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A44326 A discourse concerning the witnesses, relating to the time, place, and manner of their being slain by William Hooke, late preacher of the Gospel. Hooke, William, 1600 or 1601-1678. 1681 (1681) Wing H2622; ESTC R32034 49,990 52

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light and help from the Spirit and see what it doth amount unto However wait for a while lo●ger and time will prove a sure Interpreter REV. XI 12. And they heard a great Voice from Heaven saying unto them Come up hither And they ascended up to Heaven in a Cloud and their Enemies beheld them IN the former Verse we find the Witnesses upon their feet in this we find them upon the wing In the words you may observe 1. A Call given them and it is by a Voice 2. It is a great Call for it is a great Voice 3. From whence it cometh from Heaven 4. The Witnesses hearing it They heard a great voice 5. What it saith viz. Come up hither I shall only paraphrase upon the verse and conclude with application And they heard a great Voice from Heaven Heaven is put for the Church here upon Earth For as the Church is distinguished from her seed Chap. 12.17 So here from her Witnesses The meaning therefore is There comes a voice out of the Church to the Churches and Ministers to rise up yet higher and nearer Heaven For the Spirit speaketh in the Churches to the Churches as you may see in the second and third Chapters of this Book of the Revelations This I take to be the meaning of the words 1. It seems to be set here in opposition to the Beast who is said to ascend out of the bottomless pit ver 7. The Beast lives in Hell upon Earth the Saints in Heaven 2. It stands also in opposition to the former condition that the Witnesses were in who but now lay dead as it were upon the earth and now behold they are called up to Heaven 3. This Heaven is the same that is mentioned ver 19. but that is the Church of God and therefore so is this Now the voice that calls to them from this Heaven is a great Voice declaring a loud call Here then is a Commission and Warrant given them to prophesie again and to follow their former employment and not in the least to be discouraged for their Call is very clear distinct and audible it being a great voice And some do conceive that this Call comes from men in publick place and I should be glad it might prove so but I much doubt of it upon these grounds 1. Because it is said That when they ascended up to Heaven in a cloud their Enemies beheld them Now these enemies are those who lately slew them and therefore were men of Place and Power And still they are the men they were as very Enemies at the Resurrection and Ascension of the Witnesses as when they slew them Therefore surely these could not call them They who beheld them as Enemies when they ascended up to Heaven would never call them up to Heaven 2. It is said in the following words That in the same hour there was a great Earthquake and the tenth part of the City fell and in the Earthquake were slain of men seven thousand These are the enemies spoken of in my Text as I shall further shew you when I come to ver 13. So that this call here comes not from men in publick place they are enemies you see after the Resurrection and at the Ascension of the Witnesses And the Voice here comes from Heaven which is no place for the enemies of the Witnesses This Voice then comes from the Spirit of God in the Churches working an inward powerful instinct and impression in these Witnesses c. They heard a great Voice It is not said that others heard it It is somewhat like the voice which Pau● heard from Heaven Act. 22.5 when he was near unto Damas●● They that were with him saw the light that shined about him but they heard not the voice of ●im that spake to him That is They did not hear it disti●●tly for the men that journeyed with him st●od speechless hearing a Voice Act. 9.7 but seeing no man It was a Voice and a great clear distinct voice but in Paul's ears only not in theirs So here c. But what is the subject matter of this call Come up hither Not l●●g ago there was a great voice or vote from He●● against these Witnesses and now there is a voice from Heaven to them and fo●●●em The first was from the Beast ascending out of the Bottomless p●● this is from the Spirit speaking from Heaven to them The first cryed D●●● with them This from Heaven cries Up with them Come up hither The first laid them as it were upon the Earth in the streets This calls them up to Heaven Quest But what shall they do there Answ Wherefore as if the voice should say Here is more work for you the Church is rising higher than it was It is nearer Heaven more pure and refined more set upon Separation more elevated above the world and preparing for more glorious times approaching under the seventh Trumpet and therefore Come up hither which intimateth that formerly they preached lived and conversed at a lower rate than now they must and are here called to do For the Churches are risen and all things in the Churches are higher and got up nearer unto Heaven and the Saints must now live far above their former selves Wherefore abide no longer where you are but Come up hither And in this Call there is a motion implyed Come which hath a term from which 1. The Earth or a lower condition of living before when the Witnesses savoured too much of the Earth and when their Spirits lay prostrate during the time of their slaughter For as the death of the Witnesses was in a special manner Spiritual their spirits being low and dead so now their Spirits are raised up higher 2. They move and rise up from Antichrist and his Pollutions and all his earthly and hellish waies of Worship Mixtures and base conversations 3. From that Bondage and servitude which the Witnesses were lately in unto the Wills of men before their Resurrection so that sometime after their Resurrection there will be a very great change in the Churches of Christ as to purity of Doctrine and Worship and Holiness of walking and Gospel-liberty far beyond what was before Thus you see their Call cleared 2. I come now to their Obedience to this Call or great Voice from Heaven And they ascended up to Heaven in a cloud and their Enemies beheld them In which words there are three things considerable 1. Their Ascent to Heaven 2. In what manner in a Cloud 3. Who saw them thus ascending their Enemies beheld them 1. They ascended up to Heaven The great Voice is accompanied with great Power that the thing commanded is soon accomplished They willingly and readily attend the Call declaring that their hearts were wholly in it Come up hither Lo we come and must we yet be more separate from sin and sinners as to communion with them and from Antichristian pollutions and from the world We desire nothing more And
of David saith he They that render evil for good are mine Adversaries because I follow the thing that good is Oh what a dreadful account will these Enemies have when neither the wonderful Providences of God nor notable Disappointments nor Reformation nor Holiness in Churches and Saints can by any means turn them from their Enmity and opposition even against God himself And thus much for the explication of this 12th verse Let me add a few Uses and conclude USES 1. We are shewed that when the Witnesses are risen God calls them after a while to an higher pitch of Reformation I say After a while For their Resurrection as you have heard is gradual and when they are arrived so far that they stand upon their feet and have attained to some strength and stability then God calls them by a great Voice from Heaven to Come up higher and to approach nearer unto Heaven God doth not raise up his Witnesses that now they should sit down and content themselves to live as they did before the Resurrection is the first degree of Glory and God doth now expect that they should live above the world What the Apostle saith Col. 3.1 may well be applyed to the purpose in hand If ye be risen with Christ seek those things which are above Churches must now reform and be rising up nearer and nearer towards Heaven and so it must be also with Families and Persons Especially Ministers Churches and Church-members must be advancing forward and pressing after an higher point of holiness and conformity to the Gospel for the Witness and testimony lyeth especially among these And God calls from Heaven to them with a loud voice to ascend Surely if the Churches and Saints were at their set pirch God would not say to them as here he doth Come up hither It is not therefore ●●ough that they are ri●on from the dead and have the spirit of life in them but they must also ●and upon their feet stand fast grow strong and 〈◊〉 last ascend 〈◊〉 ward They must now grow and encrea●● * 1 King 22.35 as the ●ame word in the Original is rendred both to ascend and increase they must be going and growing † 2 ●●am ● 1● as it is said of David when he came to the Kingdom And doth God call from Heaven take heed then that 〈◊〉 refu●e not him that speaketh for how shall they escape who tu●h awa from him that speaketh from Heaven As for publick and general Reformation God calls aloud this day for it but it is our duty to leave that unto our Superiours As for our selves we shall be left wholly without excuse if we take up our stand and ●ndeavour not to ascend yet higher As touching others 〈…〉 not this Voice nor will they hear it when it shall hereafter come to 〈…〉 great Voice for they are like the People who stood close by Christ when there came a voice from Heaven Joh. 12.28 saying unto him I have both glo●●●ed my Name and will glorify it again which when the standers by heard they said that it Thundered It seemeth therefore that it was a very great voice and yet the matter spoken was hidden from them Others said An Angel spake unto him how beit Christ tells them That voice came for their sakes but you see they understood it not But let us hear what the Lord speaketh for we have this day a voice from Heaven though the great Voice is not as yet come Let us hear what is come and though it be but a still small voice yet God is in it and therefore let us wrap our faces in our mantles fear God and obey his voice For surely God calls now for a more full Reformation in the Churches and more exact walking according to Gospel-pattern and why should we stay till the great voice cometh When that cometh the Witnesses will hear as the Text declareth as much as to say Till then they will not hear at least be so attentive For thus God calls and calls and few will hear that at last he is fain to call with a loud voice In the mean while it is the sin of such who are thus dull of hearing Do not therefore say as sometimes the Jews did concerning the building of the Temple The time is not yet come so the great voice hath not as yet spoken but if there be any thing of a Resurrection-spirit in us let us live at an higher rate and far above our slain selves Surely when the Witnesses are risen from the dead whether it be done or as yet to come they will preach and speak and pray and partake of Ordinances and buy and sell and converse at a Resurrection-rate especially when once they begin to stand upon their feet and to be warmed with the Spirit of life from God in them And God will go on with a further Reformation before the 7th Trumpet soundeth yea you see that he calls for ascending higher immediately before the coming of the Earthquake saying as sometimes ●●shua to the Israelites Josh 3.5 Sanctify your selves for to morrow God will do wonders among you Make hast get ye up with all speed and stand clear of the Earthquake 2. We are further informed That when the Witnesses are risen they shall not dye again they are now beyond any more slaughters And as it is said of Christ in another kind so it may be said of his Witnesses Christ being raised from the dead Rom. 6.5 dyeth no more And as there was Counsel in the former point of Information so there is Comfort in this The Testiomony of Jesus after its Resurrection shall live for ever that as Christ saith of his own death and Resurrection his Testimony may speak likewise I am be that live●h and was dead Rev. 1.18 and behold I am alive for evermore The joy and mirth of the Beast at the slaughter of the Witnesses could not keep them down from rising again nor shall their fears and griefs and wrath and indignation at their Resurrection prevail to slay them a second time This is great mercy and not a little comfort When the Isra●lites rose up out of their boudage in Egypt they rose as you have heard by degrees and were not compleatly risen till they came up out of the Red Sea and though all the power of Egypt pursued them to reduce them to their former servitude and to slay them once again they could not prevail God would not suffer Pharaoh and his host to come near them but he interposeth by the Pillar of cloud between them as if he should say You shall as soon slay me as them not an hair of their heads shall perish Yea but shall not the Witnesses meet with oppositions and exercises from the men of the world after their Resurrection Yes they may have many attempts made against them to destroy them for even to their very Ascension as you see here in the Text they have their
frequent and fearful changes unto the very Captivity of the ten Tribes Again When God brought his people of Israel out of Egypt this was a periodical time and there was now a very great change coming upon the World and the Church therein not the like thereunto excepting in the time of the Deluge from the foundation of the World Pharaoh and the Egyptians were now to be destroyed in the Red Sea and the Church to pass into Canaan and there to settle And God signified this great change by an Earthquake properly and literally so called O God saith the Psalmist when thou wentest forth before thy people when thou didst march thorow the wilderness the earth shook the Heavens also dropped at the presince of God even Sinai it self was moved at the presence of God the God of Israel Ps 68.7 8. See also Ps 77.15 16. to the end The Earthquake therefore in my text signifies some great and eminent change brought in with shaking and affrighting Judgments commonly for the destruction of Gods enemies and sometimes for the deliverance of his People Thus you see what kind of Earthquake is here meant and what it signifieth But let us look a little further into it and compare it with other Earthquakes in this book of the Revelations which we may call Apocalyptical Earthquakes of which we find five 1. The first at the opening of the sixth Seal Rev. 6.12 2. The second at the opening of the seventh Seal Rev. 8.5 3. The third in my Text near the conclusion of the sixth Trumpet 4. The fourth at the sounding of the seventh Trumpet Rev. 11. last 5. The fifth at the pouring out of the seventh Vial Rev. 16.18 Among these this in my Text is the middlemost the two first like the two last fall in quickly the one after the other the first under the sixth the second under the seventh Seal a little before the sounding of the first Trumpet after which we meet with no more Earthquakes till the close of the sixth Trumpet in my Text which long interval takes up above a thousand years during all which time the Earth seemeth to stand still not simply but in comparison with what is now like to be at the close of the sixth Trumpet and the beginning of the seventh The world is now drawing towards its end that its shaking fits do come so fast upon it and some more than ordinary Change is hasting upon the World for there have been great Changes in it during the long Interval aforesaid and yet none of them have been called Earthquakes as this here in my Text which though it falls only upon the tenth part of the City yet it is a fair warning to all the other parts and a sure Pledge of their approaching ruine The far greater part of this Interval between the second and third Earthquake hath been taken up with the Reign of the Beast and of the Turk who in all this time have met with no such considerable Change as now they are warned to look out for and which shall shortly befall them under the seventh Trumpet but as for the change signified by the Earthquake in my Text it appertains especially to the Beast who slew the Witnesses The same hour there was a great Earthquake Great Let us consider that a little and compare it with the other four Earthquakes For they are all great and as it seemeth greater than this here in hand The first mentioned Rev. 6.12 is expresly called a great Earthquake and surely greater than this in my Text For that was so great that it shook the whole Pagan Empire and overthrew it funditùs with an utter destruction as in the Verses there following It overthrew the Pagan Emperial world the Heavens thereof the Sun Moon and Stars thereof and every Mountain and Island belonging thereunto Rev. 6.12 to the end and all the persons therein from the King to the Bond-slave This then was a dreadful Earthquake which shook and overthrew the whole fabrick of the Heathenish Empire and introduced a blessed Change as to the Christian world * Rev. 8.2 at least for a season But now as for the Earthquake in my Text though it is great yet nothing near so great as shaking only and overthrowing a tenth part of the great City Only know thus much that it will destroy the Heavens the Sun and Moon and Stars of this tenth part and overturn the little world therein For all the Apocalyptick Earthquakes overthrow Worlds the first the Roman Pagan world the second the Roman Christian World the third fourth and fifth the Romish Antichristian World after which succeedeth the Millenary World which the Apostle calls The World to come H. br 2.5 2. As for the second Earthquake at the opening of the seventh Seal and immediately foregoing the sounding of the first Trumpet Rev. 8.5 this also was a great Earthquake though it is not expresly so called For 1. A great Change followeth it as appeareth in the eighth and ninth Chapters 2. Whereas there are several expressions of Terrour when it comes as Voices and Thunderings and Lightnings and an Earthquake there seemeth to be a gradation in the words and the sorest dispensation brings up the rear and that is an Earthquake So that this also looks greater than that in the Text in hand 3. Compare the Earthquake in my Text with the next to it under the seventh Trumpet and though this here is great yet that is greater so as it is not in my Text. 1. Because accompanyed with Lightnings and Voices and Thunderings and great Hail 2. Because it is the immediate fore-runner of those Vials which shall utterly destroy the Beast Whereas the Earthquake in my Text shakes only a tenth part of the City and makes way for the seventh Trumpet 4. Compare it next with the Earthquake at the pouring out of the seventh Vial Rev. 16.18 And though this in my Text is called great yet that is greater and indeed the greatest that ever was For mark what the Text saith of it There were Voices and Thunderings and Lightnings and there was a great Earthquake such as was not since men were upon the Earth so mighty an Earthquake and so great and the great City was divided into three parts This Commotion and concussion made the great City to fall asunder And great Babylon came into remembrance before God to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath and every Island sted away and the mountains were not found and there fell upon men a great hail out of Heaven every stone about the weight of Talent c. Well therefore may it be said There was not so great an Earthquake since men were upon the earth For now also the Romish Antichristian world is wholly destroyed and the Millenary introduced For in these three last Earthquakes it is observable that there is a gradation that in my Text is exceeded by that verse last and this exceeded
abundantly by that under the seventh Vial which is the sweeping and concluding Earthquake And in these two last it is observable again that they are accompanied with Hail the first of them with great hail but the last with so great that every Stone is about the weight of a Talent big enough to brain an Oxe or an Elephant for God now knocks down not only the great Beast but the Turk and Devil also And now not only the Earth shakes under the Beast but the Heavens also from above discharge as I may say their Cannon-shot such massy Hail-stones as God hath reserved against this day of battel and war and now is fulfilled what is written The windows from on high are open and the foundations of the earth do shake Isa 24.18 It will be now in the end of this Antichristian World a● in the end of the Old World when the deep from beneath and the Windows of Heaven from above met together and conspired to destroy that world of the ungodly Thus I have opened to you these five Revelation Earthquakes comparing that in my Text with the other four as the least of them all yet called a great Earthquake considered simply in it self as also effecting a great work in throwing down the tenth part of the great City Let us come now to the effect of this Earthquake in the following words And the tenth part of the City fell By City here we understand the great City spoken of ver 8. For this verse referrs to that though that is called the great City this only The City without the Epithete Great yet not without an Article or two 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which amounts to as much as Great for it is That tenth part of that City so that both the City it self and its tenth part have a singular remark here upon them But what is that City that great City It is not a material City properly so called compassed about with walls but the City here being the same with that ver 8. is the whole Jurisdiction and Government of Rome And whereas it is said The tenth part thereof fell viz. with the foresaid Earthquake this cannot be meant of the City of Rome it self which is reserved for the fifth Vial which I conceive will not be poured out till after the sounding of the seventh Trumpet And though a Learned Interpreter of the Revelations expoundeth this of the City of Rome which he saith is now but the tenth part of what Rome was in former times I suppose that will not easily be proved Nor is this tenth part as I humbly apprehend to be understood Geographically for a tenth proportion of the Romish Dominion but I rather conceive that it is to be understood Mystically for one of the ten Horns among which Great Brittanny is reckoned one and by some the first But why doth there fall no more of the City than the tenth part Quest 1. Not but that it were just with God to destroy the whole City Answ which hath fully deserved it long since but God begins only with a tenth part to give the remainder of the City fair warning lest all be ruined as it will after some time longer You know this City is spiritually called Sodem ver 8. Now God gave Sodom a timely Admonition by the Conquest which the four Kings had over it and the spoil which they got therein and the captivating its Inhabitants and when this prevailed not to amend them after a while it was utterly destroyed Even thus it is with this Spiritual Sodom in my Text. 2. I further answer 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God hath a revenging eye The eye of divine Vengeance is not so much at time this of the Earthquake upon the whole City or Power of Rome as upon that part thereof where the Witnesses were slain But the whole City is guilty of this Internetion and Witness-slaughter Ob. For though the hands of multitudes and of the the far greater part by much of all the Citizens of the Romish Polity were not in this slaughter yet their hearts do fully consent unto it like as in the French Massacre Aug. 24. in the year 1572. though the blood was shed in France yet Rome did even triumph when they heard thereof This is granted Sol. according to that of Christ Matth. 23.35 as also Rev. 18.20 But divine Vengeance falls here upon the Principals and Patience forbears the Accessaries for a season longer giving them space as yet to repent For in all the strokes and plagues that God inflicteth upon the Beast God still expecteth Repentance as we plainly see Rev. 9. last and Rev. 16.9 11. This fall or ruine then lighteth onely upon the place or Countrey where the slaughter of the Witnesses is committed to give warning to the remainder of the City which yet suffereth also in the fall of this tenth part But how and in what manner doth this tenth part of the City fall Quest it may be said 1. By dreadful Concussions Answ as if God should say I will overturn overturn overturn it God will throw down the Props and Pillars thereof with notable subversions 2. There will also be as I am apt to think a falling by falling off in the end or falling away of this tenth part from the remaining nine by them that shall survive the overthrow for I do not think that the tenth part shall be utterly destroyed The survivers shall desert the Beast and his Worship and Government So that the whole City shall be mulcted and fined a tenth part paying the tithe of it self to divine Vengeance for the slaughter of the Witnesses for the Hierarchical Power shall from thence forward cease in that Countrey which but now was the tenth part of the great City and the Countrey shall be forfeited for its bloodshed into the hands of our Lord Jesus My apprehensions are that it will be such a fall as this i. e. which will end in a falling off and that such a Change will be introduced by this Earthquake as will prove to be a great Judgment upon the great Whore The Hierarchy exercised in that tenth part shall fall and sink and never rise again like as what is sunk by an Earthquake never riseth more but is for ever buryed in its own ruines A City or Town may be shaken by a little Earthquake and yet not fall though it may stand tottering and hang a-to-side and be propt up for a time but this here is said to be a great Earthquake which will quite swallow up that which before was only shaken and shivered that now it shall never rise again It may be said perhaps That what the Sea loseth in one place Ob. it gaineth in another But it is not so with the Sea of Rome Sol. which now falls into that irrecoverable Consumption prophesied of 2 Thes 2.8 The Lord shall consume that wicked one with the breath of his mouth i. e.
man and shall be removed like a Cottage Why what is that which presseth it down so greatly It followeth And the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it and it shall fall and not rise again It must needs be a marvellous weight that makes the Earth thus to move yet such is the weight of sin 2. More particularly there is the cry of blood in the Street as I have said and it is the cry of the blood of the Witnesses For though they are not literally slain i. e. not as men but as Witnesses yet the Lord calls it and accounts it a slaughter yea and their very enemies account them as naturally dead and they are greatly Oppressed Vexed and Silenced Imprisoned Impoverished and cruelly handled and so that it hasteneth also the Death of some of them Jer. 2.34 and reacheth also to the blood as I may say of many thousands of Souls who depended upon their Ministry and such blood hath a loud cry in the ears of God and such a cry will shake the Earth wherever the sin is committed and remains unpurged You know how the Martyrs under the fifth Seal cryed with a loud voice Rev. 6.10 12. saying How long O Lord holy and true dost thou not Judge and Avenge our blood on them that dwell on the Earth What then followeth And I beheld when he had opened the sixth Seal and lo there was a great Earthquake c. You have heard before of the greatness of that Earthquake and how it shook and quite overthrew the whole Roman Pagan Empire 2 King 24.4 You know also that the blood shed by Menasseh could not be expiated by the greatest reformation that was ever wrought but the whole Land of Judah was at last shaken to pieces for it That land is extreamly deplored that lyeth under the guilt of blood especially of slaying Christ's Witnesses See 2 Chro. 36.15 16. It layed Jerusalems house i. e. the Temple desolate Matth. 23.37 38. And when the Jews killed the Lord Jesus 1 Thess 2.15 16. and the Prophets and persecuted the Apostles forbiding them to Preach to the Gentiles that they might be saved they filled up their sins and the Wrath of God came upon them to the uttermost This is a filling and a finishing sin even Reformation it self were it equal to Josiah's cannot save that land from a great Earthquake and from such Vengeance as will make the ears of them who hear it to tingle What saith the Prophet The City sheddeth blood in the midst of it that her time may come thou art become guilty in thy blood and hast caused thy dayes to draw near and art come even to thine years Ezek. 22.3 4. 3. There is yet another cry and that is from the Prayers of God's people especially from under their Affliction No doubt but the cries and sighs and groans of the Children of Israel in Egypt were accompanied with many Prayers and it brought such vengeance upon Egypt as you have scarce read the like God never forgets the cry of the humble Ps 9.12 Exod. 22.23 If but a poor Widdow or Fatherless child be afflicted and they cry at all unto me I will surely hear their cry saith the Lord. And know thus much that the Prayers of one distressed Child of God may be such that they may shake the very Earth it self What saith David In my distress I called upon the Lord Psal 18.6 7. and cryed unto my God He heard my voice out of his Temple and my cry came before him even into his ears Then the Earth shook and trembled the Foundations also of the Hills moved and were shaken because he was wroth c. The Prayers of David in his distress shook Heaven Earth and Sea And wherefore is it that God saith I will shake the Heavens and the Earth and the Sea and the dry land and I will shake all Nations and the desire of all Nations shall come I say wherefore is this and whence proceedeth this great concussion Even from the desire of all the Saints that live among the Nations in the world They are oppressed and persecuted in the world and they cannot be quiet upon this they cry out and utter their desires O that Jesus Christ would come and deliver us and plead our cause and relieve us in our distresses and call the world to a reckoning Even so come Lord Jesus come quickly I tell you This will cost the world a sound shaking Little do people imagine what the force of God's peoples prayers is they have an Earth-shaking power in them The praying Saints are a thundering Legion Samuel no sooner cryeth to the Lord 1 Sam. 7.10 but he heareth him and answereth him with a dreadful discomfiting thunder upon the Philistines And when the Saints fall to prayer at the close of the seventh Seal Rev. 8.3.5 presently follow Voices and Thunderings and Lightnings and an Earthquake Act. 4.31 When Peter and John were returned from their persecutors to their own company Act. 15.25 they betake themselves to prayer which was no sooner ended but the place was shaken where they were assembled together And when Paul and Silas prayed and sung praises to God in the prison and in the stocks suddenly saith the Text there was a great Earthquake and the foundations of the prison were shaken and immediately all the doors were opened and every ones bonds were loosed and the Keeper of the prison drew his Sword and would have killed himself And do we think now that all the prayers that have been made within these few years by the Saints in the world will not end in a dreadful Earthquake God hath already answered his people and will again answer them by terrible things in righteousness Thus you have seen the procuring causes of this Earthquake I shall conclude with some Consectaries Informations and Exhortations flowing from what hath been opened to us 1. By what we have heard in the Explication of this thirteenth verse we have a further proof of what sometime I said That the Witnesses are slain not in all parts of the great City but in some one eminent Street thereof that hath not quitted and cast off the power of the Beast wherefore I thus argue Where the revenge of God is inflicted for the slaying of the Witnesses there and there only are the Witnesses slain But the revenge of God is not inflicted upon the whole City for the slaying of the Witnesses but only on a tenth part thereof Therefore in that tenth part thereof and there only are the Witnesses slain For God proportioneth his Revenge unto the place of the slaughter making it commensurate and adequate thereunto and doth not exceed the bounds thereof 2. In this dispensation we may see the singular patience of God towards the Enemies of his Witnesses in that he doth not presently bring this great Earthquake upon them they may meet with many a sore concussion during the time of
the slaughter and presently after it is over but yet God deferrs the terrible Earthquake till the ascension of the Witnesses and till that great Voice from Heaven hath said unto them Come up hither and that they have ascended in a Cloud in the very sight of their Enemies Which by the way sheweth us plainly as I touched it before that this loud voice and call unto them to ascend doth not proceed from the Powers and Rulers of this World as some have thought for these are Enemies and the men of names who are to be slain in the Earthquake presently upon the Ascension of the Witnesses They continue Enemies unto the very time of their destruction But that which I am speaking to is the Patience of God towards that Street where the Witnesses are slain for God doth not destroy the men of names so soon as they have slain the Witnesses no nor so soon as the Witnesses are risen and standing upon their feet He tarrieth till they are ascended and gives his Enemies warning enough but when once the Ascension time is over and Reformation of Churches Families and Saints on foot the Earth will forbear shaking no longer there is then but an hour i.e. a very short time between the Ascension and the Earthquake 3. We are shewed the just Revenge of God upon these Enemies in that he slayeth them a meet recompence for their slaying of the Witnesses Thus * Rev. 13.10 he that leadeth into Captivity shall go into Captivity and he that killeth with the Sword shall be killed with the Sword So here They that slay shall be slain as it is written † Gen 9.6 He that sheddeth blood by man shall his blood be shed * Jer. 51.56 The Lord God of Recompences shall surely requite he is as punctual in his Justice as powerfull in his Patience 4. In that the holy Ghost here seemeth to allude to the manner of great Earthquakes which is to swallow up houses and their Inhabitants so as Korah Dathan and Abiram were swallowed up though that was rather by the Earth renting than quaking yet swallowed up they were * Numb 16.32 they and their houses and all the men that appertained to them and their goods I say God seemeth to deal with these men of names as with those Rebels and their companions As if God should say they shall perish in the gain-saying of Kore and as so many Dathans and Abirams and Rebels against the God of Heaven for such God accounteth these whatsoever these accounted the Witnesses * Numb 16.2 And of these three men it is said They rose up before Moses with certain of the Children of Israel two hundred and fifty Princes of the assembly famous in the Congregation men of renown They were just like these in my Text viri nominatissimi men of great note and name and so Mr. Aynsworth translateth the word famous in that place Men of names and he reckoneth them no less than States-men as you may see in his Exposition And the like title also is given to the oppressing Gyants of the old World whose foundation was overflowed with a Flood * Gen. 6.4 They are called Mighty men and men of Renown You see then the account of God concerning these famous ones in my Text They slay the Witnesses as Rebels and ere long themselves are slain of God as such 5. Whereas these many thousands were men of Names it may denote as Mr. Brightman observeth from the expression that God doth not fall blindfold with his judgments upon men he doth not strike Andabatarum more sed certo nominatimque even so certainly and knowingly as if he named these great men There 's for you such a one saith he and there 's your reward saith he to another naming him c. God shall shoot at them with an arrow suddenly shall they be wounded Psal 64.7 He doth not shoot like that Syrian who hit Ahab at adventure but he aimeth alwayes when he shooteth and never misseth the mark 6. God then is no respecter of persons * Job 34.19 He accepteth not the Persons of Princes nor regardeth the Rich more than the Poor .. Nay he hath a special eye upon the men of Names for you must know that this Earthquake here doth slay many a man hundreds and thousands no doubt nullius nominis of no name or fame at all but these you see are not here mentioned but only the viri Nominum the men of great renown And God will do this dreadfull Execution upon them by a remarkable hand from Heaven for Earthquakes are in a special manner from God there is no hand of man in them The mighty shall be taken away without hand Job 34.20 That is without the hand of any man God will do it by an out-stretched hand from Heaven 7. It is very observable That in Gods execution of Judgment here he falls most eminently upon the principal Ring-leaders the men of Names whose hands especially were employed in slaying the Witnesses Many others of little or no name were ingaged also in the slaughter but the men of Names stirred them up and set them on work and led them the way also by their Examples and Authority Wherefore God takes notice of them especially and the stroke falls most remarkably upon them as the great Oppressors of the Witnesses and hinderers of Reformation He takes off these therefore and removes them out of the way as intending now to bring in Reformation contra gentes virosque nominum against all opposition whatsoever For great men if not also good are great opposers of that which is good as God sometimes said to Ezekiel shewing him five and twenty of his great Enemies and among them Jaazaniah and Pelatiah Princes of the people Son of man saith God These are the men that devise Mischief and give wicked Counsel in this City Therefore prophesy against them Ye have multiplied your slain in this City and ye have filled the Streets thereof with the slain c. I will execute judgments upon you and ye shall fall by the Sword c. And saith Ezekiel It came to pass when I prophesied that Pelatiah dyed Ezek. 11.1 See also Numb 25.4 Thus when the sixth Seal was opened and that the Judgments of God fell most formidably upon the Roman Pagan Empire for the most horrid bloody Persecutions used against the Christians the most righteous God began with the ring-leaders the viri nominum are set in the front of the Sufferers viz. The Kings of the Earth and the great men and the rich men and the chief Captains and the mighty men and after them come in the men of small names every bondman and every freeman Rev. 6.15 The Earthquake there mentioned shook all the Empire from the highest to the lowest but it began with and fell heaviest on the men of Names Kings great men rich men chief Captains and Mighty men For as for the Bondmen and Freemen they were
set on by their Kings and great men and rich men and chief Captains and mighty men That is the Informers and Catch-poles and Jaylors and poor Souldiers were but as a company of boudmen to the Kings great men and men of Names and they must do what the Powers will command them but you see that will not excuse them when the Earthquake cometh but yet the Grandees are the men in the Van that are most eminently shaken and thrown down thereby they shall pay for it to the purpose 8. We may here behold the riches of God's grace that he not only spareth a Remnant of his and his Witnesses Enemies that they are not slain with the rest in the Earthquake but he giveth to them also the grace of repentance They might have drunk of the same Cup with those men of renown as being a Remnant of them especially as to their enmity but God lets them live to repent and give him glory I suppose these to be such as were persecutors as well as those others but they did it ignorantly in unbelief and therefore they obtain this mercy peradventure the other at least many of them are such as transgress of malicious wickedness and rebell against the light which is a very high provocation They are nothing like so ignorant as malicious and despighthful being desperate sworn enemies to Jesus Christ his People Cause and Interest Yet even the spared Remnant are bad enough as known and professed enemies to the God of Heaven to whom now they give glory whose glory and honour they never cared for before O the riches of the glorious grace of God that he should save such as these not only from the destruction of the Earthquake but of Hell it self Let us exalt this inestimable grace and believe love and praise and give glory to the God of Heaven for their so doing and in the mean while let none despair when such men as these repent 9. They that are the People of God and dwell in that bloody Street may have hopes that God will not utterly destroy it seeing there is a Remnant that will be spared which shall be as the shaking of an Olive-tree and the gleaning of Grapes after the vintage is ended You know what devastation God maketh by his four sore Judgments Ezek. 14.22 And yet saith the Lord A remnant shall be left and they shall come forth unto you and ye shall see their way and their doings and ye shall be comforted concerning the evil that I have brought upon you Isa 6. ult God will not u utterly forsake that Street but yet in it shall be a tenth and it shall return and shall be eaten as a Teyl-tree and as an Oak whose substance is in them when they cast their leaves for so the holy seed shall be the substance thereof God will as it were tithe this tenth part and consecrate it and the land unto himself for some signal and singular service to his Name And as God will destroy the Microcosm and little world in that land by this Earthquake viz. the Sun Moon Stars and Heavens and Earth thereof so he will create new Heavens as I may say and a new Earth therein and the former shall be remembred no more Lastly We see what a shaking world we live in Let our hearts therefore hang loose to the things of this world to which they are so apt to adhere How soon God may shake us we know not and shaking especially of the earth is in order to the removing of the things that are shaken Hebr. 12.26 27. And when men are sorely shaken they had not need to take hold on things that shake and which are ready to remove away from under them they have need to lay hold on stable and abiding things that will stand fast and not forsake them If any should say This shaking may be far enough off from us Let no man think so For admit that this be not the time nor place spoken of in Rev. 11.7 8. Yet where there is any thing like it there will be that also which is as like unto this Earthquake Ezek. ●3 10 13. What saith the Lord to Ezekiel If a righteous man beget a son that is a robber a shedder of blood and that doth the like to any one of these things viz. there spoken of he shall not live he shall surely dye his blood shall be upon him That doth the like c. He doth not say That doth the very same If an Hue and Cry pursue after a shedder of blood and find a man that is very like him and apprehend him upon suspition and it falleth out upon examination that the person apprehended hath also shed blood in like manner though he is not the person that shed the blood inquired after yet he shall not live he shall surely dye his blood shall be upon him Even so c. God will never put up the slaying of his Witnesses though perhaps it may not be that slaying here spoken of but only the like unto it There is no satisfaction to be taken for the life of a murtherer nor is there any City of Refuge appointed in the law for him Numb 35.31 Deut. 21 1.-10 he must be taken away from God's altar or slain at it as Joab was otherwise the whole land lyeth under the guilt of blood You know what Hanun did to David's Embassadors who were sent to him in meer love and good will He did not slay them but shamefully abused them 2 Sam. 12.30 31. O how was the land of the children of Ammon shaken for this abuse The Kings crown was taken from his head and set on David's the Ammonites slain Rabbah sacked and plundered and the people of the Land put under sawes and harrows and axes of iron and made to pass thorow the brick-kiln And yet what is this abuse of David's Embassadors to that of Christ's which we have lived to see And what will the Lord then do how dreadfully will he avenge the high and horrible contempt of his Messengers Prepare therefore for times of great concussions perhaps they may prevent some of your deaths if not prove also the cause of them Hang loose I say to the world and be in the number of the ascenders get up above the Earth and approach nearer unto Christ in Reformation and Holiness and then if the worst should come you may sing Luther's Psalm Ps 46. And be not so sollicitous about the Earthquake as about the Ascension that immediately precedeth it for the Earthquake must come but wo be to them when it comes who are not got above the Earth It is the great mercy of God to defer the Earthquake till after the Ascension for the greater safety to his people which I conceive to be a special reason why it is deferred till then though another may be That a foundation may be layd for the carrying on the work of Reformation the better when the Earthquake is at an end And it promiseth well to the Street that God will not utterly destroy it nor take away his Gospel from it 1. In that he still continueth his Witnesses in it 2. Because Reformation and Holiness are ascending when the Earthquake cometh Now therefore let it be the care and endeavour of the People of God 1. To rise 2. To ascend 1. To rise what is that To hold forth the Spirit of Life from God They must walk in opposition to their slain condition now they were slain by the loss of spiritual life courage and activity therefore they must rise by a contrary Spirit 2. Let it be their endeavour also to ascend i. e. to reform viz Churches Families Hearts and Lives And if we must thus ascend then it will follow that we must not stay at that pitch of Reformation to which we have already attained but must yet get up higher there is a great deal more yet to be done For perhaps some may say Are we not ascended already No we are not yet come to the utmost of our Resurrection which as we have heard is gradual True there hath been a kind of rising and ascending of late years for wherefore are the Witnesses slain but for their climbing up so high in their Seperations and Professions And yet you see they must ascend up higher For we are not risen up so high above former times as we must yet rise up higher above our present selves God will not be satisfied with our Resurrection when it is come to its utmost degree but then he requireth also an Ascension which will be gradual likewise unto the time of the pouring out of the seventh Vial. FINIS
must we be more conform to Rule in Church in Family and in all our Relations Conditions and Conversations in this world We chearfully attend this call from Heaven They are not therefore passive in ascending as men that are haled up from the Earth so as if their feet stuck in the mire and as Jeremy's body was drawn up by cords out of the Dungeon but they seem to leap up Heaven-ward Only this is not done presently after their Resurrection but like unto Christ's Ascension to Heaven in a cloud some good space of time after his Resurrection 2. For the Manner They ascended in a cloud Act. 1.9 wherein there is an allusion unto the manner of Christ's Ascension into Heaven But what doth this Cloud here signifie 1. It noteth their ascending in a Degree of glory Matth. 24.30 There is now a Spirit of glory resting upon them As it was with Christ when he rose from the dead he layd aside for ever his state of Humiliation So do these Witnesses they shall now prophesie in sackcloath no more they shall henceforth be cloathed with a cloud of glory And as Christ's Resurrection was the first degree of his Exaltation and his Ascension the second even so it is here with his Witnesses For this is the second degree of their Exaltation the third will be when they shall dye and enter into glory and the last when they shall come with Christ to judge the world 2. Here is also Power denoted in this cloud as you may see from the former Text Matth. 24.30 For the Witnesses were slain in dishonour but they shall be raised especially ascend in glory slain in weakness but raised and ascend in power as it is also said of Christ 2 Cor. 13.4 that he was crucified through weakness but he liveth by the power of God 3. Hereby is signified their Protection and safe passage and proceedings in the way of further Reformation like as the Cloud in the Wilderness was a defence upon Israel when they were come up out of Egypt for thus now upon all the glory there shall be a Defence The case also is somewhat like as when the Egyptians pursued the Israelites into the Red Sea at what time the pillar of cloud removed from before the Israelites and stood between them and the Egyptians For thus here is a cloud of Protection between the ascending Witnesses and their Enemies 4. This cloud signifieth the Obscurity of this ascension as to their enemies who stand here looking on them For clouds are sometimes put for darkness Ps 97.2 And as it is said of the Pillar of cloud that stood between the Israelites and the Egyptians Exod. 14.20 It was a cloud and darkness to the Egyptians but it gave light by night unto the Israelites Even so c. And therefore though there are many lookers on here to see the ascending Witnesses yet they do not understand what God is about to do in this so glorious a dispensation but are ready to say as Samballat Neh. 4.2 What do these feeble Jews Will they fortify themselves Will they sacrifice Will they make an end in a day will they revive the stones out of the heaps of the rubbish which are burnt Why What is that which blindeth their eyes It is their malice envy and hatred for you see they are still called Enemies even when the Witnesses ascend God hath hardened their hearts and blinded their eyes and given them up to a reprobate sence and to the power of prevailing enmity Besides which They look upon there Ascenders as clouded with reproaches and calumnies which hath still been the Lot of the Saints in all times of Reformation So that neither the Resarrection nor Ascension have altered them nor opened their eyes in the least Thus much for the Manner of the Witnesses Ascension 3. Here follows the Spectators of this Ascension And their Enemies beheld them There is a fo●r-fold Beholding of them by their Enemies 1. They beheld them prophesying and that was with Torment ver 10. 2. They beheld them s●ain and this was with joy for they rejoiced over them and made merry and sent gifts one to another 3. They beheld them risen and that was with fear ver 11. 4. They here behold them ascending and that is with grief and Indignation But that which is here remarkable is 1. The Progress which the Witnesses make in their Reformation after their slaughter is finished for 1. The Spirit of Life from God enter●th into them 2. They stand upon their feet 3. They ascend up to Heaven For surely such a progression there will be 2. It is observable that as the Witnesses are called to this Reformation by a great Voice from Heaven so a great power attends the work insomuch that their Enemies cannot hinder it by any means though the persons and their work are very visible to their eyes for they see both them and it with fear grief and Indignation like as Tobiah Sanballat Goshem and the rest of their companions beheld the repairing the Wall of Jerusalem but could not put a stop to it For just so it is here with these Enemies The case is somewhat like that which the Psalmist mentioneth concerning the Kings of the Nations who came up against Zion Ps 48.4 5 ● saith he Lo the Kings were assembled they passed by together they saw it and so they marvelled they were troubled and hasted away fear took hold upon them there and pain as of a Woman in Travel They saw Zion and were troubled affrighted and pained greatly and that was all that they could do And like as the Souldiers who guarded the Sepulchre of Christ saw him as he arose and feared Marth 23.4 and shook and became like dead men but were not able to lift up a weapon against him Even so it 〈◊〉 here c. Whereas in the time of the slaughter a Child of God could scarce stir but these Enemies presently beheld it and not only so but also opposed and hindered it but after their Resurrection especially their Ascension they shall behold the Witnesses and do little or nothing more to speak of 3. It is remarkable that the Enemies of the Witnesses do still retain their Enmity unto the last even though they do most evidently behold that their slaying of the Witnesses is come to nothing but notwithstanding all endeavours to the contrary they are up and upon their feet again yea and ascending also as resolved upon a further Reformation For yet still you see that here they are called Enemies even when the Witnesses are upon the wing for Heaven They are a Generation of Vipers the seed of the Serpent whose malice is implacable And why are they such Enemies Not for any hurt that the Witnesses and people of God have done them for these would fain be quiet and live peaceably for they oppose not Government here but endeavour further to reform among themselves Their condition is much like that
Enemies for their Enemies behold them They behold them both rising and ascending they have still an eye upon them The Enmity therefore doth not cease at the Resurrection or Ascension but rather increase upon that very account for the Witnesses rise and at last ascend and their ●●emies cannot help it they can behold them as the Text she weth us and that is all that is here spoken of them The Witnesses shall meet with enm●●y enough but with no more slaughters attempts perhaps that way 〈◊〉 still f●ustraueous We must not therefore judge of the Resurrection 〈◊〉 Ascension of the Witnesses by the enmity and affronts which they ●ay meet with for what 〈◊〉 can be expected from Enemies The priviledge of the ri●en Witnesses is not that they shall suffer no more but that they shall be slain no more * Joh. 12.10 When Lazarus was risen from the dead the chief Priests consulted to take away his life but they could not do it will any therefore say that Lazarus was not risen from the dead because the Hierarchy consulted to kill him No Do not therefore misgive as to the Resurrection of the Witnesses upon every petty or particular indignity that some one or more of them may meet with from their enemies When the children of Israel were risen up out of the Red Sea they were gone no further than to Rephidim * Exod. 19 1 2. which was within three months e're they met with an host of Amalekites who gave them a sore assault and when Moses let down his hands prevailed against them but Israel had the day and discomsited them who were afterwards devoted to utter destruction for this their cruel and wicked attempt * Exod. 19 4. Israel was now born up on Eagles Wings out of the reach of destroying dangers and of fear of Reduction into Egyptian bondage and now they pass on still from Journey to Journey in the Wilderness and though at last they meet with Og and Sihon in the way yet they subdue them and never stop till they arrive in Canaan Thus it will be with the Witnesses after their Resurrection The Churches and Saints will meet with some shakings after the Resurrection and Ascension because there is a great Earthquake presently to follow ver 13. After Christ's Ascension the Gospel its Preachers and Professors had many encounters with their enemies for presently * Act. 4.26 The Kings of the Earth stood up and the Rulers were gathered together against the Lord and against his Christ but in all the story of the Acts of the Apostles you find the Gospel growing and getting ground by opposition and they were but two Stephen and James who lost their lives And though we have an expectation of a great Earthquake yet it is comfortable to consider that immediately before it cometh a great Voice saith unto the Witnesses Come up hither and that the ascend up to Heaven in a cloud It is a mercy and will prove a means of the greater security that they are got up nearer unto Heaven and unto an higher degree of Holiness Purity of Doctrine Worship Discipline and manner of living before the storm cometh The safest living is above the Earth in the Heaven of holiness when the Earth shall shake and reel to and fro like a drunken man And this shall be the case of the Witnesses ascended You never find a Reformation in the Scriptures but if there followed a shaking time the People of God sped well or much the better for it When the Israelites put away their strange Gods and Ashteroth from among them 1 Sam. 7.4 and prepared their hearts unto the Lord and served him onely and poured out water before him and fasted and confessed their sins presently the Philistines are gathered together against them and draw neer to battel but the Lord thundered upon them and discomfiteth them and they are smitten before Israel When Jchosaphat had reformed his Kingdom 2 Chron. 19. it came to pass afterwards that the Inhabitants of Moah Ammon and Mount Seir came up to war against Judah but God turned their swords against one another and destroyed them without a stroke struck by the men of Judah 2 Chro. 20. * 2 Chro. 29.30 31. 2 Chro. 30. When Hezekiah had finished an eminent Reformation in Judah Sennacherib comes up against the land with a very formidable Army but the Angel of the Lord slew therein an hundred fourscore and five thousand in one night And in all these confusions of the enemies of God and his People after a Reformation wrought it is observable that God doth work wonders from Heaven his People do little or nothing but pray and stand still And I am thinking whether God will not work wonderfully from Heaven by his own immediate hand when the great Earthquake cometh soon after the Ascension of the Witnesses The Enemy cometh upon a very great disadvantage to himself against the People of God when once they are in an ascending way of Reformation It is great presumption in these enemies here to slay the Witnesses to oppose them and oppress them in their sackcloath is a cruel and accur●ed thing what then will God account it if they shall dare to design against them when cloathed with a Cloud This is a very high degree of Th●omachy For as for the Dragon and the Beast they will not be quiet till the seventh Vyal is poured out and both are shut up in the bottomless Pit yea when the Devil is loosed out of prison at the end of the thousand years the first thing he doth is he gathereth Gog and Magog together against the Camp of the Saints He and his Instruments will never cease their opposition till they are thrown together into Hell there to remain for ever Wherefore after the Resurrection of the Witnesses the Saints may meet and are like so to do with many troubles to the pouring out of the last Vial but yet they shall meet with no more slaughters For what do we meet with as to these Enemies after the rising of the Witnesses 1. It is said of them that great fear fell upon them 2. That when the Witnesses ascended they beheld them 3. When the Earthquake cometh many fall and the remnant is affrighted 4. When the seventh Trumpet soundeth they are angry 5. When the fourth Vial is poured out they blaspheme 6. When the fifth they gnaw their tongues and blaspheme 7. When the sixth they gather themselves together to the battle of the great day of God Almighty So that here is fear anger shewing of teeth blaspheming and gnawing of tongues and great preparations to sight kill and conquer and this is all that I find after the Resurrection of the Witnesses unto the last Vial which will end in their everlasting confusion Make therefore the Resurrection sure and though there will be stirrs and struglings attempts and oppositions and some particular sufferings now and then yet no great or considerable hurt
will be done unto the very last 3. If the Witnesses shall thus rise and afterward ascend then it will follow that from thence forwards the Beast will not rise higher but be continually in the declining hand unto the very last During which time will be made good in a pecial manner what is prophesied of him by the Apostle 2 Thes 2.8 The Lord shall consume that wicke ●on● with the breath of his mouth And this consi●●●ption shall more eminently begin with the fall of the tenth part of the City and when the seventh Vial is poured out he shall be destroyed with the brightness of Christ's coming He shall never thrive more after the slaughter of the Witnesses he shall never digest the shedding of their blood which shall cry night and day to Heaven against him for vengeance Let us but rise and ascend let once a Resurrection Spirit appear amongst us a Spirit of Faith Love Power and Zeal a Spirit of Prayer Praise Reformation holy walking and it will prove a Blessed Omen to us of the coming of Christ's Kingdom and of the declension of the Beast's dominion If we ascend he will of course desced for we and he cannot ascend nor descend together we are so diametrically opposire that contrary fates do of necessity attend us Now then out of all that hath been said you may gather up these Consequents of the Witnesses Resurrection 1. That as the Spirit of Life from God entreth into them so now they will be more bold active and zealous for God only as the Resurrection is gradual so this Spirit of Life cometh on by degrees 2. They attain at last to some stability and begin to stand upon their feet as being more fixed strengthned and resolved 3. When it is come thus far grear fear falls upon them that see them and their enemies begin now to be affrighted As the Witnesses grow stronger in faith their enemies grow weaker with fear 4. When thus they begin to gather strength and their enemies to grow more and more feeble the Spirit of God gives the Witnesses a loud call to embrace the opportunity and to ascend to an higher pitch of Reformation raising them up above the earth and earthly things and separating them more from the world and the things of Antichrist 5. And now instead of sackcloath they are cloathed with a cloud and a Spirit of power and glory resteth on them 6. They shall still have enemies notwithstanding all this and their enemies eyes shall be much upon them with vexation and anguish but yet they shall not know how to help themselves nor how to hinder this work of God the external face whereof they shall see but not the meaning of the dispensation the Cloud interposing between them and that so that they shall be blinded and hardened like Pharaon and the Egyptian they shall be under the power of a dedolent Spirit and still ●●●ain their enmity 7. This Ascension of the Witnesses immediately foreruns the Earthquake giving hopes of greater security to the Witnesses in such a day of dreadful concussion when God will make some notable distinction between them and their enemies If therefore you should live to see the Witnesses upon their feet expect after a while to see them upon the wing and if you see them ascending expect ere long that Earthquake whereof I shall speak in the next discourse which will cause great ruines and effect strange alterations When the Witnesses begin to ascend the great City will begin to descend and pay the rithe of it self to divine Vengeance for its late blood-guiltiness of which more upon the next Verse So much for this VERSE 13. And the same hour there was a great Earthquake and the tenth part of the City fell and in the Earthquake were slain of men seven thousand and the remnant were affrighted and gave glory to the God of Heaven WE are now come to the Conclusion of the sixth Trumpet which endeth with an Earthquake and 〈◊〉 Earthquake is described 1. By its Greatness for it is said to be a great Earthquake 2. By the time when it happened 〈…〉 3. By the effects or consequents of it 1. That the●●●th 〈◊〉 of the City fell 2. That therein were slain of men seven thousand 3. That the remnant were affrighted 4. That they gave glory to 〈◊〉 God of He●●●● I shall handle the words as I did the former verse by way of Paraphrase or E●●●●ion A●d the same hour Not th●●hour of their Resurrection the Earthquake here is reserved for the W●●●sses Asce●●on after which it hasteth coming in the sam● 〈◊〉 not ●●tera●ly take● but Metaphorically i. e. Sp●●●● 〈◊〉 For it 〈…〉 s●●den and anexpected succession of th● 〈◊〉 〈…〉 of the Witnesses Let but these once 〈…〉 and ●re●e●●●y 〈◊〉 falls a shaking for * Vindicta divina de testi●m inimicis Joh. Pisc in h●●●versum as Piscat well 〈…〉 this in the ●e●●●●ce of God upon the enemies of the Witnesses they were now gazing up to Heaven to see the Witnesses ascending and before they are aware they are surprized with a grea Earthquake from under them For this verse is connected with the Ascension of the Witnesses by the Copulative And shewing us that it belongeth to the same story and followeth close upon the Ascension The Enemies were staring upon the Ascenders and upon a sudden the Earth shaketh under them and turns their eyes upon another object God threatneth to throw them down to Hell whilest his Witnesses are ascending up to Heaven And the same hour there was an Earthquake There are two sorts of Earthquakes in the Scriptures 1. Such as are Natural as when the earth shaketh through collection of Wind and Vapours in the bowels thereof and which want vent Such an Earthquake there was in the dayes of King Vzziah Zach. 14.5 and such before the destruction of Jerusalem Luk. 21.11 2. There are figurative and metaphorical Earthquakes in the Scripture as when some notable dispensation of God resembleth an Earthquake and such is this here in the Text. And this in Scripture signifies some notable change Hebr. 12.26 27. as when God saith Yet once more I shake not the Earth only but also Heaven This saith the Apostle signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken And when God saith He will shake the Heavens and the Earth mark what a change followeth And I will overthrow the throne of Kingdoms and I will destroy the strength of the Kingdoms of the Heathen and I will overthrow the Chariots and those that ride in them and the horses and their riders shall come down every one by the sword of his brother Hag. 2.21 22. See also Isa 13.13 And these Metaphorical and figurative Eathquakes are sometimes accompanied with or presaged by literal ones as in that place of Luke forementioned And that formidable Earthquake in the dayes of Vzziah happened about the time that Jehu's fourth Generation was expiring after which followed