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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A26247 Atlas under Olympus an heroick poém / by William Austin of Grays-Inn, Esq. Austin, William, fl. 1662. 1664 (1664) Wing A4259; ESTC R2912 45,520 95

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door Dowries escheated by new Martial Lawes Of such whose husbands stood not for the Cause The rights confi●cated of those whose Sites Would not add fewel to the Publick fires Could none of these nor the rule ore the Maine Nor yet all th' Indian Ships tempt thee to gain Could not th' Exchequer all the banks of F●te Polite slights to drain money from the State Could not that Silver-coyne whose Vertue moves All humane hearts and ciments fast their loves Could not illustrious Gold such wonder breeds As the full noon-sight of Sols glorious Steeds Nor all the wealth three Kingdoms can disburse Move thee t' adore the Idol of the purse Could not th' applausive breath did so contest To lift thee up higher then all the rest Delight of having thy Worth be in story The sole Artificer of thine own glory Pleasure of being esteem'd that regent Light Opens and shuts to others day and night Could no magnificent or pompous thing Fix on thy will the Title of a King But what thy Conscience wisely dictates to thee Must be thy law and onely serve to wooe thee But that what was decree'd above you must Resolve to execute and right the just But that what ere oppos'd or tempted thee Must spur the faster to thy first decree Bright Seraphim of Love each humane sense Is ravisht with thy super excellence Love whose pure flames have so divine a Birth T' have nourishment from ought's ally'd to Earth Such love where goodness sweetly is imprest And whose free kindness makes all th' interest Excellence where no higher worth can be But what 's the sole just right of Soveraignty S●ch excellence where loyal duty reigns Aud captive Nature's kept in Golden chai●● Look from thy height and see how all things show At this great distance from thee here below See how this sordid Earth under thy tread Towers as our hearts false Heaven above our head See how strangely that patch transforms our nature Till 't hideous seem and frightful in each feature See how that crowd of atomes blinds our sight That all thy glorys beames scarce lend us light How like Night or some gloomy Cloud that lies Between their splendid lustre and our eyes How here like Mermidons w'appear while they Heighten that Sun spreads out our brightest day This high stupendious charge you have alone To give a greater power then you own Thy priviledge had ever man before That mayest thy hearts Image make and adore With miracle you spread out Glorys wings To raie such beams give glory unto Kings Solely to have a power to thee given T' anoint on Earth one in the place of Heaven Those inspir'd with unknown new lights of grace Even to take the Lords Annointed's place Who howsoever large and wide thrones spread Rounding them all to model their own head New form'd new nam'd them made great Mountaines plain And all but th' own heights level as their brain Who while they acted what was just and meete Were power'd to set Justice under their feet Fully commanded her and with their word Made her give them the measure of her sword who 'd right to wrong like those great Princes rove I'th'air defying all the powers above Such Boanerges were our ages wonder Whose Swords stampt Laws their fire mouths voic't with thunder Such great Salmonei would like Joves appear And speak us terrour from their Brazen sphear Such the Gods overawing Titans strove To win the prize of Heaven and conquer Jove Could none of these sublime undaunted Spirits Invite thee to th' example of their merits Blaze like them and when you 'd have lifes blaze out Command as Othe your own sword to do 't Or as the Brazen head with your own breath And the Times in your mouth encounter Death Worship'd you not their honour cause Virtue Had with her Temple here lost all her due Was 't your pittie to see our Hectors slain And in their friends to torture dragg'd again T●● Amalthaeas plenty all pour'd out And made the daily surfeit of the rout To see the Devil steal our hearts with lies And say Truth 's mouth gives out his Oracles Our floating Isle like the Tirrhenus stone S●e broken sink under Rebellion To see Mordorus and Epirus turn Gods Camps and Pallaces into their Urne E●ch precious thing was sacred and divine Plunder with rage and cast as Pearle to swine See Piety bestuck with wounds all'ore And languishing lye weltring in her gore Like him so left by Theeves and dying lay While no Samaritan must pass the way To see Truth lie like Lazarus diseas'd And torn by Dogs by whom she should bin eas'd To see England surrounded by the Sea Lie bleeding in each vein like Seneca See Statesmen would as Nero virtuous seem In their hearts and acts bloody bee as him And to their native Country prove no other Then did that Monster-Tyrant to his Mother To see our Soveraignes fires buried lye Under th' Ashes ere he be like to dye To see our Realms life dayes light Phoebus run So long about the Earth without the Sun See while the Rusticks in the Vineyard rant The Royal Heir in Exile and in Want Such thoughts as these made thee breath thick with fears And with thy Beams ray down a shower of tears Breath thick with flames of love that from within Thy breast break and consume our World of Sin Made thy heart sink into each bended knee And vow t' advance Heaven and his Majestie To force all yield to thy Comman●ing word Conquer thy self and then lay down thy Sword It was your greater courage thus to faint And quit your Conqu'rous name to triumph Saint As George before they only stiled you Their Champion but they 'l Canonize you now You safe within need now fear none without you Being protected by your George about you Your Noble Virtue while your Sword hangs by Makes your foes mouths Canon your Victory The pleasure wounds of this their awed hearts feel Turn them to your Magnetick touch as fe●● Wounds others Swords have made us long endure Yours as the Weapon-salve untoucht can cure The while we have bin lost and did assay To conquer our selves that mistaken way If thou in stead hadst conquer'd us and wee Been thus long Souldiers Disciplin'd by thee By this you being th' Ark-Angel of the Hoast Would have made England the Triumphant Coast. Angels with us had sojourned to see Heroick Acts above their Hierarchie The Golden age had been but Dross to ours A Secon● Charles and George with Thrones and Powers Ran● ack the treasure of all Earthly pelf For Gemms can counte●● 〈◊〉 Charles and thy self You carry worth if Edon had but two To prove our Eden's made by Charles and you
Statue seems made so with wonder such Your power is Caesar's quickned by your touch Thine must be Royal blood since ' ●runs amaine To the Kings heart and spirits ev'ry veine You 'r Neptune to Apollo Both imploy Your joyn'd hands to rebuild our ruin'd Troy Our Fires and Waters Mesapes while you Scape them unhurt nay do them both subdue That Phaebus may over the Ocean run You are the Ship that do imbarke the Sun Th' abstract of Nobility to disperse Duty and triumph through the Universe Thy bliss thou hast in thine own heart and brain And art that Worthy rides in Charles's waine Thrice bless'd now all our wishes and our hope Jove's Scepter 's fixt with you Joves eye a top Considering all the Deities are blest Within the great Pantheon of thy breast Were we to thee a Sacrifice to pay We needs must call it Throxenia Thy Victor worth no rival Hector knowes Who doest orecome as well thy Friends as Foes Submitting to them gett'st the victorie And when thou yieldest makest all yield to thee Dost peanance for a world that so you save And by preserving life conqur'st the Grave By making peace thou dost the Earth subdue And by averting judgments win'st Heaven too We knew long since who rules the Sea Wind. Who 's power or'e him too now in thee we find Your Maker and your King you win thus can Be Champion George both over God and Man The Print showes us th' Author th' aime the Gun The Speech the Person and the Raies the Sun One never saw your face must needs adore Heroick worth he never heard before Let others build the Temple Thou alone To bless it can'st instal the Salomon No gift like thine ere came from Mortals hand All others must obey and thine command Strange donative we do and must adore Did ere thus Subject give a King before The bodies parts are all rul'd by thy brain All sheaves must bow to thine as Soveraign Shew they the best they can they truly be But Widdows mites thine is the Treasurie Such charity you give that with it you Purchase bliss for your self and others too Though he you gave was ours since 't was your might That purchas'd our before despair'd of right Your gifts the greater t' us and from him we In Paeans take new souls of Jubile Who ' as power to keep yet freely gives a prize To those that claime it loves his enemies Thus Enemies made Friends are fast in bands Tied in their hearts despight with their own hands Crosses hurts losses lay fair fortunes ground Are steps that mount her to her highest round Who sees not after Winter how th' Earth's glad And highly prides in what before shee had Love meets our rights where while it joyes it's fill Past fears and dangers spread it farther still Three Realms embrace Thee with one single heart While God Great Charles and Thee fill up each part A gift twice given us first from above Then here should b'entertain'd with double love Heaven gives us Title to a King then we Must our possession of him have from Thee Our wants to thy affection added summe Thy duty till it courtese become By paying what thou ought'st to pay thou'●t sure T' oblige to thee thy greatest Creditour But while we think on thee and wonder thus Cross Fate had prov'd far more miraculous Was ever Champion George with Sword and Shield And th' Enemy the Master of the Field Was ever Monck General and not then God in the very Front of all his men T was George and Monck that gave our freedom birth By Name intitled both to Heaven and Earth G. Monck yes We oft speak what ere we 've given As love pawns so repeat this gage of Heaven Our Prayers rang'd Heavens Champion azure plaine Found there and hither thence call'd George againe Englands George here 's return'd Who doubts of this Believe him here by Metempsychosis If he with the Triumphant host be there He 's seated in the highest Order here He 's here as there at Rest but here does more Makes rest and quiet where was none before He makes Heaven here and without launce or hand Angel-like wins by virtues sole command Wee 'l now boast loud of this prerogative To have our Saint Protectour still alive T' have our Alpheus did so long remain Hid to the world rise and appear again To have our Soul from our cold dismal urne As that to Aristaeus did return What Stratagem what politick devise Need any fear that are protected twice By Heavens virtue Earths power That Enemie Provokes such arms must do 't with pride to die Cite all the Nations in the world to show Their Garaian Angel with them as we do O never for an other Kingdom leave us Since all we are and do enjoy you give us For whom you 've made a New World to dispense Your ever loves protecting providence Ne're leave us till our growing Palme dispands Above the d●ring reach of humane hands Until thou 'st made hony and milk to cream On ev'ry golden brook and silver stream If we must here want you then all Earths bless Mounts us t' you in a flaming Sacrifice But what must you be less because we know 'T is th' height of your ambition to be low Must your humility and meanest grace Only while th' others wait on her take place Thus must you rule and make us all obey When you have given your chief power away Shall we from whom we have our sole relief chief From such long wars and broils not make him Shall your will then draw our obedience forth chief When 't usurpes on the glory of your worth Shall we because you 'l have it so to be Pinion your deserts while your desires flee Well be 't so Thus in person though you are Subject you 're Soveraign in your love and care We 'l not submit t' you then and so express Our wills like yours and love you ne're the less Where you with love and will submit we must Or else deny your Divine genius just If we agree to make our loyal crew And follow Charls we all are led by you Else most ingrate we should your worth repress And so making you greater make you less We will proclaime thy worth a Royal thing That 's thus effluxed to you from a King Our Charles's goodness and his dignity Are those great Idols we adore in thee Thus a bright day w'admire and when w'have done We center all its splendor in the Sun Princes are Mountains whose springs and hights show In those clear brooks they make to run below How could thy Eagle Soul so lowly prove But that there was a Majesty above How couldst thou quit thy clouded Atlas-Tower But awed from thence by supream August power His Majesty must be Divine who can
thorns and bryars ore our Paradise When Rebellion Charons bo●t did take To drown our Souls in the Infernal Lake To pay our Debts then to redress our Woes And make us friends with Heav'n you interpose He cannot but must be divine does prove A Gospel of Truth Loyalty and Love Suffers for others speaks their cures and is Mortalities Wonder Delight and Bliss As when He came the Worlds great Ransome paid Just such a Peace it had then you here made His Fancy must from all offence be free Ascribes the Image of thy God to thee Herods and Pilats witness will be good To prove Redemptions bond was draw with blood Our Freedom from you we receive as though Mars with age weakned could not strike a blow As if by Wars long exercise our spight Were blunted and its fires extinguish't quite Who made the Earth was greater by 't in shew This Orb you 've made appears to lessen you We are confus'd at this strange Act from Thee Serve your Time out then set your Master free Yo' express your Might and Worth to rule the Land And then quit both your Self and your Command What shall we say By making of us free You have inthral'd us to an Extasie When we have Words our lingring thoughts delay In admiration and won't let us say Give us Great Charles free libert yt ' admire This Diamond basis of thy Starry Spire Diamonds cannot rate his value down Whose head 's not fitted with a triple Crown The glory of ten Earths is all too vain To guerdon him gives this his Soveraign As you are greatned by his yeelding pow'rs So 's he too by submitting unto yours Humility braying this Noble's worth What Odours doth the bruised spice send forth His fall's his rise while the kind courted Earth Gives his force like Antaeus's new birth He as the shot from great Artilery The lower let down the higher scales the skie Humility makes his great Fame and Worth The Widows Oyle t' increase by pouring forth Humility in Rebels broils that is Magnanmous and lowly falls in peace A Torrent thus in Winter that does flow 〈◊〉 Trees and Mounts in Summer runs below The higher Sol climbes in the Zodiack The more in his swift motion grows s●ack The higher led by Fortune Great George gets The more is noble Soul to Charles remits But for our Allegiance we should deem All Earthly Titles too profane for him But for your sake alone whose breath and raies M●ke the kinde Aire and Sun that spread his baies Caesar and Alexander both these were To● weak for Atlas's to bear his Sphere lamps Where shall we make the worlds bright shining The renown'd Heros meet but in their camps Yet they 're but glow-wormes here Each General Sees his enfeebled self and Standard fall Their Chariot steeds Terrour conjoyn'd with Fear Bellons slasht along in full career To type the Warriers Wolves and Vultures stood About their Altars swum with humane blood The Furies set the aime to their commands While they Olympus clime with Harpies h●nds With flattering glosse of good but shows them high The fairest colour paints their dignity Amphions musick Policy tunes here And Charms obedien●e from each listning eare Resist who ●an by any Martial skill Valour or strength of a●mes that wants a will Where three Realms with their whole associate Only oppose as they refuse to fight Monck conquers not to gaine but give His strife Might T●n●s not to spoile or kill but force to life Y●u'd as his Lo●d from him thus Worlds receive Were all they had or wisht for his to give They were enslav'd to their own wishes He Subjects his wishes while himself is free Who hunger needs must be in want Who seek New wanted blood and spirits must be weak T us we see them while each great heart aspires To power it had not poor by their defires His streame runs to the spring and pays its store To the great Ocean that makes it more An Empire is but as a cloud to him Bestows the Scepter and the Diadem Prince of his Soule the soul of Princely might Joves heart the guide of peace and life of right Here 's Zeales Church Loyalty the Service saith Heaven blesseth and our Charles the blessing hath Here Piety with all the Graces seems To sing in Chorus to the Angels Hymnes Charity with her children all in plate Feast and in rich attire sit all in state Electra that so long from hence was fled Made Mithras spheare as Saturns look like lead She return'd now th'orbe's quicken'd and ensoul'd And all his dayes road pav'd with bu●nisht gold Iris before in Melancholy shrouds Vail'd in th'obscure attire of tatter'd Clouds In ev'ry sort of colour'd bravery Paints now gay scenes of triumph in the skye She wept in showers before now can't refraine To bow't attend with smiles true Honours traine Honour for Robes wears but a Fustian sute When Power Supreame must judge and Execute Him●elf degrades when makes with his own hands Blood his purple and does his own commands As our false Jove from the true power revolts And Cyclops-like makes his own Thunderbolts As Mars with toile pain and wounds made a God And sits inshron'd within an Heaven of blood Then only sits on Cushions and in state When his meer breath gives th' only force to Fate Whose crone 's stain'd with his friends blood does defame The richest virtue can advance his name Honour and Vertue then are fitly seen When no opposing forces hand between Thus Lightning to the very so●le doth glance And from the Body finds no hinderance Thus the Sun sweetly opes the womb of th' Earth To give the Infant Spring its flow'ry Birth And thusth ' Almightie with remorse and fears Martels flints and makes stony hearts flow te●rs And thus George moves the people and does still Their Factious rage by wayes invisible He Israel forth the Desert brings when they In twenty years time seem but h●lf their way Withdraw's Nights sable Veil obscures our days And cheers our eyes with Sols long hidden raies Blest Hero of mysterious Desert Deny a Crown your hand and give 't your heart Homage to that you shun● Fly Soveraigntie Yet follow it upon your bended knee● When you had still'd the tempest with your And lull'd each billow in each others arms Could not the sen●e of your own merits keep charms Ambition in you to command the ship When you'd exorcis'd Devils out of men Could not you suffer themt ' adore you then Those that to peace through such great bro●ls you'd led Would not you then permit to make you Head● Could not th' Estates of such were forc't to f●●e Banisht for what was call'd Malignancie The Riches of those great and noble Poor Might sequeste●d come begging to your