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A44277 Apokalypsis anastaseĊs The resurrection revealed, or, The dawnings of the day-star about to rise and radiate a visible incomparable glory far beyond any since the creation upon the universal church on earth for a thousand yeers yet to come, before the ultimate day of the general judgement to the raising of the Jewes, and ruine of all antichristian and secular powers, that do not love the members of Christ, submit to his laws and advance his interest in this design : digested into seven bookes with a synopsis of the whole treatise and two tables, 1 of scriptures, 2 of things, opened in this treatise / by Dr. Nathanael Homes. Homes, Nathanael, 1599-1678. 1653 (1653) Wing H2560; ESTC R4259 649,757 646

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both in the representation in the first eight verses and in the Song the summe of all the Revelation and state of the Church as some most learnedly observe in the tenth verse the Saints sing praise to the Lambe that Hee makes them unto God KINGS and PRIESTS AND that they shall REIGNE on EARTH the selfe same words as in Rev. 20. v. 6. onely the thousand yeers are not in Chap. 5. and on EARTH not expresse in Chap. 20. Reigning in both places is brought in with a copulative AND as an additionall to Kings and Priests to God I onely alleadge these Scriptures now but to give you an hint of the Saints most eminent reigning in the thousand yeeres in Scripture-language rather then in mine owne words I shall after Christ assisting in a more proper place of this Treatise amply discusse these Texts to your content Meane while the Reader cannot but see if he observe well and hee must observe the Scriptures more accurately then ever if hee will see this truth now in hand that these places hold forth a GLORIOUS REIGNE of the Saints on earth over the whole earth in soul and body upon the fall of the fourth Monarchy and its two limbs of seven and three Hornes Dan. 7.24 Pope and Turke Rome and Babylon And by this a meditating minde may presently divine much of the preeminence of the Saints state on earth yet to come above former conditions SECT II. Analecta de Sanctis hos mille annos in terrâ REGNANTIBUS § 1 1 SAncti dicuntur Apocal. cap. 20. v. 4. non solum Vivere verum etiam REGNARE mille illos annos ad distinguendos palam impios illo tempore non mortuos religione Hypocritas candorem simulantes ob latum Ecclesiae imperium in toto terrarum orbe cujus vel gloria eorum oculos vel ●ama aures tremore intus occupante obtundit HI dum VIVUNT haud REGNANT cùm totum illud MILLENARIUM serviant peccato Ecclesiaeque sint mancipia § 2 2. Sancti verò ità eodem tempore REGNANT ut praesens eorum conditio omnes supereminet ante MILLE annos transactas Cujus faelicitatem hic tangere solùm licebit cùm pleniorem de eâ tractatum in quintum librum ut proprium illius subjectum detulimus Regnabunt summatim dicere hos MILLE annos tum animâ tum corpore in terris gloriosissimè Hanc summam per partes è quatuor Scripturarum loc is habemus absolutam quas jam recensere sufficiet Dan. cap. 7. v. 26. Sed judicium considebit dominatus EIUS quartae nimirum Monarchiae auferetur profligando perdendo u●que in finem REGNUM autem DOMINATUSQUE amplitudo REGNI sub TOTO CAELO dabitur POPULO SANCTORUM excelsorurn cujus REGNUM erit perpetuum omnes DOMINATIONES EI SERVIENT AUSCULTABUNT Cujus testimonii verba phrases ordo locus tempus observanti animo rem nostram facilè comprobabunt Apocalyps 7.9 ad finem Turba multa ex omnibus gentibus tribubus Lingus quae unica est in Caelis amicti stolis albis PALMAE in manibus eorum quarum vel similium in Empyreo nullus planè usus clamabant voce magnâ Salus a Deo nostro c. Tum me compellavit unus ex illis SENIORIBUS quam relationem ignorant Caeli isti amicti qui sunt undeque venerunt quos in Caelo si vidisset Johannes inutilis fuisset quaestio Hi colunt Deum die nocte in Templo ejus qui proteget eos umbraculo sic Beza Grecè 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 phrases ad beatitudinem Caelestem depingendam ineptae Non esurient nec sititient amplius c. Agnus pascet eos ducetque eos ad vivos aquarum fontes abstersurus omnem lachrymam Quarum rerum quod ad ipsum Caelum haud opus fuit Johanni pignore aliquo vel narratione Apocalyps 14. v. 1. c. Agnus stat super Sion cum eo centum quadraginta quatuor millia habentia nomen ejus patris ejus scriptum in frontibus sancti proculdubio sunt bene noti in Caelo sine notis Hi sequuntur 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Agnum quocunque eat ideò non sunt in Caelo sunt primitiae Deo Agno ergo Massa in Empyreo adhuc est peragenda Deinde Evangelizatur terrae incolis tribuite Deo gloriam nam venit hora JUDICII SUI alius Angelus sequutus est cecidit Babylon c. Trahat haec qui poterit ad ultimum Christi judicium statumque beatorum defendatque si queat Babylonem urbem illam magnam ante illud tempus non ruituram Denique Apocal. c. 5. tum typo tum cantico Doctorum observatione quoddam totius libri summarium Ecclesiaque restitutae status exemplar infert v. 10. eodem pene cum v. 6. c. 20. Sanctos laudantes non tantum quod Christus fecisset eos Deo Reges Sacerdotes sed etiam quod REGNATURI SUNT idque in TERRA SECT III. Something of the Saints Reigning WITH CHRIST this time of the thousand yeers THis REIGNING of the Saints those thousand yeers is emphatically expressed to bee WITH CHRIST Rev. 20.6 as in Rev. 5.10 The Saints are brought in applying it to themselves in faith with joy Thou O Lamb hast made us Kings and Priests TO OUR God and wee shall REIGNE on earth So here in this 20. Chapt. v. 6. it is further Prophetically represented and promised That they shall bee Priests OF GOD and OF CHRIST and shall REIGNE with HIM a thousand yeeres The Booke as I may say exactly answering to the Preface 2. Now as Christ is said to Reigne in that speciall manner after the full fall of the fourth and last Monarchy body and limbes as if in comparison afore that he did not reigne so proportionably the Saints reigning with him at this time their reigning is so glorious as if before that all their reigning was no reigning 3. Let us see a small Landskip of all this together in a Scripture or two alleadged more briefly For wee must adjourne the large discusse of them till after unlesse I should weary my selfe and the Reader with repetitions and disorder Dan. 7. v. 9. c. to v. 15. The Thrones were SET so the original and the Ancient of dayes did sit with a most numerous multitude before him and the judgement or Judicature was set And I beheld then because of the great words which the Horne spake And I beheld even till the Beast was slaine and his body destroyed c. and I saw in the night visions and behold one like the SONNE OF MAN that is CHRIST came with the clouds of Heaven and came to the ANCIENT of DAYES namely GOD the FATHER that hee might be set before him And there was GIVEN to him namely to CHRIST THE Dominion THE Glory and THE Kingdome so the Greeke gives it in emphatically and the intent of the
distinct as that the Apostle makes them opposite 2 Cor. 5.7 Heb. 11. oft Therefore every eye seeing him cannot signifie a sight of faith onely There needed not any expression of EYE or of his being in the Clouds to signifie a sight by faith Wee can now see him in Heaven by faith It is a question whether every eye that is said here to see him shall at first sight see him by faith For EVERY EYE must see him and ALL KINDREDS of the EARTH shall mourne Sure his Antichristian enemies generally shall not see him by faith whom he destroyes at his coming Rev. 19. last 2 Thess 2. to make way for the reigning of the Saints Rev. 20. EVEN SO AMEN John did believe saw Christ by faith but for that sight of him in the Clouds to be visible to him and all the Kindreds of the earth he prayes and raiseth up his faith with an hearty Amen that so it shall bee So that by all these things it is most evident that of a time and state following Christs Ascention John speakes here Nor on the other side can this Revel 1.7 bee understood of the ultimate day of judgement 1. Because it is the same with Zech. 1.10 and so for the same reasons cannot bee meant of that day of judgement 2. Because this is set here as the maine and generall Proposition to the Book of the Revelation in which the Master-peece is to set forth Christ to come and set up his Church into a most glorious estate on earth before the day of judgement as wee shall see abundantly afterwards and to make her reigne with him on earth 3. It were very incongruous for John in the last clause of verse 6. to applaud Christs DOMINION as to continue FOR EVER that is while times and ages last as the Greek imports and in the next breath in the first clause of the seventh verse to say he cometh to make an end of his Dominion For the ultimate day of judgement is the last act of Christs Dominion which done Christ layes downe all his Dominion that God may bee all in all 1 Cor. 15.24.28 Wee may not imagine such incoherencies in Johns expression now most eminently filled with the Spirit Therefore I must needs conclude that there is no such likely time of such an eminent coming of Christ and appearing to his Church as this at the time of Restitution of all things Something of this place will be more plain by that in the next Section § 4 But before wee come to that let us collate and lay together the two precedent places of Zech. 12.10 and Revel 17. and out of both containing the same sense and in the same words let us draw this argument as the summe of both Zechary the Prophet and John the Apostle both prophesie in the aforesaid places of one and the same personall appearance of Christ visibly to the eyes of men on earth after his Ascention But this cannot bee understood of his appearance at the ultimate generall judgement because they speake of his pouring out of grace and giving repentance to the families of the Jewes and of his Dominion thence to continue for many ages to the ultimate end of the world Therefore the said visible appearance of Christ is yet to bee before the ultimate day of judgement Which when should it bee but at the conversion of the Jewes and the throwing downe of his apparent obstinate Antichristian enemies as the circumstances of the said places before hinted doe cleerly evince SECT III. OF THE third PLACE OF SCRIPTURE for Christs Personall Appearance at the great Restauration of the Church viz. Matth. 24. v. 30. And then shall appeare the signe of the Sonne of man in Heaven and then shall all the Tribes of the earth mourne and they shall see the Sonne of man coming in the Clouds of Heaven with power and great glory § 1 OBserve distinctly every clause and word 1. Then shall appeare the signe of the Sonne of man that is the Sonne of man shall appeare for a signe that great things are at hand as it followes in this verse they shall see the sonne of man and mourne 2. The signe of the Sonne of man in Heaven He was before in the highest third Heaven but now in the lowest first Heaven namely of the Clouds as it follows also in this verse 3. And then shall all the TRIBES of the EARTH intimating Jewes as well as Gentiles mourne Why They shall see the Sonne of man that is as man How mourne Doubtlesse Christ meanes as Zechary meant and John meant namely the Jewes with godly repentance and his obstinate open enemies with desperation for the ruine that is coming upon them 4. Coming IN the Clouds or UPON the Clouds See now what was Johns meaning Rev. 1.7 when he said Christ should come WITH the Clouds To this matter with and in is all one And which is considerable our New Translators concur with us as by quotation in the Margin to make this and Rev. 1.7 to be parallel places tending to the same thing § 2 Now Christ spake this before his Ascention and going away above the clouds Therefore it must needs be that this must bee fulfilled after he hath attended above the Clouds Then and not till then will it be rightly said and properly fulfilled that he comes in the Clouds So the Angels at Christs Ascention Act. 1. After that in v. 9.10 He was taken up and a Cloud received him out of their sight the Disciples looking stedfastly towards heaven as he went up they say unto them This same Jesus which is TAKEN up from you into heaven shall SO COME It must needs be improper to say he shall COME IN the Clouds before hee be gone above the Clouds Before hee came at incarnation in the Virgins wombe and in a Manger But now after his Ascention above the Clouds hee shall come in the Clouds § 3 Nor can this his coming and appearance in the Clouds be here understood of his coming at the ultimate day of judgement because of that but foure verses after namely v. 34. which Christ affirmeth with grand asseveration namely Verily I say unto you THIS GENERATION shall not passe till ALL THESE things bee fulfilled And then hee seales it and binds it up in the next verse viz. v. 35. Heaven and earth shall passe away but my words and particularly those words aforegoing shall not passe away A seale doth sometimes represent the Writer as well as the words of the writing This doth something also explaine the former passages of this Chapter That heaven and earth shall passe at Christs coming that is in quality not in substance saith Oecumenius on the 21 of Revel there shall bee a new heaven and a new earth the old passing away as Isa 65.2 Pet. 3. Rev. 21. but Christs word for his Personal appearance to his people before the ultimate day of judgement shall not passe For this appearance of Christ in the
to the last place afore handled out of the New Testament this vision much enlightening that Parable in ver 26 27. the close expounding that Parable as the Preface ver 11 12. explaines that it concernes the time following upon the ruine of the foure Monarchies § 2 In the eleventh and twelfth verses the foure Beasts that is the foure Monarchies are slaine as it is expounded after verse 17. The foure great Beasts are foure Kings instead of them Daniel sees in a vision ver 13 14. One like the Sonne of Man come WITH THE CLOVDES of Heaven and came to the Ancient of dayes and they brought him neere before him which notably agrees with that place last spoken of Luke 19.11 c. where it is said Christ went into a farre Country to receive to himselfe a Kingdome and returne And that visibly saith this of Daniel with the Clouds or in the Clouds as Rev. 1.7 in way of Preface to this his Kingdome Rev. 11. Rev. 20. And saith Daniel ver 14. There was given to him that was like the Son of Man DOMINION and glory and a KINGDOME that all People Nations and Languages should serve him Just as Luke 19.15 according to the Greek he returned receiving the kingdom When he visibly returned he received a Kingdome here below else why did he returne Adde that here below he exercised visible destruction upon his enemies for it is not said as of the unworthy Talenter he cast them into utter darknesse but he caused them to be slaine afore his face SECT II. Of the second place of Scripture out of the Old Testament for Christs visible appearance at the great restauration of the Church Jer. 25.5.6 Behold the dayes come saith the Lord that I will raise unto David a righteous branch and a King shall reigne and PROSPER and shall execute JUDGEMENT AND JUSTICE in THE EARTH In his dayes Judah shal be saved and ISRAEL SHALL DWELL safely and this is his name whereby hee shal bee called THE LORD OVR RIGHTEOVSNESSE § 1 FIrst it is evident by the last clause that the Lord Christ is the person here meant it being his incommunicable name Act. 4.12 2 Cor 5. last § 2 Nextly It is as apparent by the whole Series of Jeremiahs Prophesie that this relateth to the times after Judahs Captivity in Babilon Israel having been carried away captive long afore § 3 Lastly It is beyond all objection that Christ did yet never so reigne upon earth as this Text holds forth as may be made appeare with few words in these particulars 1. Christ must reigne and prosper That is must be every way glorious and successefull so that Judah and Israel shall owne him for their King and call him the Lord their righteousnesse 2 He shall execute justice and judgement in the earth it is not said he shall preach justice or judgement or execute it in heavenly places but he shall execute it upon or in the earth 3. In his dayes JUDAH shal be saved and ISRAEL shal dwell safely viz. being gathered out of all Countries ver 3. But the Lord Christ did yet never thus reigne Instead of reigning and prospering in the eyes of Israel and Iudah he was as a branch blasted a thing accursed Isa 53. ver 3 4 c. so that the Iewes for the generall dis-owned him proceeding against him as a Malefactor guilty of many of the highest Crimes and for matters of Iustice and Iudgement in the earth he refused to meddle with the smallest matters as to give his opinion touching the Adulteresse or to divide the inheritance Nor then nor yet ever did Israel returne from Captivity and dwell safely if wee might say Iudah did at Christs first coming in the flesh as we may not because they were then under the Heathen Roman power as conquered and tributaries Luke 3.1 § 4 Nor may any put this off with Christs Spirituall reigning for so he did alwayes from the Creation but this is in the future tense hee shal reigne to signifie his reigning so as never before SECT III. Of the third Scripture ●●t of the Old Testament for Christs visible appearance at the great restauration of the Church Zach. 2.10 11 12. compared with Zach. 14. ver 4 5 6 7 8 9. Sing and rejoyce O daughter of Jerusalem for loe I come and will DWELL in the midst of thee saith the Lord. And many NATIONS shall be joyned to the Lord in that day and shall be my people and I will DWELL in the midst of thee and the Lord shall INHERIT Judah his portion in the holy Land and shall CHOOSE JERVSALEM AGAINE And his feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives and the Lord shall bee King over ALL THE EARTH In that day there shall be one LORD and his name one ZEchary Prophesied after their returne out of Captivity in Babilon see Zech. 1.1 compared with 2 Chron. 36.22 Ezra chap. 1. ver 1. c. to the end Therefore this was not fulfilled in their return for it is spoken of a future time to come And Spiritually God did alwayes dwell among his people and therefore nor can that be the full meaning of this place And when Christ came and was incarnated this Text was not fulfilled for then many Nations were not joyned to the Lord to be his people nor so much as the generality of any one Nation the Heathen Romans then inherited the portion of Judah and filled all Countries with their persons or powers and instead of Christ then choosing Jerusalem againe he pronounced woe against it and gave it up to desolation which accordingly about forty yeares after Christs Passion was fulfilled Mat. 23. three last and Matth. 24.1 2 c. Nor was the Lord King over all the earth more then he had been before Christs Incarnation Instead of one Lord over all there were many SECT IIII. The fourth place in the Old Testament for Christs personall appearance Micha 4. vers 1 c. to 8. In the last dayes it shall come to passe that the Mountaine of the House of the Lord shall be established in the top of the Mountaine and MANY NATIONS SHALL COME AND SAY Come let us goe up to the Mountaine of the LORD and HEE shall JUDGE AMONG MANY PEOPLE and rebuke the NATIONS afarre off and they shall BEAT THEIR SWORDS INTO PLOW-SHARES NATION SHALL NOT LIFT UP A SWORD AGAINST NATION neither shall they learne warre any more but they shall sit every man under his Vine and under his Fig-tree and NONE SHALL MAKE THEM AFRAID In that day I will assemble her that halteth and will gather her that was driven out and her that I have afflicted and I will make her that was cast off a STRONG NATION and the Lord shal REIGN OVER THEM IN MOVNT ZION FROM HENCE-FORTH and FOR EVER NOw when was ever this since the Creation much lesse was it performed at Christs Incarnation when the Jewes were under the Roman power obstinate
seats were put And so the last and best Low-Dutch Stoclen gesette● werden So that by all it appears that this was a vision of material Thrones and of them set up set or setled for Divine power to sit upon which is exceedingly confirm●d by verse 10. and 26. where wee have the sitting of the Judgement or Judicature and the Ancient of dayes did sit and I saw and behold one like the Son of man came with the clouds of Heaven and came to the Ancient of dayes and they brought him neer before him And there was given him dominion and glory and a KINGDOM c. And the Kingdome and dominion and the greatnesse of the Kingdome under the whole Heaven was given to the Saints of the most High c. Let us for the advantage of the generall worke in hand and the particular point now under consideration weigh these two places together in the semblance of both Visions in the circumstances of both and in the samenesse of intents in both ¶ 1 In the semblance or likenesse of both Visions in sundry particulars 1 Semblance I beheld till the Thrones were set And why Thrones in the plurall And for whom These many Thrones were set in the Vision ONE for the Ancient of dayes whose Throne was like a siery flame v. 9. ANOTHER for the SONNE OF MAN who came to the Ancient of dayes and they brought him neer before him and there was given him dominion and glory and a Kingdome and all people Nations and Languages to serve him v. 13 14. THE REST for the TEN THOUSAND TIMES TEN THOUSANDS THAT STOOD BEFORE HIM verse 10. viz. The PEOPLE OF THE SAINTS to whom the Kingdome and dominion c. under the whole heaven was given under Christ the aforesaid Son of Man vers 27. So Rev. 20.4 I saw Thrones The Second semblance is that in Dan. 7. v. 10. where it followes The Judgement or Judicature was set which confirmes that our reading of the former verse That is the Judges sate as in the great Sanedrim as after in vers 26. and 27. The judgement sitting the Kingdome and dominion and the greatnesse of the Kingdome under the whole heaven is given to the people of the Saints of the most high In like manner in Rev. 20.4 it is said by John I saw saith he those that sate on the Thrones viz. those that had been beheaded for the witnesse of Jesus and those which had not worshipped the beast c. nor received his marke c. Third semblance is in Dan. 7.22 Iudgement was given to the Saints of the most High and the time came that the Saints possessed the Kingdome In like manner Rev. 20.4 it is said Judgement was given to them viz. to the Saints aforesaid that having opposed Antichrist sate upon the Thrones As Paul saith 1 Cor. 6.2 The Saints shall judge the world Fourth semblance in Dan. 7.22 it is said The Saints possessed the Kingdome viz. under Christ to whom it is first in order given vers 14. which cannot be at the ultimate day of judgement when hee resignes all and therefore the Saints then have no Kingdome subject to them Just so it is said Rev. 20.4 The Saints lived and reigned with Christ a thousand yeers which must be before the ultimate day of Judgement at which time Iohn saith Time shall be no more and Paul saith 1 Cor. 15. there is no more reigning by any but by God alone that then must be all in all Thus of the Semblance ¶ 2 The next thing is the Circumstances viz. 1 The signall or note when this shall be namely when the Sonne of man shall come in or with the clouds Dan. 7.13 In like manner the signall or note is in the Rev. Chap. 1.7 where it is said as the general proposition to the whole Prophesie Christ shall be seen in the clouds at his coming to set up this Kingdome which is explained according to our sense Rev. 20. v. 1. That Christ comes down from heaven when he restraines Satan and gives this honour to the Saints of reigning with him 2 The time it self The time is saith Dan. 7.25 after a time and times and halfe a time of the powerful prevayling of Antichrist whether ye understand one limb viz. the Iewish Eastern the Turk called vers 24. that same ANOTHER that ariseth and subdueth three of the ten Kings or both viz. the Western the Christians Antichrist also viz. the Pope expressed in the ten hornes or Kings of his Kingdome v. 24. it makes no matter if we minde our large discourse afore of the identity of both And sutably in the Revelation 11. it is said that after the witnesses have Prophesied in sackcloath one thousand two hundred and sixty dayes because the Woman the Church was persecuted by Antichrist Rev. 12.6 for the space of one thousand two hundred and sixty dayes which in vers 24. is called A time and times and halfe a time because Antichrist had power so long to prevaile viz. two and forty months Rev. 13.5 which is all one with the one thousand two hundred and sixty dayes or time and times and halfe a time as here meant in the Revelation I say after this time and times and halfe a time it is here said in that Rev. 11.15 That the KINGDOMES of this WORLD were become the Kingdomes of the Lord and of his Christ and of the Saints sharing in this Reigning vers 18. The third circumstance is the order of things in this time viz. That in Dan. 7. v. 3. c. to v. 9. There must be foure Beasts come up from the Sea 1 A Lyon 2 A Bear 3 A Leopard 4 A terrible one with iron teeth and ten hornes and out of the ten one little horne that brake off three of the ten The foure Beasts saith Dan. v. 17. are the foure Kings or Kingly-hoods Royalties Emperialties or Monarchies of the world vers 23. as by severall characters they are described in that Chapter The ten hornes of the fourth Beast are saith Dan. v. 24. ten Kings that is ten Kingdomes under him All these foure Beasts fall as the maine of the first by the second and of the second by the third so the maine of the third and the remainder of all the three former by the fourth Dan. 7.19.23 The meaning is that as the first the Assyrio-Chaldean Monarchy whereof Nebuchadnezzar was the Golden-head in Daniels time Dan. 2. was broken by the second the silver Medo-Persian so this second by the third the brazen Grecian and this Grecian and the remainders of all the other were utterly subdued by the fourth the iron Roman Monarchy From this Roman at the time when it was something weakned by a dividing of it selfe now the third time which was about An. Chr. 799. into the Easterne and Westerne Empire Constantinople being the Royall Seat of Metropolis of that and Rome of this the little horne that sprang out of the ten and became diverse from the rest
〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 usurpatum de Sol●o invenies apud Chald par●p Jerem. 1.15 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ubi in Hebr. est 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Sept. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 namely for the Senators to sit upon not throwne down as we of late have it And the ANCIENT OF DAIES Pater Consistorii did sit c. and subaudi I BEHELD TILL THE JUDGEMENT WAS SET that is the whole Sanhedrim and the books were opened Here we see both the forme of judgement delivered and the name of judgement expressed which is afterwards twice more expressed 1. In the amplification of the Tyranny of the WICKED HORN ver 21 22. which is said to bee continued TILL THE ANCIENT OF DAIES CAME and judgement was given to the Saints of the most High i. e. Potestas judicandi ipsis facta And the second time in the Angels interpretation verse 26. But the JUDGEMENT SHALL SIT and they shall take away the dominion to consume and to destroy to the end Where observe by the way that cases of DOMINION of BLASPHEMY and APOSTASY c. belonged to the jurisdiction of the great SANHEDRIM From this description it came that the Jewes gave it the name of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Day of Judgement And 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The day of the great Judgment Whence in the Epist of Jude v. 6. it is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the judgement of the great Day From the same description they learned that the destruction then to bee should be BY FIRE because it is said verse 9. His throne was a FIERY FLAME and his WHEELES BURNING A fiery streame issued and came forth before him And ver 11. The Beast was slaine and his body destroyed and given to the BURNING From the same fountaine are derived those expressions in the Gospell where this day is intimated or described THE SON OF MAN SHALL COME IN THE CLOUDS OF HEAVEN The son of man shall come in the GLORY OF HIS FATHER WITH HIS HOLY ANGELS as it is said here thousands ministred unto him c. And that Daniel saw one like the sonne of man coming with cloudes of Heaven and he came to the ancient of Daies and THEY brought him or placed him neare him c. Hence St. Paul learned THE SAINTS SHOULD JUDGE THE WORLD because it is said that MANY THRONES WERE SET and ver 22. by way of exposition JUDGEMENT WAS GIVEN TO THE SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH Hence the same Apostle learned to confute the false feare of the Thessalonians that the day of Christs second coming was then at hand because that day cannot be till the MAN OF SIN WERE FIRST COME and should have reigned his APPOINTED TIME for as much as Daniel had foretold it should bee so and that his destruction should bee at the SONNE OF MANS APPEARING IN THE CLOUDES whose appearing therefore was not to bee till then This is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Saint Paul the appearance or brightnesse of his coming Which man of sin saith he Christ shall destroy at the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 appearance of his coming Daniels wicked HORN or the BEAST acting in the wicked horn is St. Pauls MAN OF SIN But to go on whiles this Judgement sits and when it had destroyed the FOURTH BEAST the sonne of man which comes in the cloudes receives DOMINION AND GLORY and A KINGDOM THAT ALL PEOPLE NATIONS and LANGUAGES SHOULD SERVE and OBEY HIM ver 14. which KINGDOM is thrice explained afterwards as ver 18. These foure BEASTS saith the Angell are foure KINGS which shall arise But viz. when they have finished their course the Saints of the most High shal take THE KINGDOME Againe verse 22. The wicked Horne prevailed UNTILL THE TIME CAME THAT THE SAINTS POSSESSED THE KINGDOME Againe verse 27. when the fourth Beast reigning in the wicked Horne was DESTROYED THE KINGDOME and DOMINION and the GREATNES OF THE KINGDOME UNDER THE WHOLE HEAVEN SHALL BE GIVEN TO THE PEOPLE OF THE SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH c. These grounds being laid I argue as followeth The Kingdom of the son of man and of the Saints of the most high in Daniel begins when the great Judgement sits But the Kingdome in the Apocalyps wherein the Saints reign with Christ a thousand yeares is the same with the Kingdome of the sonne of man and Saints of the most high in Daniel Therefore it also begins at the great Judgement * Mr. Mede saith not at the ultimate generall Judgement but at the great Iudgement speaking as Daniel and other Scriptures aforesaid and the Hebrew Rabbins calling al the thousand years the great judgement And the beg●nning of them the beginning of the day of judgement See after at the next ☞ That the Kingdome in Daniel and that of the thousand years in the Apocalyps are one and the same Kingdome appears thus First Because they begin ab eodem termino from the same terme at the destruction of the fourth Beast That in Daniel when the Beast then ruling in the wicked horne was slaine and his body destroyed and given to the burning flame Dan. 7 ver 11.22.27 That in the Apocalyps when the Beast and false Prophet the wicked horne in Daniel were taken and both cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone Apocal. 19.20 21. Secondly Because Saint John begins the Regnum of the thousand yeares from the same session of judgement described in Daniel as appeares by his parallell expressions borrowed from thence Daniel sayes chap. 7. Ver. 9. I beheld till the Thrones were pitched downe and the Judgement i. e. judices the Judges set Vers 22. And judgement was given to the Saints of the most high St. John sayes chap. 20. Vers 4. I saw thrones and they sate upon them And the Saints possessed the Kingdome viz. with the Sonne of Man who came in the cloudes And judgement was given unto them And the Saints lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years Now if this be sufficiently proved that the thousand years begin with the day of judgement ☜ it will appear further out of the Apocalyps that the Judgement is not CONSUMMATE TILL THEY BE ENDED For Gog and Magogs destruction and the UNIVERSALL RESURRECTION is not till then Therefore THE WHOLE THOUSAND YEARES IS INCLUDED IN THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT Hence it will follow that whatsoever Scripture speakes of a Kingdome of Christ to be at his second appearing or at the destruction of Antichrist must needs be the same which Daniel saw should be at that time and so consequently be the Kingdome of the thousand years which the Apocalyps includes between the beginning and consummation of the great Judgement Therefore that in Luk. 17. vers 20. to the end where the Pharisees demand of Christ when the Kingdome of God should appeare And Christ answers that it comes not with observation but as the lightning that lightneth out of the one part under heaven shineth unto the other c.
And that in Luk. 19. vers 11. c. to 15. He spake a parable because he was nigh to Jerusalem and because they thought that the Kingdom of God should immediately appeare c. And that in Luk. 21. ver 31. When you see these things come to passe know that the Kingdom of God is at hand See what went afore viz. The Sonne of Mans coming in a cloud with power and great glory borrowed from Daniel And that in 2 Tim. 4.1 I charge thee before God and the Lord Jesus Christ who shall judge the quicke and dead at his appearing and his Kingdom must signifie the same Kingdome that Daniel saw should be at the destruction of Antichrist and consequently the Kingdome of a thousand years which the Apocalyps includes between the beginning and the consummation of the great Judgement By these we may understand the rest Taking this for a sure ground That this expression of the Sonne of Mans coming in the cloudes of Heaven so often inculcated in the New Testament is taken from and hath referrence to the prophesie of Daniel being no where else found in the Old Testament As our Saviour also cals himselfe so frequently The Son of Man because Daniel so called him in that Vision of the great Judgement and that we might look for the accomplishment of what is there prophesied of in him It was not in vaine that when our Saviour quoted the prophesie of Daniel hee added He that readeth let him understand * Matth. 24. ver 15. Certainly the great Mystery of Christ is cheifly and most distinctly revealed in that Booke § 1 Thus out of my great respect to Mr. Medes learning having given him the precedency to speak first I shall limp after and stammer forth my own Notions such as they are § 2 In the second verse out of the strivings of the blustering spirits of ## the inhabitants of the foure quarters of the World in a Sea of Warres there ariseth a succession of foure Monarchies each in his turn ruling the greatest part of the whole earth This order or series of the foure Monarchies began with Nimrod about the year of the world one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight and afore Christ two thousand one hundred and eighty three and hath continued to this day This succession order or series of the foure Monarchies the Prophet according to his vision sets forth in the third verse under the name and notion of foure Beasts Which he explaines in the seventeenth verse to signifie four Kings or Monarches that should arise out of the earth that is by earthly means domineer over the greatest part of the earth § 3 The first Beast ver 4. is like a Lyon that had Eagles wings wherewith he was wont to lift up himselfe from the earth till they were plucked and then he was made to stand upon his feet as a man resting upon the earth and a mans heart was given unto him By all which is meant the Babylonian Monarchy which was strong like a Lyon and had wings of celerity and victory becoming the Assyrio-Chaidean Monarchy whereby it was lifted up to an Imperiall eminency above the generality of all the earth Obadiah ver 4. Jer. chap. 4. ver 13. Those his wings are plucked by Darius the Mede and Cyrus the Persian and so made to stand as a man upon his feet that is was brought down to the common rank of men And hath a mans heart given unto him that is the spirit of an ordinary man an ordinary low boates peasants plebeian spirit not an Heroick and Imperiall § 4 The second Beast vers 5. is like a Beare that raised up it selfe on one side and had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth and they said thus unto it Arise and devoure much flesh By all which is meant the Persian Monarchy which was ravenously cruell like a Bear raising up one dominion induring no Mate or Corrivall but subdued first the Medes then the Babylonians uniting all into one Monarchy Between the teeth of his mouth of his desires and power demanding and snatching more dominion he hath the three ribs of the Easterne Westerne and Southerne parts of the world by conquest compare Dan. 8.4 He ariseth and eateth much flesh in his cruell slaughterings and spoilings in pursuance of his Victories § 5 The third Beast ver 6. is like a Leopard which had upon the back of it foure wings of a fowle and had also foure heads and dominion was given to it By which is signified the Grecian Monarchy which was like a Leopard in subtilty celerity and rapacity Jer. 5.6 Hab. 1.8 Dan. 8.5 The Subtilty appeared in the policy of Philip the Father and Alexander the Sonne in laying the plot for this Monarchy slyly occasioning a quarrell to fall out with the neighbour Nations And in the cunning of Alexander in battell that would alwayes fight his supernumerous Enemy in straites where his said enemy might not have roome to bring up more of his men in fight then Alexander on his part could display in battell The swift celerity appeared in that the Grecians under the said Alexander did so suddenly within about twelve years over-run the greatest part of the world as if this Conquerour had flowne upon wings of whom the proverb was He came he saw he overcame And is therefore described in Dan. 8. by an Hee-Goate which skips as if he touched not the ground The rapacity or ravenousnesse to devoure appeared especially against the Jewes the foure heads of this Leopard and their Successors exercising matchlesse cruelty against them and every where as naturally ravenous more tearing and destroying then taking prey For Alexander and the Empire under him being the Body his four Captaines that immediately succeeded him in the Empire were the foure Heads or Rulers Dan. 8.8 and 11.4 Cassander head of Macedonia Antigonus of Asia Seleucus of Syria and Ptolomy of Egypt all possessing Imperiall dignity at once By which this Monarchy became a Monster and monstrous in devouring § 6 The fourth Beast verse 7. is so variously monstrous and strangely different that no naturall Beast nor Name is found meet to describe him onely he is said to have ten hornes and iron teeth to devour and feet to stamp the residue of the beasts under it A strange beast different from all Beasts and all the Beasts but compounded as John shewes Rev. 13. of all foure By this description of Daniel is set forth the Roman Monarchy which according to Daniels words was dreadfull and terrible to all Nations being exceeding strong to annoy them all having such teeth of warre as Scipio Pompey Caesar c. iron victors That addition of nailes of brasse ver 19. signifies their Imperiall Senate and Provinciall Magistrates who held fast whatsoever the iron teeth conquered The ten Hornes are explained by Saint John Rev. 17. to be the character of the Roman Empire and to signifie the ten Kingdomes into which at last it
which LIGHT the other viz. The NATIONS THAT ARE SAVED that is saith Mr. Mede all the faithfull servants of God who shall bee found alive here at Christs coming SHALL WALKE IN. And I finde that through the want of distinguishing these the ancient FATHERS and particularly EPIPHANIUS have discoursed very wildly against the glorious Kingdome of Christ here on earth yet in just opposition to the CERINTHIANS whose guise it was to discourse very carnally of the glorious Kingdome of Christ The consideration whereof moved AUSTIN to relinquish the doctrine of Christ's Kingdom here on earth which formerly he imbraced as himselfe professeth in one of his bookes DE CIVITATE DEI where he treats thereof § f. 4. I have observed that as Mr. Mede hath exceeded in merit all others afore him in this Argument so others after him may goe beyond him in some particulars As Mr. Potter in the true discovery of the number of the Beast 666. with the divers mysteries in it wherewith Mr. Mede himselfe was exceedingly taken even to admiration professing it to be the greatest mystery that hath been discovered since the beginning of the world The same Mr. Potter differeth from Mr. Mede in the explication of the mystery of the two Beasts mentioned Revel 13. And I have seen an excellent Discourse thereupon but as yet hee hath not communicated it to the World § g. What cause have wee saith Dr. Twisse to blesse God for bringing us forth in these dayes of light not onely in respect of the great Reformation wrought in this Westerne part of the world an hundred yeares since and more But also opening the mystery of the slaughter of the witnesses which wee have just reason to conceive to have been on foot diverse yeers not onely by judicial proceedings in the Martyrdome of Gods Saints but by the sword of Warre 1. In the Low-Countries Then in France After that in Bohemia Then in Germany which how long it should continue Mr. Mede professeth to bee uncertaine And now amongst us * The Preface of Dr. Twisse was Printed 1643. first in Ireland then in England and that by the Antichristian generation with so manifest opposition unto truth and holinesse under a Protestant Prince in outward profession as I thinke the like was never knowne since the beginning of the World After this strange Warre and slaughter of the Witnesses which hasteneth to a period the continuance of it shall bee but three yeares and an halfe in which space of time they that dwell on the earth shall rejoyce over them and make merry c. because these Prophets tormented them that dwelt upon the earth But after three dayes and an halfe when the Spirit of life from God should enter into them and they stand on their feet great feare should fall upon them which saw them And a voice shall be heard from Heaven saying unto them Come up hither And they shall ascend up to heaven in a cloud and their enemies shall behold them But certainly when that comes to passe the same houre there shall bee an earthquake and the tenth part of the City shall fall This City undoubtedly is Rome which Mr. Mede proveth curiously to bee at this day precisely the tenth part of the City of Rome as it was in St. Johns dayes when this Prophesie came forth And in the Earthquake shall bee slaine of Names of men seven thousand which Mr. Mede interpreteth of men of quality It followeth THE SECOND WOE IS PAST Now that Woe was the plague of the Christian world by the Turkes whereby is signified the destruction of the Turkes which people I take to bee all one with GOG and MAGOG in Ezekiel represented there as the great enemies of the Jewes invading the Land of Jewry And the Hebrew Doctors conceive that War of GOG and MAGOG to be yet to come § h. Here it may bee objected that the Turke is Lord of the Land of Canaan already I grant it But when the time for calling of the Jewes shall come which Mr. Mede conceived should bee wrought in a strange manner by the appearing of Christ unto them as hee appeared unto Paul at his conversion St. Paul acknowledging that grace to have been shewed to him First implying that the same grace should bee shewed to others after him then I say upon this their conversion they shall gather themselves together from all places towards the Land of Canaan where shall bee the place of Christs Throne in his glorious Kingdome here on earth Upon which coming of the Jewes into the Land of Canaan the Grand Seignieur will bee moved to raise all his power gathered together out of all Nations under him to oppose them and at first shall prevaile as we read Ezeck 38. Zech. 14. but in the issue the Jewes shall prevail as it is in the 21. verse of Obadiah And Joel 3.12 13. c. And Zech. 14.9 So that this implies the calling of the Jewes a little afore And whereas both GOG and MAGOG shall be destroyed by fire Ezek. 39. and the MAN OF SINNE by fire Mr. Mede was of opinion that all this is but one and the same fire that shall bee at Christs coming 2 Thess 1.8 and 2.8 Then follows Christs Kingdome c. the contents of the seventh Trumpet Rev. 11.15 § 12. Clavis Apocalyptica Commentarius doctissimi NOSTRATIS Medi Latinè tum Anglicè prodeuntes celebri innotuerunt famâ plurimis librorum lectoribus de Thesi jam disputata § a. Cujus methodum excellentiam doctissimus Nostras Twissius simul cum suâ ipsius sententiâ de thesi nostrâ ita nobis reddit Multi Interpretes inquit Twissius allusione factâ ad Prov. 31.29 fecerunt apprimè Medus verò superavit omnes Nanus Gigantis humero insistens longinquius prospiciat ipso Gigante Et regulus tergo aquilae innitens lasso alite altius ascendat Attamen plurimae sunt Medi notiones tam rarâ naturâ ut quas nondum reperi cuipiam ni su is studiis benedicente Deo acceptas referri § b. In Clave suâ Apolypticâ partes Revelationis homogeneas passim dispersas eidem verò tempori competentes in unum coegit Qui sic dirigente Deo scriptis primum speciminibus quamlibet partem ita peragit ut universum cujusque scopum in transitu perspexit In de ad ampliorem progreditur Commentarium a 4. nimirum capite ad 14. unde quae sequuntur posteà non nisi sua continent specimina § c. In duobus huic operi necessariis excelluit Medus 1. In animad-vertendo verborum phrasium troporum figurarum idiomate Genio Utpote in explicandis praelii mysteriis Apocalypsis 12. demonstrat Mundum Politicum aptiùs assimilari Physico ex ipsâ Scripturarum mente pari modo adumbrante Uti enim Physicus seu naturalis ex Caelo constat terrâ Hâc varia plant arum genera procreante Illo solem lunam stellasque magnitudine diversas continente Ita Politicus
are inconsistent with glory in the highest Heaven In like manner the residue of this one and twentieth Chapter shewes that the meaning is not of supernall eternall glory according to former common opinion of divines as ver 9 10. An Angel shewes John the Bride the Lambes wife viz. the great City holy Jerusalem descending out of Heaven from God which cannot possibly be meant of a state in the highest Heaven no Angel need tell John or he us that the Church shall bee seen in that Heaven when there it shall be seen without shewing by all the inhabitants there Nor is this a direct but a crosse phrase to expresse the state of the Church ascended by its descending out of heaven from God The soules of the elect must descend to be united to their bodies on earth there for a time to inherit all things as said afore before their ultimate glory And for that description of New Hierusalem by measures c. from ver 11.22 can it meane the spanning of Heaven or the measures of the place of ultimate glory The parts and particulars are all too short and to no purpose wee beleeve more then all in this Text without this Text doubtlesse this Geometricall and Architectonicall Iconi●me or description is taken out of Ezekiel from Chap. 39. to the end of the Book in all the Prophet importing thus much that Gog the enemy of Israel shall be destroyed and they themselves shall bee gathered from their captivity and measures out to them their New Testament estate that it shall be more goodly and glorious then all their Old Testament state and therefore when John hath this given to him in Rev. 21. as an exposition of Ezech. 39.40 41 42 c. Chapters it would be but a darke dreame to apply it to supernall eternall glory which many circumstances forbid for if it be meant of that glory why ver 14. are only the names of the twelve Apostles to be inserted in the twelve foundations and not the names also of the twelve Patriarchs of the twelve Tribes What need was there to tell us ver 11. that the place spoken of here hath in it the glory of God and a light like a Iasper cleare as Chrystall or to minde us ver 17. that the cubits were according to the measure of a man or to warn us ver 22. that John saw there no Temple and for that in ver 23 24. That God and the Lambe are the light of New Hierusalem ●nd they that are sazed shal walke in it and Kings shal bring their glory and honour unto it I aske any ingenuous man whether he can keeping his reason with him apply these things to ultimate happinesse in the highest Heaven Is there a walking or conversation of life in spirituall light Is it not a quiet injoying and beholding the unspeakeable manifestation of Gods speciall presence Doe Kings and Princes there goe and come and bring their honour and glory to heaven Or doe they bring as ver 26. the glory and honour of Nations unto it Thus take altogether quarrell not peecely with this or that fragment but take the whole entirely and then tell me ingenuously whether this one and twentieth Chapter can meane any thing but a glorious state on earth before the ultimate Judgement at which time is rather a destruction then an extruction or building and therefore this Chapter clearly containes the admirable state of the Church of Jewes and Gentiles for the space of that thousand yeares in the twentieth Chapter the exposition whereof is the work now in hand to which we returne § 5 The third passage in this twentieth Chapter of Revelations is that the Saints reigne with Christ a thousand yeares or the thousand yeares This number of yeares is expressed six times in the first seven verses twice 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and foure times with an emphaticall Article 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Can any judicious man take this meerly Allegorically and not Historically and litterally Can he upon good grounds make it to signifie lesse then a thousand yeares It is true a thousand yeares in Gods account 2 Pet. 3. in regard of his present knowledge of all things or knowledge of all things as present and his eternall entity before and beyond all things are but as one day but still a thousand yeares are a thousand yeares in themselves how ever they be as nothing in comparison of God But can man make a long time and a short time all one Are a thousand yeares to him but as one naturall day or to the Saints here reigning surely then the Saints priviledge of reigning or the binding of Satan for their sakes will amount to a very small matter Then on the morrow Gog and Magog shall rise against the Saints for at the end of the thousand yeares they shall rise against them Or can any considering man make these thousand yeares to signifie more then a thousand yeares viz. eternity the Scriptures have no such phrase that I know And divers of the Fathers afore the Floud though in a worse life-cherishing state lived within a few yeares of a thousand Is there not a notorious eminent punctum or point of the beginning and period of the ending of these thousand yeares They begin with the fall of Antichrist the destruction of his Army Rev. 19.19 20. and the wonderfull binding of Satan chap. 20. ver 2. And they end with the loosing of Satan and the warre with Gog-Magog Is it possible now that any should referre this to the eternity of supreame glory therefore as ver 4. it must needs be meant of reigning with Christ on earth at least a thousand yeares properly understood as it is expounded Revel 5.10 for all the Saints that are found on earth at Christs next coming never reigned with Christ in heaven and after the last Judgement Christ doth not reigne as Christ but layes downe all 1 Cor. 15.28 § 6 Let us in the next place take some maine particulars of this twentieth Chapter and compare the mystery of the things with the history of times Johns science with our experience and see whether we can make these all hold together unlesse wee understand them of a glorious Kingdome of Christ on earth before the ultimate day of judgement We will cull out but three particulars 1 The resurrection of the Saints vers 4 5. They must so live as the dead wicked that while did not live But the dead wicked did live that while in soule therefore the Saints must live more then so viz. must live that while in soule and body too Againe the Saints must so live at this first resurrection as the dead wicked shall at the second resurrection But the dead wicked shall live in soule and body at the second resurrection therefore the Saints at this first resurrection live in soule and body Let the Reader piercingly weigh the Text and he shall finde these syllogismes little lesse then demonstrations As for the difference
and he shall be to me a SONNE But when AGAINE to give it you as afore in termes and order of words close to the Originall * Thus Arias doth order them When the Apostle would say And againe he saíd in verse 5. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but in this sixth verse he saith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which last word is in the second A●rist in the subj mood which sounds future and so the Syriack 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 But againe He SHALL bring his first begotten Sonne into the INHABITED world he saith let all the Angels worship him The sense is obvious That God never owned any one of the Angels to be his only first begotten Sonne but when againe he shall bring his first begotten Sonne into the world he hath given command that all the Angels shall worship him as his only begotten Sonne That this text speakes of Gods bringing his first begotten Sonne againe into the inhabited world now after Christs ascention when the Apostles wrote that we have afore largely discussed Book 3. chap. 2. Sect. 4. § id est sectiuncula 4. I only adde be heedfully mindfull of the Apostles expression in the future now after Christs coming in the flesh and that after the generall Iudgement Christ as Christ shall lay downe all his dominion over Angels and men and therefore it must be of some middle time between our present generation that these 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 rendered here Angels must give Christ whiles he is Mediator a more ample and apparent homage then ever they have done according to the glorious state of Christ and of things at that time on earth 3 ¶ For this place of the Hebrewes Let all the Angels of God worship him is quoted by the Apostle out of Psal 97.7 which word for word according to the Hebrew * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is Bow downe to him all yee Gods which as we said afore comprehends as all Angels so all Kings Potentates and Magistrates called by God himselfe Gods Psal 82. ver 1. ver 6. and so applied by Christ Joh. 10.34 Jesus answered them Is it not written in your Law I said YEE ARE GODS 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 if he called them gods to whom the Word of God came c. And indeed they can properly bow or crouch downe as the Hebr. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and the Greek 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 precisely signifie as the Angels can doe it only vertually And on the other side 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Angel is oft used in Scripture to signifie eminent men in Office Mal. 4.1 Rev. chap. 2.1 chap. 2. chap. 3. But granting that the Apostles designe being to prove Christ to be above Angels doth render the Hebrew Text according to the Septuagint Greek then a common Translation in frequent use throughout the world since the late Greek Monarchy over all 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 worship him all yee his Angels yet this is as true that as the Apostle closeth that his discourse in that first of Hebrews with a touch of Christs future dominion over all Angels and men on earth saying To which of the Angels said he at any time quoted out of Psal 110. sit thou on my right hand till I make thine enemies thy footstoole so that 97. Psalm doth really include and intend our position in hand viz. Christs visible glorious Kingdome over all the world yet to come For in the first verse of that 97. Psalm it is said The Lord reigneth let the earth rejoyce let the multitude of the Isles be glad thereof Or the Lord reigning the earth SHALL rejoyce and the many Islands SHALL * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 be glad ** 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 This LORD is Christ as the Apostle applyes it Heb. 1.8 9. Now Christ had reigned in his ordinary providence and power from the creation to the Psalmists time c. as appeared in overthrowing his and his peoples enemies and preserving his people in the flood in the fire on Sodome in his miracles in Egypt Wildernesse and the Red-sea in his victories over the several Nations in Canaan c. And after the last judgement it is improper to say Christ reignes in glory 1 Cor. 15.28 And Christ never yet so reigned as is described in this first verse of this 97 Psalm That ALL the EARTH without limitation shall rejoyce at that his reigning and the multitude of Isles shall be glad By Isles according to an ancient usuall Hebraisme and Jewish phrase is meant all the Nations of the GENTILES Isa 41. v. 1. Keep silence before me O ISLANDS and let the PEOPLES or NATIONS renew their strength * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And v. 5. The Isles saw it and feared and the ENDS OF THE EARTH were afraid Chap. 42. v. 4. The ISLES shall wait for his Law and so nine times in this Prophet three times in Jer. 9. times in Ezek. in Zeph. once viz. Chap. 2. v. 11. The Isles of the Heathen or Gentiles * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 In Gen. once Gen. 10.5 The Isles of the Gentiles The reason of the phrase is because the Jews dwelling in the continent of Asia they counted all the world Islanders that were divided from them by the Mediterranean Sea Whence is that phrase of Isles of the Sea Ester 10.1 Ahasuerus laid a taxe or tribute upon the land and upon the ISLES OF THE SEA And Isa 24.15 Glorifie the name of the Lord God of Israel in the ISLES OF THE SEA And Ezek. 26.18 Now shall the Isles tremble in the day of thy fall yea the ISLES THAT ARE IN THE SEA shall be troubled yea to make all yet plainer it is twice said viz. Jer. 2.10 Ezek. 27.6 The Isles of Chittim By which Chittim is oft understood the Roman Monarchy as Dan. 11.30 for one instance So that according to this sense of this 97 Psame vers 1 All the world of Jewes and Gentiles must be glad and rejoyce at the reigning of Christ as it follows in the sixth verse The Heavens declare his righteousnesse and ALL the people see his glory ALL without exception which two clauses cannot be aptlier applyed and expounded then by that Rev. 1.7 Rev. 20.1 Rev. 21.1 Christ comes in the clouds and every eye shall see him Christ as the great Angel descending from heaven binding Satan and causing his Saints to reigne on earth New Jerusalem a New Heaven and a New Earth being brought downe from Heaven wherein as Pet. 2 Ep. 3. chap. enlargeth dwelleth righteousnesse But ALL PEOPLE yet never saw that his righteousnesse and glory ALL the gods as in v. 7. all Kings and Princes Potentates Magistrates and Powers never yet worshipped him as Christ but generally in all ages from the Creation to this day have opposed him as such both of Jewes and Gentiles 4 ¶ But all must ere the last judgement either sincerely or seemingly worship him Psal 22.27 28 29. which Psalme is concerning
Pagans Papists Atheists Hereticks and prophane persons And without multiplying words the very phrases will not admit of a referring these to the ultimate day of Doome And therefore must yet bee fulfilled on earth before that day SECT XX. § 1 THe eleventh place in Isaiah is Chap. 49. wholly But I shall need to touch only upon three or four places of the Chapter which will give light to all the rest In generall the chapter is of the bringing in of Jews and Gentiles into the Church The Jews are here named by the generall termes that comprehend at least the ten Tribes if not the whole twelve viz. by the names of Israel ver 3 5 6 7. and of Jacob ver 5. and of the Tribes of Jacob v. 6. and the preserved of Israel ibid. In way of distinction from whom the two Tribes are called Zion v. 14. So that all the twelve Tribes that came of Jacob are intended in this Chapter in the close whereof as a seal the Lord stiles himself Their Saviour their Redeemer the Mighty one of JACOB The Gentiles likewise are expressely named in v. 6. viz I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles that thou mayest bee my salvation unto the ends of the earth quoted by the Apostle Act. 13.47 to prove the propagation of the Gospel for salvation to the Gentiles The concurrence of both Jews and Gentiles in coming in to Christ is expressed to the life ver 22 23. Thus saith the Lord God behold I will lift up my hand to the Gentiles and set up my standard to the people and they shall bring THY sons in their armes and thy daughters shall be carryed upon THEIR shoulders and KINGS shall be thy nursing Fathers and THEIR Queens shall be THY nursing Mothers c. Adde that the engagement of God that thus hee will call home both Jews and Gentiles v. 13.15 19 18 26. is great Sing O Heavens and be joyfull O Earth and break forth into singing O Mountains for God hath comforted his people and WILL have mercy on his afflicted Can a woman forget her sucking child that shee should not have compassion on the son of her womb c. Yet VVILL NOT I FORGET THEE Behold I have GRAVEN THEE upon the palmes of mine hands As I LIVE saith the Lord thou shalt surely cloathe thee with them all that oppose thee as with an ornament c. And ALL FLESH shall know that I the Lord am the Mighty one of Jacob. § 2 These being premised let us but only put the question upon some Verses whether ever they were yet fully fulfilled and that will be sufficient to ingenuous reason to confesse they must yet be fulfilled and that on earth § 3 VVhen was the seventeenth verse ever fulfilled viz. Thy children shall make hasle thy destroyers and they that made thee waste shall goe out of thee VVe read no such thing at their return from Babylon but that there were the crew of Sanballat Tobiah c. that opposed them Anon Alexander the Great the Grecian Monarch enters Jerusalem After him Antiochus Epiphanes alias Epimanes King of Syria wasteth it After these the Romans conquer it And now the Turks ever since possesse it § 4 And when ever yet was the nineteenth verse fulfilled viz. Thy waste and desolate places and the land of thy destruction shall even now be too narrow by reason of the Inhabitants and they that swallowed thee up shall be far away Surely since the carrying away captive of the ten Tribes the Kingdomes of Israel and Judah were never full of their owne Inhabitants We never read that ever the Assyrians Babylonians Cutheans c. which the King of Assyria sent into the Kingdome of Israel 2 Kings 17.24 were sent for home againe Nor that ever those CALDEANS that were sent to governe Judea intimated in 2 King 25. were recalled And for after times as we have hinted afore when the Greek went out the Syrian came in when the Syrian went out the Roman came in when the Roman went the Turke came in and there he is to this day These expulsing one another there hath been a constant succession of them that swallowed up the twelve Tribes Their wasters and destroyers have been changed but have not been sent forth far away from Israel and Judah § 5 Againe did the Gentiles and Peoples ever yet as v. 22. bring the sonnes and daughters of the Jewes in their armes and upon their shoulders If we should wave the litterall sense of setling the Jews in their owne Land and condescend to a spirituall sense of the generality of the Gentiles compliance with the generality of the Jewes in matters of Religion and union into the universall Church wee cannot tell when ever this was done to this day § 6 Nor can we say that ever the Kings of the Gentiles as it is v. 23. and their Queens have been nursing fathers and mothers to the Jewes and bowing downe to them Alas poore Jewes they have ever since the beginning of the Grecian Monarchy long before Christ downe to this very day been under the awing power of the Gentiles and mostly used hardly and in most places of the world instead of reverence have been and are much villified Therefore John in Revelation tels us that this is yet to come and to be fulfilled upon earth afore the ultimate day of judgement as the circumstances of things and the phrases of the Prophesie necessarily require Rev. 21. v. 24.26 And the Kings of the EARTH doe bring their glory and honour into New Jerusalem And they shall bring the glory and honour of the NATIONS into it And yet so as there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth c. § 7 Wee are likewise utterly to seek when ever yet the 25. and 26. verses were fulfilled viz. The captives of the mighty shall be taken away and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee and I will save thy children and will feed them that oppresse thee with their owne flesh and they shall be drunken with their owne blood Wee know not of any such thing since the captivity of the Jewes in Babylon in all Histories divine and humane that thus the Jewes were saved by such destruction of their enemies The Jews indeed soon after their captivity made some attempts 2 King 25. v. 25. After that they made some attempts in 1 Book of Macchab And after that they made severall attempts in the time of Titus and Adrian Roman Emperours And since that the Turk hath dominered over them the Kings of the Gentiles especially of England have made some attempts of warre on their enemies managed by the stocke counsell and aide of severall religious orders for that end as of the Templars Knights of the Rhodes or of John of Jerusalem and of the Knights of Malta alias Melita But all these attempts have not amounted to Isaiahs phrase
crying c. And lastly the application of v. 21. of this sixtieth of Isaiah is as cleerly applyed to the same purpose Rev. 21. v. 27. And there shal in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth neither whatsoever worketh abomination or maketh a lie § 3 Now where is the man or book that can say these things have been fulfilled since the time of this Prophesie That the Nations of Jews and Gentiles have conjoyned in matters of Religion as in the first ten verses of this sixtieth of Isaiah When ever did the Nations of the Gentiles bow down to the Jews and those that would not serve them did perish as v. 11.12 When were the Jews made an eternal excellency and the joy of many Nations as it is in 15 v when as v. 21. were the Jews made a righteous people to inherit the Land for ever But as sure as God is true these things must be And upon earth as the circumstances constraine And therefore before the ultimate judgement SECT XXIV § 1 THe fifteenth place in Isaiah is in Chapter 63. first six verses of which in a word Christ comes up as it is revealed to the Prophet from Edom with dyed garments from Bozra red in his apparrel by treading the Wine-presse alone treading downe his enemies in fury til their blood be sprinkled upon his garments § 2 John in the Revelation Chapter 14 v. 19 20 and Chapter 19 v. 11 12 13 14 15 16. applies these in the same phrase and figure to Christs destroying of Antichrist to be fulfilled on earth yet afore the last judgement Another Angel came out from the al●ar which cryed to him that had a sharp sickle saying thrust in thy sickle and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth for her grapes are fully ripe And the Angel thrust in his sickle into the earth and gathered the vine of the earth and cast it into the great Winepresse of the wrath of God And the Winepresse was trodden without the City and blood came out of the Winepresse even unto the horse bridles c. And I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse and he that sate upon him was called FAITHFULL and TRUE and in righteousnesse he doth judge and make war His eyes are as a flame of fire and on his head were many Crownes c. And he was cloathed with a Vesture DIPT IN BLOOD his name is called THE WORD OF GOD. And the Armies which were in Heaven followed him upon white horses c. And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword that with it he should smite the Nations and he shall rule them with a rod of iron and he TREADETH THE WINE-PRESSE OF THE FIERCENESSE and VVRATH OF ALMIGHTY GOD. And hee hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS § 3 These are obvious enough for every one to apply to the point in hand according to our former method so often repeated ## SECT XXV THe sixteenth place in Isaiah is Chapter 65. verse 17 c. to the end of the Chapter Verse 17. Behold I create new Heavens and a new EARTH and the former shall not be remembred c. v. 18. But be you glad and rejoyce FOR EVER in that which I create for behold I creat JERUSALEM a rejoycing and her people a joy v. 19. And I will rejoyce in Jerusalem and joy in my people and the VOYCE OF VVEEPING SHALL BE NO MORE HEARD IN HER NOR THE VOYCE OF CRYING v. 20. There shal be no more thence an infant of dayes nor an old man that hath not filled his dayes c. And they shall build houses and inhabit them c. And plant vineyards c. Before they call I will answer c. The woolf and the lamb shall feed together c. § 1 This will every one say that marks what he reads must signifie a state of the Church upon earth to bee before the ultimate judgement ## § 2 And there is no man or monument can be produced that ever this was so fulfilled since it was prophesied Therefore it must signifie a state on earth yet to come according to the Prophesies of the Apostles and their applications of the aforesaid Prophesie of Isaiah So doth Peter and John apply the 17. verse Peter in 2 Ep. chap. 3. v. 12. and 13. comforts the Jews to whom he wrote 1 Pet. 1.1 that before the ultimate judgement there should be new Heavens and a new EARTH wherein dwels righteousnesse according to Gods promise meaning this of Isaiah 65.17 And John in Revel chap. 21. refers this same place of Isaiah to the time of the glorious state of the Church on earth immediately after the fall of Antichrist In Rev. 19. the three last verses is Antichrists fall Chap. 20. the Devill is bound and the Saints reign Chapter 21. is their glorious estate described and in part by these words of the Prophet Isaiah I saw saith John a new Heaven and a new Earth and the first heaven and the first earth were passed away And addes in verse 17. Nothing that defileth enters therein In like manner the 18. and 19. verses of this 65 of Isaiah are referred and applied by St. John in Rev. 21. the first five verses to the glorious state of the Church yet to come after the fall of Antichrist Behold I make all things new new Heavens and new Earth and new Jerusalem which is all one as to say he creats And wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more sorrow c. I need say no more of this place to an understanding Reader of which Mr. Mead comparing it with 2 Pet. 3.13 and Peter with it saith Miror c. I wonder how any man can understand this of a state in the highest heavens SECT XXVI THe seventeenth and last place in Isaiah is Chapter 66. v. 5. c. to the end of the Chapter * This place of Isa 66. from the fifth verse c. Justin Martyr in his Dialog cum Tryph. p. 312. doth testifie to belong to the Kingdome of Christ that is to be at his second coming In which words saith he commending this place of Isa is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the mastery of our being againe generated or made new at the Resurrection 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and absolutely of all who expect Christ shall appear at Jerusalem and by well doing study to please him Thus Just Mart. with which Mr. Mead is much taken and understands him in those words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to mean the Resurrection of the godly § 1 The Prophet in the fifth verse directs his speech to them that in an holy manner trembled at Gods word The effect of his speech there is that though their false brethren hated them and cast them out for Gods name sake saying Let the Lord be glorified that is we have done well in casting them out or let God appeare in his
absolutely for ever 2. If any hanker and long after the sence that our translation hints as if the three former Beasts had a kind of life allowed them after their dominion was taken away to give these content we can give them this faire answer which may likewise be handsomely improved as to the illustration of the ruine of the fourth Beast and so of the glorious remaining of the fift Monarchy That though the three former monarchies were dis-robed of their Monarchicall paramount Emperiality the former by the latter yet those three divine providence permitting had continued unto them some degree of regality untill some good space of time that the fourth had been in being and power which is the more probable 1. Because how else could it bee said that the third trampled the second and the fourth the third yea all the remainder of the former unlesse they had some entiry or being to be trampled 2. Because the whole Image is broken by the ruine on the feet of the fourth and last And therefore probably there were certaine broken limbs of the three former remaining to be beaten into dust with the fourth 3. Because wee have some such account given us in the faithfullest humane Histories First For the Armenians part of Chaldea as some learned affirme had a King and Kingly dignity even unto the dayes of the Roman Monarchy Tigranes King of Armenia was subdued by the Roman Pompey and his Country made tributary and so stamped under foot But after a while even in the reigne of Tiberius the same Armenia was fortified against the Romans whom the Emperour rather pacified with promises then subdued with Warre who after got the staffe so far into their hands againe that in the reigne of Jovinian they were called Friends not Vassals to the Romans Secondly For Persia they had great power in the time of Antiochus the great and of his sonne Antiochus the vile of the Greeke Monarchy downe unto and farre into the times of the Roman Emperours Of whom Julian lost his life Valerian went under ransome and Jovinian put to the shamefull foyle of the losse of foure whole provinces Thirdly For the Grecian Monarchy after the Romans had trampled Egypt Anthony and Cleopatra being subdued by Augustus and their Countries reduced to Provinces yet after the Greekes did so far shake off the Roman yoake as that they withstood divers of their stoutest Emperours viz. Galienus Aurelian and Dioclesian And this last answer doth also well illustrate the prophesie That whereas somthing of the former Monarchies remained in the days of the later yet the fift should leave nothing of the fourth and so nothing of the former All being to be broken in the feet of the fourth So glorious should the fift Kingdome be Now let the reader take which answer he pleaseth § 11 Having cleared we hope this knot let us now goe on with Daniels visions wherein he having already shewed us towards the discovery of the Who and what that destroyed the fourth Beast the posture and Acts of the Session of Judicature next he represents to us the person or persons the Captaine and his Army that tooke from the fourth Beast the Roman Monarchy and all other Kingdoms into their owne hands of power and these are Christ and his Christians vers 13 14. Daniel saw in the night-visions fitly signifying the Antichristian darknesse that then clouded the Church one like the Son of Man come with the cloudes of Heaven This is Christ who relatively as a King and Captaine Generall as the Scriptures set him forth and Mystically as he is by union of the Spirit head of his Church doth infer as soon as he is come an Host of Christians at his heeles as part of his Session when hee sits all which must necessarily bee here understood as the 18 26 and 27 verses being of the interpretation of the vision give sufficient warrant vers 18. But the SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH shall take the Kingdome for ever Zech. 1.8 Heb. 2.10 Revel 19.11 12 13 14. even for ever and ever ver 27 28. But the Judgement shall sit and they of the Judgement viz. as it is in this vision the Son of Man and his ten thousand times ten thousand of all Nations Languages and Peoples that beleeve in him shall take away his the fourth Beasts dominion to consume and destroy it to the end And the Kingdome and Dominion and the greatnesse of the Kingdome under the whole Heaven shall bee given to the PEOPLE OF THE SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH whose Kingdome is an everlasting Kingdome and all Dominions shall serve HIM Where most evidently Christ called here the Son of Man doth as a publicke person and a representative as the second Adam of all mankind that beleeve include and signifie all the sonnes of men that beleeve and they and he are so one mystically by faith and relatively as a corporation or united Emperiality that it is indifferent to the Holy Ghost to mention HIM or THEM to be the Ruler of this fifth Monarchy As for that his coming we mentioned but now Daniel expresseth it in the said thirteenth verse The Sonne of man came with the Clouds of Heaven Upon which words Mr. Parker saith thus The Sonne of man is Christ the Head including also his Body the Church as appeareth ver 26 27. He is said to come and this is his second coming in a large sence comprehending his coming to beare rule on earth by setting up his Kingdome breaking down the enemy and this is the space of forty five yeares and then his visible appearing at the Resurrection immediatly ensuing to finish the New Jerusalem begun in heavenly perfection And in this large description his second coming is usually taken in the Prophets He is said to come in the Clouds of Heaven that is on high above the glory and power of the Kingdomes of the earth in the supereminent Majesty of his Kingdom Rev. 11 12. Isa 52.13 Mat. 24.30 Thus Mr. Parker I only adde this that by the current and tenour of Scripture this phrase of his coming in the Clouds signifies withall that he shall visibly and really appeare in the natural Clouds at that his second coming but now mentioned as Christ himselfe and Saint John expounds the Prophets Matth. 24.30 Revel 1.7 Then shall appeare saith Christ in that twenty fourth of Matthew ver 30. the signe of the Sonne of Man in Heaven and then shall all the Tribes of the earth mourne and they shall SEE the Sonne of Man coming in the CLOVDES of Heaven c. And saith John in that Revel 1.7 Behold he cometh WITH CLOVDES and every eye shall SEE him and they also that pierced him § 13 He is said in the same thirteenth verse both to come to the Ancient of dayes that is as he is Mediator to the end to obtaine the Kingdome for his Saints being removed from the enemy So the Lamb is said to approach to him that
come out of Babylon is carryed downe by the Apostles unto the latter if not to the last times of this world For St. Paul in the 2 Cor. 6.17 18 brings it down to his time which is far beyond any occurrences in Zecharies time who prophesied five hundred and eighteen yeares plus minus thereabouts afore Christs birth And Paul pens this Epistle at least fifty two years after the birth of Christ for about that year he wrote his first Epistle to Corinth his words are these Come out from among them and be yee separate SAITH THE LORD marke his quotation of the old Testament c. and I will receive you and be a father unto you Just to the same effect as Zecharie in the said sixt verse Come forth flee from the land of the North c. Deliver thy selfe O Zion that dwellest with the daughter of Babylon c. Lo I come and I will dwell in the midst of thee saith the Lord. Thus far St. Paul extends it But St. Iohn Revel cha 18. ver 2 3 4. extends it much further and that in a propheticall way viz. to the time nearly preceding the fall of Babylon I saw another Angell come down from Heaven having great power c. and he cryed mightily with a strong voyce saying Babylon the great is fallen is fallen c. i.e. shall surely fal And I heard another voice from heaven saying come out of her my people that yee be not partakers of her sins and that yee receive not of her plagues Which two last clauses being of a future tense and sence clearly shew that is fallen is fallen signifies it shall fall and that in regard thereof the people of God must timously come out thence ¶ 5. There are high straines annexed to this prophesie in this second of Zecharie which effectually evince that it is not yet fulfilled as that ver 5. I saith the Lord will be unto her a wall of fire round about and will be the glory in the midst of her That is a fence about the Church consisting of Jewes and Gentiles of absolute defence to them and of a devouring offence to the enemy And that ver 8 9. Thus saith the Lord after the glory hath he sent me to the Nations which spoiled you For he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of mine eye For behold I will shake mine hand upon them and they shall be a spoile to their servants And yee shall know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me That is after this glory of your famous return and rebuilt Temple the Lord hath sent me the Messiah to the Nations that spoiled you that is to your enemies who in touching you to hurt you did as it were thrust their fingers into mine eyes Therefore I the Messiah will shake mine hands upon them as Psal 2.9 To break them with a rod of iron and so to make them a spoile to their servants that is to you whom they rigidly made their servants Lastly that in vers 10 11 12 13. Sing and rejoyce O daughter of ZION for lo I come and I will dwell in the midst of THEE saith the Lord. And many NATIONS shall be joyned to the Lord in that day and SHALL BEE MY PEOPLE and I will dwell in the midst of THEE and thou shalt know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto thee And the Lord shall inherit Judah in the HOLY LAND and shall chuse Jerusalem AGAINE Be silent O all flesh before the Lord Because he is awakened concerning the habitation of his holinesse 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 That is a joyfull time is yet to come when the Messiah shall dwell in the midst of the Jewes they dwelling in the holy Land many Nations being joyned unto the Lord together with the Jewes into one Church he dwelling in the midst of them all for dwelling in the midst is againe repeated so that then they shall effectually know not only that this Prophet was sent of God to preach this to them but also that the true Messiah shall be at the appointed time sent to performe these things to them to the putting of all fleshly and carnall minds to silence that doubted or disputed against these thing I say to put them to silence by the appearance of Christ awakened and bestirring himselfe in the behalfe of his holy habitation or the habitation of his holinesse that is the Church in her pure state and worship Now when were these high straines these sublime expressions ever yet fulfilled We have a watch-word in the twelfth verse that we must looke for the impletion ●hereof far beyond Zecharies time For though he in his time of this Prophesie saw the returne of the Jews into the holy Land yet saith The Lord SHALL inherit Judah his portion in the HOLY LAND and SHALL chuse Jerusalem AGAINE Surely if wee keep the prophesie together as the Lord hath laid it and left it together there was never yet to this day since their return from Babylon that time and state of the Church that is here limbed forth to the life viz. that the Church should consist of Jews and Gentiles joyned to the Lord and owned by him as his people even while the Jewes possesse the holy Land and the Lord should be as a wall of fire protecting them and devouring their enemies and making the Jewes of servants to the cruell Heathens to be the spoilers of them c. and all these things to be carryed up to that height of glory that all spirituall hearts should sing and rejoyce and all fleshly hearts should bee struck dumb or astonished with silence We have before repeated usque ad nauseam foriè aliquibus very often how the Jewes ever since the return of the two Tribes have been little lesse or otherwise then in a captive condition under three Monarchies that when the Jewes a few of them imbraced Christ Acts second third and fourth chapters the Gentiles were not converted When the Gentiles began to be called the Jewes fell off Act. 13. Rom. 11. That the Maccabean conflict in regard of the catastrophe and event is not worthy to be named with this Prophesie And therefore this Prophesie is yet unfulfilled and requires by the circumstances of it a time of fulfilling before the ultimate universall resurrection SECT XLVI THe second place in Zecharie is in chap. 6. ver 13 13 14 15. which I need little more then name V. 12. Thus speaketh the Lord of Hosts saying behold the man whose name is the BRANCH and he shall grow up out of his place and HE shall BUILD THE TEMPLE of the Lord. 13. Even HEE shall build THE TEMPLE OF THE LORD and he shall bear the glory and shall sit and RULE UPON HIS THRONE and he shall be a PRIEST upon his throne and the COUNSILL OF PEACE shall be between them both 14. And the Crowns shall be to He●em and to To●ijah and to Jedajah and to Hen the son of Zephania● for a
for behold the Kingdome of God is within you We answer first That these words were spoken to the Pharisees ibid. vers 20 to them it should not come with observation 2 To them enquiring after another state of Christs Kingdome mean while over-looking and neglecting its present state whiles Christ was personally with them and opposing him No wonder therefore that to such hypocrites so acting Christ would not discover the glorious visible state of his Church to come 3. The word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 observation it signifies Divination or Augury Bud. And the Apostle applies the Theam 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to reprove the Galatians for observing dayes and months and yeers and times therefore Chemnitius sayes truly it signifies a scrupulous superstitious observation And oft in the New Testament it is put to signifie in the Theam a captious insidiatory malicious observation to carp and catch Luke 6.7 Chap. 14. vers 1 Chap. 20. vers 20. The great learned Philosopher a Natural Greek and therefore knew his owne tongue in his Rhet. l. 2. useth it for observing a fit time to revenge Now the Pharisees were exquisite at both sorts of observation viz. superstitions of washing c. and insidiatory See Luke 20.20 They watched him it is the same Greek word and sent forth spies c. This being the efficacy of the Greek word and this being the spirit and temper of the Pharisees no wonder that Christ sayes to them the Kingdome of God doth not come with such observation or to such observers But fourthly we answer that Christ doth not deny but that his Kingdome may be perceived and beheld by a serious and sincere observaton As first his Kingdome of the ministration of the Gospel So that there shall bee no need to say Lo here or lo there is the Kingdome while the Kingdome of God is AMONG YOU verse 21. q. d. you might see it as well as others if you were sincerely willing to see it Our Translators render it The Kingdome of God is within you But most improperly for sure the Kingdome of God was not within these Pharisees who most likely put this question to Christ insidiatorily Beside the Greek 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 commonly signifies among or on this side or on that side or in the middle or amidst and so Beza and the Hebrew our Syriack copy have it And Beza saith it answers 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 apud vos among you And his words on this place and phrase is very considerable to our purpose This particle 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 saith Beza signifies that so the Kingdome of God was among them that by no means could it lye hid but was obvious to the beholding of all as John speaks Chap. 1. v. 27. But perhaps it doth declare that they had it not onely neer them but also within that is they had the Messiah within their houses so that but for perverse opinion c. they might acknowledge him There are some saith Beza who had rather render it WITHIN you as if it were signified there that the Kingdome of Christ were spiritual not earthly c. which opinion however it is true yet perhaps it is not sufficiently accommodated to this place Secondly For Christs more glorious and more conspicuous Kingdome at his next appearing he saith verse 22 23 24. and 25. to his Disciples Goe not after men that say here or there it is in this or that corner for as the lightning that lightneth out of the one part under heaven shineth unto the other part under heaven so also shall the Sonne of man be in his day But first hee must suffer many things and be REJECTED OF THIS GENERATION which plainly signifies his next comming after his Ascension Lay all together and you will see how little Mr. B. gets out of this place for his minor To his fourth proof thereof Job 18.36 My Kingdome is not of this world we have answered largely afore To his fifth and last proofe of his minor Rom. 14.16 The Kingdome of God consists not c. we gave a full answer when we answered the closing up of this his Argument SECT V. Mr. Bailyes fifth Argument § 1 THe Scripture makes the Church of God so long as it is upon earth first a mixed multitude of elect and reprobate good and bad Secondly A company of people under the crosse and subject to various temptations Thirdly A company that hath need of the Word and Sacraments of Prayer and Ordinances Fourthly That hath Christ a high Priest within the vayle of heaven interceding for them But the Doctrine in hand changes the nature of the Church and makes it for a 1000 yeers together to consist only of good gracious persons without all trouble without all Ordinances without any need of Christs Intercession For the first of mixedness see Mat. Luk. 18.8 These places declare the mixture of the wicked with the godly in the Church to the worlds end and most about the end For the second of Crosses See Psal 34.20 Many are the afflictions of the righteous Matth. 5.4 Blessed are they that mourne and are persecuted Act. 14.23 By many tribulations we must enter into the Kingdome of God Rom. 8.17 If we suffer with him we shall reigne with him 2 Tim. 3.12 All that will be godly must suffer persecution For the third of Ordinances see Eph. 4.11 1 Cor. 11.26 For the fourth of need of Christs Intercession see 1 John 1.8 and Chapter 2.1 Heb. 9.24 § 2 Answer first to the major Mr. B. himselfe cannot but confesse that it is not simply and absolutely true For if Christ will judge the whole world upon the earth on earth shall be the place of Judicature and bodies must be in a place for at heaven the wicked shall not be to receive sentence and onely the Saints at last are caught up into the clouds 1 Thess 4.17 And Christ as man must judge men as men and so have time to make his judgement apparently just to all mens reason and so as some of the Presbyterians confesse must take up some considerable time And at this time the Church shall be separated crosses shall cease the wicked shal not persecute c. Then it follows that the major is not absolutely true That all the time the Church is on earth it shal be subject to the four aforesaid particulars Now we have often and justly said The day of judgement begins at the thousand yeers § 3 To the minor wee say that it is false to say This Doctrine of the thousand yeers doth alter the nature of the Church Nature imports substance kinde essence But Mr. Baily knows the rule Magis minus non variant speciem i. e. More and lesse do not al●er the kinde And sure Mr. B. hath preached that common true Divinity that heaven doth perfect our condition our knowledge graces soules bodies and communion with God not alter them in kind nature or essence And so the
Prophet is to point out that Dominion and that Glory c. which the other foure Monarchs had And ALL PEOPLES and NATIONS and LANGUAGES should SERVE him whose dominion is for ever c. that is as long as the world below lasts all which manifestly relate to a Kingdome of Christ on earth compare v. 23 and v. 27. Thus far the Kingdome is given to Christ as if in comparison hee had none afore The vers 17. c. it is said to be the Saints Kingdome in these words These great Beasts which are foure are foure Kings that is foure Emperial Monarchies under foure races of mighty persecuting Monarchical Emperours of foure several sorts namely First Assyrio-Chaldean Secondly Medo-Persian Thirdly Grecian Fourthly Roman which shall arise out of the EARTH that is by violence succeed one another in that inheritance of the world But the Saints of the most High shall take the Kingdome that is that very Kingdome of the world that the other foure former Monarchs had and possesse the Kingdome for ever and for ever and ever that is in all ages as long as time shall bee as the original signifies adding v. 23. c. to the end of the Chapter The fourth Beast shall bee the fourth Kingdome upon earth that is the Emperour of the Roman Empire which shall bee divers from al the Kingdomes namely in Rule in Conquest and Cruelty and shall devoure the whole earth and shall tread it down and breake it in peeces meaning that the Romans shall conquer the whole world utterly defacing all Kingly dominion in the same And the ten Hornes out of this Kingdome are ten Kings that shall arise to wit the Roman Empire at last is divided into ten Kingdomes as John hath it severall times in the Revelation as a tendency to the ruine of that Empire for it follows here And another shall rise after them and he shall bee divers from the first and he shall subdue three Kings That is the Easterne Saracen-Arabian Turkish power ascending to a monstrous height of strength differing from the former in Nation Religion and Tyranny shall take away three of the said tenne Kingdomes And he shall speake great words against the most High see the Turkish Alcoran and shall weare out the Saints of the most High that is in a great measure slaying so many Christians at one battel as the tippes of their right eares filled nine sackes and thinke to change Times and Lawes that is those of divine institution as appeares also in his Alcoran and they shall bee given into his hand untill a time and times and dividing of times meaning that the Saint● shall by divine permission fall under the Turkish power three hundred and fifty yeers from his first invading the Jewish Countries to his full and finall fall But saith the 26. v. c. to the end of the Chapter The judgement shall sit and they shall take away his dominion to consume and to destroy it to the end that is to say The Ancient of dayes as fitting in judgement judgeth to vindicate the Saints and so gives them opportunity and virility to deprive the Turke of his Kingdome and utterly to consume his power and strength And so in the 27. verse The Kingdome and Dominion UNDER the whole HEAVEN shall bee given to the people of the Saints of the most High c. That is the same Dominions of the whole world below that the former tyrannicall Monarches usurped shall now be given into the hands of the converted Jewes and holy Gentiles adhering to them to reigne on earth with Christ to whom these Dominions were delivered in the former part of this Chapter This place of the seventh of Daniel hath beene so large touching the Saints reigning with Christ on earth that we shall adde but one or two places more and that very briefly Revel 11.15 c. The seventh Angel sounded and there were great voices in heaven saying the Kingdomes of the WORLD are become the Kingdomes of our LORD and of his CHRIST or of him as CHRIST and hee shall REIGNE for ever and ever that is throughout all AGES from hence forward over the Kingdomes of the WORLD as if hitherto he had not in comparison reigned over them And the foure and twenty Elders c. fell upon their faces c. Saying we give thee thanks O Lord c. because thou hast TAKEN TO THEE THY GREAT POWER and hast REIGNED and the Nations were ANGRY which shewes this was not at the ultimate day of judgement and the time of the dead that they should bee judged is come that is the Saints should bee vindicated for so it presently followes that thou shouldest give rewards to thy servants the Prophets and to the Saints and them that feare thy name which what should it bee but to reigne on earth as it is both before expressed in the Preface Rev. 5.10 and after in the Catastrophe Revel 20.4 in regard of which reigning on earth they may bee said to bee the FIRST-FRUITS to God Rev. 14.4 because this is but the beginning of Gods worke of glorifying his Saints Let us close this Paragraph with Heb. 2.5 c. to 10. The world to come the Greek is the INHABITED world to come must be put under man though not under Angels according to Psalme 8. quoted there by the Apostle which Psalme relates to Gen. 1.26 where God gives Adam dominion over all the Creation But saith the Apostle in his time Wee see not yet all things put under him onely Jesus as the pledge is crowned with glory Therefore say I there is such a thing yet to come Let not the Reader if I may intreat so much despise the allegation of these Texts for the present purpose which are little more then barely alleadged onely to hint the Saints reigning with Christ on earth I desire to ingage him upon this request but for a time till I come to critically scan if I may assume so much confidence to my selfe these and many other places of Scripture And then upon his serious joynt view of all all together if he can bee of another minde different from mee let him for mee abound in his owne sense § 4 But to wheele about from this digression to our owne post and businesse in hand viz. the Reigning of the Saints WITH CHRIST at this time and in this place aforesaid Before they reigned but sometimes over their corruptions and Satans temptations but never over men but now totally and finally over Sinne MEN and Divels as wee shall demonstrate afterwards Their living must be after a RESURRECTION as the word is twice mentioned in this 20. of Revelation Though they bee made but spiritual Kings and Priests as the Objecters will have it in those words Rev. 5.10 Hee hath made us Kings and Priests to God yet how shall the next words be figured off from their proper sense where the Crowne of Dignity is put upon the head of REIGNING UPON EARTH Hee
verbis quid planiùs quid pleniùs significari potest quàm idem illud sub toto caelo in ●ERRA itaque dominium quatuor Monarchiis arreptum sanctis exhiberi Sic simul cum Christo in terrâ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 diu regnabunt Christiani A Daniele transeamus ad Johannem Apocalyps 11. v. 15. c. septimus Angelus clanxit factae sunt voces magnae in Caelo dicentes facta sunt regna MUNDI Domini nostri Christi ejus vel ipsius Christi scilicet Domini nostri Christi ut Christi qui regnabit in secula seculorum duranti nimirum TEMPORE TUM viginti quatuor illi SENIORES ignota in caelis relatio ut numerus qui in conspectu Dei SEDENT in THRONIS regnandi situs indicium prociderunt c. dicentes Gratias agimus tibi domine c. quòd adeptus sis vi scilicet potentiam tuam MAGNAM quae parva quodammodò videbatur anteà REGNUM inieris quod initium aliquod innuit iratae sunt gentes Lugent homines die judicii non irascuntur Et venit ira tua puniens scilicet Antichristum satellitesque ejus in terrâ praestitutum tempus mortuorum primâ nimirum resurrectione ut judicentur qui quomodo statim sequitur dare mercedem servis tuis c. scilicet in Terrâ ut probant sequentia perdas eos qui perdunt praesenti tempore TERRAM cujus minima cura ad ultimum Judicium habenda est Tunc apertum est Templum Dei in Caelo visa est Arca pacti ipsius in ejus Templo facta sunt fulgura voces Tonitura terraemotus c. quae omnia magis contra quam pro statu in supremo Caelo intelligant●r necesse est Claudat hunc Paragraphum Apostolus ad HEBRAEOS 2. vers 5. c. MUNDUS ILLE FUTURUS inquit homini subjiciendus est non angelis Graece 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ille habitabilis seu inhabitatus mundus ille futurus duplici emphatico juxta inquit Psalmum octavum ut concesserat Deus Genes 1. v. 26. quod respicit Psaltes NUNC autem dicit Apostolus nequaquam HACTENUS videmus quòd omnia subjecta sunt ILLI tantum JESUM illum pignus rei gloriâ honore cernimus Coronatum c. § 4 Omnia quae recensuimus testimonia satis ni fallor suggerunt meditanti viro eminentiorem in terrâ regnandi speciem sanctis adhuc restare Olim dominati sunt quandoque ex parte tentationibus nec non peccato nunquam vero generi humano Quibus omnibus dicto MILLENARIO seu tempore terricolis adhuc futuro penitus semperque dominabuntur victores Vitam eorum fore oportet ut vita faeliciter resurgentium futura est resurrectione ad designandum hunc statum bis repetitâ Apocalypsis cap. 20. Si fiant spiritualiter tantum reges Sacerdotes ut objectores vellent Apocalyps 5.10 quo tropi invento profligabitur sequentium verborum literalis sensus ET praeter illud sacerdotium regale regnabunt IN TERRA Verum ne in taedium incidamus repetitionum nec non praejudicium subeat causa leviusculis grandiorum anticipationibus clausâ hâc sectione ad ultimam transitur perstringendam SECT IV. Something of the space of time viz. The THOUSAND YEERS of the Saints reigning with Christ on earth § 1 THe time of the Saints reigning with Christ upon earth is so punctually and positively set downe to be A THOUSAND YEERS that I know not how without perverting the Scripture to make it more or lesse It would seeme to mee a presumptuous thing to heare the holy Spirit to tell John six times over in six verses together namely Rev. 20. v. 2 3 4 5 6 7. of a ●housand yeers precisely touching the same businesse in the severall parts and appurtenances thereof never varying the phrase to a weakning but foure times of the six to a strengthning of it with mighty emphasis in the Greek as to say THE or THAT ●AME thousand yeers if I the meane while should imagine another number § 2 I know no such phrase in all the Bible of a thousand yeeres put for any other number but really for a thousand yeers to encourage mee to such a boldnesse of imagination That of Peter 2 Epist Chap. 3. v. 8. in Gods account is nothing against us § 3 Besides the parts to which this number is applied are so cemented together as cause and ●ffect distinction and opposition c. that they mightily strengthen and prove the just account of a thousand yeeres Satan is bound a thousand yeeres that hee should not deceive the Nations till that same thousand yeeres should bee fulfilled Then the Sants lived and reigned with Christ THAT SAME thousand yeeres so the Greeke But the rest of the dead lived not againe untill those thousand yeers were finished Whiles the Holy ones are made Priests of God and of Christ and reigne with Christ a thousand yeeres It is worth our noting by the way that instead of adding here Kings to Priests as Rev. 5.10 it is supplyed with this That they reign with Christ a thousand yeers so that when it is said Rev. 5.10 The Saints are made Priests and KINGS to God their Kingly-hood is there meant in relation of that which there followes viz. Their reigning upon earth even as for ought I know yet all the Saints shall bee able to serve and worship God immediately without the helpe of any Administrator in the old Testament called Priests in the New Ministers Elders c. § 4 Nor is it of least consideration that the thousand yeers that we might not stretch or shrinke this number if we will observe the sealings of it at both ends are bounded in with two most notable things namely TWO RESURRECTIONS The living of the Saints whiles the rest of the dead lived not begins with the First-Resurrection This saith v. 5. is the FIRST RESURRECTION as relating to the second at the end of the thousand yeers v. 7. c. to v. 14. And when Those thousand yeers are expired Satan shall bee loosed hee shall seduce the Nations and go about to disturb the REIGNING Saints and the beloved City and then appeared a great Throne and one sate on it from whose face the earth and heaven fled away and the DEAD small and great stood before God c. SECT IV. Analecta de TEMPORIS spacio nimirum de MILLE ANNIS quibus Sancti cum Christo in terris sunt regnaturi Apocal. cap. 20. v. 2 3 4 5 6 7. § 1 TEmpus sanctorum in terra regnantium toties adeò praecisè asseritur MILLE fore annos caeteris concurrentibus ut me latet penitùs quomodo mihi liceat nisi pervertenti Scripturas plusve minusve pronunciare Audax nimium ne dicam stupendâ praesumptione viderer audito Sancto Spiritu sexies haud minus sexque contiguis versibus dictante eundem
which the Apostle Heb. 2. v. 5 6 7. c. expounds of Christ and of the inhabited world to come as the Greek is vers 5. and saith that when Christ was ascended yet then all things were not put under his feet For all must be so all saith the Apostle there v. 8. that nothing must be excepted except as 1 Cor. 15. God himselfe But of this of Heb. 2. abundantly after § 2 Secondly we answer That it is the Kingdome of God his Father because Christ reignes over it as in unspeakable union with the God-head That though he be but one person yet he hath two natures So that the sense is the Kingdome of my Father that is the Kingdom of God as it is in the Syriac 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is it i● the Kingdome of a God-Christ or a God-man Christ For Father is ascribed in Scripture to the God-head usually in relation to Christ incarnate So that because the two natures are joyned as Collegues in one person over this Empire therefore it is called the Kingdome of CHRIST and of GOD. And such a phrase and upon such an occasion as cleerly relates to the Kingdome whereof we speak doth the Apostle use Eph. 5.5 The words are these This know that no whoremonger nor unclean person nor covetous man c. hath any INHERITANCE in the Kingdome of CHRIST and of GOD. The Heathens never imagined that vicious persons should enter into their heavenly Elysian-fields or the blissfull immortality of soules And Inheritance more suits to Earth then Heaven And lastly after the ultimate day of judgement Christ hath no Kingdome 1 Cor. 15.28 Therefore this place of Ephes 5.5 relates to the Great Restitution as plainlier appears by paralelling another place which fully answers to that of Ephes 5.5 viz. Rev. 22.11.15 The words are these He that is filthy let him be filthy still WITHOUT are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. the dogs the whoremongers c. when is this viz. in the time when the Throne of GOD and of the LAMB shall be and appeare glorious in the Holy City the New Jerusalem verf. 1 2 3. twice expressed There is also the like phrase of calling it the Kingdome of God and of Christ in effect Rev. 12.9.10 And the great Dragon was cast out that old Serpent called the Devill and Satan c. And I heard a loud voyce saying in Heaven Now is salvation and strength and the KINGDOME OF OUR GOD and the POWER OF HIS CHRIST So that Christ as MAN joyntly with GOD doth reigne in this Millenary Kingdome And therefore Christ speakes of new Wine New in the Kingdome of his Father before the ultimate ●ay of judgement For after that day Christ hath no KINGDOME nor POWER but layes downe all as wee have oft ●epeated it out of 1 Cor. 15.28 God the Father is then to be all in all And therefore that expression so frequent in Rev. 20. The Saints hall reigne with Christ a thousand yeers cannot be meant of supernall eternall glory after the last judgement because that place but now quoted of 1 Cor. 15.28 affirmes that then Christ himselfe is said NOT TO REIGNE but to lay down all and to be subject unto him that put all things under him that God may be all in all so that then Christ only injoys glory with his Saints not reigne as Christ in glory SECT VI. Of the sixth Scripture for Christs Personall appearance at the great restauration of the Church 2 Tim. 4.1 I charge thee before God and the Lord Jesus Christ who shall judge the quicke and the dead at his appearing and his Kingdome § 1 THe Kingdome of Christ here mentioned cannot be referred to his past Government of the Church for it is expresse in the future tense now so long since his Ascention that he shall judge the quick and dead at his appearance and his Kingdom § 2 Nor can this Kingdome of Christ here spoken of signifie any Kingdome of Christ after the ultimate judgement for then Christ hath no Kingdome as but now and oft before was touched from 1 Cor. 15.28 § 3 But when Christ appeares next to judge the quicke and dead Saints to reward them and to destroy the then living incurable and incorrigible wicked by a particular day of Judgement at the beginning of the thousand yeares which is the Preface to the ultimate Judgement Christ all that while being busied in executing that first Sentence of Judicature Matth. 25. Come ye blessed of my Father inherite a kingdome provided for you according to Revel 11.15 17 18. of which much after compare Revel 19. three last verses I say when Christ shall then appeare hee shall have a Kingdome § 4 The word appearance is the same in the Greeke as that 2 Thes 2.8 so that Christ must appeare to the inhabitants of the earth where this his Kingdome is For the present as it is said Luk. 19.11 12. by Christ himselfe Christ is gone into a farre Country viz. into Heaven to take to him a Kingdom that is in the Metropolis Heaven he is to be crowned King of this his Kingdome he is to have on earth but he is to returne and then to take account of his servants in this his Kingdome and to dignifie the well-doers Christ must be the fifth Monarch Dan. 2.45 Dan. 7.13 14. I say Christ is to be the fifth Monarch The Jewes now have no King but in the last dayes they shall have David that is Christ the Sonne of David to be their King Hos 3. ver 4 5. And Christ in Acts 1. ver 3. having for forty dayes spoken of the things pertaining to the Kingdome of God and thereupon being asked by the Disciples ver 6 of his restoring the Kingdome to Israel he doth not deny the thing but only refuseth then to tell them the Time when it should be done But after he tells us by John in the Revelation as we shall see abundantly after SECT VII Of the seventh Scripture for the Personall appearance of Christ at the great restauration of the Church Acts 3.19 20 21. Repent yee therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. And he shall send Jesus Christ which was before preached unto you whom the Heaven must receive untill the times of restitution of all things which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy Prophets since the world began § 1 THis place of Scripture is the more considerable in that it is urged by some that looke upon things only with a cursory eye against Christs glorious Kingdome yet to come on earth which if well weighed speakes most strongly for it § 2 For 1. Time and especially times twice mentioned in the Plurall cannot so well relate to a state after the last Judgement when time shal be no more Rev. 10.6 7. And the Angels sware by him that liveth for ever that there should be
expect a restitution of all things before the finall and totall end of all things § 8 Moreover it is said That the Heaven must containe Christ untill the restitution of all things which cleerly infers that Christ must come out of Heaven when hee shall restore all things At the ultimate day of judgement is the destruction of Gog and Magog and ten thousands of the wicked Revel 20. Again after the ultimate day of judgement he is not the Magnus Restaurator the Great Restorer but is Subditus he is himselfe subject 1 Cor. 15.28 Therefore before that he must come out of Heaven to restore all things And how even as it is expresse in Act. 1.11 spoken by Angels and attested by Saint Luke there This same Jesus which is taken up from you into Heaven shall SO COME in I LIKE MANNER as yee have seen him GOE IN TO HEAVEN SECT VIII Of the eighth Scripture for the Personall appearance of Christ at the great restauration of the Church Matth. 23.38 39. Your house is left unto you desolate for I say unto you yee shall not see me henceforth till yee shall say Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. THis cannot be meant of Christ coming after his resurrection for it is plaine that between the time of Christs speaking this and his coming with that acclamation Blessed is he that cometh c. there must be a desolation their house or habitation to whom he speaks must be left desolate § 2 This speech is directed point blanke to the Jewes and more keenly to them inhabiting Jerusalem So the connexion O Jerusalem Jerusalem thou that killest the Prophets and stonest them that are sent unto thee how often would I have gathered thy children together even as an Hen gathereth her Chickens under her wings and yee would not behold marke the connexion or inference YOVR house is left unto YOV desolate For I say unto YOV YEE shall not see me c. Luke inserts Chap. 13.35 Christs great asseveration VERILY I say unto you yee shall not see me And expresseth it more fully that this well-coming of Christ was not hard at hand as at his resurrection in that Luke saith Yee shall not see me UNTILL THE TIME COME when yee shall say Blessed c. And Luke as well as Matthew gives us the Jewes not seeing of Christ till that time with the emphasis of a double negative 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is yee shall by no meanes or manner see me till that time which was verified in that only the Disciples or Brethren saw him at his resurrection 3 What this leaving of their house desolate is our Saviour expounds § 3 presently for having spoken in the last two verses of Mat. 23. Your house is left desolate for I say unto you yee shall not see me henceforth c. presently in the next sentence he is recorded to speake in the twenty fourth Chapter vers 1.2 Chapters being of late invention nonein the ancient bookes either in Greek or other Languages is that of the buildings even of all they behold that is of the City and expresse of the Temple there shal not be left there one stone upon another that shal not be throwne downe so that as Christ pursues the discourse vers 15. They should see the abomination of desolation set up in the HOLY PLACE expounded Luke 21.20 to be the compassing about Jerusalem with Heathenish Roman Armies And Luke 19.43 Thine enemies shal cast a trench about thee and compasse thee round and keep thee in on every side and shal lay thee even with the ground And in the sixteenth verse of that twenty third Chapter of Matthew They in Judea should fly to the mountaines and he that is in the field shal not turne backe to take his cloathes So that the leaving their house desolate is the destroying of the place and face of worship in the Temple and the grace and place of the City for to that at last it amounted in two steps whereof this was the first by Titus the Roman Emperour about seventy yeares after the birth of Christ destroying the Temple the second by Adrian the Roman Emperour about the one hundred thirty fourth yeare after Christs birth destroying the City so that the Jewes never sacrificed there any more * Buchole Ind. Chron. Ad anuum 134 ut inquit Bucholce●us intelligeretur Romanae potestati Indaeo● subj●cere politiam Mosaicam cum Metropolis suae ruina redactam esse in ni●ilum effusâ jam super eam finali perpetuâque vastitate arque ita sciretur spem omnem Judaeo●um DE MESSIAE ADVEN TV quam Barcochebas id est stellae filius juxta ut simulare●ur prophetiam Balaami iste Pseudo-Christus causa rebellionis hujus in Romanos inducentis cladem p●i●●s indiderat extinctam Hierosolymaeque ruderibus obrutam ac sepultam esle Adrianus Christianis aliis Gentibus urbem Jerusalem inhabitandam dedit mutatâ veteri appellatione de suo nomine Aeliam nominavit 4 The word in Greek 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 used here in this twenty third of Matthew ver 38. to signifie left is in it selfe of a mild signification as in Latine missum facere and in English to lay aside a thing so that it doth not in its owne nature signifie an utter forsaking but only a leaving for a time as the couched Antithesis shew us viz. left desolate UNTILL and therefore the same Christ that is now going shall be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 coming and whiles hereafter he is coming these Jewes of Jerusalem and of Iudea that before had been angry with them that had cryed Hosanna to him Mat. 21.9 to 16. and anon cry Crucifie him should in time to come welcome him with this acclamation Blessed is he coming so the Greek in the name of the Lord. § 5 Now this place of Scripture and this performance cannot be reserred either to the time between Christs Resurrection and Ascention or to the ultimate day of Judgement and therefore must of necessity relate to a time since his Ascention yet to come before the generall Judgement § 6 Not to the time between his Resurrection and Ascention because this is spoken as we have demonstrated to the generality of the Iewes * Mat. 23. ult Christus Judaeos ingratos ita alloquitur Dico enim vobis nequaquam me videbitis ab hee tempore usque dum dicatis benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini Quibus verbis Christus indicat Judaeos upsum ●andem aliquando visuros non equidem in ultimo judicio sed ante illud quia non in ultimo judicio acclamabunt ipsi Benedictus c. tum enim trepidabunt qui non fuerint conversi ad ipsum sed illo tempore quo se ipsis ostendet ut convertat ipsos ad veramfidem Alsted in locum in Diatr De Mil●an who had killed the Prophets and stoned them that were sent unto them ver 37. whose
he that shall endure to the END the same shall be saved Of the other signes he said they did not signifie that the END was immediately at hand vers 6. These signs shall be saith Christ BUT the END is not YET But now hee comes to speake of the signe of the End of the world viz. that this Gospel of the KINGDOME shall be preached in all the world 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 published as by an Herauld And THIS Gospel of THE KINGDOME as pointing at this particular of the good newes of the Gospel that Christ should after all these darke clouds of the reigne of wickednesse have a Kingdome on earth And then saith Christ shall the END come which must of necessity import one of these ENDS and one of these wayes must be signified by the publishing of the Gospel in all the world That either the Gospel should be published in all the world to Jews and Gentiles as a signe immediately before the End of THIS present world that is before the thousand yeers of the great Restauration Or that the full and effectuall manifestation of the Gospel should be in the time of that Restauration in those thousand yeers which Paul calls Heb. 2.5 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 That inhabited world that is to come of which place much after as a fore-running signe of the ultimate generall end of the whole world Let the Reader take which he pleaseth For either of them concludes for us that after this signe according as we interpret the sequel shall be the beginning or ending of Christs visible appearance to us on earth As it follows vers 29. Then shall appear the signe of the Sonne of man not for a meer short sentence of judgement but to gather his elect from the foure quarters of the earth Of which place much in Sect. 3. of this 2 Book § 4 To gather all into an apparent argument the summe and signes of all is this If Christ in shewing the signes of his coming the second time doth clearly distinguish between his next coming and visible appearing and the end of the world and for that end gives distinct signes of both then Christ must come before the end of the world and visibly appeare But so doth Christ clearly distinguish and distinctly signifie those two as we have shewed Therefore there is yet a time wherein Christ will come and visibly appeare before the end of the world At first we know by the Gospels he came in a state of humility for salvation to sinners that should believe The next time he comes in glory to reigne visibly to the comfort of them that doe beleeve Rev. 20. first six verses Third and last time for terrour to the wicked vers 12. Of that second coming the thing now under consideration Christ having given signes as hath been shewed he concludes in verse 30. They shall see the Sonne of man in the Clouds of heaven with great power and glory which cannot be meant of the finall sentence of the ultimate judgement because of that in the 34 verse bound with an asseveration and attestation before and behinde Verily I say unto you this generation shall not passe till all these things be fulfilled Heaven and earth shall passe away but my words shall not passe away Of which 34. vers much afterward SECT X. Of the tenth Scripture for Christs visible appearance at the great restauration of the Church Luke 19. ver 11. to 28. He added and spake a Parable because he was nigh to Jerusalem and because they thought that the KINGDOME OF GOD should immediately APPEARE A certaine noble-man went into a farre Country to RECEIVE FOR HIMSELFE A KINGDOME and TO RETURNE and he called his ten Servants and delivered to them ten pounds and said unto them occupy till I come But his Citizens hated him and sent a Message after him saying we will not have this man to reigne over us And it came to passe when he was returned HAVING RECEIVED THE KINGDOME then he commanded these servants to be called unto him to whom he gave the mony c. Then came the first saying Lord thy pound hath gained ten pounds And he said unto him well thou good servant because thou hast been faithfull in a little have thou authority over ten Cities and so proportionable to the rest But those mine enemies that would not have me reigne over them bring them hither and slay them before me § 1 THis Parable was spoken a little before Christs suffering as appeares by the order of the Story here and in Mat. 25. It is pend by Luke who wrote the Acts where he carefully reports Christs coming againe just as they saw him ascend in relation to the restoring of the Kingdome of which Christ spake and the Disciples enquired after Act. 1.3 4 5 6 c. to 12. only saith Luke Acts 3.21 The heavens must receive him for a time and then he shall come from heaven and cause the restitution of all things as hath been opened § 2 The Preface to this Parable is a golden key to open the curious Cabinet of the meaning of this Parable that we may not relye upon a meere Allegory Christ spake this Parable because he was night to Jerusalem and because they thought that the Kingdome of God should IMMEDIATELY APPEARE It doth not deny the appearing of the Kingdom Christ is for it only he is against the immediate 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the suddaine appearance of it he must afore that as is the maine sence of the Parable goe away into a farre country viz. to Heaven and leave talents in trust with his servants giving them time to imploy them and to be so long absent that his enemies grow so bold as to send after him with this high affront they would not have him to reigne over them that is according to the direct sence Some seemingly professours by his long absence should grow quite carelesse of improving the talents or gifts of endowments to his honour and others by his delay as they counted it should become professed enemies against him § 3 But whatever these mistakers dreamed the truth was that as the diligent Talenters expected and accordingly acted Christ went away to Heaven not to returne no more but went thither to take to himselfe a Kingdome which phrase viz. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 must signifie a Kingdome peculiar to himselfe as he is Christ else how doth he take it or receive it to himselfe And being installed into it he is to returne He had his Kingdome of grace before he went away as he oft mentioneth it in his Parables and Sermons adding that that his Kingdome was not of this world And he had the Kingdome of glory as his triumph over his Kingdome of grace having finished his conquest on the Crosse So hee needed not to returne to receive either of these Kingdomes It remains therefore that it is the Kingdome we speak of that he returnes to receive He went to Heaven
and so slaine with the sword that the Fowles were filled with the flesh of them that were slaine chap. 19. verse 20. A strange thing to me if any should dreame these things to be done only Spiritually or in the world to come There proceeded indeed the sword out of his mouth that is Christ bid his Saints to slay them which afore and after yee have explained but they were materially or corporally slaine as the time weapon and their buriall in the bowels of Birds challenge that sence yea marke further the Armies ruine is put in Counter-destruction or opposition to the ruine of their Chieftain or Chieftaines whose destruction was to be cast ALIVE into the Lake therefore the slaying of the Army with the sword to be devoured by the Fowles must signifie a Corporall destruction § 3 Now this destruction Chap. 19.20 cannot be at the ultimate Day of ●udgement for that day is not till after the destruction of Gog and Magog which is long after the destruction of Antichrist vers 8 9 10 11 12 c. of this twentieth Chapter clearly distinguished from that destruction of Antichrist by two notable circumstances including many other particulars of order time place c. ¶ The first Circumstance is That Gog and Magog warre against the Saints whiles they are in their injoyment of their glorious peace after the said Saints had reigned a thousand yeares ver 7.8 when they had been partakers long afore viz. at the beginning of the thousand yeares of the first resurrection as a pledge that they should not dye the second death at the second Resurrection ver 6. after that they had reigned and as Kings and Priests and too with Christ a thousand years in the same sixt verse none of which particulars can consist with supernal ultimate glory when Christ himselfe layes downe all his power 1 Cor. 15.28 And after they have injoyed this condition a thousand yeares then and not till then begins the Gogicall-Magogicall warre upon which comes the destruction on Gogmagog ver 7 8 9. but the warre of Antichrist in the nineteenth Chapter is when the Saints are in great trouble their bloud had been poured out unavenged till then vers 2. the earth corrupted ibid. The Nations are till now to be smitten and to be RVLE'D with a ROD of Iron ver 15. The Wine presse of the fiercenesse and wrath of God Almighty to be trodden ibid. with many the like intimations throughout the Chapter of the different state of the Church now a thousand yeeres before Christ came to destroy Gogmagog as the sequell of the twentieth Chapter makes the compute ¶ The second Circumstance is That after the thousand yeares of Satans binding and Antichrists destruction Satan is againe let loose he seduceth Gog and Magog and then the Devill himselfe Chap. 20.10 is cast into the Lake of fire WHERE WERE the BEAST and the FALSE PROPHET which had been cast in there formerly Chap. 19. ver 20. evidently pointing at the destruction of Antichrist as finished long afore the fore-being there of the Beast and false Prophet being made the description of Hell as sometimes the portion of Hypocrites is the description thereof § 4 The next passage in this twentieth Chapter of Revelation is what he saw in ver 4. John saw Thrones and they that sate upon them and judgement was given to them and he saw the soules of them that were beheaded for the witnesse of Jesus and for the Word of God and which had not worshipped the Beast nor his Image neither had received his mark upon their fore-heads or in their hands the meaning of all which you have in the next Chapter viz. the 21. for vers 1. it is said And I saw a new heaven and a new earth little reason to mention earth if it had been to describe a state in heaven above The place is taken out of Isa 65.17 as Peter hints 2 Pet. 3.13 We according to his PROMISE looke for new heavens and a new earth I say out of Isa 65.17 where God promiseth unto the Jewes to build new Heavens and a new earth but with all mentions their injoying of houses and vine yards In the second Verse of the one and twentieth Chapter it is said John saw new Hierusalem indeed that on earth is old but nothing is old in the highest Heavens so that nothing there can be said to be new therefore this cannot be meant of that heaven It is expresse It comes downe from heaven therefore it cannot expresse a state in that supernall heaven even as it followes PREPARED as a Bride which plainly evinceth that it is not meant of ultimate glory where the Church is not prepared that is done in this world but perfected as vers 3. it is said I heard a voyce OVT of heaven to import that it was of things not in the supreame Heaven viz. That the tabernacle of God is with men where God WILL dwell with them which if meant of the supernall Heaven would have been exprest in a contrary phrase viz. The tabernacle of men is with God for there is no need of a promise to assure us that in the highest Heavens God will dwell with us Agreeable to which the fourth verse promiseth that all teares shall be wiped away of which promise as in relation to the supreame Heaven there was not the least need since God made it but knowne to the Sonnes of men that they shall inherit that place all sorts Christians Heathens c. easily know and beleeve that there in that place are no teares nor cause of teares as appeares in the Christians Creed and the Heathens Doctrines of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and their Elysian fields Every thing in that Heaven is so good that it cannot be made as in verse 5. new that is better No need there of that in the sixth verse either promise or performance to give unto him that is athirst of the fountaine of the water of life It is enough for God to promise that Heaven as Paul thought it enough to say Phil. 1. I desire to be dissolved and to be with Christ if we be once there we shall not thirst Even as there according to ver 7. shall be no striving to overcome much lesse to overcome that in ver 8. Feare and unbeliefe c. They in the supernall Heaven have overcome all things therefore all these demonstrate that this Chapter is of a state on earth not of one in supreame glory of such a state on earth it is proper to say as v. 7. He that possesseth it shal inherit all things not only Gods presence but also all things though as yet all things are not subject to Christ himselfe Heb. 2.8 and he shal be Gods Sonne For if we beleeve we now are the Sons of God afore we come to ultimate glory then this promised with a shal be must signifie a suture estate and on earth because of other circumstances as we are now enumerating that
of grace and non-grace that difference was made before death in the life time of the Saints and wicked The second particular is the casting of the Devill into the bottomlesse pit and shutting and sealing him in it that he may not seduce the Nations till the thousand yeers be finished vers 3. The third particular is the letting loose of Satan at the end of the thousand yeers to seduce all the Nations on the foure corners of the earth till he gather together an innumerable Army to encompasse the camp of the Saints the event whereof is that that Army is consumed with five from heaven After which immediately begins the last judgement vers 7 8 9. Now wee shall challenge literas omnes literatos all learned books and men when in all the one thousand six hundred and fifty yeers of the New Testament by-past were these three particulars fulfilled When did the Saints or Martyrs so rise For still they have been and are under persecution or sore afflictions in one or other or severall Nations more or lesse When was Satan so bound and imprisoned as that he did not seduce the Nations For to this day Lutherans Protestants Papists Turkes Indians Jewes c. are seduced by him in matters of Errour and War And when was there such an innumerable Army encompassing the camp of the Saints consumed with fire from Heaven upon which immediately followed that day of judgement when the Devill is cast into the lake of fire a Throne is set and the bookes are opened c. as it is v. 10 11 12 § 7 It is true some learned men doe say that the time of Satans binding that he could not seduce the Nations for a thousand yeers to the making of an happy time for the Church so long began three hundred yeers after Christ and so ended one thousand and three hundred yeers after Christ For say they at the end of three hundred yeers after Christ the ten persecutions ceased in which persecution say they Satan was loose to seduce the world But those persecutions being ceased the thousand yeers of the Churches comfortable condition began So Mr. Brightman on Revel and Mr. Fox in his book of Martyrs onely with this difference That one of them inserts within the said thousand by them laid out the five months mentioned Revel 9.5 as a so long interruption of their described quiet in those thousand yeers understanding by those five months certaine yeers that is that every day of those five months signifies a yeer which according to solary months makes the thousand yeers end an hundred and thirty yeers lower or according to ●unary months one hundred and twenty yeers later Pareus begins the thousand yeers of the binding of Satan c. at the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus sixty nine yeers as he accounts after the birth of Christ At which time saith he the Jewish Temple and Worship ceasing the great impediment of the Gentiles imbracing the Gospel was removed So that this while Satan was bound from seducing the Gentiles or Nation § 8 Whence first let the Reader observe by the way that all these three godly and greatly learned men doe concur and fully agree with us in this that the meaning of the thousand yeers is literall That it signifies a thousand yeers properly taken yea and to include sensible events though they differ from us and from one another in other particulars § 9 But for the opinions themselves we cannot agree with them in the beginning of these thousand yeers and consequently not in their ending 1 ¶ Not with Mr. Fox and Mr. Brightmans computation First because they include the ten Persecutions which lasted three hundred yeers within the time of Satans beng loose and seducing the Nations preceding the beginning of their account of the thousand yeers whith ten Persecutions include the Apostles time and the Primitive purest times And so by consequence Mr. Fox and Mr. Brightman make those primitive times more corrupt and more seduced then the ages following the ten Persecutions which is contrary to Rev. 11.1 and Revel 12.1 And contrary to experience out of all antiquity that in those times the Church was far more pure generally then ever since Secondly because this compute of Mr. Fox and Mr. Brightman makes the times following the ten Persecutions to begin an happy thousand yeers for the Church and so to continue to one thousand three hundred yeers after Christ But this is contrary to experience from all approved antiquity who doth give us a particular account that after that little time in the life of Constantine the Great wherein the Church had some outward peace and prosperity anon began the black-heresie and bloody-persecution by the Arians upon the necke of which followed Pelagianisme and many other grosse and grievous errours and heresies 2 ¶ For the computation of Pareus that cannot stand for many strong reasons that batter it downe For first the Jewish worship did not cease as Pareus affirmes at the destruction of the Temple by Titus but doth continue to this day And instead of the exercise thereof in that one Nation of the Jewes it is practised by them in their Synagogues in most Nations in Europe if not elsewhere also as our Country-Merchants and Travellers are eare and eye-witnesses If by Jewish worship Pareus doth mean that particular of it of sacrificing as if that at least ended at Titus destruction of the Temple therein also is Pareus mistaken as most Ecclesiastical Histories and Chronologies abet us to affirme For say these Records when Titus had overthrown the Temple the Jews sacrificed in the City as neer the ruines of their Temple as they could Yea when Hadrian or Adrian the Roman Emperour had destroyed the City they sacrificed at Mamre where God appeared formerly to Abraham Nor was their zeale to sacrificing so extinguished when Constantine the Great beat them from Mamre For anon after Constantine Julian the Apostate the Romane Emperour encouraged the Jewes to returne to Jerusalem there to re-build the ruines and offer sacrifice till fire from heaven discomfited them which falls far lower then sixty nine yeers after Christ namely to about three hundred and sixty yeers after Christ So that this Jewish worship lasted all the time of the ten Persecutions in which Mr. Fox and Mr. Brightman say Satan was let loose and not bound up as Pareus affirmes 2 Within this thousand yeers of binding Satan computed by Pareus to begin at sixty nine yeers after Christ is found nothing for the Jewes nor their new Jerusalem contrary to the scope of all the Scripture as we shall hear abundantly after which cleerly drives at this that the call of the Jewes must be a great part of the glory of that state we speake of and they the principall partakers thereof 3 In all that thousand yeers which Pareus makes up beginning at sixty nine yeers after Christ and consequently ending at one thousand sixty nine yeers after Christ all things
a glorious state of all things Gen. 1.26 And God said Let us make man in our Image after our likenesse and let them have dominion over the fish of the Sea and over the fowle of the Aire and over the Cattell and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth on the earth 27. So God created man in his owne Image c. 28. And God blessed them and God said unto them be fruitfull and multiply and replenish the earth and SVBDVE IT and have DOMINION over the fish of the sea and over the fowle of the aire and over EVERY LIVING THING that moveth on the earth Psal 8.1 O LORD our LORD how excellent is thy name IN ALL THE EARTH who hast set thy glory above the heavens 2. Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast ordained strength because of thine enemies that thou mightest still the enemy ard the avenger 3. When I consider thy Heavens the worke of thy fingers the Moone and the Stars which thou hast ordained 4. What is man that thou art mindfull of him and the Sonne of Man that thou visitest him 5. For thou hast made him a little lower then the Angels and hast crowned him with glory and honour 6. Thou madest him to have DOMINION OVER THE WORKES OF THY HANDS thou hast put ALL THINGS UNDER HIS FEET c. Heb. 2.5 For unto the Angels he hath not put in subjection the WORLD TO COME whereof we speake 6. But one in a certaine place testified saying what is man that thou art mindfull of him or the sonne of man that thou visitest him 7. Thou madest him a little lower then the Angels thou crownest him with glory and honour and didst set him OVER the workes of thy hands 8. Thou hast put ALL THINGS in subjection UNDER HIS FEET for in that hee hath put ALL in subjection under him he left NOTHING that is not put under him 9. But now WEE SEE NOT YET ALL THINGS put under him but we see Jesus who was made a little lower then the Angels for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honour that he by the grace of God should taste of death for every man § 1 AS Saint Iohn fetcheth in the Notions of the terrestriall Paradise to describe New Hierusalem of which Revel 21. or which is all one the glorious state of the Church that it shal have on earth before the last Judgement Revel 22. or else we shall make John to speake impertinently for in supreame glory is no need of a river of water or of streets or of a tree of Life or of twelve sorts of fruit one for each month or of leaves to heale the Nations or to make him speake untruly if any would turne it to an Allegory of a fountaine of Doctrine or of more and fresh effusions of the Spirit or of Christ to beare any further fruit he there laying downe all 1 Cor. 15.28 even so the Prophet David falls upon a divine meditation of the estate of Adam in innocency to compose a Propheticall Psalme of praise for what God would doe for his people on earth before the ultimate end of the world as the Apostle Paul expounds him in the place aforesaid § 2 Should seem that though some things by Adams fall were irrecoverably lost in specie in their proper kind though not vertually and equivalently as mans freedome from corporall death yet other things as this dominion of man over all things was not so forfeited but that in Christ first or last it is recovered And therefore though David knew full well Adams fall as appeares by Psal 51.5 yet looking upon the SONNE OF MAN Christ in this Psalme he holds up his head and heart and sings out shrilly this praise in this Psalme of hope that this dominion shall be made good to man on earth to the utmost § 3 For surely there is no imagining of this state to be of Saints in the highest Heavens that there they should have dominion over the Beasts Fishes and Fowls or over wicked men properly that are then in the infernal Lake wholly under the sole power of the Prince of Darknesse and this was not performed on earth unto Davids time who from his youth to his end was ever and anon in danger of Beasts or beastiall men of the Lion and the Beare of Goliah of Saul of Absolom of forreigne enemies c. Nor was it ever since fulfilled but that the Saints the Members of the SONNE OF MAN have been at the same passe for the generall with David or worse as we have and shall heare abundantly § 4 Yet this must be fulfilled visibly on earth as saith the Psalmist in this eighth Psalme so as the enemy and avenger among men must bee stilled ver 2. And all the Creatures subdued as it is in the rest of the Psalme and both so as that the Saints mouthes may be full of praise according to the forme of this Psalme and this must be fulfilled too visibly on earth saith the Apostle in the said second of Hebrewes Unto the Angels saith he ver 5. God hath not subjected THE WORLD TO COME of which WE SPEAKE No for they are charged to be in subjection to Christ chap. 1. ver 6. Nor hath God said to any of the Angels sit thou at my right hand * Mat. 24.14 Luke 2.1 Luke 4.5 Luk. 21.26 Acts 11.28 Act. 17.6 Act. 17.31 Act. 19.27 Act. 24.5 Rom. 10.18 Hebr. 1.6 Heb. 2.5 Rev. 3.10 Rev. 12.9 Rev. 16.14 untill I make thine enemies thy footstool ver 13. but this must be fulfilled on earth to men in Christ through him For the Apostles first phrase in that fifth verse of the second Chapter 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is spoken with great emphasis with a double emphaticall Article sounding as we speake in English THAT SAME world even THAT that is TO COME and yet still meaning a state on earth for the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 rendered world in propriety of signification signifies the inhabited world as men inhabite their dwelling houses 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 an house being of the Kindred of the world and in common use it is put to signifie the world on earth yea so used by the Holy Ghost in the New Testament at least fifteen times * The Greek is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. The word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 being the first Aor of subj mood as I conceive hath the signification of a suture Of this place of Scripture see more in this third Book chap. 2. Sect. 10. and sometimes in those places earth is adjoyned for plainer expression yea used so to signifie the world on earth in most of the said places as thereby to meane the Roman Monarchy the Romans then ruling the whole earth when the Apostles wrote as in two of those places viz. Luke 2.1 Act. 11.28 the Roman Emperour is expressed by name Yea lastly so constantly used in the New Testament
we see him for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honour which is not a subjection of the INHABITABLE WORLD TO COME unto him much lesse of ALL THINGS therein The Angels are in Heaven as well as he and so in place they as well as hee are above the things below But Christ must have the inhabited world and All things so subject to him and ' under him as they shall not be to Angels So that if we heed the Text and that which followes the Apostle tells us that in one way and sense Christ is exalted above all viz. in his possession of the highest Heaven through sufferings But withall this is in another place then the inhabited world to come viz. the world on earth yet to succeed and upon another account then the precise formall dominion over it viz. to taste of death for every man And it was in prosecution of a designe verse 10. viz. to bring many sonnes to glory not a perfecting of a thing finished viz. of the atchievement and attainment of his absolute dominion on earth over Turkes Jewes Papists and Heathens c. But this must be Christ and his members must have absolute dominion over the world below in that estate of it that is yet to come 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the habitation of the world is not to be subjected to the Angels Heb. 2. v. 5. They are but the Churches servants It is an estate that is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to come after Pauls time though Christ had before ascended But it must be subject to MAN and the SONNE OF MAN v. 6. God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 made him a little lower and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for a little time Christ or Christians were not lower at all then Angels in nature or spirituall condition but onely in outward dominion and state of life Phil. 2. Heb. 2. and that but for a little time till the time of that world to come on earth which must be before the last day of judgement for then is not any subjection of any thing to Saints or Christ but he and so they to lay down all dominion 1 Cor. 15.28 SECT V. Wherein the Promises God made to Abraham Gen. 12.1 2 3. Gen. 15.4 5 6. Gen. 17.1 2 3 4 5 6 7. Gen. 18.18 Gen. 22.18 paralleled with other promises to his posterity Gen. 26.4 Gen. 48.19 v. 26. and with the Apostles explications and applications of those Promises Rom. 4. v. 3. to v. 25. Gal. 3. v. 6. to 17. Heb. 11. v. 8. to 17. are discussed for the cleering of the said generall Position Gen. 12. v. 1. Now the Lord had said unto Abram Get thee out of thy Country c. Verse 2. And I will make of thee a great Nation and I will blesse thee and make thy name great and thou shalt be a blessing Verse 3. And I will blesse them that blesse thee and curse him that curseth thee and in thee all families of the earth shall be blessed Gen. 15. v. 4. Behold the word of the Lord came to Abram saying This shall not be thine heire but he that shall come forth out of thine owne bowels shall be thine heire And he brought him forth abroad and said Look now toward heaven and tell the Starres if thou be able to number them And he said unto him so shall thy seed be Vers 6 And he beleeved in the Lord and he counted it to him for righteousnesse Gen. 17. v. 1. The Lord appeared to Abram and said unto him I am the Almighty God c. Verse 2. And I will make my Covenant between me and thee and will multiply thee exceedingly Verse 3. And God talked with Abram saying Verse 4. As for me behold my Covenant is with thee and thou shalt be a Father of many Nations * In the Heb. it is both in the 4. v. 5. vers 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is A Father of a MULTITUDE of Nations Neither shall thy name be called any more Abram but thy name shall be Abraham for a Father of many Nations have I made thee * Verse 6. And I will make thee exceeding fruitfull and I will make Nations of thee and KINGS shall come of thee V. 7. And I will establish my Covenant between mee and thee and thy seed after thee in their Generations for an everlasting Covenant Verse 8. And I will give unto thee and thy seed after thee the land wherein thou art a stranger all the land of Canaan for an EVERLASTING possession and I will bee THEIR GOD. Gen 18.18 Abraham shall surely become a great and a mighty Nation and all the Nations of the earth shall be blessed in him Gen. 22. v. 15 16. The Angel of the Lord called to Abraham c. by my selfe have I sworne that in blessing I will blesse thee and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the starres of Heaven and as the sand which is upon the Sea-shore and thy seed shall possesse the gates of his enemies ver 18. In thy seed all the Nations of the earth shal be blessed Gen. 26.4 The Lord appeared to Isaac and said I wil make thy seed to multiply as the Stars of Heaven and wil give unto thy seed all these Countries and in thy seed shal all the Nations of the earth bee blessed Gen. 48. ver 19. And his father Jacob refused and said I know it my Sonne I know it that Manasseh is the first borne he also shal become a People and he also shall be great but truly his younger brother Ephraim shall be greater then he and his seed shal become a MVLTITUDE of NATIONS * Heb. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is THE FVLNESSE OF THE GENTILES whence the Apostles phrase Rom. 11.25 The fulnesse of the Gentiles shall come ver 20. And he blessed them in that day saying In thee shal Israel blesse saying God make thee as Ephraim and as Manasseh and he set Ephraim before Manasseh Gen. 49. ver 26. The blessings of thy Father have prevailed above the blessings of my Progenitors unto the utmost bounds of the everlasting hills they shal be on the head of Joseph and upon the crowne of the head c. Rom. 4. ver 11. And Abraham received the signe of Circumcision a seale of the righteousnesse of the faith which he had yet being uncircumcised that he might be the Father of all them that beleeve though they be not circumcised ver 13. For the promise that hee should be the Heire of the world was not to Abraham and his seed through the Law but through the righteousnesse of faith ver 16. Therefore it is of faith that it might be by grace to the end the Promise might be sure to all the the seed not to that only which is of the Law but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham who is the FATHER OF US ALL. ver 17. As it is written I have made thee a father of many
Spirit ## § 9 9 Therefore we conclude this text is yet to be fulfilled afore the ultimate day of the generall Judgement when Christ layes downe his Government * Mr. Medas learned Notes upon this ninth Chapter of Isaiah collated with Mark 1.14 15. coming too late to my knowledge to be put into the Text I could not forbeare inserting it into the Margine which in summe is this Galilee was the third Province of those three into which Canaan or Phalestine was divided in Christs time and was on the North part remotest from Ierusalem and divided into two parts upper and lower the upper was mostly the Land of Nephthaly wherein was the goodly Metropolis of all Galilee Capernaum And this is the Galilee that was called Galilee of the Gentiles either because inhabited by the Gentiles long time viz to Solomons time or because Solomon gave twenty Cities thereof to Hiram or because it was the outmost of the Land next the Gentiles In the lower Galilee was the Tribe of Zebulon and Issachar wherein were the Cities of Nazareth and Bethsaida neare the Sea or Lake of Galilee or Cana of which and Christs first Miracle there Ioh. 2. and Mount Tabor From Capernaum along the Sea side through Bethsaida lay the great rode from Syria into Aegypt supposed to be that called in Scripture The way of the Sea In Christs time two of the said Provinces viz. Judea and Samaria were under the Roman President Pontius Pilate The third Galilee was under Herod or Au●ipas the Tetrarch because he had but the fourth part of his Fathers Kingdome who beheaded Iohn Baptist and closed with Pilat when Christ was condemned In this Province of Galilee was Christs conversation principally whiles he was on earth Matth. 3. ult Luke 1.26 Act. 1.11 Act. 2.7 Matth. 4.23 Matth. 9.35 Matth. 28.10 For the Messiah was to have his abode principally in Galilee according to the Prophesie in Esay 9.1 2 3 c. The Land of Galilee or of Zebulon and Nephthaly had the hard hap to be first in that calamity by the Assyrians 2 King 15.29 all which Cities there named except Ianoah and Gilead were Cities of Nephthaly and all Galilee and Nephthaly are there mentioned as all carried away Captive to Assyria In which calamity Isaiah comforts them with that Prophesie That they should have the first and principall share of the Messiahs presence when he should come Read the first seven verses of that ninth of Isa the meaning being that Christ should enlighten the Province of Galilee or the Land of Zebulon and Nephthaly with the glory of his presence And therefore if this be not a Prophesie of Christ I know not what is Compare Mat. 4. of his dwelling in Capernaum the Metropolis of Galilee The Jewes could not see this but would not beleeve because he was of Galilee Should say they Christ come out of Galilee should he not come out of Bethlehem So he should too and yet was by habitation and conversation a Galilean Christians also are to blame for darkning this Prophesie of Isa 9. and Matthewes application of it for my part I am perswaded that the foure or five first words of this ninth of Isaiah belong to the last verse of the former Chapter as Ierom and the Chalde referre them and that the words following begin a new Prophesie in this manner 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. ie According as the first time that he made vile or debased the Land of Zebulon and the Land of Nephthaly so in the latter time he shall make it glorious More of the reading of this text and Master Medes reasons the Reader may there see From all saith Mr. Mede I inferre that 1 Cor. 1.26 27. God takes the foolish things of the world to confound the wise c. For Galilee and her inhabitants in comparison of Iudea were reputed ignoble strangers being remote from Ierusalem and the Temple and part of the lot of the ten Tribes which Salmaneser captivated Howbeit some of the two Tribes after their returne especially in the prevailing times of the Maccabees setled there but at length were subdued by the Gentiles but still dwelling there and replenishing that Land with their owne people yet so as many of the Gentiles dwelt among them in so much that in these and the aforesaid respects they were despised of those that dwelt in Iudea Joh. 7.41.52 But Christ the King of Israel and Saviour of Mankind would as aforesaid be a Galilean The Doctrine he preacheth in Galilee is The time is fulfilled the Kingdome of God is at hand repent yee and beleeve the Gospel which Matth. 4. is called the Kingdome of Heaven which is all one with Kingdome of God See Dan. 6.24 The heavens beare rule that is God Luke 15.21 I have sinned against heaven and in thy sight Matth. 21.15 The Baptisme of John was it from heaven or from men Marke the Exegesis Luke 15. and the Antithesis Matth. 21. which shew God to be meant by Heaven The Kingdome of Heaven or of God is the Kingdome of Messiah or Christ Dan. 2 44. and Dan. 7.13 read the places From which places the Iewes call the Messiahs Kingdome the Kingdome of God or of Heaven because first it is in this place of Daniel said The God of heaven shall set up his Kingdome And in the other place That the Sonne of Man the Messiah should come in the clouds of heaven For our Saviour brought not this phrase with him but found it among the Iewes at his coming and approved it in oft use of it Matth. 13. The Kingdome of Christ is his Church or the Christian Church c. I must adde one thing more for the understanding of this Kingdome of Christ which I have hitherto described namely that it hath a two-fold state The one Militant in sufferings which is the present state begun at his first coming The second state is a triumphant state which shall be at his second in glory in the clouds of heaven at what time he shall put downe all authority power and rule and subdue all his enemies under his feet 1 Cor. 15. c. By which that Mr. Mede includes the Kingdome of Christ at his second coming to be partly intended in Isaiah 9 they may easily perceive that have heard and observed other passages afore quoted out of him SECT XIII § 1 THe third place in Isaiah is Chapter the eleventh in whole and throughout with a briefe collation of the tenth Chapter preceding and the twelfth following and therefore too large to write out In lieu thereof we shall expresse the severall passages from whence we deduce any argument § 2 To speake as shortly as we may to this place of Scripture In the tenth Chapter preceding the Lord threatens Judah that for their hypocrisie in Religion and their unrighteousnesse in their dealings he will send against them the Assyrian But then withall it is threatned that because the Assyrian would afflict the Jewes
and Hezekiah reigned five or six Kings over Judah And the Ten Tribes were not carried away captive into Assyria till the sixth yeare of the reigne of Hezekiah 2 King 18.9.10 And therefore it seems that Isaiah prophesied the Prophesie of this eleventh Chapter when Hezekiah was not come to the Crown nor were any of all the twelve Tribes in captivity in Assyria the first time and therefore could not be supposed to be delivered thence the first time But before this Text can be fulfilled they must be in Captivity in Assyria the first time and be delivered the first time as it is hinted in the Text they had been in Egypt the first time and been delivered thence the first time Now they were in Captivity in Assyria the first time as we touched afore in the ten Tribes in the reign of Hoshea King of Israel 2 Kin. 18. And in the two Tribes in the Reign of Zedekiah King of Judah 2 Chro. 36. So here is the totall Captivity of all the twelve Tribes in Assyria the first time And their deliverance out of that Captivity the first time the first that we can possibly reckon is set down in the book of Ezra Cha. 1. and Chap. 2. c. where for the generall the two tribes of Judah and Benjamin returned to Jerusalem as is plain by their Genealogies they were of the two Tribes excepting some others that went up that could not shew their Genealogies So that if wee make the most of the first recovery or deliverance we can put the emphasis no where but upon the returne of the two Tribes Nor can we finde where at the soonest to pitch this great emphasis of Gods recovering his people the second time but upon that time when hee shall bring back the rest of the Tribes viz. The ten Tribes which were and still are in Assyria from thence and from Pathros and from Cush and from Elam and from Shinar and from Hamath and from the Isles of the Gentiles Thus for the least and soonest Second time wee can possibly finde out of their deliverance out of Assyria and the parts afore-mentioned which is not fulfilled to this day But a greater Second and of the same length too is this This same Again the Second time c. may import two considerations First Two parts of the recovery or deliverance of the All of the twelve Tribes from Assyria the first time of the two Tribes the second of the ten Tribes of which we have spoken afore Secondly Two distinct times of deliverance of the twelve Tribes both the two and of some of the ten but especially of the Two Object The conceit of some that the Second out of Assyria answers to the first out of Egypt is in my opinion but weak Because they must be delivered according to this Text the Second time out of Egypt as well as out of Assyria Sol. And therefore these are co-eve co-etanean of the same age and not successive I say Second doth import as appears by history both divine and humane abetted with experience a Second deliverance of the twelve Tribes more or lesse from Assyria as well as from Egypt but specially this Second time centers upon the two Tribes called by the name of Jewes of whom Christ came as the ten were called Israel Which as briefly as we can we open thus That whereas God brought up the two Tribes from Assyria to Jerusalem by Ezra as his book makes large mention the Jews there continued for about three hundred threescore and ten yeers pretty quiet till that Antiochus Epiphanes comes up into Judea enters the City spoyles the Temple robs the City and kills a many of the Citizens as the learned Chronologers quote out of Macchab 1.1 In which Macchabean wars the Jews were much wasted and scattered Yet after that act of Antiochus the generality of the two Tribes that were left and the sprinklings of the ten Tribes as is supposed Ezra 2.62 as many as came up with them under Cyrus by Ezra abode there about a hundred sixty and six yeers more with much trouble in the ensuing Macchabean wars and the Roman invasions and domination succeeding them till Christ should bee borne at Bethlehem in Judea that the Scripture might be fulfilled touching that place of his birth But they crucifying Christ affronting his Gospel with sacrificing and persecuting his members and with all divine justice therein most righteously recompencing them rebelling against the Romans their Governours God and men conspired in a further prosecution of this second scattering on foot by the Antiochian Macchabean and Roman warres Titus the Roman Emperour some forty yeers after Christs ascention destroying their Temple and after him Adrian destroying the City of Jerusalem After whom Constantine the Great scattered them from Mamre and then God himselfe scattered them being about to re-build the Temple by the encouragement of Julian the Apostata by fire from heaven and wonders on earth After all which the Saracens Arabians and Turkes invaded their land and miserably scattered them and so they continue excepting a few Jewes in and about Jerusalem to this day dispersed in the Isles of the Sea or of the Gentiles viz. in the West-Indies Italy Poland Spaine Portugal Low-Countries Media Persia Assyria c. as we shall see presently and in most Countries in the world as the Rabbins in their books plainly confesse So that Gods setting his hand THE SECOND TIME to recover his people out of ASSYRIA c. cannot be streightned to the returne of the two Tribes under the conduct of Zerubbabel and Joshua with Ezra for this was but the first time They are again scattered And the Ten Tribes as well as the Two are his people and the promise is Rom. 11. of saving all ISRAEL Therefore the whole work of restoring all the twelve Tribes now lyes on Gods hands to recover them from Assyria the second time in this sense also And he must do it universally including the generality of all his people that are scattered and from all places as saith our Text from ASSYRIA the common name of the Empire at their first captivity there Of which there is abundant mention in the books of Kings Chronicles and Ezra And there were of the Jews there in the time of Jeremiah the Prophet Jer. 44.1 And from EGYPT Which likely afterwards was added in part or whole to that Empire as severall times in the reigne of severall Kings of Israel and Juda many Jews were carried thither Of whose scattering there unto the Apostles time see Act. 2.10 And from PATHROS There was Pathros sometime belonging to the Territories of Egypt there being mention of the Country of the Inhabitants called Pathrusim Gen. 10.14 whose place or land of habitation may very fitly be called Pathros and was a Province of Egypt Jer. 44.1 The word of the Lord that came to Jeremiah concerning all the Jews which dwell in the land of Egypt c. Then v. 15 All the men
Cap. 11. The Sadduces ●●kt R. Gamaliel whence he could prove that God would quicken or make alive the dead he answered them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Out of the Law Deut 31.16 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 out of the Prophets Isa 26.19 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 out of the holy writings Cant. 7.9 The Greek and Latine Fathers likewise interpret this place of the Resurrection of the dead viz. Irenaeus l. 5. c. 15 and c. 34. yea and of the Resurrection of the just Tertul. de Resur c. 3 1. Cyril Aug. lib. 20. de Civit Dei Clemens Romanus in Ep. ad Cor. As for the third part the agreement between Isaiah and Iohn prophesying of the joyful state of the Church and their joying in it he that hath but half an eye may see that it signifies that great will be the glory of the Church when those things mentioned by Isaiah and Iohn shall be fulfilled and can signifie no lesse then a glorious restauration of the Church on earth as all circumstances concur in both places Even as great was the Prophets and the Evangelists joy personating or representing the Church in a way of Songs of praise John in the 9 10 11 12 verses of this seventh of the Revelation speakes of the Churches triumphing on this wise After this saith he I beheld and lo a great multitude which no man could number of all Nations and Kindreds and People and Tongues stood before the Throne and before the Lamb cloathed with white Robes and Palmes in their hands and cryed with a loud voyce saying Salvation to our God that sitteth upon the Throne and unto the Lambe And all the Angels stood round about the Throne and about the Elders and the foure Animals or living creatures and fell before the Throne on their faces and worshipped God saying Amen Blessing and Glory and Wisdome and Thanksgiving and Honour and Power and Might bee unto our God for ever and ever Amen Which expressions of Praise meetly suit to the words of our Prophet in the five and twentieth of Isaiah vers first second third and fourth O Lord thou art my God I will exalt thee I will praise thy Name for thou hast done wonderfull things by faith here praising God for things to bee done as if done as the Church doth in that seventh of the Revelation for thou hast made saith Isaiah of a City an heap c. Therefore shall the strong people glorifie thee c. for thou hast beene a strength to the poore a strength to the needy in his distresse c. And verse 9. It shall bee said in that day Lo this is our God wee have waited for him and hee will save us This is the Lord wee have waited for him wee will bee glad and rejoyce in his salvation Thus of the first Instance The second Instance John likewise in the 21 Chapter of Revelation first foure verses applies those three parts of Isa 25. viz. the Churches salvation the enemies destruction and the Churches exaltation unto a future glorious state of the Church yet to be upon the earth I saw saith John there in a Prophetick vision a new heaven and a new EARTH which sounds shrilly of a state on earth For the first heaven and the first earth were passed away and there was no more Sea Pareus confesseth New in quality not in substance which plainly condescends to a glorious state of the Church to be on earth the highest heaven above being of so much better a substance physically as the Philosophers rationally contend that it needs not to be made better in quality Therefore the meaning must be that the lower heavens and the earth below shall be qualified with freedome from all evill as to the Church and the inhabitants thereof high and low shall be made better both physically and morally The old heaven and earth must passe away The enemies of the Church must be removed or converted Adams curse shall cease Rom. 8. and in this state shall as in 2 Pet. 3. dwell righteousnesse and absolute pure worship And the cessation of Sea signifies also the removing of all enmities against the Church farre from her For if it be taken figuratively it signifies no more brinish brackish waters of false doctrine in the Church as waters sometimes in Scriptures signifies doctrines and no more wicked men among the Church compared Isa 57. to the troubled Sea for there shall bee as John tells us in this 21 of Revelation no unclean thing to enter into this estate If taken literally with some acute wits it signifies that at the time of this great Restauration the Sea shall be no longer totally liquid and fluid but at least at top in most parts of the habitable world crusted over consolidated and compacted to be as a Chrystaline heaven below to bee an high-way for all parts of the world to travell each to other for spirituall communion without any impediment of wind or weather Then being a time as of a New creation there will be no need of trafficking for riches Nor shall the knowledge of the Lord be bounded from the poor Indians who have not the help art or animosity of Navigation to learn of Christians Then nor the Egyptiack Sea with the seven streams nor the great Euphrates c. shall hinder Jews or Gentiles from personall spiritual communion and communication God would rather either thus alter or else dry up all Seas then the glory and welfare of his Church should be hindered To that wee have said touching the meaning of the cessation of Sea our grave new Annotationists concurre thus farre No more Sea say they either literally for there will need none for trade The fire perhaps at the worlds end will dry it up or figuratively no more warre against nor trouble in the Church The Church shall not be like the raging Sea but like the quiet earth So they Saint John goes on in the description of the glorious state of the Church on earth of which Isaiah prophesies I saw saith St. John New Jerusalem coming down FROM Heaven saying The Tabernacle of God is WITH MEN and He will DWELL with THEM and they shall be his people and God himself shall be WITH THEM and be their God all which cleerly relate to a state on earth and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more death nor sorrow nor crying nor paine Which words exactly answer to Isaiahs words in v. 8. of swallowing up death and wiping away all tears Third Instance In like manner St. John carries down other passages of Isa 25. to the times to succeed long after him not fulfilled to this day For what is there spoken in Isa 25. v. 2. and v. 12. of making the City of strangers an heap a defenced City a ruine a Palace to be no City an high Fortresse into dust c. to the great joy of the Saints so that they shall sing for joy of
glory to shew favour to you if we have not done well in casting you out yet the Lord should appear to their joy that had been so hated and cast out for his name sake and those their false brethren should bee ashamed § 2 In the seven and eight verses most evidently the Prophet setteth forth the manner of the conversion of the Jews I say conversion their settlement will cost longer time as it seems Dan. 12. the three last verses viz. their conversion shall bee as the birth of a child before the mother is in pain as the birth of a Nation at once which well may bee being to bee done by the appearance of Christ in the Clouds § 3 In the 10. and 11. verses All Nations must rejoyce with Jerusalem because they shall suck the breasts of her consolations that is share in her comforts ## § 4 In the twelfth verse The Lord will extend peace to Jerusalem like a River and the glory of the Gentiles like a flowing stream See a glorious conjunction of Jews and Gentiles § 5 In the 13 and 14 15 16. verses is set forth the sensible comforts of the Church and the corporall destruction of their enemies As one whom his mother comforteth so will I comfort you and ye shall be comforted in Jerusalem and when ye see this your heart shall rejoyce and your bones shall flourish like an herb and the hand of the Lord shall be known towards his servants and his indignation towards his enemies For behold the Lord will come with fire c. For by fire and by his sword will the Lord plead with all flesh and the slain of the Lord shall be many Illustrated vers 24. They shall go forth and look upon the carkasses that have transgressed against me for their worm shall not dye nor their fire be quenched and they shall be an abhorring to all flesh Which in the generall to bee taken literally is confessed both by Jews and Christians Consult our new Annotationists upon the place See Sect. 41. § 5. ¶ 2. § 6 In the 18 19 20 and 21. verses is held forth to us the congregating of all Nations both Jews and Gentiles into union of true religious worship and beholding of the glory of God and that as the Jewish Doctors expound it in his destruction of the enemies of the Church in the dayes of the Messias In the 22. verse we have the height and length of this glorious estate of the universall Church of Jews and Gentiles on earth It is no lower then a state of a new Heaven and a new Earth And it is to be perpetuated It is to remain unalterable continue say our new Annotationists for ever § 7 Now these things were never yet fulfilled according to the phrases and circumstances of the place as to the Gentiles nor in the substance as to the Jews who remaine totally unconverted to Christ and are dispersed and despised to our sorrow throughout the world But God must be true therefore these must be fulfilled and on earth before the ultimate judgement as every verse doth hint unto us And therefore St. John in the Revelation Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 and Chapter 21. doth apply these in a way of Prophesie to the glorious state of the Church on earth yet to come at the fall of Antichrist I shal give you them in summe and short because I have before so often made particular applications of them Babylon the great is fallen is fallen How much she hath glorified her selfe so much sorrow and torment shall be given her Her plagues come in one day death and mourning and famine and she shall be utterly burnt with fire Rejoyce over her thou heaven and ye holy Apostles and Prophets for God hath avenged you on her And after these things I heard a great voyce of much people c. saying Allelujah salvation and glory and honour and power unto the Lord our God for true and righteous are thy judgementss for he hath judged the great Whore that hath corrupted the earth and hath avenged the blood of his Saints And again they said Allelujah And the foure and twenty Elders said Amen Allelujah And I heard as it were the voyce of a great multitude and as the voyce of many waters and as the voyce of mighty thunderings saying Allelujah for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth And the beast and the false Prophet were taken and cast into the lake fire And the rest were slain with the sword But the Saints reigned with Christ a thousand yeers in the new Heavens and new Earth to whom the Kings of the earth and Nations of the world bring their honour § 8 Now let him that readeth understand and consider whether he were best to beleeve his owne phantasie or the opinions of men rather then St. Johns series and system of Visions and Prophesies so aptly in phrase and matter expounding the Prophet Isaiah of a future glorious state of the Church on earth yet to come Thus of the Prophet Isaiah SECT XXVII NExt we come to the Prophet Jeremiah The first place for our purpose is in Chapter 16. verse 14 15. compared with Chapter 23. verse 3. c. to verse 9. The words of that in Chapter 16. verse 14 15. are Behold the dayes come saith the Lord that it shall be no more said The Lord liveth that brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt But the Lord liveth that brought up the children of ISRAEL from the LAND OF THE NORTH and from ALL THE LANDS whither he had DRIVEN THEM and I will bring them againe into THEIR LAND that I gave unto their Fathers § 1 The Prophet calling these of whom he speaks by the name of Israel and in relation to their returne out of the Land of the NORTH and out of All Lands whither they had been driven must needs comprehend as well the ten Tribes as the two And the more cleerly to hint to us that his meaning is not onely of a reduction of them to their own Land but of their conversion unto their God and this not at a petty call of a few of them but at the great call of the generality of them all he subjoyns the bringing in of the fulnesse of the Gentiles verse 19. The Gentiles shall come unto the Lord from the ends of the earth and shall say surely our Fathers have inherited lyes c. At which time of the coming in of the fulnesse of the Gentiles as their coming from the ends of the earth fully expresseth All Israel saith the Apostle Rom. 11.25 26. shall be saved § 2 Now let us parallel this with that in the 23. Chapter verse 3 4 5 6 7 8. wherein wee have the same expressions with further illustrations and explanations to confirme the same The words of the Prophet there are verse 3. I will gather the remnant of my flock out of ALL Countries whither I have driven them and will bring
of judgement as is fully discussed elsewhere in this Volume but do clearly comport with the beginning of the businesse of the great restauration at the generall call of the Jewes See in this third Book Chap. 2. Sect. 37. § 20. ¶ 5. c. So likewise the Apostle Paul applies the phrases and things of this 37 of Ezekiel to the times of the generall call of the Jewes Rom. 11.15 If the casting away of the Jewes be the reconciling of the World what shall be the receiving of the Jewes but LIFE FROM THE DEAD So likewise St. John in Revelation chap. 11.11 to 14 shewes plainly that the witnesses must first rise and then there was a great Earthquake and then the tenth part of the City of the whore of Babylon fals and thousands are slaine which things can have no fellowship with the ultimate day of judgement especially if we marke that the Earthquake the fall of the City and the slaughter are mentioned afore the sounding of the seventh Trumpet Now within the last of the space of which seventh Trumpet fals the ultimate judgement and therefore these things belong to the great restauration at the ruine of Antichrist and the call of the Jewes and the setting up of the glorious Church of Jewes and Gentiles for presently after ver 14 15. the seventh Trumpet sounds and the Kingdomes of the World become the Kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ Thus of the places in Ezekiel SECT XXXV Next we come to Daniel The first place in this Prophet is in the second chapter from ver 31. to ver 36. § 1 NOw Mr. Medes lately printed Diatribae pars 4. and his Opuscula and my pen being met I shall give him the way and precedency as glad of such a strongly-learned Captaine to lead me up in the Skirmish for the truth now in hand against the many opposers thereof And the rather because perhaps such are the partiall-personalities that act some mens braines the same truth will be better accepted from his mouth then from mine Quo demum saith he * Opuscul par 2. p. 20. Arg. 2. absoluto c. i. e. The fourth Kingdom or Monarchy according to Daniel is that upon the dissolution and abolition whereof followes the consummation of Christs Kingdom * By Christs Kingdom which Mr. Mede do●h ●o often mention in these ●is discourses here quoted in this §. 1. he ●eans as he expounds it in other places of his workes CHRISTS CHURCH as CHRISTIAN or the CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF CHRIST See before in this third book chap. 2. Sect. 12 S. in the large marginal note But the Roman Kingdome being once extinct and abolished the Kingdom of Christ shall be consummated therefore the Roman Kingdome or Monarchy is the fourth The major or first proposition is most evident from either prophesie of Daniel As concerning Nebuchadnezzars dreame thou sawest saith he chap. 2. v. 34 35. untill a stone was cut out without hands and it smoate the image upon its feet of iron and clay so that it brake them to peeces So the wind carryed them away and no place was found for them But the STONE that smote the image became a great MOUNTAINE so that it filled the whole earth That is Daniel himselfe being the Interpreter in the dayes of the fourth Kingdome or Monarchy the God of Heaven will raise up a Kingdome this is that stone cut out of the mountain which shall not for ever be destroyed and which shall not be left to another people as it befell the former Monarchies but it shall crumme and consume all those Kingdoms but it selfe shall stand for ever that is the stone of Christs Kingdome having now for many ages past been cut out of the mountaine of this world at length when the time decreed of God shall come the last parts of this image being cast out and utterly abolished though hitherto it hath been but a STONE and indeed of offence or stumbling shall then grow into an HUGE MOUNTAINE and shall fill the whole earth For the minor or second proposition That the Roman Kingdome or Monarchy being once extinct and abolished the Kingdom or Monarchy of Christ shall be consummated it is easily proved out of the New Testament For by or from the abolition of Antichrist shall the Kingdome of Christ be consummated 2 Thes 2.8 And that wicked one shall be revealed whom the Lord will consume with the spirit of his mouth and shal abolish with the splendor or brightnes of his coming or as the Syriack shall kill him with the revelation or manifestation of his coming So also it is apparent out of the Apocalyps that Antichrist shall remaine till the sounding of the seventh that is the last Trumpet which once sounding there are great voyces in Heaven THE KINGDOMES OF THE WORLD ARE BECOME THE KINGDOMS OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST who shall reigne for ever and ever Rev. 11.15 the very same thing which the Angel a little afore Rev. 10.6 foretold That the seventh Trumpet sounding the MYSTERY OF GOD SHALL BE FINISHED as he hath declared to his servants the Prophets But Antichrist was to rise out of the Roman Empire 2 Thes 2.7 and Revel 16. John affirmes Antichrist to be one of the seven-headed beast The foure Kingdomes in Daniel are saith Mr. Mede * Diatr par 4. p. 361.393 twice revealed first to Nebuchadnezzar in a glorious image of foure metals 2 To Daniel himselfe in a vision of foure divers beasts arising out of the Sea The intent of both is by that succession of Kingdomes to point out the time of the KINGDOME OF CHRIST which no other Kingdome should succeed or destroy Nebuchadnezzars IMAGE of MONARCHIES Dan. 2. points out TWO STATES of the Kingdome of Christ The first to be while the times of those Kingdoms of the Gentiles yet lasted typified by a STONF CUT OUT OF A MOUNTAINE WITHOUT HANDS the Monarchical STATUE YET STANDING upon his FEET The second not to be untill the UTTER DESTRUCTION and DISSIPATION OF THE IMAGE when the stone having smote it upon the feet should GROW INTO A GREAT MOUNTAINE WHICH SHOULD FILL THE WHOLE EARTH The first may be called for distinction sake REGNUM LAPIDIS the Kingdome of the Stone which is the slate of Christs Kingdome WHICH HITHERTO HATH BEEN The other REGNUM MONTIS the Kingdome of the Mountain that is of the Stone growne into a Mountaine c. which is the state of his Kingdome which hereafter shall be The INTERVALLUM between these two from the time the stone was first hewen out that is the Kingdome of Christ was first advanced untill the time it became a MOUNTAINE that is when the MYSTERY OF GOD shall be FINISHED is the subject of the Apocalypticall visions Note here that the STONE is expounded by Daniel to be that LASTING KINGDOME which the God of Heaven should set up Secondly That the STONE was hewne out of the MOUNTAINE before it SMOTE the IMAGE upon the
¶ 3. Such a Kingdome is here intended as was to be continued to the Jewes without alteration So the Text it shall not be given to another people from Daniels people But when Christ first came and brought his Spirituall Kingdome whiles to be meerly spirituall he first preached the Gospell to the lost sheep of the house of Israel from whom notwithstanding the Gospell was taken away and given to the Gentiles The which Argument is yet more plainly laid downe in Dan. 7. ver 18. The Saints of the most high shall take the Kingdomes from the Beasts and possesse it for ever and ever To which some answer the words are to be understood of a strange people Whereunto I reply the sence is the same another people or a strange people are indifferently the same sith all were esteemed strangers to the Jewes which were not Jewes Others object it shall not be given to another people because Christ will exercise his spiritual Lordship himselfe To which sence I will subscribe if any shew me who did exercise this spirituall Lordship before the coming of Messiah For so much the words sound That whereas you have been held under the Tyrants of this world thus long upon the recovery of your Kingdome it shall never be resigned to any as it hath been Now nothing makes more against them then this For it our Lord did assume such a Kingdome as was formerly resigned to others it cannot be meant of spirituall regiment ¶ 4. Such a Kingdome is here meant as must answer to Daniels scope in his answer to the Kings dreame But if this Kingdome be meant spiritually only then Daniel had missed the scope much For Nebuchadnezzar had his thoughts busied about the issue of HIS Monarchy according to which thoughts the dream was directed Daniel interpreting it undertakes to resolve him fully For in a word Daniel intends two main points 1. To comfort the Jewes in the losse of their Kingdom liberty shewing that after many changes it should be restored to them againe 2. To convince the King of his Tyranny over them by which his third Heire should be nothing the warmer another should take it from him a third from him and a fourth from him which at length maugre all their despight should be returned to the Jewes in greater glory then ever they lost it Now whether the spirituall Kingdome of Christ ●oth answer this scope or no I leave to the judgement of the godly wise Thus Mr. Huet to whom in the generall and maine I fully consent § 5 Next let us heare Mr. Parker on this second of Daniel The maine controversie saith he in this vision is about the iron feet and legs and the stone that smote them The opinion of some is that the legges and toes of iron signifie the successors of Alexander in the Grecian Monarchy and especially the Seleucidae And that the Stone cut out of the mountaine signifies Christ at his first coming and his spirituall Kingdome But this cannot stand ¶ 1. Because every metall signifies a distinct Kingdome and the fullnesse and complement the●eof from the beginning to the perfect end And therefore as the brazen belly and thighes are the whole and perfect Grecian Kingdome so accordingly the legs and feet of iron doe signifie another Kingdome distinguished from the Grecian which cannot be the Seleucidae and other Successors in the same Kingdome For as the golden head signified the whole Babylonian Kingdome and the silver breast and armes the Persian so the brazen belly and thighes the whole Grecian including the Seleucidae and the other Successors For these make up the integrity ●nd fulnes of the Grecian Monarchy or Kingdom as much as the Successors of Nebuchadnezzar make up the integrity of the Babylonian or as much as the Successors of Cyrus doe concur to the perfect constitution of the Persian And so when the Greeke Kingdome is proposed Dan. chap. 8. ver 21 22. it is expresly described as constituted not onely of Alexander the Great but also of the Seleucidae and other the successors in the same Kingdome ¶ 2. This Vision must reach to the last dayes chap. 2.28 which could not be if the legges and feet the extreame and utmost part of the image should end in the Seleucidae for as much as this Kingdome expired before the birth of Christ ¶ 3. Because the legges are said to be of iron in comparison of the parts and Kingdomes going before which were of weaker metals Whereas the Seleucidae and the other success●rs of Alexander had not the strength of Alexander c. 8.21.22 Thou wilt-say the Kingdom is represented by iron onely in relation to the Church whereunto it was more terrible then the former I reply 1 As the two first Kingdomes are represented by unequall metalls the first of gold the second of silver to note an absolute inferiority of the one unto the other chap. 2.39 so by proportion the two following of brasse and iron to note an absolute imparity in strength between the latter and the former Wherefore the Iron Kingdome must be absolutely and in it selfe stronger then the Brazen and not onely in respect of particular exercise and imployment of its strength against the people of the Church 2. The Iron Kingdome is expresly said to be as iron because it brused all these that is the former Kingdoms and not onely because more terrible to the Jewes ver 40. 3. Because it is the same with the fourth beast with the iron teeth chap. 7. v. 7. which is therefore so represented because it devou●ed the WHOLE EARTH and not the Jewes onely 4. Because Nebuchadnezzar and Haman in the former Kingdomes were more formidable to the Jewes then the Seleuc●dae And therefore there is no reason that in this respect only the fourth should be represented by Iron in comparison of the former Kingdomes as stronger and more terrible then those ¶ 4. In the dayes of these Kings shall the God of Heaven set up the Kingdome of his Sonne Whereas the Seleucidae and the whole Greeke Empire was utterly dissolved before the birth of Christ v. 44. § 6 Neither can the Stone that smote the Image be Christ at his first coming and his Kingdome immediately following c. for the reasons following ¶ 1. Because the Kingdome signified by the stone must breake in peeces all the other Kingdomes But this Kingdome of Christ ☞ that was and is between his first and second coming was not appointed for the breaking down of all earthly Kingdomes this being the time of the Gentiles Luk 21.24 and for the adversary to reign and for the Church to be trampled under foot Rev. 11.2 ¶ 2. Againe the Kingdome here spoken of doth breake in peeces all other Kingdomes so that those being utterly extinct this alone doth stand in place of them ver 44. Now this state is not to be expected under the Kingdome of Patience or before the fall of Antichrist who fallen the Kingdomes of the earth
that is a yeare yeares and halfe a yeare In the Revelation it is the beast with so many heads and horns full of names of blasphemy which was to continue forty two moneths the same period with the former which was expressed by times and yeares and the same time with 1260. dayes of the Churches remaining in the Wildernesse When these times whatsoever they be shall be ended then is the period of the times of the Gentiles and of the Jewes misery whereto our Saviour seemes to referre in the Gospel Then by St. Paul shall the fulnesse of the Gentiles enter in Then saith St. John shall the kingdomes of the earth be the Lords and his Christs Then saith Daniel in the former place chap. 7. shall the kingdome and dominion and the greatnesse of the kingdome under the whole heaven be given to the people of the Saints of the most High whose kingdome is an everlasting kingdome and all dominions shall serve and obey him SECT II. The second place in the New Testament is Luke 1. ver 31 32. And behold thou shalt conceive in thy wombe and bring forth a sonne and shalt call his name Iesus And he shall be GREAT and shall be called the sonne of the Highest and the Lord God shall give unto him the THRONE of his FATHER DAVID and he shall reigne over the house of Iacob for ever and of his Kingdome there shall be no end § 1 ON which words observe first that this place is taken out of Isa 9.7 before discussed * of giving to Christ the throne of his father David which is not yet fulfilled For Pag. 182. l. 3. chap. 2. Sect. 12 S. 5. c. § 2 Observe secondly That Christs coming in his Incarnation was a state of the greatest humility that could be Phil. 2.7 8. and that from his birth to his ascension saving but to a few radiating for a minute in his transfiguration to three of the Apostles Matth. 17.1 and his appearing to the rest of his Disciples after his Resurrection and ascending up in their sight Acts 1. And therefore though these words are spoken by the Angel upon occasion of his Incarnation yet are they not applied by the Angel adequatly to set forth his state of Incarnation but rather antithetically extended to carry the minde of Mary c. farre further as thus That though this Jesus shall be conceived in thy wombe a meane woman in comparison of the visible glory of the royall races of Princes yet this Iesus shall be no meane person but shall be GREAT and shall bee called the SON OF THE HIGHEST and shall have the THRONE of his father David and shall REIGNE over the house of JACOB for ever c. which things were never fulfilled all the time of his Incarnation to the day of his Ascension Nor was that the time so much as of the full revelation of them but when the Apostles taking hint from these words of the Angel and the like places of Scripture asked our Saviour Acts 1.6 a little before he ascended Wilt thou at this time restore the Kingdome to ISRAEL comprehending all the twelve Tribes as doth the house of Iacob in the text our Saviour denied not the thing but the revelation of it that time saying vers 7. It is not for you viz. now the words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. are in the present tence to know the times or the seasons which the Father hath put in his owne power But about seventy yeares after that his ascension God gave the full revelation of it to Christ to shew it by an Angell unto John who might write it to the Churches Revel 1.1 so that § 3 Observe in the third place that at Christs first coming viz. in all the time of his Incarnation from his Birth to his Ascension he was not in the throne of his father David he was in the Manger in the Mountaines more destitute then the Birds and Foxes in a Crowne of Thornes in garments of scorne on the Crosse in the Grave and at last in Heaven but never all that time in the Throne of David The Romans all that time and divers hundreds of yeares after reigned over the Jewes Christ not having any thing of Davids visible corporall government which was the notion of Davids government the High-Priest bearing that which outwardly might be called Spirituall yea when it was offered unto Christ to be made a King and to divide the portions between the Brethren he refused it Therefore § 4 Observe fourthly That the beginning of that Kingdome of Christ which shal be for ever that is after which no Kingdom on earth succeeds as often hath been expounded was not yet begun For after Christs ascension from that day to this other Kingdomes on earth over the Jewes did succeed viz. the Romans Sarazens and Turkes Why the meere spirituall Kingdome of Christ cannot be here understood we have already given unanswerable reasons as we conceive afore when wee parallel'd this place with Isa 9.7 * Pag. 184. l. 1. and why this Kingdome cannot be in Heaven at the ultimate end of the world the reason is at hand because then Christ shall deliver up the Kingdome to God the Father when he shall have put downe ALL rule c. and the sonne himselfe shall be subject to him c. SECT III. The third place in the New Testament for the said visible glorious state of the Church on earth yet to come before the universall Resurrection is in Luke 21.24 And they the Jews shall fall by the edge of the sword and shall be led away captive into all Nations and Jerusalem shall bee trodden downe of the Gentiles untill the times Gr. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 opportunities of the Gentiles be fulfilled Gr. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 filled up OBserve first that our Saviour speaking of the two Tribes that had been now returned from Babylon above five hundred years that they shall be led away captive in all nations must of necessity meane another and a more dispersing captivity following that which was begun by Titus Sonne of Vespasian the Roman Emperour burning both Temple and City selling an hundred thousand Jewes besides the slaughter of eleven hundred thousand about forty yeares after the ascension of Christ as Bucholcerus and Josephus affirme prosecuted by Aelius Adrianus the Roman Emperour about an hundred yeares after Christs ascension at which time the said Aelius Adrianus buried Jerusalem in its own rubbish and gave it to other Nations and Gentiles to inhabite calling it after his own name Aelia promoted yet further by the Saracens making feareful desolations in Judea about a thousand and nine yeares * So Bucholcerus Ind. chron after the Incarnation of Christ and at last this scattering of those two Tribes into all Nations is perfected by the Turkes dominion over them from about the yeare one thousand three hundred after the Incarnation of Christ to this day whereby they are dispersed as our
thousand that is to the universal Church who are verse 14. but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 comming or about to come out of tribulation not come out They were washed afore in the bloud of the Lamb ever since their beleeving but that was from sinne but they are not yet come out of great tribulation but that shall bee ere long So that that which follows to the end of the Chapter cannot now bee applyed to their persons viz. That they shall hunger no more nor the Sun light upon them any more And God shall wipe away all tears which are spoken in the future Tense as of things to come And it cannot be applied to their future state in heavenly glory For the Heathens that knew but the immortality of the soule never dreamed of hunger or thirst or feare to befall good men in the world to come Nor did the Philosophers thinke that the Sunne did shine above the highest of the orbs of the material heaven Therefore there is no probability in the least that this is a description of everlasting glory but of a state on earth where the Sunne hath smitten and there hath been hunger and thirst and have been tears So that still I minde you this Chapter is but a parenthesis of comfort put there by way of anticipation For it is put between the sixth and seventh Seal between which must be a methodical succession The sixth Seale is in chapter 6. which is most terrible obscuring heaven shaking the earth terrifying the sonnes of men And the seventh Seale is in Rev. 8. verse 1. In which eight Chapters whiles Christ intercedes over the prayers of the Church in regard of some slaine as it is in Chapter 6. The seven Trumpets appear in order to sound at their time Rev. 8.6 c. so that the calamities of the world goe on in the world upon earth and from hence forward till Antichrist be downe As for the 11 Chapter it is plaine that it is but the summary of all that which John prophesies of the more Ecclesiastical state of things in his ensuing Book of the Revelation as in the former he had prophesied of the more Political I say a summary For there is set down the more pure state of the Church v. 1. and more corrupt verse 2. And of the two witnesses in sackcloath one thousand two hundred and sixty yeers and their lying dead in the grave three yeers and a half as well as rising and ascending And there is Babylon falling viz. The tenth part of the City c. as well as Babylon trampling and triumphing over the Witnesses So that unlesse we will jumble all into a confusion this 11. Chapter is but the summary of what follow in the whole book of the Revelation And in the 12 Chapter there is as much for the loosing of Satan as for binding For the 13 Chapter it plainly sets out the time of Satans power 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 two and forty months or a thousand two hundred and sixty dayes viz. yeers which power he hath not when his master Satan is bound as we have and shall heare For the 14 and 15. Chapters the Churches triumphant songs of victory over the Beast are but in hope of a thing to come Another Parenthesis of comfort proleptically inserted For before and behinde their song in Chapter 15. is mention of the Angels having the seven last plagues to fulfill the wrath of God viz. The pouring out of the seven Vials as it follows Chapter 16. I need goe no further in my Antithesis to the Doctors instances ¶ 2 We answer to his Antecedent or first Proposition that if indeed as Doctor Prideaux would have it from the 6. Chap. of Rev. to the 20. Saints are in their reigning condition and Satan is bound according to St. Johns true intent Rev. 20. what means all that while all that adoe against the enemies of the Church of seven Seals Chapter 6. and 7. of seven Trumpets Chapter 8. of seven Vials Chapter 15. and 16. and in 17. is described the sin and the judgement of the Whore and in Chapter 18. the manner of her utter destruction and Chapter 19. the destruction it selfe And then and not till then in Chapter 20. S. John speaks of binding of Satan so as the Saints may be said to reigne indeed After which no Seals Trumpets or Vials onely there is a proleptic or anticipation of the ultimate day of judgement mentioned verse 11. of Chapter 20. because it is the period of the thousand yeers but the state of times in Satans binding and the Saints reigning is after described in Rev. 21. and 22. Chapters ¶ 3 We answer to his said Antecedent or first Proposition That by the Doctors tenet and proof that Satan is bound from Rev. 6. to Rev. 20. for he saith that the beginning was in Constantines time that the Saints began to reign And John tells us that the thousand yeeres doe end at the ultimate day of judgement Rev. 20. it will follow that from Constantine M. which the Doctor puts in three hundred yeers after Christ to the day of judgement is but a thousand yeers For the Doctor in his stating the question confesseth that the thousand yeers must be taken properly and precisely But wee and most Nations doe compute from three hundred yeers after Christ to this yeer one thousand three hundred fifty three and yet the day of the last judgement is not come No nor the War of Gog and Magog which precedes it No nor the fall of Antichrist and Babylon which precedes that c. Next we come to answer to the Argument or Consequent or last Proposition § 3 To the Proposition it self That therefore all this while the Saints reigned wee say that though they reigned over sinne which is no more priviledge then every Saint hath had since the beginning of the world yet they reigne not on earth over their corporall enemies as the fifth Monarchy or power which is the minde of the Scripture as we have before abundantly proved ¶ 2 To his first proof viz. So are they Kings as they be Priests But they are Priests spiritually Therefore c. We say to the major and minor ten Millinary yeers that they shal be Priests on earth therfore joyntly they shall be Kings on earth And they shall in body sensibly offer up sacrifices on earth of praises and Hallelujahs Rev. 11. Rev. 14. Therefore they shall in the body sensibly reigne on earth The notion is changed but the place and thing is the same Therefore it is said Rev. 5.10 He hath made us Kings and Priests unto our God AND we shall reigne on earth And Rev. 20.4 shall reigne with Christ a thousand yeers The time and place sheweth what reigning it shall bee even such as to whom Kings and Nations shall bring their honour Rev. 21. But in heaven the Saints enjoy but not reign with Christ because Christ as Christ doth not there reigne as we have
tell One of our opposites said that it must be a long while that Christ judgeth as man and judgeth men as men and therefore the ultimate judgement must be a long time ¶ 2 To the second proof viz. out of Act. 3.21 wee have already largely shewed that that place is very full and home for our opinion See our second Book page 96. But because Mr. Bayly will undertake to urge some speciall particulars we will answer particularly to them First He urgeth That the time here understood is that when all things spoken by all the Prophets are performed But all things spoken by all the Prophets are not performed till the last day of judgement Hee backs this with Rom. 8.21 compared with verse 18. and 23. where saith he The restitution of the creatures to their desired liberty comes not before the redemption of our bodies and the glory to be revealed on the whole Church at the last day To which wee answer Mr. B. in most of these Propositions refers which in our English peremptorily to all things But the Greeks is plainly this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. and is duely rendred thus Whom the heavens must receive untill the TIMES of restitution of all things WHICH TIMES God hath spoken c. And so the Arabecke Christ must be received of heaven unto THE TIMES which shall confirm the perfecting of all the speeches which times God hath spoken of c. And plain reason is most fair for this reading of referring which to times not to all things because all the Prophets of the Old Testament generally for the most part have spoken of the TIMES of restitution but have not spoken of all things that are to bee fulfilled witnesse many things in the New Testament which the Apostles tell us were hid in old time and St. Johns six first Seales Trumpets and Vials shew as much As also the binding of Satan And therefore that speech of Mr. B. That the time of the performing of all things which any of the Prophets have spoken cannot possibly exist before he last judgement is a false proposition because some of the Prophets whole Prophesies in the Old Testament for them Peter then must needs mean have been fulfilled already As the Prophesie of Jonah the utmost of which was the resurrection of Christ which was a time of restitution of our Head but not of all things by our Head Adde that it is said Here the TIMES of restitution of ALL THINGS which are distinguished from the ultimate day of judgement which is a time of dissolution and destruction of things To which RESTITUTIO● is quite opposite And TIMES are in the plurall as well as THINGS And therefore a precise ultima●e day of judgement in Mr. B. sense is not particularly pointed out But that ALL THINGS MUST HAVE their TIMES to be restored As the Saints for a thousand yeers And restitution imports a state once had and lost not a state altogether new and different as that in heaven And therefore Psal 8. and Heb. 2. doe refer to such a state as Adam had For Rom. 8.18 to 24. which Mr. B. quotes for proof That the time of fulfilling all things which any of the Prophets have spoken cannot possibly exist before the last judgement I say his quoting this eighth of Rom. to confirme this Proposition Mr. Bayly taking the last judgement for the ultimate day of judgement overthrows himselfe For in these thousand yeers is revealed the glory IN US Rom. 8.18 Marke the phrase in us And in verse 19. Then is the manifestation viz. to all the world of the Sonnes of God which in heaven is hid from the world And verse 19.20 31 22. Then in those thousand yeers the creature IT SELFE and whole creation according to their groans shall be delivered from the vanity and travell and paine it is now in into the liberty of the Sons of God which cannot be at the ultimate day of judgement when comes the dissolution And then in that thousand yeers most properly is it said in verse 25 And not onely the CREATURES but OUR SELVES ALSO shall have the redemption of our bodies it being a condition proper in place and nature for bodies The second thing that Mr. Bayly urgeth out of this third of Act. 21. is That the time here spoken of is when the Jews to whom Peter spake were to be refreshed by the Lords presence But that shall not be before the generall Resurrection To which we answer This is a begging of the question wee have shewed that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 from the face or appearance of Christ shall the Saints in this thousand yeers have a great refreshing especially here meant of the Jewes in generall who then must be called and so injoy this refreshing For at the ultimate judgement and generall Resurrection will bee too late a time to call them The third thing Mr. Bayly urgeth out of this Act. 3. is this The time when God doth solemnly before men and Angels declare the absolution and blotting out of the sins of all his people is not before the last day But this is the time whereof the Apostle Peter speaks in the present place as appears by verse 19. That your sins may be blotted out when the time of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. To which we answer as to the minor Proposition First that Peter here speaks of the blotting out the Jews sins and those sins were refusing and crucifying Christ Act. 2. And these are blotted out when Christ appears and they repent at sight of him and owne him and this is before the last day of judgement Zach. 12.10 Rev. 1.7 as we have before demonstrated out of these places As for all those words Mr. Bayly heaps up of solemnly before men and Angels declare the absolution c. they cannot be inferred from this text As the word refreshing is but a low word to signifie the absolutest highest happinesse And the last day is a late time to blot out the sins of the Jews when they are not yet converted nor shall then bee but by the appearance of Christ unto them Zach. 11. Rev. 1. ¶ 3 The third and last proof of Mr. Baylies minor Proposition of his first Argument That Christ remaines in the heavens till the last judgement is in John 14.2 and 3. To which we answer Christ doth not in the least there intimate that he would not come againe till the last judgement as Mr. B. understands the last judgement And it is very plaine that Christ will first come againe and receive them to himselfe before he carry them into the mansion in the highest heavens if Mr. Bayly wil needs understand those mansions onely Howbeit there is no expression of Heaven And the Greek is prepare a place without any article of emphasis And the Fathers house is large Ephes 3.14 15. For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ of whom the whole
spirit shall be removed farre away from the Church Zach. 13 2. Thirdly For the rest of the dayes works of Creation as in them were created the dry-land the Plants the Fishes and Fowls and Animals c. So in this New creation there shall be a perfection of all those then in being for of a resurrection of irrationals I know nothing and they shall be freed and set at liberty from all danger and hardship Isa 11.6 7 8 9. Rom. 8.19 20 21 22. I speak now short to these things because I am not yet come to the qualifications of this future glorious estate into which this Head would sometimes faine draw me but I will not be anticipated ¶ 4 This future glorious estate on earth is a creation in regard of the end viz. that as man was created last of all most perfect in soule and body as the subordinate end next under God for which God made it viz. that man might have the possession and use of all and dominion over all Gen. 1.26 So in this New creation Christ restores all things to their perfection and every beleever to his to that end that all beleevers being raised or changed as afore described may joyntly and co-ordinately rule over the whole world and all things therein next under Christ their Head I say All and not apart onely as some unwarily publish And I say joyntly not one part of the Saints to usurp authority over the rest as many dream And co-ordinately All upon equall tearms not some Saints to rule by Deputies made of the rest of the Saints as the practise of men seem to interpret And all to be true Saints not seeming Thus we read in Dan. 7. verse 14. and 27. And Rev. 20.4 And Chap. 21. verse 24.26 Study the places well and you will easily picke it out CHAP. III. Measuring out the DIMENSIONS of this glorious estate to be on Earth afore the ultimate universal Judgement § 1 HAving done with the Creation of it we come next to the Dimensions Quantity or Extent of the glorious Kingdome of Christ on Earth yet expected viz. That as the other foure Monarchies did over spread all the inhabited world as it is said of Nebuchadnezzars Assyrto-Chaldean Monarchy Dan. 2.37 that he was King of Kings and that WHERESOEVER THE CHILDREN OF MEN DWE●T the Beasts of the field and fowles of the Heaven GOD HAD GIVEN INTO HIS HAND and had made him RULER OVER ALL and of Caesars Roman Monarchy Luke 2.1 That there went out a decree from him that ALL THE WORLD should bee taxed So this fifth Monarchy of the Saints reigning on earth under Christ must be as large as those Monarchies as large as the whole world for ample Dominion though not for sincere conversion That is the generality of men in the time of this Kingdome being converted into true Saints they shall rule over all the whole world of men swallowing up the other former Monarchies So that if there be remaining a secret seed of hypocrisie in ●ome which shall at last God so foretelling Rev. 20.8 breake out in the Gogican War at the end of our THOUSAND yeers shall yet mean while all men all the time of the thousand yeers shall be demurely subject to the Dominion of the Saints Touching the latitude and largenesse of this Holy-Kingdome read Dan. 2.34 35. The stone cut out without hands smote the Image on his feet that were of iron and of clay and brake them to peeces Then was the iron the clay the brasse the silver and the gold broken in peeces together and became like the chasse of the Summerthershing floore and the wind carried them away so that NO PLACE WAS FOUND FOR THEM and the stone that smote the Image became a great Mountaine and FILLED THE WHOLE EARTH Dan. 7.26 27 And the judgement shall sit and they shall take away his the preceding Monarchies Dominion c. And the Kingdome and Dominion and the greatnesse of the Kingdome UNDER THE WHOLE HEAVEN shall be given to the people of the Saints c. And Rev. 10.7 St. John having said In the dayes of the voyce of the seventh Angel when he shall BEGIN to sound the mystery of God shall be finished he goes on in the 11. Chapter verse 15. saying The seventh Angel sounded and there were great voyces in Heaven saying The KINGDOMES of this WORLD are become the Kingdomes of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall reigne for ever That is no Monarchy shall ever be on earth after his Adde Isa 2. In the second verse c. whereof yee have the propagation of the Gospel of Christs Kingdome and mens obedience to it In the 11 verse repeated againe verse 17. yee have the Lord Christ exalted and his overthrowing all worldly powers prostrate before him in these words The lofty lookes of man shall be humbled and the haughtinesse of men shall be bowed downe and the LORD ALONE shall be exalted Which words though covertly for feare of provoking worldly Monarchs are alleadged by the Jewes to the same end as you have heard afore at large To the same effect of the largenesse of Christs Kingdome is that notable place in Isa 24. verse 21 22 23. In that day it shall come to passe that the Lord shall punish the Host of the high ones that are on high and the Kings of the earth UPON EARTH and they shall be gathered together as prisoners are gathered in the pit and shall be shut up in the prison and after many dayes they shall be visited Then the Moon shall be confounded and the Sunne ashamed when the Lord of Hosts shall REIGNE IN MOUNT SION and in Jerusalem before his Ancients gloriously His Ancients are his ancient people the Jews And as the material Sunne and Moon shall be then nothing in comparison of the light of Gods presence as afore-shewed so the metaphorical Sunne and Moon for the same Scripture may have two subordinate senses Rev. 17.9 10. I say the metaphorical Sunne and Moon of higher and lower humane Majesties shall be confounded with shame So Jacob a Prince in those times and his wife are called by the name and interpreted to be the meaning of that name of the Sunne and Moon in Josephs dream Gen. 37.9 even as we had but now in that 24 of Isa both name and thing metaphor meaning expressed And by the same rule and proportion we may admit of others annexing a metaphorical sense to that Revelation 21. verse 23 24. that in Christs Kingdome to come upon earth there shall be no need of the Sunne or Moon i. e. of Emperial Royal or Princely Potentates to keep the peace as we have expounded it also in a litteral sense of the obscuring of the glory of all the Stars by the paramount glory of Gods presence For God and the Lambs presence shall be in stead of and more then the Sunne and Moon in both senses One both learned and godly doth likewise to the
happinesse then it must not be taken from them by the old misery of death If all the Elect dead and alive must reigne on earth a thousand yeers as we have proved then there must be no death to cut this time shorter They doe not reigne if subject in the thousand yeers to that great enemy Death Nor do any of them live a thousand yeers if by succession they dye in that thousand yeers If there shall be no more sorrow nor cries nor paines as wee heard afore how then can this Man-eater death continue If sinne be gone why should death remaine § 2 But to leave discourses and come to plaine places of Scripture which are divers ¶ 1 Isa 25.8 He i. e. the Lord mentioned in the former verses will swallow up death in victory and the Lord God will wipe away all tears from off all faces and the rebuke of his people c. Wee before demonstrated that this place belongs to the glorious time we speake of sc when the Jewes are called And you see how full it speaks to the thing of the removal of death Calvin confesseth that this is under Christs Kingdome and addes under Christs universal Kingdom And sure Christ as Christ hath no Kingdom in heaven after the ultimate judgement nor universal now ¶ 2 Another place is in Hos 13.14 I will ransome them from the power of the grave And I will redeem them from death O death I will be thy plagues O grave I wil be thy destruction Repentance shall be hid from mine eyes Which place is evidently spoken to Ephraim the ten Tribes verse 12. therefore this cannot relate to the return of the two Tribes from Babylon And it is as evident that more then a spiritual deliverance of a mans soul from death in sin is meant in that here is joyned deliverance from the grave with deliverance from death And twice a mention of grave But much adoe there is with some that would faine make this Text a continuation of the Prophets minatory speech in the former Chapter But the words are plaine words of mercy and a Prophesie of mercy quoted by Paul not onely that God can doe such a thing as in the Text but that he will do it Again how common is it for the Prophets in their preaching mifericordias cum minis mifcere to mingle mercies with minatories So that they may as well say almost that the 14. Chapter is a continuation of threatnings It is frequent in this Prophesie to make threats and comforts so take their turnes Chap. 1. Chap. 2. c. And to me it is plaine and evident that as it is noted in our English Translation at verse 9. begins a Sermon of mercy and so is continued to the end of the 14. verse It is said in verse 9. O Israel thou not I hast destroyed thy self Thou hast brought thy misery on thy selfe But I will be thy King where is any other to save thee in all thy Cities So plainly according to Heb. And for experience the Lord tells Ephraim that the King they desired and had could not save them And therefore God was their onely saving King and therefore was not pleased in giving them a King and in anger did he take away Kings from them because of their confidence in them but this taking them away would make way for their imbracing God for their King according to that which follows in the ensuing promises As for verse 12. The iniquity of Ephraim is bound up and hid Hiding as well sounds of justification and pardon of sin Psal 32.1 Rom. 4.7 as of punishment And for the 13. verse close to the Hebrew thus Sorrows of a woman in travel will come upon him viz. Ephraim He an unwise Sonne * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 If vid. Schindl if he shall stay long in the breaking forth of children i. e. in the straitnesse of the womb i. e. If by repentance he doe not help himselfe out of his sorrows But however verse 14. I sayes the Lord if Ephraim be unwise and helps not himselfe yet I the Lord will ransome them c. as aforesaid Sure enough these words are plaine for the point in hand even as both those two places aforesaid are severall times quoted in the New Testament and applied to a state that is to be afore the ultimate day of judgement ¶ 3 For 1. both places seem to mee to be touched in 1 Cor. 15.54 55. As our new notes on the Bible concur with mee For in the 54. verse seems to be quoted Isa 25.8 For the Apostles words are plainly the same with Isaiah Death is swallowed up in victory And in 55. verse seems a quotation of Hos 13.14 For the Apostles challenge is plainly according to Hosea O grave where is thy victory Secondly The Apostle makes application of the fulfilling of these Prophesies to be at the time we speak of sc of the visible glory of the Church on earth For which observe these particulars First The Apostle mentions our restitution to our state in the first Adam by Christ the second Adam v. 49. compared with Psal 8. As Psal 8. with Gen. 1.26 to which end the visible glorious state of the Church is set out by having a Fountain and Tree of life alluding to Paradise Rev. 22. All which import a state upon earth Secondly That the Apostle mentions the time to be at the sound of the last Trumpet importing other Trumpets to sound first so that the last Trumpet is the seventh as John numbers them not hid from Paul Now from the beginning of the sounding of the seventh Trumpet so many things follow as wee have several times demonstrated that there must of necessity be a state of the Churches visible glory before the ultimate day of judgement For when Rev. 11.15 the seventh Angel sounded then First There was an Earthquake v. ibid. Secondly A proclaiming that the Kingdomes of the earth are the Kingdomes of Christ v. 15. Christ shall reign for ages of ages till time be no more ibid. Fourthly Saints sing praise for it v. 16 17. Fifthly Christ takes to him his great power and now reigns v. 17. Sixthly Nations are angry at it v. 18. Seventhly The Saints are raised and rewarded v. 18. Eighthly A destroying of them that destroyed the earth and care is taken of the earth v. 18. Ninthly The Temple of God is opened and the Arke discovered v. 19. Tenthly Lightinings and thundrings and earthquakes and great haile v. 19. All these here beside that in Rev. 20. Rev. 21. Rev. 22. From the beginning of the seventh Trumpet to the end of it Now let any ingenuous man judge by these ten particulars whether they are consistent with heaven above and whether they must not necessarily import a state on earth So that the Apostle here in this 1 Cor. 15. mentioning the raising of the Saints the cloathing of them with incorruption and the changing of them that are alive quoting those two
shall not If we might be tempted this were not a sorrowlesse condition It was a part of Christs great humiliation that he was tempted though he could not be prevailed against If wicked men the instruments shall not be neer to tempt them then nor Satan the Author So the Text Rev. 19. The wicked are removed Chap. 20. Satan is removed bound up that he should not seduce the Nations any more which phrase would be weighed more then it is I have before shewed in our answer to Doctor Prideaux That the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifies any the least temptation And now I adde that for ought I know 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 may fitly be rendred Satan shall not to that end wander up and downe among the Nations The Greek may beare it And the context speaks for it For were all those expressions and acts sc laid hold on and bound him cast him into the pit and sets a seale onely to that end that he might not seduce If God had onely laid his command it had been enough to restrain his acting as when Christ commanded him out of the possessed Rather therefore the meaning is that hee might not have so much as the liberty to peragrare Gentes to wander up and downe over the Nations It must not be with him as in the dayes of the Churches afflictions Job 1.7 and 1 Pet. 5.8 Now he is held chained cast down sealed that he may not wander 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the active is to wander as planets that compasse the Earth And 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the middle voice signifies to wander from place to place viz. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as the Greek Criticks give instance obire multa loca to travel over much ground And Christ saith Now is the houre of temptation and the Kingdome of patience Then the Kingdome of perfect peace purity and exultation Rev. 11. Rev. 20. Rev. 21. The Serpent then shal only eat his dust Isa 65.25 in opposition to Gen. 3.14 And the devill that abused his body shall be shut up Now shall be fulfilled that promise Rom. 20.16 The God of PEACE mark Gods title shall tread Satan under your feet c. Now that Satan is in the pit he must be under their feet while the Saints stand on their feet on earth Satan must be under them As all things under Christs feet Heb. 2. As for Satans utter prevailing that was subdued when the Apostle spake those words For this purpose the Sonne of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the Devill 1 Joh. 3.8 Observe it is said works c. therefore now Satan himselfe must be under their feet as that text speaks Rom. 16.20 now is to bee fulfilled perfectly that Heb. 2.8 c. All must be subject to Christ And he must destroy death AND HIM THAT HAD THE POWER OF DEATH WHICH IS the Devil verse 14. So that that time that is a Deathlesse condition is a Devil-lesse a Satanlesse time And as in Rev. 20.7 the letting loose of Satan and Satans tempting go together so by an Antithesis Satans binding and his Non-tempting goe together verse 3. Indeed it is said so frequently in the Revelation that at the seventh Trumpet at this first Resurrection when Christ reigns and the Saints with him on Earth that their businesse shall be to joy praise triumph and sing Hallelujahs Rev. 5. Rev. 7. Rev. 14. and Rev. 19.5 or six times in the beginning of that Chapter that it cannot enter into the thoughts of the purest reason that there should be any sad songs of Satan sung to the ears of a Saint Sin and temptation are more sad then death to a Saint and therefore if the lesser sorrow and death shall be gone at this time then much more temptation If nothing that defileth shall enter into this state then not the unclean spirit as Christ calls him O glorious time when there shall be no disposition within nor temptation without to sinne but so full of God and happinesse in manifestation of Christ that there shall be no thoughts but in relation to him The souls of the Elect shall not returne to their bodies to be tempted that were their losse And the living Saints are changed therefore to a state of grace beyond that now which at present is liable to Temptation SECT VI. The next Quality is the RESTAURATION OF ALL THE CREATURES AS Isa 65.17 it is said there must be New Heavens sc a New Church-state so a New Earth a New naturall politick state of persons and things For there is mention of plantings and injoying of them And verse 25. of the Wolfe dwelling with the Lamb c. and that dust shall be the Serpents meat no devouring or hurting So the close They shall not destroy nor hurt in all the holy Mountaine Of this of the Wolfe c. we spake once afore largely on Isa 11.6 7 8 9. which Lactantius takes litterally See before and after the Text it is intended for the time we speake of And the reason of all is For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the Sea Knowledge signifies oft all spirituals and here imports that there shal be such an abundant manifestation of Gods presence that all whether taken litterally or metaphorically shall be as in Paradise before Adams fall So Psal 8. makes Gen. 1.26 A Prophesie or Type or both of what man shall injoy in after times And Heb. 2. applies Psal 8. to the time we speak of And Heb. 4. applies Gods resting the seventh day to a Sabbatisme on earth yet to come So the 2 Pet. 3. and Rev. 21.1 apply the New Heavens and New Earth to the said time and call it the New Jerusalem comming downe from God out of Heaven And the addition to the glory of this New Jerusalem shall be a lustre of all creatures materials of building shall be like all manner of precious stones and men shall be like Angels Kings honouring the Church No sea sc to devoure but adorn and comfort man if it be not in a great part crusted into a chrystal body like heaven above consolidated for men to travel upon and come together and to shine to adde an inlightning to the earth for more glory Adde to all this that of Rom. 8.18 As vox naturae THE VOYCE OF NATURE for our point full to our purpose though it may be not heeded for this purpose For Peter gives us a good item when being about to speak of the New Heavens and New Earth 2 Pet. 3. He tels us in v. 3. That before that shall be scoffers and slighters of this opinion of Christs comming they will be as heedlesse as men were before the renovation of the world by Noahs flood Chap. 2. And then having spoken of the New Heavens c. according to Gods promise verse 13. then in the 14. verse he exhorts men to be diligent to bee found blamelesse
they but we our selves who also have the first fruits of the Spirit groan within our selves waiting for the adoption to wit the redemption of our body See creature and the Saints are still distinguished The Text is spoken to them that have the spirit yet still they groan with the whole Creation for a restauration of all as for a thing not yet come to passe And this cannot be in the supreamest Heaven The Creation cannot groan for that Nor can it groan for a dissolution at the last day of judgement therefore let the wise understand these things § 4 Lactantius saith of this Restauration When the thousand yeers come the world shall bring forth fruit alone and the Rock shall distil dew and no creature shall live upon prey The dog shall not hunt and the childe shall not be affraid of the Serpent I adde If in these corrupt times the Beast knowes his Master sure then all creatures shall bee most kinde to Saints and Saints shall know more perfectly all the creatures and be more kinde to them The lowest of this state as I have oft told you and proved shall be according to that of Adams innocency and therefore as all creatures came tamely before Adam and Adam gave them all names Gen. 2.19 so all now shall be tame toward man And if after that in that corrupt time of the old world Noah and the creatures were saved together in one Arke then now also shall all the creatures in their kinde injoy the liberty of the Sonnes of God as we heard afore in Rom. 8. § 5 And if this knowledge shall be between man and the creatures how much more between man and man I know no reason but that all the Saints shall know one another by former relations of Husband Wife Father and Childe brother and Sister It being joy to them to see them in the same happinesse yet shall not misse or moan for any wanting because God is glorified by them other wayes Adam in innocency saw Eve and knew shee was his wife and yet without sin In the Transfiguration Moses and Elijah are known The Disciples know Christ risen And Lazarus after hee was raised Then in the intent and meaning Dives shall see Lazarus in Abrahams bosome And some Jewes shall see Abraham and Isaac in the Kingdome and they themselves cast out therefore Saints much more shall know one another Wee shall know Christ and so all the members of Christ § 6 But this of knowing falls in but by the by The thing is the Restauration of the Creation And to what end That the Saints may enjoy all in their perfection that all things in their perfection may be restored to their right Owners Jure in equity all now is ours that believe 1 Cor. 3. the three last verses But then de facto in act Rev. 21.7 They shall inherit all things Till then the great ones of the earth take almost all from the Saints As in Dan. 7. first eight verses the fourth Beast took all But at the time wee speak of it shall be that Dan. 7.27 And the Kingdome and Dominion and the greatnesse of the Kingdome under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the Saints of the most High Which relates to the time we speak of as hath been proved SECT VII A Timelesse state THe next Quality is That when this visible glorious state of Church shall come TIME shall be no more Rev. 10.6 Time is a Quantity But no more time refers also to Qualities Note two circumstances of this assertion First It was spoken after the sixth Trumpet had sounded Rev. 9.13 therefore this looks toward the seventh Trumpet viz. to the time of the Churches visible glory Secondly It is spoken Rev. 10.1 by a mighty Angel comming downe from Heaven cloathed with a cloud and a Rain-bow about his head His face as the Sun His feet as a Pillar of fire and had in his hand a little booke therefore this was spoke in relation to the time of Christs appearing for Hee comes down from Heaven and cloathed with a cloud at his appearance Chap. 1.7 And the Rain-bow signifies that he comes as the Angel of the Covenant Mal. 3.1 Rev. 4.3 Sun is also the description of Christs comming Rev. 1. verse 16. and Malach. 4.2 so his feet as Pillars of fire Rev. 1. And the little Booke Chapter 5. And a mighty Angel sc Michael Dan. 12. i.e. Who is as God called Gods-fellow Zach. 13.7 Phil. 2.8 All these signifie the manner of Christs appearing Which appearance is at the seventh Trumpet Rev. 11.15 And here after he had cryed and caused the seven thunders hee swears Time shall be no more therefore this of Non-time refers to this time of the Churches visible glory Now Christs swearing it and with such solemnity standing on the Sea and Earth and lifting up his hand to Heaven swearing by himselfe who liveth for ever and made all things doth import some great matter I may import these five things ¶ 1 Most likely there shal be no more motion of the heavens which is the cause of time The stars shall rest Isa 60.20 Rev. 21.25 ¶ 2 There shall be no more changes Tempus edax rerum Time makes old and at last dissolves Time causeth Summer and Winter and so causeth much alteration in all bodies and the alteration of mens bodies much reflects on their spirits Now there being no more cause of changes there shall be no more changes However the Elect once for all at Christs appearing at the beginning of the thousand yeers are raised or changed to an essential perfection therefore no change from better to worse ¶ 3 For if no more time then Eternity is begun and therefore all must stand fixed in their perfection like Eternity not well to day weak to morrow cheerfull to day and melancholly to morrow but the Saints shall be stable and all things stable about them Friends creatures c. shining in beams of love and standing in a streight line of constant service All things that can passe away all old things and all that can waxe old are gone and all become new Rev. 21 1-4 5. As New Jerusalem comes out of Heaven so it shall be like Heaven No change No other Alpha and Omega first and last but Christ himselfe so is the close of former things gone Rev 21.6 Now he is the everlasting God afore all and after all and still the same Heb. 13. The man that changes changeth first and chiefly in his head Eccles 12. His haire white His eyes dim His cheeks wrinkled But our head cannot change There shall bee no sad remembrance that we were so happy but now we are worse but our Motto is semper idem i.e. Alwayes the same ¶ 4 No more time signifies There shall be no more time for abusers of time No time for the things that have caused sorrowful times to the Saints There shall be no more time for any kinde of evill
12.11 which were to run out saith Huet on Daniel from the ceasing of the daily sacrifice c. afore the Preface to this glorious state begins are now almost expired For if the daily sacrifice ceased about the yeer of Christ 367. For in that yeer saith Alsted in his Chronolog in the Reigne of Julian Apostata the preparations to re-edifie the Temple at Jerusalem were utterly demolished And we adde thereunto the said One thousand two hundred and ninety yeers we shall easily perceive if we credit our common Account making this to be the Yeer of Christ 1653. that the said One thousand two hundred and ninety yeers are almost expired ¶ 2 The two and forty months wherein the Beast Antichrist should have power as some Greek copies read it to do that is as hee pleaseth as Mr. Brightman expounds Rev. 13.5 which are allone with One thousand two hundred and sixty dayes Revelation chap. 11. verse 2. and verse 3. both signifying by the consent of the generality of all learned Protestants One thousand two hundred and sixty yeers are now neer their period For if as Reusner asserts * Elias Reusner Leorin Isagog Historic in Infantia Antichristi Ad annum 410. these two and forty months began when the Hinderer the Roman Emperour was removed 2 Thess 2.6 by the Goths that now the Roman Bishop was free from all impeding his will and pleasure in the yeer of Christ according to our common Account 410. And we adde thereunto the said One thousand two hundred and sixty yeers the termination of the said One thousand two hundred and sixty yeers are not far off I might annumerate many other accounts but I will not so mis-spend time nor anticipate my selfe in my intended designe of computations in the next Chapter These two here named may suffice to give the Reader a taste yea the first fruits of many Computations now not long hence about to determine whose periods immediately precede the beginning of the preparation or introduction viz. the call of the Jews to the glorious time we speak of SECT II. The second Prognostick The might of the Churches Enemies § 1 WHen the might of the Churches enemies appears universally and irresistably powerful then is the Churches great deliverance at hand Isa 59.16 to the end of the Chapter and the whole ensuing Chapter viz. the sixtieth alleadged and demonstrated afore to relate to this glorious time wee speake of Read the place it is too large to write out and you shall there finde it Prophesied that when the Lord should see that there was NONE TO HELP that then his owne arme should bring salvation that then the Redeemer shall come to Zion That then the Church should rise and shine because her light was come and the Gentiles should come into her light That her GATES SHOULD BE OPEN CONTINUALLY NOT SHUT DAY NOR NIGHT AND KINGS SHOULD MINISTER UNTO HER. THAT THE SUN SHOULD BE NO MORE HER LIGHT BUT THE LORD SHOULD BE HER EVERLASTING LIGHT which St. John Rev. 21. applies to the glorious time we treat of with many more passages in those Chapters of Isaiah to the same purpose Adde to this place of Isaiah that in the Revelation Chap. 18. verse 7. and 8. How much she hath glorified her selfe and lived deliciously so much torment and sorrow give her for she saith in her heart I sit A QUEEN AND AM NO WIDOW AND SHAL SEE NO SORROW therefore shall her plagues come IN ONE DAY § 2 Now whether at present the Might of the Churches enemies bee not universal and irresistible the Turke prospering mainly the Popish party prevailing exceedingly and the rather because the Protestant Nations are onely busie in beating one another to peeces most sadly whence most impious corruptions abound among these as horrid and bloody persecutions among those fresh broken out againe in the German Empire and in the Kingdome of France c. so that Antichrist boasted in their late Jubilean solemnity all was his and the Church precisely considered and Religion every way goes to wrack and no remedy of Lawes or Armes appeare I leave the Reader to resolve To which end I would have him weigh what briefly I have hinted and surveigh throughly the present state of things and inlarge his meditation upon it and then he will easily be inabled to conclude whether the universality of all be not most corrupt and unsavoury and daily putrifying more and more and whether the salt wherewith they should be seasoned and preserved hath not lost its savour and then wherewith shall any of those things be salted And whether as Psal 11.3 if the foundations Political saith Mollerus be destroyed a David may not justly cry out what can the righteous doe SECT III. The third Prognosticke The height of the enemies wickednesse § 1 THis Prognosticke we have in Gen. 15. verse 13 14 15. and 16. God said to Abraham know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a Land that is not theirs and they shall serve them and they shall afflict them foure hundred yeers c. But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again FOR THE INIQUITY OF THE AMORITES IS NOT YET FULL whence it appears that the fulnesse of the iniquity of the Amorites is a Prognostick of the Churches great deliverance out of Egypt so that when that should be full these shall be delivered Whence wee infer by the rule of Proportion that when the iniquity of the universality of the wicked on earth shall bee full that then shall the universality of the Elect have their grand deliverance upon earth This Prognostick that the Reader may see my inference to be good I will shew you in other places of Scripture which apply it immediately to the deliverance wee treat of In Isa 14. the first three verses most evidently as we have before demonstrated relate to the Glorious state on earth we drive at To which is annexed the Prophesie of the Churches triumph over Babylon as the necessary Appendix thereof with great assurance and much elocution and emphasis verse 4. c. to the end of the 18. verse Now what is the Prognostick of their fall but the height of their wickednes in oppression pride c. So verse 4 5 6. Thou shalt take up this Proverb against the King of Babylon and say How hath the oppressor ceased The Lord hath broken the staffe of the wicked and the Scepter of the Rulers HEE WHO SMOTE THE PEOPLE IN WRATH WITH A CONTINUAL STROK He that ruled the Nations in anger is persecuted and none hindereth And verse 12. c. How art thou FALLEN FROM HEAVEN O LUCIFER Sonne of the morning FOR thou hast said in thine heart I WILL ASCEND INTO HEAVEN I WILL EXALT MY THRONE ABOVE THE STARS OF GOD AND SIT UPON THE MOUNT OF THE CONGREGATION I WILL ASCEND ABOVE THE HEIGHT OF THE CLOUDS I WILL BE LIKE THE MOST HIGH thou shalt be BROVGHT DOWNE TO HELL So
our Saviour also testifies to this Prognostick Matth. 24. After the signes to come to passe whiles the end was not yet but were onely the beginnings of sorrow verse 6. verse 8. Christ addes other signes that should more neerly precede and point at the end And amongst many direful signes he gives this INIQUITY SHALL ABOUND after which the Gospel being preached to all the world as a witnesse to them THEN SHALL THE END COME verse 9. to 15. To the same purpose Rev. 18. verse 2 3 4 5 6. Babylon the Great is fallen is fallen that is shall fall as certainly as if already fallen c. FOR HER SINNES HAVE REACHED UNTO HEAVEN § 2 Now whether the enemies wickednesse is not mounted up to the height and the Antichristian parties sinnes I mean all that oppose Christ by what names or titles soever by what way or means or manner soever are not come to the full I leave the well-principled sound sanctified spiritual soul to judge Turcisme and Papisme is now worse then ever by how much more they have of late prevailed and have sinned against greater light and are more encouraged by the enmities and impieties among Protestants The Arminian and Socinian party with their Articuli perpendendi Advancements of mans will Disputes against the Deity of Christ with some questionings of the Holy Ghost have struck in with the Antichristian party and joyning in effect at least their forces with them have greatly enlarged their Quarters The Lutherans still as obstinately as ever if not more obstinately since against more light shining in sundry disputes destroy the humanity of Christ by their doctrine of Consubstantiation The learned of the Jews poor soules are now more obstinate against Christ come in the flesh then ever And for Protestant Nations or Peoples I am utterly astonished in my thoughts and distressed for words to expresse their unparallelable Apostasies The revolt among Professours is generall Their blasphemous words against God Christ the Holy Ghost the Holy Scriptures and consequently against Salvation Heaven Hell the Immortality of the Soule and all Fundamentals are nefanda so wicked that they are not to be mentioned though I could distinctly lest I should leave some staine upon some pious soule that may read this Treatise Their many wicked practices are sutable Community of women swearing drinking c. And these practised by principle as the way to destroy the flesh By this meanes many Jesuits false Prophets false Teachers and damnable Seducers are encouraged as the mutter abroad is every where to creep in amongst them All Religious worship is decried as flesh and forme The wicked prophane are extreamly encouraged the commers on in Religion offended and beaten off And the very knees and hearts of true Saints are made feeble and ready to faint And all this account is brought in as the returne of all the marvells of mercies and miraculary deliverances that God hath given them Whiles Politicals have been recovered Religion hath been lost And whosoever will not be high in these enormities is scorned as low The Nations called Protestant minde conquest rather then conscience Hellish Heresies break out in Print from beyond and on this side the Seas The profession of most of those Countries is come to looke like dirt gain being their godlinesse Their words and promises but lyes and flatteries And selfe is now the great God that ruleth all And of all these I would I could not give so true an account as I can with admiration of Gods patience the meane while I have nor list nor cause maliciously to inveigh against Protestant Nations but out of griefe of soule and to prosecute the point in hand I have given these few hints SECT IV. The fourth Prognostick Wars and rumors of Wars c. THis Prognosticke our Saviour gives us Matth. 24.6 7. in answer to that question put to him by the Disciples verse 3. saying to him Tell us when shall these things be And what shal be the sign of thy comming and of the end of the world But withal he gives us this caution that these wars and rumors of wars are a remoter signe adding to this signe verse 6. That the end is not yet And verse 8. That they are but the beginnings of sorrow But Daniel brings this signe as it may comprehend all great and remarkable wars viz. those the Jewes shall have with their adversaries the Turke c. neerer to the end Dan. 11.44 45. compared with Dan. 12.1 viz. at that time of the Jews wars aforesaid Michael shall stand up to deliver his people though the worke of that deliverance in those wars will it seems by verse 12.13 collated take up the time of five and forty yeers Now I leave all knowing men to judge whether we have not Wars and rumors of Wars whiles most if not all Nations of the Gentiles viz. England Scotland Ireland France Spaine Italy Netherlands or Low-Countries Denmarke Portugal Sweadland Helvetia or Switzerland Poland Muscovy The huge Empire of the Turke The vast Indies c. are either in the practise or posture or preparations and expectations of War There is wanting but the driving and fall of this storme of the Gentiles Wars on the Romish Westerne Antichrist and next the Jews taking up armes against the Turkish Easterne Antichrist and then the Worke or thing signified of which those rumors of Wars are a signe will be doing at least in the Preface and preparation Which last Warre some thinke is not far off in regard of their great Mathematicians wonderfull words to that end their abundant pursing up of gold their writing letters to each other in severall Countries to that purpose their late change of their letter for concealment of their messages by writing The professed expectation of some of their Learned of the Messiah to come in the yeer 1656. or thereabouts SECT V. Giving a touch upon several other Prognosticks viz. THe more we shall see Monarchy to fall Dan. 2.34 35. the oftner there appears strange signes in the Heavens following the great tribulations upon earth Matth. 24.29.30 And the lowder is heard vox populi the voyce of the generality of Gods people in their discourses and prayers that Babylon is falling and the Lord Christ is about to reigne Rev. 19. first six verses the neerer wee may expect the approach of this Glorious state on earth How much of these things have or doe appear already I leave wise men to recall to minde and consider CHAP. III. Containing several Computations of time searching when this glorious state on Earth shall approach § 1 OF which in general I would admonish the Reader First That I shall not trouble my selfe with any Computation whose period is expired because experience hath sufficiently confuted it § 2 Secondly That I would not have him to be troubled at the Computers though he finde their numerary principles different and their Computations inconsistent one with the other but in such darke and difficult