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A76452 The saints inheritance after the day of ivdgement. Being also an answer to certaine scruples of late delivered, and others printed, expecially in that book intituled, The personall reigne of Christ upon earth. By T. B. T. B. 1643 (1643) Wing B203; Thomason E59_4; ESTC R3205 49,886 41

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THE SAINTS INHERITANCE After the Day of IVDGEMENT Being also An Answer to certaine scruples of late delivered and others Printed especially in that Booke intituled The Personall Reigne of Christ upon Earth By T. B. Isa 45. 17 18. For Israel shall be saved with an everlasting salvation ye shall not be ashamed nor confounded world without end for thus saith the Lord that created the heavens God himselfe that formed the earth and made it he hath established it he created it not in vaine he formed it to be inhabited I am the Lord and there is none else Dan. 7. 18. 27. But the Saints of the most High shall take the Kingdom and possesse the Kingdom for ever even for ever and ever and the Kingdome and the greatnesse of the Kingdome under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the Saints of the most High whose Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdome and all Dominions shall serve and obey him LONDON Printed by Richard Cotes and are to be sold by John Sweeting in Popes-head-Alley 1643. Revel 21. 7. He that overcometh shall inherit all things and I will be his God and be shall be my sonne THe meaning of these words are not to be confined onely to the joyes of heaven when the body is dead and the Soule is ascended up thither and hath the fruition of God the Father and of Jesus Christ and the blessed Spirit and the holy Angels and soules of just men made perfect but it reacheth unto all things that are here below in this world to satisfie the body also at the resurrection day when the creatures and man also are all restored againe to their first perfection for saith the Lord I will bring a seede out of Jacob and out of Judah an inheritour of my mountaines and mine elect shall inherit it Isa 65. 10. 11. see 3 5 2. and my Servants shall dwell there and Sharron shall be a fold for flockes and the valley of Achor a place for the herds to lye downe in for my people that have sought me This is promised to those that overcome First the world as it is now corrupted by the sinne of man so that neither the pleasures nor profits thereof deceive our hearts to set our love immoderately on it Let your moderation be knowne to all men the Lord is at hand Secondly to them that stand fast against all the wiles of the Devill Phil. 4. 5. Ephe. 6. 11 and doe not let Satan get advantage of them those that are not ignorant of his devices but resist the Devill and cause him to flye from them Thirdly 2 Cor. 2. 11 Jam. 4. 7. Isa 44. 20. Pro. 4. 23. 1 Cor. 9. 27 those that their owne deceived heart hath not turned them aside those that keepe their heart withall diligence those that keepe under their body and bring it in subjection and keepe their mouth with a bridle Psal 39. 1. and make a covenant with their eyes Job 31. 1. he that thus overcometh saith Christ will I grant to fit with me on his throne Rev. 3. 21. he shall inherit all things but in this world we are Warriours fighting against them for they are not really overcome in this world therefore the full fruition of all things is reserved till after death in the world to come when old things are passed away and all things are become new for he that sate on Revel 21. 5 the throue said Behold I make all things new then saith the Lord I will be his God and he shall be my Sonne Beloved now we are the Sonnes of God and it doth not yet appeare what we shall be but wee know that when he shall appeare we shall be like him but while we are here in this 1 Joh. 3. 2. Gal 4. 1. world we are as the heire under age being a childe and differing nothing from a servant though he be Lord of all we are not fit to have that authority over the creatures as Adam had till we are againe restored to that perfection that he had to be without sinne as he was neither are the creatures fit to doe their duty to us being all corrupted with our sinnes but when we and they are againe restored to our first perfection then and not before shall the Saints inherit all things for this inheritance must bee immortall uncorruptible undefiled that fadeth not away but these things as they 1 Pet. 1. 4. Mat. 5. Heb. 12. 28. are now are sometimes taken from us and sometimes we are taken from them and at the day of judgement the heavens and earth shall passe away I doe not meane the heaven of the blessed that is a kingdome that cannot be moved but the starry heavens and the cloudy heavens they shal passe away with a great noyse and the elements shall melt with fervent heate the earth also and the workes that are therein shall be burnt up the heavens being 2 Pet. 3. 10. 12. on fire shall be dissolved and the elements shall melt with fervent heat and saith John I saw a great white throne and him that sate on it from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away and there was found no place for them thus in Revel 20. 11. the day of Judgement but the Lord whom ye seeke shall suddainly come to his Temple even the messenger of the covenant whom ye delight in behold he shall come saith the Lord of Hoasts but who may abide his coming and who shall stand when he appeareth for he shall be like refiners fire and fullers sope he shall purifie the sonnes of Levi for he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver and shall purge them as gold and Mal. 3. 1 2 3 4 5. silver that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousnesse then shall the offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant to the Lord but in this Judgement he will be a swift witnesse against the wicked then will Christ purifie the creatures through fire at that day and consume their drosse with fire and brimstone and bring them backe againe to their first Chaos and then saith John in his vision I saw a new heaven and a new earth Rev. 21. 1. for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away and there was no more sea and we according to his promise looke for new heavens and a new earth 2 Pet. 3. 12 13. wherein dwelleth righteousnesse for saith the Lord Behold I create new heavens and a new earth for the former shall not be remembred nor come into mind The new heavens and the new earth which I will make shall remaine before me Isa 65. 17. Isa 66. 22. And for the rest of the creatures the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the Sonnes of God for the creature it selfe also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious Rom. 8. 19 20 21 22 23.
before the day of judgement when the wicked shall have as great authority and riches as they neither can it properly be said that the Saints shall reigne in heaven for there is none to bee subject unto them then it remaines that the Saints after the day of judgement shall reigne here on earth Revel 5. 10 when they shall shine as the Sunne in the Firmament Matth 13. 43. and be as glorious in the fight of God as he was at the first all the creatures restored to their first persection then they will yeeld to man all that obedience that is due unto him and then shall man be honoured in the earth by the creatures as their Lord and King and wonderfull happy among the Angels in heaven being of their nature in his soule and in his body also being made of the same elements with other creatures here below then the Angels shall continue in heaven and these creatures shall continue here and men shall have bodies so full of agility to ascend up to heaven and to walke in the ayre as to goe upon the ground and the glory of the soule shall bee the wonderfull perfection of Gods Image in all the faculties of it then shall wee know both the secrets of heaven and earth then shall our memories will and affections bee after an unconceivable manner made conformable unto God yea we shall have both in our soules and bodies rivers of joyes and pleasure for evermore Psal 16. 11. Revel 21 7 Esay 66. 22. then shall the Saints inherit all things and the new heavens and the new earth which I will make shall remaine before mee saith the Lord and so shall your seed and your name remaine then shall wee bee Luk. 20. 35. 36. equall to the Angels being children of the resurrection and counted worthy to obtaine that world and we shall be as Kings and Priests and wee shall reigne on the earth Revel 5. 10. and all the creatures here will yeeld subjection to us as to their Lord and King and we shall be as Priests to offer the sacrifice of praise to the Lord and give him all the glory And if any shall yet say these times shall be before the end of the world because in the eighth Psalme it is said thou hast crowned man with glory and honour and thou madest him to have dominion over the workes of thy hands and hast put all things under his feet and then names all the creatures here below I answer David here magnifies the Lord for that great glory and honour that was put upon man at the first in Paradise when he had dominion over Psal 8. 6. all things under the heavens for this is spoken in the time past Thou madest him have dominion and thou hast put all things under his feet but Heb. 2. 8. if we speake of the new world we see not yet all things put under him And whereas some hold that the soules of men departed shall returne againe and their bodies shall be raised and united to them and they shall live here againe before the day of judgement a thousand yeares but I demand Revel 20. 4 with what bodies shall they rise if it be sowne a corrupted body shall it not rise in incorruption if it bee sowne a naturall body shall 1 Cor. 15. 43 44. it not rise a spirituall body they must rise with such a body as Christ did But when the disciples saw him they were terrified and affrighted Luk. 23. 37 Act. 10. 40. 41. and supposed that they had seene a spirit and as for wicked men they never saw his body at all after his resurrection him God raised up the third day and shewed him openly not to all the people but unto witnesses chosen before of God even to us who did eate and drinke with him after hee Luk. 24. 31. 51. John 20. 17. Mich 〈◊〉 10. arose from the dead and when hee was with them as soone as they knew him he vanished out of their sight this strangenesse was betweene his spirituall and their corporall bodies this is not your rest because it is polluted he charged Mary that she should not touch him then what communion can be betwixt them when some must not touch him and others were affrighted at the sight of him and as soone as they knew him hee vanished away because the world is polluted then it cannot bee that spirituall and corporall bodies should live together and though he eate and dranke with them after his Resurrection yet we must not thinke it was for necessity or through the perill of hunger but onely for delight and to shew them that Luk. 24 3● 40. he had a reall body as before with flesh and bones onely it was made immortall and everlasting never to dye more nor to suffer any perill more And whereas it is said That the soules of them that were beheaded for the witnesse Revel 20. 4 of Jesus and for the word of God and had not worshipped the beast they lived and raigned with Christ a thousand yeares This cannot be meant of a corporall death or of a bodily resurrection for the rest that were dead lived not againe Vers 5. 6. till the 1000. yeares were finished and yet in the first Resurrection who are as blessed and holy as the rest On them the second death hath no power and they being in the first resurrection and yet not raised in their bodies what is this but to rise from the death of sinne to the life of grace on such the second death hath no power and Christ answered the Sadduces that Abraham Isaac and Jacob are living for God is the God of the living and he is their Mat. 22. 32 John 5. 24. God he that is thus alive shall dye no more but is passed from death to life And againe the planting of the Gospell and increasing or spreading of the Church may very well be called a Resurrection because men were brought out of a state of death to a state of life and the growth of the Church was like to the rising of the waters of the sanctuary first to the Ezekiel 47. ankles then to the knees then to the loynes and to a river that could not be passed over so was the Resurrection of the Church at the first but twelve Acts 1. 15. 2. 41. 44 5 14. then a hundred and twenty then there was added three thousand then five thousand then multitudes both of men and women now he that hath part in this first resurrection on them the second death hath no power and whether they have this first Resurrection in the first thousand yeares after Christs ascension or in the second it matters not so they have it before the day of Judgement on them the second death hath no power But our controversie is about those that were slaine for the witnesse of Jesus and yet lived and reigned with Christ a
feare them that kill the body but cannot Mar. 22. 32. Mat. 10. 28 Luke 2. 29. kill the soule the soule cannot dye with the body but it departs away from it Then I conclude that if the Soule assoone as it leaves the body goes immediately to Paradise the third heaven there is neither purgatory nor place of residence after death but as the tree falleth so it lies after death to Judgement a particular sentence is passed immediately upon them for heaven or hell and there is no place of abode for Abrahams children till they come into his bosome with him in Heaven for ever But thirdly which is the maine objection to all my former discourse if the soule of Abraham be in Heaven and when he was here he desired a better Country than this world which is a heavenly then they say after the day of Judgement the Saints shall not inherit all these things here below in this world because the Saints did alwayes set a low value of them To this I answer that the Soule is of a Heavenly substance and when it Rom. 6. 7. leaves the body then it hath ceased from sinne therefore no place between this and Paradise is fit to receive it Therefore saith the Prophet Arise ye and depart for this is not your rest because it is polluted and after the Heb. 12. 23. day of Judgement the Angels shall abide in Heaven being a place for such glorious Spirits and the soules of men made perfect being of the same nature with them shall abide in Heaven also till the body shall rise againe for as the soules of men are now confin'd in Heaven Luk. 16. 26. and the Angels have businesse both in the Heavens and in the Earth so after the day of Judgement when they have finished their worke in this world they shall rest and I suppose shall be confined in Heaven for ever and when our bodies Eccle 21. 7. are risen and united to our soules then shall we inherit all things here in their first perfection and also we shall have sweet communion with Angels in Heaven for as I said before man consists of two parts body and soule so he shall have two worlds answerable to his two natures to delight himselfe in that he may have fulnesse of joy for whom all things were made 1 Tim 4. 8. for godlinesse is profitable unto all things having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come and the meane time that the body lies in the grave the soule is gone to take possession of the kingdome of heaven and when the body riseth againe it shall then have this world bestowed upon it and as the soule brought nothing with it so it shall take nothing out with it no not his owne body but leaves it here in the earth till it comes againe and so the body goes to the grave and takes nothing with it but weeping and mourning yet when it comes againe having had the pretious seeds of grace in it shall doubtlesse come againe with rejoycing and Psal 126. 6. bring his sheaves with him so then after the day of judgement when all things are purified by fire and restored to their first perfection then I say man shall inherit all things both in this world and in the world to come then shall the meeke inherit the earth and delight themselves in the abundance Psal 37. 11. Joh. 16. 20. 33. Esay 49. 8. Matth. 10. 16. of peace but this cannot be before the day of judgment for saith Christ In this world you shall have tribulation Christ was given for a covenant of the people to establish the earth to cause to inherite the desolate heritages but for the present the Saints are as sheep among wolves so that these things shall not be restored to the Saints till themselves are in their first perfection then they shall be given us againe perfect as they were to Adam at the first And although mans body shall put on immortalitie and shall be made so firme and permanent as to endure for ever eternally yet his body shall not be turned into a spirit it shall be a body still with flesh and bones as Luke 24. 39 49. the body of Christ was after his resurrection saith he Handle me and see for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as yee see me have And he did eate and drinke with his disciples after his resurrection they gave him a peece of a Luke 24. 42 43 30. Joh. 21. 9. 12. 13. Acts 10. 41 Matth. 26. 29. Rom. 14. 17 Joh. 18. 36. broyled fish and of an hony combe and he tooke it and did eate before them so it is likely man may after his resurrection for saith Christ I will henceforth drinke no more of the fruit of the vine till I drinke it new in my Fathers Kingdome this cannot bee meant presently after his ascension for wee never read that hee dranke wine in all that fortie dayes and his kingdome doth not consist in drinking wine but in righteousnesse peace and joy in the holy Ghost My kingdome is not of this world saith hee then I conclude that Christ will not drinke of the fruit of the vine till he hath rendered up the kingdome to 1 Cor. 15. 24. his Father then will Christ amongst the Saints drinke it new not as though he desired to drinke new wine rather then old for he himself saith that no man having old wine desireth new for hee saith the old is better Luke 5. 39. then the meaning is when the vine is made now and all the trees and creatures restored to their first perfection then will he drinke with them in his Psal 96. 11 12 13. Fathers kingdome then shall the heavens rejoyce and the earth be glad the fields shall be joyfull and all the trees of the wood shall rejoyce before the Lord when hee commeth to judge the earth Hee shall judge the world with righteousnesse and his people with his truth then here you see the world every creature the very trees shall have righteousnesse as they have suffered by the sinne of man so shall they have benefit in mans deliverance from his sinne this is that which the whole creation groaneth and traveleth in paine together untill now but the creature it selfe shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children Rom. 8. 21. 22. of God but it is observable when all the creatures in heaven and earth rejoyce at the comming of Christ to judgement at the same time the Sea Psa 96. 11. roares and the fulnesse thereof because it is said there shall be no more Sea Revel 21. 1. then shall man enjoy all the creatures that were given him at the first as he did in his innocency so that he may eate of all the trees for his pleasure and yet not feele the perill of hunger and although our bodies shall
and this he calls a second comming Vers 11. in these words And it shall come to passe in that day that the Lord shall set his hand againe the second time to recover the remnant of his people which shall be left in many parts of the world and from the Islands of the Sea he shall set up an ensigne for the nations and shall assemble the out-casts of Israel and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the foure corners of the earth Vers 12. the next chapter is nothing else but a praysing God for those excellent things that he hath made knowne in all the earth Vers 5. and in the 13. Chap. Vers 9 10 11. is shewed the manner of his judgements Behold the day of the Lord commeth cruell both with wrath and fierce anger to lay the Land desolate and he shall destroy the sinners out of it then the starres of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light the Sunne shall be darkened and the Moone shall not cause her light to shine for I will punish the world for their evill and the wicked for their iniquity now if the comming of Christ to judgement bee his second comming then where will be found his comming to raigne here a thousand yeares before the end of the world But they would needs have Christ to rule here as the other monarchs have done because he is mentioned to rise upon the downefall of those monarches first the Assyrian which fell into the Babylonian that was overcome by the Medes and Persians and that of the Medes and Persians was overcome by the Grecians and that of the Grecians was overcome by the Romans and that of the Romans was overcome by the white stone cut out of the rocke without hands this westerne monarch which fell into many kingdomes the white stone shall ruine all these kingdomes smite the image on the feet that were of Iron and Clay and swallow up the whole Image all the foregoing monarchs were ●an 2. 34 ●5 brought under and by it to nothing and it became a monarch over the whole earth by these things he would have the monarchy of Christ here spoken of to be before the day of judgement in this corrupted world while the good and the bad are in it and every creature defiled with sinne as I have shewed before but this cannot be for all things that offend and that doe iniquity the Angels shall gather out of this kingdome and cast them into the Furnace of fire Matth. 13. 〈◊〉 41 42. and this kingdome under the whole heaven shall be given to the Saints of the most High whose kingdome is an everlasting kingdome and all dominions shall serve and obey him the Saints of the most High shall possesse the kingdome ●an 7. 27. ●ers 18. for ever even for ever then this cannot bee before the day of judgement because that none but Saints shall possesse it for here the Tares and Wheate shall grow together and the good and the bad shall be together till the very day that the Angels are sent to fetch them before the Judge and the heavens shall receive Christ till the restitution of all things to their first perfection then shall the Saints inherit all things And where he saith that the Saints shall bee confined in heaven and all things here below shall bee turned againe into a confused Chaos and so remaine for ever this I have answered already One scruple more is this whether the middle heaven called the starry heaven shall continue after the day of judgement because some times it is spoken in the singular number I saw a new heaven and the Citie had no need of the Sunne or Moone to shine in it and there shall bee no night there now if the Revel 21. 1 heavens be destroyed and but one be made new and the Citie no need of the Sunne Moone or Starres then say they God will make nothing in vaine Revel 21. 23. 25. Isay 45. 18. Revel 21. 1 2 Pet. 3. 10. 12 13. I answer where it is said I saw a new heaven in the same place it is said the first heaven passed away this is spoken onely for brevity as in Cap. 20. Ver. 11. it is said the earth and the heaven fled away but we know the heavens shall passe away and the elements shall melt with fervent heate and we according to his promise looke for new heavens now where the Scripture in some places speakes more briefly and other places more largely we ought to take the largest expression and whereas it is said in the Citie there shall bee no neede of the Sun or Moone to shine in it I answer it is true when every Saint of God shall shine as the Sunne in the Firmament and Christ their head ten thousand times more brighter then the Sunne besides the infinite glory of God himselfe Matth. 13. 43. Revel 21. 23. shall be there to inlighten it so that in the Citie there will bee no neede of these things yet out of the Citie the beasts and fowles both stand in need of these things therefore they shall be purified that the rest of the creatures may have those comforts belonging to them and so they shall continue for ever the light of the moone shall then bee as light as the Sunne and the light of the Sunne shall be seven fold as the light of seven dayes in the day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of his people and healeth the stroake of their wound then shall the Sunne no more goe downe neither shall the Isay 30. 26. Moone withdraw it selfe else the creatures would not be in so happy a condition under the second Adam in the new world as they were in their creation Isay 60. 20. under the first Adam in the old world The uses follow First Use hath Jesus sent his Angell to testifie these things unto the Churches Revel 22. 16 17. 20. then let the Spirit and the bride say Come and let him that heareth say come and let him that is athirst come for hee that testifieth these things saith surely I come quickly even so come Lord Jesus there bee many benefits that come with Christ that may cause the Saints to desire his appearing there is a Crowne of righteousnesse which the righteous Judge shall give me at that day and not to me alone but to all that love his appearing Beloved 2 Tim. 48. 1 Pet. 5. 4. we are now the Sonnes of God but it doth not yet appeare what wee shall be but we know that when he shall appeare we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is then let us looke for that blessed hope and the glorious 1 John 3. 2 Titus 2. 13. 2 Pet. 3. 13. Psal 96. 11 12 13. appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ We according to his promise looke for new heavens and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousnesse
and the earth Iron Deu. 28. 23 and when the ground was cursed for mans sinne Gen. 3. 17 18. He turneth a fruitfull land into barrennesse for the wickednesse of them that dwell therein Psa 107. 34 this is a sore bondage Sixthly Every creature would preserve his owne kind for ever but the variance and discord of the creatures one with another make it to seeme unpossible and all their labour to be lost this was occasioned by the sin of man that all the foundations of the earth are out of course Psa 82. 5. from this burden they groane to be delivered Seventhly It is a great bondage to the creatures that they have lost a great part of their vertue operation and influence they are by the sinne of man much dulled and disabled to act or to operate or to communicate their vertues to others as they did at the first creation and this is a great bondage from which they groane to delivered but this is true that the Heb. 1. 11 12. Joh. 15. 15. heavens wax old as a garment and as a vesture they shall be changed and subject to perish too for the sinne of man for that it hath defiled them The heavens are not cleane in his sight and it is observed by some since the creation that the Sun hath lost a great part of its heate and that it runnes nearer to the earth now then it did at the first by at the least 9976. Germane miles Byfield on the Colossians which shewes the dulnesse of it in comparison of its first creation therefore without exception the heaven and the earth with all the creatures that are in them as men and beasts and fowles groane to be delivered But I suppose that the Sea and the Creatures that live in it shall not continue after the day of judgement for it is said expresly when the new heavens and the new earth are made there shall be no more Sea neither were the Fishes brought to Adam as to their Lord to see what hee would call Rev. 21. 1. Gen. 2. 19 20. Gen. 1. 21. Gen. 6. 17. 19 20. them when all the beasts and fowles were and God gave the Whales their name before Adam was made neither were any Fishes in Noahs Arke preserved from that great Deluge which was a type how some of every kind shall be preserved from the fire in the day of judgement as then they were from the water which then drowned all the world therefore I exclude them from the groaning creatures And the blessed Angels I cannot include among the groaning creatures yet they sustaine a kinde of bondage for they are made to serve earthly Psal 91 11. Matth. 18. 10. Heb. 1. 14. things men have their Angels to attend and guard them and it is thought they have the charge and protection of Kingdomes committed to them from such places as these in Scripture Dan. 10. 13. 12. 1. Psal 34. 7. Revel 12. 7. Luk. 2. 9 10. 13. 15. And some thinke they move the Orbes of Heaven and sometimes they are put to inflict punishments on wicked men as on the Isa 37. 36. Campe of the King of Assyria and sometimes they are hindred in their worke as one complaines that the great Prince of the kingdome of Persia Dan. 10 13. withstood him one and twenty dayes and although the Angels shall bee imployed at the day of judgement yet they must not know when it must Matth. 24. 31 36. 1 Pet. 1. 12. Ephe. 3. 10. Luk. 15. 7. be and the Angels desire to looke into the mystery of our redemption as not being satisfied in their knowledge and by the Church is made known to them the manifold wisedome of God and they have some joy when one sinner is converted thus when their knowledge and joy is increased by the Church and they are freed from all the forementioned things it will be a great ease to them as it were a deliverance out of bondage but this is true For unto the Angels hath he not put into subjection the world to come whereof Heb. 2. 5. we speake they shall be eased of that bondage Object Suppose any doe object and say that the world to come is meant ever since Christ was on the earth now under the Gospell because wee keepe our account not from the beginning of the world but from the yeare of Christ I answer that is no more then we do the yeare of our King but what is this concerning the age of the world we are not so simple as to affirme the account from Christ is the account of the world for we know the contrary Againe it cannot be meant that now under the Gospell is the world to come for saith the Apostle after Christs ascension we are they on whom 1 Cor. 10 11 Heb. 9. 2● the ends of the world are come now if it be counted by the Apostle since that Christ was on the earth to be the end of the old world it cannot bee the world to come here spoken of Againe the world may be divided into three parts the first from the creation to the giving of the Law in which mans diet was the hearbs of the field and they had not the written Law but onely by tradition and the Church was in but one family Secondly Gen. 1. 23. Gen. 18. from Moses to Christ in which they might eate of such beasts as were cleane by the Law so that they did not eate the blood which was the life and they had the Law written yet darkely in types and shadowes and a whole kingdom taken into the Church Thirdly from Christ to the end of the world in which all things may be eaten with thankesgiving nothing 1 Tim. 4. 3. Acts 10. to bee counted common or uncleane and wee have not onely the Law in darke types and shadowes but the vaile taken away and the Gospell clearely setting forth Christ farre beyond all types and shadowes and the bounds of the Church to be in all nations this third age of the world is Matth 28. 19. Gal. 4. 4. 1 Tim. 3. 1. 2 Pet. 3. 3. Jude 17. 18 19. called the fulnesse of time and saith Paul In the last dayes perilous times shall come and saith Peter There shall come in the last dayes scoffers walking after their owne lusts and saith Jude Remember ye the words which were spoken before of the Apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ how that they told you that there should come mockers in the last times who would walke after their owne lusts now marke These be they saith he who separate themselves sensuall having not the Spirit and saith John Little Children it is the last time and yee have heard that Antichrist 1 John 2. 18. shall come even now are there many Antichrists whereby we know that it is the last time therefore if now be the last times of the old world then sure I am that
they all power nor at all times nor ever all those that are their owne but limited in manner and time by the prescript of God vers 5. After the thousand yeares was expired the devill was loosed a little season that is five months Revel 9. 5. or a hundred and fifty dayes or so many yeares in which Revel 20 3 time the devils have mightily perverted all things in the world and yet without killing as they were commanded vers 5. being under the fifth Angell this little season of a hundred and fifty yeares wherein Satan had his commission enlarged being loosed Revel 9. 5. Verse 1. Francis Junius Annotations Revel 9. 5. 20. 3. in some measure from his thousand yeares bondage which saith Francis Junius fell out precisely in the Popedome of Gregory the seventh that monstrous Necromancer a man being made altogether of impiety and wickednesse a slave of the devill whom he served he was the most wicked firebrand of the world he excommunicated the Emperour Henry the fourth he went about by all manner of treachery to set up and pull downe Emperors and kingdomes he doubted not to put in Rodolph the Sweden over the Empire in stead of Henry the fourth sending him a crowne with this verse annexed to it The Rocke to Peter gave the Crowne And Peter Rodolph doth renowne He so sinely beslirred himselfe in his affaires that he miserably set all Christendome on flre and convayed over unto his successors the burning brand of the same who raged with like ambition never ceased to nourish that flame and to kindle it more and more whereby Cities Commonwealths and whole Kingdomes set together by the cares amongst themselves by most expert cut-throats came to ruine while they most miserably wounded one another this hundred and fiftie yeares being that little season that Satan was loosed ended in the time of Gregory the ninth This man caused to be compiled by one Raymond his Chaplain the body of Decretalls and by sufferance of Kings and Princes to bee published in the Christian world and established for a Law for by this sleight at length the Popes arrogated unto themselves li●ence to kill whom they would whiles others were unawares and without feare established a butchery out of many of their wicked Canons and of the Decretals the effects of these bloody actions declared upon the sixt verse of the ninth Chapter that the miserable world languishing in so great calamities run together unto death and preferre the same before life by reason of the grievous miseries that oppressed So farre Junius them B●t before these Kings were in the first thousand yeares the Saints may Revel 9. 1. be said to raigne with Christ because the devill should be hindred of his purpose all that time but the time being expired and Satan loosed in the 2 Thes 2. 9. ninth Chapter then the Dragon gave him his power and his seate and great authority Revel 13. 2. then hee was set up whose comming is after the working of Satan with all power and signes and lying wonders now the Angels are loosed that were bound in the River Euphrates being a type Revel 9. 13 14. of new Babylon when they were going to set up the Pope in his Throne they were bound in the River and could not get over till the thousand yeares were ended but now they are gone into all the foure quarters of the earth to deceive the Nations and to gather Gog and Magog together both Revel 20. 7 8 9. Revel 11. 8 Turke and Pope whose number is as the sand of the Sea against the holy Citie the Church of God till fire come downe from God out of heaven and devoure them for as Rome is spiritually called Sodome for their filthinesse committed in it so I suppose their judgement shall bee alike both for the Gen. 19. Revel 18 suddennesse the one in a moment the other in an houre and both with fire from heaven If some shall yet say that Satan was not bound the first thousand yeares Revel 20. 3 4. because as soone as he is loosed there is mention made of thrones and they that sate on them I answer they were not the throne of Christ for that is mentioned in the 11. Verse where John saith I saw a great white throne and him that is Christ sate on it but the other are called in the Psal 12 25. plurall number thrones and they that sate on them these are thrones of judgement thrones of the house of David or earthly thrones these Dan. 7. 9. thrones must be all cast downe when the ancient of dayes doth sit and hee alone shall be exalted in that day Againe them that plead for Christs living here a thousand yeares before the day of judgement they hold that then all things here below shall returne to the same confused Chaos as it was in the creation and so remaine for ever and they hold likewise that the bodies and soules of men after the day of judgement shall be confined in heaven but I have answered these things already and something more I shall say anon But the meane time what delight is it to the Lord to looke upon a confused Chaos to all eternity when all his glorious workes of creation are spoyled if it should be so both God and man and the rest of the creatures would bee at great losse God for spending his labour in the creation and now to end in a confused Chaos and man would suffer a great losse to lose a world of creatures that was given to him at the first this would become a great reproach to the second Adam as though he were not able to restore againe to us all that the first Adam lost the rest of the creatures would suffer both losse injustice if they should not have that restored which was not lost through their default but surely God that is able to change our vile bodies when they are turned to dust is able to subdue all things unto himselfe The Lord made Phil. 3. 21. Prov. 16. 4. Eccles 3. 14 Deut. 32. 4. Gen. 1. 31. Exod. 31. 17. all things for himselfe then whatsoever God doth it shall be for ever He is a rocke and his worke is perfect A God of truth without iniquity Just true is he All his wayes are done in judgement The Lord looked upon all his workes and said they were very good He tooke so great delight in them that it is said he rested and was refreshed then shall all things lie for ever in a confused Chaos I cannot harbour such a thought Then saith the Lord behold I create new heavens and a new earth and the former shall not bee remembred nor come into minde and what followes Esay 65. 17 18 19. Be you glad and rejoyce for ever in that which I create for I create Jerusalem a rejoycing and her people a joy and I will rejoyce in Jerusalem and joy in my
people the voyce of weeping shall be no more heard in her violence shall be no more heard in thy land wasting nor destruction within thy borders but thou shalt call thy walls salvation and thy gates Reve. 21. 22. 22. 9. prayer the Sunne shall be thy light no more by day neither for brightnesse shall the Moone give light unto thee but the Lord shall be to thee an everlasting light and thy God thy glory thy Sunne shall no more go down Esay 60. 18 19 20 21. neither shall the moone withdraw it selfe for the Lord shall be thine everlasting light and the dayes of thy mourning shall be ended thy people shall be all righteous they shall inherit the land for ever the branch of my planting the worke of my hands that I may be glorified and not onely Esay 86. 24. so that they shall enjoy all things here but they shall goe forth and looke upon the carcasses of them that have transgressed against the Lord for their worme shall nor die not the fire be quenched but they shall bee an abhorring to all flesh the miseries of the damned that they shall see shall much increase their joy when they shall see what judgements the Lord hath saved them from and what a joy will it be when the creatures shall yeeld us true subjection as they did to Adam in Paradise and how will the Angels rejoyce to see all the Saints not onely converted but glorified Luke 15. 7. and how shall we rejoyce to see the will of God done on the earth as it is in heavens and when we shall have that Petition granted which we have so long prayed and waited for which is Thy kingdome come Matth 6. If any shall yet object and say the Saints shall not enjoy all things because we brought nothing into the world and it is certaine we shall carry nothing out naked we came and naked we shall returne Arise and depart 1 Tim. 6. 7. Job 1. 21. Micah 2. 10 Heb. 11. 16 Matth. 8. 11 Luk. 23. 43 Eccle. 12. 7 for this is not your rest because it is polluted therefore they desire a better country that is a heavenly and they shall come from the East and West and shall sit downe with Abraham Isaac and Jacob in the kingdome of heaven and this shall be as soone as they depart this life This day shalt thou be with me in Paradise then shall dust returne to the earth as it was and the spirit to God who gave it The answering of this may satisfie three sorts of opinions first that the soule is begotten as well as the body secondly that there is a place of abode for the soule when it is departed from the body besides heaven or hell thirdly it may answer those that thinke the soule and body both shall not after the day of judgement enjoy all things but shall bee confined in heaven for ever First if the spirit returne to God that gave it then the Father did not beget it but the Lord breathed into Adam the breath of life and he became a living soule and the Lord formeth the spirit of man within him and Gen 2. 7. Zach. 12. 1. some untimely birthes never had any spirit in them Man is the father of the flesh because he begot it but it is Gods owne peculiar title to be the Father of Spirits Numb 16. 22. 27. 16. See Heb. 12. 9. because he formed it Zach. 12. 1. and gave it Eccles 12. 7. If man should beget the soule of his childe then he that hath a righteous soule would beget a soule in his own likenesse but we see the contrary Againe if a man should beget the soule of his childe he must either infuse his owne soule into it or else he must infuse a peece of it but which of the two is it If he infuse a peece of his owne soule into the childe then he hath but a piece left himselfe and his childe another piece but if he hath parted with all his soule then he hath none himselfe but so much for this ridiculous question For the second that there is a place for the soules abode when it is departed from the body besides heaven or hell this I deny for I suppose the testimony of Christ is sufficient to prove that the Soules of Abraham Isaac and Jacob are in Heaven for we doe not conceive that their bodies are there but that they are turned to dust and are in that burying place which Abraham bought of Ephron the Hittite then their soules are in heaven else Gen. 23. 15 how shall they come from the East and from the West and sit downe with them in Heaven If they were not there before the day of Judgement we should be there as soone as they But where is that great assembly of the first borne I meane of all those that are borne anew of the water and the Spirit if they be not entred into the Kingdome of God Where those first borne such as Andronicus and Junia who were in Christ before me Joh. 3. 3. 5. Rom. 16 7. Heb. 12. 22 23 24. are not they in the heavenly Jerusalem the City of the living God is it not there where the spirits or soules of Just men are made perfect they are with Jesus the mediatour of the new Covenant and where is he but in heaven till the restitution of all things and this as soone as their soules depart Acts 3. 21. Heb. 9. 24. from the body saith Christ to him upon the Crosse this day shalt thou be with me in Paradise but will you know where this Paradise is if you will take Pauls word for it he will tell you that it is the third heaven 2 Cor. 12. 3 4. for saith he such a one was taken up into the third heaven he was caught up into Paradise now if from this place you be not satisfied that Paradise and the third heaven is to be understood the same thing you must be forced to grant that Paradise is above it for he was first taken up into the third heaven and then he was caught up into Paradise he doth not say that he was cast downe againe into Paradise so then if the soule of the thiefe was that day with Christ in Paradise then it was in the third heaven where the soules of all just men are made perfect that are departed for they are not so while they are here and in the Parable the rich man died and in hell he lift up his eyes being in torments here it is plaine that his Soule went immediately to hell but the begger went to Abrahams bosome But Luke 66. 22 23. say they where is Abraham I say that Christ hath told you already in heaven but why in Abrahams bosome because he is said to be the father of the faithfull as the father of the Prodigall rejoyced to see the returne of his Sonne so will Abraham rejoyce to
see his children partake with him of that eternall happinesse in heaven saith John I have no greater joy Luke 15 20 3 John 4. then to heare that my children walke in truth yet I suppose the rich mans petition was not to the soule of Abraham but to the God of Abraham who is the chiefe and onely father of the faithfull who hath said he will gather his lambes in his armes and carry them in his bosome to him all the soules in heaven are subject then to me it seemes adsurd to thinke that the soule of Abraham should have power to send the soule of Lazarus out Isa 40. 11. 46. 3 4. Gen. 31. 55 Psa 24. 6. Hos 3. 5. of heaven and for the name we need not much to scruple at for the Lord is often times called by the name of Abraham Isaac Jacob David Joshua and the like and if they should say that the soule of Abraham and the rest of the Saints departed are in the airie heaven then they might know many things that are done on the earth for the soule is of a large capacity being disburdened Isa 13. 16. of a corrupted body But Abraham is ignorant of us and Israel knowes us not then surely their soules are gone above the two lower heavens which are stained with sin and must be purged with fire at the Judgement day If they say none but the High Priest went into the Holy of Holies so none but Christ to heaven in his body soul after his resurrection I answer Heb. 9. 24. the beast that was sacrificed signifyed the body of Christ and the Holyest of all was the figure of heaven but the High Priest went in and left the sacrifice behind and so did Christ goe into heaven it selfe while his body Luke 23. 43 46. was sacrificed and lay in the earth that day was he in Paradise if this be not sufficient to prove it then marke his last words Jesus cryed with a loud voyce and said Father into thy hands I commend my spirit and when he had said thus he gave up the Ghost Neither would he suffer his Joh. 20. 17 body to be touched til that had been with his Father although afterwards he bade them to handle him to strengthen their faith in him now shall we thinke that this going to his Father was not to goe into the glory of the third heaven themselves cannot deny it It may be they will say that heaven was not opened till Christ entred in with his body and soule I answer the way hath beene open from the beginning although not made so manifest for Christ was the Lambe slaine from the foundation of the world and their faith before his visible comming in the flesh gave substance Heb. 9. 8. Revel 13. 8. Heb. 11. 1. John 8. 56. to things hoped for Abraham saw his day and was glad but if they grant that heaven is open since his comming in the flesh I demand why the soules that now d●part must not enter into it this they dare not grant because there is a great gulfe fixed and no passage out till they come with Luke 16. 26 1 Thess 3. 13. Jude 14 15 Zach. 14. 5. 1 Pet. 3. 22. Acts 3. 21. Christ to Judgement at the last day so that then they cannot Reigne here a thousand yeares before the end of the world but suppose the soules departed be not in heaven yet they cannot deny but Christ is there he is gone into heaven and the Heaven shall receive him till the restitution of all things This gulph must keepe him in till the day of Judgement and that is called his second comming which is unto salvation therefore there can be none before that and as the High priest went in not for himselfe Heb. 9. 28. Exo. 28. 29 but bare the name of all Israel upon his brest no more did Christ but as soone as the body of any of the elect is sacrificed by death their soule he John 17. 24 receives to himselfe to be where he is to behold his glory else why did Steven when he was stoned and saw the Heavens open and Christ standing at Gods right hand say Lord Jesus receive my Spirit and to what purpose Acts 7. 56 59. 1 Pet 4. 19. doth Peter bid us when we suffer according to the will of God to commit our soules unto him did God the Father deceive the Sonne when he prayed thus doth he not say Thou hearest me alwaies or did the Sonne dissemble when he said I will that they be where I am and therefore he Joh. 11. 42 Heb. 5. 7. would not heare Steven a man full of Faith and of the Holy Ghost or doth Peter deceive us all in bidding us at our death to commit our soules to God when they shall not come neare him I meane to that happinesse prepared for them but what makes Paul desire to depart and to be with Christ Christ is not among the Starres nor is he yet come in the clouds that we Phil. 1. 23. 1 Thess 4. 16 17. 2 Cor. 5. 6 8. should goe there to meete him what makes him say while we are in the body wee are absent from the Lord and wee are willing rather to bee absent from the body that we may be present with the Lord but if their soules after they depart should be kept in a kind of purgatory or prison from the Lord Christ they had as good be in the body still and absent from the Lord here as there to be frustrate of our expectation but the wicked shall be turned into hell and the expectation of the poore Saints shall not perish their soule shall returne to God who gave it as there is but Psal 9. 17 18. two wayes so there is but two ends for all men good and bad which are Heaven or Hell saith Christ In my Fathers house are many Mansions if Eccle. 12. 7 it were not so I would have told you that I go to prepare a place for you But he will make knowne the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy John 14. 2. Rom 9 23. Mat 25. 34. Psal 3● 19. which hee had afore prepared unto glory The Kingdome of Heaven was prepared for them before the foundation of the world This is laid up for those that feare the Lord they will not say surely it is among the starres or in the clouds no let Edom make his nest there but when we depart we shall be with Christ which is farre better It may be Phil. 1 23. some will after all this rather then they will yeeld that the soule departed is gone into the heaven of the blessed they will say that it dies mortally with the body but if they will beleeve Christ that Abraham Isaac and Jacob are living they may be convinced of it for God is the God of the living and he is their God they need not to
be made perfect and glorious like unto the body of Christ yet with flesh and bones as he had after his resurrection and as our soules shall be renewed Phil. 3. 21. Luke 24. 39 40. in all the faculties so shall the bodies bee perfect in all the senses and they shall be abundantly satisfied for ever in the world to come If any shall aske me what the bodies of Christ and Enoch and Elias now doe feede upon I answer when they were here they lived upon food as others doe now Yet as God was able to make Christ and Elias and Moses to faste forty dayes and forty nights so he is able to make them live there without food yet I will not contend whether our bodies shall eate for necessity yet I suppose when the new Jerusalem shall come downe from heaven and the Saints shall inherit all things that then they shall eate and Revel 21. 7 drinke although not for hunger and thirst but onely for pleasure sake and although those bodies that are in heaven want earthly food yet they have soules like Angels and they amongst them are content with the joy of Angels as here sometimes inward comfort satisfies a Christian when he wants outward comfort so are they with heavenly food at this time in the want of earthly food yet their fulnesse or joy is not till they injoy all things both in heaven and earth answerable to both parts of body and soule But it may be they will say it is absurd to say that the bodies of Eno●h and Elias are in heaven or at the least that they were there before the body of Christ because Christ is become the first fruits of them that slept 1 Cor. 15. 20. and all shall be made alive every man in his owne order Christ the first fruits and afterward they that are in Christ ver 23. To this I answer That there were many both in the Old Testament and the new that were raised from a corporall death to a corporall life and all before Christ but they died againe 1 Kings 7. 22. 2 Kings 4. Joh. 11. 44. and it is said expressely that Eliah went up in a whirlewind into heaven 2 Kings 2. 11. but he died not and Enoch was translated that he should not see death and God tooke him Heb. 11. 5. Gen. 5. 24. here you see some arose under the Law and under the Gospell to confirme their resurrection yet died againe and some ascended into heaven before the Law and under the Law to confirme their hopes after death yet Christ was the first that did both arise from the dead and died no more but ascended into heaven and there he is with the soules of all the Saints departed and there is the body of Enoch and of Elias and it is no absurd thing to beleeve it And because the soules of all the elect when they leave the earth ascend up to heaven therefore it is called Jerusalem which is above the mother of us all it is called the mount Sion the Citie of the living God the heavenly Gal. 4. 26. Jerusalem the generall assembly and Church of the first-borne where the spirits of just men are made perfect but at the day of judgement when Heb. 12. 22. 23. their bodies shall rise spirituall bodies and in their first perfection Then Jerusalem which is above shall come downe from God out of heaven Revel 21. 3 4 as a bride adorned for her husband then the Tabernacle of God shall be with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people and God himselfe shall be with them and be their God then shall the bride be glad and rejoyce and give honour to Christ for the marriage of the Lambe is come and the bride hath made her selfe ready we were espoused Revel 19. 7 Isay 54. 4. Ier. 3. 14. Hose 2. 19 20. Ephe. 5. 31. 32. Revel 15. 3 2 Thes 1. 10. Revel 19. 8 Luk. 2. 36 37. Reve. 7. 14 15. Reve. 19. 9. or betrothed unto Christ in our convesion but the great solemnity of the marriage is when the King of Saints shall come to be glorified in his Saints and to be admired of all them that beleeve then to his bride shall be granted that she shall be arrayed in fine linnen cleane and white for the fine linnen is the righteousnesse of the Saints these are they which have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lambe they served God in the temple with fasting and prayer night and day therefore they are before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his Temple and he that sitteth on the throne will dwell amongst them when this great solemnity is kept Blessed are they which are called to the marriage Supper of the Lambe these are the true sayings of God The Angell said unto John come hither and I will shew thee the bride the Lambes wife and he carried me in the spirit to a great mountaine and shewed me the great Citie the holy Jerusalem descending out of heaven from God Revel 21. 9 10 11 12 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27. and in it was the glory of God shining like a stone most pretious it had a wall great and high and twelve gates to it and twelve foundations the Citie was fouresquare the length and the breadth and heighth they are all equall twelve thousand furlongs every way the wall was a hundred forty foure foure cubits in thicknesse and the wall was built of Jasper stone the Citie was pure gold like unto pure glasse the foundations of the wal of the Citie was garnished with all manner of pretious stones the twelve gates were of twelve pearles and the streets of the Citie were of pure gold as it were transparent glasse I saw no temple in it for the Lord God Almighty the Lambe are the temple of it and the Citie had no need of the Sun or Moone to shine in it for the glory of God did lighten it and the Lambe is the light of it and the nations of them that are saved shall walke in the light of it and the Kings of the earth shall bring their glory and honour into it and the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day for there shall bee no night there and there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth or whatsoever worketh abomination or maketh a lie but onely they which are written in the Lambes booke of life this is the glorious Citie the new Jerusalem the Lambs wife And he shewed me a pure River of water of life cleare as crystall proceeding Revel 22. out of the Throne of God and of the Lambe in the midst of the street of it and of either side of the River was there the tree of life which bare twelve manner of fruits and yeelded her fruits every moneth and the leaves
of the tree were for the healing of the nations and there shall be no more curse but the Throne of God and the Lambe shall be in it and his servants shall serve him and they shall see his face and his name shall be in their foreheads and there shall be no night there and they need no candle neither light of the Sunne for the Lord God giveth them light and they shall reigne for ever and ever and hee said unto me These sayings are faithfull and true then blessed are they that doe his commandements that they may have right to the tree of life and may enter in through the gates into the Citie then shall they rejoyce in their portion in their land they shall have double everlasting joy shall bee unto them I Isay 61. 7. Isay 60. 15. 18. will make thee an eternall excellency violence shall no more bee heard in thy land wasting nor destruction within thy borders but thou shalt call thy walls salvation and thy gates praise For they shall hunger no more neither thirst any more for the Lambe in the midst of the Throne shall Reve. 7. 16 17. Luk. 20 35 36. feed them and lead them unto living fountaines of water and they that are accounted worthy to obtaine that world and the resurrection from the dead can die no more but are equall to the Angels in this new heaven and new earth God will wipe away all teares from our eyes there shall bee no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither any more paine because the former things are passed away And he that sate on the Throne said behold I make all things new and there shall bee none in Revel 21. 1 4 5 that world that his strength is gone with age nor an Infant who is weake Isay 65. 20. for want of age or that hath not fulfilled his dayes they shall bee all in their full growth and first perfection If it be said the child shall die a hundred yeares old I answer I have shewed before that there shall be no more death in the new Jerusalem when it is come downe from God out of heaven Revel 21. 4. Luk. 20. 36. then the meaning of that place is this those that lived in the first age of the world living eight or nine hundred yeares were a hundred yeares before they came to their full growth but in the resurrection they shall rise in their full growth as if they had dyedat the age of a hundred yeares old yet in this age of the world I suppose they that die shall rise about the age of the second Adam when he gave his life a ransome for us being the full growth of this age to their full strength and Isay 65. 22. perfection but it was I suppose a hundred yeares in the first age before they came to the stature and full growth of the first Adam in the day of his creation this is also the meaning of the next words For as the dayes of a tree are the dayes of my people that is say the Philosophers an Oake tree is a hundred yeares before it is come to its full growth so was man before the flood then at this age they shall rise againe and long injoy the worke of their hands then Israel shall be saved in the Lord with an everlasting salvation Ye shall not be ashamed nor confounded world without end for thus saith the Lord that created the Heavens God himselfe that formed the Earth and made it he hath established it he created it not in vaine he formed it to be inhabited I am the Lord and there is none else Isa 45. 18 19. Doe but minde this Text and consider it well and judge thy selfe who ever thou art that readest it whether the lower Heavens and the Earth and all the creatures in them shall be consumed at the day of judgement and become an unp●ofitable and uncomfortable Chaos and so remaine for ever No the Lord Reigneth the world shall be established that it shall not be moved Psa 96. 10. One generation goeth and another generation commeth but the earth abideth for ever Eccles 1. 4. The earth is the Lords and the fulnesse thereof the world and they that dwell therein for he hath founded it upon the Seas and established it upon the floods Psal 24. 1 2 The world also is established that it cannot be moved Psal 93. 1. 2 Peter tels us in the last dayes there shall come scoffers and then sheweth the occasion of their scoffing and that is some promises that were made of the comming of Christ such as these Sing O Daughter of Zion for loe I come and I will dwell in the middest of thee saith the Lord Zach. 3. 10 11 12. 8. 3. 8. Behold I come quickly Revel 22. 12. He that shall come will come Heb. 10. 37. Behold he commeth Rev. 1. 7. Jude 14. But say these scoffers where is the promise of his comming 2 Pet. 3. 3. Another occasion is of his preparation for his comming for saith the Apostle we according to his promise in Isa 65. 17. 66. 22. looke for new Heavens and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousnesse ver 13. But say these scoffers All things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation ver 4. now this is to be understood literally of the Heavens and earth for he blames them of their ignorance how that the Heavens were of old and the earth stood out of the waters and then in the waters for the world that then was was overflowed and perished v. 5 6. But the Heavens and earth that are now are reserved for fire at the day of Judgement then shall the elements melt and the earth and all things in it shall be burnt up v. 7. 10. 12. Then he exhorts them to a holy conversation and godlinesse from this motive that we according to his promise looke for new Heavens and a new Earth after that day wherein dwelleth righteousnesse v. 11. 13. And God made all things for himselfe Prov. 16. 4. And he greatly delighteth in the workes of his hands and although man hath prodigally lost them all by sinne yet God will not lose them so and by Christ all things were made both in heaven and in earth they were all made by him and for him and shall we thinke that Christ will lose them all no he made peace through the blood of his Crosse to reconcile all things unto himselfe both things in earth and things in heaven Col. 1. 16. 20. And God hath made Christ Heire of all things for by him the worlds were made and he upholdeth all things by the word of his power Heb. 1. 2 3. And the children of God are joynt-heires with Christ of the same inheritance and the creatures themselves waite for that day to be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the Sonnes of God Rom. 8. 19. 21. And all the
creatures rejoyce at the comming of Christ to Judgement Psal 96. 11 12 13. because then they shall be restored againe to their first perfection by these things I know that what God doth it shall be for ever Eccles 3. 14. Yet I am confident that in this world before the end of it here well bee glorious dayes for the Gospell shall be Preached in many nations together in the last dayes in the times of the Gospell being the third and last age of the World when the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountaines and exalted above the hills that is the Gospell shall Micah 4. 1 2 3. Isa 2. 2 3 4 prevaile against and above all mountaines and hills of opposition and all nations shall flow unto it and many nations shall goe and say come let us goe up to the mountaine of the Lord to the house of the God of Jacob he will teach us of his wayes and we will walke in his paths for out of Zion shall goe forth the law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem and he shall judge among the nations and shall rebuke many people that is Christ by his Church and people will bridle and curbe and keepe under the power of the enemies but the next words cannot well be fulfilled in this world before the end that is when they shall beate their swords into Ploughshares and their speares into Pruning hookes and learne warres no Vers 4. 2 Cor. 10. 4. 2 Tim. 2. 2 3 4. Mat. 24 7 8 more for all the life of a Christian is but warfare and we must indure hardnesse as a good Souldier and we know by experience what warres hath beene this last age under the Gospell and so they shall continue for Kingdome shall be against Kingdome and there shall be warres and rumours of warres till the comming of Christ to Judgement but after that day when the Saints shall have all things restored to them in their first perfection Mat. 13. 41 42. and all things are taken out of his Kingdome that doe offend and that doe iniquity and are cast into the furnace of fire by the Angels at that day then I suppose the Saints shall dresse the gardens and prune the vineyards as Adam did in his innocency yet for pleasure and recreation not working as a toyle but for delight then shall this be fulfilled there shall be warres no more but in the most glorious times under the Gospell before the end of the world wee shall never be freed from warres as I said before but when Kingdome is against Kingdome and Nation against Mat. 24 6 7. 14. 29 30 36. Nation then shall the Gospell be Preached in all the world for a witnesse unto all Nations and then shall the end come and immediately after the tribulation shall appeare the signe of the Sonne of man in heaven yet the Judgement day knoweth no man nor Angell in heaven But it will be very glorious times when the hearts of Lions Tigers Wolyes Leopards and Cockatrices shall be taken from them and the hearts of Lambes and Children given to them so that they shall not hurt nor destroy in the Isa 11 6 7 8 9 10 11. mountaine of the Lord but the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters that cover the Sea then shall his rest be glorious when his wayes are knowne upon earth and his saving health is come into all Nations and some shall be redeemed out of every Nation every kindred tongue and people Other sheep he hath which are not yet of this fold them also I must bring and they shall heare his voyce and there shall be one fold and one shepherd yet all this in troublous times Dan. 9. 25. The children of Israel shall returne and seeke the Lord their God and David Psal 67 2. Rev. 5. 9. Joh. 10. 16. Hos 3. 5. their King and shall feare the Lord and his goodnesses in the latter dayes Zions righteousnesse shall goe forth as brightnesse and the salvation therof as a lampe that burneth and the Gentiles shall see thy righteousnesse and all Kings thy glory and thou shalt be called by a new name which the Isa 62. 1 2 3. mouth of the Lord shall name thou shalt also be a crowne of glory in the Lord a Royall Diadem in the hand of thy God Arise shine for the light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee for darknesse shall cover Isa 60. 1 2 3 4 5. the earth grosse darknes the people but the Lord shall rise upon thee his glory shall be seen upon thee the gentiles shall come to thy light Kings to the brightnes of thy rising thy sonnes shall come from farre thy daughters shall be nursed at thy side then shalt thou see and flow together and thy heart shall feare and bee enlarged because the abundance of the Sea shall be converted unto thee and the forces of the Gentiles shall come unto thee surely these will be glorious times when Jewes and Gentiles so well accord to serve the Lord and this shall bee before the end and I Rev. 31. 13. 18 19. hope it is neare at hand that Antichrist shall downe this Kingdome being the tenth part of the great City which now is falling off and the rest will soone molder away and the Kingdomes of the world are become the Kingdomes of our Lord and of his Christ and the Temple of God was opened in heaven and there was seene in his Temple the Arke of his Testament the Nations were angry then what makes the Nations so angry with us how quiet have the Nations been these hundred yeares till now the tenth part of the City fell and the Temple is opened and the Arke and the Testimony are seene that is Christ and the saving doctrines of election and free grace are clearely laid open this makes the Nations angry but we hope in this great Earthquake all the superstition and Idolatry of Antichrist will tumble downe and many of those gracious promises shall be fulfilled But as the destruction of Jerusalem and the destruction of the world foretold in the Gospell are so infolded together that it is hard to distinguish one from the other because that in many things they doe so agree Mat. 24. yet in some things they may be knowne so the restauration of Jerusalem or the calling of the Jewes doth so agree with that restauration of all things to the first perfection and the comming downe of that Jerusalem out of heaven Rev. 21. 2. that it is hard to distinguish the one from the other yet in some things they may be knowne I will here name some places of the Scripture which I suppose the promises are so mixed that they neither can be applyed before nor after but partly before and partly after it is said judgment shall dwell in the Wildernesse
and righteousnesse remaine in the Isa 32. 16 17 18. fruitfull field the worke of righteousnesse shall bee peace and the effect of righteousnesse quietnesse and assurance for ever and my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation sure dwellings and quiet resting places again Isa 33. 5 6. the Lord is exalted for he dwelleth on high he hath filled Zion with judgment and righteousnesse and wisedome and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times and strength of salvation the feare of the Lord is his treasure But I suppose these precious promises are not to be fulfilled till after the day of Judgement for which the sinners in Sion are afraid fearefulnesse hath surprised the hypocrite they say who shall dwell with devouring fire who can dwell with everlasting burnings ver 14. the answer is made he that walketh righteously that speaketh uprightly he that despiseth the gaine of oppressions that shaketh his hands from holding of bribes and stoppeth his eares from hearing of blood and shutteth his eyes from seeing of evill he shall dwell on high his place of defence shall be the munition of Rockes bread shall be given him his waters shall be sure thine eyes shall see the King in his beauty they shall behold the Land that is very farre off vers 15 16 17. But where is this land which these promises are of looke unto Zion the City of of our solemnities thine eyes shall see Jerusalem a quiet habitation a Tabernacle that shall not bee taken downe nor one of the Stakes thereof shall ever be removed neither shall any of the coards thereof be broken and the inhabitant shall not say I am sicke the people that dwell therein shall be forgiven their iniquity ver 20. and 24. These things cannot be fulfilled in this world for before the end all Churches are subject to sinne sicknesse and alteration and desolation But is this promise to the Jewes onely I answer No Come neare ye Nations to heare and hearken ye people let the earth heare and all that is therein the world and all things that Isa 34. 1. come forth of it here you see the extent of this promise is to all people and Nations and not onely so but to the earth and all creatures that come forth of it Out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every fowle of the ayre and brought them unto Adam All Gen. 2. 19. these have suffered a long time for the sinne of man but here is a promise for them this is the ground of their hope and the earnest expectation Rom. 8. 19. of the creature this makes the heavens and the earth so glad and the Psal 96. 11. 12. 13. field and the trees of the wood to rejoyce when the Lord comes to judge the earth and the world he will then doe all creatures Justice But shall this promise be fullfiled before the day of Judgement I answer No for all the hoast of heaven shall be dissolved and the heavens shall be rouled together as a scroll and all their hoast shall fall downe as the leafe falleth off from the vine and as the falling figge from the figtree for it is the day of the Lords vengeance and the yeare of recompences for the controversie of Zion vers 4. 8. then shall the wildernesse and desart Isa 35 1. bee glad for them and the desart shall rejoyce and blossome as a rose it shall blossome abundantly and rejoyce even with joy and singing the glory Ver. 1 2. of Lebanon shall be given unto it the excellency of Carmel and Sharon they shall see the glory of the Lord and the excellency of our God this may very well be understood to be after the day of Judgement for your God will come with vengeance even God with recompence he will save you vers 4. Then in what manner shall this salvation bee I answer from all bodily infirmities there shall neither be blinde nor lame nor dumbe nor deafe v. 5 6. but this cannot be fulfilled in this world before the end till all the creatures are freed from the corruption that came in with sinne but that cannot be before the day of Judgement for if sinne were removed before the day of Judgement that day should never come for God will not judge and condemne men where no sinne is Againe they are not onely freed from infirmities but from danger without No Lyon shall be there nor any any ravenous beast shall be found there and then the great comfort and fellowship of the Saints none but the redeemed shall walke there the ransomed of the Lord of hoasts shall come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads they shall obtaine joy and gladnesse and sorrow and sighing stall flee away v. 9. 10. I suppose none will thinke to have these things fulfilled in this corrupted world before Acts 3. the restitution of all things to their first perfection at the last day Againe in those dayes and in that time saith the Lord the iniquity of Israel shall be sought for and there shall be none and the sinnes of Judah and they shall not be found for I will pardon them whom I reserve but this cannot be understood of Israel and Judah in this world but of them Jer. 50. 20. that are reserved for another yet I grant that single persons in respect of their justification are freed from sinne yet not in respect of sanctification it is there still although it doth not reigne in them but if wee take in all Israel and Judah it must be fulfilled after the day of judgement Againe he hath not beheld iniquity in Jacob nor seene perversenesse in Israel the Num. 3. 21. Lord his God is with him and the shout of a King among them that is God was with them by his Angel that went before them the Arke was a Exod. 23. 20. Micah 7. 18. signe of his presence and by successe and conquest over their enemies and God did passe by their sinnes and as the Apostle saith in the times of ignorance Acts 17. 30 God winked at them that is he did not so exactly marke their iniquities as to punish them but this is chiefly to bee understood after the Psal 130. 3. day of judgement then there shall be no sinne and Christ will live amongst them I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day which can bee Zach. 3. 9. no other but the judgement day againe sing and rejoyce O daughter of Zion for loe I come and I will dwell in the middest of thee saith the Lord and many nations shall bee joyned to the Lord in that day and shall be my people and I will dwell in the middest of thee and the Lord Zach. 2. 10 11 12. shall inherite Judah his portion and shall chuse Jerusalem againe thus saith the Lord I am returned unto Zion and I will dwell in the middest of
in the ayre 1 Thess 4. 17. then I conclude that the Saints departed are in heaven with Christ neither shall they come againe before with him nor without him till the day of judgement for as Adam had the world prepared for him before his creation so shall the Saints departed have the world purged from all the corruption of it before they shall have it restored to them againe and this shall be a great happinesse to them to have it in the first perfection for ever yet I grant from the creation of the world to the end of it that Christ as a King rules by his power and providence over all kingdomes peoples and creatures he upholds all things by the word of his power Heb. 1. 3. he saith By me kings raigne and Princes decree justice by me princes rule and nobles even all the Judges of the earth Prov. 8. 15 16. our God is in heaven and hath done whatsoever he pleased his counsell shall stand and the thoughts of his heart to all generations Psal 115. 3. 135. 6. 33. 10 11. Secondly Christ rules his Church in an especiall manner ordering all the affaires of it he hath made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure which he had purposed in himselfe who worketh all things after the counsell of his owne will hee worketh in us both to will and to doe of his owne good pleasure Ephe. 1. 9. 11. thus Christ rules now and shall to the end of the world and no otherwise Phil. 2. 13. And to say that Christ shall rule and governe as earthly monarches have done over this corrupted world before the day of judgement in a worldly visible and earthly glory is but a fancy and cannot bee grounded upon the word of God and the author of that booke that goes in the name of Mr. Archer grants himselfe Page 5. that there is a world to come to bee put in subjection to Christ of which Adam in his Innocency was a type in many respects first as hee damned all mankind this was a type and figure of Christ saving all the elect Rom 5. 14. and his marriage to the woman was a type of the conjunction of Christ to his Church Ephe. 5. 30 31 32. and his soverainty over this present world was a figure of the subjection of the world to come to Christ these things I grant yet not before the day of judgement because the good and the bad are mixed together and shall bee so till the day of judgement Ioh 15. 15. and because all the creatures are corrupted by the sinne of man The heavens are not cleare in his sight and God looked upon the earth and behold it was corrupt Gen 6. 2. for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth this came by the sinne of man and shall not be purged but by fire at the judgement day But they object this cannot bee after the day of judgement because then Object 1 Cor. 15. 24. Luke 19. 11 12. 2 Tim. 4. ● Christ resignes up his Kingdome but Christ in that parable of the noble man is gone into a farre country to receive for himselfe a kingdome and to returne and saith the Apostle at the appearance of Christ and his kingdome from these places they would prove that Christ shall come a thousand yeares to raigne here before his last comming to judgement To these things I answer that it is not meant that Christ shall render up his kingdome out of his owne hand but to render up the manner of government he shall then render up his mediatorship he need make intercession no longer when his people are in full possession of all that happinesse that is promised to them neither need Christ to make use of earthly things as his deputies or Isay 49. 23 Dan. 7. 9. 1 Cor. 15. Vers 28. Heb 7. 25. Mark 13. 3 John 8. 29 4. 34. vicegerents to be noursing fathers to his Churches all these thrones shall be cast downe when the ancient of dayes doth sit and though it may be said then the Sonne shall be subject to him that put all things under him that God may be all in all this is to be understood the humanity of Christ shall be subject to the deity and so it is now for he now makes intercession for his people and as man he knoweth not when the day of judgement shall be and saith he the Father hath not left me alone for I doe alwayes those things that please him Jesus said unto them my meat is to doe the will of him that sent me and to finish his worke but his mediatorship is not yet finished Matth. 22. 44. till all his enemies are made his footstoole then will his glory be farre greater then now it is when the Devils and wicked men and all things that offend and that doe iniquity shall by the Angels be cast out of his kingdome and cast into Matth. 13 41 42. John 17. 2 Ephe. 1. 2 4. 13. Dan 7. 1● 18. 27. Revel 22. ●… Revel 21. ●… Luke 19. ●… 11 12. Heb. 12. 2● 24. 2 Tim 4. ● 1 Thess 3● 3 13. 2 Thess 1● the furnace of fire all his Saints shall be where he is to behold his glory this is called the fulnesse of Christ when all his Saints are glorified with him his dominion is everlasting which shall not passe away his kingdome shall not be destroyed but when the curse is taken from the earth the throne of God and of the Lambe shall be in it and his servants shall serve him as naturall members of his body when the Saints shall inherit all things And whereas it is said that Christ went to receive a kingdome and to returne I answer that he is gone to heaven to receive that kingdome for us and the soules of just men made perfect doe enjoy it and from that other place spoken of his appearing and his kingdome this is at the day of judgement when he comes to judge both the quicke and dead at his appearing and his kingdome and then shall Christ have another kingdome when he comes from heaven with all his Saints when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty Angels all these earthly things shall then be purified by fire and restored againe to him and his Saints in their first perfection and unto them that looke for him he shall appeare the second time without sin unto salvation then if salvation be at his second cōming in my judgement there needs Heb. 9. 2● not a third neither can his second comming be understood of his living here in this corrupted world a thousand yeares but after the day of judgement in that new world to all eternity The Prophet Isay after hee hath spoken of the comming of Christ in the flesh Chap. 11. from the first verse to the eleventh then hee speakes of his comming to judgement