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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A57222 Poems sacred and satyricale Richards, Nathanael, ca. 1600-1652. 1641 (1641) Wing R1372; ESTC R34569 44,591 198

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sinnes infirme a heart in bitternesse Learne thou this Lesson thou whose clouded eyes Hides thee from sight of thy infirmities Thy Pride oppression lust-provoking diet Nastie defilements drunken belching riot Which so besweats sots and bespots the soule As renders it most loathsome uggly foule To the Eyes of the All-pure-God He spies All our base thoughts each darke deed all those lies The Divell blinds us with to our abuse Vnder the feign'd pretence of an excuse Sinnes Jmpudence SInne that was wont in privacy to lurke Not daring to be seene darke deeds to worke Walk't still in feare the mind was ne'r at rest Like a poore Man in danger of Arrest But now in Triumph like a Drab of State Branded with impudence dare walke and prate Doe deedes of open shame yet never blush Shrinke feare nor feele Revenge more then a rush Shield us from sinne great God sinne that at first Poyson'd the perfect Man made all accurst That glorious Image made him see his shame Poore naked neede and losse of his good name What ever sorrowes on weake man befall Publique or private sinne is the cause of all Sinne dulls the Soule when Heav'n is out of sight Man 's out of Heart all vertues loose their light Like a besieged Cittie sinne surrounds The medowes of the soule ruines her grounds Windes like a subtile River bout the bancks So Eates into her sides as drown's the Ranks Of Muddy-minded Mortalls weake defence Walls built on Wood-Piles to ten confidence O the rare Mercy of Almighty God How it do's daily woe us from the Rod Of his just vengeance yet nor love nor feare Not any thing that 's good in us appeare The Prodigall Gull uncapable to know The worth of wealth farre sooner will bestow Ten pound upon a Hawke a Hound a Whore Rather then give ten pence to cloath the poore The Worldly Churle whose money is his slave Goes to the Church heares Sermons seemes to have Divine discourse Religion in his talke Devotion Pitty yet in life do's walke A full dissembler Machivell and he Remorselesse monsters dead in Charitle Deafe to the poore man's-crie his want of food Vrge Scripture to him that will doe no good The spirits of mischeife in their soules reply They 'l not be forc'd to succour boggery Let Ioseph lie in Chaines and Daniel too Shall they for thread-bare Charity undoe Their full cramm'd baggs abate the curious Pride Of Wife and Children dimme glorious out●lide High hopes the Worlds applause sinne-sick wishes Banquets by Torch-lights and bloud stirring dishes All to relieve despised poverty Wrong their delights to pitty penury No no they 'l not be taught where when and how To give their Almes the Saint to whom they bow Learnes no such lesson he so slaves the braine With the blacke Text that for their hell-beed gaine Worse then the Scythian Thiefe or barbarous Turke They 'l cheate friend Father never doe good worke Vnlesse to trumpet forth their Almes much good When ther 's no Vertue in their venome bloud Yet to the World appeare the scourge of evill A very Saint in show in heart a Devill A foule dissembling Fiend incarnate That seemes precise thinking the gift of prate The pratling pious seeming shew forsooth Of a pure life should darken sacred Truth Good God divert their eyes from Hell below To looke on Heav'n force their blind eyes to know Sinne for a while may with a Brasen face Out-brave poore Vertue flourish for a space Feed hot and high swimme in the worlds delight As if Vice only were beav'ns Favorite Befat in folly curious scoffes that dare Mocke at the wrinckled lookes of honest care Scorne leane Ribb'd Art all griefes which interlace The Lines of sorrow writ in Vertues face Sinne may doe this rais'd on the loftie stile Of Prides preferment for a little while But if time lend thee yeares for to observe You soone shall see proud sinne ready to sterve Blushing for shame and halting on a crutch Spotted all o're with Biles loathsome to touch Sweett sinnes soone fade vanish like lightnings flash Honors a Bubble Riches deceitfull trash Circl'd with mischiefes glitt'ring wantonnesse Dull self-esecured Ease brittle greatnesse Which like the serpent Dipsas quentchlesse thirst Lives never satisfied untill it burst Much wealth small witt and farre lesse honesty Preferres the golden Asse to dignity Be wise as Cato just as M●nlius Valiant as Scipio Chast as Curius Wisedome in ragges is spurn'd at like a rush Folly gaines Credit crept but into Plush Be what thou wilt wealth formes formality Though spung'd with never a one good quality Worldlings applaud the Rich the poore despise Speake never so well so excellently wise Best knowledge must be dumbe Wisedomes best Note Yeelds but harsh Musicke in a Thread-bare Coate Witnesse Times poore Philosophers report Who being in the Presence at the Court Was for his simple weeds of slight regard Rudely thrust out by the grim-looking Guard But shifting cloathes admitted to the Eye Of State the King before whose Majestie He not the least of Reverence would beare Save Cap and Knee toth ' cloathes himselfe did weare Saying I honour him that honours mee These my gay Clouts which brought me King to thee This to the sinfull World may Embleme out Mortalls vaine worshipping the Golden Clout Of him or her whose soules uncertaine stand Fixt i' th imperative moode of proud command Ioyes in no other Heaven but admiration Till sencelesse they forget their first Creation Honours vaine bubble Riches deceitfull store Which ne'r drops penny to the pining poore Nor ever harbours thought of Charity To Wretches wi●●●t sterv'd with poverty While on the adverse part Vertue denide Vice still is hu●g'd the world 's in love with pride O stonie hearted sinne on thee to thinke Feare turnes my Paper black makes pale my Inke Amazeth sence compells my palsey Pen Trembling to write the Impiousnesse of Men Whose hate to pitty must to terrour turne Where teares for sinne are wanting sinne shall burne Tell me ye Toad-swolne flinty Pharaohs tell Can temporall joyes equall tho paines of Hell Treasures and pleasures those quicke fading streames To the poore sleeping soule are all but dreames The bodies beauty momentary joy Which waking findes Earths glory but a toy This for a Maximetake shunne times lewd life Cease from extreames in sinne soule-murth'ring strife Abhorre to Studdy state with greater zeale Then zeale to Heav'n or the soules Common-weale Abhorre with solemne Oathes perjur'd to ●●are And racke the name of Christ dreadlesse of feare Wounding a fresh with trembling feare I write Wonder of Angels that great God of light His wounds with Oathes of wounds flesh bloud and heart Horrour of darkenesse O blaspheming heart Too too much us'd 'mong godlesse soules which still Infinite good pay with infinite ill The Penitent Sinner LEt others boast their goodnesse for my part Wretch that I am I have a sinfull heart So ti'de and bound fetter'd and chain'd within So strong a prison such
mischeife malice and much hate But is all excellent sweetnesse noble pitty Faire Honours soule cloath'd in humility What Eye on Earth sheads for his sinne a teare What Eare delights Heav'ns Holy Word to heare What Tongue triumphs to speake in Almighti's praise What Heart affected stands to holy waies Wer 't not for Charity she is the Queene In whom all Graces of the soule are seene Prophesies shall faile Tongues cease knowledge vanish But Charity never she from soules can banish Lust Averices and Pride with all the Rabble Of sinnes which make Men truely miserable O when we want the gift of Charitie We all are subject to impletie The Devill laies his stumbling blocks within Our waies of wickednesse our daies of sinne Lures us to strumpets such as Sampson tride To mighty Nabuchadnezers swolne pride Like Acban and G●bezi daily He Tempes Man to covetuous Idolatrie Snares soules to Envie like accursed Caine To Herods Selfe-love Nabals churlishvaine Sinne heapt on sinne all those blacke soules to stifle That thinke Adult'rie sweet true love a trifle If rich Heav'n wills us from our plenteons store To yeeld Truths cherefull succour to the poore And that by sundry Statutes God commands Vpon the forfeiture of life and Lands Confirming still the poore man to have part In the Rich man's Estate if any heart Dares doubt this Truth the Scripture must denie None but an ATheist wrongs that pietie What a large extre●me folly 't is to see Man like the Wolfe for prey how earnestly He hunts for meanes as if the onely honie Of soule and body did consist in monle Meate drinke and cloathes Men sicke still pray for health Readie to be undone for paltry wealth Freedome and safety and with shamelesse faces Forget to begg of God spirituall Graces Many men pray but he the glory winnes That prayes to be disburthen'd of his sinnes And viewes the poore Mans labour with the eye Of sweetreliefe ther 's noble Chatitie The heart of such a man may sometimes shrinke Vnder temptations weight but never finke God makes man here Lord steward of that store He deales so chearefully among the poore Gives him the Grace to thinke when to his fight Apoore wretch comes to begge of him a mite He might have beene that begger his estate Transferr'd on him and begging at his gate Or in the streete in Ragges opprest with griefe Glad to beseech him for some poore reliefe Wealth 's the worlds Witch desir'd of most all know it Yet I have read wise Codrus a poore Poet And his Wife Procula they knew it was Farre greater happinesse their dayes to passo After long life unto aquiet end Then change their poorenesse proudly to ascend King Ninus Throne be wonder'd at and seene T' out shine Semyramis wealths wicked Queene Thus Heathens learne us Christians what to doe Greedy desire of wealth workes endlesse woe As wise Vlysses serv'd his Syren Witches Passe-by the worlds pelfe seeke celestiall Riches Be rich or poore unlesse a beast thou be Seeke Heav'nly wealth or ne're looke heav'n to see Man backward goes takes all the care he can Not to be godly first but a rich man Takes care for health long life Physicks the blood But last of all least care to become good Cleane opposite to the faire rule of Truth Truth instructs crooked Age and stiffe-neckt youth First to seeke Godlinesse Riches and health Will follow next godlinesse is great wealth What though the world frowne must we straight repine Has not Heav'n sent us reason to desine Twixt good and evill ought not thou and I Ev'ry one strive to live contentedly With our estates certaine it should be so Did not sinne blind us did we but truly know That which the world so scoffes at Poverty God onely sends to trie our honestie Or dishonestie poverty is sent For Vertues triall Vices punishment He that in peace enjoyes the quiet calmes Of flourishing plenty yet gives no Almes But like insatiate Hell greedy of more Belies his wealthy state to rob the poore Of their just Intrest disabling himselfe Base miser like to save his dirty pelfe Such falshood cries for flaming vengeance still To persecute a Wretch so vile so ill 'T is not the Rich not Poore can pleade excuse Where want of Charity speakes Man's abuse Dost thou want ●●●es to give Truth is thy friend Truth at all times instructs thee to extend ' Thy Almes in lib'rall manner not to pine In parting with thy pence for love divine Admitt thou art unable to disburse Least pecce of Coine yet let thy emptypurse Be full exprest in a Compassionate groane A sigh a prayer for him that makes his moane And in the Holy Name of the most High Beggs some reliefe to succour penurie God ever stands more on the givers mind Then the gift given if God but truely find A cup of water in his sacred name Given to the poore God gratifies the same The Widdowes Mite one Farthing pleased more The Lord of Heav'n then all the Rich Man's store There is no Vertue Constant without love Nor no love perfect but from Heav'ns above Witnesse Truths sacred Text Heav'ns love to Man Amply exprest in the poore Publican His humble Eyes sighes cries and bruised breast Forc'd ope the Gates of Mercy gave him rest With Spittle Clay least word that did proceed From Mercies never failing Master freed The Blind the Lame the Sicke the Dead from grave Heav'ns All-Commanding Maker all can save O let us then in holy love betake us To Christian Charity Now good God make us Gratiously willing for thy owne sweet sake That suffer'd on the Crosse made hell to quake Fashion our wills to thine Lord make us know It is our sinnes our sinnes makes God our Foe Vbi Charitas non est Caritas VERTVES PYRAMID Blest Blest O Blest Be that Divinity Three Sacred Persons GOD in Vnitie WHOSE glorious Ravishing Resurrection Restor'd us lost to Grace Oh PERFCTION Purifie thou my Soule my Heart my Minde Snatch me from Earth to Heav'n make me inclin'd Wholly to Thee All worldly Pompe despising Fixe my THOVGHTS ever On thy Blessed RISING Give MEE A Sempeternall Reverence To Thy All-glorious high Omnipotence I that am clog'd with sin and wretchednesse Desp'rate thoughts hunting after Worldlinesse Thy blest Protection crave cleare the great score Of all my foule misdeeds that I no more so great a sinner proove Lord let my strife Against my sinnes Raise mee from Death to life And from the Foote of uggly sinnes disgrace Mount mount my SOVLE to th'Pyramid of GRACE Chastitie and Lust LEwd speech strikes blushes in a Virgins face Chastity is ever the Zeale of grace ●taffe of Devotion Enemy to Lust In death true comfort the Marke of the Just Sister of Angells and the Virgin Tie Which cleaves to God gaines sweete Eternity When Lust with all her paint Curles purles pride Swelling in pompe is but a nastie Hide A most infectious foe foe to the Purse Foe to the Person
and which makes it worse The Conscience corrosive confounding witt The minds Canker soules burning Feaver fitt Mong all enticemcuts pleasures quassing Boule All the sharpe combats of a Christian soule None feircer then the warrs of a Chast mind Ther 's a continuall Fight which good Men find Never subdu'd without wet eies true care In praying Why the victory is rare Chastities still in danger 'mong delights As Truth in much talke Souldiers in fierce sights The walls of Chastity once batter'd downe Maides loose their Honour Vertues rich renowne O Lust what 's thy delight thy full fruition Of Pleasure but the Path way to Perdiiton Seandall dishonour foule reproach and shame Will blast thy being blot out thy good name O happie is that Man happie the Maide That 's Chast cleare consciences are ne'r afraid Of Iudgement Death and hell no sad affright Tortures the mind that 's chast ther 's true delight Witnesse the two-fold feare that do's belong To Chastity and Lust feare to doe wrong And grieve her Husband is the chast wises part She feares her slack of Love lest he depart Gives no crosse words no angry lookes nor sowre Nor do's she seeme to lumpe to powte to lowre She feares t' offend her husband shunnes all strife Togaine his Presence which she loves 'bove life But the lewd Harlot when her Mate's from home Feare makes her wish that he might never come Lest his approach unlook't for terrifie And catch her in her base Adultery Shee 's fill'd with feare doubts starts least creeke o' th doore O 't is a dreadfull sinne to be a Whore Beauty in the Face and Lust within the heart Kills Soule and Body ruines ev'ry part Strike me Eternall Essence with the dart Of Saint-like Chastitie give me a heart Of flesh so chastly pleasing that poore I May live in Chastity a chast soule die Midnights-Meditation VVHen I contemplate Heav'n and take no care For worldly vanities then my soule how farre How amorously faire thou art destroying sinnes Man 's a rich Monarch then true joy beginnes Never till then never did any fight ' Gainst sinne but gain'd unspeakeable delight This when I thinke upon and practise too Heav'ns in my eye want nor the worst of woe Distracts my senses but when I roote my mind On this rude world Vertue is soone strooke blind Witt reason all my senses are confounded Devills assault my flesh my soule is wounded Save me O save me Lord thy worthlesse Creature Pittie the weakenesse of my Mortall nature Forgive all forfeitures my sinnes have made Vowes Promises protestations never paid I promis'd still to mend to turne mine eyes From sinfull wales yet Heav'n knowes all were lies Shame to my soule how dare I then looke up Expect least solace from sweete Mercies Cup O I am angry vext to th' very heart I act not thy will Lord but mine owne part A sinfull Tragicke Part which will deface My soule helpe Heav'n send thy restraining Grace One Drop of Grace Celestiall can refresh A fainting soule cleanse Lord my corrupt flesh Vn-storme sinnes sulphurous storme I burne I fry Like the impatient Fish which violently Scorch't to the quick it's raging heate to tame Leaps from the Pan into the burning flame Such is the flaming Torture I endure Scorcht for my sinnes where shall I fly for cure Want is a Mis'rie much Wealth a trouble Honour a burthen Beautie but a bubble Pleasure a shadow advancement dangerous Friendship a false Winde and disgrace odious This world of sinne circles my braine with snares A thousand distractions Millions of cares Beates on the Anvile of my poore weake head To ruine sense to strike all good thoughts dead Oft musing on the Worlds Witch-pleasing pelfe I thus beginne to argue with my selfe Why might not I be Rich rush God do's see This meane estate of mine fitter for me Then I collect my Spirits praise that God Which keepes me still unscourg'd restraines the Rod Of his just Vengeance that might justly fall On me and mine in Iustice ruine all Had I the Worlds possession in my hand All Potentates on Earth at my command What then I then subject to all entices Might fill my little-world with World of Vices It is enough I live and 't is too much That I am fed or cloathed if I grutch My daies of sinne encrease wax worse and worse Whither O whither shall I direct my course Downe downe foule flesh great God my selfe I blame I aske thy pardon asking in his name That is my Life the Light the Way the Word Mercy and Truth faire Truth which do's afford Mercy to all onely prescribes this taske That whatsoever Mortall soules do aske The Father in his Name it shall be done To glorifie the Father in the Sonne O infinite sweetnesse O Immortall love Thou God the Father that dost rule above The Highest Heav'ns Thee in the blessed Name Of Jesus Christ Theanthropos that came To save beleeving soules I aske implore Pardon O pardon out with sinnes rotten core Rooted too neare my heart whisper thy feare Into my soule let me not onely heare Thy sacred word but in the practicke part Make perfect use of it nere let me start From thee my God let sad Teares from mine eyes And sighes from my heart expresse my grievancies Though I fall foule and fearefully each day Lord let me not fall finally away And I if needs must fall let my fall be From death to life from sinne to sanctity Amor Dei amorem Deo parit The Divine Dreame VVOrme that I am O how shall I begin To praise that God that in my sleepe ' gainst sin Gave divine warning sent truths sacred scrole Which to and fro hovring i' th' Ayre did role This way and that at last as if Heav'ns will Had so decreed the waving scrole stood still Much like the golden Taper of the Sun At the command of Man the sonne Nun In which me thouht I read and read it ore Peccair no majs that is sinne no more Written in Spanish this seeming sight so strange Workt in my dreaming spirit such a change That startling from my drowsie sleepe I cride To heav'n thus instantly with Teares repli'd O sacred Saviour humbly I implore Give me the spirit of Grace to sinne no more For I am blind sinne clouds my sence of seeing Thy good my ill I 'me Natures brittle being Vext to the soule so infinitely opprest With sighes and groanes they cannot be exprest What shall I doe great Natures miracle Thou onely wise God Heav'ns firme Oracle Fashion me to thy will tip out with the core Of sinne in me that I may sinne no more Say to my soule lest I in soule despaire Thy grace sufficient is Cure Lord my care Speake but the word at the Centurion said Thy servant shall he heal'd Lord be my aid No Rod so sharpe nor no discase so sore But thy good Grace can cure to sinne no more Thou Lord by holy Text confirm'd dost say
Consolation The Christian Souldier the Devil Resisted the Flesh mortified y● World Crucified O Crocodilian World whose Shining gloss Is guilded Emptyness and painted dross Thy Fawns or frowns I matter not not I Crucifie th' I must Thy Sister Flesh must die And Soul destroying Devil whose malice t is T' accuse th' Brethren that seek to bliss Thy Roaring rage is nought Stand off or I Will make thee th' Worlds Captain captively POEMS SACRED AND SATYRICALL viz. Prayers Paradice The World The Flesh The Iesuite The Devill Mans Misery Sinnes Infirmity Sinnes Impudence The Penitent Sinner The Soules-sea-fight The single Married-life Teares Tryumph Mercies Miracle Faith Hope Charity Midnights Meditation Virtues Pyramid Chastity and Lust The Divine Dreame The Divine Eccho Deaths Masqueing-Night By NATHANAEL RICHARDS Printed at London by T. Paine for H. Blunden at the Castle in Cornehill 1641. THE AVTHOR N o man so high but er'e he die may fall All Flesh is fraile all subject unto thrall T her's no content on Earth none certaine bred Healthfull to day we live to morow dead Art nor Promotion meuds not each Man's state Nor are the Greatest truly fortunate Advanc'ments but a Breath delight a Toy Each glitt'ring Pompe each soule-seducing joy Like Hell-bred poyson workes the soules annoy Reject all lewd all vaine affecting pleasure Jntend thy future good Celestiall treasure Contest with sinne still strive the conquest weare He that will conquer patiently must beare At such rare Combats aide from Heav'n is sent Respecting Man sinnes danger to prevent Deare is the Love of God in him delight Seeke Heavenly joyes those comforts infinite TO THE RIGHT VVORTHY AND NOBLY DISPOSED THOMAS SOAME Esquire Alderman and one of the Burgesses of Parliament for the Honorable City of LONDON Sir THough a Sranger to your Person I am no Stranger in my thankefull Heart to the All-glorious Majesty of Heaven for such as you You whos 's knowne worth inward Candor nor frownes nor Flatterie could ever force from its true Goodnesse for the generall good Monster Ingratitude cannot say I flatter Witnesse this Cities approbation unanimous consent free choice of you that are the All-guiding hand of Heaven be praised free from the aspersion Spots and staines of this Worlds Vicious and Ambitious Greatnesse Let it not then seeme strange that I incouraged by your Noble Vertues have here made bold out of an honest heart Right worthy Sir unto your selfe to Dedicate this Booke It is a knowne Maxime to approved Iudgements that Illicita non prohibere consensus erroris est which being the full scope of this my endeavour intended only for the exaltation of Vertue detestation of Vice and like the Sea-mans Compasse to direct soules from the dangerous Passage indirect The Scylla and Charybdes Shelfes and Rocks of this uncleane and most uncertaine Ocean of the World This being my intent as caveats against sinne not to be cavilled against but by guilty Persons Accept then vertuous Sir this my good will take it from him who leaving you and yours all your faire Actions and occasions present to the All-pure God which never leaves his remaines Ever devoted to your Worthy Virtues NATHANAEL RICHARDS POEMS SACRED AND SATYRICALL Prayers Paradise ALL-Potent Scatt'rer of Man 's o'r rancke state Thou that dost raise the humble the proud hate Soule-saving God joy to the best of men Great terrour to the damned guide my Pen Head hand heart all apply my soule to win Soules to thy glory let the sence of sin Companion still to misery affright Times scoffing Idiots from the lewd delight Of soule confounding sinne make us to pray With ardency of soule great God of day Fashion our wills to thine let each proud eye Humbled with teares admire thy Majestie The spirit of Prayer must amend us all So writes the Churches Atlas holy Paul We shipwrack else soules that will Heav'n inherit Must pray and pray with confidence of Spirit Pray for our King pray for the blest event Of this our Englands present Parliament Have we not cause do's not this Nation know Warre and the Plague so threats our overthrow We soone were lost did not sweet mercy yet Protect our Peace let us not then forget To fast and pray Lord make us all inclin'd To praise thy Name Eternally to mind Thy mighty favours unto this Realme more Then all the World for Peace and plenties store While neighbouring Nations perish by the sword Fierce Fire and Famine wanting the sacred word To solace soules this Nation lives at peace And might continue did our murmuring cease We heare the word preach't have our recreations Walking abroad our peacefull preservations Our streets have seene no Rider and his horse O're whelm'd in bloud nor have we seene what 's worse Big-belli'd women ript the insants braines Dasht in their Fathers faces nor whole lanes Of Armies in the field wheltering in bloud Nor thousands famish't in our streets forfood Our blessed time of Peace did never spie Cities a fire poore people's dismall crie Age torne by th' haire o'th'head Virgins defil'd Dainty Dames ravish't and the tender child Stab'd in the Mothers Armes God grant such sights May never fill our Land with like affrights Importune Heav'n on God alone rely True prayer to God is what Nuncius Coeli Mercies sweet messenger that sweetly beares To Heav'ns bright Majesty mans trickling teares Wrapt up in sighes hearts-griefe sorrowes sad face Wrinkled with cares for sinne which conquers grace What humble soule mounts heav'ns celestiall Ayre In up-flying fervent purity of Prayer But God sends downe a pardon Age and Youth Through ardent prayer prove the sons of truth Fear'st thou stearne War Fire Sword Times deare yeares dearth Pray fervently cease not till Heav'n and Earth Eccho the Spirit of thy Supplications Teares of contrition holy meditations So shall no Devills ruling in the Ayre Nor difficult passage stop zealous Prayer The want of prayer proves the soules decay Men cease to prosper when they cease to pray We all are sinners sinne raises such a storme In our base blood reason can ne're reforme Vrge reason to us it will doe no good Fervent Prayer onely masters flesh and blood T is Clavis coeli which unlockes Gods treasure Fervent prayer opens and shuts Heav'n at pleasure The Elements Fire Water Earth and Ayre Are all at the command of fervent Prayer Elijah prayed that sier might descend From Heaven and heav'n alone did him befriend Elijah pray'd it rain'd not for the space Of three yeares and sixe moneths on the earths face Fervent prayer never did true solace lacke Moses he prayed and the Red-sea fled backe The prayers of the faithfull never fail'd Moses and Aarons fervent prayers prevail'd Gainst Korah Dathan and Abirams sinne Earth open'd swallow'd them with all their kinne Earnest prayer truely is Heav'ns truth to say From man to God from God to man the way Prayer maugre all Earths Villanous entices Makes man at peace with God at war with vices O
the wise Actor see His soule in danger circl'd with sinnes that He In all meeke Humblenesse of soule prepares him Not rashly hot like some that goe to swimme But takes a time to coole by meditation Ponders with sweet celestiall affectation On his soule-pleasing Part dares not venter To tread Times Stage nor unadvis'd to enter Till perfect in that part whose excellence Gaines grace sinnes pardon Mercles Audience Then like a bold and able Musketeire Arm'd with a world of valour trampling feare Vnder his valiant foot set's bravely on The front of danger where destruction In fiery flames threatens to scourge his errour With never-failing death yet scorning terrour He in his good cause still opposing all Horrours and terrours what e're can befall Mounted on valours wings never retires Still he winnes ground his ready nimble fires Play thicke upon the foe adde flame on flame Vndanted stands to 'th honour of his name And ne're forsakes the furie of the fight Till conquest Crownes him in his Countries right So fares it with Truth 's Actor when his Part Enters him on the Stage a Pious heart Then with clutch'd heav'd up hands above his head Eyes drown'd in Teares and Armes divinely spread To meete with mercy servently beginnes So to bewaile the whirle-poole of his sinnes That to gaine pardon rid away all feares Sighes swimme in Sobs deepe groanes in flouds of teares Importunes heav'n good Actions ne'rgives ore Till he hath quit the world and clear'd sinnes score That like to Ariadne crown'd with starrs The soule in glory shines all ill debarrs Admit at first thou canst not frame thy selfe For Cares and Crosses Lust and worldly pelfe To pray to God aright yet still endeavour Combate with linne for victory persevere What though to pray thou find'st thy selfe unapt Dull heavie sad easie to be intrapt Start from the Devill that ensnares thee so With sloth's lewd lullaby for endlesse woe Let me beseech thee to be heavenly wise Rub drowsie dulnesse from thy tender eyes Retire unto thy chamber shut the doore There wringing of thy hands fall downe implore Heav'ns sacred aide on thy dejected knees Pray to that glorious Majestie which sees The depth of darkest secrets beate thy breast Till teares for sinne arise ne'r give it rest Strike strike the stonie ent'rance of thy heart Act to the life the Publicars true part Knocke and knocke hard make l'ertues hammer felt On thy hearts slinty Anvile till it melt To soft compassion when that spring appeares Eyes turne to pearly drops to flouds of teares Such streaming pearles of pittie being shed For sinne in thee as shall when thou art dead Mount thy triumphing soule on Angells wings To live for ever Crown'd by the King of Kings Great is the power of fervent Prayer that can Conquer the All-Creator ravish man Fervent prayer makes the crooked conscience even Prayers are those scaling laders set to heav'n That lay long siege unto the throne of God Surround divinity keepe in his Rod. And never will depart nor raise the siege Till they compell Natures Celestiall Liege To grant what they doe come for faine would have To shield sad soules from the infernall Grave THE WORLD VAine is this World this Strumpet World that can Yeild nothing constant Love 'twixt man man Which next his Maker should be most respected Is soonest broke and most of all neglected Misse-led by ev'ry vaine phantastick toy To forget God bewitcht with carnall joy Bundles of Banbles imbecillitie Biles of Apparell Botch Nobilitie Lordship Ladyships Fool'ries and Fashions Lust-panting Humours ten thousand passions Rich men the more to blame as this Age goes Debarre House-keeping to maintaine gay Cloathes Arich Caroach three hundred pound a Gowne Thirty pound a Smocke or their wives will frowne There is no living with them they must ride Where when and how they lift in glitt'ring pride High flasting burning Braverie blind eyes Flint Hearts dull Eares deafe to the poore mans cries Such is the dullnesse of mortalitie And such the worlds cold Hospitalitte Brave Cloathes fall feeding pride ease and laughter Are peoples sinnes that breed a peoples slaughter Times maw-wormes muck-wormes cancker-wormes of sinne Ruines our Peace without our Peace within Each dustie Magistrate with Brib'rie fed One robs the Living another robs the dead A third the Arch-theefe playes by cunning stealch Knave Knights by Patent rob the Common-wealth Ioyne with much too much ill Injustice he Sodomiticall letcher for a greedy Fee Dares license lust glad if he may prevaile Suck wealth from prostitute Harlots never faile Mans mind which most his maker should respect With feare and trembling and that true respect Belongs to his high Majestie the net Of sinne so snates we worth-lesse wormes forget Gods thunder-darting Vengeance glorious state Still forget God forget to contemplate With ravishing Love true Love pure heart pure eyes That 's the defect makes hourely mischiefs rise Ambitious Lords attir'd in Anticke shape Joy in the waies of Lust Murther and rape Ladies with charmes trickes humours that they have Abuse their Lords dispatch 'em to the grave The jealous Husband mischievous in ill Through vaine suspect his constant wife to kill The carelesse-Clergy-man in his degree Satan corrupts makes for a goldensee The greedy Lawyer fed by Clients strife Brib'd Angells take for the the true Angell life Just Judge the unjust'dustie Magistrate Father the sonne the sonne the Father hate Brother the brother prosecute to death Quarrell for toyes stop one anothers breath The World do's hour'ly tempt fooles worldly wise The deceitfull Trades-man that seemes precise And is an arrant Knave to thinke the honie And only blessed life still to get monie Mockes at the poore mans vertue and in pride Stiles him a vertuous Foole thus Knaves deride The poverty of men which do's as sarre In Heav'nly wealth transcend them as a starre The richest Gemme on Earth But 't is not so With the World 's wealthy worldlings they say no Rich enough honest enough all they can Aymes at the outward not the inward man Poverty made a scosse a scorne a winde Gold smothers Vertue blackest actions blinde Gold got in Gods name with an honest face Comes flow but in the Devills name apace Such is the Worlds condition Good Mens thrall On Parth ther 's no true comfort none at all The honest minded Scholler shall no'r lack Sorrowes nor want of meanes to breake his back The pittifull Souldier in his greatest neede Ha's his throat cut he shall be sure to bleede The faire Gamester for his milde square play Is soonest cozen'd sure to lose ev'ry day The faithfull Lover oft is paid with hate The more in Love the more unfortunate Be rich or poore in high or low estate Pth'mod'rate meane or fully fortunate Vnsatiate mankind ever discontent Desires to live yet never lives content In scarcity of corne for plenty cry In plenty straight forget God instantly Such is mans erring soule which ought to know Life 's but a long
sad Pilgrimage of woe An Arke of travell shop of vanity Store-house of tristes inhumanity A field of stones a path of thornie prickes Meadow of Scorpions Grove of Basilickes The World 's unquiet rest is all Mans foe Dangers attend us where so'e're we goe Mischievous Deceits Brawles Quarrells Fightings False-hearted Neighbour-hood base back-bitings Friendships so faithlesse ripe full blowne with evill A friend to day the next for gaine proves Devill The World's condition right 't is slave to sinne Beware of it the world 's a cunning ginne T will entrap soules call then to God for grace Let griefe for worldly crossesne'r take place Never let sorrow runne into extreames Vnlesse for sinne so shall Celestiall Beames Glorifie thy soule make it immortall Free it fromills what ever can befall In this false promising world this Maze of woe Where wretched worldlings know not where to goe To winde them out such are the various waies Of life-oppressing yeares Moneths Weekes and dayes As Prose ill read abide too much missusing Or vertuous verse when Rogues have the perusing So fares it with the faire and flourishing line Of that sweet Heavenly straine Poesie Divine Basely neglected by the monstre Crew Of Puff-Past-Muddie-Mindes that pish and mew Make a wry Close-stoole-face a squint ey'd glance At Vertuous verse whose sad mischance Is to goe unregarded when the crime Of a Lascivious bastard Ballad-rime If baudy enough though ner'e so unfit Winns favour profit and the praise of wit Reade with delight and much too much requir'd Coppies sought after greedily desir'd When perfect Poetrie Musicke to the soule Truths firme opposer ' gainst crymes filthy foule If read most read for fashion small delight No comfort no respect but scornefull slight And such is Vertues Foe the Worlds proud Minion In whom ther 's no true love no perfect Vnion O Divine Poesie I lament thy state To see thy beauty disproportionate So poorely in esteeme ther 's few I see Or none at all take true delight in thee This wanton World farre sooner will approve Ioy in Pot-Poets lousie Ryming love Or want on Ovids straine to itch the eare And stirre the bloud to Lust rather then heare The Sempeternall Aime of Noble verse Which points at Heav'n and tells us of that sierce All-threatning Thunderer he that descries Our secret deeds our blackest Actions spies At which amaz'd my Muse stands wrapt in wonder Beggs mercy mercy O thou God of Thunder Or we shall shipwrack all All too too blame Farre too unmindfull of Gods sacred name His blessings day by day his great mercy Long suffering and excelling safety Why should we wormes stand precious in Heavens sight And nor be damn'd to everlasting-Night For our foule-erring sinnes sinnes that excell● Ingratitude to Heav'n picks open Hell Hell that this instant Gapes to seize this world Which deserves eu'ry moment to be hurld To endlesse Flames but for the Excellence Of OVR FATHER'S wonderfull patience O for the Pen of pure perfection To Character mans imperfection Open the blind excessive sinners Eyes Force teares for sinne make him himselfe despise Teare ope his eyes that All-amaz'd with Horrour Trembling he may behold his dreadfull Errour Live as in sulphurous Flames see his evill See the Grand Devill and cease to be a Devill Holla commanding Empresse of my Braine Whither thus stings my Muse divert thy straine The World 's a Racke Times Tenter-hooke to catch At mindes most honest makes a man awretch Thousands in want finding no way to cure it Hazard the Gallowes rather then endure it Mis'ry of Miseri's when Coyne growes scant Mans fortunes Foot-ball ther 's no wot to want It dulls brave witts when nothing else can doe it Tames makes desp'rate when Tyme brings men to it Want makes a man turne slave unto a slave Scof't scorn'd and flouted at by ev'ry knave By ev'ry silken sodden-headed Foole That never felt Heav'ns rod nor Mis'ries schoole Want breatheth mischeifs never thought upon Makes too many dainty Dames turne wanton Want like a Mad-man makes men sweare and dice Forget their God turne Vertue into Vice Husband and wife the sister and the Brother Compell'd through want devoure one another Merchants Lawyers yea some Divines will fall When want doth soundly gripe 't will trie 'em all And therefore as an Antidote be sure Strive to please God first that 's the onely cure ' Gainst Wolvish want then let thy present state Thinke on some honest meanes 't will new create Thy understanding put thee on away With rev'rent Soule on bended knees each day To serve thy God aright so he from falling Proves thy Protector gives thee a Vertuous calling Heav'n grant the honest mind may never knowe The fierce assaults of wants that hell of woe Torture of minde murd'rer of modestie High-way to Theft Cut-throate of chastitie The key of whoredome Bane of that true love Which many boast but few did ever prove Many vow Love for ever to be true Yet when want comes whores are not more untrue How sweetly did that Sacred Psalmist sing And runne Times true Division on the string Of Misery when he of God did crave Nor want nor too much wealth least in the Grave Of damn'd Despaire much want might hale him in And riches mount him to the highest sinne Lackey his way to lewdnesse to mistrust Gods mercies and to practise waies unjust A holy feare seiz'd on that Sacred King To dread wants dangrous Dart proud riches sting May the good Man still thirst for mercies Cup Clymbe Jacobs sacred Ladder and mount up Into a fiery Chariot burning zeale Live a bright Angell in Heav'ns common-weale Free from this world whose pompe and bravery Is but a Land of Dirt meere slavery Mundus domus ampla malorum Ac scelerum Patria est THE FLESH THe Flesh unto the Soul 's a bitter Pill Sweet gilded poyson Candide o're to kill Hurrid Caroacht in Pride with glitt'ring showe Of swelling pompe whose sweet effect is woe Fleshly delights begets much misery Makes couples married unadvisedly Thinking Love tittle tattles can feede their wishes Love soone growes cold where there is empty dishes Of all the sinnes that are when nothing can Ruine the soule the Flesh prevailes with man Mans eyes no sooner on devotion waite But in steps Carnall concupiscence straight Shee 's at his Elbow still to itch him on Th' unhappie path to his confusion Chast Wives are Saints women that wantonize Witches all poyson hell is in their eyes In which as in a wildernesse of woe In striving to get out on mad men goe Starke mad past sense spight of all bookes Schooles Ruine their Fortunes prove the slaves to Fooles For an alluring minutes trifling joy Insatiate Licorish longing a meere toy The flesh false Traytor like strives to betray The soule to Hell as Heav'ns just cast-away Fleshly delight in Man feares want of breath More then his God sinne or Eternall death When just Plagues come then sin-sicke sots can tremble Make knowne
to all the world how they dissemble Pray with the Lip not heart wrest sacred Text To serve their owne ends first and then Gods next Provide to live in pestilent Times beginne Take greater care to fly from death then sinne Ther 's nothing in our Flesh but wickednesse 〈◊〉 to live and obscene wantonnesse O vaine desire of mortalls can there be In flight or Physick crue ' gainst heav'ns decree No no ther 's no escape no way to this Mans good life onely meets with mercies kisse We forget now that dreadfull dismall chance The terrible Arrow of Gods vengeance When death buried farre more then the earth could swallow And no man to the Grave his friend durst follow O why should Mortalls wish long life to live What comfort what true joy do's this live give Ther 's nothing not one thought that do's us good But it is strangl'd straight by flesh and blood Holy Saint Paul finding the fleshrebell Desir'd to be dissolv'd proud flesh to quell And Sacred Symeon sung ' gainst sinnes increase Lord let thy servant now depart in peace Shall such soule sweenting preparations be Forgotten quite O blind securitie What is it we behold in this vaine life But daily dangers soule-bewitching strife The Flesh is full of dagger never quiet 'Mong fullfed dishes and Luxurious diet When my Soule-Erring Eyes staring behold A dang'rous strumpet flame in glittering gold And murd'ring beauty sparkling from her Eye Burning temptation then me thinkes I spie My most apparent mischiefe plainely see How I ne'r strive to please my God as shee Strives to please men such is the flaming pride Of the vaine flesh it hurts on ev'ry side Ther 's nothing constant in us if to day Vertue we love to morrow Vice obey What a notorious Coxcombe unto sinne Lust makes of Man slave to a whores soft skinne What 's a delicious Harlot but a cheater A poyson'd Marmalad Box that rots the earer A Harlot Man most fitly may compare To Quicksilver whose Mertall like asnare When er'e it meets with gold does evermore Mlingle it selfe so commonly a whore 'T is not the Man but money she respects And mingling with the one she both infects Drinks deepe in Taverns Swaggers Sweares and raves Gets gold from fooles to spend it upon knaves The cheife praise of a good wise do's not lie In outward shew but inward pietie If Vertue rules her bloud she merits love If not I will assure thee shee will prove Like a deceitfull glasse where man may see Hee 's meerly cheated in her O miserie Man makes lewd women proud with looking at And wondrous wanton to beleeve that The onely cure Lust's raging flames to quench Is Aqua Lachrymarum that will stench The wounds proud women so delight to make On the poore soule of Man make him to quake Afear'd to stand on that false rocke of Ice Idlenesse feeder of foule carnall Vice Nurse of blacke thoughts south-Fogg which rots the minde Leapours the soule and is the Northerne winde The cause of all sinnes stormes that dang'rous flood Lusts surging Ocean swelling in Mans blood O Devill desire of Lust me me forsake I charge thee hence by him that made hell quake By that Almighty One in sacred Trine All holy spells and Charmes Magick Divine By that sweet Excellent Sacred Puritie Sister of Angells Virgin Chastity Fly from me all base thoughts be just mine eyes And be your selves hate wantons Witcheries Impendet periculum omnibus THE IESVITE NOt like that Masse-Priest he whose mouth is cram'd With words that speake all Protestants are damn'd Him nor his slocke I dare not censure so Nor meane to write more then I justly know To be most true in which knowne Path I finde Counterfeit Catholiques so grossely blinde They dare outface Heav'ns Truth forg'd lies maintaine To Cloake the cunning Iesuites subtile Braine He that do's Theefe-like waite for vertues fall Lives in perpetuall watch to blow up all The President recorded stands for ever In this Realmes safety which hell's Plot can never Wipe from Rememb'rance never shall the Evill Of that close Secretary to the Devill That Iesuite Garnet live forgot while I Have Pen or Hand to write his Tragedy That Myne of Murther Mischiefes Master-vice Lodg'd in the Politicque skull of Avarice His desp'rate Soule was such he durst to swimme A Sea of Vice be rackt in ev'ry limme All tortures suffer rather then reveale The Treason his Religion bids conceale Witnesse thou Ghost of Garnet this is true He that han'gd drawne and quarter'd had his due To him was knowne the powder pitchie Treason Never to be forgot he knew the season When where and how that suddaine bloudie blow Black Hell-bread Thunder flaming overthrow Should have beene given knew the Times short space When no soule should have time to pray for Grace Or cry God helpe The Treason was so foule The Traitors would have damn'd both body and Soule If in their power and ev'ry soule i' th Ayre Tost up sent unprepar'd of heav'nly prayer With all their sinnes O horrid horrid Act All this the Iesuite knew conceal'd the fact And rather then disclose least warning give King Prince and Nobles not a soule should liue Here was a Villaine yet I 've knowne in Spayne The Traitors death so moan'd such Credit gaine Though here he dyde for Treasons just complaint There Monster Iesuites make a Martyr'd Saint Mischievous Masse-Priests to his meriting fame At the high Altar in a spacious frame Advance to him as to a Saint most blest His Body-mangled Picture thus exprest Garnets Picture Bare Head white Beard Lookes sober in his Gowne Him over head Angels with Laurell Crowne About his Neck a long large Haltertide Hangs as befitting such downe the Left side His Belly ript bloud seeming open straw Holding in his righ hand his pictur'd draw Beneath his right side flames a Heart in fire Bove his left Limmes quarter'd Treasons hire Presented on a Tower which Pictur'd storie Straw-fainted set up to 'th Arch-Traitors Glory Invites each eye yea all the world to see Iesuites Protectors of all Villany Poys'ning of Princes held as trifling things With them 't is meritorious to kill Kings Can this Religion be they thinke it pure But man ne'r knew Religion more impure Their Church is but their Cloake bad deeds to further The only sanctuary for bloud and murther Plots Practizes hellish abomination Pardons for Treason holy approbation Of that ill-Sainted wretch his cursed fault That Father to Faux the Divill i' th vault Such Iudas-Iesuites ever Traitors prove To King and Prince disloyall in their love Yet outward fawning seeme on bended knee Low as the earth O true hypocrisie Vnder the mild aspect of Reverence In duty and submisse obedience With Oylie Eloquence best pleasing Phrase Catching Orations full of flatt'ring praise When in the heart abides no spot of good All treach'rous thoughts all thirsting after bloud The fall of Princes changes alteration The Protestants Religion 's desolation Such is
a Maze of sinne That 't is as farre unlikely for me worme Ere to winde out as for to raise a storme Or slacke a Tempest works of wonder stand Farre from thereach of mortalls weake command None but the hand of God his speciall grace Can pull me forth the dungeon of disgrace And shall I then in impious waies uneven Offend so good a God defend me Heav'n Ride thou my soule upon some winged cloud To'th'Haven of heaven fly to the sacred shroud Of sempeternall safety fly the sight Of blasing beautie flaring Earths delight Malicious mindes mischievous mans invention Faire lookes false hearts stampt in a soule intention Take flight my Soule fly from the dismall Den Of this darke Age the impiousnesse of men Fly from the pond'rous plummets of blacke Vice Which pulls to Hell helpe Prince of Paradise I saint I die sinne loades my soule with horrour The World the flesh and Divell all with terrour Hangs on my fetter'd limbes Prisoner to care I live sterv'd tortur'd tempted to despaire What shall I doe where whither shall I fly Here there I know not where lie downe and dye Vp soule to Heav'n there get a glorious Crowne I am too weake too vile sinne pulls me downe O my unworthynesse my shame my sinne When shall I shake thee off when when begin No wil 't not bee can I not doe the good I would must I be rul'd by flesh and blood Weepe weepe poore soule dissolve hard heart of flint Melt melt thou stony Rock teares never stint Drop Marble mount drop to a Crimson flood Sinke my sinnes in seas of penitent blood While others carelesse of celestiall health Greedie like Hell hunger for worldly wealth Preferment pride and vainely put their trust In the forbidden Pathes of tempting lust In glassie glory subtile Court behaviour In valour conquest and monarchall favour Whiles soules thus erre O thou the Lord of light Make me Heavens Champion vertues favorite Come folded Armes and you sad eyes sad heart Come soule opprest with sorrow play thy part Haste to some gloomy Grave there all alone On the greene mantled earth sigh sobbe and groane Spend precious time with sacted thoughts that be●●es Heav'n in their eyes true verie● in their ●eares Complaine I will to Fortune not that who●● Which makes 〈◊〉 Art and pale fac'd Wisedome poo●● I l'e not complaine to her but to that Ens Almighty Fortune in divinest sense Groveling on Earth for sinne I 'le cast forth groanes Sighes shall convert to Teares teares into moanes Then will I start from ground my body raise Shoote ine eyes upward against heav'n I 'le gaze Thinke on my God my God whose sacred will I have abus'd my God most just to kill Damme soule and body my rememb rance blot Out of the booke of life I that forgot In midst of all vaine joyes in temp'rate health Soule-snaring Chamb'rings lascivious stealth All-seeing Heav'n a God so greate so good The death of Iesus Christ my saviours blood Slave that I am where shall I turne mine eye Vnworthie to looke up Heav'n heare my cry Heare me Eternall Essente which hath made My soule to pray send me thy sacred aide On the bright Sun-beames of thy sweet salvation 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 draw up the dew of my devotion Mount soule upon the wings of Charity Helpe Heav'n up heart fly to Eternity Rowze like a towring Falkon in despight Of Hell and furies fly to the Makers sight Come come Lord Iesus O come thou and give Helpe to my helplessesoule I that doe live Like the distressed bird trapt in a snare Caught by a lime-twigg flying through the Aire In which distresse for comforts sweet releife Poore Innocent with wings adds woe to griefe So fares my soule striving sinnes snare to fly Trapt by deceit lives snar'd in misery My trembling conscience tells me I have beene A very fearefull finner slave to finne Of all Men most unworthy of Salvation My sinnes deserve Heavn'ns wrath hell and damnation Yet mercie mercy Lord mercy I crave Shield my sad soule from the infernall grave Strangle my growing sinnes in their beginning Demollish Lord in me custome in sinning Draw from mine eyes the vaine worlds vaine intice And ravish me with love of Paradice Busie my thoughts with vertue make me trie To live by honest meanes or let me die Pardon all idle prate sinnes rotten talke Let not my steps treade that accursed walke Which leads to lewdnesse base delights in pleasure Desire of Pompe vaine glory tottering treasure Let not my wandring eyes flame in the fire Of lust-stung lookes nor let the loose desire Of Beauties Bravery burne out mine eyes With senselesse gazing Lord make me to despise All wanton waies finnes of ill govern'd youth All wicked customes ' gainst thy sacred Truth Make me my God in hate to impure lives Kicke at that life which life of heav'n deprives Deale not Lord deale not with me as my merit Truely deserves drive out that uggly spirit Of all uncleannesse from my filthy flesh My drooping soule with sanctitie refresh Shrow'd me beneath thy sacred Countenance Give me thy servant Davids repentance The Faith of Abraham holy Jacobs strife Blest Stephens Charity chaste Iosephs life The Patience of Iob Pauls purity And soule-afflicted Peters weeping Eye With holy Teares Lord make me to reject The Sinne I impious sinner most affect O thou the King of those Eternall fires That spangles Heav'n good God grant my desires Infuse in me thy Grace or I shall stray And so become a fearefull Cast-away I that am poore weake feeble and too apt By the worlds whorish wales to be intrapt Beseech thy pardon forgive my coldnesse In serving thee pardon that damned boldnesse Let Mercy every Evening which does keepe Me from day-dangers death-resembling sleepe Be to my soule a Prayer booke to imprint Teares in mine Eyes griefe in my heart of flint Be it so Mighty Maker unto mee To me and every one make us to see And shunne sinnes custome with thy sacred wings Guard us from dangers blessed King of Kings Thou art my onely comfort in distresse Foode rayment all my cure in heavinesse My true Physitian in unruly madnesse Soule-ravishing Musicke in my deepest sadnesse When all the world forsakes me God is kind He comfort gives to my disconsolate mind O thou the Lord of Thunder Heav'n and Earth Mercifull maker thou that didst give me breath Thou that can'st muster Angells in the Skie To safeguard soules from blacke impiety Thou that dost feede and cloath and still persever To give me health be mercifull for ever Lord teach me for to prize the world at naught Vpon thy blessednesse be all my thought Take from mine eyes the vaine worlds vaine entice And rayishme with love of Paradise Blesse me each Morne and blesse me ev'ry Ev'n Blesse Wife and Children bring us all to Heav'n In thy good time and during lifes short space Grant us Lord Iesus thy abundant grace Graft thy Grace inardly in our hearts that
wee Never like straying sheepe stray Lord from thee Heare me Miraculous Majestie and give A period to my cares let me not live Frustrate of Honest meanes O send redresse Imploy my Pen keepe me from Idlenesse From all ill Company all waies unjust Sinne Satan and the Labyrinth of lust Like Ioseph Mighty Maker make me fly The tempting Bates of Beauties bravery Suffer me Worme unworthy not in vaine To call on thee let me some solace gaine Or kneele for ever happie man were I To kneele and pray and at my Prayers die To live for ever ever more to sing Glory to thee O God Heavens glorious King O you that stand on Pinacles of state Let not the World deceive you lest too late From off your slipprie height you come in thrall To pash your selves in pecces past recall Sell not faire Lordships to keepe Ladiships Nor sucke damnation from a Strumpets lips Touch not those spells of Sparta let 'em rot When Vertue lives in man lust is forgot One onely Iemme that 's all the store I have Great of that little nothing which shall crave Of Heav'ns great Ens not for my selfe alone But for thee Reader thee and every one Rarenesse of rare example and withall An everlasting skie of Grace to fall Vpon our Warre on Earth desiring Heav'n For waies on Earth are crooked all unev'n O Heav'nly Father glorious Diety Pardon O Pardon my impiety I that have imperfections on my head Past Starres in number or those sands that spread The Vast Seas bottome shall not I confesse How oft ' gainst God I desp'rately transgresse Put off Repentance still from day to day Abuse his mighty Patience still delay His dread Command and like a sencelesse sot Vnmindfull of his mercies minde them not No sooner doe I finde a good thought take me But from that vertue flesh and bloud doe shake me Forgive me O forgive me thou that art Heav'ns universall searcher cure my heart At my dull follies I le no longer winke Sorrow shall be my Pen sad teares my Incke Misery my Paper whereon I 'le write The sorrowes of my soule my youthes delight My pathes of pleasure Prodigall expences My Scarlet Crimes and all my blacke offences This Booke I 'le dedicate unto my heart My heart chiefe Actor in sinnes Tragicke part My heart unprincely Revelling within My body that Banquetting house of sinne There Chain'd to ' th Magicke Musicke of free will Riots in poyson'd pleasure lewdly ill All that belongs to th'body ev'ry part My soule alone excepted serves my heart Best pleas'd and best at ease with pleasures bane Most glad to be most bad and in that vaine Traitor to Truth each limbe a Mortall foe To worke my universall overthrow O false false heart false to thy dearest freind Wound me no more for pittle make an end I pitty thy blacke life nor can forbeare For thee to shed many a bleeding teare Thou art my foe and yet to see thee feed Fat for Hells Shambles my poore soule dosbleed Bleeds inward indiscern'd of any eye Except my God and my owne misery What shall I doe faine would I shunne the sinne My frailty most delights to wander in And yet I cannot when I strive ' gainst vice To stand most firme I 'me tript up in a trice O What a mis'ry 't is to have a minde For to be truely honest well inclinde And not to be sufferd such is the state Of my sad bleeding soule unfortunate Field honour 's but a Vapour the sound brest Puts on Church-Armour Faith and sleights the rest In Love to Vertue and true godly feare Dwells Honour not in Dart Bowe Sling or Speare Not in vaine Beauty strength the pride of Wit Presuming Riches Learning Valour Credit High Birth Nobility nor gravitie Humanity nor yet Virginity But in the humblesoule whom holy storie Speaks to maintaine God and the Gospels glory The King and Kingdomes safety Churches peace The Virgins right Widdowes and fatherlesse These are the noble steps that ever waite On Vertues Court 't is the true Prop of state Save me O save me thou Eternall terrour To damned soules I doe confesse each errour The many thousand sinnes unseene unfelt Which long too long in my hard heart have dwelt To thee to thee thou everlasting being Of an Eternall Majestie all seeing With Penitent heart I come I call I cry Pittie me wretch helpe thou all viewing eye My armes are spread come sempeternall Essence Ravish my soule come blessed Penitence Give me thousand stabbs my soule has neede Of many thousand teares then let it bleede Pierce pierce my stubborne heart make that the Inne Of Grace which yet is but the house of sinne Looke downe soule saving sacred God of Truth Forgive th'infinite follies of my youth Shield me Divinity from Sathans ginnes Lord lay not to my charge my Parents sinnes Glory of goodnesse in thy mercy heare me Let hate Revenge nor Envie ne're come neare me Let neither Pride nor hope of gaine deceive me Nor pleasure nor the want of meanes bereave me Of sence lest sencelesse wholy I despaire And so become the wretched child of Care O sacred saviour give me grace to fly Delight in sinne I beg it earnestly In all my prayers enable me to be Blessed Lord Iesus pleasting unto thee Make me to doe thy will Lord make me grow Great in thy love thou that dost truely know Of all Earths blessings unto mortalls giv'n My sole desire on Earth is Grace from Heav'n Grace to be good grace to avoide hels ginnes And grace to grieve for nothing but my sinnes So shall thy mercy ne'r forgetfull stand While I have Tongue a Pen a head a hand The Soules Sea fight EMp'rour of Angells O thou King of Starrs Man's perfect solace ' gainst sinnes bloudy warres When I behold with contemplations Eye The silver spangles of the glorious skie Me thinks in that Blew-paper-booke of Heay a I see the waies of Mortalls all Vnev'n The wretched soule of Man in ev'ry place Lives Locally in hell Wanting thy grace Temptation on temptation past controule Alures the body to betray the soule Hells Blacke-Prince Troopes of spiries ev'ry day Invades Mans Sinne-seidg-Soule Furies display Infernall Banners while the Drum of death Beates a dead March and e're I can take breath Sounds shrill Alarums hot assaults beginne The soules fierce fight muffl'd in cloudy sinne I live beset Millions of spirits round Shoot at my soule 〈◊〉 stand on no firme ground But tread on Earth as on a Ball of ice I cannot stand nor stirre for sliprie vice My Soul 's a ship tost on the mountaine seas Of this vast world she never lives at ease Her Sailes are sighes her Anchor deepe despaire Her Compasse errour her sad Pilot care Farre off from safetyes shore floates on the waves Of fearefull billowes Soule-devouting graves Rough blustring stubborne stormes yeeld no reliefe On ev'ry shrowd each Tackling hangs a griefe Death like a darke cloud besets every place Here
his Tower of defence Thus speakes the Text discretion in a Wife Make 's fatt the Husbands bones delights his life Teares Triumph VVHat 's Honour Beauty and the damaske skinne But Dirty drosse ballanc'd with teares for sinne One trickling teare for sinne gaines greater pleasure Then a whole Ocean of terrestriall treasure Many can weepe to counterfeits 't is given But to weepe truely is the gift of Heav'n Mirrour of Truth give me the sacred Raies Of divine knowledge so to spend my dayes In sighes teares prayers that my poore soule may Mount to thy glory at my latter day Happy the man whose teares adorne the place Where he do's pray that 's the true signe of grace Teares joyn'd with Prayers are triumphant Twinnes Soft waxe hot Iron to disburthen sinnes Mingle thy Prayers with teares teares soules refresh Kills all the wanton Motions of the flesh Teares humble Pride makes chast insatiate lust Malice to Mercy turnes turnes time unjust Detracting Envie into Noble pittie Dull Drunkards to be temp'rate heavenly wit●y Converts base Avarice from the abuse Of godlesse gaine to charitable use Teares Phisicks Gluttony to live content With meane course fare makes mortalls penitent Teares lengthens yeares to Man's last day teares give Sufficient meanes conentedly to live God that beheld King Hezekiah's teares Prolong'd his dayes added full fifteene yeares Peter that thrice denide his sacred Lord Teares gain'd his pardon without speaking word O blessed Teares teares that for sinne arise Are glorious Pearles i th' Petitidaers eyes Weepe for thy sinnes poore soule 't is Heav'ns advire Teares Orient E●arles purchase Paradice Shall such Soule-pleading Pearles then I pray Be flung to Swine 'mong swine be cast away Resolve me thou whose conscience never felt A teare for sinne O let thy soule but melt To penitent Pearles then then let it tell The infinite difference 'twixt Heav'n and Hel. With and without those ravishing teares the one Feeles joy free pardon but the other none Vnpittied plagnes attend the scorneful eye Ne're wet for sinne that 's endlesse misery When on the adverse part where soules bewaile Their wretched frailty God do's never faile To send releife frees them from all annoy Who sowes in teares shall reape eternall joy Teares winnes the soule to God raises it up From Earth to Heav'n drinkes deepe of mercies Cup Applies health's Plaister to the firme sicke pulse Teares with God never suffer'd a repulse Wee never weepe never devoutly cry Ne're drop a teare for finne but God stands by Puts all our Teares into his Bottle looke What saies the Psalmist are they not in thy booke Thou tell'st my wand'rings Lord put thou my teares Into thy bottle frustrate sinfull feares Teares trembles Hell pacifies Mortall strife Blotts all our sinnes out of the booke of life I le ' cry saies David to the King of Kings Prevailing teares with God performe all things God of the Spirits of all Flesh that can Rectifie soules looke on me wretched man As Holy Paul ne'r ceased for three yeares Night and day constantly to warne with teares The Elders of Miletum them to free From Sathans subtile temptings so leeme Night and day Lord forever never cease With teares to warne my warring flesh to peace True teares winne Heaven all impious thoughts controule Teares subdue Sinnes make white the spotted soule Perfumes the Body mortifies leud sence Calmes stormie cares and prove the quintessence To all our quiet no anguish no contention Troubles true teares want is ne'r thought upon Nor the worlds wide woe where a blessed teare Is shed for sinne it frights away all feare Gently allayes Earths tempest 's that arise Through times deceitfull riches beauties Eyes Lachryma nunquam patitur repulsam Mercies Miracle CHRIST'S Setting forth from 's Celestiall PALACE Lodg'd in the Virgins Wombe From that blest PLACE To th' Manger went from Marger to the Crosse From Crosse departed with his deare Blouds losse Vnto the SEIVLCHER there made all ev'n And so return'd Gloriously Home to HEAV'N To HEAV'N from whence LORD let thy SACRED FIRE GLISTER upon my SOVLE whose sole Desire Begges MERCIE for my Sinnes makes knowne to THEE THOV that hast RAVISHT ALL hast Ravisht Me. VVOnder of Angells O thou Flaming Glory Great Mercies Miracle thy Sacred story Shewes thy ne'r-failing Love it is thy love Thou Lambe of God celestiall Turtle-Dove Thy over liberall love that does restraine Sodomes just Plague which thou mightst justly raine In blew flames stormes of fire to consume Burne up this sinfull world and scortch the plume Of mortalls Pride soules wilfully misled Pamper'd with Chin-deepe Lust fullnesse of bread Man is to Man a Monster-hearted stone With God thet's mercy but with Man ther 's none God is the worlds miraculous Creater Holy just mercifull Man's glorious Maker God into hell for Pride the Divells hurld Gods Iustice drown'd Gods mercy sav'd the world God is all Eye he brings to open light The darkest deeds and secrets of the night Man's bell-bread plots against the Innocent God still contrives to 'th Authors punishment God is all goodnesse Greatnesse deare delight His anger short his mercy infinite Reade th' Everlasting Bible there you 'l finde His all abundant Excellence inclin'd To chide then smile long suffering but sure First he beginnes to strike and then to cure Drownes the rudd world for impious sinne and then Never to execute the like agen The Raine-bowe sends as a most sacred signe Of his ne'r failing mercy love divine O Mercy thy rich thought appeares to me Tymes golden spurre to quicken and make free Dull stupid spirits from their Iade-like pace Swiftly to runne Vertues celestiall race Haste soule to heav'n and thinke when thou dost faint A stately Pace too solemne for a Saint Plough through the dusty wayes the dirt and mire Of foulest sinnes temptations fiercest fire For Mercies sake Mercy makes blest the braine Curbs sinnes delight with contemplations Reine Mercies sweet thought stands the soules sacred spell ' Gainst all the Thorry Passages of hell Adam at first the second put to death The second dying gave us all new birth The Tree of good and bad and Apple gay Brought to the world to cast us all away Yet the sad Tree of shame bare fruit to save All that beleev'd from the infernall grave And as our Parents first notorious Vice Whipt them from out the joyes of Paradice So from mans crooked sinfull waies unev'n Christ entertaines us readily to heaven Thinke what a ravishing Act of love was there Figur'd toth ' life thinke thinke O Blessed Deare Soule-saving Saviour sacred Purity Ravish my soule to tell thy Charity Thou sempeternall ravishing Rose-bud Who for our sinner was sixe times dide in bloud Text in such Tragick letters as did show Men turn'd to Monsters the great debt we owe To his victorious sufferings that is Mirrour of Majestie man's only blisse Did the forgetfull wretch consider when Hell hast's him on to some hot sinne and then Finds no way left to
Text of Truth never to be denide Celestiall prayer quells Luciferiall Pride Cooles raging lust tames the Malicious Envie Wrath Gluttony cures the Covetous Heav'ns in that prayer when circl'd round with vice Man conquers sinne that 's Prayers paradice Firme Prayer steeres soules to each soule-saving motion Sighes Teares repentance and to all devotion As the true skill of a Pilote is unknowne But in a Tempest or a Captaine prone To noble deeds his valour is unseene But in a battell where the field hath beene His mount of Honour so the rare worth Of a true Christian can be ne'r set forth Nor ever of th'All-viewing eye discern'd Till like the Hebrewes Gen'rall he has learn'd Heav'ns pleasing science the Celestiall Art Of fervent Prayer that 's the true Christians pare When the Hearts tooke with a delight to pray Soules clearely see sinde a compendious way To know Heav'n savingly to curbe offence And burne in ravishing joy truth's Excellence Such sweet content all mortalls Mundane wit Humane delights can never equall i● The fixing of our hearts on heav'n by prayer Heales sinnes deepe festering wounds kills killing care Cures the distracted minde proves soules defence Mercies subduer sacred conference O thou Ens Enrium sempeternall light Give me the spirit to pray to pray aright Lest Tempest-tost with cares thinking to shunne Sinnes guife on ruints Rocke my soule 's undone Pray then O pray he that prayes willingly Be rich or poore can ne'r live wickedly Prayer is the wing by which the soule do's flie To Heav'n and meditation is the eye Wherewith we see God by prayer we talke And by our Charity with God we walke Soules that will mount gaine a Celistiall Crowne Must pray with ardency looke up not downe Like times too many mumblers that doe fall To pray on the halfe knee or none at all Nor desperately like such as thinke no sinne To come to Church till Sermon time beginne Entring O most abhorr'd so sneakingly So rude in rev'rence pray so peakingly As doth amaze religious fortitude To see lewd Mortalls base ingratitude To their Redeemer he that dreads heav'ns Rod Prayes ardently t' appease the wrath of God Else like the sickles edge or Razor keene Heav'ns wrath works worldlings quick dispatch unseene Sharpe Vengeance undiscernd full swift do's fall Leaves not a life uncut but mowes downe all All grumbling Nations for their sinnes excesse Pride to the poore and rude unthankfulnesse All Sects all Schismes that dare by booke maintaine And for their owne base ends their godlesse gaine Make Scripture fight with Scripture fatall ill Sanctity save Kingdomes from such cursed skill O the deepe folly that on man attends Our flesh and bloud are to our selves salfe friends We aske and pray but both amisse and why We neither aske nor pray with fervency Our mindes at randome runne this way and that Vpon a world of vanities Idle chat Fashions and fooleries heav'n pardon sinne We oft are out in Prayer seldome in Sinne like a whirlewind circles feeble prayer Snatches it up then whirles it into ayre Infections ayre whose fatall poyson spreads Powers downe hot vengance misery on our heads Crosses continuall cares perpetuall paine Weake Prayer makes bitter still the fruit of gaine Converts the key of kindnes into lust Carelesse prayer makes the life of love unjust Dulls noble wisedome over-rules all reason To the forgetfull soules Eternall Treason We pray to heav'n yet mind not heav'nly things O foule ingratitude to the King of Kings Mans mingling prayer with Earths cold cogitation Merits swift vengeance cloath'd in blacke damnation Think on thy God then in thy dayes of youth Search in the Morning of thy yeares for truth Early betimes before the evill day Of sinne and Satan that does ev'ry way Stops mans Colestiall journey scatters snares In every place we are not safe at Prayers No sooner man to heaven divine thoughts rease But straight the Devill whispers in his eare Thinke on the world thy wealth thy poore estate Meanes must be had thinke on thy neighbours hate Thinke on revenge thinke on thy change thy crosses Thy law-suites ships at sea thy land thy losses Away with Prayer● puzzell not thy braine Mind thou what 's present what 's to come resraine Thus speakes the subtile Fiend of purpose bent To put us out of practise to repent Like a false Sexton he sets backe the Clocke To delay time makes that our stumbling blocke Makes Time our Bawd with flat'rie to betray And put us quite out of the mind to pray With glorious outside and deceitfull riches Satan fooles mortalls wisest men bewitches Note but the whore-like minde of mans condition So generally in all when they petition Their earthly King Lord what a stirre we keepe The busie braine 's in labour cannot sleepe Nor take it's naturall rest the carefull minde Is totally tooke up wholly inclin'd To give each word his weight for to relieve Our wants to sue for pardon or repreive Profit or gaine then head hand heart and all Knees that ne'r bend at Hean's high will can fall Prostrate in all obsequiousnes for place Lofty preferment and a Princes Grace Then tongue and heart both jumpe in one agree Minde nothing but his Earthly Majestie Beg kneele implore we fervently importune Pardon for some foule fact some brittle fortune This we can doe we can with hot pursuite To compasse our vaine ends ne'r cease sinnes suite The trot the amble and the full cariere No speede is wanting nor no paines too deare To purchase sinnes Exchequer riches store Ambitious aymes Times glory Beauties whore This too too many can and in that way Eager like hungry hounds soone sent sinnes prey But to the King of those Eternall sires That spangle Heav'n lukewarme in their desires Impudent in all Vice in basenesse bold Christians halfe coddl'd neither hot nor cold O Hell of hells Man to 'th Celestiall Race Do's seldome runne but with a Iade-like pace Never considering how the mind that 's wrapt In wilfull wickednesse is ever apt To pine at Princes snarle at pious lawes Scold people on to fight Religions cause When truth and all true Christians know Religion Consists in true obedience not Rebellion Men that give way to ill t' increase their good Bring famine on a land fierce fire and blood All villages in a Kingdome Sinne do's delude Leaves it a prey to 'th law-lesse Multitude In true obedience then with humble knee Eye head hand heart pray to Eternity Throw from thy minde all worldly cares temptations All wandring idle vaine imaginations Abandon flaring pride close fisted bribes And like the Father of twelve potent Tribes Tugge with Aimighty God still strive to winne Pardon for each foule fact times uggly sinne Like Arts rare engin 's Excellent 's defence Gainst fires in Cities which to cleare offence Raises from Earth so sweet a watery showre As slacks the furious flame extincts her powre So let the Art of fervent prayer raise Our watery teares to Heav'n to
requite Crowne his faire soule with comforts infinite Is it not fit then we our sinnes bewaile Thinke still on Heav'n on Heav'n that ne'r did faile The penitent soule when alas distrest Naked forlorne when most of all opprest Then sends reliefe miraculous reliefes Such is the love of Heav'n Heav'n cures all griefes As for Tymes Wolfe-turn'd ill-affected great-ones Close-fisted to the poore deafe to their groanes The Villaines of this Age that make profession Of a pure life yet live by base oppression Hell shall confound their soules that Den of Horrour Circl'd with blacke affright blew-burning terrour Shall boyle their soules and bodies to th'black-sweat Of an infernall poyson and that eate Still to renue new paines plagues that excell Such are the never-dying paines of hell There painted Pride lives crown'd in flaming fire Tymes glorious strumpet whipt with burning wiere Fed is the Lust-provoking Letcher there With scorching coales such as delight to sweare Swallow the Drunkards ever scalding oyle There Vsuters in Pooles of sulphure boyle Murther Rape Incest endlesse torments feele The Rack of vengeance and the burning wheele Whirl'd round in blew flames soule-amazing feare More thignes then tongue can tell the damned beare In burning beds of steele soules blazing fry Tortur'd with torments such as never dye Cursing the Time of their abus'd Creation Parents Fate sinne and their owne damnation Better O better never to be borne Then with such Terrour-striking torments torne Which ●o 〈◊〉 weepe wormes of Earth repent Weepe weepe for sinne soule-killing sinnes prevent Seeke heav'n shun Hell fly from the worlds intice Heav'ns the reward of Vertue Hell of Vice Perfect repentance makes men bravely die That liv'd not so fly then Hell's miserie Repent or damne for sinne weepe and weepe well Soules that doe flout at teares shall fry in hell The Devill sets his baits in ev'ry Angle No Corner's free from him soules to entangle Therefore in Vertues Path strive to excell Let firme faith still repulse the Fiend of hell Divines may preach else till their heart-strings burst The height of sinne will mount live still accurst Vbi peccatum ibi Procella Mans Miserie MAns life is like a Watch whose Time if still It Minnits right distemper'd by no ill It is a rare Peece then but oft we see It runnes too fast in Action t is too free Sometimes by wilfull providence set backe Sometimes by dull neglect it goes too slacke Beates like a dying panting pulse so slow That by and by it stands and then we know T is downe some curious wheele is much amisse Or some sprynge broke whereby the whole frame is So farre pastrectifying that it can Never goe right but like disorder'd Man Mis-spending pretious time in godlesse riot Time barrs of Heav'n Angells immortall dyet Youth is a hot unbridled willfull folly Picke me out one that 's Vertuous truly holy In this abused life and you shall finde Infinite thousands of a Vicious minde Age Palsey-strucke ready for deaths darke grave Insensible of sinne it all would have That shew of profit brings though ill got gaine And threatning heaven in thunder speake refraine Bad precepts t' will not do Truth tells us still Age proves Youth's scorne through examples ill Vice leades the silver yeares to endlesse blame Vaine unstay'd youth to beggery and shame 'T is Heav'ns just punishment an ill lewd life In Young and old meets with eternall strife Thinke then on thy Creatour wretched man Remember what thou art thy life a span A weake thinne thread spun from the downy wooll Of tender children to the Aged skull From youths rich Scarlet die Beauties full force To the silver Tinsell snow of a cold Course Man is an Actor and the world the Stage Where some doe laugh some weepe some sing some rage All in their Parts during the Stene of breath Act follies scourg'd by the Tragodian death Such is the Fate of soules ensnar'd within Satans command beware the twigg of sinne Least touch will take thee Pris'ner Hellish guiles Prove like the perilous paths of Crocodiles That with a slimie Tongue lick't o're prepares To murther Mortalls such is Satans snare O why should Mortalls wish long life to live What comfort what true joy do's this life give Ther 's nothing not one thought that do's us good But it is strangl'd straight by flesh and blood The longer life the more we sinne and fall From bad to worse from worse to worst of all Life loving fortunes how ye puffe men up To hugg their follie drinke damnations Cup O that men were farre wiser would but thinke How swell'd with pride they desperately wincke At their owne venom Vices and yet storme At others faults good heav'n this sinnereturne Or we shall perish praying for our foes Is of small use this causes all our woes Rejoyce at no mans fall with foule aspersion Although thy foe but pray for his conversion So piety wills still imitate the best Not worst of men he that lives well dies blest Observe what Holy Rritprompts thee to act Pray for thy foes 't is a most pious fact If then thine enemie persist in ire Heav'n on his head in flames heapes coales of fire The cause that on our heads just vengance drawes Springs from our selves we breake Gods sacred Lawes Yet never minde it complaints and daily cryes Are much among us still but no weteyes For crying sinnes daggers of discontent Stab home where carelesse people ne'r repent Nothing more dang'rous nor hath ever been Then to live still i' th' Lethargie of sinne The clouded fight permits us not to Eie Our owne foule faults nor the Flint heart to spie It 's rockie substance many have no sense No feeling of their sinnes large conscience Remove the cause betimes let thou and I Ev'ry one strive offend not with thine eye Fly from the tongues abuse thy hard hearts terrour Or live sinnes Slave lost in a mist of errour Sinnes Jnfirmitie THe Sinne of Mans infirmitie is knowne Best by the consequence sad sorrowes groane It leaves behind it such a sting within The Soule that miserable Man for sinne Snar'd with temptations in this worlds wide Hall Can never be at rest but grieve and fall Out to the Death with his abhord condition The guilt of Conscience and the base fruition Of his besotted sence he takes no pleasure In the worlds wealth weighing Gods deepe displeasure Still against sinne he never is at quiet At Home abroad in bed or at his diet There is no health in 's flesh no rest in 's bones Sinne stifles sence all mirth converts to moanes Each comfort proves disconsolate within That soule which really is griev'd for sinne Deepe swelling sighes like breaking Seas discover Heart breaking groanes one griefe upon another Sinne like incessant stormes beats on the breast Of Mans afflicted soule never at rest 'Till he has made his peace with Heav'n by so und And serious humble reconcilement drownd In streaming teares such teares as best expresse For
holy Angell send To be my guide my guard my sacred spell ' Gainst all Enchantments Witchcraft Death and Hell So shall my Anthem ev'ry Morning be Glory of Heav'n pitty O pitty me Pitty me Wretch most wretched vilely base Wanting thy sacred aide spirituall grace The onely Cure sinnes raging flames to quentch Is Aqua Lacrymarum that will stench The wounds proud pomper'd Dames delight to make On the poore soule of man make him to quake Afeard to stand on that false Rocke of Ice Idlenesse feeder of foule Carnall Vice Blacke errours cloud South Fog which rotts the mind Leapours the soule and is that Northerne winde The cause of all sinnes stormes 't is dangers floud Sinnes-surging Ocean swelling in mans bloud O Soule alluring sinne me me forsake I charge thee hence by him that made Hell quake By that Almighty One in sacred Trine All holy spells and charmes Magicke divine Sister of Angells Virgins Chastitie By that Sovle saving sacred puritie Fly from me all base thoughts be just mine eyes And be your selves hate wantons witcheries The blessing of th' Almighty Lord of Hoast The Father the Sonne and the Holy Ghost Preserve be with me now and for ever when My soule is most distrest Amen Amen The Virgins Honour I As a Child that of it selfe can doe Nothing to sheild Virginity from woe Prostrate on bended Knees with teares I fall Before thee Lord O heare on thee I call Pittie me wretch I that am in the prime Heate of my youth and the most dang'rons tyme Of all my life beseech thy heavenly aide All holy helpes Lord pitty me weake Maide Lest like the filly fly about the Flame I scortch to Cinders burne out my good name Quench quench the flames of all lewd carnall Motions Inordinate desires all loose affections Never let my soule be led away good Lord By Wanton Company that no good afford Waking or sleeping O thou King of Kings Let the safe pearefull shaddow of thy wings Be my Eternall safetie lest the mines Of Golden Snares alter my chast designes By day and night Lord let thy gracious beames Disperse all wandring thoughts all idle dreames My Chastity is a more pretious Iewell Then I can keepe let me not then be cruell To my owne soule but by the more that I In the great danger of Temptation lie So much the greater let thy grace preserve My Virgin Honour and though I deserve Thy Vengeance indignation and no favour Yet for thy Mercies sake most sacred Saviour Be thou my Advocate Lord make me free To sue in ferma pauperis under thee Angelize thou my soule to shunne the Tract Of obscene speech lew'd thought and uncleane act To thee for ever make me reconcil'd In Body and Soule chast holy undefil'd And through the operation of thy grace To spit defiance in sinnes uggly face Pleasures are poysons to this soule of mine Ther 's no true joy on Earth but what 's divine What shall I doe helpe Prince of Paradise I cannot stand nor stirre for slip'ry Vice Quicken me Lord enable me to pray Humble my Minde my Parents to obey In all their just commands and at all times Patient to beare reproofes confesse my crimes Ne're let me Lord be so depriv'd of grace To scoffe like some their Parents to their face Make me in stead of stubborne waies to grieve 'em At their most need still able to relieve ' em Increase good Heav'n the number of their dayes To speake thy glory and to sing thy prayse And if thy will e're call me to the state Of honorable wedlocke let my Mate Be such a one good God with whom I may Serve thee in peace and never goe astray Ne're let contention nurs'd 'twixt Man and Wife Disturbe the Quiet of my married life Married or Single let me ever be Fitted with Prudence pleasing unto thee Make me to shunne great God sins dang'rous shelfe That I apoore Tree barren in my selfe May Bud and beare such fruits of Faith as may My soule emparadice at the Judgement day The Single and Marrid Life SOme say the single life is single care Yet sinne still Slaves it under Sathans snare Soule-burning Beauties-brav'ry witching folly Which mads th'intemprate Braine breeds melancholly Delight in dangrous Dice Drabs drinke and Riot Sinne Theife-like robs the single life of quiet Hinders the happie Soule from being wed ' To Vertues faire Chast Honest Humble bed O what a sacred sweetnesse had it beene Had our first Parents purity shunn'd sinne Marriage that Rich immaculate Robe of honour Hadne're beene tempted then to base dishonour Lust that do's hour'ly slave the single life And shunnes the sweets of Wedlock through base strife Had ne're beene thought on then all had gone well Soules ne're had cause to feare sinne death nor hell Mariage was made for Man 't is a true Text For honour not dishonour to be vext With deadly strife adultr'ate fornication Vnruly Lust sinne-causing-separation Hell to the Bed that 's chast turning the ease Of wholsome Marriage into a disease Wedlocks great weighty worke craves sound advice Begg'd at the hands of Heav'n lest cheating Vice Puts tricks on faire beleeving honesty To cloake Biggebellies prurient renery Marriage requires a solemne Meditation Trembling resolve no sudaine affectation Vnask't of Heavn'n the mari'd life must be Vnforc'd Religious faithfull chast and free Else like Jehorams Match t will prove a curse Bad the beginning but the end farre worse Learne wisedome by this Truth be zealous Vse holy Iobs preservative be Jealous Thou that art Married over all thy waies Beauties alurement Natur 's ill spent dayes Thy trouble about wealth greife● long and large Care still to get Childrens continuall charge Losses by Servants sinnes infirmity Vnquietnesse of Neighbours all do cry And cry alow the married life to be Man's ent'rance into sad calamity The Married life I fitly may compare To Heav'n or Hell unto the Earth or Ayre 'T is Heav'n where harmelesse Turtle Mates agree But Dismall Hell where Couples faithlesse be Sweet like the dainty wholsome Ayre to sense Where Man and Wife content shunne rude offence But where deepe discord rules and proud disdaine There like the gaping Tongue-tide Eath for Raine Sun-burnt with sordid Actions deeds unjust They partch to Cinders fall away to dust T is sinnes just payment whose reward is death The misery of life and scourge of breath Wisedome directs the married life to be The peacefull Embleme of true Vnitie Heav'n gives a blessing makes that love divine Where Man and Wife content draw in a Line A Wife obeying of her Husbands will Ha's the rule over him deserves no ill Love is a worthy Wife Times precious woman Lust a perfidious Harlot true to no man There is no joy on Earth that can transcend A Husband and a Wife kind to the end The carefull Husband 's honest gaines no doubt Makes the Good-wife an honest layer out A Vertuous Wife free from all lewd expence Is the Husbands joy
his desire free But by a narrow lane where he must see That never enough to be lamented losse Christ Iesus Tenterd on the bloudy Crosse God on the Racke for our spirituall food His limbs all o're a Charactor of blood All wounded and now bleeding crying out O thou that bearst ' the Christian stampe about Thy flesh and blood behold my bloud braine Was ever griefe like mine sicke soule refraine Reade in my wounded side thy backe returne Thy sordid sinnes repulse let thy soule mourne In showers of sorrow and to hells disgrace Reade sinnes dislike in my storme beaten fate Vnbosome Vice tast from thy soule sinnes evill And with my Scriptum est silence the divell Can carelesse Christians beare the thought of this Mercies Memento in their mindes amisse No sure no hellish heart so prone to sinne But the rich thought of such rare love must winne Mans soule to God and with right admiration Fixt sirme and often on our Saviours passion Force him to hate the sinne he lik't so well And with a loathing kick send it to hell Mercie 's rememb'rance like a Curious Lute Renders most excellent Masicke heavenly fruite Points out the weary soule the way to Grace And spurs us on to the Celestiall race Invites the penitent minde o're clogg'd with care To Heavenly extasie spirituall fare Mercifull God turne thou man's vaine desire To feare and trembling let a zealous fire Flame in the soules of men let each proud eye Humbl'd with teares admire thy Majestie Backward and forward looke calling to mind Those multitudes of Mercies mortall● find Day N●ght Tyme Tyde miraculously given By thy All-sacred hand Great God of heav'n As the young Bird then that do's never cease Op'ning the Mouth untill the Damme release And cures the want it suffers so should wee With vnlockt lipps still pray that God would free Our soules from sinne O 't is a blessed taske God ne'r leaves giving 'till we leave to aske Dei misericordia plenitudo est virtutum FAITH Nail'd to the Crosse there Christ lost soules to winne Suffer'd the world's huge pond'rous weight of sinne Insulting Foes reproach mocks scoffings scorne His sinewes to bee Rackt his Body torne A kisse betray'd him and a perjur'd lie Was the reward for all his Puritie Heav'ns wrath Hells rage on Christ all torments fell To save our Soules from those blew flames in Hell Christ's whole life was a Martyrdome Crosse Active and Passive and his deare Blouds losse The Tragick part the bloudy Sceane which none But He himselfe must Act and act alone Christ's Patience Death And Devills force did quell He tooke the great Leviathan of hell With the Hook of his Crosse made him his slave Captiv'd the DEVILL and subdu'd the Grave FAith makes unseene things seene Faiths sacred eye Vn-visore Prides painted hypocrisie A resolute Faith forc'd Abram to consent To butcher his beloved to content His Mighty Maker Faith has ever beene The perfect Evidence of things unseene Jacob by Faith obtain'd his full desire Faith stopt the Lyons Mouthes Faith quenches fire Enoch by Faith from sence of vitall breath Translated was that he should ne'r see death Faith made Eliah to call downe from heaven Consuming flames to burne accursed men Israels great Captaine by his Faith did part Egypts Red-Sea went through with joyfull heart Iosua by Faith on Gibeon did command The golden Taper of the Sunne to stand Still while he fought the Battell of the Lord Faith comes by hearing the All-mighties word Women receiv'd their dead rais'd up to life Faith conquer'd Kingomes and subdues all strife Like a safe winde which to the Sea-man sings Comfort in midst of all sad cares Faith bringt And breathes into our soules Truths gentle gaile Salvations sweet reliefe to fill the saile Of Man's storme-beaten vessell keepes it ev'n So sends it home in peace to th' land of heav'n Faith cloathes the Soule in a divine attire To passe untoucht through Famine sword and fire His body feeles no paine by fire or sword Whose Faith is in the bosome of the Lord. Faith is Saint Peeters walking on the water Hope lent him helpe and Love was his supporter Fides Signum Christianorum HOPE Hope followes Faith when Man is most opprest Ready for hell Hope to the Soule gives rest Hope in the Lord be strong the Psalmist saith Hope strengthens comforts and confirms thy faith Hope is Faiths daughter Heav'ns holy Handmaid still To over-rule unruly desp'rate will From doing damned violence which may beget the soules Eternall cast-away In midst of hellish crosses stormes strife Hope must our Pilot be to a good life Our Anchor Cable give it then free scope The sweet's of Grace are relished by hope O my dull spirit rowze thee fit not still pond'ring on thy poore Meanes though it be ill be thankfull thanke thy God and bee not hurl'd To damn'd despaire by th' malice of the world Good luck may goe away but good hope yet Will never leave us if we leave not it ARe we so blind so sotted by the Devill To receive good at Gods hands and not evill With equall thankes have we for sinne deserv'd Least good no rather worthy to be sterv'd Want threats revenge men's states must needs decline When men against the will of heav'n repine Hope cleares Night-stormes calmes the tempestuous day ' Afflicted or not afflicted let us pray Despaire not nor repine let Vertues scope In midst of sorrowes pearch thy soule on Hope Dare Man despaire to live the life of Caine And die the death of Iudas merit paine The Damned feele in hell good heav'n defend Disquietted soules from such a dreadfull end We all are sav'd by Hope if in true sence We hope for Heav'ns Eternall Excellence Hope 's like the Fisher-man's Corke despaire the lead Whose pond'rous weight no sooner being spread But it beginnes to sinke so man in sinne Did not hope lift him up still by the Chinne Yet neither Faith nor Hope can enesubfist Wanting sweete Charity she is the list That comprehends and is the life of grace Love pittles still the poore seekes the Lords Face Spes mea Christo CHARITIE Charitie and Pride both feede the poore in the Den. Charitie to praise God Pride to get praise of men True Charitie in midst of dangers winnes Safety shee covers multitudes of sins Love is the Chaine of Grace love without spot which ties all Vertues in Loves true-love knot Three thousand Soules the heav'nly weeper gain'd constant till death by Charity obtain'd Not words but good works must man's Faith approve Charitie ever is the life of love Patience House-keeper rich bountiful No Grimfac'd grumbling giver slothfull Deale liberally thine Almes chearfull Aimes-giving increase Mens states decreases no man's living TRue Love ne'r Envies this nor that Man's good The low descent nor High-borne Noble blood Ne're makes hot boast of giving never braggs Nor seeks revenge by Hell-affected Raggs Surpassing this or that proud neighbours state Causes of
I am the Lord that heales I Ropeca Thou God the true Phisitian art that can Be mine Lord be so pitty me weake man God my Physitian and his Grace the Physicke I must not will not cannot be sin-sicke Nomo loeditur nisi a seipso THE DIVINE ECCHO BETWEENE THE GOOD ANGELL Man in despaire And the DEVILL Man DEath to my Soule how long must I in vaine Heav'ns comfort crave yet endlessely remaine Fetter'd in sinne breake Heart give death free scope And must I then despaire is there no hope Angell Hope Man What Soule affected spirit to mine Eare Eccho's some sweet releife can hope come neare Sinnes shackl'd Slave from whom all Verues gon What 's to be Hop'd for when all hopes are done Angell Pardon Man How Pardon can Pardon raise a wretch Times reprobate like me I that can fetch Nor sigh nor teare sinnes furie to abate Can Heav'n free such a Soule so desolate Devill Too late Man Too late indeede my Sinnes sicke stonie heart Traytor to Truth Acts the Tragedian's Part Of ill so well I know not what to doe Frights terrours broken sleepes all speake my woe Yet Holy Writ tells me 't is better ever Late to repent then to repent me never Devill Never Man O my horrour never thou deadly accent Art thou from Heav'n or Hells curs'd dungeon sent Must my despairing thoughts for ever bend To Hellish Actions shall I ne'r amend Angell Amend Man Amend I cannot guifts of Grace I lacke Like him that weares Heav'ns Livery on 's backe Hells favour in his bosom wretched I Will Fate afford no present remedie Devill Die Man My soule must then miscarrie and be damb'c Devill Be damb'd Man Is that the onely solace all the pitty Sterne Fate affords poore Man in misery Devill I. Man Was my Creation in the Wombe of woe Ordain'd for Hell no otherwise then so Devill So. Man Die then I must and will appoint me where Devill Here. Man So quicke O true Physition for to die I hold it best and to linke suddenly Here in this Desart then where no eye sees Expresse the meanes to die among these Trees Devill These Trees Man If mong these Trees appoint to me an Altar Devill An Halter Man To be hang'd is base better to drowne my selfe Devill Do drowne thy selfe Man No no I will not die so like a Rat A Cicken or a Mouse a Dog a Cat But like the desp'rate Statesman I will be Made nothing by a Dramme poyson to me Is pretious balme I will die by poyson Devill I poyson Man 'T is the true death best Cure ' gainst discontent The Noble-Mans consumption my intent Huggs the conceit And yet my soule to slay By touch or tast is no true Roman way Canst thou not change thy word Devill Thy sword Man Shall my Sword then set free from all the strife Of Worldly woes this mockery of life Can my sword soone quit me from out this straight Devill Straight Man I tifle time come forth thou maine sole good Thou cure to all my cares sweete sword in blood I 'le drowne thy friendly Blade t is the best Part Thou ere canst Act to cleave thy Masters heart Fly soule to Ayre Flame Dust I know not where Earth serve thou me for Coffin and for Beere Angell Forbeare Man Who bids forbeare what Potent power commands My soule to live my sword and trembling hand To stop their bloudy course is it in Fate To alter Mans intent before too late Turning swift mischiefe to that sudden stay Whom death but ev'n now would make her Prey Angell Pray Man Pray unto whom my soule is in a mist See see me thinkes the Everlasting Fist Of Heav'n is stretcht waving the Crowne of grace Over my Cursed head Soule sinfull Face Ayme accurst I doe deserve the Rod Of Vengeance rather then to pray to God For the least drop of Mercy No I must Not dare to pray to him for he is just Angell Just Man And by his Iustice my impietie Merits Eternall endlesse miserie Sinnes just reward O teach me yet the way Thou Divine Eccho to what place to pray From whence implored mercy may be giv'n To cleare my sinnes great score and make all ev'n Angell Heav'n Man What words will best he fit and not betray me Angell Aye-mee Man Despaire deteines me backe commands me say I have no Will no Minde no heart to pray What shall I doe my soule is in a Feaver And in that word despaire I shall end ever Angell Endeavour Man O sacred sweetnesse true Caelestiall witt Thou summe of sweetnes stampt in sacred writ Endeavour yes sinnes strife is the best play My soule can Act God give heav'n I obey Angell Obey Cum humi limus cur non humilimus Deaths Masqueing Night AS mighty Kings in glorious Masques delight Death Times Grand-Masquer had his masqueing Night In evr'y Pallace ev'ry Nooke Death ranges Death takes his root from sinne Hee 's full of changes With solemne Pace unseene Death dos advance His Sable shaft to lead the World a dance Through Courts though Armyes the worlds wide Hall Controul'd of none Death is the end of all Wher 's then the Mighty Monarch wher 's the glory Of all his Court State Masques joyes tradsitory Beauties bright Earth-Bred-Star whose sparkling eye Shoots quivers of Love-shafts at Rich Majestie Death shall deface and in the bed of night Yeild farre more cause of terrour then delight Wher 's then the wanton glance that seem'd to skip From this Great Lord to that Great Ladyes Lap The nymble Sprightly Cap'ring Courtier then Forgotten lies there is no dancing when Devouring Death stabs with his sable shaft Vaine is the power of Art all mundane craft The deepe Physitians skill flatt'ring discourse Of health Death soone turnes to a dismall course Wher 's then the mighty Madams fl●reing Pride Oyles Powders Paintings all are laid aside Gold glittring Glory Cloath of Silver silke Forgetfull Feasts their sinfull Baths of Milke When many a poore soule sterves wanting the food Of their supurfluous out-side pamper'd blood Gurles Purles Purfumes Court complements visites Hot-stirring Dishes soule bewitching Minuts All Pompe on Earth ambitious mad desires Revells and Lust-burnt Midnights unchast fires All are husht then Beggers and Kings all must Take a poore lodging in a bed of dust Death is a dreadfull Antimasque 't will fright The worlds Grand Masquer in his full delight Figures and Footings practiz'd to intrance Spectators Eyes Deaths interposing Dance Dissolves to darkenesse in a moments space Ruines proud Pompe makes pale th'aluing Face Sparkling in Beanty deads the hot desire Of Naked Brests Death tames Lusts raging fire Wounds without dread or dalliance Death will strike Sou'raignes and subjects all are to him alike To Rich and Poore those that doe ill or well Death is the Path either to Heav'n or Hell Deaths dread appearance evermore makes glad The good but proves a terrour to the bad Disjoynts the ablest limbs Death trembles Pride Extincts State-Glories will not be denide Death is an Archer Man the Marke to shoot at Fly where thou wilt East West this way or that Death followes like a shaddow shoot he will Drawes sure and home Death never failes to kill And yet none truely mindes it though we know Time shall decay we cannot feede nor goe Nor promise life a Minute men passe to bed But ignorant are to rise alive or dead Death by a thousand accidents do's meet Health Wealth and Beauty stabs 'em in the street He that least dreames of death some falling Tyle Timber or Stone doth suddenly beguile Him of his life yea oft when Man refraines And seekes to shunne it dashes out his braines This learnes us Mortalls during vitall breath With humble soule to meditate on Death The thought of Death aright prevents the evill Of Hells Night Theife the worlds Noone-day Devill Death's deepe remembr'ance rightly understood Strikes dead delights lures the lewd mind to good Wafts the sinne weary soule to thinke upon Her ill past life present affliction O sinne-sicke-sinfull Man feare to doe ill Tremble proud Heart crosse not thy Makers will Thinke on thy end thinke on the Day of Doome The paines of Hell Deaths-Masqueing Night wil come Not in the Pompe of Princely merriment But the dread fall of soules impenitent Ingratefull Soules to God soules that dare sit I' th scorners seate trusting to wicked wit More then their Makers wisedome their conceit Aimes not at Heav'n but to be worldly great Pride is their zeale theie Prayers forgetfulnesse Charity Contempt their Vivtue wantonnesse Plump high fed Pamper'd Flesh on whom must waite Page Pander Parasite preparation state Gold glitt'ring glory cost curious diet Insatiate pleasure and vaineglorious Riot These are the sinnes that merit endlesse shame Hells ever burning never dying flame Which to prevent Great God let hate to vice Dissolve sinnes Cloud Becho to Paradice Our Saviours sweetnesse let us never more Lie downe to our dishonour like a whore Dead to good Counsell never let darke deedes Defile the soule let 's roote up all the seeds Of Pride Lust Envie Hatred and in place Plant Wisedome meeke Humility and Grace Abhorre to study State with greater zeale Then zeale to Heav'n or the soules-common-weale True Penitence gaines Heav'n throwes sinners downe To raise them up to an Immortall Crowne Cogita de fine infinito ut vives in infinitum FINIS