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A59383 Olbia, the new i[s]land lately discovered with its religion and rites of worship, laws, customs, and government, characters and language : with education of their children in their sciences, arts and manufactures with other things remarkable / by a Christian pilgrim, driven by tempest from Civita Vecchia, or some other parts about Rome, through the straits, into the Atlantick Ocean ; the first part, from the original. Sadler, John, 1615-1674. 1660 (1660) Wing S278; ESTC R9276 335,173 410

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Prophets and our Saviour also that God would never deal worse with any then with that Nation And the Prophet Ieremiah saith he that believeth shall never cease from giving fruit and the Psalmist that his leaves shall never quite fall off and Christ saith that he which beareth any fruit in him shall be purged that he may bear more In him is all our fruit found and in him we go in and out and still find fresh pasture and he that once drinketh of His living waters never thirsteth more or is quite dry but still findeth a fountain in him flowing up to Eternal Life And St. Paul saith If thou shalt confesse with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the Dead thou shalt be saved For which also he citeth two great Prophets Isaiah and Joel which is cited also by St. Peter in his first publique Sermon For whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved For this Jesus is Lord of All even Davids Lord also and Rich unto All that call upon him And Paul also saith that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord but by the Holy Ghost Which was oft no little stay to one I sometime knew in great anguish fearing the good Spirit had forsaken him And to all that so acknowledge Christ for their Lord and as their Lord worship him as the Psalms bid us and call upon him the same Apostle saith that no temptation comes but common unto man And that God is faithful and will not suffer them to be Templed above their strength but with the Temptation will provide an Issue that they may be able to bear it Which is also the last Petition in Our Lords Prayer and so sure to be granted And to All so acknowledging Christ St. John saith If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousnesse And to All such he saith If any man sin we have an Advocate with the Father even Jesus Christ the Righteous and he is the Propitiation for our sin and not for ours onely but for the sins of the whole World which are some of the sweetest places in the Bible and belonging to All that call on Jesus of Nazareth which I see you do And to All such and therefore to you also St. Paul the great Teacher of the Gentiles writeth as from God in Heaven and his Son Jesus the Judge of all men and Angels also that if we judge our selves as I see you do we shall not be judged by him which is one of the greatest and highest Prerogatives or Royalties a mortal man can be capable of The Jews speak of it as one of the first things delivered by God to Moses and by him to Joshua and so down through all their Elders and Wise men in all ages to be Slow to judge or very slow in judging and it is one of the greatest and most difficult things in the world to be a righteous Judge in any matters of concernment more of our selves and yet more in matters of another world and yet most of all for all eternity so far above our sence and reason also that we know not how to guess about it but by Revelation The great thing foretold of Christ in the Psalms and Prophets is That he was to be the great and most supream Judge of all Persons in all Causes Which we might track through all the Bible up as high as Enoch Behold the Lord cometh with ten thousand of his Saints to execute judgement upon all c and for this he received a most solemn Commission and was fitted and filled also with the spirit of Wisdom Knowledge Understanding Councell Power and Fear of-the Lord yea to make him very quick or tender in the Fear of God that he might judge righteous judgement And this was one great reason of his being made Man that he might be our Peer and an equal daies-man between God and us that should not make us afraid with his Terror when he judged us it being so consonant to Reason and to Scripture also that the Power Legislative Judiciall and Executive should be in distinct persons and run in distinct Channels God would have it so in himself also and came out in the person of the Father giving the Law though indeed the Free persons that receive and submit even the Law-takers are the great Law-makers But the Sonne is the Judge and the Spirit executes his judgements For the Father judgeth no man but hath committed all judgement to the Son that all men should honour the Son even as they honour the Father For as the Father hath life in himself so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself and the Son quickneth whom he will and hath given him authority to execute judgement also because he is the Son of man Jesus Christ therefore being the great and only Judge having all judgement committed to him no man may pre sume to make himself a Judge or take it on him but when Christ committeth it and then onely As he commandeth and directeth Let me therefore first desire you to consider that you run not on a Premunire or be Anti-christian or a Traitor against the main office of Christ while you judge your self or any other for who hath made you a Judge or a divider If you say Christ hath bid you judge your self you must be sure of your Commission that you have it and can read and understand it also For his own general rule out of his own mouth was Judge not that ye be not judged And he that taketh upon him to judge and condemn another or so much as to think evil of his neighbour and t' is worse of a stranger whom he knoweth not speaketh evill of the Law and judgeth or condemneth the Law yea and it may be the Law-maker also And though Christ did promise first to his twelve Apostles Judas also it seems being among them that they having followed him in the Regeneration should sit on twelve Thrones judging the twelve Tribes of Israel And afterwards even after his last supper before his death he said to them Yee are they which have continued with me in my Temptations and I appoint you a Kingdom as my Father hath appointed unto me that you may eat and drink at my table in my Kingdom and sit on Thrones judging the twelve Tribes of Israel there being then also it seems twelve with him and so Judas also though Saint John saith he went out immedately after the sop Yet this was not to be till he himself was to receive his Kingdom and As he did receive it at his Fathers hand and appointment which was not till after Death and Resurrection and Ascention to his glory Then he received gifts for men and for the Rebel also Then and not till then he gave out the Spirit which was not to be
It shall be so Amen For the whol Earth also must Rest and keep its Sabboth And not only the Land of Israel which was but as the First Fruits of the Earth and That had such a strict Command of observing Sabbatical Years that they must stay so many yeers in Babylon as the Land should have kept Sabboths by the Law while They were in it As we may find in that remarkable Discourse of God on Mount Sinai in the 25 26. of Leviticus which I have somtimes thought not only the Epitome of the whole Law but the Foundation of the Gospel also to be very often considered Yea and the Wilderness shall be as Lebanon and Carmel Yea Every Tree of the Forest shall clap hands and sing and rejoyce in praising God As we read in many places of the Psalms and Prophets Yea and the Gospel must be preached to every Creature under Heaven and the whole Creation longeth and travelleth for it is now made subject to Bondage but in Hope for it shall be delivered from the Bondage of Corruption into the glorious Liberty of the Sons of God For God is able even of stones to raise up sons to Abraham Whose seed must be as the Dust and more than all the stones of the Earth And we also can dayly Turn Plants and Beasts yea and Pearls and other stones also into our own selves and our spirits so as that they give us also a New spirit and refresh and joy our souls yea and the Heart of God also as Jotham saith in That remarkable Parable of the Trees choosing them a King How much easier is it for an Infinite God to Turn All these into himself and his own Image by his Spirit making All things New as they All came out first from him and must All return to him For of him and from him and To him are All things From the Throne of God and his Lamb when His Kingdom comes shall issue out Waters of Life Yea to the Sea also even the Dead Sea and they shall bring Healing with them And where ever the Waters come there shall be Life and Healing For the very Leaves of the Trees on the Banks of those Waters shall serve for Healing os the Nations even of the Gentile Nations And the VVilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them and the Desert shall rejoyce and blossom as the Rose It shall rejoyce abundantly with joy and singing The Glory of Lebanon shall be given to it The Excellency of Carmell and Sharon They shall see the glory of the Lord and the Excellency of our God Yea All the Earth shall Rest and Rejoyce and be full of the Glory of God as Waters fill up the Sea And Then the Lord shall be called the God of All the Earth and the Possessor of Earth as well as Heaven Which was the phrase used by Melchizedeck in blessing Abraham when he had pursued the four Monarchs or four Monarchies to Dan even to Judgment and brought back the Captivity of Sodom also of which we read in several places Although Sodom was so accursed and made a Perpetual Desolation that it is a Type of Hell or of the worst Judgments in all the Bible Yet even Sodom must return again and her Daughters And when our Lord Jesus Exulted in spirit as he saith Abraham did to see his Day he said I bless thee Father Lord of Heaven and Earth even of the Earth also as of Heaven as alluding to that Blessing of Melchizedecks at the return of Sodoms Captivity And the Revelation tells us that when the seventh Angel sounded there was great Voyces or Joy in Heaven saying The Kingdoms of this world are become the Lords and His Christs and he shall reign for ever and ever And the twenty four Elders blessed God that yet at length he had taken to him his great Power and reigned and the Nations were Angry and thy Wrath is come and the time of the Dead that they should be Judged and that thou shouldest Reward Thy Saints c. and shouldest destroy them which destroy the Earth And Then the Temple of God was opened in Heaven c. Where before the twenty four Elders and the four Watchers also had blessed the Lamb that They should come even out of Heaven to Reign upon the Earth even upon the Earth As if the Earth should be the Centre also to All the Glory of God and that it should be more and greater on the Earth than it is in Heaven And yet it may be remembred that from the very first sin of Adam in Paradice the Earth was the Great that I say not the Only Object of the Curse of God The Serpent it self was not Absolutely Cursed but above all Cattel and above every Beast of the field And when the Earth shall be New moulded yet Dust shall be the Serpents meat as we read Esay 65. Adam must labor and sweat the Woman must be in subjection and bring forth in pain but not a word of Cursing them For God had loved them and Blessed them Yea and they shall be Blessed But the Ground is Cursed for Mans sake and in sorrow must he eat thereof All the daies of his life Yea it shall bring forth thorns and thistles and when Nothing else comes after Dews and Rain of Heaven It is nigh unto Cursing as we read in the Epistle to the Hebrews And when the Cursed Earth had also drunk up the blood of Righteous Abel every word of our Savior is Remarkable Then Cain the Murderer as every One is that Hateth his brother was also Cursed from the Earth but not from Heaven that we read and yet a Sacrifice was provided and laid at his door for sin that he may have Dominion over it Though I shall not here dispute the Jews Tradition that Cain also was saved Or that the Earth it self was cursed as a Type of our Heart or somwhat in us more spiritual than our fleshly Heart which is a Metathesis of Earth as in Hebrew of Babel which is Lebab the Heart turned backward And an Heart turned back from God is but Babel Confusion As the Earth which the Lord cursed Bringing forth nothing but Thorns and Thistles yet its Conception is greatly multiplied and its sorrow But I must not here shew How our Body represents the whole World with its three Regions of Heaven above in our Head and the Earth below in our Heart with its Pericardium of Waters compassed with the Lungs as the Air separate by the Firmament of the Midriff from the Heaven above in the Head and the Waters under the Earth in the Bowels which in Heb are expressed by the same word with the Waves of the Sea whose Rowlings and Ebbings and flowings are much akin to the motion and yearnings of our Bowels And in Scripture the off-spring of our Bowels is compared to the Sand of the Sea and the gravel thereof As the Hebrew words for the Thoughts of
call of which we have also a most sure Character in our Hearing and Attending to Him and Calling on the mighty Name of Iesus of Nazareth as we cleared before out of 1 Cor. 1. Rom. 10. and many other Scriptures And That This was to reach much beyond That Pentecost Act. 2. may be cleared from our Saviour speaking of the sack of Ierusalem and their Great afflictions divers years after That Pentecost and then saith he immediately after the Tribulation of those dayes and in Mark After that Tribulation in those dayes which in Luke are called the Times of the Gentiles Treading down Jerusalem the Holy City in the Revelation 42 Months and Then shall the Sun be darkned and the Moon not give her Light and the Stars shall fall from Heaven and the Powers of Heaven shall be shaken and Then shal appear the Sign of the Son of man in Heaven and Then shall all the Tribes of the Earth mourn and they shall see the Son of man coming in the Clouds of Heaven with Power and great Glory Which is also in Mark and Luke though Both omit the Sign of him in the Clouds who addeth also for the Jewes and not onely for the Apostles When These things begin begin to come to pass Then look up and Lift up your Heads for your Redemption draweth Nigh Even in That Generation As summer when the Figg-tree blossometh And those signes There given by our blessed Saviour more by giving t●an receiving are in the Prophet Zechary with H●ggai and Malachy after Babylon and especially in Th●t place of Joel with That very Pouring out of the Holy Spirit which was therefore not fulfilled in Acts 2d but onely begun before that Tribulation and Horror there spoken of with signs in Sun and Moon and Blood and Fire and Pillars of smoak For Behold In Those Dayes and in That Time I will bring back the Captivity of Judah and Jerusalem and I will gather all Nations into the Valley os Jehosaphat Thither cause thy mighty Ones to come down O Lord. Amen Let the Heathen be Wakened for it is Kets both the End and the Waking or Resurrection as we saw before and com up into the Valley of Jehosaphat For there will I sit to judge All the Heathen round about as before in that very Valley as we found at Engedi and Beraca Put you in the sickle for the Harvest is Ripe and the Press is Full c. As in Christ of the Harvest added to That of his Coming and the Revelation also of the Vintage for 1600 Furlongs And now the Sun and Moon shall be darkned and the Stars withdraw their Light and Heavens shake c. Twice repeated in this Prophet and twice in Haggai as also the Author to the Hebrews Again and yet Again I will shake as at Jerusalem pulled down and again at its setting up again And so the Prophet Esay 14 and 24 as 24 of Matthew After all the Powers of Earth shaken and the Kings of the Earth upon the Earth who yet shall be visited even in the Pit also as Zedekiah was in Babylon Blinde Until I visit him saith the Lord in Jeremiah 32. with 27 and 29. And in the 24th They were carryed thither for their good Even as the Gibeonites were Cursed by Josuah that great Type of Jesus but for their Good also though to draw Water for the House of God yet to be There and Nethinims And so here also in Esay They shall be shut up in Prison in the Pit but after many dayes they shall be visited and Then the Moon shall be confounded and the Sun ashamed when the Lord of Hosts shall reign in mount Zion and in Jerusalem and before his Ancients Glorioufly As those glorious songs in the two next Chapters and the 27th is of the Binding of Satan Leviathan the Dragon or the Crossing Serpent As the Primitive Church did generally understand it Which may reach the Powers of Heaven or the Zodiack which must also be shaken with its Beasts also when the Sun and Moon or two Witnesses are put out or slain for 3 dayes and Half as ever when there hath been a new World or a new Heaven And Solomon speaketh as if more were still to follow than had gone before to the Beth Moed We might Track it up to Moses also as most things in all the Prophets Then will the Lord be jealous for his Land his Land and pity his People which Joel hath from Moses Song That is Gods given to Moses and Joshua more solemnly perhaps than the Law it self in the Tab. He will be jealous for them and moove them to jealousie and Then he will be merciful to His Land his Land even cursed Adama As in Joel also and to His People But when They are shut up and none left to help them as was rightly observed by the Prophet Jonah 2 Kin. 14. as we saw before in Daniel and Psalm 72. And lest This might seem less Durable because from the flitting Tab we may finde it also among the secret Councels of God hinted to Moses at his private retirement in one of his Three 40 dayes as he lived Three 40 years on Mount Sinai Though now placed in Leviticus 26. which may be the sum of the Law and the Gospel also Yea and the Fata Imperii or Their Changes also as of the Moon in Heaven I will set my T●bernacle among you and my soul shall not abhor you which St Paul applyeth also to the Gentile Corinthians and I will walk among you as if the Ark did straiten him as a Childe in a Cradle or in swathing bands and I will be your God! I will be so Yea and I will stretch out my Hands and feet among you as one that swimmeth But if you will not Hearken and will not O! How much wilfulness is still expressed in it And if you will despise my Statutes cha●ged on David himself And your soul abhor my judgements so that you break my Covenant Not a word of Threat till sin came up so High as could hardly be worse one would think And Then I will appoint over you Terrour Consumption and burning Agues to consume the Eyes our great occasions of sin and cause sorrow of Heart which the Lamentation calleth the Curse of God And I will set my Face when they had set Their Heart against you and they that Hate you shall Reign over you And if you will not yet for All this Hearken unto me O! how Tender Then I will add to Teach or Chasten you Seven 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And if you will walk with me at adventure Keri and will not hearken to me I will yet add stroke or plague Seven And I will send the wilde Beast of Tooth or Teeth as the Syriac in the Revelation who shal destroy the Tame Beasts and the Children also As Molock did in His fiery Claws and Babel in his fiery Furnace And because they bare the Tabernacle of Molock instead
read in the Psalmes and Epistle to the Hebrews with the four Watches or Watchers and the four and twenty Elders of which again when we shew all measures borrowed from the twelve hours of darknesse or the twelve sons of Ishmael and the twelve sons of Light or of Israel they all fall down and Worship Praying and singing Praises to the Lamb also even as cloathed with flesh as well as to him that sat on the Throne which yet was Christ also as is clear from many passages but Christ in more Majesty and Glory of the Deity then onely as a Lamb slain For it was the Lamb exalted and set down in Glory even in his Fathers Throne As of old the 24. courses of Priests and of Levites and of Porters or Watchers or Singers and other Officers so ordered by David who was also the 24th from Noah as the number of his Name in Hebrew and the 14th from Abraham as also his Name when written without a jod as frequently it is and signifieth love and a Fathers Brother or a very neer kindsman so in the Revelation those 24. Elders did fall down in Adoration to the Lamb even to the Lamb that was slain they had Harps it s said and golden Vials full of Odours which are the praiers of Saints Which may intimate that as our great High Priest over all the Houshold in Heaven and Earth The great Angel of the Covenant offers up his own Incence with the Prayers of all Saints to his Father So these Intercessors also to the Lamb even the Elders of Churches offer up their Churches yea and other Saints Prayers to the Lamb. For the whole Bride and the Spirit acting the Bride also do not onely converse with Christ as her Husband but Worship him also as Her Lord as Sarah called Abraham and she is so commanded in the Psalmes both to Kisse him and to Worship him And she so practiseth in the Canticles and the Revelation also crying to the last come even come and so come Even come Lord Iesus come quickly It may also be easie to shew very many if not most or all of the Prayers and praises in the Psalmes are plainly directed to Christ and many commands and encouragements to call upon him there also As He arken unto my cry my King and my God for unto Thee will I Pray my voice shall thou hear in the morning O Lord in the morning will I direct my prayers to Thee and will look up And again they that know Thy Name will trust in Thee for Thou Lord hast not forsaken them that seek Thee And again Lord thou hast heard the desire of the humble Thou wilt prepare their heart and thou wilt cause their ear to hear And again Blessed be my Rock and blessed be the God of my Rock and my Saviour clense me from my secret sins and keep me that presumptuous sins prevail not over me and let the words of my Mouth and the Meditations of my Heart be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord my Rock and my Redeemer And again Thy Throne O God is for ever and ever and ride on prosperously because of Truth and Meeknesse of Righteousnesse And to the Spouse of Christ He is thy Lord Worship thou him And again Be still and know that I am God Clap hands all People sing unto God with Triumph He shall speak the people under us He shall chuse our Inheritance for us even the Excellency of Jacob whom he loved and his blessing prevailed over all the blessings of his Ancestors And again gather my Saints together and I will speak and then declares the forme of the great Judgement both to the good and evil And concludes call upon me in the day of thy trouble I will deliver thee and thou shalt glorifie me plainly spoken by Christ and repeated by the Psalmist afterwards Saying In the day of my trouble I will call upon Thee for Thou wilt answer me And in an other Psalm Thou calledst in trouble and I did deliver thee and answered thee in the secret place of Thunder And what time I am afraid I will trust in Thee And again Trust in him at all times ye People and power out your Souls before him And again Praise waiteth in silence for thee And to thee shall the Vow be performed O thou that hearest prayer unto thee shall all flesh come Iniquity prevaileth over me but thou hast made Atonement for our transgressions O our Jesus or our Salvation The hope of the ends of the Earth and them that are a far off in the Seas And again my lips shall ever praise Thee and and in thy Name will I lift up my hands when I pray And again Thou hast ascended up on High Thou hast led Captivity Captive Thou hast received gifts for men even for the Rebbels also that God may dwell among them And thy God hath commanded thy strength Strengthen O God that thou hast wrought c. And again In the day of my trouble I will call upon Thee for Thou wilt answer me and Thou Lord art good and ready to forgive and plenteous in Mercy to all that call upon Thee Or as St. Paul to the Romans Lord of All and Rich unto all that call upon him plainly spoken of Christ. As that also of the Lord speaking unto my Lord Sit at my right hand c. And then the Psalmist speaketh to him the Lord at Thy hand shall smite through Thy enemies and Thy people shall be a willing people in the day of thy power and the Lord hath sworn and will not repent Thou art a Priest for ever cited so remarkably in the New Testament by the Apostles and by Christ also asking the Jews who it was there or how David called him Lord. And the 102. Psalm being entituled a prayer of one afflicted when his soul is overwhelmed in him and poureth out his sighing before the Lord is plainly spoken to Christ as we see by divers verses cited in the Epistle to the Hebrews as spoken to Him and proving Him to be the Son of God and so are many other like passages cited in the New Testament and applyed to Christ. As also the context will shew speaking somewhat that belongeth properly to Christ and not to God but as he is in Christ and the Humane Nature and so he hath eyes ears heart and hands and passions also and affections which are else improperly given to God or supposed to be in him and so he descends to earth ascends on high Returning also to judge the World Which is oft spoken by David to Him he calleth Lord and King and Judge of All. But the Father judgeth no man but hath committed al● judgement to the Son and authority also to execute judgement because he is the son of man And often doth the Psalmist speak to a Lord or King or Judge as Job also saying I will make supplication to my Judge and my Redeemer liveth a phrase also frequently
before the worst of sinners And we see how gracious Christ was also to the Woman of Canaan although she were as a Dog or one degenerate into a Dog-like spirit and nature Yet the Dogs also enjoy Crumbs and in great Families and Christ is Lord of All the Family in Heaven and Earth The very Dogs have better Diet than it may be Children have in other houses And That Dog-like Woman of Canaan was received into favor and had great Grace and Faith given her though a cursed Woman under the greatest Curse both of God and Man Noah cursed her and God also cursed her so that he commanded all his people to hate and curse her Nation so that they might neither Treat with them nor seek their good all their daies Which we see how Christ observed towards her when he would not so much as Treat with her or speak to her till his Disciples as the Representatives of his Church interceded with him for her or it may be against her for the Text is somwhat doubtful Yet by Faith Her heart also is purified and there is No difference between Jew and Gentile No not a Cursed Canaanite Which might also be seen long before when the high and proud and stout Gibeonites some of the chiefest of those cursed Canaanites bowed down and though by a Wile only they got into a Covenant with Joshua a mighty Type of Jesus yet they could never be cast off No by no means by no means But when Adonizedech the Lords Justice King of Jerusalem and other Kings with him would have chalenged them back again as to have brought them back into the Curse again Joshua must not only stand up and rise early Yea and march all night in defence of these poor late accursed Canaanites but also the Sun and Moon must stand still over Gibeon and the course of Nature must be changed rather than Gibeon must be deserted or so much as left into the hand of Gods Justice in his own Throne which is Adonizedech King of Jerusalem And Gibeon is not only made one of the greatest Scenes of Gods presence a long time together as we often find in Scripture before it was Solomons greatest High Place Where God also appeared to him after such great Sacrifices in Gibeon But also This very History of the strange Works of God in defending Gibeon is made the Type of what God means to do Hereafter also I suppose for his People and his Enemies also When he shall rise up to do his great and strange Work of Gibeon or as he did at Gibeon or Mount Perazim Where also at Davids coming up the five great Lords of the Philistins rose up against him as at Gibeon the five great Kings of the Amorites or Canaanites against Joshua And about Gibeon also the great Quarrel was ended between David that is Love and the House of Saul that is the Grave or Hell Acted by Abner the Fathers Light or Understanding and by Joab his Will or Affection which were here reconciled and a New Heaven and Earth brought up As afterwards the New Jerusalem when David beat the Jebusites which had their name from Treading down for the Holy City must be Trodden down till the Times of the Centiles be fulfilled And a Type of This Fulfilling of Time might be in That when the twelve men of Joab and Abner ran through one another as the twelve hours of Day and Night and there fell down slain on Sauls side 360. For their common Year had so many Daies in it And though Saul himself was dead cut off by God because he sought to the Devil and would not seek to God as we read in Chronicles although he complained that God would not answer him But the Truth was he would not seek to God who could yet have pardoned All but he would not ask it and God therefore cut him off and for his sparing Amaleck himself was slain by an Amalachite if at least he Lyed not to David who could not be quiet in the Throne till he had also cut off the Amalachites whom Saul spared even after Sauls Death His House and Family was sorely punished and Davids Kingdom also afficted with divers years Famine for Sauls afflicting the poor Gibeonites though it were in Zeal to Israel So much doth God abhor All Cruelty and hard Usage of any poor men though in never so much Zeal for God or his Cause or any of his People Which the Lord make me and all mine and all His still to remember in all my Actions lest I afflict some poor Gibeonite in Zeal to Israel and thinking I do God good service By All which we may also learn that even Those that are most Hated or cursed by God as These Gibeonites and Canaanites were and Children of Wrath and curse as much as any Nation or People we read of Yet they may come to be Blessed and Loved by the same God who so hated and cursed them And yet He changeth not himself but Them whom he first cursed and so shut them up in guilt and sin and sorrow That their cries that is His in them might draw out his own bowels and compassions more to them by how much more he had cursed or afflicted them Which is one of the great Mysteries of the Gospel running Through the Law and the Prophets and the Curses thereof Which should teach us not to despair under the hardest and worst words God doth or ever will speak against us while we live O do not say This Evil is from God and why then should I wait or Hope on Him Yea rather make hast to bow down and Worship and seek his face as the 3d Captain to Elijah For the King of Israel is a merciful King He is a gracious God and He delighteth in those that sear him and Hope in his goodness Trembling at his Word For it is still good for a man to Hope and patiently wait for the salvation of God Let me also tell you It is an honor that God will speak to us though he do but chide us Threaten us sharply rebuke or chasten us which himself and we may call Hating or cursing us But His Frowns and Chidings and Hatings and Cursings as we may interpret them may be better than the Smiles and Loves and Embracings of the whole World besides And we do not only read him saying I have forsaken the dearly beloved of my soul as we see Christ himself was so forsaken but also that he Hated Her even the dearly beloved of his soul as we read in Jeremy and did not only strike her with an hard and sore and Cruel stroke as an Enemy but even Curse her and make her a Curse As we know he dealt with Christ himself his dearly beloved Son and as a Type of Christ with Israel Because he knew them and they should have known him above All Nations of the Earth Therefore he would punish them above All Nations So that he never
Above thy Gaffers or Teachers and Elders who Ordained thee As we touched before in Chaver and Chebron and hath annointed thee with the Oyl of Shushon I cite it the rather because it is not only To the most excellent Majesty which we read in this Psalm and in Daniel and several times in Luke and the Acts but a Song of Jedidoth also as the 84 and Both are to the Bald Cold Frozen Crackt and Croaking Sons of Korah Cursed and swallowed up into the Pit and yet His sons became the Sweet Singers of Israel as we shewed before in Asaph Heman or Jeduthon and the Genealogy of Samuel And also upon Sushanim Which may Bring us to Shushan and to the Gate of Shushan also leading to the Temple from the Mystery and History of Hester And 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in lowest reckoning is 700 But as the Mazorites 1260. of which again in Daniel and the Revelation Mor Myrrh and Moriah Aaloth Aloes and Tabernacles Kassiah Mount Cassius or the End and Corner of the Land of Promise Kings Daughters be Kirotheca for either Hand But at thy Right Hand thy Bedded Wife 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 333 just half to 666. As the Full Moon is Half to the Change Or the New Moon Half to the Full which is made in 333. hours As the whole Course of the Moon from the Sun Thither again in 666 Hours Her stay under the Rayes on both sides May be 3 Dayes and an half Under the Sun or Shadow of the Earth between her and the Sun Three hours and an half the Duration of that Eclipse which operates as many Months or Years As it was Hours they say and Her Wandering alone from the Sun Three Weeks and an Half But of Months and Years we must speak again and of All Prophetick Numbers in Scripture in a Private Character If God please to enable But why is she called Shegell Even as Alma whence Olam she was Hidden Vailed yea and Captive or Gaoled also Rouled and Tumbled So is the Moon so is Israel and so Shegell But Now She is to Rejoyce with Ioy unexpressable and Glorious because She Loveth One She hath not yet seen or can see being in Light Inaccessible All this is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 she which 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 was Led Captive Gaoled Veiled Unveiled and Shorn also 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Glib Glich Lick and Like 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Smile Simile Sembled or Dissembled as the English Guile and Guild and Gilded also and Gul'd and Gulled and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Exult and Rejoyce or Glee and Glee'd Glad And 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to Roule and be Tumbled as Gallile of the Gentiles and Gilgal where he rouled away the shame of Israel Also the Wheel or Orb or Sphere of the Sun or Moon or Heaven And the Skull of our Head which we often compared to Heaven as we see in Golgotha the place of a Skull in our Saviours Crucifying And Heaps of Sand and Waves of the Sea and Roulings of our bowels Which we compared with the Sea and the sprouts of the Earth with the Thoughts of our Heart As we found in the Bible and Volumes thereof which the Jewes also call Gillajon and Megilla Especially the Five Volumes or Rolls As they call the Little five peeces which they joyn to the five Fifths of the Law Or Pentateuch the Canticles a Comment on This 45th Psalm and Ecclesiastes the Great Turner and Rowler Ruth also with Lamentations but especially the Megillath Ester which I have seen presented by them in a very curious Roule and Dresse as a Great Present These five Rouls have All the Rowlings Vailings and Revealings or Revellings and Rejoycings of the Church and World also the Body of Christ. Shadowed in Heaven by the Sun and Moon in the Temple by the Tamid and Minha Or the Two Alters Courts Testaments Churches of God Jew and Gentile Rachel and Leah And in our Bodies also with our Eyes and Ears of our Head where our Tongue also St Iames unruly Beast the Tatler or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Beast also And somewhat Lower As before And yet again Thus the Suns Chast Casing of the Moon is called in Hebrew Kisse or Kese which the English sound as Cheese and Cheesle is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Hebrew Geeven as Heaven Hie-even and the Latine Caseus may be Hebrew As the Moons Casing 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Numbers 80 81 85. As in three Dayes and Half are hours seven times twelve or twelve times seven the Full Number of Rest just 84. As in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Cased a kin to their Chesed or Chasid most Tender Mercy and Gracious 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is 72 6 times 12. and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 82. As coming from Chas or Case to Cover spare and Trust Ed which is Ever Witnesse Cloud in Heb 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as English Hide and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 both a kin to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 As Hanna and Anna of Penuel as she with Peninnah a Widow of 84 after 7 years marriage lived chastly at the Temple day and night As the Cloud in and upon the Tabernacle whence Covering Sin as a Cloud Which may be also 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 42. the just Half of 84 as if onely 3 Nights and an half 3 times 12 and 6. which is just 6 times Seven And although the whole Time of the Moons Casing or Covering under the light of the Sun which in other Planets they call Combustion may be 3 whole Dayes and an half or 84 Hours Yet seeing Night is the Moons Walk or Rule rather then the Day and that 12 Hours are so clearly signal both in Day and Night one might believe This Cled or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of 42 Hours may be the 3 Moeds and an Half or 3 times 12 and 6. As a Measure to All the Rest. But we may begin much Higher Yet in whole Numbers there is none till 7 that is made of any 3 numbers and an half As 3 times 2 and 1. we find it no lower but in fractions as 3 and an half But in whole Numbers 7 is the first so made of 3 and an Half Which is therefore Measure to all the Rest. As the Schools rightly taught us of every First in its kinde which is Min in Heb. from Mana to number Mani and Mina And it may be there is no Number possible to be made of any 3 numbers and an Half But onely Seven and Those which are made of 7. which may haply lead us into the Powers of Numbers more then we yet believe In a word That Number can be made of none but Even Numbers els in Halving we must fall to Fractions What shall we say then Are Odd Numbers for Heaven As the very Poets taught us Numero Deus Impare Gaudet Being the onely simple Numbers as was
sounded the Hebrew 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 630. 635. and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in least reckoning 670. or 680. But as the Mazorites reckon 1230. or 1240. But Peter prayed and cryed Tabitha Kumi And Tabitha may not onely signifie a Goat or Beast but may lead us up also to Tebeth the Great Ark with All the Beasts in it as in Peters sheet with Fowles of the Ayre which at length snatcht away the Good seed of the Kingdom and Creeping things of the Earth also But the Fishes were not Cursed that we read or drowned in the Flood I say not any kinde of Angels in the great Ocean or Bottomlesse Pit Though They are Threatned also in Zephany For there shall be No more Sea But in the Flood they were as safe as in Noahs Ark or Peters Sheet Teaching Him To call no man Common or Unclean Which leadeth him to Cornelius That Horn or Beam of the Sun with his Spire or Spirall Line called Italick or Latine of which before May I add That Japhet the Great Japetus coming to Japho that Fair Heaven as it soundeth before he shipped out his sons to Kittim and Rodanim with other places about Javan or Jonia might leave such Characters of the great Tebeth or Arck behinde him as might give occasion to this Name of Tabitha And also to that famous History through all Countries but England especially of a great Kings Daughter There delivered by a valliant Prince that is old enough to be Grandfather to their great George on Horsback Killing the Dragon or the Serpent that was ready to devour her But the Earth opened her mouth and swallowed up the Flood which the Dragon cast out and Helped the Woman who was Thence carryed with the Roman Eagles wings to the Wilderness As out of Aegipt for a Time and Times and Half Or 1260 dayes Which we must touch again in the Cloud or Cheled 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of 42. And That it may come up to Dorcas also Is there any History more famous among the Eastern Nations Then That of Semiramis the Mother of Babilon or at least the Nurse of That Mother of Fornications and Things offered to Idols and All Idolatry Was not Her mother called Athera Atera Atra The Beast in Greek and Syriac As also Atargat Adargat Dargat Darcat and Dercet or Dorcet as in English also whence Dercas Dorcas and Draco the Drake from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And the Poets made her Flesh and Fish as the Mermayd to be Mother to the Syrian God or Goddess Dagon speaking a Fish or a Gudgeon or a Dogfish and a Cod As the English call a Fish and somwhat else also Though more modest than Others swearing Kadzo Catzo Cazza Which the Italians understand But the Old Syrian Dercat having lost her Basket of Flowers and somewhat else they say at Joppa threw her self into a Lake which they shew at This day as also the Reliques of the Monster that would have swallowed the Virgin and There delivered of a Daughter Nourished by a Dove the Assyrian Banner and the Syrian Goddess called Semiran Or Semyrian Kept by a Dove As Samaria Kept by the Lord. But that Dove might carry her self with a Letter as the Custom still is to Babilon or Nineve much sooner than Semiramis But who seeth not in This also somwhat of Ionah the Dove from Ioppa Tarsus carried to Nineve With worse yet Better Newes than the Dove brought to the old Tebeth or Noahs Ark. Which might easily be the Mother to Many of These and others that in seeking Mistress Io followed a Beast so long that they left the Image Name and Character of the Beast where ever they came As at Thebes in Beotia and All the Thebes or Theves in many other places So that England also hath its Beeves and Theeves Thieve Mutton and many other Theevs or Beasts Of which I have yet much more to speak when I come to Lilith or Eeve as English call the Night as Even to the Day which was Eva Lust and Contention as God may allude and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Tatler and Beast also or VVoman on the Beast in the Revelation called Chave 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Mother of All Animalls or Beasts And the Woman in the Epha Isha Eva Epha carried to Babilon in Zechary But an Angel in the Sun that great Cornelius gathereth All the Fowles of Heaven in the Revelation But in Ezekiel after his promised Covenant of Peace and causing Evil Beasts to cease All the Beasts also are called to devour Beasts But Lambs also as well as Rams and Goats and Bullocks Yea and in Jeremy 12 All the Beasts of the Field are called to devour the Dearly beloved of his soul. For All Flesh shall perish As was cryed by the Voyce before the Flesh of Christ himself Which Profited so little that Henceforth He cared to know it no more In the Revelation They are bidden to the Feast of Flesh but onely of Men and of No Beasts but Horses which may come to be little useful ere long when Israel must cry We will not ride upon Horses but the White Ones in Revelation 19. 14. And their King was in special forbidden to Multiply Horses Which have oft in Scripture some Character of Wrath as of Lust and crying Aha to the Trumpets and Day of Battel That I mention not the Horses of the Sun and Their Flesh like the flesh of Asses not accepted but Redeemed or his Neck broken till our Saviour rode upon the Asses Colt of which before and their Issue like the Issue of Horses in Ezekiel Where also the conclusion is You shall drink Blood till you he Drunken and eat Fat at my Table although all Fat and Blood were still forbidden to be eaten But of Horses onely and no other Beasts with Mighty men and All men of War All men of War And in the Chapters following of the New Jerusalem we have many Rams and Goats and Bullocks with Acceptance at his Holy Altar As we saw before of Kedar Nebaioth and Ishmael As the Ram in the Thicket instead of Isaac And the Passeover might be of Goats as well as Lambs Every Master of the poorest Family might bring his Lamb or his Goat as well as the Richest And the very Romans learned to know How many Men were in Jerusalem by counting 10 to a Pascal Goat or Lamb as we touched before And as the first Altar was Dedicated with 6 Wagons 12 Oxen 12 Bullocks 12 Rams 12 Lambs and 12 Goats for Oles But for Salems 24 Bullocks and 60 both of Lambs and Rams and Goats with 12 Chargers 12 Bowls and 12 Spoons of 120 shekels So As soon as ever the New Altar is made in Ezechiel It is sanctified with a Bullock on the first Day and a Goat on the second with another Bullock and a Ram in the third place Yea and 7 Dayes together with 7 Goats also for sin offerings And on the 8th Day after as
Charan may see the motion of the Moon in her double state of New and Full crossing the Ecliptick with North and South Latitude attending the Sun also in all his Declinations North and South As Their Journeyings were In all places the Spouse is Lebana so with Laban so at Lebanon so in Aegypt and so also in Arabia whose Frankincense was Lebona And Solomons spouse had the smell of Lebanon and Lebona As alluding to the Temple Ketoreth of which before or to Keturah married to Abraham about the Time of Rebecca's coming from Bethuel and Laban so that she was also Lebana And when the Manna fell they cryed Man or called it Man being like the Good or Goat seed of Laban As the words may sound 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which yet some render As Coriander seed or Goid in Dioscorides and it was White Alban a Methathesis of Laban whose Goats also were White and streaked And that of Manna and the white Stone in the Revelation may perhaps allude to That white Good Seed or Saviour which they also called Man not knowing what it was and the Seed of Gad or God whom they also call 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And in Esay they sacrificed to Gad whence some bring Godt and God and Guid and Good and Good Nese the Good ●le of Gades the old Elyzian Fields Hesperides or Fortunate Ilands And as Man is the great Reckener on Earth as we touched before from the Hebrew Mana to reckon so is the Moon in Heaven Mone Reckoning or the Counter And as she is called Lebana from VVhiteness so she is called Jareach As Reaking like Incense Lebona Which in the Temple was a VVitness as the Moon in Heaven to the Great Covenant which God made with Man and Mankinde in Noah when he offered Sacrifice at his coming out of the Ark and God smelt a sweet sauour of Rest which should be still remembred all the many times we read that Phrase and said in his Heart However his Face may seem to frown yet All the words of his Heart shall stand and he said in his Heart I will no more Curse the Earth for Adam For or although every would of his Heart be Wrong from his youth or before his youngers neither will I add to s●ite or Hack 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 All Flesh or Any Flesh As Any Work in the 4th Command and divers other places As I have done c. And this Everlasting Covenant was made when he smelt that sweet savour of Rest which in Hebrew may sound The Moon a Reak of Night or Rest. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 As if the Moons Intercessions betwee the Sun and the Earth might also represent the sweet Odours of the Church to Christ and of Christ to his Father who hath made That everlasting Govenant with man for His sweet Odour of Rest as sure as the Moon a faithful VVitness in Heaven as the Psalms express it speaking of the Covenant made with David and his Seed for Ever As before with Abraham and His Seed and with Noah and His Seed for Ever Which is made the measure of all other Covenants So that If This which God made with Noah for Day and Night or other seasons can be disannulled Then also may his Covenant with Israel As himself speaketh in the 33 of Jeremy And as Jareach may come from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to Reak so also from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the common word for Spirit as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the English Racket a Fan or Vane But 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is Vaine 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Yet a little while and God will pour out his Spirit on the Earth as the Sun doth on the Moon He will give us the Upper and the Lower Springs as before in Achsa The Precious things of the Sun and Precious things of the Moon of the Heaven above and the Deep Couching beneath And the good will of him that dwelt in the Bush And when he saw that Moses said I will now turn aside to see This great sight and that he turned aside to see He called to him c. It is This Moses speaketh so of Joseph whom his Father also blessed with the Blessings of Heaven above and the Deep below the Breasts and the Womb. And These on Him that was separate from his brethren see Prov. 18. 1. as in Heb. And they scorned him as they Thrust out Moses also saying Who made thee a Judge among us But God exalted him and so he did Joseph also Sophie the Dreamer And Lo this Dreamer cometh And his Dreams were Sun and Moon and a Crown of 12 Stars also Rachel was the Sheep but He the Shepherd and the Stone of Israel to be compared with Dan. 2. and other Scriptures comparing Christ to a Stone And may we not finde Three Tribes of Rachel in Canaan with an Half also beyond Jordan Or what if Rachels Two sons should also be Stones of VVitness As Jacob spake at Gilead parted also or measured by Three and an Half As we see they were and the Lord dwelling at their Shilo and Mispha Sechem and other Shoulders also While the very Temple it self or its Court was parted between the Tribes of Benjamin and Judah That I speak not of the Tabernacle settled so long at Gibeon and the Ark at Kiriath-jearim another City of the Gibeonites saved on the 3d or 4th day in Josh. 9. who yet were Cursed by Joshuah that is solemnly Devoted to God and His service As the Nethinims in all the Bible I have yet said nothing of the Candlestick in the Tem ple parting it self into three Branches with three Bowls and three Flowers and three Lamps on either side of the Great Lamp in the Midst as the Sun in the middle of the seven Planets which yet so inclined to the West that they commonly call it the Western Lamp still burning Day and Night And measuring Time by Three and an Half on each side or Seven in the Whole while the 12 Cakes of Shew-bread lay by and were changed also every Sabbath or 7th Day And the Incense offered at 7 and 14 as we shewed before With the other Altar without for the Tamid where the Fire was not quenched Day or Night And the Salt Frying as the Worm never Dying And the Spirit of God as the Ayre or Sulphure also which is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 somwhat Divine as a River of Brimston Kindling it Yea and the Sea of Sodom also before the Throne as we touched before in the Molten Sea so placed in the Outward Court as the Lake of Sodom was to Jerusalem On the Right Hand South-East As we may read in several places How the Seas Lamps or other things came to be multiplyed by 10 in Solomons Time we may speak in Characters if God permit In the mean time let me add That He that believeth is Childe of the Promise with Isaac and Blessed with faithful Abraham Yea He that is weak in
wilful sinners Of the patience of Christ to a man turning into a Beast and how he deviseth Devises to prevent it or recover him How he fulfilled the Ceremonial Law also and how he was in all the Sacrifices as a Lamb for the Lambs and as a Goat for the Goats Of Benjamin the Son of the right hand with other Children of Rachel a sheep in Hebrew at his right Hand and of the Children of Leah or others at the Left Hand where also of Seir a Goat and of the Goats offered at the New Moons solemn Feasts c. and of the Rams of Ishmael accepted on the Holy Alter Of Gods face in Scripture toward the East and of Bowing to the East and of his Right Hand to the South and Left to the North and of Northern Judgments turned to Mercies and Blessings and of great and good things to come out of the North in the Latter times of the World as from Babylon at the return from Captivity How Christ came in the fulness of time Of Seven Ten the full Rich Numbers of their Powers Compounds for Ages Ever or eternity which yet in Scripture oft hath such or such an End or Revolution in such or such Generations How Christ came out in several Ages and Persons of Note in the Bible to do the Great things of Gods Power Wisdome and Goodness for Man To Man and in Man through all the Times and Seasons of the Scripture and in special the Times of the Witnesses In Heaven the Father and the Word Dabar Bar Bara Creating Heaven and Earth where also the Spirit of the Messiah as the old Jews call it on Gen. 1. 2. Mooving on the Waters an other Witness and parting them by A Dam and Adam of Adama dryed Red Earth akin to Dam in Hebrew Bload the other Witness John 5. and Acts 17. Of one Blood he made all Nations of men and determined the Times appointed and bounds of their Habitations which in parting the sons of Adam he bounded according to the Number of the Sons of Israel Deu. 32. which were 12. and to be measured by the 12 Hours of Day and Night Shadowed on the Tabernacle by the Cloud Pillar of Fire for Light that Beginning of the Creation and works of God and in its outer Court by the Laver of Water and Blood on the Alter of Witness as That called Ed a Witness by the waters also of Jordan where afterward the Baptist heard or saw all the Witnesses of Heaven and Earth to which he bare Record or was made a witness also as divers other in several Ages And All the 7 Washings or Sprinklings of Blood or Water so often required in the Law to represent the 7 Nights and 7 Dayes of the Week As the 7 Lamps in the inner Court or Holy Place as the visible Heavens with its Planets about the Sun in the midst as the greatest Lamp was in the middle of the other 6 or 3 on either side by the 12 Cakes of Shewbread changed every 7th or Sabbath day and made of 24 Omers out of 24 Seahs as the Jewes 24th of Leviticus for the 24 hours of Day and Night Made by the Sun mooving 2 of His Diameters the Moon 24 of Hers in each diurnal motion of 24 Hours parted into 4 great Watches as the 24 Elders in the Revelation had also 4 watchers with 6 wings a piece as in the Prophets And in the Temple also there were 24 courses of Priests and of Levites 24 of Porters and 24 of Singers and 24 courses of Standers or men of the Station representing all the People or 12 Tribes as in the 12 Cakes of 24 as 12 Sons of Jacob or 12 Hours of Light came after the 12 hours of Darkness or 12 Sons of Ishmael or Esau for the 24. Elders And as God gave 24 things to the Priests so they gave 24 to him in their dayly Minha of 12 Rouls at morning and 12 also at Evening And the Seventh in Hours also is very Signal as in Days and Moneths and years by the great Rest and Turn of Sun and Moon as Water and Blood also in the Sea and bodies of Animals after every six hours with Them and All that accounted Lilith that is Night the first Wife to Adam and do call her Eve or Even to the Day As it is to them that are about the Aequator and to All at either Aequinox when Time seemeth to begin And beginning at Sun-set as the Jewes and many other Nations did the First six Hours brought down the Sun to the Midnight Nadir and six more brought it up to the Morning Horizon and six more to the Noon or Zenith and six more to Setting again So that every seventh Hour made a Pauz and Turn And Sabbath is Both in Hebrew As if the watchers stood at the four Corners of Earth or quarters of the Heaven which are called Winds and Spirits also in the Scripture alluding perhaps to the four watching Spirits or Angels to Turn the Sun and Moon or Hour-glass of Waters or Clepsydra in the Seas c. After every six Hours of Day and Night the walks of the Sun and Moon but shadows of the good things within the Vaile or 3d Heaven where the 2 Cherubins of Glory shadowed the Mercy Seat or Heavenly Throne over the Earth or Ark of the Testimony also or Witnes with its 2 Tables or Testaments also For the 2d Covenant as in 29 of Deuteronomy was both Law and Gospel also written in the Ark of the Heart of Christ and all his Members after the first Tables of Stone were broken and disanulled being never put in the Ark or in our Hearts For know you not that your Bodies are the Temple of God As Paul speaketh to the Gentiles also Where our Heads as the Heavens above with two Eyes or Cherubins of Glory The Mercy seat or Throne of God and his Rainbow as in all the Scriptures like our Eye And our Heart Or Altar of Incense As the Earth beneath in the middle Court or 2d Region with its Pericardium of Water and Blood in the Pleura with twelve Ribs on either side and seven distinct from the other Nothi As also the seven Rackets of the neck with its spirit or spinal marrow from the Cerebellum As the Brain hath also seven spirits or pair of Nerves with Animal spirits Veyles and Ventricles which are shadowed in the Lower Regions both of the Earth below in the Heart and Waters under the Earth in our Bowels where the Duodenum and Ilea with all the Rest are but shadowes of things above As of the Laver or Molten sea or great Ocean with its Ebbings and flowings as the Earning of our Bowels and the Altar of Burnt-offerings in our Stomack with its heat or fire never quenched and the seven Planets with the Firmament of the Midrif parting between the Bowels or Waters under it and those above it as high as the Brain
it self besides all the waters about the Earth of the Heart Or its Ayre of the Lungs whose Inspiration and Respiration as the Hearts Diastole and Systole may be shadows of Air and Light Drawn in or Covered with Darkness Cassach in English and Hebrew and again spread out in Day as Psal. 104 and divers others Scriptures allude But All are Measured by the Pulses of our Hearts and in our Temples called Times and Tempora in many Languages Being as the Commune meetings of the Two Hemisphers of our Jawes with their Hours or in Hebrew Years of 24 Teeth and 4 High Watchers which so Many Called Doggs Every Region hath its Witnesses As the Head hath its 2 Eyes as the Sun and Moon in the Heavens above between 2 Ears or Years As the Heart hath also 2 Aurtcles as the 2 Poles by which it hangs in the Ayre of the Lungs and the Lowest Region hath its 2 Witnesses also Called Testes or somewhat of Witness in so many Languages As also their Solemne Covenants were made by putting the Hand under the Thigh And so also the 2 Tables of Witness in the Ark of the Testimony or Witness And the Witness Bread of Faces and the whole Tabernacle of Witness with its Courts of Witness and Altars of Witness with the Morning and Evening Sacrifice and Sack and Minha Meat and Drink Offerings with Incense or in Hebrew Keturah coming after Sara As at first There were 2 Witnesses to the Great Word or Promise that although the Serpent might nibble the Heels of Messiah as Psalm 89. 51. Yet the Seed of the Woman in the Revelation also should Break the Serpents Head Cut off in a Type before Abrahams Testes or Witnesses At His Covenant about Beers●eba As Davids was with Bathsheba the Daughter of Seaven and of the Oath also As God in Levit. 26. I will send the Beast among you and I will punish you in Sheba or Seven But yet I will remember my Covenant with Abraham or my Sheba at Beersheba As also Zachariah the Lords Remembrance alludeth to his own Name and his Wives Elisabeth Gods Oath and Rest also as some sound the Word Luke 1. 72 73. And This Covenant with our Father Abraham and Sure Mercies of David are made Good to the Lowest Least Believer and He that is Weak shall be as David and receive his sure Holy things as Esay 53 with Acts 2d and 13. Rom. 4 and Galat. 3d. And All as sure in all things and as surely Witnessed As the Everlasting Covenant of God with Noah at Arrarat the Bar of Curss and Error Terror and Trembling or Wandering When God smelt a sweet savour of Rest as the Moon a Reak of Night as Jerach Reak Nihat may allude and the Psalms As the Moon a Faithful Witness in Heaven He said in his Heart I will no more smite Any Flesh for so it may be rendered As I have done But Day and Night c. shall be as long as the Earth endures Or in All the Dayes of the Earth And I will Curss the Earth no more But Bless it and accept and delight in it so as himself giveth the Etymology of Erets in Ezekiel 20. 40 That the Saints or Angels in Heaven give Thanks to the Lamb that they shall come from Thence to Reign upon the Earth as if the Earth as the Weaker Vessel should have more abundant Honour and be Centre to the Greatest Glory of God when the Curtains of Heaven shall be drawn or the Canopy rent as the Vail before the Most Holy Place For the Heavens must be no more but pass away and be rowled up as Parchment before the Fire but the Earth Endureth for Ever Though yet to be Changed and renewed so that it shall be a New Earth as a New Heaven And When This is like to be is One Great Part of this Discourse Concluding that As Time began with Night before Day or Evening before Morning so with Winter before Summer Or in Tisry the Seventh Month as the Jewes render Beresith as the Hebrew Letters in the first word of Genesis So it is very probable the New Creation or the New Heaven and the New Earth shall be when the Year that began at Nisan when they came from Egypt shall come to Tisry or the 7th Month and Great Feast of Tabernacles Or Ingathering of all the Fruits of the Earth at the Close of Harvest and Vintage at the End of the Year as the Scriptures speak When also we may Expect the Latter Rain or Great Showres of That Holy Spirit whereof we saw the Former Rain or Lesser Showers or Droppings in the First Fruits of the Spirit at the Time of First Fruits or Pentecost in Acts 2d In the mean time there are Witnesses fixed As at Mispa the Watch and Gilead the Rouls or Stones of Witness That Laban and Haran Wrath and Care and Fear shall pass away As Wrath in Hebrew is somewhat Passing away but shall not pass over Those Witnesses for Hurt to Jacob or his Relations though his Wages be Changed as often as the Moon or Lebana from Laban and he be rouled between Hamath and Haran the Heat of the Sun and Cold of the Moon or its Wandrings Yet Those Changings and the Moon shall pass away but Everlasting Kindness shall not pass away And God will also Watch at Mispa that neither Leah nor Rachel be Wronged Who were also Witnesses to This Covenant and though but Daughters of Laban Yet they may be Mothers to Both Churches of the Jewes from Leah and the Gentiles also from Rachel so often called the Barren Woman and the younger Sister or our Little Sister in the Canticles alluding to This of Laban in Lebana Lebano and Lebanon and Gilead with the Goats of Seir or Esau and Mahanaim with other things in This Discourse And Ephraim from Rachel must be scattered among the Nations till he bring in and be The Fulness of the Gentiles As Jacob said to Joseph and Then All Israel also as well as Judah shall be saved as we read in Rom. 11. How long This Woman shall be subject to the Course and Changes of the Moon and when she shal have the Moon at her feet and when be freed from it as other Women in their Jubilee of 49 is Here more fully Discoursed And the Times of Gods With-drawing or Hiding and Returning to Israel or the World as the Sun to the Moon or the Earth And of the Times of Prophesying and Ceasing or slaying of the Witnesses Which though Divers in several Ages yet are All measured by the Times of the Sun to the Moon or Both to the Earth with Their Goings and Comings Hidings or Changes of the Faithful Witnesses in Heaven Which are still much measured by 3 and an Half As at first Creation which did Bare or Bear out somewhat Hidden before The Sun and Moon did not appear till the 4th Morning and the Jewes assign the 3d Hour Till which they lay as Dead
an Half And so Jacob served 7 Years and 7 for his 2 Wives and 6 for Cattel Then flyeth 3 Dayes and is pursued 7 to Gilead the Stones of Witness Joseph is also Born in the 14th year of his Fathers and Freed in the 14th Year of his Own Bondage and his 2 fellow Prisoners were freed on the 3d Day And so the 2 Searchers of Jericho lay hid or as lost for 3 Dayes and an Half And so Davids Wives and Friends of Ziglag And divers others besides our Saviours 3 Years and an Half Publick Preaching as Daniels Half Week and 3 Dayes and Half from the Passover 3 Hours and Half Anguish on the Cross As in the Grave 3 times 12 Hours and Half or about 40 or 42. And Paul was strucken Down and Blind till the 4th Day and in a great storm by Sea first 3 Dayes and Then they Lightned the Ship and was not fully freed till the 14th and so he went up to Jerusalem or to the 3d Heaven in the 14th year And Jerusalem was freed from the Assyrians in the 14th year of Hezekiah As Sodom or the World perhaps from the 4 Great Monarchies which are all shewed to Abraham in Visions in the 14th year as in the 14th of Genesis and also in the 15th we see the Turtle and the Pigeon as the 2 Witnesses preserved whole and unbroaken between the Heifer Ram and Goat and all of 3 years old Gods own Emblems of the 3 First Monarchies in the Prophets besides That Vision shewed All the kinds of Sacrifice and other things discoursed in This Book But especially the Passover which being the First 14th Day of the First Month of the First year of their Coming out of Egypt is to measure All that follow Which the Author therefore considereth in Hours of the year to the Passover and Thence to Pentecost and so onward to the 7th Month and its Feast of Trumpets Expiation and Tabernacles which was the Great Feast of the year and the Moed of all Moeds The Ingathering of All the Fruits of the Earth and Latter Rain of That which did but Drop in the First Fruits of Pentecost Time first beginning at Evening 12 Hours brought up Light for Darkness which returned again in the 25th Hour so that 25 is the Root of Darkness or That which first Turned Light into Darkness and the Next Number below the square Root of 666. 36 Hours come to the Morning of the 2d Day ending at 48. and 49 the Number of Middah in Hebrew Measure and the Number of Jubilee being 7 times 7 and the first of the 3d nights Rest. Whose Midnight is about 55 so neer the 12th part of 666. 60 The Morning and 70 the Evening Minha of the 3d Day Ending in 72 of 6 times 12 the Number of their Sanedrin 84 Hours or 3 Dayes and Half brought up the Sun of the 4th Day Measure to all the 3 and Half of all other Witnesses 96 come to the Evening of the Fift Day when Blood was first Created and its Morning Sacrifice is at Hour CXI the very Number of Kavh in Hebrew a Measuring Line and 6 of These is just 666. 120 the Hours of 5 whole Dayes Before Man was first Created is the very Number of Moed in Hebrew As 120 years was the Great Moed appointed by God for Men of the Old World 3 of these Moeds of 120 which is 3 times 40 make 360 as Dayes of their year and Half a Moed more 420 3 of which make 1260 in the Revelation which is also Ten Moeds making 1200 and an Half Moed 60 more 135 the 3d Hour of the 6th Day when Adam was Created Afterwards the Morning Sacrifice And about the Temple from That they called Hell or Chel to the Court of Israel were 135 Cubits as 135 Dayes from Pentecost to the Great Hosannah or the Last of Tabernacles 140 That is Twice 70 Hours shewed the Moon to Adam they say in the first Day of his Creation and he worshiped God who afterwards appointed That Hour for slaying of the Evening Sacrifice the Preparation to the Sabbath whose Lamb came up with 144000 Clakins of Time as the First-fruits to God and his Lamb There being just 144 Hours that is 12 times 12 before the Sabbath began and in 6000 Dayes 144000 Hours as the Number Sealed of all the 12 Tribes with the Holy Lamb on Mount Sion Revel 14. 155 The Noon of the Sabbath which was the measure to all Holy Things being the very Number of the Hebrew word for Kane which Ezekiel saith was 6 Cubits and an Hand as reaching into the Sabbath Day for every Cubit had 24 digits as the Day had 24 Hours The 10th Midnight is at Hour 222 the 3d part of 666 or the Number of Jerecho To which they also came on the 10th day of the first Month when they entred Canaan This is a solemn Fast with them for Miriams Death on the 10th of the first Month As Eli and his 2 Sons Dyed on the 10th of the 2d Month. When also the Ark was Taken by the Philistines After so many Hours of the year were past As there were Years between Egypt and the Taking of Jerusalem and Burning of the Temple by the Chaldeans on the 10th Day of the 5th Month. And the 2d Temple was also Burnt by the Romans on the 10th Day of the 5th Month or the same Day of the Month when in the Wilderness it was decreed They should not Enter into the Rest of God And This Day of the 5th Month might be as many Hours after Pentecost or before the Tabernacles As there were Hours before the Pentecost or Years before the Flood or After Egypt to the last sack of Jerusalem or Thence to their Coming in again with the Fulness of the Gentiles at the ●gathering of All the Fruits of the Earth in the Great Feast of the Tabernacles or the Latter Rain of That spirit of which the First Fruits were at Pentecost in Acts 2. which was so many Years After Egypt as the Day of Pentecost was Hours in the Year which is just after 1●6 the Hours of 64 Dayes before the Day of Pentecost which was the 65th Day of the Year or 50th from the Morrow after the Passover on the 14th The 10th Day of the 7th Month was the only Fast appointed by God or the Great Day of Attonement to which they reckoned 187 Dayes of the year as there were 187 Cubits in the Court of the Priests and Clean men of Israel about the Temple The 10th Day of the 10th Month was their Fast for the Seig of Jerusalem in the 9th of Zedekiah to the 9th of the 4th Month of his Eleventh year but the Temple was not burnt till the 10th of the 5th Month as Jeremy 52. with Zech. 8. saying that the Fasts of the 4th and of the 5th and of the 7th and of the 10th Month also should be cheerful Feasts of Joy and Gladness therefore Love Truth and Peace and think
no evil against your Neighbour as before in that and the former Chapter All these 10th or Fasting Dayes might be Hinted in the 10th of the first Month when the Thick Darknesse began of 3 Dayes and a Half as the Poets long night of 3 Nights together when the Paschal Lamb was Tyed up and prepared to be slain in Hour 333 just Half 666 or the Evening of the 14th Day which ended in Hour 336. And 337 the next Hour or first of the 15th which was a sad Night to All the first born in Aegipt is just the Number of Seol the Hebrew Word for Death and Hell or the Grave All typed out in Aegipt as Leviathan also with the Dragon in the Sea Giving power to the Beast or Image of the Beast as Psalms 74 106. Comming first from Babylon to Aegypt and thence to the Wilderness and thence to the Calves at Dan and Bethel whence back again to Babylon and There it became an Image of 60 cubits High and 6 in breadth till at length it came to be 666 which is here Discoursed 360 or 6 times 60 Hours come just to Sun set of the 15th Day when Israel was driven out and pursued so on the 3d day they say that on the 4th morning 3 Dayes and Half from the Passeover the Aegyptians are drowned as Job 34. 20. and 26. 12. adding the crooked Serpent in the next Verse and Israel cometh up from the Red sea that great Type of the Last Witnesse or Blood of all the Witnesses singing the Song of Moses and the LAMB in Hour 420 which is 3 and an Half of 120 or Moed in Hebrew made of 3 times 40 4 times 30 6 times 20 10 times 12 or 12 times 10 and 3 times 420 make 1260 in the Revelation alluding to This of Egypt and the Wildernesse in Divers places being but 30 years after Daniel's 1290 beginning at the sack of Jerusalem that is 3 times 430. As a Memorial of these 3 dayes and Half they have 3 more days of Thirst and then come to Marah that is Bitternesse Healed by a Tree And then they find 12 Fountains for 12 Tribes 12 Apostles answering to the 12 Hours of Light and 70 Palms as 70 Elders and 70 souls of Jacob in Egypt shadowed by the Palm-trees in the Temple-Courts as Tamar in Hezron as the Hebrew may intimate This 21st Day began at 480 Hours As the Temple began 480 years from Egypt so that its Feast of Dedication in the 7th month of Tabernacles answered to the Great Feast of Unleavened-Bread or Last of the Passover week in the 21st Day of the Month. By this Thread the Author goeth through All the years from Egypt Whose Dark times might be shadowed in the Philistins and others oppressing Israel Freed by Samson that is the Little Sun setting as many years from Egypt as their year had dayes Saul might be born 337 years from their Entring Canaan as the numher of his Name And Elies 40 years might answer Aarons 40 from Egypt where he was chosen to be Priest as God told Eli 1 Sam. ●27 40 more for Saul and Samuel as Act. 13. bring us to David that is Love Conquering Saul or binding him up for 1000 years when the 12 hours of day and night ran through each other at Gibeon with 360 Dayes of the Year then ending to begin a New Year a New Heaven and a New Earth as a New Jerusalem which David Took from the Jebusites who Trod it down as the name in Hebrew intimates 444 years from Egypt that is 2 Thirds of 666. When David had also reigned at Abrahams Hebron 7 years and 6 months being the 7th son of Jessi My Essence in Gods Language and from Abraham the 14th as from Noah the 24th or last Hour of That day setling the Temple Courses by 24 as his Name in Hebrew may be 24 and 14 as from Abraham he was the 14th Generation Matth. 1. And Davids 70 years an Age or Generation Psal. 90 is the 14th 70 from Abrahams Birth Who received the Promise and came from Haran at 75 Gen. 12 and before their coming out of Egypt just 430 years as Exod. 12 and Then 480 to the Temple in Solomons 4th 1 King 6. So that David dyed in 476 from Egypt and from Abraham's Birth 980 years which is just 14 times 70. 6 times 70 more carry them to Babylon and 7 times 70 bring them home again in the 10th Jubilee from David 490 but from Abrahams Birth the 30th Jubilee 3 times 490 that is 1470 which is the 3d 7th 70 or 21 times 70. And from the First Temple to the Second in the 2d of Darius Hystasp were 70 years Or to Ezra's going up in the 7th of Artaxerxes Long Twice 70 and 7 times 70 more as in Daniels Weeks or 490 years which are 10 more Jubilees bring us to our Saviors Death and Resurrection on the 3d Day as the Barley sheaf or first of First-sruits was heaved up the 3d day after the Passover And his sending down the First-fruits of the Spirit in the Pentecost Acts 2d 1537 years from Egypt as the Day of Pentecost the 65th of the year or 50th from the morrow after the Passover on the 14th began in Hour 1537. As also the First of the Great Moed for Mans Repentance of 120 years began in 1537 of the World and of Noah 480 As the Temple was 480 from the Law And Thus between the Two Great Sacks of Jerusalem and of Both Temples by the Caldeans and the Romans are just 666 years 666 being the Number of Change to the World and in special to Jerusalem which was as the Sun to his Moon as Jericho may signifie being made of 6 the first number of Turn and Change in the Sun and Moon or Heaven and Earth and the Great Ocean or Waters under the Earth And 6 is the First Midnight and 4 times 6 end the first Day and Light was first Turned into Darkness in Hour 25 the least square Root of 666 the Great Number of Darknesse or Change in all its principal parts As we saw in 55 CXI 222 the 10th Midnight or Number of Jerecho 333 the slaying of the Passover 444 in the 19th and 555 the first Watch of the 24th Night as the Last Hour of that Day and 666 comes just to the Sun Darkned by the Moon under his Rays 666 Hours the Middle of the 28th Day or the 3d sixt Hour of the 4th seventh Day which is just 29 Days and 12 Hours the Middle point of Sun and Moons Conjunction allowing 42 Hours for the Moons Hiding the number of Cled or Clade in Hebr the Lowest Age or Hour of Darkness or Temptation being the 24th part of 1008 as the Jewes Clakins were 1080. But Half 84 Hours which are in 3 days and a half the longest stay of the Moon in the Suns Rays in slowest motion Which is very different both in Sun and Moon and so are their Diameters yet so proportional to
10 Cleds or Clades or 3 Moeds and an Half as 70 is 3 score and an Half But 3 of those Dors or Generations being 3 times Thrice 70 or 9 times 70 and an half make just 665. And Dorothenu Our Generations in Hebr. letters may make 666 670 676. And 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Word so often used by God For your Generations makes 4 above 1260 which is 10 Moeds and an Half As in the Revelation also 1260 for a Time and Times and Half which is Moed Moeds and Half a Moed in Daniel And His 1335 is but 3 more than Twice 666 or 4 times 333 As the 14th Day ended in 336 Hours 3 more than 333 the Evening Sacrifice or slaying of the Passover And the Temple Witnesses lay as slain by Antiochus 3 years and then Recovered by Iudas Macchabeus in the 148 year of Seleucus Nicanor the very same Month the Temple was polluted 3 years before 1 Macc. 1. 54. 4. 51. That was Twice 666 from Egypt or 1332 years and the Clensing 1335 Which was also 1290 years from Their setling in Canaan as Iosh. 14. 10. which was in the 46th or 47th from Egypt As Noah went into the Ark on the 46th or 47th Day of the Year And if we There fix the Pentecost which was not till they were in Canaan as Levit. 23 25. There may yet be Greater Harmony For as the years before This setling in Canaan may be as Hours from the beginning of the Year to the Day of Pentecost so all the years following This in Canaan may be reckoned as Hours After the Pentecost the 65th Day of the Year and Therfore about the 5th of the 3d Month. 430 more come up to Solomon 470 to Ieroboam As 470 Hours from the beginning of the Day of Pentecost end about the 23d or 24th Day of the 3d Month when the Jewes Fast to this Day for Ieroboams stopping all the First-Fruits of Israel from Ierusalem 430 more to the City Taken by Nebuchadnezzar ending as Hours about the 9th of the 4th Month the very Day when it was broken up As we read in divers places of the Kings and Ieremy 39 and 52. 430 more which make up Daniels 1290 to the Times of Epiphanes for which They Fast also in the latter end of the 4th Month as also for Moses breaking the First Tables at their Golden Image in the Wilderness which themselves account as a Type or cause of the Babylonian Image oppressing them or That Abomination of Desolation as the Macchabees call it of Antiochus that mighty Type of Antichrist Or of any other since On them and the Israel of God And yet again 222 more added to 1290 make 1512 the number of Hours in 63 Dayes between the Day of Pentecost and the 10th of the 5th Month. That Fatal Day when Amalek Canaan destroyed them to Hormah the Curss upon that Heavy Doom of Not Entring into Rest And for the first Temple Burnt by the Chaldeans Jer. 55. 12. and the Second also by the Romans on the very same Day of the 5th Month. The 65th from the Day of Pentecost as This the 65th Day of the year and its Morning Sacrifice was in Hour 1526 from Pentecost As the second Temple Burnt 1526 years from their setling in Canaan 1512 years After Enoch On the 18th of the same 5th Month they Fast for the Lamps put out in Ahaz time and for them that defamed the Good Land on the 17th of the 6th Month but All the first half of the 7th is little else but Fasts as the first half of the 7th Day was Darkness and the latter half was Light and Joyful Feastings ending all that years sorrow and their scatterings which Damel makes the Measure of All things foretold in Him As Chap. 12. 7. And his 9th saith Desolations shall be determined at the End of That War whose very first Crisis lasted till That season of the year in the 7th Month we are now Seeking Shall we view a Map of All in the 39 40 41 52 Chapters of Jeremiah First The City Broken up on the 9th of the 4th Month about 860 Hours after Pentecost As That 860 years from Their First Pentecost in Canaan Then the Temple Burnt on the 10th of the 5th Month As a Type of the 2d Temple Burnt by the Romans on the same Day of the same Month and same Course of Joyarib 666 years after Or 1526 years from That Pentecost in Canaan As 1526 Hours from Pentecost to the Morning Sacrifice of the 10th Day of the 6th Month. In which also they Fast for Aaron's Death a Type of our Saviour Dying before That Temple Burnt Then the Great and Rich and Mighty men were All carried Captive and the Vineyards and Olives c. Left to the Poor As promised Zeph. 3. Ezek. 34. Levit. 26. with Ex. 23. adding that What the Poor left the Beasts should eat Then the Witnesses slain First Gedaliah a Type of Christ the Great Lord and Then the 70 Elders those solemn Witnesses in Mourning and their Hair shorn c. And at Mispa the Watch of Witnesse to Jacob and his two Wives as we saw before And slain by the 10 Great Captains as the 10 Horns of Ishmael the Beast as the Angel called him Pere first mocking Isaac and now slaying him in a Name-sake and of the Seed Royal. And Then the Witnesses Rising again Or All the Captives recovered by Johanan the Lord's Grace or Gracious And at Gibeon where the Sun stood still for a new Heaven in Joshuah and a new Earth and Age in David yet but Types of more when God shall do his Work his strange Work as at Gibeon Isa. 28. Thence they go to Egypt as Christ when Herod slew the Children For Out of Egypt God alwayes called his Son And the Prophets and Revelation speak of their last Return as both from Babylon and Egypt And for the Times also besides the great and only Fast prescribed on the 10th of the 7th Month They Fast on the 7th for the Golden Image of the Beast They made as Psalm 106. a Type of the Beast slaying the Witnesses and on the 3d for Gedaliah slain in the seventh Month as Jer. 41 and the other 70 on the 2d Day after And 1290 Hours from the Temple Burnt on the 10th of the 5th Month 53 dayes and 18 hours come up to this Time which may be compared with Daniels 1290 dayes or years or 1260 in the Revelation written about 30 years After the Temple and City Burnt by the Romans As Daniel's Great Prophecy of 2300 days was just 30 or 31 years after the City sacked by Babylon Whose Times are All but 3 times 666 and an half or 2331 years and so but just 2300 from the 31st year of that account which was in the 3d of Belshazzar as we read in Dan. 8. to be compared with Baruch whence much of Daniels Prayer in the 9th expounding Levit. 26 as an absolute Promise of
by him to a journey when he meets with great storms and danger of death by shipwrack or otherwise For the Lord met Moses in the Inn and sought to slay him in his way to Aegypt though he sent him thither on so great an errand Noah brought rest to the World through the Floud and many tossings in great Waters And we might have lost some of the sweetest portions of the Gospel but for such storms by Sea In one of them Christ is in the Ship but asleep and they wake him crying Carest thou not that we perish And he soon took care and rebuked the winds though blaming their unbelief and fear with amazement which is Peters phrase to the Daughters of our good Mother Sara and he might learn it from our Saviour in their storms and fears with such amazement which is a phrase used several times in the Gospel But doth God take care of bodies Will he not be more careful of our souls and pity them more If we would cry and wake him also when he seems asleep about or in us and among us and say to him Master carest thou not that our souls perish Even those precious and Immortal souls which thou seemest to value above the whole World saying What shall a man give in exchange for his soul It is said Our blood shall be precious in thy eyes and shall not our Souls be more precious O we of little faith At another time Our Saviour did not onely send away his Disciples but constrained them to go in a ship when they might have gone another way But they would have sent away the poor people supperlesse from him and when he had supped them He sends away his Hard Disciples to be tossed in the Sea while he blessed the poor people In the fourth watch of the night he shews himself God is nearer us in a storm then we believe or Expect and he saw them tossed some pretty while it seems but would not help them or appear till the last watch and then they are more afraid and cryed out supposing it to be an evil spirit So easily may we mistake the kindnesse of God and think him to be the Devil to devour us even then when he comes in goodnesse to save us But he first rebuketh their fears and saith It is I be not afraid And when Peter would venture out beyond his strength and ready to sink cryed Save me I perish He is moved with compassion and immediately stretcheth out his hand and catcheth him the very phrase used to the Hebrews He caught not the nature of Angels but he caught the seed of Abraham He suddenly reached out his hand and caught as we snatch a thing perishing in fire or water So he caught Peter As he would do us also if in our fears and sinking we would so cry out to Him Help Lord I perish How quickly did he bring him into the Ship and it with them all safe in a calme to their wished Haven O that men would praise the Lord for his goodnesse and wonderful kindnesse to the sons of men as the Psalmist repeats it several times in the 107. Psalm Such goodnesse and wonderful kindnesse did the Lord shew to Paul also in that stormy voyage to Rome wherein yet he did not onely preserve Him safe but all his fellow passengers also as he told him in a night vision saying Fear not Paul thou must be brought to Cesar and lo God hath given thee all them which sail with thee And when he came to Rome he expounded and testified the Kingdom of God perswading them of Jesus both out of the Law of Moses and out of the Prophets And for two years dwelt in an hired house receiving All that came to him Preaching the Kingdom of God and teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ with all confidence As we read in the Acts. That he also taught them to pray to Jesus Christ is plain enough from the stresse he putteth on it in his Epistle to those very Romanes in the tenth chapter Where to believing with the heart he joyns also confession with the mouth and explaineth it by praying to him For it is written Whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved For the same Lord over All is Rich unto All that call upon him But how shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed And the first Epistle to the Corinthians is directed to the Church of God at Corinth to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus called to be Saints with All that in every place call upon the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord both theirs and ours And concludes thus The Salutation of me Paul with my own hand If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ let him be Anathema Maranatha The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you my love be with you all in Christ Jesus Amen Which belongeth to every one that in any place calleth on Jesus Christ. And to All us there is but one God the Father of whom are all things and we in him and one Lord Jesus Christ by whom are All things and we by him as he speaketh in the same Epistle And the second Epistle concludeth with the Grace of Jesus Christ and the love of God the Father and the Communion of the Holy Ghost be with you All. As that Epistle so all his Epistles generally begin with Grace and Peace and some add Mercy also from God our Father and from our Lord Jesus Christ who as the Epistle to the Galathians addeth gave Himself for our sins that he might deliver us from this present evil World according to the will of God and our Father and I marvel that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the Grace of Christ. And concludes that Epistle From henceforth let no man trouble me for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus Brethren the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit Amen And to the Ephesians among many other remarkable passages of Jesus Christ he prayes that Christ may dwell in their hearts by Faith that ye being rooted and grounded in love may be able to comprehend with all Saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height and to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge that ye may be filled with all the fulnesse of God Namely by him in whom All fulnesse dwelleth Yea all the fulness of the Godhead And therefore He that desireth Him and prayeth to Him prayeth to the whole fulnesse of the Godhead and desireth it And in the same Epistle He that descended is now ascended far above all Heavens that he might fill All things and gave gifts c. for the edifying of the body of Christ till we all come in the unity of the Faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the
used by the Psalmist and his Rock which yet had a God had a Lord or a Father which is a plain character of Christ. As very many others which an attentive Reader will easily observe through the whole book of Psalmes yea the Prophets also in very many places And the Proverbs do not onely bid us lift up our voyce to Wisdom and cry aloud to Understanding but commands us also to call her our Sister and our near kinswoman which is a plain character he means That Wisdom which was hid in Christ in whom are hid All Treasures of wisdom For He is the Power and Wisdom of God who hath made him also Wisdom for us and unto us Being our Brother who of old dwelt with Prudence and was brought up with him But His delight was with the Sons of men whom he is not ashamed to call His Brethren Nay he commandeth us to call him Brother saying also that a Brother is Born for a Day of Trouble and to call His Wisdom our Sister and His Understanding our near Kinswoman which is a Comment on that of the Psalmes He is Thy Lord and therefore Worship him But He is also Thy Brother and therefore Kisse him also least thou displease and grieve him which we see all along through the Canticles also Shall I add yet more to perswade or encourage you in praying to Christ Or why rather to Christ then to God otherwise Though we may speak to the Father also and with great comfort and boldnesse If at least I can and dare say My Father forgive me as I forgive others which yet I desire to do and in some measure do but oft found it so hard to make it the measure of Gods forgiving me that it made me oft turn to Christ and say Lord teach me to pray this Prayer as John taught his Disciples And at length I hope he taught me and to speak and pray to Him also as He to His Father For he is not onely my Lord but my Father also and the Father of Eternity or as some read it of the World to come Yea and my Father in Heaven where he then also said he was Nay the Son of man which is in Heaven and your Father which is out of Heaven or came out of Heaven in that remarkable passage of our Saviour added by St. Luke to the Lords Prayer taught his Disciples in a secret place as they found him praying and said Lord teach us as John taught his Disciples and he taught them with some difference from what he said before all the People in his Sermon on the Mount whom yet he bid say Our Father c. But in Luke he addeth If you that be evil can give good gifts to them that ask you How much more your Father who is or who came Out of Heaven For so it is in the Original and by that character he may perhaps hint That very prayer may be spoken to him For He that seeth Him seeth the Father also and He that worships him worships the Father also and Him that serveth Him the Father will love and honour He that speaketh to him speaketh to the ear and Heart of God For the whole fulnesse of the Godhead is in Him and that I may not separate the Persons or have wrong conceits of God as I am apt enough to and so it may be worship Idols of my own making in my own brain which may be easier and so more dangerous then Idols made by my own hands I chuse much to speak to Christ and to God onely as in Him As of old They were to pray to the God of Abraham that spake to Moses and dwelt in the Tabernacle between the cherubims of glory shadowing the Mercy Seat covering the Arck so I speak to God onely as He is in Christ where he dwelleth for ever And though it may be very lawful to pray to God through Christ and for Christ Yet not to speak of out aptnesse to look on God as wholly wrath in Himself when he is Love even the Father is Love and so loved the world also that he sent his onely begotten Son to save the world and not to destroy it If one should run me in to the heart and I should cry to God the Father to cure me for Christs sake would he not answer and all wise men Go also to the Physitian or to the Chyrurgion who is to work out thy cure under God and is so appointed by God So when sinne or Satan Tempts or wounds me to the heart if I cry only to God to heal or help me for Christs sake will he not say Go to Ioseph I have trusted him with all things go to the proper Physitian or Surgion for the heart Jesus Christ whom I sent sanctified for that end to heal your soul and body both And He that heareth and learneth of the Father will go to him who indeed is the End of the Fathers Teachings and Drawings as he is the End of all the Law And Himself also crieth Come unto me and learn of me and buy of me and I will give you drink and Ease and Rest and Ey-salve thst you may see And though none come to him but whom the Father drew yet himself also promised that lifted up he would draws All men even All men unto himself And out of his belly shall flow Rivers of Living Waters And to the Woman of Samaria he said If thou knewest the Gift of God and who it is that speaketh to thee Thou wouldst Ask and ask of Him surely and He would give thee Living Water which should be a Fountain still flowing up to Eternal Life And they did pray to Him here on Earth and sure we might do so again if we should meet him here or could see him with our bodily eyes or could lay hold of him with our hands and wash his feet with our Tears and wipe them with the hairs of our heads If I should meet him as I walked why might I not speak to him as Paul did when he saw him in the way or afterwards in the Temple as he was praying Or as Stephen did when he died And is he not as neer us and as ready to hear and help and save us Now though we see him not with our bodily eyes as he was then And yet sure if we could but learn to speak and do all we do in the Name of Jesus Christ as we are bid we should even see and feel and taste Christ in our selves and in one another When it shall please God to reveal Christ in us as St. Paul speaketh to the Galathians intimating that he may be in us when we do not see him or believe him so for God onely can manifest himself and him to us and how or why doth he manifest himself to us and not unto the world But he hath promised to be among and in us and manifest himself and his Fathers Name that the love
deliver them from their destructions They even They also shall praise the Lord for his Goodness and for his wonderful Works to the Children of men Which is divers times repeated in one Psalm and that also by way of Prophesie or Promise and not only by Wishing as some now translate it Though the very Wishes of the Spirit of God writing the Scripture and it 's O that all the Lords People were Prophets and O that they would hearken and had Ears to hear or hearts to do as they say And O that they would consider and Turn and O that they would confess to God or acknowledg God or praise and bless God And Let All flesh praise him and every thing that hath breath praise the Lord and the like Sighs and Groans Wishes and Prayers of the good Spirit of God in the hearts of his People especially those that wrot the Scriptures are indeed both Prophesies and Promises or very strong convincing Arguments that such things so wished prayed and desired shall be granted to men and performed in them and in all the Earth also Even as Christs setting all his People to pray that our Fathers Kingdom might come and his Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven Even in The Heaven or Heaven of Heavens is a very strong argument and great assurance with Evidence that It shall be so Even in Earth as it is in Heaven Yea and it is very usual in Scripture first for the Spirit to express its sighs and groans and ardent desires and longings for a thing and afterwards we read it prophesied and promised It shall be so First it cries Let All the Earth be full of thy Glory and then afterwards It shal be All full of my Glory First Let all thy Works praise thee and Then They shall All praise thee Let All Nations see thy Glory and Then All Nations and Every Eye shall see the Glory yea and the Salvation of God The Skies shall powr down Righteousness and the Earth shall open and they shall bring forth Salvation for the Lord hath created and commanded it He hath willed it and his people will it also For Concerning his Sons and his Daughters They will Ask him but concerning the Works of his Hands even All the works of his Hands They may and will and shall as they are bid command him And shall do the same works yea and Greater also than ever Christ did Then on Earth For he did but begin but Begin to do and Teach as we read in the beginning of the Acts and hath left All to be finished by his Servants after him who for This is gone to the Father and set down at his Right Hand and so hath Power or must and shall have Power over All the Works of his Hands And hath he received All that Power in Heaven Earth for Destruction or for Edification I trust verily for Edification and not for Destruction As S. Paul spake of His. So it is and much more and better much I hope in JesusChrist seeing that he can heal us if he will as the poor Lepar said and can quicken whom he will as himself saith why should we doubt his Will seeing with us it is one of the lowest steps of Grace and Goodnesse to be Willing to be Good and Graceful Yea and as Good and full of Grace as we can be and have any Power to be Why may we not hope it so in Christs Will also Is it Lesse and Narrower or Worse and Weaker then his Power Is his Heart Narrow as Mine is And his Bowels straitned also Or his Eye Evil and his Heart Envious also That he will not give or do or cannot abide to see the Good he might both See and Do and Give and Work very easily in us by that Power he hath received and the Gifts he had for Rebels also I have sometimes thought it might be better much and more Ingenuous farr to think our Saviour Weak or quite unable to do what he would then wilful or unwilling to do what he can for Good The one doth but make him Weak as a man the other Evil Envious or Malicious as a Wicked Man or Devil Or an Hypocrite that makes a great shew of Grace and good in his Face as the Heb Canaph or Knave is one that hath Grace which in Heb is Can ap-pearing But not in his Heart Or one that can but will not be Gracious Or makes a shew of Good without an Heart to it or a will to be so Good as easily he might if he would Especially when I plainly see Christ founding his Calls and Invitations of the Gospel on this very Botom and Foundation That he hath All Power given him by his Father and All things So in Saint Matthew All things are delivered to me of my Father Come unto me All ye that Labour and are heavy Laden I will givey ou Rest. Come Learn of me for I am Meek and Lowly even as Good in Heart as in Head or Arm or any Power whatever And you shall find Rest to your Souls And again at his Resurrection and before his Ascention All Power is Given me both in Heaven and Earth Therefore go Preach Do not fight or force though I have All Power and you shall have it also for I will be with you to the end of the World And therefore Preach And so also before he Cured a Poor Man that was borne by others and had no Tongue or Heart that we read to speak for himself Or it may be Faith to believe or expect it for it is said Christ seeing Their Faith not His but Theirs he said Son be of Good Chear Thy sins be forgiven thee and moved with Compassion also Healed him as divers also that were onely in his Sight though they said nothing for themselves and he never denyed any for themselves or others and This was That he might shew the Son of man had Power even power on Earth also to forgive sins And hath he lesse Power in Heaven Or lesse Heart to use it Seeing he is Exalted and set at the Right Hand of God and so hath Power over all his handy Works and made a Prince and Saviour for this very end and purpose that he may Give Repentance and Remission of sins to All that Ask and Wrestle for it as the Seed of true Seekers and that Brood of Travelers as Jacob who by seeking so and wrestling did become a Prince with God and Thence was called Israel And the Lord delighteth to call himself The God of Israel Though it might make him blush more then any Name or all the Names in all the Bible were not his Heart rather better then his Strength and Power was For every time he calls himself the God of Israel he remembers How a Poor Weak Frail Halting Man Overcame him at his own Weapons For he set upon him and was overcome and could not go he would not let him go till
one as thou Father art in me and I in Thee that they also may be One in us And for this also I pray and make it my dying request That the World even the whole World may beleeve that thou hast sent me As now my Disciples do and are happy by it For it is Life eternall to know thee the only true God and whom thou hast sent Jesus Christ. Yea I have yet one thing more to desire for the World even for the World also though I did not so pray for them in the beginning of my Prayer And the glory that thou gavest me I have given them that they may be One as we are One and that the World may know that thou hast sent me and hast loved them as thou hast loved me And again I have declared thy Name and I will declare it that the Love wherewith thou lovest me may be in them and I in them Plainly intimating that All that come to Know his Name which he will ever declare shall come to Love God being Loved of him with the same love he loved Christ. To whom he gave many great Revelations not for himself as he said when the voyce came from heaven I have glorified my Name and will glorifie it again But that He might shew them to his Children and so great is his goodnesse to his Servants also Thus his Father Abraham was called the Friend of God because he knew his mind to which also Christ alludeth it may be more then once and was made his Privy Councellor For how or why should I hide from Abraham the thing or any thing I do seeing that Abraham shall surely become a Great and mighty Nation All the Nations of the Earth shal be blessed in him For I know him that he will command his Children and his Houshold after him his Houshold after him for he took his Enocks or his Catechised men to pursue the four Kings And they shall keep the Way of the Lord to do Justice and Judgement that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him Which was to be a Blessing to All Nations yea and to All Families and by consequence Housholds of the Earth Which is perfectly fulfilled in Christ that Blessed Seed whose seed also must be as the sand on the Sea shore yea and as the Dust of the Earth for multitude for I saw a multitude which none could number in the Revelation and as the stars also through All the Heavens for Glory And yet these are only the First Born or those that turn others to Righteousnesse Being Kings and Priests to God and his Father But there are others also that shall be as the Firmament though not so bright as the Starrs For so we read in the last of Daniel and of Starrs also there is great difference and severall Magnitudes as St. Paul tells us in the 15. to the Corinthians As his Master also said In my Fathers House are many and it may be very different Mansions Every one also of that Blessed Seed and of the first Born hath the Blessing of Abraham and is a Child of the Promise as Isaac was and is so made Blessing unto All Nations and Families of the Earth and hath the Sure Mercies of David also as we touched before to Him and his Seed after Him Which may be hinted also in the close of the second Commandment For what is there said Of Gods shewing mercy unto thousands is plainly meant of Thousand Generations as appeareth by the opposition of three or four Generations before in the same Commandement And in the 7. of Deutronomy it is so expressed Know therefore that the Lord thy God he is God the faithful God Which keepeth Covenant and Mercy also which is hence remembred by Daniell and Nehemiah wi●h them that love him and keep his Commandments even to a Thousand Generations Which also plainly sheweth that the words of the second Commandement are not to be restrained to those only that actually love God and walk in his Commandements themselves But to their Seed also even to a Thousand Generations And in the name of Goodnesse proclaimed to Moses this of Keeping Mercy for Thousands is written with a very Great and unusuall Letter as to intimate some unexpressible Greatnesse of Goodnesse as the Jews will teach us And those which are not the Seed of Abraham may yet be within the thousand Generations of Noah who was also a Perfect man in his Generations and very dearly beloved and Blessed by God who also blessed his Sonns and made an everlasting Covenant with them And his mercy is to a thousand Generations yea to All Generations as the Psalmes expresse it from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him and their Childrens Children Whereas on the other side when he would expresse his great Jealoufie and visiting the Fathers Iniquity upon their Children it is but for three or four Generations VVhich is so far from such a Threatning as may be taken by some that it is very great Goodnesse That the worst of Gods Visitations here threatned shall be only for three or four Generations was so proclaimed by God when he caused all his Goodnesse to passe before Moses who also repeated this on God as a promise when he interceeded for Israel at their making the Calf which sure he would not have then pressed if he had not taken it for a great peece of Goodnesse as it was the last in that great Proclamation and God useth to reserve his Best for the last And when Moses heard it he made hast to worship as if he had now seen the very worst of God to be Very Good and much better then he knew before Though it was a good Report he had long had of Gods Goodnesse but not half or it may be the thousand part of that which will be known When he shall come to be Admired by All that Beleeve Yea and That also of Not holding guiltless or not Quitting the Guilty speaketh Goodness also and was in his Name of Goodness Proclaimed to Moses and so taken by Him and repeated and pressed on God as an argument for Pardoning and sparing the poore People when the Calf was made And God answered I have Pardoned according to thy Word And truly All the earth shall be filled with the Glory of the Lord or with the Salvation of God as we have found by comparing two Psalms together and the 40 of Esay with the Evangelist c●ing it which is a very Sweet and Gracious Promise By which we may clearly see that the worst of those Expressions did not mean Eternall Punishment but only such a Visitation for some few Generations as might very well stand with Pardoning So that the persons so Visited should not be destroyed for the Lord visits not to destroy but to save but yet Chastened and Corrected in measure and not wholly left unpunished As we find the very same Phrase used by God
our Hearts do also signifie the sprouts of the Earth That Earth which the Lord Cursed But Noah found grace with God which may allude to his Name being the very same Letters which in Heb signify Grace He is called the eighth Preacher of Righteousnesse being the eighth from Enos When it is said Men began to Preach or Proclaim the Name of the Lord. The same phrase with Gods Proclaiming his own Name to Moses Though it be often used also for Calling on his Name As in the 80. and 79. Psalm Pour out thy Wrath upon the Kingdoms or Families that call not on Thy Name Till they seek Thy Name O Lord as we read in the 83d which may be added for calling on Christ and Praying to Him For among other Arguments There why he should not be Angry for ever or remember their Ancestors sins He cryeth Help us O God Our Saviour or our Jesus for the glory of Thy Name and Deliver us and Purge away or atone and expiate our sins for Thy Names sake VVhich as in the 65 Psalm and many other places is a sure Character of Christ in his Priestly Office being a Phrase so proper to the Priest in making Expiation for sin and the Mercy Seat and great Day of Atonement is from that VVord through all the Law of Moses And if I should so paraphrase the Words that Noah was the eighth from Enos who began to Preach Jesus Or to own him so as to call upon his Name I might not onely shew many Scriptures alluding though we now render them by Man and the Son of Man Where in Heb it is Enos or the Son of Adam But I might also bring great Arguments to prove Jehovah there used to be most proper to Christ Or the great Angel Jehovah as he is called in Zech. as alluding to the Angel so often speaking to Moses and giving the Law at Sinai out of the Burning Bush and Sinai is my Bush or my Thorns or my Sin or my Hatred as it is written or at least sounded in the Heb. And That Angel speaking to Moses when he was first made to turn aside and say he would consider that great thing a Bush Burning and yet not consuming as Christ also was plainly telleth him He was the God of his Fathers and appeared to them as t is said the Word of the Lord appeared to Abraham and the old Chaldee Paraphrase useth it very often where we read the Lord Though it was onely by his Name of Elshadday or God Almighty which we found the Object of Abrahams Faith but not yet as Jehovah speaking his Will also with his Power Ehje asher Ehje I will be what I will or can be Which now God would be in Christ delivering them out of Aegypt which in Heb is Misery as he speaks in the Law calling himself Jehovah the Lord thy God And This Name also may seem to be foretold to our Grand-mother Eve and that He should come from Her and she could not hold it in her Name being Chave which may also signifie a Tatler and as soon as Kain was born she cries I have kuned or kinned the Man Jehovah See the same Idiome particles and accents in Ezech. 4. 1. But as Seth was Set the Saxon English is very much Hebrew and a kin to Abraham in the room of Righteous Abel whom Kain slew So there was a Righteous Man also to rise up and be set in the room of Kain the Murderer and Brother Hater Which might be hinted perhaps when Kain named his Son Enoch sounding alike to Enos the very same name with the Blessed Patriarch Enoch That is the Chatechist or Catechumenus As is touched also in Abrahams taking out his Enochs or his Catechised servants against the four great Monarchies And Enoch was a great Type of Christ Walking with God and was not because God took him but before his Translation he had this Testimony that he Pleased God Living also 365. years as there be Dayes in a year And so long also did Christ remain in the Purity of the Primitive Church as the Oracle answered That Christian Religion should remain but One Great or Prophetick year and then came up That Grand Apostacy so much spoken of and ushered in by Him that through all ages since is Called The Apostate For Julian was about 365 years after Christ of which we may discourse again in an other Season When Enoch was Taken away and Seth Dead Noah is Born So Gracious is God in raising up other Comforters as our Saviour speaketh when it is expedient that some be taken from us Who is to be set in the room of Kain and his issue called the Children of Men in opposition to the Sons of Enos Named the Sons of God as some will have it Then began Men to be called by the Name of God All Kains Issue was washed off by the Floud so that all men now are the Children of Seth as we read in Scripture as well as Children of Noah And as we see the Justice of God in washing away the Sons of Cursed Kain so we may see the goodnesse of God in bringing us all since from Blessed Noah while also our sins as the Sons of Kain are washed off by the Blessed Flood of Baptism by Water and the Spirit Which must move on those Waters also as at first on the great Waters till it bring forth a New Heaven and a New Earth in which Righteousness shall dwell I do not Here stay to compare Noahs Ark with Peters Sheet having all kind of beasts Unclean and Clean which He must slay and eat and Turn into himself and his own spirit And from This he is Taught at length to call No Man Common or Unclean Seeing All are together and may be alike as they were in the sheet and in the Ark Resembling Christ with Rest also as the Name of Noah signifies Which was therefore given him because He shall give us Rest or Comfort in our Toyl because of the Earth which the Lord hath Cursed To which also the Prophet Micah may allude This Man shall be Our Peace whon the Assyrian Overflows our Land For so also Esay Prophesied that Assyria should rise up as a Flood and overflow the breadth of the Land of Emanuel as Antichrist the Church of Christ. see also Jer. 47. 2. But Christ shall give us Rest as himself also promiseth when he calleth all that are laden and that Labour as alluding to That of Noah I will give you Rest and again you shall find Rest to your Souls And the flood so Baptised Noah that God blessed Him and his Sons also which was more then we read done to Adams Children Yea Noah had a greater blessing then Adam had as may be shewed in divers Particulars and an Everlasting Covenant so established with Him and his Seed also that it is made the Pattern of all Covenants with Israel or any other as we may find in divers places And the
God promiseth to bring back the Captivity of Ammon as of Sodom also in Ezechiel and of Moab in the latter dayes or Time of Messiah as the Jews use to expound that Phrase of the latter Dayes And in the Tenth Generation They also may enter into the Church of God though it was threatned They should Never enter And as David was the fourteenth Generation and the fourteenth seventy Years from Abraham so was Boas the Tenth or eleventh who married Ruth a Moabite who might be the Tenth from Lot who by a former Man of Iudah was Daughter to Naomy Beauty Wife to Elimelech who had two Sons Mahlon weaknesse and Chilion consumption or perfection or Espousal who had Orpha stiffneckednesse who left her Mother The other Ruth who choosing her Mothers people and God is led to a field of Boaz and is bid stick close to his Maidens O tell me where thou feedest and restest at Noon for why should I stray and at length is bid to lie at his feet and say Thou art my Kinsman as Solomon bids us say to Wisdome Thou art my Sister And Christ is both Iachin and Boaz the Wisdom and Strength of God and so very near a kin to Elimelech my God the King see the third of Esay compared with the 7 8 17. 22. of the 23. chap. and see the Women of Moab and Ammon married to Kings of Israel and Judah And David in his straits carried his Parents to the King of Moab saying Let my Father and Mother be with you till I know what God will do for me Or as Esay Let my Out-casts dwell with Thee Moab be thou a Covert to them And in Mercy shall the Throne be established as we found before in the Psalms and Proverbs and he shall sit upon it in Truth in the Tabernacle of David judging and seeking judgement and Hasting Righteousnesse And my Heart shall Cry for Moab O the Tender Heart of God! Let his Fugitives flee to Zoar. As his Father Lot did from Sodom to Zoar which seemeth therefore to have stood in Moab on the East of Iordan and not on the West as the Tables place it And again send ye the Lamb to the Ruler of the People to the mount of the Daughter of Zion as alluding to the King of Moabs paying Lambs for Tribute to the King of Israel But about Ahabs Death Moab and Edom also brake their yoak and freed themselves from Iaacob under Iehoram the high Lord in the dayes of Elisha or God Iesus as the Name implies who had a double portion of the Spirit of Elijah the Lord my God And shall a Man be able to give a Double portion of his Spirit and That at his Parting and going away and shall not He that hath the Residue of the spirit in opposition to shear Baser the Residue of the Flesh which is so many times in Scripture Language for near Kindred or He that hath the Spirit without Limits or not by measure shall not He be able and willing also to give His Holy Spirit unto all that ask it and a Double Portion unto All his First Born Who saw and yet see him ascending and cry to him my Father my Father the Charriot of Israel and the Horsemen thereof And it may be That remarkable promise of the Spirit unto all that ask it may allude to This very History of Elijah giving his Spirit to Elisha crying my Father my Father As in Luke it is not as some read it your Heavenly Father But Your Father who is Out of Heaven or came out of Heaven And he took the Mantle of Elijah and smote the Waters saying as we may now say Here indeed is the Mantle of Elijah O but Where is the Lord God and the Spirit of Elijah and the Waters parted Hither and Thither Though I do not yet say when they so parted as before at Josuahs coming over Jordan there began an Other Generation or a New Age of the World As at first dividing the Waters by the Firmament of Heaven with the Waters above the Heavens of which in the Psalms and divers other places that I speak not of Esdras Ecclesasticus or Wisdom of Solomon And the Sons of the Prophets said the Spirit of Elijah resteth on Elisha and they bowed down or Worshipped him and afterwards he enlarged their Colledge and it may be their Spirit also The Hebrew Word Saul used in That History puts me in mind How Saul cut off the Lords Priests and How he fell and How the Jews say He was Recovered aand saved though I dare not say by the Mediation of Elias or Elisha Who they say must come and loose all knots or as our Saviour saith He must Restore All Things yea and that after John the Baptist was beheaded And some other words in That History put me also in mind How Elijah destroyed the false prophets of Baal and Jezabel and how Elisha did encourage and enlarge the True Prophets and at length by one of the young prophets annointeth Jehu which yet was given in charge to Elijah himself One of the best Texts I know for Deputations And Jehu destroyeth Jezabel who had not onely Destroyed and Corrupted the Lords Prophets and driven away Elijah and Elisha but had even quite stifled the very Spirit of Prophecy in the Seed of God as the Hebrew words Naboth in Jezreel may import Which may be compared with That of Jezabel opposed by the Bright morning Star breaking and scattering the Dark Clouds and bringing in the Morning and Our Rising and cloathing with White and fresh Linnen in fourth and fifth Churches and th●slaying of the two Witnesses with the Spirit of Prophecy in the Revelation And the sixth Church of Philadelphia or Brotherly Love is plainly the New Jerusalem as Christ himself expresseth in his Epistle to that Church before the General Iudgement of the People or Laodicea as the Word signifies Which may also be compared with the latter part of the eleventh and also the four last Chapters of the Revelation Where the great Judgement also is Described which the Prophets place in the Valley of Jehoshaphat whose very Name implies the Lords Judgement Which was also called the valley of Beraca or Blessing When they had troden down Moab and Ammon and Edom. Which we find also cited in the Prophets as foretelling somewhat yet to be done in the Revelation And had it not been for Jehoshaphat Elisha said he would not have seen the other two Kings met against Moab also saying Nay but hath God gathered these Kings and their people also together to Destroy them But as Jehoshaphat smarted sorely for joyning with Ahab and his Sons so They Got by His good Company In which we may see God pitying a Wicked man and Hearing his Cry and Prayer as most remarkably after he did the Prayer of Jehoahaz 2 Kings 13. 4 5 6. 23. How the Waters came at the morning Sacrifice and How he multiplyed the VViddows Oyl that was like to
may be from News brought by Pigeons As in Those Countries To This day And Jonah signifies a Dove sent to Nineveh as Israel to Assyria and Babylon When All or any of These were Burnt Offerings or Sin Offerings for the whole Church or Priest They were All the Lords consumed by Fire as pledges that the persons offending were guilty of cutting off or perishing for their sins But in particular Sin Offerings or Trespass which were greater guilt and Shame as the Heb sounds the Priest had His and in Peace-Offerings the Offerer had also His part to eat besides the Blood poured out and the Fat and Inwards consumed by Fire to the Lord. Which might not only be a Token of Their Peace with God as the Apostle speaks but also that God accepted and pardoned Those who were represented by such Offerings Gods receiving or eating them as himself expresseth it seemed an Emblem of his Turning them and their natures into His As we dayly do to all we eat and wel digest Or that Christ who was Typed out in All of them was made All to All or for All. As Not only a Lamb for the Lambs in the dayly Sacrifice in which God had his Bread and flesh at morning and Bread and flesh at Evening as he allowed to Elijah and other persons But a Goat also for the Goats At the change of the Moon and the solemn Feasts especially the Feast of Atonement About the end of the Year or Fulness of Times as the Apostle speaketh which we shall consider a little more distinctly As there is a measure of Syncerity which the Scripture calls Integrity Perfection or Fulness of Heart as Calebs Heart filled after God and Sardis Works were not filled up before God And the Lord answered Abimelech Thou didst it in the Perfection of thy Heart which yet is not Absolute Perfection So there are such or such periods of Time which the Scripture reckons Perfect and calleth Fulness of Time or some kind of Eternity which yet are not such Absolutely but to man So Long or so uncertain or Hidden as the word intimates which is used for Ever or Eternity Seeing God hath so Hidden some Times and Seasons in his own Breast that the Son himself saith He knew them not Which yet some interpret as That saying I pray not for the World as if he said I do not now speak or manifest My knowing owning or praying for them till its proper season And there were such seasons also or Revelation of Times and Seasons as appeareth in the Revelation And Blessed is He that Readeth That Book Which is cleerer perhaps for the great things of Doctrine Worship and Discipline also than every eye seeth at one or two readings And may we not say with Job Seeing Times are not Hidden from the Almighty why do They that know Him not see his Daies or Times also For That is the sence in the Original rather than as some read or comma the words Thus VVhy do they that know him not see his daies As the Schools make Motion to begin from Rest as in Heb Resit or Rest is the Beginning of Creation and all Motion So the Jews and other old Nations did begin to reckon Time which is the Measure of Motion from Night in Heb Nihat Rest which is as proper to Night as Motion is to Day As our Saviour also speaketh I must work O happy necessity while it is Day for the Night cometh when No man can work And again Walk in the Light and are there not Twelve hours in the Day And so many also they made in the Night Observing perhaps that the Moons mean Motion was her own Diameter Twelve times to the Suns moving One of His and so twenty four for his two breadths of Day and Nights Motion round the Heavens which is also the proportion which the Ancients made and kept between their Sun and Moon in Metals Gold and Silver But on the Twelve sons of Darkness as of Ishmael or Esau and the Twelve sons of Israel which are called Children of Light We glaunced before in the twenty four Elders and the Watches or Watchers also As in our Bodies are twelve Ribs on the one side and twelve on the other with such and such distinctions and Vertebres And in either Jaw or Pallat like the two Hemispheres of Day and Night There are twelve Teeth with their Watchers also which some call Dogs And the common meetings of our Jaws and signal Pulses are in many Languages called Times or Tempora the Temples As the Jews also called Teeth by a word next akin to Years and our Ears are neer our Temples growing up as Time and Years did after the Creation Changing All things by chewing and devouring them as Time and Saturn did with the Poets and so Turning them into our own Natures And the very Name of Year as of Teeth also in Heb intimates Changing and its Numeral Letters make up Three hundred fifty five As there were Daies in their Lunar Year and Three hundred sixty in the Plural Regimen as in their Solar Years as we touched before at the great Change of Time in the last Battel between David and the House of Saul And Their word for Year hath a double Plural both Feminine and Masculine as their Years were Lunar and Solar And such periods of Exact meeting of Sun and Moon after such Courses and Motions make up such or such a Fulness of Time or Perfection which in Scripture Language may be called an Age or Ay or Ever or the like Phrase by which they express the World also which is usual in many languages As where some read He hath set the World in our Heart it is Eternity or the same VVord which is so Rendred in very many places And though it may be hard to determine what the Scripture meaneth by Fulnesse of Time or Times which is so spoken about our Saviour Time especially as if it were the end of one World and beginning of another Or the end of that which was to answer to the first Night of Creation or the Time before the Sun appeared in the World and the beginning of Light or Day as we may often read in the new Testament yet for some little Essay towards it we may remember that the Hebrew word for Seven or Sevang as some sound it the English Saxon being much Hebrew is very neer a kin to That which signifieth Fulnes and their word for Ten is also Riches which turned backwards maketh their Rash or wrech or Rich or Rushing wicked and unquiet man and by a little changing of places the same letters make a Goat and a Devil also to which there may be frequent allusions in Scripture which we may touch again Shall I add that All the Words I now remember in all the Bible to expresse such a Fulnesse or perfection of Time as is stiled Age or Ay or Ever or Eternity in their very numeral Letters if no more
from the first Creation might represent the twelve Months of the year and the twelve great years the World was to serve the four great Monarchies or watchers and watches of which Daniel also speaketh as of those that gave out the Decree agreed by the Watchers against Nebuchadnezar when he became the Beast As we There also read of the Image of the Beast to be compared with the Revelation of which which twelve years serving the four Monarchies as also the Restitution and Liberty in the second Sabbath or fourteenth Year we first read in the fourteenth of Genesis The Jews had also many other Divisions of Time and Particles they called Clakin As the English Saxons also in their Clackings or Clickings of their Clocks and Watches But we now mainly consider their twelve hours of Day and Night which so many other Nations also have still observed But in Scripture there is Half an hour and silence in Heaven about half an hour And those Twelve hours are most signally parted into six and six and each six halfed again into the little Watches of the Night also which in the Roman times and the New Testament were Four also as the great Watchers or Animals or Angels of the four Quarters of Heaven or Corners of the Earth Though some hints appeer also as if the Old Jews had first but three Watches in their Nights But Nature teacheth us to Halve and quarter things and Thence are made the sweet Chords in Musick For a string of twelve inches or any twelve parts maketh a Diapason to another of six equally strained and a Diapente Diatessaron Epitrite a Fifth a Fourth a Third to others of 3 and 4 and 8 or 9. which are the usual Chords of Harmony All These are in the 12. hours of Day and Night and it may be All measures used by the Hebrews Greeks and Romans or other Nations that we know All their Weights and Money also rising up by such Proportions as we are now seeing in the 12. hours of Day and Night As might be easily shewed by any that will compare the Twelves and parts thereof in the Roman Foot and Assis Pound and Ounces with the Palms and Digits Omers Kabs and Hins Baths or Ephas with other measures and Weights among the Jews and divers other Nations Measure is an Hebrew Word coming from That which in the skie an Heb word is shours which is Hebrew and in us Thoughts the shours of our Heavens and Brain the measure of all measures as the English use to say a Thought more or less or the Hairs of our Head as They speak also to an hairs breadth and on Earth Barly that Hairy Seed of all the quickest Sowen and Mowed and Moughed again in 2 months or lesse in hot Countries 6 Hairs breadths make a Barley breadth and 6 of these a doit or Digit 4 of which or 24 of Those made the Hebrew Tap or Hand Breadth and 12 Digits made their span or Hand stride which is Hebrew made of 12 Doights as the Common Foot of 12 Inches and their Common Day of 12 Hours To which it may be David alluded when he saith Thou hast made my Dayes as a span or Hand breadths And Esay of Christ Spanning out the Heavens parted as their common span or as ●oses expresseth it according to the number of the Children of Israel for to Those Bounds Paul addeth Times also in Areopagus Famous for Mars Tryed There by a Jury of 12. 24 Digits like the 24 Hours or 24 Elders and they had 24 Books in their Bible and it may be 24 Letters as many other Nations and the Finals are but as the VVatchers made the Cubit common with Them and all Nations Though some make their Sacred Cubit to be 7 Palms to be considered with the Sabbath and the 4 new Digits may be as the 4 Watches or Watchers added to the 24 Elders and the 28 Doights may be as 28 dayes of the lesser month and 4 Cubit are a Mans Height 6 Cubits or 144 Digits like the 144 hours of the 6 sirst Dayes made their common measuring Reed or Kane which is also Hebrew of which we read in divers places of Scripture And Goliath was 6 Cubits and a span 400 Cubits or 2400 Palms 600 Roman Feet 240 Gressus 120 Paces made the Greek stadium or furlong shorter then the Roman by 24 Foot or thereabout 1000 Cubits or 2000 spans 6000 Palms 24000 Digits made the Cribat of which we read at Rachels death neer Ephrata with other places of Scripture 2000 Cubits or 12000 Palms 48000 Digits made their Sabbath dayes Journey or distance from their Camp to the Tabernacle as we may find in several places 10000 Cubits or 240000 Digits make a Common League or an Hours way in Heb Leck a Leash of 3 Italian Miles of which each had 5000 Roman Feet 2000 Gressus and 1000 Pases so that 3 of them made 24 Roman Funlongs and about 1666 Heb. Reeds or Kanes VVhich may be considered with 666. and other numbers in Scripture 12 little spoons did make the Cyath Cup and 12 of them the Hebrew Log or 6 Eggs and 24 the ●hoenix which was the usual allowance for a Day which hath 24 hours 24 Eggs made the Hebrew Kab or 4 Logs equal to the Common Chaenix in the Revelation or a Cubick Palm 12 Logs made the Heb Hin of 72 Eggs and 24 Logs their Sea 3 of which made their Bath or Epha which was a Cubick Foot of 10 Omers but the tenth part of an Homor or Asses Burthen 24 Blanks make a Perit which is also Hebrew Part or Particle and Perute Prute is yet in use among the Eastern Coyns as English call a little pritty thing and 20 peruts make a Droit 24 Droits make a Mite 20 mites a Grain as coming from the Heb. Gerah 20 of which made their shekle which was their usual skale which is Hebrew weight of all weights or moneys Shilling is in Heb Selang which is yet used among their moneys 12 pence English 24 Grains make a penny 20 pennies an Ounce and 12 Ounces a pound Troy as the English speak or Brittans from Troy But the Antients had other weights also yet by 12 and 24. As 12 Grains made their Obbol 24 their scruple which is 20 now with some 3 scruples a dram and 8 drams an Ounce and 12 ounces a pound Which with the Romans was Aes or Assis. Which had still 12 parts Though often changed and lessened for great Reasons of State Yet when least of All it had still 12 particles which some also called Unces And of Unces 12 Made their Aes or Assis 120 their Denarius which was io Aera as the name imports or 4 Farthings which were Sestertii of which 1000 made their sestertium 24 made the Hebrew Gerah Grain or Groat io of which make a draehm and 2 drams which were 4 Attick or 20 Gerahs made their shekle half an Ounce 24 Shekles or 12 Ounces made
VVisdom it might ocasion us to think how neer Sophia or Sophos which was the great word with them that called it and their wise man a Die for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 turned backwards also is still the same 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 comes to that very number of 666. Which we find also in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as his Name may be written who was so notorious in the VVest with Mahomet in the East about the year 666. And although I cannot deny but Ireneus scholar to St. John or his scholar found That number in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as others also in Romijith and divers other VVords or Names yet Some interpret That Phrase of the Number of a man as if it were a mans reckoning or to be counted onely by Him who of all the Creatures can onely so Number Numbers As if man an Hebrew word also came from Mana to Number And Manath or month is reckoning and 490. As if That Solemn Number of 7 Sevenights as we read in Daniels VVeeks were some way That which in Gods reckoning was The Number or the Manath or Month and it may be some way in every month also And in Hebrew manim or minae Pounds or mans or if you will men are 700 as mani number 100. And when Jacob complained that Laban had changed his wages so many times it is manim in Hebrew as the English also use many and for many also they use some which is Hebrew also as we found before in sum a sum or end of number and in numerals 666. as in Latine also Sexcenti for Many Shall I add also that as money or Monie is plainly an Hebrew word for Numbring as with English so also Zemanins which is Times or seasons as the word soundeth for every thing as Solomon speaketh is but 7 added to 700. That is monim or numbring or reckoning by seven as if all seasons were made up of the number Seven And as the Hebrew Sum is a kin to the Latine Sum and Turned backward is their Mus as Sumus also turned backward is still Sumus as if all our being and our summing also were but mus a mouse and all our musing also which is English and many other languages so also both sums are very neer to the Greek soma by which they expresse our body And it may be some will so render That phrase in the Revelation For it is the Number of a man as if it were not onely of mans numbring or of mans reaching or bearing or using as in Scripture often the Rods of a man and the Cords of a man and the pen of a man and the words of a man and the way of a man and the son of man and Children of men and to speak or walk as a man and Temptations of a man or common unto men But also some special Thing in mans body just of that Number And what if it should be That which makes him a man and yet so much and so oft to degenerate into a Beast For as man in the Image of God he was above all beasts and made to Rule them all with all his lusts and beastly Passions as we shewed before from Gods own words and great consult at mans Creation But lust conceiving brought forth sin and sin complete or grown up to be of age brought forth Death as we read in St. James and in Peter also that fleshly lusts Fight against the spirit and that it is very dangerous for any that have once escaped the pollution of the world which came in by lust to return with the Dog to his vomit or the sow to wallowing in the mire in a word to degenerate into a beast or beastly nature VVhich is very much by lust and that which causeth lust in our Bodies and Minds VVhich indeed is a strange kinde of Beast rising out of the sea or our lower Region or VVaters under our Heart or Earth Where also we found the 7 fleshly heads or Planets answering also to the 7 above and in our Brains also the heavens above or the waters above the Heavens as we shewed before where we glaunced at the Serpent also or Hydra a strange beast with 7 heads and 10 horns VVhich are somewayes in the worlds both great and little also which they call the Microcosm and in all its Regions also and in All Generations Most of All perhaps in That or Those which may be called the very Principles of All or every Generation What in our Bodies answered to the Two Faithful Witnesses in Heaven was hinted before May I now add that as Shemesh the Sun in Hebrew where yet it is Feminine is neer akin to somwhat we may scarcely Name at least As the Rabbines often use that word So is Jerach which is Moon and Masculine akin to That which the Scripture makes so much the Instrument of Generation the Thigh or Jareck whence the English Jerk or Yerk to strike upon the Thigh As we read also in Scripture And if the Latine Thorus were but written in Hebrew or Syriack might it not be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which would also be Taurus a Beast And either of those words is just 666. And How neer is Ferus as in Greek also Beastly or Fierce to that Name or Number also May I not add that Shimshon or Samson or Hercules in Greek stories signifies the Little Sun crossing the Crossing Serpent of the Zodiack and its 12 Signs as the Labors of Hercules where also the Hydra or the Dragon or Beast and Serpent with 7 Heads and that it may be 666 or 700 in its numeral Letters also Or How Samson Dallyed with Dallilah till he was overcome by Lust also that cut off his Hairs as the Rayes of the Sun and at length put out his Eyes or the Two Witnesses in one Region which have Two also in other places called Testes or Witnesses by Many Nations And they bring Fire also from our Heavens and do strange wonders in us All. But they must be Put out before That Great Change will come which is so generally expected at 666. Which He may understand perhaps that knows why Christ himself did no Miracles till at a Wedding also he could say Woman what have I to do with thee and Then she said to the servants Do whatever He bids you So that Christ himself Did no Miracle Till his Mother bid it also If one should ask a Jew what maketh Men to be Men He might answer 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Their VVeapons or their Vessels what they mean by those expressions one may easily know that understandeth Pauls discourse to the Corinthians about Marriage and keeping their Vessels clean or Holy or separate As David also spake to Ahimelech in number 665 or 666. And so also is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Heb. Vessels Yea and the Reins also or very neer akin to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and That to Kalla or
Children of Rachel which signifies a Sheep Who died also at Bethlehem Ephrata or very neer where Christ was Born And at His Birth was heard Rachel mourning and weeping with expressions neer akin to Hell and its Gnashings As we read in Matthew and the Prophet Jeremy As the English use the word Rakell And it may be marked How she Died As her Father and her Husband judged her for Having and keeping Idols O that man would consider How Great and Powerful His Words also might be If he could learn the 39 Psalm with the three Sons of Ishmael Misma Massa D●ma And it may be Christ also may allude to Rachels Children which he calleth Sheep and sets them at his Right Hand as Benjamin the Son of the Right Hand in comparison of Leahs or the Left hands Children Or of Esaus that is Goats For Seir or as the Saxon English sound it Sire is a Goat and very neer a Satyre in Heb or a Devil But may there be no Mystery in That of Jacobs Crossing his hands upon the sons of Joseph also or Rachel before he died and That Benjamin was so often cut off As his Mother wept because they were not but they must come in again and she shall have Comsort in the latter daies as we read Jer. 31. As if the First should come to be Last or Lost in comparison of Those that were Dead or Lost or at the Left hand but now found again and made the First For All their shame or Losses they have Double O thou Prisoner of Hope I now declare it to thee How a Lamb was offered every Morning and Evening Doubled also upon the Sabbath As it were a Sacrifice for the Lambs or Sheep we touched before And How a Goat at the New Moon or every Great Change of the World which they called Olam also as the Hidden or the Hiding Time As also the Hebrew Kesse as the English Kiss was the Suns Embracing the Moon or Covering her with his Robes and Throne of Glory which they also called Kisse And a Goat was offered so for a Publique Sin Offering at Every New Moon which the Jews called also Chodesh akin to Kodesh Holy or New As also the Month following the New Moon And at All the Three Great solemn Feasts at which All the Males were to appear under pain of Cutting off Which we may call a great Arcanum of their Civil Government also For by This they did not only meet and Feast as a badg of greatest Peace or Union and Communion but also They must then appear to All Suits or Actions which might else fall Heavy enough on the Sheriff of each Tribe or County But as the feast of Tabernacles was the Greatest of the Three so it had more solemn Attendants A peculiar feast of Trumpets especially at the years of Release and Jubilies which now began at That end of the year and the great Day of Expiation or Atoning or Covering as the word Capher or Cover signifies And the Jews Tradition is that Then the very next Night or thereabout the great God beginneth to sit in Judgement on all the dead of that year Which they therefore attend with great watchings and Fastings with other solemnities But more to our present purpose are the Goats offered on That day Double or Treble to the sin offering or Goats of any day of the year before That One of them also the Scape Goat was not onely carried out without the Camp as the great sin offering for the people whose blood was carried into the holy place as we see in Aarons great Failor at his Sons Burning beside the Epistle to the Hebrews but it was also carried out and sent by a Fit Messenger a great way off into the Wildernesse to go as far as He would abroad into All the World So that he might visit All Goats in All Countries For he was let loose to all the Wilderness and all the World And now it will be no great wonder that All Nations are so solemnly called and invited to the following feast of Tabernacles represented by all the Fruits of the earth Then gathered in and that under a great penalty of botches of Aegypt or of wanting Rain or Water also Unto which our aviour plainly alludeth in his standing out on the last and Great day of that Greatest Feast and crying while thy ran with joy to fetch Waters from their Siloam or Well of Salvation as the Prophet Esay speaketh O every one that Thirsteth Come unto the Waters and He that believeth on me as the Scripture saith shall have such rain from Heaven and such Water that out of his belly shall flow Rivers of Living Water Which he spake of the spirit not yet given till He was glorified and so received Gifts for Rebbels also and to Draw All men Shall we now wonder that more Rams and Goats and Bullocks were accepted on his Holy Altar 't is his own expression of Nebaioth or Edom also in This Month or Moon then in any or it may be All of All the Year besides Which we may see even filling an whole long Chapter and from Gods own Mouth in Numbers O that we could number it and so we shall in Gods due Time and ours also Let his People say Amen It is Finished and Done Amen Hallelujah Is there not a strange Twisting of Bullocks Rams and Goats together As in the Tabernacle it self with Rams skins dyed Red and Goats hair As they all met once in the Ark as an Emblem of our Bodies also and its Three Regions and beasts in it as the Church That I say nothing of the five sorts of Trees also to cover their Booths or Tabernacles to be compared with Esay 41. and 60. and Nehemiah 8. After Babylon as also Ezechiels New Temple and Sabbaths were to be kept in the Christian Church yea in the New Jerusalem or after Their Babylon also Is it not strange to the Jews that of the Seventh Months feast of which also in Solomons Time the Seventh day is described by Seven words in one verse And all the seven end in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 their M final or Mystical Letter of which we spake but now And though I do not say they may note the 40 Sevenights or Weeks of Life as we spake before yet with St. Paul I say Christ came out in the Fulnesse of Time or in His seventh also or in the seventh Month or to fulfil That Feast also to be yet fulfilled O how Long How Soon at the End of the Year But when shall That be fulfilled which our Blessed Iesus of Natsareth the Branch also did but Begin to say and do of This Feast also of Palm Branches which we touched before in Tamar Though he cryed on the Crosse It is finished as the Scripture saith a Thing was fulfilled Or indeed there may be Several fulfillings according to the several Ages which must All be run through and that perhaps also by Sevens As we
shall Deliver the Needy Crying or from Crying the Poor also and Him that hath No Helper The very Phrase Here in Daniel and 2 King 14. 26. from Deut. 32. 36. For The Mountains shall bring Peace and the little Hills with Righteousness They shall fear thee with the Sun which is the Arms or God of the Persian 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 who of old also Worshiped the Sun and before the Moon the Banner and the Emblem of the Turk That Age of Ages Dor Dorim it minds me of the old famous Dores Dorians Peopling All or Many of Those Countries The Righteous shall flourish in His Daies and abundance of Peace untill there be No more Moon Or any such Changings The Kings of Tarshish or the Sea and the Eyelands Eijim and Tsijim or the doleful Creatures in Esay 13. All the Kings of Seba in Arabia and the Queens of Sheba Meroe shall cringe to him 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with Evening Sacrifice For That they especially called Minha the Phrase here used which may lead us to the Evening of the World As God and Angels much appeared through all the Bible in the Cool of the Day or Evening Sacrifice both in Old and New Testament the ninth hour or Time of Prayer or of Finding as the Hebrew Morning hath its Name from Seeking 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Once he came at the Morning Sacrifice to the three Kings against Moab the Fathers Waters and he brought Waters but they seemed Blood Which yet might represent His coming both by Water and by Blood This might be for Red bloody Edom who was at These Bloody Waters and in Esay 63 As the Waters for Moab For so the Psalm we now cite speaketh He shall come down as Rain upon the mowen Grass and though it be cut down it shall return again and flourish through the sent of Waters as Job speaketh and as the milions of innumerable drops as the Millions of Ephraim Dust or Ashes with Water flourishing by Water As Hoseah may allude to Josephs fruitful Boughs in his Fathers Blessings with his Right Hand giving length of dayes as his left hand also Riches and Honour So good it is to be at His Hand For they be blessed that may stand in his presence and may see his wisdom though but for One day It will be better then 1000 years in any other place Or may come behind him weeping as Paltiel after Mical till Abner said return again Which is an History that will make us all weep for joy t is possible when we shall understand it At the same time Michael shall stand up that Great Prince for the Children of thy people It may lead us to the sweet place we spake of in Levit. 19. Thou shalt not avenge thy self or reserve thine anger against the Children of thy People but thou shalt love thy Neighbour as thy self Which he is comming to fulfil in the Time here specified in Daniel At the same time which before is called the Time of the End and in the verse before he shall come to his End And five times this Chapter speaketh of End and the End In Heb. Kets or Kats and Katsa is Half Dimidium Plus Toto the whole of any thing or its Perfection Being also as we noted in Tom Perfect in numbers just 1000. Unto which also 666 is that sweet Chord in Musick which they call a Fift next to a Diapason 2 thirds as neer as may be in whole numbers The Hebrew word may also speak waking as hinting a Resurrection and Summer which was the End of their year beginning with Winter as before All time began with Night before Day And that their Year ended at or about the great Feast of Tabernables is cleer enough from many Scriptures And that also beside Exod. 23. 16. or Deut. 31. 10. And the very word Harvest which they call Katsyr may be Kats Yeer or Yeers End Or if you will 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the End of the Flood or of Jaar Which was not only a Month with them and especial time of Noahs Flood But also Flood in general and often used for a River So that Jordan it self is but Jeor Dan the River of Dan a City neer its Fountain And Abraham pursued the Four Monarchs to Dan and brought back the Captivity of Sodom from Dan which is also Judgment and may hint that Great Judgment at the Katsyr Harvest or the End of Yeer or of Jaar that is a Month or Yeer or Flood also For it may be added that the Floods were dried up and the Rain of Heaven restrained at their Harvest As we may find hinted in divers places besides 1 Sam. 12. 17. and 2. 21. 10. But there may yet be somwhat more in it For As the Spirit is moving or Hatching it being a participle Present in the Hebrew noting a continued Act upon the VVaters of the first Creation So it is also still Dividing Them below from Them Above the Firmament which is also called by a Name of VVaters 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 VVhere are VVaters And our Time is Dropping of VVaters from the Top of the Weather-glass or Clepsydra to the Bottom And when All is Run out the Hour Glass is Turned and a New Hour or Day or Month or Yeer or Age begins which you may call a New Generation or if you will a New World We glanced at This before when Elijah parted the Waters of Jordane As before also the same Waters were parted and from Adam also As we read in Josuah 3. 16. Where we are told that Jordan fills all its Banks in Harvest Time as alluding to That we spake before And that the VVaters 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Numbers 665 Coming down from above Rose up in a great Heap or Bottle or such a Motion as the English call a Nod 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which came Far also From Adam as some read from the Jews marginal Keri But in the Text it is In Adam the VVatcher though some read it the City being the same word used by Daniel in his Discourse of 7 Times On Nebuchadnezzar driven out or poured out by the Watcher And again the VVatchers in the same Daniel Of which yet we may speak again As we hinted before also How the Watchers stood at the quarters of Heaven or Corners of the Earth as it were to Turn the Glass still when it is Run As also the great Waters Ebbing and Flowing six Hours apiece in the Great Ocean and Then Turned again at the Seventh which speaketh Both Rest and Turning Which is also noted in Joshua First the VVaters stood 't is said and Then they Rose or were Turned up by the Watcher And Those Running down to the Sea of the Plain or the Evening another pretty allusion were cut off or Curted which is Hebrew and Perfected so that All the People 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in numerals 670 passed over before or over against Jericho Which as We touched before
Heb Adama Whence Adam and our Grand Dame or Damm or Parent in many languages from Adam formed out of Earth or Ground that is go run and round as in grinding As Erets also from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but such Earth as was so dryed or baked and made Red and called Adama As English made and Mead it into Mud and Mad is but Dam Blood Turned backward or Mead which is both a Meddow and Red liquor from the Hony Comb suph akin to soph or English sop and that also to Tohu Thou and Tough and Dough and Bohu Bough Bow or Bow which is Heb 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to go Down As we see in the Suns Bowing as the Phrase is in Scripture which is read his going down And so Bohu Tohu was That which went down lowest or Bowing Bo tehom or Bottom of the yarn or Waters became Tough Dough. As bread unbaked And at length Dryed as God speaketh was a Damm between the Waters a Meadow and Mead or Red Water As in Hebrew also Dam is blood and Red as all Waters grow by standing and baking in the Sun As Bread also in an Oven or a Tann as the Jews speak and Mud is so also in English as Mead or Made by That also the Jews call Debora the speaker and the Doer also which devoureth all but turneth all to sweetnesse And so brings it from its bour or nest or pit and bore thereof as English speak who also grace that little Miracle of being with the very name of being calling it Bee and Dor. Of which again it may be in the Deboraes we find in Scripture This digression also will be pardoned I hope when we shall see Daniel himself alluding also to this Flux of Time or Rivers of Waters or Drops which are yet as little ages which is Dor and Dorim And as if the English Dore must be a kin here also as we noted of shaar a shoar Gate of an House or Has 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Asia the House or Church of the Lord Their Daleth or Deleth is a kin to their Deleph Drop or Delve or Dive or Deep and profound as Delphik Oracles Whither it be neerer to the Hebrew and English Dale for a Valley or Brook as the Heb 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 both to Draw and lift up as also Tall and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Or to Dall Little Poor Broken in Heb. as in English also Deal Dole we say not but Hasten to Daniels End and Rivers of Pleasure in Eden which is Time in Him also who was like to measure Times and Seasons for Judgement also being the Man of Desires or Delights or Affections also As he is often called And yet they did not hurt his Judgement who was Daniel my Judgement of God or God my Judgment or Judging me At the same Time shall stand up Michael who is as God and yet Man That great mixed Seed and yet contrary to Chelaim as we touched in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 That Great Sir who is in a present and continued Act still standing up or interceding for the Children of thy People As the Standers or Men of the Station which were chosen and sent by the Tribes to represent them dayly when they were to lay on hands or make confession or for other Service And there was or shall be a Sore Yet 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Time Such as never was since there was a Nation to That Time Doth it not point at the Destruction of Jerusalem shortly after Christs Birth or Resurrection and standing up Seeing in the Prophets God saith he would deal with That People in That sore hardness as he never did or would to Any other And Christ saith in Matthew Then shall be Great Tribulation Such as was not from the beginning of the World to That Time No Nor Ever shall be Or as Mark expresseth it Such affliction as was not from the beginning of the Creation which God Created unto that time Neither shall be Which may be Comfort to all the World besides Yea in respect of the Great Judgment also Seeing Christ hath assured us it shall not be so Bad or Sore as That of Jerusalem And How then can Daniel speak of a further Time when he saith There shall be a Time of such Trouble as never was till That Time And Is the Resurrection which he speaketh of Such only as was at or about That Time also When we read of some Raised from the Dead also about our Saviours Death who yet is called the First fruits of them that slept and the First that Rose from the Dead However If the Olam or Everlasting there spoken of in Daniel for Honor or Dishonor Droan Be absolute Eternity How comes he then to add some longer Time to it when he speaks of the Wise and Their Ever To which he addeth an Ad Or Somwhat That is Hard to render but by Ever and somwhat Added or as some for Ever and Ever Which is also spoken of the Earth or other things not Eternal or for an absolute Ever as we shewed before But Thou Daniel stum or shut up the words and seal them till the Time of the End or Kets As before Jakitsu They shall awake from sleep and Sleep in Heb hath the same Letters with a Year 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Numerals 355. or in Plural reg 360. As Moses may allude in the 90 Psalm 1000 Years in thy eyes but As a Day cut off or Circumcised Yesterday when passed and as a Watch by Night Thou streamest them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 They shall be asleep in the morning Chatsyr as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the Evening as Circumcised The Dayes of our Years in them are 70 Years We may consider it again Many shall flow together As Waters in a Floud And Knowledg that great Dea shall multiply Even As the Floud or As Waters fill up the Sea as we read in the Prophets often compared to Waters and Gods Teachings to the Rain of Heaven As Solomon also Praying for Rain cryeth And Teach them also the Good way they should walk Or as Esay Thou shalt be as a Garden water'd Every moment and a Water-spring whose waters shall not lye and God shall Guide thee continually which I chuse for my Portion and let all my Friends say Amen And in other places besides That sweet and elegant allusion Esay 28. 9. 10. Eth mi jore Dea veeth mi jabin smua Gemule mechalab Attiki misshadajim Ki Tsav latsav Tsav latsav Kav la kav Kav la kav Zeeir som Zeeir som. I add not that the Maschilin wise men spoken of so much in Daniel are hinted to be such as think themselves least Masculine and most Scallins that is Fools 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 So bruitish am I More than Any Man Nor Understanding As a Man And I Daniel saw
in case of Pure Chance Meadling and for no stroak or stabbing or any other kind of That now called Man-slaughter which I doubt may lie very heavily upon some Nations might have Refuge to the Cities of Refuge and be There preserved by the Judges in the Gates from the Kinsman or Avenger of Blood Till the Death of Him that represented our great High Priest And the 3 Cities of Refuge on the Right side of Jordan were Higher than the 3 on the Left which were also out of Canaan the Land of Rest. But we saw before How Jacob Crossed his Hands in Blessing the Sons of Joseph who lift up his Fathers hand to remove it but could not and afterwards put his Hand upon his Fathers Eyes which we may consider again With Eglon the Calf or Beast destroyed by Ehud a man of Benjamin or of the Right Hand but Turned Left handed and Sodom also set at Judahs Right Hana when her Captivity is Turned in Ezekiel Though she be There also called the Younger sister As Ephraim was the Younger Brother and yet as most or all younger Children in all the Bible to be preferred before the Elder And God owneth it also saying in the Prophets Ephraim is my First Born And so the Lost son also among the Millions of Ephraim who must make the Fulness of the Gentiles must have the Best Robe and the Fatted Calf and be Preferred before his Elder Brother In a word the First shall be Last and the Last First and you know not what you ask when you speak of sitting at his Right Hand or his Left Shall I add that although the Right Hand was generally Best with the Jews Yet with the Romans directly contrary in This also the Left hand Thunders and other Auguries were judged Better than at Right Hand Was it because Their Left hand was neerest or opposite to Heavens Right Hand or God giving them all their Blessings Or shall we say that After the Temple God himself seemed to Turn his Face Westward As Christ on the Cross and so That was now at his Right Hand which before at his Left and That Now before him which was formerly behind him It is True we read That Expression of Gods Turning But in the 80 Psalm and many other places it speaketh His Turning of Us. Yet in a Right sence As we cannot Love Him till He Love us so we cannot Turn To Him Till he Turn To Us or be Turned As the Phrase is of the Great Mystery of God in Christ Turning himself Toward us and us to Him Reconciled to us Did the ancient Christians also that prayed Towards the East do it in opposition to the Jews still Bowing to the West as we touched before Or Believing God or Christ on the Cross was now Turned quite contrary to the Posture He was in before Or supposing Christ the Mercy Seat of the Divine Presence to be still over the Mount of Olives where he went up into Heaven and There sitteth at the Right Hand of God till All his Enemies are made his Foot-stool But if This were All That Posture or Bowing Eastward becometh None but Those only which are in the Western Corner of the World For They that are more Eastern than Jerusalem must on that account Turn Westward and the Southern Christians Northward and the Northern Southward O but when shall we come to believe and know that Our Blessed Savior is In us as his great Prayer and Promise was As his Father is in Him and yet when Here on Earth he lifted up his Eyes and Hands to Heaven as his Fathers chiefest Residence And so we also Even Then when it shall please God to reveal Him in us As in Paul and to make him In us the Hope or Evidence of Glory All the Elders bowed to the Lamb with all their Vials full of Odours which are the Prayers of Saints as we read in That Blessed Book which Blesseth All that Read and understand it But in our little Body we have Hot and Cold Moist and Dry Muscles pulling up and down drawing in and out and yet All Those All other contrarieties make excellent Harmony So in His great Body the Church of his First Born and the World also much greater contrarieties than we can well express are reconciled and accepted also by Him who hath purposed in himself to Reconcile All things Even All things To Himself in and by and Through our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and by the Blood of his Cross. Who is God over All Blessed for Ever Amen And to All that are called to be Saints or in Any place for it will be in All places call upon Jesus of Nazareth Their Lord and Ours I am bold to say because God hath said it and written it also Let Him that standeth Take heed lest he fall And there is No Temptation on you to you but what is common to man But God is Faithful who will not suffer you to be Tempted above your ability but with the Temptation will also make a way to escape that you may not run away but be able to Bear it However God may bear it from you or bear it with you and upon you Wherefore my Dearly Beloved flee from Idolatry I speak as to wise men Judg what I say And How comes in This Wherefore unless the Temptations to Idolatry be of All the Greatest and most dangerous And of All Idolatries That of our own Fancy or vain Imagination that is Image-making of our own Hearts more dangerous and more provoking God to Jealousie than All other Idols As we touched before in the second Command But who art Thou O man that judgest another or settest at naught Thy Brother If in any thing we differ God shall reveal This also Yet a little while and we must stand before His Throne who said This is my Commandement and yet again My New Commandement that you Love One another and Take Heed you fall not out by the way and by This shall all men know you are my Disciples if you love one another And it must be also Even as He hath loved us And by This we have boldness and confidence to pray and hope and believe he heareth us and loveth us when we love one another And to Brotherly kindness Add Love And that your Love abound and increase to One another and to All men To All men Yea and Honor All men And the Time is coming and already come he said that ye shall worship the Father neither at This Mountain nor at Jerusalem but in every place True Worshipers shall Worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth For the Father Seeketh such to worship him and such he will Finde O Thou that Hearest Prayer unto Thee shall All Flesh come and to Thee shall the Vow be performed Praise waiteth for Thee O God who dost both possess and inherit All the Praises of Israel in silence For so the Phrase speaketh and so the Jews
Right Hand Length of Dayes As Riches and Honours at her Left Which was called Smol as English Small in Comparison of the Right Hand Numbers or other things But smell and smile and similis may come from their 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 To which That may allude when Isaac smiled at the smell of his Sons Garments and Blessed Him But as English small may come from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 So may the Latine Semel While they reckoned All small Numbers Once on their Left Hand Fingers and Joynts As so many Places for Unites Tenths and Hundreds Greater Numbers had their places at the Right Hand Whence also they began to Write As if That also might allude to the sound of Right in English Coming as All other motions from the Right Hand to the Left But As Christ Lifted up Both his Hands in Blessing his People especially at the Sun-setting or Evening of the World which we may touch again See Luke 4. 40. and 13. 13. and 24. 39. 40. 50. So Here in Daniel the Man in Linnen Lifted up Both his Hands in Swearing and Numbering These Numbers Yet when the Time to be Numbred grew Less as it was in the Revelation Then the Angel Onely Lift up One of his Hands to Swear and Number it And Sware by Him that Liveth for Ever The Revelation addeth to This of Daniel and Made the Heaven and Earth and Seas or Waters under the Earth As all the three Regions we noted before in our Bodies also And the Angel preaching the Everlasting Gospel in the Revelation putteth so great an Emphasis on That of Fountains of Waters also besides all the sea As if it were One great Demonstration of an Insinite Power in the Living God to create a Fountain or Fountains of Living Water Of which also to Hagar at Beerlahairoi where Isaak also first met his wife although it were Ishmaels well Our Saviour discourseth sweetly to the Woman of Samaria Adding also If thou knewest the Gift of God and who it is that speaketh to thee and he speaketh calleth wooeth weepeth over Us also Thou wouldst Ask and He would give Thee a Fountain of Living Waters ever flowing to Eternal Life For so he saith his Waters were It mindes me of the Psalmists saying Who is still Turning for it is a present and continued Act of Turning The very Flint that great Magazine of Nature into a Fountain of Waters He that can do it hath perhaps Dame Natures Key to One of her richest Cabinets And it may be I may tell you it is Doable He that understands the vertue of This Vegetive Water will not wonder the next words should be Not unto us Not unto us but to Thy Name be All the Glory Shall I add also that Jeremy saith Can All the Gods of the Gentiles give us Rain Which is Mater in Heb. As the Mother to the Works of Nature For a Time Times and Half So it is rendred generally But Moed the word here used and so also 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the Revelation is Season rather then Time Some certain fixed or appointed season from a word to Fix or appoint some solemn Meeting or the like appointment And it may be we can hardly render it Better then by the usual Grammer Phrase of Mood and Tense of Acting all the great Works of God Whose Seasons are so reserved in his Own Breast as Christ hinteth that Mans Labour is Great under the Sun because he knoweth not his Seasons or the Moeds for All Actions As we read in Salomons discourse of Time and Seasons yet much more to be considered For some little Essay towards This Through the supply of the Spirit of Jesus upon the Hearts and Prayers of His Children and Servants For who is sufficient for it Let us remember what was said of Fulness and Rest and Turn or Sabbath in the Number Seven And how Scripture and Nature also Teacheth us to part all wholes as much as may be into Halves as we touched before in Diapasons and other Chords of Musick And this Three and an Half is but just Half that Sacred Number of Seven The Word rendred Half is fron Chatsa to cut into parts more or less So that their Chatsa Slosh is to Cut and Slash into Three parts as Jacob and David at Mahanaim Gideon and Abimelech at Sechem And the Grecian Kingdom in Daniel was cut or broken into Four parts where yet the same Verb is used But the Nown commonly speaketh Half from Halaph to change as if their great changes were by Halving things So The Heavens are Halved but Thou changest not Where also the Psalmist saith O take me not away in the midst of my dayes Or Half thereof as it saith The wicked do not fill up Half their Daies And in many other Scriptures we read of Half in the very same word here used in Daniel for Half a Time or Half a Mood That there be but 7 whole Notes in a Diapason though it be called an Eight yet as the Last Head in the Revelation such an Eight as is One of the Seven also is observed by all who make their different Cliffs or Keys or Moods or Scales in Musick by their different placing That Half Note which they still find in every four Notes and call a Fa Flat or Falling to a sharp or Full. Till we have some other opportunity to discuss the Reason of This in Nature we may remember what was touched before of the Number Four which is the first of all square Numbers and so the Measure of all the Rest which are All made and resolved by 4 as Cubes by 8 which hath a Name in Hebrew akin to squaring This may be some reason why Nature hath placed a Pauze before it Or between the sacred Number of Three which are All simple Numbers and Four the First compound or square Number Thus also in the very First Numbers we have yet found in Nature the 12 Hours of Night are So parted into 4 Threes or Watches The whole being first Halved as we spake before in our Discourse of 6 and 7 which maketh That the Scripture often oalleth Midnight of which First at the Last great Plague of Egypt at Midnight to be compared with That in Job 34. 20. After he had said If he draw in his breath All flesh expireth which we touched before And again Each Half was Halved into Watches which began at Night as the Laments tell us theGospel hath the 4th Watch of the Night whatever the Jews speak of 3 So that after Every 3 Hours came the Watch or Chatsa with such a signal pauze and difference as Chimes or Changes now in some places between the Watches Which seem Then of 3 Hours apiece As each of the 4 sides of that Great and square City had also 3 Gates If we may so again reflect on the Hebrew Shaars whence it may be the English Sh●re and Shears and Shire also I add
Seriah was also Menuah from Noah Rest a Meek and Quiet Prince As Christ speaketh of Moses and of Himself Rejoyce O Zion For thy Prince is Meek and Lowly which with God is of Great Price and Value As Saint Peter speaketh Who yet struck down Ananias and Saphira But this Boanerges must become a Barnabas Ye know not what spirit You must be And Barnabas Took Saul and knit him to the Church of Christ who sent him back to Tarsus his Native Countrey As Israel to Babylon the Hole or Pit whence they were taken and called And then was Great Peace and Comfort of the Holy Ghost for Jerusalem it self was scattered through All Judea and Samaria and Galilee of the Gentiles also the three Regions of Heaven and Earth and the little World also as we have touched divers times And Then Peter also must come down to Lydia as alluding to Lud with Tarsis and Ludi and Lydia Saint Pauls Convert of Thiatire Divine Tyre or the Sacrificer For Her Hire also must be Holinesse to God and Sarran Tyrian or Sharon of which before with Carmel For That also must blesse Him and Hermon the Cursed Hill And Tabor the very Navel of the Belly or the Lower VVaters Here must Christ be Transfigured an Emblem of this Kingdom and Then must cast out the Foul Spirit which so Mastered All his Apostles Till Himself came down and found the people in a very hot dispute with his Apostles about a Devil they could not master And yet at his going up He had given them Power over All Unclean spirits But This was Beelzebub it seems the Prince of Devils with his Legions Every one 6000 and 666 also If a great Author besides Hesychius do not deceive us A strange spirit with Three Epithites in Three Evangelists As if Cerberus with his Tripple Throat The Devil in the VVorld Or Utmost Court and Antichrist in the Church or Temple But the Old Man in our Heart There the Dragon Then the Beast and the Image of the Beast and the False Prophet also directly opposite to God and Man who was made to Rule the Beast with the Image of God in Man or God-Man and the True Prophet the Holy Ghost See Ja. 3. 16. 1 Cor. 3. 3. Rom. 8. 6. But How long Ever since there was a Childe In the VVaters Above As the Crossing Serpent which we shewed before in Shemes Samson and his 12 Labors also through the Zodiak full of Beasts Aries Taurus Cancer Leo worse In the Earth Below Even in Paradise The Serpent the most subtile Beast and Head of all Beasts Turning Isha into Eva 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Before whom Adam only conversed with Lilith the Nights Darkness and Dreams which the Jewes call the Mother of Hobgoblins and make a white Circle with Chuts Lilith Out Night In the Waters Below Leviathan and Tannin the Dragon in the Great Depth or Bottomless-pit as Esay 27. with Iob of Behemoth Leviathan and the Revelation But He shall be cast out of Earth also as first he was out of Heaven Whence he fell like Lightning Though That but as a Prophecy before Apoc 11 and 12. Which brings up the Kingdom of Christ with Casting out Satan As Christ also said If I by the finger of God Cast out Beelzebub Then know the Kingdom of God is very near you But you must say Let it Come on Earth as it is in Heaven Where yet Satan came among the Angels to accuse and resist the Brethren as we may find in Job with Dan. Zech. But at our Saviours coming from the Mount All the three Foul Spirits shall be cast out Yet they may Tear us first and leave us as Dead But for Three dayes and Half and Then Come up hither And the Father said with Tears Lord I believe Help thou my Unbelief Being told that All things even All things are possible to Him that Believeth The same Works Yea and greater Works For I go to my Father And a Grain of True Faith can remove This Mountain also where I was transfigured while Peter would have built three Tabernacles Howbeit This strange and strong and last kinde of Devils go not out but by Fasting and Prayer Yet They had Oyl and so raised the Sick and laying on of Hands Cast out Devils For it was and still is and will be and appear a very Mighty Name of Jesus of Nazareth And Peter at length coming to Japho the old Town of Japhet Who began it before the Flood as hinted in Heathen Authors Having first healed Aeneas Aeneas And after eight years By the same Name by which Himself and Iohn had cured the Cripple at the 9th Hour the Time of Prayer As to Cornelius also the first fruits of the Gentiles He findeth Tabitha Dorcas a Doe of a Goat which in Hebrew and Syriac is also Saphira 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and Raiseth Her also from the Dead A greater work perhaps than curing a Daughter of Abraham whom Satan had Bound Lo and Behold these 18 Years And another with the Bloody Flux of which before for 12 years And a Third Talitha 12 years old Here are three Twelves and an Half And a man at the Pool of Bethesda the House of Chesed Tender Mercy 38 Years Here are three Twelves and two also for a Che●si Which I note the rather because it was first shewed Abraham in a Map that his Friends and Tenants of Promise and Sodom also must serve the four Monarchs 12 Years And not be delivered till the second after the 12. or second Sabbath which is the 14th Year as Assyrians broken in the 14th year of Ezekiah as the 14th of Genesis And the 14 Teeth of either Jawe may represent Years also as we shewed before from Shinim Teeth and Shenim Years Where we touched the Turtle and the Pigeon as the two little Witnesses preserved undivided which is their only way of safety between the Divided Heifer and the Ram and Goat also and All of Three years old And Then the Fiery Furnas and Great Horror But at Evening or Sun-setting God speaketh to him in a Vision which he saw not till he had said to the King of Sodom Thou shalt never make me Rich. And After Those words God came in a Vision and said Fear not Abraham for c. And they brought him to an Upper Chamber it is oft spoken of and should be marked where the women were and shewed the Coats of Dorcas For she also loved us and helped to build us a Tabernacle As we touched before in the Curtains or Coverings of Goats-hair and Badgers-skins But He put the Women All out O Woman what have I to do with Thee And Touch me not for I am not yet Ascended Which he had learned also from Him that so Acted before Him and James and John which were His three VVitnesses generally Who put them All out and cryed Talitha Kumi May it not be Rise up the Third Day or Year or Moed As They
〈◊〉 may be 42 it is the Hour of Noon in the 2d day of Creation And in Dayes the Full Moon or Passeover of the 2d Month for the Unclean or Travellers In Weeks it is near the Time of Life or 40 weeks Weeks of the Childe in the Wombe as before And in Months it is 3 Years and an Half or 1260 dayes of the woman in the Wilderness or 42 Months of the Beast and thofe that Tread down the Holy City And Daniel saith All those things shall be finished with the end of scattring the power of the Holy People And 1290 dayes in Him are but 30 more than 1260 in the Revelation and 45 less than 1235 in Daniel which are but 3 more than Twice 666. And if the Revelation were 30 years after the sack of Jerusalem it will be no wonder it should speak 30 years lesse then Daniels 1290. Or that These also should have 45 years added for setling them As 45 Hours brought up the Evening Minha of the 2d Day As the 45 years ●aleb speaketh of Jos. 14. Although they wandred in the Wilderness but 40 years for the 40 dayes of searching the Land whence those 40 years might seem to begin answering to Ezekiels 40 Days or Years for Judah and the 40 years of Jerusalem after the 40 Dayes of our Saviours staying on Earth after his Resurrection As it may be Nineve stood but 40 years after Jonahs 40 dayes a sign to That sinful Generation And if there were just 42 Miles from Beersheba to Jerusalem that is 20 to Hebron and 22 from Hebron to Jerusalem as we finde in Jerome with others That may be considered with the 42 Months and 42 Mansions and 42 Children at Jericho of which before From 42 the next of 3 and an half in whole numbers is 49. 3 times 4 and an half or 7 times 7 the first number squared In Hours it is the first Hour of the 3d Nights Rest. In Dayes it is the 7th Great Day of Unleavened Bread to the Passover of the 2d Month. In Weeks it cometh near the Weeks of the Lunar Year and but 3 short of the Solar In Years it was the Jubilie That Great Rest and yet Motion or Mutation as we noted before in the Hebrew word Mot 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 49. which is also the number of the common word for Measure Midda 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 As if that number of 49 in their Jubilies were the Measure of All Measures and 49 is also in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 if 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 be but 40 which we touched before in the Sun and Moons Beams of Meeting and Bowing or coming together weh is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 from Bo. 60 Hours bring us just to the Morning of the 3d Day and 70 the Evening Minha of that 3d Day which may answer to the Pentecost of the 3d Month. As the first ●amid of the 14th Hour might represent the Passeover of the 14th Day of the first Month. And the P●ntecost being 50 dayes after the first Sheaf waved or Heaved of which before was near the 70th Day of the year And the first Fruits or Biccurim of Pentecost might represent their first coming from Babylon after the 70 years Captivity as the Law was given at their first Pentecost after their coming from Aegypt And That coming from Babylon was but as the first Fruits or Feast of Pentecost to that great Feast of Tabernacles of which we have spoken so much And as 70 is made of 7 and 10 the Full and the Rich number drawn together So it is also 3 times 20 and an half As a Great Moed of the Witnesses There having also been 3 times 20 years of Bondage signal enough before the 70 years Captivity 20 with Laban and 20 with the Philistins and Kiria●l-jearim 1 Sam. 7. and 20 with Jabin also from whom they were freed by Barak Lightning and the Son of man shall come as Lightning Son of Abinoam the Fathers Beauty or Brightness on Mount Tabor where our Saviour shon as Lightning or Barak from Kad●h the holy City of Refuge in Nepthali Great Wrestlings as Rachel first and Then Deborah noteth in Her Song Whence the willing people or Aminadab and leading Captivity captive may easily come to the 110 Psalm and 68. where also we read of Women Preachers or Singers a part of Prophecy as we finde in Miriam and in This Deborah Rising up under Tamar which is also the Palm-Tree where the former Deborah Rebecca's Nurse was buried it seems in Genesis called Allon-Bacuth the Oak of Weeping as some render it But in the Targum and Jerome another kinde of Tree And of All Trees the Palm is famous as the Camomel in Plants for Rising up by Treading down As we saw before in Their Great Hosannah of the Greatest Feast of Tabernacles And in This Deborahs Song and Time we may finde Megiddon and Horma As in Gedeons Time also to be compared with Megiddon in Zechary and Harmagedon in the Revelation 14 More added to 70 bring us to 84 which in Hours is just 3 Dayes and an Half the Great Moed of ohe Moon Covered or Cased 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 As a secret 84. and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 80 81 85. Now she soaaketh or sucketh the sack of the Sun 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by which she becometh As a Sea 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Or a Great Measure of Waters which she poureth on the Earth and so becometh 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 white and sick as in Latine Sicca Luna Sitiens And Whiteness argueth Dryness as white Hayrs and whited Cloth Being freed Pad 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 84 89 she becometh White and Fair which in Solomon is Lebana 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 87. 3 Hours and 3 Dayes and an Half And now being Leavened by the Sun she goeth swelling on 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 To her Childe and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 may also be the Time of her Full as well as Change Till she Wane or Weane her Childe After the Full And then goes on to her Casing again The Earth shall be like the Moon in This also bearing Fruit every Month as we saw before That I speak not of the Chymists Moon impregnate with their Sun which may be in us also though we throw away the Golden Sands and Rivers which the World contend for because we do not know our selves and what we may come to do As Lebana or Levana Dea the Romans Great Midwife she is also the Queen of Heaven 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 As English call the Welken and the Milken way And Milcha was also near akin to Laban Gen. 22 And They have Melcom also Binghams Melcom and Melcom Regis the Kings Kingdom But she is not Lebana till White or quite free from the Suns Rayes or Solomons Hamma 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Which may minde us of the Jewes Tradition of Ham with his Wife in the Ark as begetting all that
a Chate and two Lambs also for the onely Salems of the whole Corgregation which were most Holy to be waved up with the two Cakes or Biccurim Which the Jewes also may teach us to be 7 Taps long was it the Sacred Cubit and 4 broad and 4 high As to represent a Month of 4 Sevens in that 26th of Levit. If one of these Sevens be 372 as in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and bring us just to the 16th Morning of the Wave-sheaf of Barley which was just 372 Hours Why may not the other 3 bring us to the Pentecost Or 50th Day after that Feast of Barley 3 Times 372 make 1116. which are just 84 less then 1200 the number of Hours in 50 Dayes that make up the Pentecost from That Barley sheaf And 84 in Hours make up just 3 Dayes and an Half for the Slaying or Laying of the Witnesses as we found in the Sun and Moon Hid in the Suns Beams or Hamma 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 53 or 93 till she be first Malta 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 just 84 and then Lebana 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 87 in three Hours more and Melit or Melita 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 89 and 94 and Malcha Melcha Milcha 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 95 and Sach 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 98. And so forward to Sheleg and Shegel as we saw before I add not That the Hebrew words for that we saw but now in Levit. 26 You shall be given up into the Hand of the Enemy 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 either with 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or without it make but 3 more or 3 less than 1488 which are just 4 times 372 the number of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 4 times repeated in that Chapter for their Chastisments But we may yet have a more sure Key for That and all other Prophetick numbers In the mean time we may remember that 222 Hours the 3d part of 666 brought us to the 10th Midnight before Jericho And in Josua 4 19 we read that they came out of Jordan to Gilgal the East border of Jericho just upon the 10th Day of the First Month and the number of Jericho is the Hour of Noon in that 10th Day The Pascal Lamb or Goat began to be Tyed up or separate 3 Dayes and Half for the Passover on the 14. As Pauls Tempest went off in the 14th Day and Then he came to Melitah or Malta which hath also been Deliverance against the Turks many a time As Sodom was delivered by Abraham in the 14th Year and Jacob served Laban for his two Daughters 14 Years and Jerusalem was freed from the Assyrians in the 14th Year of Hezekiah and Ezekiel saw his New Jerusalem in the 14th Year after the Citie was smitten and in the 10th Day of the first Month just as the Lamb was to be Tied up And Daniel had his great Vision of which we have spoken on the 14th Day after That Lamb so tied up but not slain till the 14th Day about the Evening Minha or the 333d Hour just Half of 666. But they came out of Rameses on the 15th Day Numb 33. 3. and at Sunset Deut. 16. 6. just 360 Hours of the Month. As if now they were to begin a New Year of 360 Dayes 10 times as good as the 2d Dayes Light Rising up 36 Hours from the Beginning The Morning after was fixed for Heaving up the Barley-sheaf as Emblem of their Rising out of Aegypt and our Lords Lifting up on the Cross and Rising also from the Grave on the 3d Morning after his Death as the Sheaf was the 3d Morning after the Passover slain In Hesekiahs time they began to clense the Temple polluted by Ahaz on the first Day of the first Month but they passed not the Porch till the 8th Day nor the House till the 16th Day the Time of this Barley-sheaf which was one of the Reasons why they could not keep the Passover on the 14th of the First Month as commanded on pain of Cutting Off. But Hesekiah rose early and called the Rulers of the Citie and All laid their hands on 7 Goats for a Chate and the Priests killed them and with their Blood made atonement on the Altar for All Israel as the King commanded And the King and his Princes and all the Congregation made an Act of Parliament for the Passover on the 14th of the 2d Month and then Hesekiah prayed The good Lord Pardon c though not according to the Purity of the Sanctuary or Lawes thereof And the Lord hearkened to Hesekiah and Healed the people And the King spake comfortably to the Levites and they kept the first 7 Dayes as in the first Month and the whole Assembly took Counsel to keep other 7 Dayes and they did so with great gladness as the like was not since Solomons 14 Dayes also And the Priests the Levites rose and blessed the people and their voice was heard and the Praier came up to his Holy Habitation unto Heaven Pentecost the 50th Day from the Sheaf of the 16th as in Levitieus But in Deuteronomy from the Sickle which was the Day before and that so strictly maintained against the Zadduces as the Jewes may teach us that from Thence They cryed Thrice On this Sabbath Sabbath Sabbath or the morrow after the Passover slain the 14th Evening with this Sickle sickle sickle as we saw before as a beginning to the 50 Dayes of Pentecost Deut. 16. 9. When thou put test in the Sickle In 50 full Dayes there are 1200 Hours to be compared with 12000 of a Tribe The First-fruits to God and the Lamb in the Revelation And Moadim are just 1200 if Moed be 120 as we saw before and Moadim be 10 Moads as it may be For the Hebrew Duall is for Two and their Plural for 3 at least as we saw in Elohim and Plural numbers are generally 10 fold to their Singulars as we saw 10 a Congregation As the least plural Regimen is made with Jod that is 10 and Im may be 50 or 610 and through all the Bible we see numberings by 10 and by 50 and the least Captain of 10 As also the English yet observe in their old good Tithings and Tithing men with Headboroughs and Constables of Hundreds The 7 Weeks were but 49 Daies as a foundation for Daniels 7 Weeks of 490 Years of which again And though the Pentecost were the 50th yet the Biccurim or first Fruits of the Spirit Acts 2d came on the 3d Hour of that 50th Day So that we may begin the 50 Daies or 1200 Hours before the Barley sheaf And sure it must be 12 Hours at least before that Morning else we shall disturb the course of Nature which began Time as God doth All with the Worst first as Evening before Morning and probably with Winter before Summer That is Sowing time before Harvest whose last end ended the whole Year and began another If 1200 be added to 333 the Minha Passover or to 335 or 6
End of Jehojachim or in Jehojachin but 3 Months after was Ezekiels and That he so often calleth Our Captivity And after 70 years God promised to visit Them with Jechoniah in the 29th As in the 24th of Jeremy they are called the Good Figs in comparison of Zedekiahs Captives Eleven years After And as Assyria was brought on Israel and Babylon on Judah like the Waters of the Great Flood So they must be Dryed up I will Dry up her Sea and make her Springs Dry Which was to the very Letter fulfilled by Cyrus Turning away their great River and cutting it out into as many Streams as Dayes in the year and so he brought in his Army when and where they little expected it in a time of great Feasting and jollity as we read in Heathen Authors And so also the same 51 Chapter of Jeremy by that meek and quiet Prince we saw before sent this Heavy Doom to Babylon In their Heat or Humming jollity I will set ashite in Hebrew on their Feastings I will make them Drunk So it is first said Pharaoh Hardned his own heart and then that God hardned it and so here God will make them Drunk that They may Dance and sleep a perpetual sleep and not Wake saith the Lord. So in the 39th Verse and so again in the 57. I will make her Princes Drunken and her wise men her wise men her Captains and her Rulers and her Mighty men and They shall sleep a perpetual sleep and not Wake saith the King whose Name is the Lord of Hosts Which we see fulfilled sadly in the 5th of Daniel When the Mans Fingers writing on the Wall made their King all those Drunken Feasters quake and tremble so that the Kings Countenance or Brightness was changed and his Thoughts pierced him so that the joynts of his Loyns were loosed and his Knees smote him and themselves also that should have been otherwise imployed than in drinking Healths or Carousing Prayses to the gods of Gold and Silver as the words may intimate But how sudden or in English Hebrew Phrase How soon That Evening came with it s most sad Catastrophe Thou Fool This night They shall take away thy Glory and thy soul also Thy precious and Immortal soul And then whose will All these things be As our blessed Saviour speaketh as alluding not only to the History of Nabal that is a Fool when his Heart dyed in him and became like a stone in his Drunkenness But also to This in Daniel and That also of Nebuchadnezar an Empty Pitcher sealed or His Prophecy as of a Treasure They shall take away thy soul and They shall Drive thee out from men and They shall make thee eat grass as an Ox alluding to the Psalmists Image of a Beast eating grass as an Ox. Adam lost the Image of God and became as a Beast 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in or with his wife hearkning to her after the Serpent who was Head of all the Beasts had possessed her or as it were filled her with His Spawn which she got by Hearing and Believing That Beast whence from Isha she becometh Chavah the Beast yea the Mother to All Animals and Beasts This was at Eden both Pleasure and Time in Shinaar the Teeth and Years of the Watch of Time in Babylon Thence it came with Abraham also through Haran that is Wrath to Canaan and Aegypt and Back again to the Wilderness and There it came out in the Image of a Beast eating grass as an Ox as the Psalmist saith And then it was set up in Dan that is judgement as Dinah before and Bethel also the House of God And He that built Jericho came out of Bethel the House of God For Antichrist must sit As God in the Temple of God At length It goes to Babylon whence it first came and So the Prophet Zechary seeth First Isha So the Woman was before she fell and then Eve or Lilith as before or a woman in an Epha or Eva with an heavy Risk of wickedness 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 carryed by two women also with the wings of a Stork Piety and seeming Holiness Alluding plainly to the Hebrew 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Stork and Holiness also yet such as may be the greatest Wickedness or as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 also the very Root of All Uncleanness or Fornication And those two Women with the Storks wings carry it between Earth which Here is set Before Heaven into the Land of Shinaar whence it first came And there it becometh Mother of All Fornication as Revelation 17 5. And there it was settled on her Base Vehunnicha shame al Mekunnatha And the Angel added This is their Ein or likeness or Image or Type of that Image of the Woman Beast which must be in all the Earth also For All the world Worship the Beast which was First and Last at Babylon Being come to Babylon It is again as before in the Wilderness turned into the Image of a Beast eating Grass as an Ox. First the King of Babylon maketh an Image of 60 High and 6 in Breadth 360 as Dayes in their Year till at length it comes to be 666 and sets it up in the Plain of Dura That Age or Generation As it will be in every Dor or During of every Generation Till Babylon it self perish like this Talent of Lead Kiccar is both a Plain and a Talent or as a Milstone in the great Deep And so did the Prophet Jeremy bid that Meek and Quiet Prince Seraiah to say O Lord thou hast spoken against this Place This Babylon to cut it off that none remain either Man or Beast but that it shall be desolate for ever as in Esay 13 also So that now we onely say it was near That City they now call Bagdad but cannot tell where but in old Rubbish and ruines found at many Miles distance And when thou hast made an end of Reading this Book Thou shalt binde a stone about it and cast it into the midst of Euphrates and thou shalt say Thus shall Babylon sinck and shall not Rise c. The Text to very much in the Revelation But when the King of Babylon had made an Image and set it up to be Worshipped De Te narratur fabula Then Himself is turned into the Image of a Beast Eating Grass as an Ox. And they shall Drive thee out from among men and they shall make thee eat Grass as an Ox They Even the Watchers as Himself said he heard the voice of the Watchers and the Holy Ones saying Let his Heart be changed from a Mans and let a Beasts Heart be given him and 7 Times pass over him till he know the Most High called afterwards the Heavens as the Jewes speak at This Day Ruleth in the Kingdoms of Men and giveth it to whom he will and setteth up over it the Basest even the Basest of men As a Vile Person reigned in the same Daniel and a Base Kingdom in Ezekiel Yea
about the Square Though the East Only or Mainly were called Solomons Porch Of Stones of 20 cubits Long with Pillars on Pillars Arched with a great Vault under As the whole way to Olivet That no Grave might defile them at the Red Cow or other ocasions And by this Length of all the Temple Courts together from East to West as the Daily Course of Heaven or Earth is from East to West So they came into the Temple so from Captivity Why may not God shew us how to measure Times also of that Temple and of That to come the New Jerusalem yet more then we now believe Seeing it is clear their Cubit was so like a Day with its 24 Digits and by consequence a year also As we found Dayes for Years in divers places besides the Prophets Of Solomons 400 Rimmons we have spoken before and how Janus-like they looked Two waies And if That great ●iatriba Chronologica Johannis Marshami doe evince Ezekiels 390 Years were but the Temples Age or Aera to His Captivity Then it should stand in all but just 400 Years to its last in Zedekiah For the 400 Pomgranates and 400 cubits also both in Solomons Porch and in every side of His Outer court about his Temple as we saw before But we are now looking Forward on the Times followlng that Temple and the 70 years captivity from Babylon or Shushan As we saw the Jewes express it And How Solomon called his spouse from North to south and from East to West in Shelomith and Lehana we saw before We might add Jonah from Assyria For so His Dove is called and Susanna also As alluding both to Susanna freed by Daniel and to the Jewes Return from Shushan As they name the first Gate of the Temple May I add that Jonah which we found in Hoseah also is in Hebrew Letters but 71 As the very year of their return from That Assyrian captivity Which Jonah also might Typifie as well as our Saviours Rising from the Dead And Solomons Jonathi my Jonah my Dove maketh 476. As there were just so many years before him from Aegypt and after him to Their Return from Babylon and Building This 2d Temple in Darius Hystasp Or from the End of his Buildings to their First Return in the 1st of Cyrus And if we look Forward there may be just 476 Years from the City finished in Nehemiah to our saviours Death or Baptism As 490 from Ezras Coming to his Death And if Xerxes should prove to be Queen Esters Husband as so many thought there may be Thence 476 Years to our saviours Birth And for That of Ester also and Susanna at Sbushan there may be a mistery in it as the very Name imports from Satar to Hide Whence Nister Mister Mistress Ester As we saw before And Solomons spouse is also in Ester or in Seter the secret place so near 666 the Number of Years between the two great Sacks of Jerusalem And the Hebrew letters of Susanna as in the Canticles also make up the very same Number that is in Ester so near the English Easter or our Saviours Passover which did fulfil so many great Mysteries But we may have clearer Arguments Yea and it may be from the Temple Measures also The Outer court of the Hill was 500 cubits square and so we may begin at any Gate As that of Huldah So they called it as remembring the Prophetess in good Josiahs Time so near the Captivity who also was Buried in Jerusalem as never Any but the House of David And it may be from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which we saw before for Time or Age of the World and a very learned man readeth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 As if Heither Common and and now Holy Ground begins But we shall rather begin from Shushan an Emblem of the Royal City of the Persian Prince that freed them whose Pedigree may be cleared from Aeschilus the Poet of those Times From Shushan to Coponius the opposite Gate 500 Cubits As there were just 500 Years between Herod and Cyrus ending their Captivity at Babylon by Tygris Distant from His Shushan just 210 Furlongs in Herod with Diod As This was just 210 Years from the Babylonian Era of Nabouassar or it may be Salmanassar who Sacked Samaria as another had done Galilee which was Then made Gentile or of the Gentiles much about 210 Years before This of Cyrus Taking Babylon As it was also taken by Alexander much about 210 Years after this of Cyrus which was just 500 Years before the year in which Herod took Jerusasalem when Canidius Gallus was Consul with Agrippa In Olympic 740 and of Rome 716. And of Nabonassar 711. 276 from Seleucus Nicanor in Babylon of which the Maccab●s and from Their Rule upon Nicanor slain after Epiphanes Cxi the Measuring Line of which before and This being out The Scepter departed as a sign of Shilo's Coming Gen. 49. And though the length of the Outer Court between Shushan and Coponius were but 500 Cubits As 500 Years from its first founding to Herods Taking Jerusalem Yet if we measure all the steps to the Porch Floor 22 Cubits Higher that Shushan as we saw before We may come to the very Year of This in Herod Who having lost his great Mark Antony whose Name remained in Antonia the great Tower at the Temples North-west from the great Battel at Actium he was now to make new Friends with Augustus to whom he consecrated his New Samaria by the name of Sebaste or Augusta about his 14th year and Then begins his great Cesarea in his 16th Year and in his 17th meets Augustus coming to those parts And that the Jews might tell no Tales or to atone the blood of their Great Sanedrin whom he had slain All but the President Hillel and Vice-President Shammai the onely man that plainly Voted against him before he was King for killing Ezekias c. He promiseth to build the Temple New and so he did in 7 or 8 years space as many years before our Saviours Birth and so we come to Coponius who was General of the Horse when Cyrenius was Governour of Syria as we may learn from Josephus and afterwards Coponius was also Governour of Judea in our Saviours Time And the Gate Coponius stood in the place of Solomons Causey or Shalleketh as a Pledge of that Gracious Promise Esay 6. 13. to be still fulfilled to them Entering Shushan the first 14 Cubits through the Gate and Pillars as the first 14 Dayes of the first Month to the Passover or 2d Sabbath and the first 14 Dayes of a Woman in Childe-bed of a Daughter as the Jewish Church was now Delivered of the Daughter of Sion Brought them to Solomons Porch And so the first 14 years from Shushan brought up the Prophets Haggai and Zechary with a Decree ere long from Darius Hystasp to build the Temple on Cyrus Words but Solomons Works as we may finde in Josephus adding the City also to Cyrus Graunt
fulness of Christ. And concludes that Epistle Peace be to the Brethren and Love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ Grace be with All them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity Amen So to the Philippians every where Especially in that famous place of Bowing in the Name of Jesus paralel to that of the Psalm Early will I seek thee and ever will I bless thee and lift up my hands as here bow the knee in thy Name when I pray I will pray in thy Name and confesse to the glory of God which Christ challengeth to himself in the Prophet Isaiah and at conclusion The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all Amen And in the Epistle to the Colossions For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell and having made Peace by the blood of his cross by him to reconcile All things unto Himself by Him whether they be things in Earth or things in Heaven Which to the Ephesians is according to the good pleasure of his will which he had purposed in himself that in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather All into One in Christ All things in Heaven or Earth even in him And to the Thessalonians Now God Himself and our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ direct our way to you and the Lord make you to increase and abound in Love to One another and to all men even as we to you that he may establish your hearts unblameable in holiness before God And again That the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you and ye in Him according to the Grace of our God and the Lord Iesus Christ. And again Now our Lord Iesus Christ himself and God even our Father which hath loved us for the Father is Love and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace comfort your hearts and stablish you in every good word and work And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and patience of Christ. Now we command you brethren in the Name of our Lord Iesus Christ that you withdraw from every brother walking disorderly yet count him not an enemy but admonish him as a brother Now the God of Peace himself give you Peace alwayes by all means The Lord be with you All. The salutation of Paul with mine own hand which is the token in every Epistle so I write The Grace of our Lord Iesus Christ be with you all Amen And it may also be observed that what we read be with you might be read is with you and so it is not onely a prayer but a promise and assurance that the grace of Christ is with All calling on Christ and so believing on him for how can they call on him on whom they believe not And Timothy This is a faithful saying and worthy of All Acce●ation as much or more then all the Mazoreth or Kab● that Christ Jesus came into the World to save sinners of whom I am chief Now unto the King Immortal Eternal Invisible the onely wise God which Jude also calleth Our Saviour speaking in the language of this very Text be honour and glory for ever and ever Amen Which he subjoyns on this Great Cause I obtained Mercy that in me first Iesus Christ might shew forth all long-suffering for a patern to them even to all them that should hereafter believe on him to Eternal life So that Christ did not mainly mind Paul in shewing him that patience and kindnesse but did it to Him that he might be a patern unto others even unto all others that should ever after believe even to all Eternity And to the same Timothy he writeth Flee also fleshly lusts but follow Righteousness Faith Charity Peace with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart And concludes the Lord Iesus Christ be with thy spirit Grace be with you Amen The great businesse of St. Peters Epistle is to presse forward in the knowledge of Jesus Christ and so he concludes Grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ to him be glory both now and for ever Amen Which also runs very much through the whole Epistle The Revelation of Jesus Christ wch God gave to him to shew to his servants is ful of prayers praises blessings of and from and to the same Jesus Who so plainly calling himself the first and the last which is and was and is to come the great Iehovah Lord God Almighty leads us plainly to the paralel places in the Prophet Isaiah where he saith the same of himself adding also that there is no other God or indeed no other True Being besides himself Representing himself in several species or Idea's For Plato was not the first that taught there was but One which yet was All. And yet again in the same chapter of that Prophet he saith Lo here I am and His spirit hath sent me even the Lord God and His Spirit though I am God and there is none besides me or none else but I and in me and One with me as the Root and every Branch is One with the Vine And in the same Prophet It is this One True God the First and the last and so All True Being which yet is sent by God and anointed by his Spirit and so the Messias or-Jesus Christ which plainly sweareth by Himself and therefore hath no greater that every knee shall bow or pray to Him and every tongue shall confess to Him which the Apostle citeth in that noted place of praying in the Name of Jesus and confessing to the glory of God even the Father also And may we add or may we not add what Christ of himself said If God be glorified in Him or in Them will not God also glorifie Him or Them with Himself Yea he will shortly do it nay he hath already done it before any other can glorifie Him for who can give him first or lend to him that it may be paid again To this also we might refer those passages of holding fast his Name and not denying his Name and confessing his Name as he will also confesse their names before his Father and the holy Angels both in the Gospels and Revelation and the call and Counsel of Christ as also the Fathers Drawing being that we come to Christ and learn of Him and buy of Him and open to Him that is still knocking to come in till his locks be wet with dew and his spirit be not onely abused but dispised and blasphemed argue much our speaking praying to him as well as hearing him who indeed is the end of the Fathers Teachings and Drawings so that he that hath heard and learned of the Father cometh wil come to Jesus Christ and converseth with him as a man with his friend whom he most loveth and honoureth also And the Angels of Heaven for they are all bid to worship him as we
lose her two Sons for bondslaves which may be a great Mystery and how he gave a Son to a barren VVoman and then raised him from the Dead and how he Healed the Pottage when Death was in the Pot and fed a great Multitude with a few barly loves and Healed Naaman the Syrian Lepar and struck Gehezy with Leprosie for seeking things of the VVorld in an ill time or season And How his dead bones raised a dead man and many other things we might observe in this great Type of Jesus Christ. But especially His striking his Enemies blind and then bringing them into Samaria and when the King of Israel said shall I smite them my Father shall I smite them He said Noe. Wilt thou smite them whom thou hast taken Prisoners with thy sword and thy bow Set bread and meat before them c. And I have often heard one say he knew not that he ever had a sweeter return from Christ then when once in great anguish he could onely say Now shew thy Kindnesse to thy Poor Enemy Whom thou hast taken Captive with Thy sword and thy bow And the King of Israels Feasting Those Prisoners for he made great provision for them may be more considered hereafter and compared with That of Solomon if thy Enemy hunger feed him and the Lord shall not onely requite but reward thee and this History may be the more considerable because it may perhaps be found the most desperate or most forlorn condition here on earth VVhen a man Degenerates into a judicial blindnesse Except it may yet be worse to come unto a Beastly Spirit and Nature VVhich is when after great and perhaps very long Abusing Light and Love shewed from God and Christ a man doth not only disobey but grieve and quench that good spirit so much and so long that at length it leaves him to degenerate into a blind and seared conscience and a Bruitish Nature till he becomes as a Dog biting and snarling at all about him and returning to his vomit and as the Swine to wallowing in the mire and also Turning and Tearing those that lay good things before him Who now tramples them under his feet and offers despite to the spirit of Grace and accounteth his Saviors blood as unclean and profane This was It perhaps the Psalmist so prayed against not only when he cries against Presumptuous sins but Then also perhaps when he prayeth so earnestly to be kept from the Dog or Dog-like Nature of which he speaketh divers times And This it may be is also in the Revelation under the Notion of Worshiping the Beast and receiving his character where it is also said that All the world should so follow the Beast but those that were written in the Lambs book of Life From the Foundation of the World And I have somtimes inclined to believe that Christ is not only the True Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world but that he Truly loves every man as he loves himself so long as he is a Man But when he degenerates into the Nature and spirit of a Beast and it may be the evil spirits are in the species of Ravening Beasts as good Angels in others and when one so degenerates into the Beastly Nature Then one falls out of Christs Neighborhood Yea and it may perhaps come so far that they may be no more warned lest they Turn and Tear those that cast such precious Pearls before them And in such a forlorn case it may be hard to shew why they should or how they can expect any more favor from Christ than a Beast or why so much And It may be This is That Sin unto Death of which the Apostle speaks when he addeth also that for such He doth not say that one ought to pray But yet he Doth not say One ought not to pray even for such also Which is One of the reasons why I pray for All I ought and All I may pray for When I am crying to an Infinite God for All my Relations and Truly they are very many as I somtimes say to God for I am Related to the whole Creation of God and yet farther than I can express and I know not But I may somtimes pray for some That I am not Tyed in duty or by express Command to pray for But I am still Tyed to Love my Neighbor as my self and so is Christ also I Trust or else I lose one of the sweetest pieces of the whole Bible and himself also brings the Notion of a Neighbor out so large that it may not only include Strangers but Enemies also And when a mans waies please the Lord he will make his Enemies his greatest Enemies to be at peace with him And if an Angel or if God himself forbid a man to pray for such or such a person City Nation or number of men yet This may be but to draw him larger out by shewing the danger of such persons As we see in the Prophet Jeremy and others that never prayed more sweetly than when they were forbidden to pray for such or such and yet they prayed Then most because they saw there was most need And Gods commands never do never will forbid us to Love our Neighbor as our self And that No man may ever despair we found Gods Love of pity and compassion so to reach to Beasts also that his great Command is that They also must be brought to keep the Sabboth and to rest the Rest of God and a good man and Christ is the Best of men must be and will be Merciful to his very Beast also Yea to the Beast of his Enemy and Him that hates him as we see commanded And for Those also that degenerate into the Beastly Nature lest They also should at length despair not to speak how often men are invited in the Prophets and the Revelation to come back again from the Beast and out of Babylon which shews they might return Repent and live we see How graciously God dealt with Nebuchadnezzar Though he so degenerated into a Beast which may be much worse than to be made a Beast at first and so born How Wisdom also crieth unto Scorners and How it is promised She Shall yet cry even unto Scorners may be here again observed out of the Proverbs To be compared with the 48. of Esay sweetly calling inviting and wooing the most obstinate sinners and Treacherous Revolters Yet for my Names sake and again for my Names sake I will resrain For How shall I cut thee off O that thou hadst or wouldst yet hearken For He speaketh in the present Tence I am yet teaching thee c. And how shall I give away the Glory of my Patience and my Goodness Shall I be weary also of well doing and having begun in the spirit of Goodness shall I also end in a fleshly Wrath or Passion God forbid The Psalmist also saith He received Gifts for Rebels also even for Rebels as we saw