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A07358 A patterne for women: setting forth the most Christian life, & most comfortable death of Mrs. Lucy late wife to the worshipfull Roger Thornton Esquire, of Little Wratting in Suffolke Whereunto is annexed a most pithy and perswasive discourse of that most learned & holy Father Ierom, being his last speech before his death, which is able to rouze vp the most drowzy and dead in firme. And finally, the last most heauenly prayer of the sayd Ierom, a singular help for a poare soule, wrestling with the pangs of death, to addresse herselfe towards her saviour. By I.M. Bachelour of Diuinity. Mayer, John, 1583-1664. 1619 (1619) STC 17742; ESTC S100842 34,723 168

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nothing but an vncloathing a putting off of base rags that we may be cloathed with glorious apparrell 2 Cor. 5.3 We sigh desiring to be vnclothed not that wee may bee lest naked but that we may bee clothed upon that death may bee swallowed vp of life Our body wherewith wee are now cloathed is moitall the cloathing to come is immortall neuer wearing away it is heauen which is glorious and euerlasting 3. Death is nothing else but a sweet sleep after long and toylesome labour For blessed are the dead which die in the Lord they rest fro their labours saith the Spirit and their workes follow them After the hard brunt of the lewes malicious onset Steuen is said to haue falne asleepe And who is not glad when the time of rest commeth after long and painefull labour 4. Death is nothing else but a committing of the soule into the hands of holy Angels to be carried into the company of Patriarkes and Prophets to liue together in continuall feasting and ioy For when Lazarus dyed the Angels carried him into Abrahams bosome Luc. 16. and the faithfull are sayd to sit downe in the kingdome of Heauen with Abraham Luc. 13.29 Isaak and Iaacob And who would bee afrayd or grieued to go into such company to liue in so ioy full a place whatsoeuer he must forsake in this world seeing that heere many bitter morsels are mixed with our sweet bits but there is all sweet and pleasant meat without any dramme of bitternesse But it will against this bee obiected Ob. that if this be the case of the faithful then many that liue a good life and expresse greatest zeale doe shew littie signe of their faith towards their end seeing they are wonderfully vncomfortable and oftentimes loth to depart I answer that this may happen euen in the true faithfull seruants of God and yet their faith remain vnshaken First through the desire of bringing more glory to God and of heaping vp a greater treasure in Heauen Thus Hezekiah pleaded for life in his great sicknes because saith hee the liuing the liuing they shall praise thee hee hee did earnestly desire because that hee was yet young and able to liue to gloritie God more in this world Euen as the laboring man that serueth a good master if his wages be offered him before the end of the day that hee may bee dismissed hee is loth to receiue them yet because hee had rather hold out in the seruice of so bountifull a master and doe him a full dayes worke so the faithfull person though he be assured of Heauen when he dieth yet he had rather continue whilst ability serueth to doe God more seruice in this world before his dismisse that doing a full dayes worke he may partake the more of the Lords bounty Secondly this salleth out somtime through the violence or the disease the greatnesse of the pain be●umming the sense for a time so a that there is no feeling of comfort but great heauinesse Thus the Lord lesus himselfe in his extreaine passions was in a wonderfull agony and heauy till that the Angels came and comforted him and much more the weake members of Christ when their passions are extreame must needs bee heauy and vncomfortable and loth to come neere death for a season Euen as the Labourer in the extreame heat of the day being pained with toyle and the weather is without all comfort although he be sure of his wages at night so the faithfull soule being scorched with the heat of extreame pangs hath no feeling of comfort although hee bee assured of his reward at the last Thirdly this falleth out through Satans temptations who then assaulteth most busily when we are weakest and heerein hee often preuaileth so farre as that the patient can finde no comfort though he prayeth againe and againe Thus S. Paul when he was most highly fauored of God had the buffettings of Satan by which hee was exceedingly cast downe 2 Cor. 12. and prayed once twice thrice before that hee could receiue any comfort Euen as the manly Souldier who hauing fought valiantly and a breach being made now in the wall through which hee is entring the city is notwithstanding much daunted by the desperate Aduersary which maketh the passage very hard and painefull vnto him insomuch as for a time there is nothing but horrour before his eyes though hee seeth the resistance to bee so weake as that hee cannot possibly be kept from the spoyle So the Christian souldier sighting manfully all his life time and the breach being now made in his last sicknesse though hee seeth the riches of the new lerusalem from which he cannot be stopped yet by Satan now growing de perate hee is so resisted as that his brunt is very grieuous and hee is much dismayd It is not so euen with wie ked persons for they lie vpon their sicke beds oftentimes with more comfort and euen quietly depart out of this world but this is partly because their pangs are not so great they being spared here to bee the more tormented heereafter and partly because the Deuid hauing them in his suare is no way troublesome vnto them but rather as an Angell of light speaketh all peace and comfort till they be in the midst of his lawes As Elishahs seruant led the Syrians with hope 2 King 6. till they were taken in the midst of their enemies Wherefore let no faithfull person bee discouraged for the brunts which the godly suffer in their sicknesse neither let the wicked be incouraged for the easie passage of some of the common sort for it remaineth firme Such as see by faith their saluation shall depart in peace and none else Had wee not an instance of this in our faithfull sister Shee had brunts of temptations brunts of pangs and part of her day yet in the course of nature remaining young children amongst whom she might think profitably to spend her time to Gods glory yet howsoeuer these things might trouble her ioy yet they could not all take it from her For vpon the Saturday growing very weake and being much troubled for a time she yet professed her stedfast assurance willing one that was then about to go to a friend of hers a Gentle woman that had labored but could not finde assurance to commend her vnto her and certifie her what ioy she had saying that she vndoubtedly should rather haue the like Soone after this being through this ioy reuiued in her spirit she arose from her bed and sang most sweetly saying that it put her in minde of the singing in heauen The next day being the Lords day when she heard the family singing below in the house she sayd that she should be singing ere long in heauen That night being prayed for sundry times when mention was made of restitution to health in prayer shee seemed not to bee much mooued but when heauen was mentioned and being receiued thither shee sayd aloud
that they obtaine that glory which the Lord hath prepared onely for the humble and for the contemners of this world what should I speake of them as it is meete woe to you that hasten to the kingdome of heauen through the way of riches seeing that it is easier for a camell to goe through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdome of heauen These are not my words but the words of Christ if this sentence be reuocable Christ is no more God The heauen and the earth saith he shall passe away but my words shall not passe away Bewaile ô ye miserable Nobles and Potentates the titles of vnslable fortune because yee are blinded with the fumes of the honours and falfe dignities of this world when as the threed of your brittle life shall peraduenture be cut off this night and ye shall be tormented in hell more than others world without end liuing in continuall dying Yee are not amongst the labourers in the world yea ye do not onely not indure labour with men but ye doe not suffer the laborers to liue therfore ye shall be scourged not with men but with deuils For by how much your glory and ioy hath bin the greater in this world by so much the greater punishment is prepared for you in hell We confesse that Christ chose twelue Apostles amongst whom Bartholomew onely was of noble descent and Matthew only was rich before that he was receiued into the Apostleship the rest were poore fishermen Now heare wherfore I haue related this If Christ be true and all which I haue heard out of his mouth he true amongst such kinde of men scarse one of a thousand is to be sound fit for the kingdome of heauen But such of them as doe not beleeue mee shall after a short time feele it when they are placed in torments Yet some man blinded from the light of the truth will now maruaile to whom if hee would aske mee hereabout I would answer Do we not beleeue that a man is damned for one sinne and if it be so how can he be saued that liueth in an hundreth thousand sins But what other thing is the rich man fed with the ayre of fading honour but a rotten vessell full of all sins Where is couetousnesse where is pride Is it not in the rich in the noble in the great ones Are they not also theeues which doe violently prey vpon the hire of the poore and presse them downe and kill them who dowicked things out of the plenty of the Lords house which they haue receiued that they might giue to the poore Certainely they adde to superfluitie in dyet superfluitie in apparell hauing no regard to the poore that dye through cold nakednes They reare vp pallaces and great buildings that they may be seene when the poore dye in the streets They prouide feasts often for other rich men that they may fill their bellies with most delicate dishes when the poore perish through samine What other is their life but sinne if the belly be filled with such plenty of meate is not surfet at the doores And what should I say more when the tongue of euery man would faile in telling the thousands of sins which they do Neither do they acknowledg God vnlesse it be by dreame neither do they thinke that they shall dye as I suppose for he that thinketh that he shall dye and that God shall iudge him doth not easily fall into sinne He is verily ouer weake and miserable that hath not the remembrance of these things Therfore to speake truly if they did acknowledge God their iudge and beleeued that they heard they would at the least wise not sinne so securely Why doe these most milerable men goe to the Church to be present at diuine mysteries whether that they may behold the countenances of faire women this is their meditation preaching and knowledge of God If they looke into Gods law it is but that trauailing by sea or by land they may gather money to themselues and their children by often watches and distractions of minde that they may be the first in changing their suites through the wonderfull inuention of the workeman But miserable men what do yee doe yee not consider that you destroy your bodie before the time and slay your soule whence come weaknesses so vntimely deaths but of the much plenty of meats and of the often vse of women Doe ye thinke to mocke God yee doe certainely mocke your selues for the body yee forget the soule and ye destroy both bodie and soule before the time But delay not to do what ye do change your garments often lest your Nobilitie should decay if any man should exceede you that ye may receiue shame and confusion in hell Where shall your feasts where shall your delicare dishes then be where your costly wines mixt with honey and spices Banquet and be drunken for yee shall do no more so after death but being in hell torments yee shall with the rich man desire the least drop of water and shall not obtaine it Take your comfort in surfets fulfill your pleasures sowe in corruption that of corruption ye may reape that sentence which the iust iudge will giue in the great day of iudgement saying Goe yee cursed into heli sire prepared for the Deuill and his angels O stenle heart that dost not feare that such a doome hangeth ouer thy head for the slender comforts of this world If thou lookest for that day so terrible and cruell wherein thou shalt giue account not onely for thy surfets and vaine apparell and drunkennesse and of thy time lost but also of euery euill thought why art thou not amended Why dost thou wretch deferre from day to day to turne vnto the Lord why dost thou not now repent thee of thy sinnes Behold death maketh haste running night and day that it may teare thee in peeces behold the Deuill maketh haste to catch thee behold thy riches shall faile thee behold the wormes waite for that body which thou doest nourish so daintily that they may gnaw vpon it vntill such time as being receiued to the soule it may togither suffer endles punishments Why dost thou seeke comfort by vanities wandring in the by-waies of this world Thou canst not finde true riches and glory and pleasant things here because they are not but if thou seekest for true ioyes hasten to that heauenly glory for which thou wert made There doubtlesse are those true ioyes which the eye hath not seene nor the care heard nor the heart conceiued Let goe I pray thee fading momentanie things and seeke things euerlasting But why doe I speake of these men that will not cease from sinne through loue and feare of God or for the terror of death and torments following after but are grieued if they cannot doe the wicked things which they desire Woe woe vnto yo● wretches that laugh here for yee shall mourne woe be to
as new born Bibes yea shall not enter into the kingdome of heauen A new borne Babe seeing a faire woman is not delighted beholding gorgeous apparell he doth not desire it Being hurt he dwelleth not in anger he doth not remember nor hate therefore he followeth his father and doth not forsake his mother And therefore let no man thinke that he shall attaine the kingdome of heauen vnlesse he be a follower of this innocencie viz of chastitie contempt of the world of loue and patience following Christ and resting in the bosome of the church his mother Put off most beloued the old man and put on the armour of God that yee may stand against the treacheries of the Deuill Let your weapons wherewith ye fight be chas●itie patience humilitie and charitie for these are weapons against the subtleties of the Deuill wherewith if yee be armed yee shall gird your loynes with fortitude and strengthen your arme and when yee shall be in the battaile yee shall laugh your house shall truly be founded vpon a sure rocke which is Christ Luxurie is the sword of the Deuill as how many doth he slay with that sword and there is no sin whereby the Deuill doth so often ouercome For as chastitie doth equall a man vnto the Angels so luxurie doth make a man like to the brute beasts yea to speake truly it makes him worse than a beast We doe not read of any other sin that God said that he repented that hee made man for it The workes of luxurie are these it weakneth the body and doth alwaies as it were destroy a man by death it brands the good name it emptieth the purse it sets a worke to steale it causeth murther it dulls the memory it takes away the heart it blindes the eyes of either man and prouokes the wrath of God aboue other sinnes It springeth from gluttonie as from a roote and for no other sin hath God exercised so manifest iudgement as for that without all mercy For this sinne God brought the flood vpon the world he burnt Sodom and Gomorrah and slew many other men This is the net of the Deuill if any man be taken herein he is not soone let loose againe In this so grieuous a battaile no men can ouercome vnlesse hee flies none can firmely indure vnlesse he times the flesh He that vseth wine carries fire in his bosome Be not drunken with wine saith the A postle where in is luxury This brunt is not borne but by abstinence and fasting Wine hurteth but the countenance of a woman an hundreth fold more A beautifull woman is the deuils dart whereby a man is soone drawne into luxurie Let no man liuing be confident in this if thou beest a Saint yet thou art not secure Can a man hide fire in his bosome and his garments not burne or walke vpon coales and his feete not burne A man a woman togither are fire and towe and the Deuil neuer ceaseth blowing to kindle it Many most holy men haue fallen by this vice for their securitie therefore feare ô my sonaes and if in other sinnes much more in this But to speake truly a new kind of fornication is committed by many of the spiritualty now a dayes Alas what shall I say men doe not now blush but glory in doing euill There is some kinde of bashfulnesse tho but a litle in women but in men this euill hath so increased that he is counted a foole that is not expert in these things What should I say more This is their holy day keeping this is their preaching for this come they to the Church that they may see faire women and that they may talke with them that the desire of filthinesse may the more increase thereby But ô wretched man why dost thou glory in this euill Thou sinnest an hundreth times more than the woman Shee is weake and thou thinkest thy self strong shee sitteth at home and thou wandring abroad seekesta thousand waics to intangle hir and sometime compellest hir by force and when thou dost these things because God holds his peace thou thinkest that hee is like vnto thee But the time will come wherein he will reproue thee and set thy sinnes before thy face Wherefore ô my sonnes be yee wise as serpents innocent as doues fight manfully against the old serpent O loue one another I haue receiued this not of man but of my Sauiour who saith This is my commandement that yee loue one another As out of one root many branches do spring so out of charitie spring all vertues If I speake with the tongues of men and angels and haue not loue I am nothing saith the Apostle He that hath loue is benigne and patient He hath true loue which doth not only loue the nearest vnto him by kindred and in the flesh as the heathen doe but which loueth his enemy euen as his friend By this one thing a man may know that he abideth in loue if he loueth him that is against him There are very many that loue but they loue amisse for in louing man they oftentimes loose the loue of God They which loue any thing more than God are not worthy of God In all vertues temperance is required vertue must alwaies keepe a meane To loue too much or too litle is euill All loue that hurteth is to be anoyded Through too much loue some haue fallen into fil thinesse through too litle some haue fallen into enuie Ouer-much loue would alwaies see the thing which it loueth This loue is ignorant of iustice and truth it wants reason it knowes no measure neither can it thinke any thing but that which it loueth It is impossible that a man which hath such loue should offer acceptable prayers vnto God or please God This loue is not charitie but folly We ought to loue all our brethren as our selues but yet so as that we loue not their vices It is loue to punish sinne it is iust to loue more the better man Men are so to be loued that goodnesse may be exalted and vice disgraced He that is without true loue is without God because God is loue and loue is God He that dwelleth in loue hath already begun to dwell in heauen Where there is true loue there is no enuie no ambition no backbiting no murmuring or mocking but one and the same will Therefore I beseech you whilsi yee haue time that ye receiue not the grace of God in vaine In this short time of our life let vs sow and so we shall reape in due time The dayes of man are short our life is cut off as a weauers threed death commeth as a theefe and euery mans workes follow him Whilst ye haue light walke not in darknes he that walketh in darknesse knoweth not whither be goeth Your light is Christ which doth shine in darknesse come there fore vnto him the liuing stone reiected indeede or men but chosen of God that yee as liuing stones may be
built vpon him and yee may carry your selues in all things as the ministers of God in much patience in tribulations in necessities in streights in scourges in prisons in labours in fastings in chastitie in long-suffering in the Holy Ghost and in loue vnfained in the word of truth and in the virtue of God Let there not be a lye told amongst you for euery lyer is abominable vnto God God is truth and lying is opposite to truth Flie euery idle word for of euery idle and vaine word wee must giue accompt vnto God Loue silence where there is much talking there cannot but be much lying The speech bewraieth what a man is Let no word come from your mouth which may not sauour of Christ alwaies meditate vpon Gods law Surely nothing hurts a man more then euill society for such is a man made as they are whose society hee vseth The Wolfe neuer dwells with the Lambe A chast man flies the society of the luxurious I thinke it impostible for a man to remaine long in good workes that vseth euill society euery day With the holy saith the Psalmist thou shalt be holy with the innocent thou shalt be innecent with the froward thou shalt learne frowardnesse For euen as euill company hurteth so good companie profiteth Nothing can be compared to this treasure hee that hath found good Companions hath found life flowes with riches And to speake truely very seldome is a man made either good or euill but by company The heart of a child is like vnto a table wherin nothing is at the first ingrauen therefore what hee receiueth from company he reteineth euen vnto old age whether it be good or bad Let youth keepe company with men of yeares and wisedome for if hee be linked to one like vnto himselfe by daily fellowshippe hee shall fall from folly to folly Aboue all things my sonnes sweare not neither by heauen not by earth nor by any other Oath Out of whose mouth Oathes are heard in him is little knowledge and loue of God If it be not true which I sweare I doe in effect denie God for God hath for bidden to take his name in vaine Be instant in continuall prayers Frequent and deuout prayer doth much auaile Prayer doth lift vp a man from earth to heauen and makes him to speake with God Hee obteineth grace of God if his Prayer be deuout and mixt with teares Hezechiah by his prayers and teares did presently obtaine grace of the Lord so that the sentence was changed which had bin denounced At the praiers of Elias the beauen gaue raine which had beene shut vp three yeares and six monethes If ye want any thing aske it of the Lord by prayer and weeping being no whit doubtfull for whosoeuer hath faith but so much as a graine of mustard seed whatsoeuer he shall aske shall be granted vnto him The same Lord that then was is now also rich in all things wherefore let God now be your hope your ioy your thinking and your desire For of him in him and through him are all things in whom we liue and moue and haue our being and without whom we are nothing And now ô my sonnes I shall not speake many things to you for the houre is come vnto which I was borne vpon this condition I came into the world that I might goe out againe The Lord spared not his owne son but made them to die vpon the Crosse for vs all by whose death our death is dead for none of vs liueth to himselfe but dieth whether wee liue we liue to the Lord and if we die we die to the Lord therfore whether we liue or die we are the Lords and for this cause Christ is called the Lord of the liuing and of the dead For if Christ bee dead surely the seruant is not about his Master we must also die and if he be risen againe we haue also most sirme hope that we shall rise againe and if he bee risen to die no more neither shall we die any more after our resurrection but shall alway abide with him in glory When Christ died a man like vnto vs died that the body of sinne might be destroyed that we might be made one body together with him Wherefore my beloued sonnes although I now die I beleeue that my Redeemer liueth and that I shall rise vp out of the earth at the last day and shall bee couered againe with this skinne and in this my flesh I shall see him my Sauiour whom I my selfe shall see who now speake whom ye see now dying and not any other for me And these very eies whereby I now see you shall looke vpon him Wherefore reioice with me and sing cast away the garments of mourning and heauinesse praise the Lord sing a Psalme vnto his name giue glorie to his praise for hitherto I haue walked through fire water behold now he refresheth me I will enter into the house of the Lord that I may pay my vowes from day to day Oh how great a game it is to me to die Because Christ shall bee my life againe Behold the earthly house of this habitation is dissolued that another may succeede not made with hands eternall in the heauens Behold I put off this mortall cloathing that I may put on immortall Hitherto I haue bin in pilgrimage now I returne to my countrey Behold I now receiue the prize for which I ran in the race I touch the hauen which I haue desired with so great a desire Behold I am carried from darkenesse to light from dangers to safetie from pouertie to riches from battell to victorie from heauinesse to ioy from a temporall life to eternall and from a filthy stincke to a most sweete smell Here I am blinde there I am inlightened here I am wounded there I am healed here I am alwaies made heauie there I am made ioyfull liuing here I am dead there I am truely made aliue The life in this world is no life but death a deceitfull life a life loaden with sorrowes weake vmbraticall deceitfull Now thou flourishest by and by thou witherest it is a fraile a momentany a fading life Wherein looke how much thou growest so much thou decreasest when thou goest more forward thou drawest nearer to death O life full of snares how many men doest thou intangle in the world How many through thee doe indure the torments of hell How blessed is he that acknowledgeth thy deceits how much more blessed is he that careth not for thy flatteries and how most blessed is hee that is well rid of thee O sweete and pleasant death thou art truely no death that bestowest true life Thou puttest away feuers and wounds thou quenchest hunger and thirst O most just death good vnto the good and rough vnto the euill thou humblest the proud rich and mightie and exaltest the humble Thou openest the way to eternall punishment to the euill and to eternall reward to the iust
Amen Soone after midnight shee sayd that shee had agreat conflict neither could wee conceiue what shee felt but soone after most comsortably He is come said she hee is come the Diuell is ouercome the world is ouercom and the slesh is ouercome Into thy hands ô father I cemmend my spirit and so fell asleep her eyes being shut and teeth set But breath being perceiued to be in her they stroue to reuiue her which was a great trouble vnto her Yet through the mercy of God shee obtained her olde comfort againe by many signes testifying her assurance to the end and departed vpon the Mun day-night quietly falling at it were into a sleepe And so shee is departed in peace and resteth in ioy with her beloued Sauior So then happy is she but woe is vs from whom she is departed we may iustly weepe and lament Her husband may lament from whom is departed a heauenly wise humble louing and obedient wife Her children may lament from whom is departed a mother by nature a mother by grace who as the Apostle laboured till Christ was formed in them The poore may lament from whom is departed a faithfull Patronesse full of good workes towards them Wee Ministers may lament from whom is departed a carefull hearer yea an helper in our labours Women may lament from whom is departed the ornament of women And al the neighbours round about may lament both men and women from whom is departed a great light a starre shining in a darke place following which wee may bee sure to see light Shee is departed but her memory diueth and shall liue for the memoriall of the iust shall be blessed Pro. 10.10 And let her memory liue in vs as long as we liue we treading in the same steps and being transformed into the same image of heauenlinesse wisdome loue and humility that when wee shall be infeebled and death shall approach we may also ioyfully dispose our selues heereunto and say Lord now lettest thou thy sevuint depart in peace according to thy word for mine eyes haue seene thy saltiation Which the Lord grant vnto vs for his mercies take in lesus Christ To whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost bee all honour and glory now and for cuermore Awen The last words of that holy and learned father Ierom who died the 96 yeere of his age Anno Dommi 422. translated out of Latin and transferred hither as most a uaileable to stir vp true Piety and to mortifi worldly Vanity and to prepare to a comfortable departure WHen the time of his death was now come through a hot burning-Feuer he willed his sonnes to come together about him whom like young-plants hee had established from their youth vp-ward Whose mourning when his graue countenāce beheld through piety and mercy being moued a little while hereat hee sighed in his Spirit and weeping lifting vp his eies he spake thus O my sonne Euse bius why dost thou shed those vnprofitable teares is it not a vaine thing to shed teares ouer the dead What man liuing is there that shall not see the dissolution of this mortall body Darest thou speake against that which the Lord hath once spoken and thou hast heard seeing thou knowest that no man can resist his will Now I beseech thee O sonne walke not according to the flesh cease to weepe surely the weapons of our warfare are not carnall Then with a merry countenance and chearefull voice hee said vnto the rest Let sadnes cease let mourning bee put away let there be one voice of ioy amongst you all for behold the acceptable time behold the day of iubilation and of gladnesse aboue all the daies of my life in which the faithfull Lord according to his word doth open his hand that he may call backe to the supernall Countrey recouered by the pretious death of his owne sonne my soule hitherto in banishment in the prison of this deth for the guilt of my forefather Alam O most dearely beloued sonnes doe not hinder my ioy doe not seeke to keepe from the earth that which helongeth vnto it For ye ought as the Ministers and houshold Seruants and friends of God to aspire after spirituall things that yee may be an example vnto others Why doe yee that are spirituall poure out those so many vnfruitrull teares Let the remembrance of sinne make you alwaies to weepe bee as ready to weepe as you haue beene to offend Weepe if any man dieth in sinne for if when a wicked man ari seth from death by repentance the Angels reioyc in heauen surely if any man that hath bin good dyeth in sin the Angels sorrow But bewaise not me as one dying but reioyce with mee as one touching the hauen of saluation What is weaker than the miseries of this life which is compassed bout with so many troupes of sorrowes and passions as that there is almost no houre wherein any liuing man whatsoeuer may passe free from sorrow If the rich man bee pressed on euery side with feare lest hee should loose that which he doth possess if the poore man be neuer it rest that hee may get ●iches if a good man doth on this side feare the daager of the Deaill and on that side lest the ship of this mortall body should suffer shipwracke in the sea of this world and no age or sex or condition doth passe free from sorrow as long as it remaineth in the misery of this life If ye know any thing in mee an hinderance to my iourney sorrow Alas how many of those that saile through this great spacious sea in which are so many diuers kindes of enemies wrestling togither according to the quantitie of ech ones strength after much happinesse in sayling after many victories thinking euen now to obtaine their wished for end haue come in this very houre into the snare of perditict by some diabelicall suggestion Alas how many doth both life and same here recommend ouer whom by the onely consenting vnto sinne cruell death and ruine hangeth Therefore whilst yee liue feare ô brethren the feare of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom our life is a warfare vpon earth he that ouercommeth here shall be crowned else-where Whilst wee are coucred with this skin v. e haue no complete victorie If our forefather had feared he had neuer fallen Presumption of a mans selfe is the beginning of all euils and he that feareth not doth presume vpon himselfe How can any man laden with gold goe securely amongst theeues What other thing doth our Sautour teach vs but to feare when he saith Watch for yee know not at what houre the theefe will come S. Peter saith 1 Pet. 5. Be yee sober brethren and watch bicause your aduersarie the deuill goeth about like a roaring lion seeking whom hee may deuoure No man dwelleth securely amongst serpents He which is more holy and more wise let him alwaies feare more for he which is higher if he falleth receiueth the greater fall