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A09513 Deuoreux Vertues teares for the losse of the most christian King Henry, third of that name, King of Fraunce; and the vntimely death, of the most noble & heroicall gentleman, VValter Deuoreux, who was slaine before Roan in Fraunce. First written in French, by the most excellent and learned gentlewoman, Madam Geneuuefue, Petau Maulette. And paraphrastically translated into English. Ieruis Markham. Petau de Maulette, Geneviève.; Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637. 1597 (1597) STC 19793; ESTC S110428 34,051 98

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disdaine And forfet troaths of such sad dayes alow You will accurse your selues and banne your breath And pray the Mountaynes to bring speedy death 225 But vnto those yet vncreated times O Muse bequeath these secret Prophecies And let his end draw to an end thy rimes Dye with his death and in his obsequies Intomb thy soule thy soule which weary climes And falls with faintnes as he seekes to rise And seate his numbers in their sweetned eares VVhere best delights and best wits fire appeares 226 ❀ Thus ARETEA with a heauie looke Ending with sighs what was with teares begunne Turnes from my presence and with woe for-sooke Further discourse But I that swift did runne Vpon Desires feete with reuerence tooke Hold of her garment and cry'd stay deere Sunne Thou which hast taken prisoner all my thought Ransome my minde let his release be bought 227 If thus thou doe depart from me will part My rauisht sence for charritie faire Saint Stay and as thou hast banqueted my hart So glut mine eyes ô holy Mayd acquaint My sight yet drownd with ouer-flow of smart VVith those rare miracles which Art doth paint Vpon his famous Tomb for t were a shame Forgetfulnes should sleepe vpon his Name 228 I doe assure my selfe religious Fraunce VVhich loues the lawes of Hospitalitie VVill not ingratefully forget his chaunce Or for a world forgoe his memorie I know her eyes with tribute-teares doe glaunce Daily vpon his Tomb his valiancie VVhich for her sake brought him to earthly mold Liues writ in Iet in Marble Brasse or gold 229 Or if t were so that her distempred minde Filld with her owne griefe should forget her friend I know his Countries spirit most refinde And those whom Nature binds to such an end VVill raise a Piramed of some strange kinde Vpon whose Colombs euery with shall spend The fire of his best Muse that who succeeds Shall beg form him or weare no witty weeds 230 ❀ It may be so the heauenly one replide And feare of that I feare keeps him obscure Or else for that experience late hath tride That handy works doe neuer euer dure They are content to let him vnknowne bide Till they may frame the worke more certaine sure Or Time that can dissolue these holy things Hath taught vs now to doe●lesse holy things 231 Yet least thou shouldst too much complaine and fret The world by telling wherein she offends For what we doe amisse behind we set Few to their faults reproue with patience tends Come and I le carry thee where Time hath set His Tropheys vp to last when all things ends Earth hath them not nor Sea nor heere nor there But no where some where some where euery wher● 232 ❀ VVith that me thought the power of Amaze Carry'd my Soule far from my common sence VVonder me thought with a starre-shyning blaze Lighted her to some sacred residence Earths eyes were clos'd onely my minde did gaze Much I beheld yet knew not what nor whence Any thing issued Sight of many things Confounds the sight and not true iudgement brings 233 A world of worlds I saw yet no worlds there Aboundance of delights bathing in teares Passion and stoick dulnes euery where Vassailes and Kings Kings as no Kings appeares A thousand hands a thousand Towers doe reare As many moe the walls in sunder teares Beauties stood thicker much the● spotted starrs But double moe defects which faces●marrs 234 VVhen I saw all things I saw nothing well Millions about me now but straight-way gone I numberd much and yet could nothing tell Infinets when I summ'd them were but one Desirous for to know this heauenly hell I saw t was meere Imagination For by the hourely changes it did bring I saw it was no euer-during thing 235 About this great imaginarie round This Kingdome of the vnrestrayned thought VVhere all things are which are not to be found I made a long large progresse then she brought My tyr'd conceits to a more holy ground VVhere many curious molds were rarely wrought Of all the VVorthies which were nobly bred Sleeping secure in Honours quiet bed 236 Not far from them was built a Monument Of sparkling Di'monds fast bound in with gold And round about it for an ornament Lawrell I might and Cipresse Groues behold The gates were of the dayes best blandishment And euery Piller wrought seem'd to vphold A singing Angell and a weeping Saint The strangest mixture Thought did euer paint 237 This place delightlesse had me thought Delight And filld his emptines with rare conceite This nothing me thought all things did dispight And seeme more rich then the most rich receite Of Edens excellence there thoughts did wright Happy content contented with deceite And as me thought I view'd these glorious gates I reade these lines written in golden Plates THE TOMBE You which desire to ope this dead mans dore Or you that passe by it without regard Rest here your eyes and filling them with gore Behold this Tombe of words and lines prepard On Marble Iet and Iasper mayst thou po're Tyll thou poure out thy sight yet be debard To read the sacred heau'n-out-lyuing scroule VVhich hath the deeds of this almightie soule 238 Drawne by the charming Musicke of these roes And guided by the strength of my desire I prest into this ayrie house of woes Praysing the thoughts which made me to aspire The sights I saw seem'd not me thought like shoes Of earths inuention they bore-brighter fire But looking long they vanisht then appeare Nothing but lines and these me thought they were THE STATVE O thou new Age appareld with desire To know them whom the liberall powers create Of most heroick spirits sacred fire Raysing their deeds to heauens starre-spotted gate Behold this Empire-meriting young Prince Clos'd with his vertues in this Tombs black shade VVho fought for Fraunce and those which euer since Should not for shame see his great glory fade And if a fayre desire thou take to spread Through this worlds Theater which sings his deeds His glorious prayse and with it rayse the dead Name but his name for it all names exceeds The sound of Deu'rax borne through thousand Lands Eternally on Mem'ries Altar stands 239 VVith this last word the lines were vanished And by some sacred hand tane from my sight By that great losse my ioyes were banished For yet my longings were not orderd right This vnseene seene this tale halfe vttered Driue me from ill into a worser plight Then to my Guide thinking to make my mone Shee was departed to I all alone 240 Euen ARETEA was departed thence No signe was left of any thing but woe Mine auncient woe my thinkings recompence Delight me thought was chang'd to nothing so Now stood my feete in their old residence Painefully mouing taught by Care to goe But now in heauen and now in hell I range So swift out thoughts are and so apt to change 241 Vast solitarines bounded my sight For all is desolate where not
27 For as a mighty Deludge after raine Gliding with furie from the hils desent Finding all bounds too straite for his remaine VVith roaring clamors as the earth did rent Bursts through the Meads ouer-flowes the plaine Chiding the rocks in which his waues were pent Then drownes the Plough-mans profit in his fall His house his hay his labours hope and all 28 Briefly so like a Tyrant doth it rage Madder since vnresisted being mad VVhen an incountring bridge seekes to aswage The thunder-d●a●●ing current proudly glad As these sterne men borne in this yron age Haue done who making all my pleasures sad Are nor content to teare their Countries bones And spoyle her life and ●oule with bed-rid grones 29 But being Paracids abortiue borne In whom old Nature chalengeth no right Bring in their murdrous hands to Fraunce forlorne The minatours of shame engins of spight As pride inchastitie horrour blood and scorne Monsters of hell-black sunnes vnto the night Thinking to stop that royall Champions breath VVhose life preseru'd Diuinitie from death 30 Euen him whom I had planted strong and hie High in the world strong in the harts of Kings To be a scourge vnto their tyrannie Bating the furie of their enuious wings By meanes of that almighty Henry Henry de Val●is on whom vertue rings Vnder whose gracious aspect I did hope My lawes should take new vertue larger scope 31 And the all white pure Virgin-colour'd faith Of soules eternall quiet lodg'd in skies That turnes the dying pangs to ioyes in death Should to the height of heights aspire and rise Hence sprang it and for this my true hart saith I ioyn'd to him the man most stout most wise Th' other all great Henry whose in-sight Might guide support and gouerne him in right 32 But ô these monstrous men Monsters not men VVhom the earth-shaking heauens in thunder fram'd To make my ruine boundlesse they euen then Haue rays'd their blood-bath'd hands yet vnasham'd Against the Lords anoynted VVeepe my pen For they haue slaine their King brute beasts vntam'd Their sacred King their worlds God whose true care Made their great names florish on earth so fare 33 But he too excellent to know what 's ill The gooddest holy one that breath'd this ayre Troubling no thoughts to think what others will Neglected what they meant what harts they beare Neither ambition palme-like growing still Nor lookes nor policies nor nightly feare Made him beware which each day growing on Double each day afflicted me with moane 34 ❀ At th' end of this sad memorable storie Crossing her armes as one in desperate case There broke from her two eyes the starres of glorie Two bloody ●●reames of teares that ranne a pace VVhich her immortall sighs woes oratorie Straue both to interrupt and to disgrace So mightily that pitty did not stint To place him selfe in harts of yron and flint 35 Heere heere sayd she assoone as say she could Or that her woes gaue words leaue how to speake Heere mayst thou see my sorrowes flood vnfold The deludge of my care hence hence doth breake The tumult of my sighs the heate the cold Of my flame-burning thoughts benum'd and weake This is the cause of my first borne lament And the true greefe which doth my soule torment 36 And yet t is but the first step to my care Or but the superficies of my paine A preface to my moane an Index to dispaire A little thred lending a mighty meane To search the Laborinth where languors are A rising cloude against a storme of raine For mount on mount was thrown masse vpon masse Till greatest greefe grew greater then it was 37 This woe that spred it selfe from East to VVest Bounding the Artick and Antartick pole Ambitiously enuied he was supprest VVithin the circute of the worlds controle VVherefore as if all tremor all vnrest VVere insufficient richly to condole My starre-crost misaduentures in disdaine Adds a new greefe to make new worlds complaine 38 Euen now affliction heaues her heauie arme And spreads black sorrowes Ensigne through our land Calamitie braues all the world with harme And burnes vp peace with warres worst fier-●●and Tempests no calmes mens eares doe rudely charme And all prepostrous things in tumult stand All fortunes draw vs to infortunes gates Fortune the first and last that ruin● states 39 O Fortune thou great Amorite of Kings Opinions breath thou Epicurian ayre Inuention of mans soule falsest of things A step beyond our iudgement and a stayre Higher then men can reach with reasons wings Thou blind-fold Archeresse thou that wilt not heare Thou foe to persons manners times and all That raysest worthlesse whilst the worthiest fall 40 O thou whom all may find but none auoyde Deceitfull Queene of mutabilitie Swift are thy feathered feete still vnanoyde Loftie thy minde thy hopes to heauen flie Thy wings are light like flames neuer destroyd Vpon a Globe thou stand'st turning our miserie Of thee must I complaine dread Nurse of woe From whom both heauen and earthly things doe floe 41 Thou thrall to none but to Philosophie That Monarchies and states turn'st at thy will Leauing no more marks of their dignitie Then ships in water leaue or feathered quill Leaues in the liquid ayre when speedilie It glides through it scaling the starry hill Monster-bearing Mother why didst thou long Hauing done thy worst yet to doe greater wrong 42 But why of this great nothing doe I plaine Stoning to death these shadowes with my teares And rather doe not with their drops constraine The substance to lament for my dispaires VVhy doth not this salt Ocean of my braine Conuay my mournings to more better eares Beating the marble-skye for this offence Chiding no more Fortune but Prouidence 43 O Prouidence the conduct to our life The ground of vertue hostile foe to sinne That rearest Towers and appeasest strife That gatherst all disperced exiles in Thou that inuentedst lawes gaue man his wife Thou Mistris vnto auncient discipline Thou that bearest heauen nature round about thee That makest all things nothing being without thee 44 O why art thou growne blind leading astray Confounding vertue making vice thy friend Sacking the sun-shine Towers of the day Prefixing wandring miserie no end VVhy hast thou giuen Barbarizme sway And wilt not let Order on thee attend VVhy art thou fled from vs whither art thou gone Leauing both men and all things else alone 45 Tell me thou Architectresse of this frame Thou that vpon the great booke-firmament VVritest in golden star●es each creatures name Their liues their fortunes and intendiment VVhy dain'st thou not that we may reade the same And spelder our misdeeds why we be shent If to behold the letters be thy will Teach vs to reade that we may rid our ill 46 Lend vs diuine eyes to our heauenly part To reade on that almighty Chronicle So shall the date of vertue neuer part But double wonder with more miracle Ay me against the wind breathes my poore hart
DEVOREVX Vertues teares for the losse of the most christian King Henry third of that name King of Fraunce and the vntimely death of the most noble heroicall Gentleman VValter Deuoreux who was slaine before Roan in Fraunce First written in French by the most excellent and learned Gentlewoman Madam Geneuuefue Petau Maulette And paraphrastically translated into English Ieruis Markham ❧ Bramo assaj poco spe●● nulla chieggio AT LONDON Printed by I. Roberts for Thomas Millington and are to be sold at his shop in Corn-hill vnder Saint Peters Church 1597. To the Right Honourable and most vertuous Ladies and Sisters Dorithie Countesse of Northumberland and the Ladie Penelope Rich. THE vertue of your perfections most excellent Madams which draweth not alone our Clime but euen all the Nations of Europe to wonder hath now diuinelie brought foorth one issue of theyr admiration I meane this Monument of your euer-worthy to be liuing Brother the Mother of it a most rare French spirit fi●st created and brought it forth in England thē a quiet fauster-mother to her thoughts after tooke it ouer with her to acquaint with her owne Nation and since sent it to me to apparrell in our English fashions desirous for his sake whom it most adoreth that it might principally do your Ladiships seruice It was when I receiued it exceeding rich in French imbroderie and if nowe either by my want or dulnes it seeme patch'd or too homely with the beames of your gracious eyes most rare creatures shine vpon it and then the worst of my penns earthines doubtlesse shall be stellified Our Realme boasts not naturally of silkes which are gaudie and soone vanishe but of her playne broad-cloth which is comlie and durable if such like be my Paraphras vpon this French ground I am all I would be sith I desire nothing more then to giue his liuing name Poets eternitie To you is due this tribute and to you most humbly I tender it vowing to liue best pleased when I am eyther able or can doe your Honours seruice beeing though a worme as great an adorer of your vertues as the mightiest whosoeuer Ieruis Markham In praise of the worke FAme houering in her three-fold Region Beheld how Aretea did complaine In tragicke tunes th'vntimely rape of one VVhom froward Fate and forward Zeale had ●laine But when she heard the noble Deuoreux nam'd Vnto his graue she made a speedy flight VVhere base Obliuion sat who now asham'd Hides her foule head in shades of endlesse Night Then not content her valarous Palladine Should be interred in so small a roome That after time may think his Stemme deuine She makes the spacious world his glorious Toomb And bad this Lady doe the obsequies VVho offereth holy teares for sacrifice R. Allott To my most affectionate friend Ieruis Markham TO worthy Deuoreux Armes and after Age A wondrous Colosse doth thy Muse inhaunce His boistrous feete are fixed on the stage Of peacefull Albions strond and fruitfull Fraunce Vnder whose forked Arch whole Nauies ride Filling their emptie sailes with Deuoreux Fame That Fraunce Spayne Flaunders and the world beside Amazed stands to heare great Essex Name From out his eyes he darts the golden beames Of perfit Honors neuer● s●tting Sunne Whose influence in each soule fresh courage streames All this nay more thy sacred teares haue donne Wing'd by thy fieri● Muse they mount the skyes And moue to weeping ruth heauens twinkling eyes R. Allott In prayse of the worke ONce borne of mortall Parents mortally Earth turnes to earth in noble Deuoreux A second life immortall wits infuse And crowne him now with immortalitie His Mother French for he in Fraunce did die And Ph●nix of his ashes there renues His Father is a gentle English Muse From whence he challengeth nobilitie English and French thus enter-married Haue issue double Fame his fame theyr owne As gold of that Great-worke that powrefull Stone So Fame of Vertue and it selfe are bred His first birth night to this this a true morne May his noble Brother be as well twise-borne E. Guilpin To his deere friend Ieruis Markham NO longer let dismembred Italie Thinke scorne of our thought dull for colder clime VVee are not so frost-bitten in the prime But blest from heau'n with as great wealth as shee VVith all her Citties shall one our Cittie Compare for all the wealth of this rich time Thames shall with Po vie Swanns Swanns musicke chime London with subtle Venice pollicie Shee shall drop beauties with faire Genoa Though humorous trauailers repine thereat But not with glorious Florence will they say So farrefam'd for her wits triumuirat To that proude brag thou Ieruis shalt replie VVhose Muse in this song giues them all the Lye E. Guilpin ARETEAE Lachrimae 1. WOe-wearied with the euer-weeping woe That breaks the aged raines of withered Fraūce And thinking how those thoughts to ouer-goe That giue eternall memory to mischaunce Or willing to deceiue th' vnwilling foe Of euer-springing teares by some dead traunce Earlie before the early Sunne could rise I rose from rest when rest rose from mine eyes 2 And freed from that which frees it selfe from care For quiet nere was consort with complaynt Led by Hopes hand though drawne on by Dispaire The Factor for improuident constraint I walkt alongst a streame for purenes rare Brighter then sun-shine for it did acquaint The dullest sight with all the glorious pray That in the pibble-paued channell lay 3 No moulten Christall but a richer Mine Euen Natures rarest Alcumie ranne there Diamonds resolud or substance more diuine Through whose bright-gliding current might appeare A thousand naked Nymphes whose Iuory shine Enamoling the banks made them more deare Then euer was that glorious Pallace gate VVhere the day-shyning Sunne in tryumph sate 4 Vpon the brym the Eglantine and Rose The Tamoriske Oliue and th' Almond-tree As kinde companions in one vnion gro●s Foulding theyr twinding armes as oft we see Turtle-taught Louers eyther other close Lending to dulnes feeling sympathie And as a costly Vallance ore a bed So did their garland-tops the Brooke ore-spred 5 Their leaues that differd both in shape and show Though all were greene yet difference such in greene Like to the checkerd bent of Iris bow Prided the running Mine as it had beene The bower of Beautie whence alone did flow More heauenly streames then former age had seene Taking their current from that learned Hill VVhere lodge the Mothers of admire and skill 6 Amongst the Sommer blossoms of theyr bowes A thousand seuerall colour'd Birds was set VVho mou'd as seem'd by charitable vowes Or excellent compassion euer wet VVith honourable teares for Fates allowes That sencible from sencelesse still shall fet Models of pitty came there with melodie To cheere mens minds fore-done with miserie 7 And with the murmring cadence of the waue That made a pretty wrangling as it went Chiding the banks which no more lymit gaue They ioynd their well-tun'd throats with such consent That euen
selfe-kinde Vnto selfe-kind affords a mutuall right Of●patious trees of flowres and fruites I finde Millions of consorts pittying my plight But their dumb eloquence wound more the minde And in their silent listning seeme to say VVe are Griefes hearers why doth Griefes tongue stay 242 This heauie summons to my wounded hart Awakt the sleeping sparks of my best zeale VVhich mixed with my Countries fatall smart Both cause and mourner of this early peale Compeld me play Calamities sad part And striue thy prayse ô Deu'rax to reueale Affliction in my bosome long deprest Broke from my lips and thus flew from my brest 243 ¶ Alas mine eyes that these your falling teares Should make two Riuers and yet not erect Their Funeralls aboue the mouing spheares But sadly on these flowres with sighs defect Paint lamentable verses pittious feares The witnesses of thousand Griefes respect O now exhalt these fountaynes of my brayne They happy are which for good Chaunce complayne 244 Nor eyes nor verse fill'd with this tearie source VVhich with pale colours ploughs my furrowed face Can vs suffice till my sad tongues discourse Relent obdurate Pitty mourne Disgrace All paynes all mortall anguishes all worse Then payne or anguish or the wofulst case Can be imagin'd ô what payne haue I To see againe a new Achilles die 245 VVoe me mine eyes seeke shadowes for your sight To sounding Rocks recount your miseries The Sunne is not for you seeke lasting Night Long not for Day place galling agonies And fore-knowne mischiefes next thy heauie plight Of woes and wrongs found new societies VVeepe weepe poore Fraunce this losse by Fate down hurld Is not alone to thee but all the world 246 ❀ Alas fayre Nimphs you Ladies of cleare springs If eyther loue or pitty which still dwells In femall harts lament those heauie things VVhich presse our fortunes downe to many hells VVhy doe you let these flow'rs which dumbly sings VVeepe ere you weepe and with tormenting yells Sigh long before you O great powers decline Teares shed for Vertues sake are teares deuine 247 ❀ You VVood-Gods hence leaue haunting of your Caues Come weepe with me this lamentable crosse VVhich fatall Death the Emperour of graues Hath heapt vpon our dayes ô bare-bon'd glosse Of what we all must be what nothing saues Can there alas then this be surer losse To see all vertue in a forgotten Tombe Of Fortune ô ineuitable dombe 248 ❀ O Fate thou faithlesse measurer of times Most vnindiffrent Mistris to young yeares VVhich haue the purest soules now note thy crimes Tell vs who caus'd thee hasten our dispaires Inroling Deu'rax in these buriall rimes VVhy didst thou bandie mischiefe gainst the spheares Taking away what heauen to earth did lend And bringing rarest things to quickest end 249 In spight of thee and Death his gentle Name His glorious Name vnder his soule shall shine It from the skyes shall take the dayes bright flame And on the heauenly stage his deeds deuine Shall sacredly be reade and by the same Eternity shall liue his vertues Mine Shall be a rich example vnto Kings T is prayse not shame to follow vertuous things 250 ❀ Daughters of Ioue since happy Memory Inroles the deeds are worthy of record In golden letters lasting Charractrie Vpon a pollisht Marble ô accord And in that Booke heauens royall Lybrarie VVrite downe his Prayses then that Prayse afford Limits beyond all earth or seas proud rage Leauing their beames to guide this yron age 251 ❀ You Sisters of Apollo sacred nyne O through all worlds within your lyuing Arts Beare his renowne and graue within your shryne The honour of his great almighty parts Let it flye farther much then Sunne can shyne For he was euen a Monarke of all harts Nor euer did the VVarriours in times past Attayne more honour then his Time imbra●st 252 ❀ O tryple crown'd Diana ô great Queene Latonas Daughter Sister to the Sunne Thou Delphian Lamp Lady of euery greene VVith that sad Christall water which doth runne From thy celestiall eyes sadly be seene To wet this Tomb where Englands fame doth wonne Make it a lyuing spring thinke there remaynes VVhat ere the earth or rich or fayre contaynes 253 VVhat ere on earth is rich delightsome fayre Holy or vertuous which the rare right hand Of that most great most infinite most deere Father of all eternitie makes stand Vpon this mold vnder the tryple ayre VVhich bounds the boundlesse circute of the Land Vpon his soules-brow thinke thou seest the same The deere Conseruatour of his best Name 254 ¶ Fraunce which hath caus'd the losse of all this best Come offer teares and sighs for sacrifice And though too late by it know thy vnrest ¶ Goddesse ELIZA Queene of harts and eyes That lost this Name I loue wish it good rest Say Deu'rax liue in peace and t' will suffice I dare not beg a teare yet Deu'rax gone You lost one of the best beames bout your Throne 255 ❀ And you great Lord greatest of all that 's great Loosing your Brother whom most worthilie The earth adores your breasts fayre Pallace beate Deere Essex prayse his new Natiuitie ❀ You Soueraigne Ladies thron'd in my harts seate Northumberland and Rich for charritie Ayde his rare prayse and sweeten my poore rime VVhich striues to make him conquer Death and Time 256 ❀ Lastly you English people Pallas Squires Faithfully wall this Saint-like Tomb about And make his vertues grow from your desires Report by Valures tongue the world throughout That though the Fates incenst with enuious fires Breake Natrues thred and captiuate the stout Yet shall his Name the badge of Pietie Liue both in heauen and earth eternallie 257 And thus arest thy pace poore heauie Muse Doe thy last seruice end thy weary tale And on this well-built holy Tomb infuse The large deriued currents of thy bale Say as to say all holy powers vse Glory adue Honour and Vertues pale ❀ The drowned Meads againe regaine their greene VVhat not in him is in his Brother seene FINIS The Countesse of Northumberland the Lady Rich. The two Ladies Sir Iohn Norris Sir Frauncis Vere 〈◊〉 Roger Williams Sir Conyers Clyfford Sir Math●w Morgan Sir Edw●rde Brooke M. Walter 〈◊〉 Roan be●●●g'd Villiers Gouernour of Roan Essex and De●●rax