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A84751 Foure speeches delivered in Guild-Hall on Friday the sixth of October, 1643. At a common-hall, vpon occasion of desiring the assistance of our brethren of Scotland in this warre. / Viz. the [brace] 1. by Mr. Solicitor. 2. by Mr. Edmund Calamy. 3. by Mr. Jeremiah Burroughes. 4. by Mr. Obadiah Sedgewick. Published according to order. Gardiner, Thomas, Sir, 1591-1652.; Calamy, Edmund, 1600-1666.; Burroughs, Jeremiah, 1599-1646.; Sedgwick, Obadiah, 1600?-1658. 1646 (1646) Wing F1671; Thomason E338_1; ESTC R200837 38,460 48

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fr●ite of my comming to this City if after five yeers unprofitablenesse I might speak somewhat this afternoon that might enlarge your hearts to a greater measure of liberality All I will say is this Wee Divines say that Perseverance is the only grace that Crowns a Christian Methushelah lived 999 yeers if hee had fallen away from Grace at the 999 yeers end all the good that hee had done before had been quite forgotten I know that God will so uphold his children that they shall never fall away but I bring it as a supposition that suppose that Methushelah had forsaken his righteousnesse all hee had done before had been quite forgotten but God hath made a promise never to forsake his Children and that grace hee hath begun in them hee will finish and I doubt not but that God that hath put it into your hearts to be● so liberall already and to doe so much in this Cause and to bee so cordiall and so reall and to exceed all other parts of the Kingdom I hope that same God now will finish that good work hee hath begun and will crown all his graces in you with the Grace of Perseverance and that God that hath been the Author of all the good you have done I doubt not but that God will bee the Finisher And I beseech God to give a blessing to that hath been spoken Mr. Jeremiah Burroughes his speech in Guild-hall on Friday the sixt of October 1643. Gentlemen PRovidence hath cast this Assembly met for such a weighty occasion as indeed it is the weightiest that hath concerned England in our age to bee late and so perhaps wearisome to many of you but you may well bee content to stay a while although you should bee deprived of a great part of your sleep this night if this Evenings businesse may have the hoped successe of it it may make you sleep quietly and securely many nights after Things of present and absolute necessity call for action not deliberation this work that you have been called unto is such as you must leave objecting against it and rather fall a blessing God that you may bee used in it In the 1 of Chronicles 22. 14. When David and the people had come and offered of their estates freely and bountifully David hee humbles himself then Who am I and who are wee It were happy if you come all with such an humble frame of spirit to admire that God preserves your lives and calls you at this time to such a work so concerning his glory and the good of three Kingdoms yea of the Christian world If ever you that have estates had cause to rejoyce in them then now when God presents such a large opportunity for his service as hee loth and wherein consills mans happinesse but in being serviceable in his generation In these dayes to bee acted by that poore ●ow principle Qui bene lotuit bene vixit that is let us keep our selves safe and quiet keep our estates take heed of appearing too farre wee know not which side may prevaile this is an argument of a vile and a sordid spirit let such a mans name bee writen in the earth Unworthy is such a man to live in such a Generation as this in which God is doing such great things as might enliven the deadest heart quicken the dullest spirit raise the heaviest and inlarge the straitest spirit living upon the earth In former times indeed there was lesse charge called for there was lesse trouble but there was lesse service too and what doe you think to bee the measure of a mans happinesse either little trouble or much service A gratious heart thinks it as great a mercy to lay out for God as to receive from God God in these our dayes is risen on high in his administrations and our hearts should rise together with him Psalm 105. 4 5. Thy mercy O Lord is above the heavens and thy truth reacheth unto the clouds what followes bee thou then exalted O Lord above the Heavens and let thy glory bee above all the earth This day Gods name Gods great works they are above the heavens they are very high wee behold them let our hearts rise in a suitable way as God rises in his workings and all say and doe as wee say that God may bee exalted now above the heavens indeed God can doe his work without you and doe it certainly hee will howsoever but seeing hee is now laying a foundation of the most glorious building that it is like ever hath been in this world if hee shall bee pleased to call you to bee helpfull in it it will bee Gods mercy and your glory Were it that this one principle were raised in the hearts of people that to doe publique service it is not onely a duty but a dignity how ready how abundant then would men bee in the Work of the Lord There hath lately been the most blessed union of two Nations as ever was in the world lifting up their hands to the high God swearing that they will amend their wayes and seek to reform themselves according unto the Word let us now reach forth our hands and hearts unto our brethren in Scotland let us come up fully unto this our engagement and rejoyce in it for certainly that Nation is a Nation that God doth love a Nation that God doth honour and by those many expressions of his love shewed that hee doth intend to make them speciall instruments of the great things he hath to doe in this latter age of the world It is a Nation that is united the most firmely of any people under heaven Wee may truly call it a Philadelphia and Brightman that famous light in former times 30 or 40 yeers since did parallell the Church of Philadelphia with the Church of Scotland Philadelphia signifies brotherly love When was there ever a Nation such a Church that joyned together in such firm Covenants as they have done had wee had the like union amongst us O what great things had wee done long before this time A Nation it is that hath engaged it self to God in a higher way in a more extraordinary way than any Nation this day upon the face of the earth hath done in the most solemn way Covenanting with the eternall God powring forth their prayers and their tears for joy together with their Covenanting A Nation that hath reformed their lives for so small a time more than ever any people that wee know of in the world have done and a people that have risen up against Antichrist more in another way than ever people have done and that is the great Work of God in these times and therefore God certainly hath a love unto them because they breake the ice and begin the work and arise in such a way as they doe for the pulling down of that man of sin A Nation that God hath honoured by giving as glorious successe unto as ever he did unto any whose low and
one of the best Fathers true Religion is What you lay out to preserve it that one day will returne to preserve you I have ever thought our Religion to be our shield and as he said of his shield so Religion will say to you Defend me and I will defend you It is our shield why preserve your shield you preserve your selfe O that this large Auditory would but remember two or three things that I will speake unto you It is better Friends to keep your Religion with the expence of all you have then to keep all you have with the losse of one dram of Religion and if you should quit the preservation of Religion you shall lose in the event both Religion and your selves too There will be a double losse you may perhaps for the present be at a double cost to keep up Religion but you shall be at a treble losse if you lose Religion you shall lose your lives you shall lose the estates that you keep and you shall lose your soules too and if any thing keeps you it is Religion For if any thing keeps God that keeps all it is the keeping of Religion Now Sirs a● this argument besides al that 〈…〉 for in truth they have left me almost naked that I have nothing to say as this argument may revive those affections that have been stirred up already so methinkes if you looke but upon the very condition of the Church this day I professe unto you it will break your hearts and therefore may certainly open your purses this day Why friends if I am able I may not deny no not one day nor the second day nor the third day nor any time I must not deny to help a poor Lazarus I must not see Lazarus to starve and die at my doores if that I am able to helpe a poore Christian Why if my bowells must extend themselves i● 〈◊〉 helpe must extend it selfe to one Christian how shall I how can I see the Churches of Jesus Christ for to gaspe and give up the Ghost at the feet of bloud There are two sorts of bloud which will lye heavie upon my soule if that I should suffer the guilt of them to be upon my soul there is the bloud of Christ and the bloud of the Churches of Christ If Abel● bloud the bloud of a single person was so heavie upon ●ain what will the bloud of 〈◊〉 Church of all the Churches of Christ let downe upon our fonts if we should now falle to help the Churches of Christ But if there were no other 〈…〉 with you but onely something that might concerns your selves I professe as I am satisfied in my owns Spirit so I am p●rswaded it were enough to perswade you Why Friends you have done already I speak not to flatter you you 〈…〉 already more then all the land hath done even to the preservation of all the Land nay more then all the Christian world hath done to preserve the Cause of Christ And let me tell you that God hath not been behinde hand with you God hath looked upon you as much I meane this City God hath looked upon this City 〈…〉 if not more then upon all the land besides And ●ruly if you will cast east up all accounts betwixt God and your selves though you have done very much yet you are in arre●s ages still unto God God is still before-hand with mercies though in mercy he hath stirred up your hearts to doe thus These are three things methinks wherein the Lord hath shewed himselfe to you that may for ever engage your hearts with all alacrity to spend and to be spent for his cause Why the one is he never would to this day suffer the destroyer notwithstanding all their intentions he would never suffer the destroyer to enter into this City he hath still diverted them as you have observed by some admirable acts of providence when their resolutions have been to come to this place the Lord knowes in what condition you had been by this day if providence had not at one time especially diverted them from it but notwithstanding all this God hath not suffered them to this day to shoot one arrow into your City But then there is another thing as the Lord hath not to this day suffered them to come in a publike hostile way so he hath from time to time discovered all the Treacheries Plots and designes against you When the enemy could not destroy you above board but thought to undermine your Lives and States and all I need not say much to revive your memories of late dayes did God unknowne to you deliver you from destruction and should you now be backward to doe for this God that hath preserved all that you have and all that you are Nay consider one thing more he hath in all the publike services wherein indeed if any people in the Land deserve our acknowledgements and honour this City hath got it from the whole Land But this is that I was saying God hath in all the publike Services and Battails which have of late been fought in the land God hath hanged the shield of salvation upon your shoulders he hath been pleased to cast all the glory not onely of preservation but of the great successe and honour and victory God hath cast it upon the people of London And will you that God hath defended all this while will you that God hath preserved from secret treachery will you that God hath given hearts all this while to stand for God above all the people of the earth will you that God hath done so much for in the times of battaile more then for all the rest wil you fail now to do for God God forbid I beseech you rather that your hearts may be doubled and trebled for that God that is so good to you And not to trouble you long because the truth is I am confident there needs no more to be said you long rather who should most shew his affection at this time to preserve all Why there is one thing more that might bee spoken too that is touching our brethren of Scotland Why so many things have been said already that I can say nothing Our condition worthy Sirs our condition of England mee thinks it is so like the condition of that poore man that went between Jericho and Jerusalem there the Priest hee passes by on the one side never so much as lookes upon him Our Priests and Popish party and another sordid party that cleaves to them they doe not so much as consider the lamentable losse of this poore Kingdom of England the Levite he came and looked on indeed but hee passes by I pray God it ●ee not laid to the charge of some Churches abroad to whom wee have been helpfull that they can have eares to heare of our distresses and wounds but have not hands at all to help us whether they have tongues to pity us wee know not Onely there is the Samaritan Sirs the Samaritan that saw this wounded man and that had compassion and that went to him and that bound up his wounds and that powred in Oyle and Wine Truly Sirs the Samaritans that wee finde on earth for our great Physitian in Heaven wee blesse him still for looking upon us but the Samaritans the onely Samaritans that wee have on earth they are our brethren in Scotland O the tears that they have shed for poore England O the Prayers that they have in solemn manner from time to time sent up to Heaven for poor England O the Petitions that they unknown for a long time to us did direct unto his Majesty if it had been possible to take up all differences and now yet again as if their inward compassions as if their prayings to Heaven as if their petitionings to man were nothing so sensible so affectionate are they to live with us to dye with us that they are ready to come in to adventure their dearest lives to save our lives Why Friends why what will move your hearts if this doth not move your hearts I doe professe it is the greatest equity under heaven to lend our estates some of our moneys to them that are not unwilling to venture their lives for us I know many Objections might bee made You have done much already and the summe is great I say no more There is nothing great to a minde that is great and the Cause is great and though the summe of money bee great yet their love is greater then all you can lay out to answer their love And say not grumbling wee have done often and often I say to you as Christ said to him that asked him How often must I forgive my brother Why 70 times 7 times So will I say for this publique Cause you must doe and you must doe and yet you must doe and yet you must doe as long as there is a penny in thy purse as long as there is strength in thy hand as long as there is breath in thy body you must bee all Servants to Christ and Servants to the Churches of Jesus Christ And so I beseech the God of Heaven that what hath been delivered unto you this day and much hath been spoken I think as much as possibly can unto men that it may bee effectuall to move your hearts that what is done may bee speedily done and fully done lest wee bee for ever undone Nay that wee may bee preserved and not only wee but all the Churches of God preserved And the Lord of Heaven make impression upon your hearts FINIS
remember in this Ordinance of Parliament you call it Advance money It is called an Ordinance to advance money towards the maintaining of the Parliaments forces and truly it is the highest advance of money to make money an instrument to advance my Religion the Lord give you hearts to beleeve this You shall have the Faiths of both Kingdoms ingaged in this Cause the Kingdom of Scotland and the Kingdom of England and surely the Publique Faith of Scotland will secure the Publique Faith of England I speak now of secondary causes through Gods blessing I am informed by the Commissioners of Scotland that the Nation of Scotland are now taking the Covenant that wee took the last Lord● day in this City And you know that a Scotch Covenanter is a terrible thing you know what mighty things they did by their last Covenant you know that the name of a Covenanter the very name of it did doe wonders And I am assured by them that there is not one person in the Kingdom of Scotland that is not a Covenanter and there shall not one abide among them that will not take this Covenant and there shall not one of those 21000 that are to come over in this Cause not one of them shall come that will not take this Covenant but they must take this Covenant before they come O that the consideration of these things might work up your hearts to a high degree of Charity to a superlative degree and that the Lord would make you more active and more liberall in this great Cause For my part I speak it in the name of my self and in the name of these 〈◊〉 Ministers wee will not only speak to perswade you to contribute but every one of us that God hath given any estate to wee will all to our utmost power wee will not only say it● but v●●ite wee will not only speak to you to lend but every one of us as wee have already lent so wee will lend to our utmost power and blesse God that wee have it to lend for indeed it is now a time of action and not of speaking only because it is an extraordinary businesse therefore here is an extraordinary appearance of so many Ministers to encourage you in this Cause that you may see how reall the godly Ministery in England is unto this Cause The Gospel it is called a Pearl of price by our Saviour Christ and I hope all you Merchants will part with your goodly pearls to buy this pearl of price You Tradesmen the Gospel is called a Treasure hid in the field so our Saviour Christ calls it I hope you will bee willing to part with your earthly treasures to preserve this blessed treasure that is hid in the field you have parted with some goodly pearls already I hope you will part with your other goodly pearls There is an excellent Story of one Nonlu● a Roman Senator that had a pearl that hee did prize above his life and when Anthony the Triumvir one that was then in great power when hee sent to N●nius to have the pearl hee would not send it him and hee told him that if hee would banish him hee would bee willingly banished so hee might save his pearl if hee would take away his life hee would dye with his pearl hee did not regard his Countrey so hee might have his pearl hee regarded nothing so hee might have his pearl but hee would not part with his pearl what ever hee parted withall This pearl it is the Gospel of Jesus Christ that you have professed in this City and I hope you have professed it with power and certainly you have the name of those that have professed the Gospel in the greatest purity of any under heaven This pearl is this Gospel I hope you will part with all willingly and cheerfully rather than part with the Gospel though you goe to prison carry the Gospel with you nay though you lose your lives ●t shall bee with the Gospel and for the Gospel I hope so There is one Argument more and then I have done and that is from the inveterate hatred they have at Oxford against the City of London and against you for your good because you have been so well-affected to this Cause Gentlemen I beseech you give mee leave that am no Statesman not acquainted with the affaires of policy yet give mee leave to put you in minde of this that surely the plundering Army at Oxford conceive that they shall finde a great treasure here in the City though many pretend they have no money Though certainly you have done well and lent much yet the plundering Army give out that if they get possession of the City they shall finde a treasury to bee able to pay all they have been at And if ever you should bee driven which God forbid to make your peace it would cost you twenty times as much then to procure your peace and such a peace it may bee that would bee rather a Warre than a Peace and a death better than that peace which now you may have for a very little a most happy Peace There is a famous story of Zelimus Emperour of Constantinople that after hee had taken Aegypt hee found a great deal of treasure there and the Souldiers came to him and asked him what shall wee doe with the Citizens of Aegypt for wee have found a great treasure among them and wee have taken their Riches O saith hee hang them all up for they are too rich to bee made slaves and this was all the thanks they had for the riches they were spoyled of And it may be● though some of you that stand neute●● or some of you that are dis-affected to the Cause of the Parliament may think that if the Lord for our sins should give up this City unto the Army that is with the King you may think that you shall escape yet bee assured that youngoods will bee Roundheads though you bee not your goods will bee Gybalins though you bee Gwel●s as 〈…〉 is Certainly there will bee no distinction in the plundering of your goods between you and others and therefore let mee beseech you that as the Lord hath made you instruments to doe a great deal of good already for indeed you are the preservers of our Religion and you are the preservers of our Parliament by your liberality and by your former contributions and by your assistance and the Lord hath made you mighty instruments of our good let mee beseech you that you would persevere and now wee are come to the Sheat Anchor wee are now come to the last cast I beseech you you would persevere and hold out and O that my words might adde somewhat to help forward this contribution It hath pleased God to make mee a setled Ministery in this City and I have now been here almost five yeers in this City and though I had never done any good in my place I should now think it a great
of it it is in your power now either to save us or to undoe us and shall this be let fall now out of love of Mony shall I say Let the Mony of those men perish with them No I came not hither to threaten but to perswade consider that the mercies that you have from Christ cost Christ more then money they cost Christ his deare heart bloud Who is it that raised your estates more then others have not many of you come hither low as Jacob with your staffe to this City and now behold these bands this estate who knows but that you are raised for such a time as this Have not you engaged your selves many times in prayer to God when first you entred into Covenant to God did not you give up all your estate then to God to bee employed in his Service God cals for his due at this time from you Oftentimes upon your sick beds and death beds in your apprehension of death that they would have been death beds you have then given up all again to God and vowed that if God did raise you up you would live to his service you would employ your strength in his Service God calls for all those vows you have now an opportunity to fulfill all those vowes And seeing providence hath cast it so that a Reverend Assembly of Divines hath appointed us to speake thus unto you give us leave to speak in the name of God unto you and to call upon you in the name of God for the fulfilling of all the vows that you have made upon your sick beds to give up your selves and your estates for the service of the Lord And know that if you shall keep your estates otherwise then God would have you it will be to you as the Manna was to the Israelites they kept it longer than they should and there was wormes in it 〈◊〉 that was preserved no longer than Gods time was sweet but that that was kept afterwards it had wormes breeding in it Your estates you have now you must not think will alwayes bee so sweet as they have been unto you if you preserve them longer than God would have you there will wormes breed in them yea the curse of God will bee in them Have not you s●nt up many prayers to God for this great Cause that God would blesse it I appeal to you then you have engaged your selves to Heaven by all your prayers therfore I beseech and intreat you now by all the prayers you have made as before by your vowes by all the prayers you have made upon your Fasting dayes that God would preserve his Cause that you would now doe as much as in you lies to maintain his Cause otherwise how doe you trifle with the great God and mock him in your prayers that you seek to him to maintain it and when there is an opportunity in your hands you will not doe wh●t lies in you It may bee you will say w●e have done much already Wee acknowledge it and blessed bee God for it but know the Cause is a great Cause and it is a great God that you doe for Philo Judaeus tells us it was enough among some heathenish people but to say to them Libertas agitur the businesse is your Liberty that is afoot enough to venture their estates and lives It is not Liberty alone but Religion as you have heard But because some may perhaps cast such a scruple into your mindes a● we have heard of it That what warrant have wee to take up Armes to maintain Religion that is not at present to bee discussed but only this to satisfie and stop all their mouths with one word Thus farre none can deny it but it is lawfull to take up armes to maintain that civill right wee have to our Religion and this wee doe For wee have not onely a right to our Religion by the Law of God but wee have a Civill right to this our Religion that other Christians have not had and therefore there can bee no scruple in this to retard you in such a work as this you have done much but a gratious heart will ever think what hee hath done for God it is but poore and low That example is famous of David that had done so much for preparing the Temple of God in the 1 of Chronicles 22. 14. It was 1000000 talents of silver and 1000 talents of gold which some compute a matter of 33 Cart loads of silver allowing 20000 livre. to every Cart load and 70 millions of French Crowns of gold this David had done preparing but for the house of the Lord and yet hee saith that out of his poverty hee had done all this all this was but a poor and low thing for him to doe in comparison of the great God why have you done more then this therefore seeing it is for the high God you have done it look upon what you have done but as low and still goe on in the work of the Lord You have done much and so have the adversaries too Wee would have you to weigh this that the adversary hath been at as much charge as you have been as bountifull and free as you have been in the 46 of Isaiah 6. Wee read that the Idolaters did lavish out their gold upon their Idols yea they lavished their gold out of their bagges Certainly our adversary hath felt the burthen of this and hath been at the charge of it as much as you You have done much but yet you have not gone in a good work so farre as a Herod hath done Josephus in his 15 Book of Antiquities and about the 12 Chapter tells us of Herod the King that in the time of scarcity hee sold away all his moveables all the plate that was served to his table and fetched corn from Aegypt and bought it for the poor and cloathed them yea and gave seed corn to the Assyrians his neighbours Why now in this our Kingdom wee may see much Plate still at many Noble mens tables yea at many Gentlemens tables a great deal of Plate reserved they have not sold all their moveables and Plate to give away it is but a proportion of their estates and but to lend upon so good security And take this one consideration further your having done much is a mighty preparation to make your doing now to bee formidable to your adversaries for what is the hope of your adversary but that you are drawn dry They triumph in this and they tell the world that there must bee such petty wayes to seek to the City to get petty summes of money and all is even gone and therefore wee shall have them to bee a prey ere long but when they shall see that after so much hath been expended here that you have such free spirits and to come out still abundantly with further treasure this will more daunt their hearts this 100000 livre. will daunt their hearts more than 2000000 li.