and to procure them to be the true seruantes of IESVS CHRIST And therfore exact no more of them then that which God shall giue you and herein I will know if you loue God my selfe his seruant and your selfe to witt if whensoeuer any Frere Minor in the world hauing committed neuer so enormous offence commeth before you he depart not without mercy and though you afterward vnderstand that he sinned a thousand times if yet you loue him more then you would my selfe and though by reason of feare or reuerence he should not require pardon you encouraging him shall demaund if he desire it to the end that acknowledgeing his offence he doe penance for it and thus much to be practised especiallie towardes the infirme You shall not faile to admonish the Guardians to doe the like and that they resolue euer to doe it And therfore when it shal be knowne that one of the Brethren hath offended and forgotten himselfe lett not the other Brethren dishonour him nor murmure at him but lett them haue compassion of his fragility remembring that the sicke and not the healthie doe need the Phisition If any Religious induced by the deuill doe fall into any mortall sinne I will that he be obliged vpon obedience to haue present recourse vnto his Guardian who shall send him to the Prouinciall and he receauing him compassionatly shall haue care of him and comfort him as himselfe in such case would be conforted and he shall haue no authority to giue other penance to the contrite but to say only vnto him depart in peace and sinne no more Of the Prouinciall Ministers THE XV. CHAPTER THe holy Father S. Francis would that the Prouinciall Ministers should be equall with the other Religious and that for their goodnes and vertue they should be loued of all in such sort that the simple conceaue no feare nor apprehension to be vnder their gouernement and discipline He would also that they should be very discreet in their commandementes and compassionate in offences more ready to receaue iniuries and to pardon then to reuenge and capitall ennemies to vices but dilligent Curers of the vicious He would not haue them commaund the Religious in vertue of obedience in a matter of light consequence for that were to lay hand presentlie on the sword or to shew authority to commaund or to discouer the commaunder to be temerarious He desired they should be much respected but withall that their life should be such as might shine before all the Brethren as a mirour of vertue and Religion The cause why he would they should be loued and honoured was by reason that they carryed the burden and carre of all the rest and did meritte great recompence att Goddes hand and great prayse and honour with men when they charitablie preserved and gouerned in the foresaid manner the soules committed vnto their chardge How the holy Father S. Francis obtayned of God the gift of pouerty for hinselfe and his Order THE XVI CHAPTER THe holy Father S. Francis as he trauayled came one night to a towne very weary and his companion also who was Brother Macie though as Religious liuing in manner of the Apostles they had nothing with them to eat and therfore they begged it for the loue of God and gott bread to releiue them comming afterward to a fountaine that was nor far from the towne they there found a very faire stone as a table there expresly placed to eat vpon wheron the holy Father hauing layd the litle bread they had exceedinglie contented in himselfe sayd O Brother Macie wee are not worthy of so great a treasure and still raysing his voice he often iterated the same wordes Wherefore Brother Macie reasoned with him in these wordes Tell me Father if you please how call you this extreme pouerty treasure where there is only bread and water without napkin to eat vpon The holy Father answeared yea I call this a very great treasure where there is not any thinge procured by humane industrie but all administred by the diuine prouidence The bread hath bin giuen vs for the loue of God the fountaine and stone were created of God for vs therfore will I beseech him to giue vs grace to loue the treasure of pouertie with all our hart wherof he is the only administrator and distributer They also receaued a refection more spirituall then corporall and gaue thanckes to God for it The next morning proceeding on their iorney S. Francis on the way discoursed verie profondlie of pouertie thus saying to his companion Brother If we well knew the worth of holy pouertie we should finde it to be so diuine a treasure and of such excellencie that we are not worthie to possesse it in such base and vnworthie vessels For this is the vertue wherbie these terrestriall and transitory thinges are misprised and trodden vnderfoot that they may serue vs and not we them This is it that remoueth the impedimentes betweene God and vs that our soule may vnite it selfe to her Creatour for it giueth her winges by which though she liue on earth she conuerseth with the Angels in heauen This is the vertue that accompanied our Lord IESVS CHRIST from his holy conception euen to the crosse that arose againe with him and in fine ascended with him to heauen On it especially God founded his holy church not only in the Apostolike estate but euen in all Christians who then renounced and sold all they possessed and brought the price to the feet of the Apostles There on also may beloued Brother hath he founded our Religion Which lett vs therefore pray him to support on that Euangelicall foundation and to cause to encrease in an infinite number of vertues in imitation of his beloued Sonne our Lord and master and that we may with more ease obtaine the same lett vs procure to be our intercessors the glorious Apostles S. Peter and S. Paul the louers and preachers
He alreadie foresaw that knowledge puffed vp with vanitie in future time would giue a great fall to the Order because curiositie of the said knowledge would induce manie to great arrogance which would destroy obedience humilitie pouertie with all true Religion bringing in libertie and priuiledges The said holie Father said there shall be so manie that will labour to gett knowledge that he shal be happie who for the loue IESVS CHRIST shall shunne the same He appeared after his death to one of his companions who was exceedinglie busied in the studie of preaching and reprehended him sharpelie forbidding him that ouer great anxietie of spirirt which he had towardes study and commaunded him to study to walke the path of holie humilitie and pouerty How he discouered and preuented the deceipt of the learned and curious of his Order THE XXIV CHAPTER IT will succed said S. Francis to these curious of knowledge and learning that esteeming to be more edified and enflamed in deuotion towardes God by knowledge of him if they vse it not with great humility they by the same science and by the great study therin employed will remayne void of all goodnes cold in charity and puffed with vaine glory reioycing in their vanity and obstinate in opinion wherfore the holy Ghost being vnable to dwell in bodyes subiect to sinne he wil be constrayned vtterly to forsake them Certaine Religious therfore one day relating vnto him that a great diuine was entred into their Religion att Paris and that by his doctrine he much edified the people and cleargie and was a great honour to the Order S. Francis sighingly answeared them I much feare that his like will one day destroy whatsoeuer God by me his vnworthy seruant hath planted in this vineyared I would haue no greater Doctours in diuinity then they who teach their neighbour by worckes meekenes pouerty and humility because the goodnes of a Religious is according to his obedience to the rule and his doeing what he knoweth Those preachers that trust only in their doctrine when thy see concourse of people and that they are desirously heard and some by their preaching are conuerted to penance thy are puffed with vaine glory for the worckes of an other as if they were their owne and so preach saluation to others but damnation to themselues therfore they glory of that wherof they haue no more cause then a trumpett which soundeth by the mouth of an other man that windeth it for what are they but trumpettes wherby God sendeth his sound be they good or euill so that the cause of the conuersion of the hearers ought not to be attributed to them but to the very force of holy doctrine and to the teares of the simple though the same be not by them vnderstood these simple ones are my knightes of the round table who hide them selues in desertes and sequestred places the more commodiously to apply them to prayer and meditation lamenting theirs and others sinnes therfore God alone knoweth the fruit they produce and how many soules by their merittes are saued wherfore they shall heare this his voice Come thou faithfull and prudent seruant because thou hast bin faithfull vnto me in few thinges I will place there ouer many enter into the kingdome of eternall life but they who haue had no other cogitation but to learne knowledge and to demonstrate their doctrine vnto others preaching without edifying by good worckes shal be poore empty of all good before the throne of the terrible iudge they shall haue their vessels full of shame and confusion and they shall also heare God say vnto them you haue preached only by the wordes of your purchaced science but I haue saued soules by vertue of the merittes of my simple ones you therfore shall remaine with the winde of pride which you haue sought and these shall receaue the recompence of the labour of their humility and prayer which is ourvocation wherto these puffed ones shall haue bin contrary with the winde of their knowledge persuading many to relinquish this truth yea persecuting as blinded and frantike such as walke by this truth but the errour and false opinion wherin in they haue liued which they haue preached and wherby they haue conducted many with thē in the profound goulfe of ignorāce and spirituall blindnes shall tourne to their greife and confusion and they shal be buryed in darcknes for it is written I will destroy the wisedome of the wise of this world and the prudence of the prudent I will reiect So the holy Father as far foorth as his power extended for his office in this world permitted not any of his Religious to be called Master though formerlie in the world he had bin such alleadgeing vnto them the wordes of our lord IESEVS CHRIST One is your Masterin heauen and therfore lett none be called master on earth He affirmed of himselfe that though he had bin very learned he would neuer haue endured to be called Doctour or master because it was to doe against IESVS CHRIST so that he concluded that it was much more profitable to a man to knowlitle and be humble then to performe great matters with much knowledge and presumption of himselfe How much S. Francis reioyced att the good example which his order gaue to the church and how much displeased when his Religious procured or caused any scandall THE XXV CHAPTER THis glorious Father said that the Frere Minors were sent of God in this latrer age to be an example of light to them that were entangled in the obscurities of sinne Therfore if he heard relation of any example of edification that the Religious gaue to the holy Church he with great feruour would say The house of God shal be filled with good sweet sauours which shal be produced by the precious oyntmēt of vertues He exceedingly reioyced att the good reputation of his deere childrē at the exāple of piety which they gaue because by meane therof they cōuerted sinners to the loue seruice of IESVS CHRIST a thing especially desired of him and to such he gaue his holy benediction And consequently because his Religious knew that their holy Father would haue them exercised in this vertue and zeale of the saluation of soules they so much the more endeauoured to giue him satisfactiō therin And if it happened that any one procured the least trouble to his neighbour he presently asked him pardon with great humility and offered to doe pennance for the same It chaunced one time that an ancient Religious of the Order in presence of a gentleman vttered some wordes in choler to one of his Brethren but perceauing that he had troubled his Brother and disedified the other acknowledgeing his fault and impatient against himselfe he incontinently tooke the dong of an asse and putt it into his mouth and forced himselfe to chew it saying tongue eat this dong sith thou hast presumed to arise against they neighbour
thus he continued for certaine dayes till it pleased our Lord to declare him to be his seruāt which by this meanes came to passe One of the noblest of the Citty who then was the Iudge seeing and considering the life of this poore Religious sayed in himselfe this man thus contemned must needes be some holy personnage in regard of his extraordinary patience And therfore he called him vnto him and hauing demaunded what he was and whence he came Brother Bernard drew out of his bosome the Euangelicall rule which sainct Francis had giuen him and which he had written no lesse in his hart then in that paper and without vsing any other wordes deliuered it vnto him The iudge hauing seene the same was stricken into an amazement and tourning towardes many that were flocked thither to heare the Religious discourse he sayd This rule doubtlesse teacheth the most strict and rigorous religious life that is in the Church and in deed this man and all his companions that lead this life represent vnto vs the Apostolicall Colledge and therfore are worthy of very great honour This being said he conducted Brother Bernard to his house with such ioy and contentment as if he had bin an Angell of heauen A litle after att his owne expences he built for him and his companions a Couent without the cittie but very neere the walles as most commodious for them He liued and dyed as a deuout Brother of the Order In this sort was Brother Bernard the first that began the Couent att Bolonia which he did not seeke to build sumptuouslle and found with much rentes and possessions but with the examples of a most profound humility and patience he built vpon the firme rocke of IESVS CHRIST who is our true and liuely foundation Br. Bernard being then thus seated att Bolonia the people by litle and litle knowing his sanctity beganne to respect him and desirouslie to heare his wordes and to admitt his Coūsailes in such sort that in a short space many did not only forsake their disordered life but also left the world becomming Frere Minors in the said monastery To be short he was generally respected of all as a sainct each one desired to see him and to kisse that habitt which formerlie they misprised but he as the true and humble disciple of Euangelicall humilitie shunning these vaine honours retourned to the holie Father sainct Francis whome he besought to send him some other where wherin the sainct was willing to gratifie him and sent him into Lombardie where he edified the people with admirable vertue and erected many monasteries and recouered an infinite nomber of soules that resolued to follow the life and profession of the gospell of IESVS CHRIST Of the pilgrimage of Brother Bernard to S. Iames in Galicia and what happened to him there THE III. CHAPTER WHen the holy Father S. Francis went into Spaine to visitt the Church of sainct Iames in Galicia he tooke Br. Bernard and certaine other of his companions with him They found in theiriorney a poore sicke personne in a place very miserable and discomfortable and vttetly abandoned there they remayned certaine dayes to haue care of him serue and comfort him But sainct Francis knowing his sicknesse would be of long continuance lefte Brother Bernard to attend him and proceeded on his pilgrimage whence retourning he found the sick man recouered and tooke Brother Bernard back with him into Italie whence shortlie after he demaunded leaue of him to visite the Apostle Sainct Iames in Galicia not hauing opportunitie to goe with him the other time and hauing accomplished his iust desire att his retourne he came to a riuer which by reason of the swiftnes and violence of the current which was very deepe he could not wade ouer wherfore he was enforced to stay att the side therof where a litle after an Angel in very actiue manner appeared vnto him and saluted him in Italian Which Brother Bernard admiring asked him if he came from Italie or whence he was wherto he answeared that he came from our Lady of Angels where he had bin to admonish Br. Helias of his temerity in desiring to make a new rule and that he had rudely shutt the gate vpon him for which God would punish him Which said he easily conducted Br. Bernard to the other side of the riuer and then incontinentlie vanished leauing Br. Bernard exceedinglie comforted who gaue thanckes to God for hauing visited and assisted him by his Angell Being att Assisium he recounted to the holy Father S. Francis and others what the Angell had tould him of Brother Helias by which meane it was knowne that he who was att the dore of the Couent of our Lady of Angels and had spoken to Brother Helyas as hath bin related in the 100. chapter of the first booke was sent of God to propose vnto him the question there sett downe to giue him occasion of amendement How Brother Bernard receaued of almighty God the grace of extaticall contemplation and of the effectes therof together with his abstinence THE IV. CHAPTER THis holy Father oftentimes retyred himselfe from the worckes and labour of the actiue life wherin he spent a good part of his time for the saluation of soules to the repose of the contemplatiue life whereby he obtained of God such a sublimitie of spiritt and clearnesse of vnderstandinge that the deepest learned diuines repayred vnto him to demaunde solution of difficult and obscure passages of the holy scripture It seemed that his soule conuersed continually in heauen Sometimes he went ouer the mountaines entierly transported in God rauished as a propheticall spiritt in manifest signe of his continuall mentall eleuation Fifteene yeares before his death as he was spiritually in heauen he had also his countenance euer lifted very high in his iornyes when he began to feele the force of spirituall extasie he would bid his companion to expect a while then would turne out of the way and seeke some tree against which to rest and so held himselfe firme and stable that his spiritt might not wander diuers wayes till the extasie were ended He one time said to that great contemplatiue Brother Giles that he made himselfe but halfe a man remayning as a woman shut vp in his Cell and not goeing abroad to teach men the right way of their saluation Brother Giles answeared him O Brother it is not permitted to all men to eat and flye as swallowes as it is to you who goeing resting not stirring and running in any place whatsoeuer doe alwayes tast the extaticall and diuine consolation For which cause sainct Francis tooke great contentment to discourse with him of matters concerning God so that to that effect they were sometimes found together in a wood both rapt in extasie where they remayned in that manner a whole night together As he one day heard Masse in the quier he was so rauished in spiritt that he remayned till the ninth hower immoueable and insensible with his eyes
to Assisium and not to the Couent so much did he yeld himselfe to obedience that his only cogitation was readily to obay The Guardian hauing commanded a Religious that was praying to goe to demaund almose the Religious therat murmured exceedingly withhimselfe and in this distemper came to Br. Giles thus cōplayning Father I was praying in my cell and the Guardian hath commanded me to goe begge so that I must omitt the greater good for the lesse B. Giles answeared him brother you know not yet what prayer is for the most true and perfect is that the subiect doe the wil of his Superiour How zealous Br. Giles was of his rule and of holy pouerty THE VI. CHAPTER THe blessed Br. Giles as the true disciple of S. Francis was a great friend of pouerty From his entring into Religion to the end of his life he had neuer but one habitt and that all patched He went alwayes barefoot made his owne cell with earth and brāches of trees shunning all such superfluous celles as were more hansome commodiously built Comming one time to Assisium to visitt the sepulcher of S. Francis the Religious shewed him the Couent that was new built very great and sumptuous shewing him the great edifice of the Church and a faire structure of the altare that had three stages or stories of hight then the Cloister the refectory the dormitory and other places newly built for the commodity of the Religious who gloried in the accōplishment of so eminent a peece of worck Br. Giles very attentiuely considered all without vttering a word and hauing seene all he addressed himselfe to those that guided him saying Brethren here is no want vnto you but of women The Religious seeming to be much scandalized att those wordes Br. Giles replyed you should not wonder att what I haue sayd for you know well that it is no more lawfull for vs to dispense with pouerty then with chastity So that you hauing bid adieu to pouerty taking that for lawful which is directly against our rule I doe much admire you doe not dispense with your selues in the breach of this other article considering that both are vowes by you equally made vnto God There was a Religious that came one day full of ioy and contentmēt to Br. Giles sayd Father I bring you good newes This last night I saw a vision of hell and looking very curiously into it I could not see any of our Relligious Which Br. Giles vnderstanding he sighing sayd I belieue thee my child I belieue that you haue seene none and oftentimes reiterating the same wordes he was rauished in spiritt then retourning to himselfe he added belieue it for certaine my Child that there are some but thou sawest them not because thou diddest not discend low enough where they are tormēted wretched as they are for not hauing performed worckes conformable to their rule and habit for as holy Religious haue with the most perfect and glorious their residence in heauen so those which are bad haue their place with the most wicked in hell How much Br. Giles affected the purity of Chastity THE VII CHAPTER THis venerable Father continually afflicted his flesh keeping it subiect to the spiritt Which he did to conserue in his soule the splendour of chastity therfore he accustomed to eat but once a day and that litle and very late He would say that our flesh was like vnto a hogge that very greedily ran to the dirt and filth delighting himselfe therin or like the beetle that in all his life doth nothing but tumble and wallow himselfe in loathsome filthines He would also affirme our flesh to be the most valliant soldier that our ennemy hath against vs by which wordes and other like he demonstrated what an ennemy himselfe was to the peruerse inclinations of his senses and what a friend to Angelicall chastity Being one day in the citty of Spoletum he heard a voice as of a woman that called him this voice being of the deuill suggested into his heart such a temptation as he had neuer experienced a greater But as a valerous Champion of IESVS CHRIST he chased farre away his ennemy and remayned victorious first by cruell disciplining himselfe then by seruent prayer A Religious Priest being exceedingly afflicted and tormented by the deuill with a cruell temptation of the flesh and getting no remedy by abstinences and prayers he sayd with himselfe if I could see Br. Giles to discouer vnto him this mine affliction I am assured he would relieue met but he was so farre distant that there was no meane to come att him Br. Giles or his Angell for him appeared one night vnto him with whose presence the Religious being exceedingly comforted he opened vnto him all his temptation and demaunded of him some ayde and counsaile Br. Giles sayd vnto him come hither brother what would you doe to a dogge that would bite you The Religious answeared that he would cry att him and make him fly Br. Giles replyed doe the like to him that tempteth you and I will pray to God to assist and encourage you therin whervpon the Religious awaking he found himselfe fully comforted and deliuered of his trouble some temptation Other Religious were also in such sort molested with the like temptations that they became euen desperate and in tearmes to leaue the Order neuertheles they were deliuered by the wordes and prayers of Br. Giles A Religious came one time full of ioy and contentment vnto him vpon a victory gottē against a tēptation of the flesh● for he had perceaued heard a woman come behinde him which caused him a very grieuous temptation and the neerer she came vnto him the more did his temptation encrease But she passing before him and he hauing attentiuely beheld her was freed of the temptation Br. Giles asked him if she were old or yong he answeared she was olde and deformed Br. Giles replyed that it was no great meruaile if the temptation presently ceassed and with all added know brother that you gott no victory but haue bin vanquished for the victory consisted in not beholding her att all when she past by you this is the securest remedy one can vse in the conflict of the flesh Therfore herein be very carefull hereafter for feare that in steed of an olde you behold a faire young woman which would cause the temptation with infamy to proceed further How Br. Giles went into Africa to preach to the Mores with intention there to suffer Martyrdome THE VIII CHAPTER THe yeare 1219. wherin the greatest generall chapter was held of the Frere Minors S. Francis deputing and disposing of all his Religious throughout all Christendome and euen among the infidels Africa fell to Br. Giles his lott whither he hastened with many his companions of one same spiritt And to that end they embarqued themselues with an Italian merchant and safely arriued att Tunes but the deuill by diuine pe mission preuented
their necessities and doe good to all churches and hospitalles and this being done each one should esteeme him a lewd man and he knowing so much should not att all respect it nor forbeare but rather continue his pious worckes yea should the more voluntarily and with greater feruour exercise them as one that desireth not any recompence in this life considering that Martha careful to serue our Lord IESVS CHRIST demaunded assistance therin of her Sister Mary Magdalen and was reprehended of our lord because she would distract her sister from contemplation who yet gaue not ouer her good worcke so he that is truely actiue should not omitt good worckes for whatsoeuer reprehension may be giuen him sith he hopeth for no recompence but in heauen A Religious came cōplaining to Br. Giles that his brethren made him to labour so much that he had hardly time enough to pray and that for that cause he was determined to procure licence to remoue vnto an other Couent where he might with more repose serue God in prayer Wherto the holy Father thus answeared if you were in the Court of the king of Frāce should demand of him a thousand marck in siluer he might answeare what hast thou don for me that may moue thee to demaund such a recompence but if you had formerly done him some notable seruice you might with fa●re more assurance make such demaund Therfore if you will serue God you must first labour in obedience sith it is a greater vertue to doe one thing att the will of an other then to doe two att ones owne pleasure Then he added No mā can obtaine to contēplation of the glory of his diuine Maiesty but by feruour of spiritt feruēt prayer and then is a man enflamed with the feruour of the holy Ghost soareth vp to diuine contēplation when the hart is so disposed with the m●bers that neither can nor will thinck of other thing then that w ich it possesseth and feeleth He shal be a perfect contemplatour who hauing all his mēbres cutt off yea and his tongue would neither thinck procure nor desire to haue any other member nor whatsoeuer other thing he can imagine vnder heauen and this by reason of the excellencie of the most delicious and ineffable odour and sweetnes of contemplation In that respect S. Marie Magdalē being prostrate att the feet of our lord IES CHR. receaued and felt such a sweetnesse of his wordes that she had no member in her that could or would doe other thing then what she then did Which she sufficiently testified when her sister complayning att the wāt of her helpe she answeared nothing either by wordes or figues But our Redeemer as her Aduocate and Procuratour answeared for her withall she was imployed in his seruice more excellently then Martha was Now to contemplate is to sequestred from men and to remayne vnited alone with IESVS CHRIST Br. Giles made this demannd to a Religious of his Couent Brother what say the Doctours of contēplation the Religious answeared they speake diuersely Will you replyed the holy Father that I speake mine opinion therof the degrees of contēplation are fire vnction extasie tast repose and glory then he added a more expresse contemplation of God with the soule cannot be giuen then that of the Espouse with his Espouse for the Spouse before he receaueth his Espouse sendeth her precious stones iewels and other ornamentes of price to adorne her but whē they are together the Espouse leaueth all those thinges to approch vnto her Spouse so doe good worckes and vertues adorne the soule as precious stones and sumptuous attire and prayer vniteth it vnto God An ancient Religious demaunded of Br. Giles if the soule by extasie and contemplation did sometime euen in this life goe out of the body and he answeared that it did yea he assured him that he knew a man yet liuing whose soule being lifred vp in extasie went out of the body and forsooke it yea already vtterly forgetting the same I beleeue said the Religious that such soule was exceedingly grieued to retourne into her body Br. Giles then smilingly replyed Brother that which you say is true yea most true This holy Father would often in prayer and att other times with exceeding feruour say What art thou my God of whome I demaund this and what am I that aske it I am a sack filled with dung with loathsomnes and with wormes and thou art lord of heauen and earth And thus beginning his prayer he would be incontinently eleuated and rapt into almighty God Of profitable science and vnfruitfull of preaching and the interpretation of those wordes of the scripture Ego rogaui pro te Petre. THE XXXVI CHAPTER THe Venerable Br. Giles would sometimes say lett him who desireth to be learned humble well his head lett him be exercised in good worckes and lett him rent his body on the earth God will giue him knowledge It is a soueraine wisdome to doe good worckes carefully to obserue the cōmandementes and to consider the iudgements of God He once sayd to a Religious that would goe to a lecture att a Colledge Tell me wherfore would you goe to the lecture Know that the most worthy science is to feare and loue God these two vertues will suffice you a man hath knowledge according to his good worckes and no more Be not only carefull to profitt others thou being obliged to be more carefull to benefitt thy selfe We would often times know many thinges for others and few for our selues The word of God is not of him that heareth it nor of him that vttereth it but of him that putteth it in effect Many not knowing how to swimne throw themselues into the water to helpe an other that they see in danger of drowning but hauing aduentured too farre they are drowned together so that wheras there was but one in perill two are lost by presumption In purchasing aboue all thinges the saluation of thy owne soule as thou art obliged thou shalt not omitt to assist others but rather in doeing good worckes for thy selfe thou shalt also profitt them that wish thee well The Preacher of the word of God is a messager of his maiesty to the end he be to the people a flaming light a glittering glasse a standerd-bearer of his warryers Happy is he that conducteth others by the assured way that faileth not to walke the same way and that inducing others to runne standeth not still himselfe and so if he helpe to enrich others he remayneth not poore I suppose a good Preacher preacheth more for himselfe then for others and it seemeth that he who endeauoureth to draw soules out of an euill course to setle them in a good ought to feare that himselfe be not seduced from the same good way and led to the way of the deuill A Religious demaunded of this holy Father whither were better to preach well or to doe well he answeared tell me who
nor sowe I admonish you all my Sisters who are shall be that you labour to follow the way of simplicity humility pouerty and also the modesty of holy conuersation as we in the beginning of our conuersion haue bin taught of Christ and of our holy Father saint Francis through which not through our meritt but through the mercy of the liberall giuer the Father of mercies hath spread abroad the sauour of our good name as well vnto those who are far off as to such as are neere And for the charity of our Lord IESVS lett thē keepe the vniō of loue The charity which you haue interiourly shew it exteriourly by worckes to the end that through your exāple the sisters who are called vnto your profession may encrease in the loue of God mutuall charity Also I pray all those who shal be chosen in the offices of the sisters that they study to excell the others rather in vertue and modest conuersation then in their office to the end that by their example the Sisters that were called vnto the religion before them be moued to obey them not only in respect of their office but for loue The Abbesse must be carefull discreet towardes her Sisters as a good mother towardes her children She must also haue a prouident care of euery one according to their necessity of the almose which it shall please God to send her She must withall be so sweet and indifferent vnto all that the sisters may with out feare or doubt declare vnto her their necessity and that they confidently haue recourse vnto her when the Abbesse and the Sisters shall thincke it to be necessary The Sisters that are subiect lett them remember that for the loue of God they haue renounced their owne willes wherfore I will that they obey their mother as they of their one accord promised vnto God to doe to the end that their mother seeing the humility charity vnion which they haue vnto each other may easily beare the chardge with the office shesustaineth and because it is heauy bitter they must through their holy conuersatiō turne it into sweetnes And because the way is narrow the gate streight which leadeth vnto life few there are that walke in it and few that perseuer therin blessed are they that haue receiued the grace to walke in it and to perseuer vnto the end lett vs therfore be carefull if we be entred in the way of our lord that by out fault and negligence we doe not fall from the same to the end that we committ not that iniury vnto our lord to this blessed mother the glorious Virgin Mary to our holy Father sainct Francis and to the triumphant and militant church for it is written accursed are they who decline from your commandement For to obtaine this grace I bend my knee vnto the heauenly Father through the merittes of lord IESVS and of his blessed mother of our holy Father saint Francis and of all the Sainctes that it well please him of his diuine Maiestie who hath giuen a good beginning to graunt grace also that it may augment and perseuer euen vntill death Deerly beloued Sisters present and to come to the end that you may the better perseuer in your vocation I leaue vnto you this writing and in token of our Lordes benediction and of the benedictiction of our holy Father saint Francis and of me your mother and seruant The end of the testament of the glorious Virgin saincte Clare Here ensueth S. Clares Benediction vnto her Sisters present and to come IN the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost Amen My deerly beloued Sisters our lord giue you his holy benedictiō and behold you with his holy eye of mercy giuing you his peace as also to all those that shall enter and perseuer in this our Colledge and monastery and vnto all other of the Order who shall perseuer vnto the end in this holy pouerty I Clare seruant of IESVS CHRIST and litle plante of our holy Father S. Francis your mother Sister though vnworthy doe beseech our lord IESVS CHRIST that by the intercession of his most holy mother of the holy Archangell S. Michaell and of all the holy Angels of our holy Father S. Francis and of al the holy Saintes that it wil please him to giue and confirme vnto you this benediction in heauen and in earth by multiplying in you his holy grace and in heauen by eleuating you into the eternall glory with his saintes And I giue you my benediction in my life and after my death in all that I am able and more then I am able Withall the blessinges wherwith the Father of mercies hath or shall blesse his spirituall children both in heauē and earth or that the spirituall mother doth or shal be able to blesse her spirituall chirldren Amen Be alwayes louers of God of your soule and of your Sisters and be alwayes carefull to keepe that which you haue vowed to God Our lord be alwayes with you and you with him Amē Of the death of the blessed Virgin S. Clare and of a vision which one of her Religious saw THE XXVI CHAPTER THe holy virgin and seruant of IES CH. was many dayes towardes the end of her life afflicted with diuers diseases The faith deuotiō which att that time each one boare her exceedingly encreased yea so far foorth as she was honoured as a S. being ordinarily visited by Cardinals Bishoppes and other Prelates But which is more admirable to heare hauing bin seauenteen dayes without force to receaue any sustenāce that was presented vnto her she was neuertheles so fortified of God and encouraged of his diuine Maiesty that she exhorted all those that would comfort her to be prompt in the seruice of God A Religious mā intending to comfort her and to persuade her to haue patience in so grieuous a sicknesse that procured her so much torment she with a smiling countenance cleare voyce answeared him Brother since the time that I knew the grace of my God by meanes of his seruant saint Francis no paine hath bin troublesome vnto me no penance hath seemed difficult nor no sicknesse ircksome And as almighty God approached neere vnto her her soule being as it were att the dore to goe forth the blessed virgin would haue the most pious and spirituall Frere Minors to be present to discourse vnto her of the passiō of our Lord IESVS CHRIST and by their pious wordes to enflame her more in the loue of God Wherfore some of them who were vnto her true Brethren in our Redeemer CHRIST IESVS were present and amōg others Br. Iuniperus the familier of our Lord IESVS CHRIST who often vttered vnto her such fiery and enflamed wordes of the omnipotēt God that she by his presēce being filled with an extreme ioy one day demaunded of him if he then knew nothing new of almighty God whervpon Br. Iuniperus opening his
albeit his life and the Countesse his wiues were stored withall kind of vertues yet in his last dayes speaking of her being vrged by the holy Ghost he vttered to those present these wordes The infidell man is sanctified by the faithfull woman whome I leaue a virgin in this mortall life as I receaued her a virgin and vnspotted This holy Confessour of IESVS CHRIST changed this life for a better the yeare of grace 1327. Father Francis of Maronis a famous preacher and Doctour was present att his death The very daye of his departure he appeared in all glory vnto his wife who was them in her Countie in Prouence to whome he vttered these wordes of the Psalmist The snare is broaken and we are deliuered and so without any other word he vanished The Contesse the same day recounted to all her company the death of her husband it being the 27. day of September He was buryed in the church of the Cordeliers att Paris clothed in the habitt of the third Order and the same yeare his body was translated into Prouence to the Couent of Apte in which his sanctity was by many miracles diuulged for which he was by the Apostolike sea canonized His feast is celebrated the 27. of September The Countesse Delphine his wife liued many yeares after him perseuering in piety being dead she was buryed by her husband hauing the the habitt of the Frere Minors as a disciple of the holy Father S. Francis and of the third Order Att the death of this Countesse and till her body was enterred a most sweet harmony was heard in the aire as they haue testified and assured who were neere her body It is piously beleeued that they were Angels singing as true friendes of virginall purity Our Lord wrought many miracles as well in the life time as att the death of this holy woman and in such quantity as there is no doubt but that our lord had canonized her in heauen The life of the blessed Yues of the 3. Order S. Francis Of the holy exercises and mortification of the flesh of S. Yues THE XXII CHAPTER YVes florished in that time in the Duchy of Bretanie within the diocese of T●iguier He was a man of eminent sanctity and led a merueillous austere life for which cause almighiy God made him famous by many miracles This holy man was the sonne of a very rich vertuous man by whose good example he was from his tender infancie a patterne of commendable conuersation His Father sent him to study humanity att Paris thence to Orleans to study the Canon and Ciuill law but much more did he profitt in diuine wisdome for there manifesting his doctrine he layd open to many the true knowledge and assured way of iustice And being to retourne to his Father the Bishop of Triquet hauing heard the fame of his excellent vertues and sanctity made him his Officiall or commissary with very ample aucthority And albeit the holy man withall his power withstood the acceptance of this cha dge yet was he att lenght constrained therevnto He with such prudence and without acception of persons administred iustice that the ballance was alwayes equall which he performed with such sincerity that he would neuer receaue any ●ecompence for it in this life A litle after by diuine prouidence he became Priest in which ministery he offered his body a liuely sacrifice vnto almighty God His habit was then according to his quality common decent and modest But vnder he woare a very sharp hayr-cloth Whe●with he afflicted his body did weaken it by frequēt and austere fastes by cōtinual watchinges When he was admitted into the confraternity of the Penitents of the third O●der of S. Francis he reiected all his fine apparell though most modest and plaine which he ware according to his quality cloathing himselfe with very grosse and course gray cloth and wearing rude and homely shooes as poore Religious ordinarily vse He w●are vpon his hair-cloth that it might not be seene a shirt made of towe raw or vndressed He slept very litle and then only when nature was wearyed with prayer study or spirituall exercise or burdened with naturall necessity of sleep his repose was short and he alwayes tooke it cloathed His bed was the bare ground a hurdle or some g●osse stickes wreathed together his pillow the bible an instrument of litle sleepe and of much dilligence he being mindfull and taking comfort of these wordes of our Redeemer IESVS CHRIST They that are clothed in soft garments are in kings houses Of the abstinence charity prayer and the manner of saying the diuine office of S. Yues THE XXIII CHAPTER THis holy man did neuer feed on delicate meates but such as were very grosse which he did to reserue of his reuenue wherwith to reliue many poore people On fasting dayes commanded by the Church he vsed only bread and water ordinarily did with great abstinence fast the wednesday and saterday He had customarily strangers and pilgrimes in his house he was very dilligent in the practise of the worckes of mercy he entertayned poore people and particulerly the sick and lame with exceeding pitty and compassion and conuersed with them so mildly and familiarly as if they had bin his brethren he serued them and made their beddes washed their feet and did them all other seruices that they could need Being no lesse carefull to administer vnto them the spirituall food of the word of God then the corporall he made them notable exhortations wherin he multiplyed the talent of the Euangelicall doctrine to those that were vnder his chardge He was very prompt in according dissentions and procuring of peace with all persons He had the grace to conuert sinners to pennance He was so addicted to prayer and contemplation that he would sometimes neglect to take his ordinary repast and dyett And one time he continued fiue whole dayes in prayer in his chamber without asking or being offered him any thing to eat And yet when he came forth his countenāce was so pleasing ioyful and vermilliō as if he had bin pampered with most exquisite meates As he celebrated masse with great feruour so did he therin receaue of God notable feelinges and graces as one day did appeare for as he eleuated the most sacred sacrament there discended from heauen an admirable splendour and brightnes which enuironned the sacred host together with the chalice He red the canonicall houres with admirable attention deuotion and did alwayes rise att midnight to say his Matins He diuided the office into all the houres of the dayes in imitation of the Prophett Dauid who praysed God seauen times in the day Of the blessed death of S. Yues THE XXIV CHAPTER THis holy Religious being complete in the perfectiō of all vertues exceeding deuout vnto IESVS CHRIST very austere towardes himselfe extreme curteous and charitable towards others as he was by diuine grace of a singuler life and admirable in
THE CHRONICLE AND INSTITVTION OF THE ORDER OF THE SERAPHICALL FATHER S. FRANCIS CONTEYNING His life his death and his miracles and of all his holie disciples and companions SET FOORTH First in the Portugall next in the Spanish then in the Italian lastlie in the French and now in the English tongue THE FIRST TOME AT S. OMERS By IOHN HEIGHAM Anno 1618. With permission of Superiors TO THE MOST RELIGIOVS ENSIGNE-BEARERS OF S. CLARE THE ENGLISHE POORE CLARES IN GRAVELINGE THE AVTHOR WISHETH VICTORIOVS TRIVMPH NAturalists amongst other elaborate curiosities of nature not vnworthy moralyzinge reporte of the Salamander that contrarie to the inclination of other beastes her life is cherished by the fier which by reason of its furiouse violence to others is tearmed Elementum implacabile an element with all most impossibilitie to be asswaged whence may be plausably verified the Phisiciās prouerb that The same drugge cures kills vnderstandinge accordinge to the diuersity of the patients maladie Noe maruell then most Reuerend mother and Religiously deuoted Sisters if I after my long experience of your allmost Salamander like life by dedicatinge this booke to your Religious vewe should ad fresh coles to kindle or rather cherish your long since kindled fier of Deuotion wherin you liue contrarie to those in the world of your Sects And noe meruell if therin I should giue you a receipte composed of diuers poysons for soe they are to Heresie since I see they are peculiar restoratiues and infallable Antidotes to your sores for what sooner cures a longing then to satisfy the appetite with the thing lōged for which earnest desire or longinge it pleased you Right worthyly Religious to manifest by your zealous importuninge me to preuayle with a third that could and would vndertake the Translation of this worke ●rō French wherin it was impressed to our vulgar tounge for your more facile and pleasant reading of the liues of so famous worthies who are indeed as exemplars or soe manie plattformes for direction of your allreadie initiated iourney Which being with much difficultie obteyned after longe expectation finished by the greate paynes of an extraordinary deuot● of your order and particularly of your couent whose will it also is that by reason you were only in cause of the Translation through your entreati● only it was prouided for in the impression that the whole volume of his labors ●hold be shadowed vnder your matronadge I haue not therfore enforced you to foster a straunge feture but 〈◊〉 to which your selues are mothers neyther haue I donne it making myne owne head my counsell howse but with aduise of the Authore and other benefactours of the worke since therfore yee haue daigned to begett it be contented to conserue it against what difficulties the world shall oppugne it Yee haue for your encouradgment heerin infallably assurance of infinitly redoubled merit For as casuists hould whatsoeuer is produced to publike vse by how much it is a cause of further good or hurte to the imbracer of it in equall measure is the increase of merite or demerite to the Setter forth and therfore it is thought of Caluin whom our countrey rules that accidentally by how much his heresie increaseth his torments encrease yee therfore on the contrarie eyther respectinge your owne merite by being more then semie authors and patronesles of a worcke of soe greate expectance or els meerely examore amic ●ia as Phylosophers tea me it reflecting one the good of others for Non n●b s nati sumus wee are not borne to our selues yee haue reason to accept it vnder your shelter To this end yee haue an Anthem in the office of our holie Father S. Francis instituted by reason of a diuine oracle wherin it was reuealed to him that hee should not only be sollicitous for himselfe but studdie the good of others S. Paule witnesseth of him selfe that he could be contented to loose heauen that he might win it for others heere is a miraculous charitie yet ye are not driuen to that extreamity but by being a meanes of others arriuall into heauen ye encrease your owne ioyes Agayne neyther lett the title of patronesses deterr you as if it sauoured of the world which ye haue abrenunciated or as if it did not correspond with your Religious simplicitie which ye haue embraced for the great affinitie of the worke with your truly simple dispositions of it selfe did challenge you For if eyther you respect the subiecte it is a Chronicle of SS wherein nothinge cann be expected but meere simplicities Agayne it is of S. Francis SS who was a mirrour of simplicitie if you respect the method in the handlinge t is fitted to the matter as your selues will soone experience Your office therefore in matronizinge is but with your wonted simplicitie to offer the transtatours labours to god almightie for successe Wherein I would entreate you to offer vpp mee as your deuoted seruāt CLA. FRA. TO THE READER THE multitude of bookes which now adayes are printed with purity and elegancie of tongues and languages are so aboundant that it causeth many to reiect the reading of such as they ought to haue alwayes in hand for edification and profit of their soules and not for curiositie in regard that though al good and true doctrine ought to be highly esteemed as the nourishment of the soule the foode wherofis the intellectuall vnderstanding of the truth yet ought the discret and Christian Reader to consider how different is the fruit collected of one booke before an other that with the greater profit he may dispose of his houres and keep his cogitations employed and that as bookes encrease so may augment in him discretion and iudgement of reading them that so he may of each of them gather some fruit And certainly I admire that sith when we see avenimous beast we are terrified and tremble for feare of his poyson how we are so senceles as with delight to read heretical or dissolute bookes considering that they corrupt good manners and induce to vices and vanities which are also most subtill venime wherto making the least approach it taketh such roote in vs and doth afterward so budde foorth that empoysoning our soules it becometh incurable And which is yett worse we permit our selues easily to be infected because the scope and discourse of such bookes are pleasing vnto vs as being conformable to our appetite and to our lasciuious inclinatiō and thus according to the custome presenting poyson vnder a sweet or alluring bayte And therfore if the studious and carefull Christian desire to obserue any due course in his reading sith it so much importeth him lett him vnderstand that next to the doctrine of faith and the counsels of holy scripture no other can euer so much aduance him to purchace vertues and hate vices as the frequent and ordinary reading of the conuersation and life of the holy seruantes of almightie God considering with all that is a natural thing that to attempt
a difficult and dangerous enterprise we are therein much more induced by example then by any persuasions of whom soeuer though we acknowledg them to be certainlie true None could be found that would resolue ioyfully to embrace the vertue of pouerty humility chastity fasting and other penitētiall labours if he knew not that others not only with wordes exteriourly but really with worckes haue embraced the same Neither was it for any other cause that our Lord IESVS Christ would personnaly come into this world but by example to shew vs the way of our saluation and his holy wil because the examples aduertissementes of his faithfull seruantes would not suffice to retire vs from our euill conuersation and way and to setle vs in his no not the preceptes which he had giuen in the first written law But when he began to walke this way how many were there that would accompagny him very seriously seruing him euen till their death and this only for his loue The Church therfore knowing right well the glory that redoundeth to almightie God and the fruit which men gather by the memory of the life of our lord IESVS Christ and of his sainctes doth euery day propose and sett them before our eyes in the diuine office in the sacrifices and solemnities that it should not be tedious vnto vs to follow and imitate them whome we prayse and whose memory we honour and that likewise we should not esteeme it labourious to walke that way which alone conducteth vs to eternall life Hereof mayest thou consider deuout Reader what vse almightie God maketh of his elect in fauour of vs because we are saith S. Iohn coadiutors to the saluation of soules we may hence also conceiue how greatlie we are obliged to the trueseruantes of God who haue so put themselues to paines in the exercise of vertues that they haue left the way open that such as seeke it may finde it and by their examples haue taught vs which it is and with whath force and industry we may attaine vnto true glory Those of former ages guided only by naturall light did vse exceeding diligence to induce and animate themselues by the examples of their famous predecessours vsing them as so many spurres vnto vertrue to the end they might in no time be defectiue in the obligation they had both to their natiue country and to their owne honour and indeed the milke wher with they nourced their childrē in their publique schooles was the generous actes of their ancestours which were red vnto them in poemes and orations that by meanes of those examples the children might be affected to vertue and enflamed with desire of glory although it was more vaine then vertuous This is of such force that euen at this present many of our Christians following the same practise cause their children to spend the most entiere parte of their age in committing to memory the heroyicall actes of the ancient Grecians and Latines But would to God that too many did not employ and wast all their life in this study and that many others were not more affected to Homer Cicero and Virgil then to IESVS Christ O extreme indignity of Christians deseruing sharp reprehension and eternall punishment in regard that they glory to be imitatours of the superstitious Gentils who as they wanted faith and the true light illuminating the hart of Christians so was not their vertue true and solid but exteriour and vaine And although that in that time of obscure darcknes they gaue to men some sparckle of light some litle knowledg of vertue more with wordes then with effect these Pagans neuertheles persiste in obscurity euen in the cleare day of the true light of our lord IESVS Christ the soueraigne truth and perfection and are vnworthy to be honoured in comparison of true Christians who being illuminated with the light of faith can easily discerne iudge and condemne the world with his vnwise adherentes because as the Apostle S. Paul Saith the spirituall man knoweth and iudgeth al thinges Pagans on the contrary glorying and esteemning themselues wise with their eloquence become sottish and ignorant as hauing attributed and giuen vnto creatures that which appertayned only to the Creatour but they whose cogitation and confidence is more setled and grounded on the diuine will and doctrine then humane and do follow celestiall not earthly Philosophy such I say shal only arriue to heauen whence first discended their knowledge they cannot erre being taught by the eternall wisdome neither shall they euer want glory euen amōg mortall people though they haue with all possibility shunned the same but shal be illustrious to all the world For though antiquity haue exceedingly honoured great ambitious personnes that desired to leaue some memory and renowne of themselues in this world after their death yet our holy mother the Church doth farre more exalt and make more glorious our Sainctes continually in the predications feastes and solemnities which for them and in their honour are celebrated besides that we beleeue that they liue and gloriously raigne in heauen in the contemplation of their Lord. So that the true seruantes of God are blessed among Angels and honoured among men as eminent sainctes as great they are and worthy of all reuerence Altars are euery where consecrated and churches bult in their names their images are honoured their wordes and workes are highly commended and preached their reliques are reuerenced and worshipped on earth their soules glorified in heauen and the miracles and excellent workes both ancient and moderne which our lord in them and by them hath wrought are with exceeding great glory admired Our Lord euen in this world recompenceth his elect who not in appare●e but in effect are vertuous and holy and incorruptedlie conserue their faith to their Creatour When was there euer found in any time among the ancient naturalistes such constancie such faith temperance magnanimity sweetnes mercy iustice fortitude and loyaulty as hath bin found in our Christians who by no kinde of threates or faire speeches of Tyrantes could be induced to leaue their obedience vnto God could neuer be corrupted by any promise or recompence nor haue bin inclined by any kinde of flatteries or fauours but persisting firme constant in the truth haue nothing esteemed nor feared the terrible and horrible tormentes were they neuer so barbarous nor in the extremity of them or death it selfe but haue alwayes remayned immoueable and inuincible in true vertu piety not desiring reuenge or detriment to the persecutours or executioners but pardon and saluation praying vnto God for them And all this not att their death only but euen in their life For there is no kinde of vertue wherin the sainctes haue not excelled some in purity of virginity others in continencie with great labour subiecting the flesh to the spirit that euen on earth leading a life more angelical then humane they might purchase eternall glory in heauen others renouncing kingdomes estates and dignities
and liberality giue a right worthy example distributing the patrimony of IESVS Christ among his poore Fourthly that the imitation of the life of IESVS Christ might be better knowne and more readily embraced in pouerty crosses and contempt of all transitory thinges men hauing by experience seene how many euils and sinnes succeeded in his Church by meane of honours and temporall richesse and that euen the blinded worldlinges might be assured that the state of life which himselfe did choose in this life is most secure and most perfect Fiftly and finally to condiscend vnto the imperfection and infirmity of many that being incapable of the excellent and Apostolique pouerty wrought their saluation by this more large way whence may be conceiued that God hath alwayes ordeyned the estate of his Church according as he knew it most expedient for his elect so that wheras the Church hath bin enriched with temporalities it was by the most prudent counsaile of the holy Ghost This magnificence of richesse and temporall estate auaileth much for triall of Prelates and Ecclesiasticall personnes for by the same appeareth whither they be humble in honours temperate in abondance and amiddest their flowing substance poore in regard of their will But alas few by this triall haue proued such for contrarie wise they haue become licencious and haue conuerted that into intollerable transgression which was giuen vnto them for inducement to exercise themselues in all piety and vertue Now this fall towardes the end of this latter age and estate of temporall prosperity is merueillous punctually declared by S. Iohn in the fift chapter of his visions where he introduceth the Angell speaking to the fift Church of Sardis Thou art esteemed to liue but thou art dead Then by way of threates he saith that in regard of the great euels and litle good which she did if she did not amend she should in short time be punished and damned And in the opening of the fift seale it is said that the sainctes out of great zeale required vengeance on sinners and att the sound of the fift trompett it is said that a starre therby being vnderstood the principall of the estate of the Church seculers and ecclesiasticals fell as vpon the earth with so greedy a desire of terrestriall thinges that the pittes of the bottomles depth did open as if he would say all kinde of sinnes and vices as are pride auarice cruelty murders and other infinite enormities did by their euill example ouerflow the earth and vpon that occasion the name of God hath bin from that time blasphemed and many heresies haue thence succeded and likewise warre betweene kingdomes and peoples one against an other schismes and discorde among Prelates one against another and betwene Prelates and their subiectes and all this to the great scandall of Christians which did so much exceed the other precedent disasters in regard that it was domesticall proceeding of the cheefe spirituall and temporall personnes of the Church In the dregges of this fift age was all the Empire of Federic the second a violent persecuter of the Church and of the Prelates in so much that he brought the Sarrazins into Italy and there planted them who by their incursions committed a great murder of the Christians saccagementes ruines and burninges of Churches and monasteries to satiate their barbarous infidelity The sunne was then obscured to witt our holy Father the Pope who was depriued of the reuerence from each one due vnto him and the moone became bloudy by the persecutions imprisonmentes death of the Cardinals and Prelates that were so much afflicted by the said Emperour Federic and his adherentes And the starres fell from heauen that is many ecclesiasticall personnes betraying the Church of IESVS Christ adhered to the Emperour The deuils therefore ministers of the wrath of God made readie themselues to reuenge such and so many enormities ouer the world in all the foure partes of the earth and to this purpose they induced men to vnwonted sinnes labouring to preuent with punishment the diuine mercy doubtles if our Lord IESVS Christ had not fauoured his Church by a new byrth and reformation of spirit she could not haue auoyded an horrible chasticement God omitted not to reueale to his vicares on earth and to many faithfull Catholiques for their consolation this necessity and the remedy he intended to the same He manifested invision to Pope Innocent the third the Church of S. Iohn Lateran as ready to fall but that it was supported and susteyned by the shoulders of two poore men So when afterwardes the glorious Father S. Francis and after him S. Dominick came to demanded permission of the said Pope to institute their Orders in the Church he knew by illumination of the holy Ghost that they were the two poore men whome he had seene in his dreame or vision supporting the said Church and therfore was he the more easily induced to accord their requestes So that the Church was att that time filled with brutish people that were all sclaues to their concupiscences and as terrestiall serpents full of auarice and with other cruell and horrible monsters hauing their face and conuersation vtterly deformed corrupted with infinite vices but particulerly with hypocrisie and heresie which then raigned Albeit that God as iealous of the honour of his Espouse was exceedingly moued and offended att so many enormities yet did he not therfore in his greatest fury omitt to shew his mercie for in the middes of his Church he raysed the Orders of begging Friers flowing with men of famous sanctity that should roote out auarice banish allurements and carnall pleasures reiect honours and terrestriall dignities shame hipocrisie defend truth stirre vp the fire of charity reforme other peruerse habitudes and imitating and following the exampe of IESVS CHRIST should boldy reprehend the euill deportements and abuse of some in the Church should by the word of God awaken induce the people to pennance should with admirable vertue confound the malice and great errours of mischeuous heretikes and by their instant and seruent prayers should appease the iust wrath of God Among whome as it were being figured by Enoch and Elias S. Francis and S. Dominick particulerly were ordayned and deputed to this employment And as S. Antonine in his history recounteth the holy Father S. Dominick in spiritt saw God exceedingly moued against the world which he intended to punish But that the glorious Virgin demaunded pardon for the Church presenting vnto him two men who by the diuine prouidence were already deputed to preach pennance to sinners to moue them to amendement which were the glorious Father S. Francis and S. Dominick by whose prayers God was appeased and it happened afterward that these holy Fathers entring into the Church of S. Peter att Rome did in spirit know one an other to be Brothers and companions designed to this affaire wherefore in great charity they mutually embraced one an other These two origines and institutors
the Sonne and of the Holy Ghost This is the life that Brother Francis presented to Pope Innocent the third who condiscended therunto with his owne mouth and consirmed it to him and his Religious present and to come and therfore the said Brother Francis and whosoeuer shal be principall of the said Order or Religion promiseth obedience and reuerence to the Pope and his successour The forme of the rule instituted by the holy Father S. Francis and confirmed by Pope Innocent the third Of the three principall vowes of chastity obedience and pouerty THE I. CHAPTER THe life and rule of the Frier Minors is thus That they liue chastly vnder holy obedience and not possessing any thing in propriety That they follow the life and doctrine of IESVS CHRIST who sayeth If thou desirest to be perfect goe and sell what thou hast and giue it to the poore for doeing so thou shalt purchase treasure in heauen If any man desire to come after me lett him renounce his proper will lett him take vp his crosse and follow me and he that will come after me and forsaketh not father mother wife children and hateth not himselfe for my loue cannot be my disciple Besides whosoeuer shall forsake Father mother brothers and sisters wiues children and all his earthly substance for my loue shall receiue an hundred fold and purchase eternall life Of the manner of admitting the Brethren into the Order and of cloathing them and of the habit of the Frier Minors THE II. CHAPTER VVHen any one by diuine inspiration shal be disposed to enter into this Religion lett him be benignely receiued by the Superiour of the Brethren and hauing proued him to be stable in this purpose lett him send him to his Minister Prouinciall and lett the Brethren in the meane while be wary not to entermedle in any sort with their worldly affaires Now he being presented to the Prouinciall who shall graciously entertaine him after he shall haue diligently examined his will and the cause inducing him to desire his entrance into this Religion lett him seriously expose vnto him the manner of life of the Brethren Which don he ought by pregnant persuasions to exhort him without lawfull impediment to sell all his substance before he dispose of his life and lett him giue it to the poore if he thincke good but lett the Brethren Ministers be very respectiue that in treating this matter they doe not persuade or induce him in any sort whatsoeuer to giue any mony to themselues or to their Couent Neuertheles if perhappes the Couent or the Brethren haue need of any thing that he hath and he offering it and desiring of himselfe to giue it they may receiue it as if he distributed it in almose to any other poore and no otherwise prouided yet that this gift be not mony This being performed I meane his substance being distributed to the poore or as God shall inspire him and returning to the Couent the Minister Prouinciall shall then giue him the habitt of probation which he shall weare one yeare This habitt shal be such two coates without cappuce and the corde And the yeare of probation ended his profession shal be procured and when he shall haue submitted himselfe to holy obedience he may not be permitted to enter into any other Religion nor to be disobedient to the Pope And if there be any that for some lawfull impediment cannot distribute his substance for the loue of God it shall suffice that he renounce and abandon it in whatsoeuer other manner Lett it not be permitted that any be receiued against the ordonnance and constitutions of the Church All those that haue promised obedience must haue one coate with the cappuce and an other without it if it be needfull and a corde to gird him and the linnen breeches All the Brethren must be cloathed with course cloth and they may pach it with sack cloth and other rude peices because our Lord saith in the gospell They that are clothed sumptuously dwell in the Courtes of Princes for though they be called hypocrites lett them not yet omitt to doe that which they ought for the seruice of his diuine maiesty for the saluation of their soules lett thē not in this world seek precious garmentes that they may hereafter find better in heauen Of the diuine seruice and of fasting THE III. CHAPTER ANd because our Lord in one place saith This kinde of deuill cannot be cast out but by vertue of fast and prayer And in an other When ye fast be not melācholie as hypocrites let the Brethren therfore that shal be Preistes say the diuine seruice praise God a● Preistes ought to doe and for the liuing and dead lett them say that which is accustomed to be said besides for the defectes negligences of the Bethren lett them euery day say the Psalme Miserere one Pater noster and for the Religious deceased a De profundis and a Pater noster They may possesse bookes necessary for their diuine seruice The lay Brothers that can read may haue a Psalter but they that cannot read may not haue nor keep any bookes but lett them euery day for their mattins say the Credo with twenty fiue Pater nosters and Gloria Patri so much att the third sixt and ninth houre att Euensong the Credo and twelue Pater nosters att Complin the Credo with seauen Pater nosters and the Requiem aeternam then for the defectes and negligences of the Brethren euery day three Pater nosters Al the Brethren as well Clerkes as the lay shal be obliged to fast from Alsainctes to Christmas and from the Epiphanie when our Lord IESVS CHRIST began to fast vntill Easter Att other times they shall not be bound to fast by this rule the fridayes excepted they may indifferently eat of all meates that shal be giuen them according to the permission of the Ghospell and the Constitution of holy Church How the Ministers ought to gouerne themselues in dispencing with the Religious concerning their obedience THE IV. CHAPTER IN the name of God al the Brethren that are elected ministers are seruantes to the other Brethren ought to appoint the places Couentes where they shal iudge most conuenient to dwel they must often visit thē admonish them to obserue accōplish their professiō promise vow and oath and lett them spiritually constraine them to satisfie this obligation and lett all my other blessed Brethren humbly and diligently obey them in whatsoeuer shall concerne their saluation and shal not be contrary to this rule and lett them liue together with such charity that they proceed not against the word of God where he saith Doe vnto men that which you would haue men doe vnto you and doe not that which you would not they should doe to you Lett the Ministers and seruantes remember that which our Redeemer IESVS CHRIST saith I am not come to be serued but to serue
iniustly afflict vs that oppose them selues against vs that iniury vs procure our vexation torment and death and we ought to loue them the more in that what they doe vnto vs God vseth them as an instrument and because what soeeuer he doeth and permitteth though it seeme displeasing vnto vs it notwithstanding auaileth to our saluation sith by meane hereof we shall purchase eternall life We ought besides to abhorre and hate our body when it is pleased in delightes and vices for so liuing carnally we estrange our selues from the loue of IESVS CHRIST and make our owne entry into hell and by reason that by sinne we become loathsome and miserable and that the concupiscences of our flesh are contrary to our true good and make vs prone to euill as our lord saith From the hart of man proceed euill cogitations fornications adulteries murders couetousnes theftes deceiptes blasphemies false testimonies pride and the foly of this world and all the foresaid euils procure and make the soule loathsome defiled and refrigerate we therfore who haue already forsaken the world should haue regard to no other thinge but to doe the will of God an to take contentment therin Lett vs haue care not to be like the earth by the way side full of stones and thornes because as our lord saith the seed that is the word of God which was sowne by the way side was trodden vnder foote by passengers and destroyed Hereto are compared those that heare the word of God but dispose not themselues to vertue and the deuill incontinently rooteth it out of their harts least beleeuing they might be saued They are compared to the stone wheron the other seed fell who willingly heare the word of God and insome sort dispose themselues to doe well but some affliction befalling them they are incontinently scandalized the seed then withereth because it hath no root They are compared to thornes who hearing the word of God haue their harts alwayes employed on worldly thinges and permitt thēselues to be seduced by richesse and auarice busying themselues in terrestriall affaires and therfore the seed cannot profitt them But they are like to fertile land who heare the word of God and with the hart obserue and practise it and doe worckes worthy of penance Lett vs therfore as our Lord saith suffer the dead to bury the dead Lett vs be seriously wary of the slightes and mischeiuous deuises of the deuill who seeketh no other thing but to separate our soule from vnion with God by the bait of temporall richesse honours and pleasures of the flesh seeking to become lord and master of the hart of man employing all his endeauour to root out of his memory the preceptes of God and doth striue to blind the hart of man in the desires and cogitations of the world and to confirme him in them according to the saying of our lord When the vncleane spiritt shall depart out of a man he wandereth through places without water seeking rest And not finding he saith I will retourne into my house whence I departed And when he is come he findeth it swept with a besome and trimmed Thē he goeth taketh seuen other spirits worse then himselfe entring in theydwel there And the things last of that mā be made worse then the first Sith then we are by these speeches admonished lett vs not procure our ruine and death by disvniting our soule from God for whatsoeuer terrestriall recompense affaire or fauour but lett all we doe be only for the loue of God I pray all the Brethren that being freed and deliuered of al impediment and hinderance that may trouble them they make their best endeauour to serue loue and honour God with a pure hart and free spiritt in regard that he especially requireth the same of vs and lett vs so proceede that in vs may be the residence of his diuine Maiestie the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost who faith vnto vs Pray att all times that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that are to come and to stand before the Sonne of man he also teaching vs to pray saith When you shall pray say Our Father which art in heauen We therfore must alwayes pray and neuer faile therin Lett vs adore God with a sincere hart because such adorers please the eternall Father and he would haue it so God is a spiritt and they that adore him ought to adore him in spiritt truth Let vs haue recourse to our Lord as to the Father and Pastour of our soules who saith I am the good Pastour that feed and keep my flocke euen to the exposing of my life for it you are all Brethren therfore call not your selues Fathers on earth because you haue but one Father which is in heauen nor call your selues masters for you haue but one celestiall Master If you remaine in me and my wordes in you you shall haue and obtaine whatsoeuer you shall demaund And where there are two or three assembled in my name I am there with them euen to the end of the world The wordes that I haue spoken to you be spiritt and life I am the way and the verity and the life lett vs then keep the true life and doctrine and the holy gospell which it hath pleased him to manifest vnto vs as he sayth Father I haue manifested thy name to the men whome thou gauest me and they haue receiued the doctrine which I haue giuen them they haue knowne that I am truely come from thee and they haue beleeued that thou hast sent me For them I praye not for the world but for them whome thou hast giuen me Holy Father keepe them in thy name whome thou hast giuen me that they may be one as also we These things I speake in the world that they may haue my ioy filled in themselues I haue giuen them thy word and the world hath hated them because they are not of the world as I also am not of the world I pray not that thou take them away out of the world but that thou preserue them from euill Sanctifie them in truth Thy word is truth As thou diddest send me into the world I also haue sent them into the world And for them I doe sanctifie my selfe that they also may be sanctified in truth And not for them onlie doe I pray but for them also that by their word shall beleeue in me that they all may be one that the world may beleeue that thou hast sent me and hast loued them as me also thou hast loued and thou shalt lett them know thy name because the loue whereby thou hast loued me shall be in them and in me together By the same meane Father whome thou hast giuen me I will that where I am they also may be with me that they may see my glorie which thou hast giuen me I praye all the Brethren in the name of almightie God
a fatherlie affection embraced them very amourously and said Feare not for if till this day I haue and doe maintaine strangers how much more reason haue I to maintaine you you I say that are my most deere children And this affection will I shew to all those that henceforward shal be borne of your mother my deerly affected wife Applying which parabole he said Holy Father our rule and life is this poore woman by the mercy of the king of kinges accepted for his espouse of whome he hath begotten many children whome his diuine maiesty neither hath nor euer will faile to sustaine and as he hath a care to releeue strangers your holines need not doubt but he will also haue regard to maintaine and support his true and ligitimate children that the heires of the eternall king perish not by hunger who are borne according to his likenes by vertue of the holy Ghost of a poore mother to witt of the euangelicall pouerty and nourced with his proper milk And if the king of heauen promise the eternall kingdome to those that follow him with faith and verity how much rather will he giue them such thinges as he ordinarily with so bountifull liberality bestoueth indifferently on the good and the wicked The Pope hauing with carefull attention heard this similitude and so patheticall and strong argument of the S. he admired and sincerely acknowledged that our Lord IESVS CHRIST dwelled in S. Francis Without farther delay therfore and without admitting any other difficulty he approued his rule permitted him with the title of precher of pennance to preach ouer all the world and caused litle crounes to be made to all the lay Brethren that were with him And thervpon S. Francis with all his companions made his solemne profession vnder the handes of the Pope promising to obserue the euangelicall life and rule and he was by his holines established Minister generall of all his Order who offered and promised him his assistance when soeuer he should need it But because this confirmation of the rule was then only made Viuae vocis oraculo by the Popes worde of mouth the yeare of grace 1209. and the thirteenth of the Popedome of the said Pope Innocent the third nor hauing no Bulle of this confirmation therfore the beginning of the Order is not reckoned from that time but from the time that it was afterward confirmed by writing which was in the eight yeare of Pope Honorious with an authenticall Bulle fifteene veares after this first verball confirmation as in place and order shall hereafter be inserted How S. Francis retourned to Assisium and how God declared vnto him that his Order was instituted for the saluation of the soules of the faithfull THE XXIV CHAPTER SAinct Francis exceedingly encouraged by obtaining the so much desired confirmation departed from Rome towardes the vally of Spoletum there to beginne to preach the gospell of IESVS CHRIST discoursing alwayes with his companions by the way in what sort they might most perfectlie obserue the profession formerlie made In which discourse hauing spent a good part of their way and being wearied they rested themselues in a solitary place no lesse afflicted with hunger then with trauaile not hauing with them any prouision nor humanely cause to hope after any meanes of releife But our most mercifull God who is euer true and neuer faileth his faithfull of himselfe prouided for them causing in a moment a man to appeare loaden with bread who as soone as he had distributed it to those poore of IESVS CHRIST disappeared and was neuer by any of them seene againe These poore Religious therfore acknowledging this grace and fauour to be afforded them by the handes of God were exceedingly comforted and there purposed and irreuocablie confirmed neuer to breake that strict and rigorous vow of pouerty for any want of food or whatsoeuer other necessity or affliction that might befall them and with this feruour and good resolution they trauailed through the vally of Spoletum discoursing with themselues whither it were better for them to dwell in solitary places for their particuler repose or to conuerse in the world for edification of their neighbour Vpon which point S. Francis hauing long time conferred with his disciples not minding of himselfe to determine in such a case wherin he would not relie on his owne resolution he made his prayer vnto God that touching this point he would manifest vnto him his holy will which he knew by this meane He vnderstood that he was sent of God to endeauour to gaine many soules vnto him as Satan sought to robbe him of them to carrie them together with himselfe into hell He therfore resolued rather with his companions to conuerse in the world for the profitt of manie then to liue in an hermitage to benifitt only himselfe Hauing then setled himselfe with his Brethren in a desolate house neere to Assisium they there liued conformably to their rule in very simple pouertie seeming rather to sustaine themselues with the bread of teares then with temporall consolations They ordinarily employed themselues in prayer and especially mentall because they were not as then fournished with bookes nor brouiaryes to say their cannonicall houres and so in supplie therof they made their exercise in the excellent booke of the life of IESVS CHRIST meditating therō day night according to the instructiō that their blessed Father gaue thē for he cōtinuallie preached vnto thē the crosse of our Lord IESVS CHRIST And wheras the Brethrē most instantlie besought S. F. to teach thē some forme of prayer he vsed vnto thē the wordes of our Lord When you praye say Pater noster qui es in caelis c. and afterward Adoramus te Christe c. We adore thee our Lord IESVS CHRIST and we praise and honour thee here in all the churches of the world because by thy crosse thou hast redeemed the world He also taught them to praise and honour God in all creatures to reuerence preistes to beleeue simply and to confesse firmely the truth of the Faith as the holie Catholique and Romane Church beleeueth and confesseth and his disciples with admiration of his doctrine were attentiue vnto him They fell on their knees when they saw any Church a far of and there they made theyr prayer as the S. had instructed them Of the admirable vision of a fiery chariott wheron the glorious S. Francis appeared vnto his disciples THE XXV CHAPTER THe poore colledge of S. Francis was neere to a place called Riuotorto in an old house and so litle that they could hardly accōmodate themselues sitting one close by an other From thence went foorth the louer of pouerty to preach pennance and contempt of the world first by worckes and then by wordes But being one saterday in the euening gone thence he went with a Brother to Assisium there to preach the sunday as he was accustomed to doe And to this effect he
retired into a poore house adioyning to the bishopprick Being about midnight in prayer a fiery chariott of admirable splendour sodēly appeared to his poore family which entring att the doore of their cottage where some prayed and others slept it there turned three times In the middes of this chariott was the glorious Father S. Francis and ouer him a circled cloud and bright as the sunne the splendour whereof gaue light to the obscurity of the night and then those that slept by meanes of the noyse did awake the bodyes of the Bretheren were so illuminated and resplendant that their consciences were discouered each to other and att lenght they mutually seeing each others hart perceiued that S. Francis though absent in body was present in spiritt and that by a supernaturall vertue he appeared vnto them on that fiery chariott to insinuate vnto them that they ought to follow him as true Israelites sith as an other Elias he was by the prouidence of God deputed to be their chariott and guide It is credible that our Lord att the prayer of S. Francis opened the eyes of these simple seruantes that they might see the maiestie of God as he did when he opened the eyes of the seruant of Elizeus to lett him see the mountaine full of armed men of fiery chariottes and of Angels that were there to protect the Prophett So that the S. incontinently retourning began to penetrate their hartes and to comfort them with this strange vision discouering vnto them diuers extraordinarie and admirable thinge of the augmentation of their order and explicating vnto them many thinges that euen exceed humane vnderstanding Which gaue the Brethren to vnderstand that the holy Ghost was really discended and with such perfection remayned alwayes in him that he was vnto them to all the faithfull the securest way they could possibly haue wherby to procure their saluation How S. Francis went to dwell at our Lady of Angels THE XXVI CHAPTER THis holy Pastour of a flocke litle in nomber yet great in merittes determined to leaue the said place as well by reason that it was not capable conueniently to lodge them as also because they were there exceedingly disquieted he therfore said to his childrē My deerly beloued I know that God will multiplie vs it therfore seemeth necessarie that we repaire to to the Bishop of Assisium or to the Canons of S. Ruffinus or to the Abbott of S. Benedict to begg of them some poore Church where we may read the canonicall houres neere vnto it some poore cottage built of loame and laughtes wherin we may be all couered and haue what shal be necessary for vs by reason that this place as you see is not capable to entertaine many Brethren besides the inconuenience which to vs is more intollerable that the strictnes therof doth not afford vs meanes to read our canonicall houres nor lesse to burie on of our company if any chaunce to dye here The Brethren approued these considerations Repairing then to the Bishop humbly to demaund his necessitie he receiued answere that he had neither church nor house for him The Canons answeared as much taking leaue therfore of thē he went vp to the mount Sabusio to a monasterie of S. Benedict and demaunding for the Abbott he presented the same petition relating vnto him the answeare and deniall of the bishop and Canons The Abbott hauing attentiuely beheld him inspired of God with a generall consent of all his Religious gaue to S. Francis and his disciples the Church of S. Mary of Portiuncula which was among all other the poorest they had but the same that S. Francis especially desired and to whome and to his the Abbott said My brethren vnderstand this We graunt all that you haue demaunded vs but in recompence we require that if God giue you grace to multiply as we hope the cheife of your religion haue his residence in this place Wherto S. Francis hauing graciously thancked them for their exhibited fauour answeared that the place which they had bestowed on them should be as they desired the principall of his Order S. Francis hauing obtayned this request tooke his leaue and retourned exceedingly satisfied as well in regard that the said church was dedicated to the most holy Virgin by whose merittes he had receiued many graces of God and hoped yet many greater as also because it was surnamed Porticella of the place where it was built which was ancientlie called in latin Portiuncula that is a litle portion the true figure of the religion which he professed to obserue which was the strictest and most painfull life that in all the holy church was obserued and that of all other was to haue the least part in this world The holy Father vpon this occasion said that God would not that the first Brethren of the Order should build an other church to the end the foresaid prophefie might be accomplished by the Frier Minors who were to persist in the perfection of Euangelicall pouerty to encrease and multiplie ouer all the world And notwith standing as I said before the said Abbott and his Religious had entierlie giuen him the said church without reseruation of any acknoledgement S. Francis neuertheles as a louer of pouertie a good and prudent Founder that would establish his religion on a strict and sharpe pouertie did yearlie send and giue to the said Abbott a litle baskett full of small fishes which he tooke in a neighbour riuer as a note not onlie of humilitie but also of acknoledgement that his brethren might vnderstand that they had nothing in proprietie sith they paye euen for the permission of the Church for which they gaue the said fishes which were in great reuerence and deuotion receiued of the said Abbott and Religious and in recompence therof was giuen them a vessell of oyle The poore of IESVS CHRIST being thus accommodated in the house of the glorious Virgin there began incontinentlie to breath forth the sweete sauour of their vertue and not only in the vally of Spoletum but euen in diuers partes of the world by reason that S. Francis went from thence to preach in diuers places not with wordes of terrestriall humane and artificiall science but by vertue of the holie Ghost and that with such merueilous efficacie that his audience admired him as celestiall because he most ordinarilie fixed his countenance on heauen seeking and endeauouring to eleuate and raise the creatures from the earth to their Creatour Of the augmentation of the Brethren of the conuersion of Brother Siluester and how S. Francis cured Br. Maricius and conuerted him to his Order THE XXVII CHAPTER THe holy seruant of God being with his disciples in his new residence in extreame austerity of life most zealous exercise of prayer and feruour both by example and doctrine of the saluatiō of soules the worthy vigne of IESVS CHRIST began to sprout forth new buddes to branch and produce
and others others brought thither the disobedient who entred into it with a great indignation of spiritt and besides his sences as one that by his disobedience was already in the diuels possession He also commanded the Brethren to couer him instantly with earth but being scarce halfe couered the deuill by the merittes of the S. Hauing left him he began bitterly to weep saying The deuill that had hardened my hard hath now altogether left me but proceed you bouldly in couering me for I haue well deserued this death and a more greiuous The Brethren hearing him began to weep with him and some of them aduertised the S. of his conuersion who commanded that he should be taken vp and brought before him where being he said vnto him Choose what house you will wherin you may be comforted and there shall you dwell vpon obedience which the Brother hearinge with bitter teares he answeared not so my most gracious Father if you please but the greatest consolation you can giue me is that I accomplish my first penance the holy Father being moued with these wordes gaue him his benediction Thus hath he shewen vs by these examples that the end of the chasticement of Religion ought to be penitence and amendement of the sinner on whom if he acknowledge himselfe chasticement ought not to be inflicted but fatherlie consolation rather as IESVS CHRIST hath taught vs in his worthy parabole of the prodigall child who being repentant of his offences demaunded pardon of his father and the father very tenderlie embraced him and with great ioy conducted him into his house How S. Francis sent Brother Ruffinus to preach without the caepuce in vertue of obedience and of the penance which thersore he inflicted on himselfe THE XLI CHAPTER BY this that followeth there appeareth a merueillous order for gouernment to witt that the Superiour ought not to command vnto his subiects the thinge that himselfe would not doe S. Francis one day called vnto him Brother Ruffinus whome he commanded to goe preach in the cittie of Assisium and to deliuer vnto the people onlie what God should inspire vnto him but Brother Ruffinus making his excuse answeared Pardon me if you please good Father you know I am not apt to preach because I haue not any grace in my speech as being too simple and an idiot Which he spake with much humilitie And though in deed he had bin a discreet knight in the world he was neuertheles so chaunged in himselfe by meanes of the grace of contemplation which he had receiued of God that he was manie times out of himselfe and spake verie seldome and yet that litle was with such difficulty that he seemed to speake with exceedinge paine but the S. reprehending him for not hauing instantlie obeyed commanded him further vpon obedience and gaue him for penance to goe without his capuce The obedient Brother Ruffinus then without farther contradiction hauing put off his capuce and falling one the ground demaunded his benediction which hauing receiued he went to Assisium and first entred into a church there to make his prayer which done he ascended the pulpitt and began to preach The people then assembled who admiring to see him without capuce and amazed att such a noueltie said one to an other these poore Freers doe such austere penance that there withall they loose their witts So whiles this good Brother preached S. Francis considering the prompt obedience of Brother Ruffinus and the rigour of his commandement he began to check himselfe thus reasoning the matter What will hast thou gotten thou sonne of Peter Bernardone thou of so meane estate to command Brother Ruffinus who is one of the principall gentlemen of Assisium to goe preach without his capuce I will make thee to be an example of what thou hast commanded to an other and speaking thus to himselfe he hastiely tooke the capuce from his owne head and taking Brother Leo for companion he went to Assisium Being come into the church where Brother Ruffinus preached the people that saw him without capuce esteemed him to be likewise foolish beleeuing that the Br. Ruffinus and he were become sottish by meanes of their ouer sharpe penance many people therfore flocking thither Brother Ruffinus in the best manner he could deliuered this speech My beloued Brethren shunne the world leaue sinne retourne to the socure way if you desire to avoid hell obserue the diuine preceptes loue God and your neighbour and doe penance because the great king● dome of heauen approacheth att least if you will possesse it But as soone as he perceiued S. Francis he discended from the pulpitt to come vnto him and the S. incontinentlie ascended The Church was then entierlie full of wordlie people for some came thither to see the extremitie of that life others moued with compassion and deuotion and others to deride them reputing them senceles but the holie Ghost that was in S. Francis caused him to vtter such worthy and merueillous matters of the contempt of the world of holie and necessary penance and of voluntary pouerty of the desire of the kingdome of heauen of obedience of the nuditie ignominies and passion of our Lord IESVS CHRIST and other like thinges which he declared in such manner and with such feruour that they who formerlie derided the noueltie of his habitt and reputed these Brethren to be out of their right sences did now bitterly weepe and such was that weeping and so violent for the compassion which they had of the death of IESVS CHRIST crucified and the feare which they conceaued of hell that they began to crie for mercie as if it had bin an other good friday on which day the Passion is preached so patheticallie in Italy that all the world cryeth mercie as one would doe att the sacking of a towne Wherfore the people being so edified and contrite Brother Leo who had brought with him both the capuces gaue to each one his owne they afterward retourned to their Monasterie praysing God for his great mercie sith by the vertue of holie obedience they had obtayned victorie ouer themselues and manifested how much they contemned the world They had much to doe to be ridd of the people that before reputed them for fooles and now he that could touch or kisse their habittes esteemed himselfe happy It appeared by the end of this worck that the beginning proceeded of God though it were wrought by an excessiue meane as the worcke of the Prophettes not so much to be imitated as for a signe of approbation of holy obedience of mortification of selfe will and contempt of the world and that we might know what glorious end God giueth to the worckes of holy obedience either secrett or manifest as it pleaseth him Of the loue which S. Francis boare to pouerty THE XLII CHAPTER AMong many giftes and singuler fauours which the glorious S. receaued att the bountifull hand of God one of the principall was that of
world and in like sort all his disciples Therfore he said by his Prophett Dauid I am a begger and poore God hath bin careful of me Goe on then securely after so worthy a Capitaine guide to take possession of that inheritance which IESVS CHRIST hath pourchaced vs and hath left to them that according to his example leaue the world and seeke to liue in pouertie onlie for his loue glorie of this inheritance and preferment in regard that he hath giuen it only to his beloued Know that many of the most noble and best learned men of the world shall adhere to our company who shall repute it a great fauour in this manner to goe aske an almose Goe then seeke for almose with the benediction of God and haue a faith and assurance far greater then they who carry with them a quantitie of siluer to pay it att the will of their master for you pay your benefactours more liberally then any other though it seeme not so giuing them for your almose the loue of God when you say Giue vs an almose for the loue of God But tell me I pray you what thing may there be had in heauen or earth that can equalize the price of the loue of God The Brethren being by their gracious Father thus induced went with allacrity to demaund almose into the townes and other places and being retourned to their Couent they incontinentlie deliuered it to the Father Gardian who afterward distributed it in common The said holy Father being one time in the Church of our lady of Angels a Brother that was very spirituall retourned from beging from Assisium with a loud voice thancking God S. Francis perceauing him was stricken with an amourous affection towardes him and went himselfe vnto him and kissed his shoulder wheron he caryed the wallett which he tooke off and layed on his owne shoulder to carry to the Couent where he said to the other Brethren I will that my fellow Brethren doe in like sort seeke almose and prayse God att their retourne It happened one day that a Nouice was commaunded to goe to begge but he refused to goe alleadging that he should be ashamed The holy Father vnderstanding it expelled him out of the Order with these wordes What Brother flye wilt thou liue of the labour of the other Brethren and rest idle in the vineyard of God as the drone who without trauaile seeketh to eat the labour of the bees The will of S. Francis was that the Brethren should often goe a begging according to their necessity that they might meritt and that being accustomed therto they should not be ashamed when occasion vrged them to goe And so the more noble and the more honoured a Brother had bin in the world the more ioyfull and content was he and the better edified aswell by this humility as by other seruices of obedience which he performed Sometimes S. Francis encouraging his Brethren would vse these like wordes vnto them My Brethren we haue bin giuen vnto the world in this latter age that the elect might accomplish in vs the worckes of charitie to the end they might meritt to be recompenced att the last day of iudgment with these sweet wordes of our God I was an hungred and you gaue me to eat I was thirsty and you gaue me to drincke and as long as you did it to one of these my least Brethren you did it to me Therupon the S. affirmed that to begge vnder the title of Freer Minor was a thing of exceeding consolation and recompence in the retribution of the iust which forenamed title the master of the Euangelicall truth particulerly specified with his diuine mouth when he said by his Prophett Man hath eaten the bread of Angels for this bread which is demaunded for the loue of God said the S. is properlie called the bread of Angels sith his diuine Maiestie by his Angels inspireth men to giue it Att principall feastes himselfe hauing leasure would vndertake to begge to make the feast more solemne in pouerty Being one time of Easter in a Couent so far from habitation that there was no meane for him to begge calling to minde that our Lord IESVS CHRIST on the like day appeared in forme of a Pilgrime to his disciples that went to Emaus he demanded almose in the refectorie of his owne Brethren as a poore straunger and liued therwith admonishing his Brethren that passing through the desert of this world as Pilgrimes and straungers and as true Hebrewes that haue no assured residence here they should alwayes in humilitie of spiritt celebrate the Pasch of God which is his passadge from this world to his eternall Father in the glory of heauen Being inuited by certaine great noble men to eat with them be ●at nothing there but the almose which he had begged att the dores THE XLVI CHAPTER BY reason that he demaunded not almose out of a couetousnes but only by a liberty of spiritt and a zeale of holy pouerty for the loue of IESVS CHRIST therfore did he far more willingly eate of that which he begged and was giuen him att dores then of what was presented him att table in the banquettes of Princes When therfore he was inuited by them before he went thither he first begged morcels of bread att the dores which he eat att their tables Which he did partlie for loue he bare to holie pouerty and partly also to giue example to his Brethren Being one day inuited by the Cardinall of Hostia who exceedinglie loued him he first according to his custome begged peices of bread and hauing gott what was necessary he went to the table of the said Cardinall where he sodenlie emptyed out all the said peices of bread and laid before him next vnto whome was the place of the said Cardinall who esteemed himselfe as it were braued thereby yet for the present would say nothing therof But the holy Father thincking on what he had to doe began to deuide his bread into many litle morcels which he distributed among the noble men that were att the table who receaued it very deuoutly some of them presentlie eating it others kept it for reuerence Which the Cardinall perceauing with much contentment was somewhat appeased Notwithstanding after the refection being retired into a chamber with S. Francis embracing him and clipping him with his armes he gestingly said O simple brother my freind why hast thou giuen me so great an affront this daye as comming to eat att my table which is thine and theirs who appertaine vnto thee thou wouldest first begge that thou wert to eat The holy Father answeared him nay I haue rather done you this day great honour sith that att your table hath bin honoured a greater Lord then your selfe and one that is your master besides the subiect doeing that which his Lord commandeth him he honoureth his master For God had so much loued this royall pouerty that he hath vouch-safed to accept
of God entred so secretlie with his companion into the shipp that they were not seen of the Patron Being so hidden without the knowledge of any person to giue them to eat an Angel sodenlie appeared to a man in the ship that had the feare of God to whome he gaue prouision for his seruant saying Take this food and dispose it prouidentlie for the reliefe of the two Religious that are hidden here within whome he shewed vnto him and when they shall haue need be charitable vnto them Hauing said thus much he disappeared and what he had giuen in chardge was performed The mariners in meane while so long floted in stormes and tempestes that they spent all their prouision so that there only remayned in the shippe that releife which God had sent vnto the S. which appearing to be but litle did neuertheles in such sort augment by the prayers of S. Francis rendring good for euill that it sufficed for all them that were in the vessell till they arriued att their pretended port which miracle being knowne vnto the Patron he repented to haue refused to admitt them for the loue of God whose diuine Maiestie notwithstanding was pleased to shew such a manifest miracle to the end it might appeare how much more his seruantes do by their merittes support and vphold the world then they are supported by it Of the Conuersion of the glorious S. Clare and of the beginning of her Order THE LV. CHAPTER THe afforesaid yeare 1212. the glorious S. being by the diuine Maiesty recalled not without cōsideration of great consequēce from the voyage of Siria he gaue a beginning to the Order of the Damianes the roote and originall wherof was the glorious mother S. Clare descended of a noble familie of Assisiū who albeit by her parentes educated and nourished deliciously with intent to be afterward according to the manner of the world honourably marryed the holy Ghost did notwistanding worck the contrary and intended to enrich her with celestiall treasures For which occasion euen from her infancy he had a very particuler care of her with purpose to espouse her vnto our Lord IESVS CHRIST And when he thought the time conuenient he permitted that hearing admirable matters deliuered of the holy Father S. Francis she with a manly courage resolued to follow him in the strict way of euangelical perfection Hauing then found opportunity she presented her selfe alone to the said S. and hauing discouered her hart vnto him he instantly perceaued the inspiration which she had from God and in very few howers giuing the farwell to her kinred her substance together with all the world she procured him to cutt of her haire and to cloth her with his owne habitt before the aulter of our Lady of Angels For more security the holy Father S. Francis committed her to the monastery of S. Paul where were Religious of the Order of S. Benett whence by reason of extreme persecutions and violent proceedinges off her kinred hauing att length taken her out he placed her in the Church of S. Damian where was the first monastery of S. Clare and by reason of their nomber that there encreased they were called Damianes as shall seuerally and verie particulerlie appeare in the eight booke in the life of B. and glorious Saincte Clare How the S. went to Moroccho to seeke Martyrdome THE LVI CHAPTER SAinct Francis euer thirsting to be martyred for the faith of IESVS CHRIST being peruented of his iorney into Siria in the yeare 1214. he attēpted a voyage together with Brother Bernard Brother Macie towardes Moroccho through Spaine supposing thence to find passage vnto the Emperour of the Mores att Moroccho called Miramoline to preach vnto him the faith of IESVS CHRIST He enterprised this iorney with such alacritie that albeit he were very feeble and infirme he notwithstanding did alwayes so much out goe his companions that he seemed to fly But being arriued in Spaine his infirmityes did so oppresse him that he could hardly trauell vnto S. Iames in Galicia where prostrating himselfe before the altare of the said S. and praying with his accustomed feruour God enioyned him to retourne into Italie because many places were offered vnto him wherin to accommodate his family and that his retourne thither was very necessary to confirme the greene places of his erected vingneyard In this iorney S. Francis was att Guimaranes a citty of Portugall where it is said that he raysed the daughter of the master of the house where he lodged thence he visited the queene Vracca wife of king Alfonsus the second who beheld him with great reuerence and deuotion and was exceedingly comforted and edified by him Proceeding afterward on his iorney he lighted on a riuer in the said prouince of S. Iames betweene the citties of Nonis and Orgogno which he knew no meanes how to passe by reason there was not any house in that part nor personne to conduct him ouer Not knowing then what to doe he had recourse to prayer and att the very instant whiles he was praying to God there came a boy from the citty of Nonis who hauing pitty of them gaue thē encouragment saying that hauing passed ouer his horses that were loaden with bread he would vnload them and retourning would conduct them ouer which he performed and hauing guided them to Orgogno he lodged them in a house of his where he putt his bread wherin he gaue them the best entertainement he could deuise for which the holy Father gaue him many thanckes att his departure and said God giue you the payment which he hath promised to good people and so departed That very yeare which is worthy admiration this yong man retourning from Rome hauing visited the Apostles S. Peter and S. Paul he demaunded of God as a speciall grace that he would please to take him out of this world before he lost the meritte of so many holy indulgences which he had gotten His prayer was not frustrate for by the merittes of the blessed Father S. Francis as by the consequence is apparent God heard him from heauen and so he died in the very pilgrimage His Father by letters from freindes being aduertised of his death after much lamentation procured the office of piety to be performed for his soule att the end of which office there appeared in the said citty of Nonis about seuenty Frier Minors though those people neuer supposed so many to be in all the world and they were all present att the church in procession singing with such melodie and with so pious a sweetnes that they drew teares of deuotion from all the audience After they had sung masse the parentes of the deceased inuited them to eat with them which they did and then departed and a great multitude of those people conducted them very farre the table was afterward found furnished with meate as if they had not eaten This miracle being perceaued many ran after them to see if they could
and damnation to the disobedient and such as erre from the said most holy Faith and to this end would he by his immensiue charity assuming our nature therwith satisfie all our offences and die on the wood of the crosse for our sinnes and would afterwardes leaue vs the meritt of his passion in the sacrament of holy baptisme wherby we are new borne to eternall life that all our sinnes dying we may sett our selues free from the captiuity of the deuill and from eternall death which this cruell ennemy hath from time to time procured vs. Great Soldan proceeded the S. open the eares and eyes of thine vnderstanding misprise not the Embassadge which thine omnipotent eternall king sendeth thee permitt his grace to enter into thy hart and by his holy light he will giue thee instant knowledg of the great blindes wherin till this day thou hast liued and consider attentiuely how much thou art bound vnto his diuine maiesty letting thee now vnderstand that he can giue thee a kingdome in heauen much greater then this which he hath giuen thee here one earth But if thou perseuer in thine errour be thou assured of the punishment prepared for thee for thou must know that soone or late thou must fall into his handes yeld him an account both of thy sinnes and of thy vassals The holy Father spake these and many other like wordes with such feruour and vehemencie of spiritt that all those present though they were all infidels did manifestlie know that the said wordes proceeded of a more then humane vertue And they were indeed vttered with the same spiritt that God promised his seruantes saying I will giue you a tongue and wisdome which the princes of the world shall not be able to resist Now the Soldan acknowledgeing so great a vertue in the seruant of God he gaue him thanckes with much reuerence and tokens of curtesie then asked him concerning new difficulties being very attentiue to the answeares which the holy Father gaue him as a man sent him from God and therfore very instantlie prayed him not retourne to the Christians but to remaine with him the seruant of IESVS CHRIST cntierly circumvested with zeale of the faith thervpon made him this answeare Great Soldan If you with all your people wil be conuerted I will right gladly remayne with you and if you haue any doubt that detaineth you from leauing your beleefe for mine because the time is very short you may presentlie make proofe therof lett there be made a great fire in the middes of the army then call your Sacrificers and Religious command vs all to enter into the middes of the fire and afterwardes follow their faith that by their God shall be preserued The Soldan amazed att the proposition made by the holy Father said I doe not thinck that any of our Religious will make this triall Wherin he was not deceaued for he had scarcely vttered that word but one of his Collociers there present very aged and among the Turcks reputed for a S. hearing it incontinentlie slipt away fearing that the Soldan accepting the condition he should be deuoured by the flames The holie Father then addressing himselfe againe into the Soldan said Mighty Soldan wilt thou promise vnto God to become Christian if I my selfe alone goe into the fire Wherto I am now readilie prepared The Soldan answeared him that he durst not then make any such promise much lesse accept such offer fearing that such an vnwonted attēpt might raise some tumult in his army neuertheles it wrought much fruit in his hart and though for the present he did not resolue to be baptised yet he remayned exceedinglie aflected to the holy Father to whome he offered a great quantity of gold siluer and apparell for himselfe and his companions which the Saint no more esteemed then verie filth not vouchsafing to behold the same which much more amazed the Soldan yet he prayed him againe to accept those presents to dispose them in almose for his soule albeit he were not as yet resolued to be baptised But his requestes were vaine S. Francis then determined to passe further as not finding any firme and stable resolution in the Soldan though he prayed the holy Father to visitt him often affirming that he would conferre more amply with him graunted him letters patentes by vertue wherof he his Br. might freely preach ouer all his kingdome wherwith S. Francis departed How S. Francis and his companions preached the faith to the kingdome of the Soldan and how he miraculously resisted a More that tempted him to carnality THE LXX CHAPTER SAinct Francis diuided his companions and sent them ouer Egipt Syria and himselfe with Brother Illuminatus went through all the kingdome continually preaching the gospell And being on a time enforced to rest himselfe in a certaine place expecting the mitigation of the stormy weather he retired into a house to lodge where in was a More who in the lineamentes and proportion of her face was faire and of comely grace but in spiritt extremelie loath some she induced by the deuill that one each side cast his snares to surprise the S. went to him into a chamber where purposely she had placed him alone and instantlie prayed him to sinne with her the S. answeared her woman if thou wilt that I offend with thee thou must also yeld to me in my request Wherto the amourous More presentlie accorded S. Francis then incōtinently goeing to a great fire that was there spreding it abroad layed downe and stretched himselfe theron inuiting the More to keepe her promise and lye with him one that bed so gorgious and resplendat The More remayned a while pensiue betweene loue and feare expecting the issue but att length seeing him to turne one the coales as if he had bin one roses and lillies she acknowledged her selfe and her sinne and was baptised and afterwards by vertue of the miracle of the S. as an other Samaritane conuerted many Mores vnto IESVS CHRIST The S. hauing vpon this occasion seiourned there certaine dayes went on his iorney cōming within three or four leagues of Antioch to a place called Mōtenegro where was a Monastery of Religious of the Order S. Be. he there made some stay in such sort cōported him selfe that in few dayes the Abbott all the Religious renūcing all their possesiōs into the hādes of the Patriarck became Freer Minors In the meane while it chaunced vnto two other of his companions that they seeming to a More so miserable he of compassion offered them almose which they refusing in any sort to receaue the More demaunded them wherfore they would not accept the same wherto they answeared that for the Ioue of God they would possesse neither mony or any other thing in this world the More was therwith so touched that he sodenly receaued them into his affection yea into such amity that thence forward he had
this that followeth in my selfe I purpose to goe to the chapiter where shal be assembled all the Religious who will receaue me with great reuerence as their superiour afterward lett them pray me to comfort them explicating vnto them the word of God which for their satisfaction performing lett them all arise and say Hold they peace we well haue thee no longer for Superiour for thou art an idiot block-head and ignorant and with all knowest not what thou sayest wherfore it is ouer great shame to haue such a superiour then be it that you detrude me out of the chapter with vtter dishonour as deseruing the same I would not I say esteeme me a good Freer Minor if I did not support all that with the same promptitude and ioy as if I heard my selfe praysed for if I reioyce att honours what profitt reape I therby I putt my soule in perill of vaine glory without hope of any benefitt but if I be contemned my soule is therby secured and profiteth in spiritt In regard of his exceedingly zeale vnto this humility when it happened that any praysed him either for his preaching or vpon any other occasion he commanded his companion to contrary it and to giue him wordes of disprayse which doeing though vnwillingly the holy Father would answeare God blesse you because you speake the truth and that which the sonne of Peter Bernardone doth deserue Being one day att out lady of Angels Brother Macie had a desire to trie the humility of S. Francis though he were his perticuler freind only because he knew it would be gratefull vnto him Being then in his presence he twice iterated these wordes Wherfore to you wherfore to you as if he would inferre Francis wherefore doe people so much honour you The holie Father smilinglie answeared What meane you by that brother Macie All the world replyed brother Macie runneth after you euery one desireth to see you to heare and obey you and for any thing that I know you are neither personable learned eloquent nor noble whence is it then the world doth follow you The S. then vested with his accustomed humilitie hauing lifted his eyes to heauen and a litle prayed and thanked God thus answeared his deere freind Will you know Brother Macie whence it proceedeth that as you say such resort of people doe follow me and willinglie heare me This proceedeth of the eyes of the great omnipotent God which in all places beholding both the good and bad hath pleased to choose me as the most simple and vilest sinner in the world for God doth choose the most feeble and infirme thinges with them to confound the noble potent strong and worldlie wise that the glorie may be his alone and that the creature being in presence of his Creatour may haue nothing wherof to glory An answeare doubtles more then humane and descending from heauen where the spiritt of this holy Father learned of that high and potent God who hath euer his eyes fixed on the humble of spiritt as likewise the most sacred virgin learned when she answeared to the prayses of S. Elizabeth by these wordes My soule doth prayse God because he hath beheld the humilitie of his hand maid How S. Francis reputed him selfe the greatest sinner of the world THE LXXXI CHAPTER THat the more he humbled himselfe on earth the more he was exalted in heauen was manifested vnto Brother Ruffinus in a reuelation whiles he was praying for being rapt in spiritt he saw an high and eminent place in heauen wherin was the Order of Seraphins and among them a seat void farre more resplendant then any other and all couered with precious stones Wherevpon with exceeding admiration he demaunded for whome that seat was prepared and he heard a voice that said this seat was one of the principall Seraphins that fell into hell and now it is reserued for the right humble Francis After this vision Brother Ruffinus had an extreme desire to know wherin principally consisted that so great humility which was so meritorious in the blessed Father saint Francis hauing therfore some discourse one day with him he said My beloued Father I hartely beseeche you to tell me certainely what is your owne esteeme and what opinion you haue of your selfe Sainct Francis answeared Verily I hold my selfe for the greatest sinner of the world and toe serue God lesse then any other Brother Ruffinus replyed vnto him that he did not thinck he could speake the same sincerily and with a cleare conscience it being so that others as was apparent did committ many greiuous sinnes wherof by the grace of God he was innocent To this S. Francis answeared If God had with so great mercy fauoured those others of whome you speake I am assured that how soeuer wicked and detestable they may be now they would farre more gratefully acknowledge the giftes of God then I doe and would serue him much better And if my God should now forsake me I should perpetrate more enormities then any other In regard therfore of this ineffable grace done vnto me I accuse and acknowledge my selfe to be the greatest sinner that is Brother Ruffinus by this answeare was thoroughly confirmed in the vision which God had shewed vnto him hauing found good demonstration of the meritt of the holy Fathers humility But because humility ought alwayes to haue verytie for foundatiō it seemeth one may make a sufficient reply to this his answeare and not without reason For some one might thus argument Most holy Father tell me if you please by the excessiue loue which in this world you haue borne to the hūble Jesus Christ and att this presēt more thē euer doe beare him where haue you learned that if an other sinner had receaued or should receaue the talent of grace which God hath giuen you that he would more acknowledge it and make better profitt therof then you haue done Vpon what reason vpon what doctrine and on what spiritt is grounded the foundation of this feeble opinion which you seeme to haue of your selfe For I firmely beleue that if God had knowne it he would neuer haue bestowed this grace on you but rather on that other The most humble Father to this obiection might well answeare that he had learned it of the doctrine of our Sauiour IESVS CHRIST who with his mouth hath said The spiritt breatheth where he will and of S. Paul that neither he that planteth is any thing nor he that watereth but he that giueth the increase God wherof he might thus inferre I not being Francis without God that worcketh in me when he had pleased to inspire an other there is no doubt but he had done the like and euen more according to his grace And wheras you beleeue that if God had giuen it to an other it had bin knowne that he had done this or more your beleefe is false for as the same S. Paul saith it is in the power of
which done he retourned and said vnto him Goe to my good freind sith these Religious doe not serue you well I will serue you my selfe The Leaper answeared Tell me I pray what will you doe more then they the S. replyed I will doe whatsoeuer you shall cammand me begin from this instant to tell me what you please to haue and I promise to doe it I will said the leaper that you wash all my body for I cannot endure the filthy sauour therof I will most willingly doe it answeared the S. and sodenly caused to be prepared a bath of veri● pleasing hearbes then discloathed him to his skinne and washed him one of the Religious powring water on his body But there hapened a notable miracle whiles the holy Father with his pitifull handes washed him all the scurfes of his leapry one after an other fell off so that the flesh remayned cleane and neat as of a litle child in fine he was entierly cleansed and cured within and without The diseased person therfore knowing this great miracle began very bitterly to lament saying I am worthy not of one but of a thousand helles as well for hauing blasphemed against God as for the contempts iniuries and buffettes wherby I haue offended your poore Religious that so louingly haue ministred vnto me And after his cure he remayned fifteene dayes in this lamentation then he made a generall confession imploring the ayd of our Lord IESVS CHRIST S. Francis left him not till fearing himselfe for the great concourse of people that repayred to this miracle he was constrayned to depart so leauing the man in the grace of God who shortly after passed from this world into an other And incontinentlie the holie Father being in prayer he appeared vnto him in heauen more bright then the sunne and said Father know you me The S. asked him who are you And he answeared I am the soule of that leaper whome liuing in the world God cured by your prayers and humility I now enter into the kingdome of glory for which I giue thanckes to God and you blessed be your wordes and your actions also whereby many soules in the world are saued Know that there passeth no day but the Angels and SS in heauen giue glorie and prayse to God for the innumerable fruites which by your meane and your Order are procured in the Church and therefore perseuer to the time predestinated to your great crowne hauing said thus much he disappeared leauing the S. exceedingly comforted who gaue thanckes to God for all and particulerly for the sauing of that soule who was in such imminent perill of damnation Of three famous theeues conuerted by the humility and charity of S. Francis the eight chapter of the tenth booke transferred to this place as most proper vnto it THE LXXXVI CHAPTER BRother Angelus being Gardian att Mount Casal three famous theeues haunted that place doeing cruell murders thereabout who being one day oppressed with hungar came to him demaunding somewhat to eat The good Guardian knowing them not only refused to giue them almose but began to check and reprehend them alleadging that they feared not God nor men whome they so miserablie slew liuing by the labours of others and leading a life more diabolicall then humane robbing dishonouring tormenting and cutting the throates of their neighbour as they did and that he admired how the earth did sustaine them that it did not swallow them quick as they were and so bad them hast away and withall rudely shutt the dore against them wherevpon they in extreme choller departed S. Francis a litle after came with one of his companions vnto that place to whome the Guardian recounted the precedent whereto the holy Father answeared that he had done very ill because such sinners retourne to God and are conuerted rather by sweet and pittifull wordes then by such reprehensions which did rather harden them and that therfore God said They that are in health need not a Phisition but they that are ill att ease that he came not to call the iust but sinners to repentance And therefore added he because you haue done against charity the commandemēt of the gospell the example of IESVS CHRIST I command you in vertue of obedience for pennance to cary them to the mountaine where they are this loafe of bread this flagon of wine which was giuen vs by the way when you come in their presence fall one your knees at their feet and aske thē pardō for the wordes you haue spoken when they haue taken the bread entreat them in my behalfe to Ieaue that miserable kinde of life and I will prouide for all their necessities and vse all the art you can deuise to induce them hither The most obedient Guardian presentlie went on and the holy father in the meane while went to the Church to pray for them whence he departed not till God had heard him Brother Angelus comming to the theeues and hauing performed the commandement of S. Francis whiles they did eat the bread one of them said to the others Alas what shall become of vs sottish wretches what must be our lott what horrible torments are prepared for vs in hell for so many theftes and murders as we daylie perpetrat neither yet haue we any scruple much lesse feare of God or repentance for so many enormous sinnes And this Religious who hath brought vs to eat is come thus farre with so great humility to aske vs pardon for one only word iustlie vttered vnto vs admonishing vs according to our desert in the meane while we wretched theeues and detestable robbers neuer demaund pardon of God Besides this he hath sheuen vs charity praying vs to repaire to that holy Father who hath sent vs releefe who for the zeale he hath of our soules doth so freelie offer vs alwayes to prouide vs all our necessities They are true servantes of God who haue already gayned heauen but what shall we doe who being children of the deuill euery day heape sinnes vpon sinnes considering withall that our sinnes are so enormous as deserue of God rather punishment then pardon Myne opinion therfore is that it were very conuenient sith God doth seeme to call vs by this Religious that we make no longer delay nor abuse the patience of his diuine maiesty but that we repaire vnto him and he will instruct vs in the direct way how to free our selues att length from hell and euen to meritt mercy The other two theeues being of the same opinion they went together with the Guardiā to the holy Father in whose presence being com they kneeled att his feete saying Father we haue litle hope by reason of the enormity of our sinnes that God will vse mercie vnto vs but if you assure vs that we may yet finde grace behold vs here ready to doe whatsoeuer you shall command vs. The holy Father receaued them verie amiably cherished and encouraged them affirming withall that they should not
retourne where the Religious were to whome hauing recouered his speech he presentlie acknowledged his fault in his presumptious enterprise Thenceforward he much more reuerentlie respected sainct Francis hen before The Abbott of S. Iustin in the diocese of Perusia meeting him one day alighted off his mule for the great deuotion he had vnto him and embraced him discoursing a long time of certaine affaires att their parting he besought the S. to pray for him which he promised and so being separated S. Francis withdrew himslfe from his companion saying that he must pay the dept which he would performe to the benefitt of the Abbott who in the same instant that S. Francis prayed for him felt himselfe as it were rapt out of himselfe by an extraordinarie feruour which ouer-past he knew right well the vertue and efficacie of the prayer of the Sainct and afterward related the same to diuers Brother Macie an other time saw S. Francis pray in such sort that there seemed liuelie flames to issue out of his mouth and eyes and so entierlie enflamed he went vnto him and calling him thrise he said Ah! ah Brother Macie come to me wheratt he amazed att such an excesse of spiritt cast himselfe into his armes and S. Francis lifted him vp into the aire the hight of a launce and afterward he recounted vnto the Religious that in that instant he felt such and so great sweetnes that he neuer after felt the like Passing by the Bourough of S. Sepulchre by reason of his infirmities riding on an asse he was almost stifled by the extreme concourse of people that flocked thither to kisse his feet coate handes and his habit whereat he remayned so immoueable that he seemed rather an image then a man Being past the Bourough and not one of those people neere him he demaunded of his companions how farre he had yet to the Bourough whereby they knew that being rauished in spiritt vnto heauen he had not felt that extreme presse of people The said Fathers affirmed that the same happened not vnto him once only but diuers times by reason of the great excesse of spiritt which was ordinarily incident vnto him How by prayer he obtayned of God what he would THE XCVIII CHAPTER THough God alone who endued him with so many graces is able to expresse them yet we must not forbeare to relate those that haue bin committed vnto vs by writting Goeing to an hermitage there to spend one of his lentes and being vnable by reason of his great infirmities to goe one foote he borrowed an asse of a poore man who of deuotion would also goe with him The season being extreme hoat on the barren and sharpe mountaines he had a great thirst and such as he feared to dye therof and being no longer able to endure it he acquainted the S. therwith who moued with compassion alighted off his asse and on his knees prostrated himselfe before God and praying did not arise till he was heard then arising he said to the poore man Goe to yonder stone and by the vertue of God it will yeld thee water sufficientlie He went thither found water and quenched his thirst which done the fountaine shutt againe to make it more manifest that by the only m●rittes of the S. God had made the water to issue out of an hard rock● as he did for Moyses The holy Father being att Spoletum a lay Brother called Brothre Andrew of Sienna that went a begging reported vnto him that there was a Bourgesse that had litle feare of God of whome he could neuer gett an almose whereto he answeared that he should endeauour to gett were it but one onlie loafe of him and should bring it vnto him The said Religious went vnto him and was so troublesome in demaunding that att lenght by importunity he gott a loafe Hauing it he carryed the same to S. Francis who deuided it into litle morcels and thereof gaue to each of the Religious with condition that they should all say a Pater and an Aue for the auaricious man and himselfe ioyning with them to pray vnto God they obtayned that this extreme nigard became liberall God permitting him to know his fault in such sort that thenceforward there was none more liberall vnto them then he A vertuous gentleman did often inuite the holy Father vnto his house where he extended so much charity vnto him that casting his affection on him he much desired to haue him of his Order and to that effect he prayed God that he would voutsafe to illuminate this his freind to leaue the world which he did with such feruour that being in extasie he was eleuated into the aire whiles it chaunced that the said gentleman passing by saw him so in the aire and God with him who seemed to graunt him this grace being therefore conuerted and touched by God he entred into the Order Passing by the forrest of Cortone a Lady of worth came before him and demaunded his benediction which he hauing giuen her she began to recount vnto him the miserable estate wherin she then was to witt that God hauing long time before inspired her to serue him she had a husband so contrary to that her good intention and such an ennemy to their faluation that therby she liued in perpetuall anguish And therfore she prayed him for the loue of God to assist her The holy Father answeared her woman haue faith in God for he knowing your holy and pious intention will accomplish your desire Goe therefore to your house and boldly vse these wordes vnto your husband I tell you in the behalfe of God that now is the time of mercie and the time of iustice will come hereafter And therfore by the woundes of our redeemer IESVS CHR. crucified I pray you so to dispose that we may liue in the peace and feare of God and you shall see said S. Francis that he will heare you the woman left him and his companion in prayer and she in the meane time went away full of consolation The successe was admirable for comming to her lodgeing her husband asked her whence she came she recounted vnto him all by order and on the part of God vsed vnto him the wordes S. Francis had taught her wherewith he became so mild that he seemed not the man he accustomed to be and in deed answeared his wife that he was resolued thenceforward to chaunge his life and to serue God as she desired Whereto his wife replyed sith it pleaseth you thus to obey God it seemeth requisite that we beginne the same by a vow of chastity it is a vertue exceeding gratefull vnto God and wil be very meritorious vnto vs the husband was content therwith and so they after liued piously This conuersion gaue a merueilous admiration to all those that knew them and much more when hauing perseuered piously together they also dyed in one same day the wife in the morning and the husband att night she as a
of the puritie of his conscience feared nothing and was euer vnited with God He also ioyfully receaued whatsoeuer came from his holy hand But in regard that one could not arriue to this perfection without hauing precedentlie washed his soule from the spottes of sinnes and imperfections he ordinarily persuaded his Religious to endeauour to purge themselues with teares poured out for the passion of our Redeemer IESVS CHRIST How the hole Father S. Francis seeing any creature afflicted could not forbeare to weepe considering therin his God in his dolourous passion THE CVI. CHAPTER BY this charity of compassion which he perfectly carryed to IESVS CHRIST his soule remayned so affected to suffer all aduersities with his neighbour as a member of IESVS CHRIST that he was as much greiued as if himselfe had endured and this purity so augmented that he could not endure any creature to be afflicted though they were vnreasonable and among them those particulerly to whome the holy scripture compareth our Lord IESVS CHRIST and therefore he loued litle Lambes in whome is figured the patience meeknes of our God Comming from Ancona to Osimo with brother Paul whome he had made Prouinciall of the Marches he mett vpon the way a sheepheard that among many goates and kiddes had one only sheepe which beholding he felt his heart through pearced with greife to see the said sheepe alone among so many goates and kiddes reprobate creatures he therfore said to his companion Behold brother how meeke that sheep is among those goates our Lord walked so humble and meeke among the Scribes and Parisees in memory whereof I pray you lett vs endeauour to redeeme it out of this sheepheards handes But his companion not knowing what remedy to apply in regard they had no mony he began with the holy Father to bewayle his greife they both thus weeping by chaunce there arriued a merchaunt who hauing demaunded thē the cause of their weeping and vnderstanding the same payed the sheepeard for the said sheep and gaue it to the holy Father who full of comfort conducted it to Osimo euen to the presence of the Bishop who admiring therat and demaunding the cause after he vnderstood it was much amazed att the great goodnes and admirable simplicity of the holy Father began also to weep Now the day following that the sheep might not be worse entreated he left it with the Religious women of Seuerina which was much to their contentment for the deuotion which they boare to the S. And therefore keeping it as a peculier relique in short time it yelded so so much wool as they made therof an habit which was sent him in their name to the chapter following which he receaued with such affection as cannot be expressed for embracing it very louingly he called all them that were there to reioyce with him att the profitt he had made of that sheep On an other time he mett in the same Prouince of Marches a contry man that carryed on his shoulders two lambes to sell att the Marckett comming neere the holy Father he laid downe his Lambes a litle to repose himselfe the two lambes then that were bound together began to bleat the poore holy Father to cōpassionate them wherfore tourning to the cōtry fellow he asked him why he held them bound in such extreme affliction and torment and he answeared because they should not escape he being to carry them to the markett where necessity enforced him to sell them and that he could doe no lesse the S. replyed and what wil they who buy them doe with them the fellow answeared O simple man they will kill them then cause them to be baked boiled or rosted according to their appetite and so eat them S. Francis exceedingly afflicted said to himselfe it shall not be so for I will haue them my selfe and withall went to the fellow and said come hither wilt thou giue me thy lambes for this my cloake wherwith he was very well content So hauing made exchaunge the holy Father bethought himselfe how he might doe to saue them wherof hauing cōsulted with his companion they found it most expedient to render them to the cōtry fellow which they did vpon his promise that he should neither sell nor kill them Being in the monastery of Verecondo neere Agubio a poore sheep brought foorth her yong one nere vnto a sow which did eat the tender lambe which S. Francis did bitterly lament with these wordes Ah litle lambe how wel doest thou represent the innocent death of my Sauiour IESVS CHRIST then as zealous of the honour of almighty God he laid his malediction on the said sow which att the very instant did admirably fall diseased and within three dayes died and by force of this maledictiō became of so loathsome sauour that she was cast into a ditch where neither dogge nor foule nor other beast would eat her but she dryed vp and so remayned for memory long time after This example should teach vs by the temporall punishment of this beast that whosoeuer vseth crueltie towardes his neighbour cannot auoyd the eternall iudgement of God as also how iust the compassion of this S. was fith it merited to be heard of God who being by his Prophett Dauid called worme and not a man the holy Father tooke vp the very wormes he found on the wayes that passengers might not tread on thē with their feet In the winter he gaue either wine or hunny to the flyes to preserue their liues and so by meane of all creatures he eleuated his hart to God the Creatour in whome he liued with full consolation An exposition of the glorious Father S. Francis made on the Pater noster THE CVII CHAPTER THe Pater noster was the principall of all the prayers which the holy Father most contentedlie vsed wherin he coceaued a meruaylous tast eleuating his hart vnto God And therefore he taught his Religious for edification of their neighbour to say it in this manner Our Father most blessed and most holie our Creatour and Consolatour which art in heauen amongest the Angels and SS whome with they presence thou doest illuminate thy selfe being the light thou doest enflame them with loue thou being loue it selfe raysing them to thy glorie thou dwellest in them because thou art the soueraigne eternall good whence all good is deriued and without which nothing is good in it selfe Hallowed he thy name and lett thy knoweldge be manifested vnto vs that we may the better knowe the greatnes of thy benefittes and the accomplishmenr of thy promises the eminency of thy Marestie and the depth of thy iudgementes Thy kingdome come to the end thou now raigne in vs by grace and that hereafter we attaine the other of glorie where is eternallie thy glorious presence with perfect loue glorious companie and ioy and alacritie without end Thy will be done in earth as is it in heauen that we may loue thee with an infinite loue and may
neuer so litle relenting his austeritie to be cured of his infirmities the occasion was reasonable to free himselfe piously of such a chardge And therfore att the generall chapter held two yeares before he receaued of our Lord IESVS CHRIST his sacred stigmates he publikelie renounced the office of Minister Generall not without the exceeding greife of all the Religious who by all meanes refusing during his life to admitt any other Minister he was constrayned to constitute a Vicar Generall that gouerned the Order in his name To this effect he made choise of Brother Peter Catanio his second sonne in Religion a man of great prudence and very expert to gouerne to whome the holie Father promised his cheiffest obedience and besides to him that should be constituted his Guardian Which all the Religious seeing they began bitterlie to weepe esteeming they should continue as orphanes without the ordinary gouernment of their beloued Father who comforting them the best he could his handes ioyned and his eyes eleuated towardes heauen he said My God I recommende vnto thee this family which to this houre thou hast recommended vnto me For now by reason of mine infirmities other impedimentes and iust causes to thee knowne being vnable henceforward to haue care of them I haue committed them to a Vicar Generall and to other Prouinciall Ministers who shal be obliged to yeld thee a very exact account of them att the terrible day of the great iudgement if they chaunce to perish by their negligence or euill example And so the holy Father S. Francis thenceforward perseuered to be alwayes subiect euen to the day of his death surpassing thē all in humilitie Yet did he neuer faile to be very zealous in assisting and with his vtmost to fauour his Order euen during the life of his first Vicar who died att the end of the second yeare of his Prelature in the Monastery of our Lady of Angels S. Francis not being there when he was buryed His body wrought so many miracles that an infinite multitude of people from all partes flocked thither leauing a very great quantity of almose vnto the monasterie The holie Father therfore comming thither and vnable to endure either the one or the other the former for distracting them all and the latter for relaxation of the order which he forsaw would grow of such quantity of almose he wēt to the sepulcher where so many miracles were wrought and to the deceased he vttered these wordes My deerlie beloued Brother as thou hast alwayes obeyed me during thy life we being now by thine intercession molested with such a world of peopl thou must also obey me after thy death I therefore cōmand thee on obedience that thou worcke no more miracles sith by them we are in dāger to be ruinated The deceased which is admirable to consider ceassed vpon this commandement to worcke any more miracles such is the vertue power of holy obediēce in a true and good Prelat in a true and good subiect that it extendeth not onlie on earth and during life but euen in heauen after death Yea by it ceassed the glorie and eminencie of miracles that exalt the honour of the liuing God the more to magnifie him by the exercise of holie pouertie and the quiett retire from a turbulent applause of the world How S. Francis instituted his second Vicar Generall This was the 32. chapter of the second book but hither transferred to obserue due order of the history The miracles of Brother Peter Catanio being now ceassed as we haue said the holie Father S. Francis by aduise of the ministers in place of the said deceassed subrogated Brother Elias a man of singuler prudence and verie learned for which he was respected not only of his Religious but euen of seculer persons Prelates and Princes He gouerned as long as the holy Father liued who the more to honour him gaue him the title of Generall though he were not so for the reason aforesaid that the Religious would neuer accept other Generall then S. Francis during his life The said Brother Elias attributing the said honour vnto himselfe and not to God he made him know with all that his deepe prudence according to the world was before him but a very sottish folly for rising into pride he fell as an other Lucifer from such an hight to the deepest profunditie of these worldlie miseries the great mercie of God by the prayers of the S. redeeming him from eternall punishment as hereafter shall appeare This that followeth is the residue of 85. chapter already past which we purposely omitted as no proper place for it as may easily be iudged The holy Father S. Francis being att table together with many of his Religious he tooke some of the most remarkable in humility simplicity that sate neere vnto him by the handes and tourning towardes the said Brother Helias he willed him graciously to honour those other learned noble Brethren sitting there Brother Helias extremly puffed vp in pride without any respect thus answeared O Brother Francis I doubt not but by your simplicity and carelesse negligence you will ruinate this whole Order The holy Father more curious of his saluation then of himselfe answeared him O miserable wretch this pride which thou wilt not cast off and this kinde of thy passionate behauiour to such euill purpose wil be occasion that thou shalt dye out of the Order Which so happened for he died out of the Order in the Court of the Emperour Frederick the second who was excommunicated An other time the holy Father prophesied in this māner of this Vicar General It hapened that Brother Helias was once called for att the dore of the Couent by one that affirmed himselfe to be an Angell sent vnto him frō God and the porter did him the message telling him that an Angell in humane shape expected him att the gate musing therfore what this might be he was a long time perplexed yet att lenght he went thither and the Angell proposed vnto him this doubt whither it were lawfull for the professours of the gospell to eat of what soeuer was indiffefently presented vnto them or no. Att this proposition he rested vtterly confounded for he had purposed to be author of a new constitution in the Order which was that the Freres might not eat flesh against their first holy Rule wherfore he rudely and cholerickly shutt the dore against the Angell and retourned into the Couēt Which being reported vnto S. Francis he incontinently arose frō prayer and went to his Vicar whome he sharply reprehēded saying Brother Helias you haue done ill in shutting the gate against the Angels when God sendeth thē to iustruct you I tell you therefore it is impossible for you to perseuer stable in the Order with this pride The holy Father spake thus much vnto him because it had bin reuealed vnto him that he should die out of the Order and besides that he should be damned
neuertheles I hope in God that the inuisible ennemies the deuils that are his executioners to chastice the disobedientes in this world and in the other will also chastice the transgressours of the vow of their profession therby to their shame and forciblie to make them retourne to their first vocation to this effect I will not omitt to assist them whiles I liue att least by prayers and example sith otherwise I cannot and to instruct them the secure way which I haue learned of my God as I haue formerly done that they may haue no excuse before his diuine maiesty No further doe I hold my selfe obliged Such was his answeare which satisfying the Religious procured an inestimable greife to all the hearers wherby it also manifestlie appeared what reason the S. had to leaue them and what occasion they had to know themselues and by a pious acknowledgement of their fault and true repentance to haue recourse vnto him The end of the first booke of the Chronicles of the Friere Minors THE SECONDE BOOKE OF THE CHRONICLES OF THE FRIER MINORS WHERIN IS PROSECVTED THE discourses of the life death and miracles of the Seraphical Father S. Francis translated out of french into English Of the plenary indulgence graunted by Iesus Christ to the Church of our Lady of Angels of Portiuncula THE FIRST CHAPTER THE more the glorious Father S. Francis profited in perfection and endeauoured to vnite himselfe with God the more did he poure out teares and felt intollerable greife att the losse of soules redeemed by the price of the precious bloud of our Redeemer IESVS CHRIST Wherfore not ceassing to desire mercie of God for sinners as he thirsted to haue all saued the yeare of grace 1223. being to that effect in prayer an Angell appeared vnto him and bid him incontinentlie to repaire vnto the church because our Lord IESVS CHRIST with his glorious Mother and a great number of Angels there expected him Hauing receaued this gracious embassadge he hastened thither and there found our Sauiour sitting in a Royall throne on the high altare and the Virgin Mary att his right hand enuironned with an innumerable multitude of blessed spirittes The holy Father incontinentlie falling prostrate on the earth heard the diuine voice of IESVS saying Francis Know that I haue heard thy feruent prayers and because I know with what solicitude thou and thy Religious procure the saluation of soules aske me what grace thou wilt for their soules benefitt and I will graunt it thee The S. being by such an answeare emboldened most humbly answeared My Lord IESVS CHRIST I miserable and vnworthy sinner with the greatest reuerence I can require of thy diuine maiesty that it will please thee so much to fauour all Christian people as to graunt them a generall pardon and plenary indulgence of all their sinnes I meane to all them that shall enter into this church confessed and contrite I also beseech thee O glorious holy Virgin mother and our Aduocatrix that it would please thee to make intercession to thy most gracious sonne for me and for all Christian sinners Our Lady was instantlie moued with these wordes and began in this sort to pray our Redeemer in his behalfe O my most high Lord and sonne of my bowels I beseech thee graunt vnto this thy faithfull seruaunt this grace which he hath demaunded with so great a zeale of the saluation of soules which thy selfe aboue all other thinges disirest My God graunt him this grace in this place to thine honour and the edification of thy holy church Our Lord sodenlie answeared Francis that which thou demaundest is great but this thy desire conformable to mine deserueth much more and therfore I graunt thy request But goe to my Vicar to whome I haue giuen al power of vnbinding and binding here on earth and in my name demaund it of him which said he disappeared The Religious that had their celles neere therevnto saw the splendour and heard some speach but durst not approach for reuerence and great feare that possessed them The holy Father S. F. hauing thācked God presētly called Bro. Macie in whose cōpany he wēt to Perusia where thē was Pope Honorius with his court befor whose holines he thus spake Holy F. I haue reestablished a church that was very ruinous desert called S. Mary of portiūcula very neere vnto the citty of Assise wherin are residēt your Religious the Frere Min. I beseech your holines by our Redeemer I. C. his most glorious mother to voutsafe for the benefitt of the soules of all faithful Christiās to graūt a plenary indulgēce and remission of all their sinnes to all them that shall visitt this church in good estate without giuing any almose in the same The Pope answeared him that the Apostolike sea did not accustome to graunt indulgēs without giuing of almose because it will that they be gayned by thē He thē asked him for how many yeares he desired the indulgēce S. Francis answeared Holy Father I desire not yeares but soules How soules said the Pope S. Frācis replyed I require that euery Christian confessed and contrite that shall come to visitt the said Church receaue plenarie absolution in earth and in heauen and that of whatsoeuer sinnes he shall haue committed from his Baptisme to that very houre I require not this in myne owne name but in our Lord IESVS CHRIST who hath sent me to your Holines Which the Pope hearing inspired of the holy Ghost he thus spake thrice with a loud voice I am content to graunt it as thou hast demaunded it But the Cardinals present aduised the Pope to consider well what he graunted because by that act he would destroy the indulgences of the holy land and of Sainct Peter and S. Paul att Rome which would no longer be regarded The Pope answeared that he would not reuoke what he had att that present graunted They replyed that att least it were requisit he should limitt the said indulgence to a certaine time and moderate it to a certaine prefixed day of the yeare The Pope then said We graunt to all faithfull Christians that being truely confessed and contrite shall enter into the Church of our Lady of Angels plenary indulgence and absolution both of paine and fault and we will that the same be of force for euer for one entier day that is from the first euensong till the sunne sitting of the day following Which the holy Father Sainct Francis hauing obtayned he kissed his feet then demaunded his benediction which receaued he arose to depart But the Pope recalling him said Whither goest thou simple man what specialtie hast thou of the indulgence obtayned The holy Father answeared that his word should suffice and besides that this worck was of God and therfore it should be published and supported by his diuine Maiesty and withall that he would haue no other Bull but the Virgin Mary IESVS CHRIST for Notary and the Angels for witnesses Which
in the pulpitt he made a sermō to the people that thither by Goddes prouidence were abondātly flocked from all the neighbour places with an extreme feruour explicating vnto thē this so great treasure which he performed with such deep doctrine that it seemed rather the discourse of an Angell thē of a mā vnlearned as he was Att the end of this sermō he denoūced vnto the people in the name of God his most sacred mother the indulgēce in these words Whosoeuer being truely cōtrite cōfessed shall visitt this church the first day of August from the euensong therof and the night and daie of the feast it selfe to the sunne setting he shall gaine a plenary indulgence which is graunted him first by God secōdarily by his Vicare Pope Honorius and the same to cōtinue for euer on that day The bishopps there presēt to cōfirme the speech S. Frācis would not accord to that for euer The bishop of Assisiū therfore cōfirming the indulgēce to the people purposing to limitt it to ten yeares could neuer vtter it but was cōstrayned to say for euer the like happened vnto the other bishoppes This miracle being very euidētly knowne vnto the people it encreased their faith preuēted the doubt which some might haue had that God himselfe had not graūted this indulgēce Therefore the publicatiō being ended the bishoppes being exceedingly amazed att the miracle did with great solēnity consecrate the said church which continued for euer endued with this great treasure to the glory of our lord his holy mother the virgin Mary and his seruant S. Francis and to the soules health of all Christians Of certaine miracles wrought by Godin confirmatiō of the said indulgence THE IV. CHAPTER IT pleased God besides the fore mentioned to cause this so great indulgence to be beleeued and reuerenced in due mannner for the publike good by such miracles and reuelations as we shall now relate The yeare following a great number of people being come to gaine the said indulgence whiles they watched by night in prayer vnto God in the said church there arose in a moment such a rumour among the people there assembled that the Religious who were att rest were awakened therwith Comming therfore into the church they saw a Doue whiter then snow that flew fiue times about the Church One of them stepping forward the better to see came neere the high altare where he found Brother Corrado of Offeida a right holy Religious of an exceeding exemplare life and famous for miracles whome he prayed to lett him better vnderstand the occasion of the great murmure that was among the people who verie pitifull cryed out This venerable Father answeared that he was content to tell him conditionally that he would promise not to reueale it to any person during his life Which being condicioned he said I saw the Queene of heauen to discend cloathed with an ineffable splendour as holding her Sonne in her armes and to giue her holy benediction vnto all present then this Doue which was with her on the altare began to fly to signifie the visitation of God it hath here flowne round about the church Which the people seeing though they knew not all began thus to crye out towardes heauen The same day the mother of our lord was seene to enter into the Church with the Religious and to accompanie the ordinarie procession with a great troupe of Angels that sung prayses vnto God This was seene by Religious of pious life and also by certaine pilgrimes As in the Marquisat of Ancona one coniured the deuill that vehementlie afflicted a poore possessed woman to enforce him to tell what course was to be vsed to expell him he answeared att lenght that he tormented not the woman for any sinne of hers but onlie to the end God might be praysed by her and that therefore there was no other remedie to deliuer her but to procure her to gaine the indulgence of our ladie of Angels and that he spake thus much as forciblie cōstrayned to speake against him selfe as he likewise confessed that by the same indulgence he lost a great multitud of soules which he already held as his owne by reason of the enormous sinnes they had committed The woman was therfore with great affliction and greife brought to our ladie of Angels the verie day of the indulgence and as soone as she was entred the effect succeeded for the deuill lifting her into the aire departed and the poore woman fell as dead to the ground But by the merittes of the glorious Virgin she incontinentlie arose verie sound of bodie and soule hauing bin confessed to gaine the indulgence There are besides manie true testimonyes to whome haue appeared the spirittes of diuers deceassed reuealing vnto them that hauing certaine dayes before their death gayned the said indulgence they were sodenlie by the glorious Virgin Mother conducted into Paradice without feeling any paine of purgatorie others also gayning this indulgence that was applyed vnto them by forme of suffrage after their death by meane of some liuing freindes were deliuered of the paines of Purgatorie as by this ensuying discourse shall appeare A Venetian Gentleman that was a verie spirituall Preist desiring to gaine this indulgence as he prepared himselfe to goe thither he fell sicke and of the same sicknes dyed but before his death he said to a very freind of his My good freinde I desire you to beleeue that there is no man in the world of my kinred or whosoeuer other in whome I haue more confidence then in your selfe nor of whome I hope to obtaine what I desire for the saluation of my soule I therfore pray you that if it please God to call me vnto him you will vndertake so much labour as to goe to our ladie of Angels to gaine the plenaire indulgence for the benefitt of my soule and to defray your chardges in the iorney demaund what you will and I will giue it you that the indulgence being mine you receaue no detriment therby This freind took what was requisit for his expences and promised to goe Now this Preist being dead and the time of Pilgrimage being come his deere freind though he saw manie that prepared them selues to the iorney he as if he had made no promise deferred his iorney purposing with himselfe to goe the yeare following which is a thing but too ordinarie to ingratefull persons kinred and freindes neglecting and forgetting the poore decassed the Preist appeared to this vnworthy freind in his sleep the same night that he had made the foresaid purpose and with an angry countenance reprehending him he said Goe on thy iorney now with such as prepare themselues therto He awaking determined to doe that for feare which he had neglected to doe for respect of amitye Hauing effected the promise the same day that he entred into the church and gayned the indulgence for the deceased the Preist in the night ensuying appeared vnto
ouercome by the violence of the water were also drowned without possibility of any mannes assistance After these came other Religious vnburdned and without any weight these were very poore and entring into the floud did easilie and without any perill passe the same Now S. Francis knowing by diuine inspiration that Brother Leo had had a vision and perceauing him much disquieted said vnto him Brother Leo tell me what God in this prayer hath manifested vnto thee Brother Leo incontinentlie recounted vnto him the circumstances of the vision he had praying him to expound it because he vnderstood it not The holie Father failed not to comfort him saying know that all thou hast seene is true the floud is this world which with extreme impetuosity runneth to perdition The Religious which are drowned in this floud are such as accomplish not their Euangelicall profession and the strict and voluntary pouertie promised but doe burden themselues with affaires of the world which sinck them to the bottome the second are such as hauing begun the way of God arriue to the middes but being vanquished by sensuality and concupiscence of terrestriall thinges forgetting their vowes are by the violent streame ouerwhelmed and drowned the third are such as hauing followed the spirit of God and not of the world haue not regarded to load themselues with the burden of the earth but haue bin content with one only habit to couer them and a morcell of bread to sustaine their life and to followe IESVS CHRIST naked on the crosse and therfore without any perill doe passe to eternall thinges whither they are called of God The sequell is extracted out of the sixteenth chapter of the 6. booke THe said Brother Leo an other time saw S. Francis hauing before him a crucifix that walked together with him and rested when he rested the face of the S. was illuminated with a splendour proceeding from the crucifix The third time he saw discend from heauen vpon his head a scrole wherin was written Hic est gratia Dei the grace of God is on this man The processe of the eleuenth chapter of the same booke THe infirmity of S. Francis vehementlie encreasing in such sort that all the Brethren thought he would die by reason that from the euening to the houre of mattines he ceassed not to auoyde bloud and had also very frequent accidentes happened vnto him all the Religious began lamentingly to say vnto him Father who after IESVS CHRIST haue ingendred vs in the world how without you shall we remayne orphanes and desolate depriued of your presence with which our hartes were edified and did walke in the seruice of God Wherfore O Father doe you so leaue vs without a guide Alas most deere Father who shall comfort our feeblenes who shall cure the infirmities of our soule who shall giue moysture to the dryed roote of our hart that it persist in charity sith these vertues were conserued in vs by your holy aduertisementes and by the example of your holy life and by these vertues we most strictly obserued Euangelicall pouerty Giue vs O Father some consolation if it be now your houre because we who are here in the name of all your children that are and shal be doe demaund your Fatherly benediction Leaue vs Father some memoriall in signe of your holy will that God hauing called you vnto him we as your most obedient children may persist in the continuall exercises of your holy aduertismentes and may say Our Father deliuered vs such speeches and recommended vnto vs such thinges att his death S. Francis intending to comfort them caused to be called Brother Benedict of Pirra one of the most ancient of the Order A Religious of great doctrine and sanctity who was his Confessour and said masse vnto him euery morning he being come the S. faid vnto him Write Brother Benedict these wordes which I leaue as a testament vnto my children I giue my benediction to all them that are and shal be in my Order euen to the worldes end And because by reason of my extreme weakenes I cannot speake much I declare my last will and intention to all the Religious present absent and that hereafter shal be in my Religion by these three last wordes only The first in signe and memory of my benediction and testament I command you mutually to loue each other as I haue and doe loue you The second that you loue and alvayes keepe holy pouerty which is my mistris The third that you be alwayes faithfull and subiect to the superiours of our Order and to all Preistes of the holy church and that you be humble and respectiue vnto them But God who saw that his seruant was yet very necessary to this his flock and that he should pourchase himselfe a greater crowne in heauen prolonged his life S. Francis was absolutely contrary to those that desired and procured to haue priuiledges and exemption from the Pope touching their life because it had bin reuealed vnto him of God that how much the Religious were priuiledged so much the lesse fruit did they produce he would that the intelligence of the rule should be taken of his wordes being so cleare as they were to any vnderstanding prouided that it were free from passiō though they seemed very obscure to such as would not conforme their life thervnto but endeauoured to wrest draw the sence to their libertine life seeking against all equity to haue this their licentious life called the life of Euangelicall perfectiō And to proue this to be true we see that those first children of the holy Father so simple vertuous and pious found no such difficulties therin and the reason was because seeking to imitate him they simply vnderstood and most dilligentlie obserued this rule which many that were learned neither could nor can vnderstand with all their declarations and exclamations of whome may be said and not without reason that they would not or will not vnderstand it as it hath bin vnderstood of those ●● though they were simple and vnlearned What esteems S. Francis made of the great obligation which the Prelates haue towardes their subiects THE XII CHAPTER THe S. was alwayes a vigilant Pastour to gouerne the flock which God had committed vnto him encourageing them to prayer to fastinges and to the obseruance of holy pouertie and teaching them to imitate the highest master IESVS CHRIST who began first to doe then to teach himselfe doeing the like enduring many thinges only to giue example to his children Being one day att the Oratory of S. Eleutherius neere vnto Rieta he patched his habitt within and without with course and grosse cloth aswell against the violent cold that then was as for the indisposition of his stomach which the said patches did couer he commaunded his companion to doe the same But feeling that this peecing did comfort his body he presentlie remembred the necessity of his Religious of whome hauing compassion he said to
of holy pouerty that in our behalfe they make intercessiō to God to graunt vs to be truely poore and his right humble disciples and graunt this priuiledge to our Order that there be alwayes therin such as are truely poore that honour and loue holy pouerty S. Francis with this feruour went to Rome in pilgrimage to visitt the holy Apostles beginning already to foresee the great persecutions which many of his Order would lay on pouertie after his death and that few would aduenture to passe with all Being then come to Rome he entred into the Church of S. Peter and being retired into a chappell with violent effusion of teares he demaunded of God that he would please to confirme vnto him the grace and priuiledge of most holy Euangelicall pouertie for himselfe and his Order inuocating for intercessors the glorious Apostles S. Peter and S. Paul who in most glittering splendour appearing vnto him did embrace and salute him then said Brother Francis because with such deuotion thou demaundest that which God will and we obserue and counsaile to be obserued he hath sent vs vnto thee to aduertise thee in his behalfe that thou art heard in heauen and that he hath graunted the treasure of Euangelicall pouertie to thee and to all them that shall follow thee and that they shal be of the nomber of the blessed who shall embrace the same Which sayd they disappeared leauing the holy Father S. Francis exceedinglie comforted and recounting the whole to Brother Macie they according to their duety together yelded thanckes to God Of the pouerty which the holy Father S. Francis obserued and would should be obserued att table and how the Religious were often miraculously prouided for in their necessitis THE XVII CHAPTER SAinct Francis being in the Oratory of Rieta a Prouinciall repayred vnto him to celebrate with him the Natiuity of our lord Wherfore the Religious entending to honour the feast and the Prouinciall prepared the table with a cloth and white napkins fournishing it with neat vessel and meat a litle better then ordinary But the S. cōming that morning to eat with them in the refectory and seeing that preparation and that the table was raysed from the ground where it accustomed to be he secretly went foorth and finding a begger att the gate he borrowed his hatt and cloake then taking a companion with him they went out of the house and in the meane time the Religious sate downe att table for he had ordayned that when soeuer he was not found in the Couent att the houre of refection they should not attend him About the middes of their meale the holy Father retourned disguised as aforesaid and went directly to the refectory att the dore wherof he demaunded an almose for the loue of God The Prouinciall answēared him Brother we are poore as you are and therefore haue need of these almose but for the loue of God which thou hast named enter and we will giue thee part of the almose which IESVS CHRIST hath sent vs S. Francis entred and stood expecting to haue somewhat giuen him The Prouinciall gaue him his owne dish with the bread that was in it The S. receauing it discouered himselfe and sate downe on the ground before the Religious but being approached to the fire he sighing said My beloued Brethren this table so decently prepared is not fitt for poore Religious that ought euerie day to goe aske almes from dore to dore for the loue of God it would better beseeme you to follow the example of humilitie of our lord then of any other for to that end are we called considering also that we haue promised to obserue it now doe I esteeme me a Frere Minor beholding my selfe sitting on the ground The feastes of God and his sainctes ought to be honoured with that holy pouerty wherby they haue pourchased heauē and not with these superfluityes which they did vtterlie abhorre as thinges that did separate them from the loue of God It cannot be expressed how much the poore Religious were amazed hauing heard and seene this act for many did weep seeing their Father sitting on the ground with that habitt with so great humility correcting the fault which they had committed wherof accusing them selues they acknowledged their fault to the S. who blessing them bad them with all euer to keep their table so poore and hūble that the seculers seeing it might not be scandalized and that if any begger came he might be inuited to eat with them Besides he would that the bread which they begged should be so limited that there should remaine none superfluous in the house but what should only suffice the Religious assuring them that if they wanted God would prouide for them as by the ensuing miracle doth appeare The generall chapter being on time ended and the Ministers dimissed each one to his Prouince there remayned with S. Francis 31. Religious amōg whome was that Brother Monaldo that merited to see the S. as crucified att Arles as we haue formerly alleadged they being vpon departure and the S. desiringe charitably to eat with thē there was found only three litle loanes in the house which S. Francis caused to be brought made on thē the signe of the crosse thē diuided it amongest thē And God did so multiply it that it sufficed thē all with the fragmēts was filled a great baskett by meane of which miracle the Religious retourned exceedingly encouraged in the seruice of God and the loue of pouerty finding by experience that God was their procuratour On an other time S. Francis comming by night to the Oratory of Sō nino in Lombardy with many Religious exceedingly oppressed with hunger they found not in the house one only morcell of bread for their custome was to demaūd no more of almose then would suffice them for one day and if any remayned they presently distributed it to the poore The holy Father S. Francis vnderstanding thus much said to the keeper of the prouision goe to such a place and you shall finde a baskett full bring it vnto me He goeing thither brought thence a baskett full of bread which had bin miraculously conueyed thither to releiue the seruantes of God They all did eat with very great appetite finding it extraordinarily pleasing which did not passe without giuing thanckes to the diuine Maiesty for the almes which so liberall a hand bestowed on them Many other such miracles happened vnto these poore of God as this that ensueth How whiles the Cooke was att his prayers in the Church the refection was miraculously prepared The 33. chapter of the tenth booke transferred to this proper place SAinct Francis admitted to Religion a knight called Bennenuto who of his great humility made choice to liue alwayes in the kitchen It happened on a time that a Burgesse had a will to refect the Religious one morning and to that end sent them betimes what he thought conuenient therto that they might
against chastity and the admission of yong men withour spiritt against pouerty magnificent and sumptuous buildinges proud Prelates that shall haue no power to cōtaine thēselues within the bōdes of humility against obediēce diuersity of opiniōs and other thinges which now I wil not discouer lett it suffice thee that we will labour so much as to get the vpper hād this Order which thou seest so eminent shall come to such ruine and be so contemptible to men as is admirable Albeit in that time there shall arise an other Religious of the same Order of no lesse vertue then this Frācis He shall attaine to that sanctity that the third part of men shal be by his example and predication conuerted to pennance we haue now resolued with all our possibility to oppugne and assault this order and to that end there are lately sent eight thousand of my companions to a Monastery where there are but seauen Brethren to tempt them This was two yeares before S. Francis receaued the stigmates And though it be not receaued for a truth because it was spoaken by a deuill neuertheles that which is since arriued causeth a beleife that God forced him to vtter it this not being the first time that God hath manifested his secrettes vnto the world by the mouth of deuils as in the time of our lord IESVS CHRIST when he constrayned them to confesse that he was his true Sonne How S. Francis departing from Carnerio preached to diuers birds THE XXXIV CHAPTER SAinct Bonauenture and S. Antony doe recount that S. Francis being departed out of the said Carnerio before he came to Benammo he saw on a tree a great nomber of birdes of diuers kindes and hard by them an other squadron a matter indeed deseruing consideration in regard that it seemed to signifie I know not what extraordinary thing as it happened For the S. inspired of God causing his companions to stay behinde went to preach to the said birdes and comming neere to the tree saluted them in these wordes The peace of God be with you and they shewing signes of ioy approached all to this predication those that were on the tree descended to the ground and rancked themselues with the other and keeping a quiet silence they seemed to expect when the holie Father would begin Wherfore he thus discoursed vnto them My Brother Birdes ye are exceedinglie obliged alwayes to prayse God your Creatour for he hath giuen you winges wherwith you lightlie fly in the aire and whither you will a fauour that he hath not giuen to so manie other Creatures He hath also adorned and cloathed you with fethers and they of diuers delectable and beautifull coulers he hath created your bodyes light and supporteth you without any paine of yours permitting you to enioie the labours of men He hath also giuen you a qualitie of singing verie delightfull then he conserueth and hath conserued you from the beginning of the world he miraculouslie cōserued you from the deluge sending couples of euerie kinde into the arck of Noe there to be preserued he hath giuen you for habitation one of the foure elementes therefore doth holie scripture ordinarilie call you the birdes of heauen besides that you possesse the mountaines and hilles the vallyes and plaines att your pleasure the fountaines riuers trees and houses for nestes it hath pleased God himselfe by his sacred mouth to testifie vnto the world that you neither spinning nor in any sort labouring he hath care to cloath you both sommer and winter and to giue you althinges necessary to your conseruation All which benefittes are pregnant signes of the loue which God beareth you as his creatures And therfore my Brothers and sisters blessed of God beware that you be not ingratefull vnto his diuine Maiesty but prayse him alwayes deuoutlie with your sweet accentes sith he hath giuen wherwithall The Sainct hauing ended his sermon all these birdes which is admirable began to open their billes and beate their winges as if they would haue said we thanke you but being vnable verballie bowing their heades they manifested vnto him their due reuerence and that they expected his benediction to prayse God and so to depart The holie Father was much comforted in beholding those gestures perceauing these creatures to be so obedient vnto their Creator and therefore for their farwell he gaue them his benediction which hauing receaued they with one accord mounted into the aire filling it with most pleasing accentes then did they diuide and separate themselues in the aire into foure bandes conformable to the benediction which the holie Father had giuen them in forme of a crosse S. Francis retourned to his companions who were as beside themselues seeing such straunge meruailes in vnreasonable creatures he asking them pardon in great humilitie for hauing made them attend whiles he preached to those birdes whome he found so prepared to heare the worde of God He thenceforward preached to all creatures exhorting them to prayse their Creatour that all the world might yeld honour glorie and prayse to God A short aduertisement for the better vnderstanding of this miracle and some other the like contayned in this Cronicle of S. Francis added for the better vnderstanding of the simple The glorious Father S. Francis was not ignorant that dumbe creatures were not capable of his sermon and therfore preached not vnto them to instruct them but to stir vp him selfe the more to admire the goodnes of God And God no dout to comfort his deuout sernant made the very vnreasonable creatures by a secret instinct to reuerence the Sainct whilst he preached vnto them or rather whilst he preached to him selfe in them and by them the holie Scripture being full of such sermons and namelie the four last psalmes of the prophet Dauid and the Canticle of the three children in the furnace of Babilon which what else are they but such sermons as Sainct Fr. made vnto these creatures to adore their Creator Of the vertue and efficacie of the holy Father S. Francis his preaching and of certaine miracles wrought therby THE XXXV CHAPTER THrough whatsoeuer townes and villages he trauailed he preached with such feruour and spiritt and with such efficacie that there was no hart so obdurate but was moued to pennance Besides that which is spoaken of the towne of Carnerio it many times arriued that there followed him more then thirty or fiue and thirty men conuerted to pennance by his discourses who did not only abandon vanities as the custome is for ten or twelue dayes but did vtterly and entierly forsake the world following God in his Euangelicall pouerty He admirablie confounded the blindenes of heretikes and exalted the faith of the Romane Church which he performed by the meane of the science which the holy Ghost had infused into him and of the merueillous miracles which God wrought by him who was also present fauorable vnto him in all his actions He expelled diuels out of the humane bodyes
Father as our protectour I beseech you my Brethren euen humblie kissing your feet and with the greatest charitie I can I doe exhort you to reuerence and honour with your vtmost ability the most sacred sacrament wherby heauenly and earthlie matters are reconciled with God I beseech all my brethren that are Preistes and such as in the name of God shal be when they intend to celebrate the diuine masse to be pure and neat that they may worthelie offer the true sacrifice of the most sacred bodie and bloud of our lord IESEVS CHRIST with the greatest reuerence puritie holie intētion that they shal be able not for any humane respect for any feare or loue but that their intention be directed to God desiring to please onlie his Maiestie who sayth Doe this in remembrance of me Know then yee Preistes that he who shall doe otherwise shal be like vnto Iudas Remember the saying of the Apostle A man making the law of Moyses frustrate without any mercy dyeth vnder two or three witnesses How much more thinck you doth he deserue worse punishmente which hath trodden the Sonne of God vnder foot and esteemed the bloud of the testament polluted wherin he is sanctified and hath done contumelie to the spiritt of grace For then is a man irreuerent and treadeth on that lambe of God when as the Apostle saith he doth not examine and make a difference betweene this true bread of God and that which he doth ordinarily eat and therfore he receaueth it vnworthely For God saith in Ieremie The man is cursed that doeth negligently and feinedly And the Preistes that will not haue this care to celebrate so excellent a Mystery the most worthely that possibly can be shal be condemned of God who saith I will tour●e your benedictions to maledictions on your selues My brethren heare me I pray you if the glorious virgin be so much honoured as she deserueth for hauing receaued into her chast wombe our lord IESVS CHRIST If. S. Iohn Baptist trembled and durst not touch the head of IESVS CHRIST and finally if the holy sepulchre wherin IESVS CHRIST was buryed for his so small time of residence is so much reuerenced how much more ought he to be iust holy and well purged who with his handes doth handle and with his proper mouth doth receaue so high infinite a Maiesty and doth administer the same to others Remember that he is an immortall and eternall God that liueth glorious and eternall with contemplation of whose Maiesty the Angels themselues cannot be satisfied Preistes know your dignitie and be holy for God is holy and as in regard of so great a mystery and dignity you haue bin more honoured then other men remember in like sort to be also more gratefull vnto God and to reuerence loue and honour him for otherwise your misery is exceeding great and deserueth continuall teares in that you hauing in your handes the almighty God the fountaine of all good thinges you procure to haue transitory and terrestriall thinges all the world ought to tremble with feare and sweetly weepe whiles the Angels themselues bend their knees when IESVS CHRIST the Sonne of the most high is vpon the altare betweene the handes of man O merueillous highnes and diuine debasement O most high humility that the Sonne of God yea God himselfe the master and lord of the vniuersall world should so humble himselfe as to giue himselfe vnto vs hidden vnder the forme of bread Consider my brethren so profound a humility and purifie your hart before his diuine Maiestie to the end he receaue all as he giueth himselfe to all Therfore I aduerti●e you in the name of God that in all places where the Religious are you celebrate but one masse a day and though you haue diuers Preistes lett the rest be content to heare it for although it be seene in many pertes yet is it one and indiuisible and without any detriment true God and true man so in one sole masse he can communicate his grace to all present and absent that make themselues worthy one onlie and verie God Father Sonne and holie Ghost worcking this Amen Of the faith and knowledge of our Sauiour Iesus Christ and of the sacred Sacrament THE XLV CHAPTER TO all Christians Religious Ecclesiasticall lay men and women that are in the world Brother Francis their seruant and subiect in God desireth withall reuerence a true peace in heauē by the sincere charity which is discended on earth As I am the seruant of you all so am I obliged to serue all and to administer vnto you the most sweet word of my lord and Sauiour IESVS CHRIST Considering therfore in my soule that by reason of the diuers infirmities that afflict my body I cannot by corporall presence as I desire visitt you my selfe I haue thought good to supply the same by letters and by them to administer vnto you the worde of IESVS CHRIST who is the word of the eternall Father the wordes of the holy Ghost which are spiritt life I then admonish you Brethren to confesse your sinnes to a Preist with all the dilligence you can possible and att his hand to receaue the true body and bloud of IESVS CHRIST For as our Lord saith he that eateth not my flesh and drincketh not my bloud cannot haue eternall life Lett vs then endeauour worthely to receaue such so eminent a maiesty for he that receaueth it vnworthely in steed of saluatiō pourchaceth death Besides I exhort you often to visitt the holy churches and to reuerence Preistes not so much in respect of themselues if they be sinners as for reuerence of the function and dignity which they haue in being ministers of the most pretious body and bloud of our Sauiour IESVS CHRIST which by them is offered on the altare receaued and administred vnto vs without which none can be saued by the holy wordes which they vtter and minister he discendeth from heauen to earth and none but they can doe it O how happy and blessed are they who loue God withall their hart with all their soules and with all their forces and their neighbour as themselues I inuite you all my brethren and you my sisters to this loue lett vs all with one accord loue God with one pure affection of our hart adore him because that is the thing which he especially requireth and demaundeth of vs as himselfe hath said the true adorers adore in spiritt and truth and it is necessary for them that adore him to doe it in that manner Our lord said to his disciples I am the way the verity the life No man cōmeth to the Father but by me If you had knowne me my Father also certes you had knowen from hencefoorth you shall know him and you haue seen him Phillip said to him Lord shew vs the Father it sufficeth vs. IESVS said to him So long time I am
with you and haue you not knowē me Phillip he that seeth me seeth the Father also The Father dwelleth in a light inaccessible God is a spiritt whome no man hath euer seene because he is a spiritt and therfore inuisible but in spiritt considering that he is a spiritt most pure for it is the spiritt that giueth life and the flesh can doe nothinge He may also be seene of euery true Christian in the Sonne in that substance which is equall to the Father and therfore all they that see our Lord IESVS CHRIST according to the humanity and not according to his diuinity are condemned as likewise are they who see the sacrament which is consecrated by the wordes of our Lord on the altare by the handes of the Preist vnder the formes of bread and wine and doe not see him and beleeue in their spiritt that it is the true and most sacred body and bloud of our Lord IESVS CHRIST are condemned the souueraine Lord giueth his testimony against them when he said This is my body and this is my bloud of the new testament which shal be shed for you and for many in remission of sinnes He saith in an other place He that eateth my flesh and drincketh my bloud shall haue life euerlasting He that hath the spiritt of God which dwelleth in his faithfull he receaueth the most sacred bloud and body of IESVS CHRIST and all other that haue not the same spiritt yet neuertheles presume to receaue it they eat and drinck their iudgement and damnation therefore yee children of men how long will you be sencelesse and haue your hartes so hardened When will you compasse to know the truth and to beleeue in the Sonne of God who so humbly seeketh you euery day as when he discended from his imperiall throne into the virginall wombe he ordinarily commeth euery day vnto vs in such humble manner attired and so approachable He euery day descendeth from the bosome of his Father into the handes of the Preist on the altare and as he was knowne vnto the holy Apostles in true flesh in that very manner doth he communicate himselfe vnto vs in the holy Sacrament And as they with their corporall eyes saw nothing but flesh yet with their spirituall eyes they knew him to be God euen so we with our corporall eyes seeing the accidentes of bread and wine ought to see and firmely to beleeue that there is the most sacred body and true bloud of our Lord IESVS CHRIST on the altare In this manner is God alwayes with his faithfull as himselfe hath said I wil be with you euen to the consummation of the world Of lone towards our neighbour and how much the body is to be hated THE XLVI CHAPTER THis thinge may doubtles much confound vs that making profession to be seruantes of IESVS CHRIST and being certaine that his true freindes haue done may worckes that haue bin entirely deuout vertuous and holy we neuertheles content our selues with the only relation of them and esteeme by the bare discourse therof without execution to raigne eternally Blessed is the seruant of IESVS CHRIST that loueth his Christian brother as much being sick as in health and in aduersitie as in prosperity Blessed is he that loueth and honoureth his Brother both farre and neere that speaketh nothing in his absence but what with great charity he may say in his presence God said in the Gospell loue your ennemies and pray for them that hate and iniury you He loueth his ennemie truely that complaineth not of the iniuries which he hath receaued doth receaue of him but of the sinnes which himselfe hath cōmitted and doth cōmitt against God and his soule and also he that is not content to haue the loue of God in himselfe if he doe not also make demonstration therof by the same worckes vnto his neighbour and much more vnto his ennemy Blessed are the poore in spiritt for theirs is the kingdome of heauen There are many that endure diuers afflictions in their bodyes in prayer and good worckes and that mortifie it with abstinence and neuertheles for a slight word spoaken against their liking or for hauing something denyed them they are incontinentlie scandalized and troubled Such are not poore in spirit though exteriourly they appeare so for the true poore in spirit misprise and abhorre themselues and loue not only those that afflict and iniury them but euen those that beat them Blessed also is he that supporteth the infirmity and fragility of his neighbour as he would be glad to haue his owne supported My faithfull lett vs loue our neighbour as our selues and they who see they cannot loue them as themselues lett them loue them as much as they can or att least lett them not offend them Lett vs hate and detest our peruerse willes for as God saith of our hart proceedeth all euils this is to be vnderstood of him that applieth his hart to satisfie his sensualities Many when they sinne or receaue any iniury accuse their neighbour therof which they should not doe for each one hath his ennemies which is the body with the sences therof by which he offendeth Therfore blessed is the seruant that hath such an ennemie in subiection and so keepeth it vnder and watcheth it with such prudence that he hath no cause to feare it for whiles he vseth this dilligence no other ennemy visible or inuisible can annoy him nor procure him to sinne in such sort that as S. Iohn Chrysostome saith no man is hurt but of himselfe We hate our body in as much as it will committ sinne for liuing carnally it seeketh to destroy the loue of God together with the glory of Paradise condemning it selfe and the soule perpetually to to hell the greatest ennemy therfore that a man hath is his proper flesh which can thinck of nothing but that which offendeth it nor feare ought in foresight of that which is eternally to befall it the humour and desire therof is only to abuse temporall thinges and the worst is it vsurpeth to it selfe all contentment and glory euen of that which is graunted to the soule not to it for it seeketh the honour of vertues of prayers watchinges and temporall fauour it will haue applause of teares in fine it leaueth nothing to the soule that apperteineth to her Of obedience THE XLVII CHAPTER GOd said to Adam Of euery tree of Paradise eat thou But of the tree of knowledge of good and euill eat thou not and whiles he obeyed God he offended not But hauing transgressed this commandement he was condemned of God for euer till he was redeemed by the grace of his Sonne That man doth eate of the forbidden apple of knowledge of good and euill who appropriateth to himselfe his owne will and with his benefittes which God vttereth and worketh by him doth exalte himselfe therfore was he necessarily obliged to punishment God saith in the gospell he that loueth his
and att the verie instant he prophesied that he should liue and haue no children by his wife which came so to passe and all this was assured to Pope Nicolas the third by autenticall testimonie that was produced before notaries Of the exercises of the holy Father S. Francis and of the lent he kept on the lake of Perusiea THE LIII CHAPTER THe glorious S. after he was conuerted to God neuer remayned idle for he alwayes endeauoured to be employed in some action in example of Iacobs ladder wher on the Angels ceassed not to mount and discend receauing and carrying the pious worckes of the children of God to the soueraigne Father so the S. by contemplation mounted towardes God and by pietie and preaching discended to his neighbour thus did he employ all his time which had bin giuen him of his diuine Maiestie to meritt in the pious worckes which the holie Ghost did dictat vnto him Now the time of one of his lentes being come wherin as a carefull bee he collected the fruites and flowers of God by meane of prayer therof to compound the delicious honie of predications wherwith he might refectionat the hungrie chidren of the word of God he resolued to seeke out a place where he might performe the same commodiouslie solitarie and without any impedimēt to this purpose on Shrouetuesday he wēt vp to the lake of Perusia where a freind of his lodged him on the side of the lake whence the next morning he gott himselfe to be conducted in a barcke to the Iland that is scituat on the said lake then vnhabited with two litle loaues to sustaine him during the said lent he coniured his freind not to speake therof to any person for so much as he would not therin trust any of his Religious not hauing for that time taken any companion and enioyned his said freind not to come for him till Maundie or holie thursday Being then discended into this I le himselfe made a litle cottage of bowes of trees where he resided all the lent in continuall and holie contemplation and conuersation with God the Angels and blessed Saintes On holie thursday his freind comming earlie vnto him reconducted him to the Couent where he would communicate with all his disciples and wash their feet he restored a loafe and halfe to his freind of the two which he had giuen him the other halfe it is credible he did eat to obserue humane fast or not to giue subiect of vaine glorie to the deuill and not to equall himselfe to his God though God alone doth know and his seruant sainct Francis who would neuer reueale it to any man the combates he had during that lent against the inuisible ennemies the glorious graces he obtayned Afterward God voutsafed in some sort to reueale them worcking in that place manie miracles by the merittes of the Sainct whervpon the ile began to be inhabited and there was erected a Couent of Frere Minors which is exceedingly reuerenced in memory of the said miracle Of the lent of S. Michael which he kept on the Mount Aluerne THE LIV. CHAPTER THe yeare of grace 224. two yeares before the death of this glorious Father some dayes before the natiuitie of the Virgin Marie he repayred to the Oratorie of Mount Aluerne there to keep his lent that began the day after the said feast of the Virgin Marie continued til the feast of S. Michael the Archāgel according to his perticuler deuotion where he shutt himselfe into a celle sequestred from all others The first euening that he entred there he demaunded this grace of God that he would please to reueale vnto him in what he should serue him that lent as he accustomed to doe for he gouerned him in althinges according to the will of God and not according to his owne Now in the morning about the breake of day S. Francis arysing from prayer there incontinentlie flocked a great number of birdes that began to sing one after an other and hauing sung they tooke their flight and left the Sainct contented In that instant he heard a voice that said Francis let this be a signe of a notable fauour which God intendeth to shew thee in this place By which voice his hart was so altered that thence forward he felt a great quantitie of spirituall giftes in his interiour God continuallie visiting him and remayning there he burned with an ineffable flame of his loue and therfore he was often in his contemplations eleuated so high that as Brother Leo recounted who was then his companion and a curious obseruer of all his actions he could not discerne nor comprehend him with his sight surpassing the high cloudes of heauen which is not ouer-greatly to be admired considering that in this world he led a life more angelicall then humane He as he afterward recounted to his companions there demaunded as a singuler grace of his God to be entierlie transformed into his anguishes and dolours sith his Maiestie had not voutsafed to accept of his life which so manie times he had offered vnto him as the onlie thing he had to offer hauing no other thing in this world and hauing so often gone among the infidels there to receaue Martyrdome in the seruice of his diuine maiesty Wherfore it was incontinent lie reuealed vnto him of God that as he had alwayes endeauoured perfectly to follow and imitate his life and actions so should he be permitted to be like vnto him and to suffer with him in the dolours of his passion Which the holy Father vnderstanding albeit he were already exceedingly weakned by the rigour of his life past and by the continuall crosse with he had carryed yet he was fo farre from being troubled with all that he encouraged himselfe and enamoured himselfe the more to suffer a Martyrdome so noble and worthy aboue all others and by the interiour burning flame he extinguished the water of all the afflictions and dolours that euer could befall him and desired no lesse perfection to receaue in himselfe so inestimable a treasure How S. Francis receaued the sacked stigmates of our Lord Iesus Christ THE LV. CHAPTER THe most feruent Father S. Francis being thus highly eleuated in God by an extreme ardor of celestiall desires and transformed into IESVS CHRIST crucified for our sinnes by sweetnes of compassion on the day of the exaltation of the holy crosse which is the fourteenth of September a litle before the breake of day there appeared vnto him this vision following He saw an Angel descend from heauen like vnto the Seraphin with six winges in the Prophett Esay enflamed with a most resplendant fire whose beames were so glittering that to humane eyes they were insupportable This Angel approaching vnto the S. being already in the region of the aire so neere vnto him that he might see him there stayed and then the S. beholding him more attentiuely saw the image of IESVS CHRIST crucified imprinted in him which had the
with incredible paine and patience of the holy Father Neuertheles he would not haue them touched on the friday because he would endure the more and so suffer with his Sauiour Brother Ruffinus who as S. Francis affirmed was already for his sanctity of life canonized in heauen hauing many times seene the woundes of the handes and feet of the S. desired also very earnestlie to see that of his side wherof he held himselfe as fully assured by washing his linnen bretches which he alwayes found embrued with bloud on the right side and annoynting his stomack with oyntmentes insinuating himselfe and thrusting his hand farther then he needed did often touch it with his fingers and sometimes the S. felt much greife thereby neuertheles he had a verie extreme desire for his consolation to see it And therfore one day faigning to request the holy Fathers habitt of deuorion to chaunge it for his owne and requiring it for the loue of IESVS CHRIST he so wrought that the S. who could not deny any thinge that was demaunded him in the name of God not suspecting any other thing putting of his habitt to giue him he contented him therin though he did his endeauour to hide the same S. Clare that made him many plaisters for dressing therof deserued to see them the S. shewing them all vnto her in regard that she was such an Espouse of IESVS CHRIST as each one knoweth and the eldest daughter in God of the S. The said plaister is with great reuerence shewen for a relique in the Couent of S. Clare att Assisium The Cardinal of Hostia Protectour of the Order law them also and many personnes deuoted and affected vnto him as the bishop Vgolino and others How God by many miracles published the Sacred stigmates of his seruant S. Francis THE LVIII CHAPTER THe same God that had imprinted the sacred stigmates in his seruant for the good of the world would not haue them buryed in silence but did miraculously manifest them as to his maiestie seemed conuenient which he did as well for his owne glorie as for the benefitt of faithfull soules who seeing his sacred woundes in his seruant encreased in faith and glorifyed the author of them in his sainct There raigning a great pestilence among the cattell of the Country of Riete which procured their death notwithstanding any remedy that could be inuented God reuealed vnto a deuout person that he should procure to gett of the water that fell from the handes of his seruant Francis when he washed them and therewith should sprinckle the cattell and so they should be cured The man fearing God went and gott of the said water and with faith experienced the application and all the cattell that were touched therwith though halfe dead arose sound and secure on their feet Before S. Francis had the stigmates there arose euery yeare a cloud with a tempest neere the Mount Aluerne that destroyed all the fruit of that place But after he receaued them that tempest neuer appeared which procured great admiration to all the world Being one time accompanyed with a poore man himselfe riding on an asse by reason that the woundes that were vnder his feet hindered his goeing the night hauing surprised them they retired themselues vnder the couerture of a mountaine where the poore man for the extreme cold which he felt could not sleep and tourning himselfe from one side to an other did nothing but sigh and lament Whereof the holie Father hauing compassion touched him with one of his sacred handes and the poore man in steed of the bitter cold which he felt incontinentlie found himselfe so exceeding hoate that he seemed to be in a stoue or hoate house where he sweetlie slept till the morning and afterward affirmed that in al his life he neuer slept better A woman of Arrezzo had so dangerous a labour that she was abandonned of the phisicions and the health of her bodie being desperate there was no care but of her soule it happened by chaunce that the asse wheron S. Francis had ridden was brought to drinck neere vnto the house of the said woman which her kinred knowinge they tooke of the bridle which S. Francis sitting on the asse had held in his handes hauing with great faith girded the woman therewith she was presently without danger deliuered God wrought such miracles during his life that by them it might appeare that his sacred stigmates were truely worckes of his omnipotent hand but he made it much more apparent after his death as here ensuying shal be declared though they happening afterward seeme not conuenient to be written as yet neuertheles I doe it that the matter may be seene well vnited together Of the testimonies of the woundes of the Seraphicall Father S. Francis by the holy Apostolicall sea THE LIX CHAPTER POpe Gregorie the ninth himselfe saw and touched the handes and feet of the glorious S. and because he saw not that of the side he had no great beleife therof Wherfore some time before he canonized S. Francis one night in his sleep as himselfe often affirmed the S. appeared vnto him as in choller and reprehending him of his sclender faith lifted vp his right arme and shewed him the wound of his side then demaunding a cuppe it seeming to his Holynes that he deliuered him one it was presently filled with bloud By this apparition he afterward remayned assured of the wound which he so reuerenced that being vnable to endure the enuie and lewdnes of some that impugned the same striuing to darckē the glory of so singuler a miracle he commanded by the first bulle he published that this truth should be beleeued as affirmed by Apostolicall sentence The bulle beginneth The glorious Confessour then afterward he saith We by the tenour of these presentes declare vnto all people that the stigmates of this glorious S. hauing in his life time and after his death bin seene in his body the same hath bin approued with his other miracles by our venerable Brethren the Cardinals of the holy Church wherfore we haue had iust occasion to enrole him in the catalogue of SS And because in the beginning of this veritie there were two ecclesiasticall personnes that publiquelie declared themselues aduersaries to the said stigmates one of who was Brother Euerard an Alleman Preacher who in his sermōnes auouched that he neuer had those woundes and the other was the Archbishop of Colleigne who commanded the said stigmates to be putt out of his image the said Gregorie the ninth made and sent two breuies against them the one of which being directed to the Prouincials and Priours of the Order of Preachers was such Gregorie Bishop we hauing heard with no lesse greife then meruaile that a Religious of your Order named Euerard not remembring that the sermons of Preachers ought to be seasoned with the salt of grace being att Copania a citty of Morauia of a Preacher becomming a blasphemer was not ashamed to
then the hope and certainty of the glorie to come wherto S. Paul esteemed not the passions of this world cōdigne howsoeuer greiuous and continuall they might be The S. goeing one day for his consolation to visitt S. Clare with Brother Leonard of Assisium his companion the sweetnes of their spirituall discourses was such and so great that the night surprised thē before they perceaued it Wherfore constrayned by her prayers her Sisters and her companions he did eat two morcels with them and in an instant he was swallowed vp in the holy Ghost and rauished in extasie with a deep contentment where he heard that which sequentlie shal be related Being retourned to himselfe he cryed out with a loud voice My God be thou praysed and incontinentlie went to our Lady of Angels Arising from the table he fell on his knees and there was againe in extasie the space of an hower then instantly went away and left S. Clare and her sisters who were exceedingly greiued t●erewith His Cōpany admiring theratt asked him the cause in their way the S. acknowledge it vnto them affirming that in the extasie God had reuealed vnto him his saluation by these verie wordes Francis I promise thee eternall life and assure thee therof in such sort as I tell thee thou canst no way loose it for which I thancked him saying Prayse be to thee my God then he forbad them to speake thereof till after his death Being come to our Lady of Angels for eyght howers together he could not vtter other wordes then these Be thou praysed my God yea he could not say his canonicall houres by reason of the ioy that had surprised his hart After that time his infirmitie in such sort encreasing that it manifestlie appeared he could not liue long one of his f●eindes seeing him cloathed with his coursest and patched habitt and hauing a peece of rugged cloth on his forehead for the infirmitie of his eyes in spirituall mirth said vnto him Father how will you sell this old habitt Oh how soone will God buy it of you and pay you deerlie for it giuing you in exchaunge therof an infinitye of precious garmentes of silke and gold besides eternall glorie afterward in the other world The S. induced and inspired of the holy Ghost sodenly answeared Brother thou hast reason for so shall it be to the honour and glory of God Of the last and extreme sicknes that augmented and redoubled in the holy Father S. Francis THE LXIV CHAPTER BEsides all the other infirmities of his eyes his stomacke his liuer and the greife of his stigmates there fell also a dropsie into his feet six monethes before his blessed end Notwithstanding he omitted not to visitt the monasteries citties and townes to procure the saluation of soules But his infirmities growing daily more violent the cittizens of Assisium iealous of so noble and precious a treasure which by right appertayned vnto them and fearing it would be robbed from them vpon the way they sent Embassadours to their holy Father who was then neere to Sienna to pray and by all sweetnes and amity to enforce him to retourne to his Monasterie Sainct Francis failed not to comfort them yelding that benefitt to them who in the beginning of his conuersion vsed him as a foole wherin each one may consider the admirable disposition of God and then lett him deride his Sai●ct that can Now on the way these Cittizens came to a village somewhat later then they expected by which meane they were disappointed of all prouision finding there no Inne but onlie houses of countrie people which refused to afford the company victuals for monie They who had chardge of the prouision recounted this discurtesie to Sainct Francis who answeared See now what vse you make of your monyflies retourne againe and demaund something to eat for the loue of God and you shall experience what difference there is betweene the vaine hopes of the world and the true and assured hope of God The gentlemen obeyed the S. and found for the loue of God so much to eat that they knew not what to doe with so much food Herevpon the S. said vnto them you are of opinion that it is a shamefull thing to demaund an almose but tell me wherwith doth all the world liue but with the continuall almose giuen by almightie God They were all filled with great admiration and silent with confusion and so shrincking their shoulders they proceeded on their iorney conducting their Father to his Country whither being come and for more security brought to the Pallace of the Bishop of Assisium master Bon Iohn a Phisicion and his deere freind came to visitte him whome he prayed to tell him freely his opinion of that sicknes adi●●ing him not to deale with him as with other sicke personnes feeding him with vaine hopes wherwith he had not to doe assuring him that by the grace of God he rather desired death then life The Phisicion answeared him assuredlie that his infi●mity was mortall and that according to humane iudgement he could not passe the middes of October Which the S. vnderstanding he so strayned himselfe that he gott on his knees vpon his bed first stretching his armes then lifting his two handes towardes heauen with an e●ceeding feruour of spiritt he said you are welcome my beloued Sister the death which thou my God doest send me Of the consolation or exercise of the S. on his later dayes THE LXV CHAPTER THe holy Father in this greiuous sicknes had no other recreation and consolation but to prayse God and to procure his companions to prayse him by himnes psalmes and spirituall Canticles with which alone and without any other comfort of the world he qualified that his greiuous infirmity his dolours his paines which were such and so cruell that as he affirmed it had bin far more tollerable with all kinde of torment to endure a dolourous death by the handes of the executioner then to suffer what he endured But considering that the diuine spiritt doth not accord with the humane nor the children of light with the children of the world Brother Helias his Vicar Generall who went with the said Cittizens to pray him to retourne to Assisium and who forsoke him not till his death to whome on night two yeares before his death there appeared a venerable old man in a white habitt this was in an Oratory nere to Fulliniū who willed him to aduertise S. Francie that from thence two yeares he should be called of God out of this world which he had told him this man then seeing this his so vnaccustomed alacrity amiddes so many tormentes and that he did nothing but sing and cause to be sung prayses to God without otherwise lamenting his sinnes as formerly he accustomed to doe sayd vnto him that himselfe and his most affectionat freindes were much edified by this his ioy in that mortall infirmity were assured that it proceeded only of the integrity of his
learne and exercise themselues not vnder hope of gaine but to giue good example and to shunne idlenes and if such suffice not to sustaine you I will that you haue recourse to the most abondant table of our Lord IESVS CHRIST that is to demaund almose att the dores alwayes giuing the benediction which God att first reuealed vnto me to witt The peace of God be in this house and in all them that dwell therin Lett them neuertheles take heed that they receaue nothinge as proper to themselues for neither will I that there be receaued in common either house or church that may be tearmed ours but as shal be agreable to the pouertie and simplicity of our Order which we promise to God in our vowes But lett vs all continue in this life as true pilgrimes and straungers I command all vnder obedience that in what soeuer place they be they doe not presume to demaund any kinde of priuiledge or exemption from the court of Rome either themselues or any person in their behalfe for their Churches or other places neither vnder apparence of intention to preach nor as being persecuted in their bodyes but if they cannot obserue their rule in some one place lett not their demaund be therfore admitted but lett them goe other where to doe penance with the benediction of God I was alwayes resolute to obey the Generall of this Order and the Guardian that haue bin constitued ouer me since I renounced the chardge in such sort as I would neuer attempt to make choice of my residence nor to doe any thing without his licence because he is my master And although I be simple and infirme I would alwayes haue a Clerck to performe vnto me the diuine office as the rule importeth I will likewise that all the other Religious be obedient to the Generall to the Prouinciall and Guardian and that they all read their office according to the rule And if any one be euer so hardy as to presume to alter the office or to hold opinion contrarie to the holy Catholike Romane Church I will that all the other Religious in whatsoeuer place they be shal be obliged by obedience to apprehend him and committ him to secure ga●d and so send him to the Prouinciall or Generall who shall present him to our Protectour in such sort as he may not escape and he shall giue him punishment according to his desert And lett none affirme this to be a new rule for it is onlie a remembrāce and an exhortation which I poore Brother Francis leaue you as a testament that the said rule may better and more Catholikely be obserued And because I will that the minister generall with the other ministers and Guardians be obliged not to adde nor substract from these wordes but that this my testament be putt with the rule and be read to my Brethren Preistes and laitie I doe further commaund all vnder obedience that none presume to glose vpon the rule nor this present testament affirming that it must be vnderstood after such or such manner but as God hath made me vnderstand it simplie lett them also vnderstand it simply without glose and lett it be conserued perpetually to the end And I beseech the omnipotent goodnes that all they who shall religiously and exactlie obserue these thinges may here on earth be filled with the benediction of his Beloued Sonne with the holy Ghost the Conforter and with all the blessed Angels and Sainctes and afterwardes on high in heauen with the benediction of the most soueraigne celestiall Father And I Brother Francis your wretched and vnworthy seruaunt in our Lord giue my benediction to those that shall obserue it as I haue formerlie said in the behalfe of God the Virgin Mary and all the Angels and SS of God in heauen and in earth in the name of the most soueraigne Father of his beloued Sonne and of the holy Ghost the Conforter So be it Amen Of the supper which the glorious Father S. Francis made with all his children and of the last benediction which he gaue them THE LXIX CHAPTER AFter he had made this last testament his sicknes so encreased that his present death was generallie expected but encourageing himselfe in God he called all the Religious that were in the Monastery who being come and perceauing that the holy Father intended to giue them his last benediction they fell all on their knees bathing the earth with their teares and thundering out loud cryes and sighes towardes heauen S. Francis with a melted hart wept together with them and he seemed to haue recouered some litle part of his sight and so laying his hand on their heades by one and one and firmely beholding them he blessed them then afterward he began to blesse them all together as well the present as the absent and all those that should enter into his holy Religion lamenting that he could not haue them all present in regard of his extreme loue vnto them which exceeded that of a mother towardes her children himselfe also hauing engendred them in IESVS CHRIST And the more to comfort them he caused bread to be brought which he diuided in pieces in imitation of our Lord IESVS CHRIST and gaue to each a piece bidding them to eat it for his loue att this his departure Then were there teares redoubled many of them did not eat all their portion but did reserue some part therof which afterwardes was effectuall in restoring desired health to such as were disealed which done this holie Father for his last aduertisement recommended that holy place to his Vicare Generall and to all the rest admonishing them neuer to abandon it but that if they were extruded att one dore they should enter in att an other alleadging that the place was holie and the true habitation of God of the glorious Virgin Marie of the Angels and Sainctes of the liuing God and that therfore they had so miraculouslie multiplied there where they had bin illuminated in his seruice for the saluation of so many soules wherfore he doubted not but whatsoeuer should in that place be demaunded of his diuine maiestie with a pure and contrite heart should alwayes be obtayned who also would not faile greiuously to chastice such as should offend in that sacred place being the true habitation by grace of the celestiall Court the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost Of the blessed and glorious death of the holy Father S. Francis THE LXX CHAPTER THe fourth of October in the yeare 1226. vpon a Saterday in the euening twenty yeares after his Conuersion and the fiue and fortieth of his age the holy Father hauing bin verie aptly cutt squared and accommodated by the hard stroakes of tribulations temptations afflictions incommodities and infirmities as a liuelie and firme stone that should be placed in the principall corners of the supreme Citty of the celestiall Hierusalem he heard the voice of his sweet Lord that called him vnto him Then to make publike
of their glorious Sainct and giuing testimonie of his glory The vision ensuying is extracted out of the 49 chapter of the sixt booke and here put in more proper place THe blessed passadge of S. Francis was also reuealed to Father Christopher who was present att the Chapter of Arles in Prouence where S. Antony of Padua preaching S. Francis appeared in the aire in forme of a crosse being yet aliue and dwelling in Italy the apparition was in this manner The said Father being in the borrough of Marulo in the bishoperick of Cardoua he seemed in dreaming to be att the dore of a house wherin S. Francis lay sicke and hauing knocked he was by commandement of the Sainct admitted entrance in whose presence comming he demaunded his benediction which the Sainct very graciously gaue him and being about to depart he said vnto him Retourne my sonne into thy prouince and tell my brethren that I haue performed the course of my life and now doe goe to heauen the said Father Christopher in the morning recounting this vision to the Religious it afterwardes appeared that the holie Father S. Francis att that verie hower departed out of this life vnto the other Of the beauty and splendour of the sacred body of the holy Father sainct Francis and of the great concourse of people that from euery part repaired to see him THE LXXII CHAPTER THe blessed Father S. Francis being the seruant and friend of the omnipotent was Founder and Captaine of the Religion of the Frere Minors a most singuler professour of pouerty a patterne of patience proclaimer of the truth a mirour of sanctitie and finallie the pourtraiture of perfection according to Euangelicall doctrine mounting by assistance of diuine grace with a due ordered and measured progresse from vertue to vertue from meaner matters to such as were more high and sublime as one that became rich by pouerty high exalted by humility liuing eternallie by mortification most prudent by simplicity shining and resplendant by his honesty For which cause God would also illustrate this his seruant with an extraordinarily glory and splendour after his death preseruing his body entier incorruptible pure and shining in such sort as he seemed to haue giuen in him in this world a perfect patterne of the generall resurrection when our flesh shall rise againe for euer incorruptible and immortall There were seene the said sacred stigmates in his handes and feet engrauen by the supreme artisan after an admirable and incredible manner for the nailes were in such sort framed of his proper flesh that drawing them one the one side the sinowes and arterye vaynes yelded as also on the other side the said arteries would stretch with a miraculous artifice The like may be said of the feet the sacred wound of the side was in forme rather round then otherwise and of couler vermillion resembling a naturall rose and all the other flesh that was naturallie browne and very hard by meanes of disciplines and inconueniences past became in an instant white bright soft and delicate as the flesh of a tender child There was not seene ouer all his bodie which to each one represented the first innocencie and second natiuity to come by resurrection in glory any other blacknes then the heades of those blessed nayles which yet was a blacknes that equaled the splendour of a glittering starre In which respect it is not to be admird if his spirituall children themselues knew not which passion in them was grater either the greife of the losse of their holie Father or the present consolation to haue had such and so excellent a Father whome by so many manifest signes they might assuredly know not to haue abandonned them but euen being in heauen did alwayes behold gouerne assist them And doubtles the eminencie of this rare miracle was sufficient to breake the most obdurate obstinate heart and to mollifie and soften it as waxe with contrition and faith towardes God The death of the holy Father being diuulged ouer Assisium and the neighbour places there reprayred such a concourse of people to see his glorious body that it was impossible to resist them Wherfore it was consulted cōcluded not to admitt entrance vnto any but to those of Assisium and such as could not with ciuill curtesie be denyed who entring att their ease beheld and handled att their pleasure the blessed stigmates of this holy seruant of God Among other there arriued a noble man called Hierome natiue of Assisium a learned man and of great authority who as an other Thomas doubting of the sacred stigmates before he saw them could not satisfie himselfe with tourning and retourning his handes and feet to moue hither and thither the hard nayles and the more he considered the matter the more he admired therfore with his incredulitie he testified this truth to all the assemblie so that the holie Father was rightlie inspired of God when he commanded the Religious to leaue his body naked a long time on the ground that this so singuler grace of God might be manifested The Religious and people there present spent that night in prayses and psalmes offering infinite thanckes to God so that this watch might rather be esteemed a feast of celestiall Angels then humane funerals Of the stature and naturall qualitie of the body of the glorious Father S. Francis extracted out of the thirtieth chap. of the tenth booke and here inserted in due place WE haue thought it conuenient after the discourse of the splendour of the body of this glorious S. for the satisfactiō of many to decipher all the other naturall qualities therof The glorious Father S. Francis then was of a meane stature and rather litle then great he had his head round his vilage longe a full forehead black and modest eyes with black beard and haire he had a ioyfull and sweet countenance his nose correspondantlie protioned litle eares his flesh broune his tongue sharpe and quicke a voice cleare sweet vehement in deliuery and elegant in vtterance his teeth white litle and equall he was by nature indifferentlie leane and of a most delicate complexion of a worthy spiritt prompt and readie memorie and of litle sleepe To conclude he was expert dilligent liberall and meeke in conuersation and verie discreet in accommodating himselfe to the behauiour of others Wherfore after his conuersion vnto God he was most holy among the holy and most humble and abiect among sinners but almost alwayes strictlie vnited vnto IESVS CHRST in such sort that whosoeuer beheld him esteemed him a man of an other world Of the prophesie of the Abbot Ioachim of the person of the holy Father Sainct Francis being the sequel of the same chapter THe Abbot Ioachim who liued more then an hundred yeares before S. Francis thus prophesied of him Veniet nomo insignitus characteribus Iesu Christi that is There shall come a man adorned and enriched with the woundes of our Lord IESVS CHRIST he left his image
naturally drawne att Venise in the church of S. Marck such as we haue formerlie described and with stigmates enameled after the Mosaicall manner Of the Buriall of the body of the blessed Father S. Francis THE LXXIII CHAPTER THe afore mentioned Lady Iaqueline of the Seauen Sunnes was the last that could not be satisfied with seeing and touching as an other Magdalen this sacred body of her deere master She did nothing but bath it with her gracious teares and dry it with her kisses the extreme swetnes that proceeded from this holie body but particulerlie from the sacred stigmates exceeded all other sweetnes neuerthelesse she held her eyes alwayes fixed on the wound of his side wherto she often applyed her mouth and handes whence she receaued such and so exceeding consolation that it seemed vnto her in this conuersation with her dead master and fre●nd ●hat her soule with a straung and admirable ioy began to liue Butt to the cittizens of Assisium that desired to carry him to buriall finding much delay euery hower seemed an hundred by reason of the extreme feare they had that so precious a treasure by some extraordinarie accident might bē taken from them wherfore they placed a guard before the monasterie gate and soldiers diuided through the street euen to the gate of the citty which cittizens so importuned the said Lady that she annoynted him with precious iontment then cloathed him in a new gray habitt which she had expresly brought from Rome according to the aduertisement of the Angell and the Religious so opened this habitt that the wound of his side might easily be seene This glorious Sainct did alwayes in his life time desire that his bodie should be buryed in the basest place of all the citty of Assisiū his hart excepted which he deputed to our Lady of Angels as during his life he had by affection there setled the same and in deed God did not frustrate him of this iust desire for his holy body was enterred though this were not till foure yeares after by reason that the monasterie was not yet build there nor the church which they sumptuouslie built there afterward in the most abiect place of Assisium where malefactours were executed called the mount of hell the common opinion is that his hart is in the chappell of S. Mary of Angels where according to report it is preserued with great reuerence On the sonday morning all the people being assembled with bowes of trees and the Religious Preistes and Gentlemen with their burning torches and lightes carryed this holie bodie as in procession first to the Church of S. Damian to S. Clare that the prophesie of the Sainct might be accomplished sending her worde some dayes before that she should shortlie see him to her exceeding consolariō The grate being opened the body of the Sainct was brought in to the Religious who were so comforted therwith that greife could finde no place in their hartes particulerly in that of S. Clare who endeauouring in vaine to pluck out a nayle of his handes to keep it with her as a relique she began againe with her Sisters to bath this holy bodie with teares encourageing themselues together to proceed in the way begun of the crosse of our Sauiour IESVS CHRIST which he had taught them And so after they had restored this holie bodie to the people who weare troubled att this long attendance they carryed it to be enterred in a new sepulcher within the Church of S. George as in a dispositorie where it remayned full foure yeares vnder guard till his church was builded att the Mount of hell as aforesaid It was not without mysterie that he reposed in the said church wherin he had bin baptised had learned his first letters and where he had deliuerd his first preachinges therfore it seemed verie reasonable that his bodie should begin to repose in that place whither the said Lady of the Seauen-Sunnes repayred neuer to abandon him forsaking her habitation in Rome and neuer left this body till her death when she went for euer to dwell with his blessed soule in Paradise How the glorious Father Sainct Francis Was canonized by Pope Gregorie the ninth THE LXXIV CHAPTER THe merittes and glorie of the holie Father S. Francis began by his great miracles to be diuulged whence succeeded that himselfe raigning in heauen his sanctitie was also by diuine power manifested here on earth which he had neuerthelesse alredy made sufficientlie apparant to the world in his life directing an infinite number of soules in the infallible way of vertue The brute of the admirable thinges which God wrought by his seruant Francis came euen to the eares of Pope Gregorie the ninth who resting assured that the S. was glorified with God not only in regard of the said miracles wrought after his death but euen of the experience had with his owne eyes desiring here below to comforme himselfe to the will of God as his true Vicar he determined with a pious and deuoted zeale to canonize him and propose him to the world for a remarckeable example of sanctity and to take all scruple from the Cardinals and others he caused all his principall miracles to be examined and approued by actes of publike Notaries and infinite testimonies worthie of beleife So the Cardinals and all the principall diuines of his Court being herein dulie aduertised concluded that it was iust and verie expedient vnto the Church of God to canonize this glorious Sainct his seruant The yeare 1228. the Pope himselfe went with his Court to Assisium expreslie with this resolution and the sixteenth of Iulie a yeare and nine monethes and halfe after the death of this glorious Sainct vpon a Sonday morning his holines with manie ceremonies and great solemnitie inscribed the blessed Father sainct Francis in the catologue of the sainctes and before they departed thence his Church was begun to be built in the said citty and in the foundation therof the Pope himselfe in presence of an infinite multitude of people laid the first stone and thenceforward the place which was called the Mount of hell was nominated the mount of Paradise The bulle of canonization of the holy Father S. Francis extracted out of the fift chapter of the tenth booke and here more aptly placed GRegory Bishop the Seruant of the seruantes of God To our venerable Brethren Archbishoppes Bishoppes and to our beloued children Abbottes Priors Archpreistes Archdeacōs Deanes other Prelates of the church to whose knowledge these presentes shall come health and Apostolicall benediction As the vessels of gold which S. Iohn saw full of perfumes which are the prayers of SS powred out most sweet odours before the most high to destroy the corruption of our sinnes we also beleeue that it is a great furtherance to our saluation with great reuerence to haue memory of his sainctes on earth and with solemnity to publish the merittes of those whose assistance by their continuall intercessions we hope
for in heauen Knowing therfore right well the conuersion life and merittes of the holy Father S. Francis Institutour and Gouernour of the Order of Freer Minors yea by our owne experience and by the testimony of others of most worthy creditt who haue seene the notable miracles which God by meanes of him hath wrought we are likewise assured that he is glorified in heauen his life and apparant renowne dissipating the obscuritie of sinners that liue and haue liued in the shadow of death both men and women for corroboration of the faith of the holy church and to the confusion of the malice of heretikes the contentment of a great nomber of them that haue and doe follow him yet florishing and leading a celestiall life Wherfore that it may not seeme we intend to frust●ate the said S. of the honour due vnto him permitting him to be depriued of the reuerence which men owe him as one already glorified of God by the aduise and counsaile of our venerable Brethren the Cardinals and of all the Prelates now here present we haue iudged it requisite to inscribe him in the catologue of SS that as a candle of God he giue light here belowe no way deseruing to be hidden vnder a bushell but to be sett on an high candlesticke of his holy Church We therfore command you in vertue of these presēt Apostolicall letters that for the vniuersall benefitt you awaken the deuotion of your people to the veneration of this S. of God euery yeare celebrating his feast on the fourth day of October and that you admonish euery one to obserue the same that by his prayers and merittes God may graunt vs his holy grace in this life and his glory in the other Giuen att S. Iohn Lateran the six and twentith of march the second yeare of our Papacie The originall of this authenticall bull is extant in the great Conuent of the Cordeliers att Paris Of the great deuotion which Pope Gregory the ninth euer had to the Order of S. Francis extracted out of the eleuenth chapter of the tenth booke and here put in due place COnsidering that we haue discoursed of the canonization of the glorious Father S. Francis performed by Pope Gregory the ninth it seemeth to the purpose to sett downe what also concerneth the said Pope touching the familiarity and deuotion which he euer carryed towardes this glorious S. and his Order and the prophesie wherby S. Francis often reuealed vnto him that he should attaine to the dignitie of the Papacie His holinesse being yet Cardinall of Hostia and Protectour of this Order had euer a perticuler deuotion to his Religion so that discoursing once together he said vnto him I beseech you Father for the loue of IESVS CHRIST tell me freely your opinion for I am determined to obey you in that you shall resolue me which I promise you and call God to witnesse to witt whither I shall liue in this dignity or serue God in your Religion leauing the world and vanities therof and be cloathed in your habitt Which S. Francis hearing and considering what a beneficiall member he was vnto the church answeared that on the one side he might doe the Church of God and the world good seruice in this present estate considering that he was a man of great experience very prudent and iudicious of Counsaile and on the other side being such and in such dignity in the Church and thēce entring into religion should giue a most worthy example and by his preachinges purc asing many soules to God should exceedingly benefitt the world therfore he could not herein resolue him without reuelation from God and so he left him extremely perplexed But a little after knowing by diuine reuelation that he should be Pope many occasions happening of writing vnto him concerning his religion he thus made the superscription of his letter To the future Father of the world the Cardinall and so it came to passe for after the death of Pope Honorius he was chosen in his place the same yeare that the S. dyed It is said that of deuotion vnto tha● Order he often went vnknowne in company of the Frere Minors wearing the habitt and particulerly on good friday when he went to visitt the Churches and in this sort did wash the feet of the poore with them Wherfore he failed not with his vtmost affection to fauour the two Religions of S. Dominick and S. Francis in such sort that he canonized this holy Father as we haue said the second yeare of his Papacie and S. Antony of Padua in the sixt as in due place shal be mentioned he also canonized S. Dominick the eight yeare of his Papacie How the body of the glorious Father sainct Francis was transported into his owne church THE LXXV CHAPTER THe yeare of grace 1230. the Frere Minors being assembled att Assisium there to hold their Generall Chapter when the translation of this holy body was to be made from the church of S. George into the new church builded to that purpose there repaired an infinite multitude of people from all partes of Italy and many further remote to see this precious body But brother Helias who by the fauour and assistance of the Pope and many seculer gentlemen though Brother Iohn Parēt were Minister Generall caused the holy body without priuity of the said Generall or other persōne to be secretly remoued permitting none sauing only certaine of his freindes to know where it reposed which he did for certaine humane considerations And this exceedingly disquieted the said Religious who came rather to see the holy body then to hold the Chapter Brother Helias satisfied them with very few yet witty wordes so that this notwithstanding the said translation was celebrated with a very sumptuous solemnity the Pope hauing expresly sent thither his Apostalicall Noncioes as well to make his excuse of not comming in person by reason of certaine lawfull impedimentes as also to adorne that new church with a great crosse of gold enriched with many precions stones wherin was s●tt a litle peice of the true crosse and also with many dressinges and vessels to trimme and decke the high altare and many other rich ornamentes and withall a good almose to defray the said translation and towardes the finishing of the said building then halfe erected His holines by Apostolicall authoritie exempted the said church as also his monastery from all the landes subiect to the Romane Church and would that it should be immediately subiect to the holy Sea himselfe hauing there laid the first stone Now this holy treasure being translated and transported thus sealed with the character of the omnipotent it pleased his diuine maiesty by meane of his seruant to worck many miracles therby to induce the faithfull by feruent imitation to follow his steppes considering that during his life he had bin so deere vnto him as that by contēplation he had transported him as Enoch into Paradice and as Elias had bin
carryed away on a fiery chariott by reason of his feruēt zeale of charity he in like sort made him famous on earth after his death as in the third book shall appeare curing the deafe the blinde maymed and leapers by his merittes expelled deuils from the bodies of the possessed loosed imprisoned captiues deliuered women in trauaile and child-bed helped all sortes of diseases as also trauaillers by sea that were deliuered safe and sound from the depth of the Ocean in the time of horrible tempestes which disaster by their sinnes they had deserued finally raysing the dead as in his life time he had reduced many to diuine grace In such sort that God made him to be alwayes present with the vertue of heauen vnto such as with an ardent faith did inuocate him whome he freed of all their dangers to the praise and glorie of his diuine Maiestie and of his glorious seruant sainct Francis Here ensue many apparitions and miracles of the holy Father S. Frācis wrought after his death with a catologue of his vertues for which he merited such notable guiftes of his diuine Maiestie This was dispersed throughout but the translatour hath collected it here placed it as in place proper perticuler to S. Francis And first of an admirable manner wherin S. Francis appeared to Brother Leo taken out of the sixteenth chap. of the sixt booke SOme time after the death of the glorious Father S. Francis Brother Leo vnable any longer to support the absence of his deerely beloued Father began with the most affection he could to pray almighty God that he would voutsafe to shew him his deere master and to obtaine the same he retired himselfe into a solitarie place where he continuallie persisted fasting weeping and afflicting himselfe Vpon this occasion the holie Father who affected those that were his more internallie being in heauen then he had done on earth appeared vnto him exceeding ioyfull and resplendant hauing a paire of winges as feathers of gold the nailes of his feet and handes were as those of an eagle likewise of gold Brother Leo was filled with ioy and consolation yet exceedinglie amazed att the rariety of those feathers and nailes wherfore hauing done him reuerence and kissed his feet and handes he prayed him to let him vnderstand what the feathers and nayles might signifie The Sainct answeared among manie graces which God hath giuen me this is one that I assist my Religious and such as are affected vnto myne Order and that I may be instantlie present att their affections when they haue recourse vnto me and also to assist the carriage of their soules to heauen I haue the vse of these winges and nayles not only to cause the deuils to fly but eu●n to wound them and to chastice the Brethren that grow negligent and trouble mine Order and such as persecute it be they Religious or seculer Of an other vision that the said Brother Leo had of the vniuersall iudgment wherein S. Francis made intercession taken out of the 17. chapter of the sixt booke BRother Leo vpon an other time in vision saw preparation to the generall and last iudgement of God in a great feild where the Angels sounded their trumpettes to assemble all the world and there were instantly placed two ladders that reached euen from the earth to the throne where the sonne of God was to sitt the one was white the other red Our Lord incontinentlie appeared in vehement choller vpon the redladder theatening as if he had bin greiuously offended He seemed to see S. Francis come downe on the said red ladder and call his Religious whome he animated to present themselues couragiously att which voice many of his Religious began boldlie to ascend the said ladder But how it chaunced he knew not they all fell to the ground wherfore S. Francis began to pray vnto God for them and God shewing him his woundes renewed distilling out bloud abondantlie answeared Thy Religious haue procured me all this S. Francis yet desisted not to pray him againe to shew them mercie and then called them againe saying make an other attempt to ascend and feare not nor be you terrified that you haue already fallen but repose confidentlie in God without dispaire and ascend by the other white ladder which doeing they found att the toppe therof the glorious Virgin Mary who ioyfully receaued them and procured them all entrance into Paradise How the glorious Father S. Francis appeared to Iohn de Brenne king of Hierusalem and Emperour of Constantinople whome he caused to take his habitt and to die therein Taken out of the eleuenth chapter of the tenth booke THe Count of Vienna called Iohn de Brenne was a most vailliant knight and worthy Catholique he was of the race of Godfry of Bullen first king of Hierusalem as himselfe was also crowned within Tyre the yeare 1●10 he obtayned manie notable victories against the ennemies of IESEVS CHRIST as against the Mores in Syria and against the Soldan of AEgipt from whome art lenght he tooke Damietta which afterwardes he lost againe with all his armie through default of an Apostolicall Legatt that was in his camp Wherevpon retourning to require helpe of the Christian Princes of Europe and passing Sicilia he maryed one of his daughters to the Emperour Federick the second vpon condition that he should assist him in the enterprise of the holy land and for dowry gaue him the title of king of Hierusalem together with all the iurisdiction and authority he had there thence is it that the kinges of Sicilia haue euer since challenged and enioyed this title but the Emperour did not only not assist him but proued his aduersary so that being in miserie he entred into the seruice of Pope Gregory the ninth and then contracted amity with the holy Father S. Francis where God assisting him he continued not long but was called from Greece to be gouernour of Constantinople where marying an other of his daughters to their Emperour Baudouin that was yet a childe he resigned his Empire vnto him as a worthy protectour and coadiutor principallie after the said mariage He gouerned that contry very prudently all the time of his life which was about seauen yeares and then dying as hereafter we shall relate he againe resigned the Empire very peaceable to his Sonne in law This worthy captaine of IESVS CHRIST both corporall and spirituall hauing alwayes in memory the end of his life did very instantly demaund of God that he would please to inspire him to end his dayes in this seruice and in such sort as should be most acceptable vnto him wherfore after many prayers the holy Father S. Francis appeared one night vnto him hauing in his hand a very poore habitt with the corde and sandales and said Iohn thou must dye with this habitt wherwith being exceedingly amazed he awakened yet discouered it not to any person The two nightes following he had againe the same vision and the third sauing that the
new sainct called Francis and lett vs see if he will diue into the sea to finde our ankors wherto all the rest accorded not in derision as he moued it but heartelie and with great faith reprehending Perfectus for his sottish speech and derision and so praying and making vowes they instantlie saw their ankors miraculously to swimme vpon the waters as if the nature of iron had bin chaunged into that of wood so that by this meane they persisted deuoute and fully comforted A poore pilgrime exceedinglie wearied and afflicted by meanes of a sharpe feuer that had a long time tormented him came by shippe from beyond the sea he had enterprised this iorney to see the body of the glorious Father Sainct Francis to whome he was exceedinglie deuoted and not being entierlie recouered of the ●aid sicknes he was one day extremelie afflicted with thirst but hauing no fresh water in the shippe where he was he began to call with a loud voice and with a strong faith for drinck to be brought him affirming that he well knew that Sainct Francis had filled his barrell with pure water and so in deed the barrell which was knowne to be empty was found full of sweet and cleare water The day following there a rose a very cruell tempest which so raised the waues that they couered all the said shippe which was so beaten with the windes that the mariners expected the breaking of the mastes tacklinge and consequentlie the immediate sincking and drowning of the vessel and themselues by the furious impetuositie of the surges But when the said pilgrime that ceassed not to pray for them all began to cry a loft Brethren arise and come to entertaine Sainct Francis who commeth to assist vs behold him he is come to saue vs. Then did they all kneele downe and with teares and sighes beseech him to voutsafe to make intercession for their deliuery The sea immediatlie became calme the windes and cruell tempeste ceassed and they all gaue thanckes to the almighty and rested obliged to the pilgrime who att the instant was also cured of his feiuer and together they perseuered deuout to the holy Father S. Francis Brother Iames of Ariete passing ouer a riuer in a boat with other of his Brethren and comming to the shoare attempting to land out of the boate as his componions had done the boat was vtterlie ouerturned so that both himselfe and the ferry-man tombled in the water the ferry-man saued himselfe by his dexterity of swiming but the Religious sunck to the bottome The other Religious extremelie afflicted att the mischance of their Brother most instanlie prayed S. Francis that he would voutsafe to assist his deuout child who on his owne part in the best sort he could in the water imployed the helpe of his holy Father who failed not in so vrgent a necessity to relieue this his beloued child for he continually accompanied him in the depth of the water till they ascended to the boat where being taken by the hand he mounted and went afterward to his Brethren who were much amazed not only to see him safe and secure but more to see his garmentes so dry notwithstanding the long time he had bin in the bottome of the riuer in so much that one drop of water could not be perceaued vpon him An other Religious called Bonauenture trauailling with two of his companions in a boat which by the forcible current of the water being splitted on the one side they by that meanes sunck to the bottome of the riuer but they from the lake of miseries inuocating the depth of mercie and in this imminent perill imploring the assistance of their holy Father S. Francis the barke att length was raised without one dropp of water and being conducted by the power of God and the vertue of the glorious S. they all arriued safe and secure to the shoare A Religious of Ascoli being cast into a riuer was deliuered of the danger by the merittes of the sainct Certaine men and women being in manifest perill of drowning in the riuer of Riete they inuocated the helpe of S. Francis and were deliuered from the dangerous shipwrack of their vessell Certaine Mariners of Ancona being in a vehement storme without hope of sauing themselues and as it were assured of their death they humbly inuocated the assistance of S. Francis yea with such faith that there incontinently appeared a great light about their shippe wherby in an instant they found the sea very calme as if the glorious S. by his admirable vertues could att his pleasure commaund the seas and the windes I should in deed esteeme it a matter impossible to vndertake in this behalfe perticulerly to relate the admirable miracles which this holy Father hath caused to appeare so potent by sea as by land where he hath assisted releiued an infinite number of miserable dispayring persons And in truth it is not to be admired that now raigning in heauen he commaund the sea considering that whiles he liued in the world he was obeyed of euery liuing creature yea in admirable manner How diuers haue bin deliuered out of prison by the merittes and intercessions of the sainct THE IX CHAPTER A Grecian seruant of a gentleman in the Romane confines was falsly accused of theft wherevpon his master caused him to be apprehended and cast into an obscure prison with order to be bound and chained but his mistresse knowing it was exceeding sorrowfull because she esteemed him sincere and faithfull therfore often prayd her husband not to condemne him of disloyaulty but to sett him att liberty but her prayers could take no hold in the obstinacie of her husband and therfore she had recourse to the helpe of the glorious Father sainct Francis beseeching him to vndertake the patronage of the truth to her prayers adding vowes This aduocat of the afflicted went att the same time to visitt the prisoner and hauing broaken the walles of the prison and caused the manacles to fall from his handes and the fetters from his feet taking him by the hand led him out saying I am he to whome thy mistresse hath so affectionately recommēded thee And albeit this poore prisoner was in extreme feare and wandered much to find his way being much amazed and labouring to cleare his passadge by the vertue yet of his deliuer he found himselfe in the direct way where he euidently knew the fauour he had receaued whervpon taking courage he went incontinently to his mistresse to whome he recounted the miracle which encreased her feruour and loue towardes our Lord IESVS CHRIST and her deuotion towardes S. Francis In the citty of Massa a poore man was to pay a quantity of siluer to a knight but he was so poore that his goodes being insufficient to dischardge the debt he was att the sute of the knight imprisoned the wretch therfore finding himselfe fast in prison prayed the said knight to haue compassion of him
Religious began then out of loue to weep bitterlie and affectionatelie recommended themselues to his prayers wherin next vnto God they reposed more confidence then in any other thing saying vnto him Father send vs whither you shall please we are ready to accomplish what soeuer God by you shall command But withall we beseech you to remember that we goe a mong most cruell men whose tongue is vnknowne vnto vs as also are their manners and behauiour besides we know them to be the ennemies of Christians desiring nothing more then to drinck their bloud and ours with so much more fury and passion when they shall know we endeauour to conuert their people for accomplishmēt wherof we acknowledge our forces to be most infirme and our selues very insufficient if the mercy of God doe not by your prayers assist vs and therfore we recommending vs vnto them demaund your holy benediction that we may vndergoe this obedience to the honour of God and the saluation of our owne and the Infidels soules S. Francis then lifting his eyes all bathed with teares towardes heauen blessed them in this manner The benediction of God the Father the loue of the Sonne our Redeemer IESVS and the grace of the holy Ghost discend vpon you as it discended on the Apostles conduct comfort and fortifye you in afflictions that you may valiantly resist couragiously assault and gloriously subdue your ennemies sith God sendeth you for his glory and seruice And feare not for God goeth with you to be your protector So being full of teares he dismissed them and these Apostolicall Religious tooke their iorney conformably to the Rule of the holy Ghospell on foote without mony scrip or staffe bare-foote with one only coate poore course and all patched but yet in exchaunge of all this they had the grace of God that safelie and securely conducted them into Spaine How Brother Vitall fell sicke in Spaine and would that leauing him alone in the hospitall his Companions should proceed on other iourney and of his death THE II. CHAPTER THese good Religious being arriued in Arragon Brother Vital their superiour fell sicke and kept his bedde the others expected there some time to see the issue of this sicknes which daily encreasing Brother Vital said to his companions My beloued Brethre you see my sicknes is violent and what wil be the issue therof I know not wherfore I will no longer detaine you from proceeding about that which hath bin enioyned vs it hauing bin alwayes my desire to accōpany you if it pleased God who I suppose hath ordained that I proceed no farther in respect that being too great a sinner I am not perhapps worthy of your cōpany or to be employed in so worthy an office It is therfore necessary that you leaue me in this hospitall and that you apply your selues to this holy enterprise of the conuersion of this people to God who hath thus farre conducted you by obedience and be not greiued to leaue me here alone for his diuine Maiesty will prouide for me Proceede then on your iourney accomplish the will of God and be mindefull of the admonitions of our holy Father with a speciall care not to transgresse them and pray to God for me constituting Brother Bernard the preacher to be their superiour The poore Religious hauing heard the said proposition with extreme sorowfull and sobbing sighes that sufficiently discouered the bitternes that afflicted their spirit they bowed downe their heades calling God to witnesse of the greife they had to leaue him so alone but because their obediēce vnto S. Francis and him so required they acknowledged themselues ready to obey and so hauing receaued his benediction after they had louingly and charitably embraced each other they departed beseeching him by his prayers to obtaine of God that they might againe see one an other att least in Paradise This poore Religious remayning then alone in affliction dayly weakened till hauing vnderstood the martyrdome of his companions and giuen thanckes to God for it he was so afflicted for not perticipating with them and for hauing lost that crowne that burning with charity towardes God this fire in such sort augmented that by his good will and desire he shortly after receaued the ●ame crowne in his bedd making of himselfe a gratefull and pleasing sacrifice vnto his diuine Maiesty and so hastened to meet them in the other world Thus much for Brother Vitall We must now discourse of the combat of his companions who still ma●ching further on into Spaine euen vnto Portugall neuer ceassed in time and place conuenient to preach vnto both Catholiques and heretiques wherof then the nomber was great in Spaine and euery where produced fruit most pleasing to the almighty whose grace had conioyned them together How the fiue Religious arriued att Conimbria where they prophecied vnto the queene her death and their owne Martyrdome THE VII CHAPTER THe said Religious being arriued at Conimbria a famous citty in regard that it was the vniuersity of the kingdome of Portugall as also being very anncient and right noble there they found the queene Vraca wife of king Alphonsus the secōd who incontinently inuited them vnto her entertayned thē with great deuotiō as exceedingly affected vnto their Order and then very louingly demaūded of thē whence they came whither they intended and withall offered to releiue thē in all their occurrēces They breifely answeared her discouered vnto her their designe to witt that they were sent by their Generall Brother Francis to preach the faith of IESVS CHRIST to Infidels But the queene not cōtent with this slight narratiō putt thē into discourse of diuers spirituall matters as one more thirsty of the word of our lord then a hinde of fresh water With whose discourse finding her selfe exceedingly edifyed and cōforted perceauing their extreme feruour and to what degree of the fauour of God their merittes had raysed thē she drew them a part cōiured them in his name for whose loue they had resolued euen to endure death so much to gratifie her as by prayer to procure reuelation frō God of the time and hower of her death not admitting their excuses which were that it would be a great temerity presūption to seeke to know the secrettes which God for deepe great cōsiderations would not haue knowne vnto mē adding withall that they were not worthy to obtaine the same diuers other such reasons but she so importuned them that they were att lenght cōstraynd to accord vnto her hauing to this end applyed thēselues to prayer they vnderstood frō God that and more then they demaūded whervpō they went vnto the queene and thus spake vnto her Madame lett it not if you please be troublesome vnto you to vnderstād that which you haue so instātly required of vs and so much the lesse because we assure you that no creature loueth you so much as God who will in no sort dispose of you but
spēd time with this simple and inconsiderat multitude of people considering the litle hope we haue being so few to suppresse their obstinacie lett vs rather repaire to their king endeauouring first to conquer the head so with more ease facility to gett victory of the mēbers afterward Lett vs giue him the on sett couragiously and ioyfully lett vs goe then lett vs goe preach and tell him the verity of the faith of IESVS CHRIST of Baptisme of penance in remission of sinnes Lett vs boldly confesse before him that IESVS CHRIST the sonne of God is true God and man who would be borne dye for sinners with his owne bloud redeeming vs from eternal death rising againe after his death ascended vnto heauen and sitteth att the right hand of his Father Iudge of the liuing dead where he expecteth vs to croune vs with his holy martyrs for euer How these fiue Religious preached before the king of the Mores the faith of Iesus Christ our Sauiour and what sueceeded therof THE VI. CHAPTER THese Religious being thus mutuallie animated went directlie to the Pallace of the king att the entrie wherof being intercepted by the guard their Captaine who was a gentleman of note demaunded of them what they were They answeared that they were Italiens and desired to speake with his maiestie of matters of great importance as well touching his owne particuler as his whole kingdome Whervpon the Captaine demaunded if they had no letters or other token of commendations to deliuer him They replyed that their embassage was to be deliuered by mouth and could not be writtē but in hartes by tongues The Captaine willed thē securely to commend the affaire vnto him promising to deliuer it faithfully vnto the king they prayed him againe for conclusion to conduct them only to the presence of the king where he might also vnderstand what they had to say The Captaine related the whole vnto the king who commanded them to be brought before him where being present he demaunded them what they were whence they came who sent thē vnto him wherfore they were come Wherto they answeared that they were Christiās that they came frō Rome sent frō the king of kinges and Redeemer of the world IESVS CHRIST to preach vnto him his holy faith so that their bussines tēded only to the saluatiō of his soule which should be effected if he would no lōger beleeue the doctrine of Mahomet but in IESVS C. the true God receauing baptisme in the name of the most sacred Trinity that he could not be saued by any other meane The Mory king that expected no such greeting became despightfully furiours for he esteemed the seruantes of God to haue giuen him an extreme affrōt to whome he said O ye poore braineles men sottish and miserable as ye are how can ye possibly presume to vtter this speech in my presence without more respect vnto my crowne or feare of the losse of your liues already infallibly incurred by the great blasphemie committed against my most holy Prophet But tell me are yee come hither expresly and in my only particuler respect or to preach also vnto my people and to delude them dissuading them frō mine obedience and their alleagiance Hereto the good Religious with a bold and smiling countenāce answeared O king know that we are come to thee as to the chiefe of all this sect of Mahomet filled with diabolicall spiritt and to him that in the bottome of hell shall be more rigorously tormented then thy subiectes that shall persist in obstinacie to the end that thou being reduced into the way of truth saluation thou mayest be a meane of their conuersion as thou art now the cause of their damnatiō for auoyding wherof thou must beleeue in IESVS CHRIST our Redeemer who sendeth vs vnto thee saying in the Gospell Goe and teach ye all nations baptising them in the name of the Father of the Sonne and of the Holy Ghost adding afterward for thē that would not yeld thervnto he that will not belieue shal be damned eternally This king stopping his eares began to rage and crye out O cursed wretches your former lewd behauiour no doubt hath brought you hither where it shal be rewarded instantly neither is there any other meane to deliuer free your selues but that you vnsay whatsoeuer you haue now foolishly and rashlie vttered and to receaue and espouse the Religion of our great Prophett for so doeing I will not only pardō you but will also make you great and rich in my kingdome that it may publikelie appeare how much we prise and esteeme the greatnes of our Prophett and how much we honour respect and enrich those that preferre our Religion before their owne but otherwise you shall for your sollie dye with infinite torments or I will enforce you to beleeue me The Religious replyed if your law were not full of lies false impious as it is but iust and conformable vnto truth we would receaue it but because it doth eternallie damne the followers therof we respect not all treasure nor feare tormentes for false honours are the baites and delusions of you Mores who truely miserable doe end together with them because they haue no longer continuance and you are eternallie damned the meerlie contrarie happening to vs considering that by the pouertie and contempt of our dayes of this life we pourchace eternall treasures and honours in heauen as our Lord teacheth vs when he said Heap not vp your treasure in earth where nothing is secure but in heauen where you may for euer enioy the benefitt therof And therfore O king be thou conuerted to receaue this true and holie law in regard of this recompence And if thou so much esteeme a kingdome of this world how much more oughtest thou to esteeme this eternall kingdome of heauē tourne thy hart to the soueraigne and true God who hath thus long expected thy penannce and now sendeth vs vnto thee as his messengers to deliuer thee from the eternall tormentes of hell which are prepared for thee and all them that follow the absolutely accursed Mahomett Take heed how thou misprise the grace which God by meanes of vs doth offer vnto thee How the fiue Martyrs were adiudged to death by the Morian king who att the instance of the prince his sonne reuoked his sentence THE VII CHAPTER THe Morian king could no longer endure nor heare the preaching and remonstrance of the Religious against his sect but being exceedingly afflicted and enraged commanded them to be expelled his presence and condemned them to be cruelly whipt and then to haue their heades cutt off The Martyrs then hastened to death with a courage and countenance very ioyfull and contented as they that knew themselues neere to the accomplishment of what they so much desired and to encourage each other they mutually said Behold brethren behold how God doth benignely offer vnto vs that which we haue so long desired
fortified vs against that pusillanimity when he willed vs not to feare those that haue power only to torment this wretched vile and fraile body but him that can torment both our body and soule eternally in hell Therfore for as much also as we know that he only shal be crowned who shall constantly perseuer to the end doe what you will for we hope in the diuine Maiesty that your executioners shal be rather be weary of tormenting vs then we of ioyfully enduring for the loue of God considering withall that we repute this death receaued for IESVS CHRIST as the gate of life wherby we are to enter This iudge seeing their constancy cōmanded them to be separated and committed to seuerall places and cruelly whipt and that after the executioners were wearied there should salt be put and vinegar powred in to their woundes and lastly shutt vp in prison all which was done and the next morning he caused the same to be iterated and then he sent thē to a publicke place vnto the people that they might be reuēged on them for the iniuryes committed against Mahomett They were brought thither naked their handes bound behinde their backes and cordes about their neckes there were their woundes renewed and their passed afflictions redoubled for besides that they were cruelly beaten scourged they cast them vpon broaken glasse and sharp pointed flintes wheron they roled and tumbled thē afterward they cast boylling oyle on their bodyes omitting nothing that might exulcerate their woundes each of them esteeming it a great sacrifice vnto Mahomett to exercise most barbarous and beastly kindes of tortures or to inuent them for dischardge of their fury against the holy Martyrs who notwithstanding in the middest of the said afflictions did with a loud voice praise and cofesse our Redeemer IESVS CHRIST demonstrating that they respected not the tormētes which they endured nor the iniuryes disgorged against thē for one cānot imagine that beastly dishonest and infamous wordes which were not then vttered vnto them but the most insupportable vnto them were the blasphemies which they vsed against God The whole day and part of the night was spent in this pittifull spectacle thē were they retourned to prisō wher with all their hartes they gaue thāckes vnto God and encouraged each other Now the immensiue and infinite bounty beholding from heauen his holy seruantes voutsafed to giue them a farther consolation with his visible presence appearing vnto them in a most resplendent light wherin they found an inestimable sweetnes and such as they vtterly forgott whatsoeuer they had suffered and endured This light so spred it selfe that it was also seene of the keepers who therin seeing many shadoes of personnes were fearfull suspected the prisoners were escaped therwith And therfore they hastened to a prisoner that was a good Christian called Peter Hermand to whome they related that they had seene the holy Martyrs escape and ascend vnto heauen in a bright and cleare light He coniecturing that this might be some notable vision seene by them did comfort them bid them not to feare affirming that he had heard them all the night to sing praise God which they being desirours to proue as seeming probable they went and found them all in prayer very ioyfull and content in their prison as if they had not endured any affliction How they were presented before the king Miramolin whome they putt to silence and confounded THE XIV CHAPTER THe next morning the king retourning from the fieldes and vnderstanding what had passed touching the Religious heresolued to see the end of their proceeding and either to conuert them to the law of Mahomett or els to haue a most cruell reuenge vpon them Which the foresaid Prince of Portugall Dom Pedro perceauing repayred to the said President and prayed him that after the said Religious should be dead their bodyes might not be committed to the disposition of the Mores but of the Christians which he obtayned The said Martyrs were then brought before the king their handes manicled behinde their backes their face swollen blew buffeted rent and all bloudy as was all the rest of their body with the blowes of the day precedent seeming rather dead then liuing creatures the king then beholding them with fauourable eye said Well you now being in my presence whither do you rather desirer to be mine enemies and rebelles and as such cruelly to dye or my freindes and as such aduanced to the principall degrees of my kingdome The holy Martyrs answeared that he might well hold them for his good freindes sith they were come from so farre a contry only for his cause and for the loue of him and of his kingdome to saue them from perishing and goeing to hell eternally damned putting their liues in hazard for the saluation of their soules and bodies The king vpon these wordes considering the resolution and inuincible fortitude of the holy Martyrs was vtterly confounded in himselfe wherfore as extremely enraged he retired into his closet● to consult what to doe with them sith he could draw them to nothing either by sweetnes or extremity the holy Martyrs on the contrary praising God for that he had giuen them grace euer till then to preach his holy faith notwithstanding the buffets they ●ad receaued to putt them to silence Of a conference betweene the said Religious and a noble man of the Mores THE XV. CHAPTER THere was a warlike noble More desirous to attempt if he could by faire meanes and speeches gaine them but he no more preuailed then the others for he endeauoured by sweet wordes to persuade them to obey the kinge who was more carefull of their good then them selues considering that being in his power to torment them and prolong their tortutures in deferring their death he neuertheles endeauoured to make them see their errours notwithstanding the iniuryes he had receaued of them and their great blasphemies vttered against his great prophett Mahomett who all men know how gratefull he is to God sith with his owne mouth he hath dictated vnto him his holy law wherin if they would liue he would in behalfe of the king promise them they should be most aduanced in his kingdome and should euer rule and gouerne in this world expecting by the intercession of their great Prophett Mahomett a double croune of God after their death Whereto Brother Otho with a zealous feruour answeared Vade retro Sathana auant from my presence thou hideous and infernall deuill for we with a firme and liuely faith adore and plainly confesse the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost God in Trinity and vnity but thou miserable wretch that art already condemned to the eternall fire where he is whome thou adorest hauing compassion of thy selfe and performing thy duety oughtest to be conuerted it were more necessary for thee to shew they selfe more respectiue of thy owne saluation then of ours we hauing made choice of this assured way the more readily to
of them a hanger in token of triumph and spake to her in these wordes God preserue thee O true seruant of IESVS CHRIST for so much as thou hast encouraged vs and as it were sent vs to this our glorious victory it hath pleased the diuine maiestie to haue vs appeare vnto thee in the same manner that we triumphed to promise thee that in acknowledgement of what thou hast done for vs we shall henceforward be thy Aduocates in heauen Which said they disappeared leauing the Infanta exceedinglie comforted and contented yea more then euer encouraged in the seruice of her sweet IESVS In short time after she caused a Church to be builded in the place where the martyrs appeared vnto her that thenceforward that house might serue only for the praise of God How the bodies of the fiue martyrs were dismembred by the Mores and how the Christians recouered them and preserued them from the fire that could not annoy them and of the miracle which God wrought when the Mores cutting them in pieces thought vtterly to dissipat and annihilat them THE XVIII CHAPTER THe bodies and heades of the holy Martyrs remayned in prey to the people who reioyced to see them all murdered and tooke pleasure to rent and traine them through the citty omitting no kind of inhumanity that might be imagined to be exercised on their poore bodies they tossed their heades from one to an other as if they had bin balles or baloones the Christians in the meane time praysed God for the constancie which the martyrs had with loud voice thancked him for the same others endeauoured to preserue or att least with their eyes to follow their reliques which the Mores perceauing they began so rudely to driue them away by casting stones that it might be attributed to a miracle graunted in fauour of the sainctes that the Christians could escape without detriment into their lodgeing where they were enforced to hide and keep themselues close and secrett during three dayes which the fury of this enraged people continued who of themselues would needes make a new massacre of them These Insidels more wearyed then glutted with tormenting the sainctes bodies cast them among the filthy ordure of the towne-sincke whither the prince of Portugall aforesaid sent his Cousin Syr Martin Alphonsus Theglio and the aforesaid Cheualier Peter Ferdinando de Castro Castillan to fetch them away but they yelded their soules vnto their Sauiour and Lord IESVS CHRIST in this seruice so gratefull vnto him and to his sainctes for they were slaine by the Mores that kept the bodies which not satisfying them they gott permission of the king to burne them publikely altogether and to this effect they made a pile of wood and thereon layd the bodies and heades but the fire being applyed therto could in no sort offend them but retired to one side without touching them Which many Christian Prisoners that aduentured to be present did testifie and certaines Mores that were friendes to the Christians also recounted the same as matter of admiration to the said Prince of Portugall The same may euen to this day be iustified by a head that is extant att S. Crosse of Conimbria the haires wherof were neuer touched by the fire But the rage of this barbarous nation not only was not qualified by this so euident miracle but was rather encreased Wherfore hewing these holy reliques into small morcels they thought to reduce thē to nothing saying Thus are the blasphemers and ennemies of our holy law chasticed But the diuine vengeance which by extremity recompenceth tolleration sodenlie sent from heauen such an vnexpected tempest and storme of haile accōpanied with very frequent lightninges thunderclappes furious windes and vehement rayne that the vtter ruine of the citty seemed to be imminent so that the feare terrour which they had giuen to the Christians retourned vpon themselues yea in such sort that being fled into their houses they scarce held thēselues secure Which gaue courage leasure and commoditie to the Christians to gather vp the holy reliques by the light of the lampes of heauen which they incontinentlie brought to the aforesaid Prince none of them daring to take or keep them to themselues And by reason that the said extremity of the storme did not permitt them to finde all the pieces of the holy bodyes they partly by freindship and partly for mony gott them of the Mores How the said holy reliques were preserued and of their miracles THE XIX CHAPTER THe Prince of Portugall hauing receaued the holie reliques presently prepared shrines or reliquaries of very great price to place and preserue them in But first he commited them to Iohn Rupert Canon of Sainct Crosse of Conimbria att that time his Chaplen and Confessour a very pious and Religious Preist to whome he sent three yong pages of his who were very simple and virgins that they might assist him to dry and accommodate the said holy bodies who in the meane while neuer stirred out of his house so to preserue themselues from profaning the said reliques in any sort euen in thought as neere as they could These youthes then dryed the sacred reliques in a very retired and priuate place by commandement of the Prince and separated the flesh from the bones which they put in a precious chest to be carryed iuto Portugall then did it please our Lord to illustrate them by miracle For a knight called Peter de la Rose not considering what danger it is for sinners to touch the holy reliques of the seruantes of God would presume to present himselfe notwitstanding he kept a wench whome he lasciuiously entertayned but he had scarcely ascended the middest of the staires but he fell and lamed himselfe without power to moue till being contrite repentant and confessed vnto the said Almosner of the Prince and recommended vnto the Sainctes protesting to a abandon his vicious life he obtayned mercy for by litle and litle arising he discended and went halfe cured vnto the Prince failing only in his speech which he had lost the Prince therfore with a great confidence commanded his Almosner to putt one of the sacred heades of the sainctes on his breast which done he was att the same instant perfectly cured A squier of the Princes accustomed to handle certaine peices of the said reliques which were layed to dry on a buckler of his without receauing any punishment by reason that he was then free from sinne But falling one time by instigation of the deuill into a carnall sinne as he thought to handle them the buckler wheron they were so raysed it selfe that he could not reach them wherevpon reflecting on himselfe he went and confessed then retourning to the said reliques which was admirable he kneeled downe before them and the buckler being discend to the ground and retourned to the sunne as before they yelded themselues to be touched This fact cast such a feare into the hartes of the Christians of the Princes
greatest part of the men of that miserable kingdome but three yeares after the want of raine the king together with his Councell acknowledged that God sent that punishment vpon them in reuenge of his holy Martyrs and therfore he ordayned a generall assembly of all his people in the place where the Martyrs had bin tortured and that in the same publicke place they should crye towardes heauen inuocating them asking them pardon and imploring their mercy which they performed with such confidence that presently there began miraculously to discend a gentle sweet raine by meane wherof the dearth and plague by litle and litle ceased And then did the king permitt the Christians in his kingdome to haue a bishop with condition that he should be of the Order of S. Francis and might publikly preach our gospell and withall consented to haue a Church builded in Marroccho where the sacramentes might be administred conformably to our Catholique and Romane Religion How sainct Francis hauing vnderstood of the Martyrdome of his children with thanck fulnes to almighty God gaue his benediction to the Monastery of Alenquer THE XXV CHAPTER THe greatest contentment that S. Francis had euer receaued of his Order was to heare of the Martyrdome of his fiue religious whervpon hauing praysed and thancked God he spake these wordes Now may I confidently affirme that I haue fiue Frere Minors Then blessing the Monastery of Alenquer because they hauing long time resided there departed thence to goe to their Martyrdome he said Be thou blessed O place of the most high which hast as it were engendred and produced to the king of heauen fiue faire flowers of the colour of the rose and of bloud of a sauour more then sweete which are fiue true Frere Minors the first fruites of this Order Would to God the Religious that shal be resident here might for euer exactly keepe the rule of our Order Of a miracle wrought by the reliques of the holy Martyrs against an Apostolike legat that endeauoured to withdraw the people from their honour and veneration because they were not as yet canonized THE XXVI CHAPTER ATt this very time as the reliques of the said holy Martyrs were exceedingly honoured of the Spainardes it fell out that a legatt of the holy Siege was present who seeing what deuotiō the people had to the said holy Martyrs moued with an indiscreet zeale not considering the canonization which IESVS CHRIST had made in heauen of the Martyrs that had bin publiquely martyred nor the miracles that had followed therevpon he began to cry to the people rebuking them as ignorant and forbad them any more to make their prayers to the said reliques and att the very instant he was aduertised that his Mule which waited for him before the Church was sodenly fallen dead and thincking to goe fee the manner therof he was immediatlie surprised with so vehement an ague that it enforced him to acknoweledge his fault and the pride which caused him so rashlie to speake against the holie Martyrs whose reliques he went to visitt and falling on his knees among the people acknowledgeing the punishment of God he cryed out a loud O holy Martyrs I confesse that you are canonized in heauen and because God will haue you honoured and reuerenced on earth I repent and confesse the errour of my tongue and begge pardon of you for t and doe promise that I will henceforward be the foremost and most carefull that shall visitt your reliques and in whatsoeuer place I shall be I will celebrate your merittes A strange euent these wordes vttered he arose from the ground very sound and his mule formerly supposed for dead to the great astonishment and contentmet of each one arose againe and this made the reliques of the sainctes more famous How by the intercession of the said sainctes a gentleman was deliuered from death THE XXVII CHAPTER A Poore gentleman of Conimbria was vnexpectedly assaulted by his ennemies neere vnto the Monastery of sainct Crosse so that he ran towardes it to saue himselfe but being two forcibly followed he could not time enough gett in but was enuironed by them so that he hauing no other remedy but the inuocation of God by the merittes of the holy Martyrs they gaue him as many stabbes and thrustes as they would without any defence of his sauing the couering with his cloake in such sort as he lay for lead in the place The people that came next that way carryed him ●pped in his cloake as they found him in to the said Church there to ●ury him but as soone as he was entred into the same he stood vp on his feet very sound and confessed aloud that the holy Martyrs had till defended him and therfore together with the people he repaired o their chappell to giue them thanckes Of the institution of the procession which is made euery yeare in the month of Ianuary wherin the men goe all naked to visitt the holy Martyrs of Conimbria for hauing bin by their intercession cured of the plague THE XXVIII CHAPTER IN the Bishoperick of Conimbria there is a towne called Fala where there fell so cruell and contagious a plague that it dispeopled the whole towne for the inhabitantes were all either dead ●r fled sauing one man already infected with the disease and halfe dead who seeing himselfe alone and in such extremity hauing alwayes ben very deuout to the holy Martyrs he had then with an exceeding strong faith his recourse vnto them and made them this vow That if by their intercession he were cured of that disease he would euery yeare on the sixt of Ianuary being the day of their feast att Conimbria goe visitt their reliques a foot and all naked as long as he should liue and would take order that after his death one of his family should goe thitherin the same manner and withall would endeauour to persuade all the other families of the said towne to doe the like This vow being made he was so effectually heard that att the very instant he found himselfe more sound and strong then euer neither did there any one more dye out of that place whereto he caused many from abroad to retourne and so it was by litle and litle repeopled afterward his fellow Cittizens accorded to his vow yea this deuotion so encreased that the neighbour inhabitants and many personnes of note gentlemen and others accustomed from thence as is continued to this present in procession to visitt the holy reliques on bare foot with an exceeding deuotion in the most rigorous season of winter And how soeuer the season proue the sixt of Ianuary being the day of their Martyrdome though it raine freeze or snow neuer so much they omitt not this pilgrimage Now the order of this procession is thus On the said day all the Confraternity assemble att the Couent of the Frere Minors that is without the citty of Conimbria on the other side of the bridge and there about nine of the
not only to haue formerly studied the said hierarchie but euen to haue seene and frequented the same Wherevpon the afore said Abbot in the third chapter of his said commentary oftentimes reiterateth these wordes Loue penetrateth farther then exteriour science can doe as is read to haue appeared in many Bishoppes who not being learned yet very subtilly penetrated to the deepest secrettes of the most sacred Trinity as my selfe haue experienced in the holy Religious Br. Antony of the Order of Frere Minors by the familier conuersation which I haue had with himt for albeit he was litle conuersant in worldly sciences when he learned Mysticall diuinity he so penetratiuely vnderstood the same that I may truely say of him that which IESVS CHRIST affirmed of S. Iohn Baptist that he was a burning candell that illuminated the world in regard that he lightened the people exteriourly by diuine knowledge wherwith he burned interiourly by a celestiall loue Touching the lecture which he read the licence which S. Francis sent him was thus Br. Francis to his most deare Brother Antony health I am content that you read Diuinity to the Brethren prouided that it be in such sort as that the spiritt of holy prayer be not weakened neither in you nor them according to the rule He so reuerenced sainct Francis whome he called Bishop that he would neuer read Diuinity though he were by the Religious exceedingly importuned therevnto till he had receaued the said licence of him by vertue wherof he first read att Montpellier in Languedoc then att Bollonia and att Padua the greatest part of his learning he had obtained of God alwayes eleuating his spiritt in him as once it happened vnto him intending to preach before an Abbot of sainct Benets Order vpon the wordes of S. Paul written to sainct Denis for att that time he continued a long space rauished in extasie How he preached in France and of the miracles he wrought there THE VI. CHAPTER SAinct Antony was sent into France to be Guardian in the Couent of Limoges in Aquitaine by his workes and predications to conuert many heretiques that then were there and to confirme the Catholiques which he so happely performed that the memory therof remayneth euen to our dayes besides many miracles which God there wrought by him wherof we will recount some few As he preached the Passion on Maundy thursday night or good friday morning in the Church of S. Peter of Quadruuio in Lymoges at the same time that the Religious did solemnely sing Matines in the Couēt when they came to the lesson that was to be read he instantly appeared and read it all yet without leauing the pulpit where he preached void of his presence It may be thought that God interposed the ministery of some Angell that entertayned the people whiles he sung the lesson in the Qiuer Almost the like accident arriued att Mōtpellier where he was Lector for preaching one day to the people he remembred that he had not appointed any one to sing an Alleluia in his place it being his office to sing it whiles he was preaching he stouped in the pulpit as to repose himselfe and was att the same instant seene to sing the Alleluia in his Couent yet departed not from the great church where then he preached This diuine vertue in S. Antony is not to be so much admired as if the like had neuer bin for the same arriued to S. Francis when he was seene in a siery chariott and when he appeared in forme of a crosse att the Chapter of Arles as in his life we haue related And to S. Ambrose when in a moment he was present att the obsequies of S. Martin att Tours though he was seene att Milan the very same time How he deliuered a Religious and a Nouice from great temptations THE VII CHAPTER THere was in the said Monastery of Limoges a Nouice called Brother Peter who was exceedingly tempted to leaue his habitt S. Antony as a right vigilant Pastour ouer the flock of God knew this temptation in spiritt and therfore called and drew him a part then causing him to open his mouth he blew and breathed therin saying My sonne receaue the holy Ghost O admirable accident This Nouice fell instantly to the ground as dead The other Religious hastening to rayse him S. Antony took him by the hand and lifted him vp The Nouice then affirmed that he had bin in heauen and proceeding to recount what he had seene the S. bid him to keep it secrett which he did and was neuer after tempted to leaue his habitt but was an example of piety to all his Brethren About the same time S. Antony being gone to the Abby of Semoniaco depending on the bishopprick of Limoges a Religious of the said Abby was exceedinglie tempted with the flesh wherof finding no remedy by prayers watchinges or whatsoeuer other mortifications he resolued to haue recourse vnto S. Antony to whome in confession he discouered the secrett of his hart affectionatly beseeching him for the loue of God to assist him S. Antony hauing heard his confession putt off his owne coat and gaue it to the Religious to putt on which hauing done he so as if the very vertue which was in the S. had bin in his coat communicated vnto him his chastity that the temptation for euer ceassed as the Religious did diuers times afterward acknowledge and confesse Of the miracles which he wrought in France vpon two that were very deuout vnto him THE VIII CHAPTER IN the same citty of Limoges an honest woman deuoted vnto him and to his Order had a very peruerse husband iealous and without the feare of God who did often beat and torment her because she did too readily addict her selfe to the seruice of S. Antony and of his Couent as well in bestowing almose on them as in procuring it of others according to their necessity It happened one day that vpon some affaires of the Couent she priuately retired her selfe somewhat late wherwith her husband was so vexed that he cruelly beat and abused her for he tooke her by the haire and pulled it almost all off but this vertuous woman carefully gathered it together and layd it neatly on her pillow as if she meant to make them grow againe then simplie layd her selfe to rest and the next morning early she sent for S. Antony who came to her supposing she would be confessed But she related vnto him what she had endured for his seruice shewing him her haire and adding with all that she beleeued if he pleased to pray to God for her which she besought him to doe her haire would take roote againe the S. admiring hereatt retourned to the monastery where hauing assembled all the Religious he recounted vnto them the affliction of this woman and her request and therfore inuited them to pray together for her which they did and att the very instant the haires torne from this womans head were fast rooted as before
went where he pleased and S. Antony retourning into Riminy there conuerted the rest of the heretiques that being there had not bin present att the miracle How he conuerted a very obstinate heretike by a miracle of the blessed sacramēt THE XIX CHAPTER SAinct Antony preaching one time att Tholousse though some affirme it to be att Riminy against a very obstinate heretike of the reall Presence of IESVS C. in the B. Sacrament he many times cōuinced him euen by reasons in which the heretike not knowing what to answeare told the S. that in deed he was forced to yeld in dispute but the reason was because he was more subtill a greater philosopher and better learned then himselfe which he acknowledged but could not yet confesse and acknowledge that his affirmations were to be beleeued and therfore challenged him to proue by effectes and shew him by some miracle of the B. Sacrament wherby he might know that God was present there which if he could performe he did promise and sweare to adhere to his opinion and beliefe The sainct answeared him that he should consider and bethinck himselfe what miracle he desired by the grace of God he should see it effected The heretike replyed that he would shutt vp a mule and keep her three dayes without meat then they both would be present together himselfe with ores the S. with the B. Sacrament and if the mule did leaue the otes and adore the B. Sacrament he would be content also to adore the same S. Antony accepted this condition And the third day being come they both present att a publike place the holy Father hauing celebrated masse before he communicated he shewed the sacred Host vnto the people that held burning torches in their handes there being presente the greatest personnes of the cittie who attended him to the place where the proofe was to be made The heretike was there ready with the hungry Mule which alreadie smelled the oates which her master had brought and brayed after them Sainct Antonie then commaunded her by the vertue of the liuing God who was present in the Host which there he held to adore it Her master also cast before her all the oates he had yet leauing the oates she came with her head declined very humbly to adore the B. Sacrament before which she kneeled downe to the exceeding contentment of the Catholikes there present and the confusion of many heritikes especially of the aforesaid who was conuerted together with them Of the conuersion of many heritikes by a miracle of S. Antonyes eating poysoned meat without receauing any detriment THE XX. CHAPTER THis miracle so encreased the hatred of heretikes against him that they resolued to procure his death And to this purpose one of them inuited him to his table which the sainct promised in hope by some familier discourses to conuert him Euen as for the same end our Redeemer did eat with Publicans and sinners Sainct Antony then being att table with manie heretikes he knew by diuine reuelation that the meat sett before him was poysoned as also the wine appointed for him to drinck for which he modestly checked them 〈…〉 their treachery But they in steed of being confounded and acknowledgeing their fact with a brasen face answeared him that IESVS CHRIST in his gospell promised his disciples that albeit they should drinck or eat poyson it should not hurt them And therfore sayd they had they done that onlie to proue that speech so that if he refused to eat therof he must acknowledge the Gospell to be false wherevpon the holy Father consulting with himselfe what he should doe foūd therin some difficulty for one the one side he feared it might proue a tempting of God who seemed to haue reuealed the same vnto him to the end he should forbeare it on the other side desirous not to preiudice the gospell he resolued to eat the poyson on condition they would become Catholikes if it did not hurt him wherto they accorded and the S. said vnto them Well then my masters I drinck and eat your poysonned meat and drinck not with a will to tempt God whose wordes I firmely beleeue but to manifest vnto you the truth of his word and also as zealous of his gospell to whome althinges obey then he dranck and eat therof without receauing any detriment either then or afterward Which the heretikes perceauing they were conuerted to the faith of the gospell the wordes wherof they had experienced to be puissant aboue all naturall reason and in deed it was reasonable they should expell the poyson out of their soules seeing corporall poyson by vertue of the wordes of the gospell to be annichilated How in one sermon and att one time he was heard by many strangers to preach in their seuerall languages and a woman heard him far off THE XXI CHAPTER POpe Gregory the ninth published a great Iubilie att Rome there to declare the expedition of the Christians called Croisade against the Mores who then had possession of the holy land in respect wherof there was a great concourse of people att Rome that repayred thither from all partes of Europe S. Antony one day preaching there before a huge assembly of people the nomber being exceeding great of French Grecians English Italians Almanes Sclauonians Spaniards and other strangers they all heard him preach in their owne naturall tongue as heretofore the Apostles of our Sauiour had bin which much amazed the people But besides this the Pope hauing heard this sermon called him the holy arke of the testament in regard of the merueillous copiosity of h●● doctrine and eloquence wherwith he in such sort lincked together the sentences and wordes of holy scripture by new and high 〈…〉 wherby it manifestly appeared that it was not he but the holy Ghost that spake who by his holy seruant taught these people the true meane to ascend to heauen This other miracle was also of no small consequence A woman exceedingly desiring to heare S. Antony preach her husband not permitting her to goe because it was a great league from the citty she went vp into her corne-loft so to content her sight with beholding the place where her spiritt was to witt the Church where was the Sainct where her body could not be which performing very attentiuely and a long time she admired to heare the Sainct beginne his sermon wherfore calling her husband she protested that from the place where she was she miraculously heard sainct Antonyes sermon vsing the same gestures that he did and relating his wordes wherin she so persisted to confirme hir husband that himselfe would needes make triall therof and to that end mounting into the garrett he putt his head out att the windoe and heard the end of the same sermon then presentlie went to conferre with such as had bin personallie present and found that the wordes which his wife affirmed to haue heard in the beginning of the sermon were the verie same that the
fixed towardes heauen When he retourned to himselfe he seemed vtterly amazed and tourning to the other Religious he cryed out vnto them My Brethren is there any man howsoeuer great rich and noble he may be that will not esteeme it easy to carry a sack full of dung ordure and carrion if therfore he be promised a pallace full of gold herby intending to signify the immensiue treasure which God reserueth for those that are contrite in heart But it is a thing worthy of especiall note in him that in fifteene yeares of his spirituall feruour he neuer more then halfe satisfyed his appetite though he did eat indifferentlie of euery permissable thing sett before him whervpon he would say that it cannot be called abstinence for a man to forbeare that which he tasteth not seeing that this vertue fighteth against the tast of that which pleaseth and seemeth good vnto him but because few attaine to that perfection it is best to shunne the occasions How this worthy seruant of God was tryed and exercised in patience and endurance of temptations THE V. CHAPTER BEcause almighty hath God oftē accustomed to proue his faithful seruantes by a restraint of spirituall consolation and of his sweet presence he oftentimes afflicted him in this kinde but afterwardes considering his notable constancie he could not but comfort him He once past eyght dayes without tasting any sweetnes of diuine conuersation that time by reason of his exceeding loue to almighty God seemed vnto him eight yeares he kept himselfe solitary and verie pensiue continually praying God with much feruour to restore vnto him the consolation he desired and the ioy which by his presence he receaued Herevpon there instantly appeared in the ayre a hand bended and as it were in action of striking a viole whence he felt so pleasing and delightfull a harmony that it filled his soule interiourly with such and so excellent a sweetnes that if the sound had longer endured it had as to him seemed dissolued his soule from his bodye Almighty God tryed him also and exercised him exceedingly by terrible and strange temptations which was reuealed in prayer to the holy Father sainct Francis who recommending him most affectionately to IESVS CHRIST that he would please to assist him with his grace and to giue him victory against such potent and mortall ennemies he heard a voice from heauen that said Feare not for the temptations which assault Brother Bernard are giuen him for exercise and for a crowne and att lenght he shall haue the victory ouer all his ennemies Besides know that Brother Bernard is one of the elect of the table of our Lord Sainct Francis was so comforted with this voice that he could not satisfye himselfe with giuing thanckes to God and thenceforth euer loued Brother Bernard better He related all to his companions adding that God would deliuer Brother Bernard of all his temptations and before his death would so setle his spiritt in peace that all the Religious which should behold him should prayse God for it and that from heere below he should ascend to IESVS CHRIST in that peace and spirituall tranquillity which so came to passe The sixt chapter is put in the middest of the 67. chapter of the tenth booke with this title How sainct Francis blessed Brother Bernard miraculously in imitation of the Patriarch Iacob That place being more proper vnto it Of the zeale of Religion and the charity which Brother Bernard had towardes the sicke THE VII CHAPTER THe glorious Brother Bernard was so zealous of his rule and profession that he sharply reprehended euery delinquent in that respect of what soeuer degree of superiority he might be as hauing one day seene Brother Helias Generall on a very lusty faire and fatt mule he came behinde him and with a great zeale reprehending him said Brother Generall this beast wheron you ride is very great and fatt wheras you know our rule doth not permitt the same then laying his hand on the rumpe of the mule he repeated the same wordes adding also many other An other time knowing that he was retired into his chamber where with many other Religious he did ●eat meates delicately dressed he was much troubled with the euill example of such remissnesse wherfore he arose from the table of the refectory taking his earthen dish in one hand and his cup in the other and went to the chamber of the Generall ouer against whome he sate downe att the table and sayd Brother I entend to eat with you this good meat which is the almose of the poore of our Lord. Brother Helias with these wordes was not a litle troubled and confounded yet he durst not reply a word knowing that he was esteemed of the Religious for a very holy man and as such was generally reuerenced and honoured This good Religious Brother Bernard was also very charitable towardes the sick A Religious one day demaunding of him why he gaue so much to a sick Religious person to eat he answeared Brother I doe it therby to dischardge on my part what is requisite and what charity commandeth me you may well iudge that the sicke eateth but according to his necessity Of the death of the glorious Brother Bernard THE VIII CHAPTER WHen it pleased God to call his seruant Brother Bernard out of this terrestriall prison to his celestiall kingdome he was assaulted with a violent disease in which notwithstanding he continued so intentiue in God that he would not endure to heare spoaken or to thinck of any other thing Vpon this occasion when sometimes the Religious that had care of him putt vinegar with rose water to his nose or therwith washed his wrestes to recomfort him knowing that the same did withdraw him from his diuine meditations he would not permitt it to be applyed vnto him If it chaunced that by ach of his head or other occasion some ill cogitation that was not of God troubled his minde reflecting instantly on him selfe he would forciblie shake his head to expell and driue it away And that he might haue no occasion to be separated one only moment from God vpon the necessities of his body he resigned all his will for the care of seconde causes and worldly respectes into the handes of his Infirmarian vsing vnto him these wordes My beloued brother I will no more thincke on the necessities of this body I referre the care therof to you wherfore vse it as you shall thinck requisit I will take whatsoeuer you shall prepare me If you giue me nothing I will thinck of nothinge Now because after the death of sainct Francis all the Religious did reuerence Brother Bernard as their Father knowing this to be his last sicknes and that his death was neere they for many respectes came to visitt him and among others that worthy contemplatiue Br. Giles who finding him weakened to so low an estate said vnto him Sursū corda Brother Sursum corda Brother Bernard att these wordes exceedingly
reioyced and awakening his spiritt answeared Habemus ad Dominum and willed one of the Religious to prepare some conuenient place for Br. Giles that he might remaine neere vnto during the time he had yet to liue that he might applie himselfe to the excesses of contemplation his sicknesse encreasing he would not be without a Preist att euery moment that anything occured to his memory worthy of cōfession he hūbly acknowledged it to his Cōfessour The last day of his sicknes whē something was presēted to him to eat he called all the Religious and prayed thē to eat with him saying My Brethren I beseech you to celebrate with me this my last hower and then discouered vnto them such a feruour of charity and deuotion that many Religious admiring it confessed that albeit they esteemed him a sainct yet they neuer so much experienced the excellencie of his vertue and sanctity as att that time After he had receaued the sacrament of extreme vnction he setled himselfe decently and said to all his Religious My Brethren I beseech you for euer to remember this my houre wherto you must all come in your degree And I confesse and assure you that I haue neuer bin a Frere Minor but in temptations considering that in them I haue euer found God to assist me and now I feele such a contentment that I would not haue omitted to serue God for a thousand such worldes as this Now I accuse my selfe to God and you of all the offences I haue committed and in this my last houre doe beseech you to loue one an other for this shal be a signe wherby you shal be knowne to be disciples of IESVS CHRIST After such and the like wordes his face became so ioyfull and cleare that they all admired and in that ioy his blessed soule passed from this vale of miseries to the repose of glory his flesh continued so cleare tender and plumme as that of a sucking child and his countenance appeared so liuely as that the Religious could not satisfie themselues with contemplating as in a shadow the great splendour which his soule was to receaue in heauen att length he was solemnly enterred in the Couent of S. Francis att Assisium neere vnto the sepulcher of the holy Father where were present a great assembly of people How the glory of Br. Bernard was reuealed to Br. Leo and Br. Ruffin THE IX CHAPTER THe glory which God had ordayned for him was in this mannea reuealed to two Religious the companions of S. Frrncis att the same instant that he dyed Br. Leo and Br. Ruffinus lay sick in a village neere to Portiuncula where in one night they saw appeare vnto them a great nomber of Frere Minors goeing in procession among whome they saw one more note-worthy then the rest out of whose eyes issued beames more glittering then the sunne so that they could no longer hold their eyes fixed on him They asked one of the Religious whither they went and they answeared that they were come to seeke a soule that should accompany Br. Bernard to glorie who att that very hower was departed this mortall life and that was he out of whose eyes they saw so much light proceed which God permitted because he alwayes iudged well of his neighbour whē he saw any poore people in ragged pached cloathes he would say to himselfe these obserue pouerty better thē thee Br. Bernard iudged as though they had promised to obserue holy pouerty When he saw men richly and sumptuously attired he would say with great compunction of his soule It may very well be that these gentlemen weare vnder that precious habitt some hairecloth wherby they weaken mortifie and chastice their flesh and exteriourly appearing to be full of vanity they shunne vaine glory which thou Br. Bernard performest not with thy poore patched habitt though thou be generally esteemed a great penitent And this glory also is giuen him because what soeuer good he saw in the creatures the same he referred to the Creatour and gaue him thanckes for it Which sayd the procession disappeared The life of Br. Ruffinus companion of S. Francis Of the vertues in generall and sanctitie of Brother Ruffinus by the restimonie of Sainct Francis THE X. CHAPTER GOd adorned and enriched the first Frere Minors with the apparant and excellent vertues of Br. Ruffinus as a shining rainebow through the cloudes with the beautifull variety of faire coulers and as a vermillian rose for his feruent charity and as a white lilly for his purity yelding a most pleasing sauour to the Church of God This blessed Br. Ruffinus was borne at Assisium of a very noble family and nere of kinred to the glorious S. Clare He was conuerted to God by the examples and documentes of the holy F. S. Francis he tooke the habitt of the Frere Minors and was professed for such as is formerly recorded in the 17. cha of the first booke and first volume he kept himselfe a true virgin obtained of God a singuler grace of contēplation He was of a gracious amiable conuersation among men As one day he retourned frō prayer he passed before S. Francis goeing to his cell who seeing him comming a farre off demaunded of his cōpanions that were about him what soule in this world was in their opinion most pleasing to his diuine maiesty They very hūbly answeared that they knew not but it seemed to thē that his soule was more pleasing to God thē any other that they knew in the world by reason of the singuler graces which he had receaued of his diuine maiesty But S. Francis thus replyed My Brethrē I tell you and aduertise you that as for my selfe I am the most vile and vnworthie seruant that God hath in this world and he hath reuealed vnto me that the soule of Br. Ruffinus is one of the three most holyest in the world so that I may securely call him S. euen in this life sith he hath reuealed vnto me withall that his soule is canonized in heauen Of the ready obedience of Br. Ruffinus THE XI CHAPTER THis good Religious B. Ruffinus was as it were insensible of exteriour thinges by reason of his continuall exercise of prayer he had as an other Moyses an vnseemely grace of speech so that his wordes seemed to be forcibly drawne out of his mouth and therfore he spake litle Yet though in that respect he were very vnfitt to preach S. Francis neuertheles cōmanded him one day to goe to Assisium to preach what the holie Ghost should inspire him wherin he excusing himselfe the S. to chastice his disobedience caused him to goe thither without his capuce which he ioyful executed preached to the people But S. Frācis to chastice himselfe for so strange a commandement followed him also without capuce or as some affirme naked And in that manner did end the sermon which Br. Ruffinus had begun with such cōpunction effusion of teares of
giue you repulse In this manner doe I euer preserue my forteresse from being surprised by such base companions who by their entry would vtterly ruinate me or att least it would be very difficult for me to expell them for att the instant that I perceaue them ready to assault me without permitting them to lay their siege I enforce them to retire with shame enough Which Brother Giles vnderstanding he tourned to his companions and sayd Brethren I am of Brother Iuniperus opinion resolue hēceforward to make vse of his stratageme of warre for it is most certaine considering that in this sinne the securest fight is to fly by reason that the traiterous appetite which is within the flesh findeth such a strōge concurrence of assistāce in the exteriour sences by an army raysed by the deuill and opposed against the soule that the perill is extreme and the victory vncertaine so that the securest is not to permitt this traiterous domesticall sinne to enter into our hart Iuniperus being one time reprehended for hauing spoaken too lightly the mouth being the dore wherat the spiritt of deuotion and prayer goeth out he continued six entiere monthes in perpetuall silence the first day his purpose not to speake was in honour of God the Father the second for reuerence of the Sonne the third for loue of the holy Ghost the fourth for the Queene of heauen and so each day proposing some saincte he strictly obserued his silence all that time with new feruour and deuotiō though naturally he spake very litle which also was of spirituall thinges for as he could not endure to be flattered so neither could he flatter and so had no other discourse but of God and as a Religious perfect in humility he would rather learne and heare then with wordes and exteriour signes of sanctity teach others Of the great charity which Br. Iuniperus exercised towards the sick THE XXXIX CHAPTER THis glorious S. had a great affection to the sick and with an extreme charity did desirously serue them by meanes wherof happened a strange accident att our Lady of Angels touching a sicke person of whome by order of S. Francis who then was there he had the chardge This poore sick man was by the continuance of his infirmity become so feeble that he had not so much strength as to eat which would infallibly hasten his death Br. Iuniperus hauing great cōpassiō of him prayed him with tearfull eyes to tell him wherof he could willinglie ear and he would procure it for him The sick party answeared that he thought he could well eat of a hogs foote in Vinegar if he could gett it Br. Iuniperus replyed be of good Courage Brother I will presently bring you one dressed as you desire and taking a great knife out of the kitchen he went out of the house and seeing many hogges feeding in a field neere by he ran so fa●t after them that he gott one and cutt off his foot and therwith retourned to the Couent where he presently dressed it with vinegar then carrying it to the sick he did eat therof with such appetite and courage that recouering his tast and appetite he began to amend and by this meane escaped for that time the danger of death In the meane time the master of the hogges being by his swineheard aduertised that a Frere Minor had cutt off the foot of one of his hogges he puffed vp with choller went hastely to the Couent where exclaming as a maded man he vttered many iniurious speeches to the Religious and so farre was he transported with fury that he disgordged against them a thousand vilanies Which the holy Father S. Francis vnderstanding he went to him and sought to appease him praying him for the loue of God to haue patience and offred to repaire whatsoeuer dommage he had receaued But the man more possessed with despight then with the losse would heare no proposition but wēt away exceedingly scandalized att the Religious of whome he bruted many lyes through the streetes and very seriously and vehemently threatned them These good Religious were in meane while exceedingly greiued att this accident and knew not the cause therof wherfore hauing long time discoursed vpon it among themselues they att length addressed themselues to Br. Iuniperus suspecting that his simplicity and some indiscreet zeale had moued him to this fact But he respecting only God contemned all those toyes and respectes of the world The holy Father S. Francis called him before him to vnderstand the matter and circumstances and he very ioyfully recounted vnto him that God had directed and sent vnto him that hogge for the cure of the poore sicke Brother Sainct Francis exceedingly admiring sayd vnto him Ah Brother Iuniperus you haue this day caused a great scandall for the master of the hogge hath bin here and in all fury hath giuen vs infinite reproaches but I acknowledge that he hath reason and doe feare he will defame vs ouer all the citty Wherfore I command you vpon obedience to run after him to aske him pardon and to assure him that he shal be satisfied for his losse and especially so to deale with him as he be not scandalized att vs. Brother Iuniperus much admiring that any one should be moued to choller vpon so charitable a worck considering it to be apparant that temporall goodes are giue of God but for vse of charity he answeared Doubt not Father but I will presentlie appease him in such sort as he shalle haue no cause to complaine of such a charity done as more concerneth God then himselfe Which sayd he went in great hast to seeke out the master of the hogge whome hauing found full of choller he related vnto him how and for what cause he had cutt off his hogges foot then added that he ought to thanck him because thereby he had giuen him occasion of meritt in an act so pleasing vnto God as by his meane was accomplished In meane while the man abused him and grew into such fury as he was euen ready to strike him but the good Religious fell at his feet embraced him and besought him for the loue of God to pardon him which manner of proceeding so mollified his hart that hauing apparantlie seene and perceaued his simplicity and that what he had done proceeded merely of charitie and not of malice or to doe him a mischiefe as the deuill had put in his head he entred into himselfe and repented that euer he had iniuryed the Religious and asked them pardon acknowledging himselfe auaricious and ingratefull for the benefittes he had receiued of God in satisfaction wherof he presentlie killed the hogge and causing him to be conueniently dressed he sent him to the Religious that for the verie loue of God they might eat him in satisfaction of the iniuries vttered against them and thenceforward was very deuout and liberall to the poore of IESVS CHRIST How Brother Iuniperus gaue all he had and could haue for the loue of God
he accompanied the Guardian euen to the place of the citty where he was and there fell on his knees before him and bitterly weeping besought him before all the people to pardon him The vertuous Religious did not only pardon him but gaue him thanckes for being occasion of his meritt towardes God yea and thenceforwd he tooke it so gratefully that remayning in the Couent of the said place to cure and ease the torments he had endured many honorable personnes presenting him many small commodities he alwayes sent the most worthie and excellent to the Earle affirming that he did not acknowledge himselfe more obliged to any man in the world then to him because he had not found any that had more accomplished his desires then he The earle on the contrary said that he knew therby that God would shortly end his enormous sinnes and that he should not liue long sith he had so vnworthely tormented an innocent and so sainct-like a man though he knew him not and that God would punish him for it Wherin he was not deceaued for a litle after he was slaine by his ennemies Now this singuler fact may notifie vnto vs the patience of Brother Iuniperus the excellencie of the vertues which God discouered in him with what faith hope humility and fortitude he was armed and the crosse which he carryed in himselfe and wherin only he glorified and the small gaine the deuill gott of him in this combatt where he was subdued by the patience of Brother Iuniperus more like to that of IESVS CHRIST then to that of Iob. Wherein appeareth how truly the holy Doctors affirme that almighty God is such a louer of our profitt and our glory which is purchaced by labour in his seruice that he denyeth it onlie to those who make themselues incapable to receaue it Of a Companion of Brother Iuniperus and that was vnder his gouernement THE XLIV CHAPTER BRother Iuniperus in his age had a companion that was so obedient and of such patience that were he beaten and tormented a whole day together he would neuer vtter a word of complaint He was sent to begge att their houses who were knowne not to be charitable but to be churlish scoffers and iniurious to the Religious whither he would willingly goe and with an admirable patience support the affrontes and iniuries offered vnto him If Brother Iuniperus commanded him to weep he would obey if he commanded him to laugh he would incontinently laugh He being dead Brother Iuniperus bitterly wept for this his deere companion affirming that in this life there remayned vnto him nothing of worth and that in the death of this Brother the world was as it were ruined so much did he loue and esteeme the vertue of the patience and mortification of this great seruant of God and his foster child How Brother Iuniperus in prayer saw the glory of God and of his death THE XLV CHAPTER AFter the death of this Religious the glorious Brother Iuniperus being very vigilant and feruent in prayer and deep contemplation seemed to hate the world and already to dye with desire to goe to the other life such was his endeauour to ascend vnto almighty God Being one time in the quier att masse he was so rapt in extasie that the seruice being ended the Religious left him alone where he so remayned a long time and when he was retourned to himselfe he came to the Religious to whome with a notable feruour of spiritt he vttered these wordes Ah my Brethren why doe not we conceaue a pleasure to endure a litle labour and paine to gaine eternall life After that he vttered many thinges of high consequence touching the humility which deserueth the glory of the elect These wordes gaue sufficient cause to iudge that he had had some communication of heauen And in the end the true and worthie disciple of sainct Francis and singular freind of saincte Clare who called him the passetime of IESVS CHRIST because she found in him great consolation of spiritt and would haue him neere att her death this good and holy Religious I say after he had many yeares liued in great perfection in this desert passed from this life to the other and was by almighty God transported into his glory He was buryed att Rome in the Couent of Aracaeli The life of Brother Simon of Assisium the Disciple of sainct Francis Of the holy conuersation of Brother Simon THE XLVI CHAPTER BRother Simon of Assisium was called of God to holy Religion in the life time of S. Francis This Religious was by the diuine Maiesty endwed with such abondance of grace and raysed to such a high degree of contemplation that his whole life was a mirrour of sanctity and represented to all the image of the bounty of God according to the testimony of them that conuersed with him He rarely went out of his cell and if sometime he conuersed with his brethren his discourse was altogether of God He alwayes sought solitary places and though he had neuer learned the grammer nor other humane sciences he neuertheles discoursed so sublimely of God and of the most sweet loue of IESVS CHRIST that his wordes seemed rather Angelicall then humane Brother Iames of Massa and some other Religious went one euening with him into a wood to discourse of almighty God and Brother Simon so sweetly discoursed of the diuine loue that hauing spent all the night in that holy discourse and the breake of day alredy appearing it seemed to them that he did but thē begin When this Religious perceaued the comming of any diuine visitation he would cast himselfe on his bed as to sleep or as sicke of the disease of the Espouse who sayth in the Canticles Tell my beloued I languish for his loue Sometimes in the said diuine visitations he was so eleuated in God that he remayned insensible of worldly thinges so that a Religious once desiring to trye whiles he was in extasie if he had any feeling tooke a burning coale and putt it on his bare foot wherewith he did not only not come to himselfe nor felt the heat of the fier but the coale dyed on his foot without leauing any signe of burning The Sainct accustomed when he did eat with the Religious to feed them spiritualy with the word of God before they receaued their corporall refection How Brother Simon deliuered a Nouice from the temptation of the flesh and how the Nouice became perfect in charity and of his death THE XLVII CHAPTER THis good Father discoursing one day of almighty God with such feruour declared the obligation which we haue to his diuine Maiesty and to our owne saluation that a wordly yong man there present resolued to leaue the world and to become religious he was borne att Senseuerin a citty in the kingdome of Naples foorthwith tooke the habitt of Frere a Minor But the deuill by whose blowing the flames of temptations are enkindled enflamed this Nouice with so great
a heat and sting of sensuality that loosing all hope of force to ouercome so great a temptation he diuers times required his apparell of the sayd Father Simon to retourne to the world affirming that he could no longer remaine in Relligion but the good Father comforted him and still deferred him to an other time Neuertheles his temptations encreased daily And as one day he exceedingly vrged him to permitt him to depart out of relligion this holy Father hauing compassion of him commanded him to sitt downe by him which the nouice hauing done he layd his head on his lappe then lifting his eyes towardes heauen he with such feruour prayed for him that being rapt in extasie he was heard in such sort that the Nouice was so deliuered of his temptations that thenceforward his sensuall heat was tourned into the fier of charity wherof he made demonstration after he had made his vow by this accident A lewd fellow was condemned for his misdeedes to haue his eyes crushed out this Religious hauing heard report hereof moued with charity towardes his neighbour went and most instantly prayed the iudge to temper iustice with mercy and to mittigate the sentence giuen against that criminell The Iudge answeared that he could not This good Religious then fell on his knees before the Iudge and with tearfull eyes besought him that the sentence then might be executed on himselfe in regard that the party condemned would not endure the torment nor support the disgrace so patiently as himselfe The Iudge moued with such wordes and admiring the Charity of this Religious pardoned for that time the malefactor This holy Father being in prayer in a solitary place many birdes came ouer him and by their singing made so great a noyse as they distracted him Wherfore he commanded them in the name of God to depart and they redily obeyed The houre of death of this worthy seruant of God being att length come and his yeares being accomplished he yelded his soule to his Creatour adorned with vertues and sanctity He was buryed in the Couent of Spoletum where his notable merittes haue bin manifested he hauing obtayned many graces of God for the comfort and benefitt of infinitie personnes that haue implored him as their intercessour The life of the glorious Father Brother Christopher Of the mortification charity abstinence and affliction of body of the glorious Brother Christopher THE XLVIII CHAPTER THe venerable Brother Christopher was borne in Romania he was Preist before he entierly left the world to follow IESVS CHRIST he was moued thervnto by the example predication of S. Francis who hauing admitted him to the habitt and profession of the Frere Minors sent him into France to the Prouince of Gascone the yeare 1219. there to edifie soules and to plant the seed of Religion This Father was of a profound humility and simplicity especially pittifull to the afflicted He succoured assisted and serued the leapers with great deuotion and dilligence washing their feet dressing their soares and vlcers making their beddes paring their nayles and giuing them comfort in all their necessities But how much he was pittifull in the behalfe of others as charity commanded him so much was he seuere and rigorous to himselfe weakening him selfe by continuall fastes and wearing a grosse hairecloth hauing besides for a long time worne a coat of maile the more to torment his flesh His perseuerance in rigour of life was such that being an hundred yeares old he did eat but once a day except the sondayes and principall feastes of the yeare so that albeit his body grew old and decayed he was neuettheles alwayes yong and firme in vertues Notwithstanding such mortifications and abstinences he had a face very cheerfull for the interiour ioy shined and appeared exteriourly and the most sweet and gracious loue of his hart towardes his God made all the afflictions sweet which his body endured Of the diuine consolations which he receaued in prayer and att Masse THE XLIX CHAPTER THis holy Religious neuer spent his time idly but euer employed himselfe either in prayer or reading or in manuall exercise in the garden or in some other seruice necessary to relligion He was wery dilligent in prayer and had the grace of shedding many teares And that he might the more commodiously apply himselfe to prayer he made choice of a very litle cell made of earth and boughes of trees separate frome the others wherin he spent most of his time which was a thing in manner generall to the first Fathers of that time and there was he often visited diuinely as also the glorious Virgin Mary appeared vnto him one time with her mother S. Anne comforted him that was particulerly deuout vnto them He euery day said masse with great deuotion and abondance of teares which was very gratefull to IEVS CHRIST as by the sequell appeareth This venerable Brother saying masse one morning one of the candels on the altare was casually putt out and there was seene a light instantly to discend from heauen that lightened it againe There was often seene a white pigeon houering ouer his head whiles he said masse the Religious that serued and assisted him did often see it he was a yong man very neat and an innocent disciple of his called Brother Peter who hauing forsaken his kinred his friendes his patrimony and all the world besides on whose fallacious and deceiptfull apparences he would not relye entred into the Religion of Frere Minors where he ascended to such sanctity that in regard of his pure simplicity he merited often times to see and speake with his good Angell Gardien The first time that he saw the pigeon discend vpon the head of the glorious Br. Christopher not knowing what it signified he sought to driue it away wherin he exceedingly troubled his master who was enforced to will him to lett it alone and therby it was knowne what it was This venerable Father one time calling to minde his sinnes committed in the world extremely feared the punishment they deserued conformably to that which the scripture sayth Happy is he that alwayes feareth and therfore he prayed this Angelicall yong man Br. Peter whose conscience he knew very well to demaund of his familier Angell his estate touching his former sinnes who made him this answeare Tell Brother Christopher he need not feare his sinnes past because God hath pardoned them entierly But lett him striue to perseuer in his good worckes begun that he may meritt eternall life The rest of this Chapter is inserted in the end of the 71. chapter of the second booke being a vision that this holy Father had of the death of Sainct Francis Of some miracles wrought by this glorious Br. Christopher in his life time THE L. CHAPTER ALthough this holy mā did not publikely ascend into the pulpitt to preach the word of God yet did he deliuer it to such people as he conuersed withall giuing them profitable admonitions accompanyed with seuere reprehensions so
seemed to sleep He dyed in the citty of Cahors the yeare of grace 1272. hauing spent fifteen yeares in the Order of the Frere Minors att six of the clock att night the Eue of Alsaintes to reigne eternally with them Att the very houre of his death two Religious women ancient both in Relligion and vertues did testifie to haue heard Angelicall musike exceedingly mellodious accompanying the soule of this worthy seruant of God vnto heauen A man of the third Order of that citty in a vision saw the soule of this glorious Father att the hower of his departure carryed by Angels with great ioy into Paradise The same night a Burgesse of Cahors called Peter saw in vision the soule of this holy Father sitting on a very resplendant couch that did spread and sparckle glittering beames as the sunne of whome demaunding who he was I am said he the soule of Br. Christopher that haue left my body on earth and am goeing to heauen This man sodenly awaked and arising likewise awakened all his familie to whome he recounted his vision then went to the monastery where he found the body of the holy Father alredy according to the custome carryed into the Church thence to be enterred else where The day following the death of this holy Father being diuulged there repayred such a cōcourse of people to see this blessed body that he could not be taken out of the handes of those that desired to touch him to kisse teare off part of his habitt to keepe for reliques and to demaund some grace of God by the merittes of him that had worne it This body being with much a doe att length takē out of the Church embalmed with precious liquours and aromaticall oyntments it was on the third day putt in a coffin of wood and enterred in the Church of the Frere Minors with great solemnity and reuerence Of the dead raysed by the inuocation of this sainct THE LIII CHAPTER ALmighty God voutsafed also to demōstrate the exceeding great miracles which by the merittes of this his gratefull seruant he wrought in the bishopprick of Cahors for a mother hauing casually left her child vpon a bridge he fell into the water and was drowned The mother seeing her child dead filled all the village with compassion of the sorrow and griefe which by her extreme lamentation she did discouer Att length she had recourse to S. Christopher to whome she vowed to visitt his sepulcher and to present vnto it an image of waxe if he would raise her sonne The vow being made the child began to moue his lippes then to open his eyes and by the merittes of such an intercessour in presence of many people he retourned to life and ●afety A creature being wrested dead out of the mothers wombe was restored to life by the prayers and intercessions of this sainct who was exceedingly importuned and induced thervnto by those that were present In the same citty a mother had layd her child of two yeares old in bed betweene her husband and her selfe but awaking she found the child smothered and dead after many regreets she made vow to S. Christopher that if by his intercession the child might reuiue she would carrie it to his sepulcher and there would present a light and image of waxe Which vow being made the child began to gape then to moue the armes and att length opening his eyes it retourned to life In the same citty and after the same manner the S. being inuocated for a dead child by the father who was deuout vnto him in these tearmes O saint of God rayse my daughter and I promise thee to carry her to thy sepulcher where I will offer there an altare cloth and an image of waxe she vpon this vow retourned to life and the Father and others present gaue thanckes to almighty God and to the S. In a towne called Concet neere to the said citty there was a youg man so weakened with a continuall feauer that he was generally esteemed for dead no motion could be perceaued in him not so much as of his pulse wherfore his mother in extreme affliction perceauing all humane helpe to faile had recourse to almighty God whome she inuocated by the merittes of S. Christopher of whome she had heard many miracles recounted to restore her sonnes health vowing to carry him to his sepulcher there to present an altare cloth and an image of wax The effect was admirable for the presenting of her vow being finished he began to amend and in short time was entierly cured to the great astonishment and content of all his friendes and kinred who fayled not to giue thanckes to God and to accomplish their vow Health was also restored to an other yong man called Iohn desperatly sick att Cahors in the manner aforesayd A Relligious of the Order of S. Clare called Sister Mary being so extremely weakened with sicknes that she could not remoue her selfe in her bed nor much lesse take her rest therin she expected only death but hauing heard it reported that the holy Father Christopher was deceassed and that he wrought infinite miracles she bitterly lamenting presented vnto him this request O holy Father that hast often heard my confession pray vnto almighty God if thou please that I may recouer my health to serue him Which spoaken she fell into a sweet sleep from whence the next morning she awakened full of comfort and consolation and went to the quier to communicate with her other sisters who theratt were much amazed and afterwardes they all together gaue thanckes to the omnipotent bounty of God and to his holy intercessour by whose merittes he so compassionatly assisteth those that addresse their petitions vnto him Of other miracles wrought in the cure of many dangerous and incurable diseases THE LIV. CHAPTER VPon the Mount Abban in the bishopprick of Cahors a child reduced neere vnto death and his mother extremely afflicted by dispaire of her sonnes recouery which hauing exceedingly weakened her by the great wearines of labour that this sicknesse causer her she fell into a litle sleep wherin she heard a voice that sayd vnto her Woman feare no more but make a vow for thy sonne to S. Christopher and God by his merittes will cure him This woman awaking and hauing made her vow her sonne was cured and the mother carryed him to the sepulcher of the sainct wher she thancked God and her Intercessour for it A woman of the said citty of Cahors called Valeria was so sick that the Phisitians iudged her as dead and withall had alredy lost her speech and the motion of all her members and was as black as pitch a priest also comming to heare her confession was constrayned to retourne without vsing his function for she could neither speake heare nor make any signes But her kinred and freindes that were present greiued att the losse of a woman whome they cordially loued fell deuoutly on their knees lifted vp their ioyned
thou bestow on him that should giue thee feet and he answeared that he would giue him an hundred duckettes if he had so much And if one would giue thee handes he answeared he would giue him al his welth moueables immoueables If one would giue thee eyes to him sayd he I would oblige my selfe in seruice al my life You must now thē brother that in this world God hath giuen thee feet handes and eyes and the whole body with all thy tēporall and spirituall substance therfore thou must endeauour to please him and to acknwledge such and so many benefites for which thou oughtest to serue him all the time of thy life A discourse of Faith THE XXIII CHAPTER ALl the thinges that can be seene related or imagined are as nothing in comparison of those that cannot be seene heard or cōceaued All the wisest and most holy personnes that haue bin are and shal be who haue spoaken and shall speake of God haue sayd nothing nor can say any thing in comparison of what he is no more then the point of a needle in respect of the heauens the earth and all the creatures therein contayned yea a thousand times lesse Two Religious of the Order of S. Dominick one day visiting Brother Giles and discoursing which him of faith one of them sayd sainct Iohn the Euangelist hath recorded many merueilous thinges of God Wherto the holy Father answeared Brother S. Iohn hath sayd nothing of God The Religious replyed Father consider well if you please what you say for S. Augustin is of opinion that if S. Iohn had spoaken more highly of God no mortall man could aue vnderstood him Br. Giles then againe I tell you brother and once againe I tell you that S. Iohn hath said litle or nothing of God These Religious being much troubled and scandalized att the holy Father would needes be gon and tourning away Br. Giles stayed them and shewed them a very high mountaine whereon was the oratory of Cettone neere where vnto they then were and sayd vnto them If there were one mountaine made of a thousand together so great as that you see and att the foot therof a litle bird did eat of it tell me brethren I pray you how much would he diminish of that mountaine euery day euery month euery yeare yea in an hundred yeares they answeared him that in a thousand yeares he would consume so litle as should not be perceaued The holy Father thervpō inferred Know you my Brethren that the eternall diuinity is so immensiue and is a mountaine of such eminent hight that S. Iohn who was as a bird hath said litle or nothing in comparison of the greatnes of God These Religious acknowledgeing how prudently Brother Giles had spoaken fell att his feet confessing their errours and so retourned exceedingly edified Br. Giles one day discoursing of spirituall matters with a lawyer that was a Iudge in some place O Iudge sayd he beleeue you that the recompenses which God promiseth his seruantes are great the Iudge answeared he did Br. Giles proceeding sayd I will proue that you doe not How much are you worth the iudge answeared about a thousād crownes Well said the Father se now how you beleeue it only in wordes for tel me if you could giue your thousand crownes for an hūdred thousand would you not esteeme it a great gaine would you not presently employ them I beleeue you would and yet you will not giue them for the kingdome of heauen What followeth then but that you doe not much esteeme nor much valew the glory of the heauenly kingdome in regard of the friuolous follies of this world And the reason is because you haue no liuely faith Yet the Iudge vnwilling to yeld replyed to Br. Giles Father beleeue you that euery one worcketh as much as he beleeueth the holy Father answeared he that beleeueth well and perfectly worcketh and perfo●meth worckes correspondente as did the sainctes who did all the good they could and haue accomplished by pious desires what they could not performe in effect And if one haue a perfect and liuely fai●h he would arriue to that estate as God would giue him a perfect knowledge and assurance euen of diuine thinges as sayth the Apostle to the Romanes I am sure that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers neither thinges present nor things to come neither might nor height nor depth nor other creature shal be able to separate vs from the charity of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. And the man that assuredly hopeth this eternall soueraine recompence doth not regard any afflictiō as on the contrary no good can satisfie him that despaireth of the eternal good in so much as a sinner should neuer despaire of the mercy of God whiles he hath life cōsidering that there is no tree so thorny disordered but men if they list can prune and rectifie it Much lesse can there be so great a sinner in the world as that God cannot adorne him with his graces and vertues A discours of Charity and of what the Prophet meant when he said that all his friendes did deceaue him THE XXIV CHAPTER CHarity is the principall of all the vertues happy is he that feeleth not in himselfe any disgust of the thinges which he ought alwayes to desire Brother Giles put this question to a Religious with whome he was very familier doe you beleeue that I loue you the Religious answeared he did Wel then said the holy Father beleeue it no more for a creature ought not sincerely to loue but the Creatour who is pure and infinite An other Religious said to the holy Father I beseech you Father make me vnderstād how that must be interpreted which the Prophet saith Euery friend deceiueth Wherto he answeared I deceiue you in that I doe not search your good as I doe mine owne For the more I repute your good to be mine owne the lesse shall I deceaue you the more a man reioyceth att his neighbours good the more doth himselfe participate therin therfore if you desire to participate therof striue to reioyce therat to procure Charity is the truest most sure way of saluation sith that therby one doth not only reioyce att the good of his neighbour but is also grieued att his crosses he beleeueth and iudgeth well of others and euill of himselfe he honoureth others and mispriseth himselfe He that will not honour an other shall not be honoured and he that knoweth not himselfe shall not be knowne he that will not weary himselfe shall not repose also the greatest of all labours and the most meritorious is to labour in piety and benignity he that doeth a good worck without loue and charity is not gratefull to God nor to his sainctes but he that for the loue of God maketh himselfe poore of temporall substance shal be rich of such as are celestial A man then ought
to choose and loue diuine thinges and misprise particuler thinges for what can be greater then to know how to prayse the benefitts of God and to check himselfe for his proper malice I would I had bin taught in this schoole from the beginning of the world and there would study to the end therof if I were so long to liue there to contemplate the prayse dew to the benefites of God and the reprehension and chasticement due to my euill worckes True it is that if I must committ an errour I had rather it were in the consideration of my wickednes then in the acknowledgement of the benefites receaued of God For if we see many that for some litle seruice done them retourne many prayses and thanckes how much more are we obliged in that kind of acknowledgemēt vnto almighty God And in deed a man ought neuer to make any comparison with this loue towardes him that hath a will to deliuer vs from all miseryes and to conduct vs to the fruition of al good and that would euen dye to procure vs to liue A discourse of humility THE XXV CHAPTER A Man cannot attaine to the knowledge of God but by meane of humility sith that the true way to ascend on high is to debase ones selfe All the euils and all the ruines of this world proceed of pride as is seene in the euill Angell and in the first man wherof the one was created in heauen and the other in Paradice which also may be obserued in the Pharisie spoaken of in the Ghospel and in many others And on the contrary all good that euer hath bin done hath bin wrought by humility as is remarqued in the most sacred Virgin in the Publican in the Theefe and others But good God why doe we not ordinarily carry on our shoulders some weighty burthen to crush downe our hard head and to debase and humble it A Religious one day demaunding of Br. Giles how one might shunne pride he answeared Brother wash your handes put your mouth where your feet are consider your sinnes and haue contrition for them and then often incline your selfe towardes the ground Wretched is he that desireth glory and honour for his owne sinnes vanities A man is ascended to an high degree of humility when he acknowledgeth that himselfe is contrary to his owne good I also esteeme it a branch of humility to yeld to an other and not to appropriat to ones selfe I dare affirme that as one ought to attribute to God all goodnes as proper vnto him so to our selues all euill Happy is he that sheweth himselfe so vile before mē as he is before God Happy is he that walketh faithfully vnder the obediēce and iudgement of an other as the holy Apostles did after they were replenished with the holy Ghost He that will haue peace and tranquillity in him lett him repute al men greater then himselfe Happy is he that desireth not to be seene in his wordes and behauiours that are commendable but rather in the compunction and abiection wherin the diuine grace putteth him He that is the holyest man in the world and reputeth himselfe most vile he hath true humility Humility knoweth not how to speake and dareth not be talkatiue Humility is like the brightnes of heauen for as of the same brightnes and of vapours doe proceed thunders and earth quakes wherof in an instant no more is seene so humility doth ruine vices wickednes and the high toures of her ennemy pride and then causeth a man after the performance of great matters to repute himselfe nothing By humility a man findeth the grace of God and peace with men For euen as if a mightie Prince would send his owne daughter into a farre country he would not mount her on a restiue and proud horse but on a gentle nagge that shall amble easily and securely euen so God as soueraine king giueth not his grace to the proud but only to the humble A discourse of the seare of God THE XXVI CHAPTER THe holy feare of God expelleth out of man impious worldly feare and is the guard of those goodes which cannot be expressed not so much as by imaginatiō But to haue this feare is a speciall gift not graunted to all He that feareth nor sheweth that he hath nothing to loose The feare of God guideth and gouuerneth man and causeth him to find grace with his diuine maiesty by which whē he hath receaued this feare he conserueth it and hauing lost it doth recouer it All reasonable creatures that haue forgotten themselues in foule disorders had neuer fallen therinto if they had this gift of God which is proper vnto the sainctes And the more one is replenished with grace the more is he humble and fearfull Now albeit this vertue is least esteemed of men yet is it not therfore lesse then others for a man that in regard of his enormous offences committed against God is worthy of death cannot haue any assurance wherwith to shew himselfe in his diuine presence Happy then is he who acknowledgeth that to dwel in the world is to be in a prison and that there one daily offendeth God A man should alwayes feare that pride conduct him not into hell Thou oughtest to haue feare of thy selfe and thy like and to carry thy selfe respectiuely and warily for a man that liueth in the middest of his ennemies cannot be in perfect assurance Our flesh is our ennemy which with the deuill is continually aduerse to our soule A man should more feare to be surmonted and ouercome by his owne malice then by any other thing for it is impossible for a man to ascend to the glory of God or there to perseuer without a holy feare Not to haue it is a signe of perdition This feare causeth one to obey with humility and to stoope euē to the earth vnder the yoke of holy obedience and he that hath the greater feare is the more deuout in prayer and he that hath the grace to pray hath obtayned no litle grace of God The worckes of men appeare they neuer so great ought not to be iudged by humane iudgement but according to the diuine will and institution Therfore ought we my Brethren in IESVS CHRIST euer to liue in feare A discourse of Patience THE XXVII CHAPTER HE that for the loue of God could support with patience all afflictions should in short time obtaine abondance of graces and should be Lord of this world and haue one foot in the other All thee good and euill which a man doeth he doth it of himselfe therfore thou shouldest not be scandalized if one doe thee iniury but shouldest rather haue compassion of him Support iniuryes patiently for the loue thou owest to thy neighbour how much a man is prepared for the loue of God to endure abuses and affrontes so great is he before his diuine maiesty and no more and how much he is feeble and weakely prepared to support the same thinges
so much lesse is he in the presence of God and doth not know what God is If thou heare any one speake ill of thee assist him if he speake well of thee referre that to God If thou wilt make thy part the better make it ill and that of an other good I meane thou must praise the worckes and good wordes of others and blame thine owne If thou wilt gaine loose for in the end when thou shalt thinck to haue gained thou shalt find that thou hast lost because this way is such that though it seeme to lead to saluation it tendeth to perdition We doe not orderly support afflictions and therfore are not fitt to receaue and support spirituall consolations Doe not wrong or iniury to any and if it be offred to thee support it patiently for the loue of God and in remission of thy sinnes for it is more meritorious to suupport a great iniury for the loue of IESVS CHRIST without murmure then to feed euery day an hundred poore people and to fast much and austerely What doth it profitt a man to misprise himselfe to afflict his body by fastinge to pray to watch and to vse discipline if after all that he cannot support an iniury done by his neighbour for which he should receaue a greater recompence then for whatsoeuer he could endure by his owne election To support tribulations and afflictions without murmure doth exceedingly purge the sinnes of a man yea more then doeth a great effusion of teares and therfore happy is he that supporteth all these afflictions patiently in regard that he shall reape therby a great fruit of consolation Happy is he that neither hath nor desireth any consolation from whatsoeuer creature vnder heauen He doth not hope for any recompence from God that is humble and peaceable only when althinges succed according to his will He that hath alwayes his sinnes before his eyes will not faile to make his profitt of all the afflictions that befall him Thou must acknowledge all the good thou hast to proceed from God and all the euill from thy sinnes for if one man had done all the good deedes that all the men in the world haue done doe or shall doe withall that if he duely cōsider himselfe he shall find himselfe meerly aduerse to his owne good This holy Father being demaūded by a Religious what one should doe if those great tribulations forespoaken by our Sauiour to arriue att the day of the generall iudgement should come to passe in our time he answeared If the heauens should raine sharpe stones and flintes they could not hurt vs if we were such as we should be Know brother if a man persist in his duety all the euill that he can endure will turne to his good for as to him that hath a disordered will the good doth tourne into euill so to him that hath a pure will the euill doth tourne into good And all good is interiour in man so that it cannot be seene The grieuous infirmities great labours and molestfull offences which we endure cause the euill spirittes which are about vs to fly If thou wilt be saued neuer seeke to haue iustice don thee against any creature whatsoeuer because holy and vertuous personnes thinck only how to doe well and to endure euill If thou acknowledge to haue offended God the Creatour of althinges acknowledge also thy desert to be persecuted by all creatures which reuenge the iniuryes thou hast don to their Creatour Therfore oughtest thou with much patience to support to be crossed afflicted by all creatures thou hauing no reason to alleadge against them in regard that thou deseruest to be corrected by them The vertue of a man that conquereth himselfe is in deed great for therby he surmounteth all his ennemies and maketh purchace of all good It were a great vertue for a man to content himselfe to be ouercome of all the men of the world for so he should become truely lord of all the world If thou wilt be saued labour to remoue from thee all hope and cogitatation of whatsoeuer consolation may arriue vnto thee by any mortall creature because the falles proceeding of consolations are greater and more ordinary then those of afflictions The nature of a horse is then esteemed noble though he fly with great fury and dexterity when he permitteth himselfe to be guided and gouerned by the discretion of the rider that stoppeth him att his pleasure and maketh him goe whither he list So when a man feeleth himselfe spurred by anger must he doe and permitt himselfe to be gouerned and directed by some one that is to correct him yea he should desire to giue as a recompence for the loue of God all that he hath to haue giuen him spurnes with the feet bastonades buffettes and to haue his beard torne off haire by haire A Religious one day in presence of Br. Giles did murmure att a rigorous obedience enioyned him to whome this holy Father said Brother the more you murmure the more you burden your selfe and with the more deuotion and humility you submitt your neck vnder the yoke of obedience the more easy and light shall you find it you will not be iniuryed in this world and yet wil be honoured in the other you will not heare a displeasing word and wil be one of the Blessed you will not labour and desire to repose But you deceaue your selfe for honour is purchaced by reproach benediction by malediction and repose by labour the prouerb being true Troutes are not taken with dry handes and therfore lett it not trouble thee if thy neighbour sometime offend thee for euen Martha that was so holy would prouoke our lord against her sister Magdalen not without reason complayning of her and neuertheles Mary was more sparing of her membres then Martha in the vse of them but she laboured more then she in contemplation though without Martha Mary had lost her speech sight hearing and tast Endeauour then to be vertuous and gratefull to our lord IESVS CHRIST and sight couragiously against vices support patiently afflictions considering that there is nothing in this world of greater meritt then to conquer ones selfe and that it is most difficult for a man to conduct his soule to God without this victory A discourse of Idlenesse THE XXVIII CHAPTER THe idle man looseth this world and the next it being impossible to purchace any vertue without diligence and labour He that may rest in a secure place should not put himselfe in a place or doubt or danger He is in a secure place that laboureth for God The yonge man that will put himselfe to paine for God doth also shunne the kingdome of heauen And if endeauour doe not further at least let not negligence be an impediment and hinderance for as idlenes is the way to hell so good worckes are the way that leadeth to heauen A man ought to be very carefull and diligent to conserue the grace he
that prayeth continually for all the people and for the holy Cittie which the sayd Religious vnderstood to be Brother Giles A woman of the citty of Perusia hauing no milke wherwith to suck her litle child had recourse to this holie Father to whome she was much deuoted but he being in extasie she could not speake vnto him And she not hauing leasure to expect came neere him where he prayed whose breast hauing with exceeding faith and deuotion touched she had milke sufficient to nource her child How God communicated to Br. Giles a most pleasing seeling of glory before this death THE XLIII CHAPTER THis holy Father a litle before his death retourning from prayer into his cell replenished with a merueillous ioy sayd to his companion My child giue me thy iudgement in this I haue found a treasure of such worth and excellency as no humane tongue can expresse and therfore my child I pray thee againe speake thine opinion therof Which he diuers times repeated with an exceeding feruour of spiritt and with such enflamed charity that he seemed to be really druncken with the wine of the loue of God and the abondance of his grace But this Religious hauing told him that it was time to goe take his refection he ioyfully answeared him My child this is a singuler refection and farre better then any other The Religious thincking to tempt him sayd Father lett vs not now thinck of these thinges but lett vs to goe to dinner Wherto the venerable Br. Giles replyed that such speech was iniurious vnto him and that he should haue done him greater pleasure to haue stricken and wounded him to the bloud Now one may piously presume that this holy soule had notice that it should shortly leaue the flesh to enioy that notable treasure of eternall glory which it so much desired there to haue fruition and tast of the most sacred presence of our Sauiour IESVS CHRIST About that time a Religious told him that the holy Father S. Francis had sayd that the seruant of God should alwayes desire to end his life by martyrdome wherto he answeared For my part I respect not to die better then in contemplation Of the admirable prophesic he made of himselfe and of his death THE XLIV CHAPTER BRother Giles besides his age being wasted by grieuous insrmities as ache in his head and stomache by a very troublesome cough and burning ague so that he could neither eat sleep nor repose The Cittizens of Perusia out of great deuotion towardes him sent many armed men to guard him that being dead his body might not be buryed other where well knowing that he did not only desire but would order to be buryed att our Lady of Angels Vnderstanding then that he was guarded with armed men with great seruour of spiritt he vttered these wordes Brethren tell the Perusians that the belles shal neuer ring for my canonization nor for any miracle of mine and that they shall haue no other signe but that of the Prophet lonas Which the Perusians vnderstanding they answeared they would haue him in their cittie though he should not be canonized and so the eue of sainct George att the houre of Mattins as soone as the Religious had layed him on a bed to repose hauing receaued the holy sacramentes ordayned by the Church without any acke of his body that might discouer and make appeare the agony of his death only shutting his mouth and eyes this contemplatiue soule was dissolued from the body with great repose God hauing for all eternity eleuated it vnto his glory This holy Father departed this life the yeare of grace 1260. and of his conuersion to Religion 52. haning merited to ascend vnto heauen their to raigne eternally the same day that he receaued the habitt of the holy Father sainct Francis becomming his true follower and disciple The Perusians after death seeking stones to make him a tombe found a sepulchre of marble wherin was carued the history of the Prophett Ionas where they layd his body according as he had prophesied Of the reuelation of the glory of this S. THE XLV CHAPTER A Person of notable sanctity saw in vision the holy Br. Giles accōpayned with a great number of soules of Religious others that then were dead and comming out of Purgatory they with him ascēded into heauē He saw our lord IESVS CHRIST with a great multitude of Angels that came to receaue him with musicke exquisitely melodious made by those Angelicall quiers these blessed soules were with great honour entertayned of our Redeemer into his kingdome were he seated them on a seat of merueillous glory Att the same time that Br. Giles was sicke of his last sicknes an other Religious fell also sick euen to death who was instantly prayed by a third Religious his Friend that if it should please God to call him he would reueale vnto him his estate if the diuine Maiesty would permitt it which the sick Religious promised Wherfore he dying the same day that Br. Giles did appeared to this his Religious friend and thus spake vnto him Br. giue thanckes vnto God for that it hath pleased him to graunt and giue me his glory deliuering me with many other soules from the paines of Purgatory by the merittes of Saint Giles Which sayd he vanished This Religious not daring to reueale this apparition to any fell grieuously sick But conceauing that this sicknes might be sent him for not diuulging the glory of Br. Giles he instantly called into his Couent some Frere Minors to whome and to many other Religious he recounted the foresaid apparition and was with all miraculously recouered S. Bonauenture said of this holy Br. Giles that God had giuen him one speciall grace which was that whosoeuer did inuocate him in matters concerning the saluation of their soules were heard Our lord wrought many miracles after his death by his merittes and intercession He cured three personnes of infirmities in their eyes fiue that were lame and two of paine in their feet that hindred them from mouing three of the sqinancie a woman in trauell of child two of agues one of the stone and many of diuers other diseases The end of the seauenth book and second volume of the first part of the present Chronicles THE EIGHTH BOOKE OF THE CHRONICLES OF THE FRIER MINORS WHERIN IS DESCRIBED THE LIFE OF the glorious Virgin S. Clare the institution of her rule the conuersion of S. Agnes her sister and of an other S. Agnes daughter to the king of Behomia Of the intention of our Lord in the vocation of S. Clare and of her contry her father and mother Of a reuelation vnto her mother touching her sanctity and of her birth THE FIRST CHAPTER SIX yeares after the conuersion of the holy Father S. Francis and the fourth yeare after the confirmation of his rule by Pope Innocent the third the yeare of grace 1212. the omnipotent Father of light hauing framed and sent into the world
pouerty and did manifest exteriourly in her body that her soule was interiourly replenished with diuine light In this manner did she ordinarily liue full of so supreme delightes passing ouer this deceiptfull world with her noble Spouse IESVS CHRIST and being on this wheele of motion she was theron sustayned with an assurance and firmity of vertue very stable and preserued with the celestiall eleuation of her soule in the hight of heauen keeping the treasure of glory securely shutt vp with in a vessell of flesh here below on earth This holy virgin accustomed to call vp the yonger Religious a litle before mattines and to awaken them with the ordinary signe to excite them very often to praise God All her Religious sleeping she did watch lighted the lampe rung att mattines so that negligence found no entrance into her monastery nor sloath had there any place She also by the sting of sharpe repreprehension and of her liuely and effectuall examples expelled tepedity and ircksomnes in prayer and the seruice of God How the Mores were expelled the Monastery by the prayers of S. Clare THE XIII CHAPTER THis being the place where we should record the miracles of this holy virgin it is not conuenient that we pretermitt them in silence for as the merueillous effectes of her prayer are veritable so also are they worthy of honour and reuerence In the time of the Emperour Federick the second the holy Church in diuers places endured great persecutions but particulerly in the vally of Spoletum which being subiect to the Romane Church dranck of the vessell of wrath of this mischieuous tyrant his capitaines and soldiers being scattered ouer the fieldes as grasse hoppers with sword to murder people and with fire to burne their houses The impiety of this Emperour did so augment that he had assembled all the Mores that dwelt on the mountaines and among the desertes to make himselfe the more fearefull vnto his vassels and after he had by lardge promises gayned these Mores and disposed them into diuers places he gaue them att length for retyre a very ancient but ruined citty which yet to this present is called Moura des Mores which they fortifyed and then thither retyred about twenty thousand fighting men who did much mischeife ouer all Apulia and in other Christian places These ennemies of the faith of IESVS CHRIST came one day vnexpectedly towardes the cittye of Assisium who being already close to the portes a great number of them came to the Monastery of saint Damian as a lewd and dissloyall nation that continually thirsteth after the bloud of Christians and dareth to committ indifferently all kind of execrable actes without either shame of men or feare of God These Mores then brake euen into the Monastery of sainte Clare where she was with her Religious daughters who had their hartes surprised with an extreme terrour but much more when they heard the barking and crye of those dogges so neere them so that they were euen dying with the apprehension not knowing where to seeke reliefe nor of whome to hope for deliuerance from so emminent perill but by the merittes of their holy mother Whome with infinite sighes and teares they aduertised of what they heard and saw This holy virgin though sick encouraging her Religious caused her selfe with incredible constancie to be carryed to the gate of her Monastery att the entry wherof in the sight of all her ennemies she with very great reuerence placed the most blessed sacrament of the Eucharist in the pix before which falling postrate on the earth she with abondance of teares thus spake to her beloued Spouse IESVS CHRIST Is it possible my God thy will should be that these they seruantes who cannot vse materiall weapons to defend thēselues and whome I haue here brought vp nourced in thy holy loue should now be deliuered into the power of the Infidell Mores Oh my God! Preserue thē if thou please and me likewise for albeit thy diuine Maiesty hath cōmitted thē to my gouernemēt yet is it not in my power to defend thē from so great a perill sith this protection cānot be but by a worck of thine omnipotencie Therfore doe I recōmend thē to thy diuine Maiesty with all the affection that I am able As soone as this holy virgin had sent these prayers vnto heauē she heard a voice so delicate as if it had bin of a sucking child that said I will protect you for eue● The holy mother did not yet giue ouer to present her prayers saying My God I humbly beseech thee if so it be thy holy will to preserue and defend this thy citty of Assisium which doth nourish vs for the loue it beareth to thy diuine Maiesty Wherto God answeared This citty shall suffer much but in the end I will by my fauour defend it Sainte Clare hauing heard so gracious newes lifted vp her face bathed with teares and comforted her beloued daughters saying Deere Sisters I assure you that no euill shall befall you only be carefull to haue a firme faith and confidence in IESVS CHRIST The diuine assistāce made no long delay for the presumption and rage of the Mores was incontinently cooled so that a sodaine vnknowne terrour hauing surprised them they speedily retyred ouer the walles which they had scaled and ouer leapt to enter They being thus by the vertue of the prayer of sainte Clare expelled she priuatly called the Religious that had heard the sayd voice of God and commanded them that howsoeuer it were they should not diuulge what they had heard during her life How the citty of Assisium was an other time deliuered by the prayer of this holy Virgin THE XIV CHAPTER ON an other time one of the principall Capitaines of the Emperour Federick called Vitall d'Auerse a man very ambitious of glory full of courage and a notable Capitaine conducted his troupes to besiege Assisiū and hauing encōpassed it he exposed to wast and spoile the plaine contry therabout making a totall ruine euen to the very trees which were hewed downe and then framing his siege he vttered menacing and vaunting oathes that he would not stirre thence till he had giuen the citty a victorious assault and so this siege so long continued that the besieged began to loose courage as wanting many thinges extreemely needfull vnto them Wherof this holy seruant of IESVS CHRIST being aduertised sighing in her hart she called all her Religious to whome she thus discoursed My deere sisters you know that all our necessities haue euer bin supplyed by the charity of this citty so that we should proue very vngratefull if we should not according to our ability assist them in this extreme necessity then she commanded to be broughte her ashes and all her Religious to discoife their heades and to giue them example she began to couer her bare head with ashes wherin all the other Religious following her she said Goe ye to our Lord IESVS CHRIST and with the greatest
mouth to answeare her there issued out of the fournise of his enflamed hart infinite sparckes of such sublime wordes that this holy virgin receaued therof much consolation Finally turning her Angelicall face towards her deere and beloued daughters and sisters there present bitterly weeping she recommended vnto them the pouerty of our Redeemer IESVS CHRIST in this her last passadge praysing and thancking God for the infinite benefittes which they had receaued of his diuine Maiesty which she particulerly recounted vnto them then she gaue them all her benediction also to all the Religious of her Monastery present absent and to all those that should enter into her Order There were present two companions of saint Frācis Br. Angelus who though much afflicted did yet comfort the others and the right simple Br. Leo who ceased not to kisse the bed of the holy virgin that was leuing the world who was lamēted of her daughters because they wer left orphanes were no more in this life to see their most holy mother and therfore they accōpanyed her soule vnto heauen with abōdance of teares without power to admit any other consolation then to desire to goe with her wherwith being so afflicted they could not without difficulty forbeare with their nailes to rent their faces but it not being permitted them to dischardge thēselues of such greife exteriourly it did enflame in them a more burning fire within For those espouses of IESVS CHRIST were sufficiently morified by the rigour of Religion albeit the force of greife did constraine thē to cast forth loud cryes and sighes and to power out riuers of teares The holy virgin att lenght being turned towardes thē begā very sweetly to say vnto her soule goe my soule goe sorth securely thou hast an assured guide to performe this voyage for he that is they Creatour hath sanctified thee hath alwayes conserued thee affecting thee with a tender loue equall with that of a mother towardes her child And thou my God be praysed for hauing created me A Religious sister asking her what she meant therby she answeared I speake to my blessed soule Her most glorious Spouse IESVS CHRIST was not far from her attended for her Thē tourning to one of her Religious she sayd Doe you not see my daughter the king of glory whome I see Almighty God also layd his hand on an other Religious who saw with her corporall eyes thorough the teares that distilled from them a glorious vision she being pearced thorough with the dart of sorrow cast her eyes towardes the gate of the house and saw enter a great procession of virgins richly cloathed in white hauing each one a croune of gold on their head but one of them appeared more beautifull sumptuous and glittering thē the rest For she had on her head an imperiall crowne garnished with precious stones out of whose countenāce proceeded a light so shining that it cōuerted the obscurity of the night into cleare and bright day It was with out doubt the glorious Virgin Mary Queen of virgins who came to the bed of the espouse of her sonne to whome enclining she graciously embraced her and incontinently she was couered and the bed also by the other virgins with an extreme sumptuous mantell So the day following which was the eleuenth of August this holy soule ascended to heauen there to be crowned with perpetuall glory Happy was her departure out of this miserable life sith it was her entry into that of eternall felicitie For the fastes which this S. performed in this exile she is now ioyfull and had her fill att the magnificall table of the cittizens of heauē and for the humility and basenesse of her habite she is now gloriously attired with the glory of Paradise The continuall sighes and desires which she had for the presence and loue of her deerly beloued Spouse are accomplished by the blessed vision of God face to face and by the assured fruition of the soueraigne good leauing the way open to the example of sanctity that we blinded and miserable mortall creatures reiecting these short false and deceiptfull pleasures of this world may purchase the permanent true and assured that indure eternally Of the honorable obsequies that were performed for S. Clare THE XXVII CHAPTER WHiles the soule of S. Clare departed this life the report of her deceasse was incontinently diuulged through Assisium whence both men and women in such abondance speedily flocked to the Monastery that none seemed to be left in the citty Each one presently esteemed her a sainct and called her the espouse of IESVS CHRIST accompayning their discourses with great abondance of teares of deuotion The officers of iustice repayred thither accompanyed with many warlike Champions and a great nomber of armed men which that night guarded the monastery for feare that precious treasure might be bereaued them The night following the Pope with all his Court came thither accompayned by all the neighbour people The Religious men of S. Damiā being ready to begin the office of the dead the Pope would haue to be sayd the office of the holy virgins wherin he would haue canonized her before her buryall But the Cardinall of Hostia hauing demonstrated vnto him that it was fitt in this affaire to proceed with more humane prudence the Pope permitted the sayd Religious solemnly to proceed in the office of the dead according to the custome The said Cardinall hauing taken for his text Vanitas vanitatum omnia vanitas made a very worthy and deuout sermon to manifest the vanity of thinges appertayning only to this world where he exceedingly exalted that most eminent Contemptrice of vanityes which ended all the Cardinals and other Prelates accompanied this holy body with an exemplar deuotion All the funeralles being very solemnly accomplished the cittizens of Assisium thincking it not secure that this precious treasure should remayne so farre out of their citty they caused this holy body with exceeding great pomp to be transported singing psalmes and hymnes with the sound melody of diuers musicall instrumentes and in a very solemne procession they carryed it into the Church of sainct George within their citty where the body of sainct Francis had formerly bin reposed And it was very reasonnable that he who in his life had giuen a patterne of the way of life vnto this holy virgin should as is were prophetically prepare her a place of sepulture There was then a great repaire and confluence of people frō diuers citties townes and villages vnto Assisium to thanck IESVS CHRIST and to pray vnto this blessed creature proclayming this virgin to be really a sainct and glorious who now liueth in Paradise with the Angels hauing bin already so much honoured of men on earth O blessed virgin pray now to God for vs and gaine our soules to IESVS CHRIST in heauen as thou hast conuerted and gayned so many liuing on earth The holy virgin passed this transitory life to the other of rest the yeare
hardly can I speake and this because I am corporally separated from you and my holy sisters with whome I hoped to haue happely liued and dyed in this world So farre is this my griefe from slacking that it continually encreaseth which as it had a beginning so doe I beleeue it will finde no end in this world For it is so continuall and familier vnto me that it will neuer forsake me I was persuaded that life and death should be a like without power of any separation on earth amongest them who haue one same conuersation and life in heauen and must haue one same sepulture them I say who one same and equall naturall profession and one same loue hath made sisters But as far as I can see being abandoned and afflicted on eache side I am much mistaken O my holy sisters I beseech you to be reciprocally grieued with me and lett vs weepe together I being assured that you shall neuer experience any doulour comparable to that which I now feele in being separated from them with whome IESVS CHRIST had conioyned me This griefe tormenteth me incessantly this fire burneth my hart continually so that being on each side afflicted I know what to thincke neither doth any hope remayne but to be assisted by your prayers that Almighty God easing this affliction may make it tollerable vnto me O my most gracious mother what shall I doe and what shall I say sith I know not that euer I shall see you more or likewise my sisters O that it were lawfull for me to vtter vnto you the conceiptes of my soule as I would desire or that I could open my hart vnto you on this paper then should you see the liuely and continuall dolour that tormenteth me My soule b●rneth inter●ourly being afflicted with an incessant fire of loue and my hart groneth sigheth and lamenteth with desire of your presence Myne eyes cannot haue their fill of weeping and albeit I seeke some consolation against this bitternes yet can I find none but euery thing turneth into griefe and much more when I cōsider the meanes to see you I am entierly steeped in these anguishes hauing none that can comfort me in this life but that I receaue a litle consolation from the liberal hand of our Sauiour IESVS CHRIST Which causeth me to beseech you all to giue thanckes vnto his diuine maiesty for this fauour and mercy extended towardes me and for that through his grace I finde in this Couent such concord peace and charity as by wordes cannot be expressed these sisters hauing receaued me with exceeding loue deuotion yelding me obedience with extraordinary promptitude and reuerence They all with one accord recommend themselues to our Lord IESVS CHRIST to you my sister and to all the sisters of the monastery and I recommend both my selfe and them to your prayers beseeching you as our Mother to be mindfull of them and of me as of your daughters and know you that they and I will all the dayes of our life obserue and keep your holy preceptes and aduertisementes Besides I desire you should know that the Pope hath accorded to whatsoeuer I demaunded him conformably to your intention and mine and particulerly in the matter you know viz. that we may not possesse any thing proper I beseech you my most deere Mother to procure of the R. Father Generall that he often visitt vs to comfort vs in God whose grace be with your spiritt Amen Of an extasie of S. Agnes and how S. Clare saw her thrice crowned by an Angell THE XXXVI CHAPTER SAinte Clare in her last sicknes obtained that her sister S. Agnes might come to see her in the monastery of S. Damian to keep her company during the few dayes she had to liue And so S. Agnes hauing left her Couent well grounded in Religion and sanctity she came to Assisium where sainte Clare being one night in prayer a part from her sister she neuertheles saw her being also in prayer lifted from the earth and an Angell to crowne her head three seuerall times with so many crownes The day following she demanded of her sister what player or contemplation she had made the night past But she of humility vnwilling to manifest her prayer being att length enforced by obedience made her this relation I considered the great goodnes and patience of almighty God wherby he supporteth such enormous offences of sinners which I considered with a deep sorrow and compassion Then I thought and yet doe thinck on the loue which almighty God beareth to sinners and how he endured death to saue them Thirdly I considered and doe consider and am with cōpassion exceedingly afflicted for the soules in purgatory and their great tormentes and because they cannot helpe them selues I asked mercy for them of the most sacred woundes of our Redeemer IESVS CHRIST How S. Agnes sent S. Clares vaile to the monasterie of Florence and of her death and translation to S. George of Assisium with all her Religious into a new Couent THE XXXVII CHAPTER AFter the death of sainte Clare sainte Agnes sent her black vaile which she did ordinairily weare to the poore Religious of Moūt Celi which she had founded att Florence which she did in regard of her great amity towardes them that they might inherite some reliques of sainte Clare for their comfort and deuotion That vaile is yet in the sayd monastery where it is so carefully preserued that in substance and colour it seemeth still new There is likewise to be seene in the same monastery a cloake of sainct Francis by which reliques our lord worcketh many miracles A litle after the death of sainte Clare sainte Agnes also desired to be present att the mariage of the lambe whither she was inuited but she first receaued the consolatiō which sainte Clare had promised her that before she departed out of this life she should see her Spouse IESVS CHRIST as a tast of the eternall felicities wherto she was to be eleuated and conducted by her sweet Spouse CHRIST IESVS She dyed the 56. yeare of her age replenished with perfect sanctity and being deliuered out of this prison she went to possesse the kingdome with Angels and the holy virgins that had bin consecrated to IESVS CHRIST in which glory these two sisters and daughters of Sion companions in heauen by nature and grace doe prayse God without end There assembled a great multitude of people vpon the death of sainte Agnes and they with great deuotion ascended the ladder of the monastery of sainct Damian hoping there to receaue some spirituall consolation of sanctity but it happened that the chaine which held the ladder did slip so that al those that were on it fell downe one vpon an other which made a great bruit and clamour by those that were hurt who hauing with a strong faith inuocated S. Agnes were all cured The sayd holy virgin was enterred att S. Damian but afterward was transported into the Church of