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A04701 A present consolation for the sufferers of persecucion for ryghtwysenes Joye, George, d. 1553. 1544 (1544) STC 14828; ESTC S103802 45,372 104

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and that all these shameles synners lyue yet in welthe and in theyr owne lustis vnpunisshed Thou hast so planted them that they be depe roted they profit and be ryche Thou art redy at theyr lippes to geue them theyr desyers albeit theyr hertes be farre from the. Asaph lykewyse beinge offended at the prosperite of the wyked and at the curses casten vpon the godly men complayned to god on this maner sayinge My fefe verely were almost gone mifotinge begu●ne to faile me wellnyghe fallen into a fonde angrye mynde zelouse to folowe the wyked when I dyd see all thinges so prosperously to succede wyth the vngodly They bere no deadly burdens but sit fast in all ease and ryches They be not oppressed wyth the mortall myseries of men nother punyshed lyke other men And therfore are they thus puft vp wyth pryde that they be drowned in mischeif iniurye So that for theyr wealy ryches they be geuen ouer vnto all lustes folowynge theyr owne hertes desyres to do violence and tyrannye All thinges they abhorre and dysdayne saue those onely whych their selues saye enacte and decree yea and that so proudly Their eyes can not se for fatte they speake frō a loft euē agaynst the most hyghest Thei stretche forth theyr mouthes vnto heauen but their tongues walke vpon the erth wher fore theyr folke shall fall into their seruice and all for great lucre Tusshe saye they doth God know thys can the moost hyghest see vs Lo sayde I they are the vngodly that enioye these ryche blessinges in this worlde In vayne therfore do I clē se myne herte In vayne wasshe I my han des in innocencye wherfore shuld I then be thus punysshed euery daye and chaste ned all the nyght longe whyles I saye I thus consydered wyth my selfe I had al almost slipt awaye from the felowshipp of thy floke Then thought I how myght I vnderstande this thynge It was to hard for me to know it And here goth Asaph and Ieremy into the secrete holy place of the Lorde where stode the arke and the propye●a●orye which is Christ euen that blessed ●eade in whome we be all blessed althoughe he was made the curse to blesse vs. Here at hym and hys worde they fetched the answere to certyfye owr flesshly iugement of the will of God in this matter Here were they boden to marke the ende of these vngodly so gretely prosperynge wyth Godes blessynges and also the ende of the godly whych semed to be vnder the curses For how soeuer manys fonde reason iugeth of God that he shuld ether neglect hys promyses or to be the author of euell yet is he iust in all hys wayes and holy in all hys workes hys wayes are not lyke ours nor hys thoughtes as be owrs nother his counsels and mynde correspōdēt to owr reason Chryst answerd the murmurer at hys vnlyke payment to the labourers in hys vyne yarde sayinge Frende I do the no wrōg I wyll do with my nowne what my lyst But beware thou that iugest of God after thy nowne reason to do euyll lest the same thynge that thou iugest to be euyll beinge ryght good in dede because God doth it be turned into thy damnacyon for so peruersely iugynge of the moost best goodnes For what or how so euer the claye iugeth and reasoneth wyth the potter yet wyll the potter haue the vyctory Beware I saye lest thyne eye that is thy best reason be euyll because God is good and doth good whan thou thynkest and iugest hym to do euyll Beware lest by thy nowne folyshe corrupte reasonynge wyth God for hys hardenynge of Pharao and leadynge men into temtaciō and geuynge hys blessynges to the wycked contrary to hys promyses as to the naturall man it appereth and hys curses to the good and breakyng of his vesseles of wrath ▪ to declare hys iustice and glory thou turnest hys iuste and wel doinge into thy nowne hurte But heare thou reuerentlye with feare the dyuyne oracle and answere of God at thys propyciatory and stole of hys mercye Asaph Dauid and Ieremy there fetchynge it warnyng the not to be moued nor offended at the felycyte and prosperite of the vngodly But to marke the ende of thē for he hath so sett them a loft in a slybery place to cast them downe sodenly Oh Lorde how sodenly are they gone consumed wyth dyuerse deathes No notherwyse sayth he then a dreame whē the man waketh doist thou awaye their image out of the cyte ▪ For sodenly lyke haye or grasse are they smyten downe and wy●hered The scripture lykeneth them to grasse whyche the hygher if groweth the more present is the syith to kut it downe They be compared to smoke whych the hygher it ascendeth the more it vanyssheth awaye They are lykened to the euenyng shadowe of a mā whych the longer it reacheth and wexeth on the erthe the sonne going downe the soner sodenly is it gone They be lykened to the fresshe baye tree that roteth so depe and spredeth so wyde whych sodenly cut downe no man seith wheere it stode And agayne in the Psalm xci Oh Lorde how excellent clere are thy workes beyonde all mesure so profounde are thy counsels An vnwyse man comprehendeth thē not nother the folysh vnderstādeth thē That is to weite when these mischeuouse blody tyraunts grow vp flourisshinge lyke the flowers and grasse in the felde into this ende do they so flourisshe that they might be cut downe and caste into the fyer for euer Agene Psalm xxxvij At the wealy prosperite of the vngodly cruell be thou not moued once to turne thy fote into his steapes For sodenly lyke the grasse is he smyten downe and as the greue he●bes is he withered awaye Also vnto Ieremey thus did god answer That he did put these greate steres into his ranke fatte pastures that assone as they be fed to the higheste they myght be brought to the slaughter house Thus haue ye the answe re of god wherfore he geueth his blessinges to the wyked commandinge vs not to folowe theyr stepes nor yet zelously to enuye their prosperite but paciently to abyde a lytle and then they shall be taken awaye sodenly And death shall lye gnawinge and fedinge vpon them as dothe the floke vpon the pasture But the iuste shall be in the light when the treasure of the vngodly shall be cōsumed hell shall be theyr perpetuall hospitall Be not affraid therfore when thou seist siche a man made riche and the bewtye of his palaces encrease For at his death nothinge of thē all shall he karye away with him nether shall his gloriouse pōpe folowe him But yet whilis he lyueth he is called graciouse and happye he is praised whyles he is in prosperite But when he shall passe his waye to his fathers familye he shall neuermore see lyght Thus lo when a man is in prosperyte and honor he is without vnderstandinge compared vnto the brute beastes for that he is euen
turned into iuste execucion after theyr owne crafty construccion and execrable exposicion But when the stronger armed cometh vpon hym then rustleth Satan his har●es then stereth he vp tumults then bloweth he forth bataill sedicions conspirisons insurreccions rebellions amōge his bishops preists that yet by these means were it possible he might kepe stil his kingdome and be not thrust out of his castle So that there is no certayner argument and more euident token of the gospell to be vtterly oppressed of Satan to raigne in peace as to se the publike concorde of and in the religion And there is no tokē so certayn manifest and euident of the worde of god arysing and cominge forth into syght as when ye se a comon publike discorde in and of the religion For and yf euer men shuld haue loked and trusted for any open and generall concorde of in the religion in the worlde at the reuelynge and open prechinge of the gospell it shuld haue ben at that tyme when our lorde Iesus Chryst him selfe reueled and preached it emonge the Iewes He is the sone of god by whom al things were created no aposte nor prophete to be compa ●ed to him And yet whē he shulde preche forth with great honour and created the prince of all Egipt Iob loste all his good but double was restored him Dauid was caste out into exile of Saul but yet was he called home agen and exalted into the regall maiestye Daniel was cast in to the lyons and a non made the prince of the Persians And as ye se that if our god in this worlde promoueth his out of affliccion and persecucion into glorye honor and felicite miche more translateth he his derely beloued chosen out of these miserable and heuey present persecucions into that heuenly perpetuall ioye and felicite in the other worlde And the lenger it is differred the more sweter it is when we haue it our lorde god yet counfortinge vs with his assewered promises sayinge I shall delyuer mi people frō all their tribulaciōs Soner shall heuē and erth passe awaye then mi wordis to passe vnfulfilled hills and mountayns shal be shakē down but my mercy shal not go fro me the couenāt of mi peace shall not be moued saith the lorde god moste mercifull Loke vpon Christe the sone of god whiche aftir he was deiected vnto the dethe of the crosse was he not exalted into the moste hyghe honor glory had geuen him a name aboue al names so that in the name of Iesu euery since boweth downe bothe in heuen erthe in hell and what is done in the head shall not the same be done in the mēbers Wherfore the more affliccion and persecucion the worde of the crosse bringeth to vs the more felicite and greter ioye abideth vs in heuen But the worldly peace idle ease welthey pleasure and this present transitory felicyte which the vngodly imagin to procure them selues here by persecutinge and thrustinge awaye the gospell shal be turned here into their owne trouble bataill as ye now this daye see it and at laste into the horrible destruccions and mutacions of their realmes and aftir this if they repent not into ther own perpetual infelicite perdicion and dampnacion And if our lordely prowed bishops wolde consider and measure the state of the christen chirche by the actes of the Apostles they shuld see in howe greuouse persecucion it was when the moste nowmber of disciples encreased Agen if they wolde read the storyes ether of the holy or haithen they shulde see that when the chyrche was in moste welthe and ease the prelats in idlenes aspiringe for riches and honor then entred into it the most pestelēt poyson and destruccion of all godly doctrine then encreased all ydolatry heresyes supersticion and mens deuilyssh tradicions as ye may see in constantyne the emperours dayes and in gregoryes the grete his tyme howe Chrystes religion then began to dekaye And sone aftir or in Heraclius tyme howe the deuill did put forth his two litle great Antichristē hornes Mahumet and the Pope of Rome So that where as is no persecucion of Christes religion but all in securite and reste there is that chirche lykely not to continewe longe in the trwe faithe For Christe is no where borne be he neuer so lytle without tumulte blodshedinge of innocents as it is wryten Matth. i● Trowth it is that Huldrike Zwing lius sayd In blode is the gospell planted wyth blode therfore must it be conserued and defended Let vs therfore chrysten brethren be constant in obeyinge god rather then men although they slay vs for the verite For our innocent blode shed for the gospell shall preache it with more frute as did abelis steuens etc then euer did our mouthes and pennes Consyder the begynninge of the chrysten religion and the fyrste frutes of the prymitiue chirche and we shall se innumerable innocents slayne as it hath ben these 20. yeres paste for the preachinge and bringinge in agen of the gospell For neuer did the ●aythe nor innocent lyuinge more flor●sshe then in those dayes Let vs therfore reioyse and thanke ▪ God that it wold please him to vse our bodyes and bloude vnto his glorye and promouinge of his worde and edifyinge of his chirche For the lordis felde when it wexeth drye lea●e and baryn it must be watered made fat dunged and composed with the innocent blode and bodyes of his faithfull For what profit sayd Dauid comethe of my blode if it be layd downe with my body in graue to be corrupted Is it not beter spent powered forth vpon the lordis felde to be there wyth made fatte fe●unde and fertyle ▪ Nowe thou seest christen reader that they that wrote and pre●hed persecucion to be a perpetuall inseperable companion of the gospell erred not as it was wel vere fyed of them selues beynge compelled to recant this manyfeste verite But of whom were they compelled verely of them that yet beleue not the gospell to be the worde of the crosse euen the very enemyes vnto the crosse of Chryste of thē I say that laugh Chryst and his worde to skorne which yet sit in the chayer of the peruerse pestelent skorners to whom as to the wyse gentilis of the worlde the gospell of Chryst is but folisshnes and as it was ●o the Iewes a sclaunder and ▪ stomblinge stone where at thei now fallen haue prouoked the wrath of god vpon thē Deus misereatur nostri et benedicat nobis vt cognoscamus in terra viam suā Amē I thought not when I began to haue digressed so farre I returne therfore to our Gadarens Of whiche some ther be feble saythed a fraid greatly of the losse of their litle pigges sayinge Yet we set siche as professe Chryste and his gospell to be cruelly hādled and to suffer miche misery presone affliccions persecucion and losse of all they haue And therfore although we know it to be
lyke thē God therfore casteth his blessinges vpon the wyked that yet fight ageynst him to excercyse our faith sendinge vs in our afflic cions vnto his propiciatory Chryst to his worde there to serche oute as ye here see the cause of their prosperite and of our owne affliccions into owr present cōsolacion declaringe vnto vs howe vyle he estemeth these ryches these welthy prosperities and transitorye blessings of the worlde especially in vnthankfull tyrants techinge vs howe terrible are his iugements so hyghe to lyft a man vp to thentent he wold sodenly caste him downe the more greuously Here gaue he the ryche gloton his heuen here aftir to haue his hell Here he gaue Lazarus his hell after this to haue his heuen Reioyse we therfore afflicted Christen brethern in owr trowblouse persecucions and heuye exyle For if we here paciētly suffer with christe we shallbe also glorifyed with him in heuen Nether do I saith saynt Paul repute the afflicciōs of this worlde worthei of the glory tocome which shalbe openly geuen vs. Unto vs therfore his childern the curses are become his blessingis and sweete crosse whiche our father laith vpō vs to folowe his deare sone owr sauiour Chryst that we might be trwly fasshoned vnto his image once lost in paradise For as we haue borne the image of the erthy Adam so muste we bere the image of our heuenly Adā Chryste He thus spekinge vnto vs. My childerne neglecte not my correccion nore faint not when ye be chastened for whom I loue them I chastē beat euery childe whom I receyue If ye paciently suffer my chastysinge I will offer my self vnto you alouinge father For what chylde hathe the father whō he correcteth not If ye shulde be fre fro my correccion so were ye not my childerne but bastards Now by faith and this knowlege are the curses turned into our blessed and sacred crosses ioyfully and gladly to be borne aftyr Chryste for our correccion lest we be condempned with the wealy wyked worlde God workinge in vs a strange worke to worke his owne as Isay saith This is the rok whom god shewed to Moses Exo. xxxiij aftir he was ta ken out of the water of afflicciō vpon the which rok god cōmāded him tostōde whiles his glorie was in passing foreby where he did sette Moses in the riftes of the same rok defending him with his almighty hande koueringe him vntill his hāde takē of he shewed him his hinder parties euen Chryste him selfe his members at laste to come by thorowe the crosse to entre into his glorye And to exclude his our merits for so suffeirnge he tolde him for all that he spake so famyliarely with him that he wolde be mercyfull to whō he listed to be piteous Heere also beholde the tree which when Moses Exo. xv did put into the bitter waters of marath auō they were made swete so that the people of god myght well drynke of them Beholde the bitter passiō of Christe hanginge vpon the crosse of tre sufferynge for thy synnes and what water of tribulaciō is so bitter to the but in him and for his sake layinge it vpon the is not swete and ioyfully dronken of yea it is to the turned into the swete wyne so changed from water at the mery meriage What childe of god will thinke him selfe so innocent that he is worthei no chastement Let vs therfore christen persequnted brethern ascende paciently into this secrete holy place euen owr mercye seat Chryst beholdinge all these heuye curses to be castē vpon him beringe awaye all our synnes and sustayninge the paynes dewe vnto them for owr sakis and saluacion made for vs the curse and execracion to redeme vs frō the curse of the lawe made for vs the malediccion that thorowe him they might be turned into our blessings made I saye for vs vnrightwysenes and synne that we thorowe him myght be rekened of god ryghtwyse and iustyfyed or absolued from synne Thus be we blessed in owr sauiour whilis we suffer persecution for his names sake here aftir to heare it of his owne mouthe openly callynge vs sayinge Come ye my blessed and possede the kingedom prepared for you from the beginninge Nowe therfore let vs paciently suffer dependinge vpon our fathers pleasure whyles his aduersaries persecute vs for preachinge and wrytinge vnto them the trwth let vs constantly suffre to be exyled for that we abhorre theyr idolatry theyr antichrysten rytes and supersticious ceremonyes let vs flye in holy derkenesse out of Babylon into the deserte with our pore lawfull wyues rather then wykedly to suffer our selues violently cōtrary to gods lawe to be separated whō god hath ioyned This is owr crowne praise as Peter saith vnworthely to suffer with a good consciens for the trwthes sake and not as any malefactours Happy be we whiche haue the worde of owr counfort the doctryne of our faithe confidence hope and ioye in the holy goste to bolden and to confirme vs in these our heuye affliccions for well doinge And wo be vnto thē whiche haue taken awaye the worde of consolacion from the laye peple whiche soernestly in their anxt thirste for it in stede of the same haue thruste into the cōgregacions erroneouse doctryne idolatrye supersticion and deceyuable sermons and institucions into the dampnacion of many men Them selues not onely seducinge the vnlerned but also with theyr synfull dampnable lyuinge drawinge many aftir thē vnto perdicion Whereby thei declare thē selues to haue dronkenin that pharisaicall blodye tyrannouse spirite which may not abyde to heare the verite Which serpētyne sprite went euer about to take trap Christe in his wordis deprauinge euery facte miracle worde whiche he wrought or sayd yea although their owne consciences tolde it thē the same to be done spoken of the holy goste very god This did they to bringe Christe his doctrine into the hatered of all men to be detested abhorred as an heretique a deceyuer a sediciouse persone traytor ageynst the emperowr belyinge him moste deadly moste shamefully For when in iugemēt Pilate affirmed him innocēt to haue fownde no capitall cryme in him there this pharisaicall spryte rored out furiously krying He maketh cōmocion and sediciō thorowt all Iewrye and Galile Away with him cru●ifye crucifye him And euē so is our pore afflycted chirche vexed and oppressed with the 〈…〉 calamities iniuries lyes ● tyrānie The same rebukes iniuste ver●rious and cruell persecuciōs do we suffer this daye But let vs be of good chere seinge we suffer all this for rightwisenes wel doinge For what thinge do thei persecute vs verely for no nother cause then that we desyer to know to teche the pure clere knowledge of Chryst the very waye of our saluaciō of the christē religion that we other might se the immēse riches of the mercye rightwysenes lyfe helthe whiche we shuld haue
perpetuall lyfe We are sewer that our bodyes shall ryse ageyne gloriouse and immortall vnto the whiche gloriouse immortalyte we daily aspire ād clyme knowinge that this corporall dethe is not els then a nightis sleape to vs that beleue in Chryste and so at laste to be with Christe in ioye bothe body and sowle This faith and hope of any other lyfe aftir this haue not our cruell haithen persewers albeit thei speke it with their lippes and therfore thei feare flye and abhorre dethe so miche But we haue the worde of our Lorde and god that he hathe for vs taken awaye broken and ouercomen the powr and stinge of death This our victoriouse Lorde and destrier of dethe to animate to confirme and to counfort vs in all our perels and calamities saith vnto vs. I tell you my frendes be not afraid of thē that slaye your bodies ād then can the● do nomore to you But I shall shewe you whō ye shall feare feare him whiche aftir he hath slayne your bodyes he hath power to caste bothe bodye and soule into hell fyer There is not so lytle a byrde that di●the without our fathers will he hath tolde all the heares of our headis of whiche not one shall be brent without our fathers will And are not we of a rycher pryce then sparows and heares But I shall t●ll you saith Chryste Whoso confesse me before men I shall aknowledge him before my father all the aungels in heuen Reioyse ye therfore For I haue ouercomen the worlde and your heuines shall be turned into gladnes which no man shall take from you Chrystis victory is owrs If we beleue in Cryste our faith is the victory that ouercometh the worlde Our persewers thinke to hurte vs miche in killing our bodies and we thinke knowe it therby to haue great lucre as saith Paul Chryste is to me lyfe and death is to me lucre And albeit our flesshe be infirme and weake yet a godly mynde in his inwarde man desyereth with Paul to be dissolued out of this miserable sinfull worlde and to be with Chryste For Christe hath so promised me to be where so euer him silf is and hath obtayned it me bi his prayer of his father What now can all the antichristē vngodly do ageynste vs verely nothing at all vnto our hurte thei can not take faithe and Chryste from our hertis they may with violence kut out our tongues but from our hertis may they not take our faithe our profession and praise of crystis glorye And yet what so euer they do it is by the sufferance of god for our saluacion and into their owne dampnacion They may take awaye our corporall transitory goodis whiche we set not miche vp seinge for thē god geueth vs goodis eternall and celestiall They kyll our bodyes but thei sende our soules into the handis of our heuēly father and make our dethe preciouse in the syght of god Whē their deathes shall be moste horrible and terrible to departe from so many pleasures into perpetuall tormentinges Wherfore Paul exhorting vs vnto constancye biddeth vs to helpe eche other with prayers that we might with a manly faith fight in the gospels quarell beinge not afraid of our aduersaries Unto whom that at is to them the cause of their owne perdicion the same is vnto vs the cause of our saluacion yea ād that of god When our aduersaries and persewers thinke to slaye vs thei slaye them selues bodye ād soule withe the death of euerlastinge dampnacion Is not this then a miserable an execrable powr at whiche our persewers enioye and reioyse so detestably into their owne euerlastinge destruccion dampnacion This is sewer that all the faithfull departed cōstantly professinge Chryst lyue with him nowe in ioye But where be now the enimies of Chryst and the persewers of the crystiās Where is decius whiche so cruelly persecuted the exystians Where is Dioclesiane whiche proclamed all holy bokis to be brent all that professed Chri ste to be cruelly slayne where be now Ua lerius Maximinianus Maximius Lucinius Iulianus where is Aurelius cesar with al the other tiraunts And if we shul de descende into our dayes we might aske where be nowe the popes cardinals bisshops withe their coniured papistike complices ageynst the gospell and Bible to be brought in trāslated into Englisshe where are they that brent so many newe testaments at Pauls crosse and so many lerned men trwe crystianes which preched and professed constantly gods holy worde where is Thomas wolsaye cardiuall bisshop of Yorke where is Iohan stokesley bisshop of London where is west of Ely fox of Herforde doctour London all the abbots priours fryers commissa●ies Syr Thomas More ād Iohan Fissher bisshop of Rochester withe all the cloysters and abbeys monkes and preistes which haue these xvi yeres persequuted the gospell Are they not all whiche beleued not the gospell condempned with Satan and his aungels vnto euerlastinge dampnacion nowe lyinge in moste greuouse tormentinges what hurt then did their transitorye persecucion and crosse to the martires of god Ageyne what nowe profiteth them their transitory pleasure in kyllinge and burninge the pore innocent lombes of Chryst Are thei not now tormented in hell in perpetuall fyer for burning gods worde and the professours therof Thei labored by temporall death to pluke pore men from god and his gospell facinge and fering them in their courtes and ingement seates vnder their canopeis but shortely cometh the great terrible daye in which thei muste all stande before the iugement seat of Cryste in great feare and tremblinge dead for anxt and heuines there to receyue their generall and laste sentence of eteruall dampnaciō both in bodyes and soulis Then shall it be verifyed of vs bothe whiche is wryten The souls of the iuste are in the handis of god and the tormēts of death shall not touche them Thei apered to the eyes of the folisshe vngodly to haue dyed and their death to haue had ben an heuey payne but they went quyetly into relte And albeit before men they suffered torments yet was their hope full of immortaly●e Their ●exacion was to them a swete crosse for they had ample benefits For God tempted them and fownd them worthei for him selfe Then shall the rightwyse stand in great constancye before their oppressers reuylets Whō when they beholde they shall be smyten with soden great feare and be astonned at their soden saluaciō Then they touched with penance and wailinge for anguishe of mynde shal thus saye with thē selues Is not this he whom we once laughed to skorne iested vpon him cōtumeliously foles that we were then our selfs had wēt his lyfe to haue ben madnes and to haue dyed an heretique And see he is nowmbred emonge the sonnes of god haninge his reward emonge the rightwyse We we our selues then erred frō the way of trwthe the lyhht of the trwe forme of iustificacion did
possesse thorowe our faith in onely Chryst. We thirste intirely to heare the pure gospell frely faithfully preached whereby we obtayne rightwysenes saluacion when euē the aungels desier to beholde vnder stande those thing is whiche are preched in the gospel of chryst And for this our godly desyre Satā roreth is wode with vs stereth vp his impes the popishe bishops preistes thus tyrānously to hādle hon●e vs frō place to place But if we wolde li ue so viciously so prowdly so prodigi●usely so prophanely in al maner of idolatry sinne wikednes approuinge their pestelēt popishe doctrine winke at their leche rouse licencyouse liuinge and rebuke not their open whoredō ypocrisy dampnable doctrine with their infinite fraudes wher bye they seduce bothe princes and theyr subiectis then were we at peace with thē and Satan with his serpētyne seade wolde fauour exalt defend vs. But becau se we desyer a chrysten lyfe and a purer doctryne in owr clergy wherby we almē might knowe the benefit of Chrystes pas sion and false religion might be knowen and estiewed therefor this Satanike spirit of the spiritalty can not abyde vs. We haue thorowe our lordis grace and helpe forsaken his Satanike fraternite and synagoge and casten of his dāpnable yoke and sayd him adiew therfore hathe he stered vp this hatered enuye and persecuciō of the pharise is ageynst vs. Nether is this any newe thinge For it is the wont crafte and deceytfull deuelry of the olde serpent now most fyercely excercesed whetted whyles he seith his kyngedom almost at an ende and his heuey iugemēt at hand manis wikednes beinge al moste at the rypiste and higheste But let vs be stronge mynded constant in our lorde god knowinge that this vnclene spyrite of the spiritualty shall be compellled to auoyde and geue place to the finger of god And euen nowe beginneth the fynger of god to worke with vs and to stretche forth his almighty arme For it is the most sing lare inestimable be nefit of god that there is nowe to counfort vs in our persecucion sprongen vp ● geuen the moste clere confortable lyght of the gospell Wherby we knowe the prince of Derkenes we espye and may auoid his craftye fraudelēt seduccions and preu●y enginnes And herof is it that he roreth and his impes the clergye wepe for anger and fight so cruelly and grinne ageynste vs and gods anoynted with his worde for this cause they threaten they persecute they faget they preson they bur ne tc here we muste arme our soulis with the worde of god leste in this bataill we shrynke and fall here muste we fyght manfully in faithe in our master Christe and so haue we in him and for his sake the victorye of these owr spirituall enemies But verely this may we not do onlesse we be continually counforted confirmed with the ferme euerlastinge worde of god For all things that be wryten are wryten for our doctryne that thorowe pacience and consolacion of the scriptures we myght haue hope There be yet many of vs whiche haue not herde the gospell opēly and frely preched which bere good zele therto but yet are they but tender weake and not waxen so stronge braunches in the vyne yarde of Chryst as some whother be which must with great diligē ce cure and studye be planted watered roted with continuall readinge teachinge till they be stronge and constant Satan is olde and subtyle and knowth whiche parte of Christes chirche is weakest with what kynd of tentaciō he may sonest ouerthrowe vs where he seeth vs most weake there with moste violēce and craft he fyercely inuadeth The worlde is full of slaunders and exāples of the most sinfull abominable lyuinge withe the prouocacyōs vnto almaner myscheif vice pluckinges frō godlines vertewe The fleshe is faynt ād febleferefull ād vnstedfaste prone vnto desperacion But assone as we be tempted ether of Satā or of the worlde or of our flesshe so ferefull and feble let vsflye vnto the worde of god knowinge it vnderstāding it fermely that it is the mercifull will most beste counsell of god euē the most certayn testimonye of his graciouse diuine beneuolēce towerde vs so to excercyse to proue our faith paciēce hope loue c. that al these sharpe assawtes of our enemyes shall be turned into our saluaciō Let vs euer haue it before our eyes for whō we suffer for what gospel we be thus persecuted remēbring his fatherly promise so ful of cōsolacion so oft promised vs in Chryst. And thē shal we fynde a mighty and present counfort For it is decreed in the immutable eternal counsell of god that whō god hathe foresene chosen in Christe the same hathe he predestined to be made lyke the image of his sonne that he might be the firste begoten emonge his many brethern Nowe we see and fele the benigne ād merciful will of god towerde vs sending vs tribulaciōs and castinge vs vnder his crosse not to leese vs but to proue ād trye vs ād to declare vs to be his very owne sonnes As ye knowe it Chryst by the crosse to haue had entred into his glorye euen so the feithful of Chryst hath god ordined by his moste beste and inscrutable counsell first to trye and proue thē by the crosse then at laste to glorifye thē God now calleth vs by his gospell to make vs iuste ād salfe and to seperat ād call vs frō this sinful worlde ouerwhelmed with syn that we might be made the vessells of glo rye For whoso beleue not the gospell of Chryst thei shall contine we the vessels of shame and of his wrathe vnto euerlasting dāpnaciō For this our graciouse vocaciō let vs incessantly geue god thākis cōmitting our selues gladly to his plesure willingly geuing our selues ouer into his hādis to fasshion vs bi his crosse to excercise whet hewe square and polisshe vs at his benigne will to make vs lyke his sone our sauiour If we will be iustifyed of him be must blot out take away quench out and pardone all our synnes If we will haue him to geue vs a beter lyfe then is this present he must nedis take vs awaye and delyuer vs out of this worlde and lyfe replenisshed with all mischeif mysery and synne Which thinge is very harde and ▪ sharpe vnto our fleshely nature fithe we be from our yeughth euen from our birthe euyll corrupt and prone to syn ageynst gods will This olde man must dye in vs that we might be a newe creature in Chryste of which thinge Baptisme is the signe sacrament and figure For into Christes death be we baptised to dye with him and to ryse with him aftir owr synnes be buryed in his woundes so to walke in a newe lyfe to glorifye our father in heuen This our olde man is crucifyed
with Chryst to abolisshe the bodye of syn so that here after we be no more bonde men vnto synne Once were we with great paynes perells anxt and heuines brought forthe into this worlde but this carnall birth bringeth not forth els then synners the chylderne of Adam iuged to eternall death dampnacion It is therfore necessarie that we be borne agene of the spirit frō aboue orels we maye not come into the kingdome of god This our tother spiritual birth and regeneracion bringeth forth iuste and faithfull euen the sonnes of god ordined and predestined vnto eternal lyfe and saluation But as in our naturall natiuyle before we be borne there are not els but sorows heuines anguisshe afflicciōs pa●ges and perels euen the image of deathe Euē so must it be with vs in this our spirituall regeneracion before we be fully regenerated of the holy goste as Chryst testifieth For he that shall be borne agene of the spirit must haue his olde man mortifyed be made a newe man dead frō syn and from this worlde trustinge nothinge to his own strength nor meritis attributinge nothinge to him selfe abnyinge him self renown●inge the worlde with all his pleasures onely to folowe Chryst. And thus doinge we incense and prouoke the worlde ageynst vs Whose hatered and wrath we must contemne And if the callinge of god requyreth it father and mother wyfe and childern howse and londis bodye and goodis all must be forsakē rather then we shulde falbak from Chryst and frome the doctrine of his gospell All temporall and corporall tranquillite and quietnes commodities be they neuer so pleasaunt and greate all lucre and profite frendes kinsfolke muste be forsaken gladly for the trwths sake yea all things must be left rather then the trw religion worship and doctryne of Chryst shuld be forsakē dissembled or r●canted all things must be cast awaye for the verite ād glorye of Chryste Wherfore we muste be borne ageyn yf we will be saued we may not now lyue aftir the wille ād mynde of the flessh but the spirit of god must reigne and dwell in vs. Owr old mā with his cōcupiscēses must be crucified in the worl de we must rune our course vnto the ende emonge vipers and s●orpions and emonge our ▪ most deadly and cruell enemies We which be regenerated of god may not loke for our paradise vpō this sinfull erthe We may not loke here to lyue in peace tranquilyte securite in riches commodities and pleasures For this is not the chaunce and fortune of the very godly vpon this erthe but we must be excercised here with many affliccions calamities persecucions smyten thorowe with anguisshe henines and sorows right greuouse pressed downe with the crosse laid forthe opē ageynst many pereles Which crosse is a very bitter herbe vnto the flesshe For the flesshe wolde gladly be at ease salf in reste with out sorowe payne trowble When calamities perels affliccious feare persecuciōs arise and euen the image of terrible death is present then the flessh trēbleth quaketh ●he staggereth flyethe bak falleth downe faynt and feble so impacient and angrye is she vnder the crosse For she had liefer dwell euer in hir olde skinne then to be renewed namely when she seeth them thus cruelly to be handled which embrace the gospel must be thus borne a newe Here here therfore it behoueth the consolacion exhortaciō of the scriptures whiche bolden and animate vs with the moste ferme ād present counforte confirminge our heriis so that euermore we may endure constāt in faith ferme in hope glewed vnto the gospell to perseuere in this stronge ieoperdouse bataile ageynst Satan the worlde and ageynst owr owne selues The first consolacion is That Cryst himselfe hathe also suffred FIrst of all we that be in trouble and heuynes for the trw●h must sette the example of Cryst before our eyes I mean not our bodely eyes fastened vpon any image forboden of God but before the eyes of our faithe seynge his passyon paynted and engrauen in his holy worde Paul thus exhortinge vs sayinge In pacience let vs runne in this bataill before vs hauinge respecte vnto the goyd of our faythe and fiuissher of our bataill euen Iesu Chryst which beholdinge the ioye set forth before him suffred the crosse all shame despysed and set a parte and is sittē downe on the right hande of the seat royall of god Cōsider and loke well vpon him for it was he that sustayned and suffred so to be ageyn sayd that you shulde not faynte and be feble mynded Here we see Chryst the sone of god euen the powr of god to suffer for vs how he wold for our sakis be humbled and deiected vnder all men euen vnto the death of the crosse to exalt vs into the most highe dignitie and to lifte vs vp into the glorye celestiall And therfore did god exalt him into so highe glorye If Chryst therfore our lorde hathe sufferd for vs so many so great obprobries calamyties ignominyes reuylinges shames iniuries sorowes and euen the moste bitter and ignominiouse death what delicate softlings be we if ayen for his sake we refuse thorowe lyke affliccions to go to him bi the same waye For verely we be called vnto the same pathe peter thus affirminge Chryst to be ●courged and afflicted for vs leauinge vs an example to folowe his steapes euen to suffer affliccions also in this worlde The worlde hated Chryst and no doute but it will neuer loue his members but with the same bitter hatered persecute vs which be Chrystes floke The worlde loueth his owne And because we be not the worldis but chosen out of it therfore dothe the worlde hate vs. Let vs not forgete these wordes of owr sauiour Chryst. The seruant is not beter then his master If they haue persecuted me they shal persecute you also Wherfore and if there be no persecucion at any tyme in Englond so is there nether Chryste nor any of his members This therfore is vnto vs all the most greateste counfort That if we suffer with Chryst for his names glorye sewer and certayn be we that god loueth vs ād hath chosen vs to be his sonnes ād ayers of the celestiall kingedom and that he hathe put vs a parte from this sinfull dampnable worlde that we shuld not be dāpned with the wyked but glorifyed with Christe Thus did Paul sende his sone Timothe to the Thessalonions to counfort and cōfirme them in faith exhortinge thē to constancye in their affliccions and persecucions which theyr owne countrymen and kynsfolke brought vpon them thus wrytinge to them Your selues knowe it that we be ordined vnto this vse For whē we were with yon we tolde you before in our sermons that we and you shuld suffer trouble and persecucion Also when Paul and Baruabas came to listram Iconiun and to Antioch to confirme the brethern they exhorted them to perseuere in faith and not to be plukt from