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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13203 [The Pentateuch]; Bible. O.T. Pentateuch. English. Tyndale. 1530. Tyndale, William, d. 1536. 1530 (1530) STC 2350; ESTC S1193 348,761 749

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that heare will laugh at me She sayde also who wolde haue sayde vnto Abraham that Sara shulde haue geuen childern sucke or that I shulde haue borne him a sonne in his olde age The childe grewe and was wened and Abraham made a great f●ast the same daye that Isaac was wened Sara sawe the sonne of Hagar the Egiptian which she had borne vnto Abraham a mockynge Then she sayde vnto Abraham put awaye this bondemayde and hyr sonne for the sonne of this bondwoman shall not be heyre with my sonne Isaac But the wordes semed verey greavous in Abrahams syc●hte because of his sonne Than the LORde sayde vnto Abraham let it not be greavous vnto the because of the ladd and of thy bondmayde But in all that Sara hath saide vnto the heare hir voyce for in Isaac shall thy seed be called Moreouer of the sonne of the Bondwoman will I make a nation because he is thy seed And Abraham rose vp early in the mornyng and toke brede and a bottell with water and ga ue it vnto Hagar puttynge it on hir shulders wyth the lad also and sent her awaye And she departed and wādred vpp and doune in the wyldernes of Berseba When the water was spent that was in the botell she cast the lad vnder a bush and went satt her out of syghte a great waye as it were a bowshote off For she sayde I will not se the lad dye And she satt doune out of syghte and lyfte vp hyr voyce and wepte And God herde the voyce of the childe And the angell of God called Hagar out of heaven and sayde vnto her What ayleth the Hagar Feare not for God hath herde the voyce of the childe where he lyeth Aryse and lyfte vp the lad and take hym in thy hande for I will make off him a greate people And God opened hir eyes and she sawe a well of water And she went and fylled the bottell with water and gaue the boye drynke And God was wyth the lad and he grewe and dweld in the wildernesse and became an archer And he dweld in the wyldernesse of Pharan And hys mother gott him a wyfe out of the land of Egypte And it chaunced the same season that Abimelech and Phicoll his chefe captayne spake vnto Abraham saynge God is wyth the in all that thou doist Now therfore swere vnto me even here by God that thou wylt not hurt me nor my childern nor my childerns childern But that thou shalt deale with me and the contre where thou art a straunger acordynge vnto the kyndnesse that I haue shewed the. Then sayde Abraham I wyll swere And Abraham rebuked Abimelech for a well of water which Abimelech servaun●es had taken awaye And Abimelech answered I wyst not who dyd it Also thou toldest me not nether herde I of it but this daye And Abraham toke shepe and oxen and gaue t●●● vnto Abimelech And they made both of them a bonde together And Abraham se● vij lambes by them selues And Abimelech sayde vnto Abraham what meane these .vij. lamdes which thou hast sett by them selues And he answered vij lambes shalt thou take of my hande that it maye be a wytnesse vnto me that I haue dygged this well Wherfore the place is called Berseba because they sware both of them Thus made they a bonde to gether at Berseba Than Abimelech and Phicoll his chefe captayne rose vp and turned agayne vnto the lande of the Philistines And Abraham planted a wodd in Berseba and called there on the name of the LORde the everlastynge God and dwelt in the Phelistinlāde a longe season ¶ The .xxij. Chapter AFter these dedes God dyd proue Abraham sayde vnto him Abraham And he answered here am I. And he sayde take thy only sonne Isaac whome thou louest get the vnto the lande of Moria and sacrifyce him there for a sacrifyce vpon one of the mountayns which I will shewe the Than Abraham rose vp early in the mornynge and sadled his asse and toke two of his meyny wyth him and Isaac his sonne ād clove woo for the sacrifyce and rose vp and go●t him to the place which God had appoynted him The thirde daye Abraham lyfte vp his eyes and sawe the place a farr of and sayde vnto his yong men byde here with the asse I and the lad will goo yonder and worshippe and come agayne vnto you And Abraham toke the wodd of the sacrifyce and layde it vpon Isaac his sonne and toke fyre in his hande and a knyfe And they went both of them together Than spake Isaac vnto Abraham his father sayde My father And he answered here am I my sonne And he sayde Se here is fyre and wodd but where is the shepe for sacrifyce And Abraham sayde my sonne God wyll prouyde him a shepe for sacrifyce So went they both together And when they came vnto the place which God shewed him Abrahā made an aulter there and dressed the wodd ād bownde Isaac his sonne and layde him on the aulter aboue apon the wodd And Abraham stretched forth his hande and toke the knyfe to haue kylled his sonne Than the angell of the LORde called vnto him from heauen saynge Abraham Abraham And he answered here am I. And he sayde laye not thy handes apon the childe nether do any thinge at all vnto him for now I knowe that thou fearest God in that thou hast not kepte thine only sonne frō me And Abraham lyfted vp his eyes and loked aboute and beholde there was a ram caught by the hornes in a thykette And he went and toke the ram and offred him vp for a sacrifyce in the steade of his sonne And Abraham called the name of the place the LORde will see wherfore it is a comē saynge this daye in the mounte will the LORde be sene And the Angell of the LORde cryed vnto Abraham from heaven the seconde tyme saynge by my selfe haue I sooor●e sayth the LORde because thou hast done this thinge and hast not spared thy only sonne that I will blesse th and multiplye thy seed as the starres of heaven and as the sonde vpō the see syde And thy seed shall possesse the ●ates of hys enymies And in thy seed shall all the nations of the erth be blessed because thou hast obeyed my voyce Go turned Abraham agayne vnto his yonge men and they rose vp and wēt to gether to Ber seba And Abraham dwelt at Berseba And it chaūsed after these t●īges that one tolde Abraham saynge Beholde Milcha she hath also borne childern vnto thy brother Nachor Hus his eldest sonne and Bus his brother and Remuell the father of the Smans and Cesed and Haso and Pildas and Iedlaph and Bethuel And Bethuel begat Rebecca These .viij. dyd Milcha bere to Nachor Abrahams brother And his concubyne called Rheuma she bare also Tebah Saham Thahas and Maacha ¶ The .xxiij. Chapter SAra was an hundred and .xxvij. yere olde for so longe lyued she and than dyed in a heade
that which thou hast spoken is good to be done And then I toke the heedes of youre trybes men of wysdome and that were expert and made them ruelers ouer you captaynes ouer thousandes and ouer hundredes ouer fyftye and ouer ten and officers amonge youre trybes And I charged youre Iudges the same tyme Iudges sayenge heare youre brethern and iudge righteously betwene euery man and his brother and the straunges that is with him Se that ye knowe no man in Iudgement but heare the small as well as the greate and be afrayed of no man for the lawe is Gods And the cause that is to harde for you brynge vnto me and I will heare it And I commaunded you the same season all the thinges which ye shul de doo And then we departed from Horeb and walked thorow all that greate and terreble wildernesse as ye haue sene alonge by the waye that ledeth vnto the hilles of the Amorites as the Lorde oure God commaunded us and came to Cades bernea And there I sayed vnto you Ye are come vnto the hilles of the Amorites which the Lorde oure God doth geue vnto us Beholde the Lorde thi God hath sett the londe before the goo vpp and conquere it as the Lorde God of thy fathers sayeth vnto the feare not nether be discoraged And then ye came vnto me euery one and sayed Let us sende men before us to serche us out the londe and to brynge us worde agayne both what waye we shall goo vpp by and vnto what cities we shall come And the sayenge pleassed me well and I toke .xij. men of you of euery trybe one And they departed and went vp in to the hye contre and came vnto the ryuer Escoll and serched it out and toke of the frute of the londe in their hondes and brought it doune vnto us and brought us worde agayne and sayde it is a good lande which the Lorde oure God doeth geue us Notwithstondinge ye wolde not consente to goo vpp but were dishobedient vnto the mouth of the Lorde youre God ād murmured in youre tentes and sayde because the Lorde hateth us therfore he hath brought us out of the londe of Egipte to delyuer us in to the handes of the Amorites and to destroye us How shall we goo vpp Oure brethern haue discoraged oure hartes sayenge the people is greater and taller than we ād the cities are greatte and walked euen vpp to heauen and moreouer we haue sene the sonnes of the Enakimes there And I sayed vnto you dreade not nor be afrayed of thē The Lorde youre God which goeth before you he shall fyghte for you acordynge to all that he dyd vnto you in Egipte before youre eies ād in the wildernesse as thou hast sene how that the Lorde thy God bare the as a man shulde beare his sonne thorow out all the waye which ye haue gone vntill ye came vnto this place And yet for all this sayenge ye dyd not beleue the Lorde youre God which goeth the waye before you to serche you out a place to pitche youre tentes in in fyre by nyght that ye myghte se what waye to go and in a cloude by daye And the Lorde herde the voyce of youre wordes and was wroth and swore sayenge there shall not one of these men of this frowarde generacion se that good londe which I sware to geue vnto youre fathers saue Caleb the sonne of Iephune he shall se it and to him I will geue the londe which he hath walked in ād to his childern because he hath contynually folowed the Lorde Likewise the Lorde was angrye with me for youre sakes sayenge thou also shalt not go in thiter But Iosua the sōne of Nun which stondeth before the he shall go in thither Bolde him therfore for he shall deuyde it vnto Israel Moreouer youre childern which ye sayed shulde be a praye and youre sonnes which knowe nether good nor bad this daye they shall goo in thither ād vnto them I will geue it ād they shall enioye it But as for you turne backe and take youre iurneye in to the wildernesse euen the waye to the reed see Than ye answered and sayed vnto me We haue synned agenst the Lorde we will goo vp and fyghte acordinge to all that the Lorde oure God cōmaunded us And whē ye had gyrde on euery man his wepons of warre and were ready to goo vp in to the hilles the Lorde sayed vnto me saye vnto thē se that ye go not vp and that ye fighte not for I am not amōge you lest ye be plaged before youre enemies * And whē I told you ye wold not heare but Here thou se●st the verey image of the papistes For thei like wise where Gods worde is there they beleue not ād where it is not there they be bold disobeyed the mouth of the Lorde and went presumptously vp in to the hilles Thē the Amorites which dwelt in those hilles came out agenst you and chased you as bees doo and hewed you in Seir euē vnto Horma And ye came agayne and wepte before the Lorde but the Lorde wolde not heare youre voyce nor geue you audience And so ye abode in Cades alōge season acordinge vnto the tyme that ye there dwelt The .ij. Chapter THen we turned and toke oure iurney in to the wildernesse euen the waye to the red see as the Lord cōmaunded me And we compassed the mountayns of Seir a lōge tyme Thē the Lorde spake vnto me saienge Ye haue cōpassed this mountayns lōge ynough turne you northwarde And warne the people sayenge Ye shall goo thorow the costes of youre brethern the childern of Esau which dwell in Seir and they shal be afrayed of you But take good hede vnto youreselues that ye prouoke thē not for I wil not geue you of their lōde no not so moch as a fo●e breadeth because I haue geuē mount Seir vnto Esau to possesse Ye shall bye meate of thē for money to 〈◊〉 and ye shall bye water of thē for money to dr●k● For the Lorde thy God hath blessed the in all the workes of thine hāde ād knew the as thou wē test thorow this greate wildernesse Moreouer the Lorde thi God hath bene with the this xl yeres so that thou hast lacked nothinge And whē we were departed from oure brethern the childern of Esau which dwelt in Seir by the felde waye from Elath ād Ezion Gaber we turned ād went the waye to the wildernesse of Moab Thē the Lorde sayed vnto me se that thou vexe not the Moabites nether prouoke thē to batayle for I will not geue the of their lōde to possesse because I haue geuē Ar vnto the childern of loth to possesse The Emimes dwelt there in in tymes past a people greate many ād tal as the Enakimes which also were takē for geantes as the Enakimes And the Moabites called thē Emymes In like maner the Horimes dwelt in Seir before time which the childern of Esau cast
only the Lorde had a lust vnto thy fathers to loue them and therfore chose you theire seed after them off all nacyons as it is come to passe this daye Circumcyse therfore the foreskynne of youre hartes and be no longer sciffnecked For the Lorde youre God he is God of goddes and lorde of lordes a greate God a myghtye and a terreble which regardeth no mans person nor taketh giftes but doeth right vnto the fatherlesse and wedowe and loueth the straunger to geue him fode and rayment Loue therfore the straunger for ye were straungers youre selues in the londe of Egipte Thou shalt feare the Lorde thi God and serue him and cleaue vnto him ād swere by his name for he is thi prayse ād he is thi God that hath done these greate and terreble thinges for the which thine eyes haue sene Thi fathers went doune in to Egipte with .lxx. soules ād now the Lorde thi God hath made the as the starres of heauen in multitude The .xi. Chapter LOue the Lorde thi God and kepe his obseruaunces his ordinaunces his lawes and his commaundmentes alwaye And call to mynde this daye that which youre childern haue nether knowen nor sene euen the nurture of the Lorde youre God his greatnesse his myghtye hande and his stretched out arme his miracles and his actes which he dyd amonge the Egiptiās euen vnto Pharao the kinge off Egipte and vnto all his lōde ād what he dyd vnto the host of the Egiptiās vnto their horses ād charettes how he brought the water of the red see vppon thē as they chased you and how the Lorde hath brought them to nought vnto this daye ād what he dyd vnto you in the wildernesse vntill ye came vnto this place ād what he dyd vnto Dathan and Abiram the sonnes of Eliab the sonne of Ruben how the erth opened hir mouth ād swalowed thē with their housholdes and their tentes ād all their substāce that was in their possessiō in the myddes of Israel For youre eyes haue sene all the greate deades of the Lorde which he dyd Kepe therfore al the cōmaundmentes which I cōmaunde the this daye that ye maye be stronge ād goo and conquere the londe whother ye go to possesse it ād that ye maye prolonge youre dayes in the londe which the Lorde sware vnto youre fathers to geue vnto them ād to their seed a londe that floweth with mylke and honye For the londe whother thou goest to possesse it is not as the londe of Egipte whence thou camest out where thou sowedest thi seed and wateredest it with thi laboure as a garden of herbes but the londe whither ye goo ouer to possesse it is a londe of hilles and valeyes and drynketh water of the rayne of heauē and a londe which the Lorde thi God careth for The eyes of the Lord thi God are always apō it from the begynnynge of the yere vnto the later ende of the yere Yf thou shalt herken therfore vnto my commaundementes which I commaunde you this daye that ye loue the Lorde youre God and serue him with all youre hertes and with all youre soules then he will geue rayne vnto youre londe in due season both the fyrst rayne and the later and thou shalt gather in thy corne thy wyne and thyne oyle And he will sende grasse in thy feldes for thy catell and thou shalt care and fyll thy selfe But bewarre that youre hertes disceaue you not that ye turne asyde and serue straunge goddes and worshepe them and thē the wrath of the Lorde waxe hote vpon you ād shott vp the heauen that there be no rayne and that youre londe yeld not hir frute and that ye peresh quickly from of the good lōde which the Lorde geueth you Putt vp therfore these my wordes in youre hertes and in youre soules and bynde them for a sygne vnto youre handes and lett them be as papers of remembraunce betwene youre eyes and teach them youre childern so that thou * talke of them when thou syttest in Talke of ●o●●nhod saye oure prelates thyne housse and when thou walkest by the waye and when thou lyest doune and when thou rysest vpp yee and write them vppon the dorepostes of thine housse and vppon thi gates that youre dayes may be multiplyed ād the dayes of youre childern apon the erth which the Lorde sware vnto youre fathers to geue them as longe as the dayes of heauē last vpon the erth For yf ye shall kepe all these comaundmentes which I cōmaunde you so that ye doo thē and loue the Lorde youre God and walke in all his wayes and oleaue vnto him Then will the Lorde cast out all these nacions both greatter and myghtyer then youre selues All the places where on the soles of youre fete shall treade shal be youres euen from the wildernesse and from Libanon and from the ryuer Euphrates euen vnto the vttemost see shall youre costes be There shall no man be able to stonde before you the Lorde youre God shal cast the feare and dreade of you vppō all londes whether ye shall come as he hath sayed vnto you Beholde I sect before you this daye a blessynge and a curse a blessynge yf that ye herkē vnto the commaundmentes of the Lorde youre God which I cōmaūde you this daye And a curse yf ye will not herkē vnto the cōmaundmentes of the Lord youre God but turne out of the waye which I commaūde you this daye to goo after straunge goddes which ye haue not knowen When the Lorde thi God hath brought the in to the londe whother thou goest to possesse it then put the blessinge vppon mount Grisim and the curse vppon mount Ebal which are on the other syde Iordane on the backe side of the waye towarde the goynge doune of the sonne in the lōde of the Cananites which dwell in the feldes ouer agenst Gilgal besyde moregroue For ye shall goo ouer to goo and possesse the londe which the Lorde youre God geueth you and shall conquere it ād dwell there in Take hede therfore that ye doo al the cōmaundmentes and lawes which I sett before you this daye The .xij. Chapter THese are the ordinaunces and lawes which ye shall obserue to doo in the londe which the Lorde God of thy fathers geueth the to possesse it as longe as ye lyue vppon the erth Se that ye destroye all places where the nacyons which ye conquere serue their goddes vppon hye mountaynes and on hye hilles and vnder euery grene tree Ouerthrowe their alters and breake their pylers and burne their groues with fyre and hewdowne the ymages off theyr goddes and brynge the names of them to noughte out of that place Se ye doo not so vnto the Lorde youre God but ye shall enquere the place which the Lorde youre God shall haue chosen out of all youre trybes to put his name there and there to dwell And thyther thou shalt come and thyther ye shall brynge youre burntsacryfices and youre offerynges youre tithes and heueofferynges
lorde to whom be honoure and prayse for ever and vnto god oure father thorow him AMEN The fyrst boke of Moses called Genesis The fyrst Chapiter IN the begynnynge God created heaven and erth The erth was voyde and emptie ād darcknesse was vpon the depe and the spirite of god moved vpon the water Than God sayd let there be lyghte and there was lyghte And God sawe the lyghte that it was good devyded the lyghte from the darcknesse and called the lyghte daye and the darcknesse nyghte and so of the evenynge and mornynge was made the fyrst daye And God sayd let there be a fyrmament betwene the waters ād let it devyde the waters a sonder Than God made the fyrmament and parted the waters which were vnder the fyrmament from the waters that were above the fyrmament And it was so And God called the fyrmament heaven And so of the evenynge and morninge was made the seconde daye And God sayd let the waters that are vnder heaven gather them selves vnto one place that the drye londe may appere And it came so to passe And god called the drye lande the erth and the gatheringe togyther of waters called ●e the see And God sawe that it was good And God sayd let the erth bringe forth herbe and grasse that sowe seed and frutefull trees that bere frute every one in his kynde havynge their seed in them selves vpon the erth And it came so to passe ād the erth brought forth herbe and grasse sowenge seed every one in his kynde trees berynge frute havynge their seed in thē selves every one in his kynde And God sawe that it was good and thē of the evenynge and mornynge was made the thyrde daye Than sayd God let there be lyghtes in the firmament of heaven to devyde the daye frō the nyghte that they may be vnto sygnes seasons days yeares And let them be lyghtes in the fyrmament of heavē to shyne vpon the erth so it was And God made two great lyghtes A greater lyghte to rule the daye a lesse lyghte to rule the nyghte and he made sterres also And God put them in the fyrmament of heaven to shyne vpon the erth and to rule the daye the nyghte ād to devyde the lyghte from darcknesse And god sawe that it was good and so of the evenynge ād mornynge was made the fourth daye And God sayd let the water bryng forth creatures that move have lyfe foules for to flee over the erth vnder the fyrmament of heaven And God created greate whalles and all maner of creatures that lyoe and moue which the waters brought forth in their kindes ād all maner of federed foules in their kyndes And God sawe that it was good and God blessed them saynge Growe and multiplye ād fyll the waters of the sees let the foules multiplye vpō the erth And so of the evenynge morninge was madethe fyfth daye And God sayd leth the erth bringforth lyvynge creatures in thir kyndes catell wormes beastes of the erth in their kyndes so it came ●o passe And god made the beastes of the erth in their kyndes catell in their kyndes ād all maner wormes of the erth in their kyndes and God sawe that it was good And God sayd let vs make man in oure symilitude ād after oure lycknesse that he may have rule over the fysh of the see and over the foules of the ayre and over catell and over all the erth and over all wormes that crepe on the erth And God created man after hys lycknesse after the lycknesse of god created he him male female created he them And God blessed them and God sayd vnto them Growe and multiplye and fyll the erth and subdue it and have domynyon over the fysh of the see and over the foules of the ayre and over all the beastes that move on the erth And God sayd se I have geven yow all herbes that sowe seed which are on all the erth and all maner trees that haue frute in them and sowe seed to be meate for yow for all beastes of the erth and vnto all foules of the ayre and vnto all that crepeth on the erth where in is lyfe that they may haue all maner herbes and grasse for to eate and even so it was And God behelde al that he had made ād loo they were exceadynge good and so of the evenynge and mornynge was made the syxth daye The seconde Chapter Thus was heavē erth fynished wyth all their apparell ād ī y● seuēth daye god ended hys worke which he had made rested in y● seventh daye frō all his workes which he had made And God blessed y● seventh daye and sanctyfyed it for in it he rested from all his workes which he had created and made ¶ These are the generations of heaven erth when they were created in the tyme when the LORde God created heaven and erth and all the shrubbes of the felde before they werein the erthe And all the herbee of the felde before they sprange for the LORde God had yet sent no rayne vpon the erth nether was there yet any man to tylle the erth But there arose a myste out of the ground and watered all the face of the erth ▪ Then the LORde God sh●pe man even of the m●ulde of the erth and brethed into his face the breth of lyfe So man was made a lyvynge soule ¶ The LORde God also planted a garden in Eden from the begynnynge and there he sette man whom he had formed And the LORde God made to sprynge out of the erth all maner trees bewtyfull to the syghte and pleasant ●o eate and the tree of lyfe in the middes of the garden and also the tree of knowlege of good and euell ¶ And there spronge a rever out of Eden to water the garden and thence devided it selfe and grewe into foure principall waters The name of the one is Phison he it is that compasseth all the lande of heuila where gold groweth And the gold of that contreys precious there is found bedellion and a stone called O●ix The name of the seconde ryver is Gihon which compassyth all the lande of Inde And the name of the thyrde river is Hidekell which runneth on the easte syde of the assyryans And the fourth ●●ver is Euphrates ¶ And the LORde God toke Adam and put him in the garden of Eden to dresse it and to kepe it and the LORde God cōmaunded Adā saynge of all the trees of the gardē se thoū eate But of the tre of knowlege of good and badd se that thou eate not for even y● same daye thou eatest of it thou shalt surely dye ¶ And the LORde God sayd it is not good that man shulde be alone I will make hym an helper to beare him company And after that the LORde God had make of the erth all maner beastes of the felde and all maner foules of the
in the erth shall perish But I will make myne apoyntement with the that both thou shalt come in to the arcke and thy sonnes thy wyfe and thy sonnes wyves with the. And of all that ly●eth what soever flesh it be shalt thou brynge in to the arcke of every thynge a payre to kepe them a lyve wyth the. And male and female se that they be of byrdes in their kynde and of beastes in their kynde and of all maner of wormes of the erth in their kinde a payre of every thinge shall come vnto the to kepe them a lyve And take vnto the of all maner of meate that may be eaten laye it vp in stoore by the that it may be meate both for the and for thē and Noe dyd acordynge to all that God commaunded hym The .vij. Chapter ANd the LORde sayd vnto Noe goo in to the arcke both thou and all th● houssold For the haue I sene rightuous before me in thys generacion Of all clene beastes take vnto the .vij. of every kynde the male and hys female And of vnclene beastes a payre the male and hys female lykewyse of the byrdes of the ayre vij of every kynde male and female to save seed vppon all the erth For .vij. dayes hence wyll I send rayne vppō the erth .xl. dayes .xl. nyghtes and wyll dystroy all maner of thynges that Tha●e made from of the face of the erth And Noe dyd acordynge to all that the lorde cōmaunded hym and Noe was vi hundred yere olde when the floud of water came vppon the erth and Noe went and his sonnes and his wyfe and his sonnes wyves wyth hym in to the arke from the waters of the floud And of clene beastes and of beastes that ● are vnclene and of byrdes and of all that crepeth vppō the erth came in by cooples of every kynde vnto Noe in to the arke a male and a female even as God commaunded Noe. And the seventh daye the waters of the floud came vppon the erth In the .vi. hundred yere of Noes lyfe in the secōde moneth in the. xvij daye of the moneth that same daye were all the founteynes of the gre●e depe broken vp the wyndowes of heavē were opened ād there fell a rayne vpon the erth .xl. dayes and .xl. nyghtes And the selfe same daye went Noe Sem Ham and Iapheth Noes sonnes and Noes wyfe and the. ii● wyues of his sonnes wyth them in to the arke both they and all maner of beastes in their kīde all maner of catell in their kynde all maner of wormes that crepe vppon the erth in their kynde and all maner of byrdes in there kynde and all maner off foules what soever had feders And they came vnto Noe in to the arke by cooples of all flesh that had breth of lyfe in it And they that came came male ād female of every flesh acordige as God cōmaunded hym the LORde shytt the dore vppō him And the floud came .xl. dayes .xl. nyghtes vppon the erth the water increased and bare vp the arcke ād it was lifte vp from of the erth And the water prevayled and increased exceadingly vppon the erth and the arke went vppō he toppe of the waters And the waters prevayled excedingly above mesure vppō the erth so that all the hye hylles which are vnder all the partes of heaven were covered evē .xv. cubytes hye prevayled the waters so that the hylles were covered And all fleshe that moved on the erth bothe birdes catell and beastes perisshed with al that crepte on the erth and all men so that all that had the breth of liffe in the nostrels of it thorow out all that was on drye lond dyed Thus was destroyed all that was vppō the erth both man beastes wormes and foules of the ay●● ▪ so that they were destroyed from the erth save Noe was reserved only and they that were wyth hym in the arke And the waters nee valved vppon the erth an hundred and fyftye dayes The .viij. Chapter ANd god remēbred Noe all the beastes all the catell the were with hī in the arke And god made a wynde to blow vppō y● erth y● waters ceased ād the fountaynes of the depe ād the wyndowes of heavē were stopte and the rayne of heaven was forbiddē and the waters returned from of the erth ād abated after the ende of an hundred and .l. dayes And the arke rested vppō the mountayns of Ararat the .xvij. daye of the .vij. moneth And the waters went away ād decreased vntyll the x. moneth And the fyrst daye of the tenth moneth the toppes of the mounteyns appered And after the ende of .xl. dayes Noe opened the wyndow of the arke which he had made ād sent forth a raven which went out ever goinge and cominge agayne vntyll the waters were dreyed vpp vppon the erth Then sent he forth a doue from hym to we●e whether the waters were fallen from of the erth And when the doue coude fynde no restinge place for hyr fote she returned to him agayne vnto the arke for the waters were vppon the face of all the erth And he put out hys honde and toke her and pulled hyr to hym in to the arke And he abode yet .vij. dayes mo and sent out the doue agayne out of the arke And the doue came to hym agayne aboute eventyde and beholde There was in hyr mouth a lefe of an olyve tre which she had plucked wherby Noe perceaved that the waters wer abated ●ppon the erth And he taried yet .vij. other dayes and sentforth the doue which from thence forth came no more agayne to him And it came to passe the syxte hundred and one yere and the fyrst daye of the fyrst moneth that the maters were dryed vpp apon the erth And Noe toke off the hatches of the arke and lo ked And beholde the face of the erth was drye So by the .xxvij. daye of the seconde moneth the erth was drye And God spake vnto Noe saynge come out of the arcke both thou and thy wyfe ād thy sonnes and thy sonnes wyues with the. And all the beastes that are with the whatsoever flesh it be both foule and catell and all maner wormes that crepe on the erth brynge out with the and let them moue growe ād multiplye vppon the erth And Noe came out ād his sonnes and his wyfe and his sonnes wyues with hym And all the beastes and all the wormes and all the foules and all that moved vppon the erth came also out of the arke all of one kynde together And Noe made an aulter vnto the LORDE and toke of all maner of clene beastes and all maner of clene foules and offred sacrify ce vppon the aulter And the LORDE smellyd a swete savoure and sayd in his hert I wyll henceforth no more curse the erth fo mannes sake for the imagynacion of mannes hert i● ●●ell even from the very youth of hym Morouer I
cyte called Hebron in the londe of Canaan Than Abraham came to mome Sara and to wepe for her And Abraham stode vp from the coorse and talked with the sonnes of heth saynge I am a straunger ād a foryner amonge yow geue me a possession to bury in with you that I may bury my dead oute of my sighte And the children of heth answered Abraham saynge vnto him heare vs lorde thou art a prynce of God amonge vs. In the chefest of oure sepulchres bury thy dead None of vs shall forbydd the his sepulchre that thou shuldest not bury thy deade therein Abrahā stode vp bowed hī selfe before y● people of y● lāde y● childrē of heth And he comened with them saynge Yf it be youre myndes y● I shall bury my deade oute of my sighte heare me ād speke for me to Ephron the sonne of Zoar and let him geue me the dubill caue which he hath in the end of his felde for as moch money as it is worth let him geue it me in the presence of you for a possession to bury in For Hephron dwelled amōge the childern of heth Than Ephron the Hethite answered Abraham in the audyēce of the childern of Heth and of all that went in at the gates of his cyte saynge Not so my lorde but heare me The felde geue I the and the caue that therein is geue I the also And even in the presence of the sonnes of my people geve Iit the to bury thy deede in Than Abraham bowed himselfe before the people of the lāde and spake vnto Ephrō in the audyence of the people of the contre saynge I praye the heare me I will geue sylver for the felde take it of me ●o so will I bury my deed there Ephron answered Abrahā saynge vnto him My lorde harken vnto me The lande is worth iiij hundreth sycles of syluer But what is that betwixte the and me● bury thy deede And Abraham harkened vnto Ephron and weyde him the sylver which he had sayde in the audyence of the sonnes of Heth. Euen .iiij. hūdred syluer sycles of currant money amonge marchauntes Thus was the felde of Ephron where in the dubbill caue is before Ma●re euen the felde the caue that is therein and all the trees of the felde which growe in all the borders rounde aboute made sure vnto Abraham for a possession in the syghte of the childern of Heth and of all that went in at the gates of the cyte And then Abraham buried Sara his wyfe in the double caue of the felde that lyeth before Māre otherwise called Ebron in the lande of Canaan And so both the felde ād the caue that is therein was made vnto Abraham a sure possession to bury in of the sonnes of Heth. ¶ The .xxiiij. Chapter ABraham was olde and stryken in dayes and the LORde had blessed him in allthinges And he sayde vnto his eldest servaunte of his house which had the rule over all that he had Put thy hande vnder my thye that I maye make the swere by the LORde that is God of heauen and God of the erth that thou shalt not take a wyfe vnto my sonne of the doughters of the canaanytes amonge which I dwell But shalt goo vnto my contre and to my kynred and there take a wyfe vnto my sonne Isaac Thā sayde the seruaunte vnto him what ād yf the womā wyll not agree to come with me vnto this lāde shall I brynge thy sonne agayne vnto the lande which thou camest out of ▪ And Abrahā sayde vnto him bewarre of that that thou b●●ge not my sonne thither The LORde God of heaven which toke me from my fathers house and from the lande where I was borne and which spake vnto me and sware vnto me saynge vnto thy seed wyll I geue this lande he shall sende his angell before the y● thou mayst take a wife vnto my sonne from thence Neuerthelesse yf the womā will not agree to come with the than shalt thou be with out daunger of this ooth But aboue all thinge brynge not my sonne thyther agayne And the seruaunte put his hand vnder the thye of Abraham and sware to him as concernynge that matter And the seruaunte toke .x. camels of the camels of his master and departed and had of all maner goodes of his master with him and stode vp and went to Mesopotamia vnto the cyr●e of Nahor And made his camels to lye doune without the cytie by a wels syde of water at euen aboute the tyme that women come out to drawe water and he sayde LORde God of my master Abrahā sende me good spede this daye shewe mercy vnto my master Abraham ●o I stonde here by the well of water and the doughters of the men of this citie will come out to drawe water Now the damsell to whome I saye stoupe doune thy pytcher and let me drynke Yf she saye drynke and I will geue thy camels drynke also y● same is she that thou hast ordened for they servaunte Isaac yee therby shall I knowe that thou hast shewed mercy on my master And it came to passe yet he had leeft spakynge that Aebecca came out the doughter of Bethuell sonne to Melcha the wife of Nahor Abrahams brother and hir pytcher apon hir shulder The damsell was very fayre to loke apon and yet a mayde and vnknowen of man And she went doune to the well and fylled hyr pytcher and came vp agayne Then the seruaunte rann● vnto her and sa●de let me syppe a litle water of thi pither And she sayde drynke my lorde And she besied and la●e downe her pytcher apon ●●● arme and gaue him drinke And whē she had geven hym drinke she sayde I will drawe water for thy camels also vntill they haue dronke ynough And she poured out hyr pitcher in to the trough hastely and ranne agayne vnto the well to fe●t water and drewe for all his camels And the felowe wondred at her But helde his peace to we●e whether the LORde had made his ●ou●ney prosperous or not And as the camels had lefte drynckynge he toke an earynge of halfe a sicle weght and. ij golden bracelettes for hyr ●ādes of .x. sycles weyght of gold and sayde vnto her whose doughter art thou tell me ys there rowme in thy fathers house for vs to lodge in ▪ And she sayde vnto him I am the doughter of Bethuell the sonne of M●●cha which she bare vnto Nahor and sayde moreouer vnto him we haue litter and prauonder ynough and also rowme to lodge in And the man bowed himselfe and worshipped the LORde and sayde blessed be the LORde God of my master Abraham which ceasseth not to deale mercyfully and truly with my master And hath brought me the waye to my masters brothers house And the damsell ranne tolde them of her mothers house these thinges And Rebecca had a brother called Laban And Laban ranne out vnto the man to the well for as soone as he had sene the earynges
mater then an allegorye And contrary wyse there is not a better vehementer or myghtyer thinge to make a man vnderstond with all then an allegory For allegoryes make a man qwick witted and prynte wysdome in him and maketh it to abyde to here bare wordes go but in at the one eare and out at the other As this with soch like sayenges put salt to all youre sacrifices in steade of this sentence do all youre deades with discrecion greteth and biteth yf it be vnderstond moare thē playne wordes And when I saye in steade off these wordes bost not youre self of your good deades eate not the bloude nor the fatt of youre sacrifice there is as great differēce betwene them as there is distaunce betwene heauen ād erth For the liffe and beutye of all good deades is of God and we are but the caren leane we are onlye the instrument whereby god worketh only but the power is his As god created Paule a newe poured hys wisdome in to him gaue him mighte and promysed him that his grace shuld neuer fayle him c. and all without deservinges excepte that nurteringe the sayntes and makinge them curse and rayle on Christ be meritorious Now as it is death to eate the bloude or fatte of any sacrifice is it not thinke ye damnable to robbe god of his honoure and to gloryfye my self with his honoure ¶ The THYRDE BOke of Moses Called Leuiticus ¶ The thirde boke of Moses called Leuiticus ¶ The firste Chapter ANd the Lorde called Moses And spake vnto him oute off the tabernacle of witnesse sayenge Speake vnto the childern of Israel and saye vnto them Who soeuer of you shall bringe a gifte vnto the Lorde shall bringe it of the catell euen of the oxen and of the shepe Yf he brynge a burntoffrynge of the oxen he shall offre a male without blimesh and shal brynge ▪ him to the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse that he maye be accepted before the Lorde And let him put his hande apon the heed of the burntsacrifice and fauoure shal be geuen him to make an attonemēt for hym ād let him kyll the oxe before the Lorde And let the preastes Aarons sonnes brynge the bloude and let them sprinckell it rounde aboute apon the alter that is before the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse And let the burntoffrynges be strypped and hewed in peces And thē let the sonnes of Aaron the preast put fire apō the alter and put wodd apon the fire and let them laye the peces with the heed and the fatte apon the wod that is on the fire in the alter But the inwardes ād the legges they shall wash in water and the preast shall burne altogither apon the alter that it be a burntsacrifice and an offerynge of a swete odoure vnto the Lorde Yf he will offer a burntsacrifice of the shepe whether it be of the lambes or of the gootes he shall offer a male without blimesh And let him kyll it on the north syde of the alter before the Lorde And let the preastes Aarons sonnes sprinkle the bloude of it rounde aboute apon the alter And let it be cut in peces euen with his heed and his fatte and let the preast putte them apon the wodd that lyeth apon the fire in the alter But let him wash the inwardes and the legges with water and than bringe altogether and burne it apon the alter that is a burntoffrynge and a sacrifice of swete sauoure vnto the Lorde Yf he will offer a burntoffrynge of the foules he shall offer eyther of the turtyll doues or of the ionge pigeons And the preast shall brynge it vnto the alter and wrynge the necke a sundre of it and burne it on the alter and let the bloude runne out apon the sydes of the alter ād plucke awaye his croppe ād his fethers ād cast thē besyde the alter on the east parte vppō the hepe of asshes ād breke his winges but plucke thē not a sundre And thē let the preast burne it vpō the alter euē apō the wodd that lyeth apō the fire a burntsacrifice ād an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde ¶ The seconde Chapter YF any soule will offer a meatoffrynge vnto the Lorde his offerynge shal be fine floure and he shall poure thereto oyle ād put frankencens theron and shall bringe it vnto Aarons sonnes the preastes And one of them shall take thereout his handfull of the floure and of the oyle with all the frankencēs ād burne it for a memoriall apō the alter an offryng of a swete sauoure vnto the Lord. And the rēnaunt of the meatofferynge shal be Aarons ād his sonnes as a thinge most holye of the sacrifices of the Lorde Yf any mā bringe a meatoffrynge that is bakē in the ouē let him brynge swete cakes of fine floure mingled with oyle ād vnleuended wafers anoynted with oyle Yf thy meatoffrynge be baken in the fryenge pan then it shal be of swete floure mingled with oyle And thou shalt mynce it small ād poure oyle thereon ād so is it a meatoffrynge Yf thy meatofferynge be a thynge broyled vppon the greadyerne of floure myngled with oyle it shal be And thou shalt brynge the meatoffryng that is made of these thinges vnto the Lorde and shalt delyuer it vnto the preast and he shall brynge it vnto the altare and shall heue vppe parte of the meatoffrynge for a memoriall and shall burne it apon the alter an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde And that which is left of the meatofferynge shal be Aarons and his sonnes as a thynge that is most holye of the offerynges off the Lorde All the meatoffrynges which ye shall brynge vnto the Lorde shal be made without leuē For ye shall nether burne leuen nor honye in any offerynge of the Lord ▪ Notwithstondinge ye shall bryng the firstlynges of them vnto the Lorde But they shall not come apon the alter to make a swete sauoure All thy meatofferynges thou shalt salt with salt nether shalt thou soffre the salt of the couenaunt of thy God to be lackynge from thy meatofferynge but apon all thyne offerynges thou shalt brynge salt Yf thou offer a meatofferynge of the first-ripe frutes vnto the Lorde then take of that which is yet grene and drye it by the fire ād beat it small and so offer the meatofferynge of thy firstrype frutes And than poure oyle there to and put frankencens thereon and so it is a meatoffrynge And the preast shall burne parte of the beten corne and parte of that oyle with all the frākencens for a remembraunce That is an offerynge vnto the Lorde ¶ The thyrde Chapter YF any man brynge a peaceofferynge of the oxen whether it be male or female he shall brynge such as is without blemysh before the Lorde and let him put his hande apon the heed of his offerynge and kyll it before the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse And Aarons sonnes the preastes shall sprinkle the bloude apon
the Lorde a feldewhich he hath boughte and is not of his enheritaunce then the preast shall reken with him what it is worth vnto the trompet yere and he shall geue the price that it is set at the same daye and it shal be holy vnto the Lorde But in the trompet yere the felde shall returne vnto him of whome he boughte it whose enheritaunce of londe it was And all settinge shal be acordinge to the holy sycle One sycle maketh .xx. Geras But the firstborne of the beestes that pertayne vnto the Lorde maye no mā sanctifie whether it be oxe or shepe for they are the Lordes allredy Yf it be an vncleane beest then let him redeme it as it is sett at and geue the fifte parte moare thereto Yf it be not redemed thē let it be solde as it is rated Notwithstondinge no dedicated thinge that a man dedicateth vnto the Lorde of all his goode whether it be man or beest or lande off his enheritaunce shal be solde or redemed for all dedicate thīges are most holy vnto the Lorde No dedicate thinge therfore that is dedicate of mā may be redemed but must nedes dye All these tithes of the londe whether it be of the corne of the felde or frute of the trees shal be holy vnto the Lorde Yf any man will redeme oughte of his tithes let him adde the fifte parte moare thereto And the tithes of oxen and shepe and of all that goeth vnder the herdemans kepinge shal be holye tithes vnto the Lorde Men shal not loke yf it be good or bad nor shall chaunge it Yf any man chaunge it then both it and that it was chaunged with all shal be holy and maye not be redemed These are the commaundmentes whiche the Lorde gaue Moses in charge to geue vnto the childern of Israel in mount Sinai ¶ The ende of the thyrde boke of Moses ¶ A prologe into the fourth boke of Moses called Numeri ¶ A Prologe in to the fourth boke of Moses called Numeri IN the seconde ād thirde boke they receaved y● lawe And in this .iiij. they begynne to worke and to practyse Of which practi●ynge yese many good ensamples of vnbeleffe what frewill doth when she taketh in hand to kepe the lawe of her awne power without help of fayth in the promyses of god how she leueth her masters carkesses by the way in the wildernesse and bringeth them not in to the londe of rest Why coude they not entre in Because of their vnbeleffe Hebre .iij. For had they beleved so had they bene vnder grace and their old synnes had bene forgeuen thē ād power shulde haue bene geuē them to haue fulfilled the lawe thenceforth they shuld haue bene kepte from all temptaciōs that had bene to stronge for them For it is wrytten Iohan. 1. He gaue them power to be the sonnes of god thorow belevynge in his name Nowe to be the sonne of god is to loue god and his commaundmentes and to walke in his waye after the ensample of his sonne Christ But these people toke vppon them to worke without faith as thou seysie in the xiiij of this boke where they wold fight and also did without the worde of promysse euē when they were warned that they shuld not And in y● .xvi. a gayne they woulde please god with their holye faithlesse workes for where gods worde is not there can be no faith but y● fyre of god consumed their holy workes as it did Nadab and Abihu Leui .x. And frō these vnbeleuers turne thyne eyes vnto the pharesyes which before the comynge of Christ in his flesh had layde the fundacion of frewill after the same ensample Wheron thei bilt holy workes after their awne imaginacion with our faith of the worde so fervently that for the greate zele of them they slew the kinge of all holy workes and the lorde of frewill which only thorow his grace maketh the will fre and lowseth her from bondage of synne and geueth her loue and lust vnto the lawes of god and power to fulfyll them And so thorowe their holye workes done by the power of frewill they excluded them selues out of the holy rest of forgeuenesse of synnes by faith in the blonde of Christ And then loke on oure ypocrites which in like maner folowinge the doctryne of Aristot le and other hethen paganes haue agenste all the scripture sett vpp frewill agayne vnto whose power they ascribe the kepinge of y● cōmaundmētes of god For they haue set vp wilfull povertye of another maner then any is cōmaunded of god And the chastite of matrimony vtterlye defyed they haue set vp another wilfull chastite not required of god whiche they swere vowe professe to geue god whether he will geue it them or no and compell all their disciples there vnto sayenge that it is in the power of euery mans frewill to obserue it contrarye to Christ and his apostle Paule And the obedience of god and man excluded they haue vowed a nother wilfull obedience condemned of all the scripture whiche they will yet geue God whether he will or wyll not And what is become of their wilfull pouertye hath it not robbed the whole worlde brought all vnder them ●n there be ether kynge or emperoure or of what soeuer degre it be excepte he will hold of them ād be sworne vnto them to be their servaunte to go and come at their luste and to defende their quarels be they false or true Their wilfull pouertye hath all readye eaten vpp the whole worlde is yet still gredyar then euer it was in so moche that ten worldes mo were not ynough to satisfye the hongre thereof Moreouer besydes dayly corruptinge of other mens wyues and open who edome vnto what abominacions to fylthye to be spoke off hath their voluntarye chastite broughte them And as for their wilfull obediēce what is it but the disobediēce the diff●aūce h●th of all y● lawes of god mā in so moch that yf any price begīne to execute any law of mā vppō thē they curse him vnto the botom of hell proclayme him no right kinge that his lordes ought no longerto obaye him and interdite his comen people as they were hethē turkes or saracenes And yf any man preache them gods lawe him they make an heretike and burne him to asshes And in steade of gods lawe and mans they haue sette vpp one off their awne imaginacion which they obserue with dispensacions And yet in these workes they haue so greate confidence that they not onlye truste to be saued therby and to be hyer in heauen then they that be saued thorow christ but also promessero all other forgeuenesse of their synnes thorow the merites of the same Wherin they rest and teach other to rest also excludyn get he whole worlde from the reste of forgeuenesse of synnes thorowe faith in Christes bloude And now seynge that faith only letteth a mā in ūto rest vnbeleffe
your brethern as well as vnto you and vntyll they also haue conquered the londe which the Lorde youre God hath geuen them beyonde lordayne and then returne agayne euery mā vnto his possession which I haue geuē you And I warned Iosua the same tyme sayeng thyne eyes haue sene all that the Lorde youre God hath done vnto these two kynges euēso the Lorde will doo vnto all kyngdomes whither thou goest Feare them not for the Lorde youre God he it is that fighteth for you And I besoughte the Lorde the same tyme sayenge O lorde Iehoua thou hast begonne to shewe thy servaunte thy greatnesse and thy mightie hande for there is no God in heauen nor in erth that can do after thy workes and after thy power let me goo ouer ād se the good londe that is beyonde Iordayne that goodly hye contre and Libanon But the Lorde was angrie with me for youre sakes and wolde not heare me but sayed vnto me be content and speake henceforth no moare vnto me of this matter Get the vp in to the toppe of Pisga ād lifte vpp thine eyes west north south ād easte ād beholde it with thyne eyes for thou shalt not goo ouer this Iordayne Moreouer charge Iosua and corage him and bolde him For he shall go ouer before his people and he shall deuyde the londe which thou shalt se vnto them And so we abode in the valaye besyde Beth Peor ¶ The .iiij. Chapter ANd now herken Israel vnto the ordinaunces ād lawes which I teache you ▪ for to doo them that ye maye lyue ād goo ād conquere No ▪ n●● yet corrupt it with false glos●s to cō●●me Aristotle but rebuke Aristotles false lerninge therewith the londe which the Lorde God of youre fathers geueth you Ye shall put nothinge vnto the worde which I commaunde you nether doo ought there from that ye maye kepe the commaundmentes off the Lorde youre God which I commaunde you You re eyes haue sene what the Lorde dyd vnto Baal Peor for al the men that folowed Baal Peor the Lorde youre God hath destroyed f●om amōge you But ye that claue vnto the Lorde youre God are alyue euery one of you this daye Beholde I haue taught you ordinaunces and lawes soche as the Lorde my God commaūded me that ye shulde do euē so in the londe whether ye goo to possesse it Kepe them therfore and doo them for that is youre wisdome and vnderstandynge in the syghte of the nacyons whiche when they haue herde all these ordinaunces shall saye O what a wyse and vnderstondynge people is this greate nacion For what nacyon is so greate that hath Goddes so nye vnto hym as the Lorde oure God is nye vnto vs in all thinges when we call vnto hym Yee and what nacyon is so greate that hath ordinaunces and lawes so ryghtuousse as all thys lawe whiche I sett before you this daye Take hede to thy selfe therfore only ād kepe thy soule diligently that thou forgett not the thinges which thyne eyes haue sene and that they departe not out of thyne harte all the Teach youre childern dayes of thine life but teach them thy sonnes ād thy sonnes sonnes The daye that I stode before the Lorde youre god in Horeb whē he sayed vnto me gather me the people together that I maye make them heare my wordes that they maye lerne to f●re me as longe as thei lyue vppon the erth and that they maye teache their childern ye came ād stode also vnder the hyll ād the hyll burnt with fire euen vnto the myddes of heauē ād there was darcknesse clowdes ād myst And the Lorde spake vnto you out of the fire ād ye herde the voyce of the The voice is all to gether vnto that image ought men ●o bow● there hertes wordes But sawe no ymage saue herde a voyce only And he declared vnto you his couenaunt which he commaunded you to doo euen ▪ x. verses and wrote them in two tables of stone And the Lorde commaunded me the same season to teache you ordynaunces and lawes for to doo them in the londe whether ye goo to possesse it Take hede vnto youre selues diligently as pertayninge vnto youre soules for ye sawe no maner of ymage the daye when the Lorde spake vnto you in Horeb out of the fire lest ye marre youre selues and make you grauen ymages after whatsoeuer likenesse it be whether after the likenesse of mā or womā or any mane beest that is on the erth or of any maner f●th●● red foule that fleth in the ayre or of any maner worme that crepeth on the erth or of any maner fysh that is in the water beneth the erth Ye and leste thou ly●●e vpp thyne eyes vnto heuen and when thou seyst the sonne and the mone and the starres and what soeuer is contayned in heauen shuldest be disceaued and shuldest bow thi selfe vnto them ād s●rue the thinges which the Lorde thy God hath distributed vnto all nacions that are vnder al quarters of heauen For the Lorde toke you and broughte you out of the yernen fornace of Egipte to be vnto him a people of enheritaunce as it is come to passe this daye Forthermoare the Lorde was angrye with me for youre sakes and sware that I shulde not goo ouer Iordane and that I shulde not goo vnto that good londe which the Lorde thy God geueth the to enherytaunce For I must dye in this londe and shall not goo ouer Iordane But ye shall goo ouer and conquere that good londe Take hede vnto youre selues therfore that ye forgett not the appoyntment of the Lorde youre God which he made with you and that ye make you no grauen ymage of what soeuer it be that the Lorde thi God hath forbidden the. For the Lorde thi God is a cōsuminge fyre and a gelouse God Yf after thou hast gotten childern and childerns childern and hast dwelt longe in the londe ye shall marre youre selues and make grauen ymages after the liknesse of what so euer it be and shall worke wekednesse in the syghte of the Lorde thy God to prouoke him I call heauen and erth to recorde vnto you this daye that ye shall shortely peressh from of the londe whether ye goo ouer Iordayne to possesse it Ye shall not prolonge youre dayes therin but shall shortly be destroyed And the Lorde shall scater you amonge nacions and ye shal be lefte few in numbre amonge the people whother the Lorde shall brynge you and there ye shall serue goddes which are the workes of mans hande wod and stone which nether se nor heare nor eate nor smell Neuer the later ye shall seke the Lorde youre God euen there and shalt fynde him yf thou seke him with all thine herte and with all thy soule In thi tribulacion and when all these thinges are come apon the euen in the later dayes thou shalt turne vnto the Lorde thy God and shalt herken vn to his voyce For the Lorde thy God is
a pitiefull God he will not forsake the nether destroye the nor forgett the appoyntmēt made with thy fathers which he sware vnto them For axe I praye the of the dayes that are past which were before the sence the daye that God created man vppon the erth and from the one syde of heauen vnto the other whether any thinge hath bene lyke vnto this greate thinge or whether any soche thinge hath bene herde as it is that a nacion hath herde the voyce of God speakinge out of fyre as thou hast herde and yet lyued ether whether God assayed to goo and take him a people from amonge nacions thorow temptacions and sygnes and wonders and thorow warre and with a mightie hande and a stretched out arme and wyth myghtye terreble sightes acordynge vnto all that the Lorde youre God dyd vnto you in Egipte before youre eyes Vnto the it was shewed that thou myghtest knowe how that the Lorde he is God and that there is none but he Out of heauen he made the heare his voyce to nurter the ▪ and vppon erth he shewed the his greate fyre and thou hardest his wordes out of the fyre And because he loued thy fathers therfore he chose their seed after them and broughte the out with his presence and with his myghtye power of Egipte to thrust out nations greater ād myghtyer then thou before the to bringe the in and to geue the their londe to enheritaunce as it is come to passe this daye Vnderstonde therfore this daye and turne it to thine herte that the Lorde he is God in heauen aboue and vppon the erth beneth there is no moo kepe therfore his ordynaunces and his commaundmentes which I commaun de the this daye that it maye goo well with the and with thi childern after the and that thou mayst prolonge thy dayes vppon the erth which the Lorde thi God geueth the for euer Then Moses seuered .iij. cities on the other syde Iordane towarde the sonne rysynge that he shulde fle thiter which had kylled his neygh boure vnwares and hated him not in tyme past and therfore shulde fle vnto one of the same cities and lyue Bezer in the wildernesse euen in the playne contre amonge the Rubenites and Ramoth in Gilead amonge the Gaddites and Solan in Basan amonge the Manassites This is the lawe which Moses set before the children of Israel and these are the witnesse ordinaunces and statutes which Moses tolde the childern of Israel after they came out of Egipte on the other syde Iordayne in the valey besyde Beth Peor in the londe of Sihō kinge of the Amorites which dwelt at Hesbon whom Moses and the childern of Israel smote after they were come out of Egipte ād conquered his lande and the lande of Og kinge of Basan .ij. kynges of the Amorites on the other syde Iordayne towarde the sonne rysynge from Aroar vppon the bancke of the ryuer Arnon vnto mount Sion which is called Hermon ād all the feldes on the other sydel or dayne eastwarde euen vnto the see in the felde vnder the springes of Pisga The. ● Chapter ANd Moses called vnto all Israell and sayed vnto them Heare Israel the ordynaunces and lawes which I speke in thyne eares this daye and lerne them and take hede that ye doo them The Loode oure God made an appoyntment with us in Horeb. The Lorde made not this bonde with oure fathers but with us we are they which are al heare a lyue this daye The Lord talked with you face to face in the moūt out of the fyre And I stode betwene the Lorde and you the same tyme to shewe you the sayenge of the Lorde For ye were afrayed of the fyre and therfore went not vpp in to the mount and he sayed I am the Lorde thy God which brought the out of the lōde of Egipte the housse of bōdage Thou shalt haue therfore none other goddes in my presence Thou shalt make the no grauen Image off any maner lykenesse that is in heauen aboue Image or in the erth beneth or in the water beneth the erth Thou shalt nether bowe thy self vnto them nor serue them for I the Lorde thy God am a gelouse God visettinge the wikednesse of the fathers vppon the childern euen in the thyrde and the fourth generacion amonge them that hate me and shew mercye apon thousandes amonge them that loue me and kepe my commaundmentes Thou shalt not take the name of the Lorde thy God in vayne for the Lorde will not holde him giltlesse that taketh his name in vayne Kepe the Sabbath daye that thou sanctifi● it as the Lorde thy God hath commaunded the. Syxe dayes thou shalt laboure and doo all that thou hast to doo but the seuenth daye is the Sabbath of the Lorde thy God thou shalt doo no maner worke nether thou nor thy sonne nor thy doughter nor thy seruaunte nor thy mayde nor thine oxe nor thyne asse nor any of thi catell nor the straunger that is within thy cytye that thy seruaunte and thy mayde maye rest as well as thou * And remembre that thou God sheweth a cause why we oughte to kepe his commaundmentes the pope doth not wast a seruaunte in the londe of Egypte and how that the Lorde God brought the out thence with a myghtye hande and a stretched out arme For which cause the Lorde thy God commaundeth the to kepe the Sabbath daye Honoure thi father and thi mother as the Lord thi God hath cōmaūded the that thou mayst prolonge thi dayes and that it maye go well with the on the londe which the Lorde thi God geueth the. Thou shalt not slee Thou shalt not breake wedlocke Thou shalt not steale Thou shalt not beare false witnesse agenst thy neghboure Thou shalt not luste after thi neghbours wife thou shat not couet thi neyghbours housse felde seruaunte mayde oxe asse nor ought that is thi neghbours These wordes the Lorde spake vnto al youre multitude in the mount out of the fyre cloude and darcknesse with a loude voyce and added nomoare there to and wrote them in .ij. tables of stone and delyuered them vnto me But as soone as ye herde the voyce out off the darcknesse and sawe the hill burne with fyre ye came vnto me all the heedes of youre tribes and youre elders and ye sayed beholde the Lorde oure God hath shewed us his glorye and his greatnesse and we haue herde his voyce out of the fyre and we haue sene this daye that God maye talke with a man and he yet lyue And now wherfore shulde we dye that this greate fyre shulde consume us Yf we shulde heare the voyce of the Lorde oure God any moare we shulde dye For what is any flesh that he shulde heare the voyce of the lyuynge God speakynge out of the fyre as we haue done and shulde yet lyue Goo thou ād heare all that the Lorde oure God sayeth and tell thou vnto us all that the Lorde oure God sayeth vnto the and
so that he bringeth them to noughte and wil not def●erre the tyme vnto him that hateth hī but will rewarde him before his face Kepe therfore the commaundmentes ordinaunces and lawes which I commaunde you this daye that ye doo them Yf ye shall herken vnto these lawes ād shall obserue and do them then shall the Lorde thy God kepe poyntment with the and the mercy which he swore vnto thy fathers and will loue the blesse the and multiplye the he will blesse the frute of thy wombe and the frute of thi felde thy corne thy wyne and thy oyle the frute of thyne oxen and the flockes of thy shepe in the londe which he swore vnto thy fathers to geuethe Thou shalt be blessed aboue all nacions there shal be nether man nor woman vnfrutefull amonge you nor any thinge vnfrutefull amonge youre catell Moreouer the Lorde will turne from the all maner infirmityes and will put none off the euell dyseases off Egipte whiche thou knowest apon the but wyll sende them vppon them that hate the. Thou shalt bringe to nought all nacions which the Lorde thy God delyuereth the thyne eye shall haue no pitie vppon them nether shalt thou serue their goddes for that shal be thy decaye Yf thou shalt saye in thine hert these nacions are moo than I how cā I cast them God is as able ●o●● also to deliuer vs out of the captiui te of the pop● out Feare thē not but remēbre what the Lorde thy god dyd vnto Pharao ād vnto all Egipte ād the greate temptacions which thine eyes sawe ād the signes ād wonders ād mightie hāde ād stretched out arme wherewith the Lord thy god broughte the out euē so shall the Lorde thy God doo vnto all the nacions of which thou art afrayed Thereto the Lorde thy God will send hornettes amonge them vntyll they that are lefte and hyde them selues frō the be destroyed Se thou feare thē not for the lord thi god is amōg you a mightie god ād a terrible The Lord thy god will put out these naciōs before the a litle ād a litle thou maist not cōsume thē at ōce lest the beestes of the felde encrease vpō the. And the lorde thy god shall delyuer thē vnto the ād sterre vp a mightie tēpest amōge thē vntil thei be brought to nought And he shal deliuer their kinges in to thine hāde ād thou shalt destroye their names frō vnder heauē There shal no mā stonde before the vntill thou haue destroyed them The images of their goddes thou shalt burne with fire ād se that thou couet not the syluer or golde that is on them nor take it vnto the lest thou be snared therewith For it is an abhominacyon vnto the Lorde thy God Brynge not therfore the abhominacyon to thyne housse lest thou be a damned thynge as it is but vtterlye defye it and abhorre it for it is a thinge that must be destroyed ¶ The .viij. Chaptre All the commaundmentes which I commaunde the this daye ye shal kepe for to do them that ye maye lyue and multiplye and goo and possesse the londe whiche the Lorde sware vnto youre fathers And thinke on all the waye which the Lorde thy God led the this .xl. yere in the wildernesse for to humble the ād to proue the to wete what was in thine herte whether thou woldest kepe his commaundmentes or no He humbled the and made the hongre and fed the with man which nether thou nor thy father kn●we of ▪ to make the know that a man must not lyue by bred only but by The word is life al that procedeth out of them outh of the Lorde must a man lyue Thy rayment waxed not olde vppon the nether dyd thy fete swell thys xl yere Vnderstonde therfore in thine herte that as a man ●●●●ereth his sonne euen so the Lorde thy God 〈…〉 reth the. Kepe therfore the commaundmentes of the Lorde thy God that thou walke in his wayes and that thou feare him For the Lorde thy God bringeth the in to a good lande a londe of riuers of water of foūtens and of springes that springe out both in valayes and hylles a londe of whete and of barly of vynes figtrees and pomgranates a lond of olyuetrees with oyle and of honye a lande wherin thou shalt not eate bred in scarcenesse and where thou shalt lacke nothinge a londe whose stones are yerne and out of whose hylles thou shalt dygge brasse When thou hast eaten therfore and filled thy selfe then blesse the Lord for the good lond which he hath geuen the. But bewarre that thou forgett not the Lorde thy God that thou woldest not kepe his cōmaundmentes lawes and ordinaunces which I commaunde the this daye yee and when thou hast ea●ē ād filled thy selfe ād hast bylt goodly housses ād dwelt therin ād when thy beesse ād thy shepe are waxed manye ād thy syluer ād golde is multiplied ād all that thou hast encreased then bewarre lest thine herte ryse ād thou forgett the Lorde thy God which brought the out of the londe of Egipte the housse of bondage ād which led the in the wildernesse both greate ād terreble with firye serpentes ād scorpions ād thurste where was no water which brought the water out of the rocke of flynt whiche fed the in the wildernesse with Man where of thy fathers knewe not for to humble the and to proue the that he might doo the good at thy later ende And beware that thou saye not in thine herte my power and the might of myne awne hāde hath done me all these actes But remembre Gods power worketh and not we the Lorde thy God how that it is he which gaue the power to do māfully for to make good the promesse which he sware vnto thy fathers as it is come to passe this daye For yf thou shalt forget the Lorde thy god and shalt walke after straunge goddes and serue them and worsheppe them I testyfye vnto you this daye that ye shall surely perysh As the nacyons whiche the Lorde destroyeth before the euen so ye shall peryshe because ye wolde not herken vnto the voyce of the Lord youre God ¶ The .ix. Chapter HEare Israel thou goest ouer Ioadayne this daye to goo and conquere nacions greater and mightier than thy selfe and cities greate ād walled vp to heauen ād people greate and tall euen the childern of the Enak●ms which thou knowest and of whom thou hast herde saye who is able to stond before the childern of Enack But vnderstonde this daye that the Lorde thy God which goeth ouer before the a consumyng fire he shall destroye them and he shall subdue them before the. And thou shalt cast them out and brynge them to noughte quyckely as the Lorde hath sayed vnto the. Speake not in thyne hert after that the Lorde thy God hath cast them out before the sayenge where is ●●● righ●●●esnesse for my rightuousnes the Lorde hath brought me in to the possesse this
howe that I I am he and that there is no God but I. I can kyll and make alyue ād what I haue smyten that I can heale nether y● there that can delyuer any man oute off my honde For I will lifte vp myne hande to heauē ād will saye I lyue euer Yf I whett the lyghtenynge of my swerde and myne hande take in hande to doo iustyce I wyll shewe vengeaunce on myne enemyes and will rewarde them that hate me I will make myne arowes dronkē with bloude and my swerde shall eate flesh of the bloud of the slayne and of the captyue and of the bare heed of the enemye Reioyse hethen wyth hys people for he wyll auenge the bloude off his servauntes and wyll auenge hym off hys aduersaryes and wil be mercyfull vnto the londe off hys people And Moses went ād spake all the wordes of this songe in the eares of the people both he and Iosua the sonne of Nun. And when Moses had spoken all these wordes vnto the ende to all Israel then he sayed vnto them Sett youre hertes vnto all the wordes whiche I testifye vnto you this daye that ye commaunde them vnto youre childern to obserue and doo all the wordes off thys lawe For it is not a vayne worde vnto you but it is youre lyfe and thorow thys worde ye shall prolonge youre dayes in the lond whother ye goo ouer Iordayne to conquere it And the Lorde spake vnto Moses the selfe same daye sayenge get the vpp in to this mountayne Abarim vnto mount Nebo which is in the londe of Moab ouer agenst Iericho And beholde the londe of Canaan whiche I geue vnto the childern of Israel to possesse And dye in the mount whiche thou goest vppon and be gathered vnto thy people As Aaron thy brother dyed in mounte Hor ād was gathered vnto his people For ye trespased agenst me amonge the childern of Israel at the waters off striffe at Cades in the wyldernesse of Zin because ye sanctified me not amonge the childern of Israel Thou shalt se the londe before the but shall not goo thither vnto the londe which I geue the childern off Israel The .xxxiij. Chapter THis is the blessinge where with Moses gods man blessed the childern of Israel before his deeth sayenge The Lord came frō Sinai and shewed his beames from Seir vnto them and appered gloriously from mount Paran and he came with thousandes of sayntes and in his right hande a lawe of fyre for them How loued he the people All his sayntes are in his honde They yoyned thē selues vnto thy fote and receaued thi wordes Moses gaue us a lawe which is the enheritaunce of the cōgregacion of Iacob And he was in Israel kinge when he gathered the heedes of the people and the tribes of Israel to gether Ruben shall lyue and shall not dye but his people shal be few in numbre This is the blessynge of Iuda And he sayed heare Lorde the voyce of Iuda and bringe him vnto his people let his handes fyght for him but he thou his helpe agenst his enemies And vnto Leui he sayed thy perfectnesse ād thi light be after thy mercyfull mā whō thou temptest at Masa ād with whom thou striuedst at the waters of strife He that saieth vnto his father ād mother I sawe him not ād vnto his brethern I knewe not and to his sonne I wote not for they haue obserued thi wordes and kepte thy testament They shall teach Iacob thi iudgementes ād Israel thi lawes They shall put cens before thi nose and whole sacrifices apon thine altare Blesse Lorde their power and accepte the workes of their hondes smyte the backes of them that ryse agēst them and of them that hate them that they ryse not agayne Vnto Ben Iamin he sayed The Lordes derlynge shall dwell in saffetye by him and kepe him selfe in the hauen by hym contynually and shall dwell betwene his shulders And vnto Ioseph he sayed blessed of the Lorde is his londe with the goodly frutes off heauen with dewe and with sprynges that lye beneth and with frutes of the encrease of the sonne and with rype srute off the monethes and with the toppes of mountaynes that were from the begynnynge and with the dayntes of hilles that last euer and with goodly frute of the erth and off the fulnesse there of And the good will of him that dwelleth in the bush shall come vppon the heed of Ioseph and vppon the toppe of the heed of him that was separated fro amonge his brethern his bewtye is as a first-borne oxe and his hornes as the hornes of an vnycorne And with them he shall push the nacions to gether euen vnto the endes of the worlde These are the many thousandes of Ephraim and the thousandes off Manasse And vnto Zabulon he sayed Reioyse Zabulon in thi goenge out and thou Isachar in thi tentes They shall call the people vnto the hill and there they shall offer offerynges of righteousnes For they shall sucke of the abundaunce of the see and of treasure hyd in the sonde And vnto Gad he sayed blessed is the rowmmaker Gad. He dwelleth as a lion and caught the arme ād also the toppe of the heed He sawe his begynnynge that a parte of the teachers were hyd there ād come with the heedes of the people and executed the righteousnes of the Lorde and his iudgementes with Israel And vnto Dan he sayed Dan is a lions whelpe he shall flowe from Basan And vnto Nepthali he sayed Nephali he shall haue abundance of pleasure and shal be fylled with the blessinge of the Lorde ād shall haue his possessions in the southwest And of Asser he sayed Asser shal be blessed with childern he shal be acceptable vnto his brethern and shall dyppe his fote in oyle Yern and brasse shall hange on thi showes and thine age shal be as thi youth There is none like vnto the God of the off Israel he that sitteth vppon heauen shal be thine helpe whose glorie is in the cloudes that is the dwellinge place of God from the begynnynge and from vnder the armes of the worlde he hath cast out thine enemies before the and sayed destroye And Israel shall dwell in saffetye alone And the eyes of Iacob shall loke appon a londe of corne and wyne moreouer his heauen shall droppe with dewe Happye art thou Israel who is like vnto the A people that art saued by the Lorde thy shilde and helper and swerde of thi glorye And thyne enemyes shall hyde them selues from the and thou shalt walke vppon their hye hilles The .xxxiiij. Chapter ANd Moses went frō the feldes of Moab vpp in to mount Nebo which is the toppe of Pisga that is ouer agenst Iericho And the Lorde shewed him all the londe off Gilead euen vnto Dan and all nephtali and the londe of Ephraim and Manasse ād all the londe of Iuda euen vnto the vtmost see ād the south and the region of the playne of Iericho the citye of datetrees euen vnto Zoar And the Lorde sayed vnto him This is the lon de which I sware vnto Abraham Isaac and Iacob sayenge I will geue it vnto thy seed I haue shewed it the before thyne eyes but thou shalt not goo ouer thither So Moses the seruaunte of the Lorde dyed there in the londe of Moab at the commaundment of the Lorde And he buryed him in a valey in the londe of Moab besyde Beeth Peor but no man wyst of his sepulchre vnto this daye And Moses was an hundred and .xx. ye re olde when he dyed ād yet his eyes were not dym nor his chekes abated And the childern of Israel wepte for Moses in the feldes off Moab .xxx. dayes And the dayes off wepynge and mornynge for Moses were ended And Iosua the sonne of Nun was full of the spirite of wisdome for Moses had put his hande vppon him And all the childe●n of Israel herkened vnto him and dyd as the Lorde cōmaunded Moses But there arose not a prophett sense in Israel lyke vnto Moses whom the Lorde knewe face to face in all the miracles and wonders which the Lorde sent him to doo in the londe of Egipte vnto Pharao and all his seruauntes and vnto all his londe and in all the myghtye deades and greate tereble thinges which Moses dyd in the sight of all Israel ¶ The ende of the fifth boke of Moses Avims A kinde of geauntes and the worde signifieth crooked vnright or weked Belial weked or wekednesse he that hath cast the yoke of God of his necke ād will not obeye god Bruterar prophesiers or sothsayers Emims a kinde of geaūtes so called be cause they were terreble and cruell for emin signifieth terreblenesse Enack a kinde of geauntes so called happlye because they ware cheynes aboute their neckes for enack signifieth soch a cheyne as men weer aboute their neckes Horims A kinde of geauntes ād signifieth noble because that of pride they called thē selues nobles or gentles Rocke God is called a rocke because both he ād his worde lasteth euer Whett thē on thy childern that is exercyse thy childern in thē ād putthem in vre Zamzumims a kinde of geaūtes ād signifleth myscheuous or that be all waye imaginīge
from of the face of the erth and frō thy syghte must I hyde my selfe ād I must be wandrynge and a vagabunde vpon the erth Morover whosoever fyndeth me wyll kyll me And the LORde sayd vnto hi Not so but whosoever sleyth Cain shal be punyshed .vij. folde And the LORde put * a marke vpō Cain that no māyt founde hym shulde kyll hym ▪ And Cain went out frō the face of the LORde and dwelt in the lande Nod on the east syde of Eden And Cain laye wyth hys wyfe which conceaved and bare Henoth And he was buyldinge a cyte and called the name of it after the name of hys sonne Henoch And Henoch bega● Irad And Irad begat Mahuiael And Mahuiael begat Mathusael And Mathusael begat Lamech And Lamech toke hym two wyves the one was called Ada and the other Zilla And Ada bare Iabal of whome came they that dwell in tentes ād possesse catell And hys brothers name was Iubal of hym came all that excercyse them selves on the harpe and on the organs And Zilla she also bare Tubalcain a worker in metall and a father of all that grave in brasse and yeron And Tubalcains syster was called Naema Then sayd Lamech vnto hys wyves Ada ād Zilla heare my voyce ye wyves of Lamech and herken vnto my wordes for I haue slayne a man and wounded my selfe and haue sla yn a yongman and gotte my selfe strypes For Cain shall be avenged sevenfolde but Lamech seventie tymes seven folde ¶ Adam also laye with hys wyfe yet agayne and she bare a sonne ād called hys name Seth For god sayd she hath geven me another sonne For Abell whom Cam slewe And Seth begat a sonne and called hys name Enos And in that tyme began men to call on the name of the LORde The .v. Chapter THys is the bo●e of the generacion of man In thedaye when God created man and made hym after the symilytude of god Male and female made he thē and called their names man in the daye when they were created And when Adam was an hundred and thyrty yere old he begat a sonne after hys lycknesse and symilytude and called hys name Seth. And the dayes of Adam after he begat Seth were eyght hundred yere and begat sonnes and doughters and all the dayes of Adam which he lyved were .ix. hundred and .xxx. yere and then he dyed And Seth lyved an hundred and .v. yeres and begat Enos And after he had begot Enos he lyved .viij. hundred and .vij. yere and begat sonnes and doughters And all the dayes of Seth were .ix. hundred and .xij. yere and dyed And Enos lyved lxxxx yere and begat kenan And Enos after he begat kenan lyved viij hundred and .xv. yere and begat sonnes and doughters and all the dayes of Enos were ix hundred and .v. yere and than he dyed And kenan lyued .lxx. yere and begat Mahalaliel And kenan after he had begot Mahalaliel lyved .viij. hundred and .xl. yere and begat sonne● and doughters and al the dayes of kenan were .ix. hundred and .x. yere and than be dyed And Mahalaliel lyued .lxv. yere and begat Iared And Mahalaliel after he had begot Iared lyved .viij. hundred and .xxx. yere and begat sonnes and doughters and all the dayes of Mahalalyell were .viij. hundred nynetye and .v. yeare and than he dyed And Iared lyved an hundred and .lxij. yere and begat Henoch and Iared lyved after he begat Henoch .viij. hundred yere and begat sonnes and doughters And all the dayes of Iared were .ix. hundred and .lxij. yere and than he dyed And Henoch lyved .lxv. yere ād begat Mathusala And Henoch walked wyth god after he had begot Mathusala .iij. hundred yere and begat sonnes and doughters And all the dayes of Henoch were .iij. hundred and .lxv. yere and than Henoch lyved a godly lyfe and was nomore sene for God toke hym away And Mathusala lyved an hundred and lxxxvij yere and begat Lamech and Mathusala after he had begot Lamech lyved .vij. hundred and .lxxxij. yere ād begat sonnes and doughters And all the dayes of Methusala were .ix. hundred lxix yere and than he dyed And Lamech lyved an hundred .lxxxij. yere begat a sonne and called hym Noe sayng This same shall comforte vs as concernynge oure worke and sorowe of oure handes which we haue aboute the erthe that the LORde hath cursed And Lamech lyved after he had begot Noe v. hundred nynetie and .v. yere and begat sonnes and doughters And all the dayes of Lamech were .vij. hundred .lxxvij. yere and than he dyed And when Noe was .v. hundred yere olde he begat Sem Ham and Iaphet ¶ The .vj. Chapter ANd it came to passe whā men begā to multiplye apō the erth ād had be got them doughters the sonnes of God sawe the doughters of men that they were fayre and toke vnto them wyves which they best liked amōge thē all And the LORd sayd My spirite shall not allwaye stryve withe man for they are flesh Nevertheles I wyll geue them yet space and hundred and .xx. yeres There were tirantes in the world in thos dayes For after that the children of God had gone in vnto the doughters of men and had begotten them childern the same childern were the mightiest of the world and men of renowne And whan the LORde sawe y● the wekednesse of man was encreased apon the erth and that all the ymaginacion and toughtes of his hert was only evell continually he repented that he had made man apon the erth and sorowed in his hert And sayd I wyll destroy mankynde which I haue made frō of the face of the erth both man beast worme and foule of the ayre for it repēteth me that I haue made them But yet Noe found gracein the syghte of the LORde These are the generatiōs of Noe. Noe was a ●●ghteous man and ●nco●rapte in his tyme walked wyth god And Noe begat .iij. sonnes Sem Ham and Iapheth And the erth was corrupte in the syghte of god and was full of mischefe And God loked vpon the erth ād loo● was corrupte for all flesh had corrupte his way vppon the erth Than sayd God to Noe the end of all flesh is come before me for the erth is full of there myschefe And loo I wyll destroy them with the erth Make the an arcke of pyne tree and make chaumbers in the arcke and pytch it wythin and wythout wyth pytch And of this facion shalt thou make it The lenth of the arcke shall be .iij. hundred cubytes ād the bredth of it .l. cubytes and the heyth of it .xxx. cubytes A wyndow shalt thou make aboue in the arcke And wythin a cubyte compasse shalt thou finysh it And the dore of the arcke shalt thou sette in the syde of it and thou shalt make it with iij loftes one aboue an other For behold I wil bringe in a floud of water apon the erth to destroy all flesh from vnder heaven wherin breth of life is so that all that is