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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08472 A confession of the most auncient and true christe[n] catholike olde belefe accordyng to the ordre of the .xij. articles of our co[m]mon crede, set furthe in Englishe to the glory of almightye God, and to the confirmacion of Christes people in Christes catholike olde faith. By I.O. Old, John, fl. 1545-1555. 1556 (1556) STC 18798; ESTC S113446 30,820 82

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it with the tradicions of men And albeit mennes spirites are not hable to accorde with some bokes textes of the scriptures the mater is not much to be passed vpō For we know that mennes iudgementes ought to be applied and obeye vnto the scriptures and not the scriptures vnto mēnes iudgementes And touching the interpretacion of the holy canonical scripture this haue I thought and after the examples of other christen ministers I haue taught and yet stil I thinke and confesse vnto the worlde that it ought 1. Pe. 1. not nor must be interpreted or expoūded after any mannes opinion or thought much lesse after euery mannes pleasure and phantasie but by it self and of it selfe aswell according to the propreties of the tongues wherin it was furst written and by diligent wayeng and consideracion of the sayenges that goo before and those that be ioyned together and folowe with all the circumstaunces as also according to the meanyng of other places that seme either more playne or like ther vnto or elles contrary by the lyne and rule of faithe and charitie And wher the fathers the doctours of the holy churche haue interpreted Doctours and expounded the scriptures after this maner and haue in no wise blenched nor swarued frō this lawe and rule now before mencioned them we doo with harte and good will acknowlage and take for faithfull and diligēt interpretours of the scripture and honourable instrumentes of the holy goost whose paynefull labours and industries our Lorde God hathe vsed in the churche to the glorie of his owne name and to the profite of his faithfull flocke And therfore we not only reuerence thē but also thīke not well of suche men as haue them in contempt But as for all other doctrines and tradicions of men how glorious how gaye how highe autoritie title or aūcientie so euer they be commended or bragged to be of if they be not founded groūded vpon some testimonies of the scriptutes and also if they pull vs from God from the scripture and from the true faithe or be hinderous vnto vs in the same I thinke them altogether vayne vnprofitable and of non effecte yea rather pernicious and noysom as Christ him self openly reporteth of them Matth. 15. Moreouer the only intent scope ende of the canonical scripture is this that al men of all naciones coūtreyes and places might be by it instructed taught cōcernyng the grace of God concerning the redempcion bounteous liberalitie and saluacion that is pleyntifully bestowed geuen in Iesus Christ vnto this most wretched most corrupte synfull worlde also cōcerning charitie and faithe namely that the people being now regenerate might be partakers of this saluaciō by true faithe the holy childrē of God the father and heires of al his heauēly substaunce And touching the faithe of Christ I and suche other poore slaundred Ministres haue nother taught nor doo beleue any other thing than that is deliuered vnto be from the holy apostles and that we haue receaued of our christian elders and faithfull forefathers And that same I for my parte sithence it pleased God to translate me from the Antichristian darkenesse of popery in to the kingdome of his sonne haue constauntly and faith fully kept hitherto pure in euery condicion And the same I purpose by the helpe of Christes gracious fauour to kepe still and confesse with the true catholike churche of Christ while the breathe is in my body that is euē thus I Beleue in God the father almigh tye maker of heauen and earthe And in Iesus Christ his only sonne our Lorde Whiche was conceaued by the holy goost borne of the virgin Mary Suffred vnder Ponce Pilate was crucified dead and buried Be descended in to hell The thrid daye he rose again from the dead Be ascended in to heauē sitteth on the right hāde of God the father almightie From thence he shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead I beleue in the holy goost The holy catholike churche the cōmunion of Sainctes The forgeuenesse of synnes The resurrection of the body And the life euerlasting Amen Now forasmuche as God hathe geuē me grace thākes be to his mercifull goodnesse therfore to pitch my staffe in the foūdacion of this most holy most asicient true catholike faith And to thinkēt you shal plaīly knowe how I vnderstāde the said articles of my Crede I do truly saye playnly confesse touching the furst article that ther The furst Article is but one only blessed eternal and almightie Lorde and God in the holy sacr●o inseperable and vnconfused Trinitie God the Father the Sonne and the holy Goost And what so euer is in the nature of thinges aswel visible as inuisible it is well and rightly created and made of God to the be hoote and profite of man and by him it is also preserued bestowed and administred And therfore God is the father of mankind not for his creating of mākynde only but also for his daily conseruacion eternal goodnesse mercie prouidence comforting and helping of mankynde Concerning the seconde Article I beleue confesse that God the father The. 2. Article became a father not only after he had made mākīde but that the same God was also a very father from euerlastīg so that he hathe also one onely eternal sone eternally begottē of God the father after a diuine vnspeakeable maner This sonne of God I beleue and cōfesse is of the fathers owne substaunce and of all one being of like equalitie and consubstaunciall with the father of all one substaunce I saye nature power and vertue and very natural Lorde and God aboue all in al and through al thinges Notwithstanding we confesse the sonne to be our Lorde most chiefly for that he hathe deliuered and made vs free from the lordeship power and tyrannye of the deuil and hauing payde our raunsom with his owne precious blood which he sheadde for vs he hathe made vs his owne peculiar people wherof I shall speake afterwarde at more large Touching the thirde Article I beleue and confesse that the same sonne The. 3. Article of God which eternally hathe ben and is with the father hathe also in this worlde taken vpon him the very nature of man of the fleshe and blood of the blessed virgin Mary which was Abrahams daughter and borne of the stocke of Dauid according to the promise of God declared by his ministers and seruauntes the Patriarkes and prophetes and being borne of her she remayning and contynuing stil a chaste and a pure maide very God and very man in one inseperable persone without confusion of the natures of his godhead and manhead together he became like vnto men his brethrē touching his reasonable and immortal soule and his mortal body in al thinges sinne only except And after this maner I confesse that he was conceaued very natural man in the wombe of that chaste and most pure virgin and of her blessed
Cor. 15. but bicause it is no more subiecte to any cares or griefes or to corrupcions vncleanesse or infirmities of the fleshe and bicause it is garnished and beautified with vncorrupcion immortalitie and many other spirituall giftes besides out of nombre And like as the body of Christ after it was risen vp frō deathe remayned still a very body notwithstāding it was become after the resurrection immortal and glorious euen so shall the bodies of all faithfull folke at the general resurrection be made like vnto the body of Iesus Christ wherof I shall speake more largely in the eleuenth article of our faithe For Christ our Lorde by his glorious resurreccion from the dead dothe most euidently proue and declare that he hathe despeched synne quyte out of the waye that he hathe ouercome deathe which cometh by the occasion of synne that he hathe restored life that he hathe cōquered hell for all them that are true faithfull beleuers and that he hathe mightily put sathan to flight Cōcerning the sixthe Article I beleue and confesse that our Lorde Iesus The. 6. article Christ ascended in to heauē with the very self same his humaine body that rose again from the dead and sithence exerciceth not his dominion and gouernement here vpon earthe corporally For according to the nature propretie of his very humayne body he is in no mo places but in only one in one self same moment And forasmuche as he hathe caried our fleshe in to heauen hathe placed it at the fathers right hande that is to saye in euerlasting ioye felicitie all faithfull beleuers knowe now for a certaintie that the waye to heauē is vnshutte set wyde open that they also shall through Christ in whom they beleue be caried bothe body and soule in to euerlasting life For the Lorde him self with manifest Ioh. 17. and playne wordes hathe saide I wil father that wher I am ther shal my seruaunt be also Seing than that the body and fleshe of our Lorde and brother Christ is abyding and resteth now in heauen our fleshe hath this certaine assured hope that it shal be caried thider also ther according to Christes promise Ioh. 14. shal haue a perpetual dwelling place Further more Christ our Lorde sytteth on the heauēly fathers right hāde that is to saye euen he that is bothe very God very man reigneth hathe dominion in like power like glorie with God the father so as al thinges are in subiectiō vnder his power he with the father the holy goost vpholdeth ꝑserueth al thinges is also wourshipped serued the vndoubted true eternal almightie God The chief bishop most high king of al faithfull people sitteth on the right hāde of God Christ Iesus is the only eternal faithful true bishop priest of al true beleuers It is he that dothe most trustily pleade al that matters causes of his faithfull people before God his heauēly father It is he the offreth vp all our good wishes and faithfull folkes prayers to God the father It is he that appeareth cōtinually in the sight of God prayeng and making intercession for them geueth them his blessing And so those that be of the true faithful belief in dede wil nother seke allowe nor receaue any other mediatour intercessour spokes-man attournaye or entreatour but Christ alone He is that only and eternall sacrifice and oblacion which being ones offred for all endureth for euer clenseth and sāctifieth al them that are true beleuers And euen he this selfe same high Bishop and priest of ours dothe daily with his spirite worde instructe teache his churche and congregacion geueth them trusty and syncere vpright men to be their teachers and ministers whom he also garnisheth and decketh with his grace and most excellent giftes and defēdeth from al euil Vpon Goddes right hande sitteth Christ our most roial king the king of kinges the iudge mightie Lorde of heauē earth He it is that informeth and ordreth his churche and people with holsome and good lawes according whervnto they frame and addresse all their matters to the loue of God and of their neighbour This king of ours beholdeth vs faithfully and layeth vp all our griefes and sorowes trustily in his harte He is content with good will to heare the complaintes sutes and desyres of all his faithfull flocke and is neuer wearied nor grieued with the tediousnesse of them He also is that most pleynteous fountayne which alwaies geueth liberally and yet neuer wāteth which only filleth and yet is neuer the lesse nor any whitte decreaceth Frō him ther can nothing at all no not so muche as mēnes inwarde thoughtes be hidden or kept secrete He is the righteous true iudge iudgeing after thintent and purpose of the harte and rendreth aswell to the good as to the badde all that they doo without all respecte of persones Those that be oppressed he relieueth with his ioyfull and comfortable succour But as for thē that are stowte arrogaūt prowde braggers of their owne powers whan he seeth his iust tyme he is on the bones of thē strayght waies and hurleth them downe and the necke before Ther is no maner of thing but he hathe a respecte and a consideracion vnto it His infinite wisdome in euery thing and euery where vseth iuste and right deserued meanes He by his exceding great grace sendeth faithfull trusty and good mē to be gouernours and rulers And thē he directeth and maynteneth in his churche And contrary wise he dothe somtymes take awaye good gouernours as he did lately our most christen king Edwarde the sixte and setteth vp naughti and wicked persones in autoritie now and than as bloody bishoppes proude popishe pestilēt priestes vnnatural merciles forayners to reigne rule the rost to punyshe hipocrites coūtrefaicte gospellers and worldlinges withall To be shorte Christ dothe at all tymes defende and kepe those that his be from their enemies and foes bothe visible and inuisible After this sorte Christ sitteth on the right hāde of God and thus is he the only head of his faithfull beleuing people the only most high bishop the most roial euerlasting kyng and prince of them that be his He is neuer out of their cōgregacion and company he is alwaies occupied in the myddes of them so that he nedeth nother the seruice aide nor assistence of any vicegerent or helpe felowe For he is the only and euerlasting sūne of righteousnesse whiche altough as concerning his humayne corporal presence he be in one only place in heauē yet he doth worke sēsiblie frutefully with his vertue light glorie nourishement and power in al them that be faithfull In cōsideraciō hereof I admonishe in Goddes behalfe require you as I haue accordīg to mi litel talēt alwaies taught my parisheners and in other places wher I haue occupied the rowme of a preacher aswell to pray and without ceassing