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A07548 The custumers alphabet and primer Conteining, their creede or beliefe in the true doctrine of Christian religion. Their ten commandementes, or rules of ciuill life and conuersation, daily grace, generall confession, speciall supplication and forme of prayers. Togither with a pertinent answere to all such, as eyther in iest or in earnest, seeming doubtfull themselues, would faine perswade others, that, the bringing home of traffique must needes decay our shipping. All tending to the true and assured aduancement of his Maiesties customes, without possibility of fraude or couyn. Alwaies prouided, in reading read all, or nothing at al. Milles, Tho. (Thomas), 1550?-1627? 1608 (1608) STC 17927; ESTC S114606 45,944 46

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and those Places that first affoord them According to these grounds of the three things in Trafficke before layd downe as Money for the Matter a Weight of greatest worth and for the Forme a worke of royall esteeme So Exchange a Measure of rarest perfection and Mystery of heauenlie skill fitting none but Soueraigne States and Kings must stint the values and guide the proportions of Goodnes in all Materialls besides But all Goodnes is needfull Exchange therefore as the Spirit in the Soule to perfect our Trafficke by the Fountaines of 1 Staples Bullion and store of Princes 2 Mynts Coyne in respect of the vse thereof ought to be generall Forasmuch as the good intended thereby is so due to all as cannot be disturbed or restrained to anie without disorder and confusion for Omne Bonum est sui diffusinum This I say then is that treble-twisted thred twyned by louing and loyall Ariadne to guide our fatall THESEVS by thorowe all the Muces and Mazes of that Labyrinth of Errors Marchandizing Exchange to free and redeeme the Bodies of Men and Soules of Christians from the yeerely monthly and daily deuouring Iawes of that Monster of Creete and Bawde of Bankers Vsury to the raysing againe and perfect vniting of Religion Iustice that Mercy and Truth among Men may sit kindly together and Righteousnes and Peace may kisse each other Thus all things in Nature doe tend to perfection by the Rules of Order and degrees of Goodnes but the vse makes all For Quò mihi Fortuna si non conceditur vti The vse of Mettalls both Gold and Siluer as cheefest materialls for Princes Coyne is in this respect so vrgently needfull that where Nature fayles Art must make good in which regard the want of Mynes in this Kingdome hath beene euer supplyed by forraine Bullion and auncient Customes The want of Coyne in the Princes Treasurie shewes defect of Naturall Mynes or neglect of artificiall Supplyes whereof Bullion is chiefest Neither is it enough fit nor conuenient that beeing prouided or brought to the Mynt Cudendae monetae Ius proprium est Principis et inde publicae fiunt the publicke pulse and hart of Trafficke priuate Subiects presume to coyne it for themselues least thereby Kings become seruaunts to their owne Vassalls and constrained to borrow that should be apt to lend A course in Nature both miserable and preposterous For what harder condition then to see Clothiers compeld to worke out other mens Wooll for a shred in the end of the selfe-same cloth Yet this is worse For where all Trades are valued by and vented for Money this makes Coyne both disvalue sell it selfe O hysteron proteron ground of all Disorder If KINGS aboue themselues haue none but GOD that only makes homage ioyne honor to their Crownes and seeing their seruice doth yeelde them reward all others below them beeing prostrate at their feete the names of Wages and Fees is too base for Soueraignes from beneath them to receiue and for Subiects to offer preposterous persumptuous and euery way prophane Constantinus Magnus ne aliter quam sanctè et legitimè hoc regale vterctur effigiem suam nummu sic inseulpi voluit vt hominis Deū flexis genibus invocantis prae se ferret Moneta autē dicta quod moneat ne quid frandis in Materia signo vel pondere fiat If then the Type of Princes be their Thrones and Dignitie if the Obiect of their Actions next the glory of that Deitie whom they represent be their owne greatnes honour if Marchants buy and sell Goodnes but for theyr owne auaile what greater gaine then for Subiects to attaine to their Soueraignes Dignitie And what harder estate then to see Kings set a worke and waged by their Seruants If the Law pronounce it death and that most worthilie to counterfet Princes Coynes by what meanes soeuer vvhat can expiat that sinne of Presumption that as it were with their owne Hands and Stampes vsurpe their Preheminence and disturbe their Exchange In a word let the hart by the lyuer receiue his tinctured Chylus by his owne mouth and stomacke and the blood with the Spirits shall fill all the vaines And if Nature haue taught all men to affect the generall Good by particular Trades and appoynted each Trade his proper Materialls by the helpe and vse of Money leaue Bullion for Princes and the World can vvant no Coyne the easie course and recourse of whose Exchange shall set all things in tune and serue all Mens turnes But to compare things by contraries will best illustrate either Wee all cry out of Couetyse and Priuate-gaine as good reason for GOD himselfe hath pronounced it the roote of all Euill and the loue of Money to be flat Idolatry Which being bad in Subiects must needes be worst in Kings How great then must our happines appeare to haue Bounty it selfe come dwell among vs And what hartie remorse ought it to moue to some him and his abridged or depriued of the principall meanes to practise theyr vertues Great therefore greater and greatest of all must theyr Accounts be to GOD and Nature that preposterously peruerting his proper Materialls turne his best helps for Bullion to their priuate aduantage to the intollerable disturbance both of Court Country and almost vnrecouerable wrong to the King and his Crowne Wherein Customers wanting wordes to set out theyr griefes haue made signes with their * The second Reply or Treatise of Exchange c. pennes And yet cease not by Prayer to groane in this manner O that our Tongues or Pennes could but expresse Or had the gist to make Men vnderstand Th●●● great Effects of sacred happines Exchange alone would worke by Prince and Counsells hand Religious Iustice should then so blesse our Land That Men on Earth might see by this Idea made What Heauen it selfe doth boade in this our Kingly Trade So farre off are Customers from guilt in this behalfe Now see but what is past so put all together to heare what words they spell That Goodnes whose Standerd is DEITIE Kaloca ' gathia id est Aequum et Bonum Honestum et Vtile Beauty and Bountie Profit Pleasure applyed to the actiue perfections of Commutaliue Right by the rules of our Booke and scope of our Lesson is a beautifull aspect and beneficiall influence of Heauenly Beatitude in the operations of Nature Art which in Greeke is vnderstoode by Calocagathia Sanctifying and assuring the formall Essence of all happy Beings And GOD sawe that all hee had made was exceeding Good For Bono suo consta●● Omnia That Bullion or Billion is a worde of Art giuen to the elementall perfections of purenes and finenes in the solide Commodities of Gold and Siluer Deprehensum a peritioribus est in Mundi creatione principē Deum Arithmetica esse vsum Geometria 〈…〉 Musica siquidē Arithmetica ratio●●●●●●pacta connexaqu● creduntur Elementa Geometria vero Figuras effinxit
q Trafficke Commutatiue Right We I say with all those that serue in the r Staples Temples of Concord and ſ Mynts Altars of Truth would make verses in prayse of our PRINCES and PEERES and sing Alleluiah to the great GOD of Heauen The Commutatiue part then that seemes most out of frame now falling out and fitted for our Lesson we are by our Letters to spel out the words that belong to the Titles of our PATRONS t Customes w Subsidies x Tonnage and z Pondage Tributes Wherin our mild Moderators vouchsafe to stand by vs helpe our dym eye-sights support our weake wits direct our shaking hands And Christes ✚ be my speede and the holy Ghost ¶ The Nature of all Things that consist in Action is best seen and valued by the eminencie of the Obiect whereon it workes and End whereto it tends The highest Obiect next GOD and Religion is the Maiestie of our SOVERAIGNE and Good of our Country there beeing no Action more dutifull then to amplifie the honour of the One and procure the prosperitie of the Other nor any more odious then wittingly or willingly to empayre the Meanes mutually meant for the maintenaunce of Either It followes then by consequence at all hands agreed on that to maintaine the Princes Reuenewes and to further the prosperitie and peace of his People is or ought to be the speciall care of euery Mans best Endeuour The Duties which GOD hath layd out and for his honor reserued by the words of his Law were double onely and of two seuerall kindes daily Sacrifices and Oblations of Free-will The one proceeding from the ordinary Obseruaunce that giues the formall distinction betweene the Creature and the CREATOR The other demonstrates that francknes of Loue and cheerefull Deuotion that ought to proceede from the harts of his owne and peculiar People Nowe that which Deitie demaunds by the Lawes of Religion within his Church to be honored by doth hold as a consequence for earthly Princes within their Kingdoms to raise their Tributes by Like Obiects like Ends Maiestie and Loue by two sorts of Duties Necessitie and Free-will The One must subsist the Other cannot be bound Giue therefore as vnto GOD himselfe that which is GODS so vnto Caesar that is due to Caesar Thus Customes that grow by Trafficke are due to our KING and are no small nor idle Portions in the Body of his Reuenews But as in Religion and the seruice of GOD there is nothing hath more disturbed the Conscience nor distracted Mens minds then a misvnderstanding and diuersity in conceits of the true sence and vse of the word Church Church and Customes wordes that are too generally taken and so misvnderstoode so fares it with Traffick about the Tearmes and vse of Customes For though Customes in this kinde doe currantly runne and be vsually taken for all kinde of Duties that acrue to the King on things Barterable or Vendible by way of Marchandise crossing the Seas either Outward or Inward for from Port to Port both Land Seas are naturally free yet it hath a peculiar sence a speciall vse and proper signification implying eyther those ancient Staple-Rights on Wooll Wooll-fells Tinne Lead Lether c. called Great and Grand Customes Grand CVSTOMS outward or the three pence on the pound payd onely by Strangers by the name of Petty-Customes Petite CVSTOMS All Titles besides of this kind howsoeuer they be called or generally comprised and stiled Customes are notwithstanding distinguished from them by speciall Names Subsidies Tonnage and and different vses as Subsidies Subsidies Pondage or Aydes And those also subdiuided into Tonnage Pondage The vse and end of CVSTOMS The first properly indeede onely to be called Customes by wisedome layd out from all beginning is Ius Coronae an Inheritance of the Crowne the preemption in Trafficke and protection of Traffick beeing two Essentiall partes of that personall Preeminence and locall Dignitie which fundamentally our Kings haue claimed and for defence of the Kingdome and safe passage at Seas iustly may challenge As consisting to our Weake vnderstandings of the chiefest Materialls our State affoords to to draw in Bullion by Bullion Staples Mynts Exchange Weights Measure And in that respect holden for their Artificiall Mynes of Gold Siluer to maintaine the Pulses of our Soueraignes Mynts whose Exchange of Money as a Fountaine for abundance ought to fixe and guide the true valuations of all Things besides For as the Standarts of all Weights Measures for generall Iustice are the Soueraignes Treasure and peculiar charge the coyning of Monies theyr onely Hoc age so their Generall Iustice. Coynage a worke for Matter Forme of principall Worth theyr Exchange a Mysterie of heauenly skill by equalitie and proportions certaine and indifferent are the Sterne and Compasse to steere all courses right The Vse and End of the Subsidies of Tonnage and Pondage The later called Subsidies are offred vp at Parliaments on things subiect to Restraints by Proclamations for speciall Causes and different vse and in that regard giuen sometimes but on this Thing sometimes but at that Port and some-times Ad Tempus onelie Though now for all Things at all Ports and for terme of our Soueraignes lyfe as vrgent Necessity or publique Vtilitie for the Freedome of Trafficke and behoofe of the Ports haue seemed to require Due likewise in their kinds and turnes for reciprock Ends. The Body beeing by GOD and Nature so bound to serue and maintaine the Head as the Head is ordained to gouerne and defend all the Members Thus Customes are those artificiall duties that our Kings must haue and Necessity hath layd on Trafficke by our Staple Cōmerce to supply theyr naturall defects and wants of Bullion And Subsidies are those naturall respects which Loue is desirous and Loyaltie doth offer by Trafficke to honour our Soueraignes by besides theyr auncient Customes that by all Meanes and at all hands Maiestie may be seene and Soueraigntie subsist These are all the Titles of our Commutatiue Tributes by the Lawes of our Schooles the bounds of our Lessons and Alphabet of our Letters Yet is there a third called Impostes Impostes or Impositions or Impositions whose Heteroclite vse and conuertible sound wee know not how to spell for beeing but the Genus to the former two held for a Species of some other Duty in our weake conceits hath deceiued many For whereas Maiestie must may can but subsist what Adoration and Tythes are to GOD the same are Customes Subsidies to his Lieuetenants And beyond the bounds which Wisedome prescribes for the practise of Truth Discretion may hunt but shall find nought saue Error For what exccedes is but Poperie in the Church and in Policie deuices to disturbe Common-weales What rests then but this that Omne minimum inimica Naturae Omne nimium vertitur in vitium Enough makes a feast but
to our KING all his due homages in the Rights of his Customes and loyall Supplyes Deale I say iustly betweene the Prince and the People HOC OPVS HIC LABOR EST. This is the Dyapazon of all our Musicke and full compasse of that Song wherein each must hold apart heere therefore pause a while that all may sing together For great hath beene the care from time to time the inuentions sundry that haue beene vndertaken for the aduauncing collecting true aunswering of all such duties as grow in this kind But as in the State of a naturall Body those diseases proue of most dangerous consequence that are of longest breeding furthest from cure whose pulse is neuer felt nor Symptoma knowne so hath it long fared with this Argument of Customes Wherein sometimes about the Cause it selfe Trafficke vvhether free-borne or no then about the Matter without difference or distinction of Art or Nature Outward or Inward Abundance or Want Dutie or Free-will And lastly about the Forme of theyr orderly directing collecting and true answering how to stoppe the course of Errors and currant of Abuses is become the greatest pretended care at least and most serious Question For information and Reformation whereof how-soeuer the Conscience of my Calling vnder his sacred Maiestie speciall dutie besides as his Highnesse sworne Seruaunt haue singled me forth and prest me still forward by one occasion or other Quo fato nescio sed non sine Numine as my hope and comfort is first by 1 Against Informers of all sorts A Generall Apollogie thē a second 2 Against priuate Societies Replyes 3 A Treatise worth the reading The true vse of Port Bands lastly A Priuate 4 The Satisfaction of the offence conceiued against that Caution was the occasion of casting all the rest into this new Mowld called 5 The Customers ALPHABET PRIMER Caution against the Farming out of Subsidies vnder the name of Customes to presume thus with my penne but to wish and further I euer concluded that none but the Grauest and Wisest in highest Authoritie might promise and performe it Before whom now beeing so lately commaunded to speake I may not I cannot I dare not hold my peace All humble respect of Dutie therefore prostrate Reuerence premised I proceede with my Lesson and build on our Defence vpon my first Religious and reasonable grounds RELIGION and IVSTICE are the fundamentall stayes of all States and Kingdoms the one by sanctifying the other by assuring the perpetuities of all tranquilitie of Minds and earthly Honours Iustice beeing Distributiue and Commutatiue the Commutatiue part includeth Trafficke There was a time when the Christian world was all set on fire deuided by Disputes and distracted in Opinions The true Catholick and Christian Religion as soundly taught as freely professed in England Scotland and Ireland at this day as in any priuate or publicke part of the World about the Catholicke-Church and some poynts of Truth in the doctrine of Religion But the GOD of Heauen be praised it hath found the best footing in these our dayes Kingdoms that the world doth affoord and his hand in our Soueraigne and his foreuer vphold it Vppon the compounding of the Discordes in the Netherlands The like seemes now I say euen now to offer it selfe about the Vse Ends of our free-borne Trafficke that Nurse of Iustice which feedes vs All. The priuate peruerting of whose generall Intention to publicke Good hath much disturbed our speciall Blisse and giues occasion of this ALPHABETOR PRIMER Trafficke then beeing the hand that layes out all men theyr Worke prouides all men theyr Foode and payes all men theyr Fees ought at all handes to be seriously supported that so supports vs all and her willing Disturbers and witting Peruerters held as Enemies to Order that is to say to God and Nature And since in all Actions the safest path to walke in and surest rule to guide our selues by is to follow Nature the patterne layd out by the GOD of Order the way from Error to Truth from Confusion to Perfection must be by proportions vntill we come to that End which is able and sufficient to perfect and preserue all our worldly happines Measure therefore must sit at the Sterne and by steddy proportions cunne and steere this our Shippe of Trafficke thorow all the stormes of Extremities and dangers of Shyfts to our long-desired Port. As the beauty of Nature is Order so the way to Order is Number more or lesse to auoyde the Rocks and Sands of Excesse and Defect Exchange therefore without all exceptions must lay the foundation and absolute ground of all our Endeuours to this intended Redresse The Writer heereof alluding to his owne trouble for the Caution hee wrote against the Farming out of Subsidies vnder the name of Custome sets forth withall a true Idea of Trafficke by fayning a Shyppe called the Harry-Bonaduenture fraught with pitch tarre mastes salt and oyle and good store of Bullion that after a long voyage in her returne homewards to the Iland of Exchange meetes with a dangerous storme in the Narrow-Seas and doubting the Geodyn-sands falls in with the Forelands casts Ankor in the Downes and there ryding all Windes to death puts in at last to Sandwich-Hauen Where finding neither Staple nor Staple-wares sometimes held there and sithence at Canterbury adioyning of Fleece-wooll Broad-clothes Tyn Lead nor Leather c barters her Commodities for Bayes Sayes and other Duch newe Drapery there And in Exchange for her Bullion bespeakes Kentish Broade-clothes against her next returne Prouided they be made warranted by the Rules of Sandwich Bayes and Seale of that Towne onely and none other Exchange haue we spyde out Exchange Then haile Maisters Marriners and Mates at all hands Call vp our loyall Marchants true Patriots Enterlopers and all and be of good cheere Belay well the Bowlyne keepe your tacklins tight and sure Aloofe aloofe with the Maine for feare of the Goodwines I seeme to see our Ilande for the Fore-lands appeare CASTOR and POLLVX cōming both together did boade vs good-lucke Our Barke is strong enough to beare out her leakes Our Loade-stone proues good and our Compasse is true therefore aloofe I say with the Maine by this Cape of Good-hope to the Harbor of Safetie and Hauen of all our Rest For Reliquis tantum Sinus est et Statio malefida Carinis Now all thinges consist of Matter and Forme et Forma dat esse rei the Matter beeing Weight and Measure the Forme are fitted and esteemed by their End and Obiect GOODNES All Goodnes is eyther by Nature or by Art And as in Goodnes there is a proportion to fit with the Matter wherein it consisteth Omnis Forma infunditur secundum meritum Materiae So in Trades the blessing of GOD by Nature and the benefit of Industry by Art is more or lesse admired to the speciall reputation profit of those Persons
vt inde sirmitatem conse querenter stabilitatem ac pro Naturae vi mobilitatem Proportiones adnexuit Musicane terra plus in terreno sentiretur Elemento quam Aquae in Aqueo et in acreo aeris ●t Ignu in ign●a Natura nec Elementorum vllum omnino in aliud resolui vlla ratione quires Proinde quum audis a DEO esse vniuersa in numero creata et pondere ac mensura intellige ad Arithmeticam Numerum referri pondus ad Musicam ad Geometraim vero Mensurae ad●ectum Nomen Quippe astringente grauitatem leuitate cōfouentur omniafulciūtur que in meditullio namque ign●● potestate cohibetur Terra sed et huic ignis innititur Ita prof●cto est Magnitudo Exquisitissimi nec laudati vnquam pro dign●tate Operis necnon late patens vis et motus admirabilem Opificu prae se fert potentiam Dispositio vero excultissima mirificam ost entat Sapientiā Vsiu vero ad optimū vbique cōducens latius exubirantem nobis ingerit bonitatem Proinde summi Platonici vniuersum hoc v●lut augustissimam Dei statuam eximie venerati sunt Et que in co caeteris Maiestate Naturae praestare videntur tanquam Idearum certiora Simulachra Caelij Rodigini Lib. 1. Cap. 2. layd out by nature at the Standert of TRVTH to fixe the proportions of Good Better and Best in for the easier extention of Goodnes by vendible Commerce For as Omne Bonum est sui diffusiuum so Quantò communius eò melius That Money or Coyne is a figured proportion of Number and Weight layd out by Art at the Standerd of IVSTICE to weigh the degrees of Goodnes by in all thinges vendible Vt quod vspiam ●●scitur Boni id apud omnes affluat The woorth whereof none but Soueraine-wisedome can iustly value or equalize and absolute Authoritie stampe and make currant because Omne quod efficit Tale id ipsum esse magis Tale oportet And. That Exchange whose Standerd is EQVITIE is that Rule is pollicie and gouernment of State which sencibly demonstrates those heauenly Effects of Power Wisedome that DEITIE imparts to mortall Gods a●● Counsailes on Earth by meanes of Money to maintaine the worth and shewe the true vse of all Thinges in Trafficke by their proper Obiects peculiar Ends. That as Goodnes Diuinely sublimated becomes onely fixt in Bullion and Bullion onely coynd deuides the proportions of Good Better and Best reciuing life in it selfe from Soueraine Essence becomes currant withall through all the parts of vendible Commerce to shew the preheminent potencie that PRINCES haue aboue their Subiects So Exchange measuring proportions in Gold and Siluer by weights of more or lesse to vphold the iust value and maintaine the true vse of Goodnesse as well of all things in Trafficke by Coyne as in Coyne it selfe sets forth their singuler Care Prouidence Prudence and Wisedome The orderly practise whereof being outwardly obserued consists in the ready exchange of currant Coyne purged and ●repared by the fire of their Mynts for dead or drossie Bullion layde downe at the Altars of their publick Temples for * That is to say Wares so censured at the Staples before they come to the Ports to crosse the Seas as vpon the honour of the Kingdom and credite of the Persons Places that first assoorde them are made as vendible without all possibilitie of fraude or deceit frō the Seller to the Buyer as are our Sandwich Bayes c. Stapled-Commodities as the word it selfe both spells and imports But the mysterie of this Art is quietly conueyd in the lending and loanes of currant Coyne to such as want vpon equall termes of HOMAGE and TRVST The End of Money being to make all things vendible by equalitie of worth and value of it selfe for the qu●ker dispatch and aduauncement of Trafficke and the Ends of Trafficke the Soueraignes honour the Kidgdomes peace and the Subiects wealth Thus mouing and disposing all mens Endeuours by willing Courses and perpetuall Motions to serue and worke for ONE and that ONE made able to maintaine the Synthesis and protect the freedome of Trafficke by fitting all Mens turnes And thus is Trafficke made the true and assured practise of that mysticall Phylosophy wherein so many wits haue spent thēselues blowne the coales in vaine ¶ Lapis Phylosophicus whose heaue●●y Elixar Goodnes the Quintessence of Nature and Art by Diuine sublimation applyde to Materialls breedes Mysteries in Trades and purging all drosse of deceit from Trades turnes Trades into Mettalls and all Mettalls into pure Siluer an● fine Gold And Exchange becomes that Cordiall preseruatiue which easing all griefes and sores ¶ Vniuersalis Medecina suppling all sores in diseases and curing all diseases in particular Members holds the whole Body of Kingdomes in health The sacred Rules whereof as no prophane Couetyse could euer comprehend nor confident Empericke attaine to practise so none of priuate Discretion or partiall Affection may presume to alter or controll as being a Doctrine peculiar to the Grauest and Wisest in highest Authoritie and for PRINCES themselues Of Trafficke then by Nature so admirable and by Art made so amiable thus wonderfully wrought orderly taught by Rules of TRVTH IVSTICE EQVITY what can be lesse said then that her Doctrine is Heauenly and fit for none but Kings and Counsaile-Tables her seate beeing euery-where the Soueraignes owne Bosome Whose voyce well tunde is the harmonie of the World to whom both Courts and Courtiers owe Fealtie Homage th● meanest Subiects feeling her Care and the greatest Princes subiect to her Prouidence whom both Noble and Vnnoble admire and loue as the Nurse and Protectresse of all their earthly Honours Prosperities Peace and Ioy. Since GOODNES then is that purging Fire that sent from Heauen can onely purifie from drosse of Deceit all the Materialls prepared and presented at the sanctified Altars of publique Commerce to make Kings adored Subiects happy And Gold and Siluer of all solide Bodies the aptest and surest for generall behoofe to fixe this Goodnes in No maruaile at all if all men Vt mundo Natura Cursum Soli Lumen et Aquae fluxum sic gratiā Auro if all men admiring the Beautie and Bounty of the One and the Other so seriously affect them as their chiefest Treasure But admit it were graunted that some One Man alone might become possessed of all the Gold which the world doth cōtaine 〈◊〉 ●f all the Siluer that Nature affoordes or each Man as much as ●is hart could wish yet the same vncoynd would prooue but idle or combersome for want of publicke vse For though Goodnesse by DEITIE vniuersally infused and in Bullion fixed by publicke consent be sufficient for worth to set foorth it selfe yet till Soueraigntie by Wisedome appoynt out their vse Power make them Currant euen Coyne is not Coyne and hath no life at all but rests a weight of massy Mould and sencelesse Beeing VVoe woorth then