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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04942 The Spanish tragedie containing the lamentable end of Don Horatio, and Bel-imperia: with the pittifull death of olde Hieronimo. Kyd, Thomas, 1558-1594. 1592 (1592) STC 15086; ESTC S120308 44,549 86

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idle time for wee mens-kinde in our minoritie are like women in their vncertaintie that they are most forbidden they wil soonest attempt so I now By my bare honesty heere 's nothing but the bare emptie box were it not sin against secrecie I would say it were a peece of gentlemanlike knauery I must goe to Pedringano and tell him his pardon is in this boxe nay I would haue sworne it had I not seene the contrary I cannot choose but smile to thinke how the villain wil flout the gallowes scorne the audience and descant on the hangman and al presuming of his pardon from hence Wilt not be an odde iest for me to stand and grace euery iest he makes pointing my finger at this boxe as who would say mock on heer 's thy warrant I st not a scuruie iest that a man should iest himselfe to death Alas poore Pedringano I am in a sorte sorie for thee but if I should be hanged with thee I cannot weep Exit Enter Hieronimo and the Deputie Hiero. Thus must we toyle in other mens extreames That know not how to remedie our owne And doe them iustice when vniustly we For all our wrongs can compasse no redresse But shall I neuer liue to see the day That I may come by iustice of the heauens To know the cause that may my cares allay This toyles my body this consumeth age That onely I to all men iust must be And neither Gods nor men be iust to me Dep. Worthy Hieronimo your office askes A care to punish such as doe transgresse Hiero. So i st my duety to regarde his death Who when he liued deserued my dearest blood But come for that we came for le ts begin For heere lyes that which bids me to be gone Enter Officers Boy and Pedringano with a letter in his hand bound Depu. Bring forth the Prisoner for the Court is set Ped. Gramercy boy but it was time to come For I had written to my Lord anew A neerer matter that concerneth him For feare his Lordship had forgotten me But sith he hath remembred me so well Come come come on when shall we to this geere Hiero. Stand forth thou monster murderer of men And heere for satisfaction of the world Confesse thy folly and repent thy fault For ther 's thy place of execution Ped. This is short worke well to your Marshallship First I confesse nor feare I death therfore I am the man t was I slew Serberine But sir then you think this shal be the place Where we shall satisfie you for this geare Depu. I Pedringano Ped. Now I think not so Hiero Peace impudent for thou shalt finde it so For blood with blood shall while I sit as iudge Be satisfied and the law dischargde And though my selfe cannot receiue the like Yet will I see that others haue their right Dispatch the faults approued and confest And by our law he is condemnd to die Hang. Come on sit are you ready Ped. To doo what my fine officious knaue Hang. To goe to this geere Ped O sir you are to forward thou wouldst faine furnish me with a halter to disfurnish me of my habit So I should goe out of this geere my raiment into that geere the rope But Hangman now I spy your knauery I le not change without boot that 's flat Hang. Come Sir Ped. So then I must vp Hang. No remedie Ped. Yes but there shal be for my comming downe Hang. Indeed heer 's a remedie for that Ped. How be turned off Hang. I truely come are you ready I pray sir dispatch the day goes away Ped. What doe you hang by the howre if you doo I may chance to break your olde custome Hang. Faith you haue reason for I am like to break your yong neck Ped. Dost thou mock me hangman pray God I be not preserued to break your knaues pate for this Hang. Alas sir you are a foot too low to reach it and I hope you will neuer grow so high while I am in the office Ped. Sirra dost see yonder boy with the box in his hand Hang. What he that points to it with his finger Ped. I that companion Hang. I know him not but what of him Ped. Doost thou think to liue till his olde doublet will make thee a new trusse Hang. I and many a faire yeere after to trusse vp many an honester man then either thou or he Ped. What hath he in his boxe as thou thinkst Hang. Faith I cannot tell nor I care not greatly Me thinks you should rather hearken to your soules health Ped. Why sirra Hangman I take it that that is good for the body is likewise good for the soule and it may be in that box is balme for both Hang. Wel thou art euen the meriest peece of mans flesh that ere gronde at my office doore Ped. Is your roaguery become an office with a knaues name Hang. I and that shall all they witnes that see you seale it with a theeues name Ped. I prethee request this good company to pray with me Hang. I mary sir this is a good motion my maisters you see heer 's a good fellow Ped. Nay nay now I remember me let them alone till some other time for now I haue no great need Hiero. I haue not seen a wretch so impudent O monstrous times where murders set so light And where the soule that should be shrinde in heauen Solelie delights in interdicted things Still wandring in the thornie passages That intercepts it selfe of hapines Murder O bloudy monster God forbid A fault so foule should scape vnpunished Dispatch and see this execution done This makes me to remember thee my sonne Exit Hiero. Ped. Nay soft no hast Depu. Why wherefore stay you haue you hope of life Ped. Why I Hang. As how Ped. Why Rascall by my pardon from the King Hang. stand you on that then you shall off with this He turnes him off Depu. So Executioner conuay him hence But let his body be vnburied Let not the earth be choked or infect With that which heauens contemnes and men neglect Exeunt Enter Hieronimo Where shall I run to breath abroad my woes My woes whose weight hath wearied the earth Or mine exclaimes that haue surcharged the aire With ceasles plaints for my deceased sonne The blustring winds conspiring with my words At my lament haue moued the leaueles trees Disroabde the medowes of their flowred greene Made mountains marsh with spring tides of my teares And broken through the brazen gates of hell Yet still tormented is my tortured soule With broken sighes and restles passions That winged mount and houering in the aire Beat at the windowes of the brightest heauens Solliciting for iustice and reuenge But they are plac't in those imperiall heights Where countermurde with walles of diamond I finde the place impregnable and they Resist my woes and giue my words no way Enter Hangman with a Letter Hang. O Lord sir God blesse you sir the man sir
but giue consent And will conceale my resolution I will ere long determine of their deathes That causles thus haue murderd my Sonne Bel. Hieronimo I will consent conceale And ought that may effect for thine auaile Ioyne with thee to reuenge Horatioes death Hier. On then whatsoeuer I deuise Let me entreat you grace my practises For why the plots already in mine head Heere they are Enter Balthazar and Lorenzo Bal. How now Hieronimo what courting Bel-imperia Hiero. I my Lord such courting as I promise you She hath my hart but you my Lord haue hers Lor. But now Hieronimo or neuer we are to intreate your helpe Hie. My help why my good Lords assure your selues of me For you haue giuen me cause I by my faith haue you Bal. It pleasde you at the entertainment of the Embassadour To grace the King so much as with a shew Now were your studie so well furnished As for the passing of the first nights sport To entertaine my Father with the like Or any such like pleasing motion Assure your selfe it would content them well Hiero. Is this all Bal. I this is all Hiero. Why then I le fit you say no more When I was youg I gaue my minde And plide my selfe to fruitles poetrie Which though it profite the professor naught Yet is it passing pleasing to the world Lor. And how for that Hiero. Marrie my good Lord thus And yet me thinks you are too quick with vs When in Tolledo there I studied It was my chaunce to write a tragedie See heere my Lords He shewes them a book Which long forgot I found this other day Now would your Lordships fauour me so much As but to grace me with your acting it I meane each one of you to play a part Assure you it will proue most passing strange And wondrous plausible to that assembly Bal. What would you haue vs play a Tragedie Hiero. Why Nero thought it no disparagement And Kings and Emperours haue tane delight To make experience of their wits in plaies Lor. Nay be not angry good Hieronimo The Prince but asked a question Bal. In faith Hieronimo and you be in earnest I le make one Lor. And I another Hiero. Now my good Lord could you intrear Your Sister Bel-imperia to make one For what 's a play without a woman in it Bel. Little intreaty shall serue me Hieronomo For I must needs be imployed in your play Hiero. Why this is well I tell you Lordings It was determined to haue beene acted By Gentlemen and schollers too Such as could tell what to speak Bal. And now it shall be plaide by Princes and Courtiers such as can tell how to speak If as it is our Country manner You will but let vs know the argument Hiero. That shall I roundly the Cronicles of Spaine Recorde this written of a Knight of Rodes He was betrothed and wedded at the length To one Perseda an Italian dame Whose beauty rauished all that her behelde Especially the soule of Soliman Who at the marriage way the cheefest guest By sundry meanes sought Soliman to winne Persedas loue and could not gaine the same Then gan he break his passions to a freend One of his Bashawes whom he held full deere Her had this Bashaw long solicited And saw she was not otherwise to be wonne But by her husbands death this Knight of Rodes Whome presently by trecherie he slew She stirde with an exceeding hate therefore As cause of this slew Soliman And to escape the Bashawes tirannie Did stab her selfe and this the Tragedie Lor. O excellent Bel. But say Hieronimo what then became of him That was the Bashaw Hiero. Marrie thus moued with remorse of his misdeeds Ran to a mountain top and hung himselfe Bal. But which of vs is to performe that parte Hiero. O that will I my Lords make no doubt of it I le play the murderer I warrant you For I already haue conceited that Bal. And what shall I Hiero. Great Soliman the Turkish Emperour Lor. And I Hiero. Erastus the Knight of Rhodes Bel. And I Hiero. Perseda chaste and resolute And heere my Lords are seuerall abstracts drawne For eache of you to note your partes And act it as occasion 's offred you You must prouide a turkish cappe A black mustacio and a fauchion Giues a paper to Bal. You with a crosse like to a Knight of Rhodes Giues another to Lor. And Madame you must attire your selfe He giueth Bel. another Like Phoebe Flora or the huntresse Which to your discretion shall seeme best And as for me my Lords I le looke to one And with the raunsome that the Vice-roy sent So furnish and performe this tragedie As all the world shall say Hieronimo Was liberall in gracing of it so Bal. Hieronimo me thinks a Comedie were better Hiero. A Comedie fie comedies are fit for common wits But to present a Kingly troupe withall Giue me a stately written Tragedie Tragedia cothernato fitting Kings Containing matter and not common things My Lords all this must be perfourmed As sitting for the first nights reuelling The Italian Tragedians were so sharpe of wit That in one houres meditation They would performe any thing in action Lor. And well it may for I haue seene the like In Paris mongst the French Tragedians Hiero. In Paris mas and well remembred There 's one thing more that rests for vs to doo Bal. What 's that Hieronimo forget not any thing Hiero. Each one of vs must act his parte In vnknowne languages That it may breede the more varietie As you my Lord in Latin I in Greeke You in Italian and for because I know That Bel-imperia hath practised the French In courtly French shall all her phraises be Bel. You meane to trye my cunning then Hieronimo Bal. But this will be a meere confusion And hardly shall we all be vnderstoode Hiero. It must be so for the conclusion Shall proue the inuention and all was good And I my selfe in an Oration That I will haue there behinde a curtaine And with a strange and wondrous shew besides Assure your selfe shall make the matter knowne And all shal be concluded in one Scene For there 's no pleasure tane in tediousnes Bal. How like you this Lor. Why thus my Lord we must resolue To soothe his humors vp Bal. On then Hieronimo farewell till soone Hiero. You le plie this geere Lor. I warrant you Exeunt all but Hiero. Hiero. Why so now shall I see the fall of Babilon Wrought by the heauens in this confusion And if the world like not this tragedie Hard is the hap of olde Hieronimo Exit Enter Isabella with a weapon Tell me no more O monstrous homicides Since neither pietie nor pittie moues The King to iustice or compassion I will reuenge my selfe vpon this place Where thus they murdered my beloued Sonne She cuts downe the Arbour Downe with these branches and these loathsome bowes Of this vnfortunate and fatall pine Downe with them Isabella rent them vp And