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A17706 Sermons of M. Iohn Caluine vpon the Epistle of Saincte Paule to the Galathians; Sermons de M. Jean Calvin sur l'Epistre S. Paul apostre aux Galates. English Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606. 1574 (1574) STC 4449; ESTC S122190 610,760 704

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kingdome of our Lord Iesus Christ is apparant inough howbeeit that is but in part we haue but a tast of it and things are so troubled disordered in this world that if we will iudge of our saluation by the outwarde apparance what would become of it Therfore let vs suffer our life to be hid till our Lord Iesus Christ come and then shall we perceiue that we haue not bin beguiled in putting our trust in him and in admitting the doctrine of his Gospell Yee see then after what maner we must liue by fayth that is to say wee must not be so nyce as to seeke a quiet life heere and too haue all our commodities and ease here For in so doing we should forgo the thing that God hath promised vs we shoulde forget him and it woulde be an vtter destruction of our fayth But let vs take the myrrour of Gods worde and there looke vpon the things that furmount all our wit and are set far out of this world and are vtterly inuisible and let vs lift vp our eies thither not so far forth as our own reason skill shal be able to guide vs for that is not inough but so as we may climbe aboue the world and forsake the present things to the end to holde our selues fast in Gods promises and to be pacient in all afflictions and miseries wherby we shal be exercized and against which we must befain to fight till we receyue the frute of our victorie whē we be cōueyed vp into the rest of heauen Thus ye see what haue we to gather vpon this saying of S. Paule which might seme darke at the first sight but whē we haue on the one side marked wel what our state is while we bee in this worlde and on the other side considered what the nature of fayth is we shall easily perceyue that there is no darknesse at all in it And now Saint Paule addeth expressely that Iesus Christ loued him and gaue himselfe to the death for him This is an exposition of that which we sawe erewhiles For men do oftentimes misconster the woorde Fayth bycause they consider not what the pithe of of it is And in deede euerie man will bee called faythfull and yet euen among those that make profession of Christianitie yee shall scarce finde one of a hundred that hathe so muche as one droppe of fayth For as I sayde afore it is neuer sought what is ment by fayth The worde is verie short but it draweth a long tayle after it as wee see by the addition that is set downe heere For Saint Paule declareth that hee liueth by fayth bycause Iesus Christ had loued him and deliuered himselfe to death for him As much must we do For inasmuch as wee see that the Sonne of God the Lorde of glorie the heade of the Angels hee by whome all things were made and by whome all things are still mainteyned yeeldeth himselfe to death yea and too so vile a death that hee tooke our curse vppon him and not onely was hanged vpon a Crosse which was an yrksome thing to all the worlde but also was pronounced accursed by Gods owne mouth seeing say I that wee haue such a price to raunsome vs from death and too purchase vs life and saluation haue we not cause if we thinke well vppon it to ouerleape all the lettes that Satan can cast in our wayes to make vs turne head or to retyre backe that wee might not continue in the certaintie of our fayth Surely the victorie will bee easie ynough for vs agaynst all remptations if we can consider of what value the death and passion of our Lorde Iesus Christ is and what it importeth So then S. Paule armeth vs heere too the ende wee might holde out wyth inuincible constancie agaynst all the stoppes that Satan laboureth too lay afore vs to hinder vs from keeping on our course VVhen the faythfull are pinched with hunger or thirst they bee troubled with looking heere and there for the promise that they shall be heyres of the worlde and in the meane while do well neare starue for famin and penurie But if they looke to our Lorde Iesus Christ that will dispatche them of all their trouble and sweeten all the bitternesse that might haue put the promises of saluation out of tast with them Therefore whensoeuer the faythfull are in any perill or bee persecuted so as they haue many wrongs and iniuries done them and yet are not succoured of all that while they might thinke thus with themselues VVhere is God Hee hath promised to dwell in vs to keepe vs as the Apple of his eie and to be our sheeld and fortresse and yet in the meane while wee bee cast vp too the spoyle wherefore it is certaine that we shall be vndone at euery blow But when we come to the death and passion of our Lorde Iesus Christ wee must conclude that the Sonne of God was not offered vp in vaine Seeing then that our Lorde Iesus Christ spared not himself but abaced himselfe so farre as too suffer so slaunderous yea and cursed a death and afterwarde also the paynes of Hell howbeeit but for a while too the ende too set vs free and cleare and too purchace vs grace before the iudgement seate of God his father should that dooing of his bee vnauaylable Is it possible that it shoulde bee No For if Heauen and earth were turned vpsyde downe it were not so great a confusion as too imagine that the Sonne of God hath suffered in vaine Then see wee nowe why Saint Paule telleth vs that hee liued by fayth For it behoueth vs to be settled vppon the death and passion of our Lorde Iesus Christ assuring our selues that it is able ynough too drawe vs out of the dungeons of death And furthermore it behoueth vs ▪ too looke vppon our Lorde Iesus Christ not onely as deade in the infirmitie of his fleshe but also as ryzen againe through his diuine and heauenly power as is saide of him in another Text. And therefore when there is any speaking of the death of our Lorde Iesus Christ it standeth vs on hande too consider what the same importeth that is too wit that it is a sacryfice to make an attonement of Recōciliation betwene God man an obedience too couer all the naughtinesse that is in vs and a washing too scoure away all our vnclennesse and filthinesse For asmuch then as wee knowe that there is such power in the death and passion of the sonne of God and that therevpon wee marche further that is to wit too the glorie wherevntoo it leadeth vs let vs not any more imagine that man ought hereafter to continue still in hys owne nature but that hee ought too liue in the fayth of the Gospell assuring himselfe that he shall not be disappoynted in resting vppon the promises that are conteyned there Thus ye see in effect wherevnto we should referre this saying where Saint Paule telleth
Money or for some Lande an vmper may so qualifie the matter on eyther side as peace shall soone bee made betwixt them But if we graunt Gods enimies their owne asking specially to the preiudice of him that will haue his owne right throughly maynteyned as good reason is that it shoulde bee what a thing is that So much the more then behoueth it vs too marke well this lesson where Saint Paule telleth vs that to serue God we must not shun neither trouble nor vexation nor repinings nor reproches nor any thing else insomuch that if it stande vpon the hazarding of our life we must go through with it And though there be great frailtie in vs yet let vs consider that God calleth vs vnto him and that he is able to remedie al our weaknesse and to giue vs sufficient strēgth to holde out to the vttermost Howsoeuer the cace stande seeing hee imployeth vs in his seruice vs I say which are nothing of oure selues we must not dishonour him so much as to make him subiect to mens lustes Thus ye see what wee haue to consider in the first place Furthermore we bee warned therewithall to suspectall suche as seeke their owne aduauntage and profite and all suche as disguise themselues rowing betweene two streames and falsifying Gods pure truthe at euerie turne too please men withall For as I haue tolde you alreadie we must prepare our selues to many battels if we minde to serue God simplie And we must call to minde this sentence where Saint Paule sayde that if his minde were too please men hee must of necessitie forsake the seruice of our Lorde Iesus Christ his maister For as I haue tolde you before the diuell will not ceasse to make warre vppon vs on all sydes and againe men are naturally disposed therevnto euerie man coueteth to bee soothed and vphilde and to haue all his vyces cloked To be short there is none but he desireth too bee foded and mainteyned in hys rechlesnesse And therefore if wee will bee freendes with men too frame our selues vntoo their willes and desires Iesus Christ can haue no more maystership ouer vs and wee shall not onely become vnprofitable for him but also vtter peruerters of all Nowe therefore when wee see that these which pretende great zealousnesse of christian religion doo seeke their owne profite let vs hardily conclude that they deserue not to haue any authoritie Of which sort are they whiche nowadayes keepe a barking to mainteyne popish abuses and ceasse not to slaunder 〈◊〉 doctrine of the Gospell but labour to bring it in discredite with the blinde and ignorant and yet notwithstanding what is it that the most part of them doo seeke Some to maintaine themselues in their estate with their red hattes horned cappes and crosses Others runne after them like houndes in a chace and these poore storuelings plie them apace that they may haue their wages Besides this all that euer is done of these pelting hypocrites and of all the whole stinging and stinking rable of shauelings what pretence so euer they make tendeth too none other end but to haue their dishes alwayes ful so that all their fighting is but for their bellie Also there are a great number of Neuters which are contented to haue the Gospell preached by halues but to go too it with so great rygour and seueritie ô say they it is no reason at all for the worlde cannot awaye with it And why should not men passe much for Ceremonies say they Although they sprung of superstitions and abuses yet shoulde wee not go too worke so roughly for that were too importunate dealing All they then which cannot abyde too haue the filthie dregges and corruptions of Poperie cutte off to the quicke do certainly ame at none other marke than too eschue persecution and too shrinke awaye from it And woulde God that examples of it were not too ryfe But nowadayes ye shall see an infinite number of such as would be ashamed to withstande the Gospell in all respects consent well ynough with vs to say In deede it is true but yet many things had neede to be borne withall and we had neede to go to it with gentlenesse and modestie And what moueth them to this VVhat foundation haue they See I pray you what they alledge O say they wee see fires kindled euerie where and what a thing were it too moue yet further troubles that shoulde make them greater It should seeme that we bee bent of set purpose to prouoke those that are alreadie enemies to the Gospell and haue the sworde in theyr hande and are able to rende all vp by the roote were it not better too beare with things awhile till God had giuen some rest too his Church It is certaine therefore that such folke as desire too make truce with those that fight openly against our Lord Iesus Christ are ful of treason And so see ye the second warning that is to be marked vpon this text Furthermore whe● 〈◊〉 S. Paule sayeth that the stumbling blocke of the Crosse shall be done away he meeneth that the world shall no more be so prouoked to refuse the doctrine of the Gospel for when we preach Iesus Christ crucified simply without any mixture that doth he purposely name the preaching of the Crosse Now the worlde woulde alwayes fayne haue solemnities and first of all wee see that many mennes eares itche and they desire nothing but that men shoulde flourish in Rhetorike and painted speach and such other like things Again we see that many are ashamed of the simplicitie of the Gospell bicause that if the great and small shoulde bee coupled togither it might seeme that it tendeth too the pulling downe of all highnesse And shoulde menne bee spoyled and robbed after that maner of all theyr glorie thinke they Manie therefore are ashamed of that Nowe for this cause Sainct Paule sayeth Go too it is the preaching of a Gibet or Gallowes It is true for to the intent to open vnto vs the Kingdome of heauen the sonne of God was fayne to suffer our curse and to indure that death which is so slaunderous before men yea and to be cursed of Gods owne mouth according to the saying of the Lawe Cursed is hee that hangeth on tree Then was our Lorde Iesus Christ faine to come to that poynt that hee might be our borrow To be short hee was as good as ouerwhelmed And we see howe the Prophete Esay sayth of him that he was disfigured like a poore Lazerman so as men vouchsafed not to looke vppon him or to count him in the number of men Also wee see howe the .xxij. Psalme sayth I am a worme and not a man I am a mockingstocke euen to the rascallest sort insomuch that the theefe did scorne him and scoffe at him VVell then at the first sight this doctrine seemeth vnworthie to be receyued But wee must bethinke vs what Saint Paule sayth in another text that is to wit
bring in a thing that seemeth not to bee of any great importance let vs bethynke vs what a tayle it myght drawe after it And for proofe heereof when wee be once turned from the simplicitie of the Gospell wee shall become like whooremongers according as wee haue seene in the last Epistle howe Saint Paule sayth expressely that the Diuell vseth Bawdes trickes and Ruffian trickes when hee commeth too turne vs from the doctrine of the Gospell Hee will alwayes make some goodly and fayre protestation like as when a Ruffian intendeth to deceiue a yong wife or a mayde hee will not vse any lewde termes or knauerie for hee knoweth that shee woulde abhorre them but hee will marke by little and little howe hee may infect hir with hys deadly poyson Euen so playeth the Diuell in that behalfe For if he should shewe his hornes as they say at the first dash and shewe himselfe openly too bee Gods enimie euerie man woulde shunne him and we would abhorre him But hee windeth himselfe slily in and creepeth in at small cranies so as wee shall woonder that he coulde preuayle with vs in sundrie things and wee shall still beare our selues in hande that wee ceasse not to holde with Iesus Christ and his Church And yet for all that wee shall bee turned away and in the ende wee shall perceyue our selues too bee quite cutte off Therefore when we reade this example that the Diuell had marred and corrupted the Churches whereof mention is made heere and that vnder the shadowe of the Ceremonies of Moyses lawe let vs bethinke our selues the better and stande stiffely without turning asyde by any meanes from the simplicitie of the Gospell Furthermore seeing hee hath stryued and disputed about the Ceremonies of the lawe let vs looke well aboute vs too profite our selues by all that is heere conteyned and let vs stande continually vpon our garde that wee may finde out the craftes and wyles of Satan And whensoeuer hee shall go about too vndermine vs let vs looke well too our businesse and stande alwayes too that which wee haue learned so as we may be out of all doubt that wee shall not finde any thing in the doctrine of the Gospell which is not the pure woorde of God For as I sayde that is the thing wherevpon our fayth must bee grounded And if any man will adde neuer so little too it let vs not onely suspect it but also abhorre it for when there is such a mingle mangle made with Gods pure truth it can be nothing else but corruption Now let vs come to the order which Saint Paule keepeth in handling the doctrine which wee shall see poynt by poynt That hee may bee the better heard and also receyued he confirmeth his owne authoritie which some men had gone about too impeache For beholde the pollicie of those dogges that incountered agaynst him was too alledge that the Apostles taught otherwise than hee did Nowe forasmuch as Saint Paule had not bin conuersant wyth our Lorde Iesus Christ while hee lyued in this worlde it was supposed at the fyrst that the Apostles were a degree aboue him and ought to be preferred before him And on the other syde they inquired who had put him in that place as though hee had thrust himselfe in and had done it rather of rashnesse than otherwise Saint Paule therefore was fayne too set himselfe agaynst all this geere and too shewe that hee was truely sente of God Furthermore as I sayde earst the Diuell stirred vp others who comming from Ierusalem sayd that that was the mother Church and the holinesse of all Christendome and they pretended too bee zeelous setters foorth of the purenesse of the Gospell By reason whereof it behoued Saint Paule too go forwarde in shewing that hee had not aduaunced himselfe nor taken any thing vpon him of his owne heade but had obeyed the calling of God and of our Lorde Iesus Christ who had made him his Apostle Yea and hee compareth himselfe with Iohn and Iames and Peter who were as men termed them the pillers of the Church and so taken to be among all men shewing that hee was no whitte inferiour to them And why doth hee so To the ende his doctrine might be receyued for that is the marke that he amed at Afterwarde when he hath prepared the Galathians too receyue obediently the warnings that he giueth them thē he debateth the matter which was at that time in controuersie and sheweth that the Gospell is beaten downe if we haue not the freedom which is purchased for vs by the bloud of our Lorde Iesus Christ which is that the ceremonies of the law should not holde vs any more in subiection or awe For as we shall see hereafter if such subiection should be admitted all the frute of our redemption and of the saluation which is purchased for vs by the sonne of God should go to wreck But nowe let vs come to the order that S. Paule keepeth for the mayntenance of his authoritie He sayth that he is an Apostle not on mennes behalfe nor by man but by Iesus Christe and by God the father which hath raysed him from the dead Fyrste of all we haue to marke here that Saincte Paule to the intente too bee receyued groundeth himselfe vppon the ordinaunce and appoyntment of God For surely no man ought to take vppon hym anye honoure in the Churche saue he that is called as I haue declared alreadie Besides that our fayth should be verie feeble if it should bee settled vpon men howe great excellencie or worthinesse soeuer were in them yea thoughe they were perfecter than Angells yet were that nothing our fayth is so precious a iewell as it muste rest altoogether vpon God and his truthe Seing it is so if a man intend to be heard it must not be alledged that he is wittie and skilfull or that he hath seene and hearde muche and is a man of great experience al those things are but smoake when it commeth too the leadyng of vs too the kingdome of Heauen For there the matter standeth not vpon profounde witte and high and exquisite knowledge all those things are but the sleyghts of Satan Ageyne wee knowe howe it is fayde generally of all mannes wysedome that it is but stark follie yea and that God laugheth it to scorne and abhorreth it bicause it turneth vs away from the obeying of him Therefore whensoeuer the cace concerneth the teachyng of vs all thyngs that beelong too man or too anye creature muste be layde a water that there maye bee a well ordered gouernemente in the Church and suche a one as God alloweth For if men aduaunce themselues in that cace God is thereby plucked backe and in the ende there wyll bee nothyng but vtter confusion So muche the more then behooueth it vs too marke well what S. Paule sheweth vs heere in that hee doth not alleadge or bryng any thyng of his owne for the stablishyng of his authoritie
the thing that wee haue too beare in minde But by the way it ought too make Paules doctrine of the more authoritie that he speaketh so boldly in the mayntenance of it and that not through humane rashnesse and presumption but in the name of God For in very deede he standeth not heere vppon the praysing of himselfe in his owne persone and that doth he shewe right well in that he sayeth If I my self He setteth himself formost as if he had sayd Let mee euen mee my selfe I say bee taken for a Diuell if I chaunge the doctrine or if you finde me to haue swarued in any maner of wize Heere S. Paule sheweth that he ment not too purchace reputation too himselfe ne fought in his owne quarell to haue it sayd of him that he was a fineheaded fellow or a wyze and excellent man no but he raungeth himself in aray with the faythfull and sayeth let vs all imbrace the doctrine of that Mayster too whose charge God hath cōmitted vs and vnto whose gouerment we ought too bee submitted For although I bee he that taught you the doctrine yet is it not mine but Gods who is vnchaungeable and although yee should see me chaunge yet bee not you remoued nor abashed for it but esteeme mee as a Diuell hold mee accursed and for your own partes continue you stil settled in the truth which you haue learned and as for mee curse you mee and ban you mee yea and the very Angelles of heauen too rather than too chaunge any whit of the truthe of Gods Sonne or too turne aside from it Heere wee see well ynough that S. Paule sought not aught else but that Gods truth might haue such reuerence among men as it deserueth and bee so receyued as all our wittes all our thoughts all our lustes and all our affections might bee subdued and hilde prysoners vnder it and that it might not be lawfull for any liuyng creature to chaūge aught therof but that God only might speake by the mouth of his only Sonne and we hold him for our Mayster yea and euery of vs obey him without gaynsaying That is the thing which S. Paule sought How beit for asmuch as wee cannot now lay forth the rest it shall bee reserued till the next Sunday if it please God Now let vs fall down before the Maiestie of our good God with acknowledgement of our faults praying him too make vs perceiue them more and more and that the feeling of them may draw vs too right repentance and cause vs too growe and increace in fayth so as wee may bee true sacrifizes too him that like as our Lord Iesus offered himself for our redemption so wee also may bethinke vs too dedicate our selues wholly vnto him and be guyded by him in such stedfastnesse that nother in lyfe nor death wee may not seeke any other contentation and rest than too apply our selues too his good will nor glorie in any other thing than in the Saluation that is purchaced for vs in him That it may please him too graunt this grace not only to vs but also too all people and nations of the earth c. The. 4. Sermon vpon the first Chapter 8 But if I my selfe or an Angell from heauen tell you othervvise than I haue tolde you cursed be he 9 As I sayd afore so say I yet agayne if any man tell you othervvize than you haue receyued cursed bee he c. WEe haue seene heretofore that we must be sure of the truth of the Gospell or else our fayth is no fayth but rather an opinion if we be ready to stagger too and fro Now then the very proofe which we ought to make of our fayth is to bee fully setled and resolued in our selues that God hath taught vs and that he hath so vttered his will vnto vs that if we swarue from it one way or other it is all one as if wee did wilfully cast our selues away And for this cause wee must not only receyue Gods woord as good holy but also beare such honour too it as to hate whatsoeuer is agaynst it yea or which agreeth not fully with it For when as S. Paule speaketh heere of an other Gospell his meanyng is that if men disguyze the pure simplicitie which they haue learned of him there remayneth nothing else but vntruth and corruption VVherfore let vs learne to set such store by Gods doctrine that wee may not only esteeme it in it self but also reiect as diuelish things what soeuer shall be brought contrarie or repugnant vntoo it And truly Sainct Paule thinkes it not ynough too speake of men but mounteth euen vntoo the Angelles of Heauen and sayeth that wee muste rather hold them accursed than alter any whit of the fayth which wee haue of the Gospell He dothe well too speake of himself first and he doeth that too shewe that he had no regard of his owne persone but that he ment simply too honour God and too cause his woord to bee receyued of all the worlde without gaynsaying Therefore it was needefull that Sainct Paule should vse that protestation for if any man exempt his owne doctrine by priuiledge he maketh the same a priuate cace But he that teacheth ought too raunge himselfe in the common aray and too submitte himself obediently too the Gospell of our Lord Iesus Christe so as wee may not haue any other Mayster in this worlde of whom too hold our fayth but that the Sonne of God may haue all soueraintie ouer vs as belongeth vntoo him And Sainct Paule speaketh purposely of the Angelles bycause the false Apostles and deceyuers that were come intoo the countrie of Galatia pretended the name of Peter Iohn and Iames and therefore he setteth a barre in their way saying that when they had all that could bee on theyr side yea and that the whole world tooke parte with them all that was nothing Moreouer though they had the very Angelles of heauē with them yet should God neuerthelesse ouer rule thē by his word all creatures be thrust downe For if any thing lift vp it self against Gods truth wherin his image shineth forth and his maiestie and glorie ought to be knowen the same ought also to be condemned to be hild as accursed It might perchaunce seeme at the first blush that S. Paule vsed an excessiue fashion For too what purpose bringeth he in the Angels seyng wee know how they be wholly giuen too do Gods will According as it is sayde expresly in the. 103. Psalme and as we see moreouer through the whole holy Scripture that they haue not any other regard than simply to obey God Seing then that it is impossible that the Angelles shoulde falsifie the pure truthe Sainct Paule shoulde not haue brought them in Yea it might bee thought that he dooth them wrong and iniurie considering that God hath giuen them the grace too abyde in his obedience and too walke quietly as he hath appoynted them But it
the end we shoulde knowe that onely fayth ought to suffice vs to the atteyning of saluation without seeking any other meanes one way or other too helpe vs. VVhat shoulde wee desyre more than that God shoulde acknowledge vs for his children VVill we needes haue an ouerplus added too so inestimable a benefite Ye see then that our full felicitie and perfect glorie is that we haue leaue to call vppon God as our father not doubting but that seeing he hath receyued vs into his fauour hee will also handle vs as his owne children But howe shall we come by that Saint Paule sayth it is onely fayth that maketh vs parttakers of that dignitie Then let vs conclude that the Lawe can nothing aduauntage vs or else it must needes bee that wee bee woonderfull couetous yea and as good as out of our wits to desire more than too be the children of God The Angelles are greatly honoured in the holy Scripture and yet the cheefe tytle that is giuen them is that they be the children of God Now seeing that we we I say poore wormes of the earth in whom there is nothing but filthynesse no nor aught but corruption of sinne bee matched with the Angelles insomuch that God openeth vs the kingdome of heauen and intendeth too haue vs fellowes with them who bee vertues are nere about him seing I say that we be made partakers of that glorie shall we be so presumptuous to seeke I wot not what moreouer Truely it is not onely fayth that maketh vs to obteyne that benefite VVherfore lette vs learne to renounce all other meanes that may bee set before vs for when men offer vs any other helpes as though the fayth that we haue in him were not sufficient it is but a turning of vs away from our Lorde Iesus Christ That then is Saint Paules meaning But wee shall neuer conceyue the frute that is conteined in this texte except we alwayes beare in minde that by this worde Fayth S. Paule meaneth to exclude all the desert worthinesse that men suppose or imagin thēselues able to bring with thē vnto God VVhen they will needs go through with the matter by their owne power and vertues It is all one as if they would cut off a peece of the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ But he cannot be rent in peeces or deuided Therefore all the working of our saluation must come of him alone and we must not skulk heere and there nor seeke bywayes but come right forth vnto him by the streyte way of fayth Herevpon S. Paule addeth that beeing baptised in Iesus Christ we haue put him on And this is too take away a doubt that might be cast heere namely howe it is possible that we should become the children of God seeing that that dignitie is peculiar to our Lorde Iesus Christ For whereas he is called the Sonne of God the Apostle sheweth that that tytle cannot be verified of the verie Angels of heauen True it is as I haue sayde heretofore that they be named the children of God howbeeit that is not without an addition So is it out of doubt that there is not any creature to whom that dignitie belongeth But nowe seeing that Iesus Christ is the only sonne of God howe doth the same extende vntoo vs S. Paule declareth that it is by reason of the vnion that is betwixt him and vs according as it is sayd in the .xvij. Chapter of S. Iohn Then if we were not one with our Lorde Iesus Christ surely wee should haue none acquaintance at all wyth God for we be quite cutte off from all hope of lyfe by sinne Yea and wee must needes be as deadly enimies vnto him and he vnto vs till hee haue altered and renued vs. Howsoeuer the worlde go beeing separated from Iesus Christ and considered in our owne nature we bee vnworthie too be called men and therefore much lesse can we boast that God is our father But here as I sayde Saint Paule intended to assoyle that question saying that by Baptisme we be clothed with our Lord Iesus Christ And this similitude of clothing is verie ryfe in the holy Scripture and it betokeneth in effect that Iesus Christ is our apparell or rayment whereby all is couered and buryed that might make vs to be reiected at Gods hand and grace is purchased vnto vs so as he doth not any more sift vs and search vs in our selues but accepteth vs as if we came in the very person of his owne Sonne To be short Saint Paule ment to shew here the vnion that is betwene our Lord Iesus Christ and all the faythfull which are the members of his body And like as all the substance of a tree commeth from the root and al the powers and abilities of a natural bodie come from the head euen so is it betwene the sonne of God and vs. For as I haue sayd alredy we haue not so much as one drop of the heauenly life but of his inspyring or breathing into vs. Therefore if we will come vnto God and be partakers of the holy Ghost and of the giftes that belong to the endlesse life let vs be in Iesus Christ and not thinke our selues to be any thing or aught worth of our selues And for the same cause our Lorde Iesus Christ in the sayd text which I alledged out of the xvij of S. Iohn setting out the true and perfect happinesse of his fayeth Father I pray thee that they may bee made one with vs. Ye see then that the way for vs to get out of the dungeon of death wherein we were drowned is to be vnited to our Lord Iesus Christ by the bond of fayth Now S. Paule sayth that that is done in Baptisme Not that all they which are baptized are true members of Iesus Christ in deede for we see the cleane contrarie insomuch that there are some which vnhallow and defile all the holinesse of Baptisme and are giltie of high treason too God bicause that whereas they professe to holde of Iesus Christ they despyze and spyte him and are as dung and filthinesse too marre all things Baptisme then maketh vs not all Christians and againe wee knowe that too bee made the childe of God is too great a benefite to bee fathered vppon a corruptible Element VVhat is the water Too say that the water begetteth or regenerateth vs againe and that thereby we be deliuered from death and obteyne the glorie wherein God lyfteth vs vp too himselfe as say I a peruerting of all order But first of all let vs marke here that when Saint Paule speaketh of Baptisme he presupposeth that we receyue the thing that is offered vnto vs in it Many that are baptised do wype away the grace of God and notwithstanding that it be offered them yet they make themselues vnworthie of it through their vnbeleef lewdnesse and rebellion Thus yee see that the power of baptisme is disfeated in many men But when there happeneth
by his authoritie Yee see then that the inestimable benefites whiche are comprehended in the Gospell are these namely that men are reconciled vnto God that the gate of Paradice is opened vntoo vs and that our Lord Iesus Christ is giuen vs for our heritage so as we bee made pattakers of all the benefites that he hath powred vpon vs and that he hath warranted our endlesse Saluation Now were it not better that the whole world should sinke and perish than that all this should bee ouerthrowen That therfore is the cause why S. Paule telleth vs that all such as come too set troubles after we haue bin faithfully taught and that all such as bring in any curiosities or foyst in this or that of their owne brayne do turne men away from the kingdome of God and from his royall seate too the intent that they should not any more be gouerned by him nor the Scepter of our Lord Iesus Christ be any more lifted vp among them too their saluation Nowe if wee set so much store by Gods honour as wee ought to do or esteeme it a precious thing too bee parttakers of all heauenly benefites or if wee make account of our owne welfare ought not euery of vs too shunne those troublers and too cast them out as deadly plagues of the world when they come among vs and fall too abolishing of the whole Maiestie of God and of the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ and consequently of our saluation also Thus yee see in effect that the thing which wee haue too marke heere is that wee must sticke with so earnest a minde to the Gospell as wee may not suffer our selues too bee thrust out of the way by any meanes nor abide that any man should trouble our wits by bringing in any new thing more than was afore Although the men bee neuer so skilfull suttle sharpwitted and eloquent yet let vs shake it off euery wit as accursed if it go about to turne vs from the purenesse of the Gospell That is the thing whiche Sainct Paule teacheth vs heere And when he hath spoken so he addeth that if he himselfe or an Angell came too preach any other Gospell than that which the Galathians had heard and vnderstoode they shoulde shake them off hold them as accursed excommunicate them and take them too be as Diuelles Heere wee see that S. Paule is as yee would say whote to mayntayne the stedfastnesse of the fayth to the intent we should not by any meanes bee shaken from it and that is not without cause For we see what frayltie is in vs and not only frayltie but also fondnesse and rebelliousnesse which are yet woorse At the first blush if a man teach vs Gods woord and that wee be not touched with it in good earnest we will thinke it the straungest thing in the worlde for the doctrine will alwayes seeme foolish too mannes wit as wee haue seene heretofore And what is the reason Euen our fondnesse bycause our wittes are wandering and rouing and wee bee naturally bent and foreward too leasing and desire as it were wilfully too bee beguyled Now then seyng that our wittes are so marred it is no maruell though wee lyke not the woord of God or though it haue no enterance intoo vs for all our lustinesse is but rebelliousnesse and whereas we thinke our selues to haue reason we be stark blind and to be short it is not for nought that the scripture sayeth that men are nothing but vanitie and leasing yea and rebelles too God so as they draw alwayes backe from that wherevnto God calleth them But put the cace that God had done so much for vs as too draw vs too him and to make vs taste that his truth is the thing wherevnto it behoueth vs too hold our selues and that we were so tamed that there were no more wilfulnesse in vs but that wee were ready to yeeld him all obedience yet is there such a fraylnesse and vnconstancie in vs that the Diuell shall easily thrust vs out of the way euery minute of an howre And hereof wee see experience euen in those that had bin as mirrours of holinesse so as yee would wonder to see them sodainly chaūged and gone from the right way And what is the cause of it As I sayd afore although we be in a good forewardnesse yet can we not hold our owne long but that we shall by and by go cleane awrie except God worke in vs and amend our frayltie Thus ye see why S. Paule doth with such maiestie maintaine the doctrine of the Gospell and the occasion therof was giuen him by the Galathians for they were thrust out of the way by reazon that they were borne in hand that it behoued them too keepe the ceremonies of the lawe S. Paule therefore beholding suche an example and image of mens infirmitie and ouer great lightnesse sayeth that the beleefe of the Gospell must surmount all that wee can conceyue and that wee must not bee remoued from it nother by the knowledge nor by the great cunning nor by the eloquence of men in somuch that euen though the Angelles of heauen shoulde deale with vs in that cace wee shoulde take them too bee but Diuelles But howe soeuer the cace standeth this were verie straunge VVhat The Angelles of heauen And agayne what is it that Sainct Paule speaketh of His owne preachyng Hee fayeth not singly the Gospell of Christe but the Gospell which I haue preached vnto you And ought that too haue preheminence aboue all the Angelles of heauen First and formest we see that it is too no purpose too magnifie the doctrine of the Gospell in generall and vndistinct termes but wee muste also therewithall bee sure which is the same doctrine To be short there are many among vs that can well ynough mocke at the fondnesse of the Papists but if a man poze thē in the principles which euen yong children ought too know perfectly they can no skill of them and so that one of them bee talking of one man and another of an other all is one too them they haue no discretion they make such a hotchpotch of the matter as if a man should iumble salt and water and mustarde and verie wee all togither Yee see then that they can well ynough confesse in generall termes that the Gospell ought too bee preached but in the meane whyle they know not what the Gospell is Nowe too correct such faults S. Paule sayeth Namely the Gospell that I haue preached vnto you And hereby as I sayd he sheweth vs that wee ought too know what substance is contayned in the doctrine that is set foorth vnto vs in the name of God to the intent that our faith may bee fully setled vpon it so as wee may not bee fickle minded to bee tossed with euery winde nor go at all aduenture too alter our purpose an hundred times a day but that wee may stand out too the end This is in effect
yea euen in the Church that like well of the thing that is done of a pure and right meaning zeale insomuch that some backbyte it through enuie others are so squeymish as a man cannot by any meanes content them and other some are full of wicked slaunderousnesse and lying Therefore forasmuch as we see howe men doo oftentymes cause vs to swarue one way or other let vs learne to giue our selues in suche wise vntoo God as we may stedfastly continue in the way which hee sheweth vs and not excuze our selues by our owne weaknesse seeing that Saint Paule goeth before vs and reacheth vs his hande He was a fraile man as we be and yet did God strengthen him in such wise by his holy spirite that he ouerpassed suche lettes VVherefore seeing wee perceyue our selues to bee weake let vs beseech God to arme vs with such constancie as wee may not ceasse to discharge our duetie towardes him though some misreport vs some blame vs and othersome mocke vs and make none account of all our labour when we indeuer to doo well Although then that our labour seeme to bee lost and mispent yet let it suffice vs that God lyketh and alloweth of it And so yee see what wee haue too gather vppon that Text. Aboue all things let vs not couet to be renowmed and too get great fame in this worlde for let vs streyne our selues as muche as may bee possibly and yet shall wee neuer bee better than Saint Paule was After he had preached the Gospell in such wyse yea euen as a man continually rapt vp intoo heauen insomuche that although the reuelation whereof he speaketh in the seconde too the Corinthians was exhibited too him but for one tyme yet the frute of it shewed it selfe all the tyme of his lyfe yet notwithstanding hee was vnknowne in the meane while yea euen in all the Churches of Iewrie And so it might seme well that hee had not greatly profyted seeing that all his labour was buryed But it was ynough for him that God edified the furthest straungers by his meanes VVee see then that hee sought not too bee muche renowmed nor too purchase credite and authoritie among men As concerning that hee sayeth the Churches of Iewrie that were in Christ hee addeth that worde of purpose bicause there was yet still some seede of God among the Iewes and the promises were so giuen too them as they were not vtterly cut off vntill such time as they renounced Iesus Christ quite and cleane and thereby were vtterly bereft of the inheritance of the life that was assigned vntoo them For like as God had chosen the lyne of Abraham so our Lorde Iesus Christ came intoo the worlde too bee the minister of those whome God had so adopted and to performe the promises that had bin giuen to their fathers Our Lorde Iesus Christ reiected not the Iewes too whome the promises belonged according also as it is sayde in the seconde of the Actes but the Church of God abode among them still and their Circumcision was not a thing deuised by man And although they were al growen out of kinde and many errours and wicked opinions were crept in among them so as Gods seruice was turmoyled and Religion corrupted yet notwithstanding that people was acknowledged for Gods householde flocke The Sinagoges therefore that had not yet bewrayed their vnbeleefe by withdrawing themselues from Iesus Christ are reckened heere by Saint Paule for Churches howbeeit not for perfect Churches for they were not yet regenerated in Iesus Christ For then was the renuing of the whole worlde when Iesus Christ was sent too bring home vntoo God both those that were neare hande and those that were farre off neare hande as the Iewes which had the lawe still and a farre off as the heathen men who had no likelihood of the heauenly kingdome bicause God had left them like poore wilde beastes and they were strayed away in their owne superstitions and Idolatries But Iesus Christ came to gather all togither and to knit all things togither again that were scattered afore And thereby we see how the law ought to haue led the Iewes to the Gospell as it is sayde throughout all the holy Scripture And it is very needfull for vs to knowe the same least wee surmize that none of all the things that are conteyned in the law can stand vs in any stead in these dayes For it is certaine that although the Ceremonies be no more in vse yet the truth and substance of them remaine alwayes vntoo vs so as wee cannot euen at this day be faythfull but we must also be the children of Abraham and the disciples of Moyses Not that we must be hilde still vnder the olde shadowes but that wee must match things togither which cannot be put asunder that is to wit the Law and the Gospell But yet further let vs vnderstande that we cannot at this day be counted for the Church before God that is to say all the companies of men in the worlde cannot obteyne that honourable tytle ▪ except we bee in Iesus Christ For that head must knitte vs vnto God his father and by that meanes must we haue enterance into the kingdome of heauen And therefore as for all them that knowe not Iesus Christ although they bee marked with baptisme and beare the name of Christians yet are they but as ●otten members vt●erly cut off notwithstanding that they pretende too bee of the troupe and number of Gods children Thus yee see still what wee haue too marke vppon this Text. Furthermore Saint Paule addeth that th● common report was that hee which had earst persecuted the fayth dyd preach the same and that God was glorified by that meanes Heere once agayne wee see that Saint Paule preacheth not his owne prayses for hee condemneth himselfe too haue beene an enimie and persecuter of the Church True it is that hee speaketh of the common report but yet doth hee rehearce the verie thing as it was done in deede So then hee cloketh not the thing that was too hys owne reproche and shame A●man might haue cast him in the teeth that hee had persecuted the poore faythfull ones that hee had too the vttermost of his power shed innocent bloud yea and that hee had compelled the weaklings to blaspheme But yet for al this he granteth to this inditement of his owne accord and speaketh not as most men do who make as it were a glorie of it that they haue bin enimies of the Gospell It is certaine that Saint Paule in making suche rehersall was touched with earnest sorinesse for that misbehauiour of his according as in another Text hee sayth that hee is not worthie to bee called an Apostle Nowe then yee may bee sure he felt alwayes some pricking in his heart for that hee had earst so rebelled agaynst God and bin so euill mynde● yea and altogither spitefull agaynst the Gospell ▪ Neuerthelesse howsoeuer the world went
with him he had leuer to acknowledge his fault with al humilitie than to leaue the thing vnsought that might be to Gods glorie So then let vs learne with him too acknowledge simply the offences that wee haue committed when it standeth vpon the honouring of God and let vs not be loth to receiue some sha●e before men For that is the way for vs also too haue our sinnes buryed before God so as they may neuer come to account nor to remembrance more that is to wit if we be contented too susteyne some marke of infamie before men if neede be that God may haue his due This therefore is the thing whiche wee haue too remember in that it is sayde that the common reporte wente that hee had earst destroyed the fayth as hee had done in deede Truely the fayth of the Gospell shall euermore get the vpper hande of all the assaultes of Sathan and of all the wicked Therefore it lay not in Saint Paules power 〈◊〉 abolishe the fayth nor too ouerthrowe it at such tyme as hee was caryed with such furie as wee haue seene For the fayth is grounded vppon Gods truth whiche is inuincible it is not subiect too the opinions of men But Saint Paule had respect heere too the infirmitie of the simple sort whome hee had cast downe as muche as lay in him For it is sayde in the Actes that hee did not onely persecute the Christians but also made some of them too recant Lyke as nowadayes when any great number is persecuted some spare neyther theyr bloud nor theyr lyues for the confessing of the name of our Lorde Iesus Christ Othersome redeeme this wretched and flightfull lyfe by recanting so that they banish themselues from the Kingdome of heauen as muche as they can cast themselues intoo Satans snares and throw themselues headlong into endlesse death and all too escape the handes of Tyrantes and of theyr enimies Therefore Saint Paules crueltie is purposely condemned by the holy Ghost for that he not onely was full of pryde and stubbornnesse agaynst God but also had inforced many too recant and giue ouer the fayth of the Gospell Yee see then howe hee behaued himselfe and that must serue for our learning For although the worde abide still in his full state and wee preiudice it not at all by our weaknesse yet notwithstanding the fayth is cast downe in our persons For if I swarue too please Gods enimies or if I disguyze the truth or by any meanes dissemble then is my fayth defaced True it is as I haue sayde alreadie that Gods worde shall alwayes holde his owne and yet oftentimes the fall of one man shal draw a great hauocke after it If men see some one person recant at whose hande great constancie was looked for then are many poore soules shaken and they wote not what too say True it is that wee ought not to rest vppon men but yet for all that as wee shall declare agayne anon there are many that haue neede too bee confirmed by good example Nowe if a man cast a stumbling blocke in their way they bee as good as vtterly ouerthrowne or else they be so hartshaken as they wote not where to become VVherfore let vs lerne to cōmit our selues vnto god seing that the diuel hath so many vnderlings whiche seeke nothing but too bring all too confusion and imploy themselues wholy to ouerwhelme the Christian fayth let vs pray God to strengthen vs with such constancie as our enimies may bee put too shame though we bee assayled neerelyer than we bee And let vs not onely care euery man for himselfe but also for the great number of poore soules whom wee see as it were in the VVoolues mouth for they shall bee tormented and threatned and finally laboured by flatteryes and allurements too recant Therefore when wee fee such assaultes gyuen too our brothers at leastwize let vs haue the heart too pray God too ayde them at theyr neede so as theyr fayth maye continue still inuincible and get the vpper hande and that they may neuer swarue for all that euer Satan and all his broode can practize So muche the more then behoueth it vs to marke this Text where it is sayde that Saint Paule did cast downe and destroy the fayth For although God will alwayes maintaine his truth yet doo not men ceasse too go too destruction bycause theyr fayth is shaken by swaruing and stepping asyde from the right way Furthermore wee haue wherewith too confirme oure selues so that althoughe men continue not in such constancie as were requisyte and too bee wyshed yet let vs not bee too muche abashed at it seeyng it is a thing that hathe beene common in all ages VVas Sainct Paules preaching of the lesse credite bycause there were manye renegates that in the ende shewed themselues too bee Hypocrites and full of vnfaythfulnesse Euen some of hys owne companions that had beene linked wyth him as twoo fingers of one hande gaue him quyte ouer in the ende And yet muste not Sainct Paules doctrine bee reiected for all that Also when hee persecuted the Christians before hee was conuerted althoughe that manye had renounced the saluation whiche they shoulde haue accepted as it was offered them in Iesus Christe yet ought not the fayth too bee defaced therefore Likewyse in these dayes when wee see manie wretched folke quayle and giue ouer all and othersome agayne holde oute at whose handes wee woulde not haue looked for any greate constancie let vs profite our selues thereby and bee oute of all doubt that although the whole worlde go too ruyne yet wee haue a good and sure foundation if wee rest vppon our God Nowe whereas Saint Paule addeth that the faithfull glorifyed God in him it is too shewe the better so as men might perceyue it euen by eysight that the chaunge whiche was made in him proceeded of the onely hande of God And all of it commeth too this poynt namely that hee had not thrust himselfe in and that it coulde not bee layde too his charge that he had preached at all aduenture nor that there was any rashnesse or presumption in him or that hee was dryuen wyth any worldly respect but that God had gouerned and guyded him For whereas the faythfull had glorifyed God in him it was by acknowledging that the renuing of suche a man after that fashion and the making of a rauening VVoolfe too become a Sheepe yea and a Sheephearde was his woorke and a verie miracle that proceeded from hym Marke that for a speciall poynt And heereby wee see briefly that they on whom God hath bestowed giftes of grace so as they excell and are farre aboue all others must not therefore aduaunce themselues but finde meanes that the prayse may bee yeelded too him that hath right too it and which hath deserued it VVherefore let vs keepe this rule of humilitie whiche is that wee seeke not our owne estimation nor too preferre our selues aboue oure neighbours for
adde that it is but partely But that glose marreth all For heere it is proued that wee can not bee founde righteous before God but by the meanes of our Lorde Iesus Christe and by resting vpon the saluation which he hathe purchased for vs. The Papists see this well inough and therefore for fashion sake they say we be iustified by fayth but not by fayth onely they will none of that That is the thing that they fighte agaynst and it is the chiefe poynte that is in controuersie betwixte them and vs. But S. Paule bewrayeth heere their beastlynesse when he sayth but by beleefe For that word betokeneth that all that euer men presume to bring vnto God to winne his fauour with is quite cut off Yee see then that the doore is shut agaynst all deseruing when S. Paule auoucheth that there is none other meane than by fayth VVee shall see more playnly hereafter why fayth is so compared with the law as a thing ful but agaynst it For the lawe presupposeth that if wee haue once fulfilled Gods commaundements we shall be taken for good seruants and that he wil pay vs the wages which he hath promised and faith presupposeth vs to be wretched dāned forlorne folke and that we must be fayne to seeke the things that we wante in Iesus Christ As for example There are two men that desire to bee boorded and lodged whereof the one bringeth money with him and lookes to be wel interteined for his wel paying and both of them require meate drinke howsoeuer the cace standeth but the second man is poore hath neither penny nor pennies worth and he desireth almes Thus do both twayne of them matche iuste in one poynt for they desire foode as the thing whereof they haue bothe neede But the first hath money to content his host and lyke as he shall haue fared well and bin well and curteously interteyned so shall his hoste receyue money of him and holde him selfe contented with it and not thinke his guest beholden or bounde vnto him For why he is recompenced yea and he hathe gayned by him But as for the poore man that craueth almes he thinks him selfe beholden for his life to him that fedde him and lodged him for he bringeth him nothing but a charge So then if wee will bee iustified before God by the Lawe we must deserue it so as he may receyue of vs and we of him and there may be as it were an interchaunge betwixte vs. And is that possible No as wee shall see more at large heereafter Therefore wee must conclude that wee bee excluded from the righteousnesse of the Lawe and that if wee thinke to bring any thing to binde God withall we doo but prouoke his wrath Then is there none other shifte but to go to hym like poore beggers and so to be iustified by fayth not as by a vertue that is of our selues but bicause we confesse with all lowlinesse that we can not obteyne saluation but by his free gifte ▪ Thus yee see howe the lawe is set heere full but agaynst fayth as if S. Paule should tell vs that all they which go about to winne Gods fauour by their owne merites forsake the grace of our Lorde Iesus Christ as shall be declared more at length hereafter ▪ But now if any man say that the lawe was giuen of God so as it can not haue any contrarietie agaynst fayth whereof God is the author also the answere therevnto is easie For God made bothe day and nighte fire and water colde and heate Now it is certayne that the day is not contrarie to the night but we see the wonderfull order of Gods goodnesse and wisdome in that men haue the lighte of the sunne to doo then worke in by day and the darknesse as it were a couert to rest in by night So then although the day differ from the night yet is there no contrarietie betwixte them neither is there any betweene fire and water so eche creature bee put to his owne proper vse but wee see that God hathe very well agreed the fire and the water and yet notwithstanding if 〈◊〉 beholde them fighting togither then is there greate contrarietie Euen so is it betweene the lawe and the Gospell And if any bodie will haue a man to be iustified bothe by the lawe and by the Gospell to he doth but turmoyle and mingle things togither and it is all one as if he should set heauen and earth togither by the eares To be short it were much easier too mingle fire and water togither than too say that wee can purchace any grace at Gods hand by our own deseruings and therwithall also haue neede to bee succored by our Lord Iesus Christe But if a man consider what the lawe is and too what purpose it was giuen he shall find that it is not whit at all repugnant too the Gospell nor consequently vntoo fayth but that they agree very well Thus ye see how this difficultie is dispatched so that if it be alledged that fayth commeth of God as well as the Law it is true Neuerthelesse it is to be considered as wee shall say hereafter to what end God gaue as well the one as the other But let vs returne too that which S. Paule sayeth He sayeth that wee bee not iustified but by the fayth of our Lord Iesus Christe VVhen he speaketh of beyng iustified lette vs marke that it is all one with beyng reckened or taken for rightuous before God And that woorde had neede too bee well vnderstoode for the cace standeth vppon knowing after what maner wee bee saued But are wee not wretched caytifes if after wee haue liued long in the world a man aske vs whiche is the meane too bee saued and wee cannot tell him VVee shall see many beastly wretches whiche haue deuoured Gods breade and yet notwithstanding cannot tell howe they shoulde offer themselues before him And therefore it behoueth vs to take so much the better heede to the things which are taught vs here by S. Paule He sayeth that we be iustified and how Is it that wee bee rightuous and that there is nothing amisse in vs No but it is for that God accepteth vs. Then is the woorde Rightuousnesse put for the fauour whiche God sheweth vs in that he voutchsafeth too bee our father and too take vs for his children If a man demaunde why the Scripture vseth the woorde Iustifie sith it seemeth too make nothing to the purpose for it might well be sayd God loueth vs God pitieth vs God vouchsafeth to become our father and Sauiour and therfore why should not men rather vse that maner of speach than say that he vouchsafeth to iustifie vs I answer it is not without cause that the scripture speaketh so For if we take the woord Saluation rawly say no more but that we be saued by the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ we shall not well perceyue what our owne state is nor how
hath good reason to hold them so at the staues end and if there were no law nor any such promis what would come of it VVe know that the heathen men would alwayes needes bee in Gods fauour for their owne vertues sake and yet in the meane while they knewe there were many faultes in them and for that cause they reteyned the vse of sacrifising It is true that they vnderstood not the end of them yet neuerthelesse their sacrifising was a playne confession that they were indaungered vnto God and had neede to be admitted into his fauour Likewise the Papistes do at this day packe togither a great deale of pelting trash to make attonement with God And so ye see that the heathen men did at all times keepe the same trade which the Papistes keepe at this day But howsoeuer they fared their intent was to bee saued at Gods hand for their owne deseruings Howbeit God telleth vs that if we thinke he oweth vs any thing of duetie we deceyue ourselues notwithstanding he promiseth of his owne free goodnesse that if we keepe the law we shall be reckened for rightuous before him But now do we keepe it No we come farre short of it in somuch that if we consider how much we fayle of it we must needs be abashed at it Yee see then how it is not without cause that God hath giuen vs that promis though we reape no profit nor aduauntage by it For it hath a respect to the correcting of the pryde wherewith we be so sore infected that wee must be clenzed of it by some violent remedie or else we shall burst And what remedie is that Behold God talketh to vs thus Go to yee murmur at me if I handle you not after your own lyking but I tell you that I will not only poure out my graciouse giftes and benefits vpon you in this worlde but also do lay vp an euerlasting heritage in store for you so yee serue me Serue me and make me a good account and then shall you be sure that I will recompence you both in this life and in the lyfe to come Gods speaking after that manner is to none other ende but to stoppe mennes mouthes and to make them acknowledge that if God punish them and send them neuer so many afflictions it is ryghtly done in somuch that all such as shall haue well sifted their owne liues shal be driuen to confesse yea euen vnfeynedly Alas if we be not worthie to eate bread for the sustenance of this transitorie life vpon earth how can we by our own deserts get the heritage of heauen whiche is a glory that belongeth only vnto God How can we atteyne to it by our owne strength Yee see then that mens combes are quite cut by Gods giuing of this so large and liberall promis vnto them And therewithall wee haue too note that the same promis is free of itselfe and yet fare wee neuer awhit the better for any peece of it till we haue vtterly let go our hold of it This would be darke if it shoulde not bee layde foorthe more at large The heathenmen as I haue sayde alreadie did fully perswade themselues that they should be recompenced at Gods hand if they liued after an honest and vnblamable fashion among men But that was great follie or rather starke madnesse For howe can God become indetted vntoo vs as it is tolde vs in the seuenteenth of Sainct Luke Though men could do better than the Angelles of heauen coulde they bynd God too them by it No for they bee his aforehand by nature accordingly also as our Lorde Iesus Christe alledgeth the similitude of a seruant not of suche seruants as are now adayes but such slaues or bondmen as were in those dayes If a bondslaue had bin slayne a hundred tymes for his master yet was it at his maysters will whither hee shoulde liue or dye still Therfore our Lorde Iesus Christ maketh his allegation in this wyse Go to ye bee but poore mortall creatures yourselues and yet if any of you haue a bondslaue hee will holde him as an Asse or an Oxe and when the seruant after sore trauell and labour with great payne all the day long returneth home at night his master will not make him too sit downe at the table with him for he hath done no more than his duetie and that which he was bound to do Now then shall God be of lesse authoritie or in worse cace than mortall mē For somuch as you are his although you indeuer to walke in his obedience yet can he not be any whit beholden to you And so as I haue declared alreadie wheras God hathe sayd in his law that he which doth these things shall lyue in them what moued him to such bountifulnesse as to promis vs euerlasting lyfe It was not for that he owed vs any thing Kill we ourselues a hundred thousand tymes to serue him yet cannot that bind him too yeeld vs any recompence Howbeit of his owne superabundant goodnesse he commeth and sayth Although I owe ye not any thing at all nor you be able to bring aught that may deserue any recompence for you be bound vnto mee in all poynts and all respects yet will I rewarde you for your labour Go to therfore settle yourselues to your duetie and do the things that I commaund you and you shall not be disapointed of your paiment Thus ye see in effect what wee haue too remember as I must tell you yet once agayne hereafter Now the Papistes will welynough graunt this in part but not commonly For the most part I meene of those that are the Popes right champions can no skil of those principles at this day Yet wil some of thē graunt that wheras God hath in his law promised the reward of lyfe to such as serue him it is to shewe that works are not of such value as to deserue euerlasting life but by reason of the promis But presuppose that God hath bound himselfe as he hath done and then they thinke that wee deserue and why For else say they Gods promising that he whiche doth those things shall liue in them is in vayne But they like wretched beastes as I sayd afore consider not that God sayeth it not to shew that men are able to purchace saluation by their owne deserts but rather to hold them conuicted and to bring them to true humilitie which they shunne continually through their foolish ouerweening and vain gloriousnesse Now then we see that Paules meening is in effect that if we go about to be iustified by the law and by our own works we must not leaue any thing behynd nor forget any thing for it is sayd he that doth all those things shall liue in them But now where is that mā which is so forward that he can boast of the full discharging of his dutie towards God None but hipocrities that are besotted in their owne diuelish pride or heathenish folke that skorne
deede wee muste not bee separated from him This in effect is it that wee haue too consider vppon this text Now herevpon S. Paule cōcludeth that there is nother Greeke nor Iew bond nor free male nor female but that Iesus Christ is one in vs all and all wee are one in him And by this sentence S. Paule ment to expresse yet better that only fayth ought to suffyze vs and that we must exclude all other meanes for else it were a derogacion as well to the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ as to the working of his holy spirite If any man alledge that circumcision was alwayes a recorde too the fathers of the same thing that wee haue at this day in baptisme the doubte is assoyled in the second too the Colossians where S. Paule sayeth that in being baptized wee bee circumcized howbeit not with mans hand nor with visible circumcision but that it ought to suffize vs that God acknowledgeth vs to bee partakers of the spirituall circumcision namely for somuch as baptisme is ordeyned too the same end now adayes And let vs marke that circumcizion serued to put a difference betweene the Iewes and the Gentiles It was as the Scripture termeth it a wall betwixt them too fence in the Iewes as the people whom God had chozen But nowe the blissing is published euerywhere so as there is no more diuersitie Now then baptisme being in these dayes succeeded in the place of circumcisiō supplieth the want of that old signe which was a figure and shadowe of things too come And that should not needed too haue bin if our Lord Iesus Christ had not bin away But nowe that he is manifested vnto vs ▪ we haue baptisme ordeyned in steade of it Notwithstanding let vs marke as I haue sayd already that we cā bring nothing of our owne wherwith to purchace fauour before God all that we can do is but simply to confesse our sinne which were ynough too drowne vs in despayre Furthermore wee haue fayth whereby wee recouer that whiche is requisite for our saluation I say wee recouer it by seeking it in our Lord Iesus Christ Nowe then if wee say yea but wee bee weake and rude wee cannot mount so high as too the secretes of heauen let vs looke vpon the baptisme that is giuen vs as though God reached out his hande too vs. There he sheweth vs to eyesight after what maner he plucketh vs out of the curse wherin we were plundged and couereth vs with our Lord Iesus Christe to the end that all our misdeedes should be buried by the perfection of his rightuousnesse For wee knowe he yeelded suche obedience too God his father that if wee come grounded therevppon we cannot but finde fauour at his hand Thus yee see how that on the one side God wil haue vs to rest vpon him and on our Lord Iesus Christ his sonne to the end we should draw out of the fulnesse of that foūtayne and yeelde the whole prayse of our saluation to the woorking of his holy spirite and on the otherside giueth vs baptisme as a help of our rudenesse and infirmitie Seyng wee haue all this what seeke we any more Is it not a wilfull robbing of God if wee will needes haue other helpes and put too other opinions and fancies as they come in our heades VVhereto serueth all this But suche minglings are Diuelish corruptions Therefore S. Paule telleth vs that wee must be so vnited too our Lord Iesus Christ as none of vs must aduaunce himself as though he were better worth than his fellowes but acknowledge our selues beholden too Gods meere grace for all things and bothe great and small muste indeuer the same togither and with one cōmon consent confesse that in our Lord Iesus Christ they haue all that is to be wished for and therefore giue ouer all the inuentions and deuices that can come in their owne brayne Yet not withstanding S. Paule ment not too say that there is no diuersitie of degrees as in respect of worldly policie For wee knowe there are maysters and seruants Magistrates and subiectes in a householde there is the good man which is the head and the good wyfe whiche ought to bee subiect VVee know then that this order is inuiolable and our Lord Iesus Christ is not come into the worlde to make such confusion as to abolish that which was stablished by God his father But when S. Paule sayeth that there is nother mayster nor seruant man nor woman he meeneth that too bee sure of their saluation men muste not set vp theyr tayles lyke Peacockes and stand gazing vppon their owne fethers but looke what woorthinesse so euer we weene too bee in our selues wee muste wipe it away and cast it vnder foote and acknowledge all to bee but hinderances that turne vs aside from comming to our Lord Iesus Christ Therefore when both great and small doo acknowledge that they cannot bryng aught of thēselues but must receyue all things of Gods only free goodnesse Then is our Lord Iesus Christ himselfe alone is all in all in vs that is to say we wil not go about to adde aught to the grace that he hath purchaced for vs and which he offereth vs dayly by his Gospell too the end wee should be partakers of it and inioy it too our saluation Thus yee see in effect that on the one side wee must keepe the ciuill orders of this world Let such as are great men and men of authoritie aboue others knowe that God intendeth too be serued by them in that state As for example let the Magistrates consider that they be so much the more bound to do their duetie seyng that God hath done them the honour too aduaunce them after that fashion aboue others Agayne they that are priuate persones and ought too obey the Magistrates must looke that they submit thēselues vnlesse they purpose to striue with God and to make warre against him Yee see then that S. Paule holdeth vs in sobrietie and modestie and vnder a bridle which was not deuized by men but dedicated of God too our vse bycause mankind could not continue without it And truely we ought too honour and reuerence the state of gouernance as a thing ordeyned of the Lord. And yet for all that when wee come too the heauenly life let vs assure our selues that all worldly things passe and vanish away as the world and the fashion thereof passeth sayeth Sainct Paule but the kingdome of God indureth for euer Then as touching our being children vntoo God and as touching our beyng his heires we come not to it by riches noblenesse or dignitie or by any power or vertue of our owne How then By Gods meere grace and goodnesse For the great ones must be fayne to stoupe and to humble themselues and the little ones muste needes wonder at the sight of Gods so inestimable goodnesse who hath vouchsaued to lift them vp after that forte aboue the heauens whereas
How soeuer the cace stand let vs marke well that he which was Lord of heauen and earth tooke that subiection vpō him to set vs free from it For we see how our Lord Iesus Christ was circumcyzed and when he came to mans age he kept diligently all that belonged too the lawe of Moyses not that he was bound to do it but to put away the bondage and to breake the bond wherewith wee were as it were pinched and fettered Therefore as oft as the Gospell speaketh to vs of libertie whereof S. Paule doth also treate in this text let vs come backe to our Lord Iesus Christ assuring our selues that he became not bonde after that fashion for nothing Now there is nothing in him which cōteyneth not the performance of our saluation Then must we needes conclude that wee be not any more subiect to the bondage of the lawe or else it would turne too the dishonour of our Lord Iesus Christe For what a thing were it if after his yeelding of himself to subiectiō for our sakes we should still hold scorne of libertie It were more conuenient that heauen and earth should chaunge their nature than too say that the sonne of God is come downe here bylow and hath abaced himselfe in maner aforesayd and yet that we should esteeme it but as a play or trifling thing For what a dealing were that Now thē let vs learn that we may now serue our God freely and come directly vnto him without being hild any more so streitly vnder the yoke of the law as the auncient fathers were bicause Iesus Christ is come hath set vs free I haue told you already heretofore in what wise we be deliuered from the law It is not for that it remayneth not still as a rule to frame our life by so as God may gouerne vs haue all superioritie ouer vs. For what a thing were it if we should be worse thē the Heathen folke vnbeleeuers But it is certaine that they haue the law ingraued in their hartes as sayeth S. Paule He that neuer went too schoole ne hath had any teaching at all nor euer hath herd or red any thing may notwithstāding discerne betweene good euill Not that he hath a perfect skill but bicause that howsoeuer the world go with him God to take away all excuce of ignorance would that men should haue that euidence printed in their hartes that theft whoredome extortion deceyt periurie drunkennesse and such other like things are vices to be condemned Also it was his will to haue men know that to blaspheme his name is an irksome thing The Heathen folke knew all this without any teaching Now then if we should be lawlesse vnder pretence that our lord Iesus Christ reigneth ouer vs and hath set vs at libertie what a thing were it There woulde bee greater cōfusion in the Church than there is where Satan hath made a minglemangle and put al things out of order so as there is no bridle at all But whereas it is sayd that we be no more vnder the lawe it is in the same respect whereof mention hath bin made heretofore namely that the Lawe shall not execute any more this sharpnesse and rigour vppon vs too say vnto vs cursed shall he bee that fulfilleth not all things For so long as the threatening remayneth and standeth in force we must needes be as men out of their wittes and as folke vpon the racke ready to be torne in peeces To be short we can haue no rest except the sentence of the law be abolished which is that they which performe not all that is cōtayned in the law shall be accursed But cōtrarywise let our consciences beare vs record that God pitieth vs and beareth with our infirmities as a father doth towardes his children and passeth not vpō the vyces that are in vs but hideth burieth them so as our seruis is acceptable to him though there be many things amisse in it then are we no more subiect to the law Not that we should be quite without rule nor that the commaundements ought not to be preached continually vnto vs to the end we may know what God hath ordeyned be hild in awe by it but that we should not be out of hart if we fall or halt or make any false steppes or that if we cannot discharge our selues of al things so perfectly as were requisite yet we should not bee vtterly dismayed knowing well that God will alwayes hold vs vp by the hand not enter into accoūt with vs to sift our life rigorously moreouer bycause the Ceremonies that were before the cōming of our Lord Iesus Christe are no more in vse as they were towardes the fathers of old time who were trayned by them as in their childhood For whē the brute beasts were offered in sacrifize euery mā behild there his owne death as though the bottomlesse gulfe of hell had bin opened too swallow vp the whole world At this day wee knowe that the Sonne of God hath by his offering vp of himselfe in sacrifize and by his sheading of his bloud for vs purcha●●d vs euer lasting redēptiō so that we come with our heads vpright before God not doubting but that we obteyne life by the death of him that was not subiect too it but of his owne good will made himself subiect too it as our suretie to the end that we might be quit and discharged by his death passion Thus ye see that at this day the law is abolished towardes vs that we be deliuered frō it euen to obtayne the adoption Howbeit in speaking so S. Paule meeneth not that the Patriarkes Kings Prophets and other faythfull folkes that liued vnder the old Testamēt were not the children of God as well as wee or that they knew not themselues to be adopted by fayth as well as wee but that the sayd adoption was not yet so reueled as it is now adayes For as we haue seene the lawe was a Tutor too rule little children But we be come to the age of men bicause the sonne of God hath shewed himselfe and brought vs all perfectnesse by his comming Then seing it is so wee do now inioy the adoption which the fathers did but as it were taste of afore bicause the tyme was not yet come Not that God wrought not in them with such measure of his spirite as he thought good but bicause the cace cōcerneth the order of gouernment that God hild not the persones themselues as I haue sayd already For in those dayes there were shadowes and figures so that it was as a chayne of bondage but now that our Lord Iesus Christ calleth vs to him and that the veyle of the temple is rent asunder he hath prepared vs a Sanctuarie not buylded with mans hand but of a heauēly making whereinto wee may boldly enter in asmuch as he is gone in thither before vs. Ye see then that we be receyued fully into
obteyned it and that doth common experience shewe well inough Seing then that our hartes must needes bee tied too the thing which wee take too be requisite too our chiefe felicitie let vs now see how euery man behaueth himself Such as are giuē to the flightfull goodes of this world or are so inflamed with ambitiousnesse and desire of honour that they seeke nothing else but too magnifie themselues and too bee in some high degree and great estate that they might bee had in estimation will alwayes labour for the same Such as are possessed with couetousnesse will neuer leaue gathering of goodes nor neuer bee satisfied with any thing They indure hunger and thirste heate and cold and dare nother eate nor drinke halfe their fill and all too the intent to heape vp out of measure Lo at what poynt they bee Againe such as couet to bee esteemed and exalted too the worldward indure as great miserie as if they were in the hands of the hangman nay the hangman would not torment them so cruelly as they doo themselues and yet they bee so headstrong as they cannot by any meanes bee turned from it But when God is so gratious as to shew vs where our welfare lieth that is to wit in the kingdome of heauē although wee be warned that our life is of no continuance and that wee slip away out of hand yet are wee so rauished in loue with our vanities that we forsake the inestimable ioy wherevnto God calleth vs and set light by the heritage of heauen in comparison of these worldly things which are right nought Therefore let vs consider that S. Paules present vpbrayding of the Galathians when he asketh them where their happinesse is become toucheth and concerneth vs now adayes For he presupposeth that the Galathians knew that God could not haue done them a greater good turne in this world than to inlighten them with the knowledge of his Gospell whereby they had bin throughly persu●●d and resolued that the world hath nothing but deceitfulnesse in it for somuch as it turneth vs away from the heritage of heauē according also as our Lord Iesus Christ alledgeth the same similitude that the Gospell and the treasures riches conteined therein are a precious stone and that if we should giue ouer all the things which we esteeme in this world and which we like best of we should lose nothing by the bargaine nor haue any cause to repent vs. But now are we dubble too blame seeing we turne away after we haue knowen that God drew vs from beneath to make vs partakers of his heauenly glory and put that inestimable benefyte out of our remembrance for the whisking of a flye ouerthwart our eyes as they say For asmuch then as it hath pleased God to open our eyes and too plucke vs out of the myre wherein we were plunged with the vnbleeuers and ignorant persons not only in following superstitions and idolatries as others did but also in giuing ourselues ouer to our fleshly likings and wicked lusts and seeing that God hath made vs to perceiue where our true ioy lyeth and giuen vs such a tast of it as we ought to rest wholly vpō it let vs take good heede that we neuer change our purpose nor alter our mind hereafter And if we do let vs consider how the spirit of God doth heere condemne vs of vnthankfulnesse by the mouth of Sainct Paule saying VVhere is your happinesse For had we bin alwayes let alone like brute beasts without knowing wherein our welfare and ioy consist it had bin no maruell though wee had still kept on our common trace But seeing that God hath shewed vs that we must seeke all our welfare in our Lord Iesus Chryste and that he is the full perfection in whome we must wholly rest if we do afterward fleete too and fro and bee shaken now one way and now another it is certaine that wee can no more excuse ourselues by ignorance Ye see then that the thing which wee haue too beare in mind in this text is that when we haue once bin taught the Gospell we must set light by the thinges that wee made too great account of before and which men couet without end or measure that is to wit by the allurements of Satan and of the world and by all transitory and flightfull things whiche haue no substantialnesse in them and continually seeke our Lord Iesus Christ till wee come to the full enioying of al the benefyt● which hee hath brought vs. And now herevppon S. Paule blameth the Galathians yet further that he cannot be their enimie but for telling them the truth For it is too great a leawdnesse to fall out with our freende only for shewing himselfe faithfull towards vs. VVhat is the thing that wee shoulde cheefly desire in a freend but that he should deale roundly with us and not beare two faces in one hood nor vse any craft and vntruth towards vs Euery man can tell that welynough and it is as a naturall lesson which we know without schooling and yet notwithstanding we be greeued and displeased with them that tell vs the truth and by that meanes do worke our weale and therefore must it not needs be that we are bewitched of Satan if we step vp against them and become their enimies Sainct Paule then sheweth the cause of his feare that they should be alienated from him and blameth thē that they were become his enimies for none other cause than that he had dealt soundly and roundly with them Nowe although this vice be horrible and all men condemne it yet is it as common as any other nowadayes in the world For what else mainteineth frendship but lying flattering dissimulation counterfetting and such other like things In somuch that if a man go roundly to worke hee shall purchace himselfe hatred and ill will on all sydes And the very cause of the greatest contentions and debates that are nowadayes in the world is that men stop their eares against all truth and reason for we would fayne haue all thinges buried that might mislike vs Therefore this was not written for the Galathians only but is to be applyed still at this day to the common instruction of all suche as cannot abide that men shoulde deale faithfully and truly with them For let euery of ys looke vppon himselfe and examine himselfe well and he shall find that all of vs are atteinted with that vice till God haue purged vs of it So then let vs assure ourselues that if we greeue such as tell vs the truth in so doing wee despise God and fall out with him rather than with the men VVe will protest the cleane contrary neuerthelesse we do but lye when we cānot indure that God should bewray the thing that we would haue concealed I meene that he should discouer our faultes and rebuke them and hold vs in awe and not beare with any thing that is not lawfull for vs. Thus 〈◊〉 see in
to our God and to frame our selues more and more in his feare yet notwithstāding that in the meane while we shall not haue any towel of flatterie before our eies to blind our selues withall but we shal be hartily sory cōfessing our selues to be excedingly indetted vnto him and yet neuerthelesse aspiring stil to the perfection wherevnto we must go onward all the time of our life and therwithal acknowledging that we are all forlorne and damned vnlesse that he of his infinite goodnesse do beare with vs for our Lorde Iesus Christes sake But now let vs fall downe before the Maiestie of our good God with acknoledgement of our faults praying him to make vs feele them more and more so as wee may not onely confesse them with our mouth but also be touched with such true repentance and pure zeale as we may indeuer to giue our selues wholly vnto him and to cut off all the superfluities that are in vs and as the same may cause vs to frame our selues to his holy wil and to serue him in such vnion and concord that we may be giuē to magnifie him with one hart and with one mouth thereby shewing that we be rightly knit vnto him in the adoption which he sheweth vs by his Gospel wherby he sheweth himselfe to be our father as faine as we would be his true children And therfore let vs al say Almightie God our heauēly c. The .xxxvj. Sermon which is the sixt vpon the fifth Chapter 19 The vvorkes of the fleshe are manifest vvhich are these Aduoutrie vvhoredome vncleannesse loocenesse 20 Idolatrie poysoning enmitie strife spiting vvrath quarelling sedition ●●ectes 21 Enuie murther drunkennesse gluttonie and such like of vvhich I tell you aforehande as I haue tolde you heretofore that they vvhich doo suche things shal not inherit the kingdome of God 22 But the fruit of the spirit is loue ioy peace patientnesse gentlenesse goodnesse faythfulnesse 23 Meekenesse temperance agaynst such things there is no lavve WEe haue seene this morning that men are condemned before God so as there commeth nothing of them but vtter filthinesse infection Now if God bee the rule of all perfection then of necessitie all that is contrarie to his nature word must needs be starke naught But it is certain that the flesh is at cōtinuall war agaynst the spirit Therfore therein it is declared that so long as mē follow their owne swinge they be deadly enemies too God all theyr lyfe long Seeing it is so we must needes conclude that there is nothing in vs but vtter lewdnesse and sinfulnesse Nowe when we heere such sentence giuen of vs we ought to be vtterly abashed For it is the definitiue sentēce of the heauenly iudge against which there lieth no appeale and againe Gods speaking is with effect Therefore seeing he hath pronounced that we be wicked and froward by nature he will immediatly do his office So then we must come to account before him but we see that men are so sotted either in their hypocrisie or in their selfweening that they passe not of prouoking Gods wrath agaynst them For euerie man flattereth and fodeth himselfe in hys vices insomuch that we cā neuer be drawne to a true acknowledgement of our sinnes but by force And it is euident that our doing of it is with windlasses and bystarts and which more is we become so shamelesse that wee seeke fonde shifts and excuses as though they could help vs before God Therfore it is not ynough for vs to heere generally the sentence of condēnation vpō vs but God must be fain to discouer our lewdnesse that w●●●ay be ashamed of it ● and moreouer to specifie point with his finger the vices that are apparant and notorious before mē And that is the cause why S. Paule hauing said this morning that men in all their thoughts affectiōs do fight against God addeth this declaration which we haue now presently heard as though he brought forth the fruites to the ende that men might thereby iudge what the tree is bicause the roote which is the cheef thing lieth hid Thē like as the tree is knowne by his fruits so also the sinfulnesse that reigneth in vs and in our nature is founde out by the workes that come of it And so we see why S. Paul addeth here that the workes of the flesh are manifest As if he should say men shet their eies that they may not perceiue their owne naughtinesse and beare themselues in hande that there is nothing but vertue in them when notwithstanding their vices are so huge and excessiue as they be readie to burst with them when they haue pleaded their best sought al the starting holes that cā be whē they haue wrung their mouth awry turkined things neuer so much yet must they in the end come to this point that our life crieth out loude shirle what we be Therfore the works of the flesh are all manifest So then this is inough to disproue such as would faine cloke thēselues vse painting as though they were not giltie before God Truth it is that S. Paul doth not make here a ful beadrol of al the vices that god cōdemneth in his law but only setteth forth some examples wherby a mā may easily iudge of al the rest For he must haue made a lōg processe if he had intended to haue made such a reckning vp of thē but this was inough that such as wene to gain by their hipocrisie might be cōuicted here as ye see they be And for the better vnderstāding hereof we haue to mark breefly which is the rule wherby to walk in obedience towards god according to the. 2. of Tit. wher it is said that gods grace appeered to the ende we should lead a holy conuersation here beneath in this world in modestie rightuousnes wayting for the hope of the life that is promised vs for the comming of the great Sauior which must gather vs vp to himselfe into the kingdom of heauē Ye see thē that the thing wherein christians must exercise themselues wherto they must wholly apply themselues is first to know that they haue not their euerlasting rest heritage here but that the worlde is but as a strange Countrey wherethrough they must passe and therefore that they must alwayes haue their eyes lifted vp to heauenwarde That is the chiefe poynt But that cannot be done but the faythfull must needes therewithall call vpon God and resort wholly vnto him And as touching theyr life Saint Paule sayeth that it hath three things in it namely holynesse that wee serue God soundly and substancially with a pure heart vtterly renouncing all the vnclennesse of this worlde That is the first point The seconde is that wee must not bee wanton and vnhonest but that we must leade an honest life The thirde is that we wrong no man nor vse any deceyte or crueltie but that we indeuer to do our neighbor good
that which S. Paule tolde vs heretofore that is to wit to beware that wee deceyue not our selues wilfully when we would shew our selues hardie and bolde in correcting rebuking and amending one man or other Let vs not bee so foolish as to iustifie our selues by comparison as who should say that God ought to hold himselfe contented with our rebuking of others after that maner and for that there is some shewe of vertue in vs. Let vs not stay vpon any of these things as is told vs vs heere but let vs marke also by the way that whereas it is sayde that euery man shal beare his own burthen we haue right great need of our Lord Iesus Christs helpe and that he should take all our burthens vpon him according as in very deed hee hath borne all our sinnes vpon the crosse as sayth S. Peter in his first Epistle True it is that the matter which S. Paule handleth here is none other than the same that I haue declared alreadie that is to wit that we must not imagin that men are able to warrant vs for the rightuousest man aliue is combered ynough with himself And furthermore that if our Lord had not regard to hold vs vp wee shoulde be oppressed vnder our burthen Yet notwithstanding euery man must answer for himselfe and Gods word must haue the maistrie as I said afore Thus ye see what S. Paule intended to tell vs. But yet further let vs thinke a little vpon our selues If euery man should be faine to beare his own burthen who were able to indure it VVe should needes be borne downe For if a man had but some one sinne in him behold hel were readie too swallowe him vp Surely the weight of one sinne is heauier than a stone that were able to crush all our limmes and bones a peeces Nowe it is no talking of any one nor of a hundred the multitude of them is infinite How then shall we stande in iudgement before God when he bringeth vs to account VVho can say that hee commeth franke and free To be short we see that if there were not a remedie in the matter that S. Paule telleth vs heere we shou●● 〈…〉 we must repayre to our Lorde Iesus Christ for it is hee that hath borne all our burthens as I haue alledged alreadie Truly the redeeming of vs did cost him deere and if we seeke heauen and earth throughout for the price of a ransome we shall not finde any other than him that is able too pacifie God Then had we neuer bin sanctified except the sonne of God had giuen himselfe for vs. And in very deed the prophete Esay sheweth how hee bare our burthens Namely that he felt the paynes of death and that the father was faine to wreake himselfe vpon him as though hee had bin an offender and giltie of all the sinnes of the worlde Now therefore we must resort vnto him according also as he allureth vs to him And by the way if any man alledge that here seemeth to be some contrarietie considering how Saint Paule saith that euery man shall beare his owne burthen the answere thereto is easie VVhen the Scripture speaketh too vs of Gods iustice it sayth that euery man shall bee recompenced according to his owne workes After which maner Saint Paule speaketh in the .xiiij. to the Romanes According as euerie man shall haue walked in his conuersation in this world sayeth he and according as hee shall haue wrought in his bodie so must he receyue his rewarde That is the order which the scripture keepeth in speaking of Gods iustice Yea but in the meane while it excludeth not the remedie that is giuen vs in our Lorde Iesus Christ whereby men are succoured Lo how God succoureth his elect and such as hee hath reserued too saluation that is to wit after he hath chastized them he reacheth them his hande and lyfteth them vp againe when hee hathe cast them downe And truly we shoulde not knowe of what value the grace of our Lorde Iesus Christ is neyther coulde wee taste of it neyther coulde wee euer bee partakers of it vnlesse wee were vtterly confounded in our selues Therefore let vs learne to feele our burthen in such wise as too bowe vnder it as hathe bin declared this morning and let the same leade vs too true humilitie And afterwarde when wee haue felt the burthen more than wee are able too beare let vs repayre too oure Lorde Iesus Christ who promiseth too ease vs so wee seeke oure whole rest in hym So then wee see that Gods grace is not excluded when hys iustice is spoken of For it standeth vs in 〈…〉 ●●ayes too his mercie VVhereas it is sayde that hee whiche shall haue beene a cruell and mercilesse persone shall haue iustice withoute mercie thereby Saint Iames dooth vs too vnderstande that oure Lorde hath his iudgement against the wicked and the reprobates to recompende them according to their misdeedes and againe that he measureth his owne otherwise that is to wit that after he hath condemned them in themselues and made them to feele their diseases thereby to bring them to true lowlinesse then he setteth them vp againe Then must we first be striken downe with Gods hande and afterwarde be lifted vp againe by his gracious promises in that hee telleth vs that in our Lorde Iesus Christ wee shall find all that wee want Thus ye see in summe after what maner we must practize this text namely that in admonishing our neighbours with a gentle and meeld spirit and being also humble m●ke our selues without presuming any thing vpon our selues wee must examin well our owne liues so as we may dayly bewayle our sinnes and be sorie for them to the ende that we be no more deceyued with hipocrisie but labor to withdraw our selues from the worlde to the intent we surmize not that we shall scape Gods iudgement by our shiftes So then let vs beare all these things in minde that we may submit our selues to the pure worde of God And whatsoeuer men do to turne vs away from it let vs not suffer our selues too be seduced And for the bringing hereof to passe let vs flee to our Lorde Iesus Christ knowing that howe desirous so euer we bee to giue our selues wholly to the seruing of God yet wee be so ouerloden with sinnes and imperfections that they were able to sinke vs downe to the bottome of hell if wee had not one to holde vs backe that is to wit our Lorde Iesus Christ who hath borne all our sinnes and set vs vtterly free from them too the intent wee might hereafter come before God with our faces vpright Now let vs acknowledge our sinnes with such humilitie as euerie of vs may confesse yea euen vnfeynedly that we are all forlorne and paste hope except this oure good God haue pitie vppon vs praying him neuerthelesse too make the fruite and vertue of the death and passion of our Lorde Iesus Christ