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A03342 CVIII lectures vpon the fourth of Iohn Preached at Ashby-Delazouch in Leicester-shire. By that late faithfull and worthy minister of Iesus Christ. Arthur Hildersam.; Lectures upon the fourth of John Hildersam, Arthur, 1563-1632.; Cotton, John, 1584-1652. 1632 (1632) STC 13462; ESTC S119430 700,546 622

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and thoughts which Sathan puts into the minde which till they be cast downe we can neuer be brought to the obedience of Christ 2. Cor. 10. 4 5. And as this may be said of all sin so specially of this Sathan puts many erroneous conceits and imaginations into the minds of men whereby he deceiues them and makes them thinke it can be no matter of great danger to liue in this sinne Therefore the Apostle speaking of the danger of this sinne saith 1. Cor. 6. 9. be not deceiued neither Fornicators nor Adulterers nor Wantons c. and Ephes. 5. 5 6. When hee had said this Ye know that no whoremonger nor vncleane person hath any inheritance in the Kingdome of Christ and of God he addeth Let no man deceiue you with vaine words And thus Salomon describes the man that is drawne to it Pro. 7. 22. 23. Hee goeth after her straight-way as an oxe goeth to the slaughter or a foole to the correction of the stocks till a dart strike thorow his liuer As a bird hasteth to the snare and knoweth not that it is for his life If his vnderstanding were not blinded if he knew well what he did if he were not a foole and as void of the true vse of his reason as the bruit beast is he could not doe as he doth I will therefore endeauour by the weapons of our warr-fare such as I haue receiued from the Lords Armory the holy Scriptures to cast downe those thoughts and Imaginations whereby Sathan deceiues men in this case and hardens them in this sinne And these weapons if you will receiue them and learne to vse them you shall finde will be mighty through God to cast downe strong holds as the Apostle speakes 2. Cor. 10. 4. This is the soueraigne Preseruatiue to keepe vs from all Sathans Temptations By the words of thy lips saith Dauid Psal. 17. 4. I haue kept me from the paths of the destroyer Now the meanes whereby Sathan deceiues men and drawes so many into this sinne I finde to bee principally foure 1. The generality of this sinne 2. The hope of secrecy 3. The hope of impunity 4. The hope of repentance and so of pardon 1. The generality of this sinne deceiueth many How can this bee so great a sinne thinke they that is so common in all places and among all sorts and conditions of men How vsuall is this among such as are of chiefe credit yea are not many professors faulty in this yea are there not Preachers and good Preachers too that will doe as bad as this commeth vnto and worse too This errour hath of old deceiued many The example of some persons doth strangely comfort and harden men in sinne The Prophet saith Ezek. 16. 54. that the Iewes by their Iewdnesse and euill example were a comfort vnto them of Sodome and Samaria When a sinne is become common and growne into fashion it is presently counted no sinne or no great sinne at least See how this hardned them Ier. 44. 17. Wee will burne incense to the Queene of heauen And why we haue done it and not we onely but our Fathers our Kings and our Princes in the Cities of Iudea and in the streets of Ierusalem And surely these times are such and this sinne is growne so common as men shall haue much adoe to preserue themselues and their families from it As when the Plague is in a towne if but some one or two houses be infected a man may without danger goe to the towne and liue in it but if the infection grow generall all men are afraid of it so is it in this case This made the Prophet complaine so Esay 6. 5. Woe is me for I am vndone because I am a man of vncleane lips apt to offend in my speech and how can I chuse but be so For I dwell in the midst of a people of vncleane lips So that there is small hope I shall any more preuaile in speaking against this sinne now then Lot did when he sought to oppose himselfe to the multitude in the like case Gen. 19. 4. All the men of Sodome from the young to the old euen all from all quarters had compassed his house and he verse 7. sought to perswade with them but verse 9. see their answer He is come alone as a stranger and shall he iudge and rule Yet because Gods sheepe will heare his voice Ioh. 10. 27. I will giue you out of Gods Word some soueraigne preseruatiues against this temptation No mans example should be the rule of our conscience that were to preferre man before God And it is a poore excuse a poore comfort for any to say such a mans example drew me to this What helpe found Adam in this excuse when he said Gen. 3. 12. The woman gaue mee of the tree and I did cate Nay it is a token of Gods wrath vpon thee to lay such stumbling blocks before thee Matth. 18. 7. Woe be to the world because of offences And it is a certaine signe of reprobation in thee that thou stumblest and takest occasion to fall by such examples Those whom God hath ordained to destruction he will lay stumbling blocks before them that they may perish as he threatneth Ier. 6. 21. Behold I will lay stu●…bling blocks before this people and the fathers and the sonnes together shall fall vpon them the neighbour and his friend shall perish No sinne is the lesse odious nor the danger of it the lesse because it is common for as it is certaine the greatest part shall be damned Matth. 7. 1●… Broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there be which goe in thereat God hath made Tophet wide and large as the Prophet speaketh Esay 30. 33. So though with men many times it be a meanes of immunitie from punishment to a lewd man that hee hath many that ioyne with him in that sinne yet with God it is not Though hand ioyne in hand saith Salomon Pro. 11. 21. the wicked shall not be vnpunished Nay the more common a sinne is the more odious it is to God and the more dangerous for them that liue in it For nothing will hasten Gods vengeance so much as that It was the generality of sinne in the old world that brought destruction vpon it Ge●… 6. 12. And vpon Sodome likewise Gen. 19. 4. See a notable proofe of this Ier. 5. 7. How should I spare thee for this and verse 9. Shall I not visit for these things Shall not my soule bee auenged on such a nation as this And marke the reason why the Lord must needs be auenged vers 7 8. They committed adultery and assembled themselues by companies in Harlots houses euery man neyed after his neighbours wife And yet though the generality of sinne doe hasten and increase Gods vengeance vpon men in this life if it would be any mitigation to the torments they should endure in hell that they shall there haue so many
serue him in my calling I get my liuing by my earnest labour I deale iustly with all men and God is a Spirit and will be worshipped in spirit it is the seruice of the heart that he lookes for hee cares not for these hypocriticall shewes it is no matter though I serue him not outwardly so long as I haue a good heart And there be three Reasons why men may not content themselues to serue God in spirit onely but must doe him outward and bodily seruice also 1. In respect of God for hee hauing created redeemed and sanctified our bodies as well as our soules is of right to haue homage and seruice done him by both 1. Cor. 6. 19 20. Yee are not your owne for yee are bought with a price therefore glorifie God in your body and in your spirit for they are Gods 2. In respect of our selues for the seruice we doe to God in our bodies is a great and necessary helpe to our spirits Rom. 10. 17. Faith commeth by hearing 3. In respect of others for our light should so shine before men that they may see our good workes see that we worship and serue God and glorifie our Father which is in heauen Matth. 5. 6. Why then may you say how doth Gods seruice now differ from that which was vnder the law seeing the faithfull then serued him in spirit and truth as well as we and we serue God with an outward ceremoniall worship as well as they I answer the difference stands in these two points 1. Though wee haue some outward worship and significant ceremonies now yet haue we nothing so much outward worship required of vs as was of them nor so many significant ceremonies as they had Besides their Sabbaths and new Moones they had many other festiuall dayes which they were bound to obserue their Temple and euery thing in it their sacrifices their offerings and purifications their Priests and euery thing that belonged to them were significant ceremonies we haue but a little outward worship in comparison required and but two only significant ceremonies left vnto vs by Christ. 2. Euen that outward worship that wee haue is much more plaine and spirituall then theirs was much more effectuall to worke vpon the vnderstanding and conscience then that was our ceremonies doe much more cleerely set foorth and represent that which they signifie then their ceremonies did Did not circumcision more cleerely represent the remission of our sinnes and regeneration by the merits of Christs blood then Baptisme Did not the slaying and eating of the Paschall Lambe more cleerely represent the Passion of Christ and the nourishment our soules receiue by it then the Lords Supper doth I answer no. For they represented Christ that was to come and take our nature vpon him and performe therein the worke of our redemption Ours represent Christ that is come and hath already taken our nature vpon him and performed fully the worke of our redemption And therefore theirs were both of them bloudy Sacraments to shew and figure vnto Gods people that blood was to be shed for the obtaining of these good things for them ours are without blood to shew to vs that Christs blood is already shed for vs and that there is no more blood to be shed for our sinnes Therefore Christ instituting the Lords Supper calls the wine his bloud that was already shed Matth. 26. 28. So that as the faithfull that liued in Christs time and saw all that performed which God had promised concerning him were much more confirmed in their faith and had much more comfort in the knowledge of Christ then those had that liued before and beleeued in him your father Abraham reioyced to see my day and he saw it by faith and was glad Iohn 8. 58. I tell you that many Prophets and Kings haue desired to see those things which yee see and haue not seene them and to heare those things which yee heare and haue not heard them Luk. 10. 24. When Simeon who had waited for the Consolation of Israel that is for Christs comming Luke 2. 25. had both seene Christ and taken him vp in his armes he was so comforted that he desired to liue no longer but cryed Lord now lettest thou thy seruant depart in peace according to thy word for mine eyes haue seene thy saluation Luke 2. 28 29 30. So our Sacraments that represent Christ as one that is already come and hath performed the worke of our redemption must needs make much more for the confirmation of our faith and comfort of our conscience then theirs did The sixt question followeth What was the cause of this alteration in the worship of God that the Lord in whom there is no variablenesse nor shadow of change Iam. 1. 17. would be serued after one manner vnder the Law and another vnder the Gospell vnder the Law with many ceremonies vnder the Gospell in a more spirituall manner I answer that this grew not from any alteration in the Lord but from the change that was in the state and condition of his Church In appointing that ceremonies and pompous worship vnder the law the Lord respected not so much his owne disposition as the weakenesse of that people and condition of those times 1. The Lord gaue them that kind of worship to restraine them from Idolatry which otherwise hee saw they were strongly inclined vnto Now that the Church is of greater strength hee hath appointed another manner of worship more agreeable to his owne nature and disposition 2. That worship was fittest for the Church in her child-hood the outward worship is easily performed though it haue most straight conditions annexed to it as we may see by that question and offer that hypocrites made Micah 6. 6 7. Shall I come before him with burnt offerings with calues of a yeare old Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rammes or with ten thousands of riuers of oyle shall I giue my first-borne for my transgression the fruit of my body for the sinne of my soule but the inward and spirituall worship is not onely hard but impossible to be performed without the grace of God And therefore it pleased God in tender regard to the weakenesse of his Church vnder the Law to appoint vnto them more of that outward worship and to accept of their spirituall seruice though it were in small measure but now to require a greater measure of spirituall worship and enioyne little of the other Of children we require a bodily seruice in saying their prayers and graces and Catechisme and though they haue little or no vnerstanding and sense of that they say yet we take it in good part 3. Though God was able to haue established his spirituall worship before and to haue giuen his spirit to his Church vnder the Law in as great measure as now yet was it fit this honour should be reserued vnto the comming of Christ in the flesh he being the Son
liue through him and Ver. 10. Herein is loue not that we loued him but that he loued vs and sent his Sonne to be a reconciliation for our sinnes The reasons whereby this may appeare to be the greatest gift that euer God gaue man are three 1. In respect of the Lords affection towards vs declared in this gift 2. Of the benefit we receiue by this gift and the fruits and consequents of it 3. The freenesse of this gift For the first though Christ were more worth then ten thousand worlds being in the forme of God and one that thought it no robbery to be equall with God Phil. 2. 6. Though he were infinitely dearer to his Father then any of our children can be to vs. Mat. 12. 18. His beloued in whom his soule delighted I was daily his delight saith he Prouerb 8. 30. Yet as if we were of more worth and dearer vnto him then his onely begotten Sonne he gaue him for vs and that he might expresse his loue to vs he neglected him as it were and withdrew his affection from him Rom. 8. 32. He spared not his owne Sonne He caused him to take vpon him the forme of a seruant and to be of no reputation Phil. 2. 7. to make vs Kings Apoc. 1. 6. 2 Cor. 8. 9. He being rich for our sakes became poore that we through his pouerty might be made rich So that in this it may seeme God hath respected and loued vs aboue his own Son 2. He caused him to be tempted by Sathan for forty dayes together and that in the wildernesse a place of great terrour Mark 1. 17. And surely this was a farre greater indignity and reproch to be done to him then it would be to the greatest Empresse in the world that she should be sollicited by the basest scullion or rogue in a kingdome to commit filthinesse with him yea he permitted him so farre to the power of Sathan that he in those forty dayes carried the precious body of the Sonne of God vp and downe at his pleasure one while to the top of an high mountaine Luke 4. 5. Another while to a pinacle of the Temple Luk. 4. 9. And why did he thus giue his owne Sonne ouer thus farre to the power of Sathan Surely to deliuer vs from the power of Sathan Hebrewes 2. 15. So that in this respect also it may seeme he hath respected and loued vs more then his owne Sonne 3. He powred shame and contempt vpon him greater then euer any creature endured In his life oft he endured great contempt but specially in his death he died the shamefull death of the crosse hanged betweene two thieues both before and after his execution so many reproches and contempts were done to him as no Chronicle can remember the like euer done to any malefactor The whole band of the soldiers being called together clothed him with purple platted a crowne of thornes and put it about his head and began to salute him Haile King of the Iewes and smit him on the head with a reed and did spit vpon him and bowing their knees worshipped him as the holy Euangelist recordeth Mar. 15. 16. 19 We haue known many notorious traitors and other malefactors executed as for example the gunpowder-traitors in whose death all good subiects had cause to reioyce but did you euer know any so reproched and insulted ouer in their death as Christ was In which respect the Prophet saith of him Esa. 53. 2. He had no forme nor beauty he was despised and reiected of men we hid as it were our faces from him he was despised and we esteemed him not and himselfe complained in the person of Dauid that was a type of him Psal. 22. 6. I am a worme and not a man a shame of men and the contempt of the people And why did God powre this contempt on his own Son Surely to deliuer vs from that shame and confusion that did iustly belong vnto vs To vs belongeth confusion of face O Lord to vs belongeth confusion of face saith the Prophet Dan. 9. 7 8. So that in this also it may seeme the Lord hath respected and loued vs aboue his owne Son 4. He made him to be sinne which knew no sinne 2 Cor. 5. 21. As if from the soale of his foot to the crowne of his head nothing had beene whole on him but wounds and swellings and sores full of corruption as the Prophet speakes in another case Esa. 1. 6. imputing to him and as it were clothing him with all the drunkennesses adulteries murders blasphemies of all the Elect througout the world And why did he thus make him sinne surely to make vs free from all sinne thas we might be made the righteousnesse of God in him 2 Cor. 5. 21. So that in this also it may seeme the Lord hath respected and loued vs more then him 5. Lastly he made him a curse for vs Gal. 3. 13. so as for a time nothing could be seene on him but the curse of God no signe of his fauour at all He was in the garden in such sorrow and feare as that he was faine to desire poore weake men to watch with him Mat. 26. 36. and that he shed many teares cryed out and roared with strong cryes Heb. 5. 7. and sweat water and bloud Luke 23. 44. and vpon the Crosse the curse of God was so heauy vpon him that he cryed Mat. 27. 46. My God my God why hast thou forsaken me so that that which is said in another case of the Church Lam. 1. 12. that might our Sauiour haue said at that time Behold and see if there be any sorrow like vnto my sorrow which is done vnto me wherewith the Lord hath afflicted me in the day of his fierce wrath And why was hee thus accursed Surely he was made a curse for vs that the blessing of Abraham might come vpon vs saith the Apostle Gal. 3. 13 14. he endured the sorrowes and terrours of hell that we might be brought to the ioyes of heauen So that in this also it may seeme the Lord hath respected and loued vs more then his owne Sonne Let no man thinke that I haue strayned my selfe to amplifie this matter more then needed no if I had The tongues of men and Angels I were not able suficiently to expresse vnto you the loue of God to man in bestowing this gift and therefore the Apostle saith the Angels wonder at and desire to pry into this mysterie 1. Pet 1. 12. Yea the Prophet saith that the Lord himselfe a wondring at his own loue in this gift shall call Christs name wonderfull Esa. 9 6. The Lord might haue forborne to create vs or when we were created he could haue preserued vs from falling and when we were fallen he could without this cost this gift and price haue redeemed vs but then he should not sufficiently enough haue declared his loue to mankind The second reason whereby this may appeare to be the greatest of all
Gods Word Yet because many are of that mind I will in few words endeauour to shew them the danger of this ignorance 1. He that wanteth the knowledge of Gods Word can neither haue true patience nor comfort nor hope in any affliction Rom. 15. 4. Through patience and comfort of the Scripture men come to true hope Experience teacheth this that all ignorant men like to Foelix Act. 24. 25. are apt to tremble when once the conscience is awakened at the very thought of death and iudgement That made Dauid say Psal. 94. 12. Blessed is the man whom thou chastenest O Lord and teachest him out of thy law As if he should say it is a great happinesse for a man that is in affliction to haue vnderstanding and to be instructed by the Lord in the knowledge of his Word 2. He that wanteth the knowledge of Gods Word is still in the power and dominion of Sathan as is plaine by that speech of Christ vnto Paul Act. 26. 18. I send thee saith he to turne them from darknesse to light and from the power of Satan vnto God In which respect also Satan is called Eph. 6. 12. the Ruler of the darknesse of this world Satan leadeth such whither he will 2. Tim. 2. 25. 26. And as the Prouerbe is the blind swalloweth many a flie so certainly such swallow many a great sin without any scruple or remorse for it 3. He that wanteth the knowledge of Gods Word can neuer go to heauen but must needs perish eternally God brings all to heauen by knowledge he wil haue all men to be saued saith the Apostle 1. Tim. 2. 4. and to come vnto the knowledge of the truth God hath said none that want knowledge shall come there My people perish for want of knowledge saith the Lord Hos. 4. 6. Yea God hath sworne it They haue not knowne my wayes saith the Lord Psal. 95. 10. 11. Unto whom I sware in my wrath that they should not enter into my rest But because men haue many figge-leaues to couer their shame in this point and many conceits whereby they blesse themselues against all that may be said against them for their ignorance I will shew you how the Holy Ghost in the Word driues them by all their shifts and thrusts them out of their starting holes 1. One blesseth himselfe in this that though he haue no Scripture-learning yet he is iust in all his dealings with men and leadeth as honest and vnblameable a life as the best Yea but the Scripture saith thou must ioyne to thy vertue knowledge or it is nothing worth 2. Pet. 1. 5. 2. Another in this that he hath more then so he hath not onely ciuill honesty to commend him to men but he vseth also to pray and shew deuotion toward God yea but the Scripture saith thy prayer can doe thee no good while thou art void of the desire of knowledge it is but the sacrifice of fooles Eccl 5. 1. Pro. 28. 9. He that turneth away his eare from hearing the law euen his prayer shall be abominable 3. Another in this that he thanks God he hath a good mind a good meaning and intent to please God as good and as vpright an heart toward God as the best but the Scripture saith the man that wants knowledge cannot haue a good mind nor a good meaning Pro. 19. 2. Without knowledge the mind is not good The Scripture teacheth vs that vprightnesse of heart and knowledge are inseparable there can be no vprightnesse of heart where there is no knowledge their good meanings and intentions will not bring any to heauen The true Religion and way to heauen is called the way of vnderstanding Pro. 96. 4. Another blesseth himselfe in this that yet this is his comfort that Christ died for sinners and he trusts to be saued by Christ though he care not for the meanes of knowledge he saith with them 1. Cor. 1. 12. I am neither of Paul nor Apollo nor Cephas I depend not on nor care for any Ministery I am of Christ. But the Scripture saith that no man can say that he is in Christ till he haue knowledge Ioh. 12. 46. I am come a light into the world that whosoeuer belieueth in me should not abide in darknesse No man can be iustified by Christ or obtaine any benefit by him that is void of knowledge By his knowledge shall my righteous seruant iustifie many saith the Lord Esa. 53. 11. 5. Another ignorant man comforteth himselfe in this that yet God is mercifull and he trusteth to be saued through Gods mercy But the Scripture saith none shall haue benefit by Gods mercy that is void of knowledge Oh continue thy louing kindnesse to them that know thee saith Dauid Psal. 36. 10. Esa. 27. 11. It is a people of no vnderstanding therefore he that made them will not haue mercy on them 6. Another in this that he hopes God will not looke that he should haue this knowledge of the Scripture for he through his education and age is vnlearned and simple and vnable to learne But the Scripture saith He that is skilfull and wise enough in the things of this life and can vnderstand and beare away other things as ballads and foolish songs and yet is too weakeheaded to conceiue in any measure of the Word of God shall neuer be excused by his simplicity before God He that is wise to do euill but to do good hath no knowledge as the Lord complaineth Ier. 4. 22. Yea how simple soeuer thou art if thou hadst the feare of God and an honest heart thou mightest attaine to the knowledge of the Word for in this very point the Scripture hath an excellency aboue all other learning Pro. 1. 4. Psal. 119. 130. It giues vnderstanding to the simple If this beso how miserable is the state of the most of the people in all places of the land Surely such as if we had the same mind in vs that was in Christ it would make our bowels to yearne within vs as his did Mat. 9. 36. For first they are extremely ignorant and it may be said of them as Acts 17. 23. They worship an vnknowne God they worship the true God ignorantly Examine them and aske whether they know themselues to be sinners they will answer in generall it may be all men are sinners But try them in particular and you shall find that they know not what sinne is they know not any commandement which they haue broken Ask them whether they be assured that they shall be saued their answer will be no none can be sure but they hope well Aske them how they hope to be saued some will answer by their good deeds others by Gods mercy Tell them that God is iust as well as mercifull and aske them how they hope to haue his iustice satisfied their answer will be they cannot tell they are not learned Aske them what Christ is their answer will be a man I trow if
therefore they must needs be soundly religious nor be offended with Religion because thou hearest and seest many of these to fall away for they may haue gone thus farre vpon meere carnall respects and be very hypocrites 2. To teach vs how to iudge of our owne profession and liking to the Word whether it be carnall or spirituall It is necessary euery one of vs should examine this Take heed saith our Sauiour to them that shewed such zeale in hearing of him Luke 12. 1. of hypocrisie And Luke 8. 18. Take heed how ye heare We should in this case ask our owne soule as Christ doth Andrew and the other Disciple Ioh. 1. 38. What seeke you Labour to approue thy heart to God in that profession thou makest for what haue we gained by all our hearing and profession if we be still hypocrites Rom. 8. 8. They that are in the flesh cannot please God I will therfore giue you foure notes wherby you may approue your hearts to be vpright in the profession of the truth 1. If thou canst be willing to heare and receiue without difference euery truth of God though it crosse thee in thy disposition and delights neuer so much True it is 1. A man is not bound to receiue any thing in Religion vpon the credit of any man whatsoeuer till he haue tried and examined it by the Scriptures They that heard the Apostles themselues were not bound to do so Act. 17. 11. Now we are expresly forbidden to do so Proue all things saith the Apostle 1. Thes. 5. 21. And when or vpon what occasion saith he so Surely immediately vpon the Charge he had giuen in the former Verse against despising of prophecying And therein he teacheth vs plainely 1. That we must proue and examine whatsoeuer we heare in Prophecyings and Sermons whosoeuer the Preacher be 2. That this is no despising of prophecying nor contempt done to the Ministers of the Word to examine the doctrine that they teach by the Word of God 2. A man may be more desirous to heare some truths and doctrines taught and deliuered then some others because some are of more vse to him then others are As the Minister may and ought to teach some truths and to insist vpon them with more diligence and zeale then others This is a faithfull saying saith the Apostle Tit. 3. 8. and these things I will that thou affirme constantly So may euery Christian heare some truths with more desire and affection then others Tit. 3. 8. 3 Some truths may be in Christian wisdome for a time concealed because the audience is not fit to heare them We haue our Sauiours owne example for this point of wisdome Mar. 4. 33. He spake the Word vnto them as they were able to heare it Yet he that hath a good heart will be willing to heare and receiue one truth as well as another and when he seeth it to be Gods truth will without reasoning receiue it and yeeld vnto it and not prescribe what shall be spoken to him in the Lords name as they did Esa. 30. 10. But comes to the hearing of the Word with Cornelius resolution Acts 10. 33. We are prepared before the Lord to heare all things whatsoeuer that are commanded thee of God His soule saith to God as Samuel was taught to say 1 Sam. 3. 9. Speake Lord for thy seruant heareth He is willing to be acquainted with euery part of Gods will though it make neuer so much against him A notable example we haue of this in old Ely for though he had iust cause to iudge that that which Samuel had to say to him from the Lord would be little to his comfort Both because of a heauy message he had receiued from the Lord a little before 1 Sam. 2. 27. to 36. And because he saw Samuel was very vnwilling to let him know what the Lord had said vnto him 1 Sam. 3. 15. Yet see how earnest he is with Samuel to know all God do so to thee and more also saith he 1 Sam. 3. 17. if thou hide any thing from me of all the things that the Lord said vnto thee And surely this should be the desire of all Gods people to their Ministers that they would deale faithfully with them and acquaint them with the whole counsell of God For 1. All the holy Scripture is of equall authority and therefore if we receiue any one part for his sake that is the Author of it we will receiue all 2 Tim. 3. 16. All Scripture is giuen by inspiration of God And Iam. 2. 11. He that said do not commit adulterie said also do not kill 2 The Minister of God is bound to deliuer the whole will of God to his people There was not a word of all that Moses commanded which Ioshua read not before all the congregation of Israel Iosh. 8. 35. And Ioshua in that case was no further bound then than euery Minister of the Gospell is now Go stand and speake in the Temple to the people saith the Angell of the Lord to Peter and Iohn Act. 5. 20. all the words of this life And it was Pauls comfort as he professeth Act. 20. 27. That he had studied to declare vnto the Church of Ephesus all the counsell of God 3 God hath charged the people to heare all Obserue and heare all these words that I command thee saith the Lord Deut. 12. 28. And Him shall ye heare in all things whatsoeuer he shall say vnto you saith the Lord concerning Christ Acts 3. 22. 4 Euery truth of God reuealed in his Word concerns euery one of Gods people and is profitable for them to know Those things that are reuealed saith Moses Deut. 29. 29. belong to vs and to our children for euer that we may do all the words of this Law And the Apostle teacheth vs 2 Tim. 〈◊〉 16. that All Scripture is profitable And Rom. 15. 4. that Whatsoeuer things were written aforetime euen in the Old Testament were written for our learning Insomuch as the Minister shall do them great wrong and make himselfe guilty of their bloud if he conceale any part of Gods truth from them Act. 20. 26. 2 If thou respect not in thy profession any worldly profit benefit or contentment but onely the kingdome of heauen and the saluation of thy soule True godlinesse hath the promises euen of this life 1 Tim. 4. 8. and we may be sure not to want any thing that shall be good for vs if we truly feare God Psal 34. 10. But that is not the chiefe thing we should haue respect vnto nor the mark we must aime at nor the profit and reward we must seek for in seruing God but the kingdome of heauen Seeke ye first the kingdome of God saith our Sauiour Mat. 6. 33. Our conuersation is in heauen it is heauen that we trade for saith the Apostle Phil. 3. 20. and 1 Cor. 9. 25. We run and striue iaith he to obtaine an incorruptible crowne And he tels
the heauier they will be ●…hen they come the longer he is fetching his blow the deeper will he cut when he smites Rom. 9. 22. The cause why God suffers with long patience the vessels of wrath prepared for destruction is that he might shew his wrath and make his power knowne vpon them the more 2. Thou mayst bee plagued of God with a plague that is of all others most grieuous and neuer feele it thou maist be plagued in thy soule and conscience Pro. 6. 32. Hee that doth it destroyeth his owne soule When God would punish Pharaoh so as hee might make his power seene vpon him Rom. 9. 17. Hee punished him with hardnesse of heart Exod. 9. 12. which was a greater plague then all the rest of the plagues of Egypt So this is spoken of as of the most fearefull punishment Rom. 1. 28. When God giues a man vp to a Reprobate minde 3. If thou wert altogether spared in this life and neither punished in thy body nor in thy soule yet is there another place prepared for thee where thou shalt be sure to be punished with farre more fearefull punishments then any can be felt here Thou shalt neuer be able continuing in thy sin to escape the damnation of hell which is in a speciall sort threatned against this sin whoremongers shall be sure to haue their part in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death Apoc. 21. 8. That makes Salomon say they are as neere to hell as they that haue one foot there already Pro. 5. 5. Her feet goe downe to death her steps take hold on hell And Pro. 9. 18. Her guests are in the depth of hell And as the Lords forbearing wicked men in this life and causing them to prosper is a certaine argument he hath determined to reserue their full punishment for hell it is an euidence token of a righteous iudgement to come saith the Apostle 〈◊〉 Thess. 1. 〈◊〉 6 when wicked men are spared here So is it said that of all sinners the Lord hath chiefly reserued the vncleane persons to be punished there 2. Pet. 1. 9. 10. And by how much the more they haue beene spared here by how much the more patience and bounty the Lord hath shewed them here by so much the more grieuous and fearefull shall their torment be there Luke 16. 25. Sonne remember saith Abraham to Diues That thou in thy life time receiuedst thy good things and likewise Lazarus euill thing but now hee is comforted and thou art tormented And Rom. 2. 4 5. Despisest th●…n the riches of his goodnesse and forbearance and long suffering not knowing that the goodnesse of God leadeth thee to repentance But after thy hardnesse and impenitent heart treasurest vp vnto thy selfe wrath against the day of wrath and reuelation of the righteous iudgement of God So that if thou wert wise thou wouldst thinke it no aduantage to thee that thou hast so well escaped all the plagues which God hath threatned against thy sinne in this life but desire rather that the Lord would punish thee here where he alwaies vseth in wrath to remember mercy and not reserue thy whole punishment for the life to come where there shall bee iudgement without mercy his punishments there shall haue no mixture of mercy in them Lecture the eighteenth Iune 27. 1609. THe fourth and last error of mind whereby Sathan draweth men to vncleannesse and hardneth them in it is the hope of repentance and so of pardon For there are very many whom hee cannot so farre blind but they know it is a sinne and a hainous sinne and a sinne that they are sure they shall bee damned for if they should not repent of it But such he encourageth to this sinne by perswading them 1. Thou knowest by the Scripture that whensoeuer thou shalt repent thee of it though it be not before thy death God will surely pardon it Ezek. 18. 21. 2. Thou hast no cause to doubt but thou shalt be able to repent and dye in Gods fauour For 1. Thou seest many that haue liued in this sinne that yet haue now left it 2. Many that although they neuer left it before yet on their death beds haue repented and dyed as well as any And thirdly thine owne experience will tell thee what thou art able to doe For hast thou not oft felt that thou hast repented and beene sorry for this sinne after thou hast committed it 3. And if thou mayst but dye well dye in Gods fauour what needest thou care for more No matter how thou liuest so thou mayst dye well Thus seemed he to haue perswaded Balaam Let mee die the death of the righteous and let my last end be like his saith he Num. 23. 10. And with this deceit doubtlesse he perswadeth many and preuailes more with men then by any other of his tentations and subtilties whatsoeuer For what is the cause why you shall finde men much more carefull to conceale this sinne from men then from God Yea they will not sticke to commit periury and murder which are farre more hainous offences against God that they may hide their whoredomes from men Surely they thinke they may be bold with God it is no matter how they prouoke him they can deale well enough with him he is more mercifull and ready to forgiue then man is and if they doe but repent and say they are sorrie for their sin he will forgiue them straight Now the preseruatiue and remedy against this so dangerous a deceit of Sathan consisteth of three points 1. The true knowledge of God and of his disposition toward such sinners 2. The true knowledge of ourselues and of that state we cast our selues into when once we fall into such sinnes 3. The true knowledge of the danger we haue brought the party vnto with whom we haue committed this sin First It cannot be denyed but the Lord to them whom he loueth in Christ is infinitely more mercifull then any man can be to them whom he loueth most dearely That made Dauid say 2. Sam. 24. 14. Let me now fall into the hand of the Lord for his mercies are great and let mee not fall into the hand of man And when the Lord had spoken of his great mercy Hee will haue mercy vpon him our God is very ready to forgiue He amplifieth it verse 8. by comparing his mercy with the mercies of man My thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your waies my waies but verse 9. As the heauens are higher then the earth So are my waies higher then your wayes and my thoughts then your thoughts But as he is more mercifull then any man so hee hates sinne more then any man can doe Hab. 1. 13. He cannot see hee cannot beheld it Psal. 11. 5. The wicked and him that loueth iniquity doth his soule hate verse 6. Upon the wicked he shall raine snares fire and brimstone and stormy tempest this is the portion of their cup. Yea
and Church is called oft the Kingdome of heauen Matth. 13. 44. 47. And that promise that is made Esay 33. 24. the people that dwell there shall haue their sinnes forgiuen though it be to be vnderstood of the Church Catholique as it is in our Creed and not of any particular visible Church Yet may it thus farre forth be applied to the Church visible as that a man may say boldly none can ordinarily attaine to saluation that is not a member of the true visible Church Now there is but one true Church and Religion there may be in matters of lesse moment sundry differences in the true Church as betweene vs and the Lutherans and Brownists and among our selues but these make vs not seuerall Churches because in the fundamentall points of Religion the knowledge whereof is absolutely necessary to saluation and the profession whereof maketh a true Christian we all agree It is a damnable conceit of some that a man may be saued in any Religion There is but one faith Ephes. 4. 5. one way to life and one gate Matth. 7. 13. Gods promise is to all his Elect that he will giue them one heart and one way Ier. 32. 39. It stands men therefore vpon to enquire diligently which is the onely true Church which is the onely true Religion 3. Such as are not well grounded in Religion and carefull to attaine to certainty and resolution in it are in continuall danger to be seduced and to fall from their profession either on the right hand or on the left The Apostle giues the reason why hee desired the Colossians might attaine to all riches of the full assurance of vnderstanding least any should beguile them Col. 2. 24. That that is halting is easily turned out of the way and therefore it is necessary to goe steddily and strongly in the right way Heb. 12. 13. They that are children in vnderstanding and wauering will bee easily carried away with euery wind of vaine doctrine Ephes. 4. 14. Whom did the seducers in old time preuaile with 2. Tim. 3. 6 7. With simple women that were euer learning and neuer able to come to the knowledge of the truth And 2. Pet. 2. 14. With vnstable soules And no maruell For though we are wont to wonder at the absurdities of euery contrary Religion and thinke a simple man may easily be able to answer whatsoeuer they can say And the confidence we haue in our selues this way is a chiefe cause why we doe not more carefully seeke to ground our selues in the knowledge of the truth yet it is certaine that the grossest aduersaries of the truth are able to vse such reasons and perswasions as haue in them great probability and shew of truth The Apostle saith of the Seducers of his time that they had Coloss. 2. 4. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and Ephes. 4. 14. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a notable veine in perswading a great deale of cunning euen such as cheaters and coggers at dice doe vse much craft to beguile and circumuent them that they deale with 4. No man can be saued vnlesse hee bee willing to suffer for his Religion yea euen to die for it If any man will come after mee saith our Sauiour Luke 9. 23. let him deny himselfe and take vp his Crosse daily and follow mee And Luke 14. 26. If any man come to mee and hate not his owne life that is bee not willing to part with it for my sake hee cannot bee my Disciple And Reuel 3. 10. Be thou faithfull vnto death and I will giue thee the crowne of life And who can doe that but he that is well grounded and certaine of the truth of his Religion No man can haue peace in his conscience nor comfort in the euill day in the houre of death or time of great affliction that is vncertaine in his Religion 5. A good conscience that giues a man assurance that he is in the state of grace in the right way to life will yeeld a man vnspeakeable comfort at all times when a man is sure that God accepteth his worke then may he well say to himselfe Goe eate thy bread with ioy and drinke thy wine with a cheerefull heart Eccl. 9. 7. Yea in the time of greatest affliction such a one may haue much comfort On the other side how can he haue comfort in that day that is vnresolued when he shall consider that he must either goe to heauen or hell and that there is but one way to heauen and that he is vncertaine whether he be in that one way or no how can he chuse but be in extreame perplexity As the man that trauells in a tempestuous weather ready to be benighted and knowes not the way and is sure that if he misse the right way he shall fall into the hands of theeues or other certaine perill of his life must needs be in extreame feare and anguish of heart so it is in this case Say such an one doe vse to pray and doe good workes all this can yeeld him no comfort He that doubteth saith the Apostle Rom. 14. 23. is condemned if he eate because he doth it not of faith and whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne Euen the doubts that the faithfull feele in themselues though they be not quite void of faith and certainty cause much discomfort to them as it appeares by the teares that that poore man shed 〈◊〉 ●…is vnbeliefe Mar. 9. 24. and by that sadnesse and sorrow of heart which ●…e two Disciples of Emaus felt in themselues when they doubted whether Christ were the true Messiah Luke 24. 17. How much more such as haue no faith no certainty at all mixed with them Therefore the Lord bids them that would find rest to their soules vse all meanes to finde out the good way and walke in it Ier. 6 16. And the Apostle giues this for one reason why he did so much desire that the Colossians might attaine to all riches of the assurance of vnderstanding that their hearts might bee comforted Col. 2. 2. 2. The example of the Papists Though this haue beene a maine principall in their Religion that ignorance is the mother of deuotion yet now euen women among them grow perfect and ready in the grounds of their Religion and are able to giue a reason of that they hold and to teach their children also And what shame is that for vs 1. For exhortation to diligence in the vse of all meanes whereby we may grow to certaintie in our Religion 1. We must liue vnder and frequent an ordinary Ministry For that is ordained for this end that we may be no longer as children tossed to and fro with euery wind of doctrine Ephes. 4. 14. And ye heare of few seduced either by Papists or Brownists that did enioy an ordinary and setled Ministry 2. We must giue our selues to reading of good bookes specially of the Scriptures for they are able to make vs wise
and mighty in operation Heb. 4. 12. that it conuerteth the soule Psalm 19. 7. that it is the power of God vnto saluation Rom. 1. 16. that it is able to saue our soules Iames 1. 21. that it is able to make vs wise vnto saluation 2. Tim. 3. 15. This power and ability that is in the Word to saue may bee seene in foure cases 1. It is able to enlighten and bring vnto sauing knowledge the simplest that shall heare and reade it with an honest heart Psalm 19. 7. and 119. 130. 2. It is able to reforme the heart and life of him that hath the strongest corruptions and greatest temptations if hee giue himselfe to the hearing and reading of it with a good heart euen the young man may reforme his waies if he would take heed to them according to the word Psal. 119. 9. 3. It is able to comfort and reuiue the heart that is most cast downe either with inward or outward afflictions I create the fruit of the lips the liuely voice of the Ministry peace peace to bee the meane of abundant and constant peace to him that is farre off and to him that is neere to euery one of mine Elect both Gentile and Iew saith the Lord and I will heale him Esay 57. 19. 4. It is able to preserue and add knowledge and grace to them that haue best profited I commend you to God and to the Word of his grace which is able to build you vp Acts 20. 32. And Marke 4. 24. to you that heare shall more be giuen 3. Because it is the onely euidence that we haue to shew and whereby we claime eternall life and whereby also we may be able to hold and defend the right we haue vnto it against Sathan himselfe Psal. 119. 111. Thy Testimonies haue I taken as an heritage for euer As the deeds and euidence of mine eternall inheritance The truth of this appeares in two points 1. It is the onely ground of our faith and is therefore called the Word of faith Rom. 10. 8. Whatsoeuer we belieue concerning our eternall saluation is but a deceiueable fancie vnlesse it be grounded vpon the Word Vnlesse by the Word we know that Iesus Christ the Sonne of God hath satisfied Gods iustice for vs that through him wee haue obtained remission of all our sinnes we can neuer haue any comfort in the hope of our saluation through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures we come to true hope Rom. 15. 4. When the Apostle Peter had spoken 2. Pet. 1. of the ground of all that hee had taught the Church concerning Christ and their saluation and said verse 16. hee had not followed therein cunningly deuised fables such as many of the chiefe points of deuotion in the Romane Church which pretends to be built vpon Peter is grounded vpon he tells them verse 19. what is the sure rule and ground to bee followed and rested vpon in this case We haue saith he a more sure word of Prophecie c. And as it is the onely ground of our faith so is it Secondly the onely Touch-stone whereby we may trie and surely know that we are in the right way to saluation whether our faith repentance loue and workes be such as God will accept of Iohn 3. 21. by our comming vnto this light our deeds shall bee made manifest that they are wrought according to God and by no other way Lecture the seuen and thirtieth Ianuary 2. 1609. IT remaineth now that we make Vse of the former Doctrine and so proceed to finish that which remaineth in this Text. The Doctrine which wee heard the last day serueth principally for two Vses First to worke in euery one of vs an high estimation and loue of the Word of God Euery man desires to be saued And indeed what is all our wealth and brauery and mirth we enioy here if in the end our soules be not saued Matth. 16. 26. Well as thou esteemest and louest and desirest the saluation of thy soule so must thou esteeme of the Word of God The Word as thou hast heard is the saluation of man It is the onely euidence any man can haue to shew for his eternall inheritance It is the field wherein this inestimable treasure of eternall life is to bee found Iohn 5 39. Search the Scriptures for in them yee looke to finde eternall life It is able to make thee wise vnto saluation how simple soeuer thou be It is able to conuert thy soule and reforme thy life how strong soeuer thy corruptions or tentations be It is able to giue thee comfort in any affliction how bitter or heauie soeuer they be Yea if euer thou be saued the Word must saue thee There is nothing vnder heauen so necessary nothing that we may not better want then the Word This is the thing our Sauiour spake of when he said Luke 10. 42. One thing is needfull Mary hath chosen the better part c. If God haue giuen thee a heart to beleeue this thou wilt esteeme of it as Dauid did Psal. 119. 72. The Law of thy mouth is better to me then thousands of gold and siluer And verse 97. O how loue I thy Law So that of all such as care not for the Word I may boldly say as Psal. 119. 155. Saluation is farre from the wicked for they seeke not thy statutes And Acts 13. 46. They that put it from them iudge themselues unworthy of euerlasting life Now because euery man pretends that he esteemeth highly of the Word and there is no man so vile will some say but he loues the Word I will giue you some notes whereby men may trie whether they esteeme of Gods Word as they ought and loue it indeed 1. He that esteemes the Word as he ought will heare it when he may not onely sometimes when he hath nothing to doe else but constantly as his chiefe worke and for the loue of it neglect other things this is that that Salomon saith Pro. 23. 23. Buy the truth and sell it not By this note our Sauiour commends Mary not as for doing more then she was bound to doe but for esteeming of the Word as she ought Luke 10. 42. Not onely they that will not heare it at all but they that heare it seldome that suffer euery worldly businesse and occasion to withdraw them from it will be found not to haue esteemed it Heb. 2. 3. How shall wee escape if we neglect so great saluation 2. He that esteemes the Word as he ought will exercise himselfe in the reading of it Though he be an ordinary hearer of the best Ministry vnder heauen yet he must not rest in that but exercise himselfe in the reading of it get him a Bible and either reade it himselfe or get some other to reade it to him It is a commandement that God layeth vpon the King himselfe that though he aboue all others might best pleade want of leasure though he enioyed the ordinary
heart and could haue wisht that himselfe bad beene accursed from Christ for restoring of them into Gods fauour See what affection Christ did beare vnto them Luke 19. 41 42. he wept and expressed exceeding compassion towards Ierusalem 2. For their Ancestours sakes the most honourable Nation vnder heauen they haue beene Christ himselfe was a Iew. No nation is able to deriue their pedigree nor bring so Authenticall Records for it as they See how Paul euen before the Corinthians that were Gentiles glorieth in this 2. Cor. 11. 22. Are they Hebrewes so am I are they Israelites so am I are they the seede of Abraham so am I This reason the Apostle giues for the affection he bare to them Rom. 9. 5. For if such respect was had to Iezabel because she was a Kings daughter though otherwise she had beene a wicked woman 2. King 9. verse 34. How much more respect deserueth this Nation euen for this 3. The promise we haue heard God hath made vnto that Nation that he will call them and make them his people againe should prouoke vs to pray for them See the force of this reason 2 Sam. 7. 27. For thou O Lord of hostes God of Israel hast reuealed to thy seruant saying I will build thee an house therefore hath thy seruant found in his heart to pray this prayer vnto thee 4. The glory that shall redound to God by their conuersion For then shall he be more purely worshipped then he is hitherto by all his Elect throughout the world 5. The good that we our selues haue receiued from them For they before the time of our calling prayed for vs and earnestly desired our conuersion as appeares We haue a little sister and she hath no breasts what shall we do for our sister in the day when she shall be spoken for Cant. 8. 8. and by sundry Psalmes Psal. 87. And from them we receiued the Gospell and worship of God in which respect also we may be called their debters as Rom. 15. 27. To comfort such as haue at any time had good euidence of Gods loue to them in Christ. For such may by this example be assured that though they haue iustly deserued he should cast them off and though through the tokens of Gods anger that are vpon them either inwardly or outwardly their owne reason and sense may perswade them he hath cast them off indeed yet whom he hath once loued in Christ and receiued into his couenant and called effectually to be his people and giuen his Spirit vnto them he will loue to the end and can neuer cast them off Ier. 31. 3. I haue loued thee with an euerlasting loue therefore with louing kindnesse haue I drawne thee And Iohn 13. 1. whom Christ loueth he loueth to the end And Rom. 11. 29. the gifts and calling of God are without repentance Let vs therefore giue all diligence to make our calling and election sure and seeke good euidence to our selues that God loueth vs in Christ 2. Pet. 1. 10. There is no certainety in the loue of any mortall creature which yet thou so much dotest vpon but the loue of God is certaine and vnchangeable For the comfort of Christian parents Many are the priuiledges which the Lord hath vouchsafed vnto our children but this is the chiefe that if we know our selues to be the children of God we may be assured that some of our posterity shall be so likewise So that this may quiet and secure our hearts though we haue many children and little to leaue them not only in the whole course of our liues but euen in the houre of death If 1. Wee haue good assurance that ourselues are within Gods Couenant 2. That we haue done our endeauour to bring vp our children in Gods feare and to make them his children THE NINE AND THIRTIETH LECTVRE ON IANVARY XXIII MDCIX IOH. IIII. XXIII XXIIII But the houre commeth and now is when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth for the Father seeketh such to worship him God is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth WE haue already heard that the answer our Sauiour maketh to the question which the woman of Samaria mooued vnto him consisteth of two parts 1. A commendation of that outward worship the Iewes vsed in comparison of that of the Samaritans 2. A discommendation of that outward worship of God which the Iewes vsed in comparison of that which God would shortly establish in his Church The former part of this answer is set downe in the 22. verse which we finished the last day The latter part of his answer is contained in these words which I haue now read vnto you The summe and effect of this part of his answer is this That though the worship which the Iewes then did to God were farre better then that of the Samaritans yet this ceremoniall worship which the Iewes vsed though it were commanded of God himselfe was not so much to be esteemed as she conceiued but should shortly be abolished and in stead thereof another forme of Gods worship should be established which should not consist in ceremonies and shadowes which suited best mans carnall and corrupt nature but should be spirituall as best agreeing to the nature of God and haue in it the truth and substance of all that which was figured and shadowed in those ceremonies The parts of this Text are two 1. A proposition or Doctrine concerning the true worship that Christians are to giue vnto God Now the true worshippers shall worship the father in spirit and in truth which is repeated with some increase they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth 2. The Reasons of this doctrine and Proposition and they are two 1. Because the Father euen seeketh or desireth to haue such worshippers 2. Because God is a Spirit and must therefore haue such worship and seruice done vnto him as is suitable to his nature The Proposition or Doctrine is inlarged or set forth by two circumstances 1. The Person to whom this spirituall worship is to be giuen the Father 2. The time when this spirituall worship shall be giuen vnto him the houre commeth and now is First then it is here to bee obserued that our Sauiour speaking of the worship that Christians should giue vnto God which should be farre better then that which the Iewes then vsed calls God to whom this worship was to be done the Father and that so oft euen three seuerall times once verse 21. and twise in this verse What should bee the reason of this Surely our Sauiour doth hereby intimate one chiefe cause why the Christians vnder the Gospell should doe God better seruice then the Iewes had done vnder the Law because they shall conceiue of God as of their Father True it is the Lord was a Father to his people vnder the Law and so they conceiued of him but the Lord hath reuealed
now truth of grace in her not onely affirmes that Christ had told her all that euer shee did but also alledgeth this as an argument to prooue him to be the Messiah the Sonne of God We learne this Doctrine That the Lord is priuy to all the wayes of men and can tell vs all that euer we did But this Doctrine and the Vses of it we haue alread handled in the fourteenth Lecture and therefore I will passe by it here Lecture the foure and fiftieth Iune 19. 1610. IOHN IIII. XXX FOlloweth now the successe God gaue to the zealous endeauours that this Woman vsed to draw her neighbours vnto Christ which is set downe in this verse In which we are to obserue that which we may wonder at if we obserue it well 1. That vpon her speech they went out of the City and came to Christ and 2. They were a great many that did so as may appeare verse 39. 41. 3. They beleeued vpon her report that he was the Messiah verse 39. Now from hence we haue this instruction to learne That the conuersion of a man to Christ dependeth neither on the worthinesse of the party that is conuerted nor on the excellency of the meanes whereby he is conuerted but onely vpon the free grace and pleasure of Almighty God This is that the Apostle teacheth Iam. 1. 18. Of his owne will begat hee vs with the word of truth Rom. 9. 18. He hath mercy on whom he will haue mercy and whom he will he hardeneth But the truth of this Doctrine shall more cleerely appeare to you in these points 1. He giues the meanes of grace to some and denyeth them to other euery whit as worthy as they hee forbad Paul to preach in Asia or Bithynia and called him to preach in Macedonia Acts 16. 6 7 10. Our Sauiour did that at Capernaum which he refused to doe at Nazaret his owne country as Elias was sent to a widow in Sarepta and not to any of the widdowes that were in Israel and Elizeus clensed Naaman the Syrian where as there were many lepers in Israel that were not clensed by him England hath had the preaching of the Gospell these fiftie yeares together Spaine nor Italy neuer had it since the daies of the Primitiue Church nay Ireland for the most part though it be vnder the same gouernment neuer had it nay euen in England many Townes haue had it without intermission these 50. yeares together many neuer had it yet And what may be imagined to be the cause of this Surely this hath come to passe neither by chance nor by the will of man but it hath beene the Lords doing alone He that said Amos 4. 7. I haue with-holden the raine from you and I caused it to raine vpon one City and caused it not to raine vpon another City it is he onely that hath caused the Word to be preached in some places and caused it not to be preached in other some And what hath mooued him to do this Surely no worthinesse he saw in these Countries townes or persons to whom he granted his Gospel aboue the rest to whom he hath denied it but his good pleasure onely as the Apostle teacheth 2. Tim. 1. 9. Hee hath called vs with an holy calling not according to our owne wrokes but according to his owne purpose and grace which was giuen to vs in Christ Iesus before the world was Secondly among those to whom he giues the meanes we shall finde to some they are blessed Others euery whit as worthy and more likely to receiue good by them are neuer the better for them 1. Some few in those places that enioy the meanes feele Gods power in them to their conuersion Ier. 3. 14. One of City and two of a Tribe and the greatest part by farre is neuer the better for them Matth. 22. 14. Many are called but few are chosen 2. Some simple rude people are wont to finde such a blessing on the meanes as that they attaine to great measure of knowledge and grace by them whereas others of better nature capacity and education enioying the very same meanes can feele no sweetnesse or power in them I giue thee thankes O Father Lord of heauen and earth saith our Sauiour Matthew 11. 25. that thou hast hidden these things from the wise and prudent and reuealed them vnto habes 3. Some that haue beene notoriously and infamously wicked we see are oft conuerted by the meanes and made new men Others become most vile and wicked men by them that were very ciuill and morall men before By the same Ministry whereby the Publicans and Harlots were conuerted the Scribes and Pharisees were made outragiously wicked Matth. 21. 31 32. And from whence commeth this that the meanes of saluation do good on some and no good on other Surely not from the worthinesse of the persons that are conuerted or from the excellencie of the meanes but onely from the good pleasure of Almighty God according as we haue seene Euen so O Father for so it seemed good in thy sight Matth. 11. 26. He hath mercy on whom he will haue mercy and whom he will he hardneth Rom. 9. 18. 3. Though he doe vse to worke by meanes yet the meanes he is wont to worke by are so weake and simple that they are more likely to hinder his worke then to further it at all In his most miraculous workes he hath beene wont to vse meanes but they were such as all the world might see had in themselues no force at all to effect that which he wrought by them See this Iosh. 6. 3. 〈◊〉 They must 1. Goe round about the City for sixe daies together once a day and seuen times the seuenth day 2. The last time they had gone round about it the Priests must blow the trumpets of Rams-hornes seuen times 3. When these trumpets had beene blowne the seuenth time all the people must giue a shout and then the walls fell downe flat Doe you not thinke the men of Iericho scorned them all this while and thought them out of their wits The like we shall see in a miraculous cure done vpon Naaman the Leper he must go wash himselfe in ●…ordan seuen times and then he should bee cleane 2. Reg. 5. 10. And vpon a man that was borne blind Christ made clay with his spittle and a●…nointed the eyes of the blinde man with the clay Iohn 9. 6. And so doth he in the great worke of mans conuersion vse meanes yea he hath set downe and appointed in his Word what meanes he will vse and without which he neuer vseth to worke But what are these meanes Surely 〈◊〉 Corinthians 1. 21. The foolishnesse of preaching that is 1. Preaching which the most men and wisest men in the world all that perish esteeme contemptibly of and account meere foolishnesse 1. Cor. 1. 18. 23. 2. The preaching of such men as haue no shew with them in the world no outward meanes to draw
into it with a spirituall eye we shall finde this to be true that euen in this life God hath speciall care to prouide for faithfull Ministers aboue all other men This may euidently appeare to vs in three points 1. None of Gods seruants haue such promises for sufficiency and a competent measure of the blessings of this life as the faithfull Minister hath Moses hath a strange speech to this purpose Deut. 10. 8 9. At that time the Lord separated the tribe of Leui to beare the Arke of the Couenant of the Lord to stand before the Lord to minister vnto him and to blesse in his Name vnto this day Wherefore Leui hath no part nor inheritance with his brethren the Lord is his inheritance according as the Lord thy God promised him He giueth two reasons why Leui should haue no inheritance first because God hath separated and put him apart for his seruice and secondly because the Lord is his inheritance as he promised him As if he should say Because I haue separated him to my speciall seruice I will take the care of prouiding for him specially and that my care of him may the better appeare he shall haue no other inheritance but me And when Christ sent forth his Apostles to preach Matth. 10. 10. he biddeth them carry no victuals nor change of apparrell nor other prouision with them and giueth this for the reason Because the workeman was worthy of his meate Yea the Lord hath shewed the like care euen of the wife and children that the faithfull Minister hath left behinde him See an experiment of this in 2. King 4. 1 7. One of the sons of the Prophets dyed in debt and left his wife and children in great distresse but God miraculously prouided both for the payment of his debts and for his wife and children also to liue vpon 2. None haue such promises of protection and deliuerance from trouble as the faithfull Minister Psal. 122. 16. I will cloath her Priests with saluation Ier. 1. 18. Behold I haue made thee a defenced city and an iron pillar and wals of brasse against the whole land verse 19. For they shall fight against thee but shall not preuaile against thee for I am with thee to deliuer thee saith the Lord Reuel 2. 1. Christ holdeth the starres yea all of them in his right hand If any man shall aske How falleth it out then that in all ages they haue beene so much in trouble and that their enemies haue so preuailed against them and that oftentimes euen vnto the death I answer the reason was not that the Lord became carelesse of their peace and liberty and safety but first either because their testimony was finished and that worke which God in his wisedome had determined to worke by them As it is said of Gods two witnesses Reuel 11. 7. When they haue finished their testimony the beast that commeth out of the bottomelesse pit shall make warre against them and shall ouercome them and kill them Or else secondly because the Lord seeth he shall receiue more honour by their suffering and constant confession of his truth than by their peace as the Apostle saith of his owne troubles the things which hapned vnto me haue fallen out rather to the furtherance of the Gospell Phil. 1. 12. 3. None of Gods seruants haue so many and so cleare promises that God will take their part against their enemies and reuenge their wrongs as the faithfull Minister hath When Dauid had said Psal. 105. 14. He suffered no man to doe them wrong but reproued Kings for their sake he expresseth ver 15. who they were that God had this speciall care of aboue the rest Touch not mine annointed and doe my Prophets no harme Hitherto belongeth that benediction and propheticall prayer that Moses made for Leui Deut. 33. 11. Smite through the loynes of them that rise against him and of them that hate him that they rise not againe Therefore we shall finde that of all the sins whereby a people haue prouoked him God hath beene least able to endure this 2 Chron. 36. 16. Iudah was guilty of many sinnes before their captiuity but marke which of all their sins did the most prouoke God against the land They mocked the messengers of God and despised his words and mis-used his Prophets vntill the wrath of the Lord rose against his people and till there was no remedy And this may suffice to shew what care God hath of his reapers his faithfull Ministers in this life while they are doing his worke Now for the second point that when their worke is done and the day of payment shall come the Lord will haue greater respect vnto them than to other of his seruants is also very euident in the holy Scriptures First when the day of reckoning and payment shall come they shall be the first that shall receiue their wages Reu. 11. 18. The time of the dead is come that they should be iudged and that thou shouldest giue reward vnto thy seruants the Prophets and to thy Saints and to them that feare thy Name Secondly as they shall be first in the reward so shall they receiue the greatest reward Matth. 5. 12. Great is your reward in heauen for so persecuted they the Prophets Dan. 12. 3. They that be wise shall shine as the brightnesse of the firmament and they that turne many to righteousnesse as the starres for euer and euer The Reason of all this is Because God receiueth more honour by their worke and seruice than by the labours of any other of his seruants Luke 1. 15. He shall be great in the sight of the Lord the reason is giuen verse 16. Many of the children of Israel shall he turne vnto the Lord their God The Vse of this Doctrine is to encourage and comfort the Ministers of Christ against all the grieuances and discomforts they receiue from the world First the discomforts and indignities that we endure are nothing to that which the Prophets and Apostles did endure and we haue many outward comforts which they wanted Secondly if our conscience can witnesse with vs that we are faithfull in our calling and carefull to employ that talent we haue receiued to our Masters profit we may be sure that the Lord esteemeth well of vs and we are deare vnto him And what man that is in high fauour with the Prince will be disquieted if a childe or a mad man that he meeteth with in the street refuse to doe him reuerence or mocke him If we be faithfull we shall not need to be couetous or to disquiet our selues with care for the things of this life nor to feare the malice or subtilty of our enemies Let vs doe the Lords worke faithfully and cast our care vpon him for those matters 2. Remember that the reward thou shalt receiue when the day of reckoning shall come will aboundantly recompense all the toile and care and disgraces thou hast endured This reason
God he is a iealous God he will not forgiue your transgressions nor your sinnes durst neuer speake thus boldly and familiarly vnto God if they were not certaine of his fauour and of the forgiuenesse of their sinnes for that is the onely ground of this boldnesse and familiarity with God Heb. 10. 22. Let vs draw neare with a true heart in assurance of faith sprinkled in our hearts from an euill conscience 4. The fourth is willingnesse and desire to dye Faith freeth the heart from the feare of death and makes a man willing yea desirous to dye This we shall obserue in sundry of the Martyrs that when death hath come to them in his most ougly shape they haue not feared him but insulted ouer him and as Eliphaz saith Iob 5. 22. They haue laughed at destruction Thus Paul brings in the faithfull defying and insulting ouer death 1. Cor. 15. 55. O death where is thy sting O graue where is thy victory verse 57. Thankes be vnto God which hath giuen vs victory through our Lord Iesus Christ. Yea they haue beene so farre from fearing death that they haue imbraced it when it came and desired it earnestly This we shall see in Simeon so soone as he had seene Christ he bursts out into this prayer vnto God Luk. 2. 29. Now lettest thou thy seruant depart in peace according to thy Word And Paul Phil. 1. 23. I desire to be dissolued and to be with Christ which is best of all Yea he makes this the disposition of all the faithfull 2. Cor. 5. 〈◊〉 Therefore wee sigh as those that beare a great burden vers 4. desiring to be clothed with our house which is from heauen And indeed there is neuer a faithfull man but though he find in himselfe sometimes a feare of death yet before he goes from hence his Faith will free him from this feare and make him willing and desirous to dye marke the perfect man and behold the vpright for the end of that man is peace Psal. 37. 37. Now it were not possible the faithfull should thus be freed from the feare of death should thus desire to die seeing they know Heb. 2. 14. that Sathan hath the power of death and Heb. 9. 27. After death comes iudgement if they were not fully assured of their saluation and this reason the Apostle giues 2. Cor. 5. 6. 8. therefore we are alwaies confident knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord wee are confident I say and willing rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord. Lecture the seuentie foure December 4. 1610. IOHN IIII. XLII I Haue already proued vnto you that by Faith a man may be assured and certainely perswaded of his saluation both by the confession of the faithfull and by the effects it workes in the heart that hath receiued it Now let vs vs come to the reasons why they that haue Faith may be so certaine and assured of their saluation yea cannot but be certaine of it And the first Reason is because this perswasion is grounded vpon the testimony of Gods Word that cannot deceiue them therefore there is certainty in it May not a man be fully assured of that which he hath Gods Word for There is no such certainty in the knowledge that is gotten by sense obseruation experience or any other way as in that that is grounded vpon Gods Word ●…sal 93. 5. Thy testimonies are very sure saith Dauid Now the true beleeuer doth not build his perswasion vpon any deceiueable fancy but vpon Gods Word onely the Faith of the Elect is therefore called the Faith of truth 2. Thess. 2. 13. and the Word is called the Word of Faith Rom 10. 8. Therefore saith David speaking of the ground of his confidence Psal. ●…0 10. I will reioyce in God because of his Word in the Lord will I reioyce because of his Word And Psal. 130. 5. I haue waited on the Lord my soule hath waited and I haue trusted in his Word If a man cannot proue by Gods Word that Christ dyed for him that his sinnes are forgiuen that he is one that shall be saued his perswasion of it is but a fancie it is no Faith he can haue no assurance or certainety of it specially in the time of tentation Sa●…han will be beaten backe no way but by this sword of the Spirit Ephes 6. 17. As Christ resisted him Matth. 4. 4. 7. 10. so must we But if a man can proue by the Word that Christ dyed for him that his sinnes are forgiuen him that he shall be saued then may he be fully assured indeed then shall he haue no cause to doubt of it Now God hath giuen vs his Word to assure vs of this and put vs out of doubt in this matter The Apostle makes this the reason why God made a new Couenant with vs abolished the Couenant of workes and gaue vs the Couenant of grace and promised eternall life vpon condition of Faith and not of workes that the promise might be sure to all the seede of Abraham Rom. 4. 16. Not sure in respect of God for so it was in the old Couenant but sure to the beleeuers And Iohn saith 1. Iohn 5. 13. These things haue I written to you that beleeue that you may know you haue eternall life And 1. Iohn 1. 4. These things write we vnto you that your ioy may be full Why but will you say who can bring any Word to proue that he shall be saued I answer that it is written that whosoeuer beleeues in Christ shall not perish but haue life euerlasting Iohn 3. 16. And verse 36 He that beleeueth in the Sonne hath euerlasting life And therefore he that can say he is sure he doth beleeue in Christ as euery faithfull man can hath Gods expresse Word to assure him that he shall be saued Now a man that hath Faith may by the fruits of it certainely know that he hath it indeed This is euident by 2. Corinthians 13. 5. Proue your selues whether yee are in the Faith examine your selues know you not your owne selues how that Christ Iesus is in you except yee be reprobates The second Reason why they that haue Faith may be so certaine of their saluation is because their Faith is grounded vpon the testimony of Gods Spirit that cannot deceiue them 1. Iohn 2. 27. The annointing which yee haue receiued of him abideth in you and it is truth and is no lye Now the Spirit of God is giuen to the faithfull to assure them of their saluation the spirit it selfe beareth witnesse with our spirit that we are the children of God Rom 8. 16. 1. Iohn 3. 14. We know that we are passed from death to life because we loue the brethren He that hath but that one grace may be sure of his saluation how much more he that hath many and more speciall graces of God Therefore the Spirit of God is called
might haue life through his name Iohn 20. 30 31. And seales they were not such as are set in waxe the stamp whereof might be worne out in time and had need to be renewed but such as were ingrauen in brasse the stamp whereof may be as well seene now as when it was first done All the miracles of Christ and of the Prophets and Apostles are ours as being done for the confirmation of that Doctrine which we teach and professe And touching the miracles they brag of we answer First the most of the miracles they glory in we haue iust cause to suspect that they were neuer done The reports that are made of their miracles in the golden Legend all the world may discerne to be notorious lies many of them also were but tricks of Legerdemaine as the nodding and weeping and sweating of their Images whereas the miracles that Christ and his Apostles did were done before witnesses not in the darke and vnderboard without all suspition of fraud such as were euident to the senses of men see what store of witnesses he had of those miracles that are mentioned Mat. 4. 24 25. Marke 33. Yea where he did most affect secrecy yet would he haue some witnesses of vnsuspected credit as in the raising of Iairus daughter though he put forth the most that were in the house and commanded that this miracle might not be spoken of yet would he haue three of his Apostles and Iairus himselfe and his wife to be eye-witnesses of the miracle Luke 8. 51 56. So as his miracles had testimony not onely from all the people Iohn 6. 14. but euen from his most mortall enemies This man doth many miracles say they Iohn 11. 47. Secondly those things that can be proued to haue beene done indeed are no greater than such as false teachers haue been able to doe that is such things as haue been so wonderfull and strange as they haue seemed miracles vnto men and which few or none haue been able to distinguish from true miracles so our Sauiour saith of false Prophets They shall shew great signes and wonders insomuch that if it were possible they shall deceiue the very elect Matth. ●…4 ●…4 Yea such as is expresly foretold should be done by Antichrist and his Church His comming is after the working of Satan with all power and signes and lying wonders 2. Thes. 2. 9. And he doth great wonders so that he maketh fire come downe from heauen in the sight of men And deceiueth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do Ren. 13. 13 14. Thirdly we are sure they can be no true miracles that they worke when the Doctrine they would confirme by them is false and contrary to the Word For seeing that things which may seeme to be miracles in the iudgement of the wisest man on earth may be wrought by false teachers we must iudge not by the miracles what Doctrine is true but by the Doctrine what miracles are true and diuine If there arise among you a Prophet and giueth thee a signe or a wonder and the signe or the wonder come to passe whereof he spake vnto thee saying Let vs go after other gods and serue them thou shalt not hearken to the words of that Prophet Deut. 13. 1 3. 2 Seeing all Christs wonderfull workes were done to gaine credit and estimation to his Doctrine and Worship let vs make the same Vse also of all Gods wonderfull works that are done in our eyes for they also are done to that end to draw vs to a greater reuerence and better regard of his Word and Worship All his wonderfull and strange iudgements and corrections wherein we are constrained to acknowledge his finger these things are done to open the eares of men to make them able to heare with more reuerence and fruit and to seale their instruction to confirme vnto them and make them better able to belieue that which they are taught by the Word as Elibu speaketh Ioh 33. 16. all the strange thunders and lightenings c. that we haue seene and heard are done to that end as is plaine Psal. 29. 2 3 9. When the Prophet to perswade the greatest men on earth to giue vnto the Lord the glory due vnto his Name by frequenting with all reuerence his publique worship and attending vpon his ordinances mentioneth in many verses together the glorious power of God which appeareth in the thunder which he calls there the voice of the Lord and concludes all that he said of it thus Vers. 9. And in his temple doth euery one speake of his glory euen this mighty and dreadfull worke of God makes euery man giue glory to God in his Temple and performe all duties of his worship more diligently and reuerently Lecture the eighty two February 26. 1610. IOHN IIII. XLV WE heard the last day that this Verse doth offer to our consideration three principall points First the readines of the Galileans to entertaine Christ and his Ministry in these words Then when he came into Galile the Galileans receiued him Secondly the reason that moued them with so great readinesse to receiue and entertaine him in these words Which had seene all things that he did at Ierusalem at the Feast Thirdly the occasion whereby they came to see all those things that he did at Ierusalem at the Feast in these words For they went also vnto the Feast The two first points we finished the last day and now it remaineth that we proceed vnto the last where for the raising of the Doctrine that we are to receiue from hence three things are to be obserued First what this Feast was that the Galileans went vnto and that is euident Iohn 2. 23. that it was the Passeouer And the Passeouer is called a Feast because beside the Paschall Lambe which was then to be eaten by euery family the people of God were wont then for seuen dayes to eat and drink together with ioy This you shall see in the Passeouer kept in Hezekiahs time 2 Chron. 30. 21. Two thousand bullocks and seuenteene thousand sheep were spent at that Feast Verse 24. And in that Iosiah celebrated 2 Chron. 35. 7 8 9. seuen and thirty thousand sheep lambs and kids and three thousand eight hundred bullocks were spent Secondly the vse and end of this Feast for it was no ciuill or common Feast but holy and religious Leuit. 23. 6. it was called the Feast of vnleauened bread vnto the Lord that is it was kept to his honour and seruice They went not thither to make merry in a carnall manner but to reioyce before the Lord Deut. 12. 12. that is with an heauenly and spirituall ioy They did not seeke in that Feast the feeding of their bodies so much as the nourishment and comfort of their soules therefore these sheep and bullocks that were giuen by Hezekiah and the Princes are said to haue been giuen for peace-offerings 2 Chron. 30. 22. which
viz. It was so much against his reuealed will that it was impossible euen for him And what was that that disinabled so the Almighty Sonne of God and so bound as it were his hands behind him Surely the Vnbeliefe of the men of Nazaret as it followes in the next words Mar. 6. 6. And he maruelled at their Vnbelief And more plainly Mat. 13. 58. He did not many great works there for their Vnbeliefs sake The other example is of the Nation and Church of the Iewes though their priuiledges and prerogatiues were great euery way yet we know that when some forty eight yeares after Christ or thereabouts the wrath of God came on them to the vtmost so as it did neuer vpon any Nation vnder heauen though they were the naturall branches of the Lords Oliue yet did he breake them off and cast them away And what was the cause of it Surely they were guilty of many hainous sinnes but the Apostle plainly saith the chiefe cause why God reiected them was their Vnbeliefe because they did not giue credit to his Word Rom. 11. 20. Through Unbeliefe they were broken off saith he So that in these foure examples God hath giuen euident demonstration how much he abhorreth this sinne and how it barreth him from shewing mercy on men But yet this will appeare more plainly if we shall looke into some examples of Gods deare children I will onely name two of them one in the Old Testament and the other in the New The first is Moses a man highly in Gods fauour aboue all the men in the world when God had bidden him speake to the rocke before all the people and promised that it should giue forth water in that abundance that the whole congregation and all their cattell should haue enough to drinke Numbers 20. 8. Moses did not absolutely refuse to giue credit to the Word of the Lord but onely doubted and made a question of it and that not so much out of any distrust he had of Gods power and truth as out of the conceit he had of the great vnworthinesse of that wicked people Numb 20. 10. Heare now ye rebels saith he shall we bring you water out of the rocke But see how seuerely God punished his seruant Moses for this For this sinne he shut him out of the Land of Canaan Numb 20. 12. Yea though Moses earnestly sought to him for it as we shall find Deut. 3. 25. I pray thee let me go ouer and see the good Land that is beyond Iordan that goodly mountaine of Lebanon But the Lord was angry with me saith he for your sakes and would not heare me And the Lord said vnto me Let it suffice thee speake no more to me of this matter The last example is Zachary a man iust before God when the Lord had promised him by his Angell that his wife Elizabeth should beare him a sonne Luke 1. 13. Zachary did but doubt and make a question of the matter and said vnto the Angell whereby shall I know this for I am an old man and my wife is of great age Luke 1. 18. But see how sharply God punished his seruant Zachary for this Though he were a Priest and such a one as whose tongue God might haue had more vse of than of many others yet was he smitten dumbe for this and so remained full forty weeks Luke 1. 20. Behold saith the Angell thou shalt be dumbe till the day that these things be done because thou belieuedst not my words The Reasons of this Doctrine are two As there is nothing wherein we so much giue glory to God as when we belieue and giue credit to his Word so there is nothing wherein we do so much derogate from Gods honour and rob him of his glory as when we refuse to giue credit to his Word When we belieue whatsoeuer the Lord hath spoken we do thereby giue him the glory of his truth his power his iustice his goodnesse Iohn 3. 33. He that hath receiued his testimony hath sealed that God is true So the Apostle saith of Abraham that when he doubted not of the promise of God through vnbeliefe but was strengthened in the faith he gaue glory to God Rom. 4. 20. On the other side he that cannot giue credit to Gods Word dishonoureth him in the highest degree 1 Iohn 5. 10. He that belieueth not God hath made him a lyar and what greater disgrace can ye put vpon any man of worth than to giue him the lye The second Reason of the Doctrine is this Because Infidelity as it was the first sinne whereby Sathan got entrance into the heart of man and drew him from God Gen. 3. 4. so is it still the root and mother of all other sinnes Heb. 3. 12. The euill heart is called the heart of Vnbeliefe there it begins that is the first thing that corrupteth the heart As faith is the root and fountaine of all other graces that is it that purifieth the heart Act. 15. 9. If we belieue his Word we cannot choose but loue him feare him obey him and put our trust in him So on the other side Infidelity is the fountaine of all vngraciousnesse and when once men begin to entertaine a doubting of the truth of any thing God hath reuealed in his Word then begins their heart to be poysoned and corrupted then begin they to depart from the liuing God and fall from his feare and loue and obedience Let vs now come to the Vse of this Doctrine and we shall find it serueth first for exhortation secondly for reproofe thirdly for comfort First seeing no sinne offends God so much as infidelity no sinne is such a barre to all Gods mercies no sinne hath that force to poyson and corrupt the heart we are therefore all of vs to hearken to the exhortation Take heed brethren lest there be in any of you an euill heart of vnbeliefe Heb. 3. 12. Take heed of entertaining the least doubt of any truth that God hath clearely reuealed to thee out of the Word And because first we are all by nature full of infidelity as appeares by this that Christ so often checks his elect Disciples for this Matth. 6. 30. O ye of little Faith And secondly proportionable to the measure of faith will our feare and loue and obedience and comfort be Striue therefore by all good meanes to obtaine an vndoubted certainty of the truth of Gods Word and to confirme thy heart against all doubts and infidelity And foure principall means I find that we are directed to in this case 1 The consideration of the testimony which the Lord himselfe hath giuen of the vndoubted certaintie of his holy Word Matth. 5. 18. Truly I say vnto you till heauen and earth perish one iot or one title of the Law shall not scape till all things be fulfilled Yea it is a notable thing to obserue how precise God hath been in this point that as it is said of Samuel 1 Sam. 3.
40. 15. 17. Yea as wee haue heard in the Doctrine hee is so much the more ready to execute vengeance vpon any sinne the more common it is the more there be that ioyne in it as in the example of the old World and Sodome it hath appeared At the day of iudgement thou that art an adulterer a drunkard a swearer c. shalt see all that haue beene of thy fashion gathered together then thou shalt haue company enough thou shalt then be able to say thou art not alone but a las that shall yeeld thee no comfort at all But in that day thou shalt finde that true which the Prophet saith in another case Esay 44. 11. Behold all that are of the fellowship thereof shall be confounded l●…t them all be gathered together and stand vp yet they shall feare and be confounded together Yea howsoeuer many desperate sinners are wont to iest at Hell and say they had rather be there than in Heauen for there will be most good fellowes to beare them company yet they shall finde one day that that will be no mitigation at all to their torment but the more of their companions and fellowes that they shall haue with them there the more extreme and intolerable shall their paines be And that may seeme to be the only cause why Diues was so importunate with Abraham that Lazarus might go to keepe his brethren from that place of torment Luke 16. 28. So that it stands euery one vpon to hearken to the exhortation of the Apostle Gal. 6. 4 5. Seeke to haue matter of reioycing in thy selfe alone and not in another for euery man shall beare his owne burthen The third remedy against this corruption is to consider that it is not safe to make the example of any no not of the best man the rule of our conscience That honour is due only to Gods Word The example euen of the best man may deceiue and mis-leade vs. So did the example of the old Prophet deceiue the young Prophet 1. Kings 13. 19. So did Peters example deceiue Barnabas and many others Gal. 2. 13. So that we cannot be sure we do well if we haue no better ground Yea it is a most high dishonour done to God to make any mans example the rule of their conscience Ier. 17. 5. Cursed be the man that trusteth in man and maketh flesh his arme and withdraweth his heart from the Lord. The second Vse of this Doctrine is for instruction and direction vnto vs all how to carry our selues in these euill times wherein most foule finnes are growne exceeding common and generall and do ouerflow all places all sorts and conditions of men This is the generall complaint of all men that sin was neuer so rife neuer so common as it is now Prophanenesse and contempt of Religion swearing drunkennesse vnmercifulnesse murther falshood and security They that go into places of most common resort as to Faires and Assizes and obserue the behauiour of men would wonder at Gods patience and thinke there were not a godly man left in the Land as the Prophet complained in his time Psal. 12. 1. Well let vs learne what is our duty to do that liue in such an age specially theirs that liue in the worst places Foure duties especially I finde enioyned to Gods people in such an age 1. We should take this for a signe of Gods vengeance approaching this should work in vs feare and humiliation It is made the property of a wise hearted Christian Pro. 22. 3. To see the plague and hide himselfe to obserue the signes of a iudgement comming As God hath giuen vs signes to discerne a tempest so hath he of his iudgements And the Lord blames his people Ier. 8. 7. for that they had lesse sense and wisedome to discerne the approaching of his iudgements than the Storke and Turtle and Crane and Swallow had to discerne their appointed times Now this is one of our signes that iudgement is neare when sin is growne so rife and generall as I haue shewed in the Doctrine Certainely when a godly man considers of it it will worke feare and sorrow in him Psal. 119. 53. Feare is come vpon me for the wicked that forsake thy Law Thus the Prophet brings in himselfe and all the godly mourning and complaining Micah 7. 1. Woe is me for I am as when they haue gathered summer fruits there is no cluster to eat Marke one reason vers 2 6. viz. the generality of sin And another verse 4. the approaching of iudgement He that is thus affected with this generality of sin shall finde comfort in the euill day and none but he set a marke vpon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof Ezek. 9. 4. If any shall obiect This needes not trouble vs neither is this such a certaine signe of iudgement approaching for though sin were neuer so rife as now yet did our Land neuer enioy more signe of Gods fauour nor more likelihood of the con●…inuance thereof than now Some twenty yeares since when sin was nothing so common yet were there more signes of Gods wrath towards the Land than now I answer 1. Iudgement may be at hand notwithstanding all this that we boast of Gen. 19. 23. It was a faire sun-shine morning when Lot entred into Zoar yet that very day fire and brimstone came from heauen vpon Sodome And our generall security that we cannot see nor feele any tokens of Gods anger is one of the fearfullest signes that can be that iudgement is at hand 1. Thess. 5. 3. When they shall say peace and safety then destruction shall ceaze vpon them 2. I will tell you the true causes why God hath spared vs all this while and doth spare vs still though sin so abound and it is good euery one of vs should take notice of them that we may not call Gods truth and iustice into question 1. The Gospell and the true Religion of God is soundly preached and professed still in the Land T is true sundry faithfull Prophets of God are much maligned and sundry dangerous errours are broached taught by some men yet for the substance the true Religion and Worship of God blessed be God we still enioy it in a comfortable manner yea in greater sincerity and power than any other Church vnder heauen doth and that with publike allowance and countenance of Authority And this is one chiefe cause why God spares vs. 1. Chron. 13. 14. While the Arke remained in the house of Obededom God blessed Obededom and all his houshold This the Prophet vseth as a most effectuall reason to moue the Lord vnto mercy toward Iudah Ier. 14. 9. Yet thou O Lord art in the midst of vs and thy Name is called vpon vs forsake vs not and Ezek. 20. 8. I thought to poure out mine indignation vpon them and accomplish my wrath against them but I had
Nation so vnlikely to receiue the Gospell as they Rom. 11. 8. God hath giuen them the spirit of slumber c. vnto this day No people vnder heauen doe beare so bitter hatred to Christ and the Gospell as they doe daily in their Synagogues they blaspheme and curse Christ. 3. Neuer was there any Nation so vnlikely that God should shew this mercy vnto as the Iewes For what people euer did beare so euident markes of Gods wrath and indignation as they haue done What people was euer so like to be a people that God hath hated and accursed and reiected as they Which makes the Apostle to say 1. Thess 2. 16. Wrath is come vpon them to the vttermost These things considered we may wonder that the Lord should euer vouchsafe them that honour as to make them his stewards to put them in trust with the keeping of all his treasure and with the dispensing of it to his whole family but specially we may wonder that euer the Lord should now shew them that mercy againe to become his people No maruell though the Apostle calls this a mysterie Rom. 11. 25. Well hath the Lord reuealed to vs any reason of this why he should thus farre forth honour this nation yes surely 1. They haue thus reiected the Gospell not of meere malice but ignorantly out of a blinde zeale And now brethren I wo●…e that through ignorance ye did it as did also your fathers Acts 3. 17. In persecuting the faithfull they thought they did God seruice Iohn 16. 2. They had in them the zeale of God euen then Rom. 10. 2. 2. The purity and life of Religion which they shall discerne in the Gentiles shall be a meanes to draw them as the Idolatry and other sinnes of Christians hath beene the meanes to harden them thus long Saluation is come vnto the Gentiles for to prouoke them to iealousie that through your mercy they also may obtaine mercy Rom. 11. 11. 31. But thirdly the chiefe Reason is that ancient and vnchangeable loue which God did beare to their fathers Abraham Isaac and Iacob and the Couenant he had made with them With Abraham the Lord had made this euerlasting Couenant Gen. 17. 7. and 22. 18. In thy seede shall all the nations of the earth be blessed This Couenant made with their fathers is oft alledged for the reason why God shewed such mercy vnto this Nation I will remember my Couenant with Iacob and also my Couenant with Isaac and also my Couenant with Abraham will I remember and will remember the land Leuit. 26. 42. And Ezek. 16. 60. Neuerthelesse I will remember my Couenant with thee in the daies of thy youth and I will establish vnto thee an euer lasting Couenant And this is alledged by the Apostle for the onely reason why they were trusted with Gods Oracles Rom. 3. 3. What if some of them did not beleeue shall their vnbeliefe make the faith of God without effect And why notwithstanding the fearefull Apostacie wherein now they lye God will shew mercy to them againe and make them his people Rom. 11. 16. If the first fruits be holy so is the whole lumpe if the roote be holy so are the branches The Vse of this Doctrine is 1. To conuince the Religion of the Papists Who though they do apishly and superstitiously imitate the Iewes in those things which God hath forbidden them to imitate them in for all their pompeous seruice and ceremonies are vsed in imitation of the Iewes and it is euident that God hath long since abrogated that ceremoniall worship Ioh. 4. 21. 23. the houre commeth when ye shall neither in this mountaine nor yet at Ierusalem worship the Father But the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth yea he hath condemned the vse of it Behold I Paul say vnto you that if ye be circumcised Christ shall profit you nothing Gal. 5. 2. yet do they deny that honour to the Church of the Iewes which our Sauiour here hath giuen vnto it For 1. They receiue sundry bookes for the Old Testament which the Church of the Iewes neuer acknowledged Whereas all the Scripture of the Old Testament is called their Law all the Oracles of the euer-liuing and iust God in the Old Testament were committed to them and they faithfully kept them to Christs time or else Christ or the Apostles would haue taxed them for this rather then for any other corruptions yea to this very day they do keepe them truely and faithfully insomuch as though their Rabines haue giuen very many false and blasphemous interpretations and glosses yet they cannot be charged in any of their writings to haue corrupted the Text by adding one word or letter vnto it or by taking or diminishing one word or letter from it 2. They hold Rome to be the mother Church vnto all the world to which all other Churches are to conforme themselues and from which they are to receiue direction whereas we haue heard that honour belongeth onely to the Church of Ierusalem 3. They haue very many things in their Religion which they hold for matters of saluation their whole Hierarchy and many Doctrines also that they teach which neuer came from the Church of the Iewes Whereas it is very euident and certaine that though they can pretend neuer so great antiquity for any thing they hold if they cannot proue it was taught and receiued in the Church of the Iewes it cannot be of God To teach vs how to stand affected to the people and Nation of the Iewes 1. We should obserue and wonder at the fearefull iudgement of God vpon that Nation not onely in that slauery bondage and contempt they haue liued in for these sixteene hundreth yeeres but specially in that strange obstinacy and hardnesse of heart that hath beene thus long vpon them For if God haue thus dealt with that people for their sinne and contempt of his Gospell which of all people in the world he loued best and had most obliged himselfe vnto how can we hope to escape if we sin as they haue done This vse the Apostle makes Rom. 11. 21. if God spared not the naturall branches take heed least he also spare not thee 2. We should obserue and wonder at the truth and mercy of God who for his promise sake hath so strangely preserued that Nation and people all this while insomuch as they remaine at this day an exceeding great people 3. We may not hate their name and Nation but loue them and pray for them and vse all meanes to further their conuersion Sundry forcible Reasons there be to mooue vs vnto this 1. The affection that Gods good and godly seruants yea Christ himselfe did beare vnto this people not withstanding their sin and obstinacy See Pauls affection to them his hearts desire and prayer to God for Israel was that they might be saued Rom. 10. 1. and 9. 2 3. he had great heauinesse and continuall sorrow in his