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A53475 Poems on most of the festivals of the church composed by the Right Honourable Roger, Earl of Orrery. Orrery, Roger Boyle, Earl of, 1621-1679. 1681 (1681) Wing O495; ESTC R22207 38,091 90

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O do not Refuse These the First Fruits of my Converted Muse A Muse which in vain paths too long has trod And now do's Consecrate her self to God This Change O Muse Most happy is for thee Mount Sion now shall thy Parnassus bee Thou never yet Could'st Sore to such a height As that from whence thou now begin'st thy flight The Spires of Airy Verse climb not so high As to the F●et of Sacred Poetry Mother Vouchsafe My Influence to be Now I thy Prodigall Return to Thee On the Day of the Anuntiation Of the Blessed Virgin HAil Happy Day On which Blest Gabrie'll flew To bring the Ioyfull'st News the World ere Knew In Raptures He left Empty His High Place When sent to Her whom Heaven had fill'd with Grace Blest Virgin what might Thy Employments bee When Gods Ambassador appeard to Thee Who can Beleeve that thy Devotions were Since God still Helps not Interrupts Our Praye'r And more Improbable it does Appear Thou then wert thinking on The Joy so near Such Lofty Thoughts found in Thy Soule noe Place For Humbleness was one part of Thy Grace But since to tell it vs God Judg'd not Fitt 'T were Sin to be too Prying into It. Yett wee may well beleeve what-ere they were They best Prepar'd Her the great News to Heare She Fled not when the Angell She Beheld For Grace is against Terror the Best Shield Tho She was Troubl'd yett She did not Fear When His Strange Salutation She did Hear But when the Glorious News He did Impart O! who can tell th'Emotions of her Heart The Truth She doubts not in the least Degree Yet She did humbly ask How this shall bee Since She had not Known Man And this being said A Bright Vermilion did her Face Invade Blushes on her great Modesty had Pow'r Tho t' was an Angell was Her Confessour He then did of the Myst'ry so much Show As it was fi●t She and the World Should Know Saying On Thee The Holy Ghost shall Come And the most High shall Overshade thy Wombe When Faith Part of the Meaning did vnfold Of what Gods wing'd Ambassador had told She said Behold the Hand Maid of the Lord Bee it to Me according to Thy word NOe Wonder the Stupendious News he brought Imploy'd her Faith and entertain'd her Thought She Ponder'd Why God Her Should before All Her Sex to that Amazeing Glory Call Vnshapen thoughts might have throng'd in a pace Had not Faith told her It was Gods Free Grace So Gloomy Clouds Strove to Vsurp the Skies Vntill the New Created Sun did Rise She wonder'd yet beleev'd what GABRIEL said How She could be a Mother and a Maid More then a Miracle it did appear That She her SAVIOUR and the Worlds should Bear Yett under so much Faith She did not Bow She Knew it would be so but knew not how Thus Abrah'am on Gods Promise still Rely'd Tho on the Altar He his Son had Ty'd His Stretch'd out Arm stops at an Angells Crye● And trembling Isaacs Place a Ram supplies Yet for th' Obedience which he did Intend God gave him the vast Title of GODS FRIEND And then Confirm'd to him the great Decree That in His Seed All Nations Blest should bee Those still the best Rewards of Faith Receiv'd Who even against Hope in Hope Beleiv'd Few o're that Precipice of Faith have trod Vnless the Mother and the Friend of God On the Nativity of Our Blessed LORD and SAVIOUR comonly called Christmas Day HAil Glorious Day which Miracles Adorn Since 't was on Thee ETERNITY was Born Hail Glorious Day in which Mankind did View The SAVIOUR of the Old World and the New Hail Glorious Day which Deifies mans Race Birth Day of IESUS and through Him of Grace In Thy Blest Light the World at once did See Proofs of His God-head and Humanity To prove him Man He did from Woman come To prove Him God 't was from a Virgins Wombe Man nere could faigne what his S●range Birth prov'd True For His Blest Mother was a Virgin too While as a Child He in the Manger Cryes Angells Proclaim His God●ead from the Skyes Hee to So vile Cradle did Submitt That Wee through Faith in Him on Thrones might Sit O Prodigie of Mercy which did make The God of Gods Our Humane Nature take And through Our Vaile of Flesh His Glory Shine That Wee thereby might Share in the Divine Hail Glorious Virgin whose Tryumphant VVombe Blesses All Ages past and All to Come Thou more then Heal'st the Sin by Adam's Wife She brought in Death but Thou brought'st E●dless Life Noe greater VVonder in the VVorld could bee Then Thou to Live in it and HEAV'N in thee Heav'n does Thine own great Prophesy Attest All Gener●tions still shall Call Thee Blest To Thee that Title is most Justly pai● Since by T●y Son VVee Sons of God are made On the Day of Circumcision of Our BLESSED SAVIOUR HAil Thou Instr●ctive Day on which Wee See God in the Flesh from Gods Law was not Free The Author of Our Faith did then Submit To what was but the Signe and Seale of it How Dare wee then in Disobedience Run When God exempts not from His Laws His Son Near whose Blest Birth as well as Death was Spilt That Sacred Blood which weshes off Our Guilt A Double Ransome for Our Soules Hee Paid That from Sins Captives Wee might Sons bee made Till this Illustrious Day the World nere Saw A Debtor and Fulfiller of the Law 'T was Fitt the Law of Works should then give Place To the more Glorious Covenant of Grace On the Day called Epiphany Or the Manifestation of Our Blessed SAVIOUR to the Gentiles HAil Glorious Day On which the Middle wall 'Twixt Iews and Gentiles First began to Fall The Jews Whom God from Egypt made Retire And gave for Guides Pillars of CLOUDS and FIRE The Jews VVhom God from Pharoahs Bondage Lead And whom by Daily Miracles Hee Fed. The Jews in whom God tooke soe much Delight That His ow● Hand their Sacred La●s did Write The Jews whose VVarrs God did with VVonders Bless Whose Captains Pray'd their Hos●s into Success The Jews whose Prophets God Himself did Teach And who of their Messiah sti'l did Preach The Jews who yet after False Gods did Run VVherefore the True left them to be Vndone The Jews enslav'd by Herod and by Rome And groan'd till their Deliverer was come Yet when He came They from the Inne did bring Into a Stable both Their God and King VVhich does their Name with Ignominy Blott For Beasts Admitted Him when They would not VVhen in Impiety They Ran so Farr God lead the Gentiles to Him by a Starr To their New Faith that Glorious Guide was giv'n To evidence it was inspir'd by Heav'n And that the Doubting VVorld thereby might see God will a Guide to those that
seeke him bee Into what Darkness was the Gentile World Not Knowing of the Promis'd IESVS Hurl'd Since out of its Dominion to be Freed The Sun Auxiliary Light did need That Faith which to those Magi did Declare The Light which did Conduct Them was HIS STARR ' Made them nor be Disgusted nor Dismayd Seeing Their God in a Vile Manger Layd To their Inlightned Soules Faith made it Clear That His Blest Kingdom was Above not Here. Nor Fear'd They their Bright Guide had them Beguil'd When th' Ancient of Dayes Seem'd but a Child All this to Those Wise men gave no Offence Their Sight of Faith Triumph'd o're that of Sense For no such Faith as That in Them did Dwell Was to be Found no not in Israel They therefore worship IESVS and then bring Gold Myrrhe and Incease to their Priest and King And as the Gentiles Representative They those Mysterious Presents to Him give Happy Those Easterns were as well as Wise Who first Paid Christ the Gentiles Sacrifice In various Wayes God did his Son Dispence The Old VVorld saw by Faith the New by Sence All Sacred Duties being paid by Them A safe way home God taught them in a Dream God made Deaths Image sleep teach them to shun The Danger They were in to Find his Son Heaven did by what suspended Reasons vse Safety to those who worship Christ Produce While such as God does call Their sleep doe Tak● The Eye of Providence for Them does Wake On the Day of the Purification And the Presenting of IESVS in the Temple HAil Glorious Day on which Heav'n Judg'd it ●itt The Temples God should be brought into It. Hail Happy Pile in which He did Remain Whom even the Heav'n of Heav'ns cannot Contain Mysterious Day on which it may be Said That God was unto God an Off'ring made That Lo●ty Temple Solomon did Build Must to the Glory of This Temple Yeild Christs Presence made This Temple That Excell In Him the God-head Bodily did Dwell That But in Gold and Pollish'd Stones was Bright This shin'd with Him VVho is the Light of Light He There and on the Crosse did Solemnize His Morning and His Ev'ning Sacrifice Blest Virgin sure Thou didst not stand in Need For Bearing IESVS to be Purify'd Next Thy Sons Body Thine the Purest was Since Purity it self through Thee did Passe What is 't Thy Purifying then did Mean Child-birth which stain'd Thy Sex did make Thee Clean Thou neededst noe more Cleansing then Thy Son Did stand in need of Circumcision But Both Perform'd what God does Highest Prize Obedience is better then Sacrifice Parents are taught by Her who Bore the Truth To Consecrate to God their Childrens Youth Their Pious Gratitude with Hers should Suite Who Offer'd up to God both Tree and Fruite Turtles which Innocences Emblems be Yet could not be more Innocent then She The Offering She Paid and Son She Bore Shew'd She was Heav'nly Rich and Wordly Poor On the Day call'd Innocen●s Day HAil Mournfull Day On which the Iews Beheld Great Ieremie's Dire Prophesy Fulfill'd Sad Ramah saw those Murther'd whom She Bred And Rachell would not then be Comforted For Herod being both Enrag'd and Greiv'd Thinking He by the Magi was Deceiv'd And fearing the New Starrs vnknown Event To Heav'n a Legion of Young Martyrs Sent. Dreading to Misse that ONE which He Pursu'd Hee in Those Infants Blood his Hands Imbru'd With what Mean Fears are Tyrants Joyes Controll'd Fearfull They are of Children Two years Old Thus Herod Acts against His own Decree He makes Them more then he did Fear They'd bee Mans Rage most Glory to Gods Children Brings 'T is Greater to be Martyrs then be Kings The Old vail'd Type now Wee with Clearness Know These through a True Red Sea to Canaan Goe And Led the Van of that Blest Host whose Rear Will not be Seen till Time cease to App●ar Our Mother therefore does Decree that They Should in Her Kalendar enjoy a Day Faith shew'd Her which with VVonder Reason Fills That Martyrs might be made against Their VVills And what 's more strange That such to Heav'n should Come As Dy'd They knew not VVhy nor yet for whom Yet such is the Extensive Pow'r of Grace That little Children have in Heav'n a Place Christ did therein His Will to Man Disclose And said His Kingdome did Consist of Those Well then may such Eternall Glory win Who dy'd for Christ did no Actuall Sin God did these Sons of Men to Glory take Who in effect were kil'd for His Sons sake On the Day of the Crucifixion of Our Blessed SAVIOUR VVOnderfull Day That Title 's due to Thee Above All Dayes which have been or shall bee The Day when Order out of Chaos Broke The Day when God our Human Nature took The Day when Christ Ascended from the Tombe The Day when All the World must hear their Doom Tho these Four Dayes wee justly Great Ones call Yet when Alas Compar'd to Thee are small For 't was not strange that both the Heav'ns Earth From Gods All-Pow'rfull Word Receiv'd their Birth Nor when nought else Heav'ns Justice could Attone The God of Nature put Our Nature on Nor that Hee should in whose Hand onely lies Th' Issues of Life and Death from Death Arise Nor that One Generall Assize should bee To Hear from Gods own Mouth his Iust Decree These but the Actings of a God Display But That God suffer'd on This Signall Day Which Miracle Amazement did Infuse In Heav'n Earth Hell and All but in the Jews In whose Obdurate Soules such Rancour Dwelt As All the World but They Compunction Felt. The Sun from His Bright Globe His Lustre strips And with His Maker suffers an Ecclips The Moon did hide Her Face tho fill'd with Light Seeing the Sun at Noon Create a Night The Sacred Temple at the strange Event Of this great Day Her Vaile for Sorrow Rent The Earth which does insensible appeare Yet at this Prodigie did shake with ●eare Hells Sad Inha●itants for Anger Cry'd And by these Signes Knew the Messiah Dy'd Th' Insatiate Grave which the Last Day does Dread Thinking it now was Come Releas'd Her Dead The Pale Centurion Smote His Trembling Breast And that Christ was the Son of God Confest But the vile Iews their Heads at Iesus nod Bid Him come Down and Then They 'll Say Hees God Oh Frantick Wretches wa st not More to Have The Bodies of the Saints Forsake the Grave The Sun grow Dark th' Earth in a Palsey see Then onely to Descend From o●f a Tree But t was that Sacred Blood they did Despise And wish'd vpon theire Heads which vaild their Eyes Oh! who of th●se Obdurate Iews can Hear And not bee Struck with Horrour and with Fear Yet wee call'd Christians Guiltier are then They They knew Him not
much to Him the Christian World does ow Rude Lycaonia by his Sacred Pains Hee from Idolatry to Iesus Gaines From thence he did the Gospell propagate Even in that India stil'd the Fortunate VVhich by his Preaching there might such be Held More then for All the Riches it does yield Spices and those bright Stones with which the East Of all parts of the World does seem most Bl●st May Justly but as Dung and Dross be thought Compar'd to saveing Faith which there he Taught St. Mathews Gospell Hee the Indians showd More wealth then Nature had on them B●stow'd So Bright he Shin'd so swiftly hee did Run As makes Him seem more then a Second Sun His Early Beames did in the East appeare Then to Armenia Hee his Light did Beare Astiages who then possest that Throne Was Happy in his Brother Palemon Whom our great Saint Conver●ed to the Faith Which Rais'd the Tyrants Anger to an Heighth That did the Royall Office mis become Our Saint he Doom'd to Triple Martyrdome First Flay'd alive then on a Cross was Ty'd Where Preaching still the Faith for which Hee Dy'd His Murtherers who did his Doctrine Drea● To stop the Martyrs mouth Cutt off His Head His Royall Blood thus spent more Glory gaines Then had it still been Circling in his Veines The slighted Torments of his Triple Death The Truths hee Seal'd even with his Dying breath Convinc'd Blest Palemon and others too An Happy Life to such a Death was Due This made that Prince Contemn a Temporall Throne To strive to Climbe to an Eternall One. And to such heighth of Holynes did Soare As Hee the first Armenian Mitre wore Wearing a Mitre well gaines more Renown Than only but by Birth to weare a Crown Learn'd Hereticks Observing Our Saints Fame A Gospell wrote and call'd it by His Name Knowing that none could any Doubts admitt Of what they did beleeve his Pen had writt But Pope Gela●ius did a Synod Call And justly Sentenc'd it Apocrypall Popes in Old times were men of High Renowne Shining in Faith not in a Triple Crown OUr Saint in Divers Citties had a Tombe In Daras Benevent and Last in Rome Where may They be so Pious and so Just As more to Prize His Faith and Less His Dust On the Day of St. Mat●hew the APOSTLE and EVANGELIST BLest Saint who from a Publicanes Loath'd Trade Thy se●f to Christ as a Due Tribute Paid Thy Gainfull Office when the word Hee Spake Thou didst with Gladness instantly Forsake Thou by that Call the Wisdome didst Obtaine To Know that Goalyness was Highest Gain Thy Noble Dinner where Christ was Thy Guest Might well bee Recko●d as thy Marriage Feast There Thou wer 't Ioined to the Churches Head The World Divorc'd and didst the Gospell Wedd In that great Feast All Gallilee did See How Blest Thy Change of Life Appear'd to Thee If such R●joyceings might not bee Exprest Christ with His Pres●nce had not Grac'd the Feast How Iustly may a Sinners Second Birth Which causes Ioy in Heav'n Cause Feasts on Earth Christ the high Honor did to Thee Afford To bee the First who wrote His Sacred Word By which thy Coun●●ey-men did ow to Thee The Light which Them from Moses Yoke did Free When with that Book he had Iudea Blest Hee went to Propagate it in the East There Hee the Gospell to the Parthians taught And those Fierce men vnder Christs Scepter brought One man from God did Part●ia more Subdue Then all the Roman Legions e're could doe For by the Holy Ghost Hee let th●m See That only They who Iesus serve are Fr●e From Parthia by Gods Dictates being sent Hee to the Sooty Ethiopians went A Blackness on their Soules was caus'd by Sin Much worse then that the Sun made on their Skin Yet Christs Baptismall Water had such might As Hee by it did wash the Ethiops white Inwardly white which God does higher Prize Then men th' Externall which so Courts their Eyes In these two Regions Hee his Race did Run Which more enlighten'd Them then did the Sun Authors Dispute where he Receiv'd his Doome But all Agree Hee Suffer'd Martyrdome And that the Faith Hee did to Them Reveale Hee with His precious Blood at last did Seale His Converts were by it the Firmlyer ty'd And in that Truth did Live for which Hee dy'd Two mighty Kingdomes to Our Times Contest In which of them His Sacred Reliques Rest. But Ci●ties strove which Homers Birth should have But Empires strive which has Our Martyrs Grave Yet Vaster Diff'rence is in what They writt So much is Inspiration above Witt On the Day St. Luke the EVANGELIST HAil Great Physitian Great without Controule Thy Skill does heal the Body and the Soule Rome with Thy Antioch might Exchange her Fam● It gave Thee Bir●h and to the Christians Name The Least of Both more Hono● to Her brought Then All Her Schooles in which the East was taught A Double Glory thy blest Pen Contracts Writing Christs Gospell and th' Apostles Acts. Had wee of this great Record been bere●t In how much Darkness had the World been Left And how much greater Knowledge might wee VVin If Thou hadst Finish'd what Thou didst begin But How dare VVee La●ent the want of it Since God has Judg'd That Deprivation fitt And by what 's Left the Christian VVorld may Boas● None need for want of Knowledge to bee Lost. Since All our Condemnation will be Due To our Performing Less then what wee Knew To Thee and Vs that Influence was Kinde By which to Holy Paul thou first wer't Join'd Illustrious Blessings Thou Obtain'st by It T●y Praise is in the Sacred Scriptures writt Belov'd Phys●tian Thee Gods word does Call And the Blest Fellow-L●borer of Paul ●ho Schooles Conferr on Schollers High Degrees Yet none e're gave any so High as these Nor couldst thou From thy Antioch Schooles have brought Such Learning as to Thee by Paul was Taught Men gave to Mans Phylosophy the Place That 's D●e to the Philosophy of Grace Of that High Science which by Time and Care Men strove to Learne God bids vs to Beware More vsefull Learning in Christs Schoole is taught Then any which meere men to Mankind brought All School Philosophy we must Decline That may oppose attaining to Divine The Path which Leads to Glory must bee Tr●● Not in M●ns Wisdome but the Pow'r of God No wonder that ou● Saint so great a Friend To Learning did so Close on Paul Attend Whose Brest Inspir'd was with more knowledge Crown'd Then in the Fam'd Pantheon could bee Found And n●ver Left Him till in guilty Rome His great Instructor Purchas'd Martyrdome From that Vngratefull City then He goes And on the World his precious Time bestows I● Maps no Regions Geographers admitt But are Oblig'd by what he Taught and writt The Martyrologies of Greece and Rome Dif●er where he enjoy'd his Martyrdome
vpright on the Tree His Dying Posture was too good for Thee This made thee beg what th' Impious did Deride That thou might'st bee Revers'dly Crucify'd That Humble way which thou didst Choose to Dy Honor'd the Cross which Christ did Sancti●y Hee a sure way to Endless Life does Choose Who in this VVorld His Life for Christ does Loos● O Happy Loss which brings the Highest Gain Since those who Dy for Christ with Him shall Raign On the Day of St. Paul HAil Great Apostle Greatest of them All Since from Christ Glorify'd Thou hadst Thy Call A Call which made Thee stop Thy Fierce Pursui●e And Preach that Faith which Thou didst Persecute Taught by Gods Word Thee I the Greatest Call Since from thy Riseing Thou didst never Fall Thou with that Sacred Priviledge we●'t Blest VVhich God 〈◊〉 on none ●f all the Rest. And Thou Encourag'd by the Pow'r of Grace Peter withstoodst when Faulty to the F●ce The Christian World in Sacred Records see The care of All the Churches Lay on Thee Thy Pen in writing more of them was B●est Then the Inspired Pens of All the Rest And the Blest Spirit Testifies of Thee Thou more then All didst work abundantly Thy Tribe of which so Few Gods wrath did Scape VVhile They maintain'd a Murther and a Rape VVas yet the Tribe from which his Hand did Choose The First of All the Monarchs of the Iews And which did more the Fame of it Renew The great Apostle of the Gentiles too Since Iacob Lov'd his youngest Son so well God made His Tribe most other Tribes Excell To Benjamin more Glory it does bring To give vs That Apostle then a King Of all the Sacred Colledge Thou Alone For OUR APOSTLE we with Justice own The Gentiles Teacher Heav'n does thee Declare And wee of the West World all Gentiles were Since Thou thine Office dost so Magnify My Muse delights in magnifying Thee As God to Thee most Mysteries did show So Hee made Thee most Suff'rings vndergoe Thy Life Like Thy great Masters seemes to bee Continuall Scenes of Vary'd Misery He who most vex'd the Church God Judg'd it Fit Should bee afflicted most in Planting It. By which his Sacred Justice has made known Only Great Suff'rings should great Sins Attone Stripes Prisons Dangers and all else wee Dread Were by his Providence Thy Daily Bread But tho the Loads were great which Thou didst be● Yet vnder them Thy Comforts greater were For the vast Priviledge to Thee was Lent Of being in All States of Life Content To what Amazeing Raptures wer't Thou brought When Thou wer 't vp to the Third Heaven caught Such were the Joyes thou didst Partake of there Thou but in Negatives couldst them Declare Yet wee those Joyes for Worldly Trifles sell Which ev'n Thy pen did want the Pow'r to Tell. That Blest Apostle to whose Eies was shown What the Church call's the Re●elation Tho Hee to Picture Heav'n enough did see Yet fell in Revelation short of Thee For Wee of what Hee saw Partakers are But thou sawst things not Lawfull to Declare Those Iews which at thy Miracles did 〈◊〉 Brought thee to Dy before a Roman Iudge But Felix trembl'd and his Tongue was Dum●● H●aring thee Treat of the great Day to come Such Pow'r those have which Gods Cause Vnde●take That from the Barr They m●ke their Judges Quak● And when to Festus and Agrippa led That before them thou for the Faith shouldst Plea● The King confest thou didst so well Perswade That He was then ALMOST a Christian made God with such Argu'ings s●ill did thee supply That from their Force Reason nor Faith could Fly Such Divine Logick thou didst allwaies vse That who Resisted was without Excuse When Ner● ha● the Bright Popp●ja gain'd To such a Sin as all her Beauty Stain'd Blest Paul as Holy Chrisostome does write Converted and ther●by made her more Bright For after to the Faith Hee her did win Romes Glories could not T●mpt her to a Sin WHich made the Tyrants Rage so blind and High That who His Mistress sav'd Hee doom'd to D● That Faith for which Our great Apostle stood He did when Call'd by Christ Seal with ●is Blood And when Romes Pow'rs he had by Death O'recome God Crown'd the Head he Lost with Martyrdome A Crown which Monarchs ought to value more Then That which once His Murth'rer Nero wore O May wee Learn from Him to Dy to Sin That Wee thereby the Crown of Life may Wi● On the Day of St. Andrew THE APOSTLE BLest Saint whom Two Peculiar Honors Crown'd Thou wer 't the First that the Messiah found and e're the Gospell Christ to Thee did T●ach Thou didst the Gospell to Blest Peter Preach Of the First Brothers which on Earth did Live The Eldest to the youngest Death did give But of those First wee in the Gosp●ll Read The younger did to Life the Elder Lead In them the Different Maxims are Descry'd Twixt Those whom Nature and whom Grace does guide That Holy Zeal Christ did on Him Bestow Made ●im into Remo●est Regions goe Wild Scythia which did Civill Nations F●ight Own'd to His Piety the Gospells Light Those Hee set Free whom Sin in Chains did hold Sin which had more Benum'd Them then their cold To Fam'd Bizantium afterwards hee Sail● Where by His Pains so much the Faith Prevail'd As Hee that City with a Mitre grac'd And in that See Pauls Belov'd Stachys plac'd After those Parts did Rev'rence IESUS Name He then to Patrae in Achaja came Aegeus the Pro Consulls Office bore who with blind Zeal blind Idol's did Adore As God he worship'd Statues which he made Thus by Ill breeding most men are Betray'd Seldome wee wipe ou● Prepossessions staines For what Our youth Receives Our Age Re●eines Since to False Gods Hee thought his Zeal was Due How had it heightend had he known the True Our Blest Apostle being griev'd to see Th' Achajans bent to such Idolatry Shew'd them that Adoration should bee paid To that God onley which the World had made The Gospells I●fluence as the Suns is Felt Th● Clay it hardens and the Wax doth melt F●r what Our Saint taught of the Word of Life I●rag'd the Husba●d but converts the Wife Fair M●ximilla when the Truth Shee heard Despis'd those Idols which Her Husband Fear'd And wond●●'d when in Grace shee did Partake How men beleev'd their Hands Their Gods could make In her new Faith so Happy Shee appears That Shee did Court her Lord to it with Tears But tho Her Beauties He did much Adore Y●t Hee did His Revenge and Idolls more A Cross Decussa●e Hee with speed does 〈◊〉 VVhich sort of Cross still bears St. Andrews Name And on it did Our Martyr Crucify VVhose Limbs he did not Naile to it but Ty Those Cords more Cruell were by Farr then Steel
Christ carry'd to Heav'n and then Does with the Spirit of God Enlighten Men The Cloven Tongues Foreshow the Joyfull News That Gentiles must be taught as well as Iews And Tongues like as of Fire did Intimate The Cleansing Pow'r should on the Gospell waite The Gazing Multitude with Ioy Admire How Tongues on Heads should Tongues in Mouths Inspire Thus taught by God in Tongues They Criticks grew Of which the Pow'r before They nothing knew Now Ev'ry Nation which the Feast had brought Heard in their Variant Speech the Gospell taught Variety of Tongues in Elder Time Stop'd that proud Tow'r man aim'd to Heav'n should Climbe But now Variety of Tongues is giv'n As the sure means to Rai●e Man vp to Heav'n Those who the Church would to One Tongue Contract Against this Fruit●ull Miracle must Act And while They Run in such a Gu●l●y way Destroy one Blessed end of this great Day How Faulty against God must Those Appear Who Darken what This Miracle made Clear And with Their Pride or Interest to Comply Would make Religion a Monopoly Yet some to mock the Miracle Designe And Drunk with Rage Ascribe it to New Wine With which when men are fill'd Experience shows It tyes mens Tongues but New Ones ne're Bestows Blest Ioels Prophecy on them did Fall Yet Inspiration Drunkeness They call No wonder when in Sin They flew so High God gave them over to Beleeve a Lye But they by whom the Miracle was Priz'd Receiv ' the Sacred Faith and were Baptiz'd When the Blest Spirit mov'd the Tongue which Taught Three thousand Soules to life one Sermon brought Above all things Gods word should be Esteem'd It made the World and then the World Redeem'd Yet the Best work does on the Gospell waite 'T is more the World to Save then to Create On the Day of St. Iohn The BAPTIST HAil Thou Bright Phospher to that Gloriou● Day Which from the World Sins Darkness Chas'd away Hail Sacred Voice which from Above was Sent To warn Man to Beleeve and to Repent Nev●r did such a Prophet Shine on Earth He his Redeemer knew before his Birth His Ioyfull L●aping in his Mothers Wom●e When His Lords Mother vnto His did Come Made it to both That he did Know appear The Vnborn SAVIOUR of the World was there Phylosophy cannot the VVayes Vnfold How Babes Vnborn did Correspondence hold None can the Hidden Cause of it Dispence But onely the SUPREAM INTELLIGENCE No VVonder since our Saint Transcended All That Christ should Him more then a Prophet Call Judge with what Knowledge God did him Ador●e VVho knew Wisdom it self ere He was borne Reading of Him VVonder our Soules should Seise His History is fill'd with Miracles Hee did a Sonne to Barrenness become His body was his Tongue within the Wombe In His strange Birth The Eies of Faith might See The Barren Gentile VVorld should Fruitfull bee So many did for His Baptising strive That Enons River scarce could Waters give Nev●r did man to such High G●ory Rise This won●r●us Priest did his own God Baptise In stead of shineing Vestments He did weare A Leath●rn Gir●le and a R●be of Haire Y●t His Bi●st Ministry most Firmly Stood Its Grea●●es did appear in Doeing Good 〈◊〉 and some Wild ●ony was His Fare Carthusians Meales to His Exc●ss●s were This spareing D●et and That humble Dress Does pract●cally Senten●e Our Excess Yet the great Or●ers of the Pen and Sword Did 〈◊〉 to H●ar and Reverenc'd His Word No Charact●rs by man Er●ct●d shine With ●o much Awe in Hearts as the Divine R●ason payes more to P●ety Alone Then to the Guar●s and Glittrings of a Throne VV●at yet of his first State Man in him beares Minds him More 's due to w●at he Likes then F●ars But All His merit did not Guard his Life ●rom the R●venge of an Incestuous VVife VVho can think Crimes which Lust will not Comitt VVhen t is to R●ap the Guilty Fruits of it Nature Religion and All Sacred Tyes Some will while the Hot Fr●nzy Lasts Dispise He●od Sirnam'd Antipas had been Led Inflam'd by Lust his Brothers Wife to wed Our Sacred Baptist whom no Pow'r could awe Declar'd His Marriage was against the Law Th' Incestuous Queen who thought Less bright shee Shone In a Chast Bed then in a Vicious Throne Fearing the Sentence past by such a Saint Might make the Kings Soul Firm and Passion Faint Resolv'd to Act what oft the Fierce had Try'd Great Crimes by Greater must be Justify'd The time She Destin'd for this Guilty Thing Was on the Birth Day of Her Lustfull King For then to Honor it there did Resort All that were Great or Gay about the Court. When Meats Excess Join'd with the Fumes of wine Clouded that Reason Temp'rance does Refine Herodias D●ughter by her Mother gain'd So well the King with Danceing I●tertain'd That when His Justice to His Passion bow'd He Solemnly in the Assembly vow'd What e're She ask'd of Him should be Her Own Tho t were to half the Value of His Crown The Cruel Maid then ask'd the Baptists Head No sighs She ●tter'd and no Tears she Shed Pleas'd that Her Mothers Fury She Obey'd A sinfull Joy Her wanton Looks Display'd Herod to grant the Black Request was Loath Yet for the sake of His great Guests and Oath The Bloody Present instantly was Brought Ne're with such Worth and Guilt was Charger Fraught Yet All their Mirth the Gastly sight did Break For tho the Tongue did not the Head did speak And Cry'd to Heav'n where the great Judge does dwell Who from Their Thrones th' Inces●●ous did Expell How wild is Pow'r which made a Monarch Prone To slight Gods Word to Gratisy his Own Fa●sly He thought to a Rash Oath he ow'd More then to Justice Nay more then to God His Griev'd Disciples hearing the Sad News Did Their own Sins for their great Loss accuse Then from the Prison They the Body 〈◊〉 And a True Mourning at the Fan'rall make Yet to the Lookers on it did Appear The Mour●ers Happy'er then the Dancers were O who can Read this Story with Dry E●●s Or will not a●ter it this World Despise When such a H●ad is as a Tribu●e paid To a L●ud Oath past to a Danceing Maid Let vs since Lof●y Stations Crimes Inspire Early from all their Cheating Charmes Retire Wh●n on Death Beds we Languishing shall Lye And know Eternall Joies or Paines are nigh Th●n w●● shall Grieve tho it may be too La●e How slightly wee our precious Time did Rate Many ●ave Mourn'd Their Lives They ill have sp●nt But none of well Employing them Rep●nt On the Day of St. Stephen the Christian Proto-Martyr HAil Thou Blest Leader of the Noblest Band Which ever Mortall did or shall Comand The Worlds great Generalls their Follow'rs Pay In Rusting metall or in Fadeing
Rome saies it was in Asia the Less Nicephorus averrs it was in Greece And that by His Vile Murtherers Decree Hee suffer'd Death upon an Olive Tree That Rage which in their Hearts his worth had bred Turnd vndesign'dly Just to Crown his Head For since the Learn'd to Learning doe allow A wr●ath to Crown it of an Olive Bow Our Saint whose knowledge reach'd the Last Degree Was Crown'd not with an Olive Wreath but Tree But Piety did to His Body give As Little Rest when Dead as when Aliue Kingdomes and Ci●ties did a while Contest In which of them his precious Dust sh●ust Rest. All yeild at Last to Co●sta●tines strong Cla●me Who built a ●emple to the Apostles Name Which though a Pile of so much Art and Cost That of the Like the whole World could not boast Yet since t was made to those great Saints a Tombe Whose Blood and writings taught all Christendome The Famous Structure more Renown'd does prove For what 's there Bury'd then for all above On the Day of St. Simon the APOSTLE HAil Sacred Cananite whose God-like Pains For Thee the Title of the Z●l●t Gains More ●ustly Due if wee the Truth Respect From Labouring for Thy God then from Thy Sect VVhat Creature e're so many Lands did Run Vnless his Fellow-Traveller the Sun Egypts and Affricks heat and Barren Sand Could not His Zeal or Frighten or With●tand The Libian Lyons Barr'd not vp his VVay Nor the VVild People Savager then They. Hee did Ful●●●l what was in Scripture Read On Lyons and on Adders Hee did Tread Against Their Venome Antidotes he had The Words of Faith that B●lme of Gilead These wre●ched People who with heat were vext Much in This VVorld but much more in the next Hee by his P●ous Life and Preaching brings To Rest vnder the s●●dow of Gods Wings Those were the Seeds of Faith he there did S●● VVhich to great Heigth in Future times did grow After He had Asia and Affrick taught Into VVest Europe He the Gospell brought At last into O●r Brittain He did Come The Guilty Scene of his Blest Martyrdome Hee like the Sun vp in the East did gett ●hin'd o're the South then in the West did S●tt His Holy Life his Doctrine so maintain'd That Many People Hee to Iesus Gain'd But others who Themselves to Sin had Sold Did to Destroy him open Counsells hold And as the Greek Menologies Agree Those Monsters Crucify'd him on a Tree With Joy Hee saw his Blood for Iesus spilt His Faith was on the Rock of Ages ●uilt There in an Vnknown Grave his Body Lies Vntill a Glorious Body it shall Rise ●ight not His Blood which our Forefathers spilt Have helpt to Fill the Measure of that Guilt VVhich often drown'd Our Islands in a Flood Of Royall Noble and Plebejan Blood So that No spott of Earth hath e're been more No nor so much moistned with Human Gore And even in our Fa●all Dayes we Saw Great Brittain made a True Acheldama O May wee from all Sinning so Refrain As God may never make it One again VVhen our Repentance shall his Wrath Atone The Inward Peace will bring the Outward One On the Day of St. Iude THE APOSTLE HAil Blessed Ju●as whose Devotion 's Flame Hath made Atonement for that guilty N●me The Cursed Iudas who to gai●e was Ty'd Sold Him for whom the Blessed Judas Dy'd His Question to Our Saviour does Detect He also did His Temporall Raign expect Which Error all his Bret●ren did Admitt Till the Blest Spirit Led them out of it To worldly Glories men Aspire at most Vntill enlighten'd by the Holy Ghost But for a nobler Empire then They S●rive More Solid Farr then All this World can give T was Long before the C●urches did admit His Blest Epistle into Sacred Writt During that guilty time w●at was become O● the Infallibility of Rome E●oc●s Apocal●ps the Church of Old Next to w●at was Cano●●ca●l did hold● O●r Saint His Proph●sie did therefore Cite Which Since no Pen that was inspir'd did Write Was the C●eif R●ason Divers could Afford Why T●ey did doubt t was not the Sacred word Yet some Epistles written by Blest Paul Were still admitted as Canonicall Tho Hee to Reach the E●ds which he did Press Arat●s quotes and Epime●ides Who though not guided by the Heavenly Light Yet They the truth in severall things did write Of Romes Vnerringness ill Proof She makes By First Suspecting what at Last she takes If by the Help of Study and of Time She to know what 's Ca●onicall does Climbe Others to such Infallibility May have at lest as good a Right as Shee Either that Title she should not Admitt Or Shee should give vs better Proofs of it Th' Inspiration which our Sai●ts Epistle beares Highly Instructive to Mankind appears Serva●t to Christ and Brother to Blest I●●es T●e w●ighty Titles are which Hee Esteem's Tho ●ee might ●ustly by Gods Sacred word Have st●l'd himself THE BROTHER OF THE LORD Yet that vast Title Our great Saint Declines By which His Humbleness the Brighter Shines Many Great Nations of his Teaching boast But Per●ia seems indebted to it most Their Magi who in High ●steem were held Finding their Wisdome unto Go●s did yeild Which should have Led them into S●vei●g wayes Did only their Revenge and Envy Rais● Which did not Let them Rest vntill that They His Life did take who taught to Life the Way His Converts when the News They vnderstood Their S●r●ames of Tears mixt with his Streams of Blood But tha● B●est M●rtyrdome Hee did abide 〈◊〉 them in the Faith for which He Dy'd On the Martyrdome of his Sacred Maies●y KING CHARLES THE FIRST OF BLESSED MEMORY THat Sacred Head three Kingdoms did Adore For what it was more then for what it wo●e That Hea● by ●orth m●re then by Bi●th the B●st Which Day●y prov'd O●a●les were not Cea● Is not Condemn'd as t is b●leiv'd by Some 〈◊〉 is with Glory Crown'd by Martyrdome And tho his Rebels Power thus to Dispence His Fate make Some to question Providence My Faith by it is Rais'd and not Deprest Since the worst they could doe did prove the Best For that Black Vo●e which then P●onounc'd his Doome Serv'd to Con●eig● him to a N●bler Crown Of whose D●ration none can doubtfull be Since t will ou●-live his Murth're●● Infamy Glory like time Prog●ession does req●ire VVhen i● Advances not it does Expire And his had Reach'd to such an Height befo●e Nothing but such a Death co●●d Raise it more And though Some dare alledge 't was but a Few 〈◊〉 or his 〈◊〉 or 〈…〉 Yet that it self does all excuse defeat To Let so few Commit a Sin so Great All are too Guilty they are who did Si● To shed his Blood and Those Permitted it VVith a Sublimer joy he mounted on The Scaffold then he did Ascend the Throne For Heav'n had