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heaven_n great_a see_v world_n 7,593 5 4.4143 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15693 Englands vnthankfulnes for Gods mercie A sermon preached at a funerall at Strovvd in Gloustershire the 16. of August. 1621. By W.W. Doctor in Diuinity.; Sermon upon Ezechiel Woodwall, William. 1621 (1621) STC 25970.5; ESTC S102104 40,922 81

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enter into the kingdome of GOD And againe in the selfe same place That it is hard for a rich man to enter into the kingdome of heauen I maruaile that the rich men of these our daies do no better looke vnto it then many of them doe especiallye such as hauing the substance of this world in such superfluitie and aboundance as they haue for was it not vppon great reason that our Sauiour did so say seeing that the desire of money is the root of all euill and they that will be rich fall into tēptation and snares and into manye foolish and noysome lusts which drown mē in perdition destructiō as we may easily see perceiue both by the manifolde vanities they doe embrace and maintaine as also by the sundrie wickednesses and corruptions they doe commit through the power and strength I would say the vaine hope confidence they haue in their wealth some building Babel or Towers of confusion some heaping vp Mydaes mountaines and cannot tell who shall inherit or dispend them Some as Diues in vanities of apparell some in superfluitie of meats wines drinks c some in hawking hunting Cock-fighting Beare-bayting Dycing dauncing and others in Tobacco taking dispending their reuenewes or the greatest part thereof for what is it to see a yong man of twentie foure yeres healthy in body sound in constitution to dispend an hundred markes per annum in Tobacco when as his Father Grandfather whole generation before him happilye neuer in all their time spent one farthing that way What a vanitie is it then for a man to spend so much that way without the which hee may liue wel enough Besides if a man should rip vp the treacheries and treasons that haue beene from time to time complotted amongst the richer sort we shall finde it moste true that Salomon saith Pro. 10 16. The labour of the righteous tendeth to life but the reuenues of the wicked to sin As if hee would say more plainly the wicked spend al their lands rents reuenues liuings for the most part in euil vngodly waies 1. In one kinde of vanity or other such as I haue shewed which how true it falleth out in these daies who seeth not Amongst all which wickednesses vanities or sinnes there is not a greater in mine opinion then this that is heere mentioned in this sentence following Him that with draweth the Corne the people wil cursse c. For how be it that other vanities and corruptions doe bring destruction to the dooers thereof and to some few of their posteritie This reacheth further euen to the whole multitude or number of the poore which is so infinite that it cannot easily be numbred And by how much the more any euil sparseth it selfe abroad or groweth more generall by so much the more it is reprooueable and to be condemned Then high time it is for the greate ones of this world the greate rich Diueses I meane that spend so manye poundes and pence in meere vanities in effecting or bringing to passe so many great greenous corruptions as many of them do to looke consider with themselues in time what will bee the end of all this verilye none other then what is expressed in this prouerb sentence of Salomon heere following First that they shall but gaine the curse of the people Secondly of God for the preuenting and auoiding of both which I haue thought good to giue this admonition to all that haue their eyes open I meane any sparke of grace that they might yet in time bethinke themselues and turne to the Lord from their euill waies Be counselled therefore Oye rich receiue the word of exhortation make friendes of your vnrighteous Mammon sell that you haue and giue almes For what auantageth it a man to winne the whole world and to loose his owne soule Attend vnto the voice of him that once saide Woe be vnto you rich for you haue your consolation Wherefore learne to suffer some affliction heere in this life that yee bee not afflicted in the world to come We are taught in the word of God to beare one anothers burden beare ye therefore some part of this crosse with your poore bretheren that are so hardlye pressed with pennurie dearth and famine Bethink with your selues how many good dueties yee haue beene called vnto how many good occasions haue bene ministred and how many by you omitted of euery of which ye shal be sure one day to giue an account But yet me thinks I heare the voice of Christ saying in mine eare T is easier for a Camell to goe through the eye of an needle then for a rich man to enter into the kingdome of heauen Yea but what do the rich men pleade for themselues in this case namelye thus that although it be vnpossible with men yet not vnpossible with God well I graunt it yet I say were it not better for a man to make his election sure and certaine vnto him then to stand vpon possibilities wee commonlye say better is one bird in hand then two in the bush so I say it were far better for men to make their election sure by dooing of good works while space grace is offered then with the fiue foolish virgins to runne vp and down from one to another to buy oyle for their lampes when none can be had for any money Who knoweth not that there is nothing impossible with God Christ saued the theese vpon the gallowes repenting that was one of his possibilities to approoue himselfe to bee God but shall men therefore play the theeues all the daies of their liues and rob God of his honour as many doe the poore of their goods and say nothing is vnpossible with God is not this rather to tempt God then to serue him to resist the Lord then to obey him he so dayly calling vpon them by the Doctrine of his word to be liberall to be mercifull to bee louing kinde and naturally affected one towards another and yet it cannot be obtained at our hands nor wrung out of the hearts of many who are so wonne by the world that they will not leaue off to treasure vp vengeance for themselues against the day of the wrath of the Lord who will reward euerye man according vnto his workes which one found of the Lords Trumpet were sufficient to make a breach in our obstinate soules if it were well attended vnto and to cause vs to abhorre sinne as a Serpent or at the least to conceiue some feare in committing thereof and continuing therein so resolute as many do God for his mercies sake in Iesus Christ vouchsafe to lighten the eyes and open the hearts of those that are either so wilfullye blinde or hardned in heart that they will not see nor vnderstād those things which are so apparāt before their faces that they may in good time bee conuerted from their euill waies to serue the Lord in all holy obedience and newnesse of