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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03598 Tvvo sermons vpon part of S. Judes Epistle, by Richard Hooker sometimes Fellow of Corpus Christie College in Oxford Hooker, Richard, 1553 or 4-1600.; Jackson, Henry, 1586-1662. 1614 (1614) STC 13723; ESTC S104194 35,221 66

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exercises purely orderly established in the Church this is to separate themselues by schisme If they willingly cast of and vtterly forsake both profession of Christ communion with Christians taking their leaue of all religion this is to separate themselues by plaine Apostasie And Saint Iude to expresse the manner of their departure which by Apostasie fell away frō the faith of Christ saith they separated themselues noting thereby that it was not constraint of others which forced them to depart it was not infirmitie and weaknes in themselues it was not feare of persecution to come vpō them whereat their hearts did faile it was not griefe of torments whereof they had tasted and were not able any longer to endure them No they voluntarily did separate themselues with a fully setled and altogether determined purpose never to name the Lord Iesus and more nor to haue any fellowship with his Saints but to bend all their counsell and all their strength to raze out their memoriall from amongst men 12 Now because that by such examples not only the hearts of Infidels were hardned against the truth but the mindes of weake brethren also much troubled the holy Ghost hath given sentence of these backsliders that they were carnall men and had not the spirit of Christ Iesus least any man hauing an overweening of their persons should be overmuch amazed and offended at their fall For simple men not able to discerne their spirits were brought by their apostasie thus to reason with themselues If Christ be the sonne of the liuing God if hee haue the words of eternall life if he be able to bring salvation to all men that come vnto him what meaneth this Apostasie and vnconstrained departure Why doe his servants so willingly forsake him Babes be not deceived his servants forsake him not They that separate themselues were amongst his servants but if they had been of his servants they had not separated themselues They were amongst vs not of vs saith Saint Iohn and Saint Iude proveth it because they were carnall and had not the spirit Will you iudge of wheat by chaffe which the winde hath scattered from amongst it Haue the children no bread because the dogs haue not tasted it Are Christians deceived of that salvatiō they looked for because they denied the ioies of the life to come which were not Christiās What if they seemed to bee pillers and principall vpholders of our faith What is that to vs which know that Angels haue fallen from heaven Although if these men had beene of vs indeed O the blessednes of a Christian mans estate they had stood surer then the Angels they had never departed from their place Whereas now we mervaile not at their departure at all neither are we prejudiced by their falling away because they were not of vs sith they are fleshly and haue not the spirit Children abide in the house for ever they are bondmen and bondwomen which are cast out 13 It behoveth you therefore greatly every mā to examine his owne estate and to try whether you be bond or free children or no children I haue tolde you already that we must beware we presume not to sit as Gods in iudgement vpon others and rashlie as our conceipt and fancie doth lead vs so to determine of this man he is sincere or of that man he is an hypocrit except by their falling away they make it manifest and knowne what they are For who art thou that takest vpon thee to iudge another before the time Iudge thy selfe God hath left vs infallible evidence whereby we may at any time giue true righteous sentence vpon our selues We cannot examine the harts of other men we may our owne That we haue passed from death to life we knowe it saith St Iohn because we loue our brethren knowe yee not your owne selues how that Iesus Christ is in you except yee bee reprobates I trust beloued wec knowe that wee are not reprobates because our spirit doth bear vs record that the faith of our Lord Iesus Christ is in vs. 14 It is as easie a matter for the spirit within you to tell whose yee are as for the eies of your body to iudge where you sit or in what place you stand For what saith the Scripture Yee which were in times past strangers and enimies because your minds were set on evill workes Christ hath now reconciled in the body of his flesh through death to make you holy and vnblameable and without fault in his sight if you continue grounded and established in the faith and bee not moved away from the hope of the Gospell Colos. 1. And in the third to the Coloss. yee knowe that of the Lord yee shall receiue the reward of that inheritance for yee serue the Lord Christ. If wee can make this account with our selues I was in times past dead in trespasses and sinnes I walked after the prince that ruleth in the aire after the spirit that worketh in the children of disobedience but God who is rich in mercy through his great loue wherewith he loued me evē when I was dead hath quickned me in Christ. I was fierce heady proud high minded but God hath made me like the child that is newly wained I loved pleasures more then God I followed greedily the ioies of this present world I esteemed him that erected a stage or theatre more then Solomon which built a Temple to the Lord the Harpe Viole Timbrell Pipe men singers womē singers were at my feasts it was my felicity to see my children dance before me I said of every kind of vanitie O how sweet art thou vnto my soule All which things now are crucified to me and J to them now I hate the pride of life and pompe of this world now I take as great delight in the way of thy testimonies O Lord as in all riches now I finde more ioy of heart in my Lord and Saviour then the worldly minded man when his wheate and oyle do much abound now I tast nothing sweet but the bread that came downe from heaven to giue life vnto the world now mine eyes see nothing but Iesus rising from the dead now my eare refuseth all kind of melodie to heare the song of them that haue gotten victory of the beast and of his image and of his marke and of the number of his name that stand on the sea of glasse hauing the harpes of God and singing the song of Moses the servant of God and the song of the Lambe saying Great and marvailous are thy workes Lord God Almightie iust true are thy waies O king of Saints Surely if the spirit haue been thus effectuall in the secret worke of our regeneration vnto newnesse of life if wee endeavour thus to frame our selues anew then we may say boldly with the blessed Apostle in the 10. to the Hebrewes we are not of them which withdraw our selues to perdition but which follow
and conversation walkers after their owne vngodly lusts S. Peter in his second epistle and 3. chapter soundeth the very depth of their impiety shewing first how they shall not shame at the length to professe themselues prophane and irreligious by flat denying the gospell of Iesus Christ and deriding the sweet and comfortable promises of his appearing secondly that they shall not be only deriders of all religion but also disputers against God vsing truth to subvert the truth yea scriptures themselues to disproue scriptures Being in this sort mockers they must needs be also followers of their owne vngodly lusts Being Atheists in perswasion can they choose but be beasts in conversatiō For why remoue they quite from them the feare God Why take they such paines to abandon and put out from their harts all sense all tast all feeling of religion but only to this end and purpose that they may without inward remorse and grudging of conscience giue over themselues to all vncleanenes Surely the state of these mē is more lamentable then is the condition of Pagans and Turkes For at the bare beholding of heaven and earth the infidels heart by and by doth giue him that there is an eternal infinite immortal and everliving God whose hands haue fashioned and framed the world hee knoweth that every house is builded of some man though he see not the man which built the house and he considereth that it must be God which hath built and created all things although because the number of his daies be few he could not see whē God disposed his workes of old when he caused the light of his clowds first to shine when he laid the corner stone of the earth and swadled it with bands of water and darknes when he caused the morning star to know his place made barres and doores to shut vp the sea within his house saying hitherto shalt thou come but no farther he hath no eie switnesse of these things Yet the light of natural reason hath put this wisdome in his reines and hath given his heart thus much vnderstanding Bring a pagan to the schooles of the prophets of God prophecie to an infidell rebuke him lay the iudgements of God before him make the secret sinnes of his heart manifest and he shall fall downe and worship God They that crucified the Lord of glory were not so far past recovery but that the preaching of the Apostles was able to moue their hearts and to bring them to this Men brethren what shall we doe Agrippa that sate in iudgement against Paule for preaching yeelded notwithstanding thus farre vnto him almost thou perswadest me to become a Christian. Although the Iewes for want of knowledge haue not submitted themselues to the righteousnesse of God yet I beare them record saith the Apostle that they haue a zeale The Athenians a people hauing neither zeale nor knowledge yet of them also the same Apostle beareth witnesse yee men of Athens I perceaue yee are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 some way religious But mockers walking after their owne vngodly lusts t●ey haue smothered every sparke of that heavenly light they haue stiflled even their very naturall vnderstanding O Lord thy mercy is over al thy workes thou savest man and beast yet a happy case it had beene for these men if they had never beene borne and so I leaue them 10 St Iude hauing his mind exercised in the doctrine of the Apostles of Iesus Christ concerning things to come in the last time became a man of a wise and staid iudgement Grieued hee was to see the departure of many and their falling away from the faith which before they did professe grieved but not dismayed With the simpler and weaker sort it was otherwise Their countenance began by and by to change they were halfe in doubt they had deceiued themselues in giuing credit to the Gospell of Iesus Christ. St Iude to comfort refresh these silly lambs taketh them vp in his armes and sheweth them the men at whom they were offended Look vpon them that forsake this blessed professiō wherein you stand They are now before your eyes view them marke them are they not carnall are they not like to noysome carrion cast out vpon the earth is there that spirit in them which cryeth Abba father in your bosomes Why should any man be discomforted haue you not heard that there should be mockers in the last time These verily are they that now doe seperate themselues 11 For your better vnderstanding what this severing and separating of themselues doth meane we must knowe that the multitude of them which truly beleeue howsoever they be dispersed farre and wide each from other is all one body whereof the head is Christ one building whereof he is the corner stone in whom they as the mēbers of the body being knit as the stones of the building being coupled grow vp to a man of perfect stature and rise to an holy tēple in the Lord. That which linketh Christ to vs is his meere mercy and loue towards vs. That which tieth vs to him is our faith in the promised salvation revealed in the word of truth That which vniteth and ioyneth vs amongst our selues in such sort that wee are now as if we had but one heart and one soule is our loue Who be inwardly in heart the liuely members of this body and the polished stones of this building coupled and ioined to Christ as flesh of his flesh and bones of his bones by the mutuall bond of his vnspeakable loue towards them their vnfained faith in him thus linked and fastned each to other by a spirituall sincere and hartie affection of loue without any manner of simulation who be Iewes within and what their names be none can tell saue he whose eies doe behold the secret disposition of all mens hearts We whose eies are too dimme to behold the inward man must leaue the secret iudgement of every servant to his owne Lord accounting and vsing all men as brethren both neere and deare vnto vs supposing Christ to loue them tenderly so as they keep the profession of the Gospell and ioyne in the outward communion of Saints Whereof the one doth warrantize vnto vs their faith the other their loue till they fall away and forsake either the one or the other or both and then it is no iniurie to tearme them as they are When they separate themselues they are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not iudged by vs but by their owne doings Men do separate thēselues either by heresie schisme or apostasie If they loose the bond of faith which then they are iustly supposed to doe when they frowardly oppugne any principall point of Christian doctrine this is to separate themselues by Heresie If they breake the bond of vnitie whereby the body of the Church is coupled and knit in one as they doe which willfully forsake al externall communion with Saints in holy
dispute with words not comely or with talke that is not profitable Yet behold even they that are wisest amongst vs living cōpared with the Prophets seem no otherwise to talke of God then as if the children which are caried in armes should speake of the greatest matters of state They whose words doe most shew forth their wise and standing and whose lips doe vtter the purest knowledge so long as they vnderstand and speake as men are they not faine sundry waies to excuse themselues Sometimes acknowledging with the wise mā hardly can we discerne the things that are on earth and with great labour finde wee out the things that are before vs who can then seeke out the things that are in heauen Sometimes confessing with Iob the righteous intreating of things too wonderfull for vs we haue spokē we wist not what Sometimes ending their talke as doth the history of the Macchabees if we haue done wel aa the cause required it is that we desire if we haue spok̄ stenderly and havely we haue done that we could But God 〈…〉 saith Esay And we haue receiued saith the Apostle not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of God that wee might know the things which are given to vs of God which things also we speake not in words which mans wisdome teacheth but which the holy Ghost doth teach This is that which the Prophets mean by those books writtē ful within without which books were so often delivered thē to eat not because God fed thē with inke paper but to teach vs that so oft as he employed them in this heavenly worke they neither spake nor wrote any word of their owne but vttered sillable by sillable as the spirit put it into their months no otherwise then the Harp or the Lute doth giue a sound according to the discretion of his hands that holdeth striketh it with skill The difference is only this An instrument whether it be a pipe or harpe maketh a distinction in the times and sounds which distinction is well perceived of the hearer the instrument it selfe vnderstanding not what is piped or harped The Prophets and holy men of God not so I opened my mouth saith Ezechiels and God reached me a scroule saying son of man cause thy belly to eat fill thy bowels with this I giue thee I eate it and it was sweet in my mouth as hony saith the Prophet Yea sweeter I am perswaded then either hony or the hony combe For herein they were not like Harps or Lutes but they felt they felt the power and strength of their owne words Whē they spake of our peace every corner of their hearts was filled with ioy Whē they prophecied of mournings lamentations and woes to fall vpan vs they wept in the bitternes and indignation of spirit the arme of the Lord being mighty and strong vpon them 5 On this manner were all the prophecies of holy scripture Which prophecies although they containe nothing which is not profitable for our instruction yet as one starre differeth from another in glory so every word of prophecy hath a treasure of matter in it but all matters are not of like importance as al treasures are not of equal price The chiefe principal matter of prophecie is the promise of righteousnesse peace holinesse glory victory immortality vnto every soule which beleeveth that Iesus is Christ of the Iew first and of the Gentile Nowe because the doctrine of salvation to bee looked for by faith in him who was in outward appearance as it had beene a man forsaken of God in him who was numbred Iudged and condemned with the wicked in him whom men did see buffited on the face scoft at by Souldiers scourged by tormentours hanged on the crosse pearced to the heart in him whom the eies of many witnesses did behold when the anguish of his soule enforced him to roare as if his hart had rent in sunder O my God my God why haste thou forsaken me I say because the doctrine of salvatiō by him is a thing improbable to a natural man that whether we preach it to the Gentile or to the Iew the one condemneth our faith as madnes the other as blasphemy therefore to establish and confirme the certainety of this saving trueth in the harts of men the Lord togither with their preachings whom hee sent immediately from himselfe to reveale these things vnto the world mingled prophecies of things both civill and Ecclesiasticall which were to come in everie age from time to time till the very last of the latter daies that by those things wherein we see daily their words fulfilled and done we might haue strong consolation in the hope of things which are not seene because they haue revealed as well the one as the other For when many things are spoken of before in scripture whereof we see first one thing accomplished and then another and so a third pereeiue wee not plainely that God doeth nothing else but lead vs along by the hand til he haue setled vs vpon the rocke of an assured hope that no one iote or title of his word shall passe till all be fulfilled It is not therefore saide in vaine that these godlesse wicked ones were spoken of before 6 But by whom By them whose words if men or Angels from heauen gainesaie they are accursed by them whom whosoever despiseth despiseth not them but me saith Christ. If any man therefore doth loue the Lord Iesus and woe worth him that loueth not the Lord Iesus hereby wee may know that hee loveth him indeed if hee despise not the things that are spoken of by his Apostles whom many haue despised even for the basenesse and simplenesse of their persons For it is the propertie of fleshly and carnall men to honour and dishonour credit and discredit the words and deeds of every man according to that he wanteth or hath without If a man with gorgeous apparell come amongst vs although he bee a theese or a murtherer for there are theeues and murtherers in gorgeous apparell be his heart whatsoever If his coat be of purple or velvet or tissue every one riseth vp and all the reverent solemnities wee can vse are too little But the man that serveth God is contemned and despised amongst vs for his povertie Herod speaketh in iudgement and the people cry out The voice of God and not of man Paul preacheth Christ they tearme him a trifler Harken beloued hath not God chosen the poore of this world that they should be rich in faith hath hee not chosen the refuse of the world to be heires of his kingdome which hee hath promised to them that loue him hath he not chosen the ofscowrings of men to be the lights of the world and the Apostles of Iesus Christ Men vnlearned yet how fully replenished with vnderstanding fewe in number yet how great in power contemptible in shew yet in spirit how strong