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A00374 A shorte recapitulacion or abrigement of Erasmus Enchiridion brefely comprehendinge the summe and contents therof. Very profitable and necessary to be rede of all trew Christen men. Drawne out by M. Couerdale Anno. 1545; Enchiridion militis Christiani. English. Abridgments Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536.; Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568. 1545 (1545) STC 10488; ESTC S109902 29,209 74

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the mouth speaketh out of the abundaunce of the hert No doute we wolde speake the lyuely wordes of god and worke his dedes yf he oure lyfe were present within oure hertes Thus though we fight in straunge and wonderfull ioperdies with many violent and subtill aduersaries yet haue we causes sufficient to be of good cōforte For though oure enemies be greuous yet haue we present helpe at hande Though they be many agaynst us what matter is it whan god is on oure syde Yf he staye us who cā cast us downe As for oure enemie he is no new soldyour but one that was ouercome many yeares agoo ād ouer throwne by the might of Iesꝰ christ as he shal non also be subdued in us bi the same power yf we as lyuely membres remayne in Christ oure heade For tough we be not strong in oure owne strength yet in him we shall be able to do all thynges Yf the ende and victory of oure warre depended of fortune thē might we donte therof but it is certayne and sure namely in the hādes of oure protectoure whose benignite neuer fayleth man Wherfore yf whe beynge thanckfull vnto him that for oure saluacion first oppressed the tyrannye of synne Yf we be not carelesse ner negligent but with all diligence do oure parte agayne and be of good comforte Yf we I saye fightinge on this maner do folowe his ensample nether bearinge us to bolde vpon the grace of god as they do that be carelesse nether casting awaye the confidence of mynde as do they that mistrust his mercie Then thorow his strength we shall be sure in conclusion to wynne the felde The .ij. Chapter What weapens are to be vsed in the warre of a Christen man LYke as nothing perteyneth more to the warre of a Christē mā then to knowe with what weapens he must fight and to haue the same alwaye readye at hande Euen so consideringe the aduersary is neuer ydle we ought not to ceasse from warre but yf we wil fight against the multitude of vyces we oughte alwaye to watche to haue oure mynde armed ād to take the weapēs of defence but specially to prouide us of two namely praier ād knowlege which be the chefe armoure of a Christen man Perfite praier lifteth vp te mynde vnto god knowlege armeth the mynde with halsome preceptes and honest opynions These two cleue so together that the one can not lacke the other For as the one maketh intercession so the other teacheth how we ought to praye namely in the name of Iesu and what we ought to desyre euen that which is wholsome for oure soules health Now though praier be more excellent because she thalketh familiarly with almightie god yet is knowlege no lesse necessary Which as it ought not to be vnparfite so ought not prayer to be faynt slacke or without quycknesse Nether cā we wel perfourme the great iourney that we haue to go without the ayde and helpe of these to weapēs The vse of praier is not to mōble bable much as they do that are not rype in gods sprete For fyve wordes spokē in knowlege are better then ten thousand babled with the mouth Nether is it the noyse of our lippes but the feruēt desyre of the mynde that god aloweth Which feruent prayer with like studie or meditaciō of the holi scripture is able as wel to put abacke the greate violēce of our enemies as to make easie any greuous aduersite Yf we with this heauēly Mannaād foode of god be refreshed in the furtheraunce of oure iourney it shal make us bolde and strōge to buckle with oure enemies For the doctryne of god as it onely is pure and vndefyled contrary to the nature of mens doctrynes Euen so to them that spiritually vnderstōding it maye abyde the hearyng therof ther is nothing sweterner more pleesaunt and therfore the more worthy to be searched and wel pōdred This is the ryuer of cōforte the fountayne of ease the wel that refreshed the weerye the water of Siloe where the blind recouer their sight To the studie wherof yf we applie oure selues wholly that is yf we exercyse oure myndes continualli in the lawe of god we shal be so armed that we nede not to feare anye assaulte of oure enemies Touchinge the heithan Poetes and Philosophers yf we taist of them measurably so that we waxe not olde ner ●ye in them they are not utterly to be disalowed Yea what soeuer they teach welle ought nomore to be despysed then was the counsail of Iethro whom Moses folowed As for such as wryte vnclenly we ought either not to touch thē or els not to loke to farre in thē To be shorte al maner of lerninge shulde be taisted in due season ād measure with good iudgmēt and discretiō vnder the correctiō of christes doctryne so that the wisdome of god be aboue al other oure best beloued oure doue oure swete hert Which maye not be touched but with cleane and washē handes namely with high purenesse of mynde and due reuerence for so comminge vnto it we shal se the pleasures delicates and deynies of oure blessed spouse the precyous Iewels of riche salomō euen the secrete treasure of eternal wisdome Wherfore cōsideringe the verite of god nether disceaueth ner is disceaued we ought to geue more credēce ther vnto thē to any thynge that we do bodely either se or heare As consernyng the interpretours of the holy scripture we ought not to chose them that teach to brawle and contēde but such as go far thest frō the lettre whose godlynesse and holy lyfe is knowne whose lernynge is more plenteous ād whose exposiciō is most agreable vnto gods worde Now as we ought to growe vnto parfitnesse and strenght in the knowlege therof and not still to be children Euen so yf we will haue it to be sauery vnto us and to nourishe us we must not reed without vnderstunding as clostres do but breake the codde and failt of the swetnesse within specially cōsideringe that as it is the sprete and not the flesh that quyckeneth so wil the father of heauē be whorshipped in the sprete and not in the barcke of the lettre Wherfore tough we shulde not despise the weake yet ought we to make spede vnto more secrete misteries and to stere vp our selues ther vnto by offten prayer till it please god thorow his sonne Iesus Christ to open it that yet is shutt vnto us Now tho oure purpose yf we wandryng thorow out al doctrynes pyke and chose out the best and by the example of the bee refuse the poyson ād sucke out onely the wholsome and swete Iuce it shal arme oure myndes the better to a vertuous conuersacion But that deuyne harnesse which with no weapen can be persed is fetched onely out of the armory of holy scripture wher with oure Dauid Christ Iesus brake the forehead of oure aduersary Wherfore if we list to go vnto the
with the loue of none other lust the chefest strength is whā a mā hath so ouercome himself that he cā finde in his hert to deipise al iniuries to recōpēce good for euel to praie for thē that curse him The chefest praise of al is for godlynes sake to be mocked laughed at of euel men to be approued of Christ the chefest wisdome of al is to be circumspecte in prouidyng for the life to come Summa we must not cōforme our selues to this world but so alter oure myndes that we herken and approue not what is the wil of mē but what is the good wel pleasinge and parfite wil of god For yf we moue not the eyes of oure hert from Christ but folowe his verite we shal not go out of the waye Yf we walke after his light so that it shyne vnto us we shal nether stumble in darknesse ner fal in to the blynde errours opinions or sectes of the world The .xv. Chapter Opynions mete for a Christē mā THis excellent lernyng then of Christ must be stablished in us that we thinke us not to be borne vnto oure selues but to the honour of god and welth of al men So that louyng him agayne which bestowed himselfe on us all toghether for oure redemption we also for his sake loue other men and abhorre their vices hauing not onely respecte to their nede and what we are able to do for thē but also remēbringe the manifolde causes that by reason shulde moue us to loue them to tendre them to be at one with thē and not to accompte them as straungers or to hate thē for any alteraciō of vesture or of any such trifle yea in no wise to despise them but estemyng their hurt our awue to considre that what soeuer we haue receaued it is geuen us to bestowe vpon thē and to increace in edifieng of them in charite This lerninge wil induce men to desyre no vengeaunce but to be the sōnes of their father in heauen to ouercome euell with good to suffre hurt rather then to do it to forgeue other mēs offēces to be gentle in maners Yf they be connynge to for heare and amende the ignorance of the vnlerned Yf they be riche to be circumspecte in distributinge the goodes that god hath geuen thē In pouer te to be aswel contēt as other men In office to be more carefull and diligent in consydering their charge In notyng the maners of euel persones yet not to despise the profession of vertue In labouring for a comen office or in executing of the same to do it alwaye for the profit of the comen and not for their awne singular welth beyng ready euen with the losse of their awne life and gōodes to defende that which is right beyng lothe to haue preeminence which yf it chaunce vnto thē yet to thinke that they also haue a lorde and master in heauen euen Iesus Christ and that no mā is bounde to folow his doctrine more strately thē they that he will of no man aske more straite accomptes then of them that they leine not to their awne willes that they flater not thēselues in euell that their maners besuch as deserue riches honoure reuerence dignite fauoure and auctorite that they them selues be not giltie in the offences which they do punishe in other that they despise no man in comparison of thē selues that in bearinge rule they mynde not so much to excelle as to profite all men that they turne not to their awne profit the thinges which are comen but bestowe that they haue yea and themselues also vpon the comen welth that in their titles of honoure they refarre all such thinges vnto god that in mynistring their office they fetch not ensample of their predecessours or of flaterers but onely of Christ that they be ready rather to lese their domyniōs then Christ who hath a farre better thing to geue them For nothing is so comly so excellent so gloryous to kynges prynces and rulers as in symilitude to drauwe nyghe vnto the highest greatest and best kyng euen Iesu Namely in steade of violence to xeercyse charite and to be myuistre vnto all mē Inconclusion we must so cleue vnto the lerning of Christ and be so circumspecte ther in that we cloke not oure awne vices with other mens failes For though holy men haue somtyme done any thing not to be folowed as Dauid whā he commutted aduoutrie and murther Salomon whan he had so many quenes and concubynes Not whan he was droncken Loth wan he laye with his awne daughters Mary Magdalene whan she syune so sore Peter whan he denyed the lorde Paul whan he persecuted the church of god Yet ought we to do nothing that varieth from Christ but as we haue bene like other men in synne so shulde we be companyons and parteners also with them that repent and turne vnto god And as for other mens dedes we ought not churhshly so much to barch agaynst them nether with cruelnesse to feare them as with softnesse and ●ayre meanes to amend them and allure them vnto Christ The .xvi. Chapter The .vij. rule THe seuenth rule is that studiēg diligently to draw on still as nighe as we can to the beholding of heauēly thinges we turne oure myndes so feruently ther vnto that the very loue of Christ cause us to hate all transitorp and filthie thinges which shal waxe the more vyle vnto us the more we set by thinges inuisible Therfore ought we so to prece vnto the best that though we be not so parfite in all thinges as we shulde oure mynde yet be not defyled with greuous offences but more receaue able of the benefits of god And though we can not do so well as holy and blessed men haue done before us yet let us committe no worse thinges then the heithen Who though they had no parfite knowlege of god yet was honestie dearer vnto them then either fame goodes life or any thing els in the world And doutlesse it shal notably withdraw us from synne yf we pondre well in our myndes the incommodities ther of as infamye pouertie losse of goodes waysting of tyme the hate of good men grefe of mynde miserable vnquietnesse of conscience with thousandes mo such like inconueniences Wherfore better it is that oure youth beleue this to be the propertie of synne thē with wofull experience to lerne it in them selues And though we can not atteyne to the most excellent vertue yet shal it profit much yf we beyng but in cyuile or morall vertues ronne not headlonge in to all kynde of vyces Notwithstonding for asmuch as that is not the resting place and quyet hauen of felicite but a shorter iourney ther vnto we must pray still vnto god that he will vouchsafe to plucke us vp to better thinges The .xviij. Chapter The .viij. rule THe eight rule that whan the storme of tentacion ryseth agaynst us we be