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A07143 The rosarie of our Ladie. Otherwise called our Ladies psalter With other godlie exercises mentioned in the preface. De Vos, M., artist.; Collaert, Jan, ca. 1540-1628, engraver.; Worthington, Thomas, 1549-1627. 1600 (1600) STC 17546; ESTC S120319 41,059 148

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Infant in Elizabeths vvombe leapeth for ioy of Christs preseuce And the mother admireth the great humilitie of the Mother of God 6. Aue Maria. The B. virgin after three moneth returning home appeareth to be with childe Ioseph is therwith trubled but an Angel telleth him that she hath conceiued by the Holie Ghost 7. Aue Maria. They go to Bethleem according to an Edict made by Caesar There our Lord is borne and laid in a manger the Angel sing the shepheards visitie the Infant and glorisie God 8. Aue Maria. The eight day the child is circūcised and his name called IESVS a name that is aboue al names For God in geuing vs. SAVIOVR powreth as it were vpon vs al his owne bountifulnes 9. Aue Maria. Three Sages seeing à strange and bright starre appeare come from the East to Ierusalem seeking the king of the Iewes And finding him in Bethleem they offer vnto him gold myrrhe and frankincence 10. Aue Maria. The most pure virgin not obliged therto obserueth the ceremonie of Purification presenteth her sonne in the Tēple Where Simeon ioyfully receiueth him into his armes Yet fortelleth the mother of sorowes to come Virgula ex ar●matibus mvrrhae et thurts 4. PATER NOSTER The most special tribulations and comforts of our Ladie from her Purification to the Passion of our Lord. HErod seeking to kil our Sauiour in his infancie Ioseph vvarned in sleepe by an Angel to flie into Aegipt vvith the child and his mother presently parteth away the same night In vvhich banishement for their sustenance something the holie virgin gaineth by spinning and sowing something Ioseph getteth by his carpenters art the rest they receiue of almes so much as sufficeth for their state of pouertie which they professe For hauing meate and clothes in very meane sorte they require no more And as vvel in Aegypt as after and before in this happie familie alwaies remaineth vvith singular peace à most holie contention For that euerie person humbling them selues vvil needes be much inferior to the other two IESVS being in deede Lord of heauen and earth yet liueth subiect to his mother and supposed father the B. virgin nourishing and tending her owne sonne yet honoreth him as he is also the Sonne of God and obeyeth Ioseph as her head and Lord. Ioseph helpeth and directeth them both in temporal affayres yet vvith al humble and due reuerence honoreth the Sonne as Lord and king and the mother as Ladie and Quene of men and Angels 1. Aue Maria. Herod being dead Ioseph returneth vvith the childe and his mother into the Land of Israel but fearing ARchelaus his sonne and successor in Iudea they dwel in Nazareth in Galilee 2. Aue Maria. IESVS being tvvelue yeares old remaineth in Ierusalem vnknowne to his parēts Who seeking him at night amongst their kinsfolke and not finding him returne the next day and seeke him in Ierusalem 3. Aue Maria. After three daies they find him in the Temple sitting amongst the Doctors hearing them and asking questions To his mother he answereth that he must be about his Fathers busines 4. Aue Maria. The thirtith yeare of his age he taketh leaue of his mother as no more to dwel with her About this time Ioseph dieth And so the mother virgin and widow dwelleth with her cosines 5. Aue Maria. Our Lord is baptized of Iohn fasteth fourtie daies Then calleth disciples and preacheth the kingdom of God And at his mothers instance turneth water into wine at à Mariage 6. Aue Maria. She most deuoutly heareth her sonne Diuine Sermons often seeth his Miracles diligently obserueth the diuers affections of men and continually meditateth vpon al. 7. Aue Maria. A certaine woman bursting out in middes of the troupe in praise of Christ and of his mother sayeth Blessed is the wombe that bare thee and the pappes that gaue thee sucke 8. Aue Maria. Wherunto our Lord ioyneth greater praise saying Yea blessed are they that heare the word of God and keepe it As much to say as my mother is more blessed for hearing me then for hearing me 9. Aue Maria. Seeing manie thousandes folow and admire her sonne and others busie to destroy him she remayneth stil in one state knowing farre greater matters are yet to come 10. Aue Maria. Whilest others receiue our Lord with triumph into Ierusalem as their King onlie his deare mother meditateth vpon his Passion which he is to suffer within fewe daves after Tuam ●p●●●● animam pertransibit gladius 5. PATER NOSTER The Compassion of our Ladie at our Lords Passion and death VVhat à sacred ftorehouse of al vertues the B. virgin is doth abundantly appeare in her vvhole life but most specially in the time of her sonne our Lord his Passion and death Where aboue al other vertues her feruent charitie Quene of al the rest doth most excel which neither the obstinate rancor of the high Priests Scribes Pharisees and other deadlie enimies nor the most vvicked treason of Iudas nor the extreme ingratitude of the Iewes his owne people nor the raging furie of most bloudie executioners nor anie other malice could anievvhit diminish but in deede contrariwise infinitly increased the same For how much further she seeth sinners runne in vvickednes to their euerlasting ruine so much the more she thirsteth after their repentance and saluation And therfore seeing her owne death sufficeth not to redeme mankind for vvhom she is most vvilling to yeld her life she spareth not her owne sonne as our heauēly Father spareth him not nor he him self but most freely offereth him to suffer al that the exact iustice of God requireth for the redemption of the vvhole vvorld 1. Aue Maria. Our Lord praying in the garden his B. mother also praying at home seeth in spirite and after heareth by his disciples dispersed that her sonne is takē and brought bond to Annas and to Caiphas 2. Aue Maria. She seeth also in spirite and in the morning heareth that he is falsly accused vilely and most cruelly handled beaten mocked spit vpon and by the Iewish councel iudged guiltie of death 3. Aue Maria. In the morning she vnderstandeth that he is deliuered vnto Pilate by him sent to Herod there derided and sent back Then most cruelly whipped Crowned with thornes and condemned to the Crosse 4. Aue Maria. Then going forth with S. Iohn and others she meeteth her sonne al embrued with his owne bloud crowned with thornes and carying his owne Crosse vpon his sore shoulders 5. Aue Maria. She seeth her sweete sonne fal downe vnder his Crosse Which then an other is compelled to carie lest he should die in the way before he be crucified 6. Aue Maria. She seeth her sonne and Lord being nailed through both hādes and both fee●● to the Crosse hoissed vp on height and from thence his most sacred bloud streaming downe euen to the ground 7. Aue Maria. Then she heareth him mekely pray for those that do blaspheme and crucisie him Also promise
our children Pilate fearing to offend Caesar iudgeth Christ to be crucified 8. Pater noster Taking away the scarlet robe but leauing the crowne on his head they cause him to carie his owne crosse he falleth vndet it but lest he die in the way they force an other to carie it 9. Pater noster Our Sauiour crucified betwen two theeues destitute of al temporal comforth in extreme paine sheweth exceding patience and infinite charitie towards al frends and foes 10. Pater noster After three houres al things being now consummate he yeldeth the ghost His soule presently triumpheth in limbo in the euening his bodie is honorably buried 3. Aue Maria. His constant mother aboue al others suffereth vvith him the svvord of sorovv often pearcing her hart and afflicting her vvith the paines of death The glorie of our Lord after his Passion 1. Pater noster The third day our Lord riseth gloriously from death deliuering out of limbo al the Sainctes of the old Testament appeareth first to his mother then to others disposeth manie things pertayning to the kingdome of God 2. Pater noster The fourtith day he ascendeth into heauen sitteth on the right hand of his Father our singular and proper Aduocate by whom we haue manie intermediators and intercessors 3. Pater noster Vpon Whitsunday he sendeth the Holie Ghost in visible signes By whom he gathereth gouerneth sanctifieth conserueth and glorifieth his Church continually to the end of the world Credo in Deum OVR Lord IESVS CHRIST who before al worlds was ordained to be the Redeemer of mankind Who at the time appointed was borne of the virgin MARIE in great humilitie and pouertie who sustayned most great labours calling al men to penance inuiting al by example and word to grace desirous to saue al who after infinite traualies reproches and torments at last suffered the most ignominious and most bitter death vpon the Crosse who finally is gloriously risen from death ascended into heauen from thence sent the Holie Ghost who continually conserueth and sanctifieth his Church in earth The selfe same Lord and Redemer wil come againe in great powre and Maiestie Iudge of al Angels and men And wil render to euerie one according as they shal deserue wel or euil euerlasting paine or euerlasting glorie AMEN A briefe Rosarie of fiftene Pater nosters and Aues with one Crede in memorie of eight ioyes and seuen sorovves of the most B. Virgin MARIE In nomine Patris Filij ✚ Spiritus Sancti Blessed be the most holie and indiuisible Trinitie novve and euer vvorld vvithout end Amen 1. Pater Aue. The first ioy The Annunciation and Conception of Christ wherby God is made man and the B. virgin the mother of God 2. Pater Aue. The second ioy The B. Virgin visiting S. Elizabeth the infant in Elizabeths wombe both the mothers Zacharias their kins folke and neighbours do al reioyce 3. Pater Aue. The third ioy Our Sauiour is borne the Angels sing the shepheards visite the Infant the Sages adore him 4. Pater Aue. The fourth ioy Presenting her sonne in the Temple Simeon ioyfully taketh the childe into his armes he and holie Anne do prophecie 5. Pater Aue. The first sorowe Ioseph vvith the childe and his mother flie into Aegypt parting avvay by night 6. Pater Aue. The second sorowe Our Sauiour being tvvelue yeres old is lost three dayes his parents seking him vvith great griefe 7. Pater Aue. The third sorowe In the thirtith yere of his age our Lord taketh leaue of his mother as no longer to dvvel in her familie Ioseph also dieth 8. Pater Aue. The fourth sorowe The B. Virgin heareth that her sonne is takē cruelly handled vvhipped crovvned with thornes and cōdēned to be crucified 9. Pater Aue. The fith sorowe The afflicted mother meteth her sonne carying his Crosse and seeth him fal dovvne vnder it 10. Pater Aue. The sixt sorowe She seeth her sonne crucified betvven tvvo theeues and after extreme paines to yeld the ghost 11. Pater Aue. The seuenth sorowe She taketh his bodie in her armes And it is taken from her againe and buried 12. Pater Aue. The fifth ioy Our Sauiour rising from death first of al appeareth to his deare mother 13. Pater Aue. The sixt ioy The blessed mother reioyceth aboue al others for her sonnes Ascension and exaltation in heauen 14. Pater Aue. The seuenth ioy She also reioyceth most for the coming of the Holie Ghost and is thervvith most abundantly replemshed 15. Pater Aue. The eight ioy The glorious mother of God is both in soul and bodie assumpted into heauen and exalted aboue al the orders of Angels OVR Lord IESVS CHRIST in whom there could neuer be anie sinne And the most blessed virgin his mother being alwayes preserued from al spot or blemish therof suffered extreme paines and so entred in to their glorie leauing vnto vs example to folow their steppes How much more then are we most miserable creatures being loadden with sinnes compassed about with infirmities and subiect to al dangerous tentations bound to sustaine necessarie chastisments and sweete corrections reioycing in hope patient in tritribulation instant in prayer not to be wearied in our mindes nor faint vnder the rodde of our heauenly Fathers discipline that we may at last reigne with them be glorified with them and made heyres of God felowe heyres of Christ our Sauiour and our most blessed Ladie his mother of aeternal ioy and glorie which no man can take away from vs. Which he graunt vnto vs who with his owne bloud purchased the same for vs by the intercession of his most sweete mother and of al his glorious Saincts AMEN LITANIES GATHERED OVT OF THE CORONE OF OVR LORD KYrie eleyson Christe eleyson Kyrie eleyson Christe audi nos Chiste exaudi nos 1 Ab Angelo Gabriele annunciate CHRISTE Miserere nobis 2 Baptistam tuum in vtero sanctificans CHRISTE Miserere nobis 3 Ex virgine nate ab Angelis agnite CHRISTE Miserere nobis 4 A Pastoribus in praesepio visitate CHRISTE Miserere nobis 5 Circuncise nomine IESV appellate CHRISTE Miserere nobis 6 A Magis Gentium primitijs adorate CHRISTE Miserere nobis 7 Presentate in Simeonis vlnas suscepte CHRISTE Miserere nobis 8 In Aegypto cum parentibus exulans CHRISTE Miserere nobis 9 Simulachra Aegyptiorum destruens CHRISTE Miserere nobis 10 Archelaum fugiens Nazareth inhabitans CHRISTE Miserere nobis Virgo benedicta his omnibus cooperata or a pro nobis 1 Triduo amisse inter Doctores inuente CHRISTE Miserere nobis 2 In Patris negotijs semper occupate CHRISTE Miserere nobis 3 A Ioanne in Iordane baptizate CHRISTE Miserere nobis 4 In deser to ieiunans tentatorem vincens CHRISTE Miserere nobis 5 Exemplo verbo legem Dei docens CHRISTE Miserere nobis 6 Miraculorum sermon is virtute potens CHRISTE Miserere nobis 7 De Passione tua Resurrectione praemonens CHRISTE
lake called Limbus Patrum by whose presence the soules of the Saincts of the old Testament hitherto kept in darcknes are replenished with most cleare light incomparable gladnes and ioy receiuing their long expected beatitude vvhich consisteth in the vision of God And so our Sauiour there performeth that which he promised the penitent thefe saying This day thou shall be vvith me in Paradise The third day shortly after midnight as the ancient Fathers of the Church do thinke the same most glorious soule returning into the bodie both together making à perfect man cometh forth of the graue vvithout opening the same And by and by an Angel descending from heauen remoueth the stone from the doore of the monument and sitteth theron Wherat the vvatchmen are frighted and running into the cittie tel the High Priests that vvhich had happened Who ●ssembling together vvith the Elders in ●ouncel geue à great summe of money to ●●e souldiars to say that his disciples came ●y night and stole him away vvhen they ●vere a sleepe 1. Aue Maria. In the meane time our glorious Sauiour appeareth to his deare mother before al others meriting this consolation As al godlie Christians may easely conceiue though the same as needles be not recorded in the vvritten Gospel 2. Aue Maria. To holie Magdalē and other two cōming to annoint the bodie an Angel testifieth that he is risen she runneth to tel the Apostles and returneth vvith them they departing againe our Lord appeareth to her 3. Aue Maria. He appeareth againe to holie Magdalene and to the other two returning homewards they adore him and he biddeth them go tel his disciples that they shal see him in Galilee 4. Aue Maria. The same day he appeareth to S. Peter and confirmeth him in faith Perhaps also to S. Iohn for his consolation for he after he sawe the sepulchre beleeued Ioan. 20. 5. Aue Maria. Likewise our Sauiour appeareth to S Iames the iust called our Lords brother as it is most like the same day for it is said the after the chalice of our Lord he did neither eat nor drinke til he had seene him risen from death 6. Aue Maria. The same day he appeareth to tvvo disciples going towards Emaus talking of him but not beleeuing his Resurrection til hauing inuited him as à stranger they knowe him in breaking of bread 7. Aue Maria. Also the same euening our Lord appeareth to tenne of the Apostles gathered together the doores being shutt Only Thomas being absent wil not beleue the rest of the Apostles telling him that they had seene our Lord. 8. Aue Maria. The eight day our Lord appeareth again to the eleuen Apostles and saith to Thomas Put here thy finger into the holes of my hands and thy hand into my side and be not incredulous but faithful Thomas answereth MY LORD AND MY GOD. 9. Aue Maria. Againe our lord appeareth to Peter Iames Iohn Thomas Nathanael and other two at the sea of Tiberias There he maketh Peter his Vicar general in earth and chiefe Pastor of his Church vvithal fortelling him that he shal be crucified 10. Aue Maria. He appeareth againe to the eleuen in Galilee where he commandeth them to preach the Gospel and minister the Sacraments in al the world promising to assist them by his Spirite til the worlds end 2. Mysterium gloriosum 2. PATER NOSTER The Ascension of our Lord. HOw oftē and to what persons our Lord and Sauiour appeared betwen his Resurrection and Ascension besides the apparitions here to fore mentioned is vnknowne to al mortal creatures Neuertheles we may not doubt but he often appeared to his blessed mother who for manie causes best of al others deserued his most comfortable conuersation And it is also vndoubtedly beleeued that he appeared somtimes to his seruants Enoch and Elias as yet liuing in their mortal bodies in the terrestrial paradise And that he appeared often to his Apostles and familiarly conuersed vvith them not only the Anciēt Fathers but also the holie Scriptures do testifie affirming that he shewed him selfe aliue to them after his Passion in manie arguments for fourtie daies appearing to them and speaking of the kingdom of God to vvit of the Church and of al functions and offices to be done therin Amongst other things he instituteth the rest of the seuen Sacraments not instituted before and ge●eth ful authoritie powre and commission ●o his militant Church for the bringing of ●oules into the Church triūphāt the soules deliuered from Limbo the meane while ●olowing him whither soeuer he goeth 1. Aue Maria. Finally the fourtith day after his Resurrectiō our lord appearing in Bethania vnto his Apostles lately returned from Galilee cōmandeth them not to depart from Ierusalem til they be endued with powre from aboue 2. Aue Maria. He saith moreouer vnto them that they shal be witnesses of his Passion Resurrection and Remission of sinnes in Ierusalem and in al Iurie and Samaria and euē to the vt most part of the earth 3. Aue Maria. In the mount Oliuet our Lord now readie to ascend into heauen for his last farewel in earth lifting vp his handes blesseth the whole Church imparting his grace as at diuers other times he did by an external signe 4. Aue Maria. Hauing thus bestowed his blessing he ascendeth directly into heauen a great nūber beholding him vntil he being couered with the clowdes they lose sight of him 5. Aue Maria. And vvhilest they looke stil after him if perhaps they may see him amiddes the clowdes behold two Angels in shape of men stand by them in vvhite garments 6. Aue Maria. The Angels say vnto them Ye men of Galilee what stand ye looking into heauē This IESVS vvho is assumpted from you into heauen shal so come as you haue seene him going 7. Aue Maria. Then they al adoring him goe from mount Oliuet into Ierusalem vvith great ioy thanking our Lord for his vvonderful benefites bestowed and prepared for mans saluation 8. Aue Maria. And being come into the citie our B. Ladie the mother of our Lord vvith the Apostles and other faithful in al almost an hūdreth and twentie going vp into a chāber vvith one mind perseuere in prayer 9. Aue Maria. There S. Peter as chiefe Pastor of the vvhole companie publisheth an election to be made of an Apostle to supplie ludas too me VVich he doth not by anie commandemēt of Christ expressely vvritten but by suggestion of Gods spirite agreable to the Scriptures 10. Aue Maria. They appoint two Ioseph and Mathias and praying God to declare by directing of the lottes vvhich of them he had chosen to the Apostle shippe the lot falleth vpon Mathias and he is numbred vvith the other eleuen Apostles 3. Mysterium gloriosum 3. PATER NOSTER The Comming of the Holie Ghost SEing the most holie virgin the mother of God ful of grace the holie Apostles endued also with power and authoritie and al the faithful being alreadie iust did neuertheles perseuere praying
salutation this may be For she expected nothing lesse then to heare herselfe so highly praised 6. Aue Maria. Feare not MARIE sayeth the Angel for thou hast found grace with God Behold thou shalt conceiue and beare a Sonne and shalt cal his name IESVS 7. Aue Maria. She inquiereth How or by what meanes shal this be donne for I know not man Hauing before this vovved perpetual virginitie 8. Aue Maria. The Angel answereth the Holie Ghost shal come vpon thee and the powre of the Hieghest shal ouershadowe thee Therfore that which of thee shal be borne Holie shal be called the Sōne of God 9. Aue Maria. Behold Elizabeth thy cosin she also hath conceiued a sonne in her old age and this moneth is the fixt to her that is called barren For there shal not be anie thing impossible with God 10. Aue Maria. The holie virgin answereth Behold the hādmaide of our Lord be it done to me according to thy word And immediatly THE WORD IS MADE FLESH and dwelleth with vs God and man in one Diuine Person 2. Mysterium gaudiosum 2. PATER NOSTER Our blessed Ladie visiteth St. Elizabeth THE most humble virgin vvho euen now receiued an Ambassage from heauen by an Archangel sent from God who by the same Archangel is denounced ful of grace vvho hath novv conceiued in her virginal vvombe the Onlie Sonne of God Christ our Lord Redemer of the vvorld vvho is novv made the mother of God and Queene of al creatures by hovv much she is higher exalted so much the more lovvly she be haueth her selfe iudging it a dutifull office for her selfe the younger to visite her aged Cosin Elizabeth novv six moneths gone vvith childe Wherupon neither pretending her ovvne preeminent dignitie nor disdayning the meane estate of her cosin nor terrified vvith the length or sharpnes of the iourney nor hindred vvith vvhat other impediment soeuer vvhich might stay her in this purpose addressing her selfe to trauel al on foote goeth vvith speede into the hil-countrie into a citie of Iuda called Hebron Admire therefore my soul as vvel the humilitie as magnanimitie of the virgin mother of God Who thought no office to base nor hard for her to vndertake that perteyneth to pietie 1. Aue Maria. The blessed virgin coming to the citie goeth into Zacharies house saluteth her cosin Elizabeth congratulating her conception of a Sonne by Gods special fauour 2. Aue Maria. As Elizabeth heareth the salutation of the sacred virgin the infant leapeth in her wombe for ioy And is withal sanctified in his mothers wombe 3. Aue Maria. And Elizabeth replenished also with the Holie Ghost crieth out with a loud voice saying BLESSED ART THOV AMONG WOMEN AND BLESSED IS THE FRVIT OF THY WOMBE 4. Aue Maria. And further cōsidering the worthines of the humble virgin and her owne meanes admiring saith Whence is this to me that the Mother of my Lord doth come vnto me 5. Aue Maria. The virgin mother prophecieth and praiseth God with a Canticle saying MY SOVL DOTH MAGNIFIE OVR LORD AND MY SPIRIT HATH REIOICED IN GOD MY SAVIOVR Au● Maria. Eliza●eths time being come to be deliuered she bareth a sonne wherof her neighbours and kinssolke hearing come and cōgratulate the same with her 7. Aue Maria. The eight day the childe is circūcised manie desiring to haue him called Zacharie after his father his mother would haue him called IOHN At last his father writeth IOHN IS HIS NAME 8. Aue Maria. And forthwith Zacharies mouth is opened vvho had bene tenne moneths dumme because he did not beleeue the Angels vvordes that his vvife should beare a sonne and he prophecieth saying BLESSED BE OVR LORD GOD OF ISRAEL 9. Aue Maria. And al that heare these things admire in their hartes saying What an one trowe ye shal this childe be For the hand of our Lord was vvith him 10. Aue Maria. Our B. Ladie taking leaue of her cosine returneth towards Nazareth the next day after the circumcision of the child as it seemeth for the text sayth She taried vvith Elizabeth about three monethes And this day the Church celebrateth the Visitation of our Ladie 3. Mys terium gaudiosum 3. PATER NOSTER The Natiuitate of our Lord. AFter the holie virgin returned to Nazareth from visiting her cosin her husband Ioseph perceiuing her to be with child is much trubled in mind and doubtful what to do For on one side he feareth the law if he conceale that his wiues conceiuing is not by him On the other side he knoweth the virgin his spouse to be of so godlie chast pure and immaculate life that he dare not accuse her nor bring her into anie be it neuer so smal suspicion She in the meane time being most hūble and most modest reueleth not no not to her most deare husband this so great a Mysterie wrought in her by the powre of God In fine Ioseph being iust and holie to auoide perplexitie determineth secretly to leaue her But while he thus thinketh behold an Angel of our Lord appeareth to him in sleepe saying Ioseph sonne of Dauid Feare not to tarie with Marie thy wife For that which is conceiued in her is of the Holie Ghost And she shal bring forth a Sonne And thou shalt cal his name IESVS For he shal saue his people from their sinnes 1. Aue Maria. By cōmandement of Caesar Augustus that al should be enrolled euery one in the place whence they were descended Ioseph with his spouse goeth to Bethleē a citie of Dauid because they were of his house and familie 2. Aue Maria. There by reason of their pouertie and great concurse of people not finding row me in anie Inne they take a poore lodging as they may in a stable 3. Aue Maria. In this place our Lord and Sauiour King of al kings the Sonne of God is borne wrapped in clothes and laid in a manger by an oxe and an asse and is warmed by their breaths 4. Aue Maria. Forth with an Angel appearing to Shepheards saith to them Beholde this day is borne to you a SAVIOVR which is Christ our lord in the citie of Dauid and you shal find him swadled in clothes and laid in a manger 5. Aue Maria. And sodenly there was with the Angel an heauenlie armie praising God and singing GLORIE IN THE HIGHEST TO GOD and in earth peace to men of good wil. 6. Aue Maria. Then say the shepheards Let vs go to Bethlehē and see this thing which God hath done and shewed to vs. And going with speede they finde the childe laid in a manger and so returning glorifie God 7. Aue Maria. The eight day the childe is circūcised and his name called IES vs that is SAVIOVR according as the Angel had before signified to the virgin mother and to Ioseph his supposed father 8. Aue Maria. Three Sages Kings or Princes knowing by the apparition of a glorious starre that the king of Iewes their expected MESSIAS is borne come from the Last
penāce calleth disciples And by good life heauenlie doctrine and miracles draweth vnto him īnumerable folowers He institeth the Sacrament of Baptisme for the Remission of sinnes wherof Iohns Baptisme was only a figure teacheth the perfection of iustice namely of Almes deedes Praying and Fasting For which albeit the High Priests Scribes Pharisees Saducees Herodians and the rest of the wicked do diuers waies persecute him yet he neuer thelesse perseuereth doing good to al confuting their errors reprouing their sinnes soluing their malicious and captious questions derecting their calūniations euen the secret cogitations of their hartes and to auoide their vilanous purposes seeking to murder him he flieth often from them and that sometimes miraculously Finally hauing in this maner conuersed in the world three yeres and something more hauing also lately in his Transfiguratiō shewed to certaine of his Apostles some glimse of his glorie at last he entereth into Ierusalem riding vpon an asse colt his disciples and the people triumphing spreading their garments and strawing boughes of Palmes and other trees in the way receiue him as their king with ioyful acclamations the children also crying in the Temple HOSANNA TO THE SONNE OF DAVID Blessed is he that cometh in the name of our Lord HOSANNA in the hieghest O King of Israel The second Rosarie of our Ladies Psalter resembled to a redde rose containing fiue sorowful Mysteries In nomine Patris Filij ✚ Spiritus Sancti Amen GOD forbid that I should glorie sauing in the Crosse of our Lord IESVS Christ who humbled him self made obedient vnto death euen the death of the Crosse 1. Mys terium dolorosum 1. PATER NOSTER Our Sauiours Agonie in the garden of Gethsemanie Ovr Lord and Sauiour the night before his passion when he had eaten the Paschal lambe with his twelue Apostles taking water and a towel was heth al their feete And then exhorting them to humilitie and puritie of life he instituteth and administreth the most blessed Sacramēt and Sacrifice of his owne bodie and bloud in the formes of bread and wine And withal instituting the Holie Sacramēt of Orders cōmādeth his Apostles for them selues and successors to do the same that is to consecrate and offer in Sacrifice his bodie and bloud being according to the order of Melchi sedech the Sacrifice of the newe Testament til he come againe to iudge the world Iudas then goeth out And our Lord instructeth exhorteth and cōforteth the rest promiseth them the Holie Ghost praieth his Father for al the elect And so goeth with the eleuen Apostles into the garden of Gethsemani which place Iudas also knew for that our Lord vsed to goe often thither with his disciples 1. Aue Maria. Our lord entring into the garden with his disciples said to them Sitte you here whilest I goe yonder and pray 2. Aue Maria. IESVS taking Peter Iames and Iohn a litle further beginning to waxe sorowful and sad saith to them My soul is sorowful euen to death abide here and watch with me 3. Aue Maria. And parting also from these three a stones cast he prayeth saying My FATHER if it be possible let this chalice passe from me but yet not my wil but thine be done 4. Aue Maria. IESVS cometh to his disciples and finding them asleepe saith to Peter Euen so Simon sleepest thou couldst thou not watch one houre with me watch ye and pray that ye enter not into tentation 5. Aue Maria. He goeth from them againe and prayeth as before MY FATHER if it be possible take this chalice from me yet not as I wil but as thou wilt 6. Aue Maria. He cometh againe and findeth them sleeping for their eyes were very heauie and they wist not what they should answere him Neither saith he anie thing to them 7. Aue Maria. Leauing them he goeth againe and prayeth the third time the self same prayer MY FATHER if it be possible take this chalice from me yet not my wil but thine be done 8. Aue Maria. And there appeareth to him either al the three times or at least the last time an Angel from heauen strengthening him ● singular humilitie the Lord of al is comforted by his seruant the Creatour by his creature 9. Aue Maria. And whilest he prayeth long in agonie HIS SWEATE BECOME THAS DROPPES OF BLOVD trickling downe vpon the ground 10. Aue Maria. Coming the third time he saith sleepe ye now and take rest shortly after it sufficeth the houre is come behold the Sonne of man shal be betrayed into the handes of sinners rise let vs go behold he that shal betray me is at hand 2. Mysterium dolorosum 2. PATER NOSTER Our Sauiours apprehension contumelious handling and most cruel vvhipping AS our Lord and Sauiour was yet speaking behold the traitour Iudas Iscariote one of the twelue cometh and with him a great troupe with lanterns torches swordes and other weapons who al at the voice of IESVS saying I AM HE going backward fal to the ground yet he suffereth them to rise againe And Iudas saluting his Master with a kisse which was the signe to know him from his Apostles they lay handes vpon IESVS Peter draweth his sworde and cutteth of the right eare of Malchus one of the high Priests seruāts Which our Sauiour presently restoring and healing biddeth Peter put vp his sworde into the scabbard for that it is his Fathers wil he shal now suffer for al mākind otherwise he could haue manie legions of Angels to defend him if that were more agreable to Gods goodnes and mans saluation Then the disciples leauing their maister runne al away And so is the prophecie fulfilled I vvil strike the shepheard and the sheepe shal be scattered 1. Aue Maria. IESVS being bound is first brought to Annas then to Caiphas By them both he is examined of his disciples and of his doctrine falsly accused and strooken on the face by à seruant 2. Aue Maria. Caiphas adiureth our Sauiour to tel him if he be Christ the Sonne of God who answering that he is so they iudge him a blasphemer and guiltie of death vsing him most spitefully and cruelly 3. Aue Maria. Most base fellowes do spitt in the face of Christ our Lord they strike him with their fistes and couering his eyes beat him and bid him read who is it that striketh thee 4. Aue Maria. In the meane time Peter denieth our Lord thrise but IESVS looking vpon him he goeth forth of the palace and weepeth bitterly The Iewes calling à councel condemne IESVS as guiltie of death 5. Aue Maria. Early in the morning the chiefe of the Iewes with their whole councel deliuer IESVS prisoner to Ponce Pilate Caesars deputie Then Iudas seing that IESVS is condemned to die hangeth him selfe desperatly 6. Aue Maria. Pilate asking what accusation they bring against him they say if he wer● not a malefactor we would not deliuer him vnto thee Pilate testifying his īnocēcie they wil nedes haue him crucified 7. Aue Maria.
tenne continual daies for the comming of the Holie Ghost promised them by our Sauiour how much more ought we wretched sinners most fraile and weake vessels to perseuere in penāce prayer and obsecratiō that we may receiue the Holie Ghost either for remissiō of our sinnes if yet we remayne in that state or for increase of grace if we be alreadie restored into Gods fauour And here ô my soule thou oughtest to be so much more diligēt in meditating this Mysterie because here thine owne free cōsent and cooperatiō is necessarily required to thy iustificatiō wheras in thy creation redēption and vocation thou diddest nor couldest nothing at al further nor hinder Gods worke But now except thou doest volūtarily accept of the grace offered thee and cooperate therewith thou shalt not only neuer attayne eternal life but also incurre greater damnation for so great benefites by thee neglected 1. Aue Maria. The tenth day after the Ascension being the fiftith from Easter the third houre frō sune rising sodenly cometh à sound from heauen as of a vehement wind and filleth the whole house where they were praying 2. Aue Maria. And immediatly there appeare to them parted tongues as it were of fire which do light and rest vpō euerie one of these 120. persons so praying together 3. Aue Maria. And they are al replenished with the Holie Ghost receiuing abundāt increase of grace with the seuē gifts of wisdome vnderstanding counsel fortitude knowlege pietie and of the feare of our Lord. 4. Aue Maria. This voice being heard the people flocking together of manie nations and diuers languages euerie one heareth the Apostles speake in his owne tongue the great workes of God 5. Aue Maria. Some deriding say These men are ful of new vvine But S. Peter confuteth this surmise prouing that IESVS vvhom they had crucified is risen and ascended and hath sent the Holie Ghost And 5000. are conuerted and baptized 6. Aue Maria. The Apostles preach boldly Christ crucified confirming their doctrine by Scriptures and miracles notwithstanding the Iewes commande them and that vvith threates not to speake at al of IESVS 7. Aue Maria. Ananias and Sapphira for their sacrilege at S. Peters vvorde fal downe dead Others are cured of diseases euen by the shadowe of S. Peter vvho vvith others being cast in prison are deliuered by an Angel and preach openly in the Temple 8. Aue Maria. They are al apprehended againe and brought into the councel indited for trāsgressing the commandement of the High Priests but they answere That God must be obeyed rather then men Finally they are vvhipped and therof they reioyce 9. Aue Maria. S. Steuen vvith six others is made Deacon preacheth Christ vvorketh miracles confoundeth the aduersaries is accused of blasphemie and stoned to death But is crovvned in heauen And manie by his death and prayers are conuerted 10. Aue Maria. The twelue Apostles make the Crede and going into diuers partes of the vvorld preach the Gospel Saul à notorious persecutor is conuerted and made à chiefe Apostle And so preacheth Christ conuerting manie nations 4. Mysterium gloriosum 4. PATER NOSTER The death and Assumption of our B. Ladie VVhen the Apostles according to their function preach the Gospel of Christ and trauel in gaining soules in diuers and specially in these parts of the vvorld Peter first in lurie then in Syria Antioche and other places finally in Italie Andrew in Achaia Iames the greater in Spaine Iohn in Asia Thomas in India Iames the lesse in Ierusalem Philip in Phrygia Bartholomew in Scythia Matthew in Aethiopia Simon in Persia Thadaeus in Mesopotamia Matthias in Palestina Paul in most parts of the world the whole Church floorishing in al kinds of vertue aboue al others the most sacred virgin the mother of God excelleth vvho albe it so excellently endued with diuine knowlege that she teacheth the Euangelists manie things concerning our Sauiours Incarnation Natiuitie education and other like Mysteries best knowne to her of al mortal persons yet being a vvoman and most humble of al creatures she neither preacheth openly nor conuerseth with manie but liueth in priuate state in cōtinual exercise of al vertues leauing in the world by her vvhole life a most perfect Rule and liuely example to al those that desire to tend towards perfection 1. Aue Maria. After our Lords A scension his B. mother our Ladie being more frie then euer before from vvorldly cares imployeth her selfe vvholy to deuotion S. Iohn the Euāgelist prouiding for her al necessaries temporal and spiritual 2. Aue Maria. After fifteene yeares more expectation it is reueled to the sacred virgin that she shal change her mortal life for life immortal and so enioy the euerlasting fruition of her blessed sonne 3. Aue Maria. She humbly beseketh her sonne our Lord that he vvil voutchsafe to graunt her the sight of his Apostles before she part out of this transitorie life 4. Aue Maria. Al the Apostles at one instant are taken vp into the ayre and brought into lerusalem to visite the B. virgin except S. Iames already martyred and Thomas vvho by Gods special prouidence cometh somewhat later 5. Aue Maria. The Apostles and other Apostolical men being thus met together the most holie soule of the sacred virgin sweetly parting from the bodie ascendeth into heauen with à troupe of glorious Angels 6. Aue Maria. Her sacred bodie of which God tooke flesh is most honorably buried in Gethsemani with Apostolical and Angelical musike most heauenly melodie 7. Aue Maria. The same Angelical quier remayneth three whole dayes at the sepulchre singing Psalmes Hymnes and spiritual Canticles praysing God and the mother of God 8. Aue Maria. After three dayes the Angels cease singing and Thomas the Apostle arriuing with most feruēt deuotion beseketh the rest of the Apostles to graunt him the sight of the most venerable and sacred bodie 9. Aue Maria. To satisfie his deuote desire they opē the sepulchre Where finding only the linnen most sweete and fragrant in vvhich the holie bodie had bene wrapped the bodie it selfe can nowhere be found in earth 10. Aue Maria. Wherupon these so many and so excellēt eye witnesses do assuredly deme that he who tooke flesh of this imaculate bodie hath assumpted the same into heauē reunited to the soul in eternal glorie 5. Mysterium gloriosum 5. PATER NOSTER The Coronation of our B. Ladie THE Apostles are againe restored to the places from whence they were brought and by them and others the death and Assumption of the most immaculate virgin mother of God is denounced in al parts of the world And so beginneth more and more to be fulfilled that prophecie of hers saying FROM HENCE FORTH AL GENERATIONS SHAL CAL ME BLESSED For euen from her Assumptiō the whole Church of Christ begā as stil it cōtinueth most solemly to celebrate not only the ascēding of her most holie soul into heauen as of other Saincts but also the resurrection assumption and
glorification of her bodie in heauē where she enioying the perfect vision of God in the highest degree after her sonne of al creatures is established Quene of heauen and of al blessed Saincts and Angels adorned with so excellent à crowne as no earthly thing can expresse though often prefigured by diuers excellent things and persons but al infinitly inferior to the thing it self 1. Aue Maria. She is crowned Quene of al holie Cōfessors and holie Angels for that fhe in this life keeping in Matrimonial state Angelical puritie was blessed with fruite wherby mankind is redeemed 2. Aue Maria. She is crowned Q. of holie widowes and of Archangels who being saluted by an Archangel conceiued the sonne of God And afterward became an exāple and consolation of al faithful widows 3. Aue Maria. She is crowned Q. of virgins and Angelical Principalities vvho so farre excelled al others in virginal puritie as a Quene excelleth her subiects in princelie dignitie 4. Aue Maria. She is crowned Q. of al Religious Orders and of Angelical Potestats because she renouncing the vvorld and by vowe of virginitie excluding the ordinarie maner of conceiuing conceiued by the Holie Ghost our Redemer 5. Aue Maria. She is crowned Q. of Euangelists and of Angelical Powres for that she instructed euen the Euangelists in diuine Mysteries and conceiued and bare him vvho only is the author and vvorker of al miracles 6. Aue Maria. She is crowned Q. of al holie Bisshops and Postors and of Angelical Dominations because she by geuing her special assent to that the B. Trinitie had decreed brought into the vvorld the bread of life the true foode of soules 7. Aue Maria. She is crowned Q. of Patriarches and of the Angelical Thrones for that she by an ineffable meanes conceiued and nine moneths bare in her wombe the Sonne of God her owne also proper sonne 8. Aue Maria. She is crowned Q. of al holie Prophets and of the holie Cherubims for that she more perfectly knew al diuine Mysteries being the mother of God then any other mere creature vvhosoeuer 9. Aue Maria. She is crovvned Q. of al Christs Martyrs and Apostles and of the burning Seraphims for that she farre excelled them vvherin they excel the rest of Gods seruants in feruent charitie 10. Aue Maria. She therfore vvho excelled in grace al orders of men and Angels doth also excel the same in most high degree of glorie and is placed and crowned by her owne most excellent sonne the Quene of al creatures Omne iudic●●m dedit Filio quia Filius Hominis est CREDO IN DEVM BE thankful ô my soul to the most B. Trinitie one aeternal God who created thee after his owne Image to the end thou shouldest serue him and therby inherite his heauenly kingdome who also to redeme thee being through sinne become the bond slaue of the Diuel and guiltie of aeternal death and damnation sent his owne only Sonne the second Person of the same Holie Trinitie to take flesh of man and to be borne of à virgin to liue in pouertie labours tribulatiōs and worldlie miseries and finally to suffer the most ignominious and painful death of the Crosse who the third day rose againe for thy iustification the fourtith day folowing ascended into heauen for thy glorificatiō And after tenne dayes more sent the Holie Ghost the third Person of the same most B. Trinitie in visible signes to his Church thē beginning in Ierusalem to continue with the same Church to the end of the world that by his grace and operation thou and euerie soule shouldest be made partaker of these so great benefites so dearly purchased by our sweete Sauiour And in particular be thou most thankful for that by this grace of the Holie Ghost which thou by no meanes couldest deserue thou art now a mēber of the Catholike Church and therby partaker of diuers Sacramēts and other most holie Mysteries and of al the prayers and merites of the faithful in this world yea and of al the court of heauen By which graces also thou hast bene washed from thy sinnes iustified and sāctified and that not once only but often thy Redemer not hitherto suffering thee to die in thy sinnes as manie others haue done but stil offereth thee his grace and sweete pardon readie to receiue thee whē and how often soeuer thou doest truly conuert and sincerely wilt accept thereof euē at this instant except thou thy selfe repel the same from thee And finally so thou perseuere in his seruice to the end he wil geue vnto thee my soule shortly after death and to my bodie for thy sake in the general iudgement day when al flesh shal rise againe an inaestimable crowne of glorie and life euerlasting AMEN The Corone of our B. Ladie With certaine particular points to be meditated in saying the same In nomine Patris Filij ✚ Spiritus Sancti Amen BE mindful ô my soul of the Passiō of our Lord and of the Compassion of our Ladie his mother Suffer thou with them in this world that thou maist reigne with them in glorie In sudore vultus tui vesceris pane 〈◊〉 1. PATER NOSTER Certaine singular Priuilegies of the B. virgin Marie before her Natiuitie THE aeternal vvisdom of God ordayning before al vvorldes that Christ our Lord should be borne of a virgin die vpō a crosse and therby redeme mākind from the captiuitie of sinne and damnation into which we fel by the trāsgression of A dāordayned withal that there should be extant in the world at the time designed a certaine virgin excelling al other creatures euen the pure Angels in grace and sanctitie who should be the mother of this our Redemer And by cooperating with him to our saluation as old Eue had done with Adam to our fal and destructiō should do more then recompence the hurt of the former For as Adam was the proper and principal cause and Eue the next occasion of sinne and death so Christ is the only proper cause ād his mother the next occasion of grace and life Wherupon saieth sweete S. Bernard Albeit by one man in deede and one woman we were excedingly damaged yet God be thanked by one man and one woman al losses are repared And that not without great increase of graces For the benefite doth farre excede the losse Our merciful Father geuing vs for à terrestrial Adam Christ our Redemer and for old Eue Gods owne mother 1. Aue Maria. Our merciful Lord promiseth this singular virgin straight after the fal of man saying to the serpent I vvil put enmitie betvven thée and the vvomā betvven thy seede and her seede but she shal bruyse thy head in peeces 2. Aue Maria. The first woman being by sinne the mother of death yet is called EVA that is the mother of the liuing in figure of this blessed virgin ordayned to be the Mother of life 3. Aue Maria. Likwise Sara Rachael Anne Elizabeth and others being long barraine but afterwards
mothers of notable issue are figures of this singular virgin the Mother of God 4. Aue Maria. The bush also of Moyses Aarons rode Gedeons fleece the arke of the couenāt the glasse without spot the garden in closed and other shadowes of the old Testament doe signifie the same fruitfulnes of this sacred virgin 1. Aue Maria. And for other singular vertues of al sortes she is prefigured by Rebecca Marie the sister of Moyses Debora Iael Iudith Hester and other most noble persons and things 6. Aue Maria. The Prophets do most cleerly fortel this blessed virgin A rodde shal spring of the roote of Iesse A virgin shal conceiue and beare a sonne A woman shal enuiron a man And manie the like 7. Aue Maria. This singular spouse of God is likewise described by Salomon A lilie amongst thornes Al bewtiful Faire as the moone Chosen as the sunne The sea starre c. 8. Aue Maria. Of this meruelous virgin the Sybilles Phrophetisses of God among the Heathens do thus sing vves nigh Novv comes the virgin cleare the golden age dra-Nevv Ofspring doth appeare sent from the heauens high VVhich is Gods issue deare 9. Aue Maria. Anne the wife of Ioachim after twentie yeares barrainnes conceiueth by Gods special fauour this noble virgin so often promised prefigured prophecied and before al world 's elected the Mother of God 10. Aue Maria. And lest she should be at anie time the child of vvrath Gods enemie or slaue of the diuel she is by singular priuilege as manie piously thinke preserued from al sinne and vvith the infusion of her soul replenished vvith grace Qu●e est is●a qu● progreditur quasi aurora cousurg●s̄ 2. PATER NOSTER The Natiuitie of the B. virgin and her life til she vvas espoused LIke as the morning driuing away the nights darknes besides the light which it bringeth for sheweth à greater light to be at hand euen so after foure thousand yeares darknes in the whole world first shineth the most pure virgin voide of al sinne and ful of grace plainly signifying by her singular vertues the true light and fountaine of al grace which lightned her and al that be lightned to be very nere at hand For now is borne the singular spouse ordayned to be the mother of God who was so long since promised to her noble Ancesters prefigured by manie miraculous Mysteries for told by Prophetical oracles the renowned virgin without spott borne of the blessed seede of the Patriarkes of the excellēt race of the Prophets of the holie stock of Leui and of the Royal bloud of Iuda euerie way adorned with al kind of generositie and endued in the highest degree with most cleare sanctitie because she is to conceiue and beare the fountaine and flowre the beginning and end of most holie and true Nobilitie 1. Aue Maria. This virgin is called MARIA that is The sea Bitternes of the sea Mistresse and Ladie of the sea or Exalted Wherby are noted diuerse things happening vnto her ioyful sorowful and glorious 2. Aue Maria. Coming to the vse of reason and thinking seriously of God she dedicateth her whole life to his seruice firmly purposing neuer to offend him more nor lesse in thought word nor deede 3. Aue Maria. At the age of three yeares she is presented in the Temple where alacritie of mind supplying imbecillitie of bodie she ascendeth the fiftene stepps before the dore without helpe of anie 4. Aue Maria. From morning til nine a clock she is only occupied in Diuine seruice thence til noone in handie vvork After meat being very smal she imployeth the rest of the day in reading sacred bookes 5. Aue Maria. Her vvhole life as a most perfect rule of al perfection shineth in al vertues namely in humilitie obedience prudence modestie grauitie in singular faith hope charitie and contempt of the vvorld 6. Aue Maria The vertue of virginitie hitherto vnknowne in the world she doth singularly obserue therto binding her self for euer by religious vowe as also to pouertie and obedience 7. Aue Maria. She is of al chast persons most chast of al good the best of al vvise the vvisest of religious the most religious amongst al she onlie attayneth the ful perfection of Religious state 8. Aue Maria. She attayneth also to that special knowlege of Gods counsel amongst other Mysteries reueled vnto her that God shal be borne of a virgin and by death vpon the Crosse shal redem mankind 9. Aue Maria. Wherupon she desireth aboue al that she may once see this our Redemer and that she may be admitted to imploy her humble seruice to that most noble virgin his mother 10. Aue Maria. Being by the Priests her Superiors espoused to Ioseph a godlie yong man she signifieth to him her vowe of perpetual virginitie Wherof he alloweth so wel that he also voweth perpetual chastitie E●●it m●● magna qui potens est 3. PATER NOSTER The Annunciation with other Mysteries to the Purification AL things being accomplished that should go before the coming of Messias the most blessed Trinitie sēdeth an Embassadour Gabriel an Archangel or as some holie Doctors thinke one of the high Seraphins to the most gracious virgin Marie as it may seeme for three special causes First to signifie vnto her in the behalfe of God almightie the maker of heauen and earth that she shal conceiue and beare the Sonne of God that is the second Person of the same most holie Trinitie the long promised SAVIOVR of the world Secondly to require to the effectuating hereof the cōsent of the same blessed virgin without which the Diuine goodnes wil not accomplish this most excellent worke Thirdly that by Angelical testimonie this great Mysterie may be notified to the whole vvorld vvhich is so ioyful to Angels and men For by this meanes Angels receiue à Head by vvhom the ruine of their felowes is to be repared And men enioy à Redemer by vvhom al mankind is to be ransomed from captiuitie of sinne and of euerlasting death 1. Aue Maria. The holie virgin being in contemplatiō the Angel vnexpected saluteth her saying HAILE FVL OF GRACE OVR LORD IS WITH THEF BLESSED ART THOV AMONG WOMEN wherat she is trubled 2. Aue Maria. Feare not MARIE saith the Angel for thou hast found grace vvith God Behold thou shalt conceiue and beare à sonne and shalt cal his name IESVS He shal be great and shal be called the Sonne of the Hieghest 3. Aue Maria. She then demanding by what meanes she shal conceiue seing not by man the Angel answereth The Holie Ghost shal come vpon thee and the powre of the Hi●ghest shal ouershadow thee 4. Aue Maria. The B. Virgin answering againe Behold the handmaide of our Lord be it donne to me according to thy vvord the Sonne of God i● the same instant made the Sonne of man and the virgin is made the mother of God 5. Aue Maria. Presently she visiteth her cosine Elizabeth at vvhose coming the
paradise to the penitent theefe And commend her selfe and his beloued disciple ech to other 8. Aue Maria. Againe she heareth him complaine that he is destitute of al temporal comforth op●●●ssed vvith thirst affirme that al is consum●ate and commend his spirite into the handes 〈◊〉 his Father 9. Aue Maria. An other great wound she seeth made ●n her sonnes side with à lance from whence issueth his last bloud and wa●er withal Neither doth she yet depart ●●om the Crosse 10. Aue Maria. She taketh the dead bodie into her ar●es Which when she hath à litle behol●en and washed with teares it is taken ●●om her againe buried shut vp and guar●ed that none may take it away Conseruat omnia verba haec conferens in corde suo 6. PATER NOSTER The actes of our Ladie from Christs Resurrection to her ovvne death and Assumption THE vvonderful Mysterie of Christs most sacred Passion being accomplished some busie in this sorte some in that sorte as they vvere very diuersly affected and almost al either doubting or altogether despairing of our Lords Resurrection onlie the most faithful virgin mother firmely beleeueth and assuredly expecteth her Sonnes Resurrection the third day Wherupon she retyring to her chamber after that she hath awhile meditated vpon the sacred vvoundes of her deare sonne and Lord and other torments by him suffered she turneth her cogitatiōs from that tragical act to thinke vvhat he now doth vvhere he is And so as vvel in the sepulche she adoreth him as God knowing that his humaine flesh albeit vvithout soul yet is continually vnited to his Godhead by vvhich it vvas assumpted as also in Limbo vvhere his soule by his excellent brightnes driuing away the wonted darknes triumpheth ouer death losseth the captiuitie of the old fathers and by his most glorious presence maketh that place vvhich hitherto vvas à prison to be to them as heauen or paradise 1. Aue Maria. The third day our Lord rising from death appeareth first of al to his deare mother who being neerest vnto him both by nature and grace best deserued that priuilege 2. Aue Maria. She often enioyeth his conuersation til his Ascension and then of al others is also most ioyful for his exaltation most assuredly beleeuing and hoping in him and aboue al desiring his glorie 3. Aue Maria. On Whitsunday al the faithful are replenished with the Holie Ghost but she most abundantly who by howe much she was more ful of grace before is so much more capable of increase therof 4. Aue Maria. The rest of her life being most free from al worldly cares and altogether attending to Gods seruice she passeth with the deuoutest Christians 5. Aue Maria. Whē the time drew nere that she should go to her sonne he first voutchsafeth her the sight of al his Apostles then liuing except S. Thomas who by special prouidence cometh after her death 6. Aue Maria. The Apostles and other Apostolical persons attending about her and Angels singing praises of God and of his mother she most sweetly yeldeth her ghost 7. Aue Maria. The Apostles lay the holie bodie with al solemitie in an honorable tumbe in Gethsemani Where quires of Angels do sing three dayes together 8. Aue Maria. After three dayes the Angels cease singing and Thomas the Apostle cometh who requesteth most instantly his felow Apostles that he may see and reuerence the sacred bodie 9. Aue Maria. They willing to do him this fauour open the tumbe but find nothing saue only the linnen wherin the bodie had ●ene wrapped and those yelding à most ●weete sauour 10. Aue Maria. Wherby these so notable eye witnes●es do vndoubtedly iudge that our ●ord who tooke flesh of this bodie ●ath raised and alreadie glorified and ●ssumpted the same into heauen Eta ergo ADVOCATA nostra illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos conuerte PATER NOSTER The Coronation of the glorious virgin the mother of God SEeing the glorie of euerie Sainct in heauen is so great as no tongue can expresse nor the mind of man vnderstand for neither eye hath seene nor care hath beard neither hath it ascended into the hart of man vvhat things God hath prepared for them that loue him how much lesse can the glorie of the mother of God exalted aboue al the quires of Angels be vttered or conceiued by anie mortal man But shal we therfore be silent and say nothing at al therof shal we also cease to thinke and meditate therof because it so farre surmounteth both our sense and vnderstanding No in no wise can we ●e so excused but so much the more we are bound to reioice and as we can ●seing we can not as we would vtter forth the praises of the mother of mercie mother of grace mother of life mother of glorie mother of God now ●eigning Quene of heauen whom also ●l generatiōs of the faithful in earth do cal ●lessed deuoutly serue religiously honour euery where preach magnifie and humbly beseke to obtaine for vs al things behooful for our saluation 1. Aue Maria. She is crowned Quene of al holie Confessors widowes and Virgins And of the Orders of Angels Archangels and Principalities 2. Aue Maria. She is crowned Quene of al holie Religious persons Pastors and Bishops And of the Angelical Potestates Powers and Dommations 3. Aue Maria. She is crowned Quene of al holie Patriarkes Prophets Martyrs and Apostles And of the Thrones Cherubims and Seraphims And of al created persons Credo in Deum BE thankful therfore ô my soul to the most blessed Trinitie who for thee and for al mankind hath not only sent the Sonne of God IESVS CHRIST à new and heauenlie Adam to redeme the world from the thraldome into which we fel through the old terestrial Adam but also vvheras our old mother Eue was in à sort the cause or occasion of our ruine by suggesting to Adam that sinne which was our vniuersal destruction hath bestowed vpon vs à new and most blessed woman the immaculate virgin MARIE who in like sort is à meanes of our saluation by cooperating with our Sauiour in diuers Mysteries of our Redemption and by continual intercession for vs to her Sonne much more profiting vs by ech of these waies then the other woman did vs harme And to thee ō most sacred virgin what thankes shal I render for thy exceding great benignitie and goodnes towards me and the whole world Or with what praises shal I a poore wrech extol thee whose incomparable excellencie as à shadowe may resemble à bodie or à figure signifie à truth was long before thy birth represented by the brightnes of the sea starre by the bewtie of the moone the clearnes of the sune the bush burning and not consuming Aarons rodde Gedeons wool-fleece the looking glasse without blemish the fountaine of the gardens the welspting of liuing water the garden iuuironed the lilie of the valley the palme tree in Cades the rose in Ierico the bewtiful Oliue the high Cedar