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A49187 A practical discourse concerning repentance and the nature of the Christian religion. By A. Lortie, rector of Barton, near Nottingham. Imprimatur, Oct. ult. 1692. Guil. Lancaster, R.P.D. Hen. Episc. Lond. à Sacris. Lortie, André, d. 1706. 1693 (1693) Wing L3078; ESTC R218635 34,929 144

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deliver'd him up unto Death upon the account of sin he will surely shew no mercy to us if we are not wrought upon to forsake all our evil ways and turn unto the Lord our God and suffer him to Reign over us For that was the very thing Christ came into the World for viz. to restore rebellious Men to the Favour and Love of God in bringing them again to their Duty and Allegiance He tells us himself Mat. 9.13 He came to call sinners to repentance And the Apostle St. Paul teacheth us that this was the end of his Death Tit. 2.14 Who gave himself for our sins that he might redeem us from all iniquity And indeed he fully demonstrated by his Death and Sufferings the absolute necessity of returning to our Duty assuring us thereby That the wages of sin is death that God will by no means spare those that persist in their Rebellion and reject the Offers of Grace made to them in the Gospel and that there is no way to escape if we neglect so great a salvation As he forewarns us in the Parable the Lord will surely order at the Great Day of Accounts All his Enemies which would not that he should reign over them to be brought and slain before him Luke 19.27 But this is not all that was done by our blessed Saviour to establish the Kingdom of Heaven among Men. He not only did reveal the pure Laws of Heaven and manifested to the World the Wrath and Judgment of God against them that will not be ruled by 'em he hath also brought life and immortality to light thrô the Gospel He hath not only revealed but also given full assurance by his own Death and Resurrection that God will reward with everlasting Life and Felicity and an immortal Crown of Glory in Heaven those that will submit to his Government live according to the Gospel of his Son and be his faithful Subjects in this World Thus did the Mediator of the Second Covenant put the Laws of God in our inward parts and write them in our hearts I have thus long insisted upon this Point on purpose to make Christianity or the Messiah's Dispensation the better known For these are wholly and absolutely ignorant of the Nature of this his Heavenly Kingdom who conceit that Christ hath reconciled God to sin or to sinners that continue in their sins as I hope doth appear from what hath been said particularly concerning the Nature of the Christian Faith and as must needs indeed be evident to any one who will but consider seriously the Precepts the Promises and the Threatnings of the Gospel We are told Acts 3.26 That the end for which God sent his Son was to bless us in turning away every one of us from our iniquities It must needs therefore be a great Blessing to be freed from our sins and brought again under the Dominion of the Kingdom of Heaven What pretence then or what excuse can we now frame if we still despise and reject God's Laws and will not submit to his Divine Government How can we refuse to yield our selves unto God and become God's obedient People seeing he requires nothing of us but what is agreeable to the best Reason in the World and the Light of our own Consciences and what tends to our truest Happiness even in this Life such as must necessarily arise from Contentment Peace of Conscience and Serenity of Mind and all the Christian Vertues and will secure our everlasting Happiness in the World to come For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink it doth not consist in indifferent things but righteousness and peace and joy in the holy Ghost as we saw before Rom. 14.17 When we are admitted to the freedom of the Kingdom of Heaven we take a solemn Oath of Allegiance which comprehends these three things I. That we renounce the Devil and all his Works the Pomps and Vanity of this wicked World and all the sinful Lusts of the Flesh II. That we receive and embrace all the Articles of the Christian Faith And III. That we will keep God's Holy Will and Commandments and walk in the same all the Days of our Life And as long as we are true to this Oath we remain good and faithful Subjects we are God's People and he is our God This is the Kingdom of Heaven that is the Christian Religion Now 3ly it is not hard to discern what reason there was to repent the Kingdom of Heaven being at hand and what reason then there is for Repentance now the Kingdom of Heaven is come The Kingdom of God being such as we have now seen it is evident that Repentance is a necessary step or preparative to it How will Men submit and conform themselves to the Divine Laws if they do not forsake their Sins and learn to practice the contrary Vertues They cannot serve God and Mammon Luk. 16.13 For what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness what communion hath light with darkness and what concord hath Christ with Belial as says the Apostle 2 Cor. 6.14 15. 'T is certain Men will never be thorowly converted if they do not first repent and begin by Reformation The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom Prov. 9.10 So Repentance is the beginning of Christianity Those that forsake their Sins and repent heartily of them are fit Men to make Christians of but no wonder that the Rulers the Pharisees and Sadducees and the rest of the Hypocrites and Reprobates of that Age believed not in Jesus Christ The secret of the Lord is only with them that fear him the secret of the Lord is with the righteous and to such he will shew his covenant as we read Psal 25.14 Prov 3.32 In a word the good Seed taketh no effect but when it falls in a good and well prepared Ground that is in an honest and good Heart as is apparent from the Parable Luk. 8.15 Is it now necessary to bring any further Proofs to shew how much reason then there is for us Christians to repent Hear what Christ himself the Author of our Faith has expresly declared Luk. 13.3 Except ye repent ye shall all perish And if we are called with an holy and heavenly calling As it is 2 Tim. 1.9 Heb. 3.1 1 Thess 4.7 and in other places of Scripture it must needs be surely to this end that we should stablish our hearts unblameable in holiness 1 Thess 3.13 And perfect holiness in the fear of God having cleansed our selves from all filthiness of flesh and spirit 2 Cor. 7.1 He that never began to study nor ever was acquainted with Books may with as much reason conceit himself a great Scholar as he that hath not sorsaken his Sins and repented think he may be a Christian Let us therefore repent that we may follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord Heb. 12.14 We cannot barely say as the Baptist Repent ye for the kingdom
the Offers of of Grace when the Kingdom of Heaven is preach'd unto them as our Saviour assures us Luke 10.12 Be ye therefore followers of God as dear children and walk in love as Christ also loved us and has given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savour But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness let it not be once named amongst you as becometh saints neither filthiness nor foolish talking nor jesting which are not convenient but rather giving of thanks For this you know or may be sure of that no whoremonger uor unclean person nor covetous man which is an idolater hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God Let no man deceive you with vain words for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience Ephes 5.1 c. Let us not therefore flatter our selves with a conceit of God's singular Favour whilst we are the very Children of Disobedience we must either renounce our Christianity and our Hopes of Heaven or renounce our Sins It is the most ridiculous thing in the Word to pretend to either of the former whilst we continue in the Practice of any evil thing The Lord alloweth the righteous but the ungodly and him that delighteth in wickedness doth his soul abhor Psal 11.6 Since therefore ther 's no other way to obtain God's Favour but in being righteous and forsaking all manner of Wickedness since the very Principles of our Religion oblige us to cease from all that is evil and learn all that is good let us be sure to avoid Sin as Men would the Plague and let us daily grow in grace according to St. Peter's Exhortation 2 Pet. 3.18 Let us be sure whatever Interests we have to serve whatever Dealings we may be ingaged in to be always strictly just and upright Let us never use any ill Tricks to serve our own ends but in all our Transactions with one another let us deal with that Simplicity and Integrity and good Conscience that becomes those who would be accounted the Disciples of the holy Jesus Sin is the Transgression of a known Law Now what a horrid thing is it what Impudence for mortal Men to do that they know is forbidden by the Almighty Governour of the World the righteous and impartial Judge of the Quick and the Dead But I cannot forbear saying it once more What piece of Madness is it for Men to do this and yet pretend to be God's Servants and the Disciples of the Son of his Love whom he has sent into the World a purpose to reform the World and shew the stray'd Race of Mankind the way to true Happiness and Bliss in teaching them to turn from their iniquities as it is Acts 3.26 We do infinitely mistake the Design of his Coming and the Nature of his Religion if we do not believe that it is to make Men much better and holier than they were before and indeed to make them as good and as holy as it is possible for Men to be Let us then study earnestly his whole Will and practice it accordingly least those who have never heard of him should be accounted better than we If we will be truly Christians let it be the earnest Endeavour of our Lives to render our selves as excellent and as exemplary for all sort of amiable Qualities as it is possible for Men to be in this World Whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are of good report If there be any virtue and if there be any praise think on these things Phil. 4.8 See what your Obligations are We that have such a glorious light vouchsafed unto us and such unvaluable Promises and such mighty Assistances made over to us by the Gospel of Christ must in reason imagine that in return of these great Advantages great things are expected from us It will not satisfie our Engagements that we do believe and profess the Gospel that we do no Wrong to our Neighbours that we are neither given to Lewdness nor Drunkenness though yet even these as the World goes are very great things and could all Men that profess Christianity truly say this of themselves we should soon see Heaven upon Earth but our Christianity obliges us to aspire after greater things we must get our selves possessed of the whole Circle of Vertues we must be kind and charitable as well as just and honest we must he modest and meek and humble as well as temperate and chast Then may I add to these excellent Words of an Excellent and most Reverend Prelate of our Church Then will Christ indeed own us for his Disciples for then we shall be true Subjects to God's Kingdom upon Earth and if we continue to be so unto the end we shall not fail at last to be admited into his most glorious Kingdom in Heaven where we shall enjoy the infinite Pleasure of Holiness to everlasting Ages A Morning and Evening PRAYER ALmighty God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ the Creator of Men and Angels and the supream Governour of the World in whom and by whom we move we live and have our Beings who shewest thy self to be perfectly Good and Bountiful infinitely wise and glorious and perfectly just and holy We thy poor Creatures prostrate our selves in the deepest Humility of our Souls before thy Divine Majesty to render unto thee the due Tribute of our Homage and Worship and offer the Morning * Evening if it be at Night Evening Sacrifice of our Prayers and Thanksgivings to beg Pardon for all our Sins and Failings and implore thy all-sufficient Grace that we may from henceforth serve thee better than we have done and may daily grow in Grace and in all Christian Vertues and finally to sue for thy Protection and thy most gracious Favour both for our selves and all Men. We confess O Lord we are not worthy to appear before thee to beg any thing at thy Hands For thou O God lovest Righteousness and hatest Iniquity Thou requirest Holiness and art perfect in all thy ways But we are miserable and wretched Creatures who have not minded our Duty as we ought to have done nor regarded thy Word thy Promises nor thy Threatings but have often been so unreasonable as to slight thy Commandments and prefer our Will to thine as if we had not believed that thou knowest what is best for us to do better than we our selves or as if we had not believed that thou searchest our ways and knowest all our Thoughts and wilt judge the World in Righteousness and reward every Man according to his Works at the great and last Day in the which we must all appear before the Judgment-seat of Christ there to receive the things done in our Bodies according as we shall have done whether it be good or bad To us O Lord belongs Shame and
inherit the kingdom of God And so for all other Crimes and Vices as Lying and Swearing c. If you have contracted the Habit and Custom of Swearing and taking God's Name in vain then and then only you shall have repented when you shall have overcome that evil Habit and accustomed your self never to pronounce that sacred Name but with Adoration and Religion for God's Glory and Service If you have been careless and have neglected Religion then you shall have reason to think you have repented when you are become diligent when you pray frequently and fervently when you humble your self often in mourning for your sins and in fastings to subdue your sensual inclinations to keep your body under and bring it into subjection and when you are grown zealous of Good Works and constant in all Religious Duties For Repentance is a true and real change of Mind and a conversion from sin to God I say Repentance is a true change of Mind not some one bare Act of change but a lasting durable state of new Life Otherwise 't is not sincere it is but a mock Repentance Some Men think when at the Year's end or Quarter's end they go to the Lord's Table cry out against their Sins form a thousand Resolutions and force themselves into a Religious Posture of Mind after a long Habit of Sin and Carelesness These Men I say fancy that they have well repented that they are right Penitents and that after this they may safely begin upon a new Score with an intent to repent again as they call it at the time appointed So that after a day or two the pious fit is over or to speak more properly the hypocrisie ceaseth and they are themselves again They return to their old sins as the dog to his vomit again and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire 2 Pet. 2.22 But do you find a change in you Are you not the same you were five ten or twenty Years ago when you were led by Vanity and you committed those things whereof vertuous Men and true Penitents are ashamed Are you now of another Mind Do you find you self another Man a new Creature Have you now better Dispositions Have you not only ceased to do evil but also learn'd to do good For then and not else are you Penitents Having thus stated the true Notion of Repentance let us next consider II. What we are to understand by the Kingdom of Heaven and what the Nature of it is It was the Precursor of the Messiah exhorted Men to Repentance upon the account of the approach of the Kingdom of Heaven We may be sure therefore that by the Kingdom of Heaven then at hand is meant the Messiah's dispensation or oeeconomy It was an ordinary expression for it among the Jews They then looked for and were in expectation of the Kingdom of Heaven or the Heavenly Kingdom meaning the Coming of the Messiah in great Power and Glory They were us'd to call it so because they thought the Redeemer of Israel the promis'd Saviour was to be sent to them from Heaven and for the most part they little understood the Nature of his Kingdom or the true End and Design of his Coming But certain it is that 't is a most heavenly Kingdom as is manifest to any one that is acquainted with it not only because that Kingdom is not of this World but is seated in the Hearts and Spirits of Men but because it is a real Theocracy God himself is the King the Legislator and Governour and the Members the Citizens or Subjects of it are all heavenly Persons or Men that lead heavenly Lives ag●eeable to the most holy most wise righteous and everlasting Laws of God That is Christianity 'T is therefore an heavenly Constitution or Heaven upon Earth God reigns in our Hearts and over all our Passions and his Will is the Rule of all our Actions And what is it the Lord requires of us but to do justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God As it is Micah 6.8 Or according to the Gospel-revelation To deny all ungodliness and worldly lusts and live soberly righteously and godly in this present world Tit. 2.12 It is nothing but the state of Repentance continued and perfected that is a state of Holiness But some perhaps will say this is Morality And doth the Kingdom of Heaven consist in this Why are not these express Texts of Scripture And doth not the very Preparative to Christianity teach us wherein the Nature and Essence of it doth consist If Men must repent that is Cease to do evil and learn to do well before they can be fit to become Christians Doth not that teach us that the Christian Religion doth consist in an entire conformity to the Divine Laws And doth not the Apostle declare as much in the definition or description he gives us of it The kingdom of God says he is not meat and drink doth not consist of things in themselves indifferent but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost For doth he add he that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God and approved of men Rom. 14.17 18. And Gal. 6.15 In Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing nor uncircumcision but a new creature Nevertheless Men generally have strange odd Notions of the Christian Faith and of Morality We are apt to fancy that the improvement of our Knowledge and Speculations is the end of our Faith the ultimate end of the Gospel-revelation But St. James tells us the Devils then may be as good Christians as we for they also believe and tremble Jam. 2.19 And at the 26th Verse As the body without the spirit is dead so faith without works is dead also Good Works then are the very Life and Spirit of Christianity So that we are infinitely mistaken if we think that any one Article of the Christian Faith ends meerly in Speculation and has not a necessary influence upon Practice That Belief is good for nothing and that Revelation is not worthy of the God of Heaven which doth not tend to the reformation and perfection of Mens Lives and Manners That 's the only wise and reasonable End of all Religion That 's the only reasonable Service and therein the true Glory of God doth consist Pure Religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this To visit the fatherless and widows in their afflictions and to keep himself unspotted from the world Jam. 1.27 We are indeed to be very zealous of Faith so it be such a Faith as worketh by Love Gal. 5.6 For without that it is impossible to please God for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him Hebr. 11.6 But to him that hath such a Faith nothing is impossible as we find in that Chapter By Faith Abraham when he was tried offered up Isaac and he that had received the
Confusion Everlasting Misery must inevitably be our Portion if thou hast not Compassion upon us For by our Unbelief and Disobedience we have deserved the Flames of Hell and our Folly and Inconsideration hath plunged us into Destruction O good Lord punish us not in thine Anger Suffer us not to perish for ever and fall into the bitter pains of Eternal Death But give us Grace now to repent actually and sincerely of all our Sins And then for the sake of our blessed Saviour be pleased to accept of our hearty and sincere Repentance Be merciful unto us O Lord be merciful unto us who are grieved for our Transgressions and are ashamed that we have offended thee Help us to contract such holy Dispositions that we may obtain the Salvation of our Souls Give us thy Holy Spirit we humbly beseech thee that we may perfectly hate and forsake all Sin and love and follow after Righteousness and true Holiness and that instead of our former Carelesness and Neglect of Religion we may now become earnest and diligent in learning and practising thy whole Will being always filled with that Zeal and Devotion which ought to accompany our Prayers that we may obtain thy Grace and Benediction Give us a true Contrition O Lord for all our Sins a deep Veneration for thy great Name a profound Humility a meek and charitable and contented Spirit and entire Trust and Dependance upon thy all-wise Providence and a Christian Hope that may purifie us as thou art pure Give us Grace to be always prepared against all that shall happen unto us in this World resigning our selves entirely into thy Hands Give us the Wisdom that is from above which is pure peaceable gentle and easie to be intreated full of Mercy and of good Fruits O give us that Peace which the World cannot give and which surpasseth all Understanding and fill our Hearts with that blessed Joy which is a continual Feast and a perpetual Comfort and is no where to be found but in a holy Mind and a good Conscience And particularly we pray thee give us a due sence of all thy Benefits that we may never be so ungrateful as to forget how many good things we have received from thee Blessed be thou O good God for all thy Temporal and Spiritual Blessings Blessed be thou that thou hast been so good and kind to us notwithstanding all our Provocations that we are still alive and that thou hast preserved us to this Hour and hast waited for our Repentance with so much Patience and Long-forbearance And for ever blessed be thy good Name for the inestimable Hope thou hast set before us by the Mediation of thy Son our Saviour whom thou hast sent to make Propitiation for all true Penitents and to bless us and lead us into the way of Happiness in turning every one of us from his Sins who therefore has brought Life and Immortality to light through the Gospel and hath so powerfully called us to Glory and Vertue by exceeding great and precious Promises that by these we might be Partakers of the Divine Nature having eseaped the Corruption that is in the World through Lust O Infinite Goodness to snatch us from Death and lead us in the way of Eternal Life How shall we escape if we neglect that great Salvation Good God since the Blessed Jesus shed his precious Blood to redeem us from all Iniquity that he might deliver us from this present evil World to make us New Creatures holy and pure to live with thee eternally in Heaven O may we become a peculiar People unto thee zealous of all good Works that through our Vileness we make not the Blood of thy Son ineffectual to the saving of our Souls and so loose the Benefits of his Redemption May we ever submit our selves unto thee and live soberly justly and godly in this present World and work out our Salvation with Fear and Trembling till we arrive at last to a happy Death and remit our Spirits into thy Hands Suffer us not O Lord to lust after evil things to fix our Hearts and place our Affections upon the things of this World nor to be restless and impatient for any Enjoyment of it Make us more and more sensible of the Uncertainty and Vanity of all worldly things and of our own Unworthiness of the least Good we enjoy that we may be content to want the Pleasures and Comforts of this World and if it be thy Will endure patiently its Crosses and Troubles so at last we do but obtain Heaven and for ever escape those dreadful and everlasting Torments of Hell which we have righteously and often deserved Have Pity O Lord upon the whole Race of Mankind More particularly take thy Church we humbly beseech thee into thy special Care and Protection There is none that fighteth for us but thou O God O let not thy Truth fail in the World grant that all Men may come to the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ that we may all serve thee unanimously under his Banner and having conquered the World the Flesh and the Devil whilst we follow the Captain of our Salvation we may enjoy the blessed Effects of that glorious Victory in mutual Love and universal Charity and so attain to the Felicity of the Kingdom of Heaven Bless and protect our Sovereign whom thou hast set over us Defend him in all Dangers and give him good Successagainst his Enemies and the Enemies of our holy Religion Bless and preserve our gracious Queen and the Royal Family Grant to all that are put in Authority under them that they may truly and indifferently minister Justice to the Punishment of Wickedness and Vice and to the Maintenance of thy true Religion and Vertue Bless all those that minister unto us the Word of Life that they may save themselves and those that hear them Be good and gracious we beseech thee to all our Relations our Friends and Benefactors Pour thy Blessings upon this whole Family and all those among whom we live Put thy Fear and thy Love in our Hearts that we may live comfortably like Brethren and Christians one with another Have mercy O good Lord upon all that are in Trouble Sorrow Need Sickness or any other Adversity and those especially to whom our Prayers are due succour and relieve them comfort them with the Hopes of a better and eternal Life and fit them for that blessed Life Pardon our Enemies give us Grace to love them and do good unto them and them Grace to repent that we may all live better than we have done for the time past that we may all be Partakers of thy Salvation O give us Grace daily to amend what is amiss in us that we may go on unto Perfection and may be so happy as to enjoy the Pleasures of divine Love and Holiness to Eternity Take us all this Day Night O Lord into thy good and mighty Protection * That is to be said in the Morning
but omitted at Night Give us Grace to do and undertake nothing but what we are sure is agreeable to thy Will and to thy Glory and the Salvation of our Souls and then let thy Blessing be upon all our Endeavours O may we so live that we may be always prepared for Death * This to be said at Night Grant us a comfortable Rest and Sleep that we may be the better fit for our Duty the next Day And give us Grace O Lord when we lie down in our Beds always to remember that the time will shortly come when we shall lie down in our Graves that by serious thoughts and a holy Life we may timely prepare for our Death So that whenever it comes we may not feel the Horrours and Torments of a guilty Mind but may be fit and content to leave this World and looking upon Death only as a Passage to a far better we may receive it with that Resolution and Constancy as becomes them that hope for Eternal Life Grant this O most merciful Father for the Blessed Jesus his sake who has taught us when we pray thus to say Our Father c. The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Ghost be with us all evermore Amen THE RECAPITULATION WITH A Prayer and an Exhortation TO ALL Who desire to lead Christian Lives to be constant in PRAYER REpentance is a change of Mind that shews it self to be read by all our Actions which then are contrary to our former Practices Nothing absolutely can be Repentance in religious Matters but an actual forsaking of Sin ceasing to do evil and learning to do well Isa 1.16.17 and contracting all the Habits of Vertue Christianity is a state of Purity and Holiness It is Repentance perfected and an entire Conformity to the Will of God The three general Heads of the Christian Religion are Piety towards God Justice towards all Men And Sobriety in respect of our selves That is the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Heaven and that Heavenly Constitution and Government which is agreeable to the Nature of God and is as much unalterable as his Nature It is therefore impossible for a Man to be a Christian that is a faithful Subject of the kingdom of Heaven if he has not repented of all his Sins since to be a Christian is to live soberly righteously and godly Tit. 2.11 12 13 14. from a Principle of Faith in Jesus Christ in Obedience to his Commands and in Expectation of his Promises No Doctrine can be more antichristian more contrary to nor more destructive of the Design of the Gospel than such as encourage Vice or allow Men in a loofe way of living They are infinitely mistaken who fancy the Essence of Religion to consist in Speculation and not in Practice Saving Faith is an operative Faith a faith that worketh by charity Gal. 5.6 The end of Revelation is our Sanctification 1 Thess 4.1 2 3 c. The turning us away from our iniquities Acts 3.26 which otherwise would prove our ruine Ezek. 18.30 It is therefore a gross Error to think there 's any thing revealed that has no Influence upon Practice and is not designed and conducive to the Conversion of the World and the Amendment of our Manners Those then that undervalue and vilifie Morality vilifie and undervalue the Christian Faith and Religion We see plainly in Scripture that the end of Faith is Holiness it is required to no other end than that believing we might have life John 20.31 Which is not to be attained unto without holiness for without it no man shall see the Lord Heb. 11.14 and none but the just shall live by faith Hebr. 10.38 For that which is altogether just we must follow and we must seek good and do God's commandments that we may live Dent. 16.20 Amos 5.14 Matth. 19.17 Luk. 10.28 and true Morality is true Religion For true Morality is an enaxt Conformity of our Lives and Actions of our Thoughts Words and Deeds to the eternal Laws of right Reason naturally that is by God himself imprinted upon our Consciences and as it were reprinted and that more deeply by the Gospel of his Son Our grand Business therefore is to study from our Duty from a Principle of Faith to have it persect and to practise it accordingly As we have any serious Concern for our Souls we must neglect nothing that is necessary and conducive to that end to the purifying that is of our Spirits and making us holy We must prosecute the means of Grace with all the Earnestness and Diligence imaginable For it is but a folly to pretend to the Name of Christians if we do not live according to the Rules of Christianity and do not govern our selves according to the Laws of the kingdom of Heaven Repentance is but the Preparative to Christianity He that intends to live the Devil 's Subject as long as he can enjoy his Life and Health though he is loath to have his Portion with the Devil in the other World and designs to repent upon his Death bed is resolved not to be a Christian whilst he lives The Design of the Christian Religion is to make Men as Good and Holy as it is possible for Men to be And our blessed Saviour has taught us expresly that it is not the crying Lord Lord will serve to enter into the kingdom of Heaven but the doing of the will of God Matth. 7.21 As we desire then to be admitted one Day into Heaven Let us from this Moment conform to its Divine Laws and let us detest and abhor all those Antichristian Traditions which make the commandments of God of none effect Matth. 15.6 God hath not called us unto uncleanness but unto holiness 1 Thess 4.7 In particular let all that shall be willing to strive to enter into the Gates of Righteousness and shall be perswaded of the Obligation and Necessity of a good Life be constant in Prayer Prayer is not only a Duty of Religion which we cannot omit without a defiance of Christ's Precepts and Authority and a profest Contempt of that great salvation which was spoken by the Lord Hebr. 2.3 But it is also the best means in the World to become truly religious A Man is never entirely reformed till a new Principle governs his Thoughts and nothing makes that Principle so strong as frequent Addresses to God and serious and deep Meditations of his Nature and Will of all the Benefits we have received and do still receive daily from him the Engagements and Obligations we are in to serve and obey him the great Neglect we 've bin guilty of in a Business so vastly concerning and how much reason there is to set more earnestly about it than ever The Effects of such Addresses to God and of such Meditations besides the Grace of God we draw upon us thereby which is promised to our Prayers are very sensible they make very evidently