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A41263 Fidelis Achates, or, An Historical account of the most remarkable actions in the late reigns and the present revolution in heroick verse. 1699 (1699) Wing F847; ESTC R29825 50,814 178

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beguile Why was their Venom mingl'd with the Smile He promis'd Blessings on his own accord He might with the same ease have kept his Word Unhappy Faith that gives this Latitude And does an universal Bond exclude Yet for a time on easie Waves we play And Halcyon Gales the fleeting Bark convey No present Storm did threaten from afar No thickening Cloud spread o'er our Hemisphere In his own Mode his Piety he show'd We in the Church establish'd serv'd our God When strait the old Reformers of the Times Who mend Defaults by acting greater Crimes When whatsoe'er is Sacred is profan'd It 's then a thorow Reformation nam'd When Civil Rights a woful ruine bear It 's but the Harvest of Religious War These forward Zealots of a barren Cause These Enemies to Order and the Laws With the Parrhelia in the West appear Warm in his Beams and kindle into War Press on like hasty Floods with impious Rage The Folly and the wonder of the Age With untaught Troops they rashly ventur'd on And fought like stubborn Fools to be undone What can be argu'd to excuse these Men Who can for them a just defence maintain Are these the Champions of Britannia's Fate Must she from them her great Deliverance date What cou'd these desperate Engines thus inspire What kindle this Enthusiastick Fire It 's plain the Movement lies before our Eyes Rome gives the Machines Motion and Supplies If ever People wou'd receive Advice And Wisdom really know without disguise Dear bought Experience sure wou'd teach them more Than all their dull fallacious Guides before Albion has other Hero's for her Guard Souls worthy Albion's Race and vast Reward Not puny Emmets of a Mushrome Birth Like these meer Insects crawling out of Earth A few revolving Suns will speak their Names In Annals pregnant with unusual Fame The Mock Sun vanish'd like a wandring Fire In Blood he Set his purpl'd Beams expire The Western Fields were strew'd with guilty Seed May no prolisic Crop indulge the breed If future Faults provoke the angry Throne Theirs be the Guilt the Blood be all their own What happier Scene for Rome can be display'd The Rebels routed and her Rival dead Her open Foes in Battel overthrown Cou'd give no more disturbance to the Throne 'T was sure the Terror of this Rival's force Check'd in its full career the Roman Course Or sure she thought Caesario's potent Seat Was now above the Rage of Men and Fate Or that the Church establish'd ne'er wou'd swerve But beyond all extreams of Duty serve With this assurance buoy'd away she flies Her tow'ring Plumes aspire the very Skies Sure of the Goal she aims to grasp the Prize Storms after Storms wing'd on destructive Wind Now rage and in no compass are confin'd So Boreas blusters o'er the troubl'd Main And with each Billow does a War maintain Thunders attend him with a noisie Crowd And pointed Light'nings flash from every Cloud The Surges rise and press with waving Trains But on the Rocks expend their Force in vain Rome now a bare-fac'd open Game does play Her bold defying bloody Flag display In earnest strives at an unbounded Sway. No huddl'd Projects longer are kept close She does a large expanded Scene disclose To compass this she gives a certain Blow At once all Albions Basis to o'erthrow Twelve Ermin'd Judges are prepar'd to give Away our Rights to grace Prerogative Free as they are requir'd they all resign And prodigally aid this black Design In Ages past what our Forefathers toil'd With vast Efforts and Industry to build What They with Sweat and Blood endless Care Upon a strong Foundation strove to rear The very Guardians of our Beings all Before these Twelve Apostate Britans fall Unhappy Men too forward taught in Crimes The very Ignominy of the Times How cou'd they this to after Years convey Or how engage their Sons to curse the Day Why shou'd they late Posterity betray Their native Rights be ravish'd from their Claim Transmit them down a barren empty Name Who constituted these twelve Men supreme How came this Pow'r to be assum'd by them Grant that they must expound the Text of Law Whence do they thence this wild Conclusion draw Is Exposition to repeal an Act What Parliaments enforce can they retract This true their Pow'r is more capacious grown Than all our General Council and the Crown But that 's absurd and so their Grants were vain They give a Privilege they can't maintain Howe'er it serves to buttress up their Cause And gives a colour to clude the Laws Which are dispenc'd withal without controul The King 's the Representative o' th' whole Through this wide Breach the Inundation flows Which all our Mounds of safety overthrows Nothing but boundless Pow'r now courts the Ear As Eastern Kings or Persian Sophi's are A Will coercive as establish'd Law Flash'd thro' the Land and all the Nation awes Nor this large Doctrine must we disbelieve This Stamp in early Youth we must receive Sacred as is our Faith and Canons this We must in this entirely acquiesce This ev'ry Bard and ev'ry Druid told And every Penman of the Isle enroll'd But now let 's cast on either side an Eye Not byass'd with a Partiality Let 's see what strength of Sense does this maintain The Tares and Chaff let 's separate from the Grain Let 's hear how first they Government define Why it 's Paternal all and all Divine From Adam this Despotic Claim began To Noah down successive Titles ran He to his Sons transmits this General Rule We must Obedience pay without Controul A free Assertion this and very clear Cou'd it a Demonstration but appear But if a Supposition is allow'd Then Suppositions on each Side must crowd And Arguments as endless as at first Both run in vain for neither Party lost Before the Flood imperfect Rolls are known What Actions in those num'rous Years were done The Sacred Writ has not divulg'd to Man Who can a Thesis opposite maintain We read of Patriarchs how the rolling Spheres Oft whirl'd around in many tedious Years And found them still in Youth no rip'ning Snow Adorn'd their Heads nor Wrinkles grac't the Brow The very Planets wonder'd at the Race They still appear'd in Prime with blooming Grace Now scarce one Revolution they compleat But see Mankind destroy'd by angry Fate Life 's but a Thought we 're now of shorter Breath And claim an earlier Kindred with the Earth What mention is there made of Kingly Rule Or who e'er shew'd th'Oeconomy o' th' Whole Of their long Lives a clear Account is writ Not who were Kings or who to them submit Why then shou'd this a Canon be to Man It 's but a bare Opinion they maintain But Noah falls in a successive Line From Adam and divulg'd his great Design To raise a Fabrick that cou'd stem the Main When Heav'n destroy'd the World with future Rain This as a Prophet not as King he told This Title in the Sacred Writ's enroll'd For
their Minds the same Did equal Ardour kindle up their Flame Can Britans Rome and old Hybernian Foes An adequate Affection each espouse The Officers of highest Fame decline Desert the War and with Augustus join The Royal Branches to his Arms come o'er Such Conduct they and such a Cause abhor Decrees unalterable are above These Scenes can then proceed from none but Jove Caesario saw it was in vain to strive His wavering Forces cou'd no Succour give Unto what purpose was it to oppose Or sacrifice his Troops to stronger Foes He orders all his Army to disband They quit their Posts know no more Command He 's now distress'd forsaken and alone Looks round and views a naked empty Throne Of all the Charms of Greatness now bereft Not one of all his soothing Minions left Those Strains of Pow'r which late the Romans taught Strains that employ'd their Tongues and ev'ry Thought Those Draughts of Grandeur that vast Renown They all before his dazzl'd Eyes laid down Like fleeting Clouds they dissipate in Air Forsake the Sight are fled and disappear Precarious Rome that crowch'd before this Sun When he in a Meridian Solstice shone That cherish'd all her Orders in his Beams And urg'd his Counsels to such wild Extremes With alter'd Sails another Course she steers As fast as Seas and hasty Winds can bear Loaded with guilty Spoils she posts away Just like a Vulture with a ravish'd Prey The Court the Council in disorder leave Advice they cou'd not hear nor any give Confus'd distracted in Despair they run And any Shelter seek the Foe to shun So when the Chariot of the Sun does rise And scatters Darkness from the shining Skies The Birds of Night to Coverts wing away Confounded with the Lustre of the Day Caesario now encompass'd with Alarms A Pris'ner falls to Great Augustus Arms He falls a Captive not a Victim here More Mercy in his Conduct did appear Mercy to Rome a very Stranger grown They know no Kindred no Acquaintance own Her Fiery Trials have excluded quite That Attribute and urg'd it to a Flight Now Muse proceed and other Actions tell That in this wond'rous Turn of State befell If ever Wonders were convey'd to Men If we 'll but credit what our Eyes have seen Great as of old they were when Aegypt's Land Provok'd the Weight of an Almighty Hand When Miracle on Miracle did crowd And Great Jehovah spoke by Moses loud Who can to th' Height of Heav'ns high Conduct soar Can feeble Man those Starry Realms explore Our Reason cannot antidate the Doom But we can tell of Blessings when they come Cou'd ever People such Deliv'rance boast No purple Rivers of our Blood were lost The Land with no polluted Streams was stain'd An easie bloodless Victory we gain'd Their guilty Cause cou'd not the Test abide They had not Heav'n nor Justice on their Side Let Rome essay to interrupt no more For Heav'n has other Vengeance yet in store Britannia's Church is its peculiar Care She needs not Rome's insulting Bulls to fear Caesario's Strength disbanded all by Land Now in the Fleet his Admirals lose Command The stubborn Crews wou'd no Obedience pay An Anchor wou'd not weigh to put to Sea They wou'd not fight at Rome's imperious Call Nor be the Instruments of Albion's Fall Silent each Gun within the Port-hole stood They wou'd not launch a Vessel to the Flood In this Distress in dead of silent Night When twinkling Stars supply'd Defect of Light A Barque Caesario boards with secret Friends And streight to Gallia's Coasts his Course he bends So Persia's Monarch when to Greece he came And led on Millions by his powerful Name Yet in a trifling Boat is forc'd away So small a Vessel Xerxes did convey The rising Winds his Voyage did oppose The very Elements proclaim'd his Foes The Weather forc'd him back on Albion's Shore And he becomes a Pris'ner as before Impartial Readers let their Judgments give And future Times Intelligence receive And let the Tenets of our Church be shown Blood is an Off'ring to her Rules unknown Let Rome and let Geneva blush for shame To raise by their Unchristian Acts a Fame Review the Revolutions of our State Since Normans to our Annals gave a Date And tell me where a Captiv'd Monarch's found That perish'd not by some untimely Wound Too true we read their Deaths in ev'ry Shape None e'er permitted were to make Escape Caesario has his Freedom once again On Board he goes puts forth upon the Main He flies to Gallia's Monarch for Supply As an Asylum in Extremity What can he from the treach'rous Franks expect They 'll not for his but their own Ends project They 'll play the Game for their Advantage high And reap the fattest Spoils of Victory At home the Nobles in Convention met Achates first in that Great Council sate The Common Cause oblig'd to chuse a Chief To give to the disorder'd State Relief The Head-strong People to Confusion bent Wou'd raze the Principles of Government Or wou'd all Reason as of old decry Precipitate into an Anarchy A future War impending on the Land A quick Dispatch of Bus'ness did command Hybernia all disarm'd nor Sword nor Spear Was with our Albion's Sons permitted there Like Israel's Tribes for Tillage-tools they go And court Convenience from a dangerous Foe That Gallia Potent was by Land and Sea A Pow'rful Active Vig'lant Enemy Her Force more strong more num'rous than of old Than any former Chronicle enroll'd That her New Conquests were themselves a State Realms large enough for any Potentate For certain she wou'd with Caesario join With Interests close united both combine That Europe's Eyes did on our Counsels wait To take their Measures all from this Debate In short all Contradiction overcome A Settlement must be dispatch'd at home Here lay the Difficulty of the Cause It must be done agreeable to Laws And now Debates upon Debates arise One Argument another still supplies From Government in general they come To what 's our Constitution here at home And thence on several Topicks they enlarge And briskly round they one another charge Who can Britannia's vacant Throne suppose Who e'er an Interregnum did disclose It 's granted when th' Incumbent Monarch dies That very Minute the next Heir supplies And thus the Chain continu'd Links secure For endless Generations to endure Again Was ever Forfeit of the Scepter made Or can the Crown be by the Prince betray'd What Judge their Sovereign's Errors can inspect Or who presumes his Actions to direct The People all must passively comply And not into th' Imperial Archives pry But if a Subject has a Pow'r to make Enquiries ev'ry Subject must partake The Judges then are num'rous as the Crowd By which a Train of Nonsense is allow'd To these Achates wisely makes reply Let 's first digest how our Foundations lie Let 's search the Basis of the Pile we rear That will demonstrate all we argue clear ' Twou'd tedious be past
Fidelis Achates OR AN Historical Account Of the Most Remarkable Actions IN THE LATE REIGNS AND THE Present Revolution In Heroick Verse LONDON Printed for John Sprint at the Bell in Little Britain 1699. FIDELIS ACHATES I Sing a Man renown'd as that of Troy Who from the Court retir'd himself t' enjoy He 's now retreated to his Calm Aboad And awful resteth like a Rural God Less noisie Business now does entertain Till Fate and Fame provoke him forth again To found a Nation or to save a Land Sure equal Spirits equal Powers command His great and just Endowments flasht too bright The sick'ning Court was dazzl'd with the Light Ev'n Envy stagger'd till fresh Furies joyn And all against this mighty Man combine The wrinkl'd Sanhedrim upon him frown'd And when he grac'd a Throne a Prison found Elaborate Votes imagin'd Faults declare Oh! where they more than Humane not to err A well-fram'd Church he from an early Youth Meek as its Maker and as him all Truth With Pious Zeal espous'd No Foreign Gods transplanted he 'd adore He dash'd the Pagan Idols from the Shore He saw and pitied with a brave disdain Strange Altars built from ev'ry impious Brain In ev'ry Grove Phanatic Domes were rear'd Domestick Pagods every where appear'd Polluted Off rings stain'd the Promis'd Land Who cou'd like him in such a Storm command Tell me my Muse what angry Deity Sign'd such Returns for so great Piety Is Piety imputed for a Crime Can Passion reign in Beings so sublime But who with Heav'n this Quarrel can maintain The Heroe must be train'd and disciplin'd to Man An Ancient Seat he held a Noble Place A Seat well worthy of so fam'd a Race What Worthies sallied from that stately Pile Friends to the Throne and Patriots of the Isle Substantial Souls not Minions of the Times They never blush'd because they knew no Crime Succeeding Reigns were with their Counsels blest He more compleat more finish'd than the rest On pleasing Banks by a large Rivers side Where easie Waves in curl'd Meanders glide With Columns grac'd the House erected high A Reverend Prospect gives the distant Eye The Pines in artful Masts their Turrets rear The River now a Forest does appear Ev'n Afric's Nile and Indian Rivers hide Their Heads and blush not boasting such a Pride The Decks expanded on the winged Air All Indias Odours cling and scatter far The graceful Swans around the Vessels throng A Bird that only tunes a Dying Song When Age or Wounds compel it to retire Flags in the Ouze sings on the Beach expires The Glebe by Art and Nature fertile bore For Man and Beast a glad luxurious Store Here by a Court-prevailing Envy tost The Heroe rests in Contemplation lost The Wise the Just Achates set aside His Potent Foes at Court their Conquest pride Level new Measures into Caesar's Ear All with a new and alter'd Face appear They whisper Counsels foreign to the Throne And slight its Interest to secure their own Who rightly can of Caesar's Actions sing Or how divide the Father from the King Oh! when in Crowds we cluster'd on the Strand And stood to see the Royal Exile land What welcom Shouts redoubl'd from the Shore The Dumb acquire a Speech unknown before The subtile Nerves Seraphick Joys declare Their Ports were open'd all to Tongue and Ear Our willing Hands beneath his Feet we lay And strew'd our very Hearts to pave his Way We wait the King with glorious Triumph home And all around Huzza'd Our Caesar's come Our Albion's Ports no longer Chains endure They now are open'd all the Sea secure The friendly Crews are to each other kind They know no Foes but Rocks Sands Wind From late discover'd Countries Shipping come And lave along and bear their Cargoes home Both Indies hoist their Treasures on the Strands And Peru courts us with its Golden Sands Neptune had now proclaim'd a general Peace And Halcyon Murmurs calm the rufll'd Seas The People all to peaceful Thoughts incline Each Subject easie stretch'd beneath his Vine The very Sons of Mars forget their Jars Complain of Battels and repent their Scars Religion now appear'd in Christian Prime Never more Primitive or more Divine Daily new pompous Embassies resort Display their Foreign Glories at the Court And when the neighb'ring Princes rais'd fresh Jars To Caesar it 's referr'd For Caesar holds the Scales of Peace and War What cou'd a Prince or People more desire Or lov'd or fear'd whilst all the World admires What Pen can tell what jarring Seeds arose And urg'd the King and People to be Foes Who can disclose what Springs this Engine move If from below they 're form'd or from above They in obscure and close Recesses lie And bid a bold Defiance to the Eye It 's possible what 's Humane to define For what proceeds from Man is short of what 's Divine Why then let 's trace these Causes to the Head For every Cause will to another lead Till by a strict Enquiry we descry Where our invet'rate Foes relentless lie Proud conqu'ring Rome of old with bold Alarms Had forc'd the World a Vassal to its Arms Its tow'ring Eagles in pursuit of Prey Thro' vast extended Kingdoms cut their Way Boundless its Aims too covetous of Fame Too awful Terrors wait the Roman Name Ev'n dreadful Gaul did Caesar's Grace implore Britannia bears a Yoke unknown before At length beyond a common Compass grown Th' unwieldy Bulk of Greatness tumbl'd down Who can Eternal Destiny resist It fell beneath its pond'rous Glories prest Complaining Nations take the quick Alarm And to regain their ravish'd Freedoms arm For Liberty's the Darling of Mankind All Nature's Choice the Canon of the Mind Their drooping Eagles now forbid the Shore Our Albion's Kings Paternal Scepters bore Succeeding Princes their just Rights maintain And know no more they scorn'd the Roman Chain Thus Rome when Heathen baffl'd disappears Until the Christian Pontiff mounts the Chair He 'll to the Rebel-World new Arts disclose Urge back to Rome its old revolted Foes Once more he 'll bid at Universal All On the World's Ruins raise the Capitol Preceding Caesars aim'd their Shafts not right He Eagle all aspires a loftier Flight They only Tribute and Obedience claim'd By him the Soul and Body both are damn'd He 'll have all Kingdoms at his rev'rend Beck Let loose the Reins of Pow'r or curb or check It 's true cou'd he this large Commission show The willing World wou'd to his Orders bow Cou'd he by dint of Text demonstrate this Or by a clear allow'd Periphrasis He then might boast the Universe his own And sit Despotic on a Christian Throne But if our God imbody'd did declare No such reveal'd Decrees such Statutes here Nor gave this large Mandamus to his Chair Which by our Learn'd Reformers is deny'd Why does he in this Usurpation pride Let 's give the Rev'rend Bishop what 's his Due And yield to Albion's Caesar all we owe. Britannia long
Noah's Sermon did continue long He preach'd a quick Repentance all along Had he been King they 'd more Allegiance paid They 'd surely known their Orders and obey'd But o'er his House a Regal sway he bore So Fathers since and doubtless did before But he of many others had a Care He was to many Tribes a Royal Heir Before the Flood he bore extended Sway And taught a numerous People to Obey That 's but perhaps a Controversial Throne For ever thus we argue Pro and Con Why then i' th' Ark did he not more include Out of that universal Multitude He was regardless of his Subjects good He let them fall unpity'd in the Flood To this they Answer That great Command convey'd to him from Heav'n Was only by th' Almighty's Order given This then Conducts us to another Theme Let 's ask how Ages govern'd after him For if from Heav'ns bright Throne all Orders come And Nations wait from Jove's great date their doom Or we are left to Reason's dictates here Or Revelation must new Kings declare It 's plain from Noah to fam'd Abraham's Race No Calendars of Kings the History Grace Nor are successive Monarchs there exprest It 's but a meer Conjecture at the best The Records no Paternal Titles name Nor Crown succeeding Sons with Regal Fame But they averr When Israel's Sons possest the Promis'd Land Then Kings were pointed out by God's Command It 's true and wou'd he please to do it now Who then disputed Titles durst allow But since his Wisdom Infinite denies This Gift to Man our Reason must supply Reason disdains relation to the Earth For with the Soul it claims Celestial Birth Reason's the Pole-Star of the World 's great sway By it the Monarch Rules and we Obey This then allow'd the Muse proceeds to tell The Wonders of our Days and what befell Our Actions be to coming Ages known And let us vindicate what we have done But by the bye let 's take a short survey How the known Globe is govern'd at this Day What Constitutions different Kingdoms claim How each exerts its Pow'r and wins a Fame Then Albion's Sons may with a general Voice Consider all distinct and take their choice If then they 'll alter what their Fathers rear'd They 'll bring a worse Destruction than they fear'd First to the Eastern Climes let 's wing our way There take a view of Arbitrary Sway Here Princes absolute as Heav'n appear As awful as the mighty Thunderer Unbounded Terrors here surround the Throne And trembling Subjects at a Beck fall down No Law secures them but the Monarch's Will He 's only judge of what is Good or Ill It 's he dispenses Edicts thro' the Land The passive People yield to each Command No Charters there or Property they claim A Subject's Freedom's but an airy Name They know no Right that they can call their own Or to Posterity transmit it down Their Lives Estates and all their numerous Race One angry Nod destroys or does deface Rivers of Blood must expiation make For every little Pique the Monarch takes Like a Majestick Savage he bears Rule Nor dare his trembling Herds his Will controul Can common Sense this brutal Sway maintain For Beasts more proper sure than God-like Man Whose Appetites do covet such a Feast May be at India's bloody Boards a Guest Three Parts in Four of the whole Globe we find Such Sanguinary Laws and Statutes bind But Christian Kingdoms other Rulers know This is the next succeeding Point to show To clear this Head let 's search the sacred Page And see what Doctrines Jesus taught his Age Let 's learn the Records of th' Almighty's Son What on this Subject he deliver'd down Thro' all his Course he did Obedience preach To Kings the very same th' Apostles teach They pay submission to the Powers they find And stamp that Law on ev'ry Christian's Mind But what 's all this to form a Kingdom by And many bring to one Society What 's this to Human Laws and Precepts here When Government in Embryo did appear When Policy erected high its Throne And taught excentrick Crowds its Power to own Our Saviour never touch'd upon that Theme But left distinctive Lands in that Supream He never did Augustus Right dispute Whether by Law he 's bound or Absolute Nor who proclaim'd him Emperor at Rome When Amorous Anthony was Overcome Nor why he did assume a Sov'reign Pow'r Which in the Senate was compriz'd before His willing Tribute he to Caesar paid Call'd not in question any Act he made The Roman Edicts thorow Canaan fly Christ no Objection makes but does comply Hence ev'ry Scepter may new Laws command As Exigencies of the State demand And from each present Constitution 's Frame The Prince and People both may Justice claim This granted more Enquiries were but vain How other Lands establish'd Rules maintain Let it suffice us that we know our own What 's ours to ask and what to pay the Throne Now to the last decisive Head we 're come Of all alledg'd before the Total Sum If Government be by the Laws confin'd Which Prince and People equally do bind Why in the Name of Goodness may not Crimes On either Side disturb the peaceful Times And Violence by Justice be compell'd Or to abscond or when it stirs to yield This Equal Rule brings on a glorious Day And will illustrate all we have to say This Revolution at this Bar be try'd And be a future Standard and a Guide Caesario makes the Laws of Cobweb-force Bursts thro' them all in his impetuous Course Thro' all the Land imperious Edicts fly The People must implicitly comply Not Turbant-Precepts speak with louder Strain Nor Eastern Kings with greater Terrors reign Whatever Oppositions did appear Were levell'd all by the Court-Pioneers Those thoughtless Tools of a Tyrannick Power Were to have been the last it did devour The Cyclops Kindness their Reward had been They 'd been the last in that destructive Scene O'er the Transactions let us cast an Eye Let 's take of all the Ills a short Survey He had no more Domestick Foes to fear 'T was now high time his other Aims to dare Those very Men whose Loyalty was known A strong substantial Guardian of the Throne Inur'd to War all Perils they abide And slighted Death and Danger on their Side Whose bold Resolves wou'd all Encounters meet To bend their haughty Foes beneath their Feet These very Men are ey'd with half Regard Scarce empty Praise allow'd for their Reward Their very Lawrels ravish'd from their Brow Which Foreigners and Romish Courtiers know Our faithful Statesmen who the Crown had serv'd And never from a Prudent Conduct swerv'd Britannia's Aid and great Supporters they Now from the alter'd Throne are urg'd away Their Places fill'd by callow untaught Tools Monstrous Effects produce and worthy Fools The just Expounders of the Law are laid Aside the very Law it self betray'd Ten thousand Bribes engage the partial Bar ' Gainst Equity to
and pow'rful Levies for the War Nature his Handmaid did convey her Store From Foreign Coasts and ev'ry distant Shore Strong Oaks were levell'd by the lab'ring Swain Large Forests turn'd into a verdant Plain They shape the Ribs Planks Structures build To plow the Seas untaught to Storms to yield Materials from remotest North they bear And Pines to form high Masts to mount in Air They search the Bowels of the injur'd Earth Dig deep and give to shining Metals birth They force a Rape upon their Mother Clay And urge her Treasures all conceal'd to Day The sturdy Oars run down in hollow Moulds Large Engines frame that noisie Fates unfold Deaths wing'd on Flame as quick as Lightning fly And shew a ghastly Ruine to the Eye To Sulph'rous Mines for center'd Flame they go And search Ingredients in vast Caves below And now the Fleet is rigg'd well trimm'd and mann'd Commanders round the great Augustus stand And their last Orders wait from him to know For they are ready where he points to go Let 's leave him there a while cross the Flood And view how our Affairs in Albion stood These Preparations were too great to lie For ever hid from each enquiring Eye The Bus'ness now was to a Ripeness grown He valu'd not if his Resolves were known Soon to Caesario comes the loud Report It alter'd all the Measures of the Court So Rome's proud Monarch that did Heav'n defie And wou'd himself appear a Deity When Thunder echo'd in the Air above Wou'd hide his Head and then confess'd a Jove The little Flatterers that the King misled By Paths uncouth uncommon to be trod Those that did buoy him up w th Flights unknown Tremble grow pale shiver round the Throne The boldest He seiz'd with unwonted Fear Presents a rueful Image of Despair So weak a Fence is Guilt in all Mankind A very Sting and Poyson to the Mind Caesario now who late so high did soar Beyond his Predecessors all before Who pass'd all Bounds of Reason and of Law And govern'd with an universal Awe The very Engines of his Court he sends To reconcile his Subjects for his Friends Their ancient Rights and Freedoms he 'll restore He promis'd Justice as of old before Th' Imprison'd Guides whom late he did despise Are call'd to Court again and ask'd Advice He all things promis'd that were thought to please As Liberty and Property and Ease When streight the welcom News salutes his Ear No Dread of Danger now no Ground of Fear Augustus's Fleet was by the Storms repell'd The Winds had o'er his pregnant Ships prevail'd That Heav'n it self his Quarrel did espouse Had shew'd its signal Justice on his Foes Their impious Vessels dash'd upon the Shore Had silenc'd e'en the Belgick Lion's Roar Augustus wisely spreads this grateful News Refits and his Descent once more pursues Mean time Caesario once again re-claims He 's still inconstant found in that the same His Smiles were vary'd to an angry Brow And ev'ry Subject seems the Monarch's Foe Those very Rights we now assur'd our own Are all revok'd and all again's undone But Heav'n no longer wou'd a Neuter stand Each Wind obeys th' Almighty's great Command He sends his awful Orders from above The Blasts in murm'ring Controversies strove Each strove to be the first to fill the Sails To complement Augustus with their Gales Those very Winds that forward smoothly bore His Fleet confin'd Caesario's to the Shore They like a Train of Magick Castles stood And cou'd not steer an Helm to stem the Flood As if Enchantment had possess'd each Keel They cou'd not hand a Cord to stretch a Sail. Augustus Fleet now spooms it o'er the Sea And safely Anchors in a welcome Bay Now other Breezes swell his Canvas Wings From Shouts that on the crowded Beaches ring His Guns return Salutes with grateful Cheer Opposing Echoes strike the sounding Air The Warlike Musick 's void of Death or Fear He orders on the Shore his Martial Bands Their polish'd Arms reflected on the Strands The Horses upwards hois'd did hang in Air And like unusual Machins they appear Th' Artillery's landed in a dreadful Train Offensive Arms by Land and on the Main The Carriages in order load the Strand In Ranks like a defensive Rampart stand Augustus draws his Forces tow'rds the Hills His Army all the Mounts and Valleys fills Such Order here such Readiness did shine And such exact exalted Discipline Not Ancient Generals ever Headed Men That did more close and silent Ranks maintain Not Caesar's Troops more ready were to die Ne'er put off Life with more facility Not Persia's Scourge cou'd greater Odds engage Nor war with more unequal Numbers wage Carthage and Rome's and Graecian Captains here Seem from their Shades to rise and breath again in Air. Achates active to his Power had been Of British Youth he leads a valiant Train The Nobles join him as he march'd along And now they make a large extended Throng Britannia's Youth in shining Arms behold As Lovely Dreadful as their Sires of old If ever Fate cou'd be receiv'd with ease It sure must be from Instruments like these If ever Beauty did appear in War It s awful Charms are only center'd here As fierce as Mars and as Minerva fair Such were the Youth when Edward took the Field And forc'd the stubborn Gaul submiss to yield When on the Mount the dreadful Monarch sate And saw his Troops dispute Britannia's Fate When bravely he refus'd to aid his Son But bid him pluck those Laurels all his own Such were the Youth when that great Son advanc'd And with an Handful routs the Pow'r of France Their Captiv'd King his Triumphs did adorn Whilst he 's on Vict'rys Wings sublimely born Furnish'd our Annals with Illustrious Deeds Which only can from British Arms proceed Such were the Youth when Henry did prepare To teach proud Gaul new Stratagems of War When Agencourt did register the Day And sounding Heralds loud proclaim'd his Sway. And such are now the Youth which from a●ar Gallia beholds and trembles at the War These the Battalions that with grand Alarms Must rowse all Europe to Confed'rate Arms Must Gallia's proud luxurious Pow'r pull down And on Augustus Head confirm the Crown Let 's leave them moving with slow March along Augmented by an adventitious Throng Our City Gates fly open to receive Their Regiments and Entertainments give Let 's view Caesario's Court and how Affairs Present themselves in this rough Face of Wars Too late he faw the Error of his Cause How weak's the Monarch that abandons Laws Too late he saw his Parasites had laid Rules for their Int'rest all and his betray'd Too late he wish'd his slighted Friends his own Too late indeed forbid his Sight they 're gone Pardons were now proclaim'd to call them o'er A Pardon 's needless where no Crime 's before Caesario takes the Field and Heads his Force To stop the bold Augustus in his Course His Army 's num'rous were