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A30845 The rival kings, or, The loves of Oroondates and Statira a tragædy, acted at the Theatre-Royal / written by Mr. Bankes. Banks, John, d. 1706. 1677 (1677) Wing B662A; ESTC R2618 42,231 66

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thee Sta. Bear Oroondates what the Gods ordain If you resist you 'l merit my disdain Both heav'n and Love will for our safeties joyn Are Chains so grevious in the sight of mine Alex. Sure such a spirit did from heav'n descend So great and true we know not where 't will bend Exeunt Statira in anger and Alexander attended follows her Manent Oroondates Cassander Araxis Guards Cass. Methinks your looks such gallant rage do shew As sits upon an angry Lyons brow Your lofty mind above the world is born And payes its Idle rage with noble scorn Retire and till I call approach not neer to the Guard Let me be heard Sir with your private ear to Oroondates Oroo His presence Sir with mine you may indure meaning Araxis For all my secrets in his Breast are sure Cass. Fortune has set a man upon her wheel That never sees how it goes downward still More then Prometheus plagues from Hell'e brings And heaps and layes them on the Necks of Kings Look up thou more than Man and all divine Bearing the honour of th' Ars●acean Line Upon thy highest top spred like a Lofty Pine With all thy Scythian Glories dart upon And shrink the world again to Macedon Oroo Wherefore this great Civillity to me Your words have meaning too I cannot see Cass. Look up and never do the Cause inquire But quench this Flame that sets the world on Fire To rid the Earth of Alexanders life To ease Mankind of universal strife Your Crown restore and bless you with a wife Oroo Were I releas'd and from his Fetters freed And had the possibility of such a deed Though to be more th●n he by such an Act I 'd fly the horrour of so base a fact I 'd kill him but I wou'd not by surprise It shou'd be then when most secure ' e lies When all his Guards are watching of his Eyes i th' Face of Iove and in the clearest day When heav'n that saw 't shou'd nothing have to say Cass. In rules of virtue you are too sublime Why shou'd it be to kill him such a Crime Wou'd you not crush that viper if you cou'd That threatens with his sting your dearest blood That fatal Man that stabbs your soul in her I' th' discipline of virtue I 'd go far But fair Statira's Love I wou'd prefer Oroo Convey me straight into the darkest hole Let me live ever like a dungeon Mole Rather than see the light with such a soul But thou that showest me this ignoble way Art sent by him that wou'd my life betray Cass. No by the Gods from him it was not meant I 've try'd and found you hard to honour bent I see your soul and nothing else design'd But my true breast a harbour for your mind Where you might rest your heart serene and free From tempests and your self in safety see Your Godlike mind at such a prize I rate That though I pity and deplore your Fate I cannot but admire and imitate Accept the freedome that your soul does wear And I the fault of your escape will bear Oroo Thou tryest my mind and yet doest think I fear Go on let me the ruggedst usage feel Thou hast one us'd to such misfortune still That alwayes holds the Vessel that they fill With patient steddy hands that never spill So when I can your kindness I 'le restore Exit Oroo with Guards Cass. My words are thrown like dust upon the shore This Treason then my self will bear alone Under whose mighty weight the Fates do grone Sweating in clouds of horrour the evening Sun Shall see th● greatest deed that e're was done Exit Cassander Finis Actus Tertii Actus Quartus Scaena Prima Cassander and Phillip severally Cass. reading a Letter Phil. WWhat news Cassander have you heard from home Cass. News Phillip that concernes the mightyest doom A sovereigne Balme for the sick world is come A certain trick for Phillips mad brain'd Son T'unravel all that Fate for him has done Such News that heav'n by me alone commends And to the world it 's pretious freedome sends The Gods have fate 〈…〉 They 'l change their great 〈…〉 My aged Father pours in 〈…〉 Fresh blood and ha's begotten me again Phil. The King I left inrag'd and in a Flame At Letters too that from my Father came Cass. Let him be so as long as 't is his last It is decre'd he cannot burn too 〈…〉 See here the greatest and most powerful 〈◊〉 mind Pull'd from the very heart and root of Hell Hatch'd in designe from Aristotles skull To whom the subtil'st Feind of Hell is dull Thou ne're coud'st find the flowing of the sea But this shall be of greater fame to thee Never let that disturb thy 〈◊〉 That canst an Ebb for the worlds Torrent find Phillip takes and r●ads the Letter● Phil. Antipater our Father does impart A secret found by Aristotles Art A Juice so fierce and subtil● that no Case Nothing can hold it whence that will not pa●s But the cold hoofe of a scorn'd heavy 〈◊〉 This deadly poyson now from Greece is brought To give to Alexander in a draught Cass. Neer high Olympus'e Crown'd with lofty Wood Under its shade where mighty 〈…〉 That ne're sees Sun by day nor 〈◊〉 by night But with it's bending Front still 〈◊〉 at the light In whose damp Beds where grow immortal stings Clouds of dark spirits descend and 〈◊〉 their wings Then o're the world with molting Feathers fly And 〈◊〉 plagues that breed Mortality From thence this mighty Tutor took a weed And did thereof this deadly drink compound That to his heart who ●●inks it flyes with speed And in his death no sign of poyson's Fo●nd Phil. Can the Fates suffer that so base a thing Conspire the death of the worlds mighty King In this thou art in thy misfort●ne 〈◊〉 All things deny to bear it 〈…〉 But the most Coward and ignoble Beast But when when shall be done this mighty 〈◊〉 Cass. No longer then this day it is decreed Phil. You bear the Cup and you may 〈…〉 Cass. By heav'n the thought does my 〈…〉 This night I 'le do 't in his proud 〈◊〉 And send him to his 〈…〉 Oh how I burn ●nd how my Cheeks still glow Since like a patient Boy I took that blow Phil. I wish we were of Oroondates sure Cass. Virtu's his guard and holds him too secure Only we two must all the brunt indure Lysimachus I fear will not be won And others too who will be glad when't's done And stand amongst the foremost for their sh●re But for our own proportion first let 's care You have your Armys won and soon shall gain Syria and over all the East shall raign And I by right Antipaters first Son Shall him suceed o're 〈◊〉 and Macedon Enter to them Bagistanes Bag. The King in hast does for your prisoner call Such labouring Tempests toss his mighty soul That we as when from heav'n 〈◊〉 Thunder hear Crouch and a
glorious show Eph. kisses Par. hand then turns to Alex. Farwell thou dearest Love Come dearest friend Thus like too Cherubims we 'l both ascend Whiles guarded so by friendship and by Love We go prepar'd to meet the joyes above Alex. Why wilt thou dy with thee 's all sweetness gone More rare than Persia offers to i'ts Sun The Violets perfum'd and purple crest Or Phoenix burning it ' its spicey nest Breath not so sweet anodour as thy Breast Eph. Now now my spirit 'fore my Ey-sight sweepes Let us begin our Journy on our Lipps they kisse Alex. This kisse in which thy latest Breath does fleet No dew that falls from heav'n is half so sweet Stay stay I will not let thee get the start Take all with thee each Atome of my heart Now now I have thee just before my Ey Ephestion now Eph. Now let 's together fly both dy Phil. Now I am sure that the great deed is done I 'l haste and tell the news in Macedon exit Par. He 's gone Sta. He 's gone the life-spring of as all A heav'nly Legion waits his soul in view What miseries shall all mankind b●fall Lys. Nature shou'd melt it self into a dew And the whole world into disorder fall And mourn in Chaos at thy funeral Stat. He is not dead or I am not alive It cannot be Lys. Cease Madam cease to gr●eve Bag. What 〈◊〉 we do Ah what is to be done Lys. Call all the Captaines call 'em every one Tell 'em the worlds and their great Master 's gone Exit Bagisianes Bear forth Cassander's Body Which limb from limb wild horses having tore Then let his scatter'd joynts the Dogs devour Cassander's Body is carried forth Enter to them Oroondates and Araxis Ah Oroondates you are come too late Behold the sad great Miracle of fate Oroo Too soon I fear to such a dismal sight The news whereof did my firme soul a fright What is he dead By heaven he is not sure Thus look'd he the same awful visage wore When he dispers'd with wonder Love and power See too the richest fruit of Natures pride And mourning Love lyes bleeding by his side How do the Gods like Children with us play First shew the world in splendour fine and gay Then on a suddain snatch the gawdy Toy away This who like Heav'n peirc'd thunder most divine And lightned where the Sun durst never shine That div'd though all the secrets of the Earth Saw more than ever yet did humane Birth Does fall i' th' Crowd and undistinguish'd pass Leaving but fame that such a man there was Ay my Statira weep no more divine I did not think such showers cou'd cloud thy shine And dark the day when I shou'd call thee mine Instead of Alexander heav'n does lend Lysimachus our brave and noble Friend Sta. Who wou'd not shrink at such a day of doome Lys. Spare Love a while and when the Captaines come We 'l straight to Councel then if I have power To Parisatis I will Per●ia's Crown restore To give to whom she please Par. If this be true I with my self will give it back to you Lys. You when you please shall then to Scythia go And bright Statira your lov'd Queen indow Oroo Now I will call thee Brother Lys. But how dear looking on the Bodye● We purchase pleasure almost with despair Re-enter to them Bagistanes with the Captaines making a full stage See Valiant souldiers look with wonder there Omnes O horrour Plagues Revenge Cap. H 'as such a dread We dare not look upon him now he 's dead But as on Gods with reverent surprise And pay our Adorations from our Eyes Cap. We hear Antipater has late rebell'd And as all Greece his King has took the field Cap. Now all will out Phillip they say is fled And had a hand in this most horrid deed Lys. I knew Cassander cou'd not this have done Had not the Father joyn'd in treason with the son Straight in the Hall erect a golden Throne There seat the King all glorious as the sun A Scepter in his hand and on his head a Crown That Throne in which he did commands disperse Through the tam'd world and aw'd the Universe Proclaim a loud to heav'ns high Arch that there The Deputies of all the world appear Whilest we in Council sit agreed in power To name this mighty man a Successour Then we will arm for just revenge and Fame● And conquer still in Alexander's Name 〈…〉 FINIS EPILOGVE YOur looks already have begun to name Which was the most we or the Play too blame With faults of ours good natures may dispence But justly tax the Poets want of Sence That after your lov'd Alexander dare Bring this with all your likings to compare A Play with Scenes and Acting so admir'd As if the Souls they play'd had them inspir'd So 't is with her that has an ugly face Proud of false charmes and her affected grace Sits by some cry'd up Beauty of the Town And imitates each glance that 's not her own And when some Gallan● from the Pit doth bow O how she snatches it and court'sies low The careless Beauty then sits by the while Kills with a frown and raises with a smile Yet this excuse upon the Authors score This though come last was writ a year before Lik●t as you please the great Dons of our House Themselves would fain have had the Play from us But frankly and generously our A●thor stakes His purse and credit rather for our sakes Be but so kind as ●e to us has been In hopes to further merit he 'l begin And save the trembling Soul that waits within To th' Ladies to you Wits he now does call For like a drowning man he catches at you all Spare him this once and save him now perplext And he 'l turn Bully Poet by the next FINIS
●ate Nothing to hinder us but by the way We took bold Tyre that 's built upon the Sea And Mountains big with Woods we tumbled down That frighted N●ptune from his Royal Town Phil. We sought fierce Nations nourish'd up with damps Whom Rocks of Ice immur'd in frozen Camps With shouts we made the trembling Earth to sweat Loosing the Shackles from it's tender Feet Which soon Rebell'd and us did onward lead To catch those Fish that on the Land did breed Lys. From thence we pass'd to th' Suns beloved Soyl To utmost India and those Nations foyl Till we were stopp'd by Heav'n and Natures tyes Huge Furniture and Arms of mighty size We scatter'd here and there to take all Eyes And make the World to come beleive and shew The Souls were great that did those Bodies owe. Cas. Great Son of Philip do not then begin Vain and imaginary Worlds to win All that there is is subject to your sway Bless then in Peace Sir this your early day The Gods to you at thirty years have given More then the greatest Heroes boast in Heaven Eph. Forget not Sir the time you were so bold When clad in Armour made of shining Gold As on the Oxydracon's Wall you fought Thence like a Star into the Town you shot And aw'd the People with a Godlike Frown Who thought from Heav'n that Mars himself leap'd down At awful distance stood the wandring Croud Let fall their Arms and call'd thee God aloud Phil. Live then great Sir to dissipate our fears And Chronicle your self a thousand years No more in vain your precious minutes shed Tempting the Fates to think y' ar Mortal bred Capt. Great Son of Iove Alex. Confusion seize thy tongue I 'le hear no more of such a Syren's Song To Clytus death I owe a deadly shame Swell'd with a Sound and poyson'd with a Name I hurt my self and madly was to blame What canst not thou Ephestion bear a part And share of dangers where thou sharest a heart Shall a few Creatures whom we found abroad In Beds of Snow which with our breath we thaw'd And feather'd Indians who before they bled Like flocks of Birds before our Eagles fled Small Trophies there we got or here can get Shall this suffice to gain the Name of great Stain to our Armies we have no Conquest won If we do lye at ease at Babylon And shrink at Glory e're we put it on Eph. I 'll on while your Example I behold With wonder which shall like a fixed Star Direct my wandring Youth till I am Old And guide my soul in peace and Armes in War Alex. Millions of pleasures on Euphrates lye Swelling her Bankes with plagues of luxury They more than all the dangers you withstood Will dant your Courages and chill your blood You see her guilded Tow'rs and Turrets pride But they come short of beauties that they hide Eph. Beauty I 've heard the Gods did first ordain To cherish Valour and reward it's payn This hea'ven-born Creature for your entrance stayes To deck with plumes of love your guilded Bayes Cass. The Armyes all must on your Center more This time is sacred both to you and love When you lye downe 't is fit that war shou'd cea●e And treate you with an universal peace Bag. Thus humbly I my mighty charge resigne Bag. 〈◊〉 Darius Empire and his Royal Line Retire great Sir and all your hopes possesse Adorne your Conquests with loves happiness The blest Statira does her self prepare To weave you Chaplets of her Golden haire Alex. Tell her I waite and only for her stay To Crowne the Triumph of this happy day exit Bag Now my Ephestion guard thy tender Breast I 'll shew thee halfe wherewith my soul is blest Eph. What need I shun whereof I am possest In Athens late you nip'd my forward growth And from my tender studies broke my Youth Then call'd me to you from my Country far To waite upon you and to teach me War In Battailes toiles when you the day had spent You 'd take me to you private in your Tent There as to shelter in some silent grove You 'd shut me in and tell me tales of Love Your charming tongue did ope my breast so wide Love shot in shafts on which himself did ride When on Statira's Picture you wou'd look Faire Parisatis forme from you I tooke Alex. What I then told thee did but breed desire Which her bright Eyes will kindle into fire Thou but indur'dst the skirmish of a Fight I touch'd thy Breast but she will kill thee quite Eph. Wou'd she wou'd come I long to be thus slayn For ought that I know 't is a pleasant pain Yet if to be in love so mortal be What makes so many happy that we see Alex. Such are whom love a kind acceptance showes Your Fate by chance may make you one of those Behold how these faire Goddesses appear Eph. O Gods But which is she that I must feare Enter to them Statira Parisatis Women Bagistanes and attendants at one door and Oroondates and Araxis at another door at some distance Oroo Here we will stand and dare the worst of fate to Ar. aside She cannot find us in this throng of state Alex. So Venus look'd so Venus smote from far The Iron bosome of the God of War So look's the Sun so the spring sweetly smiles When the cold deadly Winter it beguiles Thus welcome is the day into his sight Whomany years was banish'd from the light Let me presume to touch this sacred hand As Marriners when they the Port have gain'd Do bless the shore and kisse the welcome Land My Crimes of War have made me guilty come To choose from you a soft and gentle doome Sta. Hold Alexander tempt me not in Vain Behold the blood that does your Ensignes stain Is not this Persia did not all this State Before 't was yours on great Darius waite Is not the sweet and cleer Araxis Flood Choak'd with dead Bodyes poyson'd with their blood Crown'd with this purple horrour on thy head Do I not blush to see thee looke so red Alex. When first your Country felt my angry Armes They straight were pleas'd at faire Statira's charmes And soon were sorry for the blood they spilt And sought abroad to wash away the Guilt That for one Kingdom from Darius torne I 'll 〈◊〉 an hundred to your scorne Sta. Those ner'e can come from petty Macedon Thou bring'st and giv'st me what is not thy owne And all your borrow'd glory but appeares Deck'd with the Flaggs pull'd from my Fathers h●rse Alex. What have I done ye Gods To see you frowne Is more to me than you to loose a Crowne Sta. No fatal Monarch still your Crimes persue You are their darling can't commit a fact They have Darius punish'd and not you And scourge the world for all the wrongs you act Eph. Ah gentle Goddesse be not angry now Disperse the storm that hangs upon your brow Which or'e your beauty such
was question'd and deny'd my name Do you not know me then nor who I am Sta. Y' are mad and wou'd your self in vain disclose For Alexander none but Princes knowes Alex. You urge the more I 'le know him e're'e goes Oroo Behold have you not seen this face in War Alex. I think I might then tell me who you are Sta. I 'le tell you who he is let him be gone His person cannot merit to be known Oroo T is Oroondates that you see again Alex. What Oroondates that we heard was ●●ain Oroo Yes Alexander that unhappy Man Whose Crown and Empire to your fortunes ran With base submission which your Armes nere won not can Alex. If you somuch your single valour prize How came you hither in a tame disguise And shun my presence like the Birds of Night Which us'd to darkness dare's not see the light Dealing unlike a Prince in dark designes And like a Coward workes and undermines Oroo Thus I wou'd shew didst thou not hide my face Stand from before me in this blessed place Then bate the ods thy Mistress fortune gain'd And this fair Queen in judgment of us stand Though like a flaming Beacon thou doest fright Tame Nations I d'e look up and shine as bright Alex. Then you can boast of what she me deny'd And shew'd her scorne I took for noble pride Sta. If thou art gallant Alexander know That I so much to Oroondates owe Your self wou'd think I cannot less bestow If more than Freind Darius life to save The hazard of his Crown and fortune gave And this is all the pity I have shewn A mean reward for losing of a Crown Tygers and Monsters wou'd forsake their kind And melt where so much gratitude they find Alex. Women when pleas'd their eager loves to show Swift with the stream of inclination go But if against that Tyde they move but slow Y' are over just where fancy shewes the way But leave your debt of honour still to pay Who can resist the Torrent of your wills That run more fierce and cross than Fortunes wheels Wretched is he whose love maintaines your pride More then the slave that to the Galli's ty'd Who sweates and labours all for stripes and scorne Sta. Your mind is toss'd o're Seas of passion borne Know that my soul scorning the Pompe of life Made me refuse to be the greatest wife And mount that Throne my Fathers ruine built Making me guilty of the blood you spilt My vertue aim'd and shot the mark more high Holding me here when I might safely flye And rather chose your Chaines then let my soul By flight be stain'd with a reproach so foul Oroo Your cruel vertue so severe inclin'd Hath been to me and to your self unkind Alex. Flatter thy self but thou shalt never find One Jealous coward thought defame my mind My fortune like the Ocean that indures Contrary windes and all less streams devours Can ne're be Jealous or afraid of yours Oroo That fortune ne're had gain'd the Scythian State Had Oroondates but suspected fate Kings by false subjects are at first ador'd As fickle Nations court the rising Sun Blest with the sweet delight it does afford Till it has gain'd i'ts highest State at noon Then they forsake and from its warmth they run Alex. I did from conquest of your Crown retreat Too little to make Alexander great Scar'd with the height to which my name did swell And stunn'd with noise of all my Arms it fell I court no ●awning Kingdomes to obtain The world it self does to my Fortune chain That sayes I shall a stand of greatness be Where Nations flow as Channels to the Sea Nobler Ambition does my fancy move I like the gallant Eagle soar above And stoop to nothing but the lure of love You do my Rival then your self create Oroo Witness ye Gods I glory more in that Than all the world can give or th' smiles of fate I will not change the bliss that name can bring To be as great as thou to be in heaven a King Nor quit the hopes my lingering love shall gain That like a Saint indures with zealous pain Till heav'n he gets through stormes of sighs and tears like rain Alex. That heav'n which you with such fair hopes persue You may behold but ne're to be injoy'd by you Yet though my Rival I will ease your grief And to the worst of pains will give releif I 'le part your sight which else must needs destroy Seeing that heav'n which you can ne're enjoy Go where thou wilt but never see her more Sta. Go Oroondates whom the Gods restore Oroo Go Oroondates Gods can you consent That I shou'd dye for you in Banishment I do not fear thee and I will not stir No wert thou more then death a Conquerour I in the worlds behalf will stand alone And pull back all the spoils that deck thy Throne Tear me to Atomes pull my Eyes out quite Thou may'st as well part water and divide the light As think my soul can live out of her sight Alex. Thou shalt and live to see me only blest Crown'd with her Love inthron'd within her Breast Our joyes shall so Majestickly appear That thou shalt tremble and not dare come near But hide thy face for envy and for fear Oroo Not dare come near Beware that fatal time When I shall surely snatch thee in thy prime This Cloud thou fearest shall then disolve in Rain And pours upon thee like a Hurry-Cane I tell thee King that I durst reach thy heart Big with the horrid world as now thou art Had'st thou the plague before and Hell behind I in the midst wou'd thy dread Carkasse find Nay were it mortal where thou send'st thy breath My furious haste shou'd blunt thy threatning death Alex. Livest thou to threaten whom the Gods defend Convey him straight to his eternal end Death shall reward the valour you pretend Sta. Hold Alexander hold He shall not go I ne're did beg of you nor will I now Yet I dare boldly say he shall not dy Unless his life with loss of mine you buy The life I brought in danger to be slain I am oblig'd in honour to maintain Alex. Gods Did I ever yet resolve in vain Where be thy Conqu●sts now that fill'd the world That by a woman here thy resolution 's hurld It shall be said that Alexander once was lost And in a labouring Sea of love was tost I will submit to be thy slave O Love To please my self as did my Father Iove Cassander I will but his doom inlarge Let Oroondates be your strictest Charge Oroo Gods How I hate this life you wou'd res●ore That nor my freedome's justly in your power Thy honour cannot let me be betray'd I was thy Prisoner once and ransome paid Alex. If thou wert so 't was when thou wert 〈◊〉 Th' art Oroondates now and claim'st a Crown Convey him hence It is my last decree Oroo They dare not do 't no not thy Guards nor
whose name shall never be forgot But live when by this deed his does expire That did Diana's Temple set on fire With greif that he did touch this man of heaven To whom rich Nature all her stock has given Consulting those above who joyn'd to fit Thy soul for all things admirably great Till so injust and fall'n to that degree Thou most ingratfully a God would'st be And Phillip for thy Father didst disown Lifting to heav'n thy humble Macedon Kill'd thy best ●erinds that all thy faults wou'd shew And none but to curst ●●atterers wou'dst bow Ravish'd the widdows teares and virgins smiles And all the wealth of nature turn'd to spoyles Led by a whore to gratifie thy lust Didst turn the fam'd Persepolis to dust Lys. Ah let me send him to eternall night Alex. Still let him rail I 'le hear him with delight And dare death and the villaines utmost spite Cass. Thou like a Plague wert through all Nations sent Till the kind Gods in pity now relent And throw away their wrathful instrument I kill'd thee and do glorying in it dy To have it said hereafter this did I Nor wou'd the Credit of 't for life exchange For I have done it in the worlds revenge And this cou'd never be too dearly bought Therefore my self has pledg'd thee in a larger draught Alex. Base dog thou in thy latest breath doest ly I scorn to dy the death that you shalt dy Bring him to me to put him out of doubt Crush him till he shall spue his poyson out Then kill him No. but be a killing still An Age till I from heav'n descend and tell What new found plagues shall scourge his soul in Hell Eph. Ah where 's the place from whence our soules do meet I 'le suck the poyson out and call it sweet Whiles the Guards offer to seize Cass. he makes a motion to stab himself Cass. It is in vain for though my life be short I 'le hasten it and o'pe another port Alex. Guid my remaining strength this darted Rod Thus aim'd I and thus struck I like a God Alex. throwes a dart and kills Cassander Cass. Thou hast but spurr'd my life that else was free This is the only stroak I car'd to see And is the last I e're shall take from thee Prepare ye Gods and make us mighty Room For Alexander and his fate are come Cassander dyes Eph. How clouded o're with guilt his soul does stye Like gloomy night and darkens all the sky Alex. The Villain has said true I must depart I sensibly perceive the poys'nous smart Burnes in my Brain and feedes upon my heart The cursed Juice will not it self confine But in a moment more will break the mine Eph. Your words like death through all my veins disperse You kill me quite at what you do rehearse If you but talk of dying I 'le make hast And shun that sight I cannot be the last You shake the Glass that else does run too fast I 'le tear these Wounds and spoil the surgeons art And kill my self er'e you from me depart Can you so cruel be such thoughts to own To leave your dear Ephestion here alo●e Leave let me go To stay this threatning harm And save the widow'd world the Gods will arm Alex. Ah spare more words that speed thy parting breath Thy Love augments the danger of thy death Look up Ephestion see who 's by thy side Fate cannot either of our soules divide Our lives together in one chain are ty'd Eph. I will I will ev'n my last look afford As long as I can live I 'le keep my word But dy I must and then I 'le mount all prayer If there 's a God will lend a feeling ●are I 'le charm the deity till I can gain Immortal pitty to asswage your pain The dark and secret book of Fate I 'le read And know what of the world 's great King 's decreed Alex. Now I begin to sur●eit with the drink Eph. Is there no aid O speak oh do O think ●hill death shall quickly freeze up all my veines Like ●cecles I 'le drop upon thy scorching paines Come close thou dear Thus gently as we twine When I am dead lay my cold brest to thine And there in spite of all thy fire I 'le freeze As snow upon the burning Aetna lyes Eph. begins to faint Alex. Stay pretious Boy another look restore Spare but my happiness on moment more Ah 't is not I 't is thou that art unkind And cru●l too to leave me here behind Stay my soules soul there is some hope remaines These floods of grief have quench'd my scorching paines I am not sick my senses all are free And feel no burning but with Love of thee Eph. Ah let me go before it be too late For heaven to punish thy unlucky fate Happy Lysmach●s my Rival bee In her but him you must not envy me Alex. A thousand Adders bask within my sk●l With heat ingender all my Braines are full Where is Ephestion Have you let him go O for a world a world made up of snow How I cou'd plunge till I did melt it down And make more havock than the scorching Sun Sta. Ah say y' are well or make him so believe For 't is in search of you his senses grieve Alex. See see the Battailes Joyn Beat beat the Drumes Bucephaelus inrag'd he champs and foames Darius with his hooked Charri●s comes Where 's old Parmenio Let more Trumpets sound How his proud horse does beat the fearful ground Haste haste Ephestion's routed in the wing Now now they have inclos'd him in a Ring Heark how they shout and clap their hands for joy The Gods have ravish'd my beloved Boy Eph. Look dearest Alexander yet I live This is a greater stroak than death can give Lys. Ah Royal Sir stay till you have decreed Who o're the mighty world shall you succeed Alex. A deadly frost hath peirc'd my senses through O! I am fall'● int'an Abysse of snow Something like cold dew-drops about my heart does move Warme me Ephestion warme me with thy Love The worthy●st man amongst you shall be King To him that ownes that title give this Ring Yet somewhat else there is I 'me prone to do That is Statira to be just to you Be you of all your fathers Crownes possest And be you too with Oroondates blest Sta. Ah hold with kindness now you wound me more Than all your presecution did before Witness ye Gods to whom my soul is known With how much sorrow I embrace my own Eph. Now ends his roughness in a calm delight As westerne winde● are often laid at night Thus ●ilent falls the sweetest of mankind Softer than blossomes carried by the wind Alex. Now let us mount and then for ever joyn Like two twin-starres that do together shine Still guiding o're the world our heav'nly parts Whilest I rule Monarchs thou shalt govern hearts Eph. Come Alexander then if we must go Let 's Raign above and make a
THE RIVAL KINGS OR THE LOVES OF Oroondates and Statira A TRAGAEDY Acted at the THEATER-ROYAL Written by Mr. BANKES Divesne Prisco natus ab Inacho Nil interest an Pauper infima De gente sub dio moreris Victima nil miserantis Orci Horat. Lib. 2. Ode 3. LONDON Printed for L. C. in Goat Court on Lud-Gate-Hill 1677. TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE LADY Katherine Herbert MADAM NEver till this time could I suspect that it was an easier thing for me to be the Author of a Play than to write this Dedication to my mind but now I confesse so awful is my Patronesse and so humble and zealous my pretensions in this kind that unlesse I could bring an offering that might far surpasse whatever has went before it I should think it too mean for your acceptance and for the reason that having been allow'd and pass'd the sufferages of the most curious Criticks in the Theatre I should be the more unfortunate to be at last Shipwrack'd in the Haven by an opinion of my Dedication whereof some of the leading Wits in these times have been censur'd how hard is it then for a young Writer to please this delicate Age wherein every year the Wits study the fashion of Language to refine and alter it as they do their Cloathes and true it is that 't is another thing to write the sence and speeches of Heroes that are dead and make 'em speak as we please govern'd by our fancy then it is to reach the minds of those illustrious Persons that Poetry is ●orc'd to choose to be above its Iudges the Patrons of Wit For in our Playes you read your own Characters and they are at best but what we have gathered from you who daily act among yourselves in conversation in a lighter Orb what none of the greatest and indeed barbarous Courts could ever attain to and good Poets are at the best but like bad Painters that only shew you the shadowes of your selves grosly daub'd without imitating the least spark of the bright original With what reverence and caution then ought I to approach you Madam whose Nobility and Vertue are in the Sanctuary of so divine a shape that 't is an excuse for all that see you to give their Souls no liberty to speak or think prophanely of you but justly to be confin'd to admiration and the whole World will say as well as I that all that it has heard of Angels are to be seen in you and likethem too you are adorn'd with so heavenly a Spring of Youth as if you were to blossome to Eternity or as if you were indeed the secret Goddesse of Divine Nature discloss'd that every year makes Vegetables grow and all the Living receive a hidden and diffusive pleasure from her influence You are the greatest blessing the Almighty has design'd to that incomparable Person your Father as a Reward for his Iustice and Loyalty in that most eminent Place wherein Heaven and the wisest Prince has set him as the richest and most adorning Iewel of his Crown and a continual and faithful Steward to this Nation and no doubt for its preservation and welfare all England as well as my self does pray that he may long live the worthy and indeared Servant of such a grateful and Royal Master To you Madam therefore before I conclude I am to beg a protection for this worthlesse Poem the product of some melancholly hours and not of my businesse And if perhaps I have in this my first undertaking like a raw and unpractic'd Magician in his Art rais'd to my self the envy of some malicious and troublesome Spirits which I have not the skill nor courage to lay I have therefore wisely invok'd you for my Deitie for neither Criticks nor Devils I am sure can presume to hurt me in that Circle which your Name has guarded and made sacred Let the modesty of the Stilemake an atonement for the meannesse of the Language and if your throughly discerning judgement and beauteous Eyes like the Sun discover motes and spots in what you read you have clemency and goodnesse in abundance to forgive them and impute 'em to the inartificial dresse of a Virgin Muse in my next she may appear more curious I bring in my behalf too the Conqueror of the VVorld to lay before your feet the greatest Man that ever was who were he living wou'd become a Rival to his dear Ephestion and behold in your Person as well the sweet serene and obliging Innocence of Parisatis as the more lofty and Imperial Graces of his Statira This great Man Madam the Author of the famous Cassandra thought never to be equall'd but in the person of the most exquisite of Lovers him therefore he has rais'd in the Character of Oroondates to be a Rival to the mighty Alexander in the Romance and here I have brought him to be so in you and the rather because I prefer him to the likenesse of the young hopeful and gallant Partner of your self which I pray he may never cease to be but early anticipate the extraordinary expectations of Mankind and crown you with greater happinesse then Fame and Fancy have yet created in the minds of the most Heroick Lovers This and whatever increases your felicity shall be the perpetual wishes of Madam Your most Humble and Obedient Servant JOHN BANKES PROLOGVE FOrget how you were serv'd last time and pray Be kind this once T' a modest Prologue and a modest Play Dreading your anger poor deluded Tray Has slip'd his Collar and is run away Jo. Haynes himself that shew'd us this dog trick Has left us all of our displeasure sick To th' Ladies now the Author by me speaks A just admirer of your gallant Sex He is your Poet and a Lover too For chiefly he design'd this Play for you If you can find but in it Love or Wit He vowes he can out love what he has writ Bids me remember e're you be displeas'd How with Cassandra's fam'd Romance ye were pleas'd How many nights 't has kept you long awake Nay and have wept for Oroondates sake When so good natur'd to him but in thought Be but so kind where he himself has brought For your new Poet next I must implore Dash not his hopes of this on any score For if you do He is so modest he will write no more Disperse the stormes with your fair smiles and eyes That from the rage of Blustring Criticks rise And as the Tempest gathers in the Pit Let the bright Boxes beams then scatter it Persons Represented Alexander the Great Ephestion a Youth extreamly belov'd by him Great Captains Lysimachus Cassander Phillip Oroondates King of Scythia Araxis his Confident Bagistanes a Persian left Governour of Babilon by Alexander Darius Daughters Statira Parisatis Melanthe Woman to Statira Women and Attendants Anbassadours Priests Guards Captains The Scene Babylon THe Reader is desir'd to take notice of and pardon the Errata's of the Printer in this Play the reason
was that the Author going into the Country and leaving no other than a foul Copy in the Stationers hands did order every Sheet to be sent down to him to correct before it went further in the Press which was promis'd to be done PAg. 2. l. 1. r. treason l. 28. r. stream p. 3. l. 34. r. one p. 4. l. 2. r. f●te l. ●lt swoone p. 8. l. 36. r. hast p. 11. l. 24. r. wondring p. 16. l. 35. r. ●el p. 17. l. 2. r. relume p 10. l. 7. lonely l. 12. Spheres l. 26. me p. 20. l. 11. Cassandra l. 22. just flying l. 24. say p. 25. l. 7. had p. 26. l. 19. adorn l. 23. unbridle l. 26. cosnjeal'd l. 27. large p. 27. l. 8. O. p. 28. l. 7. bird l. 22. he l. 32. debts p. 30. l. 13. pour p 32. l. 23. Sir 2. l. of the Act concern p. 33. l. 25. nightly p. 35. l. 4. and. l. 33 bodies l. 36. Stars for the r. i th' p. 36. l. 2 1 like p. 39. l. ulr sunk p. 40. l. 15. and. l. 44. pry p. 41. l. 31. dares p. 42. l. 16. forsakes p. 43. l. 34. Cydnus p 45. l. 19. they 'l not p. 48. l. 38. thou p. 50. l. 5. one l. 43. proud p. 51. l. 16. for two r. the. l. 36. us p. 52. l. 20. through THE RIVAL KINGS Actus Primus Scaena Prima Enter as newly arriv'd Lysimachus Cassander Officers and attendance in State Lys. FROM Ganges and beyond Nyle's secret Bed Strange conquer'd Nations have Euphrates spread By Heavens eternal Power ordain'd to meet In the Worlds center and it 's Royal Seat From other Parts whilest succours bend their course You bring from Greece the Foot to re-inforce And I from Thrace five thousand Winged Horse So the great Sea maintains it's swelling Pride By lesser streams that thither daily glide All things contribute to this mighty King To Alexander flowing leave their Spring And Aids from the remotest Places bring Cas. We but appear like Day break after Night Where e're He comes he fills the Skye with light So the base Moon does oft Eclipse the Sun And shade that Beauty whence her light begun He sends us forth like Nylus in a Floud To drown the World and Court him with the good Lys. Fill'd with success he is luxurious grown And gluts with Blood his cruel wanton Throne The News you tell me of Phylotas Death If true who after him can hope for breath Is 't possible Repeat it yet again Ye Gods The Son of bold Parmenio slain Cas. This News the Great Parmenio as a Friend T' Antipater my Father did commend His fault was he did Dymnus Treasure hide So that for that he ne're believ'd he Dy'd Lys. Of Dymnus fond conspiracy I 've heard But never thought Phylotas so deserv'd Cas. Had that been sought Phylotas might have stood Till his known Innocence had sav'd his Blood But what bold Creature in the Forrest dare With the stout Lyon in his Hunting share His Generals Friends and all Obnoxious stand To be pick'd out for Death at his Command But for my Sufferings more than Death I grieve In my lost Fame he buried me alive You and the World did witness my disgrace When that base blow he struck me on the Face I wish that I had Dy'd in Clytus place I Travel with the Weight Lys. Cassander hold You were too blame and Clytus was too bold Cas. Have done Lysimachus there is a smother'd shame When thus fomented breaks into a flame I had a Thunder-Bolt as well withstood And cherish'd lightning in my vital blood Enter to them Bagistanes Bag. Fresh News o'retake the former on the way And all confirm the King will come to day Shrill joyful Clamours which the Clouds involve Peirce through the Air and o're our Heads dissolve And near Euphrates all their Trumpets sound Slide down the Streams and from our Walls rebound Lys. The News is great and welcome that we hear Bag. But o're our Sun does a thick Cloud appear That makes his glorious body shine less clear As oft in multitudes of Shouts ascend A loud and goodly noise till at the end Some single voice behind does flagging lye And Robs the whole of it's full harmony Lys. I interrupt you Is the King in health Bag. He is but he ha's lost his greatest wealth A treasure that the Gods did envy him Lys. If that be all he will be rich again Bag. Ah but this loss he never will redeem The Gen'ral of the World Parmenio's slain Lys. Parmenio dead Cas. What slain By what bold man Bag. By that bold Man that only dares and can Lys. Does Alexander thus transplant to save His fading Lawrels on Parmenio's Grave We'rt thou the Son of Philip not of Iove Thou hadst not thrown away this Token of his Love Nor hadst thy self of so much Power bereft With thy right Arm to have cut off thy left Cas. A man so great that in his Fathers time Winning too many Battels was his Crime Bag. His trusty slave who by this Act is freed Is hither come that saw Parmenio bleed In his own Garden where he us'd to breath Pure Air for Life he trod the paths of Death Four of the Guard the Gen'ral thus salute Hail mighty Captain and of most repute The Monarch of the World these Letters sends To great Parmenio his best of Friends The good Old man so much o'rejoy'd to see His Masters Love receiv'd e'm on his Knee Seal'd with his Blood which he unkowing Tort Giving the Murderers sign to let out more Those but suppli'd their Masters will in part The rest they did ingrave upon his Heart Which with a dagger from his breast they drein'd And all with Blood the Treacherous paper stain'd The Ink the colour of that black design Blush'd that it did in such a Treason joyn Thus the bold Lyon taken by surprize Was like a Lamb offer'd to sacrifice Cas. Why do ye Gods of Mans misfortunes boast And make us Heroes at our own lives cost Th' extreamest height in which we hope to live Is but of Honours breath an empty Sound Or like a Star on sudden shoot we give Then fall an empty Vapour on the Ground Ingrateful Alexander has now repaid Those many Fights ne're won but by his Aid Lys. Forbear Cassander you o're reach your Sence Whom the Gods own pay him obedience How blest were Thousands such as Thee and I To be his steps to mount on Victory You might but Bagistanes not have known When Philip to augment the Gods was gone The Grecian Cities did with Joy depend That with his life their bondage shoul'd have end And to the Oracle of Delphos send Where in a rage th' auspitious God reply'd Urge not to know what 's to your Fates deny'd A greater far than Philip yet remains Whose godlike arm shall hold the World in Chains Cass. Were he a God he should have kept his Seat Not grieve the World with
their sleepes Whom harmless Love in careless ●lumbers keeps Wert thou my slave and wert condemn'd this hour I wou'd thy Love and wou'd thy throne restore And give thee past thy power of wishing more That thy vast spirit shou'd into wonder shrink I 'de do what thou hast not a soul to think Alex. Brave as thou art thou canst not y●t come nigh Thou shalt not have a thought to wish so high But I will reach it and above it fly Madam I 've sent for Oroondates with designe That he may see how far above you shine And with your sacred virtue rule his fate and mine Oroo Having so bright an Object thou must do What to her Beauty and thy fame is due Alex. I will not have my love prescrib'd by you Yet I 'le be both to Love and honour true The sacred pow'r of faire Statira's charmes Has priviledg'd your person here from harmes Recourse to Love has wash'd away your guilt It shan't be said that I so roughly dealt To see your Blood in her protection spilt Take that from me which none but I wou'd spare Your life Your freedom too as unconfin'd as Aire Ambassadours of Sythia you are free Give Oroondates what you gave to mee With life and freedom I restore your Throne And with that sacrifice the Gods attone And for this victime on the Altar kill'd If they 're not pleas'd with blood already spill'd They shall with thousands offer'd in the field Sta. You have deserv'd great Sir and give us cause To think the world most happy in your lawes This Act beyond the Glass of time shall run This gallant Act as clear as is the Sun Which none but Alexander could have done It doth my thanks and admiration raise So great t is undervalu'd by my praise Oroo Though in this publique Act you have deserv'd Virtu's not lost that has not been observ'd The Sun whose light sometimes we cannot see Yet rules the world by secret Sympathy I wou'd appear but am eclips'd by you If thou art Noble 〈◊〉 our hopes persue Alex. What wouldst thou have What is there yet to do Sta. Nothing for you beyond just hopes aspire And to do more is past the Gods desire Preist gives Cassander the bowl he offer● it Alexander on his knees Cass. The greatest God that you the world has giv'n To rule on Earth as he does rule in heav'n That God who does all other Gods controll Drinks to his Son in this Immortal Bowl Let heav'● look down with most auspicious Eyes Whiles Ioves imperial Son does sacrifice Alex. takes the C●p 〈◊〉 bowes to the Alta● Alex. Accept great Ioves the Son whom thou hast crown'd Who was the first thy secret Temple found Seated beyond the world in holy Ground Past barren Lybia and it 's dearest Lands Through hot parch'd Grounds and over burning sands As the first ●ru●tes of all thou gav'st to mee I sacrifice the world again to thee 〈◊〉 drink this Cup of Immortality Whiles Alexander drinks the Statue of Jupiter Hamon falls down with thunder and lightning and kills the Preists Alex. le ts fall the Bowl Alex. Ye Gods what 's wanting in such vowes as these That can the soul of Iupiter displease I 'le send in haste for the most cunning Spyes To search the Oracle o' th' Deities But I 'le through fate this dreadful Riddle find And know why Iove can be to me unkind Cass. We are be●rai'd by these base Prodigies The Language of the tell-tale Deities Philip stand firme I 'll bear the guilt of all least thou shou'dst sink And take the rest of the most fatal drink I charge ethee stay me not exit Phillip offers to hold 〈◊〉 Eph. Ah Sir re●ire from this most horrid sight I wish you had not sacrifi●'d to night A dream last night disturb'd my quiet rest Me thought I leaning on your noble Breast Was in a moment snatch'd and dispossest A flaming Charriot did from heav'n appear And took you in wh●lest I look'd up with fear And saw you shine a Constellation there The Charriot gone that fill'd the place so bright I 〈◊〉 no Ground and ●nk in Darkness quite Alex. Let not such fears thy gentle thoug●t● divide This clream fortels thou 〈…〉 chariotride With lovely Parisatis by thy side This way we will appeale the angry Iove And qu●nch his rage with sacrifice of love● to Oroondates To morrow Rival if thou darest be bold Mine and Ephestions marriage to behold Then in this place the solemn Rites we 'l hold Oroo That sight wou'd cancel all that 's due from me And from this gen'rous Act wou'd set me free When you take back the life that you did give And in ten thousand Deaths wou'd make me live Alex. Then your own time for your departure take All shall be granted for Statira's sake But for her self thou mayest behold her here But henceforth as a Star above thy Sphere Where she shall raign the Queen of all the world Oroo First let my Soul be to the Furies hurld Ly● Still in this Circle doest thou safe remain to Ephession Exeunt Alexander leading Statira Ephestion and 〈◊〉 striving both to lead Parisatis Manent Oroondates Araxis and Scythian Ambassadours Oroo She 's gone for ever all my hopes are vain I 'me backwards dash'd upon the Sea again The wealth I thought I had I did not hold As Misers dream and think they grasp their Gold So the tir'd wretch with swimming looking round Prepares his feet in hopes to touch the Ground But finding none he straight is sunk and drown'd Ara. T' were fit you talk'd of some thing that procures A grateful peace with your Ambassadours Oroo These are the furies of the peoples Brain That dare to sit upon a Monarchs raign Not all the fire nor all the feinds of Hell Can Act the rage that in Plebeians dwell Wh●n they are mad and know not what 't is for Like winds they bustle and 〈◊〉 Waves they roar On those above 'em look with Envies stings And mad because they cannot all be Kings Ara. At Kings they let their gorged stomachs fly Belching out treason sprung from 〈◊〉 Behold with censures still 〈…〉 As base Astronomers look up and prey Into the Glorious Planets of the sky Oroo Mercy the curse of Monarchs in this age That breeds this plague that shou'd be quell'd by rage I 'le like a Lion shake my angry Locks And fright the Souls out of this Coward Herd And make them put their Necks into their Yoaks Amb. Great Prince Oroo Be gone You shall have your reward You thought me dead or els from pow'r debar'd I 'le send you home with Chaines upon your feet With that reward you shall your Masters greet Exeunt Amb. bowing Ara. What shall we do Sir shall we go or sta To morrow is the great and fatal day That takes your Love more than your life away Oroo I 'le stay and dare the worst till it be past Till Love in spite has thrown his utmost
cast Then as the Body of on sense bereft Increases in the other senses left Honour shall side and help the weaker part And rouze with Noble deeds my sinking heart I 'le follow Armes till my loud Fame shall prov● As great a Rival to him as my Love His Jealo●s soul shall fly to find me out Through all Loves Charms that fence his heart about Reenter to them Lysimachus Lys. When shall this breast be free from Jealous pain Ye Gods Am I prevented once again Oroo My Eyes deceive me if it be not true You are Lysimachus to whom all worth is due Lys. The brave and valiant Oroondates you Whose mighty mind above the fates aspire Heav'n cannot lend a grace to mount it higher The greatest Lover and the bravest Man That dare doe more than Alexander can Oroo You make me blush at what I can't deserve● Such praise my modesty must not observe Lys. Cease Oroondates mark the threatning shower That hangs o're us To morrow brings the hour When both our Loves shall feel Tyrannick power Besides your self there is one wretched more Who Parisatis does in vain adore Yet there 's a glimpse of hope my fate procures Which I will follow that is not in yours Statira ne're can hope to be your wife Without attempt on Alexander's life The Gods protect the greatest King from harms But had Ephestion Parisatis hand Though bound by Hymenyal sacred Charmes Without the aw of Duty or command I 'de snatch him out of hers and Alexander's Armes Reenter to them Ephestion Look where this lov'd Ephestion does appear Oroo Let him not see that we are talking here Lys. This moment is an Age while you retire Exeunt Oroondates and Araxis Eph. Lysimachus I come at your desire I read your looks and understand your sign And hope you did not misinterpret mine Though you have call'd me from my only bliss And greatest pleasure that on Earth there is Lys. For all that I can say it is decreed That you 'l run on and Love with fatal speed Eph. To morrow e're the Sun forsake the Morne A bride shall be by Parisatis worne And thou a poor neglected Rival burn The Gods with musick of the sphere shall move And fill the Temple with delights above To usher Alexander's and Ephestion's Love Lys. T w'ere fit before that you your self went there And did in time this Heav'nly Masque prepare 'T will ease the Gods of an important care Darest thou defend thy false and treacherous flame Eph. Against the Starres in Parisatis name Lys. Those Starres are angry and thy life conspire Therefore desist and from her Love retire Feed not thy youth with such a vain design For by the Gods she never shall be thine Eph. The Gods are pleas'd and will in time fulfill What they'v decreed in Alexander's will But you are Mad I 'le give you leave to talk Lys. Follow me then into the Cyprus walk Eph. Go on I fear not all thy strength and ods Lys. Nor I wert thou the Minion of the Gods Eph. I follow thee May Parisatis charmes Crown but my Love as Love shall Crown my Arms. Exeunt Omnes Finis Actus Quarti Actus Quintus Scaena Prima Alexander discover'd in torment Statira Bagistanes And Captains Alex. O There it went and struck through ev'ry part The hand that from my Bosom pul'd a Dart Ne're felt me tremble with the sudain smart But this like lightening parches every vein And lends to death a thousand speares in pain What have I done ye Gods that you give o're Was I so great that I cou'd be no more Great Iove did my vast name so ponderous stand Not to be fix'd by thy immortal hand Ephestion Ah the Torment that I feel The world turnes guiddy and begins to reel 〈◊〉 on one side and shewes its fatal keel Sta. Heav'n keep the thought of treason from your mind The Gods be to your noble life more kind I wish by Methres I had bin your wife Rather than you shou'd think I hate your life● Alex. Far be my soul from such a thought possest That Sin should dwell in your Illustrious breast Sta. Ah may you find more worlds and them subdue If you can be so kind to think me true Alex. Most generous Princess by the Gods I do All that besides a God can feel I 'le bear And think no mortal man such treason dare If such a Monster on the Earth were bred Through all my pangs of Death I 'de look him dead I 'de pull back life and wou'd that strength recall Which held the world and on his head wou'd let it fall Bag. Send for Physitians Sir to give you ease That will consult and find out your disease Alex. That were to storm my life with greater force Physitians were invented for a Curse To plague Mankind and make diseases worse Phil. Who knowes but your distemper is the same When after bathing in cold Cydims ●lood No sooner you out of the water came But such un●sual paines did 〈◊〉 your Blood Alex. ●h there it hit me with a fatal blow That when I 'de hold of life it made me bow Loosing my hands and faintly let it go Ephestion Where 's Ephestion Run straight fly Shall I not see Ephestion ere I dy What have you done with him Go fetch him straight D' ye stand Go fetch him e're it be too late Exit one of the Captaines Alex. turnes to Statir a weeping Strange tickling paines through all my senses creep With joy in Anguish bred to see you weep O save those tears you shed each pretious drop The wealth thereof a sinking State wou'd prop. Sta. Weak and defenceless my poor grief appears Cou'd I but with these Floods your paines disperse I 'de melt my heart and weep it out in tears Alex. My dear Ephestion I shall never find Sta. How fares that heart the greatest of Mankind Alex. As he whose spirit does contemn his fate Bearing a heavy burthen on his Back Stretches and rises with the mighty weight Such strength brave minds from their misfortunes take Madam the time will come that I 'le ly low This lofty tow'ring Pinacle must bow And you 'l be rid of this great Man that made a show As a bright Star the darling of the sky That you behold so glorious and so high Drops on a sudain from your wondering Eye Sta. Oh say not so unless you take me too Or stay you here and let me dy for you Alex. I will not dy You 'l see that I can rise Bles● by your hand and guided by your Eyes Alex. rises up supported by Statira Ephestion come we will new worlds obtain Let loose the old and hunt it o're again Enter to them Ephestion wounded led in by Parisatis and a Captain Ephestion and Parisatis sit down on one side of Alexander and Statira on the other Eph. O bear me quickly do not let me stay But if you stir you take my life away to Par. Offering to unband
him Break wretched heart 'T is time for thee to end Ephestion's dearest soul Ephestion's Friend throwes himself on Alex. What ails the joy of Men and Gods above Speak dearest of my heart dearer than Love Alex. He 's ●aint and pale and his poor heart does bleed It streames O Gods Who did this bloody deed Traitors of Hell y 'ave shew'd your utmost wrath Ephestion soul there 's treason on us both I can the Authour of My death forgive But he that kill'd Ephestion shall not live That God who raign'd auspitious at my birth Offers to rise Lend me the strength with which I held the Earth Cassander and my Bands of Macedon I 'le fetch my self and kill ' em ev'ry one Eph. Ah sit you still and rest this Noble heart You than my wounds do give a greater smart Lysimachus I urg'd this wound to make And we both fought for Parisatis sake Alex. Lives'e ye Gods Go fetch him instantly Let me the pleasure have to see him dy Then let my soul with satisfaction fly Now now a thousand daggers peirce my skull Restless as on a Bed of spikes I ●oll Yet I will bear it by the Gods I can I 'le live to have you all condemn'd and slain If they will grant Ephestion's health again Eph. Ah mind not mine whiles you neglect your own Long may you live and Guide us like the Sun And we shine by your light as does the Moon Leave not the world to be by fate betraid And us to dwell in everlasting shade Ah Parisatis Let not my Rival shew the King his face But keep him ever in that blessed space Safe in the circled Armes of your embrace The Gods should not have forc'd me from that place Had I been there Par. I 'le pull him from my Breast And you shall dwell my soul's Eternal Guest Alex. Statira Oh Ephestion how I burn Sta. Ye Gods Now all my griefes again return I did not think there cou'd be yet a cross That I cou'd mourn after Darius loss Eph. Ah Parisatis It is in vain the pity you impart My death admits of Rivals by no Art Give me your hand The Gods are so severe to Par To grant life hence but then to snatch it here to Alex Look down O heav●n and your own Actions mourn Releive the greatest Man that e're was born Thou great thou only excellently good Here 's Love and friendship swallow'd in a Flood And drown'd in stormes of sighes and tears of blood O the last drop that trickles from my heart I wish ye Gods 't were Nectar to his smart fainting Alex. He 's gone ●ee too the furious and rebellious Sun Slave to the many Battails I have won Ha's in this very moment broke his chain And in revenge shot all his fire into my Brain The Gallant Eagle too that o're my head So oft in sign of Victory has fled Shook with the terrour of my fate lyes dead I 'le search Ioves Lap where brighter Eagles are 'T is a great way I 'le mount on yonder Star See Madam see above the blew pav'd sky Do you not see my dear Ephestion fly Eph. Lo dearest Son of Phillip here am I I 'le rob once more this treasure of my health And safely in his bosom lodge the wealth Stealing to him insensibly this kiss And in his breast will transmigrate the bliss Eph. kisses Paris hand then turns to Alex. See thou belov'd thy 〈◊〉 Boy Brings the last fruites of his expiring joy Think who thou art thou Royal Son of Iove Revive that heart that does Ephestion Love See I can never from this Center move Al●x Ah my Ephestion art thou yet alive What sawcy Spirit told me thou wert dead Eph. I will not dye if thou wilt cease to grieve But live to see more Crowns adorn your head May ne're such Love their frozen spirits warm That did the God-like Alexander harm How fares my heart ●ow favours i'ts disease Alex. Believe me Boy that I am all o're ease The thoughts of this does ev'en deaths horrour please I will Lysimachus his Pardon give And will do any thing if thou wilt live Thou art my darling hopes if thou art slain When I am dead who shall the world maintain Or who for these fair Queens Darius loss regain Enter to them Lysimachus threatning the Guards who keep off Lys. Be gone Who does not instantly depart By all the Gods this dagger 's in his heart I need no Guards to call my duty home Faster I 'le fly than you can make me come Ah Sir believe me I my life despise Think you I 'le live to see death close your Eyes Down at your feet your faithful Subject lyes Whose life for you's an humble sacrifice I did Ephestion wound and that I did I beg that I may suffer for the deed Lys. kneels Par. Thou mighty soul look with a gracious Eye Sta. and Par. kneels Ah pardon him and be a God more high See who 't is kneels Statira 't is and I. Sta. Breath life thou great and only God-like man Alex. Spare him that style who nothing does nor can My mind indeed that struggles with my fate But holds my shatter'd purposes too late Shews I am Alexander yet but no more great Eph. By all the dearest Love that dwelt in us Forgive forgive the brave Lysimachus Alex. And doest thou beg his fatal lifes reprieve to Eph. Rise then and thanks to poor Ephestion give to Lys. Lys. Still I am curst and have no right to breath Nor wish to live till you are free from death Thou more Illustrious than the God of war Dark as in hell we all benighted are To see thee drop down from us like a falling Star Enter to them Cassander supported by two of the Guards Cass Quick quickly bear me e're I sink into the Concaves of the Earth Eph. What horrid scene of death is this What birth Has the base world in this one day of fate brought forth Alex. Thou look'st as if this Tale thou woud'st unfold Be breif Cassander thou wert ever bold Cass. I by the fury of thy fate am hurl'd And sent to fetch thee to another world Does not th' Ambition start to here it sai'd New wreathes of Conquests shall adorn thy head Lawrels that time ne're kills nor envy fades But flourish thick in everlasting shades 'T is past thy own proud heart to be again By Iove great Alexander thou art slain Thou canst not l●ve an hour Eph. Forbid O heaven Sta. And the all mighty Sun Eph. Unsay what thou hast said Alex. Let him go on Cass. Hadst thou a thousand lives to guard thy soul In Hercules his cup th' ast lost 'em all And drown'd thy self in that immortal bowl This in revenge of blood the Gods have done Much for the world but more for Macedon For Clytus brave Parmenio and his Son Eph. Where was this treason damn'd in Hell begot Alex. Live and discover who was in the plot Cass. T is he