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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16065 Of the auctorite of the word of god agaynst the bisshop of london wherein are conteyned certen disputacyons had in the parlament howse betwene the bisshops a bowt the nomber of the sacramen[n]ts and other things, very necessary to be known, made by Alexa[n]der Alane Scot and sent to the duke of Saxon. Alesius, Alexander, 1500-1565.; Allen, Edmond, 1519?-1559. 1544 (1544) STC 292; ESTC S108900 30,774 92

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set vp in the steade of it his own blasphemes and that thei shuld haue bene called the writton word of god rather thā the vnwritton inuented word Oh lord the holy gost had euel prouided for us if he had left us in the holy scripture only part of the word and will of god And how could god haue lauffully dāned us for receyuing strange doctrines euen after the commandmentes of the bisshops if he had not left all things necessary for our saluacyon writton in his holy word And againe where as christ cōmandeth us to heare the church if we shuld not know the true church only by the scripture but by pour auc torite saccession who shuld haue durst ones to haue opened his lippes against the Idolatrissh seruice and false tradiciōs of the bishops or ones haue whisspred against any wickednes had it bene neuer so manifest But thei being thorouly blīded do not perceyue this most shameful and detestable blasphemy Thei doo not consyder what ignorance neclygence vnmercifulnes thei ascrybe vnto god whā as thei say that god did not regard that the word shuld be writton whereby he saith that we shal be iudged at the latter day But the holy gost esspyed before the malyce of the deuel and also this blasphemy and therfor to represse and confownd his purpose and tyranny and agayne to stopp the mouthes of all other he enioyned his scribes that is to say the Prophetes Apostels and euangelistes to wryte this word that we shuld haue by us a sure and a perpetual testimony whereunto we might surely trust and wherby he might shew declare hym selfe to damne the wicked lawfully And he cōmanded the apostels that thei shuld beare witnes of this scripture and that thei shulde reiecte all other writinges whose so euer thei were which went abowt to mixe their lyes with the gospel lyke as s. luke in the prologe of his gospel sayth I thought it good to wryte vnto the gentil brother Theophyl all things which I haue serched out with all dilygence from the beginning that thou mightest haue a perfight groūde to bild thy fayth vp on which thou le●nydst in thy youth c. By this so euydent a testymony hath the holy goost stablysshed confirmed our hartes agaynst the blasphemy of antichrist which accuseth the holy gost of most shameful wickednes and vnrightuosnes saing that he did not regard to wryte all Articles of our christen religyon and faith but that he wold thei shuld depend vpon vncerten doctrynes which the bisshops might make and alter as oft as thei list And the holy gost was not content with this one testimony but he caused the self same euangelist which had promised him self to wryte all things from the beginnig with all diligēce to testifye agayne that he had fulfilled his promes for in the begīnig of the actes he saith that he hath writtō in the story of his gospel of all things which christ both did and taught euē vntyl that day that he left this world And because there were certē which did falsely wrytte and wrest this place the holy father Chrisostome doth expownd it thus There be some that enquire how luke could wryght of all things which christ both did taught seīg Iohn sayth it were impossible to wryte all thīgs whom I answer saith he luke meneth not al thīgs but of all things necessary vnto our saluacion But the holy gost nedeth no helpe of animan to cōfirm his wordes for he which is the most coning craftesman of all and hath the knoulege of all wordes did espie before what cauillacyon the deuel wold make at that therfor he maketh answere vnto it euen by the self same euangelist For where as Ihon had sayd that Iesus had done many miracles which be not writtō he addeth immediatly and saith These be writtō that ye shuld bileue that Iesus is the son of god that ye beleuing shuld haue euerlastīg life hy his name By th●s wordes it is manifest that the sōme of all christes doctrine and so many miracles also were writton as be sufficyent to confirme our faith all maner of articles whiche we be bownd to byleue For this article that Iesus is the son of god the promised seede which shuld breake the serpentes heade and restore that lyfe which the deuel had stolen from us and had brought agayne restored thorow the apperyng of the gospel that light which was darckened hidden by the prince of darknes vnto themyserable world sitting or liuing before in darknes in the shadowe of death this article I say is the sōme of the whole scripture and the principal point or article of s. Iohns gospel And for this articles sake he sayth in his first pistel that he wrote all things vnto all men and that he which byleueth in the son hathe the witnesse ī him selfe that is to say he doth vnderstonde the somme of the whole scripture And because god wold haue the holy bokes wr●ttō testifye of this sede that was to come namely the son of god the whole scripture is a testimony of this christ and son of god there are many t●m●s dyuerse witnesses alledged in the scripture to beare witnes of christ that he is the son of god cōceyued by the holy gost borne of the virgine suffred death is rysen vp agayn c. And vnto this had he respect wh●n he sayd Serche the scriptures for thei beare witnes of me And peter speaketh in like maner s●īg All the prophet●s do witnesse with h●m that god forgeueth all the syn̄es vnto them which bileue and put their confydence in this christ And Paul saith in lyke maner that rightuosnes was testifyed of in the lawe in the prophetes Wherfore thos testimonys which proue Iesus to be the son of god do sufficiently proue also our whole christē faith and all maner of articles necessar●y to saluacyon and to euerlasting life And it were no hard thing to dyduce and drawe all the articles of the faith euen owt of this one For he that byleueth Iesus to be the son of god must nedes also grant god the father almyghty maker of heauen and erth to be the natural father of our lord Iesus christ and that for his sake he is our father and we be the sōnes of god for Iesus sake and thorow him And christ saith byleue ye in god so byleue in me also do ye not byleue that I am in the father and the father in me And Iohn saith who so euer confesseth Iesus to be the son of god khe hath both the father the son Item who so euer bileueth Iesus to be the natural son of god must nedes acknoulege that he is that Emanuel of whom Esay did Prophecy that he shuld be borne of a virgyn and shuld suffer death lyke as other scriptures had before testifyed he saythe O ye folisshe hartes harde to byleue all thīgs which the prophetes haue
told yow Must not Christ nedes haue suffred all these things so entre in to his glory Agayne it was impossyble that the son of god shuld be holdē down of death but that he shuld breake the paynes of hell ryse vp agayne As peter doth proue in the actes out of Dauyd and lyke wise Paul to proue his ascensyon vnto heauen alledgeth this verse out of the psalm Thou didst ascend vnto the highth And tokest captyuyte prysoner and gauest dyuers gyftes vnto men And dauyd speaketh of this son saing The lord sayd vnto my lord syt at my right hand vntyl I make thy emnys thy fotestole Which place paul expowndeth of the kingdom of christ after his resurrectiō and ascensyon .j. to the coryn .xv. Furthermore if thou byleuest Iesus to be the son of god than thou shalt grant that he hath sent the holy gost to sanctifye the congregacyon that is to say all the faythful according to his promes and that he is the god in whose name he cōmanded that we shuld be baptysed lyke as in his fathers name and his Itē all the prophetes do beare witnes of the holy gost namely that we must receyue remissyon of synnes thorow his name and he promyseth that he wil rayse us vp againe vnto euerlastīg life These thinges haue I spoken the more largely for the shameful cauellacyon and blasphemy of London which denyeth that all the articles of our faith can be proued by the scripture because s. Iohn saith that Iesus dyd many miracles which be not writton in this boke Now wil I alledge the myndes of Cirillus and. s. Austen to confute this wicked and blasphemos opinyon Cyrillus writing vpon Iohn the .xij. chap. speaketh thus Iohn saith there is a gret multitude and an infinyte nomber of the myracles which the lord did but those saith he which we haue shewed yow be sufficyent to them that reade them diligently for the stablysshing confirmacyon of a perfight fayth and I am not to be blamed though I haue not writton them all For if all were gathered one by one none left out the whole world wold not receyue the multytude of the bokes Wherfor all that he did were not writtō But all things which the writers thought sufficyent both for the fayth and bylefe and also for the life and conuersacyon of men that we myght shyne with a right and perfight fayth and with true workes vertues and so come vnto the kyngdom of heauen thorow our lord christ be wrytton wherfor it is a newelye lately inuēted in the deuels shop to say that all the articles of the christen fayth can not be proued by the scripture and that mēs tradicyōs besyde the scripture be good workes and please god Now ye may see that the church in Cyrillus tyme did not acknoulege this wicked blasphemy Austen affirmeth the same writing vp on this place of Iohn these be writton that ye shuld byliue etc. Our lord Iesus saith he did many miracles but all be not writton for those that shuld be writtō were specialy chosen pyked owt as many as wer thought necessary and sufficient for the saluacyō of the faithful By these auctorites ye may see that thei belye the old doctors which say that they maynteyne any such blasphemy But now to make an end of alledging any more testimonies I wil cyte only .ij. specyal and most faithful witnesses against this deuelyssh sophistical cauillacyon and opinyon namely Peter and Paul and so wil I make an end For euery man that hath any witt at all may plaīly perceyue that Peter wrote his second pistle against such blasphemers as do imagine a new word of god besyde that which is writton For he calleth the scripture euen a very true prophecy and he calleth them false or lyeng Prophetes which teach cōtrary to this prophetical and Apostolical prophecy or any thing which is not conteyned in it and he teacheth this rule wherby we shuld auoyde all maner of lyes that we shuld trye and examine them by this prophetical word or prophetical scripture wherunto he cōmandeth us to haue a specyal eye as vnto the candel which dryueth out and banisheth away all darknes and lyes of the deuel His wordes be these I wryte vnto yow this second pistle to prick you vp to quyckē your hartes that ye might remember the wordes which haue bene told now before by the holy prophetes and also the wordes of our message and cōmandment which be the Apostles of the lord and sauior for ye must knowe that in the latter dayes there shal come mockers Now these mockers he paynteth with specyal colors wher by thei may be known Thei shal bring in saith he pernicyos and dānable sectes or as Paul saith thei shal speake lies in hypocrisy vnder the color and pretense of holynes Forbidding to mary to absteyne from the meates which god hath created to be receyued of the faithful with thankes geuyng And thei shal denie the lord saith he which hath bought or redemed them and the way of the truth shal thei slander and reuyle as certen blasphemers do now a dayes speake blasphemosly of paul because he doth manifestly confute mans satisfaccyons rightwisnes and redempcyō by workes And therfor saythe he for couetosnes sake thei shal make marchādise of now thorow fables and false doctryne inuēted of their own braynes and he compareth thē to Sodom and Gomor and he sayth that thei haue eyes ful of adultery But their doctryne peter calleth disceitful fables and he sayth that their suttelty must be disclosed by the lantern of the prophetycal scripture And we haue the word of prophecy saith he wher unto ye do well to harken as vnto a candel geuyng lyght in the dark nyght tyl the daye lyght appeare and the mornyng sterre ryse in your hartes for as moch as ye know that no prophetycal scripture belongeth to mās interpretacyō nor it was neuer thrust vnto us by mās wil But the holy men of god were inspyred of the holy gost and moued to speake it This is a sure and a substancyal testimony to cōfute all maner of doctrines and tradicyons besyde the scripture yea and to refuse all maner of doctors and writars which speake any thing of their own brayne without scripture to confirme it For. s. Peter putteth a speciall difference betwene prophecy or prophetical scripture and an Interpretacyon which is inuented of mās own brayne and tradicyons which are made and enioyned at mans cōmandmēt and he calleth all maner of doctrines which be not conteined in the scripture of the holy goost capcyos disceyghtful fables and he ascribeth an high auctoryte vnto the old prophecy and prophetical scripture For whan he had alledged for his doctryne the diuinite of christ which he had sene and the voyce of the father which he had hard and agayn the witnes of Moyses and Elyas te in wickednes and thei shal subuert bewitch their hearers that thei shal
haue gret delight in the deuels cauillacyons and blasphemis Such fals lying prophetes doth paul set forthe in such lyuely colors as thei ought be paynted with and maketh a comparyson betwene a faythful preacher of the gospel and a false hipocryte and dissembler And he describeth both by these tokēs The tokens of a good and faithful bisshop be these j. The husband of one wife ij Sobre iij. Discrete iiij Lowely and meke v. A keper of hospitalyte vj. Apt to teach vij No dronkerd viij No fighter but a iust dealer hating all quarelling and contencyon ix Not desieros of filthy luker but abhorring all couetosnes x. Not doble tunged ●j No yong scolar butt holding the mistery of the fayth wyth a pure conscyence False hypocrytes and dissemblers be these j. Forbydders of mariage ij Vnthankful or vnkynd iij. Geuyn to all pleasures and ryot iiij Proud and vayn glorros v. Vnmercyful and cruel vj. Slanderers blasphemers seducers of other men in to errors suffring themselues to be seduced vij Vnchast and geuen to all voluptuosnes viij Vnpacyent braynles braulers about wordes froward and sensual mynded ix Couetos and louers of them selues x. Betrayers of secret councel rass●blabbes xj Hauing a color and out ward shyne of holynes and yet denyēg the specyal vertu and pyth therof Now there is no man so blynd or of ●o lytle witt which can not discern and know false seducers from true preachers by these tokens but yet because there be many hipocrytes which pretend to be as holy and deuowt as angels thorow their fylthy wyueles life and abstynence from meates and difference of garmentes he reproueth this doctrine of theirs by name saing that thei shal forsake the fayth and the vertu and pyth of holynes that is to say the rigtuosnes of faith that thei shal teach lyes the deuyls doctrine thorow hypocrisy namely this that mariage is vnlauful and forbidden vnto certen persons Item thei shal put difference betwene meates garmentes that one kynd is more holy than a nother c. And thei shal affirme that these doctrynes do conteyne in them saluacyon the pyth of holynes and the perfeccyon of a christen man And he sayth that these do turn stopp their eares from the truth and from the holy scripture turning them vnto vayne fables that thei shal not abyde holsom doctrine nor the swete word of our lord Iesus christ that thorow fayth is profytable vnto true holines but thei shal procure them selues a multitude of masters which shal preache vnto them after their own appetites that thei shal dote abowt vayn questyons and contencyons of wordes because the truth is takē from them thei shal byleue surely euen luker to be holynes because thei be infect and poysoned in their hartes and myndes and thei shal haue but lytle delight or pleasure in the doctryne of fayth but put their confidence in opynions articles inuēted of their own braynes and of other men and those shal thei highly esteme euen for heauenly wisdom and true holynes For thus doth paul him self affirme vnto the thessalonyans that god shal send them a strong myghty blyndnes that thei shal byleue lyes and that all which byleue not the truth and the holsom word of our lord Iesus christ shal be damned he saith also that thei shal haue delyght and pleasure in vnrigtuosnes that is to say thei shal think them selues saued by those things which haue no vertu of saluaciō in them namely by the workes of their own handes which are not confyrmed by the word of god but only by false and lying myracles Such do not harkē vnto the angels singyng glory be vnto god aboue and peace delyght ioy vnto men in the erth c. For thei can not delight them selues vpon this infant because he is symple myserable abiect and disfigured with the crosse of affliccion for thei think luker to be holynes thei seke ryches and hygh empyres or kyngdoms thei geue no eare vnto god speaking from heauen This is my dearly beloued sonne in whom I delight but thei delight in other things than in him in whom god wold us to delight and reioyse And ther for paul biddeth us toshunne them saing that thei ought not to he herd and that no man ought to dispute or reason with them but that we ought to fle from them as from an infectuos canker and to stop our eares at theyr bablyng capcyos disceyght ful wordes and folissh and wicked questyons he wil not suffre us to moue one hear brede out of the scripture to cople or reason with thē but to resist and withstand them with the holy scripture for he saith But thow stand fast in those things which thou hast lerned in those things which are cōmitted vnto the remembrīg of whom thou hast lerned them and that euersyns thou wart a child thou hast known the holy scriptures which be able to make the perfyghtly lerned thorow faith vnto the saluacyō which is in christ Iesus for as moch as all scripture inspired by god is profitable to teach and to reproue c. And paul reasoneth thus A bisshop ought to resist his aduersarys with that lernīg wherby he maye be enstruct in the doctryne of faith eschew the doctrines of the deuel and saue both himself and his hearers But the holy scripture is such lerning wher for he ought to resist by the holy scripture which reasō he proueth by the propertys of a good and faithful preacher For the property sayth he of a true teacher is eyther To teach to improue false doctryne to amend and edyfye or to instruct in rightwisnes For as he sayth a bisshop must be apt to teach and to reproue the aduersarys of the faith and he must be such one as must be myghtie and also able to conuynce them that be aduersaris to the truth further more such as erre thorow ignorance or infirmytie thei must reforme them in to the ryght way fynally it is necessary for childern to be norisshed with mylke and gentle instruccyons Now if the holy scriptures be sufficyent to teach instruct perfyghtly thā it must nedes folow that all thīgs necessary vnto saluacyon may be taught owt of them And agayne if thei be sufficient to cōuynce them which resist the truth or fight agaynst the articles of the fayth vphold the deuels doctrynes thā it must folow also that all heresis may be confuted by them and that thei lye abhominably which imagyne a newe vnwrtttō word for that cause And this refuge or excuse to say that although the scripture be profitable for such thīgs yet it is not sufficyēt That is false sayth paul For I affirme sayth he that the holy scriptures do teach us abundantly all thyngs wherby a man of god that is to say a christen man may be perfight and apt or ready vnto all goodnes and thus it foloweth also that thei teach lyes which affirme any