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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A79028 Two solemne covenants made between God and man: viz. [brace] the covenant of workes, and the covenant of grace. [brace] Clearly laid open, distinguished, and vindicated from many dangerous opinions; the right knowledge of which [sic] will be very profitable to all those that have escaped the first, and are confirmed in the second at the Sacrament. January 15. 1646. Imprimatur. John Downame. Calamy, Edmund, 1600-1666. 1647 (1647) Wing C268; Thomason E373_6; ESTC R201327 30,224 34

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Two solemne COVENANTS MADE Between God and Man viz. The Covenant of Workes And the Covenant of Grace Clearly laid open distinguished and vindicated from many dangerous opinions the right knowledge of whch will be very profitable to all those that have escaped the first and are confirmed in the second at the Sacrament Rom. 5.18 19. Therefore as by the offence of one judgement came upon all men to condemnation even so by the righteousnesse of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life For as by one mans disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous John 1.16 For the Law was given by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ January 15. 1646. Imprimatur John Downame London Printed for Thomas Banks and are to be sold in Blackfriers at the top of Bridewell staires and in Westminster Hall at the signe of the Seale 1647. Two solemne Covenants made betweene God and Man viz. the Covenant of Workes and the Covenant of Grace clearly laid open distinguished and vindicated from many dangerous and destructive opinions THere be severall opinions about the Covenant of Works and the Covenant of grace to the great disturbance of many Christians some hold that there be foure Covenants two of Works and two of Grace the two first one with Adam before the fall and the other with Israel at their returne out of Aegypt and the Covenants of Grace the first to Abraham and the other at the Incarnation of Jesus Christ this M. Sympson affirmed before a Committee of the Assembly of Divines in my hearing 2. Others hold that there is but three Covenants the first with Adam the second with Israel at their going out of Aegypt and a third with Jesus Christ the two first of Workes and the last of Grace and this M. Burroughes delivered in his Exposition Sermon in Cornhill in my hearing 3. Others hold that there is but two Covenants the one of Works and the other of Grace yet the first they hold was made with Israel at Mount Sinai and no Covenant of workes before that and now it is vanished away and the other a Covenant of grace yet not made till the death of Christ the testator and this is affirmed by James Pope in a Book entituled the unveiling of Antichrist 4. Others hold that the Law at Mount Sinai was a Covenant of grace implying that there is more then one Covenant of grace and this is affirmed by Mr. Anthony Burgesse in his Vindication of the Morall Law the 24. Lecture text the 4. of Deuteronomy 5. Others with my selfe hold that there is but two Covenants the one a Covenant of Workes and the tree of life was a Sacrament or signe and token of it this was made with Adam before his fall and to all his posterity who come under it as soon as they take upon them his nature for he did bear an Image for himselfe and all his postetity so that if he had stood in his integrity he had conveyed his righteousnesse and holinesse to all his posterity and when he by sin defiled his nature the whole race of mankind was polluted by him and also he received a Covenant both for himselfe and all his posterity and in case he had been faithfull to it all his posterity had stood with him but he breaking that Covenant brought not only guilt upon himself but upon all his posterity with him so that now there is none clean no not one how can he be clean that is born of a woman Job 25.4 thus mans nature is polluted And in regard of the Covenant let every mouth be stopped for all the world is become guilty before God Rom. 3.29 for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God Rom. 3.23 by one man sinne entred into the world and death by sinne and so death passed upon all men for that all have sinned Rom 5.12 so then all men by nature lye under the pollution and guilt of Adams sinne and lyable to all the curses and penalties due unto them for breach of that Covenant But then there was a Covenant of grace which God the Father made with Jesus Christ from all eternity to save some of the posterity of Adam and had not this Covenant been prepared ready against the fall of Adam to take place at the very moment of his fall the Justice of God had immediatly seized upon the whole Creation under Heaven and consum'd them to their first nothing but then came Jesus Christ with the covenant in his hand saying be gracious unto him and deliver him from going down to the pit I have found a ransome Job 33.24 now I shall prove that the covenant of grace was made with Jesus Christ from all eternity being a contract or plot of God the Father with God the Sonne from all eternity as mediator for the salvation of the Elect. 1. If God the Father promised eternall life before the world began when as there was no creature as yet made this promise must needs be made to Jesus Christ our mediatour but God promised eternall life before the world began Titus 1.2 Ergo it must needs be made to Jesus Christ our mediator before the world began Secondly if Jesus Christ was set apart from all eternity for this worke then the Covenant of grace was made with him before the world was but saith Christ I was set up from everlasting before the earth was when there was no depths before the Mountaines were fetled when he prepared the heavens when he established the clouds when he gave the Sea his decree then was I by him as one brought up with him Pro. 8.23 to the 30. now this cannot be meant of Christ as God for then who should set him up or appoint him any work then it must needs follow that it was Jesus Christ as Mediatour with whom the Covenant of grace was made for him hath God the Father sealed John 6.27 Thirdly If it was appointed before the world was that Christ should come and die for sinners then the Covenant of grace was made with him to save a certain number from all eternity but saith Peter when that Kings and Rulers were gathered together against the Lord and against his Christ it was to do what God had determined before to be done Acts 4.26 27 28. and you are redeemed with the precious blood of Christ as of a Lambe without spot or blemish who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world 1 Pet. 1.18 19 20. therefore the Covenant of grace was made with Jesus Christ before the world began Fourthly if God appointed Christ a time and at the fulnesse of time he came to redeem those that were under the Law that they might receive the adoption of sonnes then the Covenant of grace was made with Jesus Christ from all eternity but this first is true Gal. 4.3.4 Ergo so is the second and it further appears
law at Sinai to be a covenant of grace Lastly he saith we must retain that distinction of a large and a strict sence of the law but I say let him take the law at Sinai as strict or as large as he will it is not a covenant of grace and therefore cannot state a man in grace only it is given both to them and us as a rule to walk by and we ought still to obey it so far as we are able and yet not as a covenant of grace but as a rule of life In the next place I shall prove that the law at Sinai was not a covenant of works if the Lord had set them upon a covenant of works this would have disanul'd the covenant of grace given 430. years before and if salvation came by works it is no more of grace Gal. 3.17.18 Rom. 11.6 but saith Paul is the law against the promises of God God forbid Gal. 3.21 then the law at Sinai was not a covenant of workes Secondly if the law at Sinai had been a covenant of works this were to make them their own savoiurs but it was the happinesse of Israel to be saved by the Lord Deut. 33.29 then the law at Sinai was not a covenant of works Thirdly If all mankind lye dead in sin under the guilt and penalty of the covenant of works already then they are uncapable of another covenant of works but all men are dead in sins 1 Ephes 2.1 Rom. then the law at Sinai was not given to Israel as a covenant of works but as a rule of life to them being in the covenant of grace before Fourthly If Israel was a peculiar speciall holy people to the Lord and yet born into the world dead in sin uncapable of working then this must needs be done by a covenant of grace but they were such a people Deut. 7.6 then not by working but by faith in that covenant of grace confirmed to Abraham 430. yeares before they became such a people and not by the law at Sinai Fifthly If Israel was married to the Lord as the spous to the husband and in relation of children to their father then this was done by the covenant of grace confirmed to Abraham but Israel was such a people Jer. 3.14 Isa 54.5 Hosea 2.19 20. Psal 103.13 Isa 49.15 then the law at Sinai was only a rule of life but not a covenant of works whereby to make themselves such a people Sixtly If the Lord had put them that were dead in sins and under the curse and penalty of the covenant of works already to work themselves out of that misery by doing the works of that covenant this had been no mercy at all to Israel but that law at Sinai was a great mercy to Israel he had not dealt so with any nation as to give them his lawes and Statutes Psal 147.18 19. then it was not given to them as to Adam a covenant of works but as a rule of life Now some may ask why it is so frequent in the old Testament doe this and live and if ye keep my Covenant then ye shall be a peculiar people unto me above all people Exodus 19.5.6 I answer it is no more then is said in the new Testament he that doth the will of my Father shall come to heaven and he that keepeth my Commandements hath right to the tree of life and shall enter into the holy City the doers of the Law are blessed in the deed see Mal. 7.21 Rev. 22.14 James 1.25 2. This doth not deny the doing of the law by a surety for it is not said that no other shall do it for thee but do this either thy selfe or by a surety and thou shalt live 3. There is an Evangelicall doing of the Law when with our desire and endeavour we obey the whole Law 4. We must understand it to be of those in the covenant of grace who do all in the strength of Christ and his perfect obedience to the law is imputed to them as if they had done it and they obeying the law not as a covenant of works but as a rule of life and God accepting it as done by themselves and that perfectly they that thus do the law shall live yet this doth not make the morall Law to be a covenant of Works Now some it may be will say there is more then two covenants made with mankind for saith the Lord behold the daies come that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah Jer. 31.31 then if it be a new covenant it is neither the covenant of Workes with the first Adam nor the covenant of grace with the second Adam I answer This promise is made to Israel and Judah at their return out of captivity but suppose it is meant now since the coming of Christ yet it amounts but to the same thing which is a new discovery or a larger manifestation of the covenant of grace made with Christ as mediator before the world began which was first declared to Adam immediately after his fall the seed of the woman shal break the Serpentshead Gen. 3.15 after that in processe of time Cain and Abel brought their offerings to the Lord and Abels lambe did then tipifie the true Lambe of God that taketh away the sins of the world for he was slain from the beginning of the world Rev. 13.8 John 1.29 and God accepted Abels offring Gen. 4.3 4. and God commanded Noah to take of clean beasts and foules into the Ark by seavens which was to sacrifice to the Lord and the Lord smelled a savour of rest and said in his heart I will not again ourse the ground for mans sake Gen. 7.2 3.8.20 21. now all this could not be so accepted but as they had faith in Christ the true sacrifice see their faith Heb. 11.4.7 after this when the ceremoniall Law was written through the whole book of Leviticus and from the 24. of Exodus to the 32. then they saw God and did eat and drink they saw the God of Israel with comfort and as it were the body of heaven in his clearnesse Exod. 24.10 11. that is the covenant of grace was manifested more clearly then formerly after this the Lord makes known unto them that a Virgin shall bear a son and call his name Imanuel after this unto us a child is born unto us a son is given and the government shall be on his shoulders it is so in respect of certainty Isa for the covenant was made after the world began after this a further manifestation in Ezekiels vision where the foure estates of Christ are lively set forth his birth mean he had the face of a man 2. His life couragious he had the face of a Lyon 3. In his death sacrificed as an oxe 4. In his ascension like an Eagle Ezek. 1.4 compared with Rev. 4.7 now these are the badges or mottoes of the foure Evangelists for they