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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A34436 The Quakers cleared from being apostates, ok [sic], The hammerer defeated and proved an impostor being an answer to a scurrilous pamphlet falsly intituled William Penn and the Quakers either apostates or impostors, subscribed Trepidantium Malleus : with a postscript containing some reflections on a pamphlet intituled The spirit of Quakerism and the danger of their divine revelation, laid open / by B.C. Coole, Benjamin, d. 1717. 1696 (1696) Wing C6047; ESTC R29716 43,852 97

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is the Devil For verily he took not on him the Nature of Angels but he took on him the Seed of Abraham Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his Brethren that he might be a merciful and faithful High-priest in things pertaining to God to make reconciliation for the Sins of the People Again For we have not an High-priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our Infirmities but was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin And as to his Suffering both in Body and Soul and thereby becoming a most compleat Sacrifice for the Remission of the Sins of the whole World according to Isaiah Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him he hath put him to grief when thou shalt make his Soul an Offering for Sin he shall see his Seed he shall prolong his Days and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his Hand He shall see of the travel of his Soul and be satisfied by his Knowledge shall my Righteous Servant justifie many for he shall bear their Iniquities Neither by the Blood of Goats and Calves but by his own Blood he entred in once into the holy place having obtained Eternal Redemption for us How much more shall the Blood of Christ who through the Eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God purge your Conscience from dead Works to serve the Living God Again Who gave himself for us that he might Redeem us from all Iniquity and purifie unto himself a peculiar People zealous of good Works Again For Christ also hath once suffered for Sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us to God being put to Death in the Flesh but quickened by the Spirit Again And walk in love as Christ also hath loved us and hath given himself for us an Offering and a Sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savour That I may know him and the Power of his Resurrection and the Fellowship of his Sufferings being made conformable unto his Death With many more all which we as truly and as faithfully Believe as any Protestants whatever and he must have a Face of Brass that will say the Quakers either deny or undervalue any part of it And for the Trinity as he calls it we as much believe it as the Scripture declares it viz. For there are Three that bare Record in Heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these Three are One. And there are Three that bare witness in Earth the Spirit and the Water and the Blood and these Three agree in One. And as for the Body of Christ turning to Dust is so great an untruth that he must set up for the Trade of Lying that attempts a greater for the Quakers Believe according to the Acts of the Apostles which saith Ye Men of Galilee why stand ye gazing up into Heaven this same Jesus which is taken up from you into Heaven shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into Heaven Again He seeing this before spake of the Resurrection of Christ that his Soul was not left in Hell neither his Flesh did see Corruption This Jesus hath God raised up whereof we all are Witnesses Therefore being by the Right Hand of God exalted and having received of the Father the Promise of the Holy Ghost he hath shed forth this which ye now see and hear For David is not ascended into the Heavens but he saith himself The Lord said unto my Lord Sit thou on my Right Hand until I make thy Foes thy Footstool Therefore let all the House of Israel know assuredly that God hath made that same Jesus whom ye have Crucified both Lord and Christ Again Whom the Heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things which God hath spoken by the Mouth of all his holy Prophets since the World began So that as his Flesh saw no Corruption he Ascended far above all Heavens and sits at the Right Hand of the Majesty in the Heavens c. Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum We have such an High-priest who is set on the Right Hand of the Throne of the Majesty in the Heavens And though Christ was Anointed with the Oyl of Joy and Gladness above his Fellow referring to his Manhood which the Quakers readily confess yet never called it Anointings as he says for what reason I know not unless to abuse the Quakers And that all Christians have a degree or measure of the same the fulness of which was in him is sound Doctrine and to be believed and lookt for since he that has not the Spirit of Christ is none of his and since the Hammerer don't expect it no marvel he is so great a Slave to Sathan as he is His Scoffs at Perfection and Freedom from Sin I shall next take notice of and answer as follows That by Perfection the Quakers never pretended to any other than a being freed from Sinning and of a growth from one degree of Grace to another to the perfecting of Holiness but a Perfection of the fulness of Knowledge or of Glory is what is not to be expected in this World nor did we ever pretend to it but if a being delivered from sinning is not attainable the Quakers are indeed Fools to pretend to it and our Adversaries are in the right to reflect on us for it but if it be who is Fool then And that it is is most clear from Mat. 5. 48. Luke 6. 40. 2 Cor. 13. 9. 2 Tim. 3. 17. Eph. 4. 11 12 13. Heb. 6. 1. or else we must Charge an Absurdity on the Holy Ghost for injoining what was impossible to be attained to and where will that Centre And whereas he often reflects and abuseth the Quakers for denying Prayer and particularly Page 78. They must wait for the Spirit 's Call to Prayer saith he then asks how they and the Spirit came to be such Strangers that it calls not to them all the Day Week Month or Year long to pray alone or in their Families This also is like the rest and what that is is plainly made appear for 't is a hard matter for him to speak Truth in any one thing unless it be where he can strike us in the Teeth with a Demas or Judas an Alexander or Hymeneus or Philetu or a Nicholas c. which that we should be without is more than can be expected since the first Planters of Christianity were not yet that neither rendred the Christians Impostors or Apostates nor their Religion the Sink of Heresie though our Hammerers Elder Brethren thought it and them so and prosecuted them accordingly as their Rabbies did their Lord and Master Now as to Prayer in Families and alone as well as in publick Meetings this is the known practice of the People called Quakers but because they have not set hours for it any more than
Hand or to the Left or that Grace that brings Salvation and in order to it it teaches to deny Ungodliness and Worldly Lust and to live soberly in this present World or lastly We mean by it that Great Mystery reserved for the Gentiles which is Christ within the Hope of Glory Col. 1 26 27. yet not in opposition to his being glorified in the Heavens as he is the Man Christ or Heavenly Man or Advocate Intercessor and Mediator with God for us this is what we understand by that Principle of the Light within And whoever thinks to get Heaven or Happiness another way I wish them Repentance and Amendment of Life being assured that there is not another Name or Power whereby Men can be saved besides the Name of Jesus who is the true Light that enlightens every Man that comes into the World And though many there be that do not own him as he is believed in and confessed to by us yet nevertheless are by him in some degree enlightned in whom if they believe and live up to what they know to be their Duty to God and their Neighbour the Lord will without doubt accept of their Sincerity though they are labouring under the Prejudice of Tradition and Education And now Reader if I have not defended the Quakers from this Hammerers Charge and proved him the Impostor I must confess I have neither understood him nor my self neither as well as I have done my endeavour to remove those Prejudices many People have entertained against us which they have received one from another not knowing us as we are nor will they give themselves the opportunity of knowing us from our selves but without hearing or examining if Mr. such a one or such a one the Minister say so or so we are at once Condemned for Hereticks and then upon pain of Excommunication or something else the People must not so much as Discourse with us For is there among any sort of profest Christians save the Priests Friars c. a greater degree of Dominion and Rule over the Souls and Consciences as well as Purses of the People than is now reigning among our Presbyterians And yet who but they for exclaiming against the Hierarchy of the Bishops But to avoid Reflections as much as may be I shall conclude with true desires for his and all the rest of our Causless Enemies their Repentance to Amendment of Life that the Mercy and Favour of God to the Remission of their Sins they may all Witness through Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ And for this Adversary I shall desire him if he thinks fit to write any Reply to this that he will do it under the Umbrage of some intelligent Person or other if he can get any that we may apply our selves to for Satisfaction for his Abuses or else let him conclude that if he be not Reply'd to again it s not because his Arguments are thought unanswerable or that we decline it from any Consciousness of the Weakness of our Cause but because it s not worth while to detect him since the Rhetorick of Bedlam and his Welsh Letter with a deal more as from page 43 to 46. and from 55 to 57. and from 83 to 88. are so much alike that it would be no Honour to any one to Reply to it nor Benefit for any to Read it though such as that makes up a great part of his Book And for his Wickedness therein as I have not called him The Devil 's Bloodhound c. though he insinuated I would yet I can in the Knowledge of our own Innocency say The Lord Rebuke him THE POSTSCRIPT SINCE the foregoing Answer was sent to the Press I observe this Day another Scurrilous Pamphlet is come forth by a Nameless Author Intituled The Spirit of Quakerism and the Danger of their Divine Revelation laid open in a Faithful Narrative of their Malicious Prosecution of Henry Windor and his Wife at Carlile Assizes By Henry Windor London Printed for John Harris 1696 In p. 17. At the end of the Narrative is Henry Windor again July 9. 96. I observe that H. W. owns the Narrative and for that reason is made Midwife to this Monster that shews its Teeth the Day of its Birth That Account of the Delusion of those s 〈…〉 Women mentioned in the Narrative I s●● long since in Manuscript though never w 〈…〉 those Aggravations as now it appears with and though 96. be the Date thereby to make the deeper Impression on the Ignorant and 〈◊〉 Amuse the Unwary Reader and to En●●●● the Multitude against Thousands of Innocent People called Quakers that know no more of it than the Child unborn yet 73. was the time this Narrative Commenced all which with what is yet behind shews the Malice Envy and Rage of our Adversaries who cannot think us fit to have a Being in the Land of the Living What should be the Reason of their Intolerable Rage at this time of Day when we have for so many Years given such undeniable proofs of our Peaceable and Inoffensive Conversation I cannot think unless this viz. since it hath pleased the Lord to favour us with Ease and Relief from those Long and Cruel Persecutions and Sufferings that did attend us for our Consciencious Dissent by the Particular and Extraordinary Indulgence the Government has extended to us for all which as we are highly sensible of the great Love and Favour of God to us therein so are we truly and humbly Thankful to the Government for the same and Hope Believe and Pray that in all things we may walk worthy of it and by no means abuse so great Mercy But this without Controversie has extreamly enraged our Adversaries who like Cain are Angry at our Acceptance But my desire is that none of these things may move any of us no not so much as to the Desire of Revenge yet Justice to our selves as Christians as well as Men will not admit of Silence I shall therefore examine this present Adversary Whether the Narrative be true or false I will not determine without doubt it may be partly both for I have heard of such a Story that Two Women did pretend they had a Dream or Vision that this H. W. had Committed such an Act but what of all this Did he ever hear that the Quakers Embarqued their Cause upon such a bottom Or that they owned or espoused the Imaginations of these Women Yes saith he page 23. Many Friends was Concerned in it Testified and Vindicated it at Carlile Assizes Oh heighth of Impudence and Falshood What did they Testifie and Vindicate Was it that these Women were in the right and that the Spirit they viz. the Quakers profest which was the Holy-Spirit was the very Spirit that Acted these Women in their Impeaching H. W surely no but they did not immediately disown them and their Spirit too What then Do it therefore follow that they must own them and it An Envious as well as Foolish
proceed to examine his Book To pass by his Humoursome Preface to his Humoursome Brethren as he calls his Readers I found a long and tedious Rattle as full of Noise Scoffing and Envy as empty of Truth and common Sence until I got to page 62. where he expresseth himself thus Either what I have charged them with is true or false if it be false let me be accounted the greatest Defamer upon Earth a Persecutor or what they please If it be true as I call Heaven and Earth to record it is and can justifie before God and Man I do say it upon mature Consideration and with great Composure of Mind that Penn and the Quakers are Impostors or Apostates This I took to be the most sensible since it was if you believe him the result of mature Consideration and great Composure of Mind which the rest wanted and Rational though Malicious Sentence in all his whole Book and that led me more seriously to consider Whether what he had Charged the Quakers with was or could be proved against them since if it could not he so freely at one Cast Condemned himself for the greatest Defamer upon Earth a Persecutor c. Let us therefore now take a view of his Charges and see whether they be true or not Page 6. His first is against Lawrence Steel for being lifted up with Pride and falling into the Condemnation of the Devil A great Charge But wherein was his Pride c The Reason he assigns for it was his saying Not that I am perfect would I were As if to be sensible of Imperfection and to wish to be freed from it were to be lifted up with Pride But to this I shall say more elsewhere Page 7. His next is by way of Query Whether George Bishop of the City of Bristol a Scholar was not a most deceitful Writer Ans He was not for any thing that he hath proved against him but that he himself has cleared him from being so is most evident from his acknowledging that G. B. has given a true account out of these Authors viz. Eusebius Socrates c and that Jerom and others were against taking Oaths as well as the Quakers to prove which was one of the grand Designs of that Book And that the Quakers were like them for Suffering he also grants But so says he were the Protestants in Queen Mary 's Days Now what is this but to eclipse if possible the Glory of those Martyrs But he adds So were the Papists in Queen Elizabeth 's Days and the Nonconformists in King Charles the Second's That the Protestants suffered in Queen Mary's Days is true and that they were Crowned with Martyrdom is equally true As also it is that the Quakers were the Objects of his Brethrens hatred who when they had the Power in their Hands exercised so much Cruelty that it cost many of them their Lives as also that they were exposed after their Joshua was turned out and King Charles came in to very great and terrible Persecutions as Imprisonments c. But that any of the Nonconformists suffered at that time was rare I will not say none did but it was very few for they found the same way for themselves that the Pope found for the Papists under Queen Elizabeth which was that though they did Conform to the Church of England in outward appearance yet they should keep their Hearts fixed on him and the Catholick Church which was the exact practice of our Conforming Nonconformists Thus Papists and such Noncons agree upon one and the same way to dissemble with God Almighty and to Cheat the World till the first could furnish themselves with Tools to Blow up the King and Parliament and the latter to Murder their King Remember Rye-house But that he is so angry with Geo. Bishop I do not wonder seeing he has so effectually laid open the Horrid Barbarity and Murther committed by those beloved Brethren in New-England upon the Persons of many of the People called Quakers Page 9. He Queries Whether the Quakers leaving their places of publick Worship for fear of Confiscation of Goods Imprisonment c. were not either Notorious Impostors or Apostates Asserting in their Printed Books that it was unlawful to leave their publick Worship for any Persecution whatsoever adding page 10. That they lived in the sinful omission of open Duties for many Years I Answer Such Books and the Quakers practice in the late Suffering Times abundantly proved their Unanimity and whoever is Ignorant of it must have lived farther off than Moorfields or Box either unless Infants Deaf Dumb or Idiots But perhaps he expects that the Quakers to purge themselves from this Calumny that he has so unreasonably formed against them should produce a Catalogue of their Sufferings but that cannot be done without gratifying him and his Party by reflecting on the Instruments of that Work that he may have the Satisfaction to see them upon all Occasions stand Indicted Against whom as well as the Quakers he already hath not omitted to throw some of his envious Darts but in this he is not like to be gratified nor is it in any wise needful seeing their Sufferings are too fresh in the Memories of most staid Persons to require the Trouble to enumerate them or any proofs to perswade their Truth And besides that to recount but a small proportion of what they underwent for their constant maintaining and openly owning in the hottest Rage of Persecution what they were called to profess far contrary to what he would falsly suggest would swell this piece too much beyond its designed Bulk Or another Reason that might induce him to urge so unjust a Charge against us might be a desire to alleviate that just one brought against themselves of being Deserters of their Cause in Times of Danger by bringing the Quakers a People well known to exceed others for stedfastness in such Cases upon the level for Cowardice with himself and Brethren and so render them as fearful and from thence as guilty as they whose Principles and avowed Practice has been to shift from Corner to Corner in Woods remote and obscure Places or any where to save their Bacon supposing themselves not to be called to Suffer though to Believe so that this Charge of omitting open Duties for many Years together he seems to have aimed at us but directly hits at the Heads of his own Fraternity for it touches not the Quakers notwithstanding his unheard of Impudence in bringing it against them and that for several Years too though when and what Years there 's not one word nor in what particular place neither but generally all England over it seems which is so very false that almost every Parish where any Quakers lived can give him the Lie And for Bristol the place he so often with Indignation mentions it is Notorious that when the Men and Women that constituted the Meetings were taken up and committed to Prison the very Children by their