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A43729 A fatal mistake, or, The plot spoil'd a tragedy, as it was lately acted, &c. / by Jos. Hayns. Haines, Joseph, d. 1701. 1692 (1692) Wing H193; ESTC R30717 34,639 74

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are Trophies of his Antes desire The Sparks declare her base incestuous Fire Pardon Great Sir this boldness on my Knee I beg 't was forc'd by Zeal Truth should be free The Duke seems troubl'd Duke These are great Circumstances Sir yet more Must be found out to prove a Queen a Whore And shall by thee or thou a Traitor prove Shall Subjects undermine their Sovereigns Love Guard Enter Carry him to the Tower during our Pleasure Leop. Aside I 've built my self a Castle Exeunt Guards with Leopal Duke This Treasure Sent by my Wife to Eustace and his stay All night affrights me Heavens What can she say To justifie this Action it appears Odious to me yet Enter Dutchess sola weeping Duke What all in Tears Why is your Grace to day so sadly drest Dutch With what Convulsions are their Souls opprest Who are forc'd to accuse those they love best That Case is mine Next unto You my poor abused Love Unto your Brother Eustace still did move Because I thought him pardon't Gods above More than Divine But how does he reward my Love Curs'd Fate Heavens Why was I made thus unfortunate He Courted me he Courted base ingrate How shall I speak He Courted me would you believ 't to lye With him last night unheard of Infamy Eustace where is now thy Divinity Deceiv'd Heart break When I repuls'd him he reply'd what then Did those Jewels you sent me mean we Men Know Ladies Presents give for Love again Come come your Eyes Say you meant so When by your Soul I sent Them to be match'd and polish'd my intent By Heaven was altogether Innocent Duke By Jove he dyes For he that would defile his Sovereigns Wife Waits but a fit time to enshare his Life Dutch Pardon his Life he may repent in time When Age comes on our Thoughts are more sublime Enter Rodulphus gives the Duke a Letter Duke reads Eustace To the Renowned Otho How can the Ship sail without a Pilot In what disorder will an Army be Without a General Come then your self And head your own Party if you mean to Prosper for I do not find it easie To gain Compliance you being absent Dispose therefore of your Affairs into Trusty Hands and make hast hither where you Shall find all things prepar'd according to Your desires but leave none of your Courage Behind you for we are to deal with Resolute and Politick Enemies Howere I 'll not distrust for I am Confident They 'll vanish when you appear to Countenance the Endeavours of your Eustace Duke Ingrateful Eustace couldst thou serve me so But I 'll reward thee Let 's to Cbuncel go Exeunt Enter Phillippo and Ferdinando The Packquet was gone before I came Ferd. Gods What will Otho think when he receives An Invitation from Eustace to come hither But it can't be help'd Enter to him Fredrick and Three Officers of the Army 1 Sold. Godfrey made Treasurer Fred. 'T is too true and Rodulphus General 1. Was Eustace rais'd so high to make his fall The greater 2 What! And shall we Soldiers see Brave Eustace suffer this Indignity Without Revenge 3. No By great Mars I 'll take My Troop and face the very Pallace Gate And there dispute his Right with my last Breath Who dyes for him finds Honour in his Death Shan't we share Fortunes Captain 1. Yes Ferd. What! now Let Eustace come first till then smooth your Brow Make all your Discontents march in the dark Fetter your Tongues the fiercest Dogs don't bark Sold. omnes We shall obey your Orders till he come Exeunt Soldiers Fred. We 'll write this night to bid him make haste home Exeunt Enter Lodovick Arnulph Welpho Lod. A silly shallow Lad could better tell To lead a Dance than be a Colonel Yet Ap'd General Arn. I though the spruise Young Gallant would grow quickly out of use A thing made up of Words a Courtier fit To Fire the Ladies with a flash of Wit His Tongue was very fleet off o' th' Score Welp Ay it has run its Master out of Door He thought t was fine to hear the Ladies laugh At his pump'd Wit when alas do but waff A Straw about your Head and they will giggle Their Blood is so refin'd does alwaystickle Lad. Besides good Manners make them keep the Mode They laugh are pleas'd with all be 't bad or good Arnulph And Policy sometimes does make them smile Thereby they do the Gallants much beguile Who think they understand what they do not 'T is a deceitful pretty Female Plot. Yet this pleas'd him Lod. Indeed all his Designs Were womanish Welph How Honour multiplies Merit he is naturally as dull And empty as the meanest yet his Name Boy'd up by the Duke's smiles gave wings to Fame Enter Rodulphus c. Arnulph My Lord we heartily Congratulate Your New-born Honours may they dispise Fate Lodovick VVhen Time has snow'd your Head with Silver Plumes Soaring leave them and greater reassume Radulph I thank ye Sirs ye 're kind my Friend ye 're kind Aside These Weathercocks do turn with every Wind. Exeunt Enter Clementia sola How do my Fears congeal my Hopes I freeze In Winters of Dispair and by degrees My Heart blood turns to Isikles O may These Clouds just Powers end in a Sunshine day Yet these Death whispers force me to distrust I ne're shall Eustace see Then Heaven's unjust Exit Enter Duke and Rodulphus Rodulph Should he come to a legal Tryal he Would let the VVorld by me yet blinded see How Innocent he is how great our Guilt Then all our Labours and our Hopes are spilt No I 'll divert that Stream Aside Indeed 't is just You take away his Life but then you must Regard your Honour he is of your Blood Oh that so great a Prince should not be good Yet let not his prodigious Treasons blot The divine Veins of Lorein's Crown let not The World say Treason from th' Stem Royal came Not that his Vice can vitiate your Name Yet ' cause he is your Father's Son Salve his bright Fame and take his Life alone So shall you prune the Vine not hurt the Root Duke I like your Counsel but how shall I do 't Rod. This Friend of mine I 'll send to Stenay he Shall strike him with a deadly Lethargy A Pill neatly conveighed into his Wine Sends him to sup with Death with Pluto dine And though it works so suddenly none shall Surmise his Death was preternatural Thus by anticipating Sir his Fate You 'll undermine the Ground-work of his Hate Duke See it be done without delay Exit Ro. I will You need not hasten murtherous mind to kill aside Gosbert take Post and in thy Act prove true I have Commission now for what I do Exit Gosbert I see the Port For when Eustace is dead The Crown shall be too heavy for thy Head 'T will make it ake blind Duke Thou gone strait I Rise circumvest with Beams of Majesty But first I will
Faults o'er For fear they 'd not be Registred by Fame They write them down themselves to 'em let their Name Cause they 're deprav'd and can do nothing well They strive to be famous for doing ill Of that unhallowed Brood art thou profane Abuser of Good to Honour a Stain And thinkst me of that Sect else wouldst not dare To urge thy Passion with so little fear Can I think he can tell how to be Just VVho to his Friend so basely breaks his Trust Can I hope thou wilt e'er be true to me VVho 's false to the Laws of Hospitality My Brother lodg'd thee here to be an Actor For Otho but thou' rt turn'd thine own Factor Thinkst thou thy Flatteries can me intice VVhy to Love thee is to be in Love with Vice Exit Ferd. Yes 't was a Dream Mad Ferdinando couldst not see Such Happiness was ne'er design'd for thee Read thy Lifes Story in every Line thou 'lt find Th' wert born but to shew Heaven can be unkind Exit Enter Leopaldus The Devil 's sooner rais'd than laid my thought Is still aspiring though 't was mock'd with nought A Thousand Duckets a Reward for me Who thought the world mine own well Dutchess see Th' Event the time will come when you may want My Service and your Treachery recant Exit Enter Gertrudo How mad am I It is but Three days since I would have courted him such influence Had Love on me But now he sues I fly I who fear Death am th' only Cause I dye Fool that I was so sharply to reprove His Flames first Offrings Come take Vengeance Love Study new Torments to afflict me till My Humour 's Complasent made to my VVill. Curs'd bashfulness But why would I believe Her Dictates she was made but to deceive Our Sex of Pleasure and her Blushings are Not Types of Innocence but Crimes infer Yet on this Text do all old Mothers preach Shun Man be coy These against Nature teach For when they 've had all the Pleasure they can They say fly that deceitful Creature man It is Apocrypha no Divine Truth Hatchd but to blast the Pleasures of our Youth Exit Enter Frederick as going home late Rodulphus feigns to come out of his House buttening his Dublet and seems to endeavour that he should not see him Exit Fred. Rodulphus here so late how do my Fears Prompt me to think my Horns out vie my Ears I 'll sift my VVife if she trips in the least I 'll Cook her defil'd Limbs for the VVorms Feast Exit Actus Quintus Scena Prima Enter Fredrick and Clementia in his Garden OUt Crocadile Thy words are steep'd in Tears thy Actions kill Did I not see him came out of my Doors At One this morning Curse on all such Whores Was not his Doublet all unbrac'd and he E'en tir'd with Pleasure this I did not see No I was drunk yes or perhaps mine Eyes Were Traitors to my sight Clem. May I ne'er rise she kneels From these chast Knees nor in that General Day If I have seen him here these Two Months Fred. Pray Yet I 'll not give thee time Throws her into the Well preach in that Well I 'd sink thee lower if I could than Hell What have I done murther'd my Wife my dear He stoops and calls her Ha! dead what have I done ha Stoops and calls again Clementia Here Here my Clementia does thy Fredrick stand O'rewhelm'd with Guilt and Tears Give me thy hand I 'll snatch thee from that watry Tyrant's Arm. But I 'm the Tyrant I have done the harm Blind Jealousie My Life I 'll sacrifice draws out a Pristol And with my own Blood write thy Elegies The Pistol flashes in the Pan and wont off Ha! cheated what means this Reprieve her Soul Bids me live to revenge Rodulphus foul Slanders and Treacheries Tnat done I 'll fall T' appease thy Ghost wait on thy Funeral Enter Eustace and Albert booted as return'd Fred. Heavens Eust What means your fright how is Clementia well Speaks not my Friend how does Clementia Fred. We ll Eust You 're strangely discompos'd pray let me know The Cause I hope you count me not your Foe Fred. Re-volving all your Wrongs Anger 's just Flame Kindled my Thoughts into Revenge You came And rais'd my Joys unto extreams for who Can escape Raptures when he does see you These Two contrary Passions meeting strove And Anger would have overcame my Love And I not able to endure their Heat Lost my Senses in a shivering Sweat This was the Cause Sir of my Extasie Eust I 'm glad my fright Is past At first I thought eternal Night Had sabled-o're Clementia's Beams Fred. No she Is gone to Church to pray for you and me Eust She 's good her early Soul seeks Heaven betime 'T is a steep way who thinks to reach 't must climb Exeunt Enter Duke and Rodulpho Rod. The other Regiment of Foot shall march to morrow And on Thursday the Horse I never saw men more Chearful nor march with a greater Resolution indeed Confidence Duke 'T is a good Omen But what of Eustace no murmuring I hope Rod. Not a whisper Duke They 'll forget him Rod. I wish they may but now He 's return'd I advise your Grace to secure him He may beget Mischief Duke Let 's in and consult Exeunt Enter Eustace Albert. Eust Not come to Court that 's worse than all the rest Condemn'd unheard how happy then how blest Is Treason and all Traitors if they can So easily puff down the Loyal Man Enter Welpho Here comes my Friend How do's the Duke what News Welpho Welp I 'm busie Sir pray excuse Me I can't answer all such Trifles Exit Eust How 'T is he sure Alb. Yes but you 're not General now Enter Arnulph Eust Oh my Friend Arnulph Arn. Good Sir don't trouble me I 'm in great hast Exit Eust This is the highest degree Of sin base Raskals Enter Lodovick with another busily discoursing Here comes one I 'm sure Is honest Alb. 'T is unsafe to be secure How do's Lodovick Lod. Good Sir what d' ee mean It is uncivil thus to intervene You see we are in discourse Exeunt Eust But that they are Below my Passion or my meanest Care I 'd kick them into Atoms But here 's one Enter Rodulphus Will reconcile me his Soul is too high-flown To stoop to that vile thing Ingratitude Aside My Friend what news how do's the Duke Rod. You 're rude 'T is not fit Traitors should Court-Secrets know Kicks him Eust How Tell the Duke I kick'd you Sirrah go Exit Rod. Curs'd Cows have but short Horns thy Glass is run For thou shalt set before to morrow's Sun Exit Alb. What Flies are these they play in the Sun-shine Of Great Men's Fortunes but the Frost decline Now to be Great is a great Infamy Birth is become a Cloak to Villany He that for gain do's scorn to sell his Love And in
misfortunes bitter North-winds proves As constant as the Loadstone's to that Pole He is the truly gallant noble Soul Exit Enter Ferdinando It can't be worse I am now desperate Boldness perhaps may contradict my Fate Fortune is Valours Friend I 'm sure to have If not her Love the kindness of a Grave Enter Gertrudo Now will I know my Happiness or Doom Those who are plung'd in Misery do find Pity from all there is a secret kind Of Sympathy in Man to Wretches none Did e'er weep on the Gallows yet alone As many wait on him as on the Throne All striving to excuse the Fact thus he That 's legally condemn'd by them 's set free And has as many Plaudits as the Chair Of Justice Curses which did bring him there Blest Criminal Lovers are wrackd with care Pity'd by none all laugh at their despair Yet as some Murtherers have scap'd a while The Devil lulls the hopes but to beguile With greater Hell and been condemn'd for what They thought not of much less committed not So 't is with me Love's Treason but you wave That and condemn me for a perjur'd Slave For being false to Otho O Heaven Your Justice equal is the Cause uneven I do Gertrudo love 't is just I die Is it not just too that the World knows why Can ye not punish sin without a Lye To be Gertrudo's Martyr is to go To Heaven clad with more Glories than ye know But to dye branded with such Crimes as these How could ye think my injur'd Soul t' appease For if from thence I should chance to look down And smell that Name stink which was once my own Gods I should be transported with that Flame I 'd leave ye to descend and own my Name For let me be Hells Mark if I don't prove I have not injur'd Honour by my Love Gertrud If that were clear though I will not profess To love you more yet I will hate you less Ferd. 'T is all I beg to mitigate your Hate Who thinks to gain your Love must Banckru ptFate Then see Otho's Surrender Madam see Gives her a Letter she reads Has he not given you away to me Gertrud H' has quitted me my Brother cannot now Praise his own Choise nor can he disallow With Justice mine neither with Justice can I deny him who is so brave a Man For since he has his Honour justifi'd I wrong my Love should his suit be deny'd Yet Modesty would mince it and I fear To speak as much as he 's afraid to hear Aside My hatred's vanishd and we are now Friends Exit Ferd. Love will begin I hope where Hatred ends Enter Eustrace as overhearing their Discourse Eust Heavens how deform'd his Vice methinks his Face Is monstrous he 's of some prodigious Race Sure Pluto with a Succubus did joyn Get him ill Nature with ill Shape did twine On purpose that he might of all be known To be his eldest nay his only Son Yet how dull Fooll did Friendship blind my Eyes How easily can Hell its shapes disguise Aside Ferd. What means your melancholy Friend Eust Dar'st call Me Friend Thy Friendships Diabolical They draw and pass at one another Eustace's Sword falls out of his Hand Ferdinando takes it up and restores it I see thou hast not lost thine Honour yet Ferd. I may my Life but that I 'll never quit Eust How darst thou then my Sister Court and prove False to Otho Ferd. Can any resist Love Eust That 's no Excuse none must ' gainst Honour Sin You might have lov'd her and not injur'd him Silenc'd your Flames sown your Tears in the Sands Ferd. Honour too weak is when Love Countermands Eust Love 's but an humorous Itch Honour 's Divine Ferd. The Gods Love is so too and so is mine Eust They break not Friendships Vows to purchase Love Thine is but Persidy disguis'd in Love Ferd. Where Love does Rule all must obey his Laws Or Traitors be blame not th' Effect but Cause Eust He who does Sin himself 's the very Cause And must be punish'd for 't by Human Laws And by Divine the Devil does entice But he must pay for 't who commits the Vice 'T is thou hast Honour broke and Friendship too If Love did cause it I 'll kill the Cause in you Offers at him Ferd. Hold one word more How rash is Jealousie Unjust and Barbarons Eust To save their Lives what will not Cowards say Did I not hear thy Perfidy away Impostor thou hast Honour slain I come To Sacrifice thee on her mournful Tomb. Offers at him Enter Officer and a Guard Pardon Sir this rude Office I protest I do the Dukes Commands with great regret 'T is his Pleasure that you and that Noble Stranger be secur'd Ferd. How saucy Rascal Let 's turn our Points Sir and these Sheep will fly Eust Hold 't is my Soveraign's Will we must obey Exeunt Enter Duke and Dutchess Duke He has writ to be heard I can't deny That Justice 't is the greatest Tyranny Dutch No Sir 't is Mercy if he Pleads he 'll prove Himself a Traitor is it not then Love Not only to forgive but to conceal Faults Duke The vulgar will say h' has none to reveal Thus my Kindness to him will hate create In them to me they 'll say I 've edg'd his Fate Dutch Is 't fit that Kings should fear their Subjects Frown The pamper'd Jade tumbles his Rider down Will you to gratifie the Vulgar shew The World your own Blood is Corrupted No Let them surmize Kings should move in a Sphere Will blind those Subjects Eyes dare come too near Duke Were he our Son and should a Traitor prove Justice should quite blot out Paternal Love On Thursday we will hear him Exit Dutch No no I Will that prevent to morrow he shall dye Exit Enter Eustace solus in Prison Where art thou gone my dear Clementia where Hast thou so soon forgot thy Eustace here Art thou in Prison thence wing a Sigh send It to thy now twice fetter'd Friend I 'll Echo all thy Sighs and Pearl thy Tears Poize thou thy Griefs I 'll Counterpoize my Cares And see which does o'er-ballance Can there be A difference 'twixt thine and my Misery Art thou dead my Clementia Then am I Hence Sacrilegious Thoughts she cannot dye She 's only slipt in t ' Immortality Yet thence descend and tell what Transports were In Heaven amongst the Gods when thou cam'st there Tell how the ravish'd Angel Quire did sing When thou appeard'st to Glorifie their King Enter Ghost Ha! pale aad wet my dear Clementia how Exit Ghost How wert thou thus abus'd Come tell me now What gone didst come but to delude my Sence To shew me Heaven then leave me in suspence He kneels If it will not defile thine Eyes and Ear To see thy Slave and his Petitions hear Look down and tell what Miscreant snatch'd thee hence That I may Vengeance take for his Offence Let
obliging can dissolve a Heart Of Ice into a flaming Stream of Love He is not mortal sure the Gods above Dissembling for a while their Bliss came down And took his shape to glorifie their own And weary of the Earth do now return Can less than Commets wait them to the Urn Bald. Fie you do so much over-load his Bays And injure Heaven with your luxuriant Praise Enter Eustace Leopaldus and Albert. Bald. Eustace you troubled the Dutchess last night And she is scarcely yet out of the fright I left her to her self and must you come Was it for you d' you think I left my Room Libuss The Duke rallys I thought you were dead Which clouded me with Fears and storms of Tears But now the Sun is up those Clouds are fled Eust Madam I curse my over-saucy Stars For whispering to your Peace the sound of Wars Yet cannot chuse but bless their kindness too Since they have made me so esteem'd by you Why would you thus abuse your Thoughts on one Who lives or dyes by your Command alone Sir here are Warrants for you signature The Duke signs the Warrants For Forty thousand Crowns Bald. You are sure There 's no mistake I leave it to your care Both of my Honour and your Trust beware Eust If ever by deceit or negligence I abuse your indulgent Confidence May my honour be to dark oblivion hurl'd Nay let me be a By-word to the World Which is much worse for a true born noble Spirit Would rather be forgot than live t' inherit The sooty Off springs of black Calumny Such are still dying and yet never dye Bald. 'T was not distrust or giddy Jealous-fear But caution made me speak your Souls too clear To be eclips'd by waining-earthy Dross Wealth bought wish Honour is the greatest loss Libuss Brave Eustace is so nice in Honours Cause He 'd rather lose his Life then break her Laws So true to Justice and so just to Truth Goodness in him is aged and a youth Old ' cause from the beginning it was so Young cause it does greater and greater grow And if he does not nip that forward Bud He 'll run into excess by being good You had no reason then my Lord to fear Your Caution's fond extravagant your Care For should the Heavens prove frail the Gods untrue Yet Eustace cannot be unjust to you Eust How shall I thank your kindness The whole store Of Rhetorick is banckrupt Thoughts are too poor To fancy the rough Draught of a return Libuss 'T is but a Vizard underneath's thy Urn. Aside Bald. You 'll shew your Gratitude and Kindness too By the well performing of my Birth days Ceremonies Eust Sir you Like Heaven my Duty Service do approve What I do for my Honour you count Love I 'm in your Debt can I wipe out the score Of obligations by being obliged more That is a thrifty Payment Alber. 't is the fashion To borrow on and pay with Reputation Aside Bald. We 'll say no more your Debt is current Coin Libuss If you distrust his Bond you shall have mine Exeunt Manent Eustace Leopaldus and Albert. Eust Though you do not want Instructions yet Observe these Rules of mine Let not your mind gape at the Full-moon-tyde Of Wealth so far that Honour be deny'd Her Rights but let your gains be just and true He loses all who gets anothers due Be civil unto all Men as you can He who 's the bravest is the humblest Man Beware of Bribes for they are basely foul Sins baudy Panders who corrupt the Soul Leopal Your Rules I will observe as sacred and As such I shall observe your least Command Eust There needed not that strain I know you 'r just He who has noble Thoughts cannot distrust Leopal And therefore my design will easier be I 'll sow his Seed the Profit reap for me Aside Enter Lodoviek Arnulph Welpho and Conradine Conradine and Eustace whisper Conrad Lost if I see her if I don 't I dye How is my Soul plung'd in extremity If Fate when I was born did then contrive To make me dye why did Heaven make me live Why did not Death rifle my Mothers Womb And stop these Curses with so blest a doom Yet gentle Eustace pitty my distress Plead with her once more for my happiness Eust Excuse me Sir I will not be so unjust Brother To Court her to what she so much hates Conrad Adieu I 'll to some melancholly Shade Heaven may at last cure these Wounds she has made Exit Eust My Friends you 'r welcom all what service now Do your Commands oblige me with Lod. We bow Unto your Honour in an humble suit Eust When Friends Petition Reason may dispute Whether 't is Friendship speaks what wound have I Unwilling giv'n to make it pine and dye Use not such Crab-fac'd distance to your Friend Arnulph It is your kindness thus to condescend Our Fortunes are too narrow Minds too poor Eust He who 's a true Friend is the greatest store Albert. These gaudy Apples have a rotten Core They 're Cankers to true Honour and they bring In their Mouth Nectar in the Tail a Sting Aside Eust To morrow Morning when the Duke 's at leisure I 'll him move in your Business I take pleasure In being serviceable to my Friend Welph Your Goodness is a World none knows its end Lodol We kiss your Hand Alb. He speaks for all I see Aside Welph I humbly kiss your Feet Alb. A Ladies Lap dogs Flea Would be ador'd by him oh how he Cringes His Tongue nay his whole Body hangs o' th Hinges Of Profit he 'll weep smile court and scrue Himself into more shapes than Proteus knew For baudy Game Brave Eustace is too kind Unto these Serpents Eust How is my Mind Ensnar'd with Love oh how is my Soul twin'd In th' cruel Shackles of her downy Hair Yet they are precious Chains a glorious Snare But Reason bids me not enslave my Soul to Woman her rise was but Rib-high 't was Man Was made the Head the Metropolitan Reason thou art unreasonable she Is Empress of the World who subjects me Venus does sometime blush sometime look pale To see her self out-shone and wears a Vail Smooth-tongu'd Minerva swears Apollo got This Eloquence she comprehends it not Diana does forget the Chast Lucrece Rome never knew this Ladies like nor Greece Frowning Bellona casts her Armour by Swears it was ravish'd from her by her Eye Thus Beauty Learning Chastity and War Do homage to this more illustrious Star Presume not then to love only admire For fear her Eyes do burn thee in their Fire Not love for fear Fears base for if I burn I go a happy Commet to my Urn. Encrease thy Flames then if she cruel prove I dye her Martyr sacrifid to Love Exit Enter Rodulphus and Clementia Rodulp You need not fear There is no danger the Coast's clear Pol on the Arras cannot prate Of our solemn sweets to
Smile disdainful Frown Eustace I 'll strike at first and when I 'm in Ambition can digest the greatest Sin I 'll level at the Duke th' Attempt is brave I gain if loose a Subject is a Slave The Dutchess in all this shall be the Scale I 'll take th' height of this Attempt by her pale Looks frequent Blushes broken Sighs of late Argue she 's Pris'ner unto Love or Hate Or both and if I 'm not mistaken I Saw my self seated in her amorous Eye If so I 'll make her love Baud to my Lust These two Flames joyn'd shall burn the Duke to Dust Exit Enter Eustace and Clementia Eust Not love you Why Cause you 'r so killing perfect must love dye You not belov'd whose high flown Eloquence Sacred Sybilline dictates do's dispence The Rhetorick of your Face with silence can Speak threats unto the Gods but death to Man When Phyrrha and Deucalion threw the Stones And from thence sprang both Male and Female ones Nature intended Love else you would feel Instead of Flesh those Flints and Hearts of Steel She mollifi'd those Stones encreas'd desire She took away the Flint but left the Fire Clement That Fire you speak of ought to be refin'd In the chast Furnace of a Godly Mind The Gods allow love's Flame yours Lusts will prove Would Eustace have me lose my Love by Love Love's Fire 's divine Divinity is just O Heavens Can Eustace be eclips'd with Lust Fredrick's your Friend from yours he draws his Life Fie Eustace fie would you abuse his Wife Eust Could any Mortal Eye transpierce the Sphere And see what the just Gods are doing there How they eternal Joys give to the Good And do revenge Adulteries and Blood Or did they think the Thunderer was near The very worst of Men to sin would fear D' you think me then so impudent that I Dare sin when such a Deity is nigh No Madam no may Heaven exclude me there And you me hate a greater Hell by far If my Flame 's not as just as theirs above The very abstract of the purest Love I crave but to enjoy your Company To kiss your Feet your heavenly Beauty view To feed upon your Voices Harmony Heaven is not Heaven if all this is not true And if your Servant covets more than this Like Lucifer may I lose all my Bliss Clement Eustace is Eustace now methinks I see In him all Glory all Divinity And since his Thoughts nothing but Vertue are As I before am still his Worshipper Eustace shall Fredrick Fredrick Eustace be Except in Bed one and the same to me This is true Love Lust is the Beasts delight That beams the Sun this darkens blackest Night Exeunt Enter Godfrey When Eustace is deposed my Son shall Be Treasurer I Lord General To gain Honour who do's not think'tis fit To baffle Friendship is not stor'd with Wit Exit Enter Eustace Rodulphus and Albert. There 's your Commission Rodul Sir I still must be Indebted to your great Civility How I applaud my Wit for this new Power He raises me to make himself fall lower ●is Envy's Lechery to make Men fall Aside By that they built to save themselves withal Exeunt Enter Conradine and Gozelo Conra Post away relate it to the Duke in the most odious Terms maginable Then return to me disguis'd Exit Gozelo I 'll mittigate these Flames in which I burn Or kindle those shall bring me to my Urn. Exit Enter Duke How are they incumbred who do wear a Crown They cannot truly call what 's theirs their own All rob the Prince Theft 's not Theft in that thing 'T is godly Policy to cheat the King The Sycophant oyls us with Flatteries Our Gold is angled at by avarice Th' ambitious Worms would over-top their heuer The envious wretch would starve our Princely State All strive to raise themselves or whet our Fate Nor are we free from Traitors when we are dead Did not Rodulphus tell me but just now Treason sole regent sate upon his Brow That he Rodulphus would more loyal be Then him who from me takes his Pedigree More Loyal ha was not th' Accent there Yes My Brother false No he a Traitor is But why do I Condemn him thus Yet can Eustace brave Eustace be less then a man For Traitors are Beasts Monsters Yet we know Blood Royal thinks that Nature do's it owe A Crown Eustace may think himself as fit In Majesty in Wisdom and in Wit To sit at Helm as I He cant break his Trust The best corrupted though prove most unjust I 'll therefore watch him and th' informer too Perhaps he talks but what himself would do Exit Enter Rodulphus So let him play a while with this first Bait False-sighted Jealousie can pick deceit Out of true Loyalty now Eustace shall Not talk of Honey but he 'll extract Gall And I 'll so feed his Humour blind his Sence He 'll Duty check and Treason recompence Enter Dutchess God save your Grace Du. Oh! what Rodulphus joy You are turn'd Soldier count the Court a Toy It is a Miracle to see you here A day of Jubilee when you appear Rodulph Your Grace is merry Soldiers must obey Their Officers else 't were a Puppet-play Female Suns shine at Court Rodulphus can Feast his Eyes on his Mistris who 's a Man My General brave Eustace I adore I 'll never think of Women any more Dutch Methinks Rodulphus none do hear but we Aside Himself might be the General had not he A Soul too narrow to contain the Fire Of his dear Princess Libussa's desire And in my Judgment he deserves it far Beyond that vulgar Shadow painted Star The Dutchess told me this her self if you Have not Faith to believe that it is true Come to her Bed-Chamber I 'll place you where You all our close Discourse shall over hear She weeps for Joy when I begin your name Yet those dews are soon dry'd up in Loves Flame She sighs and weeps again to cool Desire Alas those oyly drops encrease the Fire Rodulphus did not know who was his Slave Before I told For this my Fee I 'll have Exit Dutchess Rodulph Ha ha ha All this I knew before we wise men must Make many Tryals before we do trust Rodulphus might be General ha ha ha Yes I Will Eustace be and Duke or bravely dye Exit Enter Leopaldus and a Messenger I 'll wait upon her Grace Exit Messenger Leop. Lord Treasurer or Lord General Let 's see Which of those Titles is the best for me Faith Treasurer for I love Gold beside A Cannons Language I could ne'er abide Not that all Soldiers think they must fight no The Duke I fear would have few thought they so 'T is a rough Dialect but Gold's smooth Tongue Makes Angels dance unto its heavenly Song That then I 'll choose shall make all Men admire My State a Generals but a Powder Fire Ha ha ha who 'd be a Soldier he 's
murthering his Nephew the brave Conradine Duke Tell the proud unjust Duke thy Master that he shall dearly pay for endeavouring to cloud our Rays with such detestable Actions For though his force and hatred is so great VVe 'll drown his Anger in a Bloody-sweat Exeunt Enter Leopaldus Solus I know you 're wise it is your own Affair Therefore it do's concern you to take care It do's I know and I 'll be careful too Who o' the Devil knows what she may do Base Traitor thou shalt dye said she And who can tell she may in earnest be No Dutchess no you shall not cozen me I 'll go to Eustace and disclose the Plot Unload my self of guilt but they will not Believe my Accusations and thus I Revealing Treason Traitor-like shall dye I must go through now I 've begun 't is base To faulter in the middle of a Chase Enter a Servant gives him a Box. Don Lewis left it here Leopald Be gone What 's this A Ruby Topaz and an Amithyst Dull plumbeous Brain What a Hen-hearted Slave Was I to doubt the Dutchess can one have Surer Proofs of her Loyalty than this Faint Jealousie do's often judge amiss Do not these Jewels and this Gold infer That I shall be advanced Treasurer I 'll follow 't now with eagerness I doubt Not but to succeed when he 's justled out Exit Enter Ferdinando and Philippo alias Conradine and Gozelo Am I not well disguis'd is not this Hair An exact Vizard and are not these Pair Of Mustachoes well order'd ha Phil. As well As though your Honour fetch'd them out of Hell So black so horn'd and so deceitful too The Devil 's in Men sure when they do woe Or else they would not so transform themselves For nothing but to please these waspish Elves Who if they did not court would court themselves Ferd. That 's too Satyrical but prithee how Dost like my Mask Philippo couldst thou know Me had I not foretold thee my design Phil. O Sir your Vertues through these Clouds do shine Cloaths cannot hide that Part which is Divine Ferd. You must be exercising of your Wit Phil. 'T has slept so long I fear I 've smother'd it Exeunt Enter Rodulphus I must contrive it so That he stay here and I in chief may go Against the Duke of Schawden Yet if he goes he secretly shall fall By me and I 'll return the General Exit Enter Duke Dutchess and Eustace Duke Another Regiment then must be rais'd Dutch But will you venture Eustace in this Fight Should he miscarry you loose all your might At one blow for as soon as he is lost Your Bed-rid Dukedom will give up the Ghost He is the Soul of Valour should they see Him fall your bravest Martialists would flee Like frighted Sheep before the Wolves none shall Resist but with a meek Devotion fall A Sacrifice to him some out of fear Others ' cause he is gone hate to live here Let him stay here for a reserve at last To graple with Death when all hopes are past Duke Madam to keep him here 's to loose the Day What strength remains when the Soul 's ta'ne away Eust Those Court-silk-worms whose sophisticated Fare Is Peace sauc'd up in Pleasure whose Pallats War Do's nauseate who with ease Ermin their Gown Mind not their Princes Interest but their own Should we sit still and let the Commons sweat Alone they would our Honour from us get Had I Ten thousand Lives each drop of Blood Should be exhausted for my Countries good Exeunt Enter Eustace Ferdinando Rodulphus Phillippo Eust Great Sir your Fame Has made the World enamour'd with your Name You need not bring a Letter to be known There 's nothing Great nor Good that 's not your own Since you have put your Rays under the Cloud Of Nancy let my poor House be allow'd That Honour Ferdinando may be as free As if he was brave Otho Exeunt Rodulph Otho he Letters from him from Otho that shall be Matter wherewith I 'll feed my Villany Exit Enter Eustace By thus matching my Sister with the Brother of the dead Conradine I shall create a Peace upon Honourable Terms He who muzzles the Jaws of the Sword do's his Country as great a Service as he who vindicates her honour by it Yet I will keep it secret that it may be more vallued for we are apt to prize those Blessings most which come unexpected Exit Enter Three Soldiers 1. Come Boys let 's bid adieu to these Thred-bare knitty Jirkins these Spawns of Peace she who never gave Soldiers any thing but a king Bellies and itching Backs 2. Faith if we had lain still any longer every one I think had been a General I believe I can Muster Ten thousand besides what have had the strapado and been turn'd out of Service 3. But now we 'll ruffle in Silk and be lousie with Credit Brace our Bellies with Provocatives make our Souls tyde it to Elysium in Wine then have an Alderman's Wife to close up the Stomach 1. Take it off you mean 2. Faith I must have half a dozen to cure my Itch. 3. No one with her Husband 's best new Suit and clean Shirt will do 't for they are famous for such Cures Exeunt Enter Eustace Gertrudo and Ferdinando Gertrud I do his noble praise admire And emulate his worth but Cupid's Fire Catch from the Eyes Eust h' has your Picture Ger. I will He live and doat upon my Picture still I 'll marry none by Proxy Kings in that Are then their Subjects more unfortunate Ferd. 'T was not report that rais'd Otho's Love Or your Effigies did his Passion move But he has seen you Madam from your Eyes The Fire was kindled for this Sacrifice He offers a true broken Heart Quench not That holy Flame your Beauty has begot Gertrud What 's got by Beauty will with Beauty fade When the Sun sets we are left in the Shade Ferd. Beauty is not External but Divine He do's adore the Features of your Mind You are the Fountain of Divinity Through you all Glory Bliss and Goodness run The Heavens do boast of your Affinity Your splendant Eyes renew and beam the Sun Should you be angry and withdraw your Light The World would grovel in eternal Night Let not let not your too much Cruelty Give cause to doubt of your Divinity Gertrud How do's he plead against himself 't is he By whom I 'm Conquer'd he has fetter'd me Aside Justice as well as Mercy 's in the Gods One Hand holds Blessings and the other Rods To punish proud Offenders Sir can I Think Otho do's count me his Deity When in his first address I read such Crimes O Heavens the Pride of Men in these our Times Can the Proud Otho think that I 'm Divine When Scrivener-like he courts me thus by Line The Path to Conquer her is strait thought he And easie 'T is a sign he Honours me Did he so much