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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02229 A notable and marueilous epistle of the famous doctour, Matthewe Gribalde, Professor of the lawe, in the Vniuersitie of Padua: co[n]cernyng the terrible iudgemente of God, vpon hym that for feare of men, denieth Christ and the knowne veritie: with a preface of Doctor Caluine; Francisci Spirae. English Gribaldi, Matteo, d. 1564.; Aglionby, Edward, 1520-1587?; Shepherd, Luke, fl. 1548. Godlye and holesome preservatyve against desperation.; Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564. 1570 (1570) STC 12366; ESTC S115661 48,478 114

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xxvij of Nouember 1548. These things haue we séene and sensibly knowne and haue thought good to write them vnto you to the praise and glorie of the high God whose kingdome we earnestly desire to be openly knowne to the whole worlde ¶ Here followeth a godly Prayer against desperation A godly prayer against desperation OLyuing God and most mercifull father which alone of thy almighty power prouidence and wisedome diddest create heauen earth with all things therein in most comely forme ▪ and de●●●● order and that of verye loue that thou dearest chiefly towardes mankinde ▪ whome thou diddest not onely much safe to make after thine ●wne similitude and likenesse but also diddest ●●ke m●● Lorde and gouernour ouer 〈◊〉 thy other good creatures placing him in the Paradice of all felicitie ▪ forbidding him nothing ▪ but onely the eating of one ●●uite among many that this one commaundemēt shoulde be a meane for him ▪ to knowe his superiour and to practise his obediēce towardes his Creator But our father Adam nothing regarding thy fatherly loue nor inestimable benefites ▪ not waiyng the Royall state and felicitie that he was in did most vnthankfully nothing staiyng hymselfe by thy fore admonition trāsgresse and wilfully break 〈…〉 thy commaundement thereby deiectin● himselfe cleane out of thy godly fauou 〈…〉 vtterly losing all his former beatitude 〈…〉 felicitie making himself of the frée son 〈…〉 of God bondslaue to the deuill of immo●tall euer to haue lyued in all feliciti 〈…〉 mortall and subiect to death and all 〈…〉 serie And alas not onely casting away● hymselfe by his vnfaithfull disobedienc● but for that he hauing the sentence 〈…〉 death and dampnation layde vpon hy● begatte vs as the whole parent of ma● kinde he in his offense most iustly c 〈…〉 demned me all his posteritie Here 〈…〉 so haynously displeased thy Maiestie 〈…〉 so iustly procured thy wrath and i 〈…〉 gnation that all our deedes all our me 〈…〉 tes no not all the intercessions and 〈…〉 rites of all the creatures that euer liu 〈…〉 in this worlde coulde not once moue t 〈…〉 righteous iustice to pardon him nor 〈…〉 offence committed in him But as t 〈…〉 godly prouidence did frō euermore for 〈…〉 sée that miserable fal of manne so did t 〈…〉 mercy from euerlasting determine 〈…〉 redéeme man againe for thou so loue 〈…〉 the worlde that at the time appointe● thou didst sende downe thy onely begot●en sonne incarnate to suffer death for mākinde and by his death once for euer ●o make the frée sacrifice and omnisuffi●ient satisfaction to thy iustice for the 〈…〉 nnes of the whole world fréely to make ●ust in thy sight all that vnfainedly be●éeue therein Therefore for as much as 〈…〉 t hath pleased thee oh father so to open 〈…〉 y minde and darke senses that I doe ●ertainely knowe and vndoubtedly be●éeue all these things by that infallible ●estimonie of thy sacred and holy Scri●ture not onely that thou of thy mercie 〈…〉 oost fréelye forgiue me the offence of mine originall sinne for Christes sake ●ut also my manifolde and dayly sinnes ●ōmitted actually ▪ against thy maiestie 〈…〉 most humblye beséech thée here being 〈…〉 rostrate and lowlye submitting me be●ore the throne of thy mercie alwayes to graunt me thy peace whiche passeth al ●nderstanding that when or how soeuer ●he worlde doe rage against me The so●icitie or care of lyuing losse of goodes or ●riendes or any thing visible or inuist 〈…〉 le doe molest trouble me that I may 〈…〉 uer haue thy peace rest and quietnesse in my conscience and to put my wh 〈…〉 trust and affiaunce in thée and so to pr●serue mee from the subtill perswasio 〈…〉 and cruell assaults of Sathan that whatsoeuer my calamities my losses or min● aduersities bee or how great hainous 〈…〉 manifolde soeuer my sinnes be that 〈…〉 neuer fall into any kinde of desperation other of body or soule But that I maye alwayes remember and knowe thy bottomlesse mercie to surmount and passe the number and grauitie of all mine offences That I maye alwayes trust in thy mercie that thou wilte other preserue me frō sinne or of thy mere mercy fréely forgiue mee all my sinnes for thy sonne Iesu Christes sake And that tho● wilt neuer take from me thy spirite but euer graunt me grace that in all my necessities and troubles other of bodye or soule I maye truely repent my sinnes call vpon thée for helpe and aide and that I maye stedfastly beleue that thou lyke a mercifull father for thy sonnes sake wilt fauourably heare me mercifully forgiue me and mightily defend me against all my enimies and in all my troubles that I neuer commit nor consent to the destruction of my bodye or ●oule but euer to lyue here in thy feare and dreade vntill it shall please thée of thy mercie to call me to raigne with thée in glorie euerlasting Amen Here followeth the Godlye and wholsome preseruatiue against desperation c. I. PETER V. Be sober and watch for your aduersarie the Deuill as a roaring Lion walketh about seeking whom he may deuoure whom resist stedfast in the faith The Preface THis preseruatiue g 〈…〉 tle reader is prepar 〈…〉 for thy profite Th 〈…〉 thou readyng it at l 〈…〉 sure maiest chose o● suche cōfortable se●tences as maie bot● staie thyne owne conscience in the ty 〈…〉 of temptation and also quiet others w 〈…〉 the Deuill shall bee busie with them 〈…〉 we bee not ignoraunt of the thoughtes Sathan how he cōtinually furnisheth hy● self to bende his ordinaunce against m 〈…〉 And nowe with the consideration of t●● greatnesse and multitude of synne No● with the terrour of death and dampna 〈…〉 on d●oe labour to beate the buckler 〈…〉 Faithe out of our handes to strike the he met of hope from our heade and to wr 〈…〉 from vs the swearde of the spirite whi●● is Gods worde But here christian reader is thy swo 〈…〉 and buckler deliuered vnto thee her● thy helmet put vpon thy heade here th 〈…〉 shalte finde suche armoure and weap●● whereby thou shalt be able to withsta●● the force of our common enemie the D 〈…〉 〈…〉 and also by the counsaill to rescue 〈…〉 ers that thei perish not Yea here thou 〈…〉 lte finde choise of moste comfortable ●●ntences whereby mannes conscience 〈…〉 e bee staied from dampnable despe●ion ▪ Watche therefore stande stedfaste in the plaie the manne and bee of good 〈…〉 mforte Resiste the Deuill and he will 〈…〉 from thee Not for feare of thine owne 〈…〉 wer strength or holinesse but for feare Christe in whom by faithe thou art in●ffed For it is Christe through whom ●od hath giuen vs victorie against synne ●ath hell and the deuill Neither is there any other name vnder heauen giuen vnto manne wherein we maie be saued but the name of Iesus Christe our Lorde To whom with the Father and the holie Ghost be all honor and
maketh menti 〈…〉 of many whiche in the tyme of the P 〈…〉 phetes Christe and the Apostles we called from death to life Christe raised the widowes soonne He raised the ruler of the Sinag 〈…〉 his d●ughter He raised Lazarus Peter restored to life Tabitha Paule raised againe Eu●i●hus Eliz●us the Prophet called againe 〈…〉 〈…〉 e his hostes soonne Helias raised the Babe of the woman 〈…〉 f Sareptanie GOD tooke also vnto hym out of this 〈…〉 aile and transitorie life these twoo er 〈…〉 llent and holie menne Enoch and He 〈…〉 as quicke bothe bodie and soule to giue 〈…〉 as it were a taste and representation of the true life to come leaste after the o 〈…〉 i●ion of the Ethnicks and Epicures we should thinke there were no worlde nor 〈…〉 eeyng after this wretched and miserable life Let vs not forget what Christe ●esus Lorde of life and death saieth in the eight of Luke Wepe not the maide 〈…〉 not dedde but a slepe Reason not comprehendyng the misteries of GOD neither perceiuyng his power dooeth laugh his saiyng to scorne but Christ proueth his saiyng true he raised by and by the 〈…〉 edde maide to life The fiftene Chapiter of the first Epistle to the Corinthians is 〈…〉 eplenished with moste godlie pleasaunt 〈…〉 d pithie consolations Truly it is more precious then any gold For in that Cha●ter Saincte Paule doeth so annexe and 〈…〉 uple our resurrection ▪ to the resurrection of Christe as though thei could in no wise bee separate or deuided after th 〈…〉 forme Christ is risen from death which thyng is certaine ergo wée also shall v 〈…〉 doubtedly rise For Christe is our hedd 〈…〉 and we his members this hed is neith 〈…〉 without neither will forsake his me●bers Then it followeth that where ▪ Chr 〈…〉 is there shall we bee For why wee 〈…〉 the members of his bodie and euen of 〈…〉 fleshe and bone what tongue what p 〈…〉 what witte is able to set foorthe as i 〈…〉 worthie this ineffable and inestima 〈…〉 glorie of the mercie and grace of GO 〈…〉 that God hath vouchsafe so lowe to h 〈…〉 ble hymself as to become mortall m 〈…〉 that this ●eble and fraile nature of m 〈…〉 vnited and knitte to the diuine nat 〈…〉 by the power and efficacie of the god 〈…〉 might be inhaunced and promoted to 〈…〉 mortalitie For truely the nature o● faithfull menne whiche either were fore Christe hath been since or now 〈…〉 shall be to the worldes ende vndoubtly in Christe verie GOD and ma 〈…〉 hath obtained immortalitie The 〈…〉 lation therefore that riseth of Chr 〈…〉 resurrection is of great efficacie A 〈…〉 〈…〉 ncte Paule saieth to the Corinthians ●●riste is risen againe from dedde and is 〈…〉 e first fruictes of them that slepe for by 〈…〉 e manne truely came death and by one 〈…〉 nne commeth the resurrection of the 〈…〉 de And as al die in Adam euen so shal 〈…〉 bee made aliue in Christe but euery 〈…〉 e in his order The firste is Christe ▪ ●hen thei whiche are Christes whiche 〈…〉 h beleued in his commyng And sainct 〈…〉 ule dooeth adde a similitude taken of 〈…〉 urall thynges whereby he dooeth set 〈…〉 the and declare the resurrection of bo 〈…〉 s. The similitude is taken of seede 〈…〉 iche is cast into the yearth by the hus 〈…〉 dman dieth as it were and rotteth ▪ ●uerthelesse it is not vtterly loste but 〈…〉 ength springeth and commeth foorthe 〈…〉 he yearth goodlie beautifull and 〈…〉 saunt So our bodies shall rise again 〈…〉 feeble vile corruptible and mortall 〈…〉 strōg glorious incorruptible immor 〈…〉 neuer to dye againe but euer to liue ● The waie into true and euerlastyng 〈…〉 to our longe home as thei call it and 〈…〉 ntrie is by corporall death Fleashe 〈…〉 bloud beyng corruptible and mortal 〈…〉 not inherite the kingdome of GOD where nothyng is but life Therefor● this corruptible bodie must put on in t 〈…〉 ruption and this mortall muste putte● immortalitie Then shall the saiyng t 〈…〉 is written bee fulfilled Death is swa 〈…〉 wed vp in victorie Thei that beleeue Christe hath nowe ouercommed sy 〈…〉 death and helle Therefore not fear 〈…〉 death but strong bolde and well ha 〈…〉 in Christe Thei maie saie Death wh 〈…〉 is thy sting Death where is thy vict 〈…〉 The stynge of Death is synne and 〈…〉 power of synne is the Lawe But t 〈…〉 kes hee vnto GOD whiche hath g 〈…〉 vs the victorie through our Lorde I 〈…〉 Christe Let vs heare also more sentences 〈…〉 of godlie and mightie consolation He that hath raised vp Iesus 〈…〉 raise vs vp also with Iesus Our conuersation is in heauen 〈…〉 whence we doe looke for the sauiour 〈…〉 lorde Iesus Christ whiche shall cha 〈…〉 our 〈…〉 I le bodie that it maie be like 〈…〉 ned vnto his glorious bodie a 〈…〉 to the woorkyng of his power by 〈…〉 whiche also he is able to subdue all 〈…〉 ges vnto hymself Ye are dedde and your life is hid with ●●riste in God but when Christe your 〈…〉 shall appeare then shall ye also ap 〈…〉 rs in glorie with hym Wee woulde not brethren that ye 〈…〉 uld bee ignoraunte concernyng theim 〈…〉 t sleape that ye sorrowe not also as o 〈…〉 r doe whiche haue no hope For if we 〈…〉 eue that Iesus Christe died and rose againe Euen theim also whiche are a 〈…〉 pe through Iesus shall GOD bryng 〈…〉 h hym ●aicte Paule also doeth comforte Tithe with the article of resurrection ▪ 〈…〉 ng Remēber the Lorde Iesus Christ 〈…〉 yng the seede of Dauid rose againe 〈…〉 the dedde accordyng to my Gospell 〈…〉 if we bee dedde with hym wee shall 〈…〉 liue with hym If we suffer pacient 〈…〉 e shall also reigne with hym It was written also to the Hebrues 〈…〉 Christe tasted death for all menne 〈…〉 that he was partaker of fleashe and 〈…〉 d firste became verie manne that he 〈…〉 ht destroye hym whiche had the rule 〈…〉 at h that is the Deuill and that he 〈…〉 ht deliuer them whiche were in bō 〈…〉 all their life tyme by the reason of the hearing of Christes Gospell is so v 〈…〉 the feare of death God hath deliuered vs and called 〈…〉 with an holy calling not according to 〈…〉 workes but according to his purpose 〈…〉 grace whiche is giuen vs in Christe 〈…〉 before the time of the world but is n 〈…〉 made manifeste by the appearyng of 〈…〉 sauiour Iesus Christ whiche truely 〈…〉 dest●●ied death and hath brought life● immortalitie to light by the Gospell Wee knowe that wee are trans 〈…〉 from life to death bicause wee loue 〈…〉 brethren In this hath the loue of God appe 〈…〉 in vs bycause God sent his onely be 〈…〉 ten sonne into the worlde that we 〈…〉 lyue thorowe him I knowe that my redeemer doth 〈…〉 and in the