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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A12162 A compendious form and summe of Christian doctrine, called The testimonie of a true faith meete for well disposed families, for the more knowledge [in] God, and better nourishing vp, and confirming of all such, as loue saluation in Iesus Christ. Gathered, corrected, and newly augmented, by Christopher Shutte, Maister of Arte, seene and allowed. Shutte, Christopher, d. 1626. 1579 (1579) STC 22468; ESTC S100084 27,860 76

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whiche in due tyme bringeth forth the fruites of good liuing 36. Question What doest thou learne hereby Answeare First I learne to know God who is made my Father by Christ thorowe adoption and grace 2 Secondly I applie to my selfe by this my faith al the merites of Christ as fully as if I had doone the same my self 3 Thirdly I haue a sure trust in his merites and mercy and boldnes to offer vp my prayers to GOD the father by him 4 Last of all I knowe his promises to be faithfull and true and that he will perfourme them whē it pleaseth his godly wisedome 37. Question Whence commeth faith Answeare It is the gift of GOD wrought in my hart by the preaching of the Gospell and by the holy Ghost 38. Question What is the summe of faith Answeare I beleeue in God the father almightie maker of heauen and earth and in Iesus Christ his onely sonne our Lorde which was conceiued by the holy Ghost borne of the Virgin Mary suffred vnder Poncius Pilate was crucified deade and buried he descended into Hell and rose againe the third day from the deade he ascended into heauen and sitteth on the right hand of God the father almightie from thence he shall come to iudge the quicke and the deade I beleeue in the holy Ghost the holy catholike Churche the communion of saintes the forgiuenes of sinnes the resurrection of the body and the life euerlasting 39. Question What art thou taught hereby Answeare 1 First what to beleeue of God my father and creatour 2 Secondly of Christ my redeemer 3 Thirdly of the holy Ghost my sanctifiour Last of all concerning the church of God 40. Question What canst thou say of God Answeare God is a spirituall nature euerlasting almightie infinite true good righteous and mercifull who hath made the worlde and hath begotten the Sonne of himselfe from euerlasting The sonne is the wisdome and image of the father begotten of the father very God of very God who in his time appointed became man. The holie Ghost is the power and vertue proceeding from them both which three although they be distinct in persons yet are they equal al one in Godhead eternitie dignitie and power 41. Question What sayest thou of the first parte of this faith Answeare I beleeue that God is not onely the naturall father of his sonne Christ but also that he is by grace my father by whose wisedome as heauen and earth and all things therin conteined were made so the same by his power is gouerned and preserued 42. Question What thinkest thou of the second Answeare I beleeue that the sonne of God became man in all thinges like vnto me onely sinne excepted and in my nature wrought what was needefull to my saluation wherefore he is named Iesus that is a Sauiour 43. Question How is thy saluation wrought Answeare This woord Christ doth teach the same for first it signifieth him to be a king and to haue purchased to him selfe by his bloode the spirituall kingdome of his Church all the enemies thereof conquered Whiche kingdome now he gouerneth by his woord and by his spirit whereby he raigneth in my hart and in the hartes of his elect Secondly it teacheth that he was a prieste to offer vp him selfe once for all a swete sacrifice to take away my sinnes and to be a mediatour by whom and in whose name I may offer vp my prayers to God my heauenly father and through him be heard Thirdly it putteth me in mynde that he was a Prophet sent to preach the will of his heauenly father whom alone I must heare and obey as my Lord who being thus appoynted of his father was betraied of Iudas condemned by Pilat crucified by the Iewes buried by Ioseph of Aromathia and Nicodemus suffred in his bodie not onely the punishmentes due to my body but also in his soule the punishmentes due to my soule that was the very tormentes of hel and death and separation from God by whose death my obedience is wrought the malediction of Gods Lawe cancelled the Diuell and his power subdued the wrath of God appeased and I set in his fauour agayne And thus is the death of Christ the onely and full raunsome for my sinnes by vertue whereof sinne also dyeth and is killed in me 44. Question It is verie needefull to keepe this excellent benefite alwayes in minde tell me therefore howe thou canst meditate the same aright Answeare First I consider howe great the wrath of God was towarde my sinnes which coulde be appeased with nothing but onelie with the deare bloudshedding of his sonne and thereby I beginne to hate and eschewe sinne euermore Secondly herein I doo behold also the great loue of GOD whiche spared not his sonne for my sake and likewise the great loue of his sonne that vouchesafed to doe so much for me Thirdly I applie and appropriate the same vnto my selfe whatsoeuer Iesus Christ herein hath done for I am fullie assured that he did it for me 45. Question What sayest thou of his resurrection Answeare As he died for my sinnes so he rose agayne for my iustification hauing gotten the victorie ouer sinne death hell and damnation and geueth me power through his spirit to rise vnto newnes of life assuring me that my bodily death shal be no destruction but that I shall rise againe at the last day to life euerlasting 46. Question Shewe thy minde of his ascention Answeare He ascended with his bodie into heauen where he remayneth hauing all power geuen him of his father but with his spirite he is present with his people by which his ascention he hath taken possession for me in heauen where he also continueth a mediatour to make intercession for me to his father and finally teacheth me to set mine affection vppon heauenlie thinges 47. Question What meanest thou by his comming to iudgement Answeare I beleeue that he which is my sauiour shal come to cleare me and all his elect in iudgement and to condemne the wicked which in their life time refused him to followe their pleasures 48. Question What saiest thou of the holy Ghost Answeare I beleeue that he is the spirit of sanctification geuen to lighten my mynde and to leade me into all trueth he is the earnest of mine inheritance in heauen the seale to imprinte Gods promises in my heart the fountaine of grace and the water which purgeth me from mine vncleannesse and maketh mee to die to sinne and to be holy vnto God. 49. Question Shewe thy minde concerning the Church Answeare The Church is the societie of all faithfull people whom God in Christ hath chosen to saluation before the world was made of which
with the good spirit of God that my whole delight may be reposed where true ioyes are to be sought that whan I shall finish this mortal race I may end the same in the faith and true profession of Iesus Christ my onely redeemer and sauiour To whom with the father and the holy ghost three distinct persons and one eternal God be al glorie praise for euer So be it A prayer to be sayde before the receiuing of the Lordes Supper O Most mercifull God whiche of thine euerlasting kindnesse haste wroght our redemption by the mediation of thy onely sonne our Sauiour Iesus Christ and also sealed the same vnto vs for the more confirmation of our faith by the heauenly and misticall banquet of his last supper instituted and ordeined as a pledge of his endles loue towardes vs that we in vsing the same from tyme to time might keepe a continuall remembraunce of his death and passion and testifie our thankefulnesse for our redemption We most humbly beseeche thee in thy tender mercies to looke vpon vs and to pardon vs all our iniquities our incredulitie and hardnes of hart and to poure into vs thy heauenly grace that wee being watred with the same and purified by faith in thine euerlasting promises may be arayed and clothed with the excellent righteousnes of Iesus Christ to the end hauing vpon vs our wedding garment we may be welcome ghuests by thy grace to thy holy table Where our soules may be nourished with the precious merits of thy sonne our Sauiours death and passion and that we also through faith in the same by thy grace may be fedde vnto immortallitie and lyfe O Lorde wee beseech thee to nourish and sustaine our hungry soules with the spiritual graces of thy sōne quēch the thirst of our harts with the dew of thy holy spirit that we may feele our sinnes clearely to be forgiuen vs and our consciences assured by faith of all the benifites of thy sonnes suffrings euen so fully to be doone for vs as if wee had doon the same our selues Good Lord for his sake geue vs grace to proced from faith to faith and more and more to bee confirmed in the way of our saluation by the reuerent and godly vse of these thy holy misteries giue vs a right iudgment and vnderstanding thereof and euer hold vs from all Popish corruptions of the same vnite vs more and more through thy grace vnto thy Sonne that hee maye dwell in vs and wee in him that he may be one with vs we with him to the end that being graffed and planted in him we may be thankefull and bring foorth the fruites of all holines of lyfe to the honour and glory of thy holy name through Iesus Christ our lord So be it 1. Cor. 11.28 Let a man examen himselfe and so let him eate of this breade and drink of this Cuppe For he that eateth and drinketh vnwoorthily eateth and drinketh his owne damnation because he discerneth not the Lordes body ¶ The forme of the confession of the Christian faith meete for all well goueruerned housholdes and necessarie for euery one to confesse which sincerely professe Christ and his truth I Beleeue and confesse my Lorde God the onely true eternal and almightie God incōprehensible infinit righteous and mercifull being but one in nature and substance but distinct in three persons the father sonne and holie Ghost Which God by his wisedome and almightie power made heauen and earth and all thinges therein and nowe by his fatherly prouidence gouerneth and preserueth the same I beleue confesse that Iesus Christ the sonne of God equall to the father and the holy Ghost at the time appointed of the father became perfect man yet without sinne borne of the virgin Mary the Godhead and manhood being vnited and ioyned together Who in mine owne nature sanctified by his grace fulfilled the Lawe of God for me and suffered in his body and soule the punishmentes due to my sinnes and made full satisfaction and payment for the same with his sacrifice vppon the crosse doone once for all And deliuered me from the curse of the Lawe from sinne hell death and damnation reconciled me to God the Father washed me from my sinnes cloathed me with his righteousnes and renued mee to righteousnes of lyfe And as by his death my sinnes are taken away and I set in the fauour God so by his resurrection death was conquered and righteousnesse restored vnto me wherein the victorie of my faith consisteth I beleeue and confesse that Iesus Christ ascended into heauen with my fleshe where he hath takē possessiō for me where he maketh intercession for me And yet neuerthelesse is present with me and all his elect by his spirit and grace and at the end of the world shall visibly come to iudgement I beleeue the holy Ghost equall with the father and the sōne who regenerateth and sanctifieth me from my vncleannes to liue holilie and righteously in this worlde assuring my conscience that I am the childe of God and heire with Iesus Christ of life euerlasting I beleeue and acknowledge the vniuersall Church of Christ euen al the companie of the elect agreeing together in the vnity of spirit and truth which church is not seene to the eyes of man but onely knowen to God of which number I am perswaded that I am one I acknowledge also a visible Church of God in this world wherein first the sacred woord of God is taught vnto his people being sufficient to instruct them in all thinges necessarie to saluation Wherwith together with the ministerie of the spirit he ruleth the same Secondly in this Church the two Sacramentes of Baptisme and the Lords Supper are rightly and sincerely ministred Wherin as by Baptisme I am regenerate and receiued into the houshold and felowship of Christians my sinnes being washed away through faith in Christes blood So by the Supper of the Lorde wherein spiritually by faith my soule is fed with the graces and benefits of Iesus Christ I am nourished and sustayned in the church being one with Christ and Christ with me dwelling also in him and hee in mee Thirdly there is in this Church due punishment and correction for offences the end whereof is excommunication by the consent of the Church Lastly I beleeue and confesse that onely in this Church there is saluation and free forgiuenes of sinnes to mee al the elect of God through faith in Christ by whose obedience we be made righteous and by whom we are chosen to an inheritance immortall and euerlasting in heauen Which I most humbly beseeche my Lord God to confirme and strengthen in me and shortly to make an ende of these sorrowful daies to translate me to euerlasting glory through Iesus Christ my redeemer and Sauiour Amen O Lorde increase our faith 1. Re. 2.1 Pro. 4.1 2. Re. 23.1 1. Luc. 214. Deut. 4.4 Psal. 89. 132. 1. Reg. 2.1 Fox Pag 125 Rom. 11.17 Eph.
and hath reconciled me to the Father and in whom the Father is well pleased 80. Question For whome must thou pray Answeare For all men liuing for kinges magistrates ministers yea and for my enimies but for the deade I haue no commaundement to pray neyther can I help them after they be gonne hence for as they be found at the day of their death so shall they rise againe onely this can I doe to geue God thankes for their deliuerance out of this world 81. Question How must thou prepare thy selfe to pray Answeare First I must be touched with the necessitie of those thinges which I pray for my minde must be deuout and not caryed to and fro with vaine thoughtes I must appeare before God in true repentaunce and fayth being at loue with all men framing my life ryghteously asking in such a tongue as I vnderstand acording to the will of God. 82. Question How must thou pray Answeare According to the forme prescribed of our Sauiour Christ in these woordes Our Father which art in heauen hallowed be thy name Thy kingdome come Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen Geue vs this day our dayly breade And forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgeue thē that trespas against vs And lead vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euill For thine is the kingdome the power and the glory for euer and euer So be it 83. Question What is the meaning of this praier Answeare We pray to God in the first petition that his glory may appeare and that our liues and conuersation may set foorth the same In the second we pray that God would gouerne the kingdome of his Church killing sinne and the lustes thereof in the same and to renue it to ryghteousnesse of lyfe That he would also treade downe Satan and al his power and that he would shortly accomplish the number of his elect and hasten the comming of Christ to iudgement In the thirde we pray that all our dooings may be agreeable to his will without contradiction or murmuring In the fourth we desire him to graunt vs what soeuer is needefull to the sustenance and preseruation of our lyfe and that all our dooinges may be to his glorye and the profit of our neighboures In the fifth wee praye for the forgiuenesse of our sinnes and the punishment therof for his mercies sake euen as we shall pardon others their offences doone to vs without bearing mallice or hatred towardes them In the last wee praye that God would guyde vs with his spirite that we may get the victorie ouer Sathan sinne and hell and be defended from all euills After we conclude with these woordes For thine is the kingdome c. To set foorth our desire to his glory his honour and prayse whose power is also infinite and therefore he can graunt our requestes We make an end with this woorde Amen both desiring that what wee haue asked may be fulfilled and also assuring our selues that our requestes shal be fulfilled accordingly as they bee agreeing to the will of God. 84. Question What if God do not graunt thy petitions at the first Answeare That may be either because I haue not asked in assurance of faith and according to the will of God or els by differring the graunt of my requestes he will trye and exercise my faith more in calling vpon him that I might continue in praier depend vpon his mercifull goodnes who notwithstanding at the first he dooth not graunt my requestes yet in his good tyme he will accomplish the same 85. Question Is there any helpe for thee to praye more deuoutly Answeare Yea truly fasting is a speciall preparatiue to the same 86. Question What is a Christian faste Answeare It is not onely an abstinence from meates and drinkes to chastice my body but also from sinne and the delights therof which hurte the soule to the end thorowe true repentance faith Godly praier and renouncing of euyll the Spirite may haue dominion in me 87. Question What is the right vse of fasting Answeare First to chastice my body and to bring it into subiection to the spirit Secondly to be a witnes of my true repentance and submission to the will of God. Thirdly that my spirit way be more ready to prayer 88. Question Is there any abuse in the exercise of fasting Answeare Yea many first to fast longer then the body may endure after to tare more deliciously Secondly to put holinesse in fasting one day more than an other or in abstayning from one meate more than from another Thirdly to thinke by fasting to purchase forgeuenes of sinnes whereas the same commeth onely of the free mercy of God in Christ without any mannes woorthinesse or deseruing Last of all in abstayning from meates not to abstaine from sinnes and all thinges which cause or nourish the same 89. Question Hitherto thou hast answeared verie well to all pointes of thy faith yet one thing further I desire to know which is why al men be not of this opinion in religion that thou art of Answeare Although there be but one true God and one perfect religion yet must you not thinke that all men will euer agree together in one religion for there is and hath bene alwaies a continuall hatred betweene Christ the seede of the woman and the seede of the serpent And therefore many are professed enemies to the way of truth 100. Question What way than thinkest thou best to winne such as be out of the way and to bring them to the imbracing of true religion Answeare As it is specially required in building of an house first to remoue away the impedimentes and than to lay a sure foundation and afterward to vphold the building likewise those thinges which tend not to the glory of God but which men haue abused must be rooted oute as all reliques of papistrie superstitiō in stead therof a good foundatiō layd by the word of God by which all reformation must be made Secondly it is specially required that a good and godlye preaching minister be placed in euery congregation for where such a one wanteth the people perish Thirdly that there be a right and perfect vse of ecclesiasticall censure and correction to the end the congregation may be better kept in awe of duetie and obedience so that the best may be affraid to offend 101. Question To be short doost thou thinke it sufficient onely to knowe these things aforesaid Answeare No but it is required that I ioyne good lyfe and conuersation with knowledge and therefore I pray daiely that I may haue grace geuen me that I maye liue godlily righteously and soberly in this worlde and so bee confirmed in the truth that I may proceede from faith to faith and be so comforted