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A47013 Maran atha: or Dominus veniet Commentaries upon the articles of the Creed never heretofore printed. Viz. Of Christs session at the right hand of God and exaltation thereby. His being made Lord and Christ: of his coming to judge the quick and the dead. The resurredction of the body; and Life everlasting both in joy and torments. With divers sermons proper attendants upon the precedent tracts, and befitting these present times. By that holy man and profound divine, Thomas Jackson, D.D. President of Corpus Christi Coll. in Oxford. Jackson, Thomas, 1579-1640.; Oley, Barnabas, 1602-1686. 1657 (1657) Wing J92; ESTC R216044 660,378 504

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Gideon exempt his Successors from the like or greater fear upon notice of Gods extraordinary presence For so Manoah Samsons father after long Conference with the Lord after he knew that it was an Angel of the Lord which had brought the Message to him of Samsons birth said unto his Wife Judg. 13. 22. We shall surely die because we have seen God But his Wife said unto him if the Lord were pleased to kill us he would not have received a burnt offering and a meat offering at our hands neither would he have shewed us all these things neither would he at this time have told us such things as these ver 23. So then Gods extraordinary presence is terrible even to his servants to flesh and blood without exception though in the issue it will prove comfortable to such as truly fear him and faithfully rely upon his promises St. Peter long after this time was a man less conscious of many grievous sins then most of us alive this day are yet not upon any sight or spectacle of Gods Extraordinary Presence but only upon an instinct or secret apprehension of his Peculiar Presence in Christ as man notified unto him by the miraculous draught of fishes which he took by his direction and command cries out Lord depart from me for I am a sinful man Luke 5. 8. And St. Paul before his conversion fell to the earth upon a suddain glimpse or representation of that glorious light wherein Christ shall appear at the last day Acts 9. 3 4. And after he had heard A Voyce saying unto him though in no extraordinary manner for terror Saul Saul why persecutest thou me He trembling and astonished at the name of Jesus said Lord what wilt thou have me to do ver 6. No marvel if St. Paul being conscious of persecution intended by him against Christs Church and having by Fact and Resolution declared himself to be Christs Enemy were thus affrighted at the Sight and Voice when as St. Peter St. James and St. John after long and peculiar familiarity with Christ and after many gracious promises made unto them of Gods special protection over them were thrown down to the earth with a more placid and comfortable Voice then that which St. Paul heard The Voice which they heard out of the cloud was this This is my well beloved Son in whom I am well pleased hear ye him And when they heard it saith the text Matth. 17. 6. they fell on their faces and were sore afraid until Christ came and touched them and said arise and be not afraid This strange dejection of these three great Apostles at so mild and gentle a Voice yet a Voice uttered from the extraordinary presence of God gives us a Remarkable Document or grounded Observation of the truth of that saying of St. Paul 1 Cor. 15. 50. Now this I say brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God neither doth corruption inherit incorruption Christ had told these Three Matth. 16. 28. that they should see not God but the Son of man coming in his Kingdom Peter had a desire to have inherited that joy wherewith his heart was ravished at the sight of our Saviours Transfiguration which as you heard before was but a representation of his coming in glory to Judge the world and out of this desire he said Lord it is good for us to be here if thou wilt let us make here three Tabernacles one for Thee one for Moses and one for Elias Yet as soon as he heard the Voice the Antipathie between sinful flesh and the fruition of Gods presence or the inheritance of that Kingdom of Christ which was then represented begun to shew it self And what shall We do then which are conscious of more grievous sins then St. Peter S. Iames or S. John then were unto whom both the Spectacle of Christs glorious presence and the Voice or Sound which in that day shall be heard from heaven will be far more terrible then any manifestation of Gods presence whether made by Voice or Sight unto our First Parents unto Gideon unto Manoah or unto any of his Apostles recorded in Scripture 4. Let us now take a view of such representations or descriptions of the Terrible Spectacles which shall be seen and of the Terrible Voices or sounds which in that last day shall be heard as Gods Prophets or Evangelists have framed to us These representations are of Two Sorts either Charactred out unto us in meer Words or in Matters of Fact historically related To begin with the Terrible Spectacles which shall appear before the last day or at the least before the Process or Judgment begin These are most punctually exprest by the Prophet Joel Cap. 2. 30 31. And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth blood and fire and pillars of smoak the Sun shall be turned into darkness and the Moon into blood before the great and terrible day of the Lord come And Ioel 3. 15 16. The Sun and the Moon shall be darkned and the Stars shall withdraw their shining The Lord also shall roar out of Sion utter his voice out of Jerusalem the heavens the earth shall shake The Terrors here foretold were really represented by the first desolation of Iudah and destruction of Jerusalem by the Assyrians and Chaldeans whose approach to execute Gods Judgments upon that land and people was prophesied of by this Prophet in the beginning of this Second Chapter yet so foretold by him as the plagues there threatned might by Repentance have been prevented So could not the Terrors foretold in the Second Prophecie at least the Prophet expresseth no means for averting these fearful signs in the heavens and earth This later prophecie is in particular exemplified by our Saviour Matth. 24. 27 29 30. For as the lightning cometh out of the East and shineth even unto the West So shall also the coming of the Son of man be Immediately after the tribulation of those dayes shall the Sun be darkned and the Moon shall not give her light and the Stars of heaven shall fall and the Powers of the heavens shall be shaken And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in Heaven and then shall all the Tribes of the Earth mourn and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of Heaven with power and great glory Both the Prophecie of Joel and this prediction of our Savior were in part fulfilled shortly after the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus by the burning of the Mount Vesuvius in Campania a Province of Italy the manner and effects whereof how fearful and terrible they were not to Rome onely or Italy but to a great part of Africa to Egypt to Syria and to Constantinople with the Countries adjoyning and how consonant they were unto the Prophet Joels and our Saviors Prediction may be gathered from Dion in his 66. and 68. Books and from other Roman Heathenish
Amen and have the keys of hell and of death The exercise of this great Power and of the Keys shall not be fully manifested until his glorious appearance in Judgment The like description of the Son of man in his Glory we have Apoc. 19. 11 12. And I saw heaven opened and behold a white Horse and he that sate upon him was called Faithful and True and in righteousness he doth judge and make war His eyes were as a flame of fire and on his head were many crowns Now albeit in this verse Christ be called Faithful and True as being the sole and full Accomplisher of our Belief in Gods promises yet these Titles are no way sufficient to express his dignity To shew us that his Glorious Majesty is altogether unexpressible by Man or Angel it is expresly added by St. Iohn in the next words And he had A Name written that no man knew but he himself And yet ver 13. it is said His Name is called The Word of God This is not that Name which no man knew besides himself for St. John knew him by this Name when he wrote his Gospel and this is a Name which doth more fitly and more fully express the Majesty Glory and Power wherein he shall at the last day appear then the former Attributes of Faithful and True or any other Name that is given unto him in the Word of God This contains all the rest And they much disparage this Name and much eclipse the dignity contained in it who restrain it only unto his Fidelitie in fulfilling or performing Gods Word to his Elect or to the execution of Gods Judgments upon their Enemies Though all this be included in it as it followeth ver 15. And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword that with it he should smite the Nations and he shall rule them with a rod of Iron and he treadeth the wine-press of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS 11. But both these Descriptions of St. Iohn you will say are Emblematical and not to be understood according to the Letter at the least Christ shall not at the day of Judgment visibly appear in this Form and Habit or with a sharp Sword in his mouth The Real Power and Dignity which is painted out unto us by this Emblem is already exemplified and shall be further exemplified in Defending His Church in general or advancing the estate of the forlorn Jewish Nation before that great and terrible day wherein he shall set a Period to all wars and contentions to all exercise of hostility against his Church The Power of Christ here described by S. John the exercise whereof is not yet accomplished but shall as some Interpreters think be remarkably verified before the last day in advancing the Jewish Nation and executing vengeance upon their persecutors was most divinely displayed by Moses in that his excellent Song Deut. 32. 41 42. and in particular represented in an Emblem or character like to that which St. Iohn saw If I whet my glittering Sword and my hand take hold of Judgment I will render vengeance to mine enemies and will reward them that hate me I will make mine arrows drunk with blood and my Sword shall devour flesh and that with the blood of the slain and of the Captives c. But however this Prophecy may be remarkably verified in the calling of the Jews yet the Majesty and Power which is pictured out unto us in these Emblematical descriptions whether made by Moses or St. John shall not fully be accomplished or exemplified before the last day At that Day and not before shall the full importance of his former Name be made known then he shall manifest himself to be the OMNIPOTENT AND ETERNAL WORD But is the importance of this Name or Emblem by which the power of it is Emblazon'd to wit his Sharp and Glittering Sword any where literally exprest in the Apostles writings It is most fully and most emphatically Hebr. 4. 12 13. Vivus est Sermo Dei The word of God is quick and powerful and sharper then any two edged Sword c. Yet is it questioned by some whose names I conceal whether by The Word of God in that place the Eternal Word himself be literally and directly meant or whether St. Paul by The Word of God meanes the self same that St. Iohn doth in his Gospel ver 1. In the beginning was the Word And again ver 14. The Word was made flesh It is a very weak Exception which some otherwise learned Interpreters of this Epistle and powerful in the Word of God have made unto the contrary The strength of their Exception is this Because the Author of that Epistle no where else enstiles the Son of God The Word of God But to this Exception the Answer is very easie Because the Author of that Epistle had no where else the like occasion thus to enstile him And the same exception were it warrantable might be taken against the literal meaning of St. Iohn or against the ordinary interpretation of the first verse of his Gospel because St. Iohn no where else besides in the Two verses before mentioned enstiles the Son of God by the same name nor doth any other Evangelist besides St. Iohn enstile him by this name at all Now because this passage of St. Paul Hebr. 4. is misinterpreted by divers and not fully interpreted by any that I have read and yet being rightly or more fully interpreted will give best light unto the Manner of Christs Process in Judgement I cannot better bestow my pains and time then in the Explication of those words Vivus est Sermo Dei or vivum est verbum Dei The Word of God is quick and powerful c. 12. If by The Word of God in this place The Son of God God blessed for ever be not literally and most directly meant the full meaning of the Apostle must be restrained either to the Word of God written or spoken by his Embassadors Now that the Word of God whether written or preached or Both written and preached cannot be the direct and compleat Subject of the Apostles Assertion in these two verses the former Arguments or exceptions against this interpretation will clearly evince if we retort them Thus. Such glorious Attributes as are in these verses ascribed unto the Word of God are no where else either in this Epistle or in the Old Testament or in the New attributed to the Word of God either as written or preached no not to it as preached by the Son of God himself Therefore this place cannot be fully or compleatly meant of the Word of God either Written or Preached No other besides the Son of God can be the direct or principal Subject of the Literal and assertive sense in any proposition in these two verses contained Yet do we not deny
〈◊〉 or Word which since hath been made flesh as all unbelievers and disobedient men since hee was made flesh Now to fortifie this inference he addeth ver 12. Vivus est sermo Dei The Word or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to whom wee are to render an accompt is quick and power full more piercing then any two edged sword So farre from winking at the ignorance of these times that all things are naked and open unto his eyes His countenance as saint John saith was as the Sun shineth in his strength Rev. 1. 16. and his eyes as a flame of fire vers 14. unto his eyes thus opened when the Judgment shall be set the bookes as Daniel saith were opened Dan. 7. 10. And this prophecie is unfolded by St. John Rev. 20. 12. And I saw the dead small and great stand before God and the books were opened and another book was opened which is the book of life and the dead were Judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their works 17. This is the next part of the Process and by the Books which are opened the best Interpreters Ancient and Modern understand the Books of Conscience which until that day shall not be unfolded or become fully legible no not unto them which keep these Books though every man have one of them or at least an exact Copie or Exemplification of them For it may be that the Authentick Copie or Register of every mans Conscience is treasured up in this Eternal 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and their Copies shall become legible by his appearance Many actual sins many secret thoughts or evil words have been daily practised or entertained by us w ch leave no print or impression in our Phantasies of their passage The memorie of many gross sins which for the present make deep impression daily wears out or decayes to our apprehensions their print or Character in some being defac'd or obliterated by new ones more gross as if a man should write in Capital Letters upon a paper already written in a smaller Character and more obscure In others the Records of Conscience though in themselves legible so they would look into them are wrapt up in multiplicitie of business But when the Judge shall appear in his Glorie the Book shall be fully opened the Character or impression of every sinful thought or action shall then become legible not a syllable of what we have spoken to our selves shall be lost and every letter and every syllable which hath not been washt away or purified by the Blood of the Lamb shall be as a stigma or brand to the Soul and Conscience wherein it is found and shall fret as an incurable Gangren or Canker Every seed of corruption whether propagated from our first parents or sown by our selves which seemed to lie dead without all motion unlesse they be truly mortified by the spirit shall at the appearance of the Sun of Righteousness begin to quicken and grow ripe in a moment And albeit these seeds be as many in number as the sand though our whole flesh or bodily man be more full of them then any fishes ventricle is full of Spawn yet the least of them shall grow for its malignant quality into a Serpent and sting the soul and body wherein it bred like an Adder These are the best fruits which they that daily sow unto the flesh shall then reap of the flesh even corruption sorrow and torments incorruptible and unsufferable yet perpetually to be suffered by them But of the quality and perpetuity of these pains hereafter by Gods assistance when we come to the Award or Sentence 18. Now to conclude Albeit this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 this Eternal Word of God before whose Judgment Seat we must appear and to whom we are to render our final accompt were made flesh to the end and purpose that the very words of God immediately uttered by himself which formerly so uttered did sound nothing but death and destruction to flesh and blood might become the very food of life being thus distilled and uttered by an Organ of flesh yet such they are only unto such as receive him and are purified in soul and conscience by them To such as received him saith S. John he gave this priviledge to become the Sons of God John 1. 12. But every man saith the same S. John 1 Epist cap. 3. ver 3. that hath this hope in him purifies himself even as he is pure As for the disobedient and such as wallow in filthiness the presence or voice of God though he appear or speak unto us in our nature shall not be less dreadful to them then it was before the word was made flesh but rather his appearance in our nature shall add terror and dread to his voice and presence And therefore it is remarkably added by S. John Rev. 6. 16. that the disobedient shall say unto the Mountains and Rocks Fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth upon the Throne and from the wrath of the Lamb. For though the wisdome of the flesh did alwayes include an Enmitie unto the puritie of the Divine Nature yet this Enmitie or Antipathie is most directly against the innocencie and integritie of the Lamb It is under the same Kind with the Enmitie of the womans seede and the Serpents nor shall the malignitie of it fully appear or come unto a perfect Crisis until the Lamb appear in Judgment He is now a Lamb mild and gentle and easy to be intreated by all such as seek to become like him in innocencie and puritie of life but shall in that day manifest himself to the Lion of the Tribe of Judah to execute vengeance upon all such as have abused his patience and long suffering by continuance in beastlines or enmitie to Lamb-like innocency and purity He shall then appear an inflexible Judge but yet continues a mercifull and loving High-priest to make intercession for us Seeing then saith St. Paul Heb. 4. 14. c. and it is his Conclusion of his former description of him as our Omnipotent Alseeing Judge that we have a great High-priest that is passed into the heavens Jesus the Son of God this is a Title more mild and comfortable then the former of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Word of God Let us hold fast our profession For we have not an High-Priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities but was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need This Time of need is the day of judgment or time of death But whereby shall we make just proof and trial whether we hold our profession fast or no By no other means then by the preserving the integritie and puritie of our Conscience For we do not truly acknowledge or believe him to
Throne Rev. 3. 21. To confine the presence of God the Father of God the Son or of God the Holy-Ghost to any visible Throne were a grosse Heresie But that there may be Real Emblems or Representations of the Blessed Trinitie in heaven as conspicuous and sensible to blessed Saints and Angels as the representations which have been made of them to Gods Saints or people here on earth who can conceive improbable The representations or pledges of the Blessed Trinitie have been diverse Daniel law the Glory of the Father shadowed by the Ancient of daies the Glory of the Son represented by the similitude of the Son of man At our Saviours Baptism there was A voice from heaven as an audible Testimonie of the distinct Person of the Father Christ as Man was the conspicuous seat or Throne of God the Son and the Dove which appeared unto John a visible pledge of the Holy-Ghost And may not the Church Triumphant have as punctual representations or pledges of this Distinction no lesse sensible though more admirable then the Church militant hath had here on earth 4. It is not then altogether so clear that this Title of Christs Sitting at the right hand of God the Father is borrowed from the Rites or customes of the Kings of Judah as it is questionable whether this Rite or custome amongst them were not framed after the Patern of the heavenly Thrones or representations of coelestial dignities so we know the earthly Sanctuarie was framed according to the patern of the heavenly Sanctuarie Our Fathers had the tabernacle of witness in the wilderness as he appointed speaking unto Moses that he should make it according to the fashion that he had seen Act. 7. 44. Ex. 25. 40. And our Apostle saith Heb. 8. 5. Those served unto the patern or shadow of heavenly things as Moses was warned by God when he was about to finish the tabernacle See saith he that thou make all things according to the patern shewed to thee in the mount But it may be the patern shewed to him in the Mount was but a Shew or Mathematical Draught of the material Tabernacle which he was to erect and yet is stiled an heavenly patern or heavenly thing because it was represented from heaven by God himself yet so represented without any real Tabernacle answerable to it in heaven I could subscribe to this interpretation if the Apostles Inference Heb. 9. 23 24. did not prove or presuppose something more It was then necessary that the similitude of heavenly things should be purified with such things but the heavenly things themselves are purified with better sacrifices then these for Christ is not entred into the holie places made with hands which are similitudes of the true Sanctuarie but is entred into very heaven to appear now in the sight of God for us But hath he the whole heavens for his Sanctuarie or is there as real a Distinction of places or Mansions in the heavens as there was of Courts or Sanctuaries in the material or in Solomons Temple We have such an high Priest saith Saint Paul as sitteth at the right hand of the throne of the majestie in the heavens and is a Minister of the Sanctuarie and of the true tabernacle which the Lord pitched and not man and Eph. 1. 20. The father of glory set him at his own right hand 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the heavenly places Some Distinction between the Throne of Majestie and Christs humanitie was apprehended surely by Saint Steven Act. 7. 55. He being full of the Holy-Ghost looked stedfastly into heaven and saw the Glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God the Object of his sight was surely Real not a meer vision in the air for he saw the heavens open and by their opening found opportunity to prie with bodily eyes but bodily eyes extraordinarily enlightned by the Spirit of God into heaven it self and to take a view of the land of Promise and the Sanctuary pitched in it The Divine Essence or Person of God the Father he could not see and yet he saw the Glorie of God and Christ at the Right-hand of this Glorie But he saw Christ Standing and not Sitting as here it is said All is one It is the height of Christs Exaltation that He hath the pre-eminence to Sit upon his Throne in the immediate presence of God the Fathers Glorious Throne But this prerogative of Sitting upon his Throne doth not tye him to such perpetual Residence that he may not Stand when it pleaseth him and it seems it was at this time this great Judge his pleasure to Stand as a Spectator of his blessed Martyrs Combat and for the present as a Witness against these his malicious Enemies which afterward were to be made his Foot-stool Now was that of the Psalmist Psal 102. 19. verified He hath looked down from the height of his Sanctuarie out of the heaven did the Lord behold the earth 5. But if Christ have a Visible Throne or Sanctuarie in heaven how is it true which Saint Steven saith Acts 7. 48 49. The most high dwelleth not in Temples made with hands as saith the Prophet Heaven is my throne and earth is my foot-stool what house will ye build for me saith the Lord or what place is it that I shall rest in hath not my hand made all these things And if God dwell not in any Sanctuary which he hath made how can he have any Visible Sanctuary in heaven For even the heaven of heavens every creature whether visible or invisible are the works of Gods hands To this the Answer is easie when the Prophet saith God dwelleth not in Temples made with hands he excludeth only the works of mens hands not all created Thrones or Sanctuaries made immediately by God himself For as the Apostle saith Heb. 8. 2. Christ is a Minister of the Sanctuary which the Lord hath pitched and not man And Hebr. 9. 11. Christ being come a high Priest of good things to come by a greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands that is not of this building c. Thus much of the Grammatical or Literal meaning of these words As for this Opinion of Distinction of Thrones in heaven as I dare not boldly avouch it so I am afraid peremptorily to deny it For Peremptorie Negatives in Divine Mysteries oft-times sway more dangerously unto Infidelitie then Affirmative Paradoxes do to Heresie The Affirmative in this Mysterie is in my opinion more safe and probable then the Negative However The Point which all of us are bound absolutely to Believe is That this Article of Christs sitting at the Right-Hand of God doth contain the height of His Exaltation far above all principalitie and power and might and dominion and every name that is named not only in this world but also in that which is to come Eph. 1. 20. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God saith the same Apostle Phil. 2. 9. hath very highly
of Judgement and yet by this Tenent according to some parts of his Humane Nature he shall be Consubstantially present with the Damned in hell If they say that Christs whole bodie is intirely Every where or every part of it Every where then either he hath no Right-hand or his Right-hand is in his Left either he hath no Humane Bodie or else his whole Bodie is in his Little Finger But to be after this manner intirely Every where is Proper only unto God 6. It may be we shall hit their Meaning better by tracing their footsteps Thus then they proceed The Right-hand of God is every where Christ according to his Humane Nature sitteth at the Right-hand of God Ergo Christ according to his Humane Nature sitteth every where and if his Sear according to his Humane Nature be every where his Humane Nature is present every where for Session or Residence according to his Humane Nature includeth his Presence according to his Humane Nature First admitting the Major The Right-hand of God is every where were absolutely true according to the literal meaning of this Article they stand bound by the Rules of Logick to rectifie the Minor and make it thus But Christ according to his Humane Nature is the Right-hand of God And if Christ according to his Humane Nature be the Right-hand of God then if the Right-hand of God be every where it would directly and perpendicularly follow that Christ is every where according to his Humane Nature But this i. e. the words of the minor they will not say Now the minor not being thus rectified the Conclusion must be corrected and in stead of saying Christs Humanitie is every where it must be taught to say That Christs Humanitie or Christ according to his Humane Nature Sitteth at that or by that which is every where Secondly If we take that Definition which some good Divines make of Christ's Sitting at the Right-hand of God the Father that is to be a person equal to the Father by whom the Father doth immediately rule the world but the Church especially the Inference will be a Fallacie à rebus ad voces The Connexion between the Terms howsoever placed will be no better then if a man should naile a piece of solid timber at the one end to the Aire and at the other end to the Water Lastly If by the Right-hand of God in this place be Literally meant A visible or comprehensible Throne wherein the God head is after the like but a far more glorious manner conspicuously present as it was in the Ark of the Covenant here on earth then the Major proposition on which the whole structure of Christs Ubiquitie according to his Manhood depends will be a great deal too narrow for the Right-hand of God the Father Almighty taken in this Sense is not every where That Glorie of God at whose Right-hand Saint Steven saw Christ standing was not on earth but in heaven nor in every place of heaven but in that place only where he saw the heavens to open and on which he fixed his eyes 7. But they further add That Christs Humane Nature is glorified with that Glorie which he had with the Father before the world was made Now that Glorie doubtlesse was no created Glorie but Glorie uncreated and if uncreated then questionlesse Infinite and if this Glorie wherewith his Humane Nature is glorified be Infinite then his Humane Nature is infinitely Exalted or exalted to a Real communication of all the Divine Attributes as to be every where to be Omnipotent c. To This some answer Christs Divine Nature or Person may in that place John 17. ver 5. be said to be Glorified after the same manner that it was Exalted But though it be true that Christ meant the Glorification of his Divine Person in that place yet this no way contadicts the Glorification of his Humane Nature but rather supposeth it For his Divine Person was glorified by the glorification of his Humane Nature that is The world should not have known the Glorie of the Son of God or of him as their Lord and Redeemer unlesse this Glorie had appeared in his Man-hood or Humane Nature Now if the Humane Nature were glorified with that Glorie which was before the world it was glorified with an uncreated Glorie And uncreated Glorie is Absolutely Infinite If this consequence were sound the First Branch of it would be This That Christs Humane Nature was glorified with Infinite glorie before the foundation of the world and so the conclusion should contradict the Article of Christs Incarnation in time as also the whole course of his Humiliation here on earth The same Arguments which they bring to prove the Glorie of his Humane Nature to be Infinite in respect of place or power will prove his Humane Nature to have been Infinite and glorious in respect of its Duration or Christ as man to be Co-eternal with God the Father or else they prove just nothing at all That Real communication of the Divine Attributes which they so eagerly contend for is but a dream or Fancie which could not possibly have come into their brains but either for want of Logick or of Consideration The root of their Error is that they distinguish not between the uncreated Glorie which is the Incomprehensible Fountain by participation whereof Christs Humane Nature is immediately Glorified and the Participation or Communication of it The Glorie of the God-head which dwelleth Bodily in Christ is Infinite But it is not Communicated to Christs Humane Nature according to its infinitie The Communication of it or the Glorie communicated is Created and therefore finite The Sun truly and Really Communicates his light unto the Moon and we properly say That the Moon is enlightned or made glorious by the light of the Sun yet will it not hence follow That the Light Communicated or imparted to the Moon is equal to the light of the Sun which doth communicate it or impart it Much lesse will it follow that the Glorie wherewith Christs Humane Nature is glorified should be equal to that Glorie of the God-head which doth communicate or impart Glorie unto it or from which all the Glorie which it hath above other Creatures is derived To conclude this Point The best Frame whereunto the Lutherans Arguments in this Controversie can be drawn is this The glorie of God is infinite Christ as Man is glorified by the glorie of God Ergo His glorie as Man is infinite Yet the connexion is not as good as this following The light of the Sun doth by his presence make the day but the Moon is enlightned by the light of the Sun Ergo The Moon by presence of its light makes the day Sooner shall the Lutheran turn night into day by this or the like Sophism then prove that Real communication of the Divine Attributes to Christs Humane Nature which he dreams of As that Christ as man should be Really present every where or
to the Jews which had answer'd him rightly that the Messias was to be the Son of David is unanswerable and most satisfactorie If the expected Messias were not to be the Son of God and truly God the supreme Lord as well of the dead as of the living why did David in spirit call him Lord before he was the Son of David It is a point to be observed that the Iews in our Saviours time did not or could not deny that this Psalm was literally meant of their expected Messias albeit the later Iews seek to wrest it but most ridiculously some to Ezekiah some to Abraham But that the word Adonai is of no lesse value or importance then Iehovah but only imports Iehovah or God incarnate or the Messias his Exaltation to be Lord or King may be evinced against the Iew for that the same sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving which One Psalmist solemnly offers unto Iehovah Another Psalmist or perhaps the same doth alike solemnly offer up to Adonai or to the expected Messias in another Psalm As Psal 57. which is a Prophetical Song of David and containes the Exaltation of his God and Lord Exalt thy self O God above the heaven and let thy glory be upon all the earth ver 5 11. This Prophecie was then punctually fulfilled and Davids prayer or request signed by the mouth of God when our Saviour after his Resurrection said All power is given to me in heaven and in earth go therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holie Ghost Mat. 28. 18. Unto this Iehovah or God whose Exaltation he foresaw and heartily prayed for and unto whom he had directed his prayers ver 1. He offers the Sacrifice of praise ver 9. under the title of Adonai I will praise or confesse thee among the people O Lord I will sing unto thee among the Nations The verie self-same sacrifice David offers unto the same God under the title of Iehovah Psal 108. 1 2 3 4 5. O God mine heart is prepared so is my tongue I will sing and give praise Awake Viol and Harp I will awake early I will praise thee O Lord among the people I will sing unto thee among the Nations For thy mercie is great above the heavens and thy truth reacheth unto the clouds Exalt thy self O God above the heavens and let thy glorie be upon all the earth which last words were twice repeated in the 57. Psam 2. These Fundamental Points of Faith are clear from this collation of Scripture First That Adonai or Lord was the known Title of the Messias whom the Jews expected in our Saviours time and this was the reason that the Pharisces had not a word to answer or rejoyn unto our Saviour when he avouched that the Messias was to be The Son of God because David in Spirit called him Adonai Lord Matth. 22. 45. The second That he that was Adonai or the Messias was likewise Jehovah truly God because David did not in spirit onely call him Lord but did in spirit worship him as his Lord and God with the best sacrifice that he could devise as appears from Psalm 57. 8. A great part of the Book of Psalms even all those passages if my observation fail me not without exception which mention the extraordinary manifestation of Gods glory or his exaltation as King run the same way and as it were pay Tribute unto the infinite Ocean of Gods mercy first manifested in our Saviours Exaltation to the right hand of God The more remarkable Passages are these Psal 97. ver 1. Jehovah reigneth let the earth rejoice let the multitude of the Isles be glad Whilest Jehovah was onely known in Jurie the multitude of the Isles or Nations had no special reason to be glad for Iudah was then his Sanctuary and Israel his dominion but after God had given our Saviour Christ the utmost parts of the earth for his possession that is after our Saviours Ascension into Heaven and the effusion of the Holy Ghost upon his Disciples enabling them to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom unto all Nations the multitude of the Isles the whole Earth had reason to rejoyce Then was that fulfilled which followeth in that Psal ver 6. The Heavens declare his righteousness and all the people saw his Glory That this Psalm is literally meant of Christs Exaltation to be Lord of Lords and of his Inauguration to his everlasting Kingdom The Apostle St. Paul Heb. 1. 6. puts out of question amongst all Christians when he bringeth in his first begotten Son into the world he saith Let all the Angels of God worship him so the Psalmist had said in this 97. Psal ver 7. Confounded be all they that serve graven Images worship Him all ye Gods or as the Septuagint upon which our Apostle often Paraphrased Worship him all ye Angels of God The matter or subject of this Psalm is almost the same with Psal 2. Both of them contain Prophesies concerning the Declaration of Christ to be the Son of God And from this harmonie between this 97. and the second Psalm and from the common Prenotion or Rule of interpreting Scriptures known to the Learned or unpartially observant in those days the Apostle adds that Preface unto his Testimonie when he bringeth in his onely begotten Son into the World He supposeth that the Learned among his Countrie-men should or might have known that both these Prophecies were to be punctually fulfilled upon the Exaltation of the Messias or of those times wherein God should be manifested in the Flesh 3. Yet some conjecture that our Apostle Heb. 1. 6. hath reference rather to Deut. 32. ver 43. in the Greek Translation then unto the 97 Psalm in the Hebrew The words indeed in the Greek or Septuagint are the very same though in the Hebrew not the same by any Equivalencie of the literal sense At nec sic quidem malè There is a varietie of sense yet no discord but rather a full and perfect Consort between the Literal and Grammatical sense of the Hebrew and the mystical and real sense which the Greek or Septuagint in both places expresseth First The 97 Psalm as many others are is a Poetical descant upon Moses his divine Prophetical Song Deut. 32. And the 70 Interpreters whether out of some Prenotion or out of the admirable Concord between that song of Moses and the 97 Psalm or out of a divine Instinct wherewith as St. Augustine is of opinion they were impelled sometimes to intersert a more express meaning of the Holie Ghost then an ordinary Commentator could out of the Hebrew have observed whether this way or that way moved they have given the same Paraphrase upon Deut. 32. ver 43. which our Apostle hath made upon Psal 97. ver 7. which is no other then the Septuagint had made before but literally more consonant to the Hebrew then their Paraphrase upon Deut. 32. is But
sins whereof as St. Iude intimates the supream Iudge will take special notice in that day and the harborers of it without repentance shall have a large portion of the wo or curse denounced by Enoch There is no sin for its quality more opposite to Iustice or that can more provoke a just gracious Iudge then intrusion into his Office without Warrant or Commission and yet so they all do that without warrant will become Magistrates or Censurers or Judges of others Such as affect the name of Zealous Professors in our times cannot more directly impeach themselves of gross Hypocrisie then by nursing this censuring humor in themselves orr applauding it in others whilest they profess to believe this Article of appearing before the Judgement seat of Christ The Belief whereof were it true or sound would not suffer this censorious humour of all others whatsoever to lodge in the same brest with it as being most directly opposite unto it most incompatible with it Nor did our Apostle St. Paul himself know any other Medicine or possible cure of this Malady then the pressing this Article upon such as were tainted with it Who art thou saith he Rom. 14. 4. that judgest another mans servant to his own Master he standeth or falleth What more would you have said or have left un-said to such as take upon them to judge or censure their lawful Magistrates and Pastors And again ver 10. Why dost thou judge thy brother or why dost thou set at nought thy brother seeing we shall all stand before the Iudgement seat of Christ and ver 12. So then every one of us shall give an account of himself to God As for the Magistrate or such as have taken the charge of souls upon them they must give an account to God not of themselves onely but of others committed to their charge but their flock or inferiors are not bound to give account of them and for this reason should in conscience be more ready to be directed or censured by them then to direct or judge their Actions 8. The former Point might pass without further Addition or Annotation were it not that a late Divine of deserved note seems to deny the place avouched Dan. 7. 13. to be literally meant of a final Judgement of which if it were not literally meant our Saviors Allegation of it was not concludent nor should the conviction of the High Priest for giving wrong Judgement upon our Savior be so notorious and manifest as we suppose it to be and at the last day it will appear The prejudice of one modern Divines authority in a Negative of this nature cannot be great especially seeing this Negation is grounded onely upon an inconsiderate or careless Inference This place of Daniel saith he is literally meant of Christs ascending to his Father and of his investiture in the Kingdom of Heaven This no man denies And necessary it was that he should ascend into Heaven and be established in his Throne before he came to the accomplishment of Jurisdiction Royal such is the exercise or execution of final Judgement The Argument then will hold much better Affirmatively then Negatively The forecited place of Daniel is literally meant of Christs Ascension and Enthronization Ergo it is principally meant of the execution of final Judgement of such a Judgement as is to reverse or rectifie whatsoever hath been wrongfully done or adjudged by the most potent Monarchs or supream Tribunals of the earth So it is expresly foretold Dan. 2. 44 45. That this Kingdom whereof the Son of Man did take possession should destroy or break in pieces the Babylonian the Persian the Macedonian and the Roman Monarchy with all their appurtenances and attendances or reliques And in the days of these Kings shall the God of Heaven set up a Kingdom which shall never be destroyed and the Kingdom shall not be left to other people but it shall break in pieces and consume all these Kingdoms and it shall stand for ever Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands and that it brake in pieces the Iron the brass the clay the silver and gold the great God hath made known to the King what shall come to pass hereafter and the dream is certain and the interpretation thereof sure To omit all Question how Christs Kingdom here foretold being not erected till the Roman Monarchy was at the height should destroy the Babylonian the Persian or the Macedonian Monarchy all which three were in the wane before the Roman was Crescent Certain it is that the Roman Monarchy being at the height when Christ ascended was to be destroyed by him yet not destroyed at his Ascension The Case then is clear that the forementioned Prophecie of Daniel cannot be terminated by the time of our Saviours Ascension but is to be extended to all succeding ages yea after time shall be no more If the Kingdom whereof Christ at his Ascension took possession be for duration everlasting for power most Soveraign so absolute and independent that all other Kingdoms which have been are or shal be depend on it and are responsible to it the execution of all Judgement whether past or to come whether temporal or eternal must either be ratified or reverst or immediately awarded by This everlasting King Polanus himself the principal Author or Abettor of the former Opinion viz. That the place of Dan. 7. 13. is not literally meant of Christs coming to Judgement grants That the Kingdom whereof Christ at his Ascension took possession shall be consummate in the life to come and not before And in granting thus much he is concluded to grant withal that the former places are principally or consummatly meant of Christs coming to Iudge the World and to translate the Kingdom of God begun here on earth into the Heaven of Heavens in which so translated all shall be Kings all shall be Judges all shall be perpetual Laws unto themselves there shall be no place for after Judgement especially for any sentence of condemnation 9. To let the former mis-interpretation of the Prophet Daniel pass as a private error or oversight rather which wants the general consent as well of the Roman Church as of the Reformed it is now God be praised on all hands agreed on and acknowledged by the best learned of both Churches that many places of the Old Testament are literally and truly meant both of Christs first coming in humility to be judged of men and of his second coming in glory to give Iudgement upon the world And not of these two Periods of times onely but of all the times intermediate or interjacent Howbeit of these times onely Inchoativè consummately finally or punctually of the life to come which takes beginning from the last Iudgement That this place of Dan. 7. is Inchoativè meant of Christs first coming that is that it first began literally to be verified then but shall not be consummated or
that continue in well doing But that Good Works should deserve Eternal Life Only upon supposal of Gods promise some of the greatest Scholars I will not say of the best men amongst them will not yield But to take them at their Best As when they say that Good works do merit as much as God hath promised to Reward them with This is too bad For to merit in their language is a great deal more then to be Rewarded it includes a Reward due unto the works wrought not meerly given out of the mercie or bountie of him that promiseth The Rule is General Whatsoever any man hath Interest in by promise it must be expected sued for and accepted upon the same Terms that it is promised unlesse between the promise made and the performance of it we can oblige the party promising by some real service that may be profitable unto him more then was included in the Conditions to which the promise did tie us To do more then is Covenanted and promised so it be behoof-ful for either party especially if it be profitable to the Rewarding party deserves a Reward in Equity though not in Law at his hands to whom it is behoof-ful If the party which promiseth us a good Turn receive any thing from us in lieu or consideration of what he promiseth he is tyed in Law to perform his promise and is a debter till he perform it The performance is not a meer courtesie or bountie but an Act of Commutative Justice The Assuming of a shilling may bind a man to the payment of many pounds Wheresoever there is Quid pro quo or Ratio dati et accepti something as well given as taken upon mutual promise there is an Act of Commutative Justice And wheresoever there is not Ratio dati et accepti Somewhat given as well taken there can be nothing due in Justice From this ground some great Schoolmen in the Romish Church deny Justice commutative or that branch of Justice which is the Rule of all matters of bargain or sale to be properly in God because there cannot be Ratio dati et accepti any mutual giving or taking between God and his creatures For he gives us all that we have or can have we cannot possibly give him any thing which he hath not And for this reason albeit he were purposed to bestow the greatest measure of Grace upon us that any creature is capable of this could not include any Grace of merit for still the more place Grace hath in our hearts the less room there is for Merit True it is that our Lord and Saviour did merit heaven at his Fathers hands for us but the ground or foundation of this His merit was not only the fulnesse of Grace in him as man but that he being in the Form of God the Son of God equal to his Father did humble himself and become man for us and did his Father service as man he therefore did merit all graces for us because he was the Son of God not by Adoption or creation but by Eternal Generation To be the Sons of God by Adoption or to be made his sons by Grace is a blessing bestowed on us for the which we become Debters to God the Father and servants to God the Son so deeply indebted to both that albeit we should do ten times more then we do we should still be unprofitable servants we could not make the least Recompence for that which he hath done for us The manner of the Apostles Interrogation Rom. 11. 35. Quis prior illidedit who hath first given to him includes an universal negation No man hath given ought to God No man can give any thing unto him And if none can give any thing unto him none can receive any thing from him by way of merit or valuable consideration but of meer mercy and free Bounty 7. If we would scan the Tenor of all Gods promises made unto us in Scripture with such accurateness as Lawyers do Tenures of Land we should find that he only promiseth to be merciful and bountiful unto us whether we limit his promises to the First Grace which we receive from him or extend them to All after-increase of Grace or to the accomplishing of all blessings promised in this life by our admission unto life eternal in the world to come Now if Mercy and Bounty be the Compleat Object of all his promises then may we not expect performance or accomplishment of his promises as a Just recompence or merit for any service which we do him but only as the Fruit or effect of his mercy or loving kindness If a loving earthly father should allot his son a liberal Pension before he could in modestie ask it or in discretion expect it and promise him withall that if he did employ this present years Pension well he would allow him more liberally for the next year following in this case how well soever his son did either demean himself or use his present Pension yet seeing the whole profit did redound unto himself not unto his father the more bountifully his father deals with him in the years following the more still he is bound unto him An ingenuous or gracious son would not challenge the second or third years Pension as more due unto him by right or merit then the First albeit he had his fathers promise for these two years which he had not for the first For the fathers promise was only to be good and bountiful unto him so he would be dutifully thankful for his bountie Now to expect or challenge that by way of right and merit which is promised meerly out of favour or loving kindness and upon condition of dutiful demeanour is a transgression of duty an high degree of unthankfulness especially from a son unto the father For every son by the Law of God and nature owes obedience and respect unto his Father and though there be no mutual bond of Obedience yet is there a bond of mutual dutie between an earthly father and his son at least the father as well as the son owes obedience unto Gods Law and Gods Law enjoyns every father unto kind usuage of his son so he challenge it not by way of debt or merit but in love humilitie or obedience But on our heavenly Father no bond of Obedience of debt or dutie can be laid what good soever he doth unto us it is meerly from his Free Mercy and loving kindness It was his meer goodness to Create us to give our First Parents such Being as once they had This First Being could not be merited nor doth any Romanist affirm it could Having lost that goodness wherein we were created it was more then meer Goodness the abundance of mercy to make us any promise of Restauration to our First blood and Dignitie And after this promise made it is but the continuation or increase of the same abundant mercy to bestow the Grace of Adoption upon us and no more
in his time yet herein indued with wisdom in an higher rank then the stateliest Potentates are wont to trouble themselves withal in that he could so well foresee There was no counsel against the Lord whose Decrees concerning any Land or People then usually take place when as Posterity seeks earnestly by secular Policie to patch up the rents and breaches of a State decayed ruinate by the heavie burthen of their Predecessors sins Such was the temper of Iosiah's States-men Princes though his heart was of another metal and had been fashioned in another mold Wherefore the Book of the Law which had long laid buried is now risen out of the dust to proclaim Ierusalems downfal and Sions burial in her ashes And this sentence of the Law now found is ratified by the Prophetess Huldahs mouth Gods wrath shall presently be kindled against this place and shall not be quenched But unto good Josiah who sought the Prophetesses and not the Politicians advice is this sole comfort left To the King of Judah who sent you to inquire of the Lord so shall ye say unto him Because thine heart did melt and thou hast humbled thy self before the Lord when thou heardest what I spake against this place and against the Inhabitants of the same to wit that it should be destroyed and accursed and hast rent thy clothes and wept before me I have also heard it saith the Lord. Behold therefore I will gather thee to thy fathers and thou shalt be put in thy grave in peace and thine eyes shall not see all the evil which I will bring upon this place 2 King 22. 18. 8. But should not his righteousness have saved him Or is this to be put in his grave in peace to be slain by his enemies Yes this his burial was in peace in that he was buried in the Sepulchres of his Fathers and mourned for by all his people without the molestation of their enemies This was a blessing of peace which none of his Sons or Successors enjoyed For of them all not one but dies captive in the enemies Land or in their own without the decencie of Princely funerals And who knows Whether Iosiah's violent death was deserved by going to battel without the Lords advice Yea who knows whether the Lord did not thus suddenly take him away partly to prevent the increase of that disease wherewith no Prince of all the stock of Iudah but had been more or less infected and which now as it seemeth was growing on him All of them in their prosperity began to trade in secular Policie whose practise was Jerusalems ruine and Iudahs wreck howsoever right dear in the sight of the Lord was the death of this holy and religious King who if he had lived the longer should have died the oftner His Childrens and peoples sins are now full ripe for the sword and their vengeance hastens on so fast that either he must suddenly die or else see their manifold miseries farre worse then so many several deaths For what pangs would it have caused in his tender heart which melted even whilest the noise of Ierusalems curse did but approach his ears if his eyes should have beheld the flames of Gods fierce wrath devouring her gates and his ears had been filled with her woful out-cries in the dayes of mourning For Ieremie or Baruch two Prophets so poor that their fore-warnings of these miseries could not merit any credit with this politick generation to live and see the event was a blessing of God and bare life given them a bountiful prey But what benefit could so great a Prince have reaped by life What comfort in length of dayes to have seen the children of his loins born unto higher hopes then any Princes of the world besides either led captive into the enemies land or made a prey unto the birds of heaven in their own Much better an enemies arrow stick once for all fast in his side then that the sword should continually pierce thorow his soul whilst he should see his dearest people cut down like grass and Iudah the Lords inclosure laid open like a common field to their bordering enemies spoil and Ierusalem his hearts joy which the Lord had hedged and walled about laid waste like a forlorn vineyard whose grapes were wild and naught Yet such are the dayes which immediately ensue his death The Land is one while ransackt by the Egyptian another while made tributary to the Chaldean another while forraged by the Aramite Ammonite and Moabite until it was utterly laid waste For judgment is here begun already at the house of God and in godly Iosiah's fall might the ungodly Iudah read her Fatal Destiny registred in Characters of blood And doubtlesse at this his sudden unexpected end the execution of Gods fierce and violent wrath did begin Of the successive degrees whereof I shall God willing hereafter speak For the Manner of it I only note thus much now in general That not all the wisdom of their most Politick Enemies albeit the Lord had given them libertie to have plotted this peoples overthrow at their pleasure could have invented so readie and sure a course for their swift destruction as this people themselves in great Policie to their seeming still make choice of Not one project which they can forecast but proves an inevitablegin to intrap themselves and is as a fatal snare unto their owne feet 9. First good Josias without Warrant from God or his Prophets advice thinks it in Policie the safest course to assault the Egyptian in the confines of his Country lest afterwards he should be enforced to defend himselfe upon harder termes nearer to the heart of Judah from his Enemie strengthned with the spoile of her borders so jealous he is of Nechoh's purpose which meant him no harm that his word will not serve him for warrant albeit his words as the Text saith were from the mouth of God The issue of his policie is that he himself is slain and Pharaoh Nechoh by this his unseasonable provocation took a fair pretence of invading the Land after his death and condemns it in an hundred talents of Silver and a talent of gold And for the effecting of this his purpose the people themselves had given occasion for they no doubt out of some politick purpose had preferred the * younger brother Iehoahaz to the Kingdom who poor Caitiff in stead of swaying Davids Scepter in the promised Land is after three months space led Captive in chains like a Bond-slave into Egypt whence the Lord had redeemed the meanest of this peoples forefathers So contrary hath Iudah been in all her courses that all the glorious hopes of Davids Line run backwards So farre is the Calendar of Ierusalems good dayes run out of date such are the revolutions of times that this Light which they had set up for David hath taken darkness for its habitation The Sun of their Comfort is set before it came to the
place of more honourable attendance yet the warlike Princes of ancient times made choice of men most trusty and valourous for their Favourites But the Almighty unto whose future designs the Rites and Customs of the Kings of Judah were haply praefashioned needs no Defendant no assistant either on the Right-hand or on the Left The former occasion of imbecillitie or need of Defendants being set apart as the Right-hand is ordinarily more worthy then the Left so to be on the Right-hand of Supreme Honour is simply more honourable then to be on the Left specially according to the Custome of the Jews The Sons of Zebedee or their Mother or both were not ignorant in rerespect of the general matter but in the particular Form or Manner or Circumstance of their Petition when they desired that the one might sit on their Masters Right-hand and the other on the Left in his Kingdome To sit by him in his Kingdom was to their apprehension and according to the custome of their Native Country a greater Dignity then to stand by him or to go in and out before him To sit on the Right-hand was affected by the Mother as a place of praecedence for her elder Son and therefore rank't in the former place in her Petition She saith not That the one may sit on the Left-hand and the other on the Right but that one may sit on the Right-hand and the other on the Left Mat. 20. 21. That to sit on the Right-hand of Majesty was the greatest honour whereof any Subject or inferiour Prince in Jurie was capable may be gathered from the honour which Solomon did unto his Mother Bathsheba 1 King 2. 19. The King rose up to meet her and bowed himself unto her and sate down on his Throne and caused a seat to be set for the Kings Mother and she sate on his Right-hand Nor hath the Royall Psalmist any better place for the Spouse whose Dignity he sought to emblazon Psal 45. 9. Kings daughters were among thine honourable women upon thy Right-hand did stand the Queen in a vesture of gold of Ophir To have the power of superiours on the Right-hand or for the enemy to have the Right-hand is in Sacred Heraldrie a sign of victory or pre-eminence whether in Civil or Warlike proceedings The greatest plague and root of curses which David did wish unto the enemies of his God and which did afterwards fall on Judas the greatest enemy of Davids Son and Lord was that the wicked might be set over him and that the adversary might stand at his Right-hand for so he knew that he should be condemned when he was judged and that his prayers should be turned into sin Psal 109. 6 7. The surest Anchor of Davids Confidence was Gods being on his Right-hand Psal 16. 8. The Lord is at my Right-hand therefore I shall not slide or fall And the final Consummation of all the happinesse which he hoped for whether in his own person or in the person of his expected Son the Messias was to be placed at the Right-hand of God In thy presence is fulnesse of joy and at thy Right-hand there are Pleasures for evermore Psal 16. 11. And so will it be found at the last Day when The Son of Man shall set the Sheep on his Right-hand and the goats on the Left and shall say to them on his Right-hand Come ye Blessed But to them on the Left Go ye cursed Mat. 25. 33. c. 2. So then This Article of Christs sitting at the Right-hand of God is as A Trophie of his Victory gotten over death and over all the temptations of the World and the divel whilest he lived on earth and a certain Prognostick of his final Triumph over all his succeeding enemies for he must sit at the Right-hand of God until all his enemies be made his foot-stool But before we come to decypher the Real Dignity here described it may be questioned whether the Description it self be meerly Metaphorical or Symbolical that is a language borrowed from the visible customes of men without any real sensible Similitude between the things signified by the same words That this Phrase of Sitting at the Right hand of God is a meere borrowed speech most Divines do hold giving us withal this General Rule That no Corporeal Substance Quality Habit or Gesture can be attributed unto God otherwise then 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is by a kind of Poetical Fiction or Figurative speech borrowed from the fashions of men The proper Logical Subject notwithstanding of this Rule or Maxim must be the God-head or Divine Nature in the Abstract It holds not so truly of God or at least of every Divine Person The Divine Nature or God-head is Simple Pure and Immixt The God-head hath neither eyes nor eares nor body much lesse can there be in it any distirction of Right-hand or Left yet may we not deny but the Son of God who is truly God hath eyes and eares feet and hands Right-hand and Left-hand and all the parts of the humane body which any perfect man hath His Blood though humane blood is as truly the Blood of God as of Man His Blood is the Blood of God his Body the Body of God in such a sense as neither the body nor blood of any other creature are said to be Gods whose all things are in heaven and earth His Flesh and Blood and all the parts of his humane Body are the Flesh Blood and parts of God in as strict and proper sense as our hands are said our own that is by strict and Personal Propriety The Son of God hath flesh and blood hands and feet in such a sense as God the Father or God the Holy Ghost hath not 3. But when it is said that Christ sitteth at the Right-hand of God this must be understood of God the Father not of God the Son for so it is expressed in the Apostles Creed that The Son of God who was Crucified dead and buried and who rose the third day from the dead now sits at the Right-hand of God the Father Almightie Now if God the Father have no bodie no Right-hand or Left-hand as God the Son hath the case seems clear that Christs sitting at the right-hand of the Father must needs be a speech meerly Metaphorical borrowed from the custom of earthly Princes to be placed at whose Right hand is the greatest honour that can be to their chief Peers or Subjects This is most certain if we speak of the Nature or Essence of the God head or of the Divine Person of the Father Yet all this hinders not why the Divine Majesty or Person of the Father who is every where Essentially present may not be more Conspicuously present in respect of created sights in some visible heavenly Throne then in any other place The Father for ought we know may have a distinct Throne and the Son another or they may have distinct manifestations of Glory upon the same
exalted him and given him a Name which is above every Name that at the Name of Jesus every knee should Bow c. And seeing every other Article in this Creed is conceived in literal distinct termes I see no reason why we should believe this Article of Christs sitting at the Right-Hand of God alone should be represented unto us in Termes Poetical or meerly Metaphorical Howbeit Christs sitting at the Right-Hand of God the Father according to the Literal meaning of these words doth by way of Real Embleme import that Christ's Humane nature is exalted far above Angels c. which are often said to Stand or Attend before or about the Throne of God but not to sit on His Throne or at his Right-Hand For unto which of them said He at any time Sit on my Right-Hand Heb. 1. ver 13. CHAP. II. Of the Real Dignitie contained in This Article viz. The Exaltation of Christ That Christ was exalted both as the Son of God and as the Son of David 1. THe Dignity of this Name and the Realitie of Dignity answering unto it is further set forth in the First Chapter to the Hebrews ver 3 4 5. He sate down or sitteth on the Right-Hand of the Majestie on High or in highest places and is made so much more excellent then the Angels by how much he hath obtained a more Excellent Name then they For unto which of the Angels said he at any time Thou art my Son this day begat I thee And again I will be his Father and he shall be my Son But if these two Scriptures were literally meant as most Divines grant the one of David the other of Solomon why may not the Title of Gods Sons agree as literally to Angels as to David or Salomon Though these two eminent Princes as Gods Vicegerents on Earth were Solo Deominores yet was David in the height of his Greatnesse too low and Solomon in the amplitude of his Royaltie too little to be in all points full peeres to the meanest Angel that attends Gods Throne And yet were not both of them too great to be but Mapps or Models of Evangelical Excellencies It was the height of both their Excellencies to be Shadows or Types of that Son of David concerning whom the Lord had sworn by His Holiness a most faithful Oath from which he would not shrink Psal 132. 11. and Psal 89. 3 4 35 36. that He should endure stable for ever and that his Throne should be as faithful a witnesse in Heaven as either Sun or Moon Selah All the Royaltie Power or prosperitie which David or Solomon enjoyed were but as pledges or earnests for the time present of that mightie power and excellencie wherewith the Son of David was after that in the fulnesse of Time he had humbled himself in the fulnesse of Glorie to be invested But as we say Homo pictus est Homo and no man saith Leo vivus est Homo A dead Corps or Picture of man doth better brook the name of a man then a live Lion or other creature indued with sense So David and Solomon in that they were Types of Christ might be more capable of being stiled Gods Sons or of being begotten to that earthly Empire which was the Map or shadow of his only begotten Sons eternal Inheritance then the Angels were The greatest Angels of God whose presence David did reverence as Gods Embassadours are servants to the Son of David For so the Apostle Heb. 1. 6. interprets that of Psalm 97. ver 7. Let all the Angels of God worship him No marvel then if David when he saw as much of his Glorie as he or some other Psalmist Psal 97. did instile him His Lord Psal 110. 1. That all the Glorie and Dignitie which the Apostle seeks to set forth by the testimonie of the Psalmist Psalm 45. 6 7. Psalm 102. 25 26. is comprehended in this Article of Christs Sitting at the Right-hand of God the Apostle supposeth Heb. 1. 13 14. For so he concludes by way of an Epiphonema the sum of all which he had said before unto which of the Angels said he at any time Sit thou at my right-hand untill I make thine enemies thy foot-stool Are they not all ministring spirits sent forth to minister for their sakes which shall be heires unto Salvation It is A Doctrine full of Comfort that the Blessed Angels the Powers and Principalities celestial one and other should be at the command of this our High-Priest who can compassionate our estate much better then any of them can As they had a Charge given concerning him in the dayes of his humiliation here on earth So he now being ascended up to his Father gives them the same Charge over us to preserve us in all our wayes It is on our part required that we make His wayes Our Wayes otherwise we have no just assurance of the Angels vigilancie over us But have they this Charge over all of us or onely over some few that are Predestinated unto Salvation The Apostle saith All of them are sent forth to minister to such as shall be heirs of Salvation and All of Us whom God hath called and made partakers of his Word and Sacraments are under the Promise and in the estate of the Sons of God And if we be sons then are we heirs yet Haeredes praesumpti non apparentes Heirs Presumed not Heirs Apparent unto Salvation To be Heirs Apparent is proper to the Predestinate only or to the Elect. But of the Doctrin and Use concerning Angelical Protection and ministrie for our good elsewhere It shall suffice to give you notice by the way that This last quoted place Heb. 1. 14. doth evidently refute a Curious Distinction of Orders amongst the Angels as if some were Angeli astantes others ministrantes one Order of Angels that stand in the presence of God because the Angel Gabriel gives himself this Title Luke 1. 19. And another Order of ministring Angels whereas our Apostles speech is general that All the Angels and under this universalitie he comprehends even the most noble Order of heavenly creatures are ministring spirits sent forth for our good If they which are said in Scripture to stand before God be either Angels or created substances inferiour to the Son of God they are sometimes at least by courses ministrantes ministring spirits So that to stand before God or to minister for our good is no true note of any Distinction of Order betwixt Angels but only of the vicissititude of their service They which are to be sent forth stand in the presence of God to receive their instructions and at their return stand before God to deliver the effect or issue of their Embassage 2. But as diverse writers in the Romish Church not balancing other places of Scripture with this Place of our Apostle last cited have fram'd a needlesse Distinction of Orders amongst the Angels So some others opposite enough to them offend no lesse by
God It could not There had been indeed an Exaltation of the bodie so assumed but none of the Nature or Person assuming it How then is the Son of God said now to be Exalted by his bodily Ascension into Heaven or by his Sitting at the Right-hand of the Father in our Nature wherein he was formerly humbled Take the Resolution plainely thus God the Father had remained as glorious as now he is although he had never created the world For the creation gave much even all they had to things created it gave nothing unto God who was in Being infinite yet if God had created nothing the Attribute of Creator could have had no real Ground it had been no real Attribute In like manner Suppose the Son of God had never condescended to take our nature upon him he had remained as Glorious in his Nature and Person as now he is yet not glorified for or by this Title or Attribute of Incarnation Or suppose he had not humbled himself unto death by taking the Form of a Servant upon him he had remained as glorious in his Nature and Person and in the Attribute of Incarnation as now he is but without these glorious Attributes of being our Lord and Redeemer and of being the Fountain of Grace and Salvation unto us All these are Real Attributes and suppose a Real Ground or foundation and that was his humbling himself unto death even unto the death of the Cross Nor are these Attributes only Real but more Glorious both in respect of God the Father who was pleased to give his Only Son for us and in respect of God the Son who was pleased to pay our ransome by his humiliation then the Attribute of Creation is The Son of God then not the Son of David only hath been Exalted since his death to be our Lord by a new and Real Title by the Title of Redemption and Salvation This is the Sum of our Apostles Inference concerning our Saviours Exaltation Phil. 2. 11. That every tongue should confesse that Jesus Christ is The Lord unto the Glorie of God the Father To shut up this Point Though Christ Jesus be both our High-Priest and Lord not only as he is the Son of David but as he is the only begotten Son of God and so begotten from all Eternitie yet was he neither begotten a Priest nor Lord from all Eternitie but made a Priest and made a Lord in time The Word of the Oath saith the Apostle Heb. 7. 28. which was since the Law maketh the Son a Priest who was consecrated for evermore And in the very same Charter wherein this Word of the Oath or uncontrollable Fiat for making the Eternal Word an Everlasting Priest is contained this Peculiar Title of Lord is first inferred For so that 110 th Psalm begins Jehovah said to my Lord Sit thou at my right hand untill I make thine Enemies thy foot-stool Not that Adonai importeth lesse Honour or Majestie then Jehovah doth as the Jews and Arians ignorantly and impiously collect but with purpose to notifie that this Title of Lord or Adonai was to become as peculiar to Jehovah the Son of God as the Title of Cohen or Priest But this Title of Lord as peculiar to Christ will require and doth well deserve a peculiar discourse and the place allotted it is in the beginning of the second Section 5. Now for Use or Application These insuing Meditations and Considerations offer themselves What branch of sorrow of bodily affliction or anguish of soul or Spirit can we imagin incident to any degree condition or sort of men to any son of man at any time unto which the waters of Comfort may not plentifully be derived from this inexhaustible Fountain of Comfort comprised in This Article of Christs Sitting at the Right-hand of God the Father Almighty No man can be of so low dejected or forlorn estate for means or friends re or spe either by birth or by misfortune but may raise his heart with this Consideration that it is no servitude or beggerie but freedom or riches to be truly entitled A Servant to the Lord of Lords and King of Kings to whom Angels and Principalities as Saint Peter speaks even those Angels and Principalities to whom not Kings and Monarchs but even Kingdoms and Monarchies are Pupils are subject and his fellow servants Or in case any poor dejected soul should be surprized with distrust or jealousie lest his Lord in such infinite height of Exaltation and distance should not from heaven take notice of him thrown down to earth let him to his comfort consider That the Son of God and Lord of Glorie to the end he might assure us that he was not a Lord more Great in himself then Gracious and loving unto us was pleased for a long time to become a Servant before he would be made a Lord and a Servant subject to multitudes of publick despights disgraces and contempts from which ordinarie servants or men of forlorn hopes are freed If he willingly became such a Servant for thee to whom he owed nothing wilt not thou resolve to make a vertue of necessitie by patient bearing thy meannesse or misfortunes for his sake to whom even Kings owe themselves their Scepters and all their worldly glorie But though it be a contemplation full of comfort to have him for our Supreme Lord and Protector who sometimes was a Servant cruelly oppressed by the greatest Powers on earth without any power of man to defend or protect him yet the sweet streams of joy and comfort flow more plentifully to all sorts and conditions of men from the Attribute of his Royal Priesthood To be a Priest implies as much as to be a Mediator or Intercessor for averting Gods wrath or an Advocate for procuring his Favours and blessings * And what could Comfort her self wish more for her children suppose she had been our mother then to have Him for our perpetual Advocate and Intercessor at the Right-hand of God who is equal to God in Glorie in Power and Immortalitie and yet was sometimes more then equal unto us in all manner of anguish of grievances and afflictions that either our nature state or casual condition of life can be charged with * Albeit he knew no sin yet never was the heart of any the most grievovs sinner no not whilest it melted with penitent tears and sorrow for misdoings past so deeply touched with the fellow-feeling of his brothers miseries of such miseries as were the proper effects or fruits of sin as the heart of this our High-Priest was touched with every mans miserie and affliction that presented himself with prayers unto him his heart was as fit a Receptacle for others sorrows of all sorts as the eye is of colours Who was weak and he was not weak who was grieved and he burned not who was afflicted and he not tormented 6. There be Two more special and remarkable Maxims of our Apostles for our comfort The One Heb.
place either expresly or implicitly to direct our prayers to God the Father that he would be pleased to forgive us our sins to be reconciled unto us and bestow such blessings upon us as he hath promised to such as shall be reconciled unto him In the Second place either expressly or implicitly we are to beseech him to forgive us our sins to be reconciled and blesse us for the merits of his only Son who hath made satisfaction for us This is a Point which every Christian is bound expressely to believe that God the Father doth neither forgive sins nor vouchsafe any Term or Plea of Reconciliation but only for the merits and satisfaction made by the sacrifice of the Son of God who by the eternal spirit offered himself in our humane nature upon the Crosse In the next place we are to believe and acknowledge that as God the Father doth neither forgive nor vouchsafe Reconciliation but for the merits and satisfaction of his only Son so neither will he vouchsafe to conveigh this or any other blessing unto us which his Son hath purchased for us but only through his Son not only through him as our Advocate or Intercessor but through him as our Mediator that is through His humanitie as the Organ or Conduit or as the only Bond by which we are united and reconciled unto the Divine Nature For although the Holy Spirit or Third Person in Trinitie doth immediately and by Personal Proprietie work faith and other spiritual Graces in our Souls yet doth he not by these Spiritual Graces unite our souls or Spirits immediately unto himself but unto Christs Humane Nature He doth as it were till the ground of our hearts and make it fit to receive the seed of life But this seed of righteousnesse immediately flows from the Sun of Righteousnesse whose sweet influence likewise it is which doth immediately season cherish and ripen it The Spirit of life whereby our Adoption and Election is sealed unto us is the real participation of Christs Bodie which was broken and of Christs Blood which was shed for us This is the true and punctual meaning of our Apostles speech 1 Cor. 15. 45. The first man Adam was made a living soul or as the Syriack hath it Animale Corpus an enlivened bodie but the second Adam was made a quickning spirit and immediately becometh such to all those which as truely bear his image by the Spirit of Regeneration which issues from him as they have born the Image of the first Adam by natural propagation And this again is the true and punctual meaning of our Saviours words John 6. 63. It is the Spirit that quickneth the flesh profiteth nothing the words that I speak unto you are spirit and life For so he had said in the verses before to such as were offended at his words what if you should see the Son of man ascend up where he was before The Implication conteined in the Connexion between these two verses and the precedent is this That Christs Virtual presence or the influence of life which his Humane Nature was to distil from his heavenly Throne should be more profitable to such as were capable of it then his Bodily presence then the bodily Eating of his flesh and blood could be although it had been convertible into their bodily substance This distillation of life and immortalitie from his glorified Humane Nature is that which the Ancient and Orthodoxal Church did mean in their Figurative and lofty speeches of Christs Real presence or of eating His very Flesh and drinking His very Blood in the Sacrament And the Sacramental Bread is called His Bodie and the Sacramental Wine His Blood as for other reasons so especially for This that the vertue or influence of his Bloody Sacrifice is most plentifully and most effectually distilled from heaven unto the worthy Receivers of the Eucharist And unto this Point and no further will most of the Testimonies reach which Bellarmin in his books of the Sacraments or Maldonat in his Comments upon the sixth of Saint John do quote out of the Fathers for Christs Real Presence by Transubstantiation or which Chemnitius that Learned Lutheran in his Books De duabus in Christo naturis and de Fundamentis sanae doctrinae doth avouch for Consubstantiation And if thus much had been as distinctly granted to the Ancient Lutherans as Calvin in some places doth the controversie between the Lutheran and other Reformed Churches had been at an end when it first begun Both Parties acknowledging Saint Cyrill to be the fittest Umpire in this Controversie The end of the Third Chapter A Transition of the Publisher's IT must not be dissembled that I had no Intimation much lesse Commission of the Author's to Insert the Two following Chapters herein this place Yet besides that I knew not of any fitter place where to dispose of them I had these Reasons so to do 1. I held it fit that His Powerful Disputes against the Church of Rome about The Lords Supper in the fourth Chapter and about another Point in the fifth should immediately follow his Learned Argument with the Lutheran 2. The sequence seems very Methodical The Subject of the first Chapter being partly About Christs Exaltation by becoming The Chief Corner-Stone cut out of the Rock or quarrey by his Resurrection from The New Scpulchre lifted up by his Ascension and placed at the Chief Corner by his Sitting at Gods Right-hand and partly about The Union of Christ with true Christians which Union is both a Considerable part of the fourth Chapter and was happily touched upon in the Close of the Third 3. In case any Restive soul should perhaps some faint Dejected Spirit having read Christs Great Exaltation may say Who shall ascend into Heaven that is to bring Christ down from above Such an one besides the quickenings he may hear from other Remembrancers Saint Peter telling us that we are pilgrims here and Saint Paul that we seek a Countrie and look for a Citie Jerusalem that is Free and that being Fellow-Citizens with the Saints and of Gods hous-hold our Conversation or Traffick is to be in heaven for those things which are above where Christ sitteth at Gods Right-hand c. may receive mightie encouragement by Experimenting the Contents of these two next Chapters The avowed neer approach and Intimacie of our Lord Jesus Christ with the Believing and Receiving Christian The word is nigh thee even in thy mouth and in thy heart When the holy Sacramental pledges be in the mouth and Faith in the heart The Word the Eternal Word that was made flesh is nigh indeed For Verily Verily He that eateth my Fesh and drinketh my Blood dwelleth in Me and I in Him CHAP. 1111. A Paraphrase upon the sixth of St. John In what sense Christ's flesh is said to be truly Meat c. What it is To eat Christs Flesh and drink his Blood Of eating and drinking Spiritual and Sacramental And whether of them is meant
and meekenesse than Moses did albeit they had no such occasion of murmuring as their forefathers had For their Fathers murmured in their hunger or thirst whereas this great Prophet had prevented this occasion of murmuring by feeding them plenteously before they had sought to him for food That which Moses saith unto the murmuring Israelites Exod. 16. 8. was now exactly fullfilled The Lord saith he heareth your murmurings which you murmur against him and what are wee Your murmurings are not against us but against the Lord. These Jewes murmur against the son as they suppose of Joseph and Mary lesse weening that in murmuring against him they did personally murmur against the Son of God then their Fathers did when they murmured against Moses that they had murmured against their God But the same Lord which heard their murmurings then by the mediate presence or infinite knowledge of his God head heares them now with the eares of man as immediately and as sensibly as Moses heard their Fathers murmur Now as God in the wildernesse though he heard their Fathers murmurings did yet grant them their desire at evening ye shall eat flesh in the morning ye shall be filled with bread and ye shall know that I am the Lord your God Exod. 16. 12 So the same Lord now albeit this foolish people murmur against him to his face not for denying but for proffering them the true food of life is so farre from chiding them as Moses did that he presseth them to make try all of his bountie and to accept his proffer with greater vehemency of words yet with more meeknesse of language than Moses did at any time use Murmur not saith he amongst your selves ver 43. c. I am that bread of life your fathers did eat Manna in the wildernesse and are dead This is the bread which cometh downe from heaven that a man may eat thereof and not dye I am the living bread that came downe from heaven if any man eat of this bread he shall live for ever and the bread that I will give is my flesh w ch I will give for the life of the world 48 49 50 51. And here again they increase their murmuring for they strove among themselves saying how can this man give us his flesh to eat v. 52. Thus as their Fathers tempted God in their hearts by asking meat for their Lust Ps 78. 18. so have their posteritie They fought him out that they might have their bellye 's filled with corporal bread and yet when he had given them this in great abundance by meanes miraculous they will not beleive that he is able to give them what he promiseth bread from heaven or his flesh to eate which is the bread or staff of life So incredulous their Fathers had been that after the sight of many miracles in Egypt they would not trust him in the wildernesse after the experience of one miracle in the wildern esse they would not trust him for a second They Spake against God they said can God furnish a table in the wildernesse Behold he smote the Rock that the waters gushed out and the streames over-flowed but can he give bread also can he provide flesh for his people therefore the Lord heard this and was wroth so a fire was kindled against Jacob and anger came up against Israel because they beleived not in God and trusted not in his salvation But now this Salvation of God even God himself made their Jesus or Salvation for all is one is come neerer unto this later people and yet they will not beleeve him they will not trust in him Yet his anger is not presently kindled against them for not beleiving The more they doubt the more they question the more they murmur or strive the more he presseth the necessitie of eating his flesh upon them first Negatively verily verily I say unto you except yee eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood yee have no life in you then Affirmatively Who so eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath eternall life and I will raise him up at the last day vers 53 54. And lastly he gives the reason as well of the negative as of the affirmative For my flesh is meat indeed and my blood is drink indeed vers 55. So that in him these Jewes were to expect the fulnesse of the body of all those contentments for whose shadowes their Fathers so greedily longed in the wildernesse and for want of which they so murmured against Moses as these men now do against the Lord which appeared to Moses for giving them assurance of them 4. In what sense Christs flesh is said to be truely meate and his blood to be truely drink I have shewd elswhere The summe was this His flesh is meat indeed his blood is drink indeed non Formaliter sed Eminenter meat indeed and drink indeed not in respect of the natural qualities of corporal meat and drink for these must be swallowed concocted digested and finally converted into our bodily substance That Christs flesh according to these qualities is truely meat or his blood truely drink the Romish Church doth not avouch For if his body should be concocted or digested or converted into our bodily substance it should suffer corruption And to be swallowed only and not concocted is no propertie of meat or drink Christs Flesh then is said truly meat and his blood drink indeed in respect of the End whereto all manner of food is destinated The best End of all bodily food is to preserve or continue bodily life And that is the best food or diet which most effectually procureth this End Howbeit bodily life cannot be first given or implanted by the best bodily meat that is but only continuated or preserved But Christs Flesh was given not only to continue life but to give life unto the world it is the root of life as well as the food of life If we speak of life spiritual or Everlasting which onely is life indeed And in as much as his flesh and blood are the rootes and fountaines of this kind of life the one is most truely said to be meat indeed the other most truely drink indeed That is meat and drink more effectuall and more necessary for the attainement of everlasting life than bodily food is for life temporal Again Temporal or bodily life cannot be continued or preserved otherwise than by the corruption or destruction of the bodily meate which preserves it But Christs flesh and blood preserve life spiritual or our soules and bodies unto everlasting life because they are incorruptible and cannot be changed be not so much as subject to alteration Now if all other meat besides this must suffer corruption and lose its nature before it can become a cause or meanes of preserving bodily life Such meat cannot be truely said to remain in us much lesse can wee be said to remain or abide in it But of Christs flesh and
not have appear'd so great in the creation of Earth and Water as it doth in the creation not of them only but of the whole heavens with all their Hosts and furniture The more Gods creatures be the greater be his praises for this Tribute he ought to receive from all of them for their verie Being In like manner though the Redemption of one or some few men do truly argue the value of his sufferings to be truly infinite yet the more they be for whom he dyed the more is his glorie the greater is his praise For all are bound joyntly and severally to laud and magnifie his Name for the infinite price of their Redemption 15. Lastly This Doctrine is so necessarie for manifesting the just measure of their unthankfulnesse which perish that without This we cannot take so much as a true Surface of it not so much as the least Dimension of Sin Some there be which tell us that we had power in Adam to Glorifie God but that finning in Adam our sin is infinite because against an infinite Majestie For so it is that the greater the Partie is whom we offend the greater always the offence is And thus by degrees they gather that everie sin against the infinite Majestie of God deserveth infinitie of Punishment But albeit the degrees of Sin which accrue from the degrees of Dignitie in the person whom we offend be successively infinite yet because these Degrees are indeterminate every man which hath any skill at all in Arguments of Proportion must needs know that it is impossible for the wit or art of man to find out the true Product of such Calculatorie Inductions or to conjecture unto what set measure of ingratitude these infinite degrees will amount It is not the ten-hundreth-thousandth part of any Sin that can be truly notifyed unto us by inferences of this kind How then shall we take the true measure of our Sinnes or the full Dimension of our unthankfulnesse From the Great Goodnesse of God in our Creation and the unmeasurable Love of Christ in our Redemption If God in our Creation as the Psalmist saies did make us but litle lower then the Glorious Angels that the might afterward crown us with Glorie everlasting if when through the First mans follie we had lost that Honour he made his Onely Son for a litle while for 33. yeares space lower then the Angels that he might exalt Him above all Principalitie and Power and in Him recrown us with Honour and Glorie aequal to the Angels Their Sin is truly infinite their unthankfulnesse is unexpressible and justly deserveth punishment everlasting who voluntarily and continually despise so great Salvation which by Christ was purchased for them No Torment can be too great no anguish too Durable because no Happiness could be in any degree comparable much lesse equal to that which they refused though treasured up for them in that inexhaustible fountain of happinesse Christ Jesus our Lord our God and our Redeemer To conclude this meditation It is a thing most seriously to be considered That though Gods mercies in Christ can never be magnified too much yet may they be apprehended amisse And that as it is most Dangerous to sink in Deep waters wherein it is the easiest to Swim so the more infinite Gods mercies towards us are the more deadly sin it is to Dallie with them or to take incouragement by the Contemplation of them to continue in Sin The contemplation of their infinitie is then most seasonable when we are touched with a feeling of the infinitenesse of our sins In that case we can not look upon them but we shall be desirous to be partakers of them and that upon such Termes as God offers them the forsaking of all our sinnes Pro. 28. 13. 16. But is this all that thou art to remember when thou art by Spirituall eating and drinking Christs flesh and blood a preparing thy self for Sacramental and Spiritual receiving him together in The Lords Supper is it enough to acknowledge that he payd as great a Ransom for thee as he did for all Mankind in general No! This is but the first part of thy Redemption and this first part of thy redemption was intirely and alsufficiently and most effectually wrought for thee before any part of thy bodie was framed before thy Soul was created it was then wrought for thee without any endeavour or wish of thine No more was required at thy hands for this work then was required of thee for thy creation But there is A second part of thy Redemption of which that saying of A Father is true Qui fecit te sine te non salvabit te sine te He that made thee without any work or endeavour of thine will not save wil not Redeem thee without some endeavour at least on thy part What then is the second part of the Redemption which wee expect that Christ should yet work in us and for us or what is the endeavour on our parts required that he should work it in us and for us The second part of our Redemption which is yet in most of us to be accomplished is The Mortification of our Bodies the diminishing the Reign of sin in them in a word our Sanctification or Ratification of our Election These are wholly Christ's workes the sole works of God for it is He that works in us both the will and the Deed and yet are we commanded to work out our own Salvation to make our Election sure But how shall we do this which is wholly Gods work or what are we to do that these works may be wrought in us Besides the renewing of the Astipulation or answer of a Pure Conscience and Resumption of our BAPTISMAL VOW heretofore mentioned we are to humble our selves mightily before the Lord by a meek acknowledgement of our vilenesse and sincere confession of our sinnes And if we so humble our selves Hee that giveth Grace to the humble will lift us up if we confesse our sinnes he is faithfull and just to forgive us our sinnes and to cleanse us from all unrighteousnesse not only to remit and cover our iniquities but to purifie our hearts and renew our spirits and mindes that they shall bring forth fruits unto holinesse We are to call upon God by the prayer of faith and perseverance Turn thou us Good Lord and so shall we be turned Speak but Thou the word and Thy Servants shall be whole 17. Thus we may esteem of Christs love to us and yet not examin or judge our selves as wee ought before we eat This Bread and Drink this Cup. To examin and judge our selves aright requires these Two meditations or Two parts of one and the same meditation First How farre wee are guilty of Christ's Death by our Sinnes But this falles under the former Meditation That Christ Dyed for us all not onely all joyntly considered but for everie one in particular or as alone considered and if
he dyed for everie one in particular or as alone considered then everie one may and must thus judge Then were all dead and everie one in particular was a true cause of His Death And this Meditation will make easie way to the Second or second part of the same Meditation which is This Wherein or in what respects everie one of us doth wrong Christ Jesus more or may do him more wrong then they did which actually wrought his Death that is then Annas and Caiaphas then the Scribes and Pharisees then the Priests and Elders that plotted and conspired it did But doth any man which Professes Christianitie at this day wrong Him more then Annas and Caiaphas and their associats did Yes a great many All that both daily and hourely do that which is more against his most Holie will then all that Annas and Caiaphas and the Roman Souldiers did unto Him wrong Him more then they did in putting Him to Death The only Rule for measuring any personal wrong is the opposition which the Act or practise bears or includes unto the will or liking of the partie which is displeased or wronged To apply this to our present purpose Annas and Caiaphas and their complices did our Saviour more wrong then Cain did Abel his innocent Brother when he took away his life For Death especially a violent death was as bitter unto Christ as man as it was to Abel So were the revileings the slanders and the defamations which the people by the instigation of the Priests Scribes and Pharisees cast upon him most displeasing to His Humane Will Yet were all these personal wrongs more unpleasant to his most Holy Will as he was The Son of God then unto his Humane Nature then unto his disposition or affection as He was the Son of David And albeit he suffered nothing which his heavenly Father had not fore-determined yet he that would excuse his persecutors from doing him wrong were worse then an Infidel Neither will this excuse us from doing him greater wrong then these his persecutors did if we do those things which are more displeasant to Him more contrarie not only to his Divine but even to His Humane Will and Nature now Glorified in Heaven then all the wrongs which Satan and his instruments did unto Him whilest He lived here on earth whilest He was partaker of mortalitie with us 18. But what do we or what can we do more displeasant to His Holie Will then what they did who maliciously accused Him who more maliciously sought his condemnation who after His condemnation did more maliciously and Inhumanely treat and persecute Him then any Barbarian would do a Malefactor which had yeilded himself to a Legal Tryall Surely if we do those things which He is more unwilling we should do then He was to suffer all the indignities which the Scribes and Pharisees could put upon Him then all the torments which the Roman Laws could inflict upon Him we wrong Him much more then either the Jews or the Roman Souldiers did For He did not suffer either the Torments which seazed upon Him whilest He was upon the Crosse or in the Garden because He could not avoid or resist them but because He was more willing to suffer all these then a greater inconvenience which should have befallen all and everie one of Us unlesse these mischiefs as the world accounts them had befallen Him The inconveniences which He sought to prevent by voluntarie undergoing these Calamities were the Dominion or Reign of Sin in us and our Servitude unto Satan by this Reign of Sin For for this purpose was the Son of God manifested that He might Dissolve or Destroy the works of the Divel And His manifestation did contein not only His Incarnation but His Exemplarie persecution His Death and Passion which he was more willing to undergo then to suffer the works of Satan in any one of us to be undissolved If we then shall hold on his side or seek to keep him in whom Christ came to cast out or shall build again that Babel which Christ came to destroy if we take part with Satan as all those do which do those things whereby the works of Satan may be maintained or augmented whereby the Reign or Soveraigntie of Satan may be confirmed or inlarged we do those things which are more displeasing to Christ then his Death and Passion was And by doing such things according to the former Rule we wrong Him more then they did which did conspire or Complot His Death then they did which put Him to that most cruel ignominious Death For He was more willing to suffer That Death to suffer all the indignities that the Divel or world could put upon Him then to suffer us any one of us to live and dye in our sins and in the servitude and power of Satan Thus much by way of Application as relating to the First Generall Proceed we now to the Second General He Dwelleth in mee and I in him 19. Dwelleth in Me and I in him Or Abideth in Me and I in him The word in the Original varies it's signification according to the Circumstances of matters handled Somtimes it signifies no more then to abide or remain though but for an Houre or Two Sometimes it necessarily imports as much as our English Expresseth in the Text that is A dwelling or mansion From this real difference of the matter and circumstance the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is by our English one while exprest as here it is by Dwelling another while by Abiding or remaining within the compasse of one Period For Example John 1. ver 39. John's two Disciples ask our Saviour Rabbi 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 where dost thou dwell And he saith unto them Come and see They came and saw where He dwelt 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and abode with Him that day Though the word in the Original be in all three places the same and though the Translators had twice rendered it by Dwelling yet in the third place they do not say And they dwelt but they Abode with Him that day Everie Dwelling includes an Abiding but every Abiding doth not include or implie a Dwelling Dwelling implies a constant or frequent place of Abode and somewhat more then so a place of known or professed Abode no lurking-hole or sculking-place All these circumstances concur to justifie the Translation of the Original word here rather by Dwelling than by Abiding For Christs abiding in us if we so eat his flesh and drink his blood as he prescribes is constant is frequent and perpetual And whilest he abides in us our abiding in him is not only constant and frequent but the known or professed place of our abode and it is the best profession to be of his houshold It is he that feeds us in time of peace and he is our Tower of defence in time of War the Rock of our Salvation whilest we are beset with death and danger Be thou
grow unto an holy Temple in the Lord. 9. Christ as you heard before is not the Corner-stone or Foundation only but the Temple of God A Greater and more spacious Temple then all the building which is erected upon him which groweth up in him We must be living stones we must be Pillars in the house of God we must be Temples of God that is an habitation of God through the Spirit but no Foundations no chief corner-stones these are Christs prerogatives Behold I have graven thee to wit the Spiritual Sion saith the Prophet Isa 49. 16. upon the palms of my hands thy walls are continually before me that is as a late Interpreter of the Romish Church saith I have pitched thy foundations in my hands by the wounds which I received in them By whose diduction or rent a place was opened for this future edifice to be erected in him And for this cause Christ who is the Rock was every way digged into in his side in his hands in his feet The mysterie whereof is that he might exhibit a firm foundation out of which the fabrick of the Church should grow That we then become living stones in this edifice it is from our immediate Union with this chief corner-stone being united to him he is fashioned in us and by him fashioned in us we become living stones growing stones we grow from living stones to living pillars from living pillars to living Temples or habitations for our God That the children of God are not onely living stones but from living stones grow into pillars our Saviour himselfe hath taught us by S. John Rev. 3. 12. Him that overcometh will I make A Pillar in the temple of my God and he shall go no more out and if wee be pillars in the temple of God we must be as immediately placed on the foundation or chief corner-stone as S. Peter or Christs other Apostles were We must be as intire Temples as they were And for this reason our Saviour adds upon every one whom he makes a pillar the name of God and the name of the City of God the new Jerusalem which cometh out of Heaven Know ye not saith S. Paul 1 Cor. 6. 19. That your bodie is the temple of the Holy Ghost As wee say the Kings presence makes the Court So it is Gods Holy Spirits extraordinary presence in man which makes him his Temple And the Reason why Christ is called The Temple of God is because the Godhead dwelleth in him bodily And for the like reason every one in whom Christ dwelleth by faith is in a participated sense called The Temple of God And as visible Cities consist of severall houses and as the beautie of every Citie consists in the Uniformitie of houses well built and joyned together so the heavenly Jerusalem consists of several Temples whose beautie or Uniformitie consists in this that Christ Jesus is the life and light of every severall Temple and that his spirit is uniformely diffused through all 10. Christ as you have read before Communicates his Titles unto his Saints but not the Reall Prerogative of his Titles He is The Rock so was Peter a rock so are wee rocks but not The rock on which the Church is built He is the Chiefe Corner-stone we are living stones he is the temple and the Priest of the most high God and he makes us both temples and Priests unto his God So saith S. Peter 1. Ep. cap. 2. vers 5. Yee all as lively stones are built up a spirituall house an holy Priest-hood to offer up Spirituall sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ The Modell of this spirituall Temple and Priest-hood that is of the new Jerusalem and the service of God performed in it was exhibited by Moses Exod. 24. 4 5. at the making of the first covenant Moses wrote all the words of the Lord and rose up earely in the morning and builded an altar under the Hill and twelve pillars according to the 12. tribes of Israel And he sent yong-men of the Children of Israel which offered burnt offrings and sacrificed peace offerings of Oxen unto the Lord. Immediately after this Moses and Aaron Nadab and Abihu saw the God of Israel and there was under his feete as it were a paved work of a saphire stone and as it were the bodie of Heaven in his clearnesse ver 9. The yong men which he sent to offer sacrifices as the best interpreters observe were the first-born of their families For till that time and at that time which was before the consecration of Aaron and his sonnes it was Lawfull for the First born male of every family to execute the office of the Priest This was his dutie So that every family was as a little parish-Church and had his Priest to performe this service of God Now though all that are built upon the Foundation of the Prophets and Apostles are not admitted to be Architects or master-builders though all be not publick teachers or pastors yet all that are or hope to be parts of this building have the same Prerogative which the First-born males of Israel had before Aaron was consecrated All must be Priests to offer up Spiritual Sacrifices unto God But seeing wee must grow unto an holy temple and growth as was said before supposeth nutrition let us now see what is the nourishment by which we must grow from living stones to be living pillars from pillars to be living Temples yea Kings and Priests unto our God 11. The nature and qualitie of the Nutriment by which wee must grow cannot in fewer words be more pithily exprest than it is by S. Peter 1 Pet. 2. cap. vers 2. It is the sincere milk of the word But how good soever the nutriment be it doth not kindly nourish unlesse wee have an appetite to it Therefore the same Apostle addes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 desire or long after the sincere milk of the word We must then desire to have the word dwell in us plentifully and wee must desire to have it sincere that is pure and unmingled Now this milk may become unsincere or mingled sometimes by the default of the Pastor or teacher sometimes by the default of the hearers The dutie which concernes us teachers is that wee do not mingle the word with the Traditions of men how ancient soever they be This is the fault of the Romish Church which the Church our mother hath sufficiently prevented by publick edicts or decrees But many otherwise averse enough from Traditions of the Romish or other ancient Church ofttimes corrupt it with their own Conceits or Phansies which will easily mingle themselves with the word unlesse we speak out of premeditation and have both art and leasure to revise and examine aswell our own meditations as the meditations or expositions of others whose help wee use Since the ordinary Gifts of the Spirit did cease there is no facultie under the sun which more requires the help of art and study than the
gracious words of others in his behalfe will not suffice unless God by their praiers do frame his heart to beleive and move his tongue if God have given him the use of the tongue to Confess that Iesus Christ is the Lord. Corde creditur ad justitiam ore fit confessio ad salutem If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt beleive in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved For with the heart man beleiveth unto righteousnes and with the mouth confession is made unto Salvation Rom. 10. 9 10. The Universalitie or extent of this Belief or Confession in respect of the parties whom it concernes is most fully exprest in the verse following For the Scripture saith Esa 28. 16. Whosoever believeth on him shall not make haste or not be ashamed And again Joel 2. 32. Whosoever calleth on the name of the Lord whether he be Jew or Gentile shall be saved Thus you see that there is an universalitie of the parties or persons which are bound de Jure to make this Confession and an Universalitie of comfortable promises unto all such as make it as they ought that is not in tongue only but with the Heart not in heart only if God have given them the use of the heart and of the tongue or his blessings of memory and understanding 4. That besides this universality of persons confessing Christ with their tongues to be the Lord there is an Universalitie or Totality of duties to be performed by every one that confesseth Christ to be the Lord is evident from Iesus Christ our Lords own mouth Luke 6. 46. Why call ye me Lord Lord and do not the things which I say This speech infers thus much at least That though all other both Jews Gentiles even every tongue throughout the world had confessed as much as these his present Disciples of which some were temporary some perpetual Professors did yet this would not suffice to make them capable of the reward universally promised to his true Disciples and servants That this confession though made by every tongue besides was not sufficient to make any particular man capable of the reward promised to all his true servants that are capable of his words and sayings which was not ready and willing to do them That every one which heard his sayings and was willing to do them was truly capable of all the blessings which he promised is clear from his words following ver 47 48 49. Who so cometh to me and heareth my sayings and doth them I will shew you to whom he is like He is like a man which built an house and digged deep and laid the foundation on a Rock And when the flood arose the stream brake violently upon that house and could not shake it for it was founded upon a Rock But he that heareth and doth not is like unto a man that without a foundation built an house upon the earth against which the stream did beat vehemently and immediately it fell and the ruine of that house was great But our Lord and Saviours mind is by himself more fully exprest to this purpose Math. 7. 21. Not every one that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven But he that doth the will of my Father which is in heaven The limitation of these words as well for their negative as affirmative extent is this That neither every one nor any one of them which shall confess onely with their tongues that he is the Lord shall enter into the Kingdome of Heaven This limitation of the Negative or rather our Assurance of Faith that this negative is thus far to be extended is manifest from the verse following For to prophesie in the Name of Christ is more than to confesse with the tongue only that Christ is Lord. To cast out Divels in the Name of Christ is more then to prophecie in his Name To do many works of wonder in Christs Name is more than to cast out Devils in his Name For to cast out Divels indeed is a wonderful work and yet but One of those wonderful works which then and for many years after were done in Christs Name by such as although they did call Christ Lord Lord as he truly is the Lord of all were not Christs true servants not such as Christ will take notice of or approve as better but rather reject as worse then Infidels in that last and dreadful day when he shall call his servants whether de jure or de facto to a final account For so it is expressed in the words following ver 23 23. Many will say unto me in that day and the more the better so their plea were good Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils and in thy name have done many wonderful works And then will I professe unto them I never knew you that is I never approved of you but rather disapproved you and your works as worse then the works of heathens or heathenish workers For unto the Heathens as Heathens he hath not said that he will say in the last day Depart from me Ye Workers of iniquity That the Affirmative extent of his words to such as shall not only with their tongues confess but in heart and practice acknowledge him to be the Lord is as large and ample as his former threatnings to such as either indeed and facts deny him or with their tongues and lips do not confess him to be the Lord his promise in the next words ver 24. will give us full assurance Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine and doth them I will liken him unto a wise man which built his house upon a rock And thus you see The words of our Lord and Savior confirmed by the mouthes of two Authentick witnesses St. Matthew and St. Luke do warrant the truth of these two Universals That never a one of such as onely with the tongue confess him to be the Lord shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven That every one which in heart confesseth him though with tongue he cannot confess him to be the Lord shall enter into the Kingdom of heaven For every one which doth the will of his Father which is in heaven and the doing of this his heavenly Fathers will here is not an act of the Tongue but of the heart and of the affections shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven which is the place and seat appointed for all Christs true Servants and onely for them The onely question then remaining is What this Will of his heavenly Father is what it is to do it 5. This will of His heavenly Father is either General whatsoever is expressed in the Ten Commandements in the moral Law or in the Prophets or more Special as it is revealed in Christ or by Christ Did Christ then give us a New Law or other precepts then God by Moses had done
children were taught amiss to know the nature of God or of his Enemy by vulgar Pictures or Representations For so the fashion was long before and continued till his time to picture God or the blessed Trinity in some fair and beautiful form and to paint the divel in some foul loathsom or ugly shape And this good Writer to correct their error well admonished as well the parents as their children That if they would learn to know what God was they must first be taught to know what Goodness is what Justice is what Mercy is what Bounty or loving kindness is And if they desire to know what maner of creature the divel is who is the chief enemy of God they should first be taught to know what malice is what filthiness is what loathsomness is what villany or treachery is For Satan is but a Compost of these or an extract of all that children or their parents acknowledge for evil Howbeit if either children or parents could be taught to know what Iustice is what Mercy is what loving kindness is or if they could be taught to know that God is what all these are even Iustice it self even mercy it self loving kindness it self wisdom it self or Wisdom Justice Mercy and loving kindness it self truly infinite yet his wisdom his mercy and loving kindness would be to us incomprehensible unapprehensible even in that these Attributes in him are infinite We could have no true or lively apprehension either speculative to inform our understandings what were good and ought to be followed or moral to enable and qualifie our hearts and affections to imitate or express that patern of goodness or so much of it as we apprehend in God if we should look upon these Attributes as they are in God the Father only or in the Divine nature But as he that cannot look upon the Sun in its strength or brightness or at the noon day may take the model of it in the water or in the Moon at full So we that cannot behold the glory of Divine Majesty in the Godhead may safely behold the Map or Model of his incomprehensible Goodness in the Man Christ Iesus All His actions and endeavors were with such wisdom set and bent upon mercy on goodness on loving kindness that every one which saw and duly considered his maner and course of life here on Earth might collect that he truly was as himself avouched more then the Son of man the very Son of God himself who is good and gracious to all For Christ as Man went about doing good to all doing hurt to none Now as the Son of Syrach saith Ecclus. 22. 3. That an evil son is the dishonor of his father So it will follow by the Rule of Contraries That a wise or good son is the honor of his father So Solomon hath said in express terms Prov. 10. 1. A wise son maketh a glad father but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother Now Christ as we know is called The Wisdom of the onely wise immortal God his beloved Son in whom he is well pleased And well pleased with him he is for that he is the honor of his Father And as Christ by confessing God and by real expression of his Goodness in his life and actions did truly glorifie his Father as he himself expresly avoucheth John 17. So all that really confess Christ to be the Lord that is all which throughly express the Map or Model of his Goodness in their lives and conversations do truly glorifie God the Father 9. Briefly then Every tongue truly and rightly confesseth Christ to be the Lord that observes his Commandments or that observes the Commandments of God more strictly and more religiously then others do who although they profess they honor God yet do not honor him as the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ or do not honor Jesus Christ as his only Son This is that special Will of the Father which is in heaven and that which must be done by all which mean to enter into Heaven that every one which honoreth the Father should also honor the Son Joh. 5. 23. Honor the Son they must not in words or title only but by performance of real Service Every one that thus honoreth the Son doth hereby glorifie God the Father Hence saith our Savior Matth. 5. 16. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorifie your Father which is in heaven And again Ioh. 15. 1. Our Savior compares himself to the Vine and his Father unto a Husbandman which expects the fruit of his vineyard So that the end why the Son of God did descend from heaven why he was planted and took root here on earth was that the sons of Adam or Abraham might be ingrafted in him and the End of our ingrafting in him was that we might bring forth fruit unto his Father But What comfort is it to have Christ Our Lord if by Allegeance to him we be more strictly bound to do the will of God then those which do not acknowledge Him their Lord I Answer 1. It is a credit by consent of Nations and repute of men naturally wise if not A Real Comfort to have him Our Lord who governs his people by the most excellent and equitable Laws Such were those which the Son of God gave the Jews What are these now refined in the Gospel All men naturally desire happiness As by those Laws God directed the Jews so by these he disciplines Us for our Good seeking occasion or Title in our obedience to exercise his bounty by rewarding us for doing good to our selves and others at his command He that sins against the laws of Christ doth it in Sui damnum sins against his own soul and by straying from them goes out of that way which only can lead him to the happiness he desireth 2. It is comfort that our Lord rules not with rigor but masters his Dominion with Equity Novit figmentum nostrum having Himself been compassed with the infirmities of mans nature all but such as did proceed from sin or lead unto sin he can by acquaintance and experience of them tell both how willing the spirit and how weak the flesh of miserable Mortals be and ready is he to give allowance accordingly But Thirdly Here is comfort indeed That as JESUS CHRIST the Righteous is our Lord so He is The Lord our Righteousness so is He our Sollicitor our Advocate our most compassionate High-Priest who ex officio negotiates on our behalf by mediation and intercession with the Father for pardon of all our transgressions negligences ignorances both of all sins committed and duties omitted or performed untowardly and amiss He made One Propitiation by his death and he lives for ever to make intercession for us Yea so gracious is This our Lord that he seems in a manner during this Acceptable Day or time of Grace to lay aside The Title
observe did report of Them to the Asiaticks who slandered and persecuted them Take notice saith he of the late and daily Earthquakes compare our estate with theirs They he means Christians have more confidence to God-ward then you have 15. This was The solid Truth whose liveless Lineaments or obscure Picture nature had drawn unto the Heathen in the former indefinite Notions or Suggestions The best fruits of a good conscience the principal end why we are to study and labor for the preservation of our Consciences void of offence towards God and man throughout the whole course of our life is that we may be enabled in that last day to stand without horror or confusion before the Son of Man As peace of conscience breedeth confidence so the onely Fountain whence this peace of conscience can issue must be our reconciliation to that supreme Judge whose doom or Censure the Consciences of meer natural men implicitly or by instinct of Nature dread albeit they cannot apprehend the express manner of the Judgement to come or who it is that shall be Judge Both these and all like points which are necessary unto true Christian Faith must be learned out of the Book of Life Thus much of the First General viz. Heathen Notions of a Judgement to come c. we proceed to the second according to the method proposed in the 9 th Chapter CHAP. XI By what authority of Scripture the Exercise of this Final Judgement is appropriated unto our Lord Jesus Christ 1. THat there was to be a Judgement general to all but most terrible to the wicked and ungodly was a Truth revealed before any part of the sacred Books now extant were written But if it be a Revelation more ancient then the written Canon what warrant can we have to believe it besides Tradition Is then Tradition a sufficient warrant for us to believe unwritten verities or Revelations made to Gods Saints for many thousand years ago It is not unless the Tradition be expresly avouched by some Canonical Writer But then it or rather the Vouchers authority concerning the truth of the Tradition is to be believed So that our Belief in this Point must be resolved into a written verity or a parcel of Canonical Scripture The Revelation concerning the final Judgement whereof we now speak was made to Enoch before the Flood The Avoucher of this Revelation is St. Jude ver 14 15. And Enoch also the seventh from Adam prophesied of these saying Behold the Lord cometh with ten thousand of his Saints To execute Judgement upon all and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him Besides the authority of St. Jude which makes this Tradition to be no more a meer Tradition but Canonical Scripture we have other more special Grounds to believe that Enoch did thus Prophesie then we have to believe any other pretended Revelations which are not contained in Scripture The truth and certainty of this Judgment denounced by Enoch was so publickly and notoriously known that the Hebrew Church before our Saviours incarnation did begin the Writ or Instrument of their Great and terrible Excommunication with the first words of Enochs Prophesie Dominus veniet the Lord shall come As if they meant to bind the party whom they excommunicated besides all other punishments or infamies over to this Grand Assize But is there in this Prophecie any particular character of Christ Any pregnant intimation that this Great Judge of the world should be the Second Person in the Trinity rather then The First In the words themselves there is no peculiar Character of Christ save only in The Title LORD which as we said before is peculiar to Christ whether it be in the Original exprest by the word Jehovah or Adonai whensoever Judgment or visible exercise of Jurisdiction Regal is the subject or matter of the prophetical discourse as in this Prophecy of Enoch it is Besides this Character in the words of the prophecie the Prophet himself Enoch was a lively Type of Christ the great Prophet in the very ground of his Title to Lordship and Jurisdiction Enoch was translated that he should not see death but before his translation had this testimony that he Pleased God Hebr. 11. 5. Before his Translation he denounced this Wo or Curse against all that continue in ungodliness fore warning the world withal that the Lord himself whose Embassador he was should come to put his Embassage in execution The congruity of the Fact or Type with the Body fore-shadowed implies that this Propheeie was then to be fulfilled after the Prince of Prophets had been translated as Enoch was from earth but in a higher degree then Enoch was into heaven it self And albeit before his translation he had a more ample Testimony then Enoch had this is my Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased yet was he not made Lord and King and Judge till after his Resurrection and Translation From that time the Angels and Principalities and Powers even all the Hoast of Heaven intimated by Enoch became by that Title subject unto him That Christ is that very Lord against whom those ungodly men whom Enoch mentions did speak such bitter words our Apostle St. Paul though obscurely yet fully implies in the conclusion of his first Epistle to the Corinthians chapt 16. 22. If any man love not the Lord Jesus let him be Anathema 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is Let him be accursed or excommunicated with that Great and terrible Excommunication 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is the Lord shall come for so they call their Excommunication as we do Writs by the first words of the Writ or Instrument and these were the first words of Enochs Prophecie Veniet Dominus The Lord shall come The full meaning or implication of the Apostle is That whosoever doth not love the Lord Jesus shall be liable to all the Iudgments or Woes denounced by Enoch against the hard speeches of ungodly Sinners which they have spoken against their Lord and Iudge 2. That God is Judge of all the Earth that there shall be a final Judgment generally awarded to all the Inhabitants of the Earth by God himself the places of the old Testament are infinite I shall only touch the principal or more pregnant testimonies to this purpose To begin with the First Gen. 18. 22. When the men turned their faces from thence and went towards Sodom Abraham stood yet before The Lord and drawing neer he said wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked ver 23. And again ver 25. To slay the righteous with the wicked and that the righteous should be as the wicked that be far from thee Shall not The Judge of all the Earth do right Thus he spake in the case of Sodom whose Judgment this Lord and Judge of all the earth was then
help of this Rule For Instance to lay this Rule unto St. John Baptists speech Matth. 3. 10 11 12. Now also the ax is laid unto the root of the tree Therefore every tree which bringeth forth not good fruit shall be hewn down and cast into the fire I indeed Baptize you with water unto repentance but he that cometh after me is mightier then I whose shoes I am not worthy to bear he shall Baptize you with the holy Ghost and with fire Whose fan is in his hand and he will throughly purge his floor and gather his wheat into the Garner But will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire This Prediction cannot be exactly fulfilled until the Final Sentence be given and put in execution And yet within 43 years after his Baptism by John there was a manifest and lively representation exhibited to the World of his second coming unto Judgement and this representation was exhibited upon the Nation of the Jews The full accomplishment whereof shall at his second coming and not before be universally and exactly accomplished in all Nations and Languages and People Wherein then doth this representation of Final Judgement which at his first coming was exhibited in the Jewish Nation punctually consist In this especially There was such a notorious and manifest Crisis or distinction between the Elect and Reprobate of the Jewish Nation or seed of Abraham at his first coming as in no Nation or People had been experienced before nor shall be experienced in any before the day of Final Judgement in which this distinction of Elect and Reprobates shall not be onely universally manifested but solemnly declared in respect of all mankinde Every Son of Adam shall in that day be irrevocably marshalled or ranked either amongst the absolute Reprobates or absolute Elect In the one or other rank of which estates neither all nor most of every Nation or Church are at all points of time in the Interim to be accounted no not in respect of Gods Eternal Decree Nor may the Verdicts or Aphorisms whether of our Saviour himself or of his Apostles after his death concerning Election or Reprobation be extended to other times or Nations in the same measure or Tenor wherein they were verified and experienced in the Nation of the Jews at or upon our Saviors first coming Thus far to extend them in respect of all Times or Nations were to transgress the Analogie of Faith or received Rules of Interpreting Scriptures and to dissolve the sweet and pleasant Harmony between the Law and the Gospel or between the Evangelists and the Prophets And thus far of the second Point in handling whereof divers passages have intruded themselves which are not impertinent to the third Point CHAP. XII Of the manner of Christs coming to Judgement which was the third General proposed in the ninth Chapter 1. IT is said in the former Prophecie of Daniel chap. 7. ver 13. that One like the Son of Man came in the clouds of Heaven unto the Ancient of days The literal fulfilling of this Prophetical vision is recorded Acts 1. 9. And when he to wit Christ the Son of Man had spoken these things whilest they beheld He was taken up and a cloud received him out of their sight But whither he was carried in the Cloud which received him they could not distinctly see Their bodily eyes could not see so much by day as had been revealed to Daniel in vision by night But admit that this cloud did carry him into the presence of the Ancient of days or of God his Father What is this manner of his going into Heaven unto the manner of his coming to Judge the Earth which is The Point in hand Certainly much for so the Angels ver 11. admonished his Disciples which stedfastly beheld the Manner of his Ascension Ye men of Galilee why stand ye gazing up into Heaven This same Jesus which is taken from you into Heaven shall so come in like manner as you have seen him go into Heaven But shall the manner of his coming to Judge the World be in every point like unto the manner of his ascending into Heaven No! then it should not be so terrible as we believe it shall be The chief parts then of this similitude are these Two The First As he did locally and visibly go into Heaven so he shall locally and visibly come to judge the earth The second As he was received into Heaven in a cloud so he shall come to Judge the World as he himself foretold the High Priest and his Complices Matthew 26. 64. in the clouds of heaven The literal meaning of both places and the intent and purpose as well of the Angels as of our Saviour in this prediction infers That this Son of man whom they now beheld with bodily eyes was that very God whose glorious kingdom and reign the Psalmist describes Psal 104. 3. Who layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters who maketh the clouds his chariots who walketh upon the wings of the wind Who maketh his Angels Spirits or the Spirits his Angels his Ministers a flame of fire So they will appear when they attend him Coming to Judgment which will be in flaming Fire In all the manifestations of Christ to be the Son of God The Cloud is still a Witness First In his Transfiguration upon the Mount A Cloud did overshadow him and out of the Cloud this testimony was given him by God the Father Matth. 17. 5. this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased hear him 2. Whilest he ascends to God his Father Acts 1. 9. A Cloud receives him And 3. When he shall come from heaven or from his Fathers presence to judge the earth he shall have a Cloud for his Canopy For more particular Description of the Manner of his Coming the next Point is From what place he shall come Now it is expresly said in our Creed That Christ Jesus our Lord who was conceived by the holy Ghost born of the Virgin Mary suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried descended into hell who the third day rose again from the dead ascended into heaven and there sitteth at the right hand of God shall thence come to Judge the quick and the dead But this word Thence is of ambiguous Reference It may be referred in general either to the Heavens into which he ascended or unto the Right hand of God or unto both Certain it is that he shall come from Heaven as visibly and locally as he ascended thither Yet whether he shall come from the Right hand of God is questionable but not by us determinable unless it be determined already in the first Chapter of this Book what is literally meant by The Right hand of God either in the Creed or in those places of the New Testament out of which This Article is taken If Christs Body as Lutherans did contend chapt 3. § 6. be every where or if
shaken may remain that is that there may be a world everlasting That which the Prophet Haggai intimates more darkly the Prophet Esay had exprest more plainly chap 34. ver 4. And all the host of Heaven shall be dissolved and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroul and all their host shall fall down as the leaf falleth from the Vine and as a falling fig from a fig-tree The same vision was more lively and clearly made unto St. John Rev. 6. 12 13 14. And I beheld when he had opened the sixth Seal and lo there was a great earthquake and the Sun became black as sack-cloth of hair and the Moon became as blood And the Stars of Heaven fell unto the earth even as a fig-tree casteth her untimely figs when she is shaken of a mighty wind And the heaven departed as a scroul when it is rolled together and every mountain and Island were moved out of their places 7. But that which shall adde life and spirit to all these is The terrible Voice or sound which shall then be heard summoning all flesh to appear before the Iudgement seat of Christ As it was the Voice of Christ which did shake the earth at the giving of the Law so shall the Voice of Christ but a Voice more terrible then That produce this terrible commotion here mentioned in the Heavens and in the earth For as St. Paul instructs us 1 Cor. 15. 52. The trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised c. And again 1 Thess 4. 16. The Lord himself shall descend from Heaven in a shout with the voice of the Archangel and with the trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first The Terror of this Voice to such as sleep not in Christ may be gathered from the power or efficacy of it which is more fully expressed by St. John Rev. 20. 13. The sea gave up the dead which were in it and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them and they were judged every man according to their works This universal efficacy of his Voice is expressed by our Saviour Iohn 5. 28 29. The hour is coming in which all that are in the grave shall hear his voice and shall come forth they that have done good unto the resurrection of life they that have done evil unto the resurrection of damnation Some late Historians and Astronomers relate a natural Eclipse of the Sun so terrible in Spain that the Crows and other Fowls of the air seeking as it seems to flie from it were so affrighted with the suddain increase of darkness about mid-day that they fell down to the earth in a deadly astonishment What tongue then can express the Dread and Horror which the terrible apparitions at that day shall produce in all such as have lived and died in incredulity or security of the Judgement which shall follow them in all on whom that day shall come as suddenly without any better observation or preparation for it as the forementioned Eclipse of the Sun did upon the reasonless Fowls of the air Or if you desire a further a description of the Terror which shall then fall upon the Inhabitants of the earth even upon the most intrepid and undanted in respect of any ordinary Terrors then take it from St. Iohn Rev. 6. 15 16. And the Kings of the earth and the great men and the rich men and the chief Captains and the mighty men and every bond-man and every free-man hid themselves in the dens and in the Rocks of the mountains and said to the mountains and to the rocks fall on us and hide us Thus much was distinctly likewise fore-told and Prophetically set forth by the Prophet Esay chap. 2. 11 c. That neither St. Johns words nor the Prophet Esays are Hyperbolical but are Literally meant by them and really and punctually to be fulfilled is clear from our Saviors Interpretation of the Prophet Esay and the like passages of other Prophets at his going to the Cross Luke 23. 30 31. Then shall they begin to say to the mountains fall on us and to the hills cover us for if they do these things in a green tree what shall be done in a dry Howbeit this terror shall not meerly proceed from these Terrible Spectacles and Sounds which shall be Antecedent to the Final Judgement but from the Sight of Christ placed in his seat of Judicature So St. Iohn in the forecited place Rev. 6. 16. tells us That the Affrightment and dread that seized upon the great men of the Earth did arise from seeing the face of him that sate upon the Throne and from the wrath of the Lamb. 8. Having thus shown the Terrors antecedent to the Process we go on to the Process it self That takes beginning from the Manner of Christ's Coming and approach or from His Appearance as he shall sit in Judgement He shall come from Heaven or from the Right hand of the Throne of God where he now sitteth to execute Judgment in the open air or in that region wherein the clouds have their Rake The Manner of his Progress or approach shall be Swift and as before hath been intimated to our apprehension Violent For at his coming to Judgment and not before shall the Prophet Esay's Prayer or Wish be accomplished Oh that thou wouldest rent the heavens that thou wouldst come down that the mountains might flow down at thy presence As when the melting fire burneth the fire causeth the waters to boyl to make thy name known to thy adversaries that the nations may tremble at thy presence When thou didst terrible things which we looked not for thou camest down the mountains flowed down at thy presence Esay 64. 1 2 3. But because St. John intimates in the fore-cited place that the chief cause of Terror was the sight of him that sate upon the Throne we shall first consider how his Throne or Presence is described in the Old Testament Secondly how these Descriptions or Representations are decyphred or charactred out unto us by more then parallels in the New Now all the Prophecies or Predictions which to this purpose can be produced must all be interpreted by the Rule heretofore given that is However they may be literally meant or verified of some former times or events yet they are verified or meant of them Inchoativè onely They are not they cannot be Completivè applyed to any other time or times besides the day of Final Judgement or the world to come which shall ensue upon it The terror of his Throne and of him that sitteth thereon is described Dan. 7. 9 10. I beheld till the Thrones were cast down and the Ancient of days did sit whose garment was white as snow and the hair of his head like pure wool his Throne was like the fiery flame and his wheels as burning fire A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him thousand thousands ministred unto
consecration to the priesthood after the order of Melchisedec His presentation of himself to his Father as our High-Priest and as the First fruits from the dead was the most acceptable offering or sacrifice that ever was offered unto God a matter of greater joy and triumph to all the inhabitants of Heaven then Isaac's safe return from the intended sacrifice was to Abrahams familie or then Josephs advancement in Egypt was to old Jacob. Now if the First fruits from the dead were thus acceptable unto God we cannot distrust but that the after-crop shall prosper and shall be gathered by the Angels of God when the the time of ripeness shall come into everlasting habitations However in the mean time it be sown it shall be reaped in Glory and possesse its glory in immortalitie This Article then of Christs Resurrection from the dead and of his becoming the First fruits of them that sleep is the ground or root of all our Apostles Inferences from vers 35 to the end of this chapter concerning the Resurrection or the estate of their bodies that shall be raised to life but of these we have spoken at large before The sum of all is intimated by our Saviour himself John 12. 23 24. The hour is come that the Son of man should be glorified Verily I say unto you except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die it abideth alone but if it die it bringeth forth muh fruit Thus much likewise was foretold by the Prophet Esay in that Evangelical Prophecie Esay 53. 10. When thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin he shall see his Seed he shall prolong his dayes and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand Now this pleasure of the Lord was our full Redemption 10. To conclude this point Albeit our Sins were taken away by Christs death in both the Senses before mentioned and albeit in this life we be Actually Justified that is actually acquitted from the guilt of sins past by Belief in Christs Death and Resurrection and freed likewise from the rage and tyrannie of sin by Participation of his Grace and Inhabitation of his Spirit in us yet shall we not be Absolutely and Finally Justified that is freed from all Reliques of sin inherent until we be made partakers of his Glorie This must be the Accomplishment of our Justification by Faith in this life And it is no Paradox or strange opinion to say that We sinful men shall be finally Justified by utter extirpation of sin out of our nature at our last Resurrection When as Christ himself in whom sin never took any root much less bore any branch into whom no seed of sin did ever fall is said to be Justified by His Resurrection from the Dead that is acquitted from all burthen of our sins But where is Christ said in this sense to be Justified In the 1 Tim. 3. 16 Without controversie Great is the mysterie of godlinesse God was manifested in the flesh and Justified in the Spirit To omit all other interpretation of this phrase St. Paul means the very self same thing by saying Christ is Justified in the Spirit that St. Peter means when he saith He was quickened in the Spirit 1 Pet. 3. 18. Both mean That he was Justified or freed by the Spirit or Power of the Godhead from death or any other further burthen of our sins Christ saith St. Paul Heb. 9. 28. was once offered to bear the sins of many and unto them that look for him he shall appear the second time without sin unto salvation that is to free us from the power of death and all burthen of sin from which he himself was freed at His Resurrection So then it is in its time and place most true which the Romish Church doth most untruly teach that there is a Justification by inherent righteousnesse But this Justification cannot be had may not be expected in this life it cannot be accomplished in us until that Change be wrought whereof our Apostle speaks verse 51. of this Chapter This Final Justification by this blessed Change is the full Effect or final issue of Christs Resurrection from the dead he that doth not believe this future change or final issue of Christs Resurrection doth bear false Testimonie of God or against him even whilst he saith that he believeth that Christ was raised from the dead For to grant Christs Resurrection from the dead and to deny or doubt of this Final Justification or Absolution of all true believers in his Resurrection from the reliques of sin is to cast an Aspersion upon God himself as if he had wrought this great work of Christs Resurrection frustra that is to no Use or End correspondent to such a mighty Ground-work or Foundation 11. Every man then is bound to believe That all true Beleivers of Christs Resurrection from the dead shall be undoubted partakers of that endlesse and immortal glory unto which Christ hath been raised But no man is bound to beleive his own Resurrection in particular unto such glory any further or upon more certain terms then he can upon just and deliberate Examination find that he himself doth truly and stedfastly believe this Fundamental Article of Christs Resurrection from the dead Now if it were certainly determined and agreed upon by all what it were truly and stedfastly to believe this Article all the controversies concerning the Certaintie of Salvation or Irrevocable Justification in this life by Faith would determine themselves and be at an end But of the Examination of our Faith or of its truth sincerity or strength we shall have fitter occasion and more full time to speak in unfolding of the last part of the Article of Christs coming to Judgment that is the manner of the Process in the Award of final Sentence In the mean time it shall suffice to admonish the Reader That he rate not the truth or measure the strength of his Belief in this main Article of Christs Resurrection only by the strength of his perswasions of its Speculative and General Truth specially in the absence of temptations to the contrarie or whiles it is opposed to the exceptions of Atheists or Insidels which deny or oppugn it How then must the truth or strength of our Belief or Faith in this Article be measured Only by our stedfast and constant practise of the Special Duties whereunto the belief of it doth bind all professors of it Now the Special Duties whereunto the Belief of it doth bind us are succinctly and pithily set down by our Apostle Col. 3. 1 2. If then ye be risen with Christ seek those things which are above where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God set your affections on things above not on things on earth c. And verse the 5. Mortifie therefore your members which are upon earth fornication uncleannesse inordinate affection evil concupiscence and covetousness which is Idolatry And verse 8. Put off all these anger
shelter of his ey lids which his cruell enemies for increasing his pain and lingring torture had cut off Others again which wanted no contentment either of the outward or internal senses have died through meer grief and sorrow first conceived either from losse of goods or friends or for fear of disgrace and shame and some through excessive and suddain joy So that in this life it is universally true and undoubtedly experienced in all the bodily senses and most other faculties of the soul Nullum violentum est Perpetuum There is no grief no pain or sorrow whether inflicted by external Agents or whether it breeds within us or be hatched by the reflection of our own thoughts upon others wrongs or our own oversights or misdeeds but if it be violent or excessive it becomes like a raging flame which both devours the subject whereon it exerciseth its efficacie and puts an end to its own Being by destroying that fuel which fed it 7. This then is the propertie of the second death and the miserable condition of such as must receive the wages of sin That after the Resurrection of the body the capacitie aswell of the bodily senses as of other faculties are so far improved so far inlarged that no extremity of any external Agent no virulency of any disease which breeds within them no strength of imagination or Reflection upon what they have in time past foolishly done or what they suffer for the present or may justly fear hereafter can either dissolve or weaken their passive capacities or strength to indure the like Every facultie becomes more durable then an Anvil to receive all the blows that can be fastned upon them and all the impressions how violent soever which in this life would in an instant dissolve or dead them So that the second death as is said before is a life or vivacitie continually to sustain deadly pains The Dimensions of this death may be deduced to these three heads First to the intensiveness of the pain or grief which is more extream then any man in this life can suffer because the capacities of every sense or passive facultie are in a manner infinitely inlarged and so is the strength or violence of external Agents and the sting of conscience or perplexed thoughts wonderfully increased Secondly to the duration of all those punishments for it is a death everlasting Lastly to the uncessant perpetuitie of these everlasting pains for they are not inflicted by fits but without all intermission though but for a moment There is not an ill day and a good not an ill hour and a good not an ill minute and a good not an ill moment and a good in hell All times are extreamly evil varietie of torments breed no ease Thus much appeared by the Parable of the rich glutton who could not obtain so much of Abraham as a drop of water to cool his tongue which if it had been granted could not have effected any intermission or intercision of pain nor any abatement for the present which would not have inraged the flame as much in the next moment So that such as suffer the second death know not how to ask any thing for their good because indeed nothing can do them any good but all things even their own wishes conspire unto their harme and increase their wo and miserie 8. Some taking occasion from this Parable have moved a question not much necessarie whether the fire of hell be material fire or no that is such as may palpably or visibly scorch the body and torment the outward senses Sometimes this fire is described by a flame as in the Parable of the rich glutton sometimes by the blackness of darkness as in Saint Jude It is not the flame or visibilitie of this fire which argues it to be material the flame is least material in our fire And palpable it may be though not visible But with this question I will not meddle being impossible to be determined without sight or experience which God grant we never have It shall suffice therefore in brief to shew how this fire or rather the pains of the second death are decyphered or displayed in Scripture Now As the joyes of Heaven are set forth unto us under such Emblemes or representations as are visible or known unto us and yet we do not beleive that they are formally or properly such as these shadows or pictures represent but rather eminently contain the greatest joyes that by these representations we can conceive or imagine So we are bound to beleive That the pains of Hell are at least either properly and formally such as the Scripture describes them to be or more extream and violent then if they were such as the characters which the holy Ghost hath put upon them do without Metaphor import or signifie More extream they are then flesh and blood in this life could endure for a minute For as flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of Heaven so neither can they endure or inherit the kingdom of Satan there must be a change of this corruptible nature before it be capable of these everlasting pains So much the description of it in holy Scripture doth import The first and that a Terrible description of it is Esai 30. 33. Tophet is ordained of old yea for the King it is prepared the pile thereof is fire and much 〈◊〉 the breath of the Lord like a stream of brimstone doth kindle it The like but more terrible hath Saint John Rev. 20. 10. The Divel that deceived them was cast into the Lake of fire and brimstone where the Beast and the false Prophet are and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever and as he adds ver 14. This lake of fire is the second death And Saint Jude tels us that The destruction of Sodom and Gommorrah and the cities about them is set forth as an example or type of this eternal fire that is such fearful torments as that people suffered for a moment the damned shall suffer in hell eternally The ruines of Sodom and Gomorah and the dead sea or brimstone Lake wherein neither fish nor other creature liveth was left unto all future ages to serve as a map or picture of that lake of fire and brimstone which Saint Iohn mentions that is of Hell Now the very steam of such a Lake would stifle or torment flesh and blood to death in a moment the outward senses are not capable of its first impressions 9. Some School-men have moved A more pertinent Question whether this punishment of sense which or the instrumental mean of which is thus described unto us by a Lake of fire and brimstone be greater or lesse then the Poena damni that is Whether their imprisonment or confinement to Hell and their subjection to tormenting Fiends be worse then their Exclusion out of Heaven and the perpetual loss of Gods joyful presence The most Resolve That Poena damni the loss of Gods
consists in the Fruition of God as he is Love although super-abundant yet are they not superfluous There is no wast there is nothing poured out from one which shall not be received in the same measure or manner by another But wherein do these Concomitant or Accidental Joyes consist Especially in these Two Particulars First In the Glorious Beautie of the Place which is called Sedes Beatorum the Seat or Mansion of the Blessed Secondly In the Society or companie of such as are so seated and made partakers of that Essential Blessedness which consists in the sight and vision of God as he is Happinesse it self For Visio amati est fruitio This is that which the Schools call The Fruition or enjoying of Gods presence Now that either the Place or the Societie of Saints and Angels can add or conferre any thing to our happiness this proceeds from Gods special presence in Both. 2. To begin with The Place or Seat of the Blessed How pleasant soever our Seat on earth may be yet this world it self is but Vallis lachrymarum A Valley of tears wherein some ruful spectacles are daily presented to our eyes wherein some woful news or unpleasant sounds possess our ears To hear and see what we now daily hear and see though we were Spectators only but no Actors would abate our Joy would be an Alloy to our present happiness Hence it is that St. John describing the Accidental Joys of the life to come saith Rev. 21. 1. I saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away and there was no more Sea And again verse 4. God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more pain for the former things are past away His meaning is not only That no man there shall have occasion to cry or that no sorrow or pain shall breed there But that there shall be no sorrow no cry there by way of Sympathie that is no ungrateful sound or spectacle shall approach their dwelling in the holy City which he describes at large in the same Chapter verse 11. unto the end The Compass and Form of it you have verse 16. It lyeth four square the length as large as the breath twelve thousand furlongs and the building of the wall of it was of Jasper and the City was pure gold like unto clear glasse Verse 18. c. Thus he describes The Beautiful Materials of the Place by the most glorious and most precious materials which this world affords And yet that is true of this Description which the Apostle saith of the Rites and Ceremonies of the Law The gates of pearl and the streets of gold transparent as glasse are no better then shadows of the good things to come which are treasured up in that heavenly Kingdom for all such as love Christ Jesus and the glory of his coming Now though it be true that in Gods house there be many Mansions Yet is not the Beautie or Glorie of them appropriated to one nor divisible amongst some few but alike Common to all One hath not the less comfort There because another hath more Those Two quarrelling Pronounes Meum and Tuum shall be excluded thence as common Barretters One cannot say to another This part of this glorious Kingdom is mine That is yours for every one that shall be accompted worthy to be an heir of that Kingdom shall be as Intire an Heir as if he were sole Heir So it is not amongst the Kings of the earth the greater Dominions one hath or the further he extends them the less he leaves unto his neighbors There is some small Resemblance of the Condition of the Blessed Ones in Heaven to be found in our Hearing sight and knowledge of things which we have here on earth A great multitude may hear a speech and every one hear all No man hath less comfort from the light or heat of the Sun by anothers injoying it unless he purposely stand between the Sun and him No man is prejudiced but rather furthered by another mans extraordinary knowledge specially of matters heavenly and not divisible into parts Howbeit here is a vast difference whilst we live on earth even when there is no matter of prejudice to any other but rather of benefit or advantage to many yet there is matter too much of envy for that breeds within mans self it comes not by infection from without But so it is not in the place of blisse in the heavenly City into which no unclean thing no unclean thought specially no envie no uncharitablenesse shall enter 3. As is the Place so is the Company or Societie Every one is Loving Every one is Lovely All be Sons of Peace their Love and Peace is mutual Ye are come unto Mount Sion and unto the City of the Living God the heaveniy Jerusalem and to an innumerable company of Angels To the general Assembly and Church of the First-born which are written in heaven and to God the Judge of all and to the spirits of just men made perfect and to Jesus the Mediator of the new Covenant and to the blood of sprinkling Heb. 12. 22. c. There is no Question at least there ought none to be but that the Essential Ioy or blessedness of the life to come shall not be Arithmetically Equall that is the measure of it shall not be one and the same in all for every man shall be rewarded according to his wayes The Eternal Life which is the Gift of God is the Award not of Commutative Justice nor of Distributive though if so it were it should be awarded according to Geometrical Proportion But it is an Act of mercy or bountie and being such there is no Question but he that loved God more in this world then others shall have a greater proportion in his love No Question but he which hath received a greater Talent and hath imployed it as well or better then he that hath received lesse shall have a greater reward And he which hath been more faithful in his Masters service or he in whom the Kingdom of Grace hath entred further in this life shall enter further into his Masters Ioy shall partake more fully of the Kingdom of Heaven And according to the lesser or greater measure of Essential happiness shall the measure of their expressions of joy or thanksgiving be And yet the Joy which amounts from their mutual expressions shall be equal and the same to all For though every one cannot so fully expresse his joy or thanksgiving as another doth yet he that comes short of others in this expression shall joy even in this that God is more or better glorified by another then by himself and such is the disposition of these heavenly inhabitants that so Gods name be truly glorified by all they respect not by whom it be comparatively most
or Title of being called the sons of God And under this style it is promised ver 9. Blessed are the peace-makers for they shall be called the sons of God 13. Yet all these qualifications were not sufficient unless they be accompanied with a firm and constant resolution to suffer persecution all the persecution that flesh and blood can in this life devise against them rather then they should forego their humilty their mourning their meekness their love of righteousness their mercifulness and puritie of heart towards God There must be a greater love of all these qualifications here mentioned then of our selves otherwise we shall be uncapable of the least portion of the Blessedness here so often promised This patience in suffering or constant resolution to endure persecution is the very girdle or tie of all other Christian vertues and for this reason it is twice repeated Blessed are they that suffer persecution for righteousness sake ver 10. And again ver 11. Blessed are you when men shall revile you c. 14. Many may be forward to suffer persecution yea to affect it but as he said Res ingeniosa est esse Christianum It is a matter of extraordinary wit to be a true Christian unto true Martyrdom there is required not only sobrietie of spirit but of Iudgement for none can be a Martyr but he that suffers for Righteousness sake or for Christs sake who is such a fountain of righteousness as the sun is of light Now to discern true righteousness from pretended or to sever Christs Cause from our own particular Interest or engagements is a point of extraordinary skill Whereas it is an easie matter to pawn our fame or credit our very lives in maintenance of that which we have boldly avouched to be true and just None were more forward to sacrifice themselves for their Religion then were the Jews which yet blasphemed the name of Christ and the wayes of truth after they had crucified the Lord of truth and of glory none more forward then they to raise up persecution against the Apostles and disciples in every City and albeit many of them were put to cruell and ignominious deaths for their stiff adherence to Moses Law as they imagined yet Martyrs they were not because they died not for Moses sake nor for his sake for whom Moses wrote but for maintenance of their own perverse opinions and affections For though they abhorred the Idols of the heathen yet they committed more abominable sacriledge then the Heathens did for of all kinds of Idolatry or Sacrilegious worship the most untoward and least to be pittied is when men are prone to sacrifice themselves to their own pride or head-strong ignorance 15. The truth is that no man can suffer persecution for righteousness sake but he that is a follower of righteousness and a son of peace No man can suffer persecution for Christs and the Gospels sake but he that hath learned of Christ to be humble and meek And for this reason haply it is that unto such as suffer persecution whether in their body or good name so they suffer it for Christs name the blessedness of the life to come is promised First under the same Style or Title that it was unto the poor in spirit He had said of these ver 3. That theirs is the Kingdom of heaven and of those ver 10. Blessed are they that are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven As also secondly under the same Title that it is promised to the meek of whom he had said ver 5. Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth And unto such as are reviled and persecuted falsely for his sake he addeth verse 12. Rejoyce and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in heaven 16. And thus hath our Saviour taught us the Use and application of all that hath been delivered concerning Eternal Life And the Use or application of it is as General and large as are the commandments of God There is no duty enjoyned whereunto the hope or belief of this Eternal Reward doth not enable and bind us This was the first Lesson our Saviour taught after he entred upon his Propheticall function and it is the last Article in our Creed It is as Christ himself is Imus angularis lapis et suminus It is both the foundation stone and that which bindeth all the building nor need we be afraid to do well Intuitu mercedis with respect to recompence or reward seeing Christ himself when he first begun to Preach the glad tydings of the Gospel did make no promise of reward save only to such as continue in weldoing or suffer evil with patience And his Apostle Saint Paul exhorting us to cheerfulness in weldoing and patience in suffering proposeth the like hope of reward making Christ Iesus himself a patern for us to follow Wherefore seeing we are also compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us Looking unto Jesus the Author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the Crosse despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the Throne of God Heb. 12. 1 2. Nor is it possible for flesh and blood to resist either their proper Enticements or the temptations of Satan much lesse to vanquish this tempter by any other means then by serious meditation upon the several Rewards proposed unto such as shall overcome and of the several punishments which are threatned and shall be awarded unto all such as forsake the field and neglect the service of God And though it be true that we must obtain this victorie by the spirit of God yet one special means by which the spirit of God obtaines this victory for us is by representing and imprinting such punishments or plagues as are dreadful and fearful even to flesh and blood so that the flesh must be affrighted and deterred from or forth of the wayes of sin by the wages of sin And the spirit of God which is in man must be daily animated and encouraged by the hope of heavenly joyes whose very nature and qualitie is spiritual The flesh or sensitive part cannot truly apprehend the joyes of the spirit nor is the spirit so capable or so apprehensive of deadly punishment or pain as the sensitive or animal part is 17. To branch this Use or Application which our Saviour makes of this point into his proper particulars Though it be true that all of us are the seed of rebellious parents and have gone astray from the womb as well by sins of omission as of commission yet that which the heathen Philosopher long since observed if it be candidly interpreted and with such charity as becometh Christians is likewise true Nemo sponte malus No man in his
never dieth which is the chief part of the second Death as heaviness of spirit or grudgings are of Fevers or other diseases which without preventing Physick or diet do alwayes follow them 4. But this Prognostick of the second death or this fear of hell pains which the Sting of Conscience alwayes exhibits must be warily taken and weighed with Judgment The right observance of them as every other good quality or habit is beset with Two contrary extremes The one in defect The other in excess The defect is Carelesnesse The excesse Despere or too much dejection of mind The intimations or Prognosticks which the Sting of Conscience exhibits of death spiritual are often mistaken for the effects of bodily melancholy and the best medicine for melancholy is pleasant society or mirth Out of this mistaking most men prevent that Compassion which is due to their own souls after such a manner as Jewish parents did prevent their natural pity towards their children when they sacrificed them unto Molech by filling their ears with the loud sound of wind Instruments lest the shrikes of the Infants whom they inclosed in an Image of hot glowing brass by entring in at their ears might move their Jewish hearts to pity And most men lest they should be stung with grief of spirit or conscience seek to stifle their first murmurings and repinings either with unhallowed or unseasonable mirth Others by seeking to avoid this common extreme often fall into the contrary which is of the Two the worse to wit dispere or too much dejection of spirit That which the Heathen observed of grief in General is most true of this Particular the grief of a Wounded Spirit Dolori si fraena remitt as nulla materia non est maxima If we let loose the reins to grief or sorrow the least matter or occasion of either will be more weighty then we can well bear Mans unbridled fancie is as a multiplying Glasse which represents every thing as well matter of sorrow as of pleasure in a far greater quantity then it really hath And unless our Cogitations or sad remembrances of sins past be moderated with Judgment and discretion they will appear to our fancies like Cains transgression greater then can be forgiven or then we can hope that the God of mercy will forgive For holding the right mean betwixt these Extrems Carelesnesse and despere there is no means so effectual as to be rightly instructed in the hope of everlasting Life and Fear of everlasting death Immature or unripe hopes of the One ingendereth carelesnesse or presumption so doth erroneous fear of the other bring forth despere He that is perswaded that every one always is in the Estate of the Elect or of the Reprobate cannot avoid the one or other extreme And the only remedy to prevent despere or being swallowed up with grief either in the consciousnes of grosser sins lately committed or whiles we reflect upon sins past is to purge our selves of that Erroneous Opinion concerning Absolute Reprobation or irreversible ordination to death before we were born or from the time of our second birth by baptisme 5 To purge our brain or fancie of this opinion let us take the form and Tenor of the Final sentence into consideration which we may do without digression or diversion Both branches of this sentence we have Mat. 25. The first branch ver 34. Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world he doth not say before all worlds though this in a good sense is true most true if we speak of Gods designe or Act for all his Acts or designes are as he is Eternal without beginning so are not the things designed or enacted by him they take their beginning in time or with time The Kingdom prepared for Gods people was prepared when the world was made not before so good and gracious was our God that he did not make man or Angel untill he had prepared a place convenient for them take them as they were his creatures or workmanship and they were all ordained to a life of bliss Paradise was made for man and it may be after man was made but the Heaven of Heavens was prepared for man before he was made and made for the Angels if not before they were made yet when they were made But the Sentence of death ver 41. runs in another Tenor Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire he doth not say prepared for you from the foundation of the world but prepared for the Divel and his angels Those immortal spirits which now are divels were sometime Angels God made them so They made themselves divels Now hell fire was not prepared for them whilst they were Angels not from the foundation of the world but from the time wherein of Angels they became Divels Nor are men at all ordained to it untill of men they become Satans angels And as Satan and his angels the spirits which fell with him continue the self same individual substances which they were when God first created them yet are no way the same but quite contrary for qualitie and disposition so the place whereto they are confined may be for substance space and dimension the same it was at the first creation but not the same for quality it became a prison or place of torment when Satan and other spirits which fell with him of Angels made themselves Divels Satan as some think brought that fire wherein he and his Angels shall be tormented into the bowels of the earth when he fell like lightning from heaven However if the Angels had not sinned there had been no hell no tormenting fire and unless men become the Divels Angels they shall not be cast into hell fire God doth not ordain men to be Satans angels but men continuing his sons or servants God ordaines them to take their portion with him So that if we remove the opinion of Absolute-Reprobation or of irreversible ordination of mens persons unto death before they were baptized or born or if men would be confirmed in faith that no such Sentence or Decree is gone out against them whilst they have either will desire or opportunitie to call upon God through Jesus Christ for remission of sins whether by confession of them or by absolution from them upon such confession or by receiving the Sacrament of Christs body and blood no danger can accrue from the frequent meditation of everlasting death or from such representations of the horrours of it as the often reflecting upon our sins past and the working of the Sting of Conscience upon such reflections will present unto us 6. Another excellent Use and that a Positive One there is of these meditations For no man ordinarily can have a true Tast or rellish of Eternal Life but he which hath had some Tast or grudging of everlasting
death The sense or Tast or Overture of the second death doth make the least rellish of the second resurrection unto Life to seem more sweet and pleasant Now it is the rellish or secret intimation of Celestial joyes which must animate and incourage us to undertake all the dangers or discontents wherewith the way unto the heavenly Canaan the land of promise and of our rest is beset The most forcible Reasons which the Divinest Orator can use or the best words wherewith he can apparel his reasons or perswasions are but vain unless he can with them or by them instill this secret tast or rellish into mens souls All the descriptions which the Leaders of the Gaules could make of the pleasures or Commodities of Italy all the newes or reports which they could devise or cause to be made in their publique meetings as it were upon our Royal Exchange could not so much animate their followers to adventure upon the strait and difficult passages over the Alpes as did the tast of the Italian Grape And that which did especially aggravate the Israelites Dastardy for not undertaking that sacred warre whereunto God had called them against the Canaanites the Amorites and the Hittites c. was the sight of those Grapes which such as were sent to discover that good Land had brought from Eschol Their unusual greatness which all the host might have seen and their extraordinary rellish which many did or might have tasted was a pledge or assurance of the truth of Gods promises concerning the fertility or pleasantness of that Land For as we say Ex ungue Leonem The terrour of the Lion which we never saw may be taken from his paw Or as Pythagoras did take the just quantity of Hercules his body by the print of his foot so might the Israelites have taken the true estimate of the Land of Canaan from the unusual quality and extraordinary quantitie of that bunch of grapes which their mutinous spies or Intelligencers could not deny to be the native fruit of that soil But of the Israelites disobedience and dastardy and what both these and the slanderous reports which their spies or intelligencers did raise of that good Land mystically import we shall take occasion if God permit hereafter to handle 7. Such a pledge as these Israelites had of Gods promises concerning the Land of Canaan we may have and must have of the pleasures of the Celestial Canaan before we become valorous in our undertakings for it And if we once attain to a true Tast or rellish of its goodness the least portion of it will serve as a true measure to notifie the incomparable excess of those joyes in comparison of any earthly pleasures or annoyances the one or other of which and nothing besides them can occasion our diversion from the wayes which lead unto them The force or efficacie which experienced pleasures or contentments have upon mens souls or affections Mahomet and his successors too well foresaw and so by a known representation of a counterfeit heaven and by a reall and experienced tast of imaginary or feigned pleasures in the life to come did make their followers more zealous and confident in propagating their Empire and Religion then either Christian Preachers or Magistrates can make their Christian people The obedience of Turkish children to their parents of their greatest Nobles to their Soveraign of their souldiers to their Commanders of inferiour Commanders to their Superiors or Generals far exceeds any obedience which we Christians usually perform to our Superiours in what kind soever One Erroneous principle notwithstanding they have That all things are so decreed by God as nothing can fall out otherwise then it doth and from this prejudicate conceipt when opportunitie suggests fair hopes unto the son of obtaining his fathers Crown they account it no sin but a religious Act for the Son to depose the Father as presuming it is Gods Will thus to have it whensoever he offers opportunity But when there is no hope to gain a Crown by rebellion no intimation given by the signes of the time that God will prosper their attempts against their Superiors there is no subject in any Christian Kingdom that will accept the greatest dignity whereto his Soveraign Lord can advance him with such Loyal respect and submission as the sons or grand-children of their Emperours will imbrace the sentence of death though no way deserved only in obedience to his designes and pleasure There is no malefactor amongst us though openly convicted of capital crimes that will submit himself to the sentence of the Law with that cheerfulness of mind or unregreting affections as their inferiour Commanders or common souldiers will surrender their lives into their Superiors hands be the service whereunto they appoint them never so dreadful or desperate 8. Now the great motives by which Turkish Priests or their Magistrates work this absolute submission and compleat obedience in inferiors is either fear of Hell or torments after this life in case they shall disobey or hopes of Heaven if they continue loyal and obedient and yet the hell which they fear is no way so terrible as that Hell with whose torments we dayly threaten the disobedient Their hopes of heaven are nothing so glorious as those hopes which God promiseth and we professe we believe them to be the reward of our obedience to our God to our Prince and to his just Lawes whether Ecclesiastick or Civil Whence then doth this great difference or odds arise between their obedience and ours From no other root then this They propose unto their followers such an heaven such contentments after this life as they may have a true tast or rellish of in this life by whose multiplication the incomparable excesse of future contentments in respect of present may by ordinary capacities be easily taken There is no delight or pleasure which men in this world can take in the dayes of plenty security and peace no pleasures of the outward senses of touch or tast which they do not hope to enjoy in far greater measure in heaven without annoyance interruption or disturbance then their Emperour or Grand-Segnior in this life can do The meanest amongst them perswades himself he shal have more consorts or concubines then their Luxurious Emperors have all more beautiful then any earthly creatures can be There is no delight again in War or feats of arms which their Common souldiers hope not to enjoy without danger or defatigation of their bodies in far greater measure then the greatest Commanders or Generals of their Armies do And being thus possessed with this Two fold perswasion First That Obedience to Superiors doth merit heaven Secondly That the joyes of heaven are for nature and quality the same with such earthly pleasures and contentments which they have tasted but infinitly exceed them for quantity and duration To perswade them to lay down this life in hope of attaining the life to come by obedience to their
Emperours or in love to their Religion is a matter of no greater difficulty then to induce a Merchant to lay out an hundred pounds sterling in his own Country upon such assurance as this world affords to receive ten thousand pounds either in the same coyne or in valuable commodities in another Country by way of return or bill of exchange 9. But as for us Christians albeit our hopes of heaven be far more glorious then theirs can be albeit our Faith which is the ground of our hopes be most firm and sound whereas their belief of such a heaven as they hope for is but grounded upon the sand yet in as much as the most part of Christians have no distinct conceit or notion of the heavenly joys which they hope for but believe them only in general or in gross to be exceeding great their Faith is in a manner but dead their Hopes have no operations upon their affections they do not sway them to constancie in any honorable adventures or undertakings for the heavenly Canaan We that be Gods Embassadors may spend our spirits and our breaths and be answered only with Religion consisting in words or with a zeal of hearing Gods Word not of doing it The Case of most Hearers is much what like to the Case of a man extreamly sick and opprest with distempered humors There is no man so sick unless he be possest with deep melancholy or a frenzie but will acknowledge in the general that such a Diet as his Physician prescribes him is good that such meats as he seeth men in health to feed upon with delight are pleasant and useful for preserving health But press him to make his words good by his practise in particular and you shall find a Real Contradiction those meats which out of his former experience he acknowledgeth to be sweet and pleasant are to him in this distemper and indisposition of body bitter and abominable The best Diet which the Physician can prescribe him is nothing so welcom to him as those meats and drinks which the distempered humor longeth after And albeit you urge him with the authoritie of Hypocrates Galen or other famous Professors of Physick yet you shall not perswade him to follow their Counsel until he have in some measure recovered his Tast and the only means to recover it must be by the removing the noxious humor wherewith it is oppressed Yet such as are bodily sick have had some Tast and experience of wholsom food in the time of their health for bodily health ordinarily goes before bodily sickness But The spiritual diseases of our Consciences have precedencie of spiritual health we all are soul-sick from our birth even in the womb And for this reason it is That to work a Longing in us after a spiritual health or to bring us in love with true spiritual food is a matter of far greater difficulty then to bring a man bodily sick unto a liking of wholsom bodily food We may perswade Men in the General That the joys of heaven infinitely exceed all the pleasures of this life And thus far they will easily believe us But without some Tast or rellish of them no man will set his heart to seek after them 10. For us to give men or men to take A True Rellish of them it is not ordinarily possible until our hearts and consciences be in some good measure disburthened of fleshly lusts of worldly desires or freed from minding earthly matters The ordinary Physick which God doth use in working this First Cure is some Cross affliction or chastisement Every Cross or branch of affliction which in this life can befall us is in the intention of Gods providence as a peculiar Medicine to purge our souls of some one vain delight or other Now If we would seriously ruminate upon the particular afflictions which befall us or suffer the sting of conscience to have its work whensoever our hearts do smite us This would be a good preparation for the recovery of our spiritual Tast without whose recovery we cannot be purified according to the purification of the Sanctuary But say the Lord hath laid no cross no affliction upon us yet this is a Diet so necessary for the soul That every one in case the Lord do not must afflict his own soul that is he must sometimes humble himself in fasting and prayer for this in the language of Canaan is to afflict the soul without such exercises voluntarily undertaken not as meritorious or profitable in themselves but as useful for enjoying of our selves and the gaining of free and retired thoughts our spiritual Tast is not usually recoverable or being in some measure recovered cannot be preserved But you will ask Wherein doth this spiritual Tast consist what is the object of it or that which answers unto it as bodily food doth unto bodily tast or What is the best dyet for recovering of it This you are to learn from our Apostle Rom. 14. 17. The Kingdom of God is not meat and drink it neither consists in our use or abstinence from these what is it then Righteousness peace and joy in the holy Ghost These words if you mark them are well placed First Righteousness Then peace lastly Joy in the holy Ghost For as the Prophet had said long before Opus justitiae pax Peace the peace of conscience towards God towards men and with our own souls and affections is the resultance or work of righteousness as it is opposed unto iniquity For There is no peace to the wicked saith my God Esai 57. 21. Joy there may be without this peace or serenity of conscience but no Joy in the Holy-Ghost without it Peace of conscience is as the first Tast or smell of eternal rest The first sign or Symptome of spiritual health restored Joy in the Holy-Ghost is to the soul as that chearfulness or livelinesse which accompanieth perfect health is unto the body Righteousness or its works are as the food or dyet by which this spiritual health and livelinesse of the soul is procured 11. So then he that desires to have a true Tast of the heavenly gift or of the powers of the life to come must enure himself to the works of righteousness of that Universal Righteousness whose practise is commended unto us in the Affirmative and positive precepts of the first and second Table It is not enough to abstain from the evil works prohibited in the Negative precepts of both Tables This abstinence is as the matter or privation of that true righteousness whereof peace is the work or fruit Howbeit even this Inchoative Righteousness or imperfect Embryon of it is seldom or never framed and conceived without some chastisement or correction which are as gentle Remembrancers of the horrours of the second death Nor is this Inchoative or privative righteousnesse alwayes framed by chastisements or such remembrances but by patient suffering of them or by embracing them as so many tokens
to be our Redeemer No Act or work of God no not the first work of Creation was of more free Gift or bounty as the Romanists grant or less merited either de Condigno or de Congruo by any work of ours then the work of our Redemption So that the word Merit how often soever it be used by the Antient Latine Fathers carries no weight to sway us to any conceipt of True Worth in our Works for the purchasing of eternal life 3 But what if the Holy Ghost speak thus in Formal or Equivalent Terms as that Eternal life is the wages or stipend of our Works or that our Works are worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven or of the life to come Shall we not subscribe unto him Yes we will if the Romish Church can prove unto us that He thus spake or meant Now that he thus speaks or means they endeavor thus to prove First from all those places of Scripture in which Eternal life is said to be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Merces that is a reward or stipend Now our Saviour himself thus speaketh Matth. 5. 11 12. Blessed are you when men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake Rejoice and be exceeding glad for great is your Reward in heaven for so persecuted they the Prophets which were before you From this and the like places they labor to infer that the patience of Martyrs is meritorious of Eternal Life To this and the like places the Answer is easie The Greek 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and so the Latin Merces imply no more in the Language of the Holy Ghost then our English word Reward And hence the fruit or issue of our paines so it be grateful to men though no way deserved is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 So our Saviour saith that the very Hypocrites which do all their works to be seen of men if they gain applause have their Reward Yet no man will say that a dissembler or hypocrite doth deserve or merit this Reward but rather punishment And Rewards we know are sometimes given freely out of meer bountie and liberalitie as well as by way of desert or merit Yea it is not properly a Reward unlesse it be a Gratuitie or Largesse That which a man works for upon Covenant or that which he receives by way of hire is not a Reward but a just Pay or Stipend and though it be most true that God renders to every one according to all his wayes yet in proprietie of speech he is said to reward none but those whom he remembers in mercie and bountie For so it is said Heb. 11. 5. He that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a Rewarder of them that seek him not so of such as seek him not for them he punisheth and no branch of punishment is any branch of Reward This then we learn from our Apostle That the first thing to be believed in all ages is this That there is a God The second That this God is a Rewarder of those that seek him This truly infers That His Reward is worth the seeking after whether it be bestowed upon us in this or in the life to come but it doth not infer that our seeking after it is meritorious or worthy of the least of his Rewards And though Eternal Life be the Best and Last Reward of such as seek God yet it is not the Only Reward that he bestowes on them that seek him yea he bestowes Eternal Life or the Life of Glorie upon none upon whom he doth not first bestow the Reward of Grace The Kingdom of Grace is but the Entrance into the Kingdom of Glorie And when we teach new Converts to pray in the first Place for The Kingdom of Grace and to pray for it as the Reward or Gift of God Yea and the Romanists themselves do grant that no man can merit the Kingdom of Grace which is properly the Reward of such as seek God so that all their Arguments which they draw from this Topick that Eternal Life is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Merces and may therefore be merited by us are altogether groundless All of them conclude Aut nihil aut nimium either nothing at all or a great deal too much As That the First Grace may be merited which they themselves deny 4. Their next chief Topick is that Our works or endeavors are said to be worthy of Eternal Life and that in Canonical Scriptures To this purpose Cardinal Bellarmine citeth that of our Saviour Luke 10. 7. Dignus est operarius mercede sua The Laborer is worthy of his hire But I am perswaded that he took this upon trust from some idle or ignorant Scholler whom he had imployed to rake testimonies for his present purpose If his leisure had served him to look upon the Circumstances of the Text with his own eyes he might clearly have seen that our Saviour there speaks not of Eternal Life or of the Reward or Gift of God but of that Hire which is due unto the Preachers of the Gospel from such as are instructed in the Gospel The other Testimonies alledged by him are more Pertinent though not Concludent And they are in number Three The First is Luke 20. 35. But they that shall be accounted Worthy to obtain that world and the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage The second is 2 Thess 1. 4. We our selves saith he glory in you in the Churches of God for your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that ye endure which is a manifest token of the righteous Judgment of God that ye may be counted Worthy of the Kingdom of God For which ye also suffer The third is Revel 3 4. Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments and they shall walk with me in white for they are Worthy This last Testimony affords them A new Topick or Frame of Arguments which they draw from this and the like places wherein The works or righteousness of the Saints are assigned as True Causes Why they enter into the Kingdom of heaven So our Saviour saith in the Final Sentence Math. 25. 34. Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world FOR I was an hungry and ye gave me meat I was thirstie and ye gave me drink I was a stranger and ye took me in naked and ye cloathed me I was sick and ye visited me I was in prison and ye came unto me This is as much saith Bellarmine as if he had said Ye are Therefore blessed of my Father ye shall Therefore enter into the Kingdom of Heaven Because ye have done these and the like good Works out of your Love and Charitie towards me Now if these works be The Cause Why they enter into the Kingdom of
Heaven and if those of Sardis were to walk with him in white robes Because they were Worthie The Controversie may seem Concluded That Good Works are meritorious of heavenly Ioyes or of Eternal Life 5. To the latter Objections or frame of Arguments drawn from these and the like places For I was an hungry and you gave me meat c. Calvin makes Answer That these and the like particles Quia Etenim For or Because do not alwayes import or denote The true Cause of things but sometimes only the Order or connexion betwixt them But However this may be True it is not so Punctuall but that Bellarmine and others take their advantage from it as having the Authoritie of the Grammer Rule against it For the particles used in all the places alleged by them are Conjunctions not Copulative or Connexive but Causal And it may seem harsh to say That some conjunction causal doth not import a causalitie It is true Yet sometimes they import no cause at all of the thing it self but onely of our knowledge of it Oft-times again they import no Efficacious causalitie of the thing it self but only Causam sine qua non that is some necessary means or condition without which the Prime and Principal cause doth not produce its Effect To give you examples or Instances of both these observations If there should come into This or the like Corporation A stranger who knowes not any Magistrate by sight he would say surely this is the chief Magistrate Because all others give place unto him because the Ensignes of Authoritie are carried before him Here the word Because must necessarily denote A true cause but not the cause why he is the chief Magistrate for that is only his true and just Election What cause doth it then denote The cause of his knowledge of him to be the chief Magistrate Thus when we come to the knowledge of the cause by the Effect The effect is the cause of our knowledge of the cause As others giving place unto him or the carrying of the Ensignes of Authority before him is not the cause why this or that man is the chief Magistrate for the time being but rather his being the chief Magistrate is the cause why all others give him place and why the Ensignes of Authoritie are born before him Yet these and the like Effects are the true cause or reason of a strangers knowledge of him to be the chief Magistrate And by this Rule we are to interpret that saying of our Saviour many sins are forgiven her for she loved much In which speech it may not be denied but that the Particle For imports A true cause yet no cause of the thing it self to wit of her love For this were utterly to reverse or thwart our Saviours meaning which was no other then this That the forgivenesse of her sins was the cause of her love so was not her Love the cause of the forgiveness of her sins which by our adversaries confession being of Free Grace and of the First Grace which was bestowed upon her could not be merited or deserved Howbeit the manner of expressing of her loue by washing his feet with her tears and wiping them with her hairs was The true cause of every understanding or Observant mans knowledge that many sins were forgiven her and unlesse she had an apprehension of her manifold sins thus freely forgiven her she could not have loved him so much or made such expression of her Love 6. Sometimes again this Particle For or the like causal speech imports only a subordinate or instrumental cause or A necessary means or condition required without which the Positive the Principal and only efficacious cause especially if it work freely doth not produce its intended Effect To put the case home in this present business Suppose a great and potent Prince out of his own meer motion and free grace should proclaim a pardon to an Army of Traytors and Rebels which had in Justice deserved death if a man should ask What is the cause or reason why the Law doth not proceed against them no other cause could be assigned besides the gracious favour of the Prince But if one should further ask Why the pardon being freely promised to all the principal malefactors it may be are pardoned or restored to their blood or advanced to dignities whereas others which were included in the same pardon are exiled or put to death The speech would be proper and in its kinde Truly causal if we should say the one part submitted themselves and craved allowance of their pardon whereas the other stood out and rejected it For it is to be presumed that no Prince being able to quell his rebellious adversaries will suffer any to enjoy the benefit of a General Pardon how freely soever it be granted unlesse they submit themselves unto it and crave the benefit of it with such humility as becomes malefactors or men obnoxious Much lesse will he restore any to blood or advance them to dignities whom he knowes or suspects still to continue ill affected or disloyal in heart So then the not-submission or continuance in rebellion is The true and Positive Cause why the one sort enjoy no benefit of the General Pardon but are more severely dealt withall for rejecting the princes Grace then they should have been dealt withall if no Pardon had been granted The humble submission of the other and their penitence for their former misdeeds is Causa sine qua non that is a necessarie means or Condition without which the Prince how gracious soever would not suffer them to enjoy the benefit of their Pardon would not restore them to their blood would not advance them to greater dignities This is the very Case of Adam and all his sons All of us were Traytors and Rebels against the Great God and King of Heaven who is better able to quell the whole host of mankinde than any Prince his meanest Rebellious subjects yet it pleased him to pardon us more freely then any earthly Magistrate can do a malefactor If then the reason be demanded Why any of mankinde are saved Why they are restored unto their blood and advanced to greater dignitie then Adam in Paradise enjoyed no other true cause can be assigned of these Effects besides The meer grace and mercy of the Almighty Judge But if it be further demanded Why some of mankinde enjoy the benefit of this Pardon and inherit Eternal Life Why others are sentenced to everlasting death When as the free Pardon with its benefits were seriously and sincerely tendred to all The Answer is Orthodoxal and True Because some in true humilitie accepted of the Pardon and craved allowance of it whereas others rejected it and sleighted such Proclamations or significations of it as the God of mercy and compassion had given out not to this or that man only but To all the World So that the Omission of those good works which our Saviour mentions in the
mother as it is likewise plain by our Saviours Reply and his Interrogation ye know not saith he what ye ask To drink of the cup whereof he did drink and to be baptized with the baptisme where with he was baptized he grants was possible for them though perhaps in another sense then they conceived when they answered his Interrogatory However to sit on his left hand or on his right hand as he finally concludes was not his to give but was to be given to them for whom it was prepared by his Father But hence ariseth A Dilemma Captious at the first sight for If the Kingdom of heaven were prepared for these two Apostles then it was his to give them for he must give it to them for whom it is prepared and so he gave it to the Thief upon the Crosse Or if the Kingdom of heaven were not prepared for them from the beginning of the world they might not they could not enter into it What shall we say then that James and John did never enter the Kingdom of heaven God for bib the very phrase and Character of our Saviours Speech and the circumstance of the Text should me thinks call that Logical Distinction to any mans mind that had ever learned it or known it before if not teach such as knew it not to make it The Distinction I mean of Sensus divisus and compositus which indeed is the only Distinction for resolving many difficulties in Divinitie for the Resolution of which many other impertinent and unartificial ones have been and are daily sought out The meaning of the Distinction in this particular is this If we consider James and John with their present Qualifications it is true that the Kingdom of Heaven was not prepared for them they could not enter in at the strait gate that leads unto it until their present swelling humour of secular ambition or pride was asswaged for God from eternity had excluded pride and ambition from any inheritance in the Kingdom of his Son But this bad habit or disposition being laid aside and the contrary wherewith as yet they were not invested to wit true humilitie being put upon them the Kingdom of Heaven was prepared for them and prepared for them thus qualified from the Foundation of the world Our Saviours Answer unto them imports no more then Saint Peter doth when he saith Deus dat gratiam humilibus sed resistit superbis God giveth grace to the humble but resisteth the proud and so our Saviour repels their Petition for the present because it did proceed from secular pride and from this particular took occasion not only to teach James and John but the other Ten also the necessitie of humility as a qualification without which no man shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven either into the Kingdom of Grace in this life or into the Kingdom of glory in the life to come 7. For albeit the other Ten did much mislike this ambitious humour of James and John yet as one observes that Diogenes Calcavit fastum Platonis cum majori fastu So the Ten Apostles bewray more then a spice of the like ambitious humour in themselves by the manner of their mislike or indignation at the Petition of James and John Unwilling they were to give place and precedence unto them albeit they were their Lord and Masters kinsmen when the ten heard it saith Saint Matth. 20. 24. they were moved with indignation against the two brethren but Jesus called them unto him and said ye know the Princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them and they that are great exercise authoritie upon them But it shall not be so among you but whosoever will be great among you let him be your minister and whosoever will be chief among you let him be your servant Even as the Son of man came not to be ministred unto but to minister and to give his life a ransom for many The same Lesson had been taught them twice before As Mark 9. 34. by the way they had disputed amongst themselves who should be greatest and he sate down and called the twelve and saith unto them If any desire to be first he shall be the last of all and servant of all and he took a child and set him in the midst of them and when he had taken him in his arms he said unto them whosoever shall receive one of such children in my name receiveth me and whosoever shall receive me receiveth not me but him that sent me This admonition you see doth equally concern all the Twelve not James and John alone The Tenor of the admonition is this that no man is fit for the Kingdom of heaven unless he become as a child unless he receive it as a child that is unless they better affect a humble and childish disposition as well in themselves as in others then any pre-eminence or worldly dignity Thus much our Saviour expresly taught them Mark 10. 13. They brought yong children unto him that he should touch them and his disciples rebuked those that brought them But when Jesus saw it he was much displeased and saith unto them Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the Kingdom of God Verely I say unto you whosoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child he shall not enter therein and he took them up in his arms put his hands upon them and blessed them Thus he treated them not with reference to their Individual Persons but to their Qualifications hereby giving his disciples to understand that all such as seek to be actually blessed by him whatsoever their Parentage or other Prerogatives be they must be so qualified as these children were not so qualified they are not capable of the Kingdom of Heaven We must so demean our selves towards our heavenly Father out of knowledge and deliberation as little children do themselves towards their earthly parents out of simplicity or instinct of nature In respect of malice towards God or man we must be as little children but in knowledge of our own infirmities or more then childish impotency we must be men 8. To parallel the Conditions or properties of little children by nature with the properties of the children of God by supernatural Grace The very Impotencie of little children whilst they learn to go includes a power at least a proneness to fall though it be in the sink or channel but no power at all either to raise themselves or to make clean their garments from such stain or filth as they have contracted by their fall In this property we agree too well with them for as St. Austine saith Sufficit sibi liberum arbitrium admalum adbonum non We have a Liberty or Freedom of Will to defile our garments by falling or back-sliding after Baptism but no Freedom of will no power of our selves to rise again unto newness of life The Knowledge wherein we
he is likewise rewarded according to his Faith We may extend that Saying of our Saviour though spoken then but to one man unto all and every man According to their faith so shall it be done unto them And our Saviour in the Parable next before This Sentence expresly avoucheth that the Final Award or retribution shall be according to Faith Matth. 25. 23. Well done thou good and faithful servant thou hast been faithful over a few things I will make thee ruler over many things enter thou into the joy of thy Lord. No man shall be rewarded for any Works unless they were the Works of Faith or done in Faith To speak properly it is the Fidelity of our Works or our Fidelity in Working which shall be rewarded As for those Hypocrites against whom St James disputes and from whose Notion or Conceit of Faith the Romish School-men for the most part take their Description of Faith they had altogether as little of Abrahams Faith as they had of Abrahams Works For if they had been partakers of Abrahams faith then as our Apostle infers Gal. 3. 7 They had been the sons of Abraham and if they had been the sons of Abraham they would by our Saviours Inference have done the works of Abraham Such faith as they made brags of could not justifie them because it was a dead and fruitlesse faith devoid of works Such works as the Romish Church doth magnifie in opposition to faith can neither justifie nor receive any Reward because they are no faithful Works but rather like seeming fruits without any Root They put their works upon their faith as we do sweet flowers upon dead Corpses Neither can give life or perfection to others The best Censure that Christian Faith or Charity will permit us to give of their doctrine Concerning the nature of faith and works is This That albeit they all profess to believe that which their Church believes yet the most of them do neither believe nor practise as the Church in these points teacheth Their ignorance in this particular is much better then their knowledge of most of the rest But to conclude the first Position Because some of our Writers exclude all works from the work of Justification some Roman Writers I dare not say all sought to be even with them by excluding faith from sharing with works in the Final Award or retribution For besides this Eagerness of extream Opposition or desire to be contrary unto us it is not imaginable what could move any learned Writer amongst them to Affirm that this final Retribution shall be according to VVorks and Deny it According to Faith 4. About the Second Position there is no Controversie betwixt us and the Romish Church we hold Good works to be as necessary to salvation as they do As necessary according to both Branches of Necessity Necessarie they are Necessitate praecepti and necessarie likewise Necessitate medii necessarie by Precept or duty for God hath commanded us to do them he hath redeemed us to the end that we should serve him in righteousness and holiness But many things which are in this sense necessary in that their Omission doth necessarily include a breach of Gods Commandement and by consequent a sin do not alwayes induce or argue a Forfeiture of our Estate in Grace or utter exclusion from the' Kingdom of heaven For this Reason we say That Good works are necessary not only Necessitate praecepti by way of Command but Necessitate medii as the way and means so necessary to salvation that without the practise of them no man can be admitted into the Kingdom of Heaven Through the Omission of Good works many do forfeit that Interest which they truly had in the promises of everlasting Life In the promise it self all that are partakers of the Word and Sacrament all that acknowledge the Word revealed to be the way unto everlasting life have A true Interest Of the pledge or earnest of the blessing promised that is of justifying or sanctifying Grace none are partakers but such as are fruitful in Good works according to the means or abilities which God hath bestowed upon them Whether it be possible for such as are once estated in Grace to give over the Practise of Good works that here we leave to such as desire to exercise their wits in the controversies about Falling from Grace and the rather because we have spoke a word of that Point in the 26. Chapter of this Book Let them determine of the Categorical Affirmative or Negative as they please This Conditional is most certain If it be possible for him that hath Grace or Faith in what measure soever inherent to give over the practise of Good Works he shall thereby forfeit his present estate in Gods promises and defeat his hopes of inheriting the Kingdom of God Whosoever saith our Saviour shall break one of these Commandements and shall teach men so he shall be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven but whosoever shall do and teach them the same shall be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven For I say unto you that except your righteousnesse shall exceed the righteousnesse of the Scribes and Pharisees ye shall in no case enter into the Kingdom of Heaven Matth. 5. 20. Yet did these Scribes and Pharisees many Good Works and made conscience of many Duties which many Precise Ones in our dayes do not trouble their Consciences withal This notwithstanding These Scribes and Pharisees did exclude themselves from the Kingdom of Heaven as here established on earth by leaving other Good Works altogether or for the most part undone which the Law of God did no lesse require at their hands Even the Good Works which they did were not well done by them because they were not done in Faith they never came so near unto the Kingdom of Heaven as to acknowledge Christ for their Lord much lesse to be partakers of those Gifts and Graces of the Spirit which after his Ascension were bestowed on men Nor shall all they which were partakers of those Gifts and which did still acknowledge him for their Lord enter into the Kingdom which is here prepared for such as continue in well doing So saith our Saviour Not every one that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the Kingdom but he that doth c. Many will then say Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out divels and in thy name done many wonderful works And then will I profess unto them I never knew you Depart from me ye workers of iniquitie Matth. 7. 21 22. 5. But in this place We see the Sentence is not awarded for Positive Works of iniquitie but for Omission of the duties of charitie He saith not Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels Because ye have oppressed the poor and stranger or for that ye have robbed the Fatherless and made a prey of
affraid of being censured as Puritanes for speaking against them though out of this place then would have blushed to have been spectators of their lewd unseasonable sportings in places not so well be fitting their Calling I will not take upon me to Censure this or any like Recreation as altogether unlawful But what time hath been for sundry years past would God this present did presage much better to come wherein the use of these or other more unquestionable recreations might not justly be censured for superfluous if not preposterous And with what indignitie that worthy Bishop did prosecute these unseasonable vanities of his Countrymen I refer you to his books De Gubernatione Providentia a fit Manual for the volume but in these times an excellent Cordial for the matter Ludicra ergo publica Trever pet is Art thou an inhabitant of the miserable more then thrice ransacked Tryers and seekest thou after such fruitlesse toyes as playes Ubi quoeso exercendae Where on Gods name wilt thou have them acted an super bustum Cineres super sanguinem ossa mortuorum upon the Graves upon the ashes upon the blood and bones of thy massacred brethren and fellow Citizens The continuance of this vainitie in the living did in his estimation surpass the misery and infelicitie which had befalne the deceased 13. Death and the destroying Angel which by their often soaring hovering over our heads had over-shadowed this Citie and for the solitariness of these and like assembles had somtimes almost turned our day into night have now Gods name be praised for it taken their flight another way Yet shall not these Admonitions seem altogether so unseasonable now as our sportings were then Though secured we be from present dread yet may we without offence as men that had passed great dangers in their night Distempers or sudden affrights look back by day in Calm and sober thoughts upon our former wayes And I beseech you take these following speeches that distilled from that sage and learned Bishops zealous Pen as preservatives against the like dangerous times to come not as censures or invectives of mine to gall any for what is past Suppose this Reverend Bishop had lived amongst us how would he have taxed the unseasonable Luxuries of late times Go to now Oye that are strong to pour in wine or ye that have verified the Proverb by your practise that Mans life is but a stage play wherein you know to act none but the mimickes part ye that make your selves mutual sport by grieving or abusing others Go to now ye that have quite inverted Solomons Counsel ye that have wholly consecrated your selves to the house of mirth and feasting and hold it a hell to be drawn into the house of mourning where do ye mean to celebrate your wonted sports where shall your meriments where shall your pleasant meetings be what in the City which the Lord so often hath smitten which so often hath groaned under his heavie hand what even then when the sore did run amongst your brethren O fools and slow of heart to believe the writings of the Prophets and frequent Admonitions of so many holy and Religious men might not nature which nurtereth the heathen which teacheth the beasts of the field and birds of the air to know their season have also taught you how unseasonable your mirth how prodigious your insolence hath been What foul indignitie had you offered though you had offered it to a private man to revell it in the room wherein his children wherein his wife had laid a dying What humane heart what civil though unregenerate ear could endure to hear of one and the same family some in the midst of bitterest Agonies praying others swearing or blaspheming some panting for faintness or ratling for want of breath others cackling or shrugging at the sight of wanton sporting And dare you account them for whom Christ Jesus shed his blood lesse dear to him then dearest children are to loving Parents or wives to most loving husbands And what is this City in respect of him would God you would permit it so to be But at the best could you imagine it any more then the Chamber of the great King whom neither the heaven nor the heaven of heavens can contain Shall not his ear who filleth all places with his presence be as able to discern each dissonant noise or disagreeing speech or carriage within the wals or suburbs of this City as the most accurate musicians ear is to distinguish contrary Notes or jarring sounds within the compasse of a narrow parlour And what musick think you will it make in his ears or how will it sound to those harmonical spirits which by his appointment Pitch about this place when they shall hear in one corner some in the Agonie of their souls sending out grievious screiks and bitter outcries others out of their abundant heat of mirth and pastimes filling the streets with profuse immoderate clamors Some again praying with deep sighes and grievous groanes others foaming out their shame in drunken scurrilous or lascivious songs some having their hearts ready to break for grief others to burst their lungs with laughter These beloved have been the abuses in former times which any Reverent and zealous spirit that had lived amongst us justly might and questionless would have taxt more sharply And yet of such reproofes the best of us might well in some measure have been sharers But these dangers are gone long since would God the guilt of our sins were as far removed from us If it remain like times may return again What then remains but that we repent of what is past and take heed of what is to come Lord never let the pensive sighs the mournful groanes or grievous out-cryes of dying men be mingled with our lavish mirth and sportings O let not the songs of pleasure and the voice of death ascend the heavens or appear at thy Tribunal seat together least This most unseasonable discord sound still in thy ear until the sound of the Angels Trumpet summon us to that fearful Judgement wherein they may laugh and we may cry wherein their comfortless sighes and dolorous groanes may be changed into everlasting Haleluiahs of joy and peace and all immoderate unlawful mirth all unseasonable and untimely pleasures be terminated with endless grief And as for such as seek to raise the spirit of unhallowed mirth and belch out their scurrilous Jests by powring in wine and strong drink even in the dayes wherein the Lord hath called them to fasting and mourning O that they could consider the time may come wherein they shall wish for one drop of that liquor for a whole day which now they pour in hourly without measure to cool their scorched tongues And yet unto their greater misery shall not be heard in so miserable a wish but in the continual want of this and all other comfort their pleasant songs shall be turned into bitter howlings Their
matter at least to the Prophets foresight of question But that the Lord would repent him of the plagues denounced so they would pray in faith was Iuris liquidi a point whereof he never doubted Nor is it possible our hearts should ever be throughly pierced with the right conceit either of our own or of our Countries sins without this undoubted Perswasion of Gods infinite love towards all and every one of us Impossible it is for us his Embassadors to be armed with such indefatigable Courage and diligence as the times require either for discharge of our duty in denouncing his plagues against the impenitent or in averting men from impenitency and exciting them to true repentance until our souls be firmly possessed with the Prophets Doctrine Of Gods immutable Facility to repent him of such plagues as without our repentance are eternally and immutably decreed against us These Alternations of Gods loving kindness and severitie towards the Same People yea towards the same Individual Persons are as the Tropicks under which the Messengers of Peace must constantly run their contrary courses sometime exhorting with all long-suffering to embrace his mercies otherwhile sharply reproving and powerfully threatning his fearful Judgements Constancy in truly observing and duly entertaining the just occasions of this contrariety in the matter of our message is as the Centre on which our souls being throughly setled the whole Frame of our affections whether of love unto their persons or of hate unto their sins over whom he hath made us over-seers becomes parallel to the Almighties Will who though he punish the impenitent with death temporal and eternal yet doth he not will their impenitencie but useth all meanes possible to bring them unto true repentance 12. It is I confess A matter hard for flesh and blood to conceive so much as may satisfie this desire of knowing the manner how Omnipotency should for many generations be possessed with an eager longing after a peoples safety which in the end must be destroyed How the great Creator of Heaven and Earth which gave Being to all things by his Word and made our souls immortal by his breath should be as it were in a continual childbirth of sinful men seeking to fashion and quicken them with the Spirit of Life and yet they after all this travel prove but abortive and mis-shapen like the untimely fruit of a woman which never saw the Sun never to be seen amongst the living But no marvel if we poor Worms of the earth blind and naked perceive not the force or nature of those burning flames of eternal and unchangeable Love such is the very nature of our God seeing they are seated in that glorious inaccessible light Yet of that eternal and glorious Sun whose brightness no mortal eye may look upon and live we may behold a true and perfect Module in the Ocean of mercy and compassion in the watry eyes of the Son of God with sighs bewailing impoenitent Jerusalems woful Case If thou hadst known even thou at least in this thy day the things that belong unto thy peace but now they are hid from thine eyes Luke 19. 42. And elsewhere O Hierusalem Hierusalem thou that killest the Prophets and stonest them that are sent unto thee how often would I have gathered thy children together even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings and ye would not Matth. 23. 37. If Christ Jesus as truly God as man did thus thirst after Ierusalems peace after Ierusalem thus glutted with the Prophets blood did thirst most eagerly after his farre be it from us to think his loving kindness is utterly estranged from us albeit our sins have made a great separation betwixt him and us Let us not then trifle out the time with Curious Disputes concerning the manner of his Decree but rather seek him with all speed and diligence whilest he may be found laying sure hold on his mercie before the swift approach of his iudgements violently haled down each day more than other by the grievous weight of our sins remove it without the reach of Ordinary Repentance 13. It is a truth most delightful and comfortable to Contemplate That The Immensitie of our God is as full of mercy and compassion as the Sea is of water or the body of the Sun of light But let us withall consider That the more abundant his loving kindness towards us the more sweet and fragrant his invitations have been the more grievously have we provoked his fierce wrath and indignation by our continual wilful refusal to be gathered under the shadow of his wings daily stretcht out in mercy for our safety Be we sure God knows his own as well as we do ours and will not be over-reached by us The longer we deferre the renewing of his wonted favours the dearer we must account it will cost us our suit at death will be more difficult Those prayers those tears those sighs or other attendants or concomitants of true repentance which in times past would have gone for currant will hereafter be esteemed light or counterfeit And yet alas Who is he in Court or Country in the City or in the Village in the Academy or among the Ignorant or illiterate that layes his own or others sins to heart as he should Or poures forth such fervent prayers and supplications unto his God as our Predecessors have done upon lesse signification of his displeasure and fewer fore-warnings of his judgements then we have had continually these divers years past Yea who is he amongst all the Sons of Levi that with Jeremy and Baruch hath utterly disavowed all care or study of his own advancement or contentment that he may entirely consecrate his soul his thoughts and best imployments to his Masters will to take away the precious from the vile to be as Gods mouth to cause others to conform themselves to him not to conform himself to them To set himself as a wall of brass for this rebellious people to fight against whilst he thunders out Gods judgments against great and small without all respect of persons Nay doth not Nobility Gentry and Commonalty Clergy and Laity yea I dare say it as well singula generum as genera singulorum so mightily set their minds on great matters and so stretch their inventions either for getting more or for improving what they have gotten to the utmost value as if we would give God and men to understand that we had no inheritance in that Good Land wherein The Lord placed our Fathers But only a short Remainder of an expiring Estate which we despere to renew or as if we would have it proclaimed in Gath or published in Askalon that the fear of them is already fallen upon the natural Inhabitants of this Land now labouring only to prevent them in gathering up the present commodities or to defeat them of their expected spoil We demean our selves just as the manner is when Enemies more potent then can safely be forthwith
place it where he list But if the inordinate desire of gain do mis-sway men by profession Christians to use deceit in bargaining to over-reach their Neighbors or to work their own advantage out of their brethrens miseries or necessities they transgresse the second great Commandement as grievously as the Heathen did the sum whereof you know is to love our Neighbors as our selves to do to all as we desire to be done unto And by the manner and measure of transgressing these two great Commandements on which the whole Law and Prophets hang the true measure as of Idolatry so of all other sins must be taken 10. If we should take an unpartial survey of all the several sorts or conditions of men throughout this Land and of their demeanors in their several callings What root or branch of goodness is there wherein we can be imagined to overtop many Heathen Nations unless it be in point of Faith and Opinion But these we know without correspondencie in practise of good life will be so farre from justifying us in respect of the Heathens or Infidels that they will more deeply condemn us Covetousness deceit and violences were not more rife amongst private Heathens then they are with us If opportunity serve Homo homini fit lupus every one is as a snare or gin unto his neighbor The Remedy which God hath appointed for this enormitie are publick Laws and Courts of Justice And yet if the greivances which private men suffer from one another were put in one scale and the greivances which befal them from the corruptions of Courts appointed to do them right whether these be Civil or Ecclesiastick were put in the contrary Scale it would be hard to determine whether sort of greivances would overpoize others And if the remedie prove worse then the disease what hope of health As for drunkenness ryot and other prophaneness these were not so rife in many Heathen Nations as they are now in most Christian States because for the most part more severely punished amongst them then they are with us and yet I pray God that the sins of the Pulpit and of the Printing-house may be found much lighter then the sins of the Play-house or the Tavern c. when the great Moderator of Heaven and Earth shall weigh them in the Balance of his un-erring Justice This is certain that notorious delinquents almost in every other kind are ashamed to justifie themselves when their facts come to light their very Consorts will not be their Advocates when they are proved against them Whereas many popular Sermons and Treatises albeit ful stuft with Characters of more then Heathenish pride hatred malice sedition and scurrilitie pass for currant amongst the factions Consorts as containing rare expressions of fervent zeal in Gods cause and of sincere love to true Religion And if the light of the body be dark how great must the darkness of that body be 11. In drunkenness in gluttony in wantonness and other branches of licentiousness some Heathen Nations in former ages haply have exceeded us But in this publick and farre spreading licentiousness of tongues and pens in bitter invectives against their brethren in audacious libelling against lawful Superiors no Age before the Art of Printing was invented could no State or Nation since the invention of that Art hath exceeded or may compare with those times wherein and those people with whom we live But admit the faults or delinquencies of our time were but equal to the delinquencies of the Heathen yet as that ancient and religious Writer Salvianus well observes Though the vices of the Heathens and the Christians were but equal yet the same vices are more criminous and scandalous in Christians then they can be in the Heathen If the Heathens were prophane were covetous were dissolute licentious or disobedient what great matter is it they never heard of A Redemption from this vain conversation to be purchased at so high a rate as with the pretious blood of the only Son of God They never were called solemnly to vow integrity of life and conversation as a service due unto that Lord which had redeemed them All this we have done and yet have left our Masters will which we vowed to do altogether undone yea continue to do the will of his Enemie with as great alacrity and fidelity as the Infidels or Heathens do Again the Heathens had no expectation of any gratious immortal reward for well-doing they feared no dreadful doom or sentence after death for the errors or mis-doings of this mortal life But we ever since we learned the ten Commandements and our Creed have been hedged in on the right hand and on the left on the right hand with hopes of a most blessed everlasting life on the left hand with fear of an endless and never-dying death and yet have transgressed these bounds have on both hands out-rayed as licentiously as the Heathens did Surely one special reason why after so long so much good preaching there is so little practice of good life so much licentiousness in the wayes of death is because we Preachers do not maintain that double hedge which Christ hath set us for keeping us in order that is we do not press the fear of death and hope of life everlasting so forcibly and seasonably as we ought and might Now these meditations of everlasting life and everlasting death are the points whereunto these discussions upon this Text have been praemised God grant you docile hearts and me the Spirit of Grace and Understanding for rectifying your hopes and fears of your final reward in that last and dreadful Day CHAP. XLI 2 CHRON. 24. 22. The Lord look upon it and require it 1. THe Sayings of men in perfect health of mind are then most pithy and their Testifications most valid when their bodily limbs and senses are at the weakest pitch And the Admonitions or Presages of wise Governors whether Temporal or Ecclesiastick sink deeper into sober hearts being uttered upon their death-beds then if they were delivered upon the Bench or Throne These few words amount unto an higher Point of Consideration then these Generalities import For They are the last words of a great High-Priest and a great Prophet of the Lord of a Prophet not by General Calling only but uttered by him whilest the Spirit of Prophesie did rest upon him They are the words of Zechariah the Son and lawful Successor to that Heroical High-Priest Jehoiada who had been the chief Protector of the Kingdom of Judah A Foster-Father unto the present King The Restorer of Davids Line when it did hang but by one slender thred unto its Antient Strength and Dignity 2. The Points most considerable in the survey of this Text are Three First The Plain and Literal sense which wholly depends upon the Historical Circumstances as well precedent as subsequent Second The Emblematical Portendment of that prodigious fact which did provoke this dying Priest and Prophet of the
true Comment on my Text Therefore said the wisdom of God I will send them Prophets and Apostles and some of them they shall slay That the blood of all the Prophets shed from the foundation of the world may be required of this generation from the blood of Abel unto the blood of Zacharias Verily I say unto you it shall be required of this generation Luke 11. v. 49 50 51. The Emphatical resuming of the Terms which Zacharias used It shall be required of this generation implies as much as if our Saviour had said The day of vengeance and execution which Zacharias sollicited against your fathers for their Apostasie from God and their Cruelty towards him is yet to come His innocent blood which was in part required of that wicked King and the Princes which shed it shall be required in fuller measure of this generation which is more bloodily minded then that was and herein worse then all the former in that it will not take warning either by Cain's punishment or the calamities which befel this people for their cruelty towards Zacharias and other Prophets For the Army of the Syrians came with a small company and the Lord delivered a very great hoast into their hands because they had forsaken the Lord So they executed judgment against Joash And left him in great diseases and his own servants conspired against him for the blood of the sons of Jehoiadah the Priest and slew him 2 Chron 24 24 25. 5. Yet some there be which question Whether Zacharias did not use these words only by way of Prophecie fearing belike least his using of them by way of Curse or Imprecation might argue he died not in perfect charity But seeing he was a Prophet he might foresee many reasons unknown to us not to pray for them but against them Or if out of the bitterness of his soul or indignation at this graceless Kings ingratitude he did thus pray against him and his people we may not condemn him of sin although it would be a damnable sin in us to imitate him in like Cases Nor is it necessary we should think he did wish their eternal destruction but only indefinitely desire that God would not suffer such an Execrable Conspiracie to go unpunished least others should be emboldened to do the like And though we know not upon what motives or warrants all other Prophets of God or Types of Christ in their perplexity and distress so zealously pray for vengeance against their malicious persecutors yet we should know One true Use or End of these their usual practises to be this that the world might note the difference between them and the promised Messias who though he had suffered greater indignities more open shame and more greivous vexations at this peoples hands then all his fore-runners had done yet never complains never prayes against them but for them even whiles they crucifie him This his peculiar Character argues he came into the world not to condemn but to save it And when his Disciples desire him to call down fire from heaven as Elias did he derives his sharp Check from this Principle which they should have known Ye know not what Spirit ye are of for the Son of God is not come to destroy mens lives but to save them Luke 9. 55. Did then Elias or Elisha his Scholar sin in taking vengeance upon the enemies of their God Who dare avouch it Or if to execute vengeance were lawful to them as they were Prophets was it unlawful for Zacharias upon greater personal indignities to desire the Lord would revenge his death Yet Christs Disciples might not do so because they were to be of another Spirit as having a better example set by their Master at his death 6. But whence is it that Zacharias's curse should take better effect against this Generation which had never offended him never known him then our Saviours prayers powred out for their safety whiles he offered himself in sacrifice Was it possible Zacharias's spirit of cursing and indignation should be stronger so long after his death then the spirit of prayer and blessing was in the Redeemer of Israels living mouth God forbid Rather this Generation by reviving their fore-fathers sins awaked Gods Justice to renew their plagues and by their impenitencie made themselves uncapable of that General Pardon which Christ had procured for all that be penitent or would rightly use it But neither did he pray that their stubbornness might be pardoned nor did Zachariah's curse make them stubborn Their impenitency is from themselves and whiles they continue stubborn and impenitent they can have no Allowance of that General Pardon which they will not plead or stand to as standing too much upon their own integrity Since Christs death they have been perpetually punished for their impenitencie yet not punished with perpetual impenitencie for putting him to death But take we them as they are in their impenitency may we think they were thus grievously punished for shedding His Blood or for the blood of Abel Zacharias and other Prophets unjustly shed by their fore-fathers for their personal hatred against him as the Son of God or for their habitual hatred and opposition unto that truth which made his person and presence as it had done all the Prophets before him so hateful unto them They were plagued questionless for that Blood which was required of them And that was Zacharias's and Abel's Blood not Christs 7. That this multiplication of punishment cannot be meant only of the same persons multiplying the same or the like offences but withall of different ages or successions is apparent partly because it is spoken generally of the whole State or Nation partly from the different specifical qualitie or extent of the plagues here mentioned often inflicted on several generations of the Israelites But specially from the Tenour and purpose of the Law it self strictly enjoyning the scattered Reliques of this people after execution of the last plague To confess the iniquity of their Fathers as an especial Duty to be performed on their parts and as a necessary mean in Gods Ordination for their Absolution or deliverance And if without Confession of their fathers iniquitie they cannot be absolved from their own their fathers iniquitie not repented of was their own so was the punishment due unto it The Consequence is evident to Reason but more evident from the express words of the Text Ye shall perish among the heathen and the land of your enemies shall eat you up And they that are left of you shall pine away in their iniquity in your enemies lands and also in the iniquities of their fathers shall they pine away with them If they shall then confess the iniquities of their fathers with their trespass which they trespassed against me and that also they have walked contrary unto me And that I have also walked contrary unto them and have brought them into the land of their enemies If then their uncircumcised
ignorant of his Call that had often redeemed them from their enemies How often would I have gathered you and you would not Here were large matter for Rhetorical Digressions or mellifluous Encomions of Divine Love Points wherein many Learned Divines have in later times been very copious yet still leaving the truth of that Love which they so magnifie very questionable It shall suffice me at this time First To prove the undoubted truth and unfeignednesse of Gods tender Love even towards such Cast-awayes as these proved to whom he made this protestation Secondly To unfold as far as is fitting for us to inquire how it is possible that they should not be gathered unto God nor saved by Christ whose gathering and whose safety he to whom nothing can be impossible had so earnestly so tenderly and constantly longed after These are Points of such Use and Consequence that if God shall enable me soundly though plainly to unfold their truth you will I hope dispense with me for want of artificial Exornations or words more choice then such as naturally spring out of the matters handled as willingly as the poor amongst you pardon good house-keepers for wearing nothing but home-spun cloth For as it is hard for a man of ordinary means to bestow much on his own back and feed many bellies so neither is it easie for me and my present opportunities both to feed your souls with the Truth and to cloath my Discourse with choice words and flourishing phrases And I am perswaded many Preachers might in this Argument often prove more Theological so they could be content to be lesse Rhetorical My purpose is not to dissent from any of the Reformed Churches but only in those particulars wherein they evidently dissent from themselves and from General Principles of Truth acknowledged by all that believe God or his Word 3. Were I to speak in some Audience of this Point it would be needful to dip my pen in Nectar or sweeten my voice with Ambrosia to allay the harshnesse of this Position That God should so earnestly desire the conversion of such as perish Howbeit the surest Grounds of that Charitie which God requires should be in every one of us towards all our greatest enemies not excepted is Firm Belief of this his unspeakable Love towards all even towards such as kill his Prophets and stone the Messengers of their peace I exhort saith the Apostle 1 Tim. 2. 1. that first of all supplications prayers intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men for Kings and for all that are in authoritie Yet did most such in those dayes oppress Christians and draw them before Judgement Seats James 2. 6. even because they did pray unto the true God for them who did blaspheme that worthy Name c. This Dutie notwithstanding which was so odious unto those great and rich men for whose good it was performed S. Paul tells us was good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour 1 Tim. 2. 3. Why acceptable in his sight Because v. 4. he would have all men and therefore the sworn enemies of the Gospel to be saved and to come to the knowledg of the truth which they now oppugned Or if the expresse Authoritie of the Apostle suffice not his Reasons drawn from the Principles of Nature will perswade such as have not quenched the Light of Nature by setting not the corruptions only but the very Essence of Nature at odds with Grace For v. 5. there is one God had there beene moe every one might have been conceived as partial for his own Creatures But in as much as all of us have but one Father his love to every one must needs be greater then any earthly Parents love unto their children in as much as we are more truly His then Children are their Parents But here as the Apostle foreseeth might be Replyed That albeit God be One and the onely Creator of all yet in as much as all of us are the Seed of Rebels with whom he is displeased our Mediator might be more partial and commend some to Gods love neglecting others To prevent this Scruple the Apostle adds ver 5. that as there is but One God so there is but One Mediator between God and Man and he of the same Nature with us A Man But men are partial yet so is not the Man Christ Jesus that is The Man annointed by the Holy Ghost to be the Saviour of the world As he truly took our flesh upon him that he might be a faithful and affectionate High Priest so that we might conceive of him as of an unpartial Solicitor or Mediator betwixt God and us he took not our Nature enstampt with any Individual Properties Characters or References to any one Tribe or Kindred Father according to the flesh he had none but was framed by the sole immediate hand of God to the end that as the eye because it hath no set colour is apt to receive the impression of every colour So Christ because he had not those carnal References which others have but was without father without brother without sister on earth might be unpartial towards all and account every one that doth the will of his Father which is in heaven as sister mother and brother Thus saith the Lord unto the Eunuchs that keep my Sabbaths and chuse the things that please me and take hold of my Covenant Even unto them will I give in mine house and within my walls a place and a Name better then of sons and of daughters I will give them an everlasting Name that shall not be cut off Briefly he is A Brother to all mankind more loving and more affectionate then brothers of intire blood are one towards another 4. The very Ground of the Apostles Reason thus barred will of its owne accord reverberate that distinction which hath been laid against his meaning by some otherwise most worthy defendants of the truth The Distinction is that when the Apostle saith God will have all men to be saved he means Genera singulorum not singula generum Some few of all sorts not all of every sort Some rich some poor some learned some unlearned some Jewes some Gentiles some Italians some English c. The Illustrations which they bring to justifie this manner of speech did the time permit I could retort upon themselves and make them speak more plainly for my Opinion then for theirs It shall be sufficient by the way to note the Impertinencie of the Application supposing the Instances brought by them were justifiable by the Illustrations which they bring Or to shew how little it could weaken Our Assertion although it might intercept all the strength or aid this Place affords for the Fortification of it For what can it help them to turn these words because they make towards us from their ordinary and usual meaning or to restrain Gods Love only unto such as are saved when as the Current of it in