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heaven_n father_n jesus_n son_n 9,570 5 5.0764 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02668 A Christen exhortacion vnto customable swearers What a ryght [and] lawfull othe is: whan, and before whom, it owght to be. Item. The maner of sayinge grace, or geuynge thankes vnto God. Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568.; Bale, John, 1495-1563, attributed name. 1543 (1543) STC 1280; ESTC S122477 30,233 63

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Rendre it not ageyn vnto hym deformed with vyce and defyled with fynne But se●● to be founde in the daye of his commynge with out spotte that thou mayst receyue the inestimable rewarde prouyded for them that loue hym trewlye Amen The maner of sayenge grace after the doctryne of holy scripture ¶ Grace afore meate THe eyes of all loke vnto the o lord and thou geuest them their foode in due season Thou openest thine hand and fyllest euery lyuinge creature with thy blessynge O oure father which art in heauē c. ¶ Grace after meate Thankes be vnto the o Lorde god almyghtye moost deare father of heauen for geuyng vs oure foode in due season for openynge thy mercyfull hande and for fyllinge vs with thy plentefull blessing And we beseche the for thy sonnes sake Iesus Christ not onely to preserue vs alwaye from abusinge of the same but also to lende vs thy grace that we maye euer be thanful vnto the therfore Amen ¶ Another grace ¶ Grace afore meate I knowe sayth the Apostle and am full certifyed in the lorde Iesu that ther is nothinge vncleane of it selfe but vnto hym that iudgeth it to be vncleane to hym is it vncleane But yf thy brother be greued ouer thy meate then walkest thou not now after charite Destroye not with thy meate hym for whō Christ dyed O oure father which art in heauen ¶ Grace after meate Thankes be vnto the o lorde God almyghtye moost deare father of heauen for certifyeng vs by thy blessed worde that all kyndes of meates are cleane And we besech the lende vs thy grace that we maye alwaye thankfully receaue the same not onely without supersticion or scrupulo●ite of consciēce but also without greuynge or offendinge our brethren And so to walke in the waye of godly loue and charite that with our meate we neuer destroye hym for whō thy sonne Iesus Christ dyed aswell as for vs. Amen ¶ Another grace ¶ Grace afore meate Let not oure treasure therfore be euell spoken of For the kyngdome of God is not meate and drynke but ryghteousnesse and peace and ioye in the holy goost O oure father which art in heauē c. ¶ Grace after meate Thankes be vnto the o Lorde god almyghtye moost deare father of heauen for openyng vnto vs thy blessed worde which is oure treasure oure perle yee oure ryches more precyous then ether golde or precious stone And we beseche the though corporall meate and drynke be no parte of thy kyngdome yet ordre thou vs so in receauynge the same that we neuer geue occasyon of slaundringe thy worde or offending the weake Amē ¶ Another grace ¶ Grace afore meate Meate doth not further vs vnto God yf we eate we shall not therfore be the better ●yf we eate not we shall not therfore be the worse But take hede that this youre libertye be not an occasion of fallyng vnto the weake O oure father ¶ Grace after meate Thankes be vnto the o lorde God almyghtye moost deare father of heauen for layeng vp our saluaciō onely in thy selfe and not in anye kynde of meate And we beseche the gyde vs so in the vse therof that we maye folowe such thinges as make for peace and wherby we maye edifye one another And neuer to geue vnto the weake anye occasyon of fallynge from thy worde Amen ¶ Another grace ¶ Grace afore meate Meates hath God created to be receaued with thākes of them which beleue and knowe the trueth For euery creature of God is good and nothing to be refused that is receaued with thankesgeuinge For it is sanctifyed by the worde of God and prayer O oure father c. ¶ Grace after meate Thankes be vnto the o lorde God almyghtye moost deare father of heauen for ordeyninge thy creatures to be meate foode sustenaunce vnto oure bodyes hast sanctifyed them by thy blessed worde c. We beseche the make vs so to increace in stedfastnesse of thy fayth in perfecte knowledge of thy trueth in cōtinnaunce of feruent prayer vnto the That to vs also they maye be sanctifyed holy that we maye euer both thankfully receaue them vertuously vse thē to the good ensample of other Amen ¶ Another grace ¶ Grace afore meate The father of mercye God of all consolacion geue vs grace to consent to gether in to the knowledge of his truthe that we maye with one mynde and one mouthe glorifye God the father of oure lorde Iesus Christ. Amen O oure father c. ¶ Grace after meate Thankes be vnto the o lorde God almyghtye moost deare father of heauen for brynginge agayne from death oure lorde Iesus Christ the greate sheperde of the shepe through the blood of the euerlastinge testament And we beseche the to make vs perfytt to do his wyll workynge in vs that which is pleasaūt in his sight that we be not only the speakers of his worde but the vnfayned folowers of the same Amen ¶ Another grace ¶ Grace afore meate Christe which at his last supper gaue hym self vnto vs promysinge his body to be crucifyed his bloode to be shed for oure synnes blesse vs oure meate Amen O oure father c. ¶ Grace after meate Thankes be vnto the o Lorde god almyghtye moost deare father of heauen which at this tyme hath fedde vs with meate not only that perisheth but with thy worde which abydeth in to euerlastinge lyfe Graunte most marcyfull father that we hauinge the knowledge of thy worde may also practise the same in oure conuersacion that we bothe intyer lye louynge and vnfaynedlye lyuynge thy holy worde may after this lyfe lyue with the for euer Amen Receaue your meate without grudging Take hede ye neuer abuse the same Gene thankes to god for euery thing And alwaye prayse his holy name Who so doth not is sore to blame No euell ensample se that ye gyue Thus doth gods word teach you to lyue What so euer ye do in worde or dede do all en the name of our lorde Iesu Christ geuyng thankes vnto God the father by hym A shorte instruction to the worlde ¶ To Kynges and Princes Be letned ye kynges and vnderstond Enbrace the trueth of Christes worde your hertes be all in Gods hond He is youre kynge your prince lorde Stablish no lawe that maketh discorde But do as dyd kynge Ezechias Dauid Iosaphat and Iosias ¶ To Iudges Accepte no personne in iudgment Wrest not the law kepe well your syse To wrong for brybes do not consent For they do blynd the eyes of the wyse Thus scripture biddeth you more then twyse And for to haue such properties As Iethro tolde to Moyses ¶ To Councelours A faythfull man wyll kepe councell And ther is welth where many such be Beware of false Achitophel The councell of God must stand trulye ye can it not destroye verely Kepe trueth and faith with secretnesse And further the cause of godlynesse ¶ To Chamberlaynes Beware of Thares and