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A30403 Two books of elegies in imitation of the first books of Ovid de Tristibus, with part of the third to which is added verses upon several occasions with some translations out of the Latin and Greek poets / by Thomas Ball. Ball, Thomas. 1697 (1697) Wing B585; ESTC R28342 45,440 169

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fear So different a Mould from his is mine I 've often shrunk at what I 've only seen Instead of War my Books my Care have been While Jove he breaks his Thunder on my Head Had I more Friends in vain wou'd be their Aid A Goddess Guarded him with nicest care Snatch'd him from all the Dangers that were near And since he 's less that Governs in the Seas Than he that Governs in the highest Skie's Much better was his Fate my Friend than mine Jove ruins me while Neptune threatn'd him But then think how the greatest part is made Only suppos'd the half he never had My Griefs are all too certain much too plain No Fable do's embellish ought that 's mine Besides At last he reach'd his Houshold Gods Pray'd his Penates in their old Abodes But I can never hope Vlysses Place Till Caesar smiles and Heaven thunders less ELEGY V. He writes to his Wife and takes Occasion to Commend the Constancy of her Affection Compares her with the best of her Sex but excuses his Inability in Writing while he is still Wrack'd by his Misfortunes APollo Lydia lov'd but not as I My Dearest Wife have always Child lov'd thee Philetus tho' his Nymph and Song Divine Lov'd not his Battis with a Love like mine You so entirely have each part of me That my Affection a'most merits thee But ah my Injuries and yet I find You smile my Dear tho' all the World 's unkind Your Prudence guards me from severest Foes That think my Freedom e'nt enough to lose Men that wou'd Rob me of my Life Estate And all the Goods I ever valu'd yet As a Devouring Wolf by Hunger Led Ranges the Field and eager thirsts for Blood When he espies Ungarded from afar Some Sheep that have escap'd their Shepherd ' care He takes his Prey nor will the weakest spare Or as a Vulture Hovering to feize Some wretched Carkass that unbury'd lies So did these strive by Force to ruin me While guarded still on e'ry side by Thee Hector's Andromache of Old so Fam'd Must not be mention'd Dear when you are nam'd She wept her Hector whom Achilles slew Paid the accustom'd Rites that Widdows do But living never cou'd oblige like You. Good Laodamia they so much Boast Was never known till she her Husband lost Had you been Homer's Wife so good a Theme Had made his Lines tho' strong more perfect seem Penelope her self much less had own'd She at the most had been but second found Whether indulgent Nature gave you this Fond to Compose fo great exact a piece Or if a less than Heaven we admit Some Pious Matron made you so compleat I cannot tell so very great 's your share My wrongs are fewer than your Virtues are Alas my Verse is all too weak too small my Skill To paint the thousand Graces I wou'd tell Was but my Mind as undisturb'd and free Easie my Dear as you have known it be Generous I 'd give you then the highest Place Set you with Heroins of the nicest Race And make the wondring World at once confess The greatest and the best of them much less And tho' my Verse this lustre cannot give Yet in my Numbers you shall Ages live ELEGY VI. To his Friends that us'd to wear his Picture engraven upon Golden Plates YOu that my Picture fondly us'd to wear That Instance of your Friendship you may spare However take the Ornaments away The Ivy that I wore is much too gay Such a Poetick Airy Garb as that Becomes the Happy only and the Great Whose better Stars still guard 'em from ill Fate Not such as I that sink beneath the weight Methinks I see some Friend concern'dly stand Viewing the Golden Image in his Hand And often crying as he walks along Heavens how far my Dear Companion 's gone 'T is kind but such their Ovid better see When they behold him in his Poetry The lively'st Image that the Wretched know This paints themselves and their Misfortunes too Read my chang'd shapes tho' there is scarce a thought Good as design'd and finisht as it ought No sooner was the fatal Sentence Read But all my Art was with my Freedom fled Imperfect thus what I 'ad with pains begun I burnt the scatter'd Papers that I 'ad done As Thestius is said to burn her Son And yet methoughts 't was very hard that they Shou'd feel the flames that cou'd not disobey But so it was partly indeed in spite To the first Muse that flatter'd me to write Till by Degrees the Tribe my Ruin prove Falsly perswading me to write of Love And partly ' cause they rude and naked lay Artless and nothing what they were to be But since they 've stole the Press may they succeed Admonish and Delight my Friends that Read Tho' Criticks they may damn 'em by a Law They shou'd be tender that the Reason know As when an Artist wants the last best Stroak Tho' he with Pains may have abundance struck His great Design must yet unhappy look Thus all my Lines the latest Pencil want Still to refine before abroad they 're sent But place these Verses with the Foremost Line And these will show they 're born a'fore their time Be kind and gentle whosoe'r thou art Don't you too nicely view an Orphan's Part Snatch't from his Parent 's Funeral in hast Kickt into th' World unlick't by much too Fast What tho' we Judgment want we 've Innocence And this in Infants is a good Defence The Poet's Muse in better Times may smile And he your Kindness own and you his Skill ELEGY VII He Complains of an Acquaintance that after a long Familiarity had given him some reason to suspect his Friendship BAck from the Seas shall Rolling Waters run And visit Fountains where they first begun The Char'oteer shall drive an unknown way Rise in the West and change the present day The Earth admit of Stars all spangl'd be And Ploughs shall make deep Furrows in the Sky The Elements shall change their wonted state Water shall burn and Fire like Water wet All this tho' strange I Prophesie since you Prove false I 've known so long and thought so true Lord That a Man cou'd so regardless stand Foolishly Fearful to assist his Friend Nay not so much as decently to sigh Or show the common Signs of Sympathy Was such a strange unheard Stupidity That you the Sacred Name of Friend shou'd hate And all the Offices of Kindness quit What if you had a well-bred Visit paid And lookt and talkt as other Courtiers did Offer'd some Reasons to allay my Grief This had seem'd kind and that is some Relief Tho' your sincerity cou'd give no Tears You might have Flatter'd with affected Pray'rs However at the least you might have say'd Farewell I 'm sorry as the People did Some that were Strangers and no ways alli'd Did more than this affectionately cry'd Then how much more might I expect from you That call'd me Friend and all my Secrets
deserted Shoar How often will he Weep his Wretched Fate And Curse his Stars that so severely Hate Tho' now he eager Rifles all thy Charms And thinks no Blessings like his Pyrrha's Arms Ne'er doubts at all but you will always Prove Constant like him Engaging still in Love Unhappy Men to whom unknown you shine Who fondly think you're Good because you 'r Fine I felt the Storm my Self and then I Vow'd For ever after to Adore th' Assisting God And here this Table shows I dread the Flood To Clarinda TO Pray's a Priviledge the Gods allow They kindly give us leave to Love 'em too And what the Gods Approve I hope you do Poets like me Complain Admire Adore Love Write Dye and Dying own your Pow'r And tho' the Nymph's as Good and Fair as you T was ne'er Clarinda thought a Crime to Bow The Sun his Beams does equally Display And kindly gives the Good and Bad a Day Your Charms as powerful are as great as his More than his Heat your Wit and Beauty please But shou'd your Influence no farther go Than those that live and look and talk like you As just Astraea from the World you 'd Fly And Heav'n Oblige with better Company Gods when we View the Beauties of your Mind Unmixt with Pri de Ambition or Design Nature had fondly giv'n so vast a store Had not your Family bin Prodigies before Wit unaffected States and Empires Rules Endears the Good exposes Fops and Fools If Wit alone Commands and makes a Slave How many Thousands must Clarinda have Whose Tongue or Eyes can either Kill or Save When Beauty mov'd and Love and Wit first Took In soft engaging Numbers Lovers spoke Easy you Reign'd and willingly they Bore The pleasing Bondage of so just a Pow'r Like them of old we Love and like them too Artless we Write of any thing but you Heaven ne'er wants it's Thunder yet the Air Is sometimes Calm Serene and very Clear Shou'd Storms arise and Winds for ever Blow While Nature Triumph'd in so Wild a Show No longer we shou'd Relish Life below Like Heav'n Madam let your Goodness move While we Return our Wonder and our Love And tho' you gently Reign yet like the Skies Command your Lightning when we Dare Despise Upon Philis Frowning PHilis those Frowns will never Punish now Had you but Frown'd some Twenty Years ago Some injudicious Lover might have Whin'd And sigh'd because his Philis were unkind Age now hath made your Forehead far from streight By Planting Wrinkles that the Young Men hate Nor do the Elder love a Wither'd Face By which they Read their own as in a Glass Deaths Heads and Skeletons Physitians keep But never lay 'em by 'em when they sleep Then Smile my Philis do and Paint thy Skin Defye the Girls and try to be Fifteen To a young Lady of Sixteen upon her Marrying a Man of Seventy Three IN vain Clarana Nature gave you Charms To spend your Youth in Nisus Frozen Arms To hug a Poor Insensible Old Man Whose Teeth and Eyes as well as Tast is gone Or shou'd he have a Tooth which few believe 'T is Odds but with a Kiss the Tooth you have Had you bin ever Lewd I shou'd have thought Some Pious Fancy had the Pennance Taught Yet this can never be no Fear of Evil Cou'd ever make Clarana love the Devil No Popish Priest cou'd such damn'd Doctrine tell To Merit Heaven send a Soul to Hell 'T was Gold that Reconcil'd the Difference And made Sixteen with Seventy three dispence Vpon a Young Ladies Birth-Day Aged 7. WHen Bolder Atheists Nature's power deny She gives the Wandring World a Prodigy Easily Confounds their deepest laid Design Proving her Care with something strangely Fine ' Such was her Work when this Day 's Welcome Light Made her in you Assert her utmost Right When Heav'n return'd for Pains your Mother knew The most Engaging Blessing Heav'n cou'd do And Blest not only her but All in you Long may you live our Wonder and our Care Witty as Great and Good as you are Fair You need not Kneller's Paint nor Waller's Pen Nature without their Art design'd your Reign When Age shall ripen all those Growing Charms And e'ery Look with wonderous Force Alarms When willingly a Thousand Lovers Dye And tell their Heart by speaking with their Eye A mighty Empire Madam then you 'll know While none Contends for Empire but for you To Philis FOr God sake Philis be n't so Coy I never lov'd you yet not I Had you Drest well been Fair and Clear And Sweet and Clean as others are Good natur'd humble Modest Witty Fine Well-bred and something Pretty Amidst ten thousand Lovers then Philis 't is odds but you 'd had some Nay I perhaps might then been Caught However Lov'd you in a Fit When Drunk or Mad to Philis run And Kist her Mouth and Curst my own Tho' this may lucky prove 't is true To any one that Marrys you Shou'd he be Ill and want to Spew 'T is only Philis viewing you Or shou'd he be advis'd to Sh te The self-same Object do's the Feat But shou'd my Philis e'er be Wed What Monsters Philis must you Breed With staring Eyes and Asses Ears With Monkeys Tales and Skins like Bears For fear of this live Virgin still And venture leading Apes in Hell A SONG CLarinda still disputes my Love Unkind denys my Flame Tho' all my Looks my Passion prove Yet still I Love in vain When Gods above their Lightning Throw The strongest feel their Pow'r But this Clarinda they ne'er do 'Till we refuse t' Adore But you as Good was you as Kind Can Unprovok'd Destroy Careless behold the Swain you find When he for you must Dye And tho' none Boasts a better Right Yet let me this Advise Conceal those Beauty 's that Invite Or Pity him that Dyes Hor. ODE 34. lib. 1. He Resolves to be Religious I Who the Deitys so seldom Pray'd But follow'd the Delights of Sense That no Religion ever yet Obey'd But Epicurus fond Pretence My impious Error have at last perceiv'd At last grown Good and Vertue 's Rules believ'd For very lately Jove I angry heard His Rolling Thunder rent the Sky The Wondering World amaz'd were all affraid And Trembl'd at his Majesty His Lightning Prov'd his awful Reign and Pow'r And made me too tho' very late Adore How did he shake Remotest Lands and Seas The Noise disturb'd the very Dead The Ghosts in Wild Disorder all Arose And Pluto tho' a God Obey'd The Lightning Pierc'd his Shady Walks so Bright His Weaker Flames were all Extinguisht quite How does he sport with greatest Monarchs Pow'r Snatch from their Heads the Glorious Crown And make the Meanest Royal Ensigns Wear To Prove all Kingdoms are his Own And under him we see Blind Fortune Reigns Never more pleas'd than in the greatest Change ODE 9. Hor. Lib. 3. A Dialogue betwixt Hor. and Lydia Horace WHile I was welcome to my Lydia's Arms And no
weep his much lov'd Ovid gone And softly whispering to avoid a Crime Wish that his Caesar wou'd forgive the sin Who e're he is we wish him happy too That seems to feel the ills the wretched know To all he asks may Heav'n indulgent be May Caesar's Face again Look Liberty And grant the Privilege at Home to dye Whilst my Commands my Book thou dost relate The World will damn thee ' cause unfortunate Exiles are never Witty Good or Great A Judge must weigh the Business and the Time What Vertue was may be esteem'd a Crime The Muse ne're smiles but when the Poet does And who can smile with Clouds upon his Brows In blest Security and Ease I write My Thoughts were free my Verses smooth and sweet But since Fates Storms have tost me to and fro Nor at this Instant do they cease to blow My Mind 's as rough as troubled Waters flow While I was safe I eager sought for Fame To Wealth preferr'd the Purchase of a Name But now my Book in silence softly go Thy Master's Fame is like his Fortunes low If any one shou'd find it 's mine and say This Book is to be Burnt or Thrown away The Title show tell him I write no more Of Love the Subject of my Books before Tell him I 'ave dearly suffer'd for th' Offence Lost my Estate as well as Innocence But thou perhaps wilt look for th' highest Place Expect that Caesar shou'd Applaud thy Verse That thou shou'dst have the Privilege o' th' Court And be Caresst by all that there resort O no! let but those Palaces forgive Those Gods Propitious be that in them live No longer Thunder from the Sacred Roof The Bolts I 've felt are of their Power Proof I 've known 'em Gentle and Forgiving too Their Goodness like their Power diffusive flow But very lately 't is they Punisht me The sad remembrance often makes me sigh The fearful Dove once struck she always fears The stronger Hawk when e're the Bird appears The Lamb from the Devouring Wolf once free For ever after Dreads to be his Prey Cou'd the lost Phaeton but live again He willingly wou'd own his Pride a Sin So having felt the Mighty's fiercest Flame I own my Fault and fear to sin again The Pilots that the Grecian Navy bore Will always dread the Danger o' th' Eubaean shoar The Boat that Ovid and his Fortunes had Their Navy like o' th' fatal Place's afraid Where angry storms a dreadful Shipwrack made Beware regard the Instances I 've told Rather be timerous my Book than bold What if thy Verse before the People lies The Mean may Pity when the Great despise While Icarus with Wings to fly assay'd He purchas'd this his Folly nam'd the Flood How to advise thee well is hard but go Time Place and e'ry Circumstance must show If a clear Stage thou seest and all things shine Like Caesar's Face before his Ovid's Sin Yet let your Air be grave and grave your Mien Or if a Favourite shou'd take you as you stand And kindly give you to his Caesar's hand He that first gave the wound that caus'd the pain May like Achilles Spear relieve the same But while you 'de help be carefull lest you Kill By daring Thunder that 's at present still My Hope 's but small my Fears are greater far Lest you Offend and so Augment my Care When to my Study thou shalt come thou 'lt see Some Books that had their Characters from me With harmless Titles most you 'll find appear Written before their Authour Guilty were But in a Corner dark and fit for them Three Books will lurking in a Hole be seen Fly these as soon as e're their Form you view Tell 'em unhappy Oedipus his Father slew And if thy Ovid's words have power to move Hate 'em be sure tho' they pretend to Love Next you 'll behold upon a Shelf my Book Some kindred Leaves that various Forms have took With these I 'de have you talk and in your talk Tell 'em how different from the Man I was I walk When Fortune smil'd and all my Thoughts were Gay When she seem'd fond to heap her Goods on me Tell 'em I 'm Chang'd and look like some of them Am wrinkled old deform'd and ugly seen I have more Cautions more I am afraid These very dangerous times my Book you 'll need But shou'dst thou carry all that crouded ly The Thousand Fears that trouble me thou 'dst swell the strongest cou'd not carry Thee ELEGY II. Ovid Prays the Gods wou'd deliver him from the Dangers of a Shipwrack and in the Elegy describes the Tempest YE Gods whose Power the roughest Torrent finds Conduct our Ship half Ruin'd by the Winds Why shou'd your Wrath with Caesar's be encreas'd One God has Frown'd another has been pleas'd Mars hated Troy Apollo kind was found Venus protected Pallas wou'd have Drown'd Aencas strength in Juno's rage had fail'd Had not another Deity prevail'd Neptune persu'd Vlysses with his Hate While good Minerva snatch'd him from his Fate And tho' we 're less than these in Birth and Skill Much less why mayn't some God be tender still And while one Frowns another please to Smile My words like Common Air confusedly Fly The Winds all hope of being heard deny And Waves scarce grant the Privilege to sigh In vain I all my Pray'rs to Heav'n direct The Gods can't hear not hearing won't protect Ah me the swelling Seas their Surges throw You 'd think they 'd reach the Stats so high they go And parting a'most show the Shades below All the vast space I see is Air and Floods Tost by the Waves and Threatn'd by the Clouds While different Winds in Murmurs make their Way The Sea is doubtful which he should Obey Eurus his Forces Marshals from the East When Zephyrus soon Threatens from the West Fierce Boreas from his Northern Quarter blows While Notus Charges Fighting as he goes Our Pilot in so dangerous a Case So odd so terrible a Storm as this Is yet uncertain what to make what fly Such strange Variety of Dangers nigh Now while I speak a Proud Insulting Wave Shows me Death waiting for the Life I have My Pious Wife so long my Joy and Care Knows nothing of the Threatning Storms I fear Believes my Banishment the only Grief I know Thoughtless at present what I undergo Did she but see me Riding in the Deep The Disproportion that the Surges keep Her Care wou'd double every pointed Ill And I for her two Deaths at least shou'd feel This Flash wou'd be a Death so long the Flame I plainly saw the Place from when it came The Treasury where God's their Lightning lay To burn the World when all shall disobey Death I do'nt sear let but the Tempest cease Dismiss the Winds and strike me where you please Happy to me the Man that Sickness knows Or falls by th' Sword and sinks beneath his Foes The Earth to such will kindly give a Grave The Decent
unequal Fortune's Weight Sad are his Notes adapted to his Fate No Ornaments in Prudence he 'd bestow Had I'come out as gay as others do The World had thought him Proud me Foolish too If he shou'd stammer at his Mother Tongue Or write as they that have been absent long 'T is this damn'd Jargon that the Countrey speaks Confounds his Words and such a difference makes Now Reader if it is not troublesome Direct me in this City where I 'm come And may the Gods for such a Kindness give A mighty Portion of the Goods they have May you ne'er Travel weary as I 've done But live a prosperous good old Age at Home I 'll Follow wheresoe'er you please to go Tho' I 'm Faint Hungry very Dirty too At this he walks and with his Finger shows This is the Court says he of Caesar's House This is the Via Sacra where you Pass A Street the World in admiration has Here you may see where Vesta's Temple 's set That 's Numa's Pallace there not far from it This is the Place where bold Evander dwelt And here they say this Hill Rome first was Built Thus while I wonder all the lovely sight I see a House the Posts in Armour set Good as some God had had it for his Seat Nay so surpriz'd I innocently cry'd Is n't this Jove's House it must be so I said For there hard by an Oaken Crown I see Sacred to Jove this makes my Augury But still my Guide he told me I was Wrong 'T was Caesar's Pallace and he'ad known it long I cou'd not for my Heart but yet conclude So stately all so happy the Abode Caesar must be at least a Second God Why are these Gates I said with Laurels set How come the Boughs thus artfully to meet Is it because perpetual Triumph's here And Laurels wanting for so many are Or is it Holy-day or this a Sign How happy all the People are in him If so to th' Number may he kindly add One Citizen his Anger 's wretched made Ah me so awful all the Place appears My Heart misgives me and admits of Fears My Paper sinks affected with the Thought As wild Disorder a Presage had Taught At this I Stop and Kneeling down I Pray First to my self at last aloud I say May Caesar Sovereign of the World below Great in his Empire and his Wisdom too Forgive my Father and Revoke his Doom And smile on me tho' Born an Exile's Son Next by a Vast but gradual Ascent Where Great Apollo's Temples were we went Where Books are seen of various Subjects writ Contain'd within a Place that joyns to it And here I thought my Kindred Books to see All but th' unfortunate our Misery But e're I lookt the several Classes o'er The Keeper told me there was none such there And rudely bid me in a barbarous Tone By fair means or by foul be quickly gone From thence to other Libraries I came But still no less than there Repuls'd with shame At this a sad Reflection made me sigh By Birth that I shou'd so unhappy be Lost by my Father's Crimes as well as he ELEGY II. In this Elegy Ovid complains of his Banishment and passionately desires to dye WHen the Gods Curse in Sufferings like mine Tho' great their Wrath yet greater is the Sin That I to Scythia shou'd Banisht be Live in Disgrace and dye with Infamy The Muses that I doted on and Pray'd So passionately courted as I did The Deities I so entirely lov'd That took my Offerings and my Songs approv'd These might one wou'd have thought the Gods have mov'd Apollo too the Patron of our Right Refus'd his Interest and left me quite Abandon'd and undone my Wrongs I tell But none can know their Force but I that feel I that my Life till now in Silence past Avoiding noise and bus'ness to the last Tender and Delicate no Labours knew Or Heats and Colds as Travellers do That I shou'd such an Alteration bear The Icy Seas and Frosts so common here Spent by Fatigues that I shou'd think to write That it shou'd please me too is stranger yet When all the wretched Tale I tell is true And what the Reader sees I feel and know When I had pass'd the Dangers of the Seas And reach'd the Land the sad appointed Place I thought my Mind might with the Vessel rest However be more peaceable at least But far from this new Horrors they affright The Towns the Men the Land a wretched Sight At this my Eyes obedient to my Mind Gusht out with Tears that long had bin confin'd Such Floods I wept as when great Waters flow From tallest Mountains coverd o're with Snow Dissolv'd by Rains that Threat'n all below While Rome the great the good the much lov'd Place My House my Wife my Friends my Fears encrease Often I ask to Dye but ask in vain As Heav'n reserv'd me for a farther Pain But that cann't be so exquisite my Grief The Torments that I know exceed Belief Why has the Fatal Steel escap'd my Throat Why has the Deep her Mouth unkindly shut The Gods in Complaisance to Caesar's Wrath Resolve me wretched and deny me Death ELEGY III. To his Wife With some Account of his Sickness TOo weak to write a Stranger 's hand I use But be n't my Dear too much surpriz'd at this Take the true Reason tho' I 'm loth to tell So much you love so very much I feel A sudden Illness seiz'd me with a mighty force And tho' so bad at first I still grew worse VVhile shooting Pains distorted every joint And frequent Sweats made all my Members faint My Fingers they refus'd the VVork they knew And disobey'd tho' I design'd it you No Means was left but by another's hand And this is that my Dearest VVife I send The want of Health 's no small no trivial Ill The Bravest pity when the Pains they feel When weary'd Nature Stagger'd with the Weight Disorder'd sinks beneath approaching Fate But mine 's much worse than e'er the Wretchedst knew The Place I live in doubles every Woe Here 's no Physitian to Relieve the Sick No healing Cordials to support the VVeak No VVitty Friend is found within this Place VVith pleasing Stories to divert in such a Case And make the sluggish Minutes mend their Pace In various Postures on my Bed I lye Restless in all yet still the same I Try VVhile crouding Thoughts are shuffling in my Mind But you as always I the deepest find Fond of your Name the wonted Sound I speak Improperly they say and Nonsence make So much I love that shou'd my Faultring Tongue Too Weak refuse to speak as it has done Shou'd you appear the Strings wou'd artful Play Tho' shrunk before wou'd all Obedience be A thousand little tender things I 'de say Talk like a Lover on his Wedding-day And more than talk I 'd love my Dear as he Such joy wou'd give new Measure to my Days While I not only
smooth Youth had any Part How did I Prize my Lydia's melting Charms And eager gave her all my Heart No joys like what her amorous looks cou'd Teach Each happy Smile was worth a Crown No Persian King was ever half so Rich As I while Lydia was my Own Lydia Whilst Horace Soul my Beauty cou'd Inspire And Chloe's Charms ne'er Warm'd his Breast How did I meet him with a Glowing Fire And never thought my self so Blest His Seeming Passion gave Assurance too While Woods resounded Lydia's Name Too Credulous Lydia thought him True And often boasted of the same Horace Ah Lydia Chloe now has all my Heart For her I willingly wou'd dye Chloe that Sings and Plays so fine a Part Chloe her self all Harmony Lydia Ah Horace Calais succeeds you now And Boasts a finer Mien and Air So much in Feats of Love out-does you too I 'de dye two Deaths to save my Dear Horace What if my former Love returns again And I for Lydia shou'd dye Fondly admire each Smile and Dread each Frown ' And Chloe's Charms again deny Lydia Tho' lovely Calais shines like any Star Is Young and Gay and Constant too Yet I must Own I love my Horace more And I had rather live with you ODE 19. Hor. Lib. 1. To Glycera VEnus engages with her Art Officious Cupid Plays his Part Besides my Inclinations move And Wanton still are Pressing Love Glycera more Bright than Marbles Shines Glycera my very Soul inclines Her Pretty Womanly Disdain Doubles my Love as well as Pain Every well Appointed Frown Makes me Glycera more your own How have I view'd that lovely Face How do I still with Wonder Gaze Venus left her Cyprian Grove And came to teach me all her Love As soon as I the Goddess met She told me she wou'd have me Write But Write no more says she of Wars That fill your Head with idle Fears How Parthians Fight and Fighting Fly What is such Stuff to you or I Write me some Stories that may move And Melt the Longing Girl with Love While trembling Limbs and sparkling Eyes Disorder'd words and short-breath'd Sighs Show how she Loves and Loving Dyes In this the Goddess I 'll Obey In this same Place an Altar lay Here Offer at the Goddess Shrine And Beg she wou'd as now Incline And make the Charming Glycera mine The Parting CLarinda's Eyes have prov'd Love's Empire True Made me tho' long a Rebel Own it too When I Commanded took my last Farewell Gods what strange Disorders did I feel How my swol'n Eyes discharg'd ther mighty store And Wept as tho' they'ad never Wept before As Snow around the Taller Mountains hangs Which Rain dissolves and to the Valleys brings Whos 's Rapid Torrent threatens all the Way Not stopt by Houses till it Reach the Sea So was it when my Eyes brim-full o'erflow'd None saw the Stream but fear'd the growing Flood And had not I thro' Weakness Dy'd away No doubt but I my Self had made a Sea Often I 'ad heard of Venus and her Son Often been told what Miracles they'ad done How they cou'd make the Obstinatest sigh Nay more much more admire adore and dye But these were idle senceless Tales to me An Infidel in Love's Divinity Venus I thought might Charm some Amorous Youth And Cupid's Beauty might have bin a Truth But to Believe his Arrows Bow and Darts Were Form'd to Murder or to Soften Hearts Were Stuff I thought but find it very True And willingly Retract my Error now Some Months agon as I Clarinda Gaz'd My Heart unusual Pulses Beat amaz'd I unaccountably began to Sigh But soon disorder'd all thought Death were nigh Ne'er Dreamt of Love i' th' least not I Till One whom long Experience made Wise Told me 't was Love the Symptoms had bin his No sooner had he told me what he knew But strait an Arrow from Love's Quiver flew And prov'd his Story litterally True Forgive me Cupid tho' I late Adore I Feel as well as Dread the Conquerour And if I e'er again Reflect on Thee May I be Damn'd for my Apostacy Forgive me Venus for I 've injur'd you Profane ne'er Worshipt as I Ought to do Forgive me lovely Maid to you I Bow Fore you have sinn'd and humbly Own it too To see Clarinda and to Rail at Love Deserv'd no less than Thunder from above Tho' you 'ave no need of Forreign Aid or Skill Your Eyes with Lightning can as surely Kill Sooner the Gyants might their Heaven Scale Than I against Clarinda's Force Prevail But Oh! when I a full Obedience show'd And Own'd you Fair and found you very Good Not Proud Reserv'd nor yet more Free Than Well-bred Ladies always ought to be How happy was I thought by all that knew How smoothly did the pleasing Minutes Flow Till that too too severe Decree that Day Curse on it's Light that Hurry'd me away Not Trembling Ghosts with more Abhorrence Go Change their Abodes for Gloomy Walks below Than I Confounded from Clarinda Went Plung'd in the Deepest Sea of Discontent Horace ODE 29. Lib. 1. To Iccius Upon his Changing his Study of Philosophy for that of War MUch did I wonder Iccius when I heard That you mov'd with th' Arabian Gold Had Chang'd the Course that you so long had steer'd And all your Ease and Freedom sold That you Philosophy shou'd leave for War And growing Old begin to Fight Chains for Sabean Kings and Medes prepare A Work you never thought of yet What lovely Virgin shall Entreat my Friend Rob'd of the Charming Youth she lov'd What Royal Boy your Hapiness attend With joys that Iccius always Mov'd Who now Affirms that Floods mayn't backwards Run Nay Tyber's self forsake her Course Like other Streams see Springs where she begun And ' ffright the Mountains with their Force Since you your well chose Books aside have laid And all the Pleasure Learning brings Begin to learn a bloody dangerous Trade That always promis'd better Things ODE 31. He asks a moderate Fortune with much Health WHat will the Poet ask the Gods to day For what when he performs his Offerings Pray Not for the Rich Sardinia's Fruitful Ground Nor Fatted Herds in Dry Calabria found Not Gold nor Ivory nor Richest Meads Where Deep but Pleasant Lyris silent Glides Let them that have 'em Prune their Tender Trees Manage with Care what ever Fortune gives Let the Rich Merchant safe Arriv'd at last In Golden Goblets drink a mighty Draught Thank Heaven for his Deliverance from Harms Out-sailing Pyrats and out living Storms Olives and Mallows rather be my Food Ease my Delight and Books my Chiefest Good The Golden Age. SUch was the World when no Contention Reign'd When Heaven with Ease and Plenty blest Mankind When Nature in a Pure but simple Dress Taught Men the truest way to Happiness E'er Artifice Intrigue Cunning Design Had yet employ'd the Busie States-Man's Mind E'er Bolder Atheists durst Dispute the Earth And make it take an Accidental Birth Owe all its Order
to a Lucky Chance When Merry Attoms were dispos'd to Dance Or make it an Eternal Being have As God was always and must always live As Light by Emanation from the Sun So Heaven and Earth and Seas from God to come No the later Traces of th' Almighty's Care Taught 'em much juster Notions of his Pow'r That he in Time Call'd from Eternal Night A Glorious Day with Chearful Beams of Light And made a shapeless Lump of Form admit And Order shine thro' all the Parts of it Long e'er Ambition yet the People knew Or Interest to make what 's False seem True Princes for e'ery Parent were as such Ne'er thought of Fighting but of Loving much No Swords or Spears were yet Contriv'd or Made No impious Ships the Foaming Billows dar'd But Men and Boats the swelling Surges Feard The Aged Oak ne'er sopt in Briny Seas Securely kept the Wood its Native Place Tho' Marm'ring Winds the Younger Branches Bow'd The Body stood as mighty Mountains did Ne'er Mov'd but when the laboring Earth in Pain Prest with some Pent-up Wind began to Groan And in extremity by Force o'erthrow Vast Trees strong Houses Tallest Mountains too The Ocean was as Heaven at first Design'd A certain Boundary to part Mankind The Floating Monsters kept their Watery home Not more avoiding Men than they did Them ' Til Wanton Luxury began to please And Taught the World t' invade their Propertys Brave Death for various sorts of Meat To satisfie a Foolish Appetite Or what 's still worse for Gold they cou'd not Eat Wou'd Heav'n I ' ad been at first th' Almighty's Care And had an early Being any where Or else had been reserv'd for later Days When Men by long Experience grow Wise The Second Idyllium of Moschus EUROPA WHen first Europa Venus care appear'd A sudden Dream the Lovely Nymph prepar'd 'T was then when Night her Darker Work had done And Blushing Morn her Chearful Dress put on Europa Dreamt and sure in Dreams there is More than we think at least there was in this She Dream't two different Lands to her laid Claim The One she knew the Other not by Name These like Two Matrons both their Right declare And each Asserted what she saw in Her One said and justly too she Brought her Forth The other Pow'r pleaded tho' not Birth For Jove himself Europa is design'd Too great a Blessing for a Humane Mind This tho' a Dream the Tender Nymph had Movd She Wisht she Fear'd and what she Fear'd she Lov'd Tell me ye Gods she said for you must know Whose Eyes discover Fate in Embrio What makes the poor Europa Tremble so The Stranger that I saw so Charming was Such Sweetness in her Words her Looks her Face No harm can sure with so much Goodness Dwell And yet methinks I strange Disorders feel This Thought distracts but why I cannot tell This said her little Play-fellows she sought Thinking that they might some Relief have brought But they alas of what she felt Untaught With these she often Past her Hours away And was till now as Undisturb'd as they The Tender Nymphs lament her Growing Cares And kindly ●●sh that all her Fears were theirs One takes her by the Hand and gently leads The Maid still Trembling to the Verdant Meads Where various kinds of Plants their Care became And Flowers willing to be Cropt by them A Golden Cup the Fam'd Europa bore Finer than Vulcan e'er had made before A Gift the God on Lybia bestow'd When first she Blest th admiring Neptune's Bed Lybia with this did Telephessa Try For none so Worthy of the Gift as she At last the Cap the Young Europa had Fair Telephessa's Daughter yet a Maid The Tender Io Inachus's Care As first by Jove Transform'd was Painted here The Story told what Pains he took to Gain At once his Love and Cheat his jealous Queen Here Mercury and Argus hundr'd Eyes A live less strange than when beheld on this Such was the Cup the young Europa bore Worthy great Vulcan's Art and worthy her The Nymphs no sooner in the Meadows were Where Dasies Violets and Cowslips are But all to Gather what they like Prepare But still Europa did the rest Surpass As much in Air in Mien in Wit and Face As Venus do's before the Graces shine When Art and Beauty speak her most Divine While thus she shone a Wondering God lookt down And looking quickly left his Starry Throne Europa's Eyes far brighter than the Light That Gilds the Spangl'd Firmament by Night But Juno always jealous of her Jove For well she knew how Venus Arts cou'd move To jilt the Queen he Chang'd the God and Fled And as a Bull within those Pastures Fed Where Fair Europa and the Virgins Play'd A Bull but still a Form Divine he bore Finer by much than e'er they'ad seen before Europa went her little Friends stood by To Touch the Charming Bull that Graz'd so nigh The Bull Came on and like a Lover Bow'd To steal a Kiss and Wonder'd when she stood Europa Wip'd the Eager Foam away And Kist his Lips and Bid the Virgins stay He Low'd but with so soft so smooth an Air The Sound was Musick to the Nicest Ear Then Bent his Knees and Greedy View'd her Face Proud to Lye down and Tumble where she was Europa Pleas'd to see a Sight so new Call'd all the Nymphs and scarce believ'd it True Often my Friends We'ave in these Meadows Play'd And yet we never play'd till now she said Let 's sit upon this Bull his Back 's so Broad His strength 's so great he 'll eas'ly bear the Load His Look's so pleasing and his Air 's so Free He differs from the rest as much as we A Soul he has such as great Heroes know Cou'd he but speak like them I 'de love him too With this she sate upon the Bull and Rode The other Virgins came to Mount the God But Jove secure of what he lov'd so Dear With hasty Flight he made the distant Shore And Leapt the Deep tho' he Europa Bore She call'd her Play-fellows but all in vain He lest his Heaven above for her not them The Sea once Gain'd the Foaming Waves he Treads When all the Watery People move their Heads The Sea-Nymphs pay their Homage to the Pair But Worship Jove himself no more than her Prodigious Whales their mighty Bodies Move For Neptune Taught the Honours due to Jove And he himself appear'd amidst the Throng While Tritons sweetly sung the Marri'ge Song Thus was Europa in the Deep Carest A Debt but just to her that Jove had Blest But still her Country left Companions too And yet no Shore she saw no Mountain knew 'T was Heaven all above 't was Sea below A sight so sad Oblig'd the Nymph to say Whoe'er thou art that thus canst make thy Way Where wou'dst thou have the Poor Europa stray Ships big as Mountains thro' the Seas have steer'd But Balls I thought the Waves had always fear'd What Drink
Stars scarce giving any Light Mov'd by so sad a Tale I hasty ran And struck a Light and let the Traveller in Amaz'd I saw a Youth all Arm'd appear A Quiver Bow and Pointed Arrows Bear He hasted to the Fire his Form scarce seen 'Till I drew near and Warm'd his Hands with mine The Cold by th' Heatexpell'd he Pertly spoke Let us go take my Bow my Friend and look If all is Right for if it 's spoyl'd I 'm Broke He drew his Bow and by a Wonderous Slight Through all my Flesh my very Heart he Hit A Frenzy siez'd me and I Feel it yet ODE 12. Anac The Swallow SAy thou damn'd Disturber of my Rest Thou Pratling Swallow worst of all thy Nest How shall I Punish thee for I 'll no more Endure thy Early Noise as heretofore What if I Clipt thy Wings or Cut thy Tongue As Tereus Philomela serv'd when Young For when Bathillus Moves with softest Charms And I all Melting Lye within his Arms The Boy I loose by your Confounded Note So often Eccho'd through your Squeaking Throat ODE 15. Anac I Value not great Gyges Wealth not I Nor all the Gold the Richest Kings enjoy Give me Refreshing Oyntments that are Fine And Oyl to make my Beard and Temples shine Let sweetest Roses Grace each Curling Hair And thus Adorn'd than they I 'm greater far To Day I 'll live and make it all my Own For who can tell the Curse to Morrow may bring on Then take great Bacchus all my Sacrifice Let some invidious Damn'd Disease Shou'd think I ' ad Drunk enough and bid me Cease ODE 26. AS Bacchus with his Fiery Face is seen So I when Drunk a Hero look like him Richer than Craesus too I seem to be And thinking so at least am full as Rich as he I Laugh and Sing as happy Mortals do And when the Ivy Chaplets Deck my Brow I scorn whatever else is found Below A Noise of War makes some in Haste get up When they take their Arms I take my Cup For I have often in my Drinking said I ' ad rather far be very Drunk than Dead ODE 40. WHile Cupid snatcht some Roses from a Tree Thoughtless of Harm an envious spiteful Bee Fixes her Sting and Draws his Tender Blood The Boy Affrighted Shrieks and Crys aloud And Runs and Flys to tell his Wretched Fate More sad by much than ever happen'd yet Venus receives him with a Parent 's Care But still his Wound Torments him with new Fear I Dye I Dye I Dye I 'm Kill'd he sayd This Moment Mother you will see me Dead A little Prickly Serpent such as Fly I think the People say it is a Bee Assaulted me and stung me as you see Venus smil'd and Kist her Son and said The Danger 's not so great as you 're affraid If little Bees can sting with so much Force Your Pointed Darts my Dear must needs be Worse ODE 52. The Rose I Sing the Happy Product of the Spring The Rose the Sweetest Dearest Offering It 's Fragant Smell like that of Heav'n above Commands at once our Wonder and our Love The Graces choose it in their Amorous Play When finest Drest with this alone they 're Gay The Prickly Arms that Nature has bestow'd Proves thee much more her Care and not less Good For if with these the Gatherer you hurt A full Amends your Odors make him sor't When Prest the softest Bosom may Admit And tho' 't was Fine before 't is still more Sweet Bacchus invites thee as a Welcome Guest When e'er the Deity prepares a Feast Aurora when she Rises views thy Form And Grants thy Beauties Finer than her own The Nymphs with Roses all Adorn their Bed And Cyprian Venus by the Poets too is said To Blush with such or scarce so good a Red Thou art a Med'cine to the Fainting Sick When Nature sinks thou Fetchest back the Weak Or if they Dye thou keep'st their Bodies sweet In spite of Time and all the Injuries of it When Poets prove thy first and mighty Birth They bring thy Origin from Heav'n not Earth To spring with Venus when the Foaming Sea Gave Venus Birth her Sweets they say gave Thee ODE 28. To a Painter PAint me Great Artist my Clarinda's Face Her Shape and all the Beauty's that she has And if your Colours will admit a Gum Draw her with all the Odors that Perfume Or give her Breath and there 's no need of them Paint her with Eyes that wou'd a Hermit Move And make him leave his Cell and Own his Love Minerva's never Darted such a Flame Nor was Great Venus greater Power like them Make her Endearing Cheeks with lovely Red Like Virgin Blushes in the Marri'ge Bed Her Pleasing Lips with Extasie of Bliss A Prince wou'd give a Kingdom for a Kiss Paint her when strongest Passions Heave her Breast And leave a Deep Impression to be Ghest Cou'd Pulses in your Colours Dance like Hers The World wou'd quickly Turn Idolaters The Painter's Skill exceed the Poet's Thought And all Mankind would Wonder at your Art But Draw her Good as all her Actions are In such a Garb as Vestal Virgins Wear Yet if you can let some small part be seen To tell the many Thousand Charms within Enough Her Form is fixt within my Eye I 'll Draw her thus and all the World shall see The nicest Piece that e'er a Painter Drew Clarinda Looking Thinking Speaking too The Second Idyll of Bion. A Youth a shooting in a Wood With eager Hast his Game pursu'd VVhere sporting Cupid soon appear'd The Boy of Cupid ne'er had heard But pleas'd to see a Bird tho' high So Tame as if it cou'd not Fly His Arrows Fixt his Bow he Drew But all his Arrows awkward Flew VVhile Cupid leap'd from Bough to Bough His Arrows spent away he ran VVhere soon he met an Older Man And told him all and Cupid show'd The God still Perching in the VVood The Old Man smil'd and told the Boy No Arrows cou'd that Game destroy Be gone he said your Sport give o'er To Kill that Bird 's in no Man's Pow'r When Prompting Nature speaks you Fit The Bird that now will not be Hit Will then upon your Shoulders fit The Third Idyll of Bion. WHen happy Dreams which make the Wretched Blest Had Banish'd Cares and Charm'd my Soul to Rest Amaz'd methoughts I saw a Goddess stand Holding a little Wanton by the Hand My Head I Mov'd my Weary Body Bow'd Thinking the Airy Phantom wou'd have Fled When Venus told me she had Cupid brought To learn to Sing an Art I some times Taught This said The Goddess smil'd and left her Son Fond of my Charge I Pastorals begun I show'd how Pan with happy Strains was Mov'd What Sounds Apollo and Minerva lov'd But sporting Cupid still Untaught Remain'd Laugh'd at my Method and my Skill disdain'd A thousand little Wanton Songs begun And told me Stories what the Gods had done Who lov'd his Mother who her Favour Won While I pleas'd with th' endearing Thought Knew what he said but what I did Forgot Anacreon ODE 50. BAcchus Descends and leavs his Heaven above To Teach us how to drink and how to love He makes us in our Cups all Great and Wise And scorn the Threatning Dangers that Arise The strongest Wine the soonest do's inspire And gives a double Portion of Love's Fire Ensur'd by Wine no Tedious Disease Disturbs our Mirth or Dares our Body sieze Our Spirits are Sublime Refin'd and Free And like our Notions Airy Brisk and Gay Our Pleasing Joys are Constant too and long For when the Vintage and the Season's done A kind succeeding Vintage still comes on ODE 56. MY Hoary Temples speak me very Old And all my Crown once Cover'd now all Bald Youth hath withdrawn her Image from my Face And made my Mouth the Force of Time Confess The small Remains of Life are a most spent And VVeakn'd Nature staggers and I Faint To think the lonesom Melancholy Road The Journey to the Shades the Dead all Tread The Stygean God's Infernal Seat's so Deep So Pitchy Dark as well as Wonderous Steep Secure he keeps the Passengers Below And none Return to tell us what they do A DREAM I Dreamt and in my Dream methoughts I saw The Good Anacreon he call'd me too I Ran with hast and soon Embrac'd the Bard Wonder'd to see Anacreon but not Scar'd His Visage spoke him Old but Fair and Clear Comely and Merry as he always Were His Lips were Colour'd and his Breath as Fine As when alive Perfum'd with Richest Wine Young Cupid Waited on him as a Friend And when he Reel'd he held him by the Hand The Poet Kindly gave me as I Stood A well Chose Garland Rich and very Good I Fondly Fixt the Present to my Head Proud of a Gift the Great Anacreon made And ever since the Fatal Time I knew I Thirst like him and Burn as Lovers do FINIS