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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A12130 The constant maid A comedy. Written by Iames Shirley. Shirley, James, 1596-1666. 1640 (1640) STC 22438; ESTC S117315 34,769 72

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a beggar or must be verie shortly Bell. Have you his lands in morgage Horn. Not yet not yet but he 'll want money widdow Bell. He has had good breeding Horn. Hang breeding 't is unlucky They never keep their state that have too much on 't Counsell your daughter Mistresse Bellamy To throw him off betime Bell. You direct well Horn. When we are married I 'll provide a match for her Bell. You have care on 's Horn. It will become me Hart. Is he Suitor to your mother Lady Fra. He would be such a thing Were not I blest In such a jolly father in law Hart. He looks like some cast money-bag that had given up The stuffing and for want of use growne mouldy He dares not keep much fire in 's kitchin lest Warming his hands which rather looke like gloves So tann'd and thin he let em scorch and gather Into a heap I do not think he ever Put off his clothes he would run-mad to see His owne anatomy that such a wretch Should have so vast a wealth Fran. I wod not be his Niece for all his fortune Hart. I presume Your mother is more noble than to encourage him In his pretence and her estate would mix But ill with his ill-gotten wealth extorted From widdowes and from orphans nor will all His plentie keep his soule one day from famine 'T is time ill spent to mention him let 's talk Of something else Fran. Of what Hart. Of love agen Whose flame we equally divide Horn. Your table Is a devourer and they shut up doores First that keep open house and entertainments This Lord is feasted and that young Ladies Sweet tooth must have a banquet t'other old Madam with ne're a tooth must have some marchpane Corall to rub her gums withall these are Ridiculous expences Bell. Far from thrift Horn. This roome has too rich furniture and worse Hangings would serve the turne if I may be Worthy to counsell costly pictures are Superfluous though of this or t'other masters Doing Hang Michael Angelo and his oyles If they be given y' are the more excus'd To let 'em shew but have a care you let not Appeare either in Arras or in picture The storie of the Prodigall 't will fright Young Gentlemen that come to visit you From spending o' their portions whose riot May enrich you with their forfeited estates I have a thousand precepts more Bell. But do not Think all this while of heaven Horn. 'T is in my chest And multiplyed in everie bag Bell. Or hell Horn. A fable to fright fooles or children but I cannot stay my Scrivener doth expect me I 'll visit you another time sweet widdow And give you more instructions Bell. Spare your travell I sha'not practise these in haste and must Declare these precepts make not for your welcome My patience was a vertue all this while If you but think you have a soule repent Your rules I am not covetous to follow Good master Hornet Horn. Live and be undone then You 'l tell me another tale hereafter widdow Exit Enter Nurse and Close Nur. Letters from Master Startup the countrey Gentleman Har. What 's he Fran. A Sutor of my Nurses commendations Clo. Now heaven deliver me what have I seen This monster once was shewne i' th' faire or such Another furr'd Baboone for all the world Do'st know him Why do I ask such a question He 's such a thing the Devill would not owne 's Acquaintance Nur. Master Hornet the great Usurer Clo. Hornet Nay then my wonder 's over and the Devill be but such another they May be sworne brothers yes and divide hell Betwixt em Hart. Who is that you talk on Sir Clo. The beast that Heaven be thank'd has left you Hornet but I ha newes for you Bell. Frances Hart. I 'll heare it in the garden Exit Hart. Close Bell. Do you love That Master Hartwell do not blush but answer Fran. I hope you move not this as if you doubted I took him first upon your character Into my good opinion Bell. But things alter What then I thought I deliver'd yee Nor since hath he deserv'd a lesse esteeme In his owne person but the circumstance Is not the same his fortune I have examin'd Which rises not to such a value I Did apprehend and it becomes my care Being at one gift to depart with thee And my estate to look for one whose purse May carrie a proportion Fran. Make me not Imagine you would wed me to a heap Of shining dust a golden bondage Bell. Nor To penurie his birth and education Are not unworthy he 's a handsome man too But be not govern'd by your eye too much Children and age pursue and many stormes Hover about our fraile conditions All these must be provided for they are not Kisses will arme you against winter therefore Confident of your obedience I propound Another to your best thoughts Fran. Oh my unhappinesse Bell. A Countrey Gentleman of spreading fortunes Young too and not uncomely for his breeding It was not spun the finest but his wealth Able to guild deformitie and make Even want of wit a vertue when your life Renders it selfe more sweet by your command His name is Master Startup whom I expect Our guest to morrow that 's his letter read it This may seeme strange at the first coming toward you But when discretion comes to examine what A fruitfull consequence attends it you Will thank me for 't Fran. But with your pardon mother Although I could dispence with my owne thoughts And frame them to obedience will this change Be for my honour or my fame when such A noble Gentleman shall boast he had With your consent my love or pray admit That which we gaine by riches of the second Seeme to authorize and may justifie The act with some how can it cure the wound Which the poore heart which loves shall find too soone When 't is neglected and so cruelly Where it did hope for cherishing Oh think How you did love my father first and be More gentle to your daughter your estate Is above needy providence or grafting Into a new stock it doth grow already Faire from his owne root and doth want no peecing Nor are the meanes of Hartwell so contemptible Bell. No more y'have consider'd well you 'l shape Another answer i' th' meane time dispose Your countenance to entertaine this new And able Lover leave the satisfaction Of Hartwell to my care He 's here to your chamber Enter Hartwell Close Clo. I know not what 's the trick on 't nor themselves yet But he has a project to employ 'em all Hart. I wish it well but do you work your selfe Into the opinion of her Nurse she is The Major Domo and has all the intelligence Clo. Let me alone I 'll work her Sir like wax To print what forme you please upon her 't is A Loving Crone already to me I Will speake her faire and in my drink may marrie her Bell.
Yes Bell. What should move 'em To leave my house so late and Mr. Hartwell Without his clothes Some knock there Beshrew me but I trembled Nur. 'T is a stranger And sayes he would speake with you Bell. At this late houre What accidents are these from whence Nur. I know not Bell. Has he no name what should this meane Nur. He sayes he is a Countrey-man of Mr. Startups Bell. Admit him he perhaps does bring some newes Enter Countrey-man Count By your leave Mistresse pardon my importunitie At so unfit an houre Bell. Y' are welcome sir Count I met with fortunate directions Though I came late I understand you have A guest one Startup of Northampton-shire That comes a wooing to your daughter Bell. Such an one there was that supt with us and went To bed but since as I have faith I know not Which way he has convey'd himselfe another Gentleman too is missing and his Rivall Count Pray do not mock me Lady I ha rid A great way and the businesse much concernes him Bell. You may beleeve me he is no such treasure I should conceale him Enter Frances Count Then I see you dally Know Mistresse you may slack your preparations Your daughter must look out another husband He is contracted Bell. How Count And something more Gotten with child one that without blushing I cannot call my daughter he shall make Her credit straight agen although my fortunes Have no equalitie with his I shall Find Law to force him Fran. You preferr'd this sutor This newes returnes my bloud Bell. Sir you shall find All truth I have deliver'd I am not sorrie To heare this newes this is no time to seek him Please you accept the lodging that was his My servant shall attend you in the morning To help your search Count You seeme a noble Gentlewoman I take your courtesie Bell. Nurse a light pray walk sir Fran. I was unkind to Hartwell he not wise But love still apprehends too much or nothing Exit Countrey-man Bell. Frances a word do not you know what is Become o' these Gentlemen Fran. Not I their absence Is strange to me Bell. Oh Franck I am undone Fran. Good Heaven forbid Bell. This Gentleman Mr. Hartwell Whom we shall never see agen I feare Fran. How mother are you acquainted With any cause to feare thus Bell. 'T is in vaine To tell thee how I loved him Fran. Blesse my senses you love him Bell. 'Bove all the world affectionately plac'd him Too neere my heart Fran. I heard you made pretence Of Love to trie him for my sake and pardon me If yet I dare not beleeve more Bell. Oh Franck Fran. My heart doth thrill I feele a coldnesse run Through all my veines already Bell. I had no other thought At first but wisely to distinguish whether His heart was fixt on thee or my estate With resolution if I found him more A Courtier of thy fortune than thy person To punish him with losse of both But Love Hath chang'd both scene and title in our Comedy And what I meant should shipwrack all his hopes Hath ruin'd us his modest and calme answer To accept my tender with such force and reason Directed to my fancie turn'd my purpose And made me his indeed his perfect Lover But now we ha' both lost him Fran. All the pietie That ever taught children to love their mother Will but suffice to keep my heart obedient Was ever Maid so miserable Was there No other in my fate to rivall me I live too long oh breake breake my poore heart For she that gave me life hath took it from me Bell. Why do you weep Fran. I do not weep or if I do I know not why Bell. Now I perceive Thy duty was but counterfeit you love him Upon my life you love him still Have my Commands no more respect My care and love So ill rewarded that my heart desiring One comfort in the world and shall my childe Rise up to take it from me Fran. Alas I knew not You loved him too indeed I had rather die Than you should call me rebell Bell. Now I see The cause of his departure in this fashion Pray heaven he have not made away himselfe Did ever childe deceive a mother so I have a sad presage you may to bed And rise without my blessing yet You may stay wherefore should I despaire Of his returne You say you could not tell That I affected him Fran. Indeed not I And do believe it now against my will But I am your daughter Bell. Shew it in confirming Your selfe to my desires and what is past I can forgive you if he come againe Will you be rul'd and shew no favour to him For 't is in you I see to make me happy I will not tye you to affect the other Choose any for your husband but this man My love and prayers shall go along with you Answer Fran. Indeed I dare not yet could I Put off the knowledge that you are a mother Bell. What then Fran. Though in imagination I allow you The greatest woman in the earth whose frowne Could kill and eyes at pleasure make alive Agen I could say Bell. Pray let 's heare Fran. I durst tell you In confidence of my cause that you betray Two innocents to sorrow and though heaven Looke on and seem to smile upon your cruelty Yet there is punishment for divorcing those Whose hearts that hath conjoyned I durst tell you Though all your terrours were prepared to punish My bold defence you were a tyrant Bell. How Fran. A most unjust a sacrilegious tyrant Bell. You would not be so violent Fran. That thus Not only ruine and deface the Altar But steal away the very Sacrifice And I durst adde and smile upon your anger Though as you frown'd death stood in every wrinckle My soul 's above your tyranny and would From torturing flame receive new fire of love And make your eye faint to behold the brightnesse Of my poore bodies Martyrdome and if ever Love shewed a miracle my heart should beare The Characters of him you have torne from it With beames about it like a Saint that suffer'd But as you are my mother thus I kneele And beg a pardon for my innocence If that offend you Live you happy still And be the Mistris of your vowes live to Enjoy whom you affect may every houre Returne new blessings on you both renew Your spring and let him thinke you young againe And let me beg but this for all my duty Against that day you marry him to provide My Coffin for I feare I shal not have Breath many minutes after to pray for you The herbs that shall adorne your Bridall chamber Will serve my Funerall and deck my Herse Beneath which you should say there lies your daughter That dies to shew obedience Bell. Why shouldst thou Continue thus to him Fran. I know he loves me yet hereafter your affections May not Bell. But never procure thee one sad