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A11911 Lucii Annei Senecæ tragedia prima quæ inscribitur Hercules furens nuper recognita, & ab omnibus mendis, quibus antea scatebat sedulo purgata, & in studiosæ iuuentutis vtilitate[m], in Anglicum metrum tanta fide conuersa, vt carmen pro carmine quoad Anglica lingua patiatur pene redditum videas. Per Iasperum Heyvvodum Oxoniensem. = The first tragedie of Lucius Anneus Seneca, intituled Hercules furens, newly pervsed and of all faultes whereof it did before abound diligently corrected, and for the profit of young schollers so faithfully translated into English metre, that ye may se verse for verse tourned as farre as the phrase of the english permitteth by Iasper Heywood studient in Oxford; Hercules furens. English and Latin Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, ca. 4 B.C.-65 A.D.; Heywood, Jasper, 1535-1598. 1561 (1561) STC 22223; ESTC S110867 46,410 186

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hym selfe rebell Let present bee from bottome deepe vpraysde of lowest hell Th' Eumenides let flamyng lockes of theyrs the fyres out flyng And furious handes beestowe about the stroakes of vypers styng Goe nowe full prowde and skale the skyes to seates of godds make waye Nowe must thy battels wage●… be full cleere loe shynes the daye Despise mās works thinkst y e fierce wight that hell and soules alowe Thou haste escapte naye here I wyll an other hell the showe In deepe myste hyd I wyll call vp frome bottome lowe of hell Beyonde the wayes of gylty ghostes rebatefull goddesse fell where as the roaryng dredfull denne resoundes with cries about From deepest bonde of Ditis raigne beneathe I will fette out what so is lefte Let hatefull hurte nowe come in anger woode And fierce imptetie em●…rewe hym selfe with his owne bloode And errour eke and fury armde agaynste it selfe to foght This meane this meane let wrath of myne nowe vse to shewe my myght Begyn ye seruantes nowe of hell the feruent burnyng tree Of pyne shake vp and sette with snakes her dredfull flocke to see Lette nowe Megaera bryng to syght and with her mournefull hande for burnyng roage bryng out of hell a huge and direfull brande Doo this require you vengeance due and paynes of hell his spoyle Stryke through his breaste let fiercer flame within his bosome boyle Then whiche in Aetna fornace beates so furiousely to see That madde of mynde and witles may Alcides dryuen bee With fury great through pearced quight my selfe must fyrst of all Be madde Wherfore dothe Iuno yet not in to ragyng fall Mee met ye Furies systers three throwne quight out of my wyt Cosse fyrst yf any thyng to doo I doo endeuour yet For stepdame meete let now my hates be turnde an other way Let hym returnde his babes beholde in safetie I you praye And strong of hande come home I haue nowe found the day at length In whiche may greatly me auayle the hated Hercles strengthe Bothe me and eke hym selfe let hym subdue and wyshe to dye Returnde from hell yea let it here be my commoditye That he of Ious begotten is here present wyll I stande And that his shafts goe streight from bowe I wyll directe his hande The mad mans weapons wyll I guyde Euen Hercles fyghtyng 〈◊〉 At length Ile ayde This gylt once doone then leefull is that so His father may admytte to skyes those gyltie handes of his Chorus The fadīg stars now shine but seeld in sight in stipye skye night ouercome with day Plucks ī her fires while sprōg again is light y t dai star draws y t clere sō beams their way The y●…ye sygne of haughty peale agayne with seuē starrs markt y t beares of Arcady Do call the light with ouerturned wayne with marble hors now drawn his way to hy Doth Titan toppe of Detha ouerspred the bushes bright that now with beries bee Of Thebes strewd by day do blush full red and to returne dothe Phoebus syster flee Now labor hard begyns and euery kynde of cares it stirrs the shepeherd doth vnfolde His flocksvnpēd do grase their fode to finde nipps y t grasse with hoary frost ful colde At will dothe play in open medowe fayre y t ealfe whose brow did dam yet neuer teare The empty kyne their vdders doo repayre light with course vncertayn here there In grasse full soft the wanton kid he flyngs in top of bow doth sit with chauntyng song And to the son new rose to sprede her wyngs bestirrs herself her mournfull nests amōg The nightingale doth with birdes about confuse resound with murmure myxed rife To witnes day his sailes to wynds sette out the shipman doth cōmit in doute of lyfe While gale of wīd y t slack sails fils ful strait he leanyng ouer hollowe rocks dothe lye 〈◊〉 And eyther his beegiled hookes dothe bayte or els beholds and feeles the pray from hye with paysed hande The trēblyng fishe he feeles with lyne extēt this hope to them to whom of hurtlesse life Is quiet rest and with his owne content and lytle house suche hope in fieldes is rife The troublus hopes w t rollīg whirlwīd gret dredful feares their waies in cities kepe He proude repaire to prince in regall seate harde court gates without the rest of slepe Esteemes and endles happynes to holde doth gather goods for tresure gaping more And is full poore amyd his heaped golde the peoples fauour him astonied sore And cōmons more vnconstant then the sea with blast of vain ren●…un lifts vp ful proud He sellyng at the braulyng barre his plea full wicked setts his yres scolldyng lowde And woords to sale a fewe hath known of al the careles rest who mindful howdoth ●…tte Swyft age away the tyme that neuer shall returne again do hold while fates permitte At quiet lyue the life ful quickly glides with hastned course with the winged day The whele is turnd of yere y t hedlōg ●…lides the sisters hard performe their tasks alway Nor mai again vntwist their threds ons spō yet mankynde lo vnsure what waye to take To mete the greedy destenies dothe ron and willyngly we seeke the Stygian lake To muche Alcides thou with stomack stout the sory sprights of hell dooste haste to see with course prefixt the fates ar broght about to none once warnd to come may respyte be To none to passe their once appointed day the tombe all people calde by death doth hide Let glory him by many landes away display same throughout all cities wide Full bablyng praise euē with skye to stād auaunce starrs let hym in chariot bright Full haughty goe let me my natiue land in safe secret house kepe close frō sight To restful men hoare age by cours doth fal and lowe in place yet safe sure doth lye The poore and base estate of cottage small the prowder pōpe of mynd doth fall frō hye But sad here comes with losed locks of hear loe Megara with lyttle cumpanye And slow by age draws Hercles father nere THE SECONDE ACTE Megara QGuyder great of heauen and of the worlde o iudge full hye Yet now at length apoynt a mean●… of carefull myserye And ende of our calamitie to me yet neuer daye Hath carelesse shynde the ende of one affliction paste awaye Begynnyng of an other is an other ennemye Is foorthwith fownde before that he his ioyfull famylye Retourne vnto an other fyght he taketh by behest Nor any respite gyuen ys to hym nor quiet rest But whyle that he commaunded is strayght hym pursueth shee The hatefull Iune Was yet once from toyle and labour free His infantes age the monsters lo he vanquysht hathe and slayne Before he knew what monsters ment The skaled serpents twayne Theyr double neckes drew on toward hym agaynst the whyche to ryse The infant crepte to meete with them the serpentes glyttryng eyes Lyke fyre with quiet carelesse brest he lookyng fast vppon With coūtnance cleere
bryng lett●… vapour fa●…e and ●…ume smoke vp full hye Let rownde abowt the poplar tree my heares nowe bewtifye Let th'olyue bowe thee hyde with braunch●… accustomde in our lande Thescu for foorthwith reuerence the thundrer shall my hande THE. O godds the buylders of the towne and whiche of dragon fell The wylde woods denns and noble wa●… lykewyse of Dirces well And Tyrian house enhabite eke of straunger wandryng kyng HER. Caste into fyres the trankencense AM. Sonne fyrste thy handes flowyng with blouddy slaughter and the deathe of enmye puryfye HER. Would god the blood of hatefull he●… Euen vnto godds on hye I myght out shedde for lycour loe more acceptable none Myght th'aulters stayne nor sacrifice more ample any one Nor yet more plentyfull may bee To Ioue aboue downe caste Then kyng vniust AM. Desyre that nowe thy father ende at laste Thy labours all lette quyetnesse At lengthe yet gyuen bee And re●… to weery folke HER. I wyll the prayers make for mee And Ioue full meete yn his due place Lette stands the haughty skye And lande and ayre and lette the starres dryue foorthe eternallye Their course vnstayde let restfull peace keepe nations quietlye Let labour of the hurtlesse lande all yron nowe occupye And sooprdes lye hydde let tempest none full vyolent and dyre Disturbe the sea let from the skyes no flashe of lyghtnyng fyre Fall downe whyle Ioue full angry is nor yet with wynter snowe Encreased floode the grownde vpturnde and fieldes quight ouerthrowe Let poysons cease and from hensfoorth let vp from grownde aryse No greeuous herbe with hurtfull sappe nor fierce and fell lykewyse Let tyrantes raygne but yf to syght some other mischiefe bryng The grownde yet shall let it make haste and any monstrous thyng If it prepare let yt bee myne but what meanes this myd daye The darknes haue encloasde abowt lo Phoebus gothe his ways With face obscure withowt a clowde who dryues the daye to flyght And turnes to east from whence doth now his dusky h●…d the nyght Unknown bryng forth whēce fyl the 〈◊〉 so many rownde about Of daytyme starres lo here beholde my labour fyrst full stoute Not in the lowest parte of heauen the lyon shyneth bryght And feruently dothe rage with yre And byttes prepares to fyght Euen now loe he some starre wyl take ▪ with mouthe full wyde to see He thretnyng stands and fyres out blowes and mane vp rustleth he Shakyng with necke the haruest sadde o●… shape what euer thyng And what soeuer wynter c●…llde in frosen tyme doothe bryng He with one rage wyll ouerpasse of spryng tyme bull he wyll Bothe seeke and breake the neckes at once AM. What is this sodayne yll Thy cruell cowntnance whether sonne Doste thou caste here and there And seeste with troubled daselde syght false shape of heauen appere HER. The land is taemde the swellyng seas theyr surges dyd asswage The kyngdomes lowe of hell lykewyse haue felte and knowne my rage Yet heauen is free a labour meete for Hercules to proue To spaces hygh I wyll hee borne of hawghtye skyes about Let th'ayre be skaelde my father dooth me promyse starrs t'obtayne What yf he it denyde all th'earthe can Hercles not contayne And geeues at length to godds me calls of owne accorde beholde The whole assembly of the godds and dooth theyr gates vnfolde Whyle one for bydds receyuste thou me and openest thou the skye Or els the gate of stubborne heauen drawe after me doo I Do I yet doubte I even the bonde●… from Saturne wyll vndoe And euen agaynst the kyngdome prowde of wycked father loe My grandsyre loase let Titans nowe prepare agayne theyr fyght With me theyr captayne ragyng stones with woodes I wyll downe smyght And hye hylles topps with Centaures full in ryght hande wyll I take With double mountayne nowe I wyll a stayre to godds vp make Let Chiron vnder Ossa see his Pelion mowntayne grette Olympus vp to heauen aboue in thyrde degree then sette Shall come it selfe or ells bee caste AM. Put farre awaye from thee The thowghts that owght not to be spoake of mynde vnsownde to see But yet full great the furyows rage asswage and laye awaye HER. What meaneth this the gyantes d●… pestiferous armes assaye And Tityus from the sprights is fledde and bearyng torne to see And empty bosome lo howe neere to heauen it selfe stoode hee Cythaeron falles the mountayne hye Pallene shakes for feare And torne are Tempe he the toppes of Pindus cawght hathe here And Oethen he some dredfull thyng threatnyng doothe rage abowt Crinnys bryngyng flames with strypes she soundes nowe shaken out And burned brandes in funeralls loe yet more neare and neare Throwes in my face fearce Tisyphone with head and vgly heare With serpents sette nowe after dogg●… fet owt with Hercles hande That emptye gate she hathe shette vp with bolte of fyry brande But lee the stocke of enmiows kyng doothe hydden yet remayne The wycked Lycus seede but to your hatefull father slayne Euen nowe this ryght hande shall you send●… let nowe his arrowes lyght My bowe owt shoote it seemes the shaftes to goe with suche a flyght Of Hercles AM. Whether doothe the rag●… and fury blynde yet goe His myghty bowe he drewe with hornes togyther dryuen loe And quyuer loaste great noyese makes with byolence sente owt The shafte and quyght the weapon flewe his myddle necke torowghowt The wownd yet left HER. His other br●…ods I ouerthrowe wyll quyght And corners all What stay I yet to me a greater fyght Remaynes then all Mycenes loe that rockye stones shoulde all Of Cyclops beeyng ouerturnde with hande of myne downe fall Let shake bothe here and there the house with all stayes ouerthrowne Let breake the poasts and quight let shrinke the shaken pyller downe Let all the palayce fall at once I here yet hydden see The sonne of wycked father AM. Loe his flattryng handes to thee Applyeng to thy knees doothe craue his lyfe with pyteous mone O wycked gylte full sadde and eke abhorde to looke vppone His humble ryght hande caught he hath and ragyng rownde abowt Him r●…lled twyse or thryse hath cast his head resoundeth owt The sprynkled howses with the brayne of hym throwne owt are wet But shee poore wretche her lyttle sonne in bosome hydyng yet Loe Megara lyke one in rage doothe from the corners flee HER. Thowgh runnagate in bosome of the thundrer hydde thou bee This ryght hande shall from euery where Thee seeke and bryng to syght AM. wher goest thow wretch what lurkyng denns seek●…e thou to take or flyght No place of sauegarde ys yf once bee Hercles styrde with yre But doo thou rather hym enbrace and with thy meeke desyre Assaye t' asswage hym MEG Husbande spare vs I beseeche thee nowe And knowe thy Megara this sonne thy cowntenaunce doothe showe And bodyes pytche beholdst thow how his hands vp lyfteth hee HER. I holde my stepdame followe on dewe penawnce paye to mee And bownden Ione from fylthy bond●… delyuer
is gone the couer of my backe And selfe same bed full softe for sleepe of Hercules also Where are my shaftes where ys my bowe Them from me lyuing who Cowlde plucke awaye who taken hathe the spoyles so greate as thes And who was he that fearyd not euen sleepe of Hercules To see my conquerour me lykes yt lykes me hym to knowe Ryse victor vp what newe sonne hath my father gotten nowe Heauen beeynge left at byrthe of whome myght euer stayed bee A longer nyght then was in myne what myschiefe do I see My chyldren loe do lye on grownde with bloodie slawghter stayne My wyfe is kyllde what Lycus dothe the kyngedome yet obtayne Who durst so heynous gyltes as these At Thebes take in hande When Hercles is returnde who so Ismenus waters lande Who so Acteons fieldes or who with dowble seas beset The shaken Pelops kyngdomes doste of Dardan dwell on yet Healpe me of cruell slawghter showe who may the author bee Let rage my yre on all my foe he ys who so to mee Showes not my foe doste thou yet hydd Alcides victour lye Come foorthe euen whether thow reuenge the cruell chariots hys Of bloudy Thracian kyng or yf thow Geryons catell quyght Or lordes of Libya no delaye there ys with thee to fyght Beholde I naked stande althowgh euen with wy weapons loe Thow me vnarmed sette vppon wherfore f●…eeth Theseus soe And eke my father from my syght theyr faces why hyde they Deferre your weepyngs and who dyd my wyfe and chyldren sley Thus all at ones me tell Wherfore O father do●… thow whushte But tell thow Theseu but Theseu with thy accustonide truste Eche of them sylent hydes awaye their bashefull cowntnawnces And pryuelye they shedde their teares In so greate yls as thes Of what owghte we ashamde to bee dothe ruler yet of myght Of Argos towne or hatefull bande Of sowldyars ap●…e to fyght Of Lycus dyinge vs oppresse with such calamytee By prayse of all my noble actes I do desyre of thee O father and of thy great name approude to me alwaye The prosperous powre declare to me who dyd my hou sholde slaye Whose praye laye I A. Let thus thyue yls in sylence ouerpas HE. That I shoulde vnreuenged bee AM. Reuenge ofte hurtfull was HE. Dyd euer man so greuows ylles without reuenge sustayne A. Whos'euer greater feard H. Then these O father yet agayne May any greater thing or els More greuows feared bee AM. How greate a parte is it thow wo●…st Of thy calamitee HER. Take mercy father lo I lyfte to thee my humble handes What meaneth this my hand fleeth backe some priuye gylte here standes Whēce coms this blood or what doth mean flowyng with deathe of chyllde The shafte enbrewde with slawghter onc●… of Lerney monster kyllde I see my weapons nowe the hande I seeke no more to wyt Whose hand could bend this bow but myne or what ryght arme but yt Coulde stryng the bowe that vnto me Euen scantely doothe obaye To you I tourne O father deere is thys my gylte I praye They healde theyr peace it is myne owne AM. Thy greeuous woe is there The cryme ●…hy stepdames this myschawnce no fawte of thyne hath here HER. From euery part now father throwe in wrathe thy thunders myght And of thy sonne forgetfull nowe with cruell hande requyght At least thy nephewes let the worlde that beares the starres sownde owt And let bothe th'one and th'other p●…ale flyng downe thy flames abowt And let the bankes of Caspian sea my bownden bodye teare And greedye fowle Wherefore doe of Promethens lacke heare The rockes with huge and hawtye toppe let now prepared bee Bothe feedyng beastes and fowles the syde Of Cawcas torne to see And bare of woods the yle that brydge Of Scythe that thereby standes Symple gas ioynes bothe here and there Let it my bounden handes Stretch out abroade and when with course returnde accustomdlye They shall togyther dryue and shall the rockes tosse vp to skye With bankes togyther beyng thruste and eke the myddle seaye Let me betwene the mountaynes lye vnquiet restlesse staye But buyldynge vp with woode throwen on a heaped pyle on hye My body thus with wycked bloude besprynkt why burne not I So so yt must bee doone to hell I Hercles wyll restore AM. Not yet his harte astonyde lackes his ragyng tumulte sore But wraths hath turnde and which of rag●… ys propertie and yre Agaynst him sellfe he rageth now HER. The furies places dyre And donge on deepe of sprights yn hell and place of tormentrrye To gylty ghosts and banishment yf any yet doo lye Beyonde Erebus yet vnknowen to Cerberus and mee There hyde me grownde to farthest bond●… of Tartarus to see To tarye there Ile goe O breste of myne to fierce and ●…wte Who yow my chyldren thus disperst●… through all my house abowte Maye worthyly enowghe bewayle in all my euylls yet This countnaunce harde can neuer wepe a swoorde nowe hyther set My shafces reatche hyther hyther reatche my myghty clubbe also To thee my weapons breake I will to thee my sonne atwo Ile knappe my bowes and eke my clubbe this blocke of heauye wayght Shall to thy spryghts bee burned loe this selfe same quyuer frayght With Lerney shaftes to funerall of thyne shall likewise go Let all my weapons penawnce paye and yow vnhappye to Euen with my weapons burne I wil O stepdames handes of myne Th. who euer yet to Ignoraunce hath geuen name of cryme Her Full oftentymes dyd errour greate the place of gylt obtayne Th. Cys neede to be a Hercles nowe this heape of ill sustayne Her Not ●…o hath shame yet geuen place with furye drowned quight But peoples all I rather shoulde dryue from my wycked sight My weapons weapons Theseus I quickly craue to mee withdrawen to be restoard agayne if sownde my mynde now bee Restore to me my weapons if yet last my rage of mynde Then father flee for I the waye to death my selfe shall fynde Am. By sacred hollye kynreds rights by force and duetie all Of bothe my names yf eyther mee thy brynger vp thou call Or parent ells and whiche of good men reuerenced are By these boare heates I thee beseche my desert age yet spare Aud werye yeares of howse falne downe the one alonely staye One onely lyght to me with ylles afflicted euery waye Reserue thy lelfe yet neuer hath there hapned once of thee Frute of thy toyles styll eyther I the dowtfull seae to see Or monsters f●…arde who euer yet bathe bene a cruell kyng In all the worlde to ghosts alowe and aulters both hurtyng Of meys fearde the father of thee absent styll to haue The frut●… the towching and the sight of thee atlength I craue He. wherfore I longer shoulde sustaine my lyfe yet in this lyght And lynger here no cause there is all good lost haue I quight My mynde my weapons my renowne my wyfe my sonnes my handes And furye to no man may heale and loase from gyltye bandes My
patri Vitam dat aliquis non feram vlterius moram Letale ferrum pectori impr●…ssum induam Hic hic iacebit Herculis sani scelus He Iam parce genitor parce iā reuoca manū Succumbe virtus perfer imperium patris Eat ad labores hic quoque Herculeos labor Viuamus artus alleua afflictos solo Theseu parentis dextra contactus pios Scelerata refugit Am. Hanc manū amplector libens Hac nixus ibo pectori hanc ergo admouens Pellā dolores Her Quē locū profugus petā Vbi me recondam quave tellure obruam Quis Tanais aut quis Nilus aut quis persica Violentus vnda Tigris aut Rhenus ferox Tagúsve ●…bera turbidus gaza fluen s Abluere dextram poterit Arctoum licet Maeotis in me gelida transfundat mare Et tota Tethys per meas currat manus Haerebit altum facinus in quas impius Terras recedes ortum an occasum petes Vbique notus perdidi exilio locum Me refugit o●…bis 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Obliqua cursus ipse Titan Ce●…berum Meliore vultu vidit ô fidum caput Theseu latebram quaere longi●…quam abditā Quicunque semper sceleris al●…ni arbiter Amas nocentes gratiam meritis refer Vicemque nostris redde me infernis precor Vmbris reductum meque subiectum tuis Restitue vinclis ille me abscondet locus Sed ille nou●…t Th. Nostra te tellus man●… Illic solutam caede gradiuus manum Restituit armis illa te Alcide ●…ocat Facere innocentes terra quae superos solet FINIS THE FYRSTE ACTE Iuno alone ISyster of the thunderer for nowe that name alone remaynes to me Ioue euermore as though deuorste and gone And temples of the hyghest ayre as w●…we shunned haue And beaten out of skyes aboue the place to harlots gaue I muite goe dwell beneathe on grounde for hoores doo holde the skye From hens the beare in parte aboue of y●…ye p●…le full hye A haughty starre the greekysh shypps by seas dothe guyde about Frō this way whēs at spryng tyme warme the days is loased out Europ●…es bearer through the waues of Tyria shynes full bright From th●…s their stormy fearefull flocke to shypps and seas affright The wandryng daughters here and there of Atlas vpwarde swaye With staryng bushe of heare from hens Orion gods dothe fraye And Perseus eke his glyttryng starres of golden glosse hathe heere From hens the twynns of Tyndars stocks doe shyne a sygne full clere And at whose byrth fyrst stoode the grounde that erste went too and fro Nor onely Bacchus nowe hymselfe or Bacchus mother lo Haue clymbde to gods least any parte shoulde from rebuke be free The skyes the Gnossian strumpets crounes doe beare in spight of mee But I of ollde contempts complayne me one dire fierce and shrewde Thebana lande with wicked broode of Ioues base daughters strewde Howe ofte hath it a stepdame made though vp to heauen shoulde rise The conqueryng drabbe Alcmena nowe and holde my place in skies And eke her sonne to promysde starres obtayne the woorthye waye At byrthe of whome the staying worlde so long deferrde the daye And Phoebus slowe from mornyng sea begoon to glyster bryght Commaunded long in th'ocean waues to hyde his drowned lyght Yet shall my hates not leaue them so a wrathfull kyndlyng rage His mynde in madnesse shall styrre vp and yre that maye not swag●… Shall euermore all peace layde downe wage warres eternally What warrs what euer hydous thyng the earthe his ennemy Begetts or what soeuer sea or ayre hath brought to syght Bothe dredfull dire and pestplent of cruell flercest myght Tis tierde and taemde he passeth all and name by ylls dothe rayse And all my wrathe he dothe enioye and to his greatter prayse He turnes my hates whyle tedyous tayles to muche I hym beehest He proues what father hym begot bothe the●… where lyght epprect Hath sea and where it showde agayne where ●…an daye dothe crayne And with his brande approchyng neere dothe dye those Aethiops twayne His strengthe vntamde is honoured and god eche where is he Nowe calde in world and nowe more 〈◊〉 of monsters want to me And labour lesse to Hercles is t'accomplyshe all my wyll Then me to bydde at ease he doothe myne imperies fulfyll What cruell hestes of tyraunt nowe so fierce a yong man maye Preuayle to hurte for loe he beares for weapons nowe awaye What once he fearde and put to flyght he armed comes at syde With lyon fierce and Hydra bothe nor lande suffiseth wyde But broake he hath the thresholde lo of that infernall Ioue And spoyles with hym of conquerde kyng be drawes to godds aboue But thats but lyght broke is the league of sprightes that there doo dwell I sawe my selfe I sawe hym loe the nyght nowe gone of hell And Ditis taemde throwe out abroade before his fathers syght His brothers spoyles Why drawes he not ●…ppreste and bounde by myght Hymselfe in chaynes that equall thynges to Ioue by lotte dooth holde And beare the rule of captyue hell and waye to Styx vnfolde Up opened is from lowest ghosts the backewarde waye to shye And sacred secrets of dire deathe in open syght doo lye But he the dredfull denne of sprights breake vp full fiercs and stout Euen ●…uer me doothe triumphe l●… and with prowde hande about The ●…oule black dogge by Grekishe townes he leades from hell awaye When seene was vgly Cerberus I sawe the fadyng daye And fearefull soon euen melykewyse a tremblyng dreade oppreste And lookyng on the fylthy necks of conquerde monstrous beaste I feared muche myne owne behests but lyght thyngs I complayne For heauen I maye be frayde least he may get the hyghest rayne That lowest woon the sceptors from his father wyll he take Nor he to starrs as Bacchus dy●… his waye wyll gently make The waye with ruyne wyll he seeke and be in empty skyes Wyll reygne alone with force displayde his haughtye harte doothe ryse And he that heauen it selfe by force of his myght gotten bee It bearyng learnde quight vndernethe the worlde his headsette he Nor ones his shoulders bowde the payse of suche a myghty mas And mydst of heauen on Hercles necke alone lo settled was His necke vnwryde the starrs aboue and skies dyd onelye staye And me lykewyse oppressyng hym to Gods he seekes the waye Goe Ire goe on and beate hym downe that greate thynges doothe inuent Matche thou with hym and with thy hands nowe thou thy selfe hym rent Suche hates why dooste thou meditate Lette all wylde beastes nowe go And weary Eurystheus nowe be free from geeuyng charges me The Titans daryng once of Ioue to breake the imperye Sende out lette loase the denne abroade of mounte of Sicilye The Doricke lande that with the turn●… of gyant quakes afrayde Let it bryng foorthe the dredefull necke●… of mon●…er vnderlayde Let yet the haughty moone aboue some other beastes beeget But these he ouercame seekst thou a matchet ' Alcides yet Thers none except hymselfe let hym agaynst
and greeuous threats euen bearyng in his face And suche as he of stomacke ys doothe come euen suche of pace Prowde Lycus who the sceptors shakes in bande of other kyng The plentuous places of the towne of Thebes gouernyng And euery thyng aboute the whyche with fertyle soyle dooth goe Sloape Phocis and what euer doothe Ismenus ouerflo●… What euer thyng Cith●…ron seethe with haughty toppe and hye And slender Isthmos yle the whyche betweene two seas dooth lye Lycus Megara Amphitryon NOt I of natiue countrey bowres Possesse the auncient ryght Unworthy heyre nor yet to me are noble men of myght The grandfathers nor stocke renownd●… with titles hy●… of name But noble vertue who so boastes of kynred whence he came Of others vertue makes his v●…wnte but gotte with fearefull hande My sceptors are obtaynde in swoorde dothe all my safety stande What thee thou wottst agaynst the wyll of cytesyns to get The bryght drawne sworde must it defende in forayne counttey set No stable kyngdome is But one my pompe and princely myght May ratifye once ioynde to me with regall torche full bryght And chambers Megara of stocke of suche nobilitee Let vpstarte state of myne take shape I doo not thynke that shee Refuse it wyll or in the bedde with me despyse to lye But yf with proude vnbrydled mynd●… thee stubberne doo denye Then quyght I purpose to destroye the house of Hercules The hate of men wyll then my pryde and peoples speache oppres Chiese knacke of kyngdome is to beare Thy subiects hares eche one Lets proue her then chaunce gyuen hath To vs a place alone For she her head in folde of daple full sadde and wofully Enwrapt the gods that are her guydes for succour stands faste by And at the syde of her doothe leane A●…cides father trewe MEG What thyng dothe this destroier of our stocke agayne a newe Prepare what proueth he LY. O queene That name renowned hye And title takste of regall stocke full gentle and easyly A lyttle while receyue and beare my woords with pacient eare If alwayes men eternall hates shoulde one to th'other beare And rage beeg●…on out of the harte shoulde neuer fall awaye But th'happy still shoulde armour holde th'unhappye styll obaye Then shall the battayles nothyng leaue with wyde fieldes then the lands Shall lye vntyllde with vnderlayde to housen fyrybrande Then ashes deepe shall ouer whelme the buried people all Expedient is to conquerour to wyshe that peace befall To conquerde needefull partener of the kyngdome come to me Letts ioyn our mynds take here this pledge of faythe and truthe to thee My ryght hand touche Why whishtest thou with cruell face and moode MEG Shoulde I abyde that I the hande sprinkte with my fathers bloode Shoulde touche and double death enbrewde of bothe my bretherne naye Fyrst shall sonne ryse extinguishe quyght And weste shall bryng the daye Fyrst faithfull peace betweene the snowes and fyres there shall bee tryde And Scylla shall t'Ausonius fyrste ioyne his Sicilyan syde And fyrst the fleeyng floude that with swyfte turnes of course deothe flowe Euripus with Euboik waue shall stand full styll and slowe My father th'empire brethern howse Thou haste me cleare berefte My countrey to what may bee more one thyng to me is lefte Then brother father kyngdome house that deerer is to me The hate of thee the whyche to me with people for to bee In commune woe I am howe greate ys myne allonely parte Rule on full proude beare vp full hye thy sprights and haughty harte Yet god the prowde behynde theyr backes dothe followe them to wreake I knowe the The bane kyngdomes What shoulde I the mothers speake Bothe suffryng and aduentryng gylts what double myschefe donne And myxed name of spouse at once of father and of sonne What bretherns double tents or what as many roages also The mother prowde of Tantalls broode congealde in mournyng lo And sory stone yet flowes with teares in Phrygian Sipylye Hymselfe lyke wyse erectyng vp his skaled head awrye Euen Cadmus measuryng throughout th'Illyrian landes in flyght Behynde hym lefte of body drawne long slyniye marks in syght All these examples wayte for thee rule thou as lykes thy wyll Whyle thee our kyngdoms woonted fates doo call and ofte hapte yll LY. Goe ●…o these fierce and furious woords thou woman madde refrayne And imperies of princes learne of Hercles to sustayne Though I the sceptors gotten by the force of warre doo beare In conquryng hande and all doo rule without the lawe his feare Whiche armes subdue a fewe words yet to thee nowe speake I shall For this my cause thy father dyd in blouddy battayle fall Thy bretherne fell the weapons keepe n●… measurable staye For neyther easyly tempred bee nor yet repressed maye The drawne swoordes yre the battels doth the bloude delyght out shed But he yet for his kyngdome fought we all togyther led With wycked luste yet th'ende of warre ys nowe complayned loe And not the cawse but no we let all remembrance therof goe When conquerour hath weapons left the conquerds parte shoulde bee To leaue his hates No●… I that thou with lowly bended knee Me raignyng worshyp shouldst require Euen this dooth me delight That thou thy myseries doost beare with mynde so s●…oute vpright Thou for a kyng a sp●…use arte meete letts ioyne our bedd●… anone MEG A trēblng cold doth run throughout my bloudlesse lyms eche one What heinous thing comes to myne eares I fearde not then at all When all peace broake the noyse of warre dyd by the citie wall ●…sounde about I bare all that vnfeare fully to see I feare the weddyng chambers nowe I captyue seeme to mee Let heauy chaynes my body greeue and ●…ke with hunger long Let lyngryng death be slowly brought yet shall no force full strong My truthe subdue for euen thyne own●… 〈◊〉 wyll I dye LY. Doth then thy husband drownd in hell geue thee this stomacke hye MEG Thehells alowe he toucht that he The heyght agayne myght get LY. The heauy payse oppresseth hym Of all the earthe full great MEG He with no burdeyn shall be prest that heauen it selfe ●…ustaynde LY. Thou shalt be forst M●… He wo●…s not how to dye that is constraynde LY. Speake what may rather I prepare then weddyng newe for th●… More ●…oyall gyft ▪ MEG Thyne owne death els or ells the death of mee LY. Then shalt mad woman dye MEG I shal then to my husbande go LY. More then my sceptors is to thee a seruant loued so MEG Howe many hath this seruant ●…ayne of kyngs with handye stroake LY. Why do●…he he yet a kyng then serus and styll ●…ustayne his yoake MEG Take once away the harde behests whats vertue then at la●…e LY. Doo●…e thou it vertue counte to bee to beasts and monsters caste MEG ●…is vertues part to tame the thyngs that all men quake to knowe LY. Hym great thyngs braggyng darknes deepe o●… 〈◊〉 presse full lowe ME. There neuer may frō grownd to stars an easye