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A12516 Dauids repentance, or, A plaine and familiar exposition of the 51 psalme first preached and now published for the benefite of Gods church : wherein euery faithfull Christian may see before his eyes the patterne of vnfeigned repentance, whereby we may take heed of the falling into sinne againe. Smith, Samuel, 1588-1665. 1614 (1614) STC 22841.7; ESTC S3155 194,670 580

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snow IN these words the Prophet shewes the euent and issue of this when a man doth truely repent is reconciled to God in Iesus Christ and is washed from his sinnes by faith in Christs bloud then hee is made of a most vile and loathsome sinner a most blessed and holy child of God of a filthy vncleane lim of the deuill a blessed member of Iesus Christ beautifull and glorious in the eyes of God being couered in Christs righteousnesse Doctr. 1 Seeing Dauid saith The woful estate of al naturall men when God shal pardon him his sinnes on his true repentance and bee reconciled vnto him couering his sinnes in the merites and obedience of Christ Then hee shall bee cleane Then before a man repent be reconciled to God by Iesus Christ and bee purged from his sinnes hee is most vncleane and filthy vile loathsome and abhominable in the sight of God and indeede so he is no carrion worse no Toad so vgly nor Serpent so full of poyson as a filthy sinner polluted with sinne till hee repent get pardon of them and be reconciled to God by Christ I pray you take knowledge of this Doctrine whatsoeuer thou art high low rich poore yong old Prince or Noble till thou repent till thou turne to God till thou get the pardon of thy sinnes and bee washed by faith in the bloud of IESVS CHRIST thou art most vile and miserable thou art most vncleane filthy thou art more vgly then the venomous Toad more loathsome then the Serpent more filthy and stinking ●hen the Carrion yea no creature is so loathsome before God as a filthy sinner that liues in sin without repentance that is not washed and purged from them in the bloud of Christ Vse 1 Well seeing this is the wofull and miserable estate of all impenitent sinners how should this moue euery one with speed to tepent to turne to God to seeke to bee reconciled to God by Iesus Christ to desire pardon of his sinnes to bee washed and cleansed from them all in and by the bloud and merites of Christ for this know I say till thou art reconciled to God dost repent art washed and cleansed thy case is fearefull thou wert better bee a Toad then a man without this thou mayst go in Silke and Veluet in gay and golden apparell thou maist haue a faire body perfume thee with sweete smels c. but till thou repent thou art filthy and loathsome in GODS sight Oh! how should this serue to plucke down the pride of many impenitent sinners Men and women thinke highly of themselues ruffle it out in silke and veluet starching and washing but all this while they know not that their poore soules are loathsome in Gods sight that God hates them and cannot abide them Oh then be washed bee cleansed in the bloud of Christ which alone can wash away sinne O that men would remember that saying of Christ Thou art poore blinde miserable and naked Then they would say with Iob Esay 1.16 Reu. 3.14 Iob. 42.6 I abhorre my selfe and repent in dust and ashes Then they would neuer giue any rest to their soules till they haue repented got pardon bee reconciled and washed from their filthy sinnes Doctr. 2 Seeing Dauid acknowledgeth that when he shall repent get pardon of his sinnes be reconciled to God bee washed from the filthinesse of sinne then he shall be cleane and white yea most white euen as snow Hence we learne that as a filthy sinner that liues and goes on still in sinne without repentance there is no creature more vile blacke and vncleane So the child of God that doth repent that is washed in the bloud of Christ reconciled to God hee is a blessed and glorious creature most beautifull and faire in the sight of God not by any goodnesse or worthines of his owne but by the mercy of GOD so accounting vs Cant. 1.7 4.1 Ezek. 16.9 10.11.12 c. Reu. 3.18 1. Cor. 6.10.11 and by the merites and worthines of Iesus Christ in whose righteousnes wee be righteous and by whose merites and worthines we are couered The Saints of GOD goe in long white roabes which are made white in the bloud of the Lambe Vse 1 Seeing this is the blessed and glorious estate of those that do truly repent be reconciled to God imbrace and beleeue in Iesus Christ are washed and cleansed from their sinnes in his bloud and couered in his righteousnes O how should it moue euery man and woman to turne to God! to forsake their euill wayes and their filthy sinnes to put on the Lord Iesus Christ to beleeue to become the sonnes and daughters of God It is a goodly thing to be son to an earthly King to be cloathed in cloth of gold c. But if wee compare this with the blessed and glorious estate of Gods children it is but dung and beggery it is but like rotten ragges and beggars clouts taken off the dunghill Hee that is wise shall shine as the firmament Dan. 12. and hee that conuerts many to righteousnesse shall shine as the Sun in the firmament oh then againe and againe let vs repent let vs bee reconciled to God get this wedding garment which will make vs beautifull before God Vse 2 Another vse is this seeing that the state of Gods children euen in this world is so blessed and glorious so beautifull and excellent being reconciled to God washed in the bloud of CHRIST and cloathed with the most pure robe of Christs righteousnesse Here is matter of comfort to all the poore children of GOD whom the would is not worthy of alas they are esteemed as beggars they bee esteemed as vile and base miserable and cast-awaies by vngodly men they are made as the dung in the streets and the off-scouring of the worlds men euen tread and trample them vnder their feete now what is that which may comfort the hearts of Gods children surely this that though they seeme vile base and miserable in the blind eyes of sinnefull men yet they bee most white beautifull and glorious in the eyes of GOD our heauenly Father though the world hate vs contemne vs be a weary of vs loath and abhorre vs let vs remember the Lord loues vs takes delight in vs we are most faire and beautifull in his sight They do not see what wee be 1. Ioh. 3.2 they cannot know that wee are little Princes sonnes and great heires of the kingdome of heauen the sonnes and daughters of the great God and therefore this may teach vs patience seeing we know that God loues vs and that we are deere vnto him though the world hate vs so it was with many Prophets of God and true beleeuers Heb. 11. whom the world 〈◊〉 not worthy of Vse 3 Lastly heere is matter of great comfort to great and grieuous sinners that haue committed many and grieuous sinnes that if they will vnfainedly repent and turne to GOD imbrace and lay hold
repentance yet if wee finde that such hath beene our security and exceeding carelesnes that GOD leauing vs in his iust Iudgement wee haue sinned and laine in sinne a long time a yeare or two or ten yet if we can repent and truely turne to God as Dauid did we need not doubt but hee will shew vs mercy as to Dauid At what time soeuer The Lord limites no time if men doe repent truly yet if men shall deferre their repentance in hope of this that they may repent hereafter then let them take heede lest the Lord cut them off ere they be aware or else leaue them to hardnesse of heart and impenitency And there is a great difference betweene this when a man hath laine in sin and the time is past and when a man commits sinne and deferres in hope of time to come Vse 2 Heere we may see the difference betweene this life and the Life to come Here in this life the remnants of sinne as so many spots and staines in the flesh remaine euen in those which are cleansed by the bloud of CHRIST But when as the faithfull shall be glorified they shall then be vnblameable without spotte or wrinckle If wee shall now cast our eyes euen vpon the best of Gods seruants as Noah Abraham Lot Dauid Peter c. wee may easily see shame in glorie darkenesse in light follie in wifedome infidelitie in faith But when CHRIST shall appeare and we likewise appeare with him in glory wee shall be made like vnto him Here we cease not to prouoke God by reason of our sinnes which continually wee do fall into which should be vnto vs as bitter as gall or wormewood But when this corruptible shall haue put on incorruption and this mortall shall put on immortality and Death shall bee swallowed vp into victory then we shall cease to sinne and shall be as the blessed Angels in heauen Vse 3 We see that repentance is not in mans power Repentance is not in mans power but it is the speciall gift of God for if the Lord had not sent Nathan to him to awake his benummed conscience alas hee had runne on still in sinne he had laine and rotted in his sins but the Lord sends his seruant Nathan to admonish him to awake him And so the people of God acknowledge in many places of the word Conuert thou vs O Lord and we shal be conuerted Iere 31.18 2 Tim. 2. 25. Againe Instruct them with meekenes proouing if God will at any time giue them repentance that they may be saued Oh then seeing repentance is not in mans power but it is the speciall gift of God neither could Dauid turne of himselfe thogh he turned himselfe from God of himselfe What madnes then is it for men and women to deferre all till the last gaspe Saying If they may haue but three houres before death they do care for no more as though they had repētance at command Man sins by nature ●ut cā not ●ise without grace But O thou vaine man see Dauid he fell by his owne power but could not rise by his owne power art thou better then Dauid No no vnlesse the Lord giue thee repentance thou canst neuer repent Oh then seeke at Gods hands and repent while the Lord calls and offers thee the meanes Doctr. 2 The word preached the means to beget faith and repentāce Seeing that Dauid repented not till he was waked and rouzed vp by Nathan the Lords Prophet and Minister hence I gather that the word of God preached is the means both to beget Faith and Repentance and to increase and reuiue the same for how had Dauid gone on stil in sinne if Nathan had not humbled him by the word of God it is able to break a stony heart it is able to wound a heart of steele for what heart could be more obstinate rebellious stubborne stony and steely then was the hearts of the cruell Iewes yet by Peters Sermon Acts 2.37 they were pricked and throughly wounded and humbled Ier. 23.29 Is not the word IEHOVAH like vnto fire and like a hammer that breaketh the stone It is able to breake a stony hart which is as hard as flint I am not ashamed of the Gospel of God because I know it is the power of God to saluation to all that beleeue ●om 1.16 It is compared to a sharpe two-edged sword It is mighty in operation Hebr. 4.12 and sharper then a two-edged sword Eph. 2.1 2. It is able to giue life to those that are dead in trespasses and sinnes So then wee must acknowledge a perpetuall necessitie of the Word to beget as also to encrease in vs the graces of Faith and Sanctification which without the vse of the Word preached are subiect if not to dying yet to decreasing if not to perishing yet to diminishing And from hence it is that the Lord saith of his Vineyard his Church Esay the twenty seuen chapter and third vers I the Lord doe keepe it I will water it euery moment lest any assaile it I will keepe it night and day We see by daily experience that after our repentance and the renewing of our mindes we are subiect to stumble and to fall into sin and ready to lie long in it as men cast into a deepe and long sleepe if wee bee not awaked with the Lords Trumpet as wee may see by this present example of Dauid who was by the subtilty of Satan surprised drawne to commit two horrible sinnes Adultery and Murther and lay a long space securely in them vntill he was by the Prophet Nathan rowzed vp and recouered 2. Sam. 12. Wherefore as there is a continuall vse and exercise of repentance so is there a continuall vse of the preaching of the word that wee should not stand at a stay but increase more and more till we come to the fulnesse of the perfect age of Christ Iesus Vse 1 This serues to commend vnto vs the power of the Word of GOD which is both able to kill sinners and to make them aliue againe Gods word only conuerts and puts a manifest difference betweene the word of man and the word of God all the Wisedome Learning Eloquence and wit of man is not able to saue a soule to conuert a sinner only the word of God can doe it euen the plaine and simple preaching of the word can doe it 1. Cor. 1.21 Psal 19.7 Rom. 10.14 The Law of the Lord is perfect conuerting the Soule Though nothing be more contrarie to our nature then the word of God yet it doth by Gods blessing conuert vs. Vse 2 Well then seeing Nathan is the messenger Despisers of the word must needes perish and the meanes that God vses to reclaime Dauid thus sleeping and snorting in sinne whereas the Lord could haue conuerted him without Nathans helpe we see then that those men who doe despise Nathan and the Lords Prophets and
laine a long time in his filthy sinnes and neuer sought vnto God for mercy but being awaked by the reprehension of Nathan now he cries for mercy The Prodigall sonne a true paterne for all sinners he neuer seeks to his Father till he was in extreame misery and then he saith I will goe to my Father Luke 15. so the prowd Pharise neuer begges for mercy for he felt no want of it And the Church of Laodicea Knew not that shee was miserable poore Reu. 3.10 blind and naked For how can a man repent of that hee is ignorant of Sinnes committed can not be repented of till men see them and know them nay not barely to know them but to know the hainousnesse of them and the curse of God due vnto them so as a man may take it to heart and be troubled for his sins Dauid thogh a Prophet of the Lord yea a man after GODS owne heart yet lay a long time in sinne without repētance because he did not weigh and consider with himselfe what hee had done And therfore in the word of God the Lord oftentimes calles vpon men to consider their waies to know their sinnes and the curse of God due vnto them Ier. 3.13 Know thy sins O Ierusalem Zeph. 2.1 2. Fanne your selues Lam. 3.40 O let vs search and trie our waies and turne vnto the Lord. Vse 1 Here we may see the maine cause why there is so little faith true repentance in the world why men are no more humbled for their sinnes do not repent for them poore souls they know not that they doe euill They either cannot or doe not search themselues Lam. 3.40 they neuer call their hearts to account Now then going on in security seeing and fearing no danger Alas how should they repent how should they turne to God For if thou couldest see the misery of thy soule and thy wofull estate by reason of sin if thou couldest see the number and greatnes of thy sinnes Oh thou wouldest euen tremble for feare and wonder at thy woful estate But alas most men are like a man that trauels in the night ouer a narrow bridge which is verie dangerous and vnder it runneth a bottomlesse gulfe so as if he fall he cannot escape but must needs perish And therfore in the darke night seeing not the danger hee feareth it not But let him goe that way in the morning he will wonder that euer he was so madde and desperate to go that way and will neuer venture that way againe So many poore blinde ignorant soules when they haue runne headlong in sinne al their daies and passed their vncertaine life in ignorance profanenesse and manifolde sinnes posting to Hell and damnation not seeing the curse of GOD that doth hang ouer their heads they feare nothing but runne on headlong into all sinnes But if it please the Lord to open their eyes to see their sinnes and the Iudgements of God due vnto them Oh they do wonder at their owne extreame folly and Gods infinite goodnesse and patience and would not bee in that case againe for all the world Well then marke this Doctrine doe not lightly passe it ouer but esteeme it as a blessed trueth of GOD. Christ saith Lake 13.5 Except ye repent ye shall allperish And for a man to see his sinnes the greatnesse and grieuousnesse of them it is the first steppe vnto repentance So that we see heere who they are that doe repent and shall be saued euen such as see their sinnes their wofull miserie and the wretched estate wherein they are and which doe most earnestly hunger and thirst after mercie in Christ Iesus Well then let mee aske thee this Question or rather demaund it of thine owne soule Didst thou euer see thy wofull miserie the wretched estate wherein thou arte by reason of sinne what a miserable sinner thou art by nature out of the fauour of God in the state of damnation in extreme danger for euer to be damned and to loose thy owne Soule Didst thou euer find thy selfe to stand in need of Gods mercie for the pardon of thy sinnes and extreme want of Christs bloud to saue thy Soule Hast thou felt thy hart wounded and bruised for thy sinnes that thy soule is euen sicke with sinne Didst thou euer thirst after GODS mercie in Christ aboue all the world so as thou hast with sighes and groanes yea with teares begged Gods mercie on thy knees as for life and death Io. 7.37 Esay 55.1 2. Esay 66.2 If thou hast not found and felt these things in thee in some measure thy case is dangerous and fearefull thou neuer yet didst truely repent the mercie of God belongs not vnto thee Vse 2 O then it is a singular fauour of God when he doth open a mans eies to see his misery to finde himselfe to stand in need of GODS mercy and extreame want of Christs bloud to saue his soule This is the beginning of all grace to feele the want of grace Dauid if the Lord had no● rowzed him out of his dead sinne wherein he lay a long time he might haue died and perished in it And therefore this should teach vs all to pray to God that he would in mercy open our eyes that we might see our sins and feele our miseries and that wee may see wee stand in extreame neede of Gods mercy and the contrary is a fearefull plague and iudgement of God for men to lie and snort in sinne without remorce of conscience without the sence and feeling of sinne or want of mercy this Dauid now knew by wofull experience that if hee had died without repentance he had perished of all diseases they bee most dangerous which bee least felt as a l●thargy or dead palsie or the like so it is a most fearefull estate for any man to lie in sinne without the feeling of it for then the hart is hardned and he makes no account of Gods mercy A man that thinkes he is well enough wil scorne the Physition so those blinde sinners that thinke they are wel enough and feele no want of mercy of all men they are to be pittied they be in a most dangerous state and condition And therefore we see it a great blessing of God to be told of our sinnes to bee reprooued for them that so seeing them and the danger of them wee may seeke to GOD for mercy Doctr. 2 Hence we learne that the first step to heauen S●●●● 〈…〉 of 〈◊〉 man and the beginning of true repentance is this for a man to bee grieued for his sins to be wounded in conscience for them for till a man see his sinnes and feele the burthen of them and feare the curse of GOD due vnto them he will neuer repent and seeke the pardon of them 2. Cor. 7.10 Matth. 26. Luke 18.13 This is that godly sorrow that leadeth to tepentance neuer to be repented of Vse 1 If this compunction and pricke of the heart
be the very beginning of true repentance and the first step to heauen and the saluation of a mans owne soule surely then most men be in a miserable and wretched estate for most men yet haue not set forward one foote nor gone one steppe to heauen For they haue neuer been humbled neuer touched neuer yet wounded nor pricked in heart for their sinnes and therfore must needs be in a dangerous estate Note Well then apply this to your selues didst thou euer in all thy life find thy heart pricked for sinne Did the sacrificing knife of the Word neuer wound thy conscience nor fetch one teare from thine eyes for thy sinnes Didst thou neuer finde thy heart to mourne and to be cast downe with remorce of conscience Certainely thy case is fearefull and dangerous thou art not yet gone one step to heauen nor moued one finger to eternall life no no thou art yet in thy sins in extreame danger to be damned Iames 2.19 Oh then let the word come home to you harden not your hearts against it neuer bee at quiet till you can say I haue felt my soule touched and wounded with the word of God Vse 2 This serueth for the comfort of GODS children for if we finde and feele our hearts broken and wounded for sinne so as wee mourne for them with godly sorrow because they be sinnes displease God offend his Maiesty it is a certaine signe we haue truly repented we are in the estate of grace Gods spirit hath met with vs the word hath not beene in vaine in our hearts but hath wounded sinne cut the throat of it blessed be God if thou canst say by experience that the Word hath beene powerfull to wound thy soule so as thy conscience is truly touched not only because of Gods anger but because of this that we haue sinned a gainst a mercifull Father This godly sorrow euer goes with true repentance not as Caine Indas 1. Cor. 7.10 c. who despaired of Gods mercy with a desperate sorrow because of the punishment but when we are wounded with sinne to mcurne for it because it offendeth God a louing Father Doctr. 3 From Dauids prayer The first thing Dauid craues is mercy and first petition marke what it is he so carnestly craueth not a kingdome nor gold or siluer not the life of his enemies but mercie mercie alone hee craued for nothing but mercy and therefore in his person wee learne what is that which we should most desire aboue all things in the world namely the fauor and mercy of God in Christ Iesus so that if it should be asked what we would desire in all the world we should answer Mercy and the fauor of God in Iesus Christ he is a blessed man that hath mercy Psal 32.1 2 Psal 4.6 Lu. 18.13 let other men desire worldly wealth riches honor gold siluer but Lord I craue nothing but mercy thy fauour and louing countenance The poore Publican comming to God he knockes on his breast and cries for mercie God be mercifull to me a sinner For there is nothing in the whole world that is able to appease the troble of a wounded conscience saue only the mercy of God in CHRIST IESVS Dauid no doubt had tossed many thoughts within himselfe when hee came to vtter this which heere is penned he had a true sight no doubt of the miserie and wretched estate wherein hee stoode by reason of his sinne An●●●d there beene anie other way in the world to haue gotten out of that ●●ate hee would haue found it But ●●rke he casts his eie onely vpon ●he ●●rcie of God making that his sur●s● resuge in this his greatest necessitie Euen so howsoeuer the opinions of men as touching happinesse bee diuerse poore men thinking riches the prisoner libertie the sicke man health Although these desire all these yet the sinner euer desireth mercie This Mercy of God Dauid This sweete Singer of Israel had often times singed now hee desires it And this is the difference betwixt the godly and the wicked Honour me saith Saul before my People Haue mercie on mee saith Dauid Vse 1 Wee learne hence that nothing can pacifie a Wounded Conscience grieued and distressed for sinne but onely the fauour and mercie of God in Iesus Christ Men may in their distresses go to sport and pastime and merry company But alas this is no comfort to a wounded Soule onelie the mercy of God and feeling of his loue in Christ can asswage and pacifie the accusing of our Consciences A man in a hote burning ague may taste of colde water which may ease him for the present but alas after it will increase his torment And as an olde soare if it be not healed at the bottome though it seem to be found on the toppe yet it will breake out againe and become more dangerous and incurable euen so when men shall seeke to smother the accusation of conscience to blunt the edge of it it will after rebound againe and giue a deadly wound to desperation Vse 2 Dost thou find thy conscience vnquiet Dost thou feele it wound and accuse thee Nothing can pacify a woūded consciēce but God so as thou canst finde no comfort nor rest vnto thy Soule There is no other way in the world to pacifie thy conscience and to haue peace then to intreate and beg for mercy at Gods hands Ro. 14.17 The kingdome of God stand● not in meate and drinke but in righteousnesse and peace and ioy in the Holie-Ghost So that although a wicked man enioy all the world yet if he haue not mercy and the pardon of sinnes alas he shall haue no sound peace of Conscience no ioy in his soule nor any drop of true comfort And therefore let vs all seeke reconciliation with God intreat for fauor and mercy and neuer giue any rest vnto our soules till we can feele and finde our Soules assured of GODS mercy in Christ and the pardon of our sinnes if any say O that I could feele this in my soule I haue an acusing conscicence I feele it terrifie me I am afraid I shall be condemned I can finde no comfort What shall I doe Euen as Dauid did heere beg hard seeke earnestly for so the Lord promiseth If wee seeke wee shall finde And therefore let vs pray and continue in prayer and know that the Lord will in the end heare and grant our requests The second point is the Partie to whom the Prophet directs his Prayer To whom and seeketh for comfort not to any Saint or Angell not to the Virgin Marie but hee goeth to God praieth to him Haue mercie on mee O God and he directs his prayer to the whole Trinitie Father Sonne and Holy Ghost to God the Father as the Authour of all mercy to IESVS CHRIST by whom and in whose name wee obtaine mercy and to the Holy Ghost because hee doth teach vs to pray and doth conuey and deriue all sauing comfort
Vse 1 Seeing the Lords mercy is as a bottomlesse sea that can not bee drawne drie Lament 3 His compassions faile not Hence is matter of great comfort to all true penitent sinners for thy sins cannot be so many nor so great but if thou haue grace to repent God is able and willing to pardon them all If thou say Oh! my sins are great grieuous monstrous vnspeakeable well the mercy of God is greater as may appeare in the pardon of Lots sinnes Genes 19.2 Sam. 12. Acts 9. Ioshua 2. Dauids Peters Paules Rahabs c. If thou canst repent and truely turne to God If thou say O! they are more then the starres in number remember that Gods mercy is as a botomlesse sea hee hath a multitude of Compassions and can pardon them though neuer so many and grieuous If thou say Oh! I haue liued a long time in them twentie thirtie fortie yeares looke on Gods mercie shewed to Rahab Paul others that had liued long in sinne so that if a man haue grace to repent neyther the greatnesse nor the multitude nor the continuance of his sinnes none of all these can hinder Gods mercy but here is all that men must repent otherwise if men doe not repent the least sinne is damnable and if men repent no sinne is so great but is pardonable The mercies of god belōg not to all Yet notwithstanding men must take heede that they take not occasision to liue in sinne because God is mercifull for these things are noted as a comfort for those that sigh and groane vnder the burthen of their sinnes to comfort them and to keep them from dispaire that if they bee truely humbled for their sinnes there is yet with the Lord mercy in store whereby they may be saued Vse 2 Seeing all Gods gifts come from him to vs of grace and mercie euen because he is full of mercie and hath euen a multitude of mercies for poore penitent sinners that sue to him for mercie We learne aboue all things in the world to desire mercie and the pardon of our sinnes This we see in the Prophet Dauid Psal 6.6 My soule is sore trouble But Lord how long wilt thou delay Psal 63.3 Returne O Lord deliuer my Soule Saue me for thy mercies sake this is likewise practised by the Church It is the Lords mercies that wee are not consumed Lament 3. because his compassions faile not Thus the godly when they desire any blessing they aske it of fauor If they craue to haue any iudgement remoued they craue it of mercie esteeming his mercie aboue all the world or aught else they can desire labour therfore aboue all things in the world for the mercie of GOD in Iesus Christ vse all good meanes to obtaine it employ thy selfe diligently to keepe it and to continue it towardes thee that in thy life it may be with thee in death it may not depart from thee Lastly where the Prophet Dauid saith According to the multitude of thy compassions blot out mine offences Marke that the word blot out it is a metaphore taken from Writing-tables when a man shall wipe out with a spunge all that is written or from crossing of bookes of Records and Bookes of Debts And it is all one as if Dauid should haue said O Lord I haue runne far in thy score I haue euen filled thy Booke nor with small but great summes of Debt pay I am not able no not one farthing Now Lord I beseech thee therfore deface crosse and blot out altogether the Debt of my sinnes Doctr. 1 Hence we learne The Lord keeps a Booke of our sinnes that all our sins are recorded in the Lords Booke he keepes a Bill of Account all our verie thoughts words and deedes are knowne vnto him he keepes them in minde and memory and hath them written downe And vnlesse we repent of them and they be blotted out with the bloud of Christ laied hold on by faith the Lord will call them all to account at the day of iudgement Reu. 20.12 The Bookes shall then be opened and euery sinne olde new secret open against God and men shall be brought to light for they bee rocorded in Gods Booke Now by these Bookes wee may not conceiue materiall bookes in which men write downe such things as they would haue remembred for God can not be said to stand in need of any such helpes But because all things are as certaine and manifest to him as if hee had his Registers in Heauen to keepe account thereof Psalme 139.16 Dan. 7.10 Philip. 4.3 So then we may see that the Lord doth keepe a note of all our sinnes and chalkes them as it were vpon a score vntill payment come It is not with God as it is with Princes who are ignorant of the Treasons plotted against them but all things both past present to come are knowne to him aswel our rebellious thoghts as sinne f●ll acts committed And although we doe forget and carelesly minde what we haue done yet God forgets nothing euery part and parcell of our debt being noted exactly in his Booke of Remembrance Vse 1 Seeing all our sinnes be knowne to God he notes them downe in his booke of Account and not one sinne can passe him but he writes it down how should this make vs all carefull vnto our liues that wee commit no sin for if we do the Lord knowes it 2. Cor. 5.10 and notes it in his Booke and vnlesse he blot them out they shall all come to account A wicked man and an vnchaste woman how many thousand vile filthy thoughts haue they in their mindes night and day their hearts burne in lust and vncleanenesse and these they passe ouer regarding thē not making little or no account of them But alas the Lord hath them all written in the Booke of his Remembrance and if thou repent not of them and leaue them O woe to thy soule when this Booke comes to be opened and read ouer and when thou shalt receiue According to thy workes Iob saith Thou hast sealed vp our sinnes in a bag To seale vp a thing doth note an exact kinde of keeping it So then the bagge and bundle of our sinnes being sealed vp and that by God himselfe let vs not imagine that any one can droppe out but all shall come to Iudgement Vse 2 Seeing all our sinnes are so many debts set downe in GODS Booke and we must come to reckoning one day how should wee labour all the dayes of our life to haue them blotted out to haue this Booke cancelled and crossed euen by the finger of God for indeed we may runne on still in Gods debt and set on apace vpon his score but we cannot so fast wipe them out againe nay we can neuer of our selues pay one farthing or satisfie the least of our debts wee owe vnto him It is God that hath written downe that must freely forgiue and cancell as
learne what a vile filthy and miserable thing sinne is in the sight of GOD it staineth a mans body it staines a mans soule it maketh him more vile then the vilest creature that liues no toad is so vile and loathsome in the sight of man as a sinner stained and defiled with sin is in the sight of GOD till hee be cleansed and washed from them in the bloud of Christ Leuit. 13. The Leprousie was a wonderfull disease it did infect the body yea the cloathes on a mans backe the walls of the house and the very stones but this leprosie of sin doth more defile a man it defiles the soule and conscience Yea the creature yea euen the very heauens and earth are stained with the contagion thereof and are made by reason of sinne subiect to vanitie and corruption Rom. 8.20 Oh then see how vile a thing sinne is in the fight of God that the infection thereof should seaze vpon the Creature and make them that they dare not abide the glorious presence of God their Creator Reu. 20.12 Vse 1 Seeing sinne is so vile a thing so filthy and vncleane so polluteth the soule and body and makes vs loathsome in the sight of God so as no carrion nor dung-hill sends forth a filthier sent of stench then sinne O! how should wee loathe and abhorre it quake tremble at the committing of it Oh! it is a wonder to see how warie men are to shunne the Plague they will not come neere the place and person infected but keep aloofe off Oh that wee could be as wise and carefull to shun this plague of all plagues sinne that is the plague of soule and body But alas alas poore plinde soules they who are most afraide of the bodily plague and infection feare not this wofull plague of sinne make no bones of horrible and grieuous sins of adultery drunkennesse lying stealing c. yea as Salomon saith Foolish men and poore blinde soules Wicked men adde sinne vnto sinne and pay one debt with another doe make a sport of sin and put on them the name of Vertue Swearing is a signe of a braue Gentleman-like minde drunkennesse good fellowship couetousnesse good husbandry fornication a tricke of youth pride cleanlinesse these men bee cleane contrary to Dauid he thought nothing more vile filthy and vncleane then sinne they iudge nothing more sweete and pleasant then sinne But if we could see the loathsome filthinesse of sinne how odious it is in the sight of God how it staines and defiles both soule and body then wee should hate it and lothe it more then a toad or a serpent and shun it aboue all things in the world but alas men sinne and yet see not that they do sin they see and feele no danger they are secure no man saith Ierem. 6. Alas what haue I done We be wary tauoyd temporall danger If a man should say to any of vs touch not that garmēt it is infected or taste not that drinke it is poisoned how ready would wee bee to shunne it and auoyde it we would not touch nor come neere it but yet though wee tell men of sinne bid them take heede of it it will infect soule and body and vnlesse men doe presently repent it will bring both to hell yet men euen mad men desperately rush into it wilfully casting away their owne soules Doctr. 4 Further Hard matter to bee cleansed from the pollution of sinne whereas Dauid prayes to bee washed yea to bee washed thorowly or much and often and more then that to be cleansed and rinsed from his sinnes we learne hence that it is not so easie a matter for a man to repent and to get the pardon of his sinnes to be washed and cleansed from them as most men thinke it is Dauid desireth the Lord to wash yea to wash him often againe and again and to bathe and rinse him from his sinnes shewing that it is a hard thing to haue the spottes of sinne to bee washed out a hard thing to obtaine the pardon of our sinnes to be cleansed from the staines and blemishes of them it will cost much sorrow many a teare many a sigh and groane euen a great measure of griefe for looke how grieuously we haue sinned so greatly should wee bewaile our sinnes And hence it is that the Lord calling the people to sorrow for their sinnes doth not require a light sorrow or some small measure of griefe but such a sorrow as should euen rent their very hearts Ioel 2.13 And the Prophet Dauid saith in the seuenteenth verse of this Psalme that a mans heart must be contrite and broken euen as it were rent asunder with godly sorrow or else his repentance will neuer be accepted of God Dauid saith Psalme 6.6 That hee watered his cowch with teares Againe he saith Psalme 42. His teares were his meate day and night And indeede it must not bee a small measure of sorrow that wee must shew for our sinnes For if wee had an hundred eyes and should weepe them all out And if wee had a thousand hearts and they should all break asunder with remorce and sorrow all were too little yea although wee shead euen teares of bloud for our sinnes Vse 1 This condemneth the common opinion of men and women Folly of naturall men described they doe think it the easiest thing in the world to repent to get the pardon of their sinnes they do thinke that Lord haue mercie on mee will serue Oh God is mercifull God is mercifull and so make Gods mercy a packe-horse of all their filthy sinnes but let no man deceiue himselfe it is an other manner of thing to repent then wee take it for it will cost thee many a teare and many a prayer before thou canst haue pardon it will cost thee many a sob and sigh and many a oh oh ere thou canst be assured of the pardon of them How then doe men deceiue their owne soules thinking euery little glimpse of their sinnes sufficient no no euery sorrow brings not with it repentance Ahab had sorrow 1. Reg. 21. He rent his cloathes and put on sackecloth and fasted but this sorrow was as the morning dew it did quietly vanish away The like may bee said of Felix Acts 24. of Herod of Pharaoh and the like all which haue had in them a kinde of sorrow but it was but carnall the end whereof is death It must then be a godly sorrow arising from the sight of our sinnes that we haue offended a good and gracious God and louing Father in Iesus Christ and this must euen wound our very soules as the people of the Iewes Acts 2.37 that wee know not which way to turne vs for comfort Vse 2 Let vs imitate Dauid let vs crie againe and againe vnto the Lord for mercy Psal 32.1 let vs beg hard for the pardon of our sinnes it is the greatest mercie in the world Pardon of
the best insight into the Lawe of GOD hath the greatest sight of his sinne and of his misery and is most humbled and most stirred vp to seeke to God for mercy And they which haue least knowledge of the Lawe know least of their sinnes and miserie and are most prowd and least humbled neither can they truely repent For as a sicke man is then most dangerously sicke when hee hath no feeling of his sickenesse so a sinner is then in greatest misery when hee thinketh himselfe to bee no sinner Such a one is farre off from mourning and sorrowing for sinne from turning from them and returning to God Seeing he taketh himselfe to be in good case and to stand in need of no repentance And such were the Pharises in the dayes of CHRIST whom he reprooued Matth. 9.12 The whole neede not the Physition but those that are sicke I came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance And done this euill in thy sight SInne may well be called an euill because it is the cause of all euill both in soule and body for al iudgement plague and punishmnnts be but the fruits that come of sinne sicknesse pouerty plague pestilence shame warre all iudgements be the fruits of sinne Secondly because sin doth displease God and offendeth his Maiestie therefore it is called an Euill of all euills Thirdly because this euill of sin infects heauen and earth and brings euill to all the creatures of God vnder heauen Vse Well seeing sin is an euil it displeaseth God it brings all euill and all manner of plagues and punishment yea eternall death in the world to come and seeing it infects heauen and earth with the poyson of it how should we hate abhorre sin quake at it be afraid to commit that which is the cause of all other euilles But alas though sin be a fearefull euill yea the cause of all euill yet we see men are not affaid of sin they quake not at it they shun it not yea they which doe feare fire and water the plague and pestilence yet dare bee doing and tampering with sin as if there were no euill nor danger in it but if we be wise let vs flie sin aboue all other euils whatsoeuer and in so doing if we flie this euill of sin we shal preuent many other iudgements and euills which are the fruits of sin In thy sight or before thine eyes As if Dauid should haue saide O Lord my God though I did commit adultery neuer so closely and caused Vrias secretly to be slaine yet alas I see all I did was manifest before thine eies and could not be hidden from thy sight Doctrine Men sinne before God Howsoeuer men and women sin neuer so closely secretly yet they sin before the face of the Lord euen in his eyes and vnder his nose the Lord standing by and looking on them neither distance of place nor secret corner neither darkenesse of the night nor any deuice and shift of man whatsoeuer is able to couer our sins from Gods eies Psal 139. Hebr. 4.13 there is no creature which is not manifest in his sight but all things are naked and open before his eyes with whom wee haue to do It is true indeed it is an casie matter to bleare the eyes of man to sin so closely and cunningly that no man shall know it in some secret corner in some darke night to steale lie commit adultery but although all men and Angels be ignorant yet our most secret euilles and sinnes are all naked vnto the Lords eies Vse 1 Oh that all men could be perswaded of this doctrine that we euer sin in the Lords sight when wee lie steale commit adultery then doth the Lord sees vs his fiery eies behold vs and the Lord euen then stands at our elbowes and lookes vpon vs How would this be a blessed meanes to bridle men and to restraine them from many secret and hidden sinnes What man durst be so bold and desperate to cut a purse when hee sees the Iudges eye set on him and beholdeth him And what man is so desperate that durst steale lie commit adultery if he knew that the all-seeing and piercing eyes of Almightie GOD did beholde him and looke on him This doth the Lord GOD tell the seuen Churches of Asia in euery Epistle Philip. 4. Reuel 3. I know thy workes O then let the remembrance of this make vs watchfull and wary to looke vnto all our wayes to liue as euer in Gods presence Vse 2 Here is matter of comfort and incouragement vnto the children of GOD for as the Lord sees and beholdeth all the euills and sins of men and women to iudge and to punish them al is naked to his piercing and all-seeing eyes so likewise all our good deeds and vertues are knowne and seene of God I know thy workes all thou dost both good and bad I know all Now then if the Lord do take knowledge of all our workes and sees them yea there is nothing we doe but it is manifest in his eies we know he is a bountifull God and plentifully rewards all that loue and feare him yea he will not leaue a cup of colde water without a reward O then let vs proceede and abound in good workes in knowledge faith repentance patience obedience humilitie zeale loue c. for the Lord knowes and sees all and will not let any one good work go vnrewarded Now followes the second part of the Verse containing a reason why the Prophet Dauid did thus acknowledge and confesse his sins and humbled himselfe for them namely that by this meanes hee might cleare the Lord of all iniustice and hard dealing in word or deede as if hee should haue said O Lord I confesse that seeing I haue so grieuously sinned against thee and so fowly committed euill in thy sight there is no cause why I should so much as accuse thee of the least cruelty iniustice or hard dealing with me either in thy terrible threatnings by thy seruant Nathan or thy righteous iudgement in taking away the childe conceiued in adultery for I acknowledge that I haue deserued farre more grieuous plagues and punishments for this my vile and grieuous sin And therefore by this my confession I doe cleere thee O Lord of all iniustice and cruell dealing condemne my selfe to be worthy of farre more grieuous iudgements and punishments for my sins so as all the world may see and know that thou art most iust in al thy threatnings denounced against sin and most pure and righteous in al thy iudgemēts fatherly chasticements That thou maiest be iust That is that thou maist be known iust in thy workes and all the world may see and know that there is great and iust cause of thy threatnings against sin and sinners Now what these speeches were and the iudgements threatned against Dauid looke in the second of Samuel chapter 12. verse 10. First that the Sword should neuer depart
heauen or earth but onelie by the bloud of Iesus Christ alone if all Men and Angells should haue died and beene cast for euer into hell fire they could not satisfie the infinite wrath of God for one sinne but the heart bloud of Iesus Christ must bee shed else we can haue no pardon Vse 3 This condemnes that wicked and erronious Doctrine of the Papists who teach indeed CHRIST by his death hath satisfied Gods iustice for the fault and eternal punishment due to our sinnes but men must eyther in this lif● by workes or else in Purgatorie satisfie Gods iustice for temporall punishments now then what is this but to make the sacrifice and death of Christ imperfect when as it must bee patched and peeced with mens meri●es but wee beleeue and hold that Christs death is a sufficient sacrifice for all our sinnes Vse 4 Would you then haue the pardon of your sinnes Rom. 6. Gal. 3. euery sinne deserues death and the curse of GOD Now there is no way but this to beleeue in Iesus Christ to imbrace him by faith that so God the Father may for his sake pardon our sinnes accept of his death and passion for the punishment of them all And that we may be purged from our sins both the fault and punishment by the bloud and sacrifice of Christ we must first repent of them with Dauid be grieued for them bewaile them amend our liues and become new creatures in Christ Iesus wee must beg for pardon of them at the hands of God Secondly besides wee must bee sprinckled with hyssope that is as in the time of the Law they dipped the hyssope into the bloud of the beast and so besprinckled the person to be cleansed euen so must we by faith as it were with a bunch of hyssop apply the bloud of Christ and by saith besprinckle our defiled consciences it will purge vs from sinne and appease the anger of GOD for the punishment But if men either doe not repent of them and leaue their sinnes or doe not come with Faith to applie the blood of CHRIST they can not haue pardon As if there were a soueraine plaister to cure any sore if a man doe not apply it to his wound but let it lie in a box it will doe him no good so vnlesse wee apply the blood of Christ to our wounds and sores by faith alas it cannot help vs And as the woman with the bloodie issue touched Christs garment and was healed so if wee can by faith touch the blood of Christ and apply it to our selues it will heale all the bleeding wounds of sinne The second request is that GOD would wash him make him pure not imputing his sinnes vnto him but couering them in the death and obedience of his Sonne Iesus Christ And therefore in the second part of this verse he prayeth for the imputation of Christs righteousnes namely that God would not onely remit the punishment due to his sinne but looke vpon him as he is in CHRIST couered with his rightousnesse and that God would accompt him iust for Christs obedience holinesse satisfaction and righteousnesse for when God beholds a poore sinner couered with the righteousnesse holinesse and obedience of his Son Christ Ps 32.1.2 then he accompts him as no sinner but iust and righteous Euen as a man beholding any thing through a red glasse it appeares red or of the same colour so if the Lord looke on vs in Christ we appeare holy and righteous before him Doctr. 1 Whereas the Prophet Dauid intreates the Lord to wash him hee shewes that hee was defiled with sin and stained with vncleanesse and so stood in great neede of Gods mercy to cleanse his filthy soule and defiled conscience now polluted with most vile Adultery and filthy vncleanenesse Sinne defiles a mā that his soule was now besprinkled with the innocent bloud of that faithfull seruant and loyall Subiect Vrias the Hittite And as it was with Dauid sinne infected him made him vile and loathsome filthy and abhominable in the sight of God Euen so it doth begrime the faces of the best of Gods children it staines and pollutes them both in soule and body yea no carrion is more loathsome and odious then a sinner defiled and polluted with sinne is in the sight of God The leprosie was a loathsome disease it infected the body the very garments yea the stones and timber But this spirituall leprosy sinne infects the whole man body and soule yea it infects heauen and earth and all other creatures in the world and there is nothing that can take away the spots and blemishes of sinne but onely the precious bloud of Iesus Christ laid hold on by true faith Vse 1 Well seeing all of vs are thus defiled with sinne as Dauid was in soule and body let vs desire to bee washed let vs bewaile them loath and hate them intreate the Lord that he would not impute our sinnes vnto vs but couer them vnder the robe of Christs righteousnesse And that we should abhor euery sinne f●● this cause because it defiles vs it pollutes vs and makes vnworthy to appeare in Gods presence Vse 2 Seing Dauid though an holy Prophet of God a man after Gods own heart yet desires the Lord to w●sh him from his sinnes and to couer them in the obedience of CHRIST IESVS appplied by faith wee see that no man is able to stand before the face of God in his owne righteousnesse in his owne workes or wothinesse for if any might who might better haue done it then Dauid a man truly sanctified a holy Prophet a man after Gods owne heart yea the Prophet Esay saith that all our righteousnesse is no better then a stayned clout full of bloud and all pollution Esay 64 6. And Paul desires that hee may not bee found in his owne righteousnesse and worthinesse Phil. 3.9 1. Cor. 1 30 at the day of Iudgement but in the righteousnesse of Christ laid hold on by faith And therefore let vs renounce all our owne goodnesse or worthinesse and accompt all but dung in respect of CHRIST and his righteousnesse And as for the Church of Rome wee may see their intollerable pride that they do so much rest and relye vpon their owne goodnesse and worthinesse merites and righteousnesse to stand vpon it appeare in it for remission of sins and life eternall But alas if Paul Dauid and all the Saints of God abhorre themselues in dust and ashes desire to be purged and washed and couered in the obedience and righteousnesse of Iesus Christ yea count all their owne righteousnesse but as dung and dare not appeare in it before the seate of Gods Iudgement but in the righteousnesse of Christ shall any Papist of them dare to stand before Gods Iudgement in his owne righteousnesse and worthinesse no no hee shall tremble and quake and not abide so great and glorious a presence I shall bee cleane I shall bee whiter then
mercies for as thankefulnesse for an old is the beginning of a new so vnthankefulnesse for an old fauour is the next way to depriue vs of a new VERSE 16. 16 For thou desirest no sacrifice else would I give it thee c. DAVID hauing professed that it was his earnest desire to honour GOD to praise him and seeke his glory confesseth that hee hath no other meanes but to speake of his mercy and to be willing to set forth the same to become a Preacher of his righteousnesse and goodnes and he confesseth to his comfort that the Lord is more delighted with this then with all those externall ceremonies and sacrifices which the people of the Iewes did offer thought by them to please God and to appease his anger and to procure pardon of their sinnes thereby So that the maine scope of these two verses is this to shew that Dauid though hee had nothing in the world to requite the Lords mercy vnto him yet he perswaded himselfe vpon his true repentance the Lord will accept of his earnest desire to honour him and to set forth his praise In this 16. verse hee shewes what are those sacrifices which the Lord cares not for and desireth not outward sacrifices alone which men offer without faith and repentance and whereby they thinke to appease his anger and merit pardon of their sinnes by the same In the 17. verse hee shewes what are the best sacrifices that wee can offer vnto God which hee will accept of for CHRISTS sake and wherewith hee is well pleased A broken and contrite heart truely wounded and humbled for sinne and which doth by faith embrace IESVS CHRIST Who alone is the propitiatory sacrifice to appease his fathers anger and to worke our attonement and reconciliation with GOD. Thou desirest no sacrifice Sacrifices of the Iewes of two sorts THe Sacrifices of the Iewes were of two sorts some propitiatory to procure fauour at GODS hands for the pardon of sinne some gratulatory which were onely for thankes-giuing for blessings receiued now of these Dauid speakes especially heere and of Sacrifices for thankes-giuing there were twosorts some were called sacrifices as the first word signifies where some beast was slaine and offered in sacrifice to God Againe some were called burnt-offerings which were all consumed and turned into ashes and they were called so because the smoke of them ascended vp to heauen and both of them were figures of Christ IESVS who should be slaine and burned as it were in the fire of GODS anger for our sinnes Quest But how can the Lord be said not to desire burnt offerings and sacrifices seeing hee commanded them in his Law Res. We may not thinke the Prophet speakes heere simply that the Lord cares not for Sacrifices for as yet the Ceremonies of the Law were in force and the greatest part of GODS worship stood in Sacrifices and Dauid himselfe and Salomon were diligent and not sparing in performing this duty But wee must know Dauid speaks heere first that the Lord careth not for sacrifices as they were done of the common people of the Iewes because that whereas the LORD did ordaine them as helps to leade them to CHRIST that they might deny themselues and see they were worthy to die when the beast was slaine so they might seeke to bee saued by the euerlasting sacrifice of CHRIST alone But they began to imagine that by their very offering of beastes in sacrifice God was pleased neuer looking to CHRIST IESVS whereof they were but types and figures Secondly because the people of the Iewes did offer them without faith and repentance with impenitent hearts Ier. 7. and thought so long as they offered sacrifices though they liued in sinne it skilled not Thirdly the Lord delights not nor is not so well pleased with this outward sacrifice as with a broken and contrite heart when that is humbled and mournes for sinne beleeues in Christ Iesus and is careful to honour God by an holy life Doctr. 1 Seeing Dauid affirmeth that GOD cares not for the outward sacrifice when the inward is wanting A mans person must first be approued before his sacrifice be accepted Ier. 24.20 Esa 29.13 Wee learne that though a man should performe all the outward seruice and worship of God and that in neuer so glorious a manner yet if the heart bee not affected and purified all is in vaine the Lord cares not for it as to Preach the word to heare it to receiue the Sacrament c. if there be not a broken heart for sinne Mat. 15. a repentant heart a sanctified heart all is but vaine The Scribes and Pharisesseemed maruelous precise in outward shew very zealous and forward yet their hearts were puffed vp with pride selfe-loue malice couetousnesse c. And therfore Christ saith Math. 15. Vnlesse your righteousnesse exceed the righteousnesse of the Scribes and Pharises yee cannot enter into the Kingdome of heauen Iudas in outward shew Preached and Prayed as well as others yet a very deuill a most trayterous wretch full of hypocrisie couetousnesse and bloudy cruelty well wee see that though men make neuer so good and faire a shew yet if the heart be not sound all is in vaine and from the teeth outward and GOD cares not for it he esteemes as much of their Sacrifice as if they should kill a man or sacrifice a dog Esay 65.3 that is abomination to the Lord. Vse 1 This may serue to cut the combes of al those which be proud hipocrits and all they do is in outward appearance alas Their Prayers Preaching Hearing Prou. 29.9 Ps 50.16 it is but swines bloud dogs bloud a beautifull abomination and therefore let vs neuer content our selues with the outward worship and seruice of God but let vs labour to do all in truth with faith obedience repentance humiliation and good conscience Vse 2 This condemnes all the blind deuotious of ignorant and profane sinners who thinke that so long as they ofter their outward sacrifices come to Church heare the word receiue the Sacrament c. they may liue in sinne and yet please God and this was the very cause why the Lord abhor'd all the lewes sacrifices Esay Ier. 7 8. And may not the Lord euen now abhor our sacrifices our comming to Church Heating Praying c. seeing men do content themselues with outward action and come with sinfull hearts and affections Doctr. 2 We learne hence that a man may performe duties which God hath cōmanded A man may performe a good duty and yet fin in the manner of doing it and yet not please God but sin most grieuously in doing of them to offer sacrifice it is GODS owne Commandement but when people shall do it in an euill manner either without faith and repentance or else to an euill end to merite at Gods hand then it makes that which God commands to be a sin to them not in it selfe but in them
owne soule but also laid open the Church and people of God to great misery and done what lay in him to draw the curse and iudgement of GOD vpon them therefore he doth humbly intreate the Lord to be mercifull to his Church and not to plague and punish them as he might haue done for his sinnes and disobedience These two verses containe in them two especiall points to bee considered of vs. First the request which Dauid makes in the behalf of the Church and people of God Ver. 18. Secondly the reason taken from the vow and protestation which Dauid and the people make vnto GOD namely to offer vnto GOD the sacrifice of praise and thankesgiuing In the prayer be two requests first he prayes for fauour and mercy to be shewed vpon the Church of GOD secondly that the Lord would repaire that breach which he had made by his sinnes Bee fauourable THat is doe well blesse preserue and shew mercy To Zyon Zyon signifies that beautifull Temple of Ierusalem but here it is taken for the Church and people of God as if he should say O Lord I do not onely intreate thee that thou wouldst haue mercy vpon me but I beseech thee shew mercy to thy whole Church and people be mercifull vnto them prouide wel for them that thy word may be Preached and thy name called vpon for I acknowledge ô Lord that I haue done as much as lay in my power to bring heauy iudgements vpon thy Church and people if my sinnes be laid vpon them but Lord let not thy Church be punished for my sin O bee fauourable to Syon Doct. 1 Prayer the chiefestrefuge in time of danger Seeing Dauid in time of misery when the Church was in danger of Gods iudgements betakes himselfe to prayer to intreate the Lord for grace and fauour wee learne hence that this is our chiefest refuge and shelter in time of misery and affliction when the Church of GOD is in danger of any iudgement or calamity euen to betake our selues to humble and earnest prayer Pray for the peace of Ierusalem they shall prosper that loue thee Psal 122.6 Psa 50.15 Psal 107 Hester 4.8 Esay 64 2. Chron. 32.20 And of the Israelites it is reported that they cryed fiue times vnto the Lord in their distresse so in Aegypt they cryed and groaned vnto the Lord so they fasted and prayed when Haman had got the Kings letter to put the Iewes to dead The like we may see in Nehemiah Neh. 1.3.4 when he heard that the people returned from captiuity were still in misery Ierusalem troden downe hee sate downe and wept hee mourned fasted and prayed before the GOD of heauen for the redresse of those euils This appeareth likewise Psalme one hundred thirty seuen the first second and third verses where the Prophet layeth downe the miserable estate of the Church vnder the Babylonians and the affliction of Church conceiued vpon that distresse We sate downe and wept when wee remembred Syon If I forget thee O Ierusalem let my right hand forget her cunning yea if I preferre not Ierusalem before my chiefe ioy And in the first of Samuel the fourth chapter and the nineteenth verse it is noted to the euerlasting praise of the wife of Phineas that when the P●i●istims preuailed ouer the people of God and one trouble came vpon her on the necke of another as the taki●g of the Arke the fall of her Father the death of her Husband the ouer-throw of the Hoast c. yet aboue all the report of taking the Arke of the Lord it was a wound vnto her soule hastned her trauaile and called her child Icabod that is no glory or the glory is departed from Israel because the Arke of God was taken Vse 1 Well if the Lord should afflict vs and should threaten to destroy vs to remoue the Gospell to take away his zealous and faithfull Ministers to make the golden Belles of Aaron yeeld no sound what are we to doe Namely this must be our refuge we must fly vnto God by true and hearty prayer bewaile our sins acknowledge them to God ply the Lord with prayers and teares Iam. 5.17 For the prayer of a righteous Man is of endlesse force Now if the prayer of one righteous man bee of that force and strength how much more are the prayers of hundreds or thousands that are gathered together in one one cord may easily bee broken but a three-fold cord cannot be broken Elias is called the Chariot and Horse-men of Israel because by faithfull prayers which hee made vnto GOD hee could doe more for the defence of GODS Church then an Armie of Souldiers Vse 2 Seing the troubles of others must moue pitty in our selues then woe to them that are secure that laugh when the Church weepeth that liue in brauery when the Church is in Sackcloth and Ashes that feast when the Church doth fast This was the practise of those that liued in the time of Esay Esay 22. vers 12.13.14 In that day did the Lord of Hosts call vnto weeping and mourning to baldnesse and grinding with Sackcloth And behold ioy and gladnesse slaying Oxen and killing Sheepe eating flesh and drinking for to morrow wee shall dye Hereunto accordeth that of the Prophet Amos Amos 6. Woe to them that are at ease in Syon c. where we see hee pronounceth the wofull estate and condition of those who liued without any regard of the Iudgements of GOD laid vpon the Church And surely the times wherin wee liue doe call vpon vs to the practise of this Christian duetie But much more are they condemned that are so farre from pittying the Churches troubles that rather without all naturall affection as if they were borne of Wolues or nourished of Tygers seeke to cut the throate of the Church adde to their afflictions make their burthen heauier euen of them that are ready to fall This doth the Prophet speake of such Psa 69. vers 26. They persecute him whom thou hast smitten and adde vnto the sorrow of them whom thou hast wounded Doctr. 2 In that DAVID doth not pray for himselfe alone Prayer for the Church a Christian duty but is mindefull of the whole Church and people of GOD and therefore prayes for them that GOD would blesse them and defend them Hence wee learne that it is the duety of euery Christian Man and Woman that be true members of the Church of GOD not onely to pray for themselues but also to pray instantly for the Church of God that God would bee fauourable to his people blesse his Church and Children seeke the wel-fare of GODS Church This wee may see by the example of Abraham Genes 18. who prayed for the Sodomites that they might be spared This we may see in Nehemiah Nehem. 1.3.4 who mourned fasted and prayed vnto the God of Heauen when hee saw that the Church was in misery And this affection was in Dauid when hee saith Psalm 137. We sate downe and