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A88858 The tree of faith: or, The tree of life, springing up in the paradise of God; : from which all the wonders of the new Creation, in the virgin church of the first-born of wisdom must proceed. / By J. Lead. Lead, Jane, 1623-1704. 1696 (1696) Wing L791; ESTC R179388 42,552 175

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THE TREE of FAITH OR The Tree of Life Springing up in the Paradise of GOD From which All the Wonders of the New Creation in the Virgin Church of the First-born of Wisdom must proceed By J. Lead Matth. 13.32 It is the Least of all Seeds but when it is grown it is the Greatest of Herbs and becometh a TREE LONDON Printed and Sold by J. Bradford in Jewen-Street near Crowder's-Well 1696. TO THE READER HAving given an Account of the Confusion of the Babylonish Forms being rejected by the Head Shepherd from whom an Angel is gone forth that hath sounded the Trumpet to proclaim That all Formal Worships set up by Man and constituted by Rational Inventions as a Shadow must pass away For nothing in this Day shall stand but the Power and Spirit of the Lamb that will cast up his Church into no other Mold but that in which he himself in his Resurrection-State did Appear So that the Gathering together of his Flocks from all Parts shall be for the making up this Resurrection Church as New born into the Faith For which Reason I have here superadded a Manifestation which some Years since was given me which I judge may now be of as General Vse to make Publick as it was first for my own Particular Information and Instruction whence it was never design'd to see the Light But seeing that this Church that hath been describ'd by the Spirit of Christ is to consist of the Branches of Faith growing up from the Root and Stock of Abraham it was found very Expedient that this should follow the foregoing Treatise Because the New Creation which is to be brought forth must have their Consistency of Life by the Faith of the Son of God that as he was in this World so may also his Bride and Spouse be acting in the Holy Ghostly Property to do the Wonders which the Last Age of the World is to produce For it is expected that mighty Deeds and Works shall be wrought by this New Risen Virgin Church such as have and such as never have been For the Patriarchs Prophets and most highly Spirited in the Faith and Love Power and Purity shall again descend to assume Persons that are of this Resurrection Life so to do all the Worthy Exploits according to the Lot in which each Antient Saint did stand All which shall be renewed again for the state of the Prophesies relating to Christ's thousand Years Reign which will overspread the Earth with the Kingly Prophetical and Priestly Train I had some thoughts of Obliterating the beginning of this little Treatise being only a Private Recollection of my Spiritual Travels which I have used to make from Year to Year but I quickly check'd my self herein for that it was mov'd upon me that it might be Vseful and Beneficial to some Souls and for a Pattern to excite them to the Recollection Wherefore I resolved to let it go without any Alteration according to its full and Genuine Sense J. L. THE Tree of Faith c. § 1. BEing come to the Conclusion of this Year 1686. recollecting and making Observation from one New-Year to another of what hath passed both in reference to the Internal Attainments Growths and Degrees arrived to in Spirituals and what hath happened by special Providence concerning the outward Bodily Man both which I have for some Years kept a Memorandum of for my own private satisfaction taking special notice how the Work of God hath gone on in order to the perfecting of what my Soul hath been these many Years in great travail for but in special for what hath been in sight and view through the Spirit of Prophecy declared unto me since 1670. in the which Year and so forward on to this time entring upon this New Year I have found the working Wheel from the strong Hand of the Most High and have driven hard on for the bringing back of my Soul into Eternal and pure Nature's Originalty again the which to be plain is no less then to be Born again into another World where this visible Birth in Sin with its world is as forgotten and shut out no otherwise remembred but to give occasion of the greatest Wonder and admiration of that great and infinite goodness that hath unfettered and set the Soul free to be born into a divine and spiritual Body so to dwell and inhabit in the high and heavenly World where my Correspondency hath been maintained much since the Year 70. gaining Year by Year some increase and higher degree of Wisdom and Understanding in the secret Mysteries of Eternity as to what doth lie hidden there which through our abstraction of Mind and watchful Attendance in new Varieties from that World do present themselves § 2. Now as to this last past Year many have been my Internal provings and secret Combates that have followed me hard to shake my Faith as to the great and wonderful Revolutions relating to the accomplishment of a full and perfect Redeemed State among Mortals here to be seen and known in order to which I have been followed with renewed Predictions and Promises for the keeping up and open the Springs of Faith which otherwise would have been stopped therefore I must proclaim the goodness of God who hath kept the stock of Faith going on in me for the hopeful consummating of what is yet behind which are great and weighty things worth waiting upon which if succesfully I may attain will quit all suffering loss of what ever can be called Earthly and Terrene in sensible things which are of this World only among Mortals seen from all which I have been much called from as finding every Year hath renewed upon me great abatements and weariness of Life and Love to all perishable things A good reason there is why because the Heavens do before me open stand by which my Mind and Spirit is so well entertained by the Objects there seen with all substantial Varieties that I need not care any more to look out for these § 3. When at any time drawn and pluck'd away I am by strong motives from this World then great Wo Pain and Trouble do me possess for so it is when at any time I am out of the Heavenly Places where now only my Life doth lie within that secret Cabinet of Eternity preferring that as my chief and only Excellency So I resolve to go forward by the Power of the Most High this ensuing Year for what of this kind may multiply and prosper in my Hand mightily For the which all care and strict Watch I see must be that so I may not overslip my Day acting accordingly as Power doth move and rise the which is to be attended upon Day by Day as God shall clear up the way otherwise all Attempts are but in vain which set upon may be as I have proved by what hath been undertaken contrary to this all high and approving Eye Therefore Wisdom doth me teach in a passive brokenness of Will
the Signs of the Superiour Heavens do signifie out as much that the Time is very near at hand for the Accomplishment of all these for which End there was shewn to me an Ark in the Figure but which was declared to me in the Mystery to be no less then the Substance of the whole Triune Deity who would suddenly send forth Ambassadours from themselves that are to be as the First Fruits and Representatives of the Bride to gather in all such as were to make up the whole Jerusalem Bride whose Habitation is prepared in Wisdom's Wonderful Paradisical Principle § 3. Wherefore it was not long after I had received the first Manifestation and Figurative Opening of Faith's TREE from the Spirit of Faith growing up in me before I had further Notice given me of an ARK into which Faith's Archers who had hitten the Mark were to be received in For in a little more then a Year after that I had this free Communication with my Lord concerning it which follows And notwithstanding the latter Part of this amongst many other of my Papers has been lost yet this which hath been by the All-wise Giver of it preserved for that end will I know be of some Service and Use and therefore have I been prevailed with to insert it here though I am not able to recal what either went before or followed after it February 21. 1687. § 4. Being upon my Internal Watch in the pure stillness of my Mind this Word came to me saying The Ark of Faith which the Lord hath been these many Years in raising and building is yet not persued and as little understood although Warning upon Warning and Sound upon Sound have gone forth for preparing and building such an Ark which may flote upon the broad River of the Holy Ghost Then was I touched at this saying of my Lord as being conscious how he had opened to me this effectual Door and Mystery of Faith charging me to keep to the Rules of it which upon this Word I questioned whether I had kept up to so precisely as I had received command to do Whereupon the Spirit pray'd in me Lord God Omnipotent if I have been negligent shew it me with much more to that effect in which my Heart was enlarged to pray about it Then was it in this wise revealed and answered me Thou hast been learned and taught as another Noah to prepare and build an Ark of Faith in this Invisible World therefore slack not but go on forward and I will strengthen the Studs and Stakes thereof which shall be as stable as Gold that shall be laid in as a firm bottom Who further said to me That there was One known by Name that should have of the same Spirit of Faith to concur and build with me and so we should be mutually made able to strengthen one anothers Hands to carry on this great Work as Male and Female in one Person or Spirit to enter first this Golden Ark of the Presence when reared up for which we should receive further Advertisement as we should wait diligently hereupon § 5. Then it arose further in me by way of Query to propound some things relating to this Fabrick unto the Great Master and Builder hereof who answered me most freely to whatever my Spirit was made to Inquire But the Particulars of this matter being obliterated and passed away the same Divine Spirit that was then present with me and ready to dictate what was requisite by me to be known hath now after many Years revealed and brought again to my Internal Sight this Ark of Faith in the ensuing manner which I am commanded to declare and publish for the Information and Encouragement of all those that seek to be redeemed from the Earth and would enter into this Ark. February 18. 1695 6. § 6. The Virgin Wisdom founded a joyful Cry saying Come and see what an Ark is prepared for them that are Born into the Faith as mighty Hero's to act the Wonders of the New Creation which Ark is made in my New Paradise that hath not yet been inhabited whereupon great Floods came down from the Heavens as a Golden Rain which covered the Face of the Mountains as the Waters did in Noah's time drown the Old World So that there was a mighty Sea which was called the Love-Sea Yet did it not as yet universally cover the Earth Then after this did descend also this mighty Ark in which was Faith's great Conqueror Christ Jesus with Abraham Noah and all the High Elders of the Faith which floated upon this Sea This Ark was all of a most diaphanous fine Gold with Six Wings on each side branching forth from it so that it did Fly as well as Swim which Wings were full of Eyes Then was it said to me What dost thou think this Ark is sent down for but to take in and receive such as have looked for Redemption to be Saved from the Violence and Curse of the Old Earth and from the Malignancy and Venom of the Starry Kingdom A loud Cry and Call then came out of the Ark saying Come Hasten and escape for your Lives for here is a Shelter prepared for you while those that do slight this Call and have not Faith to fly away must in another Deluge be swallowed up which will be as the Waters in Noah's Day falling down upon them from the Starry Firmament while the Children of Wisdom's Kingdom who have obeyed her Voice shall here be kept having the Wings of Power which I had before seen given to them that they might fly into this Ark. Whereinto some Eminent in the Faith were received with great Acclamations and Embracements and these that first entred had great longings to attract in others after them which they waited here in hope to see February the 19th § 7. Then the Great Captain of the Ark of Faith Christ Jesus did steer the Ark which with flying Wings did swiftly pass and landed us in the New Paradise Where we were received by the Divine Magus's and Masters of the Faith who understood the Mystery of all Miraculous Faith This was a wonderful Place the like of which I had never seen for the Walks were all paved as with Transparent Gold and several Temples were here in which these Elders in Priestly Robes all glittering did pay their Homage to the Great and Mighty King by whom they did work all their great Works and give Existency to that which never had been Then were we led out to view the pleasant Trees and Groves for delight and recreation and the Trees did seem to be as of pure Gold and the Branches to be laden as with Diamonds and all the variety of Precious Stones Besides which there were Trees also laden with all sorts of precious Fruits for Food and Rivers with Fountains flowing with spiced Wine and Cups and Flagons round about the Fountain So we were called to drink at these Fountains and to eat of these Fruits being
never be off on their Knees as to Prayer and watchfulness Then after some large Conference with the Spirit which cannot be brought forth in words There was presented to me in sight a wonderful great Wheel which seemed to spread over the whole Earth the Colour was as a Ruby-Red and it was full of Eyes round the circle of it very piercing Then it was said to me This presents God the Almighty working Wheel of which there is no beginning or end so I saw a living Spirit moving in the Wheel hoisted up as between the Heavens and the Earth then saw I four small Wheels descend out of this one of the same colour and had Eyes also then I enquired Ah Lord tell me what this meaneth And it was answered These are the Charriot-Powers which pass through all things in Centers high and Centers low and to whom these Wheels shall be joined unto they only shall be able to act the great Wonders of time then saw I where they descended and rested for a while and then they went forth and were lifted up by the great Wheel which as a Loadstone drew them up and my Spirit was presently gone to them and presently the Angelical Center stood open and from thence my Spirit was carried by these Wheels into the Apostles Center then into the Son's Center then into the Father's deepest deep of all Centers where I was to center and abide till the Wheels went forth then my Spirit should go with them who would be Eyes to see what way and whither my Spirit was to go do and act for it was said to me Now no Creaturely Will can move here for the Holy Spirit assumeth all Will Power and Act here and then no defeat is to the high holy pure Enterprize which you together in the Faith and Love co-working with these Wheels it shall be as the spreading of the Net aright and casting it to the taking of a worthy and rich Prize so go forward on and prosper February 10. 1694. § 49. This Morning the Vision of the Four Wheels appeared again which moved in the Four Elements each one being carried upward by a Spirit that was as a bright Flash of Lightning The which considering in my Mind with an inquiry hereupon made it was told me That they did represent the working Wheels of Nature that the All-powerful Spirit doth drive upward to reach the One Eternal Element which being touched with it would penetrate through the whole Bodily Man that was made up of the Four Elements Then did I see these Four Elements expire into one great terrible Flaming Wheel that spread it self over the whole Heavens and in the middle of the VVheel there were Seven Eyes § 50. Which I waiting upon was thus opened to me that the gross Earthly Part in the nature of the Four Elements should by the Spirit of Christ who took upon him the Elementary Body so come into ours as to wind them up by a strong Circling Motion as every Part may be so touched as to be tinged with and to partake of the Superiour Properties and Powers of this pure and unmixed Element and so be swallowed up in this Great Governing Wheel that ruleth over all the lower Wheels with all the Planets which thereto do coagulare and work For all by Outward Nature are under their Power and Empire till got free by ascending up to this upper ruling Wheel with its Seven Eyes Concerning which it was told me that they were the Seven Supercelestial Planets or Constellations that did govern and controll all in this lower World and its Planets This is that which will reach to Redemption of the Body § 51. Much more the Spirit of my Lord discoursed me upon this Matter which must be concealed till my Outward Elementary Wheels shall fully expire into the upper and superiour Wheel Only this I may declare for the present time that the upper Flaming Wheel with its Seven Eyes as a Loadstone is drawing mightily some known to me that have been touched therewith And it will not rest in its wheeling Motion till they shall be as to their weak Elementary Life changed into the One Superiour Element whereby the Heavenly Constellations shall predominate over all of these outward Ones which hitherto have reigned over the Elementary Part that yet lieth Unredeemed February the 12th § 52. This Day being much drawn inward in the Spirit of my Mind this word met me Arise and ride upon the Mule of Faith stand over all that is Elementary There is a Thing to be done by some that in the Crown Number do stand who shall the Land of Havilah command but Abraham's High Faith for this must spring February the 14th § 53. VVhile I was in a deep Introversion about this Matter this Word spake in me saying There is a Birth that is upon breaking forth that shall bring the Blessing of mighty Increase to present and succeeding Generations Sarah in her Old Age is near her time of bringing forth the Heir who must possess the good things of the Upper and Neather World Understand thou then what this meaneth the Old Age is an arrivement unto the Mystery of Faith Now excite thou those that are of Good will to encourage themselves with the Hope this good Old Age to see as mighty Hero's in this Faith that so ye may bring forth the Blessing to the weary and oppressed Gird up I say and take heed ye do not falter or turn out of Faith's way then shall ye bring forth a Nation as in One Day § 54. Now as some of us were hereupon waiting together and while one was in Prayer there appeared this Vision from the Light World From the which the Virgin descended and met an ascending Spirit that was pressing and expecting to come up to the Mount Sion Orb unto the Glorious Lord. But there was a stop by the Descent of the Virgin of that Orb who appeared to us in great splendour and congratulated us saying Thus I know whereto ye would in your Spirits have arrived but I am come from your Lord to make known the Thing which ye have long been in travail for And now I do appear to you for this purpose that you may be overshadowed with my Virgin Nature which may be the Womb all sanctified for the conceiving of the Holy Ghost which will be the Lordly Birth in Spirit And as he was brought forth in the Fulness of Time by a single Personal Virgin so now in Plurality in Virgin Spirits to multiply upon the Earth that so Evil Births may sink and dye as these Virgin Births shall rise And therefore to you who in holy Dedication are this Counsel is given Observe from this Day how this Birth in you shall go forward on and therefore watchful each one of you be And after this Saying she cast a wonderful bright shining Ray of Glory as we were sitting together upon each of us § 55. Now at her first Appearance St.
to stand till my God shall come forth with the Express Word of Command that so the Heavenly Plantation may go on and nothing it withstand for lets and interposings have got in as I have from Year to Year seen and will be still I do find until the Spirit of Faith do get the upper-hand which in God the driver on is to be that so the long set back Work in Pentecost Day may after so many Years delay come forward once again For the which I have been a private and earnest waiter and diligent seeker where ever I might find Spirits that hereunto were inclined to wait in a pure Temple-mind unitedly for the great Dowry of the Holy Power again to rise but to this Day a scattering and dividing among the Holy People hath been who hitherto are scared and affrighted away from each other upon poor low and worldly Circumstances so as no Body of Saints can yet get together The which hath been very grievous unto me carrying a secret Sorrow and Mourning in my Soul here for I having according to the power given me made offers here and there but oh how little hath this Call been understood No not even by those who might become of the high and holy waiting Disciplehood so as that upon this account in long-suffering I have been looking this way and that way for the most holy Wind to blow some one or other in for a beginning into this great and Spiritual Gathering § 4. I have often seen my own Angel Spirit fluttering to and fro from Plant to Plant and so on to each Lebanon-Tree to find where the Eagle-Body might make her Nest her Young there 〈◊〉 Hatch and Brood in safety from the ravenous Birds of Prey but no sooner was I here alighted after many a long Flight but the flying Serpent hath with great sury come forth to prevent and demolish what was prepared for this intent and so hath often permitted been hitherto to keep off a selected gathering as a Heaven-Born Society which by coming together may make up the holy Priestly Body whom God may give witness unto by pitching with them his Tabernacle-Presence in great Power and Glory O for this how hath my Soul and Spirit been carried forth to seek and wait upon it and still must it pursue till my God shall it fulfil as decreed it is in his Will § 5. Now as to what hath passed this present Year relating to the outward Being with all Circumstances thereunto relating it hath been very considerable and worth taking notice of Wherein my God hath appeared greatly for my support answering all Bodily Necessities which hath been brought in by a signal Hand of renewed Providence as occasion hath required Although great plunges and difficulties with Temptations thereupon attending for my proving did meet upon me for the tryal of my Faith Which the Power of the Most High did still maintain and uphold invisibly and thereby brought me forth out of all most victoriously My Tribulations and Distresses were known to God only For I saw it in vain to complain to any Creaturely Being but still in all I did apply my self to that Name Great JEHOVAH whom I found a Refuge at all times very nigh procuring deliverance oft-times unexpectedly For the which great goodness from my God thus by me proved I have so much to say and make mention of by way of thankfulness and praise that the number of Times and Days are far too little to rehearse and proclaim the Bounteousness of this great Love that hath thus minded me in a desolate Widowhood state But what I may be short of in Time let Eternity while in Time and out and beyond all time for ever celebrate one Everlasting Sabbath of Laud with pure and powerful Praises to thee oh Holy Holy Holy Infinite Almighty whom my Soul doth so greatly adore that Silence must speak much more with a Life that must excel both § 6. Now waiting still upon thee O God for what may further produce this Approaching Year in order to the accomplishment of what hath been the main drift and whole Scope of my Life's attendency since the unsealing of the Heavenly Mystery By which the obligation hath pressed in so deep upon me that hath made me to relinquish all impeding Multiplicities which possiby I could wind my self off from that so I might follow on in pure Heart Spiritual-mindedness that so I might be a partaker and a possessor of what is to follow as hath been accordingly made known through the Spirit of Revelation unto me which have raised all the powers and forces of my Soul for the giving up it self to this high and heavenly Calling which is the Holy Profession of Faith which now my Life that I am henceforth to live must wholly consist of for so my Lord hath averred and established his Word renewedly unto me § 7. The Spirit doth hard upon me for this ply declaring unto me that upon Faith's bottom I must stand and go forward on all steadily the Work is great which I do stand chargable withal for the which oh God my own strength is but small therefore to thy Omnipotency I do call for that must be my all in all to make me a Practitioner in this high and Heavenly Calling The Matter which I have to work upon is only from that Word of Faith which did create all Worlds the which doth greatly support and satisfie and support me as a stock of strength and power that will carry on to Victory keeping my Eye always staid hereupon as the Priestly Portion which is set out for me who no Propriety have among the Tribes whose Inheritances are of another kind and therefore the Lord will still my Portion be in full for all things that shall needful be The Vision of the Tree § 8. Now in order to this there was shewn to me a Tree that should all suddenly spring up in me which spread forth its Branches for increase and fruitfulness and that no dependency would have upon any other Tree but it self Which was intituled to me to be Faith's Tree on which without fear the Eagle-Bird may build her Nest and not be disturbed while she is hatching her most holy Priestly Brood who from the Fruits of this Tree are to be fed and nourished till unto such strength arrived as to take their flight transcendently up unto their own Priestly Thrones near to CHRIST their Priestly Head there to meet that Company which of their own Royal sort and kind in sacred and pure White Robes all cloathed are So that here a mutual fellowship betwixt the lower and higher Worlds all agreeably will be which is the great Wonder that in the Heavens hath lately been opened to me not for Speculation only but for Provocation to set upon this Work with such as shall hereunto added unto me be For the which a pure bright attractive Eye is gone forth to fetch in such as are numbred to stand with