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A29350 The love-sick king, an English tragical history with the life and death of Cartesmunda, the fair nun of Winchester / written by Anth. Brewer. Brewer, Anthony, fl. 1630-1655. 1655 (1655) Wing B4426; ESTC R6509 38,641 52

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My Fate is come great King my vestal Vow that broken with my wish is faln upon me For your fair love I fayl'd my faith with heaven And from your hand my death is justly given Such was my former wish farewel Canutus And with my fall may thy great Fame arise Poor Cartesmunda thus untimely dyes Dyes Can. May all the world dye with thee now I see The heavens envy an earthly Diety Har. Brave Huldrick that durst dye for Countries good And for our freedom spent thy life and blood Canut Ha sit you weeping there or has Amazement turn'd you into stone That like men gasping all Medusia's stand To see my Love thus fall by mine own hand Our Self will instantly be in the Field and scourge the English pride and Inhabitants Sound up our D•um and call our Troops together and arm with speed I le to the Field and fight Farewel dear Love whom I of life bereft for which unwilling Act O pardon me Canutus arms a while shall be thy Tomb Then gold inclose thee till the day of Doom Exeunt Act. V. At one Door Enter Canutus Harold Captains with Drum and Colours At the other Malcol Alured Edm Drum with Colours Can. How harsh these Drums sound now that once like Musick did more delight mine ear than Orpheus Lute Sweet Cartesmunda's death my senses kill Like one long sick I relish all things ill Enter all the Colliers Har. Courage my Lord see where the English stand braving your Mightiness Let 's set upon 'em and never leave till to their mother Earth they pay their lives as Tribute Now what sayes Canutus Can. That ye all are Rebels Om. Eng. Rebels Alu. Stay let him speak it out Can. An hundred thirteen years the English Kings have paid to Denmark and our Ancestry an annual Tribute of ten thousand pounds which you unjustly and rebelliously detain from me a lawful successor Alur 'T is true Canutus that the Denmark Kings so long our native Island hath usurp'd and whilst they kept within their Danish bounds and left us to enjoy our own in peace we justly paid our homage F•alty But since your Father Hardiknut• arose and you succeeding him neither content with that our Tribute but would further seek our utter Extirpation which five and twenty years you have attempted planting here your selves in Norfolk Suffolk and in Cambridgeshire erecting Garrison• through all our Kingdom against the Laws of former Articles we now resolve to spend our Royal blood and either countervail our former loss or hazard all we hold by doubtful battel Can. That is your answer then Omnes Resolvedly for all Can. Now by the high and Royal blood of Kings Edm. Swear by the beauteous Nun of Winchester you oft have kist that book Can. And that one word has rais'd more vigor in my active blood then ere her beauty flam'd my Appetite to crop the sweets of Love Mal. It shall be cool'd with better spels than earst her wanton Magick could e're invent to lay thy burning Ardor All Danes Parly no more Canutus Can. O Cartesmunda from thy gentle Arms I flye to conquer in Wars rough Alarms Exeunt Al•rm Excursions Enter Canutus and Alured Can. Why do'st not strike do'st thou not like thy Aym or do'st not know me I am the Danish King that which all Souldiers seek in bloody War may here be got on me eternal honor and easily too for by the powers that made me my senses are benummed Alur I dare not nor will take no such Advantage though I on thee could vent my roughest spleen pass safe my Lord I will not fight with you for your fair Sisters sake whose love was to me so high and potent that it did attract her Virgin-thoughts to dart Loves joyes into me and for the zeal due to her Memory keep what I co'd take from you Life and Honor Can. I prethee take it I le yeeld it willingly and for I see thou art religious in thy love let me imbrace thy brest and of my Love bright Cartesmunda Nun of Winchester I le tell so sad a Tale Alur I cannot stay to hear it hark great Sir Wars Mu sick summos me for Elgina's sake I slip the Advantage that Fate bids me take Exit Can. O for a Midwife I am big with grief And fain would be delivered tho with death Alarms Enter Harold Osrick Captains and Souldiers Har. See where he stands secure him Souldiers Never did man so feebly use his sword in such sad times of Terror O my Lord can you in all this danger be thus calm Os. Though you neglect your self yet prize your honor or if not that yet for your subjects sake be pleas'd to re-assume your wonted valor Can. Can he be valiant that 's without a heart or can a senseless Trunck have sense of Loss Such have you made me therefore share the gain And to these English leave your Lives and Fame All There is no way but Flight Can. Thank your selves for 't had Cartesmunda liv'd and grac'd mine Attempts but with a smile these English would as soon take part with those that from Olympus strove to pluck down Iove as look upon Canutus•ound Retreat the blood of Cartesmunda stirs the gods for this Revenge and if this may appease her angry soul we get by losing it Do what yee will for I will never more taste joy on earth her death makes all things poor Omnes What shall we do Har. What else but fight and dye And in our deaths hide all our Infamy Alarm Enter Thornton Randolph and the Colliers they fight and take Canutus prisoner and drive out the rest A Florish and a Retreat sounded K. Scots Enter Alured Donald Malcolme Edmond Thornton with prisoners Grim and the Colliers leading Canutus and Osrick K. Thus from the usurped Temples of Canutus we take the English Crown and plant it here to whom in right it legally belongs Princes and Souldiers now with me proclaim Victorious Alured Englands Sovereign Omnes Long live great Alured our lawful King Florish Alur First to all-helping heaven due thanks we give Then next to you by whom our glories live Grim. 'T was I that took him prisoner my Lord the Colliers are the Conquerors Alu. We will reward your Valours Har. Propose a ransome Royal Alured to sad Canutus and his Country-men Can. Give me no Ransom sir O let me dye in Cartesmunda's death I brake my vow and for her sake I have neglected all and willingly have sought mine own sad ruine I le have no Ransom Cartesmunda's dead let me be buried with her that 's all the mercy I now will beg of thee from all thy Conquests Alu. No great Canutus for I pitty thee I call to mind thy Royal Sisters love beauteous Elgina worthier then thy Nun whose loving heart was once unbosom'd here and for her •ake I le like a brother use thee this one condition frees thee ransomless that you abate the Fealty we paid you you shall return unto your State in Denmark and henceforth even as brothers wee will live exchanging Embassies of Love and Honor And now to you my worthy Country-men it shall be texted to your lasting fame that your Newcastle strength set England free in this dayes fair and happy Victory for which and for thy sake most worthy Thornton wee 'l give a lasting honor to the Town now beautified by thee with Wals and Towers to which wee 'l add all noble priviledge belonging to a Town Incorporate and for your former Government of Poretereans we here establish it a Majo•alty and Thornton as the first we here create Mayor of Newcastle and give thee the power to elect a brotherhood of Aldermen with choice of Sheriffs to assist thy Government your Charter shall be drawn wi•h fullest strength Even with the fairest Cities of our Land This Sword confirms it from King Alureds hand Bear it before ye still Thorn Your Highness gives us honor 'bove our Merits Alur We have not yet done all but what we want wee 'l study to requite to thee and them Grim. Then since your grace is got into the giving Vain I beseech you sir Let Corporal Grim be bold to put a Colliers request into one of your ears Alur What 's that Grim Grim. Only this sweet King I that for thy service sake was Corporal to be Warden of your Coal-Carriers to provide Coals Surreverence for your Highness own tooth I le promise you weight and measure if none of your Officers do purloyn and warm their Noses at your fires in their own Chimnies Alu. A reasonable Request Thou art our Coal-carrier Grim. Nay I le carry no Coals neither I can tell you and yet I have another Chaldron of curtesies to 〈◊〉 from your kindness that in remembrance of Newcastle Colliers that have fought so bravely we may from henceforth have the upper shoulder and the wall of Croydon Colliers and that if ever they be found with a Goose in their sacks they may be made to stand a whole Market day in the Bakers Pulpit because they shewed themselves Cowards to their Country and durst not fight against the Danes as we have done Alur All this is granted sir Grim. Then stand thy ground old Coal of Newcastle and a fig for Croyden Alur How now still sad Canutus We now must war with love to raise this siege which we will do with Banquets and with Revels Great King of Scotland we are yet a debtor to your kind love which thus we 'gin to pay all those our Northern borders bounding on Cumberland from Tine to Tweed we add unto your Crown so 't was fore-promised and 't is now perform'd Most fit it is that we be ever lovers The Sea that binds us in one Continent Doth teach us to imbrace two hearts in one To strengthen both 'gainst all invasion Look up Canutus now all 's cleer ab•ve Let Cartesmunda dye in our•new love And let swift fame thy former glories ring And hide the sollies of a Love-sick King Exeunt omnes FINIS
my Squadron I dare undertake with my seven hundred Colliers in six days under ground to march to London they shall dig their way themselves too Rand. And know 't is two hundred miles Grim. That 's nothing I le march forty miles a day with 'em at pleasure there is no Pioneer to be compared to a Collier in his Coal-pit if you le have a dozen Cities as we go undermin'd and blown up give but every man a bushel of Apples to his Breakfast and you shall hear the wind roar and shake the ground like an Earthquake Thor Well sir wee'• try their valors go George get Armor ready and Grim get thou a Drum and Marshal 'em Grim. If you wo'd rake hell and Phlegitan Acaron and Barrathrum all those Low Countries cannot yeeld you such a company Tara ra ra ra ra O brave Master now for a company of conquering Colliers Come George Exit Thor Now would it please my Leige so far to grace his humble Subjects and their new built Town to take a homely Banquet we sho'd think 't were royal Neighborhood to heat our buildings Alu. We cannot be unkind though to your hurt we will dispense with our great hast so long and then from Banquets unto Battels fly Which Heaven we hope will guide successfully Exeunt Enter Harold Huldrick Osrick Captains and Lords of Denmark Hul Go let our Drums and Trumpets spight of fear thunder aloud i' th Air and tell Canutus his Captains do attend to speak with him he promis'd to come down Har. Yes down toth ' earth Hul And in the shameful ruins he prepares with lust and murder bury up his name he 's known by nothing but a large defame the City York for want of aid is lost and still the foe pursues if thus we stand to sooth him in this sin our conquest dies And we in blood must end our victories 'sfoot sound and call him Enter Hoffman Hof Give your attendance Lords the King is coming A flourish and Drums and Trumpets Hul 'T is time he sho'd he has been absent long And done his honor fame and Country wrong How did he take your reprehension Harold Har. It startled him at first but when with mildness he did appoint this general meeting to us to what good purpose it inclines I know not Osr. I hope the best see here he comes my Lord Florish Enter Canutus leading Cartesmunda richly attired and deckt with Iewels Hofman and Gentlemen attending Can. Where are our Vassals attend your charge and our delight with all your best of care and diligence or by those s•ars whose influence made me great you dye in Torments all let not the Sun extort from her bright Rayes to give him lustre or if inamor'd as we know he is unless the Alpes have frozen up his Flames Let him not on her smooth front dart his heat No not for all his glory or arched seat Omnes All health and honor to the great Canutus Can. Rise in our favor vail thy face my love we must not have thee seen too much by slaves Cap. Content attend the King and his fair love Osr. Long may she be the Mistriss of his youth Capt. And give him heaven on earth Har. And hell to boot S'death shall we flatter thus Can So now you crouch and fawn like daunted Curs that dare not look the Lion in the face Come Cartesmunda mount Canutus Throne Flourish Let me unvail thy face and tell me now which of you all that thus have tax'd my lightness cu'd if possest of such a Jem as this less value it then I What think'st thou Osrick Osr. I have not seen the like Can. Nor ever shall what Nature had in store was given to her And can one crown'd with such a heavenly weight Live and forgo this Center of delight Hul Let not these vain Affections Royal Lord sway you from reason thus Can. Ha! What is he Hul Do you not know me sir the time has been when in thy Battels Huldrick has been seen knee deep in blood cutting his way by force careless of life to free thy Royal person and does your Mightiness not know me now Then hear the news I bring to comfort you The Danes once stil'd by Names of Conquerors are now subdued and slain The King of Scots banded together with the English forces have late at York o'•ethrown our Garrisons and now to London march victoriously defacing all thy conquer'd Cities burn And in their falls the flames do rise so high They seem to light the Tapers of the skie And since Fames Trump which of• hath summon'd thee is not so potent asto draw thee forth thy honor bids me dare thee to the Field if thy high spirit be not extinct by Lust Let 's arm our selves for shame Can. Traytor thou hast deserved death ere thou dyest and this thy proud presume shall break thy neck for chasing our high blood O love thou art unjust I feel assaults far sharper in my breast then all the English Forces 'gainst this wall now love and honor with their opposite powers Afflicts my soul and with their vertuous strife Plead for my Love my Honor Fame and Life With this mans words my passions strongly move He for my honor speaks Honor but Love I am thy Martyr now and must go on For what is Honor but Addition Got in our pride of youth yet stay Canutus think of thy wonted Fame go on and conquer Give me my horse and I will quickly quell 'em Cartes What will Canutus do Can. O Cartesmunda with that heavenly voyce already I am chang'd stern War remains Kiss me and kiss me dead my best of Loves Osr. Hee 's chang'd agen Hul This Strumpets eye does sure bewitch him with her Sorcery I le not indure this shame Enter a Post Post Where is my Lord Can. Where thou shalt not be long What wouldst thou Villain Post Arm mighty Prince we have descried at hand the Horse and Ensigns of the English Army troop'd with their Leaders like the gods of War who in bright steel the fields do stoutly bear Can. And there seek that which thou vile Dog shalt have Comest thou to fright my Love Kills him Hul Do not expose a mighty Nation thus naked to the Tyranny of Lust Canutus Can. Traytor Hul As thou art great be just Let not • Strumpets love work all our Ruines the Enemie's at hand and from thy side I le force this painted Whore Car. Help me Canutus Hul What can you cry Can. Wer 't thou Ioves Mynion slave thou thus had'st dy'd Canutus runs at him catches her up in his arms and runs upon his sword Hul I le meet it thus And dying so my end is glorious Car. Oh I am slain Hul I have my happy wish then Welcome death I dyed Canutus to preserve thy breath Dyes Can. Sink down to hell What has my rashness done O Cartesmunda stay thy fainting breath Thou still shalt live with me in spight of death Car.
Body of a King 〈◊〉 and disloyal Etheldred Thus 〈…〉 his foot upon thy head That was a 〈◊〉 late with precious 〈◊〉 Rejoycing 〈◊〉 by me thy pride is 〈◊〉 Canu For bear brave English Lord remember this he was a King let not thy Subject foot tread on thy Sovereigns head Take off his Crown and when the slaughter 's past present it to us and we will then reward thy faithful service enter the Town spare neither Sex no• Age Whip out this English Race with iron rods The vanquish'd are but men the Victors gods Exeunt Alarm A great Cry within Enter Abbot bearing a Cross Cartesmunda with two Tapers burning which she placeth on the Altar two or three Nuns following Abbot Come holy Virgins hie you to the Altar Car. The raging Foe pursues defend us Heaven Take Virgin tears the balm of martyr'd Saints as tribute due to thy Tribunal Throne with thy right hand keep us from rage and murder let not our danger fright us but our sins Misfortunes touch our Bodies not our Souls Keep Faith before us from Hell none escapes Our deaths may be thy will but not our Rapes Abb Fair Cartesmunda bright illustrious Maid O be thou constant in this day of tryal Vertue is Vice unless it do persever That is true Holiness that lasts for ever Car. Upon my knees to you and Heaven I swear when I do yeeld my Virgin vow to lust in the soft I wines of an insatiate bed may I give up the treasure of my youth To such a man whose lust and poisoned breath May soon reward my sin and be my death Follow follow Alarm Abb. Such Vows being kept are true religious Hark hark the bloody Foe has forc'd the Temple Turn boldly and be constant here 's the tryal All Virgins To Nature wee 'l be false to Heaven be loyal Alarm Enter Canutus Erkinwald Harrold Hofman Osri•k Souldiers Canu On on kill all spare none this by Canusus dyes ha Who holds my conquering hand what power unknown By Magick thus transforms me to a stone Senseless of all the faculties of life My blood runs back I have no power to strike Call in our Guards and bid them all give ore Sheath up your swords with me and kill no more Her Angel-beauty cryes she must not dye Nor live but mine O I am taken strangely Methinks I lift my sword against my self When I oppose her All perfection O see the pearled dew drops from her eye Arise in peace fair soul will you be mine Car. If you be death not else Canut Here is his power for if my wrath thou move This blow shall rid my heart of torturing love Pale deaths effect shall take away the cause and I be 〈◊〉 as Ayr Thou Sorceress that stay'st my hand with Witchcraft and with Charms I will unwind thy cunning Ex•rcismes Rare beautious Virgin Will you love Canutus Cartes When to these bodies dead thou givest new l••e I then will love thee Canut I le give thee death As those in blood have faln and thou shalt dye I cud We will withdraw Then kill her Cartes And I am ready Ty•ant do thy worst O heaven Canut Hold Traytor hold th' ast kill'd thy Sovereign Does she not bleed O Love how strong 's thy fear All England shall not buy this Jewel from me Didst thou strike her Har. I had not drawn my sword you came so sudden Canut Nor never may'st thou draw it 'gainst her life so she bee pleas'd to love Cartes To ha•e thee I will love but never love thee Canut Grant me thy Love my Royalties are thine and thou shalt strike the Sun blind with thy lustre in Ornaments more rich then is the Treasure •id in the unknown bottome of the Sea And for thy pleasures Cartes Peace sleek Flattery Thou seekest to violate my Virgin Vow with thy inchanting tongue which 〈◊〉 I break The heavens shall fright the earth Saints prove unjust Death lose this power ere I imbrace ma•s lust Canut She turns me wild with rage and passion I le rip thy bofome up to see that wonder a constant womans heart Sure thine is f•ne yet thus I le peirce it were it Adamant Oh! Ho offers to strike and his sword falls Erkin My Royal Lord Har. Great Prince recall your spirits Canut I 'm struck with lightning from the torrid Zone Stand all betwixt me and that flaming Sun Yet do not Let her heat in death be spent Go Erkinwald convey her to my Tent Let her be guarded with more watchful eyes Then heaven has stars for fear she be surpriz'd If here she stay I shall consume and dye 'T is time must give my passions remedy Art thou not gone Kill him that gazeth on her For all that see her sure must doat like me And Treason will be wrought against us for her Be sudden To our Tents Prethee away The hell on earth is love that brings delay Exit Erk in with Cartes Har. The Duke of Mertia with the English Crown attends the pleasure of my Lord the King Canut Present him to us O obdurate Maid The English Crown is value less to thee This thy Idea crowns my victory Ent. Osbert Osb. Low as obedience thus the vanquish'd English yeelds subject duty to the King of Danes and with this conquer'd Crown our lives and honors Canut You please us well Duke Osbert come invest us thy warlike hand shall crown Canutus head For by thy aid this Realm is conquered Osb. Long live Canutus mighty King of Danes of Denmark Norway and of England King Florish Canut Thanks Duke of Mertia We must now remember that by thy late revolt we wan this City slew Etheldred the Lord of many thousands Now for reward which should ha' come before Thou never shalt crown King or subject more Off with his head Osb. My Lord Canut A guard I say stop up the Traytors mouth Let us have fear not love Mans nature will be bold where it is lik'd A Kingdome got by blood must so be kept I will not hear him speak Away with him Bring me his wisdoms head into my Tent there wee l converse Osb. Heavens wrath is justly sent Exit with Guard Canut Here was it that I saw that blazing Star whose bright aspect promis'd a general peace to this affrighted Kingdome Torches Slaves the night comes on us we are all in darkness prepare my bed wee l rest us after toyl and sleep thou mother of forgetfulness drown all my thoughts that ere I saw this Virgin make her a stranger to my memory that I may joy in this not dye for love Hofman her looks are heaven her eyes are Cupids darts Go bring her to me Art not gone yet slave It is an Embassie too good for Hermes the Herauld of the gods Thou shalt meet Lightning yet on thou must go ask that weeping Nun dost hear me Art not gone Were Hellen now alive this Maid alone would stain her beauty and new Troy should burn Paris would dye
and gain thy Freedom Love and Honor Ha! That kiss bold slave past thy Commission Death and the Devil she kisseth him too O fond Erkinwald be blind and do not see them thy office was to speak but not for thy self Alu. Natures Divinity is in thy looks and he an Atheist sees thee and not loves Should Erkinwald now see it I wo'd love thee tho for each kiss I had a several torture ten deaths for thy injoying were my Bliss Elg. So high I pr•ze thee by this Virgins kiss Erk. Yet you make shift to reach him with your lips Degenerate Princess I suspect thy birth Yet well mayst thou be Sister to thy Brother For Great Canutus blood runs low as t•ine and Love-sick doa•eth on an English Nun. Alu. Then you resolve to •ly Elg. Heaven knows I do Erk. Here 's one will stop your Journey Thunder part ye slave Elg. Ha O me unfortunate Alu Tush fear not Madam See here I stand my Lord Erk. A perjur'd Villain Alu. That tongue lies that speaks it Hea• me I courted for thee with my best of speech and shew'd my faith as firm as Adamant till fate that rules all love ore-rul'd her so that she became a Suiter for my love And on my worthless self her smiles hath thrown My tongue was yours but my consent mine ow• Erk. I le have that heart she loves hold eyes from weeping Elg. But I shall hate that heart if in thy keeping Sheath up thy sword and hear me Elkinwald what shall I give thee to renounce my love Erk. As much as thou would'st give t' attain Elizium sho'd not avert my love from these fair eyes Ioves thunder or eternal miseries shall never so transform me Elg. Yet I cannot love thee Erk. But I le remove the cause of that Villain thou hast seen our slaves dye when their Lords have laugh'd Come run on my weapon this is Princely favor For greater tortures do attend on thee But wee 'l be merciful in Tyranny Elg. See on the Earth thy Sovereigns Sister kneels to beg thy pitty Erk. There 's nothing but thy love can purchase it Elg. Yet have mercy the fault in love was thine thou didst betray me when thou let'st me see him and Villain thou if thou but touch his life the Great Canutus shall revenge my wrongs For after him Elgina will not live Bethink thee then O yet some pitty give Alu. Do not debase your self for my poor life I dare his worst my love is constant still More resolute to die than thou to kill Erk. T is worthy praise then see behold thy death Alu. With open eyes as I wo'd view her state And like a man thus I pursue my fate They fight Elgina goes between Erkinwald kils her Elg. Hold hold O I am slain farewell dear friend the loss of thee is Tyranny in d•ath And death a dream so thou but close mine eies Chaste love is born in Heaven and never dies Erk. Amazement to my soul O my Elgina O I am most accurs• 't was this hand struck thee Alu. For which I le be revenged thus Heaven is just Kills him Erk. Base Villain thou hast slain me Alu. 'T is thy fate Farewel Oh pure unspotted Maid unhappy Princess This hand shall keep thy will and close thine eyes Let thy soul joy for here thy Murderer lies Dead at my foot and I with thee could die Were my poor Country free from misery War calls me to the field O my Elgina Autume is on thy ch•eks the Rose is wither'd and thou look'st like the Alablaster statue Upon thy lips I print this parting kiss And flying from thee leave all earthly bliss Exit Enter Harrold Osrick and Captains Har. Osrick we hear the Duke of Thatford raiseth men in Norfolk Osr. All England sure I think will mutiny if 〈◊〉 the King neglect his hopeful Conquest by doating on a womans lustful Beauty Har. Never was man in love bewitcht like him he will not suffer speech or any counsel that may dis-swade from her he bars his fight from any but the Nun and his loo•e Panders Ha! what sight is this Duke Erkinwald and the Princess murdered this sight wo•d sad even Tyranny it self draw tears from Tygers and make wonder dumb Oh Great Canutus what por•ents are thes• This heavy curse lights on thy lust and ease Thy sister and thy best of friends are slain And safety now is frighted from thy Throne Convey this spectacle of grief aside and let a guard pursue the m••derer I le hie me to the King and there relate Their deaths his lust both guided by strong fate Exeunt Banquet Enter K. Canutus Can. She is an Angel in the shape of woman chaster than Dian colder than Freezland snow and yet she burns me if I miss her now my death must be the period of my love Go let those Jewels Cates perfumes and Musick be all produc'd together in one sense Unite all raptures let 's have nothing s•ant That she may taste at once what all Queens want Musick Strike heavenly Musick with a tuneful measure And with thy raptures swell her blood and pleasure Enter Cartesmunda and Osrick The star appears welcome dear soul to make our joyes more full fit to this Banquet Great Queen of my heart and fully joy thy senses in each part Cart. My senses are intranc'd or do I dream O let me back return to hide my shame Can. O stay divinest soul hear me but speak Cart. O I have lost my sence with these Inchantments I am I know not how for all my powers are useless but mine eyes to weep Can. Make not the earth proud to receive thy tears lest being subject unto me her King I force her to restore again those pearls more rich than all the Jewels of our Crown so high I prize thy tears yet thee 'bove all Cart. I am your Servant Prisoner Vassal worse Can. Thine eyes upon my freedom laid that curse If thou bee'st mine I do command thy love Where Kings of Subjects beg let pitty move Cart. How can so great a King be weakness slave Can. In doating of those joyes I near shall have Cart. Men that lust women once no more indure 'em In health they loathe the physick that did cure 'em Can. When I neglect thy love or touch thy life may all my Battels prove unfortunate and I lose all the conquering Danes have got and end my days with shame and inward grief Cart. Your words be registred with hands divine O keep your vow great Prince for I break mine I blush to say I yeeld I 'm wholly yours a spotless Virgin now is in your power and as you mildly courted so this kiss confirms mee to you Can. And my soul to thee Never did man meet more felicitie Run Vassals run prepare all sweet delight For Cartesmunda sleeps with me to night Enter Harold England shall sleep in peace for all my force On Cartesmunda's love shall now be spent Thy Arms shall
marriage Mr. Thornton unwar•• to all the Town but we are glad we are so well deceived Thor Faith Gentlemen it was not to abridge the Nuptial Feast for that shall have his full Solemnity but from some private causes of my Mistris Whose power retains all former dutie from me And as a Servant still she shall command me Wife Not so sir I resign that title now my self and state are onely by your power to be dispos'd and sway'd Rand. I well said sister This match was richly made with liking and with joy to all the Country And Brother Thornton so I le call you now I came prepar'd to give you fit surrender of the last Bargain which you purchas'd of me Thor Your Coal-pits and your Servants Brother Randolf Rand. Yes sir and look you this is the Orator must speak for all in his mouth they have put the Law and willingness they have to serve Enter Grim. Thor Who honest Grim Grim. Yes sir and I am the Prologue to the Play And for them all I have to say Seven hundred men in sable wise From forth the Coal-pits shall arise Not melting men made out of wax But such as use Spade and Pick-ax Who when you bid 'em use their skils Shall make a Dale of Mauburn hils Then raise a Mount as high as Poles And turn it strait to burning coals Thor This speech I think was pen'd on purpose Grim. I speak deep things some sir of 50 fathom deep I do it de profoundis and no disparagement to the Author that which I have spoken was in as Good ryme as ent'ring in With hope a half-penny and a Lambs-skin Thor Ha ha thou hit'st me there yfaith Grim I give you a taste sir how you shall find me here and as for my seven hundred fellowers they are honest Tartarians and whosoever deals with 'em shall find them grim fellows I assure you Thor Grim thou wert always honest and on my word thy love shall have reward Baily Sir all your works both finished and in•ended are pious holy and religious Part. And in the goodness if you still persever You build your self a house in Heaven for ever Thor Heaven have the praise of all and look ye Gentlemen Reach me the Table George I have here repai•'st the copy of my first arrival here which yet hangs up insculp'd on a tileshard but now 't is rectifi'd in golden Letters with the same phrase stil onely thus alter'd Here at this West-gate first came Thornton in Grim. With hope a half penny and a Lambs-skin I remember that still sir Georg. How now Grim are you so sawcy Sirrah Thor 'T is well done Grim I 'd ha'• remembred ever go place it ore the gate that all may view it and witness these great blessings heaven has sent The reason why I urge this Register To have my memory thus kept in store Is not my wealth but to record me poor Go see it done Ex. Workmen George George For ever may it stand to your renown Part. And all succeeding fame While this Town stands still honor Thorntons name Thorn Amidst these poor indeavors of my love my careful Master must not be forgot wh•se Heir I am become and for his sake I will reedifie Alhallows Church where in the peaceful bed of death he sleeps and build a Tomb for him cut out in Touchstone which in our Persian Voyage was return'd from whence my golden Mineral arriv'd Grim. In the likeness of old iron sir Thorn I thou say'st true Grim. Grim. I have wondered a thousand times old Iron-fist the Smith did not hang himself for refusing the first Tun of it a whoreson Coxcomb Wife They say you got somewhat by it Grim. Grim. Alas Mistris a few chips or so some ten pounds worth for a groat I think I bought on him Shout Rand. How now what mean these shouts Grim. I think there 's some Match at Foot-bal towards the Colliers against the whole Country cut and long tail Enter George Thor What 's the News good George George Prince Alured and Edmond Duke of Thetford are newly lighted and desire to speak with the Town Magistrates Thor We shall with joy receive him as our Prince and wish he had as free possession of this whole Kingdom as this Town shall give him Enter Alured and Edmond All See where he comes All duty to your Highness Alu. Rise Gentlemen we have your hearts forbear your knees your true Allegaince hath proclaim'd it self that never yeelded yet to forreign Scepter you have fortified your walls 'gainst all invasions And in that circuit gloriously she stands With kind imbraces to infold your friends Thor Our Town our selves our lives are all your homigers as the most lawful and indubitate Heir To our late Sovereign Lord and to your Throne We fall as Subjects you we know our own Alu. My best of thanks is due to my best friends Which is the man amongst yee Gentlemen that bears the name of Thornton Thor Your Subject and your Servant Royal sir Alu. Let me imbrace you sir and tell you this your goodness speaks you nobly England is fam'd in this fair Town much honored by your vertues Our Countries conquest by these Danish wars Have not such blazon from our shame exhal'd As these your good deeds now have countervail'd Thor I can do nothing but my duty sir Alu. 'T is worthy praise in all and trust me Gentlemen we have good hope to see a happy day and once again make England singular Free in her self and Princes I came now with my best Hors-manship from the Scotch Army whose Royal King in Neighbor amity is arm'd in my just cause has past the Tweed with prosperous forrage through Northumberland all Holds and Castles taken by the Danes restore themselves to his subjection in our behalf The City York is won from whence I came Ed. And whilst we forrage thus their King Canutus doating on the beauties of Cartesmunda Nun of Winchester Of his estate so careless now is grown Hee I put no arms but Cartesmunda's on Thor Go forward noble Princes your work 's good and to incourage it ten thousand pounds I le lend your grace to leavy Souldiers which if you never pay I le never aske and for my own imployment to your aid I le lend if you will honor me so far all the full strength Newcastle can afford I have seven hundred men that call me Master Grim. Besides Grim the chief Controler sir Thor Very true sir and these Ile four times double And three months shall their charge be mine alone To back your Right and seat you in your Throne Alu. Your bounty and your love exceeds all means of p•esident and recompence Thor T is but my duty still which I le not slack go Grim and muster my seven hundred Colliers to them I le add two thousand more of our Newcastle strength and thou shalt be an Officer to conduct 'em Grim. For a Corporal or so let me alone with