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A08335 Spiritus est vicarius Christi in terra. A breefe and pithie summe of the Christian faith made in fourme of a confession, vvith a confutation of the papistes obiections and argumentes in sundry pointes of religion, repugnaunt to the Christian faith: made by Iohn Northbrooke, minister and preacher of the worde of God. Seene and allowed, according to the order appointed in the Queenes iniunctions.; Breefe and pithie summe of the Christian faith Northbrooke, John. 1571 (1571) STC 18663; ESTC S120959 288,552 342

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place For in deede God will not heare them that haue his sacred woorde his holie institutions and ordinaunces in a contempt and dayly deliteth more and more in filthie wickednesse and synne Some againe there bee that synne of frailenesse but yet thei dooe not abide obstinately in their synnes thei feare and dread God thei haue his lawes ordinaunces and institutions in reuerence Therefore ▪ when so euer thei flée vnto the Lorde with true repentaunce vnfe●ned confession of their synnes and amendement of life taking holde by faithe vpon his mercie declared vnto vs in his sonne Iesus Christe thei are heard by and by and receiued into the fauour of God and into the number of his children We haue the Publicane for an example which without all doubt when he did praie was an abhominable sinner But bicause that his praier did proceede from a true repentaunt hearte though he had then no mediatour at all he was hearde and went home againe beyng iustified as the trueth hymselfe doeth testifie Againe the prodigall sonne when he should come home againe to his father whom he had offended so many waies whose substaunce he had wasted amongst whores and harlots he did not come to any of his fathers frendes desiryng them to make intercession for hym neither went he to his eldest brother whom he knewe to be in greate fauour with his father but did straightway come to his father saiyng Father I haue synned against heauen and in thy sight and am no more worthy to be called thy sonne Was he put backe bicause of his abhominable offences that hee had committed against his father No suche thyng doe we finde in the Scriptures but rather as soone as his father sawe hym he had cōpassion on him he ranne and fell on his necke and kissed him what shall wee saie of the thief that hong on a Crosse by Christe was he not all laden with synnes when he saide vnto Christe Lorde remember mee when thou commest into thy kyngdome yet his detestable murthers and robberies notwithstandyng hee was heard Christ our Sauiour makyng hym a faithfull promise that he should be with hym that daie in Paradise These examples doe sufficiently teache vs that we ought not to be afrayde by reason of our synnes to come vnto our Sauiour Christ but rather that we ought by reason of them to seeke most earnestly vnto hym who doeth call synners vnto hym saiyng Come vnto mée all ye that labour and are laden and I will refreshe you Doeth not he saie hymselfe that hee came not for the righteous but for the synners sake that hee ●ame not for them that were whole but for them that were sicke They that go aboute to plucke vs awaie from hym are like vnto the Scribes and Pharisées whiche were offended and did grudge and murmure bicause that Christ kepte companie with sinners and Publicanes And they that be afraide or ashamed to come vnto hym are like vnto those sicke persons that be afraide to come vnto the Phisician or ashamed to shewe vnto him their disease and sickenesse Thei are also like vnto Peter who was ashamed that Christe should washe his feete though it was so that without it he could haue no parte in his kyngdome or which did bidde hym to departe from him saiyng Lorde go from mee for I am a synfull man whereas he shoulde rather haue desired him and besought hym to tarie still in his companie that so he might haue been deliuered from his synnes which did then presse his cōscience and made hym to be in suche a feare Lette vs haue still before our eyes the poore seely woman that had the blooddie flixe whiche did spende all her substaunce vpon Phisitions and yet she could not be holpen but rather her disease did waxe worse and worse till she came to our Sauiour Christe the true Phisition both of soules and bodies Chrisostome speakyng of the woman of Cananee writeth on this maner Tell mee O woman sith that thou arte a wicked and a sinfull woman howe durst thou go vnto him I know saieth she what I doe Beholde the wisedome of the woman she praieth not vnto Iames she doth not intreate Iohn she goeth not vnto Peter she did not get hir selfe to the companie of the Apostles she sought for no mediatour but for all these thynges she tooke penaunce for hir companion whiche did fulfill the roome and place of an aduocate and she did goe to the high fountaine Againe if thou wilt pray or intreate man thou doest aske what he doth and it is tolde thée that he is a sléepe or that hée hath no leasure or peraduenture the seruaunt shall disdayne to make thée an aunswere But to God we haue no néede of these thinges but wheresoeuer thou art and doest call vpon him he heareth thée There is no neede of a porter of a mediatour or minister say only Lorde haue mercie vpon me And in another place We haue no néede of Aduocates with God saith he nor of any runnyng or gadding about for to speake faire vnto other For although thou be alone and without an aduocate and pray vnto God by thy selfe thou shalt obteyne thy peticions There doeth this holy doctour and father bryng in the example of the woman of Cananee for to proue that we shall sooner be hearde when we praie our selues then when other doe praie for vs Hereunto may I adde the saiyng of saint Augustine which is this Non enim ad creaturam iubemur tendere vt efficiamur beati sed ad ipsum creatorem de quo si aliud quam oportet ac sese res habet nobis persuadetur perniciosissimo errore decipimur That is to say We are not commaunded to go vnto the creatures that we maie be blessed or obtaine blesfulnes but vnto the creatour of whom if we be otherwise perswaded then the matter is or then it behoueth we are deceaued with a moste pernicious errour These wordes do plainely declare vnto vs that if we will be blessed ▪ that is to saie if we will be iustified before God and obtaine free remission of our synnes we must not go to any creatures but vnto the Creatour hymselfe and that if we be made otherwise to beleeue of hym then it is we are in a pernicious errour But are wee not made to beleeue otherwise of him then it is when we are taught that he is vnmercifull and that he will not heare vs though his sonne maketh intercession for vs excepte we haue other aduocates and intercessours besides hym Uerely if we doe beleue it or seeke to come vnto hym by any other meanes then by his onely begotten sonne Iesu Christe our Sauiour we are wrapped in a most pernicious errour For leauyng the sure waie that God hymselfe hath appointed vnto vs for to come vnto hym and vnto the seate of his mercie wee folowe the perilous waie of our owne inuentions and dreames If
I am with you alwaies vnto the worlds ende can not be vnderstanded of the naturall presence of his fleshe but of his diuinitie and godhead onely ¶ The .xiij. Chapiter ¶ Christes humane body can be but in one place at once ▪ and no● in many and diuers places NOW will I come to their gaie painted reason whereby they goo aboute to proue that whersoeuer the diuinitie and godhead of Christe is ▪ there muste his manhoode be also bicause that they bee so ioyntly ioyned together that thei cannot be separated one from another But I entende God willyng t● proue nowe ●oth by naturall reason by the Scriptures and also by the auncient Fathers that it is not the propertie and nature of those thynges that be so ioyntly ioyned together that the one can not bee separated from the other that wheresoeuer the one is there the other must be also For first and formost the body of the sonne and light of it are so ioyntly ioyned together that the one cānot be separate● from the other yet it foloweth not that whersoeuer the light of the sonne is there the body of the sonne must be also And herevpon may I gather a go●●y similitude 〈◊〉 y●méete for our purpose For as the Sonne 〈…〉 in the ●lement according to the order that God hath appointed among his creatures doth with his light refreshe comfort quicken and viuifie all thynges here vppon the earth so our Sauiour Christe Iesus who is the true sonne of righteousnesse beyng still vntill the tyme that GOD hath appointed on the right hand of his father touchyng his manhode that is to say aboue in heauen in the place of beatitude felicitie and ioye raigning there with the father in coequall glory and maiesty doth continually assiste ayde and comforte his Church by his holy spirite beyng alwaies present with his electe and chosen by his diuine maiestie prouidence and inuisible grace whom he doth not cease through his almightie power the spirite beyng the worker of it to féede still with the wholsome foode of his most precious fleshe and blood And yet as it were moste noysome and hurtefull vnto all the whole earth if we had here belowe the bodie of the sonne so is it not expedient that the churche and congregation of the faithfull should haue Christe still present here touchyng his humanitie and manhoode For so saieth he hymselfe It is expedient for you that I goe hence for vnlesse I goe awaie the comforter shall not come Againe they can not deny but that the eye and the sight of it be so ioyintly and inseparably ioyned together that as long as the eye is whole and sounde the one can not be separated from the other will they saie therefore that the eye is in all places that the sight doeth reache too Seueritie and mercie are in God so ioyntely ioyned together that the one cannot be separated from the other and yet they that feele his seueritie doe not feele his mercie that is to saie whom he doeth accordyng to his righteous iudgement punishe euerlastingly in hel fire them doeth hee vtterly banishe and put awaie from his bounteous goodnes and mercie But nowe will I come to the Scriptures and worde of God. When our Sauiour Christe did talke with Nicodemus where was hee touchyng his humanitie and manhood in heauen or in earth I am sure that they will not saie that he was in heauen And yet he saith No man ascendeth into heauē but he that came downe from heauen the sonne of man that is in heauen Here do we manifestlie see that the Godhead of Christe was then in heauen and yet no man will saie that his humanitie and manhoode was there For he did then in it talke with Nicodemus here vppon the earth Againe when Lazarus was dead Christ beyng then away from Iurie did saie to his Apostles Lazarus is dead and I am glad for your sake that I was not there that ye maye beléeue Christ at the same time that he spake these words was in his humanity or manhoode conuersaunte with his Apostles out of the lande of Iurie that is to saie farre frō among the Iewes that sought his death and yet without all paraduenture he was in his Godhead present with Lazarus when he departed When that Marie Magdalene came to the graue to embalme the body of Christe did not the Angell saie vnto them non est hîc he is not here he is risen as he saide come and sée the place where the lorde was laide And beholde hee goeth into Galilée before you there ye shall see him here is plainely opened that his humaine nature was not in the Sepulchre and at Galile and doubtlesse his diuinitie and Godhead was both in the graue and at Galilée too Therefore that auncient father Fulgentius saieth Christ beyng one and the same is a locall man of man that is to saie touchyng his manhoode that he tooke of man he is conteined in place Who is God incomprehensible of the father beyng one and the same touching his humanitie or manhood was absent from heauē when he was in earth and leauing the earth when he ascended vp into heauen but touching his incomprehensible and diuine substaunce he was not absent from heauen when he was in the earth ▪ nor forsaking the earth when he went vp into heauen And that hee might shewe vnto his Apostles that his humanitie or manhoode was locall that is to say conteyned in place he did say I go vnto my father and vnto your father Againe when he had sayde Lazarus is dead he did adde by and by And I am glad for your sake that I was not there But declaring the incomprehensiblenesse of his diuinitie or Godhead he did say Beholde I am with you alwayes vnto the worldes ende Howe did he ascende vp into heauen but that because being the same he is locall and true man And howe is he alwayes with his elect but that bicause being the same Christ he is incomprehensible and true God Wherevnto Saint Augustine doth agrée saying Doubt not but that Christ being man is there from whence he shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead Holde faithfully and beare in remembraunce the christian confession howe that he rose againe the thirde day he ascended into heauen and sitteth on the right hande of the father and that he shall come from none other place but from thence to iudge the quicke and the dead and that he shall so come the angelicall voyce testifiyng the same as he was seene to go vp into heauen that is to say in the same shape and substaunce vnto the which he gaue immortalitie but he did not take away the nature of it we must not thinke that touching his shape and substaunce he is euery where for we must beware that we do not so defende the diuinitie of man that thereby we shoulde take away the
life the fleshe auaileth nothyng The like phrase of speache he vseth of the water of baptisme and although Christe was but once crucified yet would Chrisostome haue vs to thynke that we see hym daiely whipped and scourged before our eyes and his body hangyng vppon the Crosse and the Speare thruste into his side and his blood to flowe out of his glorious side into our mouthes after which maner S. Paul saieth that Christe was painted and crucified before our eyes These phrases of speache Chrisostome vsed most of any aucthour And now to their seconde obiection out of Crisostome that the papistes make whiche is this Elias saieth he when he was taken vp into heauen dyd leaue his cloke behinde him but our sauiour Christ when he ascended vp into heauen dyd both cary vp his fleshe with him and did also leaue it here behinde him It is easy to be aunswered For as he did cary vp our fleshe so he did leaue his fleshe here behinde him whiche we are our selues For as S. Paul saieth We are members of his body of his fleshe of his bones And truely as it ought to be vnto vs a singuler comfort ▪ that the most infallible scripture doth certifie vs that we are mēbers of his body fleshe of his flesh and bones of his bones so it ought to be vnto vs the greatest reioysing in the worlde that he is in our fleshe ascended vp into heauen And as for that they aleadge out of S. Iohn where he saith Except ye eate the fleshe of the son of man drinke his blood ye haue no life in you Againe my flesh is meate in deede my blood is drinke in déede Lyra their owne doctour shal aunswere this place them to where he saith Haec verba nihil directè pertinēt ad sacramentalē vel corporalē manducationem Nam hoc verbū dictum fuit antequàm Sacramētum Eucharistiae esset institutum Ex illa igitur litera de sacramētali cōmunione non potest fieri argumentum efficax These wordes of Christ in the .vj. chapter of S. Iohn directly pertaine nothing to the sacramētall or corporall eating For these wordes were spoken long before the sacramēt was ordeyned Therefore of this place there can be made no good sufficient argument touchyng the sacramētall Communion Sainct Augustine saith vpon these words of of Iohn There must be declared saith he the maner how to discerne a proper speache from a figuratiue wherin must be obserued this rule that if the thyng whiche is spoken bee to the furtheraunce of charitie then it is a proper speache and no figure So that if it be a commaundement that forbiddeth any euill or wicked act or commaundeth any good or beneficiall thyng then it is no figure But if it commaunde any ill or wicked thyng or forbyd any thyng that is good or beneficiall then it is a figuratiue speache Now this saiyng of Christe Except ye eate the fleshe of the sonne of man and drinke his blood you shall haue no life in you seemeth to commaunde an hainous a wicked thyng therefore it is a figure commaundyng vs to bee partakers of Christes Passion keepyng in our mindes to our greate comforte and profite that his fleshe was crucified and wounded for vs The like he hath in other places Thus one that hath but halfe an eye may easily vnderstande and sée the gr●sse opinion of our papistes ¶ The .xxiij. Chapter ¶ The godly in the olde lawe did eate and drinke the same fleshe and blood of Christ that we do nowe in the newe Testament OUR forefathers in the olde Testament did eate him as veryly and truely in their sacramentes as we do in ours to the eternall saluation of all their soules that dyd faythfully beléeue in the promised seede Iesus Christ. Therfore S. Paul sayd they dyd all eate of the same spirituall meate did all drinke the same spirituall drinke for they dranke of the spiritual rocke that folowed them and the rocke was Christ So we may easily perceaue that they did eate the same meate that we do because the substaunce of theirs and our Sacramentes are all one So Sainct Augustine plainely affirmeth in these wordes Sacramenta illa fuerunt in signis diuersa in rebus quae significabantur paria Their Sacramentes were in outwarde tokens diuers but in the thynges tokened all one with ours Likewise Leo saieth Mysteria pro temporum ratione variata sunt quum fides qua viuimus nulla fuerit aetate diuersa The sacramentes are altered accordyng to the diuersitie of the times But the faith whereby we liue in all ages was euer one To conclude saint Augustine sheweth that their Sacramentes of the olde lawe were promises of suche thynges as should afterwardes be accomplished Our sacramentes of the newe Lawe are tokens that the same promises bee already accomplished The same Sainct Augustine in another place aunswereth to a certaine question as this Quomodo in coelum manum mittam vt ibi sedentem teneam He saieth Fidem mitte tenuisti How shall I reache my hande into heauen that I shall holde hym sittyng there Reache out thy faith and thou holdest hym Saincte Ambrose agreeyng hereto saieth Fide tangitur fide videtur non tangitur corpore non oculis comprehenditur He is touched by faith he is seen by faith he is not touched with body nor comprehended or seen with eyes Sainct Augustine saieth Habet fides oculos suos Faith hath her eyes and Barnarde saith Visio anime intellectus est The séeyng of the soule is vnderstandyng Therfore I am sure none wyll say that the fathers in the olde law did eate christ in their sacramēt butcherly as the papistes affirme yet you sée by these aucthorities that the substaūce of their sacraments ours are al one wherfore learne this lesson that Christ is in the bread figuratiuely he is in the faithfull worthy receauer spiritually and that he is in heauen corporally sittyng on the right hande of God his father to make dayly intercession for vs Let vs now lift vp the eyes of our faith into heauen and reioyce that our fleshe is ascended vp thither ¶ The .xxiiij. Chapter ¶ VVhat comfort we haue by Christes ascention into heauen WE are surely taught that by his ascendyng vp he hath opened heauen vnto vs which by Adams fall was shut vp vnto all fleshe and that sith ▪ hee is entered into Heauen with our fleshe as it were in our name or behalfe we do in a maner as S. Paul doeth testifie sit with him in the heauēly seates being alreadie in full possession of heauen in him that is our head For we haue receaued it by faith possessed it by hope and are therein confirmed by holynesse of life Secondly we do beholde his diuine godly power wherein doth consist all our might vertue and strength and all our
middest of this peruerse and crooked generation whiche contenting themselues with the heauenly doctrine of the holy ghoste which is conteined in the canonicall bookes of the olde and newe Testament The .xxxv. Chapiter ¶ Christe is the heade of his Churche and not the Pope I DOE acknowledge none other head then our Sauiour Christ as it is written that God hath made him aboue al thinges the head of the congregation whiche is his body and the fulnesse of hym that filleth all in all thynges Wherby all the faithfull doe gather that he onely can be the head of the Churche whose body the Churche is But the Churche is the body of Christe onely therefore Christe onely can be the head of the Churche Againe in a nother place it is written And he is the head of the body of the congregation which is the beginnyng and firste begotten of the dead but who is the beginning and first begotten of the dead sauyng onely our sauiour Christe We may well say then that he onely is the head of the Church Moreouer sainct Paul saieth that as the husband is the head of the wife so Christe is the heade of the Churche beyng the sauiour of the body These wordes are plaine and do manifestly declare that he onely whiche is the sauiour of the bodie can be the head of the congregation and Church but it perteineth only to christ to be the sauiour of his body Therefore Christ onely can bee the head of the faithfull congregation and Church Moreouer who woulde not iudge that woman to be an aduoutresse that had twoo heades that is to saie twoo husbandes All men woulde counte that woman to be a moste filthy and stinkyng harlot Sainct Hierome therfore saieth these wordes Ego nullum primum nisi Christum sequens beatitudini tuae idest Cathedrae Petri communione conso●ior I followyng no firste nor chief man but onely Christe am ioyned as a fellowe in communion vnto the blessed that is to saie to Peters chaire Marke here S. Hierome saieth he knoweth no firste no chief heade no not the Pope hym self but onely christ Againe he saieth not I am bounde to thy commaundementes but I am ioyned as a fellowe in communion vnto the blessednesse Sainct Gregorie also saieth Quid tu Christo vniuersalis ecclesiae capiti in extremi iudicij responsurus es examine qui cuncta eius membra tibimet conaris vniuersalis appellationae supponere What aunswere wilte thou make vnto Christe the head of the vniuersall Churche when thou shalt be examined at the last iudgement that thus goest about by the name of vniuersall bishop to make all his members subiect vnto thee Sainct Chrisostome to pull downe the pride of suche as will exalte theim selues aboue their heade Christ saith whosoeuer desireth primacie in earth in heauen he shall finde confusion Neither shall he be accounted among the seruauntes of Christ that will once intreate of primacie What shall we saie then of that whorishe Churche that besides Christe the onely heade and husbande of the faithfull congregation dooeth acknowledge that Antichriste of Rome to bee her heade preferryng his lawes decrees statutes and durtie traditions before the wholesome doctrine of our Sauiour Christe As for the argumentes that the Popes dearlynges are wont to bryng in for to proue their fleshly Idoll to be the supreme heade of the Churche thei are so childishe that I marueile that thei be not ashamed to alledge them First for a foundation of their doctrine they bryng these wordes of Christe Thou arte Peter and vpon this rocke will I builde my churche And I wil giue to thee the keyes of the kingdome of heauen Doeth not Christe promise here plainly saie thei that he will bothe builde his Churche vpon Peter and also giue hym the keyes of the kyngdome of heauen Againe be not these the woordes of Christe Thou art Symon the sonne of Ionas thou shalte be called Cephas Here maie we see that Christe did appoinct Peter whose successours all the holy Popes and Bishoppes of Rome are to bee the supreme heade of his congregation and Churche For what should be his meanyng els when he saith And thou shalt be called Cephas Did not he also say that he would builde his Church vpon him In déede I maie saie of you as Barnarde saieth Successores omnes cupiunt esse imitatores pauci Euery one couetteth to bee successours of the Apostles but fewe are followers of them ¶ The .xxxvj. Chapiter ¶ All the Apostles had equall power to bynde and to loose with Peter and the keyes were equally deliuered to them all BEcause no man shall thinke that this our doctrine is a newe founde doctrine as the enemies of all truthe are wont liyngly to call it I will bring certaine aucthorities of the faithfull Fathers of the auncient Catholike Churche whiche shall make this matter so plaine that any man excepte he will obstinately be blinde still shal be able to espie out all their knauerie First I will bryng Sainct Cyprian vpon these woordes And I will giue thee the keyes of the kyngdome of heauen who writeth after this maner In the persone of one man the Lorde did giue the keyes vnto all the Apostles for to signifie the vnitie of theim all For truely the other Apostles were euen the same that Peter was they were indued with like felowship of honour and power but he did beginne with vnitie that is to saie with one that thereby it might bee signified that there is but one Churche of Christe wee learne by this that the keyes were giuen to all the Apostles as well as vnto Peter Sainct Origene saieth Hoc dictum tibi dabo claues regni coelorum caeteris quoque commune est Et quae sequuntur velut ad Petrū dicta sunt omniae communia This saiyng to thee will I giue the keyes of the kyngdome of heauen is common to the reste of the Apostles and the woordes that followe as spoken vnto Peter are common vnto all Saincte Hierome also saieth Dices super Petrum fundatur ecclesia licet ad ipsum in alio loco super omnes Apostolos fiat cuncti clauis regni caelorum accipiant ex aequo super eos ecclesiae fortitud● solidetur Ye wil saie the Churche is founded vpon Peter Notwithstandyng in an other place the same thyng is doen vpon all the Apostles and all receiue the keyes of the kyngdome of heauen and the strength of the Churche is founded equally vpon them all Saincte Ambrose to the same purpose saieth Our Lorde saied vnto Peter Féede my sheepe Whiche shéepe and flocke not onely blessed Peter then receiued but he receiueth the same together with vs And all we haue receiued the same together with hym Saincte Augustine hath these woordes Cum Petro dicitur omnibus dicitur amas me Pasce oues meas These words of christ louest thou me Feede my sheepe when thei
naught it will not long endure although I vse order among them outwardly my hearte and profession is from them agreeyng with the mother Church of Rome No no saie they we do not preache nor yet teache openly we reade their newe deuised homilies for a colour to satisfie the tyme for a season By reason whereof the poore seelie people are kept backe from commyng forwardes to Christe whereas if they were vrged both publiquely ▪ by preaching and also with their owne hande writing to render accoūt of their faith to the hearyng and vnderstandyng of all the people it would driue them for very shame of them selues from runnyng into corners a whisperyng to perswade when as they openly haue preached to the contrary And by this meanes thei shoulde be easely tried out and those that are not sounde nor yet meete driue them out of the Church and make them wood-cariers and water bearers in the common weale as Iosua did the Gibeonites teachyng by their example others to beware to dissemble in their profession although in deede we knowe no mans hearte yet let vs vse that meanes that holy Scripture geueth vs to trie the spirites whether they be of God or not For we may easely perceiue what daunger it is to haue suche dissemblers and also dumbe Idols I meane those Pastours that the Prophet Zachary calleth Idoll Shepheardes that haue mouthes and cannot teache feete and cannot go to preache eyes cannot see the wickednes of the people nor how to reade the scriptures handes that cannot minister nor distribute the Sacramēts a right therefore it was well saied of Barnarde Successores omnes cupiunt esse imitatures pauci And if your L. woulde this doe as I haue before saied you should make them to take heede to them selues and to learnyng to continue therein For in so doyng they shal saue themselues those that heare them The second cause that moued me is certen bokes being abrode which came from Louane bookes full of scurrilitie and papistrie wonderfullye enuiyng and slaunderyng the godly Bishops and ministers of the Churche of God here in Englande and amonges all they name mee in their booke thinkyng thereby to discredite the doctrine that we teache For this is the nature of all Papistes when as they cannot staye vs from preachyng neither yet denie the doctrine we teache then thei will alwaies reare vp some false reportes and sclaunders vpō the preachers or els if these monstrous Papistes do knowe or see any olde crimes or vices which haue been in them before whiche now is mortified and dead in them they will rake it vp out of the filthy enuious dounghill of their Romishe heartes like vnto railyng Simeis whiche commyng out of Saules house of Rome against the godly Dauids that go in the Lordes busines thei cast out stones to stone godly Stephens they curse them that go in the Lordes iorney they call them murtherers that warre in the Lordes battaile thei call them vngodly that liue and preache vertuously but notwithstandyng all their false and wicked reportes we must learne with Dauid to possesse our soules with patience for that it is doen for our better triall and comforte As Christe saide Blessed are ye when men reuile you and speake all maner euill againste you for my sake reioyce and be gladde for greate is your rewarde in heauen for so did they to the prophetes which were before you for the seruaunt is not aboue the maister Did not alwaies the enimies of God raise vp suche rumours vpon Christe and his Apostles to that only ende to drawe the people from beleuyng or credityng them and therby to discredite their heauenly doctrine that they taught by the wil of god They made as though they had been carefull for godly men to enter into the Church but they meant nothyng lesse for they passed not how wickedly any liued against gods commaundements so that theirs were obserued and kepte So likewise our Papistes of Louane the Pharisees schollers they seeme in all their bookes to be verie carefull for Church men as they tearme them when as in verie deede they passe not what they are in life so thei continue with them in their filthy religion Doe not we see at this daie that many of them whiche are now conuerted to the Gospel are reproued by our papistes Louanistes of some vices and faultes that haue been doen by them in their papistrie and blindnesse and all for to sclaunder the doctrine and religion withall which during the time they were papistes thei were coūted no faultes but vertues Do not we see that if any of them kepe whores and harlots it is counted no fault nor synne among them but as one that liueth chaste and well if once he forsake them and take a lawfull wife doe they not crie out of him and say he is a fleshly man a carnall man and one that is vnchaste and now he cannot serue God bicause he hath broken the yoke of chastitie and liueth in the fleshe The marke then that they shoote at right reuerende father is not our life but to our doctrine and religion that they may discredite it to drawe the simple people from beleuyng it Alas with what faces can these papistical Pharisees thus write againste vs concernyng our liues and what men we were Can they see litle motes in our eyes and cannot perceaue the greate beames in their owne eies and yet not in the meanest only but in their cheefest heades yea euen in those heades that they call Lorde of Lordes Kyng of Kinges God of Gods their holy father the Pope as they call hym whiche cannot erre nor yet sinne as they affirme In steede of many I will recite a fewe of them that by those the residue maie be perceaued for they are all Herrynges of one Barell I praie you what was Pope Bonifacius was it for his holines that it was written of hym Intrauit vt Vulpes Regnauit vt Lupus mortuus est vt Canis He entered into the Popedome as a Foxe he raigned as a woolfe and died as a Dog Pope Ioane was she not an arrant whore begotten with childe by one of her Cardinals which these olde verses besides infinite mo testimonies witnesse Penes portum Petri Pauli peperit Papa pater patriae paruulum puerum VVhat was Pope Iohn the. 12 not a most vile damnable man did not he keepe Rainerath his mans wife did not he keepe one Stephana and her sister whiche had been his fathers concubines before did not he keepe one Anna a widowe and her daughter He spared saieth the stories neither high nor lowe olde nor young poore nor riche faire nor foule so that no women durst come vnto Rome on pilgrimage in his tyme he spared no place but woulde vse his filthy whordome vppon their holy aulters he would geue to his whores benefices golden Chalices crosses he would daunce
imagined also about this particle he descended into hell whiche wee haue shewed to bee an addition to the Crede tellyng what persones Christe did bryng from hell and whom he did leaue there still and what thynges with what woordes he did speake to euery one of the Circles c. Therefore he saieth Tibi satis est profiteri Christum sic descendisse ad inferos quemadmodum sentit scriptura c. It is sufficient for thée saieth he to professe that Christe did so descende to helle as the scripture meaneth For we muste vnderstande Christ beyng from the beginnyng head and gouernour of his Churche came in the daies of Noe not in body which then he had not but in spirite and preached by the mouth of Noe to the disobediēt which would not then repent and therefore nowe are reserued to the last iudgement For Paul saieth Iesus Christe yesterday and to day the same is also for euer as if he woulde say Christ was and shall be the foundation of all his Church for euer Peter also saith The prophecie came not in olde time by the wyll of man but holie men of God spake as thei were moued by the spirite of God Wherevpon I saie as the sonne of GOD did preache in his spirite to theim that were in prisone as Peter saith that is to them that were then in the prison of their sinnes that thei should repent as we haue before written so be saued Euen so now at this day he is quickened in the spirite and by the same spirite continually doeth preache and teache by his ministers vnto the worldes ende to those people that are in the prisone of synne ignoraunce and disobedience to tourne them to the Lorde that euery one that beleueth maie bee saued This is the verie meanyng of this place therefore we muste not gather or descante vpon bare wordes and take them literally as we liste But wee must gather of the cause For so saieth saincte Hillarie Intelligentia dictorum ex causis est assumenda dicendi quia non sermoni res sed rei est sermo subiectus That is The meanyng of woordes is to bee gathered by the causes of the speakyng for the matter is not subiecte to the worde but the worde to the matter Erasmus saieth that some came after and seemed to gather out of the Scriptures some sentences whereto thei added some reasons Non illas quidem adamantinas But not those reasons saieth he verelie moste strong but suche as are of no weighte And after that he hath recited vp all the places that seme to make for Christes soule to haue descended into helle the place of the dampned he concludeth saiyng Verùm horum nihil est quod cogat credere Christi animam per se decendisse ad tartarum si●e vt illi loquuntur ad Limbum That is There is none of all those aucthorities of scriptures that maie constraine any to beleue that the soule of Christe wente doune by hym self personally to hell or as thei call it to Lymbum Hereunto agreeth one Pampolitanus that saieth In inferno igitur damnatorum pro peccato actuali Christus non fuit quia vt ipse dicit inter vos nos chaos magnum statutum est c. Sicut enim coelum Empyrium est locus gloria Ita infernus est locus aeterne poenae Sicut ergo damnatus non potest ascendera coelum Empyrium Ita nullus saluatus potest descendere in locum damnatorum ergo neque Christus That is to saie In the hell of the dampned for actuall synne committed Christe was not for because he saieth Betwene you vs there is a great goulfe set c. For as the Emperiall heauen is a place of glorie So hell is a place of extreme paine and punishemente Therefore as the dampned cannot ascende into the Emperiall heauen So none of the saued can descende into the place of the dampned Therefore muche lesse christ By whiche testemonies it is plaine agreable to the worde of God that Christes soule after his death neuer wente doune to helle the place of the dampned or into any Lymbum but it went directly into heauen as he did commende it vpon the Crosse. The reason that moueth men to iudge that his soule wēt into helle is for that thei supposed all the soules of the righteous before Christes commyng wente doune to helle And of this grosse iudgemente was saincte Augustine Origene Hierome Chrisostome Gregorie Folengius c. And therefore thei affirmed that Christes soule did fetche out Adam Eue Abel Seth Noe Abraham Isaac Iacob c. Howe farre wide all thei were from the truthe herein it maie easely appere by the sacred Scriptures For there it is fullie expressed that the Churche of Christ did beginne frō the creation of the worlde and from the firste righteous man that euer was and that it shall continue and indure vnto the laste daie for euer For the Churche of the Patriarkes and Prophettes that haue been before Christes commyng is all one with the Churche of his Apostles and Euangelistes and the faithfull of the olde Testamente and the faithfull of the newe are all one people and one Churche thei haue had all one God one Christe and the very same promises Thei haue had all one spirite of faith and haue all eaten of one spirituall foode and drunke of one spirituall drinke with vs So saieth Leo. Misteria pro temporum ratione variata sunt quū fides qua viuimus nulla fuerit aetate diuersa That is Their Sacramentes by reason of the tyme were diuerse when as the faithe by the whiche wee all liue in no age was diuerse So saieth saincte Augustine likewise Sacramēta illa fuerunt in signis diuersa in rebus quae significabātur pariae that is Their Sacramentes in outward signes were diuerse from oures but as concernyng the thynges whiche thei did signifie are equall and one with oures Tunc Christus venturus modo Christus venit venturus venit diuersa verba sunt sed idem Christus That is Then was Christ shall come nowe is Christ is come Shall come and is come are sundrie wordes But Christe is all one wherevpon I maie well conclude that all the faithfull in the olde Testament and the faithfull in the newe haue had and haue now but one place of reste and ioy to bee receiued in after their life Chrisostome herein saieth That the bosome of Abraham was vnto the poore Lazarus Paradise or heauen Some wil replie saieth he in Paradise but I confesse also the holie Paradise c. Now gentle Reader vnderstande that the promise was made vnto Adam touching the seede of the womā that should breake the Serpentes head and that hath been confirmed againe and more plainely set forth vnto the other Patriarkes and especially vnto Abraham and Dauid all thei I saie that did giue credite
the bloud of our Sauiour Iesus Christe but also the synnes of their posteritie and children But if it be not the pleasure of God that the fathers and mothers shoulde see their children aliue for to offer and present them vnto him by baptisme why should we think that God would vse suche cruell tyranny against the poore infantes and against the poore séely parentes that are alreadie afflicted enough What iniurie is this that we doe vnto our Sauiour Iesus Christe the still borne children shoulde haue but small occasion to blesse his commyng and to syng with those that receiued hym when hee entered into Hierusalem Blessed be the sonne of Dauid whiche commeth in the name of the Lorde They shoulde rather haue a iust occasion to curse and ban his comming sith that in ●téede of bettering of their estate he shoulde haue empayred it and made them more miserable than the children of the Iewes They can not denye this absurditie and inconuenience if at least they will mainteyne their doctrine to be true which declareth it selfe to be most repugnant and contrary vnto the Gospell of our Sauiour Iesus Christ which is a doctrine altogether full of goodly comfort in stéede whereof their doctrine bringeth nothing else but discomfort and dispaire as the experience hath shewed it many tymes But I do heare what they do begin to say the children of the Hebrues for thus peraduenture they wyll replie that were styll borne went no more in to Paradise than the styll borne of the Christians do Therfore it can not be sayde that that our Sauiour Iesus Christ shoulde impaire or worse the estate of the still borne of the Christians If the still borne of the Israelites went into the Lymbe whiche ye say was afore the comming of Christ our Sauiour then was there no greater punishment for them than for the other that had been circumcised sith that they went all thither indifferently Moreouer they that were then in the Lymbe had some hope to be deliuered which is altogether denied vnto the poore seely infantes of the christians that be still borne or that dye without baptisme Wherby it shoulde followe that Christe did rather come to bring the wrath and iudgement of God than his grace and mercie Againe they that were in the bosome of Abraham for none other Lymbe do I acknowledge were not without taste and féeling of the very ioyes of heauen as it appeareth by the aunswere that Abraham made vnto the riche glutton saying Sonne remember that thou in thy life time diddest receyue thy pleasure and contrarywise Lazarus receyued payne nowe therefore is he comofrted and thou art punished They can not denie these wordes to be true Then must they confesse that there is comfort rest and ioy in the bosome of Abraham And howe can these thinges be without the kingdome of God which is righteousnesse peace and ioy in the holy ghost Or if they will say that the still borne of the Iewes went not in to the Lymbe of the fathers but in to a Lymbe by them selues Then must they forge many Lymbes But if one should aske them where the Scriptures are that they haue for to proue such thinges they can bring nothing else but the vayne fantasies and dreames of their owne heades whereof they may be ashamed if any shamefastnesse be in them at least or any pointe of honestie I know that they will alledge the saying of Christe againste mee in Sainct Iohns Gospell where he saieth Excepte that a man bee borne of water and the spirite he can not enter into the kyngdome of god Whervpon they will conclude that the baptisme of water is necessarie to saluation and that he that is not baptized with water shall not enter into the kingdome of god For he did not only say he that is borne of the spirite but he did also adde water for to shewe that both of them are so necessary that the one can not saue without the other They doe well confesse that the water is not sufficient without the spirite and that the visible and outward baptisme without faith cannot saue bicause that Christe saieth first he that shall beleeue and afterwardes addeth vnto it and shal be baptized shal be saued But in nowise they will graunte that the baptisme of the spirite without the visible and outwarde baptisme is able to saue though a body be driuen to suche an extreame necessitie that he cānot come by it though he would neuer so faine Afore that we goe any further we must note diligently that although our sauiour Christ hath saide he that shall beléeue and shal be baptized shal be saued yet notwithstandyng in the contrarie sentence that followeth immediatly baptisme is not mentioned of nor repeated he did not saie he that shall not beléeue nor be baptized shal be condemned But hee speaketh onely of the faithe and belief shewyng plainely that without it no mā can be deliuered from cōdemnation whiche he saide not of baptisme and yet he spake there of the outwarde and visible baptisme Howbeit I would not that any man should go about to gather of my words that I do little estéeme or regarde the visible and outward sacraments or that I goe aboute to minister occasion vnto men to haue them in lesse estimation then they ought and to set little or nothyng by them For I haue beene alwaies of a contrary minde as it dothe sufficiently appeare by my wordes that goe before Yea I haue at all tymes in my sermons exhorted most earnestly all men that they shoulde be diligent to receiue the holy and blessed sacramentes that God hath instituted and ordained in his worde whensoeuer they might haue them ministred vnto them accordyng to the lordes institution and ordinaunce shewyng and prouyng vnto them that they ought in no wise to looke for to enioye the benefites of Gods couenaunt and promises if they should malitiously contemne and despise the holy and blessed sacramentes which be as heauenly seales annexed vnto them But as I woulde not haue them to be despised in any wise for cursed be he that despiseth the Lords institution and ordinaunce so would I not haue to muche to be ascribed and attributed vnto them nor yet our saluation to be alligated and bound vnto the outward ceremonies of them as though we could not bee saued if for some necessitie and vrgent cause they should be left vnministred But Saincte Augustine plainelie saith Nō aligata est gratia dei sacramentis The grace of God is not bound to sacramentes As for an example if there were some good mā among the Turkes or els among the Idolaters and Infidels whiche had the knowledge of the Gospell and a true faith in our Sauiour Christ and yet could by no maner of meanes come by the Sacrament of baptisme nor be baptized I cannot beléeue that he shoulde bee damned for lacke of a
howe that their obiection is friuolous and vaine and to no purpose but onely to deceiue the symple and ignoraunt All the foure Euangelistes doe also witnesse vnto vs that these are christes wordes from hencefoorth the sonne of man shal be sittyng on the right hande of the power of god And I went out from the father and came into the worlde and I leaue the worlde againe and go vnto the father The blessed Euangeliste saint Marke doeth write on this maner When the Lorde had spoken vnto them hee was receaued into heauen and sate hym downe on the right hand of god These wordes haue we written in Luke he led them out into Bethanie and lift vp his handes and blessed them And it came to passe as he blessed them he departed from them and was caried vp into heauen But he doeth so liuely set out the matter I meane the ascendyng vp of Christ into heauen in the booke of the Actes of the Apostles that thei may be ashamed to open their mouthes for to saie that the body of Christe is still here in earth whersoeuer their holy annointed do blowe vpon a peece of bread or vpon a wafer cake Againe when the blessed Apostle saint Paul doeth byd vs to seeke Christe he biddeth vs not to seeke for hym in the Sacrament but aboue in heauen where hee sitteth on the right hande of the father If ye be saith he risen againe with christ seeke those thynges whiche are aboue where Christe sitteth on the right hand of God. And in a nother place Our conuersation is in heauen from whence we looke for the Sauiour euen the Lorde Iesu Christ whiche shall chaunge our vile bodies that they maie be fashioned like vnto his glorious bodie By these wordes we do plainely learne that Christ is not onely in heauen touchyng his manhoode but that he shall also when he cōmeth againe make our vile and corruptible bodies like vnto his glorious body Whereby it shoulde folowe if the body of our Sauiour Christe beyng glorified and immortall can be euery where or in mo places then in one at once that our bodies also sith that they shall be made like vnto his glorious body could be euery where and in all places after the generall resurrection whereby the same that the Apostle doeth speake of here shal be performed and fulfilled But this absurditie is so greate that no christian euer is able to heare it Christe hym selfe willyng that we should seeke hym none other where but in heauen and also armyng vs against those false Prophetes that should go about to perswade vs that he is here styll vpon the earth doth saie these wordes Take heede I haue tolde you before if they shal saie vnto you beholde he is in the deserte go not foorth beholde he is in the secrete places beléeue not Why should we then at these antichristes bidding runne from aulter to aulter and from pixe to pixe for to seeke our Sauiour Christe Ought we not rather to doe as we reade that an olde auncient father did vnto whom the deuill did appeare in the likenes of Christe saiyng beholde thy Lorde and thy Kyng This good olde auncient father hearing this blasphemous voice did shut vp his eyes saiyng I will not see my Lorde and my Kyng in this worlde For he hymselfe euen my Sauiour and redéemer did geue me warning that if any should say that he were in the desert or in some secrete places I shoulde not beléeue it And so the foule spirite did by and by vanishe away from him If we woulde do the like when these false annoynted do most lyingly say vnto vs Beholde Christ is in this aulter or in that aulter he is in this pixe or that pixe this abominable spirite of idolatrie wherby the christian people is pluckt away from the true worshipping of God to the honouring and worshipping of a péece of bread which being a good creature of God thei make a stincking idol should seene vanishe away from vs. But heare yet what Saint Paul saith Christe hauyng in his owne person purged our sinnes sitteth on the ryght hande of the maiestie in the highest places And in another place he saith This man after that he had offered one sacrifice for sinnes sitteth for euer at the right hande of God and from hencefoorth tarieth til his enimies be made his footstoole Let vs but marke this last saying of Paul. For here hée doth teache vs that our Sauiour Iesus Christ after that he had perfourmed done the thing wherefore he had put on our frayle nature he did take it vp into heauen where he sitteth down in it on the right hand of the maiestie of god not for a yere or two or for to be here at euery papistes becke almost euery houre of the day but for euer euen tyll his enimies be made his footstoole which thing shall neuer be tyll the worldes ende In the meane season let vs folowe the commaundement of the Apostle where he saith Whensoeuer ye eate of this bread and drinke of this cup ye shall shewe foorth the Lordes death tyll he come These wordes tyll he come must be vnderstanded either of his manhoode or of his Godhead But of his Godhead they can not be vnderstanded for touching it he is wheresoeuer two or three are gathered in his name much more where the whole congregation of the faithfull be assembled together for to heare his worde and to receaue his holy Sacramentes They must then of necessitie be vnderstanded of his manhoode which if it were there the Apostle néeded not to say tyll he come for he shoulde be there already present These places and other like whiche I néede not nowe to bring in for I haue witnesses enowe for their foure of the which yet two do make directly against them do sufficiently declare that these wordes of our Sauiour Christ This is my body ought not to be taken in that sence and signification that they will haue vs to take them for First and formost let vs marke the whole tenour of the wordes Christe our Sauiour saieth This is my body whiche is geuen for you Here he speaketh of a mortall body which in all thynges was like vnto our bodyes synne onely excepted and whiche hath a due proportion of lymmes with all other dimensions that pertaine to an humaine bodye and without the whiche it could be no humaine body And I doe beléeue that he did rise againe and was glorified in the same body hauyng his due proportion of lymmes and all other dimensions still that doe pertaine to mans bodie I beléeue also that the same body though it be now immortall is still of a iust height length breadth and thickenesse hauing a head armes handes and feete and all other members that are required in a perfect mans body Whiche thyng they will confesse excepte that they will affirme with Martion that Christe
to him in our willes and vnited in our affections If we shoulde say thei againe minister the mysticall cup to the laye people we shoulde be fayne to keepe the sacramentall wine as well as the sacramentall bread But the wine can not be kept long but it waxeth eger so that it can not be drunken for egernesse Therefore the Churche of Rome hath thought good that the cup shoulde be cleane taken away from the laye people Who woulde not laugh at this balde reason of theirs do not your holy cakes in the pixe if thei be to long kept moulde also and finnie yea and runne full of maggottes and wormes too so that ye be fayne many tymes to burne that blessed body of the Lorde that ye your selues haue made and to burye the ashes in some blinde and darke corner Let the cautels of your Masse beare witnes of the thing How chaunceth it that your whorishe mother the Churche of antechriste did not for the same cause put the laye people from the sacramentall bread too Doeth not the one stande with as good a reason as the other For if ye can finde a remedie that the bread shall not waxe out of fashion by often chaunging of your holye cakes that is to say by often taking away of the olde and putting in of newe may not the same remedie be vsed in the wine Whereas they say the wine can not be kept or reserued for causes before expressed Herein they shewe them selues most miserable blasphemers From where and from whence haue they this aucthoritie to reserue and locke vp their consecrated bread as thei call it scriptures thei can shewe none and the learned are against them yea and some of their owne proctours and doctours Gabriell Biell a greate stickeler in your Transubstantiation saieth Non dedit discipulis vt ipsum honorificè conseruarent sed dedit in sui vsum dicens accipito manducate Christ gaue not the sacrament to his disciples that they should reuerently reserue it but he gaue it for their vse sayng take and eate Saincte Ciprian an olde auncient Father saieth Panis iste recipitur non includitur This bread is receaued and not shut vp Clemens likewise saieth Tanta in altario Holoc●usta offèrantur quanta populo sufficere debeant quod ●i remanserint in crastinum non reseruentur Let there be so many Hostes or so muche bread offered at the aulter as maie bee sufficient for the people if any thyng remaine let it not be kepte vntil the mornyng Origene and Cirill saie also verie plainely Dominus pan●m quem discipulis suis dabat non distulit nec iussit seruari in crastinum The bread that our Lorde gaue to his disciples he lengred it not nor ●ad it to be kepte vntill the mornyng Sainct Hierome shewyng the order of the Churche of Corinth saieth After the Communion was doen whatsoeuer portion of the Sacrifices remained they spent it there together in the Churche eatyng their common supper Hesichius sheweth the order in his tyme of that that was left of the sacrament and saieth that the remanentes of the Sacramente were burnt immediatly in the fire Nicephorus also saieth of the order in his tyme of that was lefte after the people had communicated together that the remanentes of the same in some places were geuen to the children that went to schole to be eaten by them presently in the Churche These testimonies are sufficient to disproue all that they haue or can alledge for their reseruation and if they woulde vse this order as thei haue declared they should neuer doubte of ●nowing moulding and sowring of the sacramentall bread and wine but yet a little more to reason with these fellowes of Rome aboute the sowryng of the wine for the which cause it can not be reserued saie they If it be the blood of christ how can it corrupte or chaunge or if it doeth corrupt and chaunge how can it be the blood of Christe Is not the blood of Christ vncorruptible and no more subiect to alteration Your owne reasons whatsoeuer ye can imagine and prate of your accidentes without substaunce or of your substaunce without accidentes doe quite ouerthrowe your false and erronious doctrine of Transubstantiation But that I should be somewhat shorter you haue no commaundement in all the scriptures to doe as you doe Is not this that ye doe in keepyng any parte of the Sacrament one of your beggerly traditions Doe ye not moste vngodly contemne despise and breake the holy commaundementes of the lorde that so ye maie maintaine vpholde your lousie inuentions The wisdome of the father our sauiour Iesu Christ doth saie drinke ye all of this diuide this among you whiche thyng the holy apostles whom we ought most chiefly to folowe next vnto Christe did performe immediatly For they dranke all of it But this wholsome commaundement of our Sauiour is cleane put downe that your wise traditions maie stande and take place When we do reproue your false shamefull and detestable abuses wherwith ye haue filled the Churche of Christ ye crie out still againste vs The Fathers The Fathers and nothyng haue ye in your mouthes but the Fathers Heare then what Sainct Ciprian who is one of the moste auncient writers of the true Churche doeth saie if in the sacrifice whiche is Christe saieth he Christe onely ought to be folowed truely we must heare and doe the same that Christe our Sauiour did and commaunded to be doen. For he saieth in his gospell if ye doe the thinges that I commaunde you I wil no more cal you seruauntes but frendes And that christ alone ought to be hearde the father doeth also testifie from heauen saiyng This is my welbeloued sonne in whom I am pleased heare hym If Christe onely must be hearde we ought not to care what any man hath thought good to be doen afore vs but what Christe first who is before all hath doen. For we ought not to folowe mans custome but the trueth of god Sith that the Lorde doeth crie out by Esay saiyng They worship mée in vaine teachyng the doctrines and commaundementes of men And he saieth a litle after whosoeuer breaketh one of the least of these commaundementes and teacheth men so to doe he shal be called the least in the kyngdome of heauen If it be not lawfull saieth he to breake the least of the lordes commaundementes How much lesse ought wee to breake or transgresse those greate and weightie commaundementes and that do so muche pertaine to the Sacrament of the Lordes death and of our redemption or to chaunge them into any other thyng than it hath been instituted or ordained of God Sainct Ambrose also hath a notable saiyng Nos noua omnia qu● christus non docuit iure damnamus quia christus fidelibus via est Si igitur christus non docuit quod
fleshe and drinke his blood not sacramentally but in very deede that is so to dwell in Christ that Christe maie also dwell in hym For he saieth this as if he should saie he that dwelleth not in mee and in whō I dwel not let hym not saie or thinke that he eateth my flesh or drinketh my blood And out of the Sentences of Prosper he doeth alledge these wordes he that doeth disagree from Christ doth neither eate his fleshe nor drinke his blood although he doth euery daie receaue indifferently the Sacrament of so high a thyng to the condempnation of his owne presumptuousnes Againe he saieth Discipuli manducabant panem domini Iudas panem domini contra dominum illi vitam ille paenam The disciples did eate the bread which is the Lorde but Iudas did eate bread of the Lorde against the Lorde they vnto life he vnto death Againe if any doe disagree from Christe the vngodly and vnfaithfull hipocrites doe disagree from hym Therefore if these wordes of Sainct Augustine be true they doe neither eate his fleshe nor yet drinke his blood though they doe euery daie receaue indifferently the Sacrament of so high a thyng to their owne condemnation and vtter castyng awaie of their owne soules Whereby I may also conclude that there is no such transubstantiation as they do falsely imagine but that there remayneth both bread and wine wherevpon the vngodly hypocrites do féede only the godly faithfull being most effectuously made partakers of the precious body and blood of Christ which as Saint Ambrose saieth is the foode of the saintes onely so that who soeuer eateth of it he shall not dye the death of a sinner For it shal be made vnto him remission of sinnes So likewise Saint Origene saith most plainely against these felowes these wordes Est verus cibus quem nemo malus potest edere Etenim s● malus posse● edere corpus Domini non scriberetur Qui edit hunc panem viue● in aeternum The body of Christ is the true foode which no euyll man can eate for if the euyll man coulde eate the body of our Lorde it shoulde not be written He that eateth this bread shal liue for euer Saint Hierome also saith Haeretici non manducant corpus domini nec bibunt sanguinem suum The wicked heretiques do not eate the body of the Lorde nor drinke his blood And againe he saieth All that loue pleasure more then God eate not the fleshe of Iesu Christe nor drinke his blood Thus you sée plainly proued that the wicked do not receaue nor eate the body and blood of Christe although they eate the Sacramentall Sacrament neuer so often Againe if their doctrine were true that is to say if the bread and wine were really and substantially the bodye and blood of Christ then shoulde the Mice Rattes and other vermine that eate their sacramentall bread eate also the body of Christ which thing some of them are not ashamed to confesse and say Si dicatur quòd Mus sumat corpus christi non est magnum inconueniens If it be saide that a Mouse receaueth the body of Christe it is no great inconuenience And Alexander of Hales saieth also beyng a greate doctour of the Papistes transubstantiation Si Canis vel Porcus deglutiret hostiam consecratam integram non video quare corpus Christi non simul traijceretur in ventrem Canis vel Porci If a Dogge or a Pigge shoulde happen to swallow downe the whole hoste being consecrate I sée no reason but the body of Christe may passe withall into the belly of the Dogge or of the Pigge But others of them cōsidering the great absurdities of it do say that whē Mice or other like vermine do approche or come nie vnto it the body of Christ doth flée vp strayght into heauē the olde substaunce cōming againe miraculously vnto the accidētes Belike their fained Christ hath not so much power as a poore Cat or Mouse hath which being but a poore creature of our sauiour Christ whō we do worship and feede vpon aboue in heauen on the right hande of the father doeth with his sent only fraie awaie Mice and Rattes so that they dare not come where he is muche lesse that they shoulde venture vpon hym and eate hym vp as they doe their false Christe or else make him to finde his legges or winges for to be out of their reache and clawes Likewise when they burne their moulded God if their doctrine were true they coulde not choose but that they must burne also the body of Christ excepte they will saie that the substaunce of the ashes is made of meere accidentes But I knowe that they will saie that as soone as the bodie of Christ doth see the fyre come it flieth straight waies vp into heauen makyng the olde substaunce by his almightie power to come to his accidentes againe Who would not deride and laugh to scorne this vaine doctrine of theirs Is Christe now of lesse abilitie and power then he was before his resurrection or risyng againe What Mice what Dogs what Pigges what Rattes what Cattes what heate what fyre what water what bityng what chewyng with teeth what deuils what tyrauntes were not obedient vnto his diuine power when he was conuersant among men being subiect to all maner of infirmities that wee are subiect vnto synne onely excepted And shall he now that he hath all power geuen vnto hym both in heauen and in earth be faine to geue place not only to fyre and water but also to litle poore séely Mice which feare the Cat and dare not presume to approche neigh her no not as nigh as he may haue the sent of the cat And is christ of lesse power that they dare come nigh to eate hym vp or make him flée into heauen as soone as he séeth them comming or is Christe of lesse power then water whiche can quenche fyre or of lesse power then the Sunne that drieth vp water O blasphemous Papistes enemies to Christes body and Passion robbers cleane of his diuine might and power if thus we shoulde folowe your doctrine we shall at last cleane denie God and saie with you in our hartes Non est Deus There is no God at all ¶ The .xxij. Chapiter ¶ The true exposition of these worde● hoc est corpus meum and that Sacramentes are called by those names wherof thei are Sacramentes I Wyll nowe come to the true exposition of these woordes This is my body Firste and formost it is to be noted and marked that the sacramentes are most commonly called by the names of those things that they be sacraments of Which thing may easyly be proued both by the scriptures and also by the aucthorities of the auncient fathers of the olde catholique Churche When the Lorde our God did institute and ordeyne circumcision he dyd say And my couenaunt shal be in your flesh Here
all in Gods worde Therfore we may well conclude that it is an abhominable synne And therefore Sainct Augustine saieth full well Non est iusta oratio nisi per Christum Oratio autem que non fit per Christum non solùm non potest delere peccatum sed etiàm ipsa fit in peccatum there is no iust or right praier but that that is made by Christ that praier that is not made vnto God by Christe not onely doeth not put awaie sinne but also is turned into sinne And no marueile for what greater blasphemie can there be in the world then to robbe the only begotten sonne of God of his glory and to geue it vnto dead creatures but as the glorie of Christe doth consist in this that he is our omnisufficient Sauiour for none other name vnder heauen is there geuen vnto men wherby thei must be saued so it doth consist in this that he is an omnisufficient and most perfect mediatour able to obteine at his fathers hande all maner of thynges that are necessarie for the saluation both of our bodies and soules They therfore that seeke any other mediatours besides hym doe robbe hym of his glory and so commit a most detestable sacriledge Is it then marueile that the more that they praie after this maner the more the wrath of God is kindeled against them Againe in what case must they néedes stande that seeke other wayes for to come vnto God vnto the seat of his mercie than he himselfe hath appoynted in his sacred worde But his heauenly and eternall wisedome saith vnto vs that he is the way the trueth and the life and that none commeth vnto the father but by him It can not be then but that they must be farre out of the way that seke to come vnto God by any other meane or way then by Christe and that in stéede of commyng vnto God they go the plaine dunstable high way vnto the deuyll and that most deseruingly sith that they will not go that plaine and sure way that God him selfe appointed vnto them saying This is the way walke in the same Why do they not sith that they wyll alwayes séeme to be such folowers of the auncient fathers of the primitiue church print in their mindes that golden saying of Saint Ambrose where he saith on this maner Christe is our mouth whereby we speake vnto the father our eye wherewith we sée the father our right hande whereby we offer our selues vnto the father without whose intercession neither we nor all the saintes haue ought to do with god Do they not learne by the wordes of this auncient writer and father of the Church that if we wyll speake vnto the father Christe must be our mouth If we wyll see the father he must be our eye Or if we wil offer our selues vnto the father he must be our right hande It is so farre of that he shoulde appoynt any of the saintes to be either our mouth our eye or our right hande that rather he doeth boldly affirme that except Christe doeth make intercession all the saintes haue nothing to do with god For why Saint Paul saieth That as there is but one God of all so there is but one mediatour betwixt God and man These be his wordes For there is one God and one mediatour betwixt God and man which is that man Christ Iesus who gaue himselfe a raunsome for all men Here we doe both sée and learne that as there is but one God so there is but one mediatour betwixt God and men which is our sauiour Iesus Christ the only begotten sonne of God who was made man for to set God and man at one and for to make attonement betwixt them For when we wyll ioyne two thinges together which do differ or be of contrary natures there must be some third thing that doth approche holde of the nature of them both or else there can be none attonement no agréement nor true coniunction betwixt them specially if the natures be repugnaunt and contrary one vnto another But what agréement can there be betwixt God and man looke what agréement there can be betwene consuming fire and thornes betweene light and darkenesse betweene righteousnesse and vnrighteousnesse betwéene blessyng and cursyng betweene death and life Paradise and Hell euen the same can be betwixt God and man if we doe consider man in his corrupted nature Therefore it was most necessarie that we should haue a mediatour for to make this agreement and coniunction which mediatour shoulde bee partaker of both the natures but yet without sinne and whiche should be both perfect God and perfect man for to make this coniunction and alliaunce betwixt God and man But there is no such sauyng onely our sauiour Iesus Christ. Therefore it doeth necessarily folow that none other can be our mediatour aduocate and intercessour but he alone Whiche thyng hath been sufficiently proued already by the wordes that haue been aleaged nowe out of Sainct Paule For they signifie asmuche as if he should haue saide after this maner As there is but one God whiche neuerthelesse is sufficient for all creatures as one only Sunne serueth for all the whole worlde so there is but one mediatour whiche is Iesus Christe who alone hath paide our raunsome and is meete for this office The same thyng doeth that blessed Euangelist sainct Iohn meane when he saieth that we haue an aduocate with the father Iesus Christ which is righteous Upon whiche place S. Augustine writeth on this wise He beyng such a man did not saie ye haue an aduocate with the father but if any man doth synne we haue saieth he an aduocate with the father He said not ye haue mée for your aduocate But brethren we haue an aduocate with the father Iesus Christe the righteous and he is the satisfaction for our synnes Hoc qui tenuit haeresim non fecit hoc qui tenuit schisma non fecit He that holdeth this committed no heresie he that hath holden this hath committed no schisme These are Sainct Augustines wordes wherby we maie gather that it is neither heresie nor schisme to cleaue vnto Christe alone as vnto an omnisufficient mediatour aduocate and intercessour as our Popecatholikes doe make it nowe persecutyng them with fire and sworde that will haue none other mediatour nor intercessour but hym onely whom the Scriptures and worde of God doeth appointe The .xxvj. Chapiter ¶ Christe is both our mediatour of saluation and also of intercession NOW ye shall haue the trickes of the deuilles sophistrie We doe not denie saie they but that Christe is the onely mediatour betwixt God and man But howe ought this to be vnderstanded Christe is onely the mediatour of redemption saie they for it is he onely that hath redéemed vs and by his death and bloodshedding hath made attonement betwéene god and vs but the blessed virgin Marie and other sainctes in heauen are
vnto him and also for to speake and intreate for vs then the blessed virgin Marie his mother then his holy Apostles and Martyrs whiche haue all shed their blood for the maintenaunce of his trueth Doe we not reade that Adoniah did sende Bethsabe vnto Salomon her sonne for to intreate for hym Againe when Absalon was fled by reason of the shamefull murther that he had committed was not he reconciled againe vnto Kyng Dauid his father by the meanes of Ioab the chief Capitaine of the Kinges armie and by the wise talke of a woman of Thecua Be not these sufficient examples for to proue that wee ought not to come vnto Christe who is suche a mightie kyng and whom we offende so many waies without intercessours aduocates and mediatours These be the gaie painted reasons wherewith they dasell the eyes of the ignoraunt people Whiche séeme at the firste to be of some importaunce and waight but if they be duely examined and tried with the touchestone of Gods worde they shal be founde to be méere deceytes But or I proceede any further I will shewe what their intent is ▪ and that the chief and principal marke that they shoote at is to make themselues intercessours aduocates and mediatours betwixt the sainctes and vs For if we be once brought into that beléefe that we may not come vnto Christe nor direct our praiers vnto hym excepte we haue the Sainctes for our mediatours aduocates and intercessours wee shall also at length suffer our selues to be perswaded that we are not worthy to praie our selues vnto the saintes but that we must haue Monkes Fréers Nonnes and Priestes for to be mediatours betwixt them and vs And for this cause as we see daiely by experience doeth the poore simple and ignoraunt people bryng Golde and Siluer vnto them euen as thei that haue any thyng to doe in the Lawe be wont to offer giftes and presentes vnto Lawyers for to haue their matter to be discussed and heard Whereby we may knowe and see what the offpryng and originall of the inuocation of Sainctes is And that the couetousnes of Priestes is the mother and Nurce of all Idolatrie and superstition I do not denie but that we haue a commaundement to praie one for a nother whiles wee are yet in this life but yet we ought not to make marchaundise of our prayers or to thynke that they can haue any effect but only by the intercession of our Sauiour Iesu Christe or that we muste direct them to any other but to hym onely for to haue them offered vnto the father For we haue neither commaundement nor example in all the Scriptures that we shoulde direct our praiers vnto dead Sainctes For it might be that we shoulde call vpon many whom we knowe not whether thei be Sainctes or not or whether they be in Heauen or in Hell. But we are sure that our Sauiour Christe is in heauen Againe although we were neuer so sure that they bee in Heauen yet can no man tell whether they knowe what we doe here in this world or not whether they heare vs and be able to helpe vs or not For we learne rather the contrary in the Scriptures then otherwise But he whom we ought to direct our praiers vnto muste haue all these properties yea we must be assured and certified in our consciences that hee hath them els we shall neuer be quiet in our myndes Firste he muste bee of power and ablenesse to helpe and ayde vs I meane to graunt vs our petitiō and request For what should it auaile vnto vs to praie vnto one that were not able to helpe and aide vs Secondly he must be willyng to helpe aide and succour vs For what profite were it vnto vs if he were able to helpe vs a thousande tymes if he woulde not doe it Thirdly he must be such a one as can heare our praiers when soeuer they be made For what shoulde benifite vs though he were neuer so able to ayde and helpe vs if he could not heare our praiers what could also his good will helpe vs Fourthly hee muste be of abilitie to heare the praiers of all men in the worlde though thei should all praie together in one instaunce and minute of an houre For else he might bee letted from hearyng of our praiers by the praiers of other men and so many tymes we should praie in vaine bicause that geuyng eares to the petitions of other men he could not heare vs Last of al he must be such a one as knoweth better our neede necessitie then we our selues are able to declare But where shall we finde any either in heauen or in earth that hath all these properties but God alone and his sonne Iesus Christ our Lorde Therefore I maye boldly conclude that we ought to directe our petitions and praiers onely to God and to his only begotten sonne our Lorde and sauiour who is the onely meane and waie for to come vnto God the father Truely I would faine knowe of them why we should be more afraied to come vnto Christe then vnto any other Is there any that is mightier and wiser or more bounteous and mercifull then he is He biddeth all come to hym that be heauie laden and he will refreshe them and ease them Shall one synnes let vs to come vnto him Yes forsoothe say thei For it is written that God heareth not sinners But Christ is true and naturall God Ergo sithe that we are synners he will not heare vs except we haue some intercessours and mediatours to speake and intreate for vs. Because that thei haue alwaies in their mouthes this saiyng of the blinde man whom beyng thus borne Christe had made to see I would wishe all men to marke diligently all the circumstaunces of the place out of the which thei alledge this saiyng for there thei shall see that the Scribes and Pharisées went aboute to perswade the poore blinde man whom our sauiour Christe had made to see that Christe was a despiser of God and of his holie Lawes and ordinaunces and that therefore he was not of god This poore séelie soule then in the defence of our Sauiour Christe did bryng in this saiyng God heareth not synners As if he should haue saied if he that hath healed me were suche an vngodly persone as ye would make him that is to saie a despiser of God and of his holy statutes and ordinaunces then would not God haue heard hym but GOD did heare hym and did make me who was borne blinde from my mothers wombe to sée by the meanes of him therefore he is no suche abhominable synner as ye woulde make hym Whereby we maie gather that there bee twoo maner of synners some there be that be obstinate synners whiche doe moste vngodlie despise bothe God and his woorkes and also contemne his lawes and statutes of such doth the blinde man speake in that
at all Hesichius also saieth The grace of God is giuen onely of mercie and fauour Et fide comprehenditur sola And is embraced and receiued by onely faith Saint Chrisostome saieth Illi dicebant qui sola ●ide nititur execrabilis est hic contrà demonstrat eum qui sola fide nititur benedictum esse They saide who so staied himselfe by only faith is accursed Contrariwise Saint Paul proueth that who so staieth hymselfe by onely faithe he is blessed Hierome also hath these wordes ignorantes speakyng of the Pharisies quod sola fide iustificat deus se ex operibus legis quam nunquam custodierunt iustos esse putantes They not knowing that God iustifieth onely by faith and supposyng themselues to be iuste by the workes of the lawe whiche they neuer obserued they would not submit themselues vnto the remission of synnes least thei should seeme to haue been synners Saint Hilarie hath these wordes in Mathewe and vppon this text R●mittuntur tibi peccata tua thy synnes are forgeuen thee and writeth on this maner Mo●et scribas remissum ab homine peccatum hominem enim tantum in christo Iesu cōtuebantur remissum ab eo quod lex laxare non poterat Fides enim sola iustificat That is to saie It moueth the Scribes that synne was forgiuen by man For they did onely beholde man in Christe Iesu and that to be forgeuen of hym whiche the lawe could not release For faith onely doth iustifie This is the herisie that we teache according to the holy scriptures and learned fathers of the catholique Churche But they obiect againe that good workes deserue bicause it shal be rewarded for saie they S. Iohn saith their workes folowe after them And Christe saieth to his disciples he that geueth a Cup of colde water to any of these little ones for my ●ake shall not loose his rewarde And sainct Paule saieth your worke shall not be in vaine in the Lorde Christ saieth againe Reioyce and be glad for your rewarde is greate in heauen and ●● the Hebrewes it is saide God is not vnrighteous that hee shoulde forget our labour Wee graunt good woorkes haue their rewarde But the same rewarde standeth in mercie fauour and not in duetie Therefore we saie consideryng the weakenesse and synfull corruption of our nature there can be no works in vs so pure and perfect that we may therby of right and of duetie deserue euerlastyng life For God hath a kyngdome an inheritaunce for children and not a rewarde for bounde seruauntes and slaues Therfore Gregorie Nanzianzene saith if thou he a bound seruaunt or a ●laue then feare the whip If thou be a hirelyng then looke onely for thy rewarde but ouer and besides this if thou be a childe then reuerence God as thy father Doe well bicause it is good to obeie thy Father Yea and although thou shalt haue nothing els yet euen this shall be thy rewarde that thou hast been obedient to thy father Therfore we must saie saieth christ when we haue doen whatsoeuer I commaunde you saie ye we are vnprofitable seruauntes Hilarie to this purpose hath these wordes If we fast once saieth he we thinke we haue satisfied If out of the barnes of our householde store wée giue somewhat to the poore wee beleue we haue fulfilled the measure of righteousnesse But the Prophete hopeth all of God and trusteth of his mercie Sainct Basile also saieth He that trusteth not to his owne good deedes nor hopeth to bee iustified by his woorkes hath the onely hope of his saluation the mercies of god Augustine therefore saied verie well Qui diligit aliud preter te Minus diligit te O God he the lesse loueth thee that loueth any other thyng besides thee But before we declare how good déedes are rewarded Let vs see what good woorkes these are that the Papistes doe so muche talke of shall bee rewarded or that deserueth euerlastyng life Firste thei teache vnto the pleople that are ignoraunte to heare Masse euery daie deuoutely to lye prostrat● before deade Images to mumble out a nomber of prayers vnto Sainctes to goe on Pilgrimages to builde vp Chaunteries and Churches and to cause Trentalles of Masses and Diriges and other trumperie to bee saied for the deade Item to giue largely of their substaunce and gooddes to idell Priestes Monkes Friers and Nonnes to giue money gold siluer and silke to make crosses chalices coapes vestementes and other like plaierly garmentes to furnishe out the stinckyng Masses to saie our Ladies Psalter to praie vpon Beades to vse obserue and kepe Pharisaicall fastynges with the Popishe idle holie daies and solempne feastes and to receiue holie breade holie water holie palme holie asshes and holie fire holie creame holie candelles and holie oile c. These are the good woorkes and beste woorkes that they haue set forth to bee doen of all people and who soeuer speaketh againste those woorkes they are taken for enemies to GOD and as rancke heretiques but all those good woorkes of the papistes are not required nor yet commaunded of God to bee dooen therefore thei dooe rather deserue the name of synne and of detestable abhomination before God then of good workes The true good woorkes are voide of all superstition thei are alligated or bounde neither to place nor to the persones nor to tyme for thei are as certaine fruites of our whole life testifiyng of the goodnesse of our harte and expressyng the nature of our heauenly father which not onely of the faithfull but of the very infidelles are rekened and taken for good workes and minister occasion vnto them to glorifie our father whiche is in heauen The workes of faithe workyng through Charitie and loue are good woorkes For GOD doeth worke them in vs and by vs them doeth our sauiour Christe set out saiyng I was an hungred and ye gaue me meate I was thirstie and ye gaue me drincke I was naked and ye clothed me I was harbourlesse and ye harboured me I was sicke and in prison and ye visited me The Apostle also doeth sufficiently teache vs what be the good woorkes that God doeth require of vs but what should I alledge one or twoo textes sithe all the whole Scriptures do euerywhere exhort vs still vnto good workes what those good workes are S. Paul doeth declare when he saith We are the workmanship of god created in christ Iesu vnto those good workes that God hath prepared for vs to walke in If any man should aske me nowe what bee those good woorkes that he hath prepared for vs to walke in I would aunswere that all those woorkes that God doeth bidde and commaunde vs in his holie and sacred worde are those good workes that he hath prepared for vs for to walke in And those I saie and beleue ought onely to be called good workes and none other And therefore
are spoken vnto Peter thei are spoken vnto all Priestes or Ministers Beda plainly saieth these wordes Potestas ligandi soluendi quamuis soli Petro a domino data videatur tamen absque vlla dubietate noscendum est quod caeteris Apostolis datae est The power of bindyng and loosyng notwithstandyng it séeme to bee giuen onely vnto Peter yet without all doubte wee muste vnderstande that it was giuen also to the reste of the Apostles Sainct Augustine saith Petrus quando accepit claues ecclesiam sanctam significauit Peter when he receiued the keyes signified the holy Churche Therefore saieth he when thei were all asked Peter alone doeth make an aunswere and it is saied vnto him And I will giue thée the keyes of heauen as though he alone had receiued aucthoritie to binde and to loose whereas he had spoken that for theim all and receiued this as bearyng in hym self the persone of vnitie with them all The meanyng is this when our Sauiour Christe did aske his Apostles whom thei thought hym to bee Peter alone did make aunswere whiche did serue for theim all For though one alone had aunswered yet Christ tooke it as if thei had all aunswered like to a Iurie of twelue men one maketh aunswere for all and the Iudge accepteth it as though euery one had spoken And as the aunswere of one did serue for them al so the promise that was made vnto one was made vnto them all Whiche thyng is moste true For looke what he did promise to one the same doeth he performe vnto them all saiyng these wordes As my father hath sent me so doe I sende you And when he had spoken these words he did blowe vpon thē saiyng Receiue the holy ghoste whose synnes soeuer ye dooe forgiue shal bee forgiuen vnto hym and whose synnes soeuer ye doe retaine thei shal be retained vnto hym Whiche doeth plainly agree with the woordes that he speaketh vnto them in the .xviij. Chapiter of Sainct Matthewe But I thinke it expediente and necessary for the instruction of the vnlearned and ignoraunte people to shewe what our sauiour doeth vnderstande by the keyes And here will I bryng nothing of mine owne but Chrisostome an auncient writer of the Greke churche shall discusse all the whole matter The keye saieth he is the knowledge of the worde of the scriptures whereby the gate of the truthe is opened vnto men And the kepers of the keyes are the ministers vnto whom charge is giuen to expounde and declare the scriptures Saincte Tertulian also saieth Quam clauem habebant doctores nisi interpretationem legis What key had the doctours of the lawe sauyng the exposition of the lawe Sainct Hierome also hath these wordes Duces ecclesiae habent claues scientiae vt aperiant scripturas creditis sibi populis Vnde praecipitur vt magistri aperiant discipuli ingrediantur The capitaines of the Churche haue the keyes of knowledge to open the scriptures vnto the people to them committed Therefore commaundemente is giuen that the Maisters should open and the Scholers should enter Sainct Ambrose saieth Remittuntur peccata per dei verbum cuius leuites est interpres Synnes bee forgiuen by the worde of God the expounder whereof is the priest Saint Augustine agreyng with them all saieth Claues est dicenda qua ad fidem pectorum dura reserantur That ought to bee called the keye wherewith the hardnesse of mens heartes is opened vnto faithe Here maie wee see that all the true preachers of Goddes worde are the kepers of those keyes and not the Bishoppe of Rome onely for of hym Christes woordes maie bee verified when he saieth Ye haue taken awaie the keyes of the kyngdome of heauen and neither dooe you enter your selues nor will you suffer others that would enter Of the Popes keyes it is well saied of Veselus Claues Pape praelatorum non aperiunt regnum dei sed claudunt potius The Popes and the prelates keyes dooe not open the kyngdome of God but rather shutte it It was saied generally vnto theim all Go ye into the vniuersall worlde and preache the Gospell vnto euery creature he that beleueth and is Baptized shall bee saued and he that beleueth not shal be condemned In these fewe wordes of our Sauiour Christe twoo thinges are to be considered and marked Firste we doe learne by them that the keyes of the kyngdome of heauen that is to saie the preachyng of the Gospell is committed vnto them all I meane vnto all the Apostles and not to one more then an other Secondly wee learne by theim that to loose is none other thyng but to certifie by Gods woorde the consciences of the true beleuers that their synnes are freely forgiuen thorowe faithe in our Sauiour Christe iesu Whiche thyng beyng doen by the true and faithfull ministers of the Churche here vpon the earth taketh no lesse effecte in all true repentaunte synners then if it were dooen in heauen in the sacred counsaile of the holy and blessed Trinitie And for this cause doeth Christ our sauiour saie What soeuer ye loose here vppon the earth is loosed in heauen Therefore saincte Hierome accordeth herewith saiyng Quaecunque solueritis super terram erunt soluta in caelo Soluant autem eos Apostoli sermone dei testimonijs scripturarum exhortatione virtutum What soeuer thynges ye loose vppon earth thei shall bee loosed in heauen but the Apostles loose them by the woorde of God and by the testimonies of the scriptures and by exhortation vnto vertue Sainct Augustine also saieth Now are you cleane bicause of the worde that I haue spoken vnto you Quare non ait mundi estis propter Baptismum quo loti estis Nisi quia in aqua verbum mundat non quia dicitur sed quia creditur Wherefore saieth he not you are cleane because of the baptisme wherewith ye are washed Sauing that euen in the water it is the worde that maketh cleane Not because it is spoken but because it is beleued Againe he saieth Fides nostra est clauis regni coelorum Our faithe is the key of the kyngdome of heauen Ambrose saieth these woordes Remittuntur peccaeta per verbum dei cuius leuites est interpres Sinnes be forgiuen by the worde of God the expounder whereof is the Leuite or Prieste Therefore S. Paule calleth it Verbum reconciliationis the worde whereby we be reconciled to God. Againe he called it Potentia dei ad salutem omni credenti The power of God vnto saluation to euery one that doeth beleue And on the contrary parte to binde here vpon the earth it is none other thyng but to certifie by the same worde the vnfaithfull synners whiche will giue no eares vnto the glad tidynges of the kyngdome of heauen their synnes are stil in remembraunce before God vnto euerlastyng condemnation because thei will
not beleue on the name of the onely begotten sonne of god And this beyng duely and rightly dooen accordyng to the institution and ordinaunce of Christe our sauiour is of no lesse efficacie and strength then if the father the sonne and the holy ghoste had dooen it as the heauenlie wisedome of the father dooeth testifie in the self same place saiyng What so euer ye shall binde here vpon earth shall be bounde in heauen If it parteineth onely to the Bishop of Rome who moste liyngly doeth boaste hymselfe to bee the successour of Peter to preache the frée remission of synnes vnto the true repentaunt synners and eternall condemnation vnto the vnrepentaunt and vnfaithfull then hath he alone the keyes of the kingdome of heauen but any childe may learne by the wordes of our sauiour Christe that this office doeth parteine generally vnto all the faithfull preachers and ministers of Gods worde Sainct Augustines wordes therefore are plaine Si autem in Petro non esset ecclesiae misterium non ei diceret Dominus tibi dab● claues si autem hoc Petro dictum est non habet ecclesia si autem ecclesia habet quando claues accepit ecclesiam to●am designauit If in Peter were not a misterie of the Churche the Lorde would not haue saide to hym I will geue to thee the keyes of the kyngdome of Heauen If this were spoken onely vnto Peter the Churche then hath them not if the Churche hath them then when Peter receiued the keyes he signified the whole church Sainct Ciprian also saieth Christus eandem dedit Apostolis omnibus potestatem Christe gaue to all his Apostles like power Wee maie then right well conclude that this saiyng of Christe And I will geue thee the keyes of the kyngdome of heauen c. Doth make nothyng for the mainteinaunce of the Popes supremacie no more then the saiyng that goeth before where it is saide Thou arte Peter and vpon this Rocke I will builde my Chuche For as Saincte Augustine writeth I deò quippe ait dominus super hanc petram edificabo ecclesiam meam quià dixerat Petrus tu es Christus filius Dei viui Super hanc ergò inquit Petram quam confessus es edificabo ecclesiam meam Petra enim erat Christus super quod fundamentum etiàm ipse edificatus est Petrus Fundamentum quippe aliud nemo potest ponere paerter id quod positum est quod est christus Iesus Therfore the lorde did saie Thou art Peter and vpon this Rocke will I builde my Churche bicause that Peter had saide thou art Christe the sonne of the liuyng god Therefore saieth he vpon this Rocke that thou hast confessed I will builde my Churche And the Rocke was Christe vpon whiche foundation Peter also is builded For none other foundation can any man laye besides that whiche is laide alreadie whiche is our Sauiour Iesus Christe Againe in a nother place he saieth these wordes Tues ergò inquit Petrus super hanc petram quam confessuses super hanc petram quam cognouisti dicens Tu es Christus filius dei viui edificabo ecclesiam meam Super meipsum filium dei viui edificabo ecclesiam meam Super me edificabo te non me super te Nàm volentes homines edificari super homines dicebant Ego quidèm sum Pauli Ego autem Appollo Ego verò Caephe ipse est Petrus Et alij qui nolebant edificari super Petrum sed super petram Ego autem sum Christi Thou art Peter saieth he and vpon this Rocke which thou hast confessed and vpon this Rocke whom thou hast acknowledged saiyng thou art Christ the sonne of the liuyng God I will build my Church Upon my selfe ▪ being the sonne of the liuing God I will builde my Churche I will builde thee vppon mee not mee vpon thee When men would builde vpon men thei did saie I holde of Paul I holde of Apollo I hold of Cephas which is Peter And other whiche would not be builded vpon Peter but vpon the Rocke saide I am Christes Which verie wordes also Bede hath as it were verbatim worde for worde writyng vpon the Corinthians Sainct Ambrose saieth likewise Dicit Dominus ad Petrum Super istam petram edificabo ecclesiam● meam hoc est in hac catholicae fidei confessione statuo fideles ad vitam The Lorde saide to Peter Upon this Rocke will I builde my Churche that is in this confession of the catholique faith I appointe all the faithfull to liue Sainct Hierome hath these wordes Secundum autem metaphoram petrae rectè dicitur ei edificabo ecclesiam meam super te That is by a metaphoricall speach of the Rocke it is well saide to Peter I wil builde my Church vpon thee These holy Fathers of the auncient catholique Churche doe manifestly proue by the scriptures that the Rocke which the true Churche is builded vpon is our Sauiour Christ hym selfe the sonne of the liuyng god Here might I bring Chrisostome Cirill Hilarie which all by the rocke that the Church is builded vppon do vnderstande a strong stedfast faith in our Sauiour Christ and a true confessyng of his name but I haue alreadie alledged them Nowe will I come to the other saiyng of Christe where he saieth vnto Peter Thou art Symon the Sonne of Ionas and thou shalte be called Cephas whiche saieth the Euangeliste is by interpretation a Stone If all the Popes of Rome then with all their smoth shauen faced greacelinges shoulde affirme vnto mee that this worde Cephas doeth betoken a heade I would accompte them as accursed Ye may see howe they are not ashamed to wreast the Scriptures and to geue them a cleane contrarie interpretation that so they maie mainteine and vpholde stil their vsurped supremacie power The holy ghoste saieth that Cephas by interpretation is a ●tone The Bishop of Rome saieth that Cephas doeth beto●●n and signifie a heade and therefore sithe that he is the successour of Peter he ought to be the supreme head of the church Whether of these twoo ought we to beleeue If an angell from heauen should preache any other Gospell vnto vs then we haue receaued alreadie S. Paul biddeth vs to count it accursed Cursed be they then that dare expounde the scriptures otherwise then the holy Ghoste hath expounded them yea euerlastyng damnation hangeth ouer their heades in what estimation soeuer they bee in this wicked worlde though the worlde I saie do estéeme them as Gods yet before the liuing God and his sonne Christe our Lorde are they accursed Why will these good felowes saie is not Peter alwaies named first whensoeuer the apostles are rehearsed by name doth not this sufficiently declare that he is appointed of God to be the supreme head of his Churche I aunswere againe that if to be named first doeth purchase or get any preheminence then Caesar must be preferred before