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A06932 A new postil conteinyng most godly and learned sermons vpon all the Sonday Gospelles, that be redde in the church thorowout the yeare ... Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1566 (1566) STC 1736; ESTC S101291 689,601 1,060

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Moon and in the Starres in the earth the people shal be at their wittes ende through despaire The sea and the water shall roare and mens heartes shal fayle them for feare and for lokyng after those things which shall come on the earthe For the powers of heauen shall moue and than shall they see the Sonne of man come in a cloude with power great glory Whē these things begyn to come to passe then loke vp and lyft vp youre heades for youre redemption draweth nye And he shewed them a similitude Beholde the fygge tree and al other trees when they shoote foorth their buddes ye see and knowe of youre owne selues that Sommer is nye at hand So lykewise ye also when ye see these thynges come to passe be sure that the kyngdome of God is nye Uerily I say vnto you this generation shall not passe tyll all be fulfylled Heauen and earth shall passe but my wordes shall not passe THE EXPOSITION THIS maner hath the Lord our GOD vsed alwayes from the beginnyng when he is about to do any vnwonted thynge he hath alwais sent before great and meruailous signes As when he wold punishe the Egyptians and deliuer his children and make him a peculiar people there were sette foorth before many great and wonderfull tokens of all kinde of plages For the frogges locustes botches and suche lyke dyd greatly hurt the Egyptians vntill at length all their first borne were slayne in one nyght and the remnant of the people drowned vp in the red sea But amonge the Iewes these thinges were good signes where as he led them dry foote through the red sea drowned their enemies and giueth Manna and suche lyke thinges This was a token that God would worke some new practise with this people that it shold be a kingdome and common wealthe This was it also when he woulde punishe the Iewes and ordeyne a congregation For when Christe honge vpon the Crosse the graues wer opened and the dead came out and went into Ierusalem a strange Eclipse of the Moone chanced the vayle of the temple was rent All this dydde signifie some straunge thynge to come and an abolishing of the old as experience proued after that wher as the seruice of the Iewes vanyshed away Christe sette vp a newe kyngdome This had the Iewes lerned often to their owne peryll Wherfore the Apostles here come to Christe with a question What sygnes should come before the destruction of Ierusalem and the ende of the worlde before the onely and eternall kyngdome of Christ commeth Christ answereth as concernynge the destruction of Ierusalem When ye shall see sayth he Ierusalem be sieged wyth an host then know ye that her desolation is not farre of And therefore he counsaileth them to flee vnto the mountains for gods wrathe can not then be pacified After lyke maner he teacheth also as concernynge the last day When ye shal se signes in the sonne and moon in the starres and in the sea in the fluddes in men and in heauen when these thynges saythe he begynne to come to passe for we must not deferre it vntyll men thynke that all is paste or make lyght of it as though suche thynges hath chaunced before then take good hede and thynk that there is no time to iest and laugh at these signes For these signes are certayn that the last day draweth nygh And here is a question what signes these shal be and whether they shall fall all together But this oughte not to bee demaunded For Christ sayth hym selfe When this begynneth to come to passe than must ye looke vp And therfore I beleue that certayn thyngs and perchance the most part shal then come to passe when that day beginneth to be opened Wherfore this is sufficient that Christe teacheth where these signes must be marked and looked for in heauen in the sonne moone and starres in men and in the sea When some of them shal be sene ye must not loke that all shall come to passe But we muste make vs redy in season that we maye be prepared to the receauyng of this day Two maner of signes are sette foorth and shewed in the Sonne and Moone Fyrste when they haue Eclipse And although this be of a naturall motion for by art may it wel be knowen before the signe chance yet it is a signe as it is playnely expressed in Mathew But likewise also may there be signes in the sonne that could not be knowē before but chaunceth sodeynly before they were perceyued of the prognosticators or any thing thought vpon As the Eclipse at that time when Christ was on the crosse For the reason of the art is this that the Eclipse of the Son is at the coniunction or at the beginnyng of the Moone But when it is in the opposition as it was then or in an other day of the moneth now it is not naturall wherfore that eclipse was a great signe And although we haue sene no such yet it may chance sodenly before we loke for it We also these .xx. yeares haue sene many strange things which all ar counted strange seldom As that a bough did cōpasse about the sonne of a great bignesse that the sonne semed so to come downe that there were more sonnes then one yet it is very lyke that some such thing is signified hereby which we neuer proued nor saw before Wherfore we haue sygnes sufficient in the sonne that we nede not to be carelesse but to looke for the true and healthfull comming of our Lorde The other signes that Christ speaketh of are great rorynges and noises of the sea wheras these thinges neuer chance cōmonly but with great destructiō For euen as a mā when naturall death approcheth is first vexed with sycknes and beginneth to be diseased with the feuer pesti●ence or with some other disease All these thynges are tokens that he must leaue this lyfe so the world also shal as a man wold say waxe sick so that heauen the sonne the Moone the starres men waters and all thinges maye signify and geue warning by a notable infirmitie and sickenes and by miserable affliction before it vtterly perishe As touching the signes in men I thynke that they are fully declared in our tyme that the most detestable pope with his doctrine hath promoted and set forwarde these signes because the fearefull consciences haue bene much vexed for as muche as they taughte this that it was a greuous synne not to go to Confession not to pray fast and here Masse c. But in suche vexation no manne coulde learne howe to rydde hym selfe out therof For the trewe comforte that is the remyssion of synnes throughe Christe was abolyshed And there at laste was sette vp a very place of tourment nowe by thys Satisfaction now by that So that I may well beleue that was the chiefest myserye in the earthe As in deede I sawe manye the whyche coulde not byde this
Nazareth of Galile vnto this toune Bethleem They went further then it is from Saxon to Franconie And herof a man may easely gather that they caried not much stuffe with them and that their swathelyng clothes and suche other things wer not very costely so that he put on her smocke on the child and laid it in the maunger For she could not alwayes hold yt in her lappe she must warme the clothes and dresse their couche and do such other things that wer requisite for an infāt And in the meane tyme must the babe reste in the oxe stalle Neither could Ioseph be lackyng to this necessary busynes And it is lyke that he went about to some of the maydens of the house to gett water and to do such other busines But this is not written that any mā came to proffer seruice vnto them in this trauaill They regarded it not whan it was tolde them that the mayde was deliuered of a chylde in the stable Wherfore this towne is worthy to be hated with his great barbarousnes For although Mary because of her pouerty was not thought so much worth and yf she had bene vnhoneste yet at this tyme had it ben the part of a man to shewe humanitie But no man is greued therewith The childe muste suffer paciently this great extreme pouertye and looke for no better In this beggerie sorowfull life this Lord is borne Wheras other deuoure riot awaie cōsume prodigallie al things by costly apparell gorgeous buildīg c. This is the historie Whiche is set forthe to vs to the entent that we should graue this picture of Christes byrthe faste in oure hart with how great miserie the Lord Iesus was borne in this wordle that we might learne to geue God thankes for this so great benefit For we misers and wretched men and also damned came this day to high renoume For on this day were we made one fleshe and bloud with the sonne of God and he that made heauen and earth of nothing is borne a man lyke vnto vs only this thing excepted that with this child all things are without synne Wherfore we may boste magnificently that God is become oure brother oure fleshe and bloude This renoum is not geuen to the angells or diuels but to vs men Wherfore although the angells are more excellēt creatures then we yet God geueth more renoume to vs then to all the angells For he was not made an angell but a mā Wherfore yf we men could thinke and beleue this as the greatnes therof requirethe our mynde wold be moste redie to sett moste by God to thanke him and to obey his will gladly When the Popes religion reigned there was suche an historie read vnto vs That vpon a time the diuell came into the Churche to masse And when these wordes and he was made man were songe and men made no obbeisance by bowinge of their knees he gaue one of them a great blow and rebukinge him said Thou monsterous beaste art not ashamed to be so litle moued why fallest thou not downe on thy face for ioy yf the sonne of God had ben made oure brother as he was youres surely we wold haue no measure in reioycing And although this matter be not true yet it semeth to be fayned of a good man which well dyd perceaue the great renoume geuen vnto vs when the sonne of God became man and that not after the maner of Adam and Eue which was made of the grounde but he was made more conioyned vnto vs. For he was borne of the fleshe and bloud of the virgin Mary as other men were excepte this that Mary the virgin was sole and alone and he was conceaued without synne by the holy Ghoste Excepte this that he is worthely named the naturall sonne of a woman Adam and Eue were not borne but made For God made man out of the earth and a woman of his ribbe But how much nigher is Christ to vs then Eue to Adam because he is oure bloud and flesh We ought to esteme this renoume highly and to haue great meditation thervpon in that the sonne of God is made oure fleshe and that there is no difference betwene his flesh and ours except only synne For he was conceaued of the holy Goste and God replenished bothe the body and sowle of the virgin with the holy Ghoste because she was without synne when she conceaued Christe and afterward wared great with child by hym And this is the only difference in all other things he is lyke other men in that he vsed meate and drynke felt hunger thyrst and colde as other dyd He was subiect to all suche naturall infirmities as Paule sayth in shape he was found lyke a man he eate he drounke he was sorowfull and gladde This is truely a profound humilitie and subiection For he myght haue vsed an other sorte when he became man after what sort he is nowe in heauen where as he hath flesh and bloud as we haue But yet he is not subiecte to naturall actions He might haue done this at the begynning but he wold not that he might declare his singular loue toward vs that we might haue therby sure confort and ioy when we knowe that we haue a brother nowe in heauen whose sure helpe we may stycke vnto are bound so to doo For cursed is euery man that doth not receaue him and conceaue stedfast hope for his sake And therfore is this history rehersed euery yere that the tender myndes might haue meditation theron and geue God thanks and say My matter is in good takynge I haue a brother and he is made lyke me But why he was made so I do not yet tell for this was the cause that he might helpe me agaynst syn and eternall death But nowe I speake of the renoume of all mankynde wherof we boaste and reioyce that the sonne of God is become man Of this renoume may euery man boaste But Christian men somwhat more then all other for because this renoume shall be to their endlesse profyte And this is firste to be learned of the history Secondarily marke also this great example Where as Christe the sonne of God dothe so humble him self and communicate all his glory with fleshe and wheras his hyghe maiestie before whome the Angells tremble dothe so demitte hym self and goeth after the lykenes of a man In heauen the Angels worship him in the earth he serueth vs and is subiect to our beggery Seing then the sonne of God doth this this matter is not lightly to be sett by Lett vs caste our selues away for his glory honours sake And yf aduersitie be to be suffered we muste not refuse it For Christe him self hathe suffered likewise frost hunger miseries and troubles not only these For whan he was borne into the wordle he was poore in all things he had neither place neither bed clothes neither stuffe for houshold A maunger and
of no strenght they can not bring vs to heauē But thou wilt say Are al condēned are al wtout saluatiō This sentēce is against al mē neither can it be otherwise for asmuch as it belōgeth to al mē of whatsoeuer cōditiō or state they be There is but one way to heauē which we do not opē make but the son of god doth it And of this speaketh christ now immediatly saying As Moses lyfted vp the serpent in the desert so much the sonne of man be lifte vp that all that beleue in him may not perishe but haue euerlasting lyfe This is the secōd part of this celestial heauēly sermō of the very soūd of the holy ghost now he mitigateth the sharpnes of his first sermō by these words For it is an horrible fereful sayīg that no mā shal go vp īto heauē get saluatiō But it is spokē to the intēt that we shold learne that our first birth is al sinful ther can nothing be foūde in vs that may seme worthy of euerlasting life that not only to put down our prid carelesse liuing but that we shold tourne hūble our selues before god aske grace And this is the beginning of the true gospell that according to my former sayīg euē as no mā ascēdeth īto heauē so that here thou maist know that al that beleue in Christ shal not perish but haue euerlasting life This is a swete voice soūd by that which the holy ghost may be felt perceaued And both these doctrines are necessary in the cōgregatiō The first of sin of our corrupt nature that we might despaire of our workes of al things that we shal neuer go vp into heauē for their sake And whē our heartes are terrified abashed by such wordes then must that cōfortable worde be put forth that Iesus Christ the son of god descēded frō heauē came into the world tooke our flesh blood died for our sins that we might be free frō syn get the inheritāce of euerlasting life He that beleueth this sayinge purposeth surely to sticke therto is now saued shal not be forsakē of Christ nether in life neither in death but shal be takē vp vnto hī into heauē This sermon is a heauenly thynge which can not sufficiently be set forth commended vnto men especially to Nicodemes that is to them that thynke that the law must be obserued vnto iustification and that it is sufficient vnto saluatiō For these are they which knowe not the firste doctrine of sinne that although the lawe be iust holy and good yet we are so corrupt and euill that for our naturall vice we can not obey the lawe although to syght we do good workes Furthermore they muche lesse know that we must ascend into heauen by this man the sonne of Mary which only came frō heauen And so it cōmeth of such ignorance that they do not only thynke that they shal be saued by their owne righteousnes before god but also they persecute the righteousnes which cōmeth of faith in Iesu Christ as we see by the examples of the papistes which can suffer nothyng lesse in our doctrine striue againste nothyng so much as that we teache that we are iustified only by faith and saued therby not by good workes But compare our doctrine with the doctrine of Christ and ye shal fynd no diuersitie In the fourth booke of Moyses ther is such an hystorie The people of Israell when they were werye of suche thynges as they had in the wildernes They murmured against god Moses despised Manna as a light meat This sinne trespas dyd god punishe after this sorte He sent amōgest them ferye serpētes by and by at their styngyng followed a swellynge an inflammation in their bodies so that they fel down on heapes died Then came they to Moyses said we haue trespaced in that we haue spoken againste God and they pray hym that he wil take away from vs these serpētes And the lord spake vnto him Make a brasen serpent and put hym vp for a signe he that is stong and loketh vpon it shal liue Christ here maketh mention of this historie applieth it to himselfe that he must be lifte vp also as the serpent was And he that looketh vpon him that is he that beleueth in hym shal not perish but haue euerlasting lyfe First let vs learne the cause of this dreadfull iudgement whiche Christ hath pronounced twise before againste all men that is that no man can go vp to heauen but the sonne of man that came downe from heauen And again except a man be borne again he can not se the kyngdom of god Wherof came this great misery to man that he is thrust out of heauen should for his owne desert perish for euer It came of no other thing than that the old serpent the deuil dyd so byte hurte the first man and so corrupted him infected hym by syn That he is now in danger of euerlasting death can not by himself get any remedie against it as the type figure in the Iewes doth shew also whosoeuer were stonge they died al. So is it with vs also the reward of sinne is death And looke wher synne is ther must death nedes folow For as much then as al men as soone as they are borne be sinners this iudgement is geuen on thē that they must dye as god by name doth threaten Adam Eue whatsoeuer daye ye eate of this tree ye shall dye the death But here doth God shew his mercie in that he casteth not awaye men that are in this miserie and so infected damned to death but euen as in the figure and tipe of the brasen serpent he put forth a cōmandement which serpent was in all points lyke other serpents sauing that he had no poyson was a remedie against poyson so doth he procure that his son shold be lyfte vp on the crosse that all that looke on him sholde not perishe but escape the danger of death get euerlasting lyfe Yea he himselfe on the crosse had y● forme of a poysonful serpent but yet hath no poyson but the lykelines therof For although Christe had our fleshe bloud yet that fleshe and bloud was without sinne yea and is of such strength that it deliuereth vs from poyson and sinne This is the very voyce and sound of the holy ghost by the whiche he beginneth the newe byrth in oure heartes that faith may conceaue and that this serpent by true faith may be in our syght and geue saluation But this sight of Christ is not regarded because of folishe reason As it is very lyke that so it chaunced thē also with the Iewes which wold not be brought in beliefe that ther was so great vertue in sight of such a dead
man that of God mannes nature might be made one person The diuell can not ioyne him self so nighe to mā But God is made man and yet he remayneth a man And by this meanes he set him self more depely in mannes fleshe than the dyuell can which may enter into mannes body and vexe it but he can not be made man that the diuell and man might become one person Betwene these two natures is ther alway remayning a difference of persones not only in substance but also in person But in CHRIST that is borne these things be one For the sōne of God is made one flesh and one bloud borne of the virgyn Mary after the course of nature as all be excepte that he was not conceaued of mā but of the holy Ghost and hath escaped the fylthy mark of the dyuell and was borne with very pure flesh and bloud wheras oures is full of synne In all other things he is lyke vs which was subiecte to all naturall actions in all poyntes as other men As sayth Paule He was found in behauiour as a man so that all that sawe hym or heard hym dyd affirme that he muste nedes be a true and naturall man not any phantasme or appearing only for he had all the properties that belonge to this lyfe And this is the ioy as touching the which speaketh the Angel I speake only of the glorie not of the fruite For therof is it wont to be declared in the history of the passion and resurrection Now do we speake only of the glory that GOD is so nighe ioyned vnto vs that he is of my flesh bloud and soule very man as we be With this so great and meruailous glory hath he begon this matter and aduaūced mankind therby to high renoume And the Angell setteth this forth vnto men and sayth I shew you great ioy which shall be to the whole people The word sheweth that his mynde was rauished with some great ioy He telleth it boldly to the shepheards He wold that all men with hym shold know of this great honour wherby mannes nature is come to such dignitie that GOD whiche made all things is become oure flesh and bloud And if we wold ponder this well although we had no other profite therby yet wolde it make together amongest vs a great flame of charitie and loue I speake not yet as I said before of the profyt vse but only of the glory therof If we were moued earnestly therwith yt wold suffer no malice to remayne amongest vs. The reason is Who is there that wold hate this kinde or hurt it which is euen as oure God in body and sowle shall we not for this glories sake wher with God hath garnished vs loue all men do the best that we can for all men The Angels are more excellent creatures then we men are But this glory is not geuen them God was not made an Angell neither an Angell was made God Furthermore the Angels are innocent and holy which condicion was more agreable with Gods maiestye But it semeth otherwyse to him he choseth the viler creature which was subiect to syn which is hold captiue vnder the kyngdom of the diuell and the tyrannye of death Whom the dyuel vexeth and troubleth extremely He could not humble him self any lower But should not we be stirred hereby to loue and charitie to esteme one an other and not to neglecte but to proue mastries who can do other moste good Certayn of the fathers and amongest them as it now cometh to mynde Bernarde thought that the diuell whan he was in heauen did se before that the sonne of God should become man and for that cause enuied at man and began to hate God because he had not chosen rather to become an Angell than a man and that for this enuie and pride he was caste out of heauen Whether this were fayned or done in dede yet wold the holy fathers signifie hereby howe great is oure renoume in that that God became man and tooke the very same mannes nature which belongeth to vs all whiche haue ben in the dyuels daunger and captiue to synne and death In what wretched case then are they whiche are ignorante of this renoume But yet are they much more wretched which when the Angels or Apostles shew such things that God hath visited mans nature and tooke it on him and made it Lord ouer al creatures yet do not reioyce O how wretched are they that are not moued with this tidings If one amongest many bretherne should come to be a kīg how wold al the other reioyce how bolde would they waxe As Iosephs bretherne may be an example of this And this is a naturall zeale But how chāceth it that we reioyce not in such a great matter that we are not moued neither do geue thanks to GOD that oure God hath taken oure flesh and bloud and now sitteth at the right hand of God Lord ouer all creatures He therfore that wold esteme this as it is in dede wold loue all flesh and bloud in the worlde for this flesh and blouds sake and wold hate no mā The only gloriouse sight and contemplation of the humanitie of Christ oure God wold so chere vs replenishe vs with ioy that we should neuer be angry with any man Yea and he that beholdeth this image continually that the sonne of God is made man wold not loke for any wrathful displeasure frō Christe but hope for all goodnes at his hand For no man is angry with him self or hurteth him self Now is Christ one of vs and a man How could he hate him self that is to say vs which are his flesh bloud And if this sight were well printed in vs it wold sone put away all exāples of Gods wrathe out of oure myndes as is Noes floud the punishement of Sodom and Gomor All that wold vanishe away at such a contemplatiō if I wold muse of this only man which is God hath estemed mannes nature so greatly that he became man But be these things neuer so inestimable yet some mē are so mad that they care not they caste away this treasure and set their mynd on other things to heape vp riches to purchase get whereto mens myndes are wont wholy to be stirred And this is the cause that we fele no ioy rise in vs at the tydinges of the Angell Wherfore this thing may wel make vs ioyful and proude that we are preferred before all creatures in this renoume yea before Angels and may boaste and say My flesh my bloud sitteth on the right hand of God and hath the rule of all No Angell or creature hath suche renoume but my flesh and my bloud This fier ought to melt as it were in one all mens hartes and to inflame men with suche mutuall loue that we should embrace one an other with al oure hartes But this is the continuall working of the diuell to make vs forget
Iordan vnto Iohn to be baptised of hym But Iohn forbad him saying I ought to be baptised of thee and comest thou to me Iesus answeryng sayd to hym Let it be so nowe For thus it becometh vs to fulfyll all righteousnes Then he suffred him And Iesus as soone as he was baptised came straight oute of the water And loe heauen was open vnto hym and Iohn sawe the spirite of God descendynge lyke a doue and lightyng vpon hym And loe there came a voyce from heauen saying This is my beloued son in whom I am welpleased THE EXPOSITION OF the feast of the Epiphanie haue we intreated how that it hath his name of this that Christ opened hymselfe not onely by the starre but also at Iordan where hee was baptised But forasmuche as this reuelation is the greatest and chiefest and most comfortable vnto vs it should not be against reason if it wer called the feast of Christ baptised and opened at Iordan when he was thirtie yeares old The Euangelist dothe shew the hystorie playnly That he moued from Galile and came to Iohn vnto Iordan to be baptised of hym as other synners were whiche knew their synne and desired remissiō of them Iohn is troubled with this strange case For he knew Christ from his childhode And he thinketh him self not worthye to baptise hym But Christ saith suffer me this must be done that all righteousnes may be fulfilled that is that he may bring it to passe that all miserable synners may come to righteousnes and be saued Wherfore herein is now set forth a confortable example vnto vs wheras the sonne of God offered him self to be baptised which neuerthelesse synned not and doth that that he was not bounde to doe wheras we do not that that we are boūde to do And it is farre vnlyke that we should do more than oure duetie when we through oure wickednes are very farre from that that we shoulde do Wherfore this ought especially to be marked in this place that Christ the sonne of God whiche is holyer then al baptisme is notwithstanding baptised gaue commandement that baptisme should be kepte in the congregation and that al that wold be saued should be baptised And by this is it now euident that al men are damnable and accursed and stryken with madnes and blindnes of God for a punishemēt which can not intreat and obtayne so much of their eyes and eares as to marke what is done in this matter but contēne and dispraise baptisme and speake vilanously therof For why doste thou and thy childern refuse baptisme seing the sonne of God receaued it what great madnes or what great furie is this in the that thou shouldest denye suche a great worke Doth not baptisme seme worthye of great renoume for this cause if it were profitable for nothing els that this so great a mā vsed it wher as this is euident that he is the sonne of God came to baptisme that thou sholdest come to baptisme for the renoume therof if thou hadst no other cōmoditie therby But this matter is not without oure profyte For what good it doth vnto vs it appeareth in this wher as God by this baptisme sheweth foorth hym selfe wholye For as the Euangelist beareth witnes Iohn sawe the heauens open Whiche is a signe that God is delighted with baptisme whiche Christ hym selfe the Sonne of God sanctifieth with his body Wherfore heauen is opened which was shut vp before and now aboue the baptisme of Christ is the gate and windowe of heauen made wyde open so that from henceforth there is no distance betwene vs and God bycause GOD is now fallen downe vnto Iordane What is a reuelation then if this be none Wherfore if the feast of Epiphanie that is of reueling and appearing be requisite why is not this constitute and appointed wheras so playne a manifestation and opening of the Father of the Sonne and of the holye Ghost is sette foorth For the holy Ghost procedeth here after a moste gentle sight as a symple doue whiche amongest all byrdes is moste tame and is affirmed to be voyde of all wrathe To the entent that we might conceaue hereby a sure token that the holy Ghost will declare no crueltye towarde vs but bestowe that on vs thorough Christ wherby we may be iustified and saued And for this cause is Christ also opened after suche a gentle sorte to be the Sonne of God and wher as he had no nede of baptisme for his owne behalf he is present therat and receaueth baptisme not only for an example but also for a sacramēt that his baptisme might profite vs also may cause vs to haue sure truste that God is mercifull vnto vs. Besyde this wheras the Father openeth hym self by a voyce This is my dearly beloued sonne in whom I am delighted This is an other maner of voyce then was shewed in the mount Sinay when the earth and hylles dyd shake the men that hearde it thought them self to be in danger of their lyfe He sheweth not now such a cruell voyce All things are full of swetnes humanitie And God doth almost pronounce with this saying on this wyse To you mortall men is this man put forth in baptisme If ye desyre to know him it is my dearely beloued sonne in whome is my chief and only pleasure Neither is there any cause why ye shoulde feare him He is set forth to you as naked without armour without all cruel sight And there is no cause why ye should feare me For I come not now with thunder lightninge with a horrible a dreadful trumpe as I came to the mount Sinay but all things are peaceable quiet calme For what spice of crueltye may here be The sonne of God which is innocent without synne standeth in Iordane receaueth baptisme The holy Ghost commeth with the meeke forme of a doue Besides this God sheweth forth a very humane and gentle voyce declaringe that he sendeth vnto vs no Apostle no Prophet no Angell but his Sonne in whome he may greatly delyght What greater recorde can ye haue at al to make vs to marke and obserue the sonne of God Sith it hath pleased God to geue this cōmendation that his sonne is with vs that all maye be sure of this moste certain tried will of God If they wil haue God merciful vnto them let them imbrace his sonne only from whom the Father can by no meanes turne his fauour for the sonnes sake all his must nede be accepted to the Father Wherfore let all men regard diligently this commandement that they heare him obey his precept For he had no nede of circumcision and baptisme bycause he was voyd of synne But the baptisme of Iohn was made of God for sinne that al that acknowlegde their synnes be sory for them desyer that they might be pardoned should go to baptisme thinke for a
suerty that God is merciful vnto them But why is Christ baptised which neuerthelesse is without synne Not for his owne behalf but for ours which are synners For he taketh oure synnes vpon hym and deliuereth vs from them And for this cause he cometh to baptisme as the Euangelist sheweth very properly wheras he saith Christ forbidden of Iohn aunswereth Suffer me for this is it mete to fulfill all righteousnes Which is as much as to say In his baptisme is conteyned the righteousnes of al the world For wheras al the worlds synnes are put on me if the recouer of the worlde be sought for I muste do that that God commanded synners to do that is that they should be baptised of the. Do not thou forbyd it but rather further it that euen as I do gladly take vpon me baptisme for synnes sake so do thou gladly procure baptisme for me that the wrath of God may be pacified and remission of synnes ordeyned To this meaning sendeth the Father this voyce out of heauen This is my dearly beloued sonne in whom I am well pleased He speaketh these words at that tyme when Christ is baptised that we may vnderstande that this is oure baptisme and thinke surely that the wrathe of God is pacified and oure synnes purged by this baptisme and that God wil receaue vs again into fauour for his sonnes sake No difficultie or combrance be it neuer so great should take the sound of this voyce and so magnificēt a reuelation out of oure sight and mynde wheras the Lord oure GOD openeth the heauens and sendeth doune the holy Ghost in the forme of a doue wher as God the Father hym self sendeth forth such a pleasant voyce saying Beholde here is for you my sonne whome I loue and esteme aboue all things yea and my self also wholy for you But what doth the sonne he behaueth hym selfe as a miserable and wretched synner and is baptised of Iohn There coulde be no gentler and meker reuelatiō of al the godheade according to the three persons in three sortes than this was so that all men may be sure of this that he that receaueth Christ and beleueth his word and trusteth in his working pleaseth God in all pointes Which thing is set forth and confirmed in this place Whatsoeuer he commandeth saith or doth all that is verily after the will and pleasure of the Father Blessed were we if we wold obey his will and embrace his sonne with a stedfaste faith and confidence But who wold not meruaill at the great madnes of them which at the sound of this most magnificent voice passe by as deafe But yet the rable of Papistes adde to this contempte a more greuouse crime They curse and persecute this voyce and they speake with open blasphemy that Christ is not only he in whome the Father is delighted but that he is delighted also in Mounkes Masses Pilgrimages and suche lyke He that wold earnestly ponder with hym selfe what a blasphemy this is to dishonour and disgrace Gods goodnes and humanitie with such pryde wold thynk it better to dye then to lyue leaste he should fede on that ayer with this wicked kinde Wherfore my childern learne this whyle ye haue occasion A fewe yeares paste ye knew not these things Then was heauen shut vppe Then were we fayne to hear and beleue Mounkes dreames as touchyng purgatorie and terrible spirits and soules and suche other lyes But now other things are taught and only it remayneth that men learne But for as muche as we preuayle nothing with the worlde as touching this at leaste wyse let vs remember oure duetye and geue GOD thankes for this benefite for that he reueleth his mynde vnto vs on this daye geuing vnto vs a thing of inestimable pryce euen the holye Ghost in the lykenes of a doue his owne sonne at Iordane in baptisme and hym self in a voyce full of maiestie and confort Who woulde not therfore condemne hym worthely whiche geueth not thanks which reioyceth not which receaueth not the sonne of God with a feruent desyer whiche standeth here in Iordane receueth baptisme as a synner Upon whom commeth the holy Ghost in the sight of a doue where the Fathers voyce is so nighe that it can be no nigher There is no doubt but that the angels of God were present For where as is the Father the sonne and the holy Ghoste there muste nedes be a great multitude of Angels Wherfore see that ye esteme this hystory hyghly In dede it is a reuelatiō wher as CHRIST openeth hym self to the wyse men by a starre But this reuelation passeth that very farre For these are three especiall kynges God the Father God the sonne and God the holy Ghost whiche are al present together when Christ is baptised If it had so pleased hym this reuelation might haue ben done as well either in the wildernes or in the temple of Ierusalem But it was shewed euen at baptisme of the set purpose of God that we might learne religiously and reuerently to esteme baptisme And bycause we also are baptised let vs esteme oure selues no other wyse then fresh and new made sayntes The pratynge of the Anabaptistes is very great where as they say now that baptisme is nothyng els than water But with what word myght a man sufficientlye curse these execrable heddye persons This is the Iudgement of brute beastes and not of Christians For there is not only water but also the worde of GOD as it is seen at CHRITES Baptisme For God the Father the Sonne and the holye Ghost is present Wherfore it is no more water of the Element but suche water as in the which the Sonne of God is washed vpon the which the holy Ghost is caried God the Father preacheth that this water might not be counted symple water but sanctified whereat God the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost is present As Christ also for that cause appoynteth the forme of baptisme that it should be geuen in the name of the Father of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost Wherfore when a chylde is now baptised the Sonne of GOD is present at this baptisme whiche with his body The holy Ghoste whiche with his presence God the Father whiche with his voyce hath consecrated and halowed baptisme Wherfore it can not be said that it is but water For all the Godhead is present And for this cause we iudge baptisme no mans worke For although a man baptiseth yet he baptiseth not in his name but in the name of the Father of the sonne and of the holy Ghost whiche come and are present at the worke of their owne accorde Or els that wold neuer folow at baptisme that ought to folow Now who is he that wold count this vile and of no valew that God the father the sonne the holy Ghost is present who will be so bold as to calle it very water Is it not euident what God of his owne addeth to
therfore not bounde to the lawe For Moyses lawe is for suche women as were broughte with chylde after the common naturall course yet shee demandeth no pryuiledge more then other womenne hadde but humbly obeyeth the lawe as all other dyd And the chylde IESVS whyche is lorde of the lawe with whome Moyses is not to be compared yet submitteth hym selfe so lowely that hee obeyeth the lawe of his seruant These examples be suche as proue our vertues and doynges lytle worthy of prayse and therfore are described in sermons and sette before vs to make vs ashamed for that we for this lordes sake of whome we haue all thynges do not so much as our necessary duetie byndeth vs where as he for oure sakes dothe that that his seruaunt commaunded hym He therefore that hathe anye vnderstandynge lyke a manne woulde deteste and abhorre hym selfe that where as hee seeth so greate an exaumple of CHRIST hys delyuerer whiche so muche humbleth hym selfe and sheweth suche obedience as men coulde neuer haue inuented the lyke yet wee not withstandynge that lytle regarde to obey hym whyche hath power eyther to caste vs into helle or ells for to receaue vs into heauen Wherfore CHRISTES obediēce putteth ours to confusion and shame and it ought to admonysh vs of our great dishonestie that we may reason thus with our selues What doo we caytiues what meane we Shall we neuer come to our right wittes obey hym and folowe his example whiche became man for our sake whiche cried in his swadelynge bandes whiche was accused at Hierusalem whiche is obediente to Moyses his seruant to whome he was not ●ounde For hee is the Lorde and as for Moyses is scarcely woorthy to bee his seruaunt and yet he doth that that he was not cōmanded And as for me I do not that that I am bound and charged to do vnder pein of damnation And this is the first simple and playne doctrine wherin by the example of Christ we are put in remembrāce of our dutie that when we cōsider his great obediēce we may be pricked with shame concernyng our lewd nature for that we refuse to be obedient for our owne necessarye cause behofe The other doctrine is of the preferment of the first born for that that God hath ordeined hym to be of suche an hygh degree as to be called the sonne of God and his proper god This is a great honor a great priuiledge wherof the Iewes were not a litle prowde For they disdained all their other brothers as though that they in comparison of them selues were not of the numbre of them that pleased god As many euident exaumples are redy to declare this true wher as none did more degendre from their kind then the first borne none dyd lesse behaue them selues to the contentation of their parents myndes For they coulde not knowe or measure them selues for pryde they thought them selues onely holy before God and despised all the reste Neither coulde we at this tyme if we had suche preeminence refrayne from like statelynesse as wee maye perceaue this by the maners of monkes If they could haue any thing to declare this their preferment and honour and say truly We ar the holye sonnes of God this priuiledge haue we by his worde and ordinance how glorious wold they be seyng that nowe they take so muche vppon them for a stinkyng coules sake And this pride was the ruine ouerthrow of the first borne As it was to Lucifer the chief angel Cain also was the first begotten and therfore he thought hymselfe most happiest And this doth Eue declare by the name that she gaue hym when he was borne euen that this was the mā that they shold loke for She gaue hym this name to garnyshe hym as with a diademe or kynges robe as though he shold be that promised heroicall persone to come But euen as of Lucifer was made a deuil so of Cain was made a wicked prince There was also no small pride in Ismaell whiche could not suffer his brother Isaac in the house for he persuaded hymself that he should be head of all And suche pride for the most part was of them all as thoughe they onely were the holye ones of the Lord and that all the residue were estemed but for vnderlynges Wherfore GOD coulde not spare them Esau for his fyrst byrthes preeminence thought to become the chief But God prouided otherwise For whē he thought by the priuiledge of birthright that he mighte without lette oppresse and neglecte his brother it pleased GOD to take hys ryghte frome hym and to put hym besyde the blessyng euen as he dyd with Ismaell and Cayn But for the profe of this matter the example of the Iewes passeth al other For they by good right should haue bene the fyrst begottten in the kyngdom of God and in the churche and we Gentiles theyr yonger bretherne But when they waxed stoute and proude and would plucke vnto them thinges due by birthrighte God cast them of for that they trusted so much in thē selues and despised other Wher as it had ben mete for them for that cause to be more gentil kynd obediēt And for this pride were they reiected from God the Gentils receaued Dauid at Gods request preferred in his kyngdom Salomon the yongest before his elder brethren to exclude all prouocations of pride And the chosyng of Dauid to his kingdom was after no other maner when God sent Samuel the prophet to anoint the sonne of Iesse to be kyng for Saule First cam the eldest whose pride appered for that he so cruelly rated his brother in the tents as though he counted him for his bondmā But the Lord answered that it was not he vntil seuen sons of Iesse were passed by the pro phet was fain to aske whether he had any other sonne besides To whō the father as though he thought no likelihode in Dauid answered that he had a litle sonne fedyng shepe For Iesse could not thinke that God wold auanced his yongest sonne to such a chief fortune and state But this was he that God accepted The fyrst begotten pleased not God as he saith to Samuel I iudge not by the outwarde shewe but I beholde the hearte But what shall we say to be the cause that God so greatly neglecteth the first birthright whiche he ordeined hym self and aduanceth Dauid to the kyngdom that was the yongest amongest his brethren wheras yet by Gods ordinance the right of the kyngdome belonged to the fyrst borne Ueryly all hys entente and purpose is to persuade that priuileges in bodily thinges are not regarded or respected of God Neyther wyll he that the vse of his priuileges and giftes shold be referred to suche an ende that therby should spryng pride statelynes and contempte GOD would haue his children sober and lowly and not proude and loftie But they that therby take occasion to be disdainfull and arrogant although they were thervnto
holy ghoste after these fewe dayes When they therefore were come together they asked of hym sayinge Lorde wylt thou at this tyme restore agayne the kyngdome of Israell And he sayd vnto them It is not for you to know the tymes or the seasons whiche the father hathe put in his owne power But ye shal receyue power after the holy ghost is come vpon you And ye shal be witnesses vnto me not on lye in Ierusalem but also in all Iewrye and in Samaria and euen vnto the worldes ende And when he had spoken these thinges whyle they behelde he was taken vp on hye and a cloude receyued hym vp out of their syght And whyle they loked stedfastly vp towarde heauen as he went behold two men stode by them in whyte aparell which also sayde Ye men of Galile why stande ye gasynge vp into heauen This same Iesus which is taken vp from you into heauen shall so come euen as ye haue seene hym goe into heauen THE EXPOSITION THis daye is celebrated and kepte holy the feast of the Ascention of Christe that we maye the better be instructed concernynge thys Article of the Christen Fayth He ascended into heauen and sytteth on the ryght hand of God the Father almyghty frome thense he shall come to iudge the quycke and the deade For the trewe vnderstandyng of this article two thynges are necessarye to be knowen One concernynge the hystorie of the Ascention of Christ. The other as touchyng the mysterie of Christes Ascention what he hath done why he dyd ascende and what profyte he hath brought to his Churche and faithefull congregation by that hys meruailous and glorious Ascension As concernynge the hystorie blessed Luke in hys Chronicle of the Apostles actes dothe very diligently describe it and set it foorthe when he maketh mention of the daye of the place and of the persones that were present after this maner That the Lord after that by the space of fortie days he had shewed hymself aliue to his Disciples after his resurrection spokē vnto thē of the kingdom of God gathered them together and brought them vnto mount Oliuete not farre frome Hierusalem and gaue them commaundemente that they shoulde not departe frome Hierusalem but to wayte there for the promise of the Father euen the Holy Ghost and that afterwarde they shoulde publyshe the Gospelle thorough out the worlde And when he hadde spoken these thynges whyle they behelde hee was taken vp on hye and a clowde receaued hym vp oute of theyr syghte And whyle they looked stedfastly vp towarde heauen as he went Beholde sayth Luke two men stoode by theym in whyte apparell whyche sayd vnto them Ye menne of Galilee why stande ye gasing vp into heauen Thys same IESVS whyche is taken vp frome you into heauen shall so come euen as ye haue seene hym go into heauen This is the historie of the Ascention of Christ as it is described and sette forth by blessed Luke In this hystorye fyrst of all is this miracle woorthye to be obserued that the Lorde Christ before hys Disciples is caryed vp into Heauen and by a cloude taken oute of theyr syght whiche is a manyfeste declaration vnto vs what the state of glorified bodies after the generall Resurrection shall bee For it is not the naturall propretie of mens bodies to be caried vp Notwithstandyng that shal be the condition of glorified bodies that in a moment they maye go to all places without impediment of any thyng as the example of Christe teacheth whome when he rose agayne from death vnto lyfe the stone of the graue could not hynder hym nor afterwarde the doores shutte coulde kepe hym out He pearceth thorow all thyngs He maketh hym selfe vysible when he wyll agayn inuisible when his pleasure is That same felicitie and blessed state shall our bodies also haue after the resurrection when the bodies shall be immortall and no more subiecte to infirmities as they are nowe in thys lyfe wherein we are combred with many diseases and necessities But of these thynges we shall speake more at an other tyme whenne wee shall treate of the Article of the Resurrection of the deade Lette vs nowe come vnto the principall poynte of the whole matter wherunto also the Angels had speciall respecte when they called agayne into the waye the Disciples that gased here and there that they should rather consider why Christe is ascended into heauen then how he beyng a littell afore seene is nowe seene nomore The doctrine of the Apostles in all thynges moueth specially to this poynt that we should consider vnto what ende all the actes of Christe were doone as for an example They referre Christes deathe vnto our sinnes and his resurrection vnto oure Iustification and so likewise of the other After this sorte muste we nowe also see why Christe ascended into heauen and what commoditie and profyt we haue by that his ascension And fyrst of all lette vs behold the nature and state of his kyngdome For in that that he is gone vp into heauen he declareth that his kyngdom is not of this worlde and that his administration shall not be after the maner of worldly kyngdomes When the Disciples demaunded of Christe at what tyme he woulde restore the kyngdome to Israell they were of this opinyon that Christes kyngedome shoulde be a corporall and worldly kyngedome But by his ascension they are taught otherwyse to thynke of his kyngdom that is to saye that it is no worldely kyngdome oute of the which great richesse dignities and promotions are to be looked for but rather a spirituall and euerlastynge kyngedome in the whyche hee shoulde geue Spirituall gyftes vnto menne Therefore lette no manne become one of Christes flocke to the ende that he wyll gette temporall goodes and worldely possessions or to come vnto great honour for these thynges are not to be found in this kyngdome Baptisme the ministerie of the worde and the Lordes supper were not instituted for tēporall thinges neither shold Christ euer haue ben reueled in the world if it had not bene for a more graue and weighty cause then this For our euerlastyng saluation and rightousnes came he down from heauen There was therfore an higher greater matter why the sonne of God did either descende or ascend verily that he might prouide for vs euerlasting goodes as are the fauor of God remission of sinnes the gift of the holy Ghost righteousnes euerlastyng lyfe Such gyfts must we loke for at Christes hand which continued not in this life but wēt into an euer stinge life euen into heauen and there hath begun a spirituall inuisible and euerlasting kingdome Whych thing was longe before prophecied by Dauid in a certaine Psalm which S. Paule reciteth in his Epistle to the Ephesians and interpreteth it of the Ascention of Christ and of his spirituall kyngdome The words are these Thou art gone vp on hie thou hast led captiuitie captiue and
redy a perfect people for the Lord. That Iohn turned many by the preachyng of Gods word vnto the Lord it is manifest in the Euāgelical history What great multitudes of people S. Peter as I may speake nothing of the other apostels turned vnto Christ by preaching the word blessed Luke in his Chronicle of the Apostles acts doth partly declare Was not the holle world in a maner turned vnto the faith of Christ thorow the preaching of the word As sainct Paul saith Faith cōmeth by hearing and hearing cōmeth by the worde of God But I aske Haue they not heard No doubt their sound went oute into all landes and their woordes into the endes of the worlde In matters of controuersie concernyng religion it declareth and sheweth who maintaineth truthe and who approueth falshode It is the true touchestone wherby we easily discerne the true doctrine of Christ frō the fals corrupte teachyng of Antichrist And therefore it is called of the Psalmograph the faithfull testimonie or wytnes of the Lorde And in all matters of doubt the Prophet exhorteth vs to flee vnto this word of that to learne the certaintie of al matters cōcerning Faith and Doctrine If any man saieth he want lyght lette hym looke vpon the law the testimonie whether they speake not after this meanyng If he doo not this he stumbleth and suffreth hunger And if he suffer hunger he is out of pacience and blasphemeth his king his God So reade we of the noble men of Thessalonica whiche when they herd Paul and Sylas preache that Christ muste nedes suffer and rise agayn frome death for the saluation of the worlde receaued the word wyth all diligence of mynde and yet notwithstandyng searched the scriptures dayly whether those things were euen so as Paul and Sylas preached And therfore S. Paul afterward writing vnto thē as one greatly alowing this their act saith in his epistle Quench not the spirite despise not prophecyings Examyn al things kepe that which is good And. S. Iohn in his canonicall Epistle saieth Derely beloued beleue not euery spirite but proue the spirites whether they are of God or not c. It geueth wisedom to the simple to the poore in spirit to the hūble to the meke to the litle ones to the babes This wisdom is the true knowlege of god of his blessed wil. This wisedom cā we not haue but by the word as God himself saith by the prophet Unto whom shall I haue respect but vnto him that is poore of a lowly troubled spirit and standeth in awe of my wordes The fyne Phariseys the sawcie Saduceis the subtil Scribes the lustye Lawyers the bite●hepe Byshoppes the patteryng Priestes as I maye speake nothyng of the eloquente Oratours noble hystoriographers learned Poetes quickewitted Logitians farre syghted Astronomers c. were before the worlde great wyse learned men and yet vnderstode they nothyng of God aryght The symple ideots and vnlearned men had more true knowledge of God then all they as oure sauiour Christ sayd vnto his heauenly Father I thanke thee O Father Lord of heauen and earth because thou hast hid these thynges from the wyse and prudent hast shewed them vnto babes Uerily Father euē so was it thy good plesure Likewise sayth S. Paule Not many wise men after the flesh not many myghty not many of highe degree are called But God hathe chosen the foolish thynges of the worlde to confound the wise And God hath chosen the weake thynges of the worlde to confounde thynges whiche are mightie and vile thinges of the world and thynges whiche are despised hath God chosen yea and thinges of no reputation for to bring to naught things of reputation that no flesh should reioyce in his presence S. Iames also saith Hath not God chosen the poore of this worlde suche as are riche in Faith and heyres of the kyngdom which he promised to them that loue hym It reioyceth and maketh the heart mery as the Prophet Ieremie saieth When I had found thy wordes I dyd eate them vp gredily They haue made my heart ioyfull glad For thy name was called vpon me O Lord God of Hostes. The Prophete Ezechiel saith also I dyd eate the boke and it was in my mouth sweter then hony Were not these the woordes of the two disciples that went vnto Emaus after that Christ had interpreted vnto them the scriptures which wer writen of him Did not our heartes say they burne within vs while he talked with vs by the way and opened to vs the scriptures Who is able to expresse what ioy what mirth what solace what confort Adam and Heua receaued after their transgression when they heard out of the mouth of God that the sede of the womā should treade downe the serpentes head Who can sufficiently declare how greatly king Dauid being rebuked of the prophet Nathan for his whoredome and manslaughter was conforted and replenished with all true perfect gladnes when he heard out of the prophetes mouthe these most swete and confortable wordes The Lorde hath put away thy synne thou shalte not dye What ioye and confort the synfull woman conceaued in her heart which before was almost swalowed vp of sorowe for her wicked and synfull life past as her teares and outward behauiour do manifestly declare when she hearde these wordes out of the mouthe of Christ Thy synnes are forgeuen thee Go in peace no man is able to expresse The thefe likewise hanging on the crosse and hearyng these wordes spoken vnto him of Christ Uerily verily I say vnto thee This day shalte thou be with me in Paradise conceaued in his heart an vnoutspeakable ioye Many suche examples fynde we in the Scriptures bothe of the olde and newe Testament The worde of God I meane the Gospel of our Lord and Sauior Christ Iesu apprehended and layde hande on with a sure and strong faith bryngeth to the heart and conscience of man peace rest ioy solace confort c. For thys cause it is called the worde of reconciliation or attonement of ioy of peace of confort of helth of spirite of lyfe c. It lyghtneth the eyes It sheweth vnto men the ryght waie howe they ought to walke to please God and to doo those thynges which are acceptable vnto him It deliuereth men from the cloudes of ignorancie and from the darknes of mens traditions and openeth vnto them the glorious God that they may not stumble and walke safely in that way that the Lord hath appointed declinyng neither on the righte hande nor on the left hande as the Psalmographe saieth Thy worde O Lord is a lanterne vnto my fete and a lyghte to my pathewaies For this cause it is termed of the holye writers Light in diuers places of the sacred Bible Our Sauior Christ saieth This is condemnation that the light is come into the world and men haue loued
to all the flocke amonge whom the holy Ghost hath made you Ouerseers to rule the congregation of God whiche he hath purchased with hys bloode For I am sure of this that after my departyng shall greuous wolues enter in among you not sparyng the flocke Moreouer of your owne selues shall men aryse speakynge peruerse thynges to drawe disciples after them Therfore awake and remember that by the space of three yeares I ceased not to warne euery one of you night and daye wyth teares S. Peter speakyng of hym selfe writeth on this maner I wyll not bee negligente to put you alwayes in remembrance of suche thynges though ye knowe them your selues and be stablyshed in the present truthe Not withstandyng I thynke it mete as longe as I am in this tabernacle to stere you vp by puttyng you in remembrance c. Thus ye see what diligence is required of you in feedynge the Lordes housholde wyth the holy worde of God This office aboue all other maye by no means be neglected For herein as I maye so speake consisteth either the saluation or damnation bothe of you and of the Lordes householde as God saythe by the Prophete O thou sonne of man I haue made thee a watcheman vnto the house of Israell that where as thou hearest any thyng out of my mouth thou mayst warn them on my behalfe If I saye vnto the wycked Thou wicked thou shalt surely dye and thou geuest hym not warning that he may beware of his vngodly way the wicked shal die in his owne sinne but his blood I will require of thy hande Neuertheles if thou warne the wicked of his way to turn frō it where as he yet will not be turned from it then shal he die because of his sinne but thou hast deliuered thy soule But if the wicked turne frō his sinnes do the thing that is laufull right then shall he surely liue not dye Yea the sinnes that he hath done shall neuer be thought vpon For in somuche as he doth now the thyng that is laufull and ryght he shall lyue If ye be tongue tyed or playe Placebo ▪ so that ye reproue not the wycked by the worde of God of theyr wickednes but suffer them to go forthe in theyr wickednes as though they were good righteous and fautlesse so bryng ye damnation bothe vpon your selues and vpon them But yf ye sharpely rebuke the wicked of theyr wyckednesse so that by this meanes they turne from theyr lewdnes and woorke that whyche is good and pleasant before the eyes of Gods maiestie so do ye that which shall bring saluation to you bothe as the Apostle sayth Take hede to thy selfe and vnto learnyng and continue therin For yf thou shalt so do thou shalt saue thy self them that heare thee Hereto agreeth the saying of S. Iames Brethren yf any of you doo erre from the truth an other conuert hym let the same know that he whiche conuerteth the synner from goyng astray out of his way shall saue a soule from deathe and shall hyde the multitude of synnes As the Lord hath committed to you the meate wherwith his housholde shoulde be fedde so is it your duetie not to withdrawe it from them but liberally to geue it vnto them as good faithfull and wyse seruantes and stewardes The distribution of the heauenly sede sayeth a certayne man is enioyned vs. Wo therfore be vnto vs if we doo not sprinkle it abrode Wo be vnto vs yf wee holde oure peace as the Apostle sayeth Wo is vnto me yf I preache not the Gospelle The verye titles and names whiche are appropriated vnto you by the holy Ghost in the sacred scriptures ought to moue you to doo youre duetie in this behalfe and by no meanes to be negligent herein Ye are called priestes elders shepheardes feders ouerseers apostles prophetes salt lyght workmen preachers labourers seruantes byshops planters waterers fathers angelles embassadours Gods labourers buylders ministers of Christ stewardes of the secretes of God schoolemasters sowers of spirituall thynges Gospell preachers ministers of the newe testament seruantes of the faithfull preachers of the attonement Christes messangers Christes seruantes Catechistes doctors or teachers Euangelistes Christes witnesses souldiours of Iesus Christ husbandmen laboures distributers of the worde of truth informers of them that resyst the truthe watchers for the health of mens soules c. If your trauayles doyngs lyfe and conuersation agree with these titles and names so are ye faithfull and wise seruantes and great is your reward in heauen But contrarywyse if ye vainly and withoute cause vsurpe these names so that ye are not the same in dede that ye are called in name and worde what other thing are ye then painted sepulchres white daubed walles whose portion is in that lake that burneth with fyre and brymstone Moreouer the salarie stipende and wages that ye receaue of your parishoners appointed for the true pastors of the Lordes flock and for the faithful ministers of Gods word ought to bee no dulle spurre vnto you to pricke you forwarde to feede the Lordes housholde The lyuynges whiche many of you enioye are neyther small nor slender but ryche and wealthy great and many They are not geuen you vnto thys ende that ye shoulde lyue of them lyke voluptuous Epicures and ydell bellygods but for thys purpose that ye beynge voyde of worldly care hauyng al necessary thynges prouided for you should the more frankely and freely geue your myndes to the study of the holy Scriptures and to the preachyng of the same to the ministration of the sacramentes to prayer to thankes geuyng and to suche other spirituall exercyses Our sauiour Christ sayeth The workeman is woorthy of his meate Hee saieth not The loyteryng lurden is worthye of his meate If any man be in the mynisterie and will liue of that he muste labour fyrst and afterwarde eate If he labour not so ought he not to eate accordyng to this rule of S. Paule He that laboureth not ought not to eate And his laboure is not to hunte and hauke to kepe great horses to fede many dogges and a sorte of ydell lasye lubbers to lye lurkyng in the court in Byshoppes and noble mens houses in the vniuersities c. but as I sayd to geue meate to the Lordes housholde to preache the Gospell to mynister the sacramentes to pray vnto God for the people to thank God for his benefites to watch day and nyght aboute the health of the Lordes flocke c. The Apostle sayeth that hee whyche soweth spirituall thynges ought to reape temporall thynges If ye therfore wyll reape temporall thynges ye muste fyrst of all sowe spirituall thynges If ye doo not sow so oughte ye not to mowe If ye doo mowe where ye dyd not sowe so are ye not pastors but raptors no shepheardes but hyrelynges noo flockelouers but flockelubbers yea very playne theues as CHRIST saieth A thefe commeth not but
hygh mysteries of thy diuine wyll we moste humbly beseche thee that all cloudes of ignorancie and darknes dispelled and put away we beyng here gathered together in thy name may thorow the same thy spirite enioye the lyghte of thy eternall veritie and so reuerentely preache and mekely heare thy moste blessed worde at this present that we vnderstandynge the same and beyng enflamed with the loue therof may in all poyntes fashion oure lyfe accordyng to thy holy wyll and seriously prouide that the light of our actes and maners maye so shyne before men that they seyng our good workes may glorifye thee our Father which arte in heauen to whom wyth thy derely beloued sonne Iesus Christe and the holy ghost three distinct persones in deitie and yet one very true and perfect God in essence bee all honoure prayse and glory for euermore Amen A thankes geuynge after the Sermon PRayse honour and glorye be vnto thee O heauenlye Father whiche at this tyme haste fedde vs wyth meate not that perysheth but that abydeth vnto euerlastynge life Graunt we moste humbly besech thee that we hauynge the knowlege of thy word may also practise the same in our conuersatiō that we bothe entierly louyng and vnfaynedly lyuyng bothe heartily fauoryng and earnestly folowyng both couragiously professynge and diligentely practisyng thy holy and heauenly worde maye after this mortall lyfe lyue with thee in that lyfe whyche is immortall thorowe IESVS CHRIST our Lorde Amen Geue the glorie to God alone The first Sonday of Aduent ¶ The Gospell of Mathew xxi AND when they drew nygh to Ierusalem were come to Bethphage vnto mount Oliuet then sent Iesus two of his disciples saying vnto them Go into the towne that lieth ouer against you anone you shall fynde an Asse bound and her colte with her louse them and bryng them vnto me And if any man saye ought vnto you saye ye the Lord hath nede of them and streight way he will let them go All this was doone that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Prophet saying Tell ye the daughter of Sion Behold thy kyng commeth vnto thee meke sitting vpon an asse a colte the foale of an asse vsed to the yoke The Disciples went and did as Iesus cōmaunded them and brought the Asse and the colte and put on them theyr clothes and set him theron And many of the people spred theyr garments in the waye Other cut downe branches from the trees strawed them in the waye Moreouer the people that went before and they that came after cryed saying Hosanna to the Sonne of Dauid Blessed is he that commeth in the name of the Lord Hosanna in the hyghest And when he was come to Ierusalem all the Citie was moued saying Who is this And the people sayd This is Iesus the prophete of Nazareth a Citie of Galile And Iesus went into the temple of God cast out all them that solde and bought in the Temple and ouerthrue the tables of the money changers the seates of them that solde Doues and saide vnto them It is written My house shall be called the house of Prayer but ye haue made it a denne of theues THE EXPOSITION THE PEOPLE of Israel had many notable and excellent promyses as concerning Messias or Christ how he shoulde come into this lyfe and set vp an euerlastyng kingdom and deliuer his people from all euyl and geue helpe for euer As it appereth by the writynges of the Prophetes when they preache so magnificently of the kyngdom of Christ to come And these promises were amongest the people But they were greatly hindered by false prophets and teachers whiche dyd so expounde these Promises as though this kyng after the worldly maner shold come into his kyngdom with great magnificence pompe and should aduaunce the people to hygh dignitie and power that all of them might be made lordes and rulers of Prouinces And to this tyme they can not be persuaded to haue any other opinion of Messias kingdom thā that as soone as he commeth they shal be as chiefe heades ouer all other that the Gentiles shal be their bondmen They vnderstand not that they haue nede of Christes cōming to this ende that they might be deliuered from synne and eternall death Wherfore that this lewde perswasion myghte not remaine with the people to their peryll GOD longe before raised vp Zacharie the prophete to shew vnto them that Christ shoulde not come after the facion of other kynges with kyngly apparel with loftynes and great pride of imperie and rule but as he saith like a begger as the hystorie of this gospell that we nowe entreate of declareth Lest this people shold haue any excuse to pretend that they would haue receaued this kyng if they had not ben ignorant of this matter and mysterie For that was opened vnto them many yeares before by the prophete And this act of Christ was not done in a priuie and solitarie place but he came in the lyght daye tyme vnto his people as a begger rydyng on an other mans asse which was nothyng prepared or redy to this purpose in so muche that his disciples were fayn to helpe their poore kyng by casting on their clothes that this pompe myght be somwhat likely Wherfore the Iewes can excuse themselues no ways For the prophecie is euidēt that whē Christ shall come into his kyngdome at Ierusalem he shall not come after the maner of other kyngs with a gret shewe of horses and armie but as the Gospell saieth meke and after the Prophet poore As though the prophete spake it to admonysh them on this wise Marke diligently the asse and knowe that he is very Christe that sitteth thereon Wherfore be wyse and looke for no scepter diademe or kynges robes For Christ shall come poore meke and humble shewynge foorth hym selfe on an asse This shall be all his magnificence and glorie whiche he shall shewe before the worlde in the pompe of his commyng to Ierusalem And this is the cause why Christe vsed thys pompe before he suffred and the matter is done also with great circumspection as Christ declareth hereby sufficiently where as he committeth all thynges to be done with such diligence and where as he commeth not in the night or priuily but openly in the daye and entreth into Ierusalem not alone but with a greate multitude of people which goeth both before him and after him and aduanceth him with praises as the very sonne of Dauid And they wishe that this his kingdome might be prosperous And the matter is done so openly that it must nedes be knowen in all the citie of his commyng Let them behold the asse the poore kynge of the whiche Zacharie prophecied and gaue warning to the Iewes that they should not be offended with the poore shew humble and lowly cōming of Christ but should rather condemne their own imaginations where as they thought that Christ shoulde come gloriously in the sight
tremblyng and dreade and dydde for very feare and pensiuenes despaire because they mystrusted that they wer not able to susteyn gods iudgement For the popes doctrin brought vs to this opinion that we feared Christ as an horrible iudge And many haue bē in that case that they thought there was no hope of saluatiō to be loked for of Christ for them And for that cause they prayed to the virgin Mary that she would bee theyr patronesse and make intercession for theym to suche a iudge For no man knew any other thyng but that Christ was cleane loste Wherfore there was no other thyng looked for but that we dyd tremble and quake when we thought of this Iudge Wherfore thynk this that the greatest part of this signe is past And I iudge likewise of the celestiall signes that the lest part of them remaineth And if thei be not all yet come to passe yet it may chaunce dayely that they be done But neuer the lesse we must be nothyng slacke in caryng therfore that we may be redy to mete at that day As Christ hereafter dothe exhort vs so to do In the ende Christ speaketh also of the other prodigious signe and sayth Men shal pyne away for feare and for the dreadful expectation of these thinges that shall chance to the worlde Here speaketh he of an other confusion whiche is excedyng great And thereof it chaunceth that men feare the signes of the laste day But suche are not the wycked the vngodly but the godly and timorous Wherfore they ioyne with the signes the meanyng therof whiche the wicked doo foolyshely despise and thynke themselfe wyse in so doynge because many suche sygnes hath chanced before and yet the day came not Wherefore they see these signes dayely and are not an heare the better neyther doo they thynke that the thyngs that chance on the last day are shewed to make them to be ware and circumspect Suche despisers dothe Christe caste frome hym For seynge they are so dull harted that they are nothynge moued with the signes much lesse wyll they care for the woorde and doctrine But the good whiche marke these signes and are moued with them dothe Christe take to his cure and comforteth them swetely after this sort Forasmuch as they confesse Christ and set by his worde and wyll not depart from it wyllyngly or denye it that they ought not to be afrayde or abashed at the syght of any sygnes bee they neuer so horrible and dreadefull Then shall they see sayth Christ the sonne of man commyng in a clowde with power and great glorye This magnificence passeth all the triumphes of kynges and emperours For then shall the ayre be full of angelles and Sainctes whiche shall shyne more bryghter then the sonne and Christe shall be in the myddest of them and with his elect shal geue sentence agaynst the damned whiche shall stande beneth in the earthe with the dyuell tremblyng and quakyng Wherfore sayth Christ when these thynges begyn to come to passe loke vp and lyft vp your heades be of good chere and see that ye be mery For all these thynges must be done If the worlde muste nedes fall it must fyrste geue a cracke For such a great buildyng can not fall except all thinges therof be fyrst shakē pluckt in pieces As a man that is nowe at the poynt of death he wrastleth and rolleth his eyes mouthe and all his membres his face waxeth pale and all about hym is sene great deformitie Suche shall be the facion of the worlde when it shall nowe perishe But I say vnto you be not discoraged in your myndes Lyfte vp youre heades for to you it may be a pleasure to behold these thynges And this occasion of ioy is not to be despised your redemption saith he is at hande yours I meane that beleue But the other that do not beleue shal be condempned Wherfore they ought to feare but they do not so For Christ shall bryng with him both these things that is heauen for the beleuers and godly and hell and damnation for the other This speaketh Christ to the godly whiche also shall be afrayde when the Sonne and Moon shal change their countenances and the world shall be full of signes For the Sainctes bee not so stronge yea Peter and Paule would thynke these signes fearfull if they were lyuyng But be strong saith Christe there shall be an horrible syght but it shall not hurt you it shall hurt the dyuell and the vngodly but there shall come therof saluation and moste ioyfull redemption to you whiche ye haue desyred so greately and haue prayed that my kingdom should come your synnes forgeuen and you your selues delyuered from all euill That thyng therfore that ye haue prayed for so longe and so hartily shall nowe be geuen vnto you For this is called the day of your redemption Wherfore this latter day may wel be called the day of damnation and redemption the daye of sorowe and ioye the daye of hell and of the kyngedome of heauen As Christ in the .xxiiij. of Mathew sayth Then shall all the tribes of the earth lament We shall not by Gods grace be amongest them but here wyll we leaue the Pope the fantasticall spirites the wrongfull extorcioners the wicked citizens the seditious people suche other whiche leaueth no kynde of wronge vndoone whiche persecute the Gospell and are the begynners of all these euyls then shall they smoke for this But we that are nowe oppressed with theyr myghte and dare not looke them on the face whiche wepe and are vexed shall at that tyme laugh and see before our faces howe they are dryuen with the dyuell into hell Wherfore although it shall seme dreadfull vnto you be not afrayde seeke no corners to hyde you in whenne these thynges begynne to come to passe But lyfte vp your heades meryly and stryue agaynste youre temptation Remembre that ye woulde haue me suche a one For if ye woulde haue me your redemer fyrste must I oppresse them that hold you captiue Is it not so If the robbers had taken thee and put thee in a castell and thou heardest that the castell were strongely besieged thou woldest not care so muche for the cruelnes of thy enemies but woldest rather reioyce if thou knewest that this were doone for thy sake that thou myghtest be delyuered from thy enemies So thinke ye here also that it ought not to seme terrible when the world shall plunge miserably and greuously be tormented For this punyshement is not for you but prouided for them on whome ye made complaynte Wherfore take this comynge as the comyng of youre saluation For I come not to condemne you to helle but to delyuer you out of this wycked frowarde and corrupte worlde and to separate you from the dyuell and his garde and to put you amongest the angels where ye shall suffer no euyll but haue the fruition of euerlastyng
lyfe And to this comforte belongeth the goodly similitude of the trees In the spryng sayth he when wynter is at an ende and all the earthe is renewed when colde departeth and heate approcheth and the bare trees begynne to bee greene wyth newe bowghes no other thynge foloweth hereof but that the trees bryng foorthe buddes and after that spreade abroade theyr leaues Then it is the common saying Wynter is gone and goodlye Sommer draweth nyghe We gladly let wynter depart and imbrace pleasant Sommer at hys commyng Therfore in his similitude of the trees may we haue euident resons declaring after what maner we ought to loke for this last day For as after leaues commeth sommer so when the earth shal be moued and the heauens shall tremble and when the sonne and Moone shall appere mourneful let these thyngs seme no more dreadfull vnto vs then when the tender leaues crepe forth of the trees when sommer begynneth to come in For these sygnes are to vs euen as the leaues and iuyce of the trees that we may ioyfully looke for that euerlastyng sommer For this presente miserable lyfe is very well compared to bareyn and euil fauored winter In the whiche all thyng dye and wyther awaye But these thynges shall then come to their ende and euerlastynge sommer shall come in theyr stede that is the kyngedome of GOD whereby the kyngdome of the deuyll shall peryshe Why are there so manye myseries geuen as a punisshement in the earthe because ye lyue amongest the couetous and wycked that blaspheme and curse the Gospell and stirre vp all mischiefe in the worlde This muste we see and here and looke daiely for worse Frome all these thynges will I deliuer you by my commyng that ye may not be constrayned to behold any longer their wickednes Wherfore this terrible state of the world doth not com for you but for your enemies They haue a good cause to be afrayde and sorowfull But reioyce ye as godly Loth dyd whiche sayth Peter dwelt in Sodoma and was constreigned with his innocent eyes and eares to heare and se the detestable synnes vntill they grew to such fulnesse and ripenesse that God coulde no lenger refrayne There came two Angels whyche ledde godly Loth out of the citie Surely this thyng was not without a terrible sighte when the element was horrible wyth clowdes when thunder was hard and the clowde wente aparte with a great wydenesse and brymstone and fyre fell downe by rayne and the gaspyng of the ground ensued and swalowed in all thinges It is not otherwise to be thought but that Loth was greatly dismayd at these thyngs But this comfort was at hande that this horrible and dredful tempest dyd not strike hym but the Sodomites whyche beleued not the word of God but gaue themselues to all kynd of most abhominable lewdnesse yea and that without al mesure These must nedes be meruailously troubled at this fyry rayne But godly Loth behelde this tempest as a pleasant tree in the spryng tyme that putteth forth his buddes and beginneth to be grene For he feeleth and receyueth helpe and mercyfull deliuerance against the wicked So shall it chaunce to vs also in the latter daye if it befall in oure lyfe tyme. It shall seeme a terrible thyng when heauen and earthe shall burne and we shal be changed in a moment and dye But a christian man must not here take his eyes for iudges but marke howe Christe doeth expound it That these flowers and boughes are moste pleasant So that albeit that the greuous syght of the worlde shall terrifie and abashe reason yet let the heart truste to the worde of God that it may not feare that outeward syght but say Mystrust not there is no hurte or damage This dothe not signifie as Christe sayth any euyll but that my redemption and redemer is at hande Hayle my redemer Christe therfore and come on as thou art wyshed for as I haue desyred oftentymes and prayed for whyle I lyued that thy kyngdome myght com vnto me He that can receyue Christ at his commyng after this maner shall in a momente be chaunged into that glory that he may shyne with the sonne for euer After this sort dooth Christ teache vs to knowledge truly the last day that we may lerne how great succour we haue therin and why also we ought to loke for and feruently to desire his comyng The Pope preacheth of Christe that he is a seuere Iudge and that we must haue healpe before hym by our good woorkes and that the Intercession of saintes are to be hadde yf any manne wyll be sure from damnation For so hath he put it foorthe in picture howe Christe commeth to iudgement and howe he holdeth a swoorde and a rodde in his mouthe whiche bothe are signes of wroth And where as Mary and Iohn standeth on bothe sydes it shewethe that the prayers and intercessions of them and of other suche good Sainctes muste be soughte for and trusted in As the good father Bernard persuaded hymself that when the mother sheweth her pappes to the Sonne that he can not denye her any thyng Whiche was an euident proofe that Christe should come lyke a seuere Iudge But in this Gospell he teacheth vs otherwyse that is that he shall not come to iudge and condemne vs but to deliuer redeme vs and that he wil graunt in dede that that we praied for and bring vs to his kingdom And as for other that beleue not in him and vexe the Christians with railyng and reuilyng he will by his sharpe sentence punishe greuouslye Thys saieth he beleue ye onely and looke for my cōmynge ioyfully for it shal be to your welthe that ye may be saued by me for euer from synne deuyll deathe hell and the worlde This is a greate comforte But in thys place one thyng remayneth wherby the fearefull consciences are troubled For Christ saieth that that daye shall come vnloked for So that it shal chance likewise to men as it chanceth to byrdes which flee in the mornyng hungry out of the woddes to fynde meat somwhere suspectyng no euyll bycause they were not deceiued of their hope in that place before and sodeinly they are wrapped in the nettes taken and killed But thei that feare God wil take hede therof And because they proue by dayly exaumples howe soone they that stande fall they are weake hearted and soone ouerthrowen For they thynke it vncertayne what shall become of them to morowe Perchance the houre wil come when thou shalt be most vnready and dydst not see it before orels thou shalt be entangled with this or that sinne Then art thou vndone and this ioyfull day shal be chaunged into mourninge In this doubt Christ leaueth vs not comfortlesse but teacheth christen men howe they shall bee rydde from this pensifenes and sayth See that your heart be not ouerladen with surfet dronkennes and with the cares of this lyfe least this daye oppresse
in hymselfe to the contryte vexed and miserable consciences and make their herts that were full of tremblyng and ouercome by dreade and feare to be mery and ioyfull Moyses is an high prophete but this can he not doo For all his sermons doo sounde on this wise Thou must obserue the law orels perishe This was a very torment to the Iewes The Phariseys dyd fast payd tithes and endeuoured with all their study to represent the lawe and thought that they had no nede of any gospel of any Christ but that all other thynges were without peryll and that god coulde not but receaue them into heauen for their fastes prayers almes c. These be riche and perfect sprited men which haue no nede of god and his grace and this is very true that this doctrine of Moyses is necessarie and that men ought to be indued with this discipline and instruction euen as in an Empire or kyngdome there must nedes be had somners hangmen to execute corporall punyshement on theim that wyll not obey the lawe that steale that commytte aduoutrie and slaughter But when the agonie of death is at hand this doctrine of Moyses by all mēs iudgement is to no purpose although thou hast obserued it neuer so muche Thou must nedes saye and confesse Although I haue not ben an aduoutrer a thefe a robber yet doo I onely flee to thy mercy If this be not all workes be they neuer so great preuaile not against desperation As there is an historie in the lyues of the fathers of a certayne man that stode styll three whole dayes in one place and continually lyfted vp his eyes into heauen with mournyng and waylyng And whē his Disciples asked of hym why he was so greately troubled he answered I feare death Then euery man endeuored to comfort hym and thought it the best for that purpose to put him in remembrāce of his straight kynde of lyuyng and of his kepynge of Goddes preceptes But he testified playnly before them that this made nothing against the fear of death For although sayeth he I haue kept gods preceptes very straightly yet I can not be without the feare of death for I knowe that gods iudgement is not lyke vnto mans This Father proceded so farre that he vnderstoode that when these tourmentynges begynne and dryue vs to God and to his iudgement that Gods Iudgement is so greuous seuere and harde that our holines and good workes can not withstande and susteyn it Wherfore although the lawe is to be taught and the discipline of good woorkes is to bee put in execution the cōmandements to be done yet when death commeth let vs dispaire as concernyng all oure workes and the rightuousnes therof This is one of the poore that is mencioned in this place But hee can not telle what he myght surely stycke vnto For this was lackyng to him wherof Christ speketh in this place The Gospell is preached to the poore But the Gospell is suche a doctrine as touchyng Christe that it comforteth a synner and dothe adhort hym not to feare For Christ commaunded it to be preached to the contrite that he geueth his owne rightuousnes for thee which is euerlastinge Thys Grace dooth hee procure to bee taught to thee by his worde Wherfore doubt not It shall chance vnto thee as thou hearest if thou beleue For the Gospell signifieth a faire and quiet doctrine ioyfull tidynges If a riche man woulde promise to a begger a thousand nobles that would be a gospell to the begger and ioyfull tydynges and pleasant to the eare But what ar all riches in comparison of this gospell and good tidynges that Christe hath respect vnto the poore and is suche a kynge whiche maketh the dead synners and captiues of the lawe parttakers of euerlasting life righteousnes Suche is my kingdom saith he muche vnlike the kingdom of the worlde wher only this regard is had to aduaunce the mighty For he that is moste of might there doth moste oppresse the poore Ther the potestate vseth extremitie which spareth no man can not suffer vice vnpunished Wher it hath his sergeāts his rods the sword water fier that the euyll doers may be punished But in the kingdom of Christ it wil be otherwise Wherfore as it is a miracle to rayse the dead so is this the chiefe miracle that God hath sent vs such a kinge that is kinge of sinners and sheweth his gospell to them Moses and his law knoweth of no such kinge For there it is enacted that he that is a sinner is condemned to the diuell and to death This now appereth hereby that God is kinge of the holy and rightuous which hath farre perfecter holynes then that that the ciuill lawes requier And it is trew that that doctrine of the law is Gods word and that Moyses ministration by the lawe is Gods ministration As lykewise the ciuill empires are well called the empires of God for as much as he cōmaundeth such to be had vs also to obei therto But these are onli the empires of Gods lefte hād But the kingdome of his right hand is wher he reigneth him self neither doth he substitute any lieutenantes parētes magistrates other officers but he ruleth him self so ordreth the matter that the gospel be preached to the poore In the which thou learnest that whē thy rightuousnes cā not abide the iudgement of God to say thus I haue done lord that I cold I haue obeied my parēts masters with al diligence I haue done no man any dishonestie I haue not ben a murmurer I haue sene diligētli to my houshold them that were committed to my cure I haue done no wrong to my neighboure I haue not stollen I haue not cōmitted aduoutery c. But what is this to the purpose whē the matter is tried before thy Iudgemēt This is nothing to thy kingdō Wherfore whē I know that thing in thy gospel that thy sonne our Lord Iesu Christ shewed diuers signes amōgest the which this is also that thi sonne preached to the poore that is that he was sent frō the to this purpose to cōfort the afflicted cōsciences to this entēt haue I now receaued the gospel For I can not be without it wheras I am vexed and poore and there is no wher els any confort either in my goodes either in all the worlde Thus saith also the prophet Esaias of Christ as Christ saith here also the lord hath geuē me a learned toung that is God hath put this word in my tongue that I may at due season speake with the weary that is confort the dreadfull cōsciēces As the euāgelist doth expoūd it in this place saith that the gospell is preached to the poore for the king Christ was sent to preache good tydings to cōfirme the trembling fearful cōsciences And his kingdome is a kingdō of cōfort wherein the dreadful muste be
obstinate blindnesse of the worlde We haue songe vnto you and ye wold not daunce and at oure lamentable songes ye wold not lament For neither cā the doctrine of the lawe neither of the gospell further and moue men either to lament either to reioyce that is neither will they suffer theyr sinnes to be rebuked neither geue place to confort against their synnes They will neither be blind nor yet see As the examples of oure aduersaries the Papistes are at hand to proue this And now muste we learne the other thing also out of his gospell that the gospell is suche a doctrine as is so vnkindly and horribly despised in the worlde that all men be offended at it seing kinges Princes Pope Cardinalls Bishops Priests Monkes citizens and rustikes that is all the mighty and excellentest in the worlde do not only not receaue it but also scorne and persecute it Suche was the fortune of Christe for all his miracles For what cause had he els to say Blessed is he that is not offēded with me if it chāced so to thee O Christ wheras thou mightest haue stopped all mens mouthes with diuine miracles we maye wel refrayn from complainyng when we are despised for the Gospels sake and laughed to scorne and persecuted This doctrine of offences is very necessary and specially in this our tyme wherin this offence is most greuous The fyrst doctrine is also necessary For ther in consysteth our saluation and euerlastyng lyfe that we knowe howe Crist is the Kynge of comfort which is gladde to shewe his bounteousnesse towarde oure troubled consciences and to comforte them in synne and healpe vs to euerlastyng lyfe For althoughe that the strayghte kyngedome of the worlde is hys also yet it is not his principall kyngdom seyng it shall not euer endure This is the chief and euerlastyng kyngdome of Christe when we falle acquaynted with hys worde which must be preached to the poore that whā we dye we may say I beleue in Iesus Christ my lord whiche can restore and geue syght to the blynd whole lymmes to the lame clensyng to the leapre to the dōbe the vse of speache to the dead lyfe He wyll be my helper he wyll not see me forsaken at my moste nede For this is the cause that he became man and descended into the earthe vnto me He that beleueth this truely departeth from this myserable lyfe to the celestial and euerlastyng ioys The which thing that it may chance to vs our Lord Iesu Christ myght graunt Amen The fourthe Sonday of Aduent ¶ The Gospell of S. Iohn i. THis is the recorde of Iohn when the Iewes sente priestes and Leuites from Ierusalem to aske hym What arte thou And he confessed and denied not and sayd playnly I am not Christ. And they asked hym what then art thou Helias And he saith I am not Art thou the Prophete And he aunswered No. Then sayde they vnto hym What art thou that we may geue an aunswere vnto them that sent vs What sayest thou of thy self He sayd I am the voyce of a cryer in the wyldernesse make straight the waye of the Lorde as saide the prophete Esaie And they whiche were sent were of the Phariseis and they asked hym and sayd vnto hym Why baptisest thou then if thou be not Christ nor Helias neyther that prophete Iohn answered them saying I baptise with water but there standeth one among you whome ye knowe not he it is whiche though he came after me was before me whose shoe latchet I am not worthye to vnlose These thynges were doone at Bethabara beyonde Iordan where Iohn dyd baptise THE EXPOSITION THIS Gospell also is one of the especiallest gospels that proueth a hygh article of our religion which belongeth not to the tenne commaundementes or workes but to a hygher matter teachynge what is Christe and what he hath done Wherefore it is almost one with the gospell of the laste Sonday and conteyneth the same doctrine excepte that the matter is sette foorthe with other wordes and other persones For the laste Sonday ye heard how all the matter consisteth in this poynte that we haue chiefe respect vnto this person CHRIST that nothing besyde be had in so great estimatiō that all our mynd and thought reste in this man For he that swarueth not from hym fyndeth remission of synnes and deliuerance from deth and hel For so is it wholly decreed with God that in this man all thynges should be He is the way truth and lyfe and by hym onely the patriarkes prophetes and Apostles be saued from the beginning of the worlde This knoweth Iohn and sendeth his disciples for this cause vnto hym that they should not lacke so great a tresure and goodnes This doth God wel perceiue that this is our fault to be desyrous to serche out many ways And one for the loue of monkerie becometh a monk an other fasteth an other slepeth on the ground and so euery man foloweth his owne deuise and goeth forth in his owne ways that may bryng him to heuen Wherfore God talketh with vs by the gospell and protesteth that he alloweth not that as seme good to vs But that he putteth forthe his word to shewe vs the true way that is his sonne Iesus Christe Wherefore he that strayeth from hym shall depart voyde of saluation although he fast pray neuer somuche Contrarywyse he that cleaueth vnto him by faith hath remission of sins and life euerlasting neither can the diuel or synne deceaue him of his trust This way did the Patriarkes and prophets walk obtained saluation through Christ ▪ For if any should be saued by workes and by theyr owne rightuousnes surely they must nedes be the prophets and apostles which out of mesure wrought and suffred many thinges But here they do all dispaire of their owne rightuousnes and toke hold by that sede with a firme faith that shold breake the serpentes head But the Iewes wil not walke in this way they could not beleue that ther was such help in a carpenter thinkyng this with them selues we must so worke by fast almes praier that we may be with God it is a foly to thynke that this craftesman can saue And for this cause God toke this order that Iohn shold come as a trompetter before Christe and this is the meanynge of the trompet that all at the sound therof should haue their eies attent and mark that mā well that cometh after Iohn as the true expectation of Israell Wherfore when the Iewes sende Legates and demaunde whether he be Christ Elias or any Prophete He aunswereth I am not When they are instant sayenge Who arte thou then and what recorde geuest thou of thy selfe He aunswerethe I am the voyce of a cryer in wyldernes make readye the waie for the Lorde That is I am a trompetter before the kyng Wherfore be attente to my worde for he shall come after me incontinently whiche was before me and
oxe stable was his refuge What should I desier any better state seing my kinsman ye rather my brother kinge of heauen is founde so poore in all things before oure eyes Why should I refuse hardnes seing the kinge of glorie refuseth not to take on him all things for my sake Who am I a sinner not worthie to lie amonge sharpe cutting flagges and yet I lie softer than my prince which suffered to lye in hay and abhorred not the maunger And yet after this the case is so vnworthie that we stockes and blockes are so nice and delicate that we can suffer no payne and yet we se before oure eyes the example of Christe what paynes he toke for oure sake But it is not vnknowen what reward we shall haue for oure foolishnes And yet if we had any wit we wold beware Now therfore lett vs briefly reherse bothe these doctrines and lessons The firste is that we regarde our owne honoure in that that Christe is made mā This honour and renoume is so great that if a man were an angell in state he myght worthely and well wish him self a man that he might be counted amongest them which glorie and boste my fleshe and blud is placed aboue the angells so blessed is the creature of man The second is that this might be an example to vs of charitie and pacience which we might folowe and walke in the steppes of oure brother and kinsman Christe helping seruing other men gladly although it be to oure labour and payn The which thing God the Father with the holy Ghost thorough oure Lord Iesu CHRISTE graunt vs. Amen The second sermon vpon the saying of the Angel as concerning that Christ was borne WE haue rehersed vnto you the history of the feast in the which is made mentiō also of the saying of the Angel to the whiche ther were also assembled many thousand of Angels whiche did shewe and synge altogether to these two or three shepheardes This is the sermon of one Angell Feare ye not for behold I declare vnto you great ioy that shall be to all the people because ye haue a sauiour borne for you this day which is CHRIST the Lord in the Citie of Dauid ALthough this sermon of the Angell is repeted euery yeare yet may it now be conueniently renewed agayne in mynde For we shall neuer come to the perfecte knowledge of this thyng as long as we lyue here And this sermon of the Angell was very necessarie For if CHRIST hadde neuer so much bene borne yet should it haue profited vs nothing if it had bene vnknowen For to what purpose is that treasure that lyeth hyd if thou knowest not wher it is Thou shalt take no pleasure nor profite therby as the Prouerbe saith There is no pleasure in the vnknowen treasure A hyd treasure is no treasure For all men passeth ouer it as they do durt caring not for it So is it also with this moste ioyfull byrth if the Angels had not brought tydings therof and had not opened this treasure to men no man could haue taken the fruition therof The cause why is common A man setteth not his affection on that he knoweth not Neither doth this thyng delight or displease but it is as though it were not and neuer shal be Wherfore it is one of the especiallest things in this Gospell that the Angel by his sermō doth speake openly of this byrth and sheweth vs this treasure that we passe not ouer it and that we be not ignorant of the presence therof but come and take part of the confort therof Wherfore he saith I declare vnto you great ioy THESE words are weightie For the shepheards were greatly astonyed at this meruailous light and celestial shyninge as at an vnwonted thyng because there was sodeinly both in heauen and earth suche great light as though all the earth had bene on fyer To this hath the Angell respect and applieth his words therto saying Feare ye not as if he shold say ther is no cause to feare But your feare sheweth that ye knowe not what is in doing For if ye did ye wold put away feare and reioyce at your owne felicitie And I am come to bring you tydings of great ioy of a great work and miracle whiche thyng if ye wold well consyder ye wold much reioyce This is therfore the entent of this Angels tydings to make men to regard it earnestly and not to let it passe without effecte Wherfore he speaketh of no common ioye but of a great ioye and of a thing moste necessary For the diuell by synne hath brought vs to naught and disturbed all that belongeth vnto vs so that we do not only sustayne originall synne and therby eternall deth but also that al that we haue are in his danger that almoste we maye at euery moment looke for his dartes in body lyfe and goodes For all these things are in a thousande perils and casualtyes Yea the Gospell testifieth that the dyuell possesseth men and dryueth them to madnes so that it may be worthely said that such a man is the fylthy puddle and syncke of the dyuell Suche corruption is engendred in vs by synne that we haue no sure helpe in any thing in the worlde I will not speake of the greatest misery of all that they muste abyde the wrothe of GOD and eternall damnation What is if this be not the moste horrible and violent kyngdome of the diuell And when we consider well and compare both together this myserie in the kyngdome of the dyuell can not be compared with this glorie and reward with this great ioy wherof the Angell preacheth hēre that there is a sauiour borne for vs. Wherfore the Angell entendeth chiefely to remoue this myserie out of oure sight and to geue vs this chyld to behold and see ▪ And let him know that he hath done the office of a good preacher if he brynge vs to the true beholding of this sauiour and to the knowledge of oure owne flesh and bloud And doughtles if this were prynted in vs all the plague wherwith the dyuell vexeth vs should seme light be it neuer so paynfull and pernicious But now let vs come to the moste requisite and necessary knowledge of this diuine worke of God For the dyuell with all his poyson can be ouercome by no other meanes then by this godly power of the which the Angel speaketh to vs in this place when he saith A sauior is borne for you Whē mās minde attaineth to this knowledge thē is the synner oute of perill For than is the matter more depely consydered after this sorte I haue bene defiled of the dyuel and wholy opprest and ouerthrowen headlong into Gods wrathe and eternall damnation but my myschance is not so great but that I haue greater helpe geuen me from GOD agaynst it That is that God possesseth not mankynd after that sorte as the diuell doth but he him self is made
at home that that we lerned in the Churche This enemy doth corrupte oure ioy with other cares so that we neuer regarde this sight as we ought If we had nothyng els but this renoume therof yet wer it a thynge worthy to be reioyced at But now besydes this glorie this great ouerplus ther is also that this man is IESVS a sauiour And this in dede is the true cause of this ioy that the Angell sheweth And here I say agayn that they are in a miserable case which do neither heare nor know these thyngs but they are much more miserable that here and know yet regard it not For these words wold melte heauē and earth and make vs not to care for death For who is it that can thynke this sufficiently that a sauiour is borne for vs This treasure doth not the Angel shew to the mother Mary the virgin but to you saith he to you is this sauiour borne which is CHRIST the Lord. He speaketh with the shepheardes whiche were Iewes and were well acquainted with this word knowing that Christ dyd signify a kynge and Lord. But a great parte of the people were deceaued in that they thought he should be a corporal king But it was not so For the Angell hath a higher respect and saith almoste this hytherto haue ye ben captiue vnder the dyuell which hath persecuted you with water fier and moreyn And who can comprise al his myschefe Under his moste cruel tyranny are yow misers He seduceth your myndes with errours which hurte the sowle a thousand tymes more than any moreyn can hurt the body To yow I say to yow whiche with body and sowle are vnder this slanderous and hurtfull spirite to yow is borne a sauiour For with whom doth he speake Not with the stones brute beastes but with you men and not with one or two buth with the whole people Why dare we than be so bold as to reproue the voyce of this Angell when we take Peter and Paul for oure sauiour But do we flee from hym because we be sinners For if thou say this I haue nothing to do with hym then will I demand of thee whose he shal be Was he borne for the beastes For thou muste haue respecte to this who he is for if he wold haue ben the sauiour of anye other creature he wold haue taken on hym the forme shape of that creature But he is become the sonne of man Who art thou who am I are we not men yes truely To whō than doth this chyld belong more then to men The Aungels haue no nede of him the dyuels despise him But we haue nede of hym for vs is he made man Wherfore we must count hym ours that we may loke surely for helpe of him As the Angell sayth He is borne for you And aboue This ioy shall be great to all people But is not this an honorable thyng that an Angell from heauen bryngeth this tydings to men and after that so many Angells come with gratulations and melodious verses that we men should reioyce and receaue so great grace with thākes geuing Wherfore this saying is vncōparable that we heare that to vs is borne a Sauiour For what other thyng doth he say than this this byrth is not belonging to me I can requier no part therof I reioyse for your sake But it is yours that are that are myserable corrupte and damnable men He is the sauiour of suche Wherfore embrace him for you haue nede of such a sauiour that thynk how ye might escape the dungeon of syn death The glory wherof I spake before in that that God is made man is very great but this passeth it farre for that that he is a sauiour in things that be eternall and spirituall He that knew this and beleued it and had the fruition of a whole ioy wold peraduēture die for ioy But as longe as we are in this lyfe we shall neuer receaue and know this ioye For this lyfe is narow and straight and we are weake For if it were possible that mannes mynde could truely esteme it it wold not be able to hold it self for ioye But for as much as this can not wholly be performed let vs yet at least learne so muche hereby that we may shewe mutuall loue and cease from slaundering deceauing and other vices by this maruelous example that God is made mā But here is perceaued a great infirmitie this ioy can not perce so farre as it shold we forgett both the words of the Angel also this sauiour geue our self to customable vices to couetousnes such like And this is a tokē that we beleue this word veri litle For if we dyd beleue it in dede there wold be excedīg great ioy inwardly in vs because this sauiour is geuē to vs. In time of syckenes plague a mā wold haue a good hope if he knew some remedie And this hope should be open sensible But here wheras we haue put before vs a sure remedy against sin death no man is made chereful therby Wherfor we testifie of our self that we heare this good tidings as mē that be a slepe herby we declare our great frowardnes that wheras we haue this great treasure before vs yet we are nothing moued by it He therfore that cā not regard this great thing doth worthely bewayle his owne miserie For what thing might make the minde ioyfull if that so great vertue of the angels tidings that a sauiour is borne cā not do it He that is not the better by these words neither applieth him self to godlines herby he that is nothing affectioned at these moste cōfortable effectuous sayīgs the mā cā not be amended with grace but muste nedes be tamed with euil crueltie And this is a sure tokē that al such are dāned cursed But if so be that he haue any grace at all let him make his hūble petitiō to God for the holy Gost to bring into his hart an other vnderstāding sence And wher as the angel saith that a sauiour is borne in the citie of Dauid calleth hym the Lord Christ that he doth to make vs haue respect vnto the scriptures For so was it prophesied of before by Micheas that Bethleem shold be the place of his natiuitie And wheras he calleth him Lord it is not to be taken for such a lordshippe as masters hath ouer their bondmen But as God saith to Adā that he oure Lord wil defend vs resiste the diuell do the office of such a lord that he maye challenge vs to his kingdō withdraw vs frō the diuels power seing that al the power of the diuel falleth hereby when Christ doth take vs as his owne not only because he made vs but because he redemed vs also with his body Wherfore he contendeth with al his might to haue that that is his So that Christ after
may be geuen to the diuell and to the world I truely wyll not caste away my ioy for thy sake neither doo I regard muche thy displeasure Away from me I haue more pleasure and delite of Christe then thou canst worke me sorowe Suche a mynde dothe the angelles wyshe vs in this verse The dyuels songe is cleane contrarye wherein GOD is blasphemed and cursed where slaughter is commytted and all thynges so ordered that all thynges are defyled with care and sorowe and moste myserable calamytie And to the furtheraunce hereof doo the Secte maysters bestowe all theyr laboure and dylygence They are the dyuelles mouthe they banne God in heauen they sette Prynces at varyaunce and discorde they thynke nothynge of Amitie and Peace they feyne good wylle in syghte but priuilye they entende myschiefe by moste subtyll deuyses Thys pleaseth me wel saith the diuell And it is thys Glory be to the dyuell in hell and sedition in earth and amongest menne a desperate mynde and full of all care and whote blastynge myserye And manye are founde to be of suche a mynde which hath store of all goodes were it not for thys that theyr myndes are possessed with vexation and diuers torments and grypinges It helpeth them nothyng although they be in the myddle of all pleasure This doth the diuel wish to al his that gods gifts may be vnfruitful vnto them But the Angels songe is contrarie They wyshe a bold and couragious heart that is as vnmouable as the Marpese rocke and that glorieth agaynst all stormes of temptation most bitter tribulation This is the song of the angell that is found in no other bokes For it was not made amongst mē in earth but sēt down frō heauē Our God with his holy spirite help vs that we may holde it faste and fulfyll it in dede thorough Iesus Christ his sonne and our Lorde Amen The fourthe Sermon as concernyng the hystorie of Mary and the Shepheardes THus farr in the hystorie haue we proceded and taught how God sent his angels euē that great Princes to preach vnto two or thre shepheards The which were not only a few but also were rude people to sing vnto them the ioyfull verse as touchyng the chyld Iesus after the whiche nowe foloweth this hystorie And it came to passe that when the angels departed from them into heauen that they sayde one to an other c. BY this dothe it appere that the sermon and song of the angels was not vnfruitfull For the shepherds set not so much by theyr flocke but that they take their iorney to the child whom the Angel called their Lord. And this is one fruite that spronge of the Angels sermon An other is that the very shepheardes are made preachers and shewe to other men all that they heard of this chylde And the Euangelist saieth all that herd these thinges that were declared by the shepheards meruailed But this admiration continued not long with the greater sorte For this thing dothe testifie that such men are belongyng vnto the kyngdome of God that can not kepe long in mynde neither Gods mercye nor wrathe neyther his punyshemente nor benefites So wycked is mans mynde that it quickly forgetteth the examples of God shewed vnto vs and therby prouoketh God always to shew new examples by signes and plagues that he may not vtterly falle out of oure remembrance And so is it to be taken wheras the Euangelist saith All that heard merueiled so that this communication and talke was of no longe cōtinuance but endured only a few monethes how that a childe was borne in Bethleem for whome the Angels triumphed in the ayre for whome wyse men came from the easte to grete and worshippe him But after one or two yeares al this was cleane out of memorie and after that no man cared for it and wheras after thyrtie yeares CHRIST began to come abrode by teaching and doing miracles no man called to remēbrance these fyrst things And we verily are not much better than they For a man may scarsly finde one amōgest a thousand that remembreth the miseries and in especiall that great calamity vnder the which the doctrine and worshipping of God lay oppressed in the Popedome In all places was there tormēting of cōscience no where confort The Iewes were in lyke case Ther was no measure nor ende of complayning and lamenting when they were vexed in Egypte They had scarsely bene foure dayes in the desert after their deliuerāce but they desired to retourne into Egypte being mindefull of their old state Suche is the vnstablenes and vnconstancie of mannes mynde It forgetteth almost in a moment greuouse punishements howe should it long remēber a benefyte And in this case can not the prouerbe seme vntrue Nothing is so sone out worne as the remembrance of a good turne Although GOD sheweth examples of his wrathe by sendinge sycknes and such other euyls yet there commeth no more profit therby than if he should wash a tyle on a howse When there is grefe and payne in the body we are somwhat moued but assone as that is at an ende all is quite forgotten And this it is in all thyngs This is the meaning of the Euāgelist wheras he saith Men dyd meruaile But this meruaile had no longe continuance Yet there were some diligēt disciples to obserue this matter Certayne of great grauitie were there which set not lyghtly by all these thyngs as the world doth For the Euangeliste saith moreouer Mary kepte all these sayings and pondered them in her heart And this is nowe an example how the worde of GOD is truely to be hearde She pondreth it in her hearte and hath diligent meditation theron As they do that kepe Gods word diligently serchyng and puttyng it in practise Suche are dayly encreased more and more in vnderstandinge and surely confirmed It chanceth not so with the negligent which receaue with the one eare and forget with the other Whatsoeuer is put in them it fyndeth no more place of abyding then water doth in a botomles barrell But Mary doth otherwyse she kepeth pōdereth it in her heart She perceaueth that it belongeth vnto her wherefore she prynteth it in her mynde she pondereth it and bestoweth great studie in so great a matter howe it could come to passe that she should be called the mother of this chylde whom the Angels called Lord and as concerning whom they preache so magnificētly And after this sort did these thoughts caste so depe rootes in her heart that if all the worlde had afterward spoken agaynst this matter yet she could not be persuaded to thinke otherwyse But she was very certainly assured herof that her sonne was the sonne of GOD and the sauiour of the worlde The word of God wold haue it selfe so familiar vnto vs that it might by custome be turned in to oure nature As it is in the Balad of Ballades .8 Put me as a token of remembrance
confort In the whiche this doctryne is set foorth That if we desyer the way that leade vs to God it may not be obtayned by the lawe whiche commandeth Thou shalt loue thy Lord thy GOD with all thy heart and thy neighbour as thy selfe For we do neuer so nor can not do if we wold But this is oure only safegard to the whiche we make oure refuge euen CHRIST Iesus the sonne of God and oure Lorde He hath satisfied the will of God and made hym self subiecte as a synner to the lawe for if it had not bene for that he should neuer haue bene circumcised as other chyldern be vpon the eight day This was done for all mennes synnes that all men may haue trust in hym For it was no nede for hym selfe Wherfore this pertayneth vnto vs and we doo well put oure truste in hym that we may be saued for his righteousnes and holynes And that I may briefly in one word note this matter we must only sticke to the righteousnes and iustification of Christ before God This is a moste certayne and aproued way and it hath moste suer ayde and succoure against synne and death The whiche thing God graunt vs through oure Lord Iesus CHRIST Amen The second Sermon of the name Iesu out of the Gospell of Luke ij ANd when the viii daye was come that the chylde shoulde be circumcysed his name was called Iesus which was named of the Angell before he was conceaued in the wombe THE EXPOSITION WE haue spoken of one part of this Gospel that is of circumcision In the whiche CHRIST wold signifie vnto vs that he became subiecte to the law for oure sake that we might be free frō the curse of the law Now foloweth the other parte as concerning the name IESV Wherof the Euangelist maketh diligent rehersall as thoughe it were a great cause why this name ought not to be vnknowen of men and specially bycause it is of no mans inuention but brought from heauen and shewed by the Angell before the child was conceaued in the wombe Which thing is a token that the name is suche as is alowed of God If we expound this name in English it is as much to say as a Sauiour But why this name was geuen to Christ Gabriel the Angell declareth wheras he speaketh to Ioseph And thou shalt cal his name Iesus for he shall saue his people from their synnes This name is moste worthie to be remembred and moste worthie to be regarded for oure owne behofe for that the chylde Iesu is called a sauiour which can saue vs from the greatest euill that is from syn and from no smalle myseries and calamities that befall vnto vs in this lyfe And where as corne feldes are destroyed by enemies and the graynes corrupted by tempestes and mennes bodyes vexed with diuers diseases and infirmities against all this hath God prouided help by other things as by the Princes and Kynges he defendeth frō robberies by the parents he prouideth for the liuelode of them that be in a familie by physitions he healeth diseases But as these things are not the greatest so are not these men the cheif sauiours in comparison and respecte of this sauiour that saueth from synne Wherfore he that regardeth this chylde earnestly hath a very Iesus and sauiour from all myseries Let him not require that saluation of him that belongeth to this present life which God hath cōmitted to other as I said before but that that is against death synne For when syn is takē away death also muste nedes be taken away Wherfore first consyder this thing wel with thy self whether thou maist hope for greater saluation from this sauiour or from them that are the mightiest in the worlde If thou hast no feling of the euerlasting lyfe to come thou shalt haue no nede of this Iesus God hath appointed the safegard of thy bodyly helth to officers parents physitions c. But if thou beleue that there is an other lyfe after this thou shalt haue nede of this sauiour For there is no helpe in other to euerlasting lyfe Whiche thing neuerthelesse is not so straightly to be taken For if the powers and parents cease from succourring and helping so that there is no ayde or goodnes in them we must looke for the easement of these presente euyls from Christ also Howbeit this is not his chyef and propre office Wherfore the doctryne of the Gospell is not referred especially to this corporall lyfe But this is his propre office and there will he declare this his name where as deliuerāce from syn death from the kyngdom of the dyuell is in hand To this also is he necessarie For if it were not for synne and death there should be no nede of this Sauiour The belly goddes haue no profite by this sauiour for of what things he is the sauiour those things do not they regarde And herof it appeareth how great the contempte of these Epicures is whiche thynk that there is neither God nor lyfe euerlasting But he that beleueth this that there is a God muste nedes collecte gather that al things are not ended by this lyfe but that ther remayneth an other lyfe that is euerlasting For this we proue by experience that God regardeth not muche this present lyfe sith the wicked hath such libertie and prospereth so wel He promiseth vs an other lyfe and that he may seme to haue great respecte to this lyfe this chylde Iesus is set foorth to be a sauiour for vs. And when he geueth vs this saluation no other thynge is greatly to be required of hym although other things in this lyfe go not as we wold and although we perceaue no great signes of Gods helpe in oure matters For his saluation is euerlasting saluation Let this be sufficient for vs be the difficulties and encombrances of this lyfe neuer so great We see that the Pope Cardinals Bishops and all that persecute the word do lyue in great securitie and that they are vnshamfastly bent agaynst the word and all Christians God seeth this and suffereth it and maketh as though he saw it not in so muche that he may seme to haue shewed more care for the Gentiles than for his people But if thou be a Christian let not this moue thee For euen for this very cause that God hath promised vs sure saluation to euerlasting lyfe he suffereth vs in this lyfe to wander as men destitute and without the helpe of God that we may know this by fayth that the chylde Iesus is such a Sauiour whiche neuerthelesse saueth vs although in all things besyde there can be no help gotten that is when syn shall either accuse vs or hath now alredy condemned vs to eternall death Excepte this tyme it appeareth that we haue no nede of this sauiour neither do we much regard him For he that is in helth hath plentie of goodes hath no nede of Christ for
to hell This is the imperie of this chylde and for this condition and state doth the fruite redound vnto his people He wyll geue no bodyly saluation but as farre as the soules helth and his glorie requireth for he is poore and nedy Wherfore let no man come to the kyngdom of Christ to the entent that he may enlarge his goods and encrease his substance Ye may loke for this of the Pope and of men of that sorte He aduanceth his creatures to imperie he getteth them riches parteth amōg them all Prouinces as Daniell prophecied But the princely power of this childe is to be felte only in this that thy synnes may be forgyuen that he maye iustifye and saue thee that he may geue his holye spirite and transpose thee out of the kyngdome of the worlde and of death into the kyngdome of God And to this now is Faith requisite and as I sayd before that thou kepe sure the worde of God For he that letteth passe Gods woorde and foloweth his owne thoughtes shall lose Christ neither shall he knowe hym for a king but for a Iudge he shall be in hatred and feare as the dyuell is For they are wont to feare hym also when they feele them selues gyltie for their synne least he shoulde take them to be punyshed wheras Christ in the meane season confesseth hym selfe to be the lord and prince of his people to delyuer theim from synne and to transpose them into the kyngdom of grace For his people are no other but myserable synners which tremble at the felyng of theyr synne and are afrayde and would fayne be in Gods fauour So that herby may the playn description of the Prophet be perceyued Fyrst that he shal be no bodyly prince nor yet exercise spirituall punyshementes agaynst wyckednes but to geue saluation to all men that beleue in hym agaynst synne the deuyll death and hell For of suche a prince there is sure hope of Saluation And thus farre doo the Scribes recite the saying of the Prophete and no farther They feare peraduēture lest this be to muche For they perceaue well that this is Herodes entent to seeke some way howe to slea and to take this kyng of the Iewes out of the way Wherfore they reherse not the whole sentence before Herode and they do almost professe by worde that at this time they acknowledge no other kyng of the Iewes besyde Herode And yet is it in the Prophete that a Prince of the Iewes shoulde come and shoulde procede oute of Bethleem Therfore they leaue this vnperfect neither dare they to pronounce any farther But the Prophete although he was not lyuyng at that tyme yet dothe he procede and describe what maner of captayn or kynge this should be whiche belongeth also to his persone in these wordes Et egressus eius ab initio a diebus aeterni tatis And his out going hath ben from the beginning and from euerlastyng This dyd not the Scribes reherse to Herode no neither they them selues dyd vnderstand it For ther is more obscuritie therin than was in the words before And that his byrth should be in Bethleem and he him selfe be a captaine ouer all Israell it is not obscurelye spoken and there is a sure signe that he shal be a man But wheras the Prophet sayth furthermore His procedyng is from the begynnyng and from the dayes of eternitie It signifieth that he is the eternal and euerlastyng God whiche had not his beginnyng in Bethleem Of a trouth he was born in Bethleem and this is one maner of procedyng But there is an other also beside this Which is sayd to be from the beginnnyng and from the days of eternitie The wordes of the prophete are not to be changed Fyrst he sayth Out of the shall procede Here do the priestes and scribes testify that to procede to be borne signifieth all one Wherfore the same word afterward must nedes signifie the same thyng when he saith Whose procedyng is from the old dayes and from eternitie that is before that tyme that dais and houres were Wherefore if thou wilte know frō whēce this child is borne mark this prophecie He is born saith he frō Bethleē But what more hath he no other birthe then this the prophet saith furthermore yes he was rather borne before al creatures heauen earth the sonne and moone But that may be determined by no wordes and it is nothyng els then that he was borne without begynnyng eternally before there was any tyme or dais This did neither Herode neither the Iewes vnderstand neither wer they worthy to vnderstand it And this is the prince king which was born at Bethleem a very man which neuerthelesse hath this name also Procedyng from the old dayes which proceded and was born before the world that is which is a true and eternal god and also a true a naturall man And this is the cause of so great stir rynges motions in the worlde For it can not vnderstand this to be procedyngs and birthes without discention that this child also should haue his procedyng before there was sonne or moone The Iewes could not abyde this and afterward there sprang vp many heresies whiche spake agaynst it But this matter is left to be consydered of the which hast gods word put foorth vnto the. Out of whome then was he borne if he was borne before the world Uerily of no other but of God only This must reason nedes confesse if it beleue that God made heauen and earth For what other thyng could be before heauen and earth than God If this childe then proceded was borne before heauen and erth was made it must nedes folow that he was borne of God and is very God For besydes God and his creatures was there nothyng And this is surely a sentence which conteyneth the ground foundation of all things For if Christ were onely a pure man death wold haue confounded hym with all other mortall men For in that that he was born of a virgin it hath not so great strength against death But this is a greatter miracle where as God made Eue of a ribbe thā in that that a virgin brought forth a chyld For a virgin is of that sexe and kynd whiche is borne to bryng foorth children Wherfore that thing coulde not represse the dyuell nor deathe because he was borne of the Uirgin Marye But all the healpe consysteth herein that the virgin Mary is not onely great wyth chylde but also with suche a chyld which was borne before the worlde Wherefore the dyuell deathe and all the kyngdom of the dyuell is ouercom in that they proue maistrie with suche a manne whiche hadde hys procedynge or begynnynge beefore the worlde If it were not for this and if he had his procedynge out of Bethleem only he coulde haue the vpper hande ouer death no more than we all he should be in danger therof aswel as his
we yelde or be discoraged by thē For although al things are ful of miseries paynes yet this recōpenseth maketh amendes for them al in that that God doth greatly fauour matrimonie and is especially delighted with this functiō of the maried This felicitie is worthy of thanks great ioy that he maketh vs partetakers therof excludeth not vs out of this most gloriouse sacrarie and acceptable state If thou shalt be vexed with pouertie thou must not despaire As he declareth here in this mariage that he is delighted with such helpinge of the maried This ought now to be learned out of this Gospell and we must call for the helpe of God that we may neuer forget it and that we neuer cease diligently to serue oure vocation according to the commaundement of God to whom be glorie for euer Amen The thyrd Sonday after the twelfth day vpon the Gospell Math. viii WHEN he was come downe from the mountayne muche people folowed hym And beholde there came a Leper and worshipped hym saying Master if thou wilt thou canste make me cleane And Iesus put foorth his hande and touched him saying I will be thou cleane And immediatly his leprosie was clensed And Iesus sayd vnto hym Tell no man but go and shewe thy selfe to the Priest and offer the gifte that Moses commaunded to be offred for a witnesse vnto them And when Iesus was entred into Capernaum there came vnto him a Centuriō and besought him saying Master my seruaunt lieth at home sicke of the paulsey and is greuously payned And Iesus said when I come vnto him I will heale him The Centurion aunswered and said Syr I am not worthy that thou shouldest come vnder my roofe but speake the worde only and my seruaunt shal be healed For I also am a man subiect to the auctoritie of another and haue souldiers vnder me and I say to this man go and be goeth and to another man come and he commeth and to my seruaunt do this and he doth it When Iesus heard these wordes he meruayled and saide to them that folowed hym verily I say vnto you I haue not foūde so great faith in Israel I saye vnto you that many shal come from the East and West shall rest with Abraham Isaac and Iacob in the kyngdome of heauen but the chyldern of the kingdome shal be cast out into vtter darkenes there shal be weping gnashing of teeth And Iesus sayde vnto the Centurion Go thy way and as thou beleuest so be it vnto thee and his seruaunt was healed in the selfe same houre THE EXPOSITION TWo things are set forth before vs in this Gospell The first of the leapre whom the Lord doth purifie The other of the Centuriō which asketh help of Christ for his sick chyld And the Euāgelist sheweth that Christ did these miracles forthwith after the lōge sermon which he made in the mountaine For this was the very meaninge of his so doing that first he might teache afterward cōfirme his doctrine by signes that all might iudge this doctrine to be true and without fraud beleue it the more gladly We haue no nede of miracles For the doctrine is so cōfirmed with them alredy that no man can doubt therof Yet neuerthelesse is this very requisite that they especially which beare the office of teaching pronoūce not only the words of godlines but also shewe and declare their godly life by the works of godlines For the kingdom of God cōsisteth not as Paul saith in words but in power Wherfore when the doctrine and lyfe agree they moue the hearers earnestly but when the lyfe accordeth not to the doctrine this is an occasion of stumblinge to manie And now these signes are not only to be cōsidered as testimonies of the doctrine For where as they passe al power might of men reason it self also is cōstrayned to subscribe herevnto As the example of Nicodemus is plain That no mā can do these signes except God be with him Wherfore these thinges also ought to be takē for exāples of faith charitie For who may not perceaue the gentle heart of Christ his redy wil where as he is moued with a worde to bestowe this gifte of health wher as otherwise there was no hope of helpe in al the goodes of the world This is a sure token that he wil gladly ease the poore the miserable the wretched and the vexed or els he wold haue folowed oure exāple which when we are wrothe behaue oure selues frowardly chorlisly to thē that come vnto vs to desyer oure helpe This doth not Christ. The leaper had scars lie ended his speche but the Christes will was ready to helpe and dyd helpe hym This benignitie of Christ shold not only moue vs to aske helpe of hym in trouble and aduersitie and to be of a sure hope that he wil not denie vs his helpe But ought also to be an example vnto vs to shewe lyke gentlenes and benignitie to oure neighboure And as Christ dyd so we should haue no other respecte then the obedience whiche we owe vnto God the profite and commoditie of oure neighboure For Christ seketh not his owne glorie or profit by this benefite He only hath respecte to this that this miser lacketh help that it pertayneth to the glorie of God that obedience may be shewed vnto him For thinke not that this is done to God when thou geuest a benefit to him that can requite it and recompence lyke or more for it This thou doest to thy selfe wher as thou sekest thy owne profite by doing good But he that will occupie hym self wel in doing his duetie toward God and his neighboure let hym not haue respecte to his owne profyte but only to the vrgent miserie whiche requireth present helpe And to that where as God wold haue it done yea although the least profite in the worlde should come vnto vs therby yea or although the benefit were but loste vpō a chorle As we are taught also in an other historie where as Christ healeth the ten leapers and one only returneth to geue thāks to Christ. Nine of them dyd not as muche as remember of whom they receaued that benefite It is not possible but that Christ dyd forsee this vnkyndnes Yet he refuseth not for this to do good to the misers When they call on him he is redie to helpe and as for the residue he committeth al to God And lykewyse may it be sayde of charitie in the second signe with the Centurion Christ referreth all to this ende that the goodnes and bounteousnes of the Lord may be glorified and the miserable ridde of their miseries This is true charitie which hath respecte to nothing sauing to the word of God and commandemente The example of faith is meruailous where as this miserable person that was by the lawe forbydden the companye and felowshippe of mē commeth to Christ without doubting and falleth flat
we haue bestowed and suffered but rather we would condemne our owne nicenesse except we had suffered it Who then will tutne frome the crosse wher as deliuerance and great glorie are set foorth to all them that are in peryl for the gospels sake But great grefe springeth hereof to the fleshe and to the old man It wyll not be gladly combred with this crosse Wherfore we muste neuer let this example goe out of our eies We must diligently consider the word that we may be defenced in temptation Let vs haue recourse vnto Christ which sleapeth among vs sheweth as though he had no regarde of vs. But let vs with ardent and earnest praier aske help of him we shal surely fynd it most present The which thyng as it is setforth vnto vs with sure knowlege as touchīg gods will so god graūt it now come to passe in dede prosperously vnto the glory of god the saluaciō of our soules Amen The fyfte Sonday after twelfth daye Upon the Gospel Math. xiii THe kingdome of heauen is lyke vnto a man whiche sowed good seede in his field but whyle men slept his enemye came and sowed tares amonge the wheate and went his waye But when the blade was spronge vp had brought forth fruite then appeared the tares also So the seruauntes of the housholder came and sayde vnto him Sir didst not thou sowe good seede in thy fielde from whēce then hath it tares He said vnto them The enuious man hath done this The seruauntes sayde vnto him Wilt thou then that we go and wede them vp But he said Nay left whyle ye gather vp the tares ye plucke vp also the wheate with thē let both growe together vntil the haruest and in the tyme of haruest I will say to the reapers Gather ye first the tares and bynde them together in sheaues to be brent but gather the wheate into my barne THE EXPOSITION IT appeareth that this Gospell in tymes paste was very easye to vnderstād specially bycause Christ him self setteth forth the meaninge of that parable as concerning the field the sower the corrupter the good seed the tares c. But this difficultie hardnes afterward sprange in this Gospel that was so playn by the doctors not agreing together herein so that we must take the more diligēt hede leaste the true sentēce shold be takē from vs. Some say that tares signifie heresies therby gather that it belōgeth not to the ciuill powers to punishe heretikes Of the which opinion Augustin graunteth hym selfe to haue ben But he sayeth that he was constrained by sure reasons and by experience it selfe to yeld vp this opinion Some make no differēce betwene a ciuil officer and seruaunts of this housholder and expounde tares to signifie common offences and so conclude that a Christian officer ought not to be iudge in matters of life and death Ther be some of the whiche sorte is the Pope and his adherentes that while they regarde not that Christ forbiddeth to plucke vp the tares by their owne Iudgement pronounceth the doctrine of the gospel to be tares and therfore they neuer cease to moue persecution againste the gospell the professors therof by murderinge and kylling them Wherfore seing the meaninge is so diuers first muste we inquire and entreat of the true meaning and than of the common question what ought to be done with heretikes And as touching the true meaning this it is Christ putteth forth generallie the parable of the kyngdom of heauen in a maner declareth the fashion of the church shewing and geuing an example on the which al godly men and especiallie the rulers of the congregation ought to haue their eyes attent lest they sholde by their owne imaginations swarne and turne to a contrarie kyngdome and dreame of vndefiled felowshippes of sainctes in earth For this worde Kyngdome of Heauē semeth to receaue no kynde of mans filthines For it maketh with reason that nothing ought to be receaued into an holy place but holy thinges As God suffered not man defiled with syn to be in an holy place yea for this cause he forthwith repelled Lucifer with all his from hym Wherfore this is the nature of the kingdome of heauen As the sea can suffer no dead carcase in it so no vncleane thinge that is defyled with syn can be abidyng in the kyngdome of God This is one consideration of the kyngdome of God But this gospel entreateth not especially herof For the condition of this kyngdome is vnpossible for sinners An other kyngdome of GOD or of heauen in earth is reuealed by the sonne of God That GOD wolde haue to be suche that in it might be set vp the horne of saluation and rightuousnes for synners In this hath synners an interest and right and are receaued into it for their synnes There riseth in this kyngdome holines and iustice whiche is remission of synnes through Christe whiche is the wisedome rightousnes and satisfyinge And these thinges are not belonginge to determinat tymes or prescriptions concerninge this or that person For God will haue at no time that the waye to repent should be taken stopped from synners there are no other thynges which are more necessarie for the executynge of this matter than the synner comminge to the remission of sinnes It is not demaunded when and of what kynde his sinnes were done or be If he can but prouide for one thing euen that he surely beleue that his sinnes are forgeuen for Christes sake that he neuer counted gods mercy to be lesse then that it can be sufficiente to pardon his sinnes This strange kyngdome doth God set vp in the gospell of his sonne and appointeth a certaine tyme to the administration therof whiche is from the first vttering and reuelie of hym vntil Christ come to iudge both the quicke and the dead and now Christ wheras he compareth the kyngdome of gods saluatiō mercy which is only necessary for synners with the capacitie of the worlde in the which the dyuel that cā neuer be fauorable to the kingdō of God seketh diuers occasions to fulfill his will He forseeth in his mynde great offences to come which by wickednes shall ryse in this kingdō of Gods mercie For the word of God taketh roote in very fewe and this few esteminge the grace of God truely embrace it with a true faith are renewed with the holy ghoste which alway moueth thē to haue faith thorough Christ in Gods mercie and to performe such obediēce as is mete for them that are new borne to praye waight alway for certaine ayde for Christes sake Al the other multitude although they wil be lothe to be named forsakers of their Christian professiō to be counted out of Gods kingdom goeth to that professiō in word but for as much as they be void of righteousnes wtout the holy Ghoste therfore they are subiect to the diuels
vs to ouerthrowe this kingdom Let vs consider the example of the Mounkes and Bishop of Rome whiche whyle they went about to auoyde such offences and seducinges as chance in this common lyfe brought in more greuouse occasions to offende where as they chaunged true religion into ceremonies rites and obseruatiōs They vtterly abolished the kingdom of mercie and grace And this is now also the very practice of the diuel for that he slaundereth the professers of the Gospell bycause there be many offences and euill examples amongest them For we can not denye but suche offensiue examples be in many hypocrites which boaste of Gods mercie and grace and yet by their licentiouse liuinge and maners by their aduoutrie extortiō vsurie sensual lustes and many other vices declare that they regard not the grace of God truely But what remedie we are forth with tempted to plucke vp the tares and to seke such a separation of the euil from the good that in the meane season we corrupte the heauenly doctrine as touching the grace of God and remission of synnes But if we be wise we wil not suffer oure selues to be withdrawen from doing oure duetie by their importunite and outragiouse behauioure For it is muche better to resiste and striue with the wicked examples of their lyfe and maners by doing the contrarie and so to preserue this doctrine of mercie and grace then to correcte and plucke it vp violently and so by that and examples of the Mounkes and Nouatians to flee from Scylla and to fall into Charybdis that is for auoiding of the lesse daunger to fall into the greater And especially syth the nature of this kingdom is such that it can not vterly auoyde all offences bycause such muste be for the maintenance of this necessarie doctrine of grace Wherfore where as the Papistes now lay to oure charge the frutes of oure Gospell what other thing meane they therby than that this kyngdom should be without all offences and euill examples But we may iustly lay this to their charge again that where as they go about by the Mounkerye and other traditions of theirs to make this kingdom without offences they are fallen into such errour and blyndnes therby that they haue cleane loste all the doctrine of iustification and godly righteousnes and all the workes of true godlines also If therfore it should be put to oure choyce whiche of these discommodities we had rather haue whether of them both should we rather take Uerily all wold graunt this that for as muche as this kingdom can not be without offences yet that it were better to chose that offence where with neuerthelesse the kingdom might be sumwhat vpholden than that wherby the kingdom should quite be destroyed without hope of recoueryng wherby the doctrine and true godlines should vtterlie decay perishe as it chanced amongest the papistes and monkes And the doctrine and meaning of this parable of Christ was put forth to th ende that aboue all thinges we might haue good respect to know the maner of gods kingdome and not be offended with suche inconueniences as chaunce alwayes in the wordle vnto it For wheras it offereth free remission of sinnes to sinners fyrste it cometh herby to passe that many hypocrites come to the felowshippe of this kingdome Then also som men laboringe to remedie this discōmoditie finde out a meanes to make a ciuil separatiō that they may falsly boste of the grace of God and yet not be in the felowship with thē that vse it well But Christ sheweth what greate damage ensueth therby euen that by this separatiō they plucke vp the good corne also For the doctrine of grace is pluckt vp by mens traditions whiche were inuented to make this separation So that nowe the churche is brought to suche a miserable and vnscapable case that where as before the members were in perill now the hed is like to decay Wherfore we muste folowe Christes councel which byddeth vs to suffer the tares and not to be so precise in pluckyng them vp least we by oure vndiscrete diligence ouerthrowe the gouernaunce of this kyngdome as touchyng remission of sinnes Nowe must we vse this kyngdome that many by remission of sinne may be forgeuen If ther be any as ther be many that had rather be sene to be in this kingdome of grace then to be true members therof in dede what can we do therwith if they will nedes misuse the gyfte of God But if we shoulde be so extreme against them that for their sake we would vse violēce and force in this kyngdome what shall we get therby than that as we see in the examples before while we go about to seperat the wycked for their abusynge of Goddes grace we vtterlye subuerte the kyngdome of Grace Wherfore let vs leue this to be done of the angels that they may sunder the euill from the good For after that shal the kyngdom of grace be no lenger amōg sinners Euery man then shall receaue accordynge to his workes Ther shal be no such peril than as is now wher as if the grace of the gospel and of the kyngdom of heauen shoulde be taken away by pluckynge vp of the tares before the appearinge of the sonne of God then the greatest yea and the onely refuge for sinners might seme to be disturbed and taken awaye And at this separation by the Angels it shall not nede to inquire whether there are any more lefte to be called to saluation But it shal be cōsidered who hath vsed well this kyngdom of cōfort hath ben true mēbers therof in dede who hath ben subiectes ther vnto by name only yet in very dede had neuer any true felowship therwith And this haue we spoken as touchinge the true meanyng of this parable After this we will intreat not onlye what must be done with heretikes but vniuersally what they that hath offices to correcte offēces ought to do with al kynd of offenders whether it is ment by this saying Let thē grow that no kynd of offence either in life or in doctrine shold be punished restrained we haue declared before what is Christs especial entent by this parable Euen that by the vndiscrete vsage of men the kyngdome of heauē shold not be hindred Now such things as by Gods commandement are ordeyned for the furtherance of this kingdom ought not to be thought cōtrarie to the same And fyrst to begin at the principall matter the excommunication vsed in the Churche is not against this parable For it is so necessary for the preseruation therof that without it mercie remission of synne and the pure doctrine therof can not be retayned for as by absolution Gods grace must be applied to the penitent so by byndinge must Gods wrathe curse be applied to the vnpenitēt Paule hym self saith that power of binding was geuen to hym not to destroy but to edifie Wherfore they that are excommunicat are not
because of this equalitie they are all lyke holy and righteous c. And syth we haue obteyned this lette vs be thankefull to God for so great treasure Let vs truely knowledge that and not be ignorant of our excellencie and renoume And let vs not thinke that our state and condition as much as belongeth to gods kyngdom is any thing inferiour to the state of all the great and mighty holy angels And how cometh this to passe euen by Christe Then when we are this instructed and made ioyfull and heartie let euery man diligently and gladly apply their busines according to their callyng and vocation encoragyng them selues with the hope and ful trust of that tresure which is in Christ. And this must we lern in this Gospel that in worldly thynges there must nedes be a difference and degree had as touching diuers persons and offices For the state of this lyfe can no otherwise be But in the kyngdome of Christ this is a right lawe I will geue vnto this laste euen as vnto thee And the right cōmeth of this The kingdome of heauen being a deliuerance from syn and from deathe is due to no man of merite it is geuen onely by grace Wherfore we ought specially to beware that we murmure not but rather geue thanks vnto God and take this for a comfort in all perils laboures and miseries that chaunce vnto vs in this corporall life Then shall we perceaue and fele great pleasure in all thinges In the last sentence of the gospell Many bee called but few be chosen the curious haue takē great occasion to inuent wicked vngodly opinions thoughtes and imaginations For this they thinke They must nedes be saued whom God hath chosen Contrarywise they that are not chosen whatsoeuer they do be it neuer so good a worke yet can they not escape damnation nor come to saluation Wherfore I wyl not striue against that must nedes be done If it be so determined that I shall be saued I shal be safe if not I will not leese my labor in vaine Euery man may easily iudge what frowardnes and carelesse liuyng springeth of these vngodly thoughtes But in the feaste of the Epiphanie when I expoūded the saying of Micheas the prophet we declared sufficiently that suche thoughts are to be auoided as the diuell hym selfe and that we must go an other way to work if we will haue the true knowledge of Gods will and not to medle with the priuities of Gods maiestie neither with predestination election For these things passe mans capacitie which can not as muche as thinke therof without great offence that is to say either must there nedes ensu after suche thoughtes desperation or dissolute lyuyng with out all fear of God But he that will come to the true way of knowing of Gods will he must so walke that he may beware at suche occasion of fallynge and seke how he may more and more encrease in godlynes As Christ hym selfe appointeth vs when he saith No mā commeth to the father but by me Wherfore he that wyl come vnto the Father and to the knowledge of hym he must go first vnto Christ to know what he is euen that Christ is the son of god God almightie But what doth the sonne of God He is made man for vs to deliuer vs from the lawe he is crucified dead on the crosse to satisfie for our synnes He riseth from death to opē vs the way to euerlasting life by his resurrection and aide vs against euerlasting death He sitteth at the right hand of God to make intercession for vs to geue vs the holy ghost by him to sanctifie gouerne leade vs to defende vs against temptation and all the dartes of the dyuell And this is the true knowledge of Christ. Now when thy mind is well confirmed and strengthened with this knowledge nowe is the way to heauen without perill and thou canst haue no imagination of God that shall bee euyll and dangerous For syth that the sonne of God hath done so much for mans saluation we may be assured therby that Gods wil is not but that we shold be saued Howe should he haue any pleasure in oure destruction syth he let nothyng passe wherby he may bryng man to life saluation agayn And this is the true way to God as Christe preacheth in the thirde of Iohn So God loued the world that he gaue his only begotten sonne that euery one that beleueth in hym should not perishe but haue lyfe euerlasting And now let these thoughts be cōpared with the former thoughtes of predestination and it shal euidently appere that the former thoughtes are of the deuyll whereby men ar seduced to their destruction so that either they now despaire or are made voyde of all godly motions For they can haue no trust of the good wyll of GOD towardes them There be some that expound the wordes after this maner Many are called that is to saye God offereth his grace to many but fewe are chosen that is he cōmunicateth his grace to fewe for fewe shall be saued This is a very wicked meanynge For who wyll not hate God vtterly yf he thought thys of GOD that it came by his wyll and faulte that we be not saued Nowe lette this sentence bee compared with the sentence before where as it was sayd that the knowlege of Christ must be as the ground foundation laide to buylde the knowledge of Gods wyll thereon and it shal be euident that this last exposition is blasphemous agaynste God Wherfore this must we take to be the true meanynge of this sentence Many sayth he are called For the preachyng of the Gospell is vniuersall and cōmon open to all that will receaue it And gods will is that it should be so spread abrode that all men should beleue and be saued But how doth it preuaile euen as it shall folowe in the next Gospell Fewe are chosen that is to say few endeuor them selues therby to doo as God requireth For some heare and care not for it some heare and yet sette so lyttell by it that they will not put them selues in danger for it Som heare it but they regarde riches and pleasure more then it And this pleaseth not God and as for suche he thinketh them not worthy of his kyngdom And this meaneth CHRIST where as he sayth Fewe are chosen fewe declare suche godlynes as God requireth But they are chosen and acceptable to God that diligently heare the Gospell beleue in Christ and declare theyr faith in good workes and refuse not to suffer any kynde of persecution for it This meanyng is true and seduceth no man to his destruction but maketh them learne the way to saluation For thus shold they serch out the truth in their doyngs if they wold please God be chosen They must beware of an euill conscience not syn against Gods cōmandement they must diligently resyst sinne
aduanced by God yet be they soone broughte downe agayne Wherefore when the Angels Cain Ismaell Esau Elias and the Iewes waxed proude and applyed theyr preeminence and priuiledge geuen vnto them to knowledge Gods goodnes thereby fyrste to their own priuate pleasure and commoditie and then to the oppressyng of other they were reprobate cast out of Gods fauor notwithstādyng their fyrst birth-right and outlawed out of Gods kyngdom into the kyngdome of the deuyll And this practise of God is described in the Psalme 103. Who is lyke vnto the Lorde oure God that hath his dwellyng on high and yet humbleth hymselfe to behold thynges in heauen earth He raiseth the symple out of the durst and lifteth the poore out of the myre And the virgin Mary in her songe He hath put down the myghty from their seat and hath exalted the humble and meke This is Gods maner He wholly resysteth the proude neyther doth hee enryche and beautifie menne with his gyftes that they therby shoulde become extorcioners and oppressours And lest he should seme to be ouercome of the proude he aduanceth nowe and then ▪ most basest persons to high honor and contrarywise throweth down kyngs from their thrones and bryngeth them hedlong to extreme calamitie whereout they can neuer escape Wherfore among the Iewes the fyrst borne hadde great priuileges in the priesthode and kyngdome was due to them by gods ordināce But when they proudly abused this honor God dyd not alwais ratifie this lawe Ruben also was the firste begotten but he is so cursed of his father Iacob that he obteined by his birthright neither kyngdome nor priesthode Abraham also as men thynke was the youngest amonge his brethrē But GOD bestowed on hym that was due to his brother And this may ye learne by many examples that the first borne dyd for the most part degenerate And there was no other cause of this then pride whiche thought this I am the first begotten wherfore my priuiledge is chiefe in this house I am Gods holy one and his peculiar good Wherefore lette no manne be proude yf he excelle in any gyfte of God more then other If thou be endewed wyth the gyfte of learnyng vse that gyfte to Goddes glorye and to the profyte of thy neyghbour Boast not thy selfe so muche thereof as though thou receauedst it ●●t They that passe other in holynesse beautie rychesse or any other gyfte Lette hym beware of thys as muche as hee woulde of death that he chalenge not those thyngs as his own and so cast hym selfe out of Gods kyngdome by commyttynge sacrilege For GOD in the fyrst moste excellent and auncient Patriarkes hath declared howe greately he was offended with pryde and statelynesse where as they all for the most part degendred Iohn the Baptist continued accordyng to his fyrste birthright and almost none els But all other for the most part were of suche intollerable arrogance that they obteyned not this chiefe commoditie of thys renoume vntyll at laste the Iewes by theyr fall and ruyne gaue vp their ryghte to vs Gentiles For nowe the byrthryghte of the churche before God consisteth not in ciuill and corporal matters as the Pope boasteth countyng himselfe chiefe Bishoppe wheras he is scarsly a dreame But the priuiledge of the Churche is in baptisme in the worde of GOD. For although our bodelye and corporall birth maketh greate diuersitie in vs yet by baptisme we are all equall For we are all borne out of the churche whiche is an vndefiled virgin in spirit For it hath the pure worde of God his Sacramēts And the church is pregnant and great with child and alwaies bringeth forth Christians which are the first frutes proper goods of God And one man no more than an other God will haue vs acknowlege our honour and renoum in this that we through baptisme are borne the sonnes of God and his proper goodes He did not so by all nations he shewed not the iudgements of his mercie and grace to them whether they be Turkes or sarasens For they regard not these priuileges of the first begotten Neither will they hear or see these thinges that make vs first borne before God And for as muche as we obtaine this honour from God and his grace all Christians a like we ought not by our fault so to behaue our selues that the thinges that are geuen to our cōfort against the wicked shold through pride be our destructiō It is the greatest renoum of Christs churche For she as a mother by baptisme the worde and faith bringeth forth Christians the mēbers of the church Wherfore in all those things if christiā men will haue respect to their birth condicion they shal haue no occasiō to be proude For whatsoeuer they be it cōmeth of the grace of God by baptisme faith the worde which are equallie belongyng to all Christian men makyng no man more Christian then an other before God through his mercie All before God are priests and kynges And of this renoum can neither Turke nor Sarasyn boast Yet is not this renoum graunted to our ambition to corrupte seduce as the Pope doth that vsurpeth the supremacie ouer all christendome without the commandement of God by the instinkte of the deuil only For this is a continual and vnchangeable rule among the Christiās as it is taught in the parable of the hired laborers that no man in dignitie and worthines prefer hymselfe before other For there is but one baptisme of all And wher as there must nedes be teachers and pastours yet these be but ministrations and offices that haue no power to make the children of God For baptisme and the worde and fayth in the worde causeth vs to be the children of God and the first borne Wherfore it is well set foorth in the churche for a doctrine that the example of the firste borne in the olde Testament and their pride shoulde teache vs that GOD can not suffer pride And he that wolde be safe from this daunger must nedes humble and submitte hymselfe But this tale were as well tolde to a deafe man as to the worlde For it abuseth the most folishe and vaine thynges that be to pride And for as muche as the worlde will in no wise folowe better councell GOD ceaseth not to withstand the stubborne and proude They are by daylye examples caste downe euen as Lucifer and his angels were out of heauen And this is one part of this gospell as muche as belongeth to the historie and the presentynge in the churche After this doth the Euangeliste reherse what chaunced when they presented Iesus as theyr firste begotten sonne in the Temple and redemed hym wyth a gyfte We wyll take that in hande at an other time to entreate of And nowe let vs pray vnto GOD that he will preserue vs by his grace againste all pride and kepe vs in obedience and lowlines to his most godly wyll Amen
notwithstanding so great knowledge and light of the word yet so few beleue All the other multitude hateth this doctrine as a pernicious and erronious thyng as though it sette men at libertie to do all kynde of mischief and to lyue without regard of honestie and godlynes neyther can reason iudge otherwise And therefore is the doctrine of faith set foorth to christians for that the thyngs set foorth in the worde are not agreable to naturall capacitie But yet they count it worthy to be beleued because it is Gods worde whiche wyll when the tyme is come bryng it to passe Then shall we haue perfect vnderstanding of that that now passeth our capacitie But the Scripture is full of examples Dauid before that he fought with Goliath beleued that he shold ouerthrowe and kyll that huge and myghtye gyaunt And this he declared to Saule The Lorde saith he that delyuered me out of the hand of the lyon and out of the hand of the beare shal delyuer me out of the hand of this Philistine Lykewise he sayeth agayne This vncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them that reuile the hoste of the lyuyng GOD. And agayne he saythe to the Philistine The Lorde shall geue thee in to my hande and I shall strike thee and cutte of thy head These wordes bee spoken of the mouth of Dauid but yf they were Dauids wordes onely and not the wordes of God they should neuer haue taken effect But they are Gods and Dauid beleued them before they came to passe Wherfore afterward they toke effect and it maketh no matter that some thoughte it a foolyshe enterprise and therefore coulde not beleue that it should come to passe as it dyd afterward For it semed impossible that Dauid beyng but a yonge man shoulde with suche a little stone ouerthrowe suche a greate Gyant But Dauid beleueth it and dothe it in dede Then the matter appered certayne and not fayned When he came fyrste and spake the worde reason iudged it a vayne and a foolyshe enterprise For after this maner dyd reason counte Dauid is yong and a shepheard without knowledge of the feats of warre and nowe he gothe forthe vnarmed with a staffe and a slyng as though he would fyght with a dogge But the gyant is harneissed and commeth with his shielde and speare Wherfore he crieth oute and sayth Thou foolyshe boy takest thou vpon thee that that none in the hoste durste take And Dauid hym selfe sawe no more then this by reason but he beleued more euen that God woulde reuenge this blasphemie and saue hym and so it came to passe But to be short this is the maner of all good wordes and workes that before they are done they seme impossible and yet they take effect And when they ar come to passe then they seme easy to reason But before they are done they belonge not to reason but to Faith For where as we are washed from sin by baptisme and shall rise agayne from death in the last day reason shal neuer vnderstand it And especially sith the saintes and godly men haue so diuers chances Wherof some are cast as a pray vnto wyld beastes and foules of the ayre Some are burnt and their ashes cast into the flood What crueltie vsed the Pope agaynste that holye manne Iohn Husse at Constantia Here reason thynketh Howe can God recouer his body agayne Nothynge woorketh this but Gods worde Wherefore no man oughte to count it impossible although it seme to syght so to bee But nothyng is vnpossible to them that beleue For al the effect and ende of the matter lyeth in Gods power whych is almightie and maketh all thynges of nothyng What were we an hundred yeare agone No more than a chylde that is borne thirtie or fortie yeares after vs Wherfore sythe this is Gods maner to make all thyng of nothynge then can he muche more make agayne somewhat of that that was before Wherefore the godly must not consyder whether a thyng be possible but whether GOD hath sayd it shal be done be it neuer so vnpossible to syght For althoughe that can not appere to me yet God hym self is he that maketh thinges impossible to be possible and of nothing all thynges Wherfore all that calle Gods worde to the tryall of reason are woorthy to bee abhorred For is not God able to rayse the deade because it is not in my power Wherefore lette euery man esteeme it a greate wyckednesse to trye or ponder Goddes power and worde by reason and carnall iudgement For yf all thynges myghte bee vnderstande and comprehended by oure reason God neded not to shewe foorthe hys worde But for as muche as he geueth his word it is a token that there bee thynges whiche our reason can not conceaue and comprehend And we learne by experience that the word of God is aboue and agaynste all reason I shewe thee the remission of synnes and absolue thee by the commaundemente of CHRIST Thou hearest the woorde and when thou hast hearde it and receaued absolution yet thou doest not perceaue howe great familiaritie thou haste thereby with GOD and the Angelles Thou knowest nothynge of that great ioye whereof Christe speaketh howe greately the Angelles in heauen reioycethe vppon one synner that doothe repente So whenne thou arte nowe baptysed there appearethe in thy fleshe no other fourme then was before But I pray thee is absolution and Baptisme therefore of no strength Thynke not so but hyghly esteme them for that they are belongyng to the administration of Goddes kyngedome and commaunded by his word Wherefore we muste by faythe surely beleue for the wordes sake that thynge that thou shoulde neuer perceaue trewe by thy sence and reason And this Faith as touchynge the great beneuolence of God towarde hym selfe is surely perswaded beleuynge that the father taketh hym for his sonne and CHRIST for his brother and that the angelles greately reioyce of his prosperous estate If it please not the Pope to beleue this what is that to vs God is shewed to haue respecte vnto theym that esteeme hys woorde and thynke it woorthye to bee beleued And the Euangeliste poynteth an example of suche a Faithe in the blynde Hee perceyued by reasone noo lykelynesse of the matter but susteyneth an vncurable euyll But as soone as the woorde of CHRIST soundeth in his eares Looketh vp he beleueth it and the thyng came to passe This worde was by it selfe pronounced before the effect appered For the eyes of the blynde were as yet not open but forthwith after the word because it was beleued folowed the effecte and then the vnderstandyng of the matter was easye to the blynde After lyke maner goeth it wyth the disciples in this place Christ reherseth vnto them the hystorie of those thinges that should be done at Hierusalem and they because they vnderstode them not toke it for no truth Not because they suspected anye vayne talke in CHRISTE but they thought that
wickednes to be righteous and mercyfull I wyl therfore cal vpon hym wyth a stronge and stoute faythe and not admytte any thynge that shoulde be a le●te vnto me There is nowe no tyme to dispute of Predestination This woman prayed and regarded not her gentilitie What should hynder me but that I may also pray for suche thyngs as I haue nede of And of whom shold I aske these thynges but of God alone in heauen for Christes sake his sonne and my Sauiour This is an hard greuous conflict meruailous to be found in a Cananite which was an heathen woman Now saith the story that she cried Oh Lord thou sonne of Dauid haue mercy on me This is an humble and right worthy maner of praying precedyng from an earnest and feruent faith For in this her praier she maketh a noble confession of her faith concerning Christ that he is the promysed Messias and sauior of the world which should come being born of the sede of Dauid Of this his office she putteth him in remēbrāce openeth her nede vnto him saying my daughter is miserably vexed of a diuel This her crye Christe well heareth and yet he answereth not a worde Thys is an other greuous temptation For she feleth God to be suche one towarde her euen as she her selfe is that is to say a stranger For she was an Ethnicke and vtterly estranged from the common weale of Israel and therfore pertained there vnto her none inheritance neither could she claym any fruite of Gods gift and liberalitie For this cause whē she foloweth Christ and maketh intercession vnto him he speaketh nothyng at all as though she pertained no thynge vnto hym The strongest that are might haue ben dismayd by these two blocks that were cast in her way For howe coulde she otherwise then thinke with her self that what soeuer she had heard of Christ and of his gentlenes toward all people that came vnto hym was nothinge els then mere vanitie and vtterly false As though she should say Is this the man that hathe ben so commended vnto me that he is mercyfull and at all tymes ready both to heare and to helpe so many as come vnto hym But as farre as I see and proue he heareth whome he wyll heare and when he wyll and not when we haue nede of his helpe Yet for all this the poore woman suffereth not her selfe to falle from all hope but remayneth styll constant and stedfast in callyng on Christ in so muche that the disciples of Christ were euen weary of her continual crying in so muche that for the dispatche of her they spake vnto Christ so that there appered in them a greater clemencie and a more mercye towarde the woman then in Christ. Neyther semed they to commende in hym this hardnesse inhumanitie and vngentlenes and therfore thei make intercession vnto Christ for her Oh Lorde say they Graunt this woman her request and sende her awaye For otherwise she wyll neuer make an end of crying This is a notable exāple to declare that we ought not to cease from praier but diligently continue in the same tyll we haue obteined our desyre Taulerus writeth in a certayne place that we must sometyme geue ouer prayer But men ought not so to teache For the geuyng ouer of prayer commeth soon inough yea and to soon euen of it owne accorde We ought rather to styre vp our affections vnto prayer And this example testifieth sufficiently that we ought by no meanes to geue ouer prayer but to go forthe and continue in the same and to say with the woman It is no time now to dispute whether I be good or badde worthy or vnwoorthye I haue no leysure to consyder these thynges I haue a greater and more necessarye matter in hande My daughter is greuousely vexed of a deuyl Here haue I nede of counsayle and of healpe Where suche a feruente desyre of the mynde is there are all stoppes and hynderaunces soone dispatched and put out of the waye But nowe commeth the thirde stomblynge blocke torment or grief when Christ saith vnto her I am not sent but vnto the lost shepe of the house of Israel And thus he reiecteth and casteth away the intercession of the disciples neyther the woman nor other that labor for her will he ones heare Thys myght haue ben vnto her a sure token that Christ was of an hard mynd and would by no meanes be entreated seyng he wold not heare other whyche beyng not desyred on her behalfe made notwithstanding intercession for her And truthe it is Christ in all the Euangelicall storie is not sette foorth to be so hard and vngentyl to any person as vnto this poore woman Notwithstandynge the woman geueth not ouer her suite neyther is she dismayde but still stoutly goth she forward with her purpose Being now thrise most greuously strikē yet as a noble warriour that hath so many tymes ben assaulted she cometh more stoutely vnto the battaile And nowe when her alone crying and the intercessions of other profited nothing she as Mark saith entred into the house whether Christ repaired With her importunitie she may seme to bewray her impudencye vnshamfastnes In the strete she crieth out vpon Christ now that Christ hath gotten him into an house for to auoide her importune suite she entreth into the house with him and cōtinueth her sute falling down before him And this is writtē that we may know how greatly this pleaseth Christ whē a praier so oftentimes denied is notwithstanding still continued wil by no means receaue any repulse or be sayd nay And yet can not that thyng be obteined of hym that is requested For heare what he aunswereth the woman It is not good to take the bread of children and to giue it vnto dogges I at suche an answer wold haue ben so dismayd that I would haue thought verily there had bene no more hope of helpe to be loked for at his hand For this is a wonderfull hard answer whē she is so cast away that not only she hath no place among the children and is counted an Ethnike but also moste spitefully is called a dogge That is much harder then if so be she had ben called an heathen or Pagan And this is as muche as though he should haue sayd Thou art vtterly estranged from the kyngdom of God neither hast thou any portion therin Therfore get thee hense The matters that are here in hand belong nothyng vnto thee This is a tentation passynge all tentations If Peter or Paule had spoken suche a word vnto me they should vtterly haue dashed me out of countenance What shall we then thynke of these wordes that Christ himself spake to this simple poore woman Therfore is this a notable example to consider wherin we may euidently see what a great thyng Faith is For Fayth euen when CHRIST is moste angrye taketh Christes wordes vnto the beste and turneth them vnto her
y● which we heare in the word must we iudge and saie I see that I must die but I heare the promise and word of Christ my Lorde that thorow hym I shall haue life For as touchyng sinne for the whiche I must nedes suffer death it is vtterly taken awaye by hym so that God for his deathe and resurrection wyll be mercyfull vnto me and geue me euerlastynge lyfe This is truely to kepe the woord of Christe But it is an harde thyng to haue this faythe For fleshe and blood can not otherwise bee persuaded then as they fele and proue Against this peruers and froward reason must we striue and aske of God hys holy spirite that he may stablishe our hearts throughe the worde that they may retaine and keepe the true Faith What the cause is why the worde of Christ is of so great efficacie myghte and power Christe hym selfe sheweth in the ende of this Gospell And in thys poynt he so greatly moueth the Iewes and stirreth them vnto anger that they are ready to stone hym vnto deathe For this troubled the Iewes that Christe said his worde preserueth and defendeth from euerlastyng death forasmuche as they sawe that Abraham Moyses and other holy men which be greately commended in the holy scripture wer dead They thought that Christ was muche inferiour to them and that it was a matter worthy to be laughed at that he should so muche bragge boast and sette out his worde But Christ answered Abraham desired to see my daye he sawe it and reioyced that is to say If Abraham had not kept my word he had dyed euerlastyngly and ben damned for euer Before Abraham was saith Christ I am And that is thus muche to say I am almightie and euerlasting God Now he that wil be deliuered from his synnes escape euerlastyng deathe and come vnto euerlasting life he must be holpē by me and seke help at none others hād but at myn alone This could neither Moses nor any of the Prophets speke truly of them selues For they were all men But Christ is god and man Therfore is he able to geue life euerlasting saluation none but he alone This is a great consort and a most sure confirmation of our faithe where we confesse that Christ is true euerlasting God as we haue the like testimonies of this thing in many diuers places of the Euangelical history that our whole trust shold be in hym in his word in none other For this is the word of god can by no means deceue vs. What soeuer he speaketh is certain and sure is neuer void but is as sure as God by his word made heauen earthe of nothing Lerne this diligently and with thankful hearts knowledge this inestimable benefit and pray that God by his holy spirite may kepe you in the truth of his word receiue you into euerlasting life through Christ his sonne to whom with the father and the holy ghost be all honour and glorie for euer and euer Amen The Sonday next before Easter cōmonly called Palme sondaye ¶ The Gospell Math. xxvi AND it came to passe when Iesus hadde finished all these sayinges he sayd vnto his Disciples Ye knowe that after two dayes shal be Easter and the sonne of man shall bee delyuered ouer to be crucified Then assembled together the chief Priestes and the Scribes and the elders of the people vnto the Palace of the high Priest whiche was called Caiphae and healde a Counsell that they myght take Iesus by subtiltie and kill hym But they said not on the holy day lest there be an vprore amonge the people When Iesus was in Bethanie in the house of Symon the Leapor there came vnto hym a woman hauynge an Alabaster boxe of precious oyntment and powred it on his head as he sat at the boorde But when his disciples saw it they had indignatiō saying Wherto serueth this wast This oyntment might haue ben well sold and geuen to the poore When Iesus vnderstode that he sayd vnto them Why trouble ye the woman for she hath wroughte a good woorke vppon me For ye haue the poore alwayes with you but me ye shall not haue alwayes And in that she hath caste this oyntment on my body she did it to bury me Ueryly I say vnto you Wher so euer this Gospell shal be preached in all the worlde there shall also this be tolde that she hath done for a memoriall of her Then one of the twelue whiche was called Iudas Iscarioth wente vnto the chefe Priestes and sayde vnto them What wyll ye geue me and I wyll delyuer hym vnto you And they appointed vnto hym .xxx. pieces of syluer And from that tyme foorth he sought oportunitie to betraye hym The first daye of sweete bread the disciples came to Iesus saying to him Where wylt thou that we prepare for thee to eate the Passeouer And he sayde Goo into the Citie to suche a man and say vnto hym The master saith my tyme is at hande I wyll kepe my Easter by thee with my disciples And the disciples dyd as Iesus hadde appoynted them and they made redy the Passeouer When the euen was come he sat downe with the twelue And as they dyd eate he sayde Ueryly I saye vnto you that one of you shall betray me And they were exceadynge sorowfull and beganne euery one of them to saye vnto hym Lorde is it I He aunswered and sayd he that dyppeth his hande with me in the dyshe the same shall betraye me The sonne of man truely goeth as it is writen of hym but wo vnto that man by whom the sonne of man is betrayed it hadde bene good for that man yf he had not bene borne Then Iudas whiche betrayed hym aunswered and sayde Master is it I He sayd vnto him thou hast sayde And when they were eating Iesus toke bread and when he had geuen thanks he brake it gaue it to the disciples and said Take eate this is my body And he toke the cup thanked gaue it to them saying Drynk ye all of this for this is my bloud whiche is of the new Testament that is shed for many for the remission of sinnes But I say vnto you I will not drinke hense forth of this fruite of the vine tree vntyll that daye when I shall drinke it newe with you in my fathers kyngdom And when they had sayde grace they went out vnto mount Oliuete Then saide Iesus vnto them All ye shal be offended because of me this night For it is writtene I wyll smyte the shepherd the shepe of the flock shal be scattered abrode but after I am risen again I wil go before you into Galile Peter answered and saide vnto hym Thoughe all men be offended because of thee yet wyll I not be offended Iesus saide vnto hym Uerily I saye vnto thee that in this same night befor the Cocke crowe thou shalte denye me thryse Peter saide vnto hym yea
of synnes because all the faythfull are wyth hym rysen agayne frome synne so that frome hensefoorth synne can not hurte theym althoughe whyle they are in thys wycked mortall bodye they can not be free from it For Christ brought wyth hym oute of hys graue remission of synnes The seconde fruicte foloweth of the fyrste and it is this That Christe by his Resurrection hathe abrogated the Lawe that is to saye hathe delyuered and sette at libertie our conscience from it and hath geuen our heartes peace tranquillitie and quietnesse For seynge that Christ by his Resurrection hath slain deathe whyche is the stypende of synne and hathe brought with hym vnto vs remission of synnes it necessarily foloweth that he hath also abolished the strength of synne whyche is the lawe that it can no more accuse vs. Therfore sayth Paule The lawe of the spirite that is to saye the Gospelle whiche quickeneth hathe delyuered me frome the power of synne and of death The quickenyng of the Gospell or in that the Gospelle quickeneth and makethe alyue it hathe hys strength power and efficacie of the Resurrection of Christe For if Christe hadde not rysen agayne then all oure preachynge and all our Faith had ben vayne The third fruict of Christs resurrection is that we by his Resurrection are deliuered from death In consideration whereof Paule glorieth with the Prophet Osee saying Deathe is swalowed vp into victorye As though he should saye The glorious and victorious resurrection of Christ hath swalowed vp deuoured and abolyshed death so that death from hensforth can doo nothyng at all against vs. And his cruel and terrible sight is none other thyng then an hornet with out a stynge whyche looketh terribly and with her wynges maketh a great and dreadfull noyse but yet hath she lost her styng and pricke so that she can hurt or wounde no man Our Sauior Christ sayth I am the resurrection and the life He that beleueth in mee although he were dead yet shall he lyue And all that lyueth beleueth in me shal neuer dye By the whiche wordes Christ signifieth that deathe to the Faithfull is nothyng ells then a sleape For as he that sleapeth lyueth and may ryse agayne so lykewise he that beleueth although he dye corporally yet abydeth he not in deathe but returneth vnto lyfe yea death is vnto him a very gate wherby he passeth oute of thys myserable and sorowfull lyfe vnto a trewe and an euerlastyng lyfe and is raysed vp frome thys sleape so that for euer after he waketh and abydeth alyue worldes without ende Therefore the holy Scripture callethe the corporall death of the Faithful a sleape as we rede in many places of the old and new Testament of Dauid Ezechias Stephen and other holy Sainctes The fourthe fruict of Christes Resurrection is the deuastation or destruction of helle so that nowe we are free and safe frome euerlastynge pestilence and curse For yf CHRIST saieth Sainct Paule be not rysen agayne then they whyche are fallen a slepe in Christ are vtterly loste Of the whyche wordes it foloweth that all they are blessed whyche sleape in Christe for as muche as hee is rysen agayne frome death And therefore dothe bothe the Prophete Osee and the blessed Apostle sainct Paule mocke helle and saye O helle where is thy victorie And the Apostle streyghte waye addeth Thankes bee vnto GOD whyche hathe geuen vs the victorie thorowe Iesus Christe If Christe had remayned in deathe then had all we perished as the Apostle sayth But for as muche as he remayned not in death therefore are we not loste but with hym we are escaped out of helle and made ioyfull and blessed The fyfth fruicte and profite of Christes Resurrection is that CHRIST risynge agayne frome the dead hathe gotten for vs the victorie ouer Sathan and all his kyngdome with all his membres also as it is written Christe by his deathe hath expelled him whyche hadde lordshyppe ouer death that is to say the deuyll that hee myghte delyuer theym whyche throughe feare of deathe were all theyr lyfe tyme subdued vnto bondage Christ by his Resurrection hathe taken away all power from Sathan so that now he can no more exercyse hys tyrannye againste the elect and chosen people of GOD. For Christe hathe taken hym prysoner and taken hys weapons awaye from hym bounde hym and so vtterly weakened him that hee hathe no power at all And thys hys victorye dydde hee in hys Resurrection myghtylye declare when he ledde awaye captyue all the rulers of helle as Saynct Paule sayth He hath spoyled rule and power and hath made a shewe of theym openly hath triumphed ouer them in his owne person And of this victorie against Satā it is recorded in a certen psalm of Dauid wher it is cōmāded that the gates dores shoulde bee sette open that the Kynge of glorie maye come in And the rulers and Princes of hell demand and saye Who is thys kynge of Glorye The Prophete aunswereth them sayenge It is the Lorde of Hostes. He is the kynge of glorie And of this victorie Christe also speakethe in a certayne Parable sayenge When a stronge manne armed watcheth hys house the thynges that hee possesseth are in peace But when a stronger then hee commeth vpon hym and ouercommeth hym Hee taketh frome hym all hys harneys wherein hee trusted and deuydeth hys goodes So lykewyse the deuyll possessed the world and shewed hys power in mainteynynge false worshyppynge of GOD and dyuers kyndes of Idolatrye and by thys hee stablyshed hys kyngedome and greately encreased the swarme of wycked and damned persones vntyll CHRIST whyche was stronger thenne hee inuaded hys kyngedome and tooke frome hym hys harneisse armour and weapon that is to saye synne and deathe wherewith he ouercamme the whole worlde and made spoyle of theim and by this meanes deliuered all the faithfull and electe people of GOD oute of his kingdome and sette theim free from his tirannie and power The sixt fruict of Christes resurrection is the preachynge of the Gospell For althoughe he dydde preache the Gospell to hys Disciples and to hys countreymenne the Iewes before hys deathe yet gaue hee oute noo Commyssion that it shoulde bee generally and vniuersallye preached to all Nations tyll after his Resurrection Therefore saieth he in the Gospell of Mathewe All power is geuen vnto me bothe in Heauen and in Earthe Go ye therefore throughout the whole worlde and teache all nations baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the Holy ghost He that shal beleue and be baptised shal be saued But he that shall not beleue shall be damned This is a moste noble gyft whiche no man is able sufficiētly to expresse or to esteme For all hadd ben frustrate and voyde yf it had not ben publyshed and set foorth abrode For howe
could we beleue on Christe of whome we hadde not hearde as it is wrytten But howe shall they heare without a preacher Fayth commeth by hearyng hearyng commeth by the worde of God Therefore Christ suffered that victorie ouer death and hell and also that his glorious Gospell to be published to the whole world and all nations thorow the preachyng of the holy apostles and other godly doctours and teachers to be inuited bydden and called vnto it The seuenth fruict of Christs Resurrection is that Christe wyth his rysynge agayne frome death hathe iustified vs thorowe Faithe For as hee by his deathe hath abolyshed and put awaye synne euen so by hys Resurrection hath he brought vnto vs ryghtousnes as Paule saieth Christe was betrayde for oure synnes and rose agayne for oure iustification And blessed Peter sayth Blessed be God and the Father of oure Lorde Iesus Christe whyche accordyng to his abundant mercy begate vs agayn vnto a lyuely hope by that that Iesus Christ rose agayne from deathe to an inheritance immortall and vndefyled and that perysheth not reserued in heauen for you which ar kept by the power of God thorough Faythe vnto saluation Thus hath Christe by his resurrection made vs godly and ryghteous thorowe Fayth that we shold not onely by hym be made free frome synne but also become holy and righteous in hym if as Peter saith we beleue in God thorough hym which raised him vp from the dead and gaue the glorie vnto hym that we myght haue faith and hope toward God The eyght fruicte of Christes Resurrection is the glorious blessednesse and eternall lyfe of the soules whyche foloweth of Iustification and Faythe wherof the holy Apostle S. Paul speaketh in hys Epistle to the Ephesians sayenge GOD whyche is ryche in mercye for hys greate loue wherewyth hee loued vs euen whenne wee were deade in synnes quyckned vs together in CHRIST by grace are ye saued and raysed vs vp together with hym and made vs sytte togyther wyth hym amonge them that are in heauen The Prophete Osee also saythe He shall make vs alyue after twoo dayes and on the thyrde daye he shall rayse vs vppe that wee maye lyue in hys syghte Hereof commeth it that S. Peter calleth Christe the Lorde of lyfe For he that confesseth wyth hys mouthe and beleueth wyth his heart that GOD raysed vp Christe he is saued Thys lyfe and euerlastynge saluation Christe by hys Resurrection hath purchased and geuen vnto vs. Therefore Christ sayde to Mary Magdalene that she shoulde telle hys disciples that he would go vp vnto his father and their father As though he shoulde saye Nowe we haue a common inheritaunce one father one kyngedome and an euerlastynge lyfe common to vs all For hee that sanctifyethe and they that are sanctifyed are all one The laste fruite of Christes resurrection is the glorification and dignitie of our mortall bodies For as Christe in his Resurrection dydde caste awaye frome hym all weakenesse of mannes bodye because from hensefoorthe he shoulde bee no more mortall weake hungrye thyrstie nor haue any other infirmities but immortall and withoute all infirmitie and weakenesse So shall our mortall bodies bee lyke vnto hys glorious bodye at the Resurrection of the deade and shall for euer remayne in that glory and honour worldes without ende Of thys speaketh Sainct Paule sayenge Our conuersation is in heauen from whens wee looke for a Sauioure euen the Lorde Iesus Christe whyche shall transfigure and chaunge thys oure vyle bodye that hee maye make it lyke to his owne glorious bodye accordyng to the power wherwyth he is able to make all thynges subiecte to hymselfe And in an other place Paule reioyceth wyth all the Christians that we haue an euerlastyng dwelling place in heauen although this oure corruptible body destroyed and put awaye For yf we beleue that Iesus dyed and rose agayn then shall God bryng them with hym that are fallen a sleape by Iesus So shall we bee glorifyed with Christe as he before was glorified by hys Resurrection and made hys mortall bodye immortall and brought it vnto glorie As he also before gaue a shewe of this matter to hys Disciples in mount Thabor where his face dydde shyne as the Sunne and hys garmentes were made whiter thenne snowe He that desyreth to heare more of this matter lette hym reade the .xv. Chapter of saint Paules first epist. to the Corinthiās There shall he abundātly find how Christ rose again how manyfold and great fruict he hath purchased and gotten for vs by that his glorious resurrection Nowe forasmuche as we haue hearde and do perfectly knowe what great and singuler benefites we haue receaued by the victorious and triumphant resurrection of our Lorde and sauiour Iesus Christ How he hath ouercome synne death deuyll and hell and hath made vs not only free and safe frome them but also holy godly and rightous thorowe fayth so that we shall haue with hym euerlastyng lyfe and a glorified body it becometh vs as thankfull children with Christ to take vpon vs a new pure syncere vncorrupt and fautlesse lyfe as S. Paule exhorteth vs in his Epistle to the Romains saying We are buryed with Christe by baptisme for to dye that likewyse as Christ was raised vp from death by the glorie of the father euen so we also should walke in a newe lyfe Nowe what other thyng is a new lyfe then to eschew sinne and to doo that whiche is good and godly As Paul saith in his foresaid Epistle We ought no more from hensforth to serue synne And in an other Epistle hee sayth that Christ dyed to this ende for all menne that they whyche lyue shoulde from hensefoorth lyue not to them selues but to hym that died for thē and rose agayne So lykewyse doothe Paule reioyce that he lyueth not but Christ in hym And he exhorteth the Corinthians that forasmuche as they through faith in Christe are holye and righteous and yet for the remnantes of the vncleane fleshe are synners and vnrighteous they would purge out that olde leauyn Know ye not saith he that a litle leauen so wreth the whole lumpe of dough Purge out therfore the olde leauen that ye may be new dough as ye are swete bread For Christ our passeouer is offred vp for vs. Therfore lette vs kepe a ioyfull feast not with olde leauen neyther with the leauen of maliciousnes wickednes but with the swete bread of purenes trueth In the whiche wordes Paule doth euidentlye expresse require that we should leaue the olde vnpure lyfe whiche we haue of Adam and in spirite begin exercise a newe spirituall lyfe vnto the whiche Christe hath brought vs and that we should from tyme to tyme if anye olde leauen of wyckednes we fynde in our selues purge it out and vtterly cast it out awaye from vs so that for euer after as in profession so lykewise
euerlastingly neither can synne condemne them Therefore all thinges are now turned cleane contrarie Before we were holden vnder the captiuitie of synne Before we perceaued that the deuill by the reason of oure sinne was a cruell tyrant againste vs. Before we coulde by no meanes escape the moste bytter payne of death Before we looked for yea and that worthely euerlasting damnation and the most cruell tormentes of hell fyre But fromhensforth it shall no more be so For Christe vnto this ende is ascended into heauen that he shoulde holde in bondes as slaues of no power synne death and deuill that they fromhensforth should not exercise their tyranny againste vs as tofore they haue done or if they do attempt any violence against vs it should chaunce for the best on our behalfe Synne ceaseth not to prouoke vs if by any meanes it may enforce vs to do any thing againste the will of God and so to make vs to haue gyltie consciences And our infirmitie is great We do not resiste sin as we ought to do Dauid was a great man an holy yet was he throwne into two most greuous haynous sinnes Nowe that he was deliuered again frō those sinnes that they were forgiuen him The cause was that he beleued on that blessed sede that was promised to come which shold destroye the power of synne and make it his bonde prisoner It therfore can not only not oppresse Dauid but it is the cause also that he prayeth the more feruently and is the more circumspecte in all his doinges for euer after If he had not thus fallen he had neuer made that moste godly and swete psalme Miserere And so likewise is the matter concerning death It can not refraine his violence from vs neither can we any otherwise then tremble for feare at the beholdinge therof But how cōmeth it to passe that death can do none of all those thinges that it entendeth Because death is taken prisoner bounde so that nowe it can not hurt nor kyl euerlastingly the faithful the styng therof being taken awaye by Christ and it selfe being vtterly subdued and ouercome as Christ him selfe saith by the Prophet O death I wil be thy death Therfore whē death sheweth it selfe moste fearce and vttereth the greatest violence that it can yet it doth no more with the true Christians then that it should be the cause for them to flee vnto the worde of God that they maye exercise them selues in it the more diligently and confirme them selues with it which otherwise they wold not haue done if the terrours of death had not bene Euen the same may be spoken concerning the deuil which is a sutle deceiptfull craftie and cruell enemie He at all times lyeth in waight for the Christians if by any meanes he may make their hope frustrat vaine But Christ is Lord ouer him so that he shal not onely not do bring to passe that he entendeth but also the more that Christians are assalted of him the more ware circumspecte doth he make them and prouoke them the more diligently to geue their mindes to prayer to the meditation studie of gods worde to cōmit them selfe wholly to the tuition defence of god euermore calling on him for helpe and succour And where as if they were without this sutle and craftie enemie they wold become careles and negligent because they should stand in no feare of suche an aduersarie nowe they watch now they are circumspecte and take hede that they fall not into his daunger Al these thinges therfore profit the Christians whiche are to other because of their corrupt pernitious nature a very plague pestilence confusion and destruction And this chaunceth to the Christians because Christ is ascended into heauen and hath by that meanes made them his prisoners so that now they can not do against the Christians what they wold but what it pleaseth Christ to suffer or appoint them Synne wold gladly condēne vs death wold very faine kyl vs The deuil is altogether desirous to cast vs hedlōg into euerlasting damnati ōbut they can not do what they wold forasmuch as they are although enemies yet the captiues bond slaues of Christ so that although they be cruel fearce against vs yet can they not hurt against vs. And this is the noble fruit singuler cōmoditie of Christes Ascentiō that our greate enemies synne death deuill whose captiues and bonde slaues we were are nowe imprisoned of Christe and holden in bondage so that by this meanes we are free from their tyranny For for this purpose dyd he go vp into heauen and sytteth on the right hande of God that he might defende the churche against them It foloweth in the psalme Thou hast receaued gyfts for men that is to saye suche gyftes as thou wilt distribute vnto men and thorowe those gyftes helpe cōfort them What maner of gyftes these are God by the Prophet Ioel declareth saying After this will I poure out my spirit vpon all fleshe and your sonnes your daughters shall prophecie your olde men shall dreame dreames and your yong men shal se visions yea in those dayes I wil poure out my spirit vpon seruantes maydens I wil shewe wonders in heauen aboue tokens in the earth beneth And in the gospel of Iohn Christ saith thus If I go away I wil send the confortour vnto you And when he shal come he will rebuke the worlde of sin of righteousnes of iudgemēt Peter also saith Sence now that Christ by the right hand of god is exalted and hath receaued now of the father the promes of the holy ghost he hath shed forth this gyfte whiche ye nowe see and heare Now there are two thinges principally whiche the holye ghost worketh Firste he leadeth vs thorowe the Gospel vnto the true knowledge of CHRIST that we maye beleue to haue remission of our synnes in his name Again that we maye bringe forth the worthy fruites of repentaunce resiste synne mortifye it earnestly begin to obeye god And this newnes of lyfe afterwarde taketh place in oure soule bodye heart and in al the partes of vs. For although because of our sinnefull body we can neuer be so free from sinne that we shall be vtterly without synne yet that sinne that remaineth in vs is not imputed to vs nor layde to our charge for Christes sake neyther doth it condemne vs. And this is the firste thynge that the holy ghost worketh in vs. Secondly the holy ghoste also maketh his instruments that thorowe the worde and the preachynge therof other maye be brought vnto the knowledge of this grace In consideration wherof Paule interpreteth this psalme to this ende that thorowe the Ascention of Christ these giftes chaunce vnto vs that he hath made some Apostles some Prophetes some Euangelistes some Shepheardes and teachers to
cause for men to depart from his baptisme preachynge ministration of the Lordes supper c. But if he alter not nor change the institution and commaundement of Christe what soeuer he bee although neuer so synfull and wycked persone yet hyndreth that nothyng at all the ministerie Therefore he that wyll ryghtly and truely discerne these two churches he maye not onely haue an eye to the ministerie For the false churche also may haue the mynisterie and yet is it not the true Churche As the false Churche in lyke maner vsurpethe the name of GOD and glorieth of it but we maye not therfore beleue it For the thyrde commaundement chargethe vs that we take not the name of GOD in vayne And where as we aske in the fyrst petition of the Lordes Prayer that the name of God maye be sanctifyed This doothe also argue that this name of God is prophanated and dishonoured of many Therefore when the false churche vnder the name of God and of the Churche curseth and condemneth thee it is nothynge to the purpose neyther nedest thou feare any thyng at all theyr curse and cōdemnation but streight wayes make thou a difference betwene the trewe and false churche and saye I heare well the name of god and of the Churche but the vngodly also can and do vsurpe that For excepte it were so we shoulde haue no nede of thys commaundement that wee shoulde not take the name of God in vayne Wherefore we muste fyrst of all consyder thys whyther they vse the name of God and of hys Church aryght or not And vnto this matter dothe the rule greatly helpe whyche Christe prescribeth in thys place when he in the ryght colours poynteth and setteth foorth the fals churche For the true churche doothe not vsurpe the power of the swearde and of temporall punyshement But the false churche chalengeth this power and moste cruelly persecuteth the trewe Churche as Christe prophecied before that it should come to passe By thys mayst thou well knowe whyche is the fals church But yet this is a more certayn argumēt that Christ saith These things shal they do to you because they neyther knowe me nor my Father Here is also the false churche paynted and sette foorthe in her right colours with her ordinarie power They may cloke theyr matters with the name of God and of the churche and so bleare the eyes of the vnwyse and symple as theyr manner is to doo but yet for all theyr fayre shewe and glorious pretence Christe sayth that they neither knowe hym nor hys Father But what is it to know Christ and his Father It is not to say Masse to be shauē in the crown to wear a typpet a long gowne to be cladde with a monkes coule to vowe pouertie chastitie and obedience at the appoyntement of Antichriste to absteyne frome fleshe and to enforce the bealy with all kynde of daintie fyshe to lyue idelly in the cloyster of other mens labours c. But to knowe Christe is to beleue that Christ is the lambe of God that taketh away the sinnes of the worlde whyche for our sake became man dyed for vs on the crosse rose agayn from the dead ascended into heauen c. Wyth this full persuasion and assured hope that God wyll be mercyfull vnto vs for his sonne Christ Iesus sake And this is to know the Father to be throughly persuaded that he for his son Christes sake will haue mercy on vs and not impute our synnes vnto vs but frankly frely forgeue them for Christes sake Where this knowledge is there is the true churche But where this knowledge is not there is not the true churche although the ministerie and the name of God be there Therfore we muste haue respect to this knowledge aboue all thynges that the true churche may certainly be knowen The scisme or dissention that nowe a dayes is in the Churche offendeth manye that they can not telle to what parte they shoulde ioyne themselues But in thys they fayle and do not theyr duetie in that they wyll not consyder this rule Thys is our doctrine that before God nothing can preuail against synne and death but the alone death and Resurrection of Christ that who soeuer doth truly beleue this is saued But whosoeuer beleueth not this what soeuer workes he dothe besydes he can not be saued Nowe what foundation confirmation and probation we haue for this our doctrine the scriptures both of the olde and newe testamente doo abundantly declare and it hath ben sette foorth afore vnto you many tymes But what hath folowed For this doctrin the Pope and his church most cruelly persecute vs excommunicateth pronounceth and killeth vs as heretikes For this is his doctrin who soeuer loketh to be saued he hymself must make satisfaction for his own sinnes Christe saieth he satisfied onely for Originall synne what soeuer wee offende after Baptisme that muste euery mā make amendes for and with his good workes recompence the same and so pacifye the wrath of GOD. But howe agreeth thys doctrine with the knowledge of Christ For thys is a good consequence If Christ hath satisfied for oure synnes then are not we able to make satisfaction for them Good workes ar not to be left vndone but we must do them for an other purpose then to make satisfaction for our sinnes and to deserue euerlastyng lyfe by them euen to shew our obedience to God and to his holy comaundementes to sette foorth the glory of our heauenly Father to stoppe the mouthes of the aduersaries to declare our Faithe in Christe not to be vayne idle or dead to mortifie olde Adam to profite our neighbour to wyn other vnto the trueth of the Gospell c. Thus see you by this rule of Christ whyche is the right and true churche But notwithstandyng we are caste out of the synagoges and excommunicate of the Pope and his sect because we repose and set our righteousnes and acceptation before God in CHRIST in his deathe and Resurrection Nowe where as the the Pope and hys churche chalengeth vnto them saluation by theyr owne workes merites and satisfactions it is an euidente argumente that they neyther knowe Christ nor the Father Forasmuche as we be well assured and certain that we know Christ aright and the Papistes knowe not Christ it ought not to trouble or moue vs any thynge at all although suche a church as neither knoweth Christ nor the father dothe excommunicate vs and pronounce vs Heretikes and the church of the deuil Let this rather confort vs that we know the sonne and the father and nothing at all care that the Pope doth so greatly auance set forthe himselfe against vs with the name of the church whē in dede his church is nothing els then the very synagoge of Satan Let vs in the meane season looke for an other iudgement where not men with their lewde iudgement but God hym selfe
worlde commeth and hath naughte in me But that the world may know that I loue the father And as the father gaue me commaundement euen so do I. THE EXPOSITION THis gospell is a part of Christes Sermon whiche he made to his disciples before he suffred And for that cause ought it greatly to be estemed For Christ setteth forth in it a singuler doctrine and lesson whereby he teacheth that all reason is but superfluous to the attainement of the knowlege of God if it take not his first foundation of the loue of Christ. When this is not taught all thinges are vncertaine wauering of no strength that are eyther taught or imagined of god For they can not be comprehended or knowen by any meanes But he that loueth Christe is so farre brought that he loueth the father also But what is the cause of this worde why doth he make mention of loue and speaketh not after his olde customable maner saying he that beleueth in me Is loue the cause of our saluation and not faith wher as he saith if any man loueth me But they are both of like efficacie power strēgth For thou canst not loue Christe except thou beleue in him and dost put thy trust in hym with a certain and sure faith And the worde of faith is somwhat more euident wheras it declareth that we muste withholde our eyes from all other thinges that be and fasten thē in Christ Iesu only For this is the nature of loue that it embraceth that thinge only that it loueth in that thinge doth it set al here felicitie therwith only it is satisfied and careth for nothing besides Suche maner of loue doth Christ require of vs that we shold embrace hym with all oure hearte whiche thynge can not be done but by fayth Wherfore this sentence maketh nothynge againste faith But is spoken to the entent that the nature and condition of fayth with his proper vertue and efficacie might be the better vnderstanded An other cause of this worde is that Christ dyd perceaue that he that receaueth the worde and purposeth to kepe it can not do it without greate endeuor and industrie For diuers temptations do chaunce to them whiche do rebuke and embrayde suche as hath entered into the profession of Godlines of folie and rashnes wher as they reason on this wise with them selfe Alas what haue I done whan I tookee vpon me the office of teachynge I might haue holde my peace and thought wyth my selfe that GOD woulde haue set foorth other Other might haue come that shoulde haue had better successe in this matter Nowe am I in doubt and do not onely litle profit but put my selfe also in perill of lyfe If we will ouercome suche kynde of temptation that the worde maye be surely maintained this onely succour must they especially vse as Christe here sheweth that they loue Christe and put their hole delight in him so that all the professours of the gospell al the good may thus conforte them selues whatsoeuer be cometh of me let it be at the pleasure of God for whose cause and glorie and not for mans sake was this begon of God Wherfore I must endure it And looke wher this loue is not ther can they not endure saith Christe For I geue not goods nor golde but euerlastinge life wherof the possession is not taken in this life but after this life Wherfore all the matter resteth herein that ye loue me If loue be in you ye wil kepe my saing and contineue constantlie although that ye should do it to the perill of your life But if ye loue me not ye wil not kepe my wordes For ye shall haue so many dangers calamities and afflictions that they shall make you faint and put you in desperation But he that knoweth Christe truly beleueth in hym and loueth him he is troubled by no aduersitie For he thinketh surely Christ dyed and was buried for vs and rose againe wherby all suche gather surely that Christ doth greatlye fauor them So that this loue procedeth of faith which afterward is able to withstand all perils and dangers neither doth it feare the greate threatnings wrath of the worlde For it setteh more by Christ and his worde then by all these threatnings and displeasures of men And that is it that he saith if any mā loue me he wil kepe my word my word of my death resurrectiō not the worde of Moyses or ten commaundements That worde is not to be caste awaye nother is any thing to be done contrarie therto For God commanded that worde to be fulfilled but with that worde is there ioyned no consolatiō as is with my worde the conscience is not therby made quiet but the more that we therby know our disobedience toward GOD so much the more we dread feare the wrath indignation of God For the worde of Iesu Christ is the fondation and pillar of all thinges He that hath this saith Christ neither suffereth hymselfe to be plucke frō thence ought not to doubt but my father doth loue him And this is the peculiar phrase of Iohn whiche hath a proper kynde of speache beside all other Euangelistes that first he ioyneth men to Christe and then thorough Christ bringeth them to the father For this is the order and proces in this matter As Christ here teacheth that first we must know Christ loue hym and take him for one that is most desirous of our saluation and profit When we haue suche trust loue toward Christ there foloweth also a sure confidence that the father also loueth vs. And although we had none other confort before our eyes but only this perceauinge and vnderstanding that we nede not feare any crueltie or any wrothe or yre of God yet were that sufficient to certifie vs that we nede not feare synne or the deuill because god loueth vs for that that we loue Christe This is a great confort in all tribulation to beleue constantly that GOD is not againste vs but he louinglye embraceth vs if so be that we loue Christe kepe his worde stedfastly But in the tyme of tribulation oure heartes can hardlye thus be persuaded But we thinke rather contrariwise that God hateth vs and hath no regard to vs but that he goeth about rather to prouide punishmēt for vs. But these thinges are false For Christe doth not lye whan he sayth yf we procede so farre that we loue hym and count it abhominable to hate hym that then we muste not doubt but the father doth loue vs and will so declare hys loue toward vs that he wyth his sonne and the holy ghost will haue their abyding with vs. It is a greate matter and a singuler confort that a righteous man by fayth doth not say in his heart who is ascended in to heauen c. For in whatsoeuer place he be whether he be at Ierusalem or at Rome or
are playn that God loueth vs. Wherfore for this loues sake ought we greately to esteme all thynges that he geue vs. And especially those gyftes whiche are ordeyned and geuen of hym to vs for our saluation and confirmation of oure faithe as Baptisme and the Supper of the Lord is c. For all be it that the worlde doth not regard these thyngs yet they ought to be estemed for oure chiefe felicitie that by them we myght put asyde all sorowe and be ioyful in heart forasmuche as these thinges are of a fatherly loue and beneuolence ordeyned for our saluation Wherfore Christ in this place sheweth not only that the father will geue vs any thinge but also he describeth the way how the father will geue vs that is of a fatherly and of a godlye loue And as hytherto wee haue spoken of the geuer and of his louyng mynde so is the gyfte it selfe no lesse to be estemed For God geueth not riches here nor kyngdoms nor any creature but geueth his onely begotten sonne which is no lesse than the father If wealth and prosperitie causeth ioy howe great ioy ought this gift to be to them that it is geuen vnto For as God the geuer is excedyng great and his loue also wherof the gyfte procedeth So is the gyft that he geueth which is his onely sonne For he geueth hym selfe wholly in this gyft as Paul saith to the Romains seyng God hath geuen for vs all his sonne how can it be that with him he should not geue vs all thynges also Sinne death hell heauen rightuousnes and life al are ours for that that the sonne as by gyft is ours also in whom are all thynges Wherfore if we beleue truly and receiue this moste excellent gift by faith it must nedes be that euery creature fautie or not fautie muste be ours and geuen to our cōmoditie as saint Paule saith in an other place Al things ar ours whether it be Paul or Apollo or Cephas either the world or life or deth And you ar Christs Christ is Gods For if we cōsider this gift well we shal perceiue that it passeth all that is either in heauen or earth and in respecte wherof all the goodes of the world are but as it wer a graine But here doth incredulitie misbeliefe trouble vs as Christ himself dothe afterward complayn and also incredible darknes and ignorāce as whē we heare of this so great a gift yet we do not beleue it the words of such great matter goeth in at the one eare and rūneth out at the other neuer perceth to the heart When men conceiue any hope of purchasing possessions or of bying landes they can neuer haue their heart at rest for the feruent care and gredy desyre to obteyne the same But where as it is declared here that God hath geuen vnto vs his sonne of mere loue we are slouthfull and sluggyshe without all desire to receiue it What is the cause that we sette so lyghtly by suche an hygh gift and do not embrace it worthily as we ought to doo The deuyll truly whiche casteth a myste ouer our heartes that we care not for the worde and promise as touchyng this gifte but in the meane tyme we bestow all our cares in worldly thynges Wherfore in the beginnyng I sayde that these woordes oughte dayely to be rehersed and vsed when we rise in the morning when we go to bed at nyght that we might print them in our hearts geue God thankes for this so great benefite For all things are so great that they can be no greater the giuer the loue of the geuer and the gift it selfe that is geuen vs of mere loue not of merite and is so geuen that it remaineth with vs not as borowed nor lent nor recompensed For the whiche also is nothing geuen agayne neither is any thinge required therefore but that thou shouldest ioyfully embrace it and so declare thy mynd But alas what an vnworthy thynge is this that neither heartes neither handes there be to receaue this gyfte as it is proffered that this should be our Christ and shold remayne with vs for euer vnto euerlasting lyfe But herein chaunceth a very leude and greuous thing that they to whom this gift is offred although thei haue great nede therof yet they regarded it not but refuse to receiue it If a riche man shold proffer a gift to a nedy begger that he might therby liue in more welth more at ease and yet that riche mā wold require nothing for himself but that the poore wolde receiue this excellent gift gladly Now if the begger were suche an vnthriftie person that he wold not take the gift but wold set more by his owne miserable state than by this gifte might ye not count him worthily to deserue yet more greater wretchednes thā he was in before but here to this beggerly world the is void of al life saluatiō is profered the son of God And god demādeth nothing els of vs but to receiue it to take it as our own but this is our madnes that although we be starke beggers yet we think scorn to be prouided for Iudge thou therfor here of what a greuous syn is vnbelefe It is not agreable to mans nature to be agaynst oure owne profite and gaines and not to receaue it when it is proffred Hereof it appereth how madde the worlde is that it hath no ioy and felicitie in this gift of God and putteth himself in such great blame that it wil not receue and take to his vse that that is proffered If it were neuer so little gold that were proffred we woulde be ready to receaue it with bothe handes yea and with al the other lymmes of the body also Wher as the sonne of God is proffred for a gift al men ar in doubt whether they may embrace hym or no and beare themselfe in hande that they haue no nede of hym Wherfore he hath his proper name geuen hym to whom the gyfte is proffred and is called the worlde which is worthy to be hated and specially if it bee compared with the gyfte For so littell dothe he deserue this loue and gift of God that nothyng can be more againste God nor nerer vnto the deuyll than the worlde is And yet this is the very testimonye and witnesse of Christ saying God so loued the worlde that he gaue his only begot-sonne Print this thyng well in thy mynd After that thou haste heard what God is and what is the gift that he geueth freely of mere loue learne this thynge also what is the worlde truely a great multitude of men that hath no faith that thinketh God vnfaithful of his promise yea and blasphemeth curseth and persecuteth his worde whiche are also disobedient to father and mother murtherers aduouterers traitours theues wicked persons c. as dayely examples shewe vs playnly that
bytyng worme of conscience forasmuche as God is not now angrie with vs but standeth sure by his promise of grace and mercy which he hath made with vs for his sonne Iesus Christes sake He that beleueth thys is sure to be saued For this gift is geuen to make vs safe from death and synne For euen as a great flame is in comparison of a droppe of water so is Christe in comparison of the synnes of the worlde As soone as they touche Christe and as soone as the gift is receyued by Faith our synnes are quite consumed and abolyshed euen as a drye stalke is by an hot fier For here thou hearest by the worde of Christ that God so loued the worlde that he gaue his onely begotten sonne for the worlde that all that beleue in hm shoulde not peryshe but haue euerlastyng lyfe He saith precisely here They that beleue in hym He saith not he that taketh vpon hym this or that worke and thereby endeuour hymselfe to purchase Gods fauour Only Faith it is that purchaseth this gyfte Wherfore lette our aduersaries withstand this sentence neuer so muche lette them rayle neuer so muche agaynst it yet is this sentence sure and inuincible that they that beleue in him shall haue euerlasting lyfe and shall not perishe And se thou put nothyng hereto nor take nothyng from it lest thou shouldest seme to take vpon thee to correcte Christes iudgement These are excellente woordes and the wordes of lyfe God graunte vs hys grace to print them in our heartes For he that hath these wordes surely fixte in his hearte can be feared neyther of the deuyll nor of synne nor of helle but wyll be of a quiete heart and say I am withoute all feare For I haue with me the sonne of God whom God hath geuen vnto me by loue and by the word of God that is by the gospel which certifieth me therof And thy word O lord thy son Iesus wil not deceiue me in whom alone I put my truste If I be any thynge weake in Faith grant me that grace that I may beleue more stedfastly For I besydes this haue no other healpe in thys euident gyfte and loue of GOD but that we shold all by a lyttell and a lyttell beleue more and more in this gyft For Faith is requisite as thou hearest here of CHRIST And the stronger that Fayth is the greater is the ioy pleasure and securitie that is felt risyng in the mynd so that after that the mynd is most prone and readye to doo and to suffer all thynges whyche we knowe that God doothe requyre of vs and wylleth vs to doo knowyng that he is louyng and vseth nothynge but loue towarde vs. But thou wylt say If I were as Peter Paule and saint Mary were this gift would be confortable vnto me For they are saintes and therfore doubtlesse this saying pertaineth but vnto them Howe should I that am a synner by any meanes vnderstande that it pertaine vnto me whiche haue so often offended God by my synnes and haue made hym my enemie Such thoughtes can not be auoyded when the hearte after this kynd of preaching reasonyng beholdeth it self considereth his syns And here must we be circūspect and ware least we laying aside Gods word geue our selues any long tyme to such thoughtes but forthwith must we returne to the word and order oure Iudgement accordynge to the same For those thoughtes ar nothyng els but very incredulitie and vnbelefe which goeth about to withdraw vs from this swete gospel And trewely vnbelefe can be ouercome by no other meanes but by the worde of God Of this preacheth CHRIST that wee shoulde not doubte of thys woorde sayenge that his Father the trewe and eternall God in heauen dyd so loue the worlde that he delyuered his only begotten sonne And this is sure that the world here dothe not signifie Mary Peter Paule onely But the worlde signifieth all mankynd Therefore if thou takest thy selfe to be of mankynde or if thou doest not beleue that compare thy self with other mortall men that thou mayst vnderstande that thou art a man For why shouldest thou not suffer thy selfe to be of thys name seyng that Christ with plain wordes saieth that GOD gaue not his sonne onely for Mary Peter or Paule but for the worlde that all shoulde receaue hym that are the sonnes of men Then yf thou or I wold not receaue hym as though he dyd not appertayne vnto vs truely it would consequently folowe that Christes wordes are not true where as he saith he was geuen and deliuered for the worlde Wherfore hereof appeareth that the contarye therto is moste assuredly trewe that is that this gift belongeth as well vnto thee as to Peter and Paule forasmuche as thou also art a man as they are and a portion of the worlde that God maye not be iudged in his worde and this thought rise in our heart thynkyng on this wise Who knoweth whether I am also of their number to whom the sonne of God is geuen and eternall lyfe promised For that is as muche as to make God vntrewe of his promise Wherefore whenne thys thoughte commeth vpon thee suspecte it as thou wouldest suspecte the deuyl least thou be therwith deceaued And say thou what is that to me that I am neyther Peter nor Paule If GOD woulde haue geuen thys gyft to them only that should haue ben founde worthy he wold haue geuen it to the Angells to the Sonne and vnto the Mone For they are pure and vndefyled creatures whyche alwayes obeye God and neuer doo declyne and swarue frome hys Preceptes But thys is the truthe of the matter hee gaue hym to the worlde And the worlde is no woorthyer thereof then as I sayde before Wherefore although I am neyther Peter nor Paule yet wyll I not suffer my selfe to bee putt besyde thys gyfte but wyll challenge as muche thereof for my part as dydde Dauyd and all the holy Apostles For what was Dauyd Dydde he not trespasse heynously and greuousely Also what were the Apostles were they not synners and vnworthye Wherfore lette no man folowe thys reason saying I am a synner I am not iust and holy as Peter was Wherfore I dare not bee so bolde as to chalenge this gyfte for myne But rather reason on thys wyse What soeuer I am yet God is not to bee taken as vnfaithfull of his promyse I am a portion of the worlde wherfore if I wold not take this gift as myn owne I shoulde make God vntrue But thou wilt say Why dothe he not shewe this to me alone then I wold beleue and thynk surely that it apertained vnto me But it is for a great cōsideration that God speaketh here so generally to the intent verily that no manne should thynke that he is excluded from this promyse and gyft He that doth exclude him selfe must geue a count why he dothe so I wyll not iudge them
Amen An other Sermon on Trinitie Sonday ¶ The Gospell Iohn iii. THere was a man of the Pharyseis named Nicodemus a ruler of the Iewes The same came to Iesus by nyght and sayde vnto hym Rabbi we knowe that thou arte a teacher come from God for no man coulde do suche miracles as thou doest excepte God were with hym Iesus aunswered and sayd vnto hym Ueryly veryly I saye vnto thee except a man be borne from aboue he can not se the kingdome of God Nichodemus sayde vnto hym Howe can a man bee borne when he is olde Canne he enter into his mothers wombe and be borne agayne Iesus aunswered Ueryly veryly I saye vnto thee excepte a man be borne of water and of the spirite he can not enter into the kyngdom of god That which is borne of the fleshe is fleshe and that whiche is borne of the spirite is spirite Marueyle not thou that I sayde to thee ye must be borne from aboue The wynde bloweth where it lusteth and thou hearest the sounde thereof but thou canst not tell whence it commeth nor whyther he goeth So is euery one that is borne of the spirite Nicodemus answered and sayd vnto hym Howe can these thinges be Iesus aunswered and sayd vnto hym Art thou a maister in Israell and knowest not these thynges Ueryly veryly I say vnto thee we speake that we know and testifie that we haue sene and ye receiue not our witnesse If I haue tolde you earthly thinges and ye beleue not howe shall ye beleue yf I tell you of heauenly thynges And no man ascendethe vp to heauen but he that came downe from heauen euen the sonne of man whiche is in heauen And as Moises lyfte vp the serpente in the wyldernes euen so muste the sonne of man be lyfte vp that whosoeuer beleueth in hym peryshe not but haue euerlastyng lyfe An other Sermon on Trinitie Sonday ¶ The Gospell Iohn iii. THis is a speciall good gospell in the which is declared what is the true and only way to euerlasting life It appereth that it was apointed to the feast of the Trinitie because it maketh so plaine a distinction difference betwene the persons in setting forth the high work of God that god worketh amōg vs men whē he iustifieth saueth vs. For it is certainly pronoūced as touching the father that he loued the world gaue vnto it his only begotten sonne These ar two distinct persons the father the son ech of them hath his propre worke The father loueth the worlde and geueth his sonne The sonne is become a gift and as Christe saith here the sonne geueth hymself to be lift vpon the Crosse as the serpent was exalted of Moses in the desert that all that beleue in him should not perishe but haue euerlastynge lyfe And to this worke also commeth the thirde person the holye Ghoste which by the water of baptisme doth enkendle faithe in our heart and so regenerate vs vnto the kyngdome of heauen Which doctrine is full of swete confort ought to fyll vs with a great truste in God when we see that all the thre persons al the godhead tendeth to this end to preserue vs against deathe and the deuill and that Iustice euerlasting lyfe and the kyngedome of God myght be prepared and made redy for vs. What cause shold we haue therfore to feare in the presence of God for our syn How can we doubt of his good will toward vs For if he had ben willyng to condemne vs for our synnes as we always feare the father would neuer haue geuen vs his onely begotten sonne the father the sonne would neuer haue called vs to baptisme the lauer of regeneration vnder the gouernaunce of the holy ghost And this only thinge do I notifie here as concerning the testimonies of the Trinitie For as touching this article and the doctrine that thervnto belongeth we haue spoken in our former sermon more plentuously Now therfore wil we entreae in order of this gospel and all the partes therof Christ entreth into a long disputation with Nicodemus the chiefe of the Phariseis among the Iewes and that of a matter that Nicodemus coulde not vnderstande the doctrine therof because it semed strange vnto him for lacke of custome therto and because he was accustomed to an other kynd of doctrine Nicodemus beyng no euyll man declareth bothe by word and dede how highly he estemeth Christ where as he setteth so much by him whom his own companions hate so extremely and commeth vnto hym albeit by night to testifie this openly before Christ that he acknowledgeth the power of God to be in him and doth not condemne him against his conscience as dyd the other Phariseis and Scribes Neither is it to be counted blame worthy in this man that he doth acknowlege Christ for the man of God and thinketh him worthy to be receiued of all men for that that he is sent from god What is the cause then that Christ doth seme to receaue this man after an vngentyll sort which gaue suche an excellent praise as concernynge Christe Uerilye there was a verye deadly error in this man whiche ought not to be ouer passed of Christ least that he should seme to consent to Nicodeme in such a great matter wherof yet he was most blamelesse For as touching the knowlege of god he shewed himself here to be very perfect and certain in this that he pronounceth that he knoweth that Christ was sent from God to be a teacher in that he toke the miracles which Christ dyd for the very workes of God But Christ doth declare by his answere wherein he reproueth Nicodemus opinion as touchyng the kyngdome of God what this knowledge preuayleth Nicodemus therefore thynketh this that he knoweth what is the kyngdome of God bycause he knowethe God and vnderstandeth how al things are wrought and gouerned by hym It were true that if he knewe GOD well he muste nedes knowe hys kyngdome But bycause the firste is false CHRIST rebuketh him in the laste that is that he knoweth not what is the kyngdom of God as he thynketh that he doth Wherfore all the disputation standeth in this poynte what is the kyngdome of God and who dothe see it and know it Nicodemus neuer had other opinion before this tyme but that the kyngdom of God had his description in the lawe that out of it might be vnderstande the holynes and sanctitie of God the whiche ought to be performed and fulfylled of all mē yf they wold liue with God most holy in his kyngdom He neuer thought how the synne can not be takē away by the lawe and that the lawe should be but a testimony to declare to vs our synne that it myght be a begynning of a hygher knowledge as concernynge God and hys kyngdome in vs. For he that is ignorant of the kyngdome of grace is ignorant bothe of God and also of his kyngdome Wherfore we muste
not haue respecte to the iustice of our workes but vnto the remission of synne if thou woldest know God truly and his kingdome And this kyngdome of God doth consyst in the reuelation of the promises and of the sonne of God As Iohn sayth also The only begotten sonne which is in the bosome of the Father hath declared vnto vs. Christ therfore setteth himself against this error which belongeth not only to Nicodeme but to al which seke any other way to the kyngdom of heauen to saluation then by remission of syn which is ordeyned in the sonne of God with the renuyng of the olde man For it is not sufficient to bring vs to the kingdom of God to behold the law of God his cōmandements after the reasoning of Nicodeme to do the workes therof and to obey God therby as muche as lyeth in our power He thynketh that this is sufficient and that god requireth no more of vs. And doubtlesse the Papistes and mounkes are not worthy with theyr trifles to be numbred with Nicodeme and amongest suche other Iusticiaries For he with suche other goeth about to get righteousnes accordyng to Gods law where as the papists folow the dreames of mans traditions euen as it were an appointed forme of worshypping set forth by God howbeit the law of God dothe nothing diffre from mans traditiō whē it is applied to forgeuing of sins before God as in dede it was applied of the pharisei Luke 18. where he glorieth of his own rightuousnes before god as thoughe he were of the kingdome of God for hys workes sake whiche he dyd according to the lawe But Christ teacheth that God requireth an other maner of thyng to the seyng of this kyngdome then that thou shouldest thynke that thou myghtest purchase it by the righteousnes of the lawe And so by this occasion he openeth vnto hym a high mysterie of the Gospell that is that God by the lawe hath concluded all vnder synne that he might haue mercy of all men and that he might bring them to the kyngdom of mercy that he hath no other kyngdom for men This newe and strange saying of Christ as touching the kingdom of God troubled Nicodemus so greatly that he could not tell whether to go But there is no better way to make playn this matter then to cōpare thē both together Nicodemus came not to Christ to bee instructed with the knowledge of the kyngdome of God but to shewe hym that he was not stubborne as his companions were and that he was not out of the kyngdom of God and he loketh for no other thynge of Christe then to bee allowed for his wisedome Hee coulde not thinke but that he should be in hygh reputation with Christ but Christ setteth nothyng by the frendshyp of Nicodeme before he had instructed hym with suche a doctrine that he myght perceaue the errour not onely of the foolyshe and ignorant phariseis but also of the wisest as touchyng the Iustice of the lawe and beginneth his disputation wherewith he endeuoureth to confute Nicodeme and all other that had no true opinion of the kyngdom of God and to enstruct them as concernyng the true iudgement of these thynges by a holy othe saying Uerily verily I say vnto thee except thou be borne a new from aboue thou canst not see the kyngdome of God This dothe Christ call into question whiche Nicodemus neuer thought to moue Wherfore by the sodeyn demandyng and contrarying in an vnknowen matter he is so abashed that he could not tell what to answere but that he muste nedes declare his own ignorance wher as he knoweth nothyng at all as concernyng how a synner must be regenerate and newe born to the kyngdom of God And now consyder here well the pithe of Christes sayinge where he pronounceth that no man can beholde and see the kyngdome of Christ except he be borne a newe For this is plainly determined that what soeuer is borne of fleshe and bloud by our parents with all their powers as farre as mans power goeth with al their reason wil doings with their laws studies disciplines exercises endeuors facts works can not escape damnation And hereby doth it appere how ouerthwart they be which shewe vtterly as though they taught of the kyngdom of God and of saluation and yet as touching the new birthe they speake nothing but as it is euident by the Pope they enioyn them workes to do and traditions to folowe that thereby they may get saluation But this is nothing agreyng with Christs doctrin which teach plainly if thou be not born again thou shalt not be saued And this thyng belongeth not only to Nicodemus but it pertaineth to all mē which can do great vertues and actes as are the examples of the Gentiles concernyng modestie and loue towarde parentes or countrey iustice and liberalitie c. For all are not aduoutrers nor fornicators theues and sluggish people but there are notable woorkes and vertues and surely the discipline therof is not to be despised for as muche as God hathe greate respect and regard thervnto in the ten cōmandements But when they come to this especiall matter to trie what is the way to the kingdome of God and what way bryngeth to saluation the saying of Christ is playne that all other thinges worke death and damnation that are without the new byrth and regeneration Only the new birth can chalenge the inheritance of rightousnes saluation in the kyngdom of God as Paule sheweth with euidēt words saying In Christ Iesu is neither circumcision nor vncircumcision but onely a newe creature The gathering and conclusion of reason is diligently to be marked in this least we be deceaued For it resoneth on this wise If stealing ▪ murder and aduoutry doth displease God than must it nedes folow that it is pleasyng to God to absteyne from such thynges It is not to be denied but it pleaseth God to auoyd syn accordyng to the law and therby to do good workes And he doth promise and geue rewards for such workes and merits But yet they can not se the kyngdom of God which do such workes of the lawe but onely they that are regenerate and newe borne God dothe not hate the Phariseye Luke 18. because he was no robber aduouterer vnrighteous as other wer and in that he fasteth and payeth his tithes but God would allowe these things if they wer not done with a trust to obteyn rightuousnes saluation before god therby Wherfore these thinges are diligently to be distincted in teachyng We must not disproue reason will vertuous sayinges nor the law neither preceptes maners nor honest liuing for all these things are to be taken for the gifts of God But when we entreat of this matter how we must come to the kyngdom of God there doth none of these thinges preuaile neyther reason nor will nor lawe nor good woorkes But thys thing only
As it chanceth in the wynd The sound therof is heard but we can neither declare the risynge nor the slackyng therof So is it in the newe byrthe The outwarde ceremonie commeth by the water vnto the eyes and the word is heard that the woorke is done in the name of Iesus vnto the absolution and remission of synnes He that regardeth not the worde and spirite and the vertue thereof and seketh it not after that sorte as Christe hath appoynted shall bee deceyued For nothyng els is requisite to the getting of the newe birth and spirite but that thou must be baptised with water and take diligent hede to the word This is the newe birth to the kyngdome of God and no other way is there What wil these sectaries say here which only crake of the spirite and in the meane tyme lay asyde baptisme the sacrament worde Wherfore Christ here doth not teache but he sheweth by a plain demonstration baptisme the word And doth admonyshe vs that if we will not be content to vse the water and word that we shall haue nothing of the holye ghost neither shall we euer atteyne to the new byrth Wherfore let vs haue diligent regard of our baptisme and of the word as of the chief part of our saluation Where we know for a suretie that if we kepe that we are new borne vnto the kingdome of God And this doctrine how we must be new borne that is how we must come to the kingdom of God is strāge and not heard of in the world and yet it is only true vnfallible where as of the contrary part all other doctrines deceaue seme they neuer so good by the iudgemēt of the world of reason The life of the phariseis the rules of monkes the deuotion of the single shauelings are very fantasticall And the works of vertue of the ten cōmandements do not a little cōmend them that haue them Yet there is none of al these things that doth regenerate It is only water and the spirite that doth worke these thinges which spirite will no otherwise be knowen of vs or felt but as the wind is knowen by the sound He that heareth the sounde that is beleueth is baptised he is new borne shal be saued But Nicodemus is so deepely drownde vp in his phantasticall imaginations of the law and good workes that he can not cōprehend this doctrine as it doth also chaunce in those Papistes that are moste wittie For it hindreth them alwayes when they think thus should all this be nothing should not this please God that we fast that we pray that we geue almes Wherfore Christ hādleth hym with the more austeritie for that he wil not beleue knowledge the true doctrine saith Art thou a master in Israel and knowest not these thinges As though he should say How then doest thou thy dutie as a maister of Israel seinge thou knowest not the way of true saluation This doctrine of the newe byrth and regeneration is the doctrin of the prophets necessarie to saluatiō Now art thou so ignorāt that thou doest not knowe that vice in oure nature whiche hath neede to bee abolished by regeneration But for what purpose is this reprouing of a maister in Israell Uerily that all preachers of religion and of true saluation may know that all learninge which is without the doctrine of regeneration is naught and false Not because it is a faulte to teache good workes and to adhorte men therto For so doth the lawe of god and doth wel therby But herin are they to be blamed that beside this doctrine they teache men nothyng els as though nothing els were requisite to euerlastinge life For it is euident in this place that although the lawe and good workes be done yet they profitte nothynge to the attainement of the kyngdome of god but that there muste nedes be the new byrth of water of the holy ghost And it is the spirite which by the water worde doth make other new men The lawe and the workes do change neither the men neither the workes Wherfore he that thinketh with himselfe how he might bring men to saluation let him haue respect to the newe byrth as Christ hath here let him not beginne it by good workes but let hym laye the fundation by that thing that can make a new heart that is let hym lead men to baptisme and to the spirit ye and to the word by the whiche the holy Ghoste doth worke in mens heartes For as the winde nothing is knowen but the sounde so of the holy ghost nothyng is perceaued but the worde That must ye kepe surely and then looke for the operation of the holy ghost Nowe what maner of worde this is and how the holy Ghoste doth make a sounde Christe here teacheth No man goeth vp into heauen but he that came down frō heauen euen the sonne of man which is in heauen This begynninge of the sermon is of that wherof Christe sayth ye beleue not me if I speake earthlye thinges to you how wil ye beleue if I speake heauēly things vnto you For this sermon can not be inuēted by any man but the only begotten sonne which is in the bosom of the father hath declared it vnto vs. Of this sermon or saying ther are two partes The fyrste is somwhat harde For of this it is certainely decreed No man ascendeth into heauen but he that came downe from thence the meaning wherof is all one with the saying before Except a man be new borne he cā not see the kyngdome of God That is No man can be saued or obtaine remissiō of his sinnes rightousnes neither by the law neither by good workes reason or free wil. And he that hath no more then these things although they be neuer so good he is dāned can haue no hope of saluation It is a very euident plaine sentence whiche if the Iewes papistes wold beleue it wold make them to forsake al the trust that they haue in their owne workes and righteousnes For what man hath his birth from heauen None no not the first that were Adam and Eue. It is only the sonne of Mary as Christe here saith Therfore if none shal enter vp to heauen but he that came downe frō heauen it is plaine that all men as they be borne of their parēts can not ascend into heauē If they can not go vp into heauen what place is there for them For they can not cōtinew in earth for death If therbe no going vp to heauen than can no man escape damnation This is the iudgement of Christ as touching all the worlde no man excepted whether it be Adam Eue Abraham Moyses or Dauid all they can not enter in to heauen For he only ascēdeth into heauen that came down frō thence What do we then preuaile by good workes merits the law or free wil All these things are
did not the riche manne wherefore he is now punished with euerlastyng damnacion and so are all thei whiche heare Moises the Prophettes and yet obey not their worde But thei that heare and beleue that is beleue in Christ and knowe that GOD is mercifull vnto vs for his sake and imputeth not our synnes vnto vs ▪ and that he will geue vs saluacion and after that feare GOD and obeye not the deuill and the fleshe but looke to GOD and his will thei are those that belong to Lazarus in the bosome of Abraham and shall be saued with Lazarus for euer The whiche thyng GOD graunte vs for his sonnes sake Iesu Christe through the holie ghost Amen The .ij. Sondaie after Trinitie Sondaie The Gospell Luke xiiii A Certaine man ordeined a greate supper and badde many and sent his seruaunt at supper time to saie to them that were bidden Come for all thynges are now readie And thei all at ones began to make excuse The first saied vnto hym I haue boughte a Farme and I muste needes goe and see it I praie thee haue me excused And an other saied I haue bought fiue yoke of ●xen and I goe to proue theim I praie thee haue me excused And an other saied I haue maried a wife and therefore I can not come And the seruaunte retourned and brought his master woorde againe thereof Then was the good man of the house displeased and said vnto his seruaūt Goe out quickly into the streates and quarters of the citie and bryng in hither the poore and feble and the haulte and blinde And the seruaunte saied Lorde it is doen as thou hast commaunded and yet there is roume And the lorde saied vnto the seruaunte Goe out into the high waies and hedges and compell them to come in that my house maie bee filled For I saie vnto you that none of these menne whiche were bidden shall taste of my supper THE EXPOSITION THis Gospell or parable taketh occasion of the miracle when Christe healed the man that was sicke of the dropsie in the Pharisies house For the Euangeliste saieth that thei watched to trap Christe Wherefore Christe geueth sharpe sentence against them when he rebuketh them of their ambition and pride in that thei did striue who should sit in the chief roume vntill at laste he beginneth to reproue his hoste tellyng him that he should not call to his feaste the riche and wealthie that can recompence hym but the poore whiche should recōpence hym in the life to come And after these wordes one of the geastes stepped forth willyng to declare his deuotion and saieth Blessed is he that eateth bread in the kyngdome of GOD As though he greatlie regarded GOD and his kyngdome But Christe perceiueth the hypocrisie and putteth forth a plaine description thereof she wyng what maner of deuotion it was that this man and suche other haue and that thei regarde neither GOD neither the kyngdome of heauen Thou saieth he shewest outwardly that thou haste a greate desire of that that is to come But if a manne should saie as it is Thou art of that sort of geastes whiche are bidden to a feaste with greate loue and gentlenes but thei for their businesse and goodes can not come That man is specially touched with this taunte whiche stept out of all that sorte to declare his deuotion As though he should saie Thou saiest that he is happie that eateth breade in the kyngdome of heauen but if thou wouldest marke what thou saiest thou shouldest perceiue that thou art one of that sorte whiche will not come when thei are called This saiyng is greuous and hainous if a man consider it well For Christe was now in hande with the moste wicked and hurtfull generaciō of adders whiche satte doune with hym at the table not to learne but to marke if thei could take hym by any meanes in a trippe And here is the beginnyng of the parable That there was a certaine manne that made a greate supper and sent his seruauntes to bidde geastes whiche excusyng them selues refused to come vnto the supper The first saied that he had bought a Farme and that he must needes goe see it An other saied that he had bought fiue yoke of oxen An other saied that he had maried a wife so that the maister of that Supper was despised and laughed to scorne In so muche that the maister beyng greatly moued for their vnworthie behauior prouided that the lame blinde beggers c. should bee brought and constrained too come to the Supper And as concernyng the other he saieth on this wise Thei shall not tast of my supper This gospell maketh verie greuously against the Iewes and Gentiles Now will we prosecute the parable in order The manne that made this Supper is GOD whiche is a sumptuous and a riche feaste maker and hath after his riches and maiestie prepared a Supper whiche is called great not so muche for the respecte of the maker thereof whiche is GOD albeit it might be worthelie called a greate Supper for that cause onely but because the meate it self also is magnificent and greate that is the gospell yea Christe hymself whiche is in the Gospell sette before vs to feede on that he for our synnes thorowe his death hath made satisfactiō and hath deliuered vs from eternall death from helle from the wrathe of God and damnacion This doctrine as concernyng Christ is the greate supper to the whiche he calleth his geastes that he maie sanctifie them by his Baptisme and comforte and confirme theim by the Sacramente of his bodie and blood so that nothyng at all is lackyng that is requisite and necessarie to the greatnesse magnificēce and plentifulnes thereof and for the gorgious and gentle intertainemente of the geastes so that for this cause it maie well bee called greate euen for the sumptuousnesse and the delicates whiche are so dressed and prouided that no man can sufficiently expresse it with tōgue nor thinke it with heart For the meate and drinke thereof is eternall after the whiche there followeth neither hunger nor thirste but it so satisfieth theim and quencheth their thirste that a continuall ioye ensueth And this supper is not onely inough for one man but it is sufficient for all the worlde if it were muche bigger and larger For the Gospell saieth this he that beleueth in Christe that for our sake he was made man and borne of the virgine Marie crucified for our sinnes and ascended into heauen and sitteth on the right hande of GOD the father c. he that beleueth so doeth liue for euer Where as it is farre other wise with mannes meate For when hounger is this daie putte awaie yet to morowe it will retourne againe But this meate is euerlastyng and is neuer consumed And by this doeth he declare to the hypocrites that were present that this supper was of an other sorte then that that was set before them And yet are thei of suche
there is nothyng doen of compulsion in all his seruice allowed After this sorte he dooeth compell he causeth the woorde to be preached vnto vs he that beleueth and is Baptized shall be saued he that beleueth not shall be condemned Wherby he setteth before vs bothe heauen and helle death and life wrathe and mercie For first of all he declareth vnto vs our synne and our greate corruption of nature that we maie feare when we heare that we are borne the children of wrathe in the kyngdome of the deuill And this is in deede compulsion and constrainyng when there is greate feare for the wrathe of GOD and thereby we are driuen to call for helpe And when that is so brought to passe by the preaching of the Gospel that the heartes dread then muste we proceade in doctrine that yet the synners fall not to desperation for their synne although thei haue neuer so iuste cause to despaire But let them rather folowe this councell of GOD that bicause thei are Baptised let them heare the Gospell that preacheth of Iesu Christ that he died for vs and made satisfaction for our synnes on the crosse by his death If thou beleue this thou nedest not feare the wrathe of GOD and death euerlastyng And so thou as a true geaste hast a roume in this magnificent and glorious supper and art therby fedde made fatte and in good likyng And so to compell is to make a manne afraied for synne and not to compell as the Pope dooeth with curssyng by booke bell and candell He doeth not cause any true feare in the conscience For he teacheth not truly what is synne But he magnifieth his owne trifles and cursseth hym that will not kepe his Ceremonies and mennes traditions But the Gospell openeth synne and the wrathe of GOD from heauen that all we none excepted doe liue in synne and are vngodlie This thyng doeth GOD commaunde to be shewed vnto vs by the Gospell whē he saith to the Apostles Go and preache repentance But repentaunce can not be preached but by the openyng of the wrathe of GOD against all men because thei are full of vnbelief contempt of GOD and other synnes This wrathe ought to terrifie them and to make their cōscience quake for feare that thei maie compell theim selues and saie O Lorde what muste I dooe to auoyde this miserie Then shall it be saied to hym sit doune in the supper and eate For there are many tables full of meate and yet voyde of geastes Thou art christened therfore beleue in Iesu Christ that he hath satisfied for thee Thou hast none other remedie against this destruction then to be Baptized and to beleue For then shall wrathe be ended and greate plentie of grace mercie and remission of sinne sent doune from heauen vnto thee to thy greate ioye and sing●ler comfort Wherefore to compell is nothyng els then to preache repentaunce and remission of synne To shewe the wrathe of GOD vpon synners and mercie vpon theim that beleue The wrathe and repentaunce causeth a great thrist and desire of grace And this is the true waie to this supper And now there is one churche made bothe of the Iewes and Gentiles and all are generally called poore nedie lame and weake For after the feare of the conscience thei gladly embrace the Gospell and desire mercie But thei that refuse to doe this be thei neuer so prudent and wise haue this sentence giuen against theim Thei shall not taste of my Supper ▪ that is the wrathe of GOD shall remaine vpon them and thei shall be damned for their vnbelief For GOD as I saied before hath no respect how riche how wise how holie thei be Wherefore bee thei neuer so carelesse be thei neuer so sure of them selues yet shall thei proue by experience that this sentence is not vainly spoken where Christe here concludeth Thei shall not taste of my supper But we that receiue it and feare for our synnes and doe not despise the grace of GOD whiche is offered vnto vs in the Gospell for Christes sake we shall obtaine for wrathe grace for synne eternall rightuousnes and for eternall death eternall life This sore Iudgement is now a daies as it appereth moste euident emong the Iewes and Turkes whiche haue no saueryng of the Gospell yea rather thei so muche abhorre it that thei can not finde in their heartes so muche as to see it or heare it It chaunceth also likewise with the Papisticall high priestes and bishops whiche are so little filled with this Supper that thei scarslie taste it or smell it But we whiche by the peculiar grace of GOD are set in the middle of the light of this Gospell are filled and well fedde and are become lustie and strong and are glad to be at this supper The Lorde graunte vs to continewe therein vnto the ende Amen Amen Christes intent therefore in this parable is to exhorte vs that we haue the Gospell in high estimacion and that we ioyne not our selues to theim whiche haue high stomackes by reason of their prudence wisedome power and holinesse For this sentence is giuen as touchyng their castyng awaie and damnaciō of theim that thei shall not tast this supper As thei were caste awaie in the people of the Iewes and onely the vnpure dragges wer reserued so shall it chaunce to vs also if we set more by Farmes Oxen and wiues that is by our spirituall and ciuill dignities and temporall possessions then we doe by the Gospell He speaketh a greuous and a verie terrible thyng with plaine and simple wordes Thei shall not taste of my Supper As though he should saie my supper is not to be despised for it is of an higher price then their farmes be despise thei it now neuer so muche although thei set more by their Farmes Oxen and wiues then thei doe by it There shall come a time when thei muste depart from all thynges from Farme from Oxe and frō wiues so that thei would faine then taste of my Supper But then shall it be saied vnto theim I knowe ye not Now I lacke no geastes Let your Farmes Oxen and wiues comforte you These shall giue you a better Supper for as muche as ye despised my supper and cared not for it There was greate prouision and coste made in this supper but althynges semed vile vnto you If there be more good fare and delicates in yours goe to it a Gods name spare not I will not lette you onely this I saie vnto you ye shall haue no part of my Supper These thynges shall bee dreadfull in that daie when GOD shall with plaine wordes call his supper life euerlastyng and their Farmes and Oxen eternall fire and shall not chaunge his sentence any thing but that thei shall neuer taste of this supper that is thei shal be voyde of all hope of saluation Wherefore these woordes are not lightly to be estemed whiche declare the euerlastyng
the Phariseis in in comparison of them selues whom thei thought iuste exclude synners Thei did see that thei were directe againste the lawe of God in their doynges and therfore thei also pronounced plainly that thei ought to haue no place in the kyngdome of God Thei suspect Christ also that he doth not after Gods will bicause he had to doe with such But consider thou this with thy self to what case the matter will come if synners should be excluded from God and his kyngdome as the Phariseis thinke For although thei suppose that there is a kinde of men that liueth without synne yet GOD and the lawe knoweth none suche For although euery manne committeth not adulterie slaughter and thefte yet before God no manne is without synne yea and those synnes are the more greuous if thei fall in a manne that hath wisedome and strength to resist them If then the Phariseis iudgement be true that GOD doeth tourne awaie from synners it maketh as muche against them selues as against other For by the lawe are not onely reproued the sinnes of the Publicās and of synners but also their owne all others Then will it followe that no men haue place in the kingdome of God So that the Phariseis are proceded so farre by ignoraunce that as thei are fore against other so giue thei a moste greuous sentence against them selues But all their ouersight riseth here of bicause thei knowe not why Gods lawe was giuen neither what corruption of synne there is in all men And as in other thynges one errour bringeth an other so here also of the kyngdome of God doe these hypocrites knowe nothing whiche must nedes be set vp by Gods grace and goodnes But Christ groundyng his reason on true principles openeth the misterie of the Gospell vnknowē to naturall witte and to all that followe the rightuousnes of the lawe that is that God hateth not sinners nor willeth their death and that he declareth this his will in Christ whom he sent into the worlde to bring home againe to their foldes shepe that straye from their flockes and that all his intent hath onely respect to the fulfillyng of the Gospell that the loste and straies maie chiefly be regarded and that all the will of God might hereby bee declared and the Gospell opened to the poore This is plainly an other kinde of doctrine then the doctrine of the lawe and Phariseis whiche taketh not here seede and roote in our nature but is brought from heauen by the sonne of God as saith Ihon. No man hath seen God at any time the onely begotten soonne whiche is in the bosome of the father sheweth hym forthe For no man knoweth that will of God that he is not angrie with sinners nor damneth them for their synnes but receiueth them rather to his grace and saueth them but all knowe the contrary Wherefore the feare of the wrothe of GOD is naturally ioyned with synne But Christe teacheth vs here by his Gospell that GOD is otherwise mynded towarde synners and that he is not angrie but mercifull and that the Angelles in heauen reioyce when synners repent and amende This doctrine must be the better marked bicause it semeth contrary to our reason that we by it maie confirme our conscience For he that in suche temptation followeth reason and iudgement goeth hedlong to the Deuill and there is no remedie against desperation Wherefore this goeth the matter we must agree surely with Christ contrary to reason and al other thinges that although we are synners yet that by Christ we must be reuoked and called againe as shepe goyng a straye vnto the place of our saluacion As Christ setteth forth a plaine parable in this place to the declaracion of his moste excellent office In diuers other places doeth the Gospell declare why God casteth not awaie synners as in the third of Ihon that GOD is suche that hateth not the worlde but loueth it so that he giueth his onely begotten soonne for the recoueryng thereof that the worlde maie haue confidēce for these sacrifices sake and maie not despeire for their synne For although God might haue helped vs otherwise yet he purposed to doe it by his soonne so that we should haue no cause to doubte of his deliueryng and redemption For this is moste true that God is more pacified by the death of his sonne then offended by our synnes Furdermore there is an other cause set forthe by Christe why God casteth not awaie synners For he sheweth that sinners are a portiō of Gods substance whiche fell from him yet God hath suche respect to the matter that he regardeth not the greatest thynges that he hath vntill that that is loste be recouered And all this waie of recoueryng is sette vp by Christe as he hymself saieth in this place Wherfore it ought to seme no maruell if he make a searche for synners that straye from Gods houshold to bryng them home againe For he is sent for this very cause to bryng home synners againe and if he should dooe otherwise as the Phariseis appoinct hym he could not execute Gods commaundement But it is verie comfortable to see the affection of Christe toward synners whiche is described in the tipe and figure of this careful and studious shepherd whereas he followeth after the straye shepe takyng no care in the meane season of the reste and when he findeth her he beateth her not but handleth her gētly as though she were blamelesse He taketh her on his shoulders and at his retourne he maketh ioyfull gratulacions with his frendes All whiche declareth the greate bounteousnesse and loue of Christ toward man whiche if it should bee well cōmended and set forthe had nede of a long sermone The declaracion of this loue resteth chiefly in hym that is loste weake and in perill as men doe testifie in suche thynges that thei loue Loue is vncertaine when there is any sure trust of aduauntage But when there is daunger and yet there is more care for that that is in daunger then for all that is safe this is naturall and true loue Yet this maye not bee compared with the shadowe of the greate affection of Christe He searcheth for them of whō he was greuously hurt as shepe goyng a stray and as though thei wer in peril without their owne fault and when he findeth them he put them on his shulders What thyng maie a man inuent that is more comfortable and swete Whereas he followeth after thē that are fugitiues and by their owne fault seke their owne destruction ioynyng theim selues with the deuill that is Gods aduersarie and stoutly defendyng his parte and holdyng with Gods enemie the Deuill againste Gods kyngdome He pursueth not after theim I saie as after his hurtfull enemies but searcheth them out as miserable shepe that are in peril endeuoureth wholy hym self to recouer theim before the Woulfe oppresseth theim that is that thei dye not in
their synnes For this shepherd doeth alwaies crie after the shepe goyng a straye I will not the death of a synner but rather that he repent and liue Despaire not of thy matters bicause of thy synne Knowe that GOD is mercifull in his sonne Iesu Christ whom he hath sent vnto thee as a shepherd to bestowe his life for thee and to laye thee on his shoulders and to bryng thee againe to the folde of saluacion And these thynges ought to be considered fullie and perfectly that wee maie vnderstande howe greate loue and care GOD hath for the saluacion of man that he can not abide to se hym to be made a praye for the deuill He maketh sute for synners as for his owne right And least he should be repelled for sinne as though he had no right he appoint a shepherd whiche hath right to recouer synners as straye shepe And when he seeth that thei are not able to retourne againe he followeth after theim and bryngeth theim againe vpon the shoulders of his mercie By the lawe of Moises whereon the Phariseis grounde their determinaciō of the kingdome of GOD there could neuer be ordeined suche a recoueryng of the loste For the lawe dooeth not onely not entise vnto it the straunge shepe but also it driueth her furder of with sharpe and cruell wordes For what can the lawe preuaile with a synner by this saiyng If thou be cleane and without all sinne thou maiest obtaine a place in the kingdome of GOD and not otherwise He knoweth truly the woorde of GOD but he can not tell what to dooe He is commaunded to ascende into heauen but he vnderstandeth that there is no place for synners in heauen Wherfore except there commeth a shepeherd from heauen vnto these straiyng shepe and beareth them on his shoulders againe to the kingdome of GOD there is no doctrine beside that sheweth the kyngdome of GOD neither that councelleth or preuaileth any thyng with theim that should come thereto onely this doctrine that commendeth and setteth forthe this shepherd sheweth the redie waie to it For it dooeth not onely declare that no man entereth into heauen excepte he descended from thens which is a deniyng of saluaciō vnto synners for the lawe is alwaies against synners saiyng thou descēdedst not therfore thou shalt not ascende but it sheweth this also that the sonne of man is come doune from heauen and become the shepherd of the loste shepe that thei maie be borne into heauen vpon his shoulders Thei could neuer haue come thither by their owne power As Christ in Ihon saieth that the sonne of man should therfore bee exalted that all that beleue in hym should not perishe but haue euerlastyng life For this are synners and straunge Shepe recouered when the Shepherde is exalted on the Crosse that he might beare theim vp into heauen on his shoulders and make them partakers of the kyngdome of heauen from whence he descended that sinners might thither ascende Whereby appereth what right GOD hath to challenge sinners into his owne familie The greate errour also of the Phariseis and Scribes and of all suche as measure the kyngdome of GOD by the rightuousnes of workes is declared For GOD can not allowe and commēde them that honour hym onely with their lippes but he requireth a true and a nigh hearte whiche can not be so except it be recouered by this shepherd This shepherd when he bryngeth hym againe on his shoulders maketh the heart full of hope confirmyng it with the holy ghost so that now he maie call boldly on GOD in his kyngdome without distruste he maie earnestly embrace the hope of saluacion and not doubt to bestowe this present life with al that he hath for the life euerlastyng Wherefore he so ioyneth hymself with his shepherd that he is onely disioyned from hym in that that he is not yet deliuered from the bodie of sinne But yet while he liueth in this corporall life he bestoweth hymself whollie to that heauenly conuersation And in it now he bryngeth forthe suche workes of the spirite as no hypocrite no Pharisie no Monke can bryng And yet alwaies hauing in minde his first condicion and state and after his recoueryng he trusteth onely to the Shepherd and his shoulders before God He is glad to shewe hym obedience yet taketh hede that he cōpare not this with Christ and his shoulders This is the kingdome of God described by Christ wherein is place for synners and yet none can enter in thither but with true and earnest confession of their synnes And yet so that thei be partakers of the shephearde and of his bringyng againe to the flocke If thou shouldest aske the Phariseis Scribes Papistes Monkes of the kyngdome of God thei would aunswere beware of the companie of synners doe good woorkes faste saie the ordinarie praiers giue almose to make satisfactiō for thy synnes c. but that a manne should put his onely trust in the shoulders of this shepherd thei will cōfesse that thei doubt thereof Yea thei will compte it contrary to the kyngdome of GOD as the Phariseis doe in this place And hitherto hath Christe taken part against the Phariseis and Hypocrites to defende this sentēce as moste true that synners haue place in the kyngdome of GOD and that Publicans and sinners are not to be excluded from gods kyngdome and from his sainctes For the gouernaunce and order of all his kyngdome consisteth of mercie and nedes must we abide the losse of all ours and cast them awaie as thynges of naught that our gaines in Christ maie be cōplete whole But there are diuers sortes of synners For although Christe came to call all synners to repentaunce yet all doe not repent Thei heare the worde with their eares but thei chaūge nothyng of their old condicions and maners thei giue thēselues to their owne sensualitie and pleasure and declare plainly by their life and doynges that thei haue no regarde of eternall life But what cōmeth thereof Nothing els but that although thei be on Christes shoulders yet thei fall of againe begin after that to stray with more perill then euer thei did before vntill at the length thei are without recouering caught in the deuilles snare so that thei can neuer ridde them selues out of coueteousnes lecherie and of vngodlie opinions These sinners belong not to the kingdome of God but thei onely that after thei haue heard the voyce of the shepherd doe repente and mortifie the woorkes of the fleshe For thei perceiue by the course of al thynges that thei that are in Christe Iesu and truste in the shoulders of this shepherd must not walke after the fleshe but must kill and slea their concupiscences and woorkes of the fleshe Suche synners doeth Christe beare againe vnto the flocke He foloweth after the other also but thei flie to farre of and tourneth awaie their eares from his woordes neither can he done theim any good
to our frendes but to all men yea to theim that hate vs to them that offende vs and semeth vnworthie of our good will and benefite This great displeasure and anger of ours whiche wee declare by bitter and hatefull woordes is to ouer come as when we saie what shall I medle with suche a knaue I am sore hurte of hym His slaunderyng tongue is not vnknowen to me What Should I helpe him No truely And he were full of Magottes I could not finde in my heart to doe him good And this is the lessō that our nature teacheth vs as touching lende mercie whiche onely hath respecte to our companions and riotfelowes but as for other it abhorreth vs vtterly to shewe any mercie But Christ seketh a remedie for this fault when he requireth vs to doe good to our enemies and to theim that hurte vs Suche mercie saieth he is mete for a christian as your father of heauen hath For without this ye can not be his sonnes nor my brethren whiche haue redemed you with my blood from synne and deathe Doubtlesse ye haue offended your heauēly father manifolde waies you haue broken his commaundementes in all poinctes And God hath a iust cause by your sinne to saie should I giue my sōne for suche vnthriftes yea rather let thē die as thei haue deserued For thei for sweare them selues thei slaunder thei are giuen to coueteousnes and to adulterie thei leaue no kinde of wickednes vndoen let them goe for me and for their leudnesse leudely perishe as thei deserue This maie GOD saieth Christe laye against you but he doeth not yea rather for all the iniuries ye doe vnto hym he hath mercie vpon you and doeth you good giuing you not onely bodie and life foode and familie wife and children and for all them liuelode but also his owne sonne and life euerlastyng Suche mercie also must we vse For what if one haue hurt and offēded thee what is that in respect that thou hast offended GOD so often and so greuously Wherefore if Gods mercie be so greate that he giueth his sonne for his enemies to deliuer thē from death and synne by hym and also giueth all thynges beside as life bodie soule substaunce yea and that when he hath rather an occasion to take vengeaunce to punishe and to plague Put this before thee for an exāple that thou maiest saie thus Although this man hath hurte me greuously and maie seme worthie of a misfortune at my hande yet will I not reuenge For els my mercie should not be christian like but like the Gentiles If he hath doen me wrōg perchaunce I haue otherwise deserued it Now when he hath nede of my helpe I will not requit euill for euill For I se that he hath nede of helpe and that it is in my power to helpe hym For thus dealeth my heauenly father with me c. It is euidently seen how full of wickednes and wrong the husbande menne and the people of the countrie be If thei could sell the vilest thyng thei haue for the moste highest price thei would not feare to doe it The tounes men and citezens also hath very corrupt maners thei scrape together substāce by right or by wrong thei care not how Thei liue riotuously thei deceiue and defraude as many as euer thei can This might well moue other to stomacke their doyng and to deny theim helpe when thei are in aduersitie But a christian hath a precept cōtrary to it whiche is that he should not remember any displeasure doen vnto hym What is this to me saith he if thei be wicked leude shall I giue vp therefore my purpose of well doyng Yea I will doe rather after the maner of a good tree from the whiche if a man plucke beate or shake doune fruicte it bringeth out the more the next yere with out paine So will I doe If I haue doen good for thee and thou shewest thy self vnkinde and dooest me a shrewde turne for it yet will I not hereby be compelled to forsake well dooyng If thou art a thornie bushe and canst doe nothing but pricke yet I will not become like vnto thee in life but I will rather shewe my self a fruitfull vine to bring forth swete grapes For so doeth my heauenly father He geueth to wicked people and vnthriftes housholde stuffe liuelode clothyng goodes bodie and soule peace seasonable weather and all thynges necessarie He giueth vs the light of the Sonne whereas we rather haue deserued Brimstome and fire from heauen but yet we haue it not For he will not bee made a churle for our vnkindnes sake but he saith If you are disposed to bee naught yet will not I forsake my naturall goodnesse I will giue bothe Sonne and water from heauen to the good euil And this is the example that Christ appointeth vs to followe that we also likewise maie be mercifull and not prouoked to malice by other mennes malice after the maner of the worlde that reuengeth and pursueth his right This maie not christian menne doe Yea rather thei ought to praie for their foes that GOD will make of them profitable and fruictfull plantes whiche are now wilde thornie and baren bushes And this is be you mercifull as your father of heauen is mercifull whiche is also moste bountefull euen to his very enemies But we must put in a caueat in this place and beware that wee take not this doctrine of mercie so although all kynde of reuengyng were disanulled hereby For there are diuers persones in one christian man A christian and the disciple of Christ doeth not reuenge But after this there be diuers descriptions of offices as of fathers in a familie of Iudges in a shire of Magistrates in a citie of Erles in an Erledome of Kynges in a Kyngdome All these offices can not bee without reuengyng And thei that are in theim should offende if thei should not punishe suche thynges as are dooen against the common wealthe For by the commaūdement of God in this must those thynges be performed whiche are ordained of GOD for the preseruation of the commonaltie that the offenders bee punished and breakers of order restrained For if any manne would exercise ouerth warte mercie it would euidently appere to what poincte it would come when foolishe mercie shewed to a fewe shall be tourned to the vtter vndoing of many First are thei betrayed to whom this vntrue mercie is shewed then ensueth the breakyng of discipline rule without the whiche the worlde can not consiste in safegard Wherefore GOD requireth this of all gouernours and ouerseers of order that accordyng to their office thei vse straight punishement and if thei cease to doe so let theim knowe thei shall giue accompt thereof to the high magistrate whiche is God hymself Wherefore this commaundement of Christ consisteth in a certaine respecte to an other order that is that the sonnes of GOD that is to saie Christiās
as when we raile vpon any man or obscure his good name by our slaūderous wordes Fourthly whiche is moste grosse and wicked when all these thynges come together a wrathfull hearte an angrie mocion a leude tongue a fearce hande c. and when violence is doen slaughter is committed or at the least the will to doe it is plainly declared And albeit that emong these thynges some be more greuous then other for Christe hym self declareth that by the diuersities of their punishementes yet all as well the little synnes as the greate are against this commaundement and he that offendeth againste the leaste is a murderer before GOD. Now call thy self to a rekenyng and proue whither thou hast doen this cōmaundemēt so sincerely perfectly in all thy life tyme or yet canst doe as it is here required of thee And thou shalte easely finde that neither haste thou doen it neither is it possible for thee at any tyme to doe it What then must be doen For we knowe what punishmēt is appoincted for the transgressours of his worde Cursed saieth Moises is euery one that abideth not in all thynges that are written in the booke of the lawe that he maie doe theim Dooe as Christe biddeth them in this place Be no Scribe or Pharisie that is thinke not thy self rightuous because thou haste dooen no murder with thy hande But looke rather on thy hearte on thy mouthe and other mocions and when thou perceiuest that thou art enuironed besieged and compassed round about with ire and wrathe straight waies tourne thy self to GOD and saie Lorde I as a synner haue offended against thy sixt precept I haue giuen place to wrathe I haue vsed angrie tokens and woordes against my neighbour Forgiue me this great sin and so enstruct me that I trespasse no more against thee And this is one thyng that thou oughtest to doe whiche the Phariseis do not Then must thou adde this also that thou temperate thy self and by no meanes suffer wrathe to rule in thee And although thou canst not vtterly expell and put it out of thy hearte yet confesse thou this thy synne and aske forgiuenesse thereof and euer after so stoutely fight against it that the residue of thy ire gette not vnder her daunger the other mēbers as the countenaunce mouthe tongue handes eyes c. that by this meanes at the laste thou maiest represse thy wrathe and so subdue it that thou maiest not onely not be angrie with thy neighbour but also shew vnto hym all gentlenes whiche thyng thou shalte finde again at thy neighbours hand By this meanes shalt thou by little little driue out al wrathe out of thy hearte and make it vanishe awaie as the smoke This did not the Phariseis Thei had wrathe in their hearte malicious signes in their countenaūce railyng wordes in their mouthe and yet tooke thei all these thynges for no synne For this is the propertie of this vice to shewe outwardly that it doth nothyng without a iuste cause Why saie thei shal I suffer this being so vnworthely prouoked Shuld I by my sufferaunce giue them an occasion to doe worsse We maie not giue place to the wicked that thei maie thereby waxe the more licentious And so are thei that are wrathfull by nature more enkendled and sette on fire when thei are perswaded that their cause is iuste vntill that by the deuilles helpe the flame increaseth so muche that their wrathe must nedes be ended with violence Therefore Christe admonisheth vs that we bee not prouoked vnto euill through the opiniōs of the Scribes and Phariseis But this is required of Christian men that either thei doe good or els confesse their synne and desire GOD to forgiue theim and to create in theim newe heartes And he that after this sort exerciseth hymself in the preceptes of GOD is it not to be thought that he shall haue at all tymes sufficiente cause to confesse his synnes to desire forgiuenesse of the same to exercise his faith and to applie hym self to the studie of the woorde bothe night and daie For confession is necessarie either then wrathe or any other cōcupiscence hath oppressed vs so that wee can not deny or excuse it but must nedes confesse to GOD that we haue synned After this also muste wee praie vnto GOD to forgiue vs and to giue vs his grace from henceforthe better to doe To this praier must faithe also bee ioyned that we by no meanes doubte but that GOD will forgiue vs bothe our synne and all other for Christes sake This is the true practise of the Lawe Neither must thou seke any other woorkes or rites to worshippe GOD as the Pope and his complices dooe whiche are whollie giuen to the rightuousnesse of the Phariseis as their saiyng touchyng this precept testifieth It is necessarie saie thei to put aside rancor but not the signes of rancor that is when thou art hurte beware thou be not angrie therfore as for not speakyng vnto them and fliyng their cōpanie it maketh no matter it is no synne Therfore thei coumpted the commaundementes to be but a vile doctrine whiche prophane persones should hādle For them selues thei haue founde out workes and worshippynges of GOD of a more excellencie and greater price as thei thinke But he that would kepe well the tenne commaundementes as I haue now declared of the sixt should haue enough and to muche to doe so farre is it of that he needed to deuise any other seruices or worshippynges of God Christe maketh this doctrine a matter of greate necessitie and willeth if we will be christians that wee continually excercise our selues in these and suche his woorkes For as it is a sentence graue waightie and of greate importaunce whē he saith first Excepte your rightuousnes excede the rightuousnesse of the Scribes and Phariseis ye can not enter into the kingdome of heauē so likewise doeth he earnestly in the ende conclude and deuideth thē into partes For where dissention and wrathe is there are twoo partes One whiche hath hurted and doen vniustly the other whiche was hurt and suffered wrong As concernyng him whiche is the cause of anger and hath hurte other Christe teacheth hym a good lesson and commaundeth hym diligently to take heede that ye meddle not with GOD nor with any thyng that belongeth vnto GOD till he be agreed with his aduersary If saith he thou offerest thy gift at the alter and doest there remember that thy brother hath any thing against thee leaue there thy gifte before the altare and go thy waie first be recōciled to thy brother and then come and offer thy gifte For if thou dooe not this all thyne Oblation shal be in vaine neither shall it please GOD what so euer thou offerest In these woordes Christ tareth and reproueth the thoughtes and fansies of the Phariseis which imagined that thei should so bleare the eyes of God that he should not
perceiue and see their enuie and hatred in their hearte against their neighbour and so thei should bee coumpted rightuous of all men But Christ saieth thus Thou deceiuest thy self God firste of all will beholde the hearte how it is affected towarde the neighbour If he spie any enuie or hatred to be in the heart thinke not that thy oblacions giftes and Sacrifices can please GOD. For when GOD gaue thee this commaundement thou shalte loue thy neighbour as thy self he requireth first of all of thee obedience to this his commaundement whiche excepte thou doest shewe he vtterly reiecteth thee and all that thou doest For what a leude maner were this that thou shouldest offer an Oxe vnto GOD and slea thy brother This wer to offer vp an halfpenie and to steale awaie infinite talentes Thus it becometh thee not to doe But if thou wilt worshippe GOD a right firste of all prouide that there be no hatred in thy hearte against thy neighbour otherwise thou canst by no meanes please GOD what so euer thou dooest And hereof cometh it to passe that many through displeasure borne to their neighbour abstaine from the Sacrament and by no meanes giue them selues to prayer For this peticion maketh them aferde when thei saie Forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse againste vs. Thei feare that if thei should not forgiue thei should giue sentence against them selues and desire that GOD also maye not forgiue them And it is true n●ither ought thei to thinke otherwise For if thou wilte not forgiue neither will GOD forgiue thee Therefore consider well in what a daungerous state thou standest whē thou receiuest anger in thy heart against thy neighbour and wilt by no meanes put it awaie frō thee Neither shall this profite thee any thing at al that thou praiest not nor receiuest the Sacrament yea thou art so muche the worse because thou wilt not praie thy self that thou maiest come vnto suche and so Godly praiers For as GOD findeth thee so will he Iudge thee Therefore this is the best counsaill euen out of hande to bee at one with GOD to be reconciled to thy neighbour and to caste awaie all anger wrathe and displeasure For otherwise thou hearest here that thou maiest not medle with GOD againe that what so euer thou dooest vnto hym he regardeth it not In consideration wherof Christ saieth Leaue thy gifte before the altare for it shall profite thee nothyng at all And this is the one parte whiche giueth thee cause of anger This partie is bounde not onely to humble himself before GOD and to confesse that he hath doen euill but also he ought mekely to come vnto his neighbour and to desire hym to forgiue hym his synne euen as he would bee forgiuen of GOD for Christes sake The other is the partie that is hurte whiche thinketh that he hath a iuste cause to bee angrie Christ also chargeth this partie that he be redy vnto reconciliation and by no meanes shewe hymself harde vntoward in this matter For it is great ieopardy saieth Christ that if thou differ thy good will thy aduersarie will commit his cause to the Iudge that is to GOD in heauen and saie on this maner Lorde I haue doen that I ought to dooe Thou forgiuest me but menne forgiue not I therfore commit the whole matter to thee If this bee dooen what sentence shalte thou receiue thinkest thou Uerely euen this that forasmuche as thou wilt not forgiue he shall deliuer thee to the Sergeaunt and so thou shalt be cast into prison out of the whiche thou shalt not goe till thou haste paied the vttermoste farthyng that is to saie Thou shalte neuer be forgiuen as Christ saith Loke with what measure ye meate with the same shall it bee mette to you againe This therefore doeth Christ require of bothe partes that thei will suffer them selues to be intreated to giue ouer all displeasure and be cōcontent one to be reconciled to an other and frely euen from the verie heart one to forgiue an other so that euer after there maie bee betwene theim heartie good will and cōtinuall amitie Otherwise we haue the sixt commaundement against vs whiche accuseth vs and proueth vs murderers before God so that we shal be sure not to escape vnpunished This doctrine and kinde of life muste the Christians maintain emong them and diligently exercise them selues in the same For otherwise we run into daunger before GOD without ende and procure vnto our selues damnacion not onely of body but also of soule as Christ threateneth Notwithstandyng where men are no priuate persones but publique officers as Iudges Sheriffes Conestables c. there goeth the matter otherwise For he that is a ciuill maiestrate or temporall ruler hath a commaundemente to be angrie and to punishe malefactours for their iniurious and wicked doynges Parentes likewise haue a peculiare commaūdement concernyng their childrē and familie that thei should not wincke at the lasciuious and wanton behauiour of their children or at the vngracious leudnes of their familie but reproue them and according to their desert punishe them GOD commaundeth them thus to doe And if thei doe it not thei obeye not GOD neither dooe thei satisfie their office and the commaundement of GOD. For this is not to be suffered that a thefe should saie to the Iudge Punishe me not For it is writtē in the sixt commaundemente Thou shalte not kill Thus maie he saie to priuate persones that are not in office But the Maiestrate hath a commaundement to vse the swearde and to punishe euill doers Neither is this tollerable that a maide seruaunt whē through her negligence she hath suffered thinges to go to wracke and to be spoiled in the house should saie to her maistresse you maie not bee angrie with me beyng a Christian woman For it is forbidden in the sixt commaundement Christe in deede forbiddeth that any manne should be angrie with his neighbour and saieth that who so euer so doeth is guiltie of Iudgemente But there is an other power in this persone bicause of the cōmaundement of GOD that she maie reioyce yea and punishe the negligence and vntowardnesse of her familie accordyng to their merites And this anger is not againste Christianitie as it is not againste Gods worde to be a Father or a Maister of an housholde This were directly againste the Christian profession if thei should not regarde their vocation but neglecte domesticall discipline and suffer their familie to liue after their owne lustes without all good and Godly order We must therefore diligently consider this discipline In the kyngdome of Christ there is no place for anger but for gentlenes and loue that the verie hearte maie bee quiete and without bitternesse towarde all men and that neither the mouthe nor the hande offende or hurte any manne But in the Kyngdome of the worlde in matters of policie in thynges of housholde
families and subiectes maie be brought vnto the true knowledge of the worde feare GOD become rightuous and Godly in their conuersacion and so at the laste obtaine euerlastyng saluacion Therefore this is the highest woorke and the moste principall seruice that we can doe vnto God in this worlde euen to bryng all suche as be committed to our charge vnto the true knowledge of God and of his blessed Gospell For who seeth not how earnestly the Deuill labour partly by sectes and partly by tyrauntes to stoppe the procedinges of the Gospell that no kinde no age maie come vnto the religiō feare of GOD As I maie speake nothyng how laborious and painfull a thyng it is to bryng the people vnto the true knowledge of God Suche seruice to God and suche almose to the peoples soulles doeth Christe here firste of all declare to them that come vnto him that is to saie he first fedeth their hongrie soules with the worde of God And this is truely to sanctifie the Sabboth daie I meane to preache and heare the woorde of God in so muche that thei whiche doe this please God more then if thei should offer to hym greate mountaines of golde We therfore must also followe this example And verely if Princes Parētes Gouernours of housholdes c. would dooe this thei might deserue heauen by this their office that is to saie thei should doe vnto God moste high and acceptable sacrifice for asmuche as thei to the vtteryng of their poore labour and doe their true diligence that the soulles whiche are committed vnto them maie be brought vnto the true knowledge of God and of his sonne Iesus Christ and so be deliuered from the kyngdome of the Deuill and bee made inheritours of euerlastyng glory After this spirituall refection I meane the preachyng of Gods woorde followeth the seconde refection or almose when Christ also taketh care for the bodie For Christ came not into this worlde to destroie either soule or bodie but to saue bothe Therfore the Carthusian or Monke of the Charterhouse went not the right waie to worke whē he thought his greate abstinence and longe praiers hindered the health of his bodie The bodie is subiect to labour that it should not be idle yet must that so be dooen that the bodie loose not his healthe For he that destroieth his bodie as the Monkes many tymes enfebleth thē selues and weaken their strengthes by their loude syngyng long fastyng and tedious praiyng doeth nothing els then murder him self This muste bee auoided as a moste greuous synne as Iesus Sirach prescribeth The fodder the whippe and the burthen belongeth vnto the Asse meate correction and worke vnto the seruaunt But saieth he doe not to muche vnto hym in any wise and without discretion doe nothyng For the body is mortall and therfore it hath nede of meate that it maie be in healthe It is also to be put vnto labour that it waxe not wanton and imagin some euill Moreouer it hath nede of correction and discipline that thereby it maie be prouoked excited and stirred vp vnto labour that it waxe not idle and negligently do the thinges that are to be doen. And yet in all these thynges there must be a measure or meane For the bodie can not alwaies labour It must somtime haue rest And for this cause hath GOD appoincted not onely the daie vnto labour but also the night vnto slepe and reste And the middaie serueth vs to eate For GOD is no murderer as the Deuill is whiche Deuill laboureth to this ende that the Monke maie vtterly kill hym self with the immoderate exercises of fasting watchyng praiyng c. But GOD will none of this He will haue measure to be kept in all thynges Measure is a merie meane as thei vse to saie This is the seconde comfort that we should goe the right waie to worke and aboue all thynges seke after the worde of GOD whiche when we fall euen into the desert and wildernes and therefore are in daunger of famine yet lette vs not despaire nor be dismaied For euē here is the lorde with vs which is moued with our necessitie and also is carefull for vs yea and that muche better then we be able to care for our selues For we with our care can bryng nothyng vnto good effecte But where Christe careth there must nedes be greate plentie of all thynges though there were nothyng els in the worlde then highe penurie and moste miserable lacke as we se here The Apostles also take care But what is their care For sothe this whens shall we gette bread here in the wildernes that we maie fede this people This their care is suche that no goodnesse cometh of it But when Christ ones taketh care of the people and appoincteth with hym self how he will fede them although there be present onely .vii. loues and a fewe little fishes yet through his blessyng thei be made so great and plentifull that thei suffice fower thousande menne yea and there remain of their fragmentes seuē baskettes full Women and children are not nombred whereof it is to be thought that there was also a greate nomber Now tell me if any man were certain and sure that he should go as farre and dooe asmuche with one pece of golde as a riche manne should doe with many thousādes would not he wishe that his one pece of golde cast a side all care and be as mery and as frolike as the riche man with all his thousandes And if the riche man should boaste auaunce hym self bicause of his riches would not the poore man mocke hym and saie Thou hast no cause to be proude for all thy riches For although thou hast muche yea more then I yet art thou in no better case then I am For my one pece of gold is as muche to me as all thy heape of golde is to thee Neither can thy so many thousandes any lenger indure then this my one pece of golde Therefore I am in as good state with my little as thou with all that thou hast c. But how come this to passe when we be christians or at the least will so be coumpted that we dooe not in all poinctes so behaue our selues that neither in wealthe and plētie we waxe proude nor yet in penurie and scarsenes we faint are dismaied or despaire For if we earnestly and diligently seke the worde of GOD there shall bee no perill of scarsenes Christ will be carefull for vs neither shall we want any good thyng at all For this is nothyng to the purpose whither wee haue muche or little This is altogether that Christe maye blesse that we haue When he putteth his blessyng vnto that little thou hast then shalt thou not onely not lacke any thyng ▪ but also for that blessynges sake thou shalt haue more remainyng then thou haddest at the beginnyng If we would truely and earnestly beleue this doctrine we should
altogether pure again that God of his liberalitie and munificence will rewarde them in the lyfe to come as we hearde before out of the gospell of S. Mathewe And Paule saith that the passions or suffringes of the Sainctes shall be rewarded in the lyfe to come Therfore when Christ sayth make you frendes of wicked Mammon that when ye departe or fayle they maye receaue you into euerlastinge tabernacles the sence and meaning of these wordes can be none other but this If we be the Disciples of Christ and do good workes that god will rewarde those good workes in the life to come But what saith Paule good workes can not be don but of fayth And Christ saith that we obtaine remission of sinnes and euerlastynge lyfe by fayth Thou must conferre these sentences with this present text But howe can these be made to agreee Uerily none otherwise then that thorowe fayth in Christ we haue remission of sinnes and euerlastynge lyfe and that god for this faithes sake doth approue and allowe our Almoses and other good workes and of his owne liberalitie for his promise sake which we do firmely beleue and sticke vnto will abundantly liberally rewarde in the worlde to come So that although it be laborious and painful vnto vs when we do obey god and worke well yet this hope conforteth vs and maketh vs chereful and encourageth vs to go forward in doing good workes forasmuch as we are most certeinly assured that they shal not be vnrewarded at gods hand in the lyfe after this This is the proper true natiue sence or meaning of this sentēce and a good and substanciall answere vnto the question of good workes God the father of our Lorde Iesus Christ helpe vs and by his holy spirite stirre vp our heartes that this exhortation vnto good workes the liberall promes ioyned to the same beinge done in fayth maye take good effect in vs and so worke in our mindes that in this worlde we maye plentifully sowe the seede of good workes and in the worlde to come reape the fruites of euerlastinge lyfe thorowe Iesus Christe our Lorde and alone Sauiour to whome with the father and the holy ghost be all honour and glorie both now and euer Amen The tenth Sonday after Trinitie sonday ¶ The Gospell Luke xix AND when he was come nere to Ierusalem he beheld the Citie and wept on it saying If thou haddest knowen those thynges whiche belong vnto thy peace euen in this thy day thou wouldeste take heede But nowe are they hyd from thine eyes For the dayes shall come vnto the that thy enymies shall caste a banke about the and compasse the rounde and kepe the in on euerye syde and make the euen with the grounde and thy chyldren whiche are in thee And they shall not leaue in the one stone vpon another because thou knoweste not the tyme of thy visitation And he wente into the Temple and began to cast out them that solde therein and them that boughte sayinge vnto them It is written my house is the house of prayer but ye haue made it a denne of thieues And he taught daylye in the Temple THE EXPOSITION THis Gospell ought diligently to be remēbred weighed considered of al Christiās that they also hereby maye learne to feare God For of all the histories that be contayned in the gospell of Luke it is moste terrible fearefull horrible it ought worthely so to moue vs that we might neuer forget it For in this our gospel is mentiō made how great anger vengeance god shewed against the Citie of Ierusalem the inhabitants of the same for their incredulitie and disobediēce And it is a most certein sure doctrine vnto vs that all such as are obstinate secure and carelesse in their sins despysing the iudgement of god shall euen finde at the hand of god the very same anger vengeaunce so that they shal neuer escape it For if the most noble goodly beautifull citie were not spared because hauyng the worde of god it repented not let all men thincke this for a moste certeintie that except they repent in time amend they lykewise shal neuer escape the dreadful displeasure whote vengeance of god Christ himself is marueilously troubled concerning the heauy destruction of so great so noble a Citie wysheth that it wold call it selfe to remembraunce and well consider aforehande the wrath that is to come and addresse it selfe vnto amendement mourne wepe and lament desire god to be merciful vnto it to forgeue it tourne awaye those plagues that it worthely hath deserued And although Christ speaketh here only of Ierusalē yet he willeth that his commination commonition that is to saye that his threatning warning shoulde be vnderstanded to pertayne vnto so many as haue the worde of god and yet heare it without fruite yea despise it that they shoulde not be carelesse nor thincke with themselfes that god wil forgeue them this fault This punishment shall as surely chaunce to all suche as god lyueth Therfore let vs repent in tyme cease from all sinnes but specially from that sinne that despiseth the worde of god or the tyme of visitation and that heare the sermons and yet truly tourne they not vnto godlines but goeth forth in all kynde of wyckednes whatsoeuer is preached and taught to the contrarie For the paine is not therfore taken awaye because it is differred for a time For here is set before vs a terrible example of the most fearce and horrible iudgement of god against a Citie that he most dearly loued and was counted the holiest Citie in the world and against a people which God had chosen as peculiar to himselfe before all other nations vnder heauen This Citie was the house and dwelling place of god and the people therof were his owne familie houshold For next vnto heauen Ierusalem was the holiest place where god and his Angels dwelte where al the seruice of god was appointed to be done where almost all the Patriarches lyued and were buried where also Christ the Sonne of God was walked in the fleshe died and was buried rose again and sent the holy ghost so that this Citie in holynes passed all Cities in the worlde neyther was the lyke euer founde on the earth neither shal be vnto the worldes end And yet for all that all these thinges nothyng at all regarded seing it receaued not the word of god nor obeyed the same god did so seuerely punishe that offence for the honour of his worde that he woulde rather haue that Citie ones tenderly loued extirped and plucked vp by the rootes then he wolde suffer his worde so to to be dishonoured and the glorie therof defaced If God delt thus with his best beloued citie is it to bee thought that he will spare other cities kyngdomes and nations where he hath not dwelt and where the people
the Publican that standeth hereby he deceaueth all men polleth and pylleth all men catcheth and snatcheth taketh and raketh all that he can come by so that all is fyshe that cōmeth to nette I am after no suche sorte god be thāckede my righteousnes my holynes is moste absolute consūmate and perfect in comparison of his This is a moste vile and spitefull vice yea by the iudgement of all men for we vse comenlye to saye Be what thou wilte be onely despise not other For comparisons are odious howe muche more then is this an abhominable synne before god There is no synne that god more detestethe and abhorrethe then pride and haultynes of mynd so that this gospell may moste cheifly seme to be appoynted to this ende that Christe should as in a fygure or shadowe describe and set forth vnto vs the true righteousnes and how that maye be discerned and knowen from the counterfaite false Pharisaicall and hypocriticall righteousnes As thoughe he shoulde saye Peraduenture thou maiste chaunce on a man whiche outwardly representethe the holynes of Angels fasteth praieth geueth almose is no fornicatour committeth none adultery hurteth no man heareth sermons diligentlye commeth oftentimes vnto the Lordes table c. Howe canst thou otherwise then thincke such one to be a good righteous man But for all that this I saye vnto thee If thou desirest to know him thorowly thou muste not looke vpon the outwarde visare onely which an hipocrite also may haue but thou muste consider this what it is to be righteous before God For as concerning this outwarde apperaunce euen this Phariseye is so righteous that it is to be wyshed there were many such in the worlde But this is not sufficient And therfore diligently take hede that thou doste not trust vnto such righteousnes before God For here thou learnest howe haynous a synne and abhorred of God prid is namely when it lurcketh and lyeth hydde vnder so glorious and beautifull righteousnes This pride was the cause that the deuill was tombled hedlonge out of heauen downe into hell fyre Pride also brought destruction in Paradise to our first parents Howe could then such a Phariseye and proud hypocrite be nombred among the people of God We must fast we muste praye we must paye our tenthes we must kepe our selues faithful and true to our wyffes we may be no extorcioners we may hurte no mā we must do al thinges truly according to the worde of god notwithstanding all these things are so cōtaminated polluted defiled thorow Pharisaicall pride that now nothīg is more vile before god nothing more abhominable For seing that in worldly matters it is coūted very greuous for a man to become as a slaue to other thorow benefites that he hath receaued according to this cōmō prouerbe There is nothīg more derely bought then that which is geuen how can god alow that righteousnes which auaunceth bosteth setteth foorth it selfe against him In such case holines is made double wickednes So doth this hipocrite here with god O God sayth he doste thou not see what a good righteous mā thou hast of me The world is ful of extorcioners brybers theaues vnrighteous persōs Epicures whoremongers adulterers c. But I am good holy vertuous righteous a very myrroure of goodnes holines vertue righteousnes I fast I pray I geue almose I do whatsoeuer thy law requireth O Lorde how greatlye arte thou indebted vnto me And what greate rewarde is there layde vp for me in heauen Consider these thinges O God remember that I am not lyke other men O intollerable pride If this proude hipocrite with suche pride should doe all that euer the lawe of God requireth to be don euen to the vtter moste yea thoughe he shoulde geue hymselfe to be burnt for the glorie of God yet could not all this please God but shoulde be before hym the moste greuous synne and playne abhomination For God abhorreth all pride as sainct Peter saith Be lowlye and humble in your heartes For god resisteth the proude and geueth grace to the humble Lykewise saith Sainct Iames humble your selues in the sight of the Lorde and he shall lyfte you vp As our Sauiour CHRIST sayth Euerye one that exalteth hymselfe shall be brought lowe And who soeuer humbleth hymselfe shal be exalted Therfore saith Christ here If ye will be counted righteous embrace the true righteousnes euen that whiche is agreable to the word of god and aboue all thinges take hede of pride Let no pride be ioyned with your righteousnes or holynes For although the Sainctes and holye men diuerse wayes offende so that many tymes they fall moste greuously as we rede of Noe Lot Dauid Peter Magdalen c. Yet God doth not so heauely take that as he doth when they lyue moste holyly and are proud of it bragge and boaste of it yea and both contemne and condemne other in comparison of them selues Christe therfore concludeth the gospell on this maner He that exalteth hymselfe shal be made lowe and he that humbleth himselfe shall be made highe that euery man maye learne humilitie and despise no man For this is the Christian humilitie for a man to esteme other more then hymselfe as the Apostle sayth Let no man stand hye in his owne conceate more then becometh him to esteme of himselfe but so iudge of hym selfe that he be modest and sober Again In geuing honour go one before an other Item Be not high minded but make your selues equal to thē of the lower sort Be not wise in your owne opinions For he that magnifieth himselfe lifteth vp his brystles because of his learning beauty richesse holines righteousnes c. Is like to this Phariseye He beholdeth his fastings and considereth the true paying of his tenthes and by this meanes he standeth greatly in his owne conceat This doth Christ forbydde In the poore Publican we see no suche thing All thinges are humble and lowly He bosteth of nothyng Only he lamenteth and bewayleth his former wycked lyfe and with all humblenes of hearte besecheth GOD to be mercifull vnto him to forgeue him his synnes Learne ye this also sayth christ that ye may say I can glory of nothing For although I would glory of knowledge richesse power wisedom righteousnes holynes c. Yet god may answer and saye what hast thou that thou hast not receaued If therfore these be my gyftes why doest thou bragge and boaste of them Why doest thou reioyce in those things The right of reioycing is mine whiche geue thee these gyftes and not thyne which only receauest them It were thy dutie rather to know that all these gyftes may be taken frō thee in a moment if thou be proude bragge and boste of them So mightest thou well reioyce and triumphe against the deuill and saye why should I not confesse that I haue the worde of god and that I haue bene alwayes redy and
in my anger I cast them downe hedlonge into euerlastyng damnation If the Phariseye had not ben proude but had humbly rehearsed his gyftes vnto God and sayd O Lord thou hast geuen me muche in that thou haste geuen me strength to resiste this and that synne This is thy gyfte I am glad therof but yet am I not proude therfore For thou maist take it again awaye from me when thy good pleasure shal be If the Phariseye I say had done this god wolde haue increased his gyftes dayly more more towarde him But for asmuche as the gyftes that he hath he abuseth them vnto his owne pride and glorie therfore iudgeth and condemneth other that haue not the lyke gyftes he is so reiected of god that there remayneth nothing in him worthie of prayse and cōmendation For this is the iudgement of Christ. The Publicane went home more righteous then the Phariseye that is to saye The Phariseye is vnrighteous damned and geuen ouer alredy to the deuill and hell fyre what profite hath he now by his bosting gloryinge But the Publicane which sayth O God be mercifull to me a sinner is made a Saincte in the congregatiō and accordyng to his desire he hath god merciful vnto hym Christ wil haue this to be the doctrine of vs al that we may know what we are and what we haue If thou be endued with riches with strength and health of bodye with house lande worldly goodes or with any other gyfte appertayning vnto the body or to the soule vse it with thanckes to the geuer Enuy no mā and god shall encrease his giftes in thee Only auoide pride and despise no man though his gyftes be not so excellent as thin be But remember and thinck when thou seest any man not to haue that thou haste that he notwithstanding maye haue god as mercifull to him as thou hast Therfore despise him not neither disdaine thou to haue him nighe vnto thee so shall god be glorified in you both Moreouer hipocrites dishonoure God greatly although they do it not with the mouth openly For he that would iudge only according to the wordes of the phariseye he must nedes say that that was not euil spoken that the phariseye saith here I thāck thee O god Such wordes that true sainctes vse in their prayers but with an other sence or meaning For when they geue thanckes to god for any thyng they cōfesse by this that they haue receaued that gyfte benefite of god But the Phariseye thincketh not so or els he wold haue said thus That I am not an adulterer an extorcioner an vnrighteous persone c. I can ascribe it to none other O lord but to thee alone As cōcerninge my selfe if thy grace did not assist me my lyfe should be no better then other mennes For we be all lyke neyther can one iustly reioyce againste an other But this Phariseye is not of this minde cleane contrary he saith I thancke thee that I am not as other men are And so he chalengeth to himselfe the wholle power as though he were the author of his righteousnes not god For if he had not so thought he wolde haue added these wordes But this is thy gyfte o lord and cōmeth not of my selfe But this saith he not but by his wordes he declareth euidētly that he of himselfe is so copious and abundant in good workes that he is able also to geue vnto God Therfore he geueth thanckes not to god in dede although he nameth him but to hymselfe to his owne reason freewill and strengthes that he hath done so much This is true whosoeuer hath any thynge geuen him of god He must acknowledge it geue god thanckes for it For what an absurdititie were this if thou shouldest denie thy selfe to be wyser or better learned then an asse or any other brute beast In lyke maner he that hath goodes riches geuen him of god ought not so to playe the dolte that he shold saye he is a begger and hath nothinge where as he ought euen with most heartie thanckes to confesse the gyftes benefites of god with the same to helpe such as be in necessitie Again he that hath done his dutie wel and serued diligently in his office calling hath holpen his neighbour both with his substance councell geuen almes to the poore c. ought not to saye I haue done no good This lewde and folishe humilitie is not to be vsed For the giftes of god are to be acknowledged celebrated and magnified yet true humilitie is to be shewed we must say These thīgs are thine O lord not mine Thou gauest them me or els I shold haue had no more then other haue Therfore for these thy giftes I render vnto the most humble heartie thāckes This is the true waye of humilitie The good giftes of god are not to be coūted as things of nothing or to be extenuated or abased as matters of smal reputation but they are to be acknowledged to be set forth to the vttermost yet may not we be proud of thē nor despise other but as I haue oftentimes said we must speake on this maner say O lord they are thy giftes Thou gauest thē vnto me That an other hath not the same it hurteth or hindereth him nothing at all For he hath thee as merciful god vnto him as I haue oh why thē shold I despise him Such humilitie doth christ require in this gospel that aboue al thīgs we shold eschew pride disdainfulnes arrogācie hautinesse of mīde For this is ones decreed He that exalteth himselfe shal be brought lowe god did not forgeue his owne peculier people but suffred them to be destroyed for their prides sake Many other greate kyngdomes also haue fallen and come to ruine for the same faulte Lucifer because of his pride was caste downe from the highe heauens vnto the depe dongeon of hell fyre Adam and Eue for the same vice were cast out of Paradise Therefore consider diligently that it is thy parte thus to saye O Lorde whatsoeuer I haue it is thine Thou mayst take it again from me at whatsoeuer tyme it pleaseth thee By this meanes shalte thou eschewe pride cease to despise other and leane to a sure ancker For who will truste vnto that whiche is vncertein He that despiseth this order and lyke a madde man goeth forth to bragge and boste himselfe as though whatsoeuer he hath were his owne and came not from GOD he heareth here his iudgement which is that God will take from him all such gyftes as he hath and geue him his portion in that lake that burneth with fyre and brimstone from the whiche the Lorde defend vs all GOD for his mercies sake geue vs grace to acknowledge his gyftes And with all humilitie to thancke and praise hym for them and so in this worlde to walke worthy his kyndnes that in the worlde to come we maye
openeth their eies and loseneth their tongue For this is certaine and sure that all saluation commeth to vs onely by the worde of God Otherwise what coulde we knowe of Christe and his sacrifice of the holy ghost of the wyl of God c. Wherfore this also euen in these our dayes is an excedynge great miracle and a moste hygh benefite when God geueth to any man such an eare as gladly heareth his worde and suche a tongue as dothe not blaspheme but blesse and glorifie God Our aduersaries the Papistes are muche more miserable and in aworse case then this dumbe mā was For their eares are stopped And although they heare the worde of God yet can they not heare it I meane vnto their profite and edifying But they heare it as the Iewes did when Christ most excellently preached of the forgeuenes of sinnes and of euerlastynge lyfe they vnderstode nothyng they delyted not in the sermons of Christ but contrarywyse they were vtterlye madde and blasphemed Christ and his doctrine Suche are all they that wyll not heare the worde of God They are deafe and dumbe and in a farre worse case then this miserable man was of whom our gospell maketh mencion For they can doo nothynge ells with their tongue then blasphem and most spitefully rayle vpon the worde of God that most excellent and precious iewelle But they that gladdely heare the word of God and vnto whome Christ saythe as he sayd to this dumbe man Ephata that is to saye Be opened and haue the benefit of hearyng are those to whom healpe is geuen in dede against the deuyll For God hath opened vnto vs none other way vnto heauen then his word and his holy Gospell He that gladly heareth that diligentely kepeth that and hath hys chiefe delyght in that is safe and without all danger This is one miracle whiche is euen at this daye in the churche among men that our eares whiche the deuyll thorowe synne hadde stopped are made open by the word that we may heare the worde of GOD which is the doctrine of our saluation An other is that he toucheth the tongue and maketh it to speake as Paule saythe With the hearte it is beleued vnto righteousnesse and with the mouthe confession is made vnto saluation For when we beleue in Christ we obteyn therby remission of our sins But after this it is necessary also to confesse and to open by speache that which is felt and beleued in the heart And this maketh a christenman All other workes can not doo it It is possible that a Monke may faste watche and wearye his bodye more thenne a Christian but by that hee is not made a Christian manne For in thys one thynge he fayleth that he is yet deafe and dumbe He wyll not heare the worde and muche lesse confesse it But a christen manne heareth and beleeueth and afterwarde confessethe These two thynges make a christian manne Thus CHRIST exercysethe hys woorke dayely in the Congregation spiritually and by the woorde which he wroughte thenne corporally that hee myghte testifye howe hee geueth healpe agaynste the vniuersall myschiefe of the deuyll but specyally agaynste the spyrituall wyckednesse of Sathan the deuyll that wee myghte stedfastely beleue and put oure whole truste in hym Nowe muste we consyder thys also what Christe meaneth by thys ceremonie that he vseth about thys deafe and dumbe persone The people broughte thys wretched man vnto Christe and desyred hym to lay his handes vppon hym Christ taketh hym asyde from the people putteth his fyngers in his eares he spitteth and touchethe hys tongue hee looketh vp to heauen he mourneth and sayeth Ephata All thys muste sygnifye some speciall matter seyng that Christ vseth suche circumstances in doyng this miracle passyng all other that he wrought Nowe therfore for as muche as we haue declared what it is to be dumbe and deafe lette vs consyder also what meruaylous Ceremonye thys is and why CHRIST woulde specially vse it in thys miracle where as neuerthelesse hee myghte haue doone it wyth one woorde For thys is moste euident and playne that when so euer Christ spake the worde streyght wayes the woorde tooke effect Ueryly Christe by this soo exquisite a ceremonye hathe respecte to a spirituall miracle For by thys he wyll shewe what an harde matter it is to restore the deaffe to theyr hearynge and vnto the dumbe their speache Hee rayseth vppe Lazarus with one woorde To the manne that was sycke of the palsey hee sayde Ryse and walke and he immediatly was made whole But wyth thys manne whyche was deafe and dumbe it pleased hym not to vse suche speede But hee doothe vse a syngular kynde of proceedynge and order in woorkynge of thys myracle He puttethe hys fyngers into the deafe mannes eares Hee towcheth his tongue wyth spetle Hee looketh vppe into heauen He mournethe and then at the last he saieth Ephata that is Be thou opened that by this he might signifie vnto vs that yf we will escape the bondes of the deuyll and haue a redy tong to speake open eares to heare it must be done by the external outward worde and by the ministerie of the same agayn by the outwarde signes or sacramentes that he hath appoynted to bee vsed in hys churche For the worde is fyrst to be hearde and then Baptisme and the Lordes supper must be ioyned therto vnto the whyche thinges the holy ghost commeth and deliuereth the eares and tongue frome their bondes that they may lerne to auoyd all sectaries which despise the outward word and sacramentes and loke tyll God talketh with thē inwardly But Christ saith Thys is my fynger euen the outward worde Thys oughte to sounde in mens eares This is my spettle wherewith their tongue muste be touched and made moyste Then shall my woorke very well and prosperously procede as ye may see For where the outward word is sincerly taught there are christians but wher it is not taught there are none Therefore lette euery man prouide that they followe these steppes Let hym gladly heare the worde of God For God wil not shyne nor geue the glorious lyght of his Gospell into thy hearte except thou firste heare his woorde If thou bee desirous to see and to knowe hym it must be done onely by the worde and sacramentes For without this the holy Ghoste wille not procede to his workynge as God hymselfe euen from the very heauens protested vnto vs whenne hee sayde This is my derely beloued sonne in whom I greatly delyte Heare hym Christ also gaue this commandement to his disciples Go into all the worlde teache and baptise all nations Agayn he that heareth you heareth me Here dothe Christ with open mouth cōmaunde that his Gospel shold be preached to men that they should be baptised And by this his cōmandement he sheweth that this is the true way vnto saluation and none other He that heareth you saith he heareth me Therfore
thy father and mother children wife husband and Lord This do I require of thee And consider diligently whether thou dost so then shalte thou fynde out whether thou louest god or hate him For they are only Christian men that hath the worde of God and loue Christ. These do say I will gladlye and with all my heart do for my neyghbour that that thou hast commanded me But if I shall be now and then preuented with anger impacience and such like then can he not please me but I will amende Christians do this but they that are not Christians do it not Wherfore this must nedes be true that Citizens husbande men children seruantes officers subiects commonly belonge vnto the deuill For they hate god and care not for his commandement And wheras he made them gaue them bodie soule founde thē their liuinge and gaue his only begotten sonne whiche is greatest of al They for all this synge hym this song euē hatred And if they could they would thrust hym out of heauen Suche is the loue they beare to God his worde Go to now and bost of thy loue towarde God and his worde wher as thou art so ful of hatred And contrariwise louest him shewest obedience vnto him whiche is to vs the cause of death and sinne in whome thou hast also thy hole delight being vtterly disobedient to God Wherfore the worlde generally doth shew obedience only to the deuil which is cheifly delighted with the hatred of God whā that is not done that god hath cōmanded this enemie maketh vs subiect to sin to death And if he could at this present houre corrupte all vitall he wold gladly do it Yet are we obediēt to suche an enemie which is so much geuē to seeke our destruction And in the meane time we suffer all that to be voide frustrat which is put forth to vs of god that gaue vs all thinges in especial his son with him euerlasting lif we cast away his cōmādemēt Who therfore may not praise gods righteousnes if he minister to vs that are disobedient all kinde of plages Wherfore leaue what it is to loue god The Samaritan loueth god not in that he geueth him any thinge but because he helpeth the miserable wonded man for his power For this saith God If thou wilt loue me and serue me do that for thy neyghbour that hath nede I haue no nede Wherfore this Samaritan is redie to serue God whiche is in heauen with his monie beast wine and oyle Not because God nedeth it for his owne person or because he doth this for GOD but he doth it for his neyghbour But therfore is it taken as done to GOD because God commanded it He commanded not this to go a pilgrimage to Rome or to sainct Iames or to buylde monasteries or any suche lyke thynge But this is his will that we should helpe one an other It is no nede saith he to seeke me at Rome thou shalte finde me at home with thy wyfe children familie Lord maiestrate and also in thy neyghbours house in the stretes in the market place and euery wher And howe can he make hymselfe more nighe vnto thee But the deuill casteth a darke myste ouer the worlde that it can not see what it is to loue God and to hate the deuill Wherfore we muste learne this with all diligence This Samaritan loke what care woulde haue done and what beneuolence he would haue shewed to his owne bodye being in lyke perill the very same he doth to his neyghbour hath dew cōmendation for that he loueth GOD and his neyghbour This must be learned to the entent that thou do it also For this fruite muste nedes folowe them that haue the worde If it do not folowe they are no Christian men in dede As this priste and Leuite whiche are sainctes without any felynge or affection For he that passeth by his neyghbour passeth by GOD. Wherfore beware of the example of the worlde which hateth both GOD and his neyghbour But do you for all men All that ye can And GOD wil surely recompence it But if thou wilte not loue god but passe by thy neyghbour in his perill thou shalte not escape vnpunished for so doinge Whiche thinge be thou sure of And this is the second doctrine out of this gospell but Christ by this parable woulde signifie also what benefit he hath bestowed on vs men how we may tast the true frute therof For we miserable men haue fallen vpon moste cruell robbers by sin wherby death and the deuill hath power vpon vs. which hath not only spoyled and rifled vs of all spiritual giftes which God gaue vs but hath also beaten and wonded vs that is to saye by synne are we cast hedlonge into all kynd of miseries In this might we perishe for any helpe that we can haue of the prieste and Leuite For they passe by geue no helpe to that miser For by the lawe is no man iustified and made righteous neither deliuered from sinne But at last cōmeth the Samaritan euen Christ Iesus our Lord whome his owne people would not receaue but counted hym for a Samaritan He is moued with our mischance he washeth our wondes with wyne and poureth in the helthfull oyle of his grace he taketh to cure oure sinnes and beareth them in his bodye and bringeth vs into the true Inne that is into the holy church and ther chargeth the host to take cure of vs. They are the ministers and teachers of the worde But manie of them as it appeareth in the Pope the Byshoppes and suche like regarde the charge but litle that the churche may be an hostrie and Inne the steward wherof is lewde without faythfulnes humanitie and the sicke men are but coursly handled For they should teache the worde of God but they persecute it they shold brynge men to Christ that they might so be deliuered frō syn but they drowne them the more depely in synne And yet we know that Christ doth not whollie caste awaye this hostrie and Inne Yf the Pope and Byshops will not teache vprightly let them do it to their owne peril which thei shal fele at last yet in the meane time Christ raiseth vp certein persons of low degree despised and abiecte which professe his worde take cure of the poore and miserable that they may recouer their health that they may obtaine through the gospel remission of sin and euerlasting life For without this worde is it vnpossible to gete such a great thing Wherfore we maye well geue thanckes vnto God for this great benefit and pray him that he will preserue and continew vs in such grace and saue vs for euer Amen The xiiii Sonday after Trinitie sonday ¶ The Gospell Luke xvii AND it chaunced as Iesus went to Ierusalem that he passed through Samaria Galile And as he entred into a certayne towne there met him ten men that
bothe from God and manne Wherfore although this was not always done with the heart yet the vse of these wordes were good So out of the .116 Psalm what shall I render to the lord saith Dauid for al that he geueth me I wil take the cup of saluation and cal vpon the name of the Lord that is I will praise hym glorifie him and geue hym thankes and confesse that he hath ben beneficial vnto me God answereth to this My sonne this is inough for me But the bountifull Father can obtein this of few A great part dothe persecute him and his word thinkyng nothyng how that we haue all thynges by hym and of his grace But this is but a small thynge They hang on the crosse his only begoten sonne whiche he hath sent for a gift to vs agaynst syn and euerlasting death This world wer well worthy with his great madnes to be cast cleane out of Gods sight yet God doothe not so but is presente euery where with his goodnes and helpe Wherfore we must not onely lerne the office and propretie of kyndnes but we must put in practise also this vertue with his propre office whych is not made werie of well doyng for vnkyndnes sake And this is the peculiar vertue of God and of all true christians For there are examples inough which testifie that the world through chorlishnes doth make men cease from wel doyng Amongest the Gretians were there noble men whiche had done muche good in their countreis and put all their goodes in hasarde for theyr countreies sake But as soone as they felt vnkyndnes so that they not only receued no fruit for their industrie and laboure but were also more in peryll then other they became vnpacient and as they defended before their countrey agaynst the enemies so they fled afterward to their enemies and assaulted theyr countrey with moste spitefull myndes Wherefore a christian must not be ignorant herof that vnkyndnes ensueth after the most excellent merites of good men lest they should therby be discoraged from wel doyng For this is christian vertu the true fruit of faith that when thou hast declared thy study and great loue toward other also haste proued what recompēce the vnkynd world is wont to make yet that thou shouldest not be dehorted from well doyng therby For Christians behaue themselues after the exāple of god which doth not only good himself to the vnkind but doth requite recōpence them that do good amōgest men which they regarded not It is a christanis dutie therfore to do good to the vnkind yea to them that do euil for good according to Salomōs saying to hepe coles of fire vpon his head Thou maiest not take the world for an exāple in this matter For it doth clean cōtrary If it perceiue vnkindnes it think al lost cast away and that it will neuer after that bestow any benefits It is the father of heauen that can teache the truly this In the day he suffreth his son to rise not only vpon the good that geue thāks but vpon the euil which geue no thāks yea rather thei misuse gods gifts God him self also might wel say this These many yeres haue I geuē thee the light of the son haue found the vitall all kind of goodnes but ther cōmeth litle thanks of it I wil make an end of my good doing I wil deny liuing to the vnkind world But the merciful father doth not so he suffreth not his goodnes to be ouercome with the vnkindnes of the world If men will not be thankful now he wil punish them herafter for their vnkindnes So must we do also if we wyll be christian men For this is the nature of Christian charitie to suffer and abyde all thinges not to be made vnpacient therby But there bee very fewe that are endued with thys charitie wherfore there are also very fewe christians Neuerthelesse if we wyll be Christians we muste be ready to doo good neyther ought we after the example of the worlde to geue vp oure studious zeale in doynge good bycause of vnkyndnesse If thou haste ben beneficiall thys daye to any manne and hee the morowe after shewe hym selfe straunge through vnkyndnesse be not greued therewith For at his appoynted tyme he shall suffer due punyshment for his faulte Do thou onely continue and saye If this benefite be caste awaye vpon thys man I wyll studye to doo good for an other If thy benefitte be neyther well bestowed in hym despaire not of the thyrd and so foorthe That thou also myghteste saye soo as Christ saith here were not tenne made cleane where be the nine becomme Christe hath lyttell thanke for this benefite yet is hee content with that the tenthe retourneth and geueth thankes yea he woulde not haue made mention of the other if it hadde not ben for thys that wee myghte learne that they dyd wyckedly For he declareth by thys inquisition that the vnkynde shall not escape vnpunyshed for beecause they are not thankefull to GOD for hys benefites Than veryly shall they knowe howe greately they offended through theyr wycked vnkyndnes Wherfore after the example of Christ must we also care nothyng for mennes vnkyndnesse The matter is playne that for so many benefites of God that we receaue dayely frome hym he receaueth very colde and slender thankes Wherefore lette not thys thynge moue vs but lette vs thynke it sufficient yf there be one amongest tenne in whome a benefyte is welle bestowed Other shall feele and proue by experience at theyr tyme appoynted that that they woulde not beleue nowe by oure warnynge For they shall not escape so vnpunyshed from God that requireth faith The seconde of two moste beautyfull vertues that is of kyndnesse and of pacient sufferyng vnkyndnes at other mennes handes The Samaritane by hys exaumple teacheth vs to be kynde and to thanke bothe God and man for the benefyte that we receaue But the exaumple of Christe dothe admonyshe vs not to bee vnpaciente neyther to ceasse frome well doynge althoughe oure benefyttes prosper not well and although they that receyue theym be vnkynde For this is the maner of the worlde that thoroughe vnkynde persons they that are beneficiall are vnthankfullye entreated and discouraged frome their well doyng so that afterwarde for one chorles sake manye fare the worse But yf thou bee a Christian doo not so althoughe nyne deceaue the of thy hope be contente that the tenth is founde thankfull For Christ himselfe founde them not to geue thankes for suche a greate benefite What wylt thou looke to bee in better case then he was Wherefore take not greuously the losse of nyne Thou shalt haue no more losse thereby thenne Christe hadde But all this shall turne to their greate losse when these wycked persons shall be destitute of all good successe in theyr matters And these are the thynges that make trewe christians fyrst that they haue
of God This is counted a great thyng before the worlde that a monke doothe renounce all thyngs and entreth into an abbey lyueth a hard lyfe fasteth watcheth saieth his prayers c. here lackethe no worke but here lacketh a commandement for that that God neuer commaunded it by his worde Wherfore this can neuer be counted seruyng of God Contrarily this semeth a lyttle thynge whenne a handmayde doothe her woorke that belongeth to the householde by washyng swepynge c. But because there is a commandement of God as touchyng this be the workes neuer so small yet they haue the name of Gods seruice and passeth farre all that is holy and deuout with the monkes and Nunnes For the monkes haue no commaundement of God But it is commanded that parentes shold be honored and that the housholde businesse should be done So that generally this is the true seruice of God to do that that GOD commanded and to eschue that that God forbyddeth And all foule corners maye bee full of Gods seruice and not onely churches and temples but also houses kytchins shoppes cotages c. And it may be done of citizens of men that go to plowe and tylle the field if we woulde but esteme the matter vprightly For it is certaine that God commaunded not onely the Ecclesiasticall and ciuile administration but also the guydyng of housholdes and that his will is that it shold be preserued Wherfore all that dothe helpe therto first the parentes then the chyldren and laste of all the seruantes and neighbours all doo serue God For it is his will and commaundement If this reason were well pondred it woulde certifie all men as well high as lowe as touching their busynes that they myght know that although that that they must doo in the house be very small yet they serue not men but God What busines therfore can be peynful vnto them at al when they vnderstande that all theyr worke is acceptable to God But the deuyll hyndreth mens Iudgement that they can haue no suche ioye in doyng theyr worke and vocation and hee causeth that euery man may haue a singular peyne in doynge their office and executyng Gods commandement that bothe may be spoyled and defrauded of their commoditie that is men of the redy and glad will and God of his seruice If it myght be purchased by any money that a man myght be receiued into that order or colledge wher as he myght be sure of this that Gods seruice should be done men would gladly bestowe all that they haue that they myght come to this poynt It is a meruailous thynge What these monkes should meane when they wold serue God in their rules But as I sayd before that thyng was wantyng in them that was the chief in this matter For if thou demaunde of them who cōmanded them to go to the cloister they can not say this that God commaunded them but this must they nedes say that they thought that they myght so please God But they are worthye of euyll for theyr rashenesse It is euen as much as if I should commaunde my seruant to fet meate and he in the meane season make readye a horse He shoulde not muche please me in doynge thys and speciallye yf that he woulde defende his dooynge and boaste thereof as thoughe that hee hadde doone a harde piece of worke in brydelyng sadlyng and currying the horse Lykewyse is the matter with Mounkes they crake of their seruice and yet God gaue them no commaundement so to doo Whefore if thou purpose to serue God truely applye thy vocation be it neuer so lowe and first hearken to Gods worde in the churche then to the worde of thy maiestrate maisters and parents and this is the true seruyng of God This must we learne therfore and beare it well away what is gods seruice euen to doo that that God commaundeth by preachers parentes and maisters If thou doest this thy heart may be at rest before God neither shall thy worke and labor that thou doest be painfull And this pl●aseth God and is Gods trewe seruice And that that thou doest in thy house is as muche as euen thou hadst done it to god whych is in heauen And furthermore this is the chief renoume wherewith man is adorned aboue all creatures whiche dothe obey God also For the sonne the moone the earth and all thinges behaue theim selues after Gods commaundement So lykewyse the water hath a commaundemente to bryng foorth fyshes so saieth God in the fyrst boke of Moses And the water dothe euen so among all men where as men hynder not Gods blessyng by theyr synnes So all creatures are most beautified when they serue God thorow obedience And Christ saith so here that Salomon in all his glorie was not so apparailed as one of these lilies of the fielde But what dothe the lylie what commaundement hath it no other but that it may bryng foorth a shewe and beautyfull fauour savour and colour If then God doth so much praise this in a floure what a great renoume is this thynkest thou for a mā to be founde in the commaundement and obedience of God The maydens are decked to daunce it is but a toy and a trifle For this is her chief renoume whē she applieth her worke and vocation seeth diligentlye to her maysters chyldren and to suche other seruice For so doeth the Psalme 45. extoll Christians and saieth In thy honoure commeth the daughters of kynges What honour is this when it is euident that christians are poore nedie and despised It is a spirituall honour and renoume it is not gold perles purple tissue but the commaundement of our God This honour shyneth more brighter then the Sonne for it is Gods honour He then that walketh in Gods commaundement walketh in the very honour of God If I should goe in the Emperours apparell or a mayde in the apparell of a great Quene this wold be counted a meruailous noble thynge before the worlde but in deede all these thinges are but toyes to mocke an ape and nothynge in comparison of the spirituall ornature whenne a mayde goeth gaye in the obedience of God and her maister In respect of suche ornature all other common gorgeous thinges are but nifles and trifles For that is the trewe ornature and comelynesse whiche is called Gods worde Gods commaundemente Gods obedience This is the Crowne and verye ouche as Salomon calleth it in the fyrst of the prouerbes and sayeth My sonne heare the discipline of thy father and lette not go the lawe of thy mother that grace maye bee geuen to thy heade and a chayne to thy necke In thys lyfe thys ornature seemeth a thyng of no greate valuation but in the lyfe to come it shall bee moste excellente whenne God shall saye Come my sonne thou haste doone thy duetie in thy vocation Thenne shall it appeare that obedience towarde GOD and hys woorde yea althoughe it be in small matters geueth more renoume than that that
may be most magnificent And this is sufficient for the firste part that we may know surely what is gods seruice and that the bonde seruice of Mammon may not hynder vs in greater seruice that wee are bounde to doo Nowe lette vs see a conforte and consolation as touchyng this howe we may cast auarice and couetousnes from vs. Firste saieth Christe that no man can serue two maisters and he geueth them bothe theyr names One is God that is the true lord and master whome we are wholly bounde to serue and honoure The other is Mammon this is not the true maister where Christe forbyddeth vs to doo hym any seruice that is to say to be carefull for the lyfe howe it maye get his lyuyng and for the body howe it may be apparailed And he applieth all his sermon to this end that we shold caste away suche care and that because it is not only vnprofitable wherof we haue no nede and wherby we nothyng preuayle but for that it hyndereth gods true homage seruice Wherfore we muste beware of it and see diligently that wee serue God and persuade our selues certaynly that he doth nowe knowe what we haue nede of and that he wyll fynd it vs gladly if we do but onely require it at his handes And it healpeth muche to the attainynge of thys faith to call to mynde those thinges which God hathe now geuen vs without our helpe For he made vs not we our selues he gaue vs body and lyfe Now let the world iudge this yf all the sustenance that is wer cast together in a heape would it not esteme the lyfe more So lykewise is the body more to be regarded then all the apparell in the worlde Is not this then a great madnes and foly worthy of Goddes wrothe we can not but confesse that we haue receaued all these thynges that are chiefe of all from God and yet doubt we whether he wil geue vs these base and vile thynges This might well be iudged a contumelie or reproche if one that hathe felte any ryche mans liberalitie in a great thinge would not truste for the same in a littell thing Lykewise is God handled of vs when we mystrust whether God will fynde vs foode or no. But how this pleaseth GOD Christ declareth when he straightly cōmaundeth that we doo not this least we commyt idolatrie And as we may know by the condition of our body lyfe and of all our membres that God is bounteous and liberall and hath geuen vs very many thynges So hath Christ also set before vs the examples of other creatures whereby we may learne to truste in God and to caste all our care on hym For the byrdes of the ayre be before our eyes in the element to oure greate reproche that where as we be excellenter creatures then they yet we geue not so great honour to God as the byrdes do which by nyght take theyr rest in theyr nestes without care In the mornyng they flye foorthe cherefully they sytte vppon the boughes of the trees They make goodly sweete noyses they prayse and geue thankes vnto GOD and then seke for their lyuynge and fynde it But we can not abstayne frome thys cursed and execrable care The byrdes haue no landes no barnes no storehowse or spence yet they doo synge they doo prayse GOD They reioyce and bee ioyefull For they bee sure of thys that there is one whyche prouydeth for theim His name is heauenly Father Why thenne doo not we lykewyse whyche neuerthelesse are better in this poynte that wee can woorke gather in the harueste laye it vppe in barnes and reekes and preserue it for other necessarie vses yet can we not abstaine frome care Wherefore we oughte neuer to forgette the exaumples of these byrdes They are merye and cherefull without care And why shold they take thought and care seyng they haue God to theyr nourysher whose store is so greate that it can not bee conteyned in the worlde Wherfore he hathe prouender and foode at hande euerye where Suche a one saieth CHRIST woulde the Father of heauen be toward vs if ye wolde geue place to his liberalitie thorough Faithe But here doo we see by experience that the world is a fylthy synke of moste filthy and couetous men whyche truste not in God serue not God but serue Mammon and onely endeuoure to increase theyr substaunce If they are not deceyued of theyr hope they are gladde But yf theyr substaunce bee not to theyr mynde they are sorowfull they vexe them selues they are consumed nyghte and daye wyth cares But thou dooest not thynke thys that yf all ryuers flowed with golde and yet wee lacked lyuelode as meate and drynke that the lyfe could not be preserued with golde For we lyue not by golde Is not thys a shamefull worshipping of golde whyche the Ethenykes mocked also by the fable of Midas He hadde so great desyre of golde that he wyshed that all that he touched myghte be made golde But when he obteyned his petition the meates and all other thynges whyche hee touched for an other purpose were tourned into golde and so he was punished for his couetousnes when he shoulde nedes die for hunger because all thynges were changed into golde Wherfore let euery man flee auarice and abhorre it asmuch as he can For neither golde nor syluer nor perle nor any suche thynge hath power to nourishe And yet the madnes of the worlde is so greate that beside liuelowd they require also golde and siluer as thoughe it had no nede of gods gyftes but haue nede rather of this that is not geuen of him He therfore that is a Christian Let hym se diligently vnto hymselfe that he be not oppreste with auarice but let hym learne to put his trust in GOD whiche hath declared so muche both in vs and also in other creatures that he wyll prouide for vs and wil leaue vs destitute of no good thynge As the psalme also maketh notable mention as concerning the yong crowes to the whiche he geueth meate For this is the ordinance of God that wheras he geueth life he suffereth not that thinge as sustaineth lyfe to be lackyng And if he doth that in Catle and beastes howe muche rather will he do it in vs Christians to whome he hath not onely geuen lyfe and bodie but also his onely begotten sonne that they maye lyue not onely here but also in the kyngdome of GOD this woulde CHRIST that we shoulde learne and that we shoulde forsake that execrable incredulitie and distrust which auarice stirreth vp It were a very foolishe thynge if a man woulde in a solitarie place make hymselfe bare and leaue that he might adde somewhat to his stature This man should be a mockynge stock to all other So doth the world sayth Christ when it is vexed with pensiuenes in gettinge of riches No man shall waxe riche by care All that consisteth herin that God maye blesse and not in our
cares if ther be blessynge ther is substance ynough But if not although ther be neuer so muche yet the vse and fruite of the substance is lackyng As examples do declare This ought to be a iuste cause to driue vs to fayth not onely because this care hindereth our faith but also it causeth a great tormentinge and yet do we preuayle nothyng therby But are not these manifest signes of auarice of cares and of vnbeleife For these are alway Ioined to gether Or if we woulde vse but only reason it behoued vs to hate these vices and to auoyde them He addeth more besyde this that this confirmation may be perfect againste couetousnes He byddeth vs also to consyder the thinges whiche come before oure eyes as we walke in the countrie Ther are flowers of all kyndes whiche shewe them selues vnto vs with moste beautifull and swete coulours and doth almoste speake vnto vs and adhort vs to trust in God For syth that they are decked with such magnificence that the apparell of mightie kynges can not be compared with flours muche more doth God take care in appareling and deckyng his owne For we maye not thynke of apparell as the cōmon sorte doth as thoughe all thinges went by chance Christ in this place doth pronounce wyth very plaine speache GOD sayth he doth appareill the grasse in the felde Byrdes fyndeth not their lyuynge be chance But the father of heauen fedeth them and geueth to euery one his portion This is it also as concernynge the lylies For if gods wisedome were not in the cause they could not be so like to gether in colour leaues number of leaues rootes and forme c. Wherfore sith he bestoweth so great care vpon flowers that are but for pleasure and that beastes might lyue therbie is it not an vncredible incredulitie and mistruste that we doe yet doubte whether we also shall haue appareill from God For as we haue a preferment before all birdes when we tyll the grounde mowe and gather into our barnes and prouide for certayne tymes wher as birdes can do no suche thinge and yet they are fedde So saith Christe also to vs that we haue the preeminence also in apparelynge There is so muche flare hempe and suche like herbes brought foorth by tillyng there is also a greate multitude of shepe so manie weauers and spinners c. euery wher what great madnes is it then not to thinke that part therof belongeth vnto vs And especially whan we spare no labour For in this place muste we put a difference For labour is not onely not forbed but also enioyned that we shoulde do all thynges moste studiously and diligentlye and vtterly flee all slouthfulnes and slouggyshnes aboue all thynge But the care of lyuynge and appareill is vtterly forbedden For suche care is a sure token that we haue not so muche truste in GOD as that he will fede vs and prouide other thinges for vs. Wherfore that care appertayneth to Gods dishonour and blasphemie That these two thinges may so be ioyned to gether First that thou do thy worke diligentlye and spare no labour For that dyd God commande man in Paradice that if he wold eat he shold labour The second is that thou be a Christiā beleue For to beleue is to put thy trust in Christ that he is our parent and knoweth what we haue nede of and that he wil geue vs these thynges liberallie and plenteously Care can not agree with this fayth but assone as care taketh place faith departeth Wherfore Christe forbyddeth and sayth be ye not therfore carefull labour for of this ye haue a commandement Let care alone for me For that is mine that I may be your father And I can also somwhat preuaile but so can not ye Wherfore attempte not a thynge in vaine Or if ye are not content to be reuled with this my councell knowe ye that ye are not my worshippers but the worshippers of Mammon Him do ye loue and me do ye hate to hym do ye cleaue and me ye do despise as is the example of the worlde And if ther were any occasion at this time of aduantage thou shouldest finde manye that woulde rather let passe this sermon than not to regard the aduantage or at leaste wise to differ the tune therof vntill after sermon Mammon moueth them so muche that they fele that the time of it will neuer returne againe but the tyme of the sermons not so Nowe the matter is plaine that whatsoeuer is done to the worde of god is done to GOD. He that despiseth it an preferreth monie the despisynge and contempte therof belongeth to GOD. There is no place for glosis the worde and speache is to euident ther can be no other thynge gathered Wherfore this sermon is belongynge to Christians that they be not pensiue nor saye what shall we eate or drinke or what clothynge shall we weare The Gentiles sayeth Christ inquire therof that knowe not or beleue not tha● they haue a father in heauen But ye haue a father in heauen whiche gaue you bodie and soule yea and his son he knoweth wherof ye haue nede as touchynge whome how can ye do so great iniurie as to thynke him hard and vnmercifull vnto you as though he would denie you lyuelowd and sustenance so that ye must nedes die for hunger Wherfore behaue your selues after the example of your children at euening they goe to bedde without any care they take not thought for to morow for they know that their parentes will prouide for it do ye also lykewise My sonnes sayth Christ haue respecte vnto your father in heauen and all other thynges shall be geuen vnto you only beware of care For this should be a signe that ye haue no truste in the heauenly father or els ye would caste awaye all care and would be of good hope Wherfore Christ concludeth his sermon and saieth seeke first the kyngdome of God and the righteousnes therof and al other things shal be cast vnto you This is a necessary doctrine and an excellent promisse The worlde seeketh his owne kyngdom when it hath nede of riches and monie and yet there is no suretie in thē But contrariwise gods kyngdome is eternall that must we Christians make search for This kyngdom sayth Paule is amongest vs and it is nothing els than to heare the worde and to beleue that is to trust vnto God truely and to knowledge hym for our father Looke wher suche fayth is ther is GOD present and forthwith foloweth righteousnes and remission of sinnes Let this saith Christ be firste with you Care ye for the worde heare it diligently exercise it and beleue it When ye haue on this wise made searche of Gods kyngdome and righteousnes care ye for no more let euery mā do his busines in his vocatiō For it becōmeth not Christian men to be idle but to labour Then shall all thinges be geuen vnto you For if the goodnes of god
is excluded from Baptisme the sacrament and the worde is bounde also in heauen By this power that we men in earthe doo lose and bynd sinnes god is not spoiled of his glorie neyther ar we made Gods therby as the prophane and wicked mynded men doo oftentymes say of this matter For we haue no more than the ministerie and office Wherfore God hath coupled vs together by this ministerie that alwaies one of vs shoulde conforte and confirme an other And that the other shoulde thynke hym selfe bounde to beleue as farre as the worde is purely preached vnto hym that is to say remission of synnes in the name of Christ. And this is the very bryngyng vnto God and remission of syns He that dieth in thys beliefe dieth to his saluation But hee that dyeth as he is taught in the Popedome with a confidence and trust of the intercession of Sainctes dyeth euyll and to his destruction For hee lackethe those defenders whiche God ordeyned agaynst the violence of death that is the trewe pastor the pure worde and absolution So great miserie the deuyll brought in by the Pope yea and nowe begynneth to bee the author of an other infection by the sectaries For they can not abyde the worde This offendeth his eyes Wherefore the Pope toke it clean away and in his place brought in the monkes rules masses pilgremages pardons and suche other This can the dyuel well away with For it hyndreth his kyngdom nothyng The Anabaptistes furder the matter which speake very contemptuously of the water of Baptisme The Swenckfeldians also mooste vilely and wickedly contemne the outward preachynge of the worde All haue loste the worde wherfore they are to be auoyded and this is to be learned that remission is no where els but there as the woorde is That woorde is in Baptisme in the Supper of the Lorde in absolution in publike preachyng Wherfore remission of synne is there also and let hym be accursed that sayeth otherwise But wher as the word is there is faith requisite And then the membres begyn to be fastned which the syck of the palsey could before moue by no means But loke wher the worde is not the palsey is neuer taken away and it is vnpossible that any true mouyng should ioyn the membres together This wold I the more earnestly dryue into you because the Pope and sectes are the authors of suche great disorder in the Congregation The Pope bryngeth neyther to the worde nor sacramentes The sectaries can not but speake contemptuously of the worde and sacrament and nothynge preuayleth with them but the holy Ghoste And we knowe thys that the holye ghoste wyll not doo hys worke without the woorde and sacramentes Wherfore we can not despise the woorde and sacramentes but we wyll obserue them for the chiefe thynges that we haue God graunte his grace that we maye preserue this pure doctrine and continue in it to the end and be saued Amen The .xx Sonday after Trinitie Sondaye ¶ The Gospell Math. xxii IEsus sayde to his Disciples The kyngdom of heauen is lyke vnto a man that was a kynge which made a maryage for his sonne and sent forthe his seruauntes to call them that were bydden to the weddyng and they woulde not come Agayne he sent forth other seruauntes saying Tell them which are bydden behold I haue prepared my dinner mine Oxen and my fatlynges are kylled and all thynges are redy come vnto the mariage But they made light of it and went their wayes one to his farme place another to his marchaundise and the remnaunt toke his seruauntes and intreated them shamefully and slewe them But when the kyng heard thereof he was wrothe and sent forthe his men of warre and destroyed those murtherers and brente vp theyr Citie Then sayde he to his seruauntes The maryage in dede is prepared but they whiche were bydden were not worthy Go ye therefore out into the hye wayes and as manye as ye fynde bydde theym to the maryage And the seruauntes wente foorthe into the hyghe wayes and gathered together all as many as they coulde fynde bothe good and badde and the weddynge was furnyshed with geastes Then the kynge came in to see the geastes and when he spyed there a man whiche had not on a weddyng garment he saide vnto him Frende howe camest thou in hyther not hauyng a weddynge garmente And he was euen spechelesse Then sayde the kynge to the ministers Take and bynde hym hande and foote and caste him into vtter darknesse there shal be weepyng and gnashynge of teeth For many be called but fewe are chosen THE EXPOSITION IN this Gospel ye heare that the kingdom of God is lyke vnto a mariage vnto the whiche many are bydden that not onely come not and regarde not but that also reuile and kyll the seruants that call them Here must we first learn what this word Kyngdom of heauen signifieth euen that it is no worldly kyngdom but a kyngdome in heauen where as God onely is kyng That doo we call the holye churche whiche is nowe For Christ dothe therfore vse the parable of the mariage because that he beyng the kynges sonne taketh the churche to be his spouse Wherfore the kyngdome of heauen is to be taken on suche wise that it is in earth and yet it is no politicall or earthly kyngdome but spirituall and eternall For the state of the Christians that are in this lyfe is suche that they are halfe in the kyngdome of God that is in soule and spirite and after theyr fayth Wherfore when thou heareste of the kyngdome of heauen thou must not loke to heauen but thou must seke after it in the earth amongest men and that in all the world where soeuer the Gospel is beleued and the true vse of the sacraments ministred So that proprely the kyngdom of heauen is nothyng els then the kyngdom of Christ the kyngdome of the Gospell and of faith For whersoeuer the Gospell is there is Christ. And wher Christ is there is the holy ghost and his kyngdome whiche is the true kyngdom of heauen For the which cause all that haue the word and sacramentes and beleue continue in Christ by faith they are heauenly princes and sonnes of God And onely this remayneth that God moue away the half wall which is put betwene that is that we die then shall all thynges be heauen and saluation This therfore must be lerned first that the kingdome of heauen is the kyngdome of Christe where as the worde Faith is For in this kyngdome we haue lyfe in hope and are cleane from synnes free from death hell Sauyng that the body of synne is lefte whiche is not yet abolyshed and yet shal be abolished when al thinges shal be lyfe saluation and heauen To this mariage sayeth Christ God hathe called the Iewes his people dyuers tymes before his commynge by his holy Prophets For it was their office specially bycause they cōmanded the Iewes to waite for
nothynge for their defence For what can they bringe God made all thinges he gaue vnto them the moste holy baptisme He put the gospell yea all most in thy mouth he gaue his supper communion euerie wher and absolution He ordayned cōmon ministers thou haddest at home both parentes and maisters which should teach the what thou sholdest beleue and what godlines thou sholdest shewe in thy liuing Wherfore thou canst not lay for thy excuse that thou were ignorant of the articles of thy beleife but thou shalt nedes be constrained to confesse I was baptised The gospell was sufficiently preached vnto me But I cared not for it I did sett more by wordlye thinges This doth that signifie in this place wher as he that lacked the mariage garment is done For what could he answere to this wherto we must beare record that he gaue vnto vs his sonne and shewed all maner of grace in baptisme and in the gospel so that this only remained that we shoulde receaue with embracing armes that which he offereth so willingly vnto vs. Wherfore an horrible iudgement shall be geuen to these hypocrites euen that they may be caste bound hand and foote into the vtter darkenes that is that they may be damned with the deuil in hell vnto euerlasting chaines For their handes and feete are bounde so that they can not deliuer thē selues by theyr workes and they shall abyde their damnation in darkenes They shall lacke the light of god that is his confort for euer being alwaye in perpetuall miserie anguishe and tormentes so that they shall neuer come vnto thē so muche as a sparke of light This is an horrible miserie Oh that we could be moued therby and consider what a dolful paine it is to lyue miserablye in hel in chaynes with weping and gnashinge of teeth The gnashinge of teeth shal be through frost and colde the wepinge and waylinge for heate as the doctours haue expounded it Albeit Christ wolde signifie hereby all maner of torments that may be inuented This shal be their punishement because the time of their visitatiō is not knowen receaued wheras we were called had the sacrament baptisme the gospel and absolution yet we beleued not we vsed thē not And Christ would teach vs and bringe vs to this that we might know how great felicitie hath chaunced to vs in that we are called to such a magnificent noble glorious mariage where at we may be sure to find a recouerīg frō sin deuil death hell euerlasting wayling But he that will not knowlege so great grace but counteth these things of no estimatiō hath worthely for his reward eternal death For one of these two must nedes be that a man either receaue the gospell beleue get euerlasting saluatiō or not beleue so get euerlasting dānatiō So that the gospel may iustly say the same that Paule sayd to the Iewes which spake against him blasphemed your blud be vpō your owne head I frō this time forth go giltlesse to the gētils For whē the Iewes wold not come god subdued thē to destruction sent his gospel to vs gētiles And for as much as it is come to vs this only remaineth as it is describe here that god wil cast out all thē that haue not their mariage garment And the lord will partly by alluring partly by fearing bring vs to that point that we shold take the gospel for our cheife safgard studiouslye heare it beleue it He allureth vs by his promise great grace through his great punishmēts he feareth vs. But whan he preuayleth by none of these two an extreme destruction is sure to come If god wold raine downe gold perchance ther wold som begin to loke vp to heauen But wheras he putteth forth vnto vs the punishment of eternal death no mā careth for it or hath respecte to life This therfore is the some of the whole sermō Christ wold gladly both allure feare vs that we might earnestly embrace beleue his word loke wayte certeinly for the most ioyful cōming in the last day whē he shall retourne deliuer vs frō all euil both bodely gostly The whych thīg that almighty god and merciful father graunt vs through Christ his son and the holy ghost Amen The .xxi Sonday after Trinitie Sonday ¶ The Gospell of Iohn iiii THere was a certayne ruler whose sonne was sicke at Capernaum As sone as the same heard that Iesus was come out of Iurye into Galile he wente vnto hym and besoughte hym that he woulde come downe and heale his sonne for he was euen at the poynt of deathe Then sayde Iesus vnto hym Excepte ye see signes and wonders ye wyll not beleue The ruler sayd vnto hym Sir come down or euer that my sonne dye Iesus saithe vnto him Go thy way thy sonne lyuethe The man beleued the worde that Iesus had spoken vnto hym and he went his way And as he was going downe the seruauntes mett him and tolde hym saying thy sonne lyuethe Then enquired he of them the houre when he began to amende And they sayde vnto hym Yester day at the seuenthe houre the feuer left him So the father knewe that it was the same houre in the which Iesus sayde vnto hym they sonne liueth and he beleued and all his householde This is agayne the seconde miracle that Iesus dyd when he was come out of Iury into Galile THE EXPOSITION THere are two thinges in this gospell whiche are very profitable and therfore moste worthie to be had in memorie The first is the miracle that Christ sheweth to the child that was in perill wheras he healeth him and yet commeth not at hym onely he saith to the father Go thy waye thy son lyueth and forthwith by this worde the childe is recouered whiche was many a mile from thence and knew nothinge of this worde This is a great miracle which declareth vnto vs how mightie the word of our lord Iesus Christ is and that whatsoeuer it setteth vpon it bringeth it to passe although the deuill be neuer so muche against it For this disease is no otherwise to be estemed of vs than the other workes wherwith the deuill vexe vs moste miserable men To the destroying of this worke of the deuill is nothing els requisite but the worde of Christ and then is health gotten For the deuil muste geue place whether he will or no as soone as the worde of this man Christ soundeth As we see here Wherfore this miracle pertayneth specially to this ende that we maye well knowe Christ which is not only a man as other be that lyue a bodilye lyfe but he is also almightie god for as much as he is the Lorde ouer death and the deuill yea such a Lord which with a worde can helpe againste all euill Therfore we also in our peril and necessitie must seeke helpe at hym As this prince doth And speciallye we oughte to make muche
fruite therof Or who fedeth a flocke and eateth not of the mylke of the flocke saye I these thinges after the maner of men Saith not the lawe the same also For it is written in the lawe of Moyses Thou shalt not mosell the mouth of the oxe that treadeth out the corne Doth not God take thought for oxen Saith he it not altogether for our sakes For our sakes no doubt is this written that he which eareth should eare in hope that he which thresseth in hope should be partaker of his hope If we sowe vnto you spirituall thinges is it a great thinge if we reape your bodely thynges c. Do ye not know howe that they which minister about holy thinges lyue of the scripture They which wayte of the temple are pertakers of the temple Euen so also did the Lord ordaine that they whiche preache the gospell shoulde lyue of the gospell Againe he saith Let him that is taught in the word minister vnto him that teacheth him in all good thinges Be not deceaued God is not mocked Also in an other place The elders that rule well are worthy of double honour most specially they which laboure in the word and teaching For the scripture sayth Thou shalte not mosell the mouth of the Oxe that treadeth out the corne And the labourer is worthie of his rewarde But if the maiestrate be negligent will not loke to this matter as he ought as he is boūd by his office so that by this meanes the vngodly parishioners are encouraged to go forth in their wickednes to wthold frō the pastours that is their due is it to be thought that those vngracious people shal escape vnpunished Nay verely What shal be the end thē verely if the pastour be not able to folow his right god wtout doubt both is able also wil do it He wil sēde to those caterpillers plagues pestilēces to destroy both mā beast He wil sēde theues to robbe spoile those cormorāts goods he wil sēde also tempestes to destroy those things that are necessary for their liuing as their corne their wine their herbes ●heir fruites c. Yea he will sende those vnrighteous persons short fewe dayes vpon the earth geue their goods which they vniustly gotte to other which shall as wastefully spend thē as they warely niggardlye kept them Nowe what then haue these leude people gottē by this their deceipt to their pastours in defrauding thē of their duties verely the anger of god a wicked cōscience a giltie minde losse of their goods corne cattel short life an vtter dissipation of all that they haue as I may speake nothing more greuously Whē men are thus iustly plagued for their sinnes thoughe they cōplaine yet shal they receaue this answere Why ye haue no nede to cōplaine There hath nothīg chaūced vnto you whiche ye haue not worthely deserued loke vpō your couetousnes pride gluttony drūckēnes whoredō adulterie enuye malice cōtempt of the worde disobedience to the maiestrats dishonour to their Pastours carnall securitie carelesse life c. haue all these your euils deserued no plagues It is the great mercy of god that ye all yours are not cōsumed with fire and brimstone frō heauen as Sodome Gomor was Your sinnes are the occasion that ye are thus afflicted So doth Christ in this place admonish the Iewes also that seing they haue lost their kingdō be now brought into the power of the Romains they shold not so greatly cōplaine of loosing their right but rather consyder their sinnes which are the occasion of all their plagues miseries punishments which they nowe worthely suffer again seing that they haue not performed that vnto god which they ought him that god is no more boūde to performe that he promised thē But this could the Iewes by no meanes be persuaded that they were dispossessed of their kyngdome for their synnes sake that therfore they ought to take it paciētly quietly They obiected alwayes their right title that they had greatly wrong done vnto thē But all this profited nothing at all seing the God was otherwise determined for the punishemēt of their sins yea that worthely not without desert Therfore he sendeth the Emperour of Rome vnto them which cōpelleth them to obey will they nil they For the kyngdom was not otherwise promised to the Iewes then vnder a cōdition that is to say if they serued god according to his word lyued vprightly did no mā wrōg c. If they did not this it was told them plainly that they shold loose their kingdom they become subiectes to a strāger And thus must we also thincke in all our miseries calamities and wofull chaunces Our sinnes are the occasion of them all The Turke is a more fearce and cruell enemie to the Christen religion then any Prince in the worlde although neuer so sauage and barbarous and daylye getteth victories of vs Christen men so that by this meanes his empire is maruelouslye enlarged and he become a most mightie and stronge Prince Nowe in the consideration of this matter where shall we beginne of the Turke or rather of our selues verely of our selues We thorow our sinnes haue geuen hym entraunce into the Christen borders we haue weakened our selues and fortified him We haue geuen him prosperous successe in his warres many noble notable victories against our selues Our sinnes against God and our wickednes one against an other hath brought this thing to passe so that whatsoeuer we suffer at the Turckes hande we suffer it worthely according to our desertes The Papistes also go forth to defende their Idolatries and supersticions and most cruelly persecute and put to death the true professours of gods trueth We wold gladly haue their Idolatrie and tyranny taken awaye that we might haue the gospell of our Sauiour Christ quietly and freely preached and taught among vs. But why then do not we that know the gospell and professe the same with our lyppes repent vs of our former wicked life and so lyue as it becometh them that professe Christ Howe can God otherwise do then suffer suche Idolatrous tyrantes tirannical Idolaters to lyue and raigne among vs to persecute and plague vs to beprickes and thornes in our eyes seing that with our mouth we professe that we know God but with our workes we vtterly deny hym as the Apostle saith Thus muche haue I spoken concerning the first part of our gospell In the seconde parte we learne that there is a difference betwene the kyngdome of the world and the kyngdome of Christe and that Christe in thys oure Gospell dothe not condemne the ciuile regimente but rather confirmeth the same with all the thinges that pertaine vnto it as landes possessions tribute families and whatsoeuer other thynge maketh vnto the confyrmation and ornamente of the politique state For where as Christe sayeth Geue those thynges
to Cesar that are due to Cesar it is as much as though he should saye If thou be a subiect or one of eyther the hygher or lower degree be content with thy state and trouble not the politique order with thy importunitie and lewde behauioure Hee that hathe an householde lette hym faythfully looke to hys housholde Lette the subiectes obey the rulers as officers appoynted of GOD for the punyshement of wicked doers but for the prayse and safegarde of theym that doo well Lette the chyldren be obedient to their parentes Christe reproueth not neyther doothe he condemne any of these ordinaunces or degrees of persons For they are necessarie vnto a politike kyngedome whyche God canne not want All thys tendeth to thys ende that a Christian manne should not exempt hym selfe frome the politique kyngedome as the Monkes dyd whyche thought thus that if they should lyue after the common sorte of men they shold hardely be saued But Christ teacheth the contrary because that no manne shoulde thynke that he wyth hys doctrine and Gospelle taketh awaye any Ciuile ordinaunce and politique regiment Therefore abyde in thy state Continue in thy vocation and callynge Geue to Cesar that is due to Cesar And geue to god that whiche belongeth to God that is to say Beleue in Iesus Christe heare his Gospell and embrace the same Lyue in the feare of God Be obedient to his cōmandementes Be charitable louyng mercyful gentyll ▪ paciente c If thou geue thys to God he requireth no more As concernyng thynges belongynge to thy body to thy householde to thy state or condition of lyfe lette all these thynges bee subiecte to Cesar A Christian may serue God and Cesar together But the truthe is the Iewes woulde neyther haue geuen to God that was due to God nor to Cesar that belonged vnto Cesar. And here muste we diligently note that as GOD geueth to Cesar his imperie and regimente perfecte whole and sounde For before God or in thy Faith it bryngeth no impediment whatsoeuer thy office or vocation bee thou mayest also if thou wylte with that thy outwarde office exercise trewe godlynesse so likewyse Cesar ought not to trouble the kyngdom of God nor violentlye to compelle menne that they should not geue that to God whyche is due to god What we doo owe to God it was declared before namely to heare his worde gladly and accordyng vnto that to order oure lyfe and to doo nothyng contrary vnto it We canne doo no more to God here in this worlde Neyther oughte Cesar nor any magistrate to bee an impedimente to theyr subiectes in thys seruice of GOD. For if the Magistrate wold presume to doo it the subiectes oughte not to obeye hym yea they ought rather to suffer all extremities thenne to doo any thynge agaynste God and theyr conscience Therefore this is a moste horrible synne whenne the Magistrate is so importune in requyryng obedience that he wyll forbydde that obedience whyche is due vnto God As whenne they forbydde the trewe doctrine of the Gospell to bee taughte in theyr countreys and punyshe theyr subiectes whenne they receaue the Sacrament of the body and blood of CHRIST vnder bothe kyndes accordynge to Christes institution Agayne whenne they enforce and by compulsion dryue men vnto Idolatrie worshippyng of images goynge on pylgremage inuocation of Sainctes byenge of the Popes pardons Masses for soules departed and suche other abhominations In these and such lyke they excede and passe the boundes of theyr power and hynder that obedience whiche is dewe vnto God For that doth God require of vs aboue all thynges And lette vs obeye hym in all poyntes Therfore when the Magistrates sette them selues agaynst God and the trewe woorshyppyng of hym the subiectes ought to know that in thys behalfe they owe noo obedience to theyr rulers neyther are they to be obeyed For it is written We muste obeye God more then menne And Christ commaundeth here not onely to geue to Cesar that is dewe to Cesar but also to geue to God that is due to God If the magistrate can not abide this but for thine obediēce sake toward god his word doth cruelly entreat thee yea taketh thy life from thee be content suffer his tirany paciently cōmit thy cause to God and let this cōfort thee that although the magistrat hath power ouer vs yet hath he not power alone but god also euen the Lord that dwelleth in heuen which is greater then either king or Cesar therfore more to be obeyd thā any magistrate vnder the heuēs And if it so be that one of their commaundementes muste bee neglected and sette aside the commaundement of Cesar oughte to geue place to the cōmaundement of God For if thou wilt not obeye God but shewe thy selfe a flatterer to the Magistrate God is so myghtie a Lorde that he will punyshe that disobedience that thou doest vnto him wyth hell fyre and euerlastynge dampnation Who knowyng this wyll wyttingly cast himselfe into such myserye and not rather wyshe onely one Cesar but also all Cesars yea the whole worlde to be agaynst hym thenne he shoulde disobeye the Lorde hys God and thoroughe that disobedience to purchase to hym selfe eternall deathe Bee the magistrates neuer so madde they can do no more but punyshe the body as oure Sauiour CHRIST sayeth Bee not afrayde of theym that kylle the bodye As for the sowle they canne not kylle But feare hym rather whyche is able to destroye bothe body and soule in hell fyre But we shall here marke that vnder this one word Cesar not onely the persone of Cesar is to be vnderstanded but also euery ciuile Magistrate temporall ruler worldly gouernour officer c. Geue sayeth Christ to Cesar that is dewe to Cesar and to God that is due to God Nowe consyder also the rewardes If thou obeye God and folowe his commandemente the rewarde of thys obedyence shall be euerlastynge and immortall that is to saye heauen and eternall lyfe But yf thou obeye the temporall magistrate agaynste God the rewarde that thou shalte receaue shall bee but shorte and transitorye and after that thou shalte suffer the peynes of euerlastynge damnation in that moste horrible lake that burneth with fyre and brymstone Such as lyue vnder tyrants ought to consyder this that they may certainly knowe that God requireth of all men his obedience whych also oughte vnfaynedly to bee shewed come lyfe come deathe mangre the tyrantes beardes GOD doothe not forbydde but that thou mayste geue to Cesar that belongethe vnto Cesar yet so that that whiche is due vnto hym be not omitted nor lefte vndone And that not withoute a cause For of Cesar we haue no more but meate drynke cloth defence peace and whatsoeuer is requisite vnto thys present lyfe But of God we haue all these thynges body soule and at the last euerlastyng lyfe Why then should we sette lesse by God of whome we haue all good and
thing God geueth vs abundantly in all thinges to enioye them Likewise saith S. Peter Cast all your care vpon God For he careth for you I omitte to reherse mo places of the holy scripture These may seme for this present abundantly to suffise Seing then we haue so many noble and liberal promises of god it is mete that we geue credit vnto thē For whatsoeuer God hath promised that will he vndoubtly performe to them that beleue It were then very vnsittinge vnsemely for Christians to doubt of his truth of the performaunce of his promise seinge he is not only true but also the selfe trueth suche one as neither will nor can deceaue and to accuse God of vanitie wheras we ought to be thorowly persuaded most certeinly assured of his promises seing he hath not onely promised but the heauenly father also hath confirmed and ratified those his promises at diuers times with many diuers miracles wherin contrary to all reason he vouched saffe to fede many people when they were oppressed wyth greate penurie and hunger Who knoweth not that God in times past maruelously did fede the people of Israell many yeres in the wyldernes with meate from heauen and gaue them drincke out of the hard rocke so that they wāted nothing that was necessary for them Dyd not God send meat by the Rauens to Helias the Prophete How liberally God dealt with the wydow of Sarepta Helias hostesse who knoweth not did not the Angell of god take Abacuck the Prophet by the top bare him by the heare of the head thorough a mightie wynd set him in Babylon vpon the denne where Daniell was prisoner for the Lords cause gaue him the meate which the Prophet had prepared for his reapers Our Sauiour Christ being at a certein mariage whē they lacked wine supplied their necessitie by turning water into wine And in the gospel of this presēt sonday we heard that Christ with fyue barly loues two fyshes fedde fyue thousand people And yet therof remained xij baskettes ful of the fragmēts At an other time in like maner with seuen loues fewe litle fishes he fedde foure thousand menne besides women and children and yet there remained seuen baskettes ful of the broken meat There are many other miracles which ought to moue vs not to distruse the goodnes of our heauenly father but to flee vnto that as vnto an holy ancker in all our necessities Seing then that God hath corfirmed his promises with so many noble and notable miracles how can we otherwise then resigne and geue ouer our selues our thought for liuing and our whole care for the bodie to the prouidence of God and loke for al necessarie thinges at his mercifull goodnes This requireth our profession our faith our doctrine our vocation calling Otherwise we shew our selues no Christians but Ethnickes not faythful but vnfaithfull not such as beleue the promises of God but suche rather as count God a lyar whiche thinge ought to be farre from a Christen heart If we worship god with a true faith depēd wholly vpon his fatherly prouidence cast the care of our body vpon him and loke for all necessary thinges at his liberal hande we shall do that which most highly please god whose eyes loke only vpon faith as the Prophet saith Yea by this meanes we shall obtaine al things nedefull and expedient for this present lyfe For God geueth to the faithfull his blessing and graunteth to them all thinges whatsoeuer they haue nede of as the Psalmographe testifieth saying I haue bene yonge and am nowe old and yet did I neuer see righteous mā forsaken nor his sede begging their bread Again he sayth in an other place He satisfied the emptie soule and fylled the hongry soule with goodnes These present places such like declare that god wil not forsake the faithful but that he wil helpe blesse them in all their necessities as god himselfe saith I wil not faile thee neyther forsake thee How mercifully dealt he in times paste with that poore widow which was Eliseus hostesse in multiplying encreasing her oyle Herof cōmeth it that Iesus Syrach conforteth exhorteth vs moste goodly saying Abide thou in the word of god exercise thy selfe in it remaine in thy vocatiō Let it nothing moue thee that the wicked are rich welthy put thou thy trust in God abide in thy callyng For it is an easye thing to god sodenly to make a poore man riche God blesseth the goods of the righteous This place fortresseth vs against the couetousnes of the wicked exhorteth vs to truste in god and to do our dutie in our vocatiō in so doing it promiseth that GOD will prosper and encrease the goodes of the righteous that is to saye of them that do beleue Labour or paines takinge is not here excluded but faith is required whiche faith doth her office in euery vocation and yet committeth all care to God Therfore he that desireth to lyue in this worlde cōmodiously and to want no good thinge let him cōmit himselfe wholy to god ▪ and truly beleue in him and at his hand loke for all necessarie thinges so shal he haue good successe in all his doinges and haue abundance of all thinges necessary for this present lyfe Of this thinge the present miracle contayned in the gospell of this daye is a most euident testimonie and sure witnesse wherin is expressed Christes hospitalitie toward the people whiche for the feruent affection and dere loue that they bare both toward the hearing of Christs doctrine and the beholding of his miracles folowed him euen into the wyldernes hauinge no regard neyther to their thinges at home nor to their thinges abrod yea the care of fedinge their belly they vtterlye neglected and thought them selues most happye in that they might heare and see Christ. Here appeareth it manifestly that they shall lacke nothynge whiche follow Christ with a faithfull mynde Moreouer if we cōmit the care of our belly to god then shall we be free from many and diuerse troublesome cares wherewith the vnfaithfull and couetous persons are wrapped vexed and entangled We shall also be preserued and kepte from many greuous and noysome sinnes For we see that the wycked moyle turmoyle them selues swyncke and sweate beyond all measure carcke and care without ende to get the goods of the worlde neither can they haue any quietnes in theyr breaste but are lyke to men that are diseased of the dropsye whyche the more they drynke the more they thyrste For suche insatiable couetousnesse occupyethe theyr heartes that the more they haue the more they couete accordynge to this sayenge of the Poete Crescit amor nummi quantum ipsa pecunia crescit That is to say The more money a man hath the more dothe he desyre Blessed S. Paule paynteth out this matter very lyuely and truely
deuyl is the cause that men remēber not the word and doctrine Luc. 21. Gen. 3. Howe dangerous a rhynge it is lyghtly 〈◊〉 regarde Gods worde Math. 13. What maner of thynge a good hart is Math. 6. Fruicte in pacience 2. Tim. 3. Luc. 11. The word is not euerye where fruictfull Math. 11. Math. ●14 Marc. 6. Luc. 9. The word of Christ himself was not euery where fruitfull The cause why the worde is not fruictfull Math. 13. Leui. 12. The fyrst begott●n male muste be presented to the Lorde Exod. 13. Nu●● ● The Turke taketh the first borne Exod. 11. Christ an example of obedience Of the fyrste borne The first begottē by pride waxed worst Lucifer Cayne Ismaell Esau. The Iewes Dauid 1. Reg. 16. Carnall prerogatiues ought not to be applied to pryde Psal. 103. Luc. 1. 1. Pet. 5. Gen. 49. They that beleue in Christ are the first be gotten Math. 20. Ephes. 4. God hateth pride Iac. 4. ● Pet. 5. Iob. 4. 2. Pet. 2. Howe Christ is reueled Luc. 1. Math. 1. Luc. 1. Luc. 2. Math. 2. Luc. 2. The reuelation of Simeō came by the holy ghost Gene. 49. The state of Christes churche in this worlde is poore and miserable Death maketh hartes to feare Rom. 6. Simeon learned not this way to dye by man Math. 1. The law and good workes cā do nothing against sin death The worlde ordaineth his sauiours besyde Christ. The saluation of God canonly saue How this sauiour saieth Iohn 1. Good works Simon hath no more prefermēt in this saluation then we haue Christ is the saluation of all men Simeon putteth no difference betwene the Iewe and the Gentile Gene. 22. What reason thynketh of Esai 9. 1. Timo. 2. The cause why all are not saued Note well There is no saluation but in Christ alone God is not the author of any mannes damnation Christ giueth lyght to the Gentiles Iohn 3. A syngular comfort for al synners The diligent study of Simeon in the prophetes Gen. 49. Dan. 9. Esa. 49. Rom. 3. Galat. ● Halowyng of candels The Papists borowe the most parte of their religion of the Iewes of the Gentiles Luc. 24. The disciples of Christ vnderstande not Christ. The workes of God are not vnderstanded before thei ●●me to passe Faythe is requisite The example of Dauid 1. Reg. 17. Baptisme the resurrection of the dead God is almyghty can doo what he wyll Math. 19. Luc. 1. Reson ought not to Iudge Gods works Math. 13. Iohn 20. Luc. 15. Luc. 18. The word of God deceueth not although it seme impossible Note Howe we must praye We must be instant in prayer The praier of the blynd Iohn 16. Prayer prouoked God Luc. 1● Prayer with out faith is a mockyng of God Luc. 4. Temtatiō is 〈◊〉 for Christians Diuersitie of temptation Howe we must stād sure when we are tempted Christ lead of the spirit Note well Our proper imagination without the worde is nothyng Rom. 14. Math. 15. The first tēptation that he shoulde haue no trust in god Two sortes of bread Psalm Iohn 6. The second temptation is to make to trust more in god then his worde requireth Psal. 91. Mat. 27. Deut. 6. To tēpte god The deuill vse●h scriptures Math. 19. Anabaptistes Baptisme Iohn 3. Marc. 16. Whē that angels defēdeth vs not The third tēptation is to make thē cast awaye true religion for riches poore Riches corrupted religion A change of the spirituall kyngdome in to a wordly of the wordlie into a spirituall Worshippyng of the deuill The popes religion is rather trymme then true A general admonition What is worsh●ppinge of God God ought to be worshyped accordynge to his word and not after mēs traditions Deut. 6. The dignitie and excellēcie of this gospel The deuyl is moste buly at the hower of dea●h The woman of Cananee diuersly tem●●ted 1. She is a Cananite Math. 10. A greuous stomblynge blocke Faith obteyneth al thynges of Christ Why this historie is sette foorth All thynges must be asked of God alone for Christes sake 2 Christ answereth nothing We must continually prayr and not cease ▪ Note and practise 3 Christ denyeth to helpe The constancy of this woman Marc. 7. Continue in prayer 4 Christ recoūteth the woman as a dog Faith is before God a thyng most exc●llent Faithe interpreteth all thyngs to the best Iohn 1. Roma 3. By fayth and prayer Christ is ouercome ●ohn 6. Why Christe shewed himself so hard to the woman Faithe obteyneth all thynges of God Perseuerāce in prayer Gen. 49. God for tria● of our faythe sometyme deferreth his helpe Gods promise is to be apprehended with strong and cō +stant faith Iohn 16. God geuethe more then we can or dare aske Ephe. 3. An extremities God heareth oure of hande When God ●eferreth to heare Abacuck 2. The Pope the Turk extreme enemies to the Churche of Christ. Iohn 36. Prayet made in fayth obteyneth all thynges of God Christ ouercometh the deuill Christ at this daye casteth out deuils by the worde and Sacramēts Esay 55. Baptisme Iohn Rom. 6. The declaration of Gods mercy to penitent sinners Math. 17. Iohn 20. Mat. 11. The Supper of the Lord. Math. 26. Marc. 14. Luc. 22. 1. Cor. 11. Luc. 1● Iohn 14. Colos. 4. A Christiane must cōtinually fight agaīst Satan 1. Pet. 5. Iac. 4. Iohn 12.16 Christ and in hym all Christians haue gotten the victory ouer the deuill and the worlde 1. Iohn 3. The papecie The wickednes of the minister hindereth the dignitie of the worde or sacraments nothing at all The worde the sacramēts oughte to be had in greate reuerence The worde of god driueth awaye Satan Rom. 1. Esay 6. It is a greater miracle to driue the deuil out of mens heartes then out of their bodye Three sortes of people iudg of this miracle The first meruell at the worke The second blaspheme Beelzebub what it is in Englishe 2. Cor. 4. The godly reioyce in the gospell the vngodly blaspheme it The aduersaries graūt many thinges to be true yet they go forth to persecute 2. Cor. 4. The power of the deuill is not to be set lyght by The papistes in persecuting the true Christiās thincke they do God great seruice Iohn 16. The thirde seke signes from heauen The wise of the world are offēded at the word because the preachers therof are so homly poore creatures The glorious worldlinges can not abyde to be reproued for their wycked lyuing Rom. 13. 1. Pet. 2. Exod. 22. Tēporall rulers owe no lesse obedience to God hys worde then subiectes do Esa. 53. Iohn 16. Preachers haue authoritie to rebuke the sinnes of all men without exception Preachers may be no mē p●easers Gala. 1. Marcke this well O thou preacher Christ confuteth his aduersaries Discorde The kyngdō of the deuill Why so fewe receue the worde Why the deuyl preuaileth not agaynste Gods electe Acts. 9. Obiection Exorcistes Answere ii Thess. ii The deuyll worketh miracles to confirme
Psal. 143. Rom. 11. Galat. 3. Epicures We muste praye contynually Luc. 18. 1. Thess. 5. Eccle. 18. A christen mā is euer in danger therefore ought he euer to pray Every christen man is a priest Cause to pray Iohn 8. A short declaration of the lordes prayer The first peticion Math. 9. The second pe●icion The thirde peticion The fourthe peticion The fyfte peticion The sixt peticion The seuenth peticion We oughte to be feruentlye geuen to prayer Math 6. Psal. 50. We muste praye in the name of christ Prayer not made in the name of christ is no prayer God hearethe only those prayers that are made in y● name of christ Note well Ioan. 14.16 In Psal. 108. Libro de Isaac etamina What it is to praye trulye Prayer onlye r●dressethe all our mesiries Rom. 8. 2. Cor. 12. God dothe all thynges for the beste Math. 6. Math. 26. Marc. 14. Luc. 22. A good lesson Math. 8. We maye no appoinc god in oure prayer how and whē hee shall helpe vs. Iudith 7. Esa. 30. Thren ● Psal. 9. God wyl help all them in cōueniente tym● that pray vnto him Praier is our onlye staye in thys worlde Ioan. 16. Forget not this o Englād How the church of christ maye be safly preserued frō the deuil and Antichri●ste ▪ Euery christē man is a souldiour Ephe. 6. With preaching praier the kingdome of Antichriste is ouercome 2. Corin. 10. An exhortariō vnto prayer A wicked imagenacion Iohn ●5 Christes kingdom is spiritu all Math. 10. Luc. 22. Act. 1. The holye ghost teacheth to praye Zacha. ●2 Faythe is the gyft of God Rom. 10. Praier without Faithe is no prayer Two thinges speciallye taught in this sermon The historie of christes ascension Act. 1. Act. 1. The state of glorified bodies Rom. 4. Christ by his ascension declareth the his kyngdome is not of thys worlde Iohn 18. Actes 1. Why Christ came down from heauen Psal 68. Ephe. 4. Phil. 2. Ioan. 16. Ioan. 14. Gen. 5. 4. Reg. 2. Iohn 6. Iohn 10. Act. 2. The differenc of christes ascension and oures ●oan 3. Ioan. 18. The maners of thys world discribed Thoughe our bodyes be on the earth yet our myndes ought to be in heauē Coloss. 3. Luc. 11. Synne hath made vs bond slaues to the deuyll and deathe Christes humilitie Christes glorious tryumph ouer synne deuill and hell Rom. 8. By christ are we made free from synne ▪ deuyll death damnation Why christ is ascendede into heauen Rom. ● Synne 2. Reg. 11. 2. Reg. 12. All thinges worke for the best vnto thē that loue god Psal. 51. Deathe 1. Cor. 5. Osee. 3. The deuyll 1. Pet. 5. Note well Synne death and deuyll are taken prisoners of christ The fruite of christes ascencion Christ hath receued gyftes for men Ioel. 2. Iohn 16. Act. 2. The workes of the holye ghost Rom. 4. Psal. 32. Psal. 68. Ephe. 4. Enemies of godes worde Psal. 2. Pers●ecutyon maketh the worde of god to florishe Math. 16. Math. 21. God defēdeth his churche Iohn 16. 1. Cor. 4. Iac. 1. Math. 16. Luke 24. Christe blessed his disciples what christes blessing was Math. 28. Marc. 16. Marc. 16. What it is to preach the gospell to euerye creature Esa. 55. Whersoeuer y● gospell is preached there the blessinge of Christe is What christe mente by blessing his disciples Rom. 1. Luc. 24. The holye ghoste is almighte and euerlasting god The miseries of the true christians in thys worlde both outwardly inwardly Why the holy ghost is called a conforter Note well Two kyndes of conforte The conforte of the worlde The conforte of the holye ghoste An obiection Ihon. 16. Math· 14. Mar● 6. Luc. 9. Antichristes disciples are in better case in this world then the disciples of christe Christes humilitie the answer worldly confort is vncerten The conforte of the holy ghost is most certen and sure 1. Iohn 2. Iohn 16. The holye ghost is god The rewarde of the godlye in this lyfe How the holy ghost cōforteh the faithful inwardly Phil. ● The holye ghost teacheth no newe doctrine The wytnes bearinge of christe only cōforteth the troubled and weak conscience Note Iohn 14. lib. de Isaac et anima Galat. 1. Epist. 2. Iohn The holye ghoste confortethe by the worde Rom. 10. What Christiās shal loke for this world vnconfortable thoughtes are of the deuyll Rom. 4. A swete conforte Math. 2● Of the crosse and affliction Luc. 24. The true and false churche The pope and hys Secte is not the true churche Ciprians erroure Exod. 20. Deut. 5. Math. 6. The excommunicate and curse of the false churche is not to be feared How the false churche maye be knowen What it is to knowe god Iohn 1. What it is to knowe christ What it is to know the father The doctrine of the true churche The doctrine of the false churche whi we ought to do good workes Apoc. 2. The tokens of the true churche The true chureh taketh all troubles pacientlye and thankefuly Pentecoste ▪ what it signifyeth Exod. 20. 1. Cor. 10. Exod. 12. ● Cor. 5. Heb. 9.10 The Pētecost of the Iewes Rom. 7. Iohn 7. Exod. 34. 2. Cor. 3. The lawe accuseth 2. Cor. 3. Exod. 19. Deut. 8. The Whytsontide or Pēthecost of the christians Actes 2. Luc. 24. Act. 1. Math. 3. What the fyrye tongues signifye Esa. 2. Math. 23. Marc. ●6 Why the Apostles speake with diuers languages Act. 5. Act. 20.21 Psal. 6● Esa. 60. Hiere 3. Ioel. 2. Zachar. 3. The holye ghost hath alwayes ben of the churche Iohn 16. 2. Pet. 1. Luc. 12. Christe the sonne of god Gen. 3. The reuelacion of the holye ghost on whitsondaye why the holye ghost was opened on whitsonday By christ receaue we the holy ghoste Psal. 68. Act. 2. The holye ghoste is god from euerlastyng Why the spirite of god is called the holye ghoste Iohn 6. Diuers propertis of the trinitie The proper office of the holye ghoste Act. 15. The seconde sanctifying of the holy ghost Ephe. 4. Zach. 2. Other offices of the holye ghoste Iohn 14. Iohn 15. How the holy ghoste may be obtayned Luc. 11. Prayer The holye ghost is to be obtaynede by prayer We muste pray in the name of christ Psal. 68. Act. 2. Math. 28. Marc. 16. Act. 3. The lyfe is godly to be ordered The office of the holye ghoste Math. 6. Psal. 51. The dignitie of this gospel To loue christ and to beleue in hym are all one thyng The nature of loue It is necessari that Christ beloued Loue doth all thinges Loue procedeth of fayth What is christes wor● The lawe of god is to be obeyed How god is to be knowen Note well A great cōfort Deut. 30. Rom. 10. What it is to be in heauen What it is to haue god dwellyng in vs. Esa. 66. Act. 7. 1. Cor. 3. ● 2. Cor. 6. Loue maketh all thynges lyghte Spollers of church goods That Christ keth god spea speakethe vexacion geueth vnderstādynge Wyth out the in warde