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A68445 The triumphs of King Iames the First, of Great Brittaine, France, and Ireland, King; defender of the faith Published vpon his Maiesties aduertisement to all the kings, princes, and potentates of Christendome, and confirmed by the wonderfull workes of God, declared in his life. Deuoted, dedicated, and consecrated to the most excellent prince Henry Prince of Wales. Marcelline, George. 1620 (1620) STC 17309; ESTC S111857 40,901 114

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Spouse of Iesus Christ thou being the glorie of his Victories thou being the Victorie of his Triumphes and thou being the triumph of his iust fights Come ô come descend from Libanon looke downe from the Mountaine top of Amana from the height of Shamit and Hermon Come sweete Empresse of the world and work so graciously that the homagers of thy Faith may at the least bring victorious Palmes and lay them before his feete whom God hath heer established vpon earth and hath made choise of at this instant for thy deliuerance out of the handes of cruell Antichrist And see how Heauen hath confirm'd his throne Induitur chlamidem regnique insigne vetusti Gestat laeua decus cinguntur tempora vitta Albente ac lateride more accingitur ensis In this maner is it that the true Church prepareth the triumphal Arche of MY KING euen of all the Sacred Orders which hee hath in his Royall Parliament of England and on that very day when he deliuered vs from the dreadful fire the Flames whereof would haue reached vp to the Starres and the Ashes vnto the center of the earth in the yeare of Grace MDCV. and in this yeare also the day of his birth in Scotland Which Nation also being desirous to eleuate their piety vnto the Heauen of his glory hath imitated the Emperour Macrinus who to deify Antoninꝰ erected him a Statuē sitting in his Throne adorned in all his Royall Ornaments This is the magnificent furnishment which the reformed religion hath prouided for him as being due to the Preseruer of her Sacred priuiledges and to the Guardian of her intire purity To the end that he shold be acknowledged through the whole world for Defender of the Faith and appeare dreadfull to his enemies as the ouer-commer of Monsters Let vs go on then to his fights march on to his allarums search into his victory to attaine vnto his Triumphes where we shal first of all beholde that it is not a single fight or Combate of man to man but the encountering of one man halfe an Angell with the darke and infernall powers of Hell For the Enemy both of God and of Kings presumeth into his presence to search into to dispute the sence of the Gospell in the brightnes of Flames and in horrible exploites of seuerity and cruelty His Squadrons are prepared and consiste of Furyes Scolopenders Stellions Phalanges and Philemons more mad and enraged then those of Orestes more furious then those of Hercules much more frantick then that Aiax whom Sophocles produceth in his Tragedy The Keyes serued thē as Courtle-Axes not to open shut the heauens but to gripe and graspe vp all the Gold and Siluer yea all the wealthy abundance of Great Brittaine The Sheepe-hooke Crosier or Pastorall Staffe serued to catch vp the fattest Sheepe in all the Lords flocke And the Watch-word was nothing else but Kil Burn and Massacre As for the followers they were fully armed from head to the foote with fury rage and malice hauing their harts filled with Sulpher and Brimstone to burn spoile and desolate all Their pieces of Ordinance carried six and thirty barrels of Gun-powder beside Billets and Faggots and great sharpe-pointed bars of Iron And the sound of their Trumpets was Pereant amici modo inimici O good God what kind of armes are these The Church the onely daughter of Heauen the Virgin feated on the hill of Sion was shee euer a Murdresse Was she euer taxed with any cruelty Or did she euer drowne the world in bloud Alas hath not much rather persecution bin her legitimate legacy in the world Hath not infinit store of afflictions bin hir patrimony and inheritance And the crown of martirdom hath not it bin hir only triumph Contrariwise for MY KING hath not hee contented himselfe to encounter his enemies alone the edge of his sworde being rebated the point broken off his match not fyred his powder wet his Ordinance out of carriage their mouths empty of fire or Salt-Peter only to fight against them with the Armes of Iustice And where was the field for battail but in Court of Parlament And in the most eminent place of the plain were all the Monarks Kings and Princes of Christendome euen as Homer feigned his Iupiter on the Dardanian mount where he beheld Troyan bandes and squadrons of the Greeks And what was the shocke of battell but the fire discouered the bloud and death of some few knowne Traytors where Rebellion was taken captiue to be tied both by hands and feete to the Chaire of King JAMES Loyalty euermore singing with a chearefull voyce and resounding in praise of his victory this Triumphant IO or Liue King Iames. That he may liue as triumphant euen in Rome as victorious in Great Brittaine as much admired of all the worlde for his Mercie as feared for his Valour and cherrished and honoured of his people both for his Piety and Justice For as Learning and Knowledge are written in great Letters on his Royall for-head as knowing how to instruct stout Rebels giuing them lessons of dutie and apprehensions how to liue acording to his Lawes so in like maner may be seene shining in his Eyes Clemency and Mildnesse Vertues apt and proper to MY KING And therefore wee see him not running like Aratus with a drawne sword in his hand vpon the Wals of Rome and to the Tyrants gate to take reuenge in his iust displeasure but seated Seated in signe of Royall power and Soueraignty of his owne right Iustice Sitting on his Throne in signe that Iehu shall raigne and that is according as the Wise man approueth it when he saith The King that is seated vpon his Throne chaseth all euill out of his sight In like manner heere doe I see my selfe rauished in spirit and rapt vp to Heauen the heauen of the most high maiesty of Great Brittain the Epicicle most eleuate of his Royalty That is to the Daix or State of his Throne-royall where I see the God of our Worlde ruling all all the Motions the Aspects the influences the Coniunctions of all the starres in his heauen discerning the fixed from erring and Commets from Plannets to the end that all may shine the better and enioy at length the Heauen of God which is the maine end of all his trauailes and shall be the Crowne of his faire Trophees Hee is seated to bee as yet peaceable the Sword hanging but by his side to declare therby that he would not force the faith that slaughtery butchery and all their massacres with the Phalarian and Neronian torments are to him most horrid and hateful and that their foule treason hath but onely drawne out of his breast a very small spark of Diuine fire Finally that he hath not caused Scaffolds Jibbets and Helles to be erected to handle and punish Traitors according vnto their merits To how many hath hee giuen pardon as that graue and sweete Authour of Tortura Torti as truely as
learnedly testifieth vnto vs Was there euer any Prince more forgetfull of wrongs and more apt to remit iniuries done against him then his Maiesty euen then when he might be very easily reuenged How many Actes of Parliament full of benignitie clemency and kindnesse hath hee set toorth since his happy comming to the Crowne of England euen towards his very enimies themselues which is the onely reason that his subiects both loue and obey him the more willingly and that straungers ought to bee the more respectiue of him For my selfe J may say that by good right of him which the Romaine Orator did of Iulius Caesar Hee is a great Iusticer Vpright Equall true But in all his vertues there is none more Great more Excellent or more commendable then is his Clemency and Benignity I speake not this as a Learner or beeing Tutored thereto but out of knowledge and good experience and as one willing with poore Vzza to set a hand to helpe the Arke whereof J feared the falling And if I haue done it with out any great paine yet am I glad that it hath returned me no danger and so long as I shall haue any iot of life in mee I will publish euerie where and sing in heart though it bee to my selfe En tibi praepetibus foelix victoria pennis Quae volat laet am adducit Clementiapacem Vnde salus populis te Rege Iacobe beatis But fearing the like inconuenience as that which happened vnto the High-Priest Cecilius Metellus for hauing dared to be so bold as to put his hand neere to the Statue of the Goddesse Pallas I am constrained to turne my sight from the faire Eye of the Worlde His Beams do force me to kisse the very liddes of those eyes euen as the perfection and proportion of his other Visible parts do restraine my tongue from deliuering the misticall and Physiognomicall sence of euery one of them In like maner it was neuer mine intention to note al the Anatomical considerations of his Imperial Body or to pierce any further then vnto the subtiltie of our owne reach and apprehension which dooth sufficiently content it selfe to referre all the functions of his parts to the apparent appearance thereby to erect a Triumph not onely fully rich but also morral to following posterity We will beginne with his Crowne which is the Ornament for the Head the chiefest member and that which is most honourable of all the body euen that part wherein are composed al the principal instruments of life by the perfection of numbers This rich chief part is crowned to the end that his enemies beholding the same should enter into the apprehensions of Cassander King of Macedon who hauing founde the Statue of Alexander entred into such a fear that he trembled at the verie sight thereof And to let bee seene that meere glory hath defended him from his greatest aduersaries they shoulde bring him no such fraile Crownes wherewith in elder times they were wont to honor the Conquetors in the Olympian Pythian Ismyan and Nemean games but that duety which shineth in heauen and can neuer bee withered because it was first wrought and wouen with the verie fingers of the sonne of God himselfe It is a Crown of Gold enriched with Pearls and precious Stones Of Gold which reioyceth the heart healeth all putride Vlcers Woolfes or rotted corruption To declare thereby that this King shall beare the precious Balme the Cataplasme and Seare-cloath to heale vlcered hearts and consciences euen those which are most fired and cauthorized thereby to bring the new birth againe of the former Golden dayes of Saturne The Pearles are the Hieroglyphickes of his soules immaculate whitenesse or integrity do testifie vnto the whole worlde that hee is Protector of Innocency and Truth The Diamonds do shine and deliuer a clear white luster which cheareth the eye The Rubies do dart foorth to sight very straunge flaming beams which may offend some perhaps more then they please These are the two most precious Stones aboue all other the Symboles or Creeds of our Churches Nothing can bite or cut the Diamond but the Diamond it selfe neither can we shape or figure any thing else therby of any indamagement or hurt towards vs but it must come by our owne selues The Diamond is inuulnerable and not to be bruised by hammers on the Anuile but wil enter farre into the Ruby who is subiect to be wrought therewith penetrated cut carued or imprinted thereon in whatsoeuer a man pleaseth euen as our beleese worketh the like effectes in vnbeleeuing harts which they may very aptly signifie The Sphear-like forme of his Crowne doth denote the euen roundnesse wherein hee proceedeth to euery one as well towards the smal as the great the poore as the rich That he is the Common Father of all his people ordering all his affections in an equall partage like vnto the Geometricall point which beholdeth all his circumference in one the same proportion Answerable to the Sun which shineth equally vpon all Or as the heart which furnisheth all the other members with life heat Or like vnto the Palme-tree which distributeth his nourishment to his leaues and braunches euen as if it were by iust weight measure Before that Parliament he contented himselfe to expresse vnto the Papistes themselues rather the power of his Authority then the rigour of his Iustice Hee permitted to all the free communication of his fauour as of his Conntreyes ayre and the enioying of his presence as the sweet breath of his fertile kingdome The Booke and the Scepter which his Maiesty holdeth in his hands do represent Reason and Rigor which are the two Engines wherby all men are drawne to their dutie For if Reason profit not recourse must then be had to Power According vnto the example of our Lord Iesus Christ and of his Apostles For they presenting peace in all mildnesse thorough all places where they came shooke off in the spirit of Justice the dust frō their feet on them which resisted thē Saying for reason of the first That be was soft and gentle and for the second That he was vpright or iust In the first that he is good gracious in the second That he is terrible In the first That hee helpeth the desolate in hart bindeth vp their wounds In the second That he is Dominus percutiens a Lord that smiteth In like maner Our King Gestans leua decus wil neuer presse with his Scepter of authority which he beareth in his right till he may vse his pen no longer and that the left hand be wholly despised He applyeth not the Rasor to the Canker and Gangrena of Heresie so long as Reason and soft and lenitiue remedies may serue the turne Throughout antiquity The Scepter hath bin common to al Kings on the earth The Booke perticularly and for the exclusion of others appertaineth to our Mercuriall Heros to enstruct vs that of him properly ought the double
and Soueraigne Princes of Christendome whom at the third voyce of his Triumph hee awaketh and exhorteth to maintaine and defend themselues altogether with him against the attentates and vsurpations of the Pope in aduising each one of them according to the rule of reason and common fence grounded vppon custome and deriued from the Pagan Poet to learne of the wise saying Ecquid Ad te post Paulo ventura periculis sentis Nam tuares agitur paries cum proximus ordet What perilles in short time may come are they vnto thee knowne No when thy Neighbours house doth burne be carefull of thine owne Monarkes Soueraignes Chiefe Iudges of the World to whom the Iustice of heauen hath giuen absolute power and Scepters to gouerne the wide Vniuerse Earthly Deities Liuing Jmages of the Eternal true Lieutenants and Vicars of God Fathers of the people and Tutors of his Church kneeling on the earth so imitate him in a resounding Eccho with her permission and your owne waken your selues at the voice of My King HOW much more pleasing should this be vnto you then that of the trumpet which called them to enter the Listes who presented themselues at the Games of Olympus O Princes are your heads so loaden with vapours and the Conduites of your vitall spirits so stopt that by no agitation or motion you can bee awaked from this Leaden slumber Doe not you knowe that the last Iudge of the Hebrew people because hee did sleepe in the lap of his Mistris lost first his strength next his sight and soone after his life While you sleepe so profoundly do not you Dreame what may happen and much more what hath beene already past Will you still slumber or doe you dissemble it when they that shoulde watch for you and feeke to preserue your Crownes in safety are readyer to bereaue you of them It is you Great-Soueraignes whom this case concerneth You can be no longer assured safely neither in your Pallaces Cittadels nor of the faith of your houshold seruants or those you put most trust in if this Article may bee graunted to publique murders and assasinates to wit That they haue power to dispence and free your Subiectes from the Oath whereby they haue vowed faith vnto you and may cause you to be murdered were it by a Monke and then to Cannonize or glorifie him when the deede is done Arise then Kings and prouide for those affayres which the Great God hath put into your hands The Church is in tutelage and protection of kings and you are annointed and Sacred by God to shew by this exterior note that the care of spirituall things appertaineth vnto you Make of vs one heritage that this seame-lesse Garment of our Lord may no more be torn in peeces Cast off the yoak of Antechrist who cowardly abuseth the Authority to you committed It is you that haue giuen your power to the beast to fight against the Lamb. It is you also that shold rather hate him and eate his flesh And what hinders you from doing it Hath not the light of the Gospell already sufficiently enough discouered the frauds of this man of sinne The Spirit out of the mouth of Iesus Christ breathed aboundantly in so many places and yet continuing hath it not already foyled him euen in the most signall parts of his Dominion There is not any Prince or Common-wealth but is weary to see this Tyraunt faire from all obligation of Lawes Equity and Justice to gurmundize and deuoure vp all the Estates of Christendome The Pope seemes to sollicite Heauen and earth euen to his owne ruine and Coniures all Europe to make but one Aesopes Crow All the world is in a shiuering so highly is it offended at his Tyranies and desireth nothing else with vs but one iust Conference and which also is the aduise of Our wise and Learned King Jt is necessary that a good free and lawfull Counsell should bee called and assembled by you Princes and Soueraigne Estates to compound all these dissentions and differences in Religion as being at all times the onely ordinary meanes to abolish Schismes disanull Heresies and to reforme whatsoeuer is amisse in Ecclesiasticall Discipline This is the onely way to restore the wanderers to winne their harts more sensibly and to consolidate the languishing members to the great body of the Church and to revnite the willes of your subiects scattered into factions Such sickly and diseased Spirits doe require a milde and gentle cure the keene edged sword of the worde is that which pierceth into the Soule and the Church instructeth not to persecute but to admonish and informe such as are in error And it seemeth that this way is desired wished and requested by many who do offer to submitte themselues to that which thereby shall be defined concluded and ordained Such a notable occasion is not any way to be contemned Non oportetsi quod omnibus votis petendum erat vltro offertur fastidire An adboue all at this time hauing a Const antine amongst your selues capable to preside as the other did in the Nicene Assemblies the presence of whom is able to dispose of differences to soften the sharpest to restore place peace and concord among all good Fathers not passionate or interessed in strange opinions and to make them happily finish such a desseign worthy of your best furtherance If this happen not in our dayes let vs neuer flatter our selues with any humaine hope of compassing it heereafter Our last ankor is cast hauing such a Prince Vertuous Wise Learned Eloquent Experimented Conquering Victorious wel obeyed Absolute in his kingdome and beyond all this nourished and educated in pietie and in the true seruice of God And now see him among all other Kings in his second Triumphall Chariot like to the Lyon among the other beasts Where wee may see this Lyon in the Armes of MY KING which is the note of his second victory as all they do which behold this Great Salomon vpon his Throne round engirt with Lions These Images do giue them a sudden apprehension as appearing terrible and dreadful to them But when they approach neerer they see that the Lyons are of Golde and as they mount to the feete of the Prince the same Lyons do serue as a guarde and defence In like maner seemeth it to them which a farre off do behold the Lyon Rampant of Scotland that he breatheth forth nothing else but punishments death and desolation but when they com neerer and consider him aduisedly they finde nothing but purity and perfection which is verie solid and most pure and perfect Gold And if they should yet stand in neede of the clemency of My Prince this generous Lyon will serue them as a prop supply and support thereto It is a Lyon Rampant to represent vnto vs the Maiesty of his Maiesty who in strength and furie is a true Lyon when the presumptuous boldnesse of men shall bee such as willingly to reiect his clemency Leo vngiet
formidabunt filij maris Then the turbulent traitors vnderminers powder men and such like who are all as Marine-Monsters and Children of Neptune shall quake with feare Huic Galli terrori non sunt And in trueth Hic est Leo qui vinciri pernegat according to the Mistery which is on the Med aile of the Duke of Albania For if the Childretn of Saleucus had each of them on his thigh an Anchor imprinted or carractred as a certaine marke of the line of their extraction And the race of Python of Nisibis had the impression of an Axe on their bodies which testified the honour of their lineage Euen so Our King dooth not carry this Lyon onely in his Shield as for a shew but likewise in sign of his harts generosity hath one liuely figured on his bodie vnder his left pappe Ab vtero Matris suae which is not without a very great mistery As concerning the Floures de Lys or Lyllies which Charle-Maigne caused to be doone in a double draught about the Scottish Escutchion in the time of Achaius the yeare 777. in perpetuall memory of their alliance it cannot be denied but that they first came from heauen So that all other floures beeing compared with them doe appeare no otherwise but euen as Thistles Brambles and Bryers Sicut Lilium inter spinas ita Amica mea inter Filias Like as a Lilly among the Thorns so is my Loue among the Daughters saide Jesus Christ in speaking of his Church Whereupon some Doctours very curious and contemplatiue haue noted three especiall things in this faire and Celestiall Flower to wit his purity and whitenesse his admirable sweet sauour and his phisical vertue against al burnings And by his growing amōg thornes they signified idolatries impieties and heresies among which pure and vnspotted doctrin shall alwaies shine most brightly The Rabines also they found out infinit goodly rare Misteries vpon the inscription of the Psalme where it is saide Ad victoriam Lilijs And the Naturalists do affirme that there is an oyle extracted from the Lilly able to cure the Palsie the head ache and deafenesse in the eares in signe that the Writings of Our King should also serue to heale the sickenesse of spirit and restore the Church of God to her first strength and conualescence Nor was it enough that this Lilly of Alliance should bee a Lilly onely and no more then a Lilly but that it should also haue the vertue and property which Nature had bestowed vppon the Lilly And therefore he willed withall that this Lilly should bee of Golde in a double draught to declare thereby that the vertues of our Kings should exceed them of other Kings in quality yea euen in quantity according as Gold is the most precious thing among all inanimate creatures He placed them also round about his Armes in signe of the loude terrour which they had giuen and shall yet giue if it please God as well ouer the whole great continent as in their owne little worlde made and made perfect by the coniunction of those three Leopards with that Lyon This new Alliance in passing the Spunge vpwardes or aboue the Table of our fatall diuisions hath vnited our Lyon Rampant with the 3. Leopardes three Floured de Luce or Lillies of England and the Harpe of Ireland to the end they might be eight in all as they of elder times were wont to say namely perfect Because none can goe any further then this when a number or figure is come vnto his Triple dimension of length bredth and depth According to the Pythagorians it is the number of Iustice because that first of all it resulteth it selfe into numbers of paire-like-parity deuiding equally al things By meanes whereof it is iustly attributed vnto Iesus Christ who is onely iust Cui tria sunt octo tu me seruabis vt opto Ne voret innumerus cui tria sex numerus Which was likewise foretold by Sybilla speaking of our Sauiour Although the number be one eight and eight tens in account Yet to eight hundred shall his name in valuation mount Eight is like the Cube which signifieth firmenesse or stability in that it turneth his face to all and turning downe from aboue commeth vnderneath yet is it euermore firmely seated and in one and the same forme It is also a solid body which hath his dimensions and properties by reason of his foure direct or right Angles for better seating and making himselfe firme which rendring it so maruailously proper and misticall doth therby the better represent him vnto vs who by his power hath reestablished reconfirmed the estate of mankinde Eight composed of this Royall vnity of Our Lyon and of the English Septeuery doth make vp the Armories perfect in all their measures also by this fair mixture of numbers that sweet harmony is made which entertaineth and preserueth the whole kingdom in good peace and quietnesse And not to dispute heere concerning the Three Leopards the three Floures de luces the Harpe which being seuerally ioyned with the Lyon doe make fiue the Symbole or signe of health or safety which number among al them that are not paires do appeare to bee the most nuptiall and best beseeming mariage Because three is the first no-paire two the first paire and fiue is composed of these two as both of male and female which sheweth vnto vs that Scotland and England are in such sort marryed together at this instant by mutuall loue in a true pure and sincere Religion liuing also together in one faith vnder one King and Law as they are neuer heereafter to bee sundred or deuided The Teruary number or of three is of the Leopardes Guardians of our Microcosmns or little world not of great Masties or Dogges not of Tigers and Draggons preseruers of the Hesperides Apples which do expresse vnto vs that the vertues and power of Our King is not onely to cleanse the world of all Idolatry Heresie Error and ignorance but also of worldly knowledge of the wisedom of Hagars children of the sapience of Babilon of political prudence which imployes it selfe to the acquisition and maintenance of dignities riches and his owne case without regard of piety or Religion The King by the very sweetuesse of his breath shal draw the Leopardes themselues to him they hauing the pawes of the Lyon or the appearance of a Christian and lay holde on the Panther which is Heresie by his spottes or blemishes because shee is the Mother and Nurse to many meruailes These are true Candiots Chameleons and Protheus who beleeue not in God but by an inuentory or Register who acknowledge no other Diuinity then that which is called State who worshippe not as the Emperour Iouinian and Themistius the Phylosopher sayd but the soulelesse Purple of Kinges onely without Conscience without any tast or feeling of a second life or feare of a second death little caring for any thing but greatnesse in the worlde which serues them for
would God I had neuer learned the first Elements of Letters when no Question is to be made but that hee is able to warrant himselfe with his pen onely against the Tyranies of Antichrist Not any I am perswaded could be so idely conceited Let vs then chearefully auouch it and in the fauour of his Triumph engraue in great letters on the bases of this statue the secret sence which is hidden in his Armes euen in the Frontispice of his Apology which is Iames Triumphant That as in all parts by Gods grace is spread his Royall Name So may the worlds remotest Lands both know and speake his fame To the end that these Ground Moles who neuer sawe their own eimpudence may scent or smell it out by those goodly Carracters And if to them it may seeme inopinate as I beleeue it let them then take-occasion to consider wel yea and weigh what they promise or portend as in an interlaced misticall Cipher The Authour is Iames the Great Monark the Protectour and Propagator of the Faith the Rampart of Christendome the Fort and Bulwarke of the Church the Succour of true Catholiques the Enemy of Heretiques the Terrour of Infidels the Support of the Afflicted the Tamer of Monsters the Example of Charity and the Blessing of his time Which the very blindest will bee enforced to confesse considering the assistaunce of God in all his actions and how he hath preserued him from so many dangers euen by extraordinarie maruels wherefore by good right he deserueth to be accounted The King of wonders or The wonder of kings The Miracle of the ages present to come For my selfe when I come to cōsider by what meanes he hath bin hitherto preserued I am euen swallowed vp in admiration and the more contradictions and assaults J find by so many Esaus the more I reuerence those high conditions wherunto God hath brought him for he could not come into the world but through the danger of blowes euen amongest the horrors of blood death As we plainly see that the Rose cannot be gathred without pricking to giue the greater sound to his vertues he was borne to wade through diuers dangers For to let sleepe in silence that wicked attempt and the very Non-pareile offer that euer was aduentured euen to smite him quite thorough the heart in the womb of the late Queen his Mother of happy memory foure monethes before he saw the light of this world it may suffice that it could not so haue happened but by the very speciall prouidence of God to make the whole vniuerse stand amazed therat as the spectator of our bloudiest Tragedies So in his very birth likewise he held Esau by the heele in his Cradle in imitation of great Hercules he smothered strangled great store of Serpents In the tenderest of his youth his enimies who had no assured subiect wherein to lodge their ambitiō but in the Mazer or cup of his destruction they feared not to attempt by open force But heauen being much stronger then the poison dissipated and quailed all their disseignes Desseignes in very deede ouer-bold to some to see them so highly pearched or placed in an instant whose execution drew on so many miseries and calamities in our Countrey as I am ashamed to speak it except it be to expresse the great blessings of God towards our Iacob Who as he went to Padan-baran or towards Denmarke to take a wife in the Royal house of the King how cruelly was he assayled by furious Medeaes and his owne chiefe Ship foulded vp in stearne Tempests Contrary Windes did afflict it beate and driue it euery where they excited and blew the Waues which swelled foamed roared and gaped with open mouths to swallow him And as the winds wrastled on either side against the Mast the sayles and the maine yard behold euen in labouring with al their might to deuoure him they proued the cause of his happy escape and with full sayles through all the stormes brought him to Port Laetus in which place al Scotland at his return welcommed him with singular ioyfulnesse Euen as the whole Isle receiued Constantine the Great at his home returne from strange wars by deliuering him these words in the mouth of Optatianus Porphyrius Omnis ab Arctois plaga finibus horrida Cauro Pacis amat cana comperta perennia iura Et tibi fida tuis semper benè militat armis Résque gerit virtute tuas populósque feroces Propellit cedítque lubens tibi debita rata Et tua victores sors accipit hinc tibi fortes Teque Duce inuictae attollant signe cohortes Congratulating also the fortunate comming of the Queene by this discourse in effect and affection but in wordes much better shaped couched MAgnificent Great Princesse Sacred blood of the Danes Race Royall Wife Daughter Sister to a King If I should receiue into my Ports and on my shores the Great Iuno of Candy the Daughter of old Saturne the Wife Sister of Iupiter of Creet Jf I should receiue Palas herselfe Minerua her selfe the Great Semiramis the Stately Cleopatra the Empresse Zenobia If I should receiue euen hir that wears at this day the Crowne of the Romain Empire the Empire of the East the Kingdomes of Spaine of Hungaria of Poland of Egipt of Prester Iohn and all that which the Great Signeur or Turke hath and may haue for his Queene yet could I not receiue a more great Princesse then you MADAME for Royalty of bloode Luster of Nobility and Noblenesse of so auncient a Family neither could I receiue a Princesse more splendant in Beauty and all good Graces Come then Great Queene by your comming make mee most happy Happy shall you long time be in Scotland and to Scotland and for the greater height of your Glorie bee you also a happy Mother of Kings Which she shall be God assisting as already by his especiall blessing and more then particuler fauour her Maiesty hath had My Lord the Prince of VVales My Lord the Duke of Yorke and the Lady Elizabeth their Sister and thereby not only makes Scotland happy but al Great Brittaine whereon dependeth their peace and freedom from strife euen as the presence of the Halcions do make the Sea calme commodious for Nauigation which wanting before in that Empires felicity makes it now an Empire abounding in felicity Shee hath established our Delos and hath set vs aboue the winds as safe sheltred from all stormes by the firme assurances of so faire a succession this sufficeth not only for the coniunction conseruation of this Estate but also for the increasing thereof Wherefore no kingdome in the worlde is there which hath more occasion to glad it selfe in her Queene then Great Brittain in her Gracious Queene or in the faire and vertuous Lady Anne But alas Our King after this voyage of his was yet againe pursued by tumultuous Trauellers but beholde how our Vlisses escaped the cruelty of
ninth in Sur-name among Kinges in Scotland as of Name in England for the greater height of his good fortune This young Prince is a warrior alreadie both in gesture and countenance so that in looking on him he seemeth vnto vs that in him we do yet see Aiax before Troy crowding among the armed Troops calling vnto them that he may ioyne body to body with Hector who standes trembling with chill-cold feare to see him seek to determine the difference in the inclosed Field or Lists Hee can neuer permit that anie other should step before him in an occasion so remarkable Honour was all his nouriture and Greatnesse his pastime as it was saide of Alexander and Triumph the ordinary end of al his Actions What though his desires bee impeached by a much stronger desire and his deuoire retarded by a Naturall dutie and by an obedience which in this occasion only is contrary and contrary to his owne affection Yet let it not be immagined that the execution of great desseignes are vtterly lost by deferrence and delay Deferred not in regarde of weakenesse or impuissance but referred to fit season to do nothing against the order of Nature or contrarie to the will of his father who woulde alwayes haue his Sonne for Obiect and subiect of contentment by his presence Contrarie to the Ottomans who coulde not nor can endure the youngnesse of their Children their very shadow gaines them so many other suspicious shaddowes and their presence excludeth them from all kinds of pleasures His Maiestie hath also another Sonne Duke Charles who shineth in the two Kingdomes of Scotland and England like the other twinne-Starre and who promiseth vs that as the Sun is at the very highest in Gemini euen so God in the same maner will very quickly raise and exalt Great Brittain in the Apogaeum of his Greatnesse And that hee will make the succession of the house of Steuart not onely equally vnto the worlds continuance but the world it self equal to his succession and to the sacred stirpe of his Maiesty This is it wherunto the full end of his greatnesse is assigned and where he hath laide the bases of his very greatest Trophees This is the point where his Angle endeth this is the extreamity of his line and this is the center of his circumference Wherein we discern at last sight the difference of the house of Cyrus which was of small cōtinuance because they did not acknowledge God who elected them to that of Our King whom he multiplieth encreaseth euery day awaiting vntill God shall come from the south to chase away that rude Oxe and dissolue the captiuity of the Waters which are frozen to make them run in Torrents and like Riuers in the South That is to say the extermination of Antichrists race by that of Steuart to deliuer those poore soules which vnder the coldnesse of this barbarous impiety are so miserably captiued by the heate of the South which is the Grace of the Holy ghost and Faith and Christian piety That the garden of the Spouse may be so breathed by this wind as the odorifferous iuices thereof may distill on all sides by a renewing of holinesse and deuotion in all the waies vpon earth and causing that they which are at the South as it is written in Abdias that is to say the true Christians which are in the South shall possesse the Mount of Esau and make themselues Maisters of that Estate Euen so may we hope one day to see that vnder the name and family of Steuart all Christendome shall flourish in an absolute Monarchy For the Maister who hath placed him ouer his housholde to giue them all thinges in due time hath found him a faithfull and wise Spender and Steward or a good Oeconomicus in his dealing Wherefore he hath said vnto vs that in very deed he will commit all his goodes to him And the Lord who hath giuen him those fiue tallents in keeping when he taketh his account of him will find that he hath made profit of them that he hath gained fiue more by aboue them Wherefore he will say vnto him It is well done good seruant thou hast bin faithful in a few small things I will set and constitute thee ouer much more enter into the ioy of thy Lord. For the rest Romaine antiquity hath obserued that in the family of the Fabij there were three Princes of the Senate In that of the Curij three Orators In some so many Censors In others as many Dictators But in the family of the Steuarts there are not three or foure to be noted but many great Lords and Princes who haue all made apparance of the greatnes of their valour throughout the world and perticularly they that are of the braunch of Noble Lennox Their piety appeared with Saint Lewes their courage against your enemies O French-men and their fidelity at al times towards the Realm of Fraunce our Chronicles doe report them Also the memory of those voyages in the East doe witnesse them and your Histories themselues are ful of their praises which whosoeuer shall read wil find them as so many sharp spurs inciting to vertue Such as haue read the manuscripts of that race or seen The Galleries of Verrerye in Soulongne wil confesse that they neuer read either among the Greekes or Latines any thing comming neere to their naturall generosity From this vertue came it to aduance Messire Berault Steuart Lorde of Aubigny and of Croitet Knight of the Order Captayne of the Guard to his Ma-body Great Constable of Scicily and of Ierusalem and his Highnesse Lieutenant Generall in the kingdome of Naples And hence an infinite number of other al Captains of Guard to the Body of the Chamber Counsellors Marshals or Constables of France And hence also Messire Bernard Steuart Marshall of France that gaue so much exercise vnto the Emperour Charles the fift who vanquished and tooke Prisoner in Piedmont that great Romaine Captaine Prosper Colonnus in the yeare 1515. according to the Relation of our French Authors And whence at this instant is sprung Dux inter primos praestanti corpore LENOX who for his excellent and singuler partes hath not forsaken vs althogh he be called into Great Brittaine to bee the Honour of Honors to the French Let the Parthians vaunt them of their Arsaces the Greeks of their Egides and the Romuines of their Emilij Fabij Curij and Marcelli Great Brittaine makes vaunt of her Steuarts and of nothing more then of her Steuarts Nec Phoebo gratior vlla est Principis haec quam quae praefixit pagina nomen Prince most generous and Magnanimious happy Henry the delight of Heauen the loue of the Earth and the Titus of humaine kinde neuer feare that the victories of MY KING will leaue you nothing to conquer Enter not into that ambitious ielousy with Alexander who seeing the fortunat progresse of his Fathers affairs how victoriously he went on ioyning Citty to Citty and Prouince to