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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03936 Scala perfectionis; Scale of perfection. English Hilton, Walter, d. 1396. 1507 (1507) STC 14043; ESTC S122296 217,436 310

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the affeccions For thenne it dredeth god in mā as sothfastnesse wondreth hym as myghte loueth hym as goodnes This syghte and this goodnes and this knowynge of Ihesu with the blessed loue that comyth out of it may be called refourmyng of a soule in felynge and in fayth that I speke of It is in fayth For it is derke yet as in rewarde of that ful knowynge of Ihū wyih the blessed loue that comith onte of it y t shal be in heuen For then shal we se hym not oonly y t he is but as he is As saynt Iohn̄ sayth Tunc videbimus eum sicut est That is Thenne shal we see hym as he is Neuertheles it is in felynge also as in rewarde of y e blynde knowynge that a soule hath stondynge oonly in faythe For this soule knowyth somwhat of the very kynde of Ihesu god thorughe his gracyous syght but y e other knowyth not but oonly trowith it is soth Neuertheles y t thou y e better maye conceyue what I meane I shal shewe thyse thre maner refourmyng of a soule by ensāple of thre men stondyng inlyȝt of the son Of the whiche thre one is blynde a nother may see but he hath his eyen stopped the thyrde lokyth forth full syght The blynde man hath no maner knowyng that he is in the son̄e but he trowith it yf a true man telle hym And he betokeneth a soule that is oonly refourmed in fayth y t trowyth in god as holy chyrche techeth wote not what This suffyceth as for saluacyon That other man seeth a lyght of the sonne but he seeth it not clerly what it is for the lyd of his eye letteth hym that he maye not see But he seeth thorugh the lyd of his eye a glymerynge of grete lyghte And he betokeneth a soule that is refourmed in fayth and in felynge and soo is he contemplatyfe For he seeth some what of the godhede of Ihesu thoroughe grace Not clerly ne fully for the lydde that is hys bodyly kynde is yet a walle bytwyxe hys kynde and the kynde of Ihesu god and lettythe hym frome the clere syghte But he seeth thoroughe thys walle after that grace towchyth hym more or lesse that Ihesu is god and that Ihesu is souereyne good nesse and souereyne beynge and a blessyd lyfe and all that other goodnesse comyth of hym Thus seethe the sowle by grace notayenstondynge the bodily kynde and the more clene and subtyl that the soule is made and y e more it is depared fro flesshly hede the sharper sight it hath the myghtyer loue of the godhede of Ihesu This syght is so myghty that thoughe none other man lyuynge wolde trowe in Ihesu ne loue hym he wolde neuer trowe the lesse ne loue hym the lesse for he seeth it sothfastly that he may not vntrowe it The thyrde man y t hath ful syght of the sonne he trowith it not for he seeyth it fully And he betokeneth a ful blessyd soule that without ony walle of body or of synne seeth openly the face of Ihesu in the blysse of heuē There is no fayth therfore he is fully refourmed in felynge There is no state aboue the seconde refourmyng that a soule may come to here in this lyfe for this is the state of perfeccyon the way to heuen warde Neuertheles al y e soules that are in this state are not al lyke ferforth For some hath it lytyl shortly seeldom some lenger clerer and oftiner and some hath it best clerest and lengest after y e aboundyng of grace yet al thyse haue the yefte of contemplacion For the soule hath not perfyte syght of Ihesu al at ones but fyrst a lytyl a lytyl and after y t it profyteth and comyth to more felyng And aslonge as it is in this lyfe it maye waxe more in knowyng in this loue of Ihesu and sothly I wote not what were more leyf to suche a soule that hath felte a lytyl of it than vtterly al other thynges lefte and sette at nought Tent on̄ly therto for to haue clerer syght clenner loue of Ihesu in whō is al the blessed trynyte This maner knowyng of Ihesu as I vnderstonde is the openynge of he●en to the eye of a clene soule of the whiche holy mē speke of in her wrytynge Not as some wene that the openynge of heuen is as yf a soule myghte see bi ymaginaciō thrugh the scyes aboue the fyrmament how our lorde Ihesu syeteth in his mageste in a bodily lighte as moche as an hundreth sonnes Nay it is nat soo ne though he see neuer so hyghe on that maner sothly he seeth not the gostly heuen The hygher he styeth aboue the sonne for to see Ihesu god so by suche ymagynaciō the lower he falleth bineth the sonne Neuertheles this maner syght is sufferable to sīple soules that can noo better seche him that is vnseable ¶ Howe Ihū is heuen to the soule And why he is called fyre Caplm xxxiii WHat is heuen to a resonable soule Sothly noughte elles but Ihesu god For yf that be heuē only that is aboue al thyng then ne is god onely heuen to mānes soule for he is onely aboue the kīde of a soule thēne yf a soule may thorugh grace haue knowynge of y e blessed kynde of Ihesu sothly he seeth heuē for he seeth god Therfore there are many men that erren in vnderstōdynge of some wordes that are sayd of god for they vnderstonde them not gostly Holy wrytynge sayth that a soule that woll fynde god shall lyft vpwarde the Inner eye seke god aboue itselfe Thenne some mē that wolde doo after this sayenge vnderstōde this worde aboue hemself as for hygher settynge in stede worthynes of place as one elemente or planete is aboue a nother in settyne worthynes of a bodely place But it is nat soo gostly For a soule is aboue al bodily thynge that by settynge of stede but by subtyltee worthynes of kynde Right soo on the selfe wise god is aboue all bodily gostly creatures not by settynge of stede but by subtyltee worthynes of his vnchangeable blessyd kynde And therfore he that wol wisely see he god fynde hym he shall not renne out w t his thought as he wolde clyme aboue the sonne parte the firmament and ymagyn that mageste as it were of an hundred sonnes he shall rather drawe downe the sonne al the fyrmamēt and forget it and caste it beneth hym there he is and sett all and all bodily thinge also at nought And thynke thenne yf he can ghostly both of him selfe and of god also And yf he doo thus thenne seeth the soule aboue it selfe thenne seeth it in to heuen Upon this self maner shall this worde within be vnderstond It is comynly sayd that a soule shall see our lord within all thynge and within itselfe Soth it is y t our lorde is within all creatures but not on that maner y t a
as the semyth is contrary therto For that styrynge is not thy fayth but the fayth of holy chyrche is thy fayth thoughe thou neuer see it ne fele it And bere then suche styrynges pacyently as a scourge of our lorde by the whiche he wyl clense thy hert make thy fayth stedfast Also the behoueth to loue worshyp in thy herte al the lawes ordynaunce made by prelates rulers of holy chyrche other in declarynge of the fayth or of the sacramentes or in general of al crysten men mekely truly assent to hem though it be so that thou knowe not the cause of her ordynaunce And thoughe the thynke that some were vnskylful thou shalt not deme hem ne repreue hem but worshyp hem all though they longe but lytyl to the Ne receyue thou non opinyon ne fātasye ne synguler conceyte vnder colour of more holynes as some done y t are not wyse nother by thyn owne ymaginynge ne by techynge of none other man Whiche contraryeth to the the lest ordynaunce or general techyng of al holy chyrche And ouer this thou shalt hope stedfastly y t thou art ordened of our lorde to be saued as one of his chosen by his mercy styre not fro this hope what so thou heryst or seest or what tēptaciō thou be in And thoughe thou thynke so y ● grete a wretche y t thou were worthy to sinke in to helle for that thou doost noo gode ne seruest god as thou sholdest doo yet holde the in this trouth in this hope aske mercy al shal be ryght wel ye though al y e deuylles of helle apered in bodely lyknes slepynge or wakyng sayenge to y e that thou sholdest not be saued or al men lyuynge in erth or al the aūgels in heuen If it myght be sayd to the the same thou sholdest not leue hem ne be styred moche fro the hope of saluacyō This I say to the for some bē so weyke so simple y t whan they haue yeuen hemself al hooly to serue god after her cun̄ynge yf they fele ony styrynge within by thyn castynge of thēmye or elles fro without of ony of the deuylles prophetis whiche mē callen soth sayers that they sholde not be saued or her state of her maner of lyuynge were not p●esaunt to god they ben astonyed styred with suche wordes so for vnc●nynge they falle sōtyme in a grete h●uynes as it werein a dyspayr of saluacyon wherfore as me thynke it is spedfull to e●ery creature whiche by our lorde Ihesu cryst is in ful wyl to forsake synne as clerly as his cōscyence tellyth hym he suffreth noo dedely synne rest in hym y t he ne shriueth hym sone therof make hym to y e sacramētes of holy chyrche for to haue a trust of saluacyon And moche more than they that yeuē hem hooly to god fleen venyal synnes after her myght And on the contrary wyse as peryllous it is to hym whiche lyeth wyttyngly in dedely synne for to haue truste of saluacyon ī hope of y e trust wyl not forsake his syn̄e ne low hym truly to god holy chyrche ¶ How a stable entent is nedeful to thyse y t sholde plese god dyscrecyon in bodely werkes Ca xxii THe iii. thynge whiche is nedeful to the for to haue in thy begynnynge is an hole a stable entencyon that is for to saye A hole wyll a desyre onely for to plese god for that is charyte without whiche all is nought that thou doost And thon shal set thin entent alway for to serche and traueyle how thou myght plese hym noo tyme for to cesse wylfully of good ocupacyon other bodely or ghostly Ne thou shalt not set a tyme in thy hert as thus longe thou woldest serue god sythen to suffre thyn hert wylfully fall downe in to vayne thoughtes ydle ocupacions wenynge that it were nedful for sauynge of thy bodely kynde leuynge y e kepynge of thy hert good ocupacyon sekynge a rest cōfort for a tyme outwarde by thy bodely wyttes or inwardly vanytees as it were for recreacyō of thy spyryte \ for it sholde be more sharper afterwarde to ghostly traueyle for I trow it is not soth I say not that thou may in dede performe thyn entent for oft sythes thy bodely nede e●ynge drynkynge slepyng spekyng y e fraylte of y e flesshe shal let the be thou neuer so besye hynder the But I wolde that thy wyl thy extent were alway hole to traueyle ghostly or bodely no tyme to be ydle but alway lyftynge vp thy hert by desyre to god to y e blysse of heuen whether thou ete or drynke or ony other bodely traueyle that thou vsest asmoche as thou may wylfully leue it not For yf thou haue this entent it shall make the euer quicke sharpeī thi trauayle yf thou fal by fraylte or neclygence in ony ydle ocupacyon or vaynspeche it shal smy●e vpon thy hert sharply as a prycke make y t for to yrke be wery of al vanytees for to torne ayē hastly to inwarde thynkyng of Ihū cryst or to some gode ocupacyon For anence thy bodely kynde it is good for to vse descresyon in etynge drynkynge slepynge in al maner bodely penaunce in lōge prayer by speche or in bodely felynge by grete feruour of deuocyon other in wepynge or suche other also in ymagynyng of the spyryte whan a man felyth no grace In all thyse werkes it is gode to kepe discrecyon for the meane is y e best But in des●ruynge of syn̄e by kepyng of thyn her● in cōtynue ▪ desyre of vertues y e blysse of heuen for to haue the ghostly knowynge the louynge of Ihū cryst holde thou no meane For the more that it is of this the bettter it is For thou shalt haue syn̄e al flesshly loues dredes in thyn hert without seeyng And thou shalt loue vertues clen̄es desyre hem without stintynge yf thou myght I say not that it is nedful to saluacyō but I hope it is spedful yf thou kepe it thou shalt profyte more in one yere in vertues thā thou shalt without this profyte in vi● yeres ¶ Of a lytyl ●ehersynge of thynges sayd before of makynge of offerynge that sholde be offered to god Caplm xxiii NOw I haue tolde the fyrst of ende whiche thou shalt beholde in thy desyre drawe towarde it as nygh as thou may Also I haue sayd the of the beginnyng what y e nedeth for to haue as mekenes siker trouth an hole entent to god vpon y e whiche groūde thou shalt sette thy ghostly hous by prayer by medytacyon other ghostly vertues Then̄e say I to the thus pray thou or thynke thou or ony other dede y t thou doost gode by grace or bad by thyn owne freilte or what y t thou felyst seest or herest smellest or
whiche may be called a made trinyte was fulfylled in mynde syght loue of y e vnmade most blessyd trynyte whiche is our lorde This is the dignyte the state the worshyp of a mannes soule by kynde of the fyrst makyng This state thou had in adam before the fyrst synne of man But whan adam synned chesynge loue delyte in hymself in creatures he lost al his worship his dignyte and thou also in hym fel fro y e blessyd trinyte in to a fowle derke wretchyd trinyte that is ī to the foryetynge of god and vnknowynge of hym and in to a bestly lykynge of hymself And y e skylfully For as dauid layth in the sawter Homo cū in honore esset non intellexit cōperatus est iumentis insipientibꝭ et silis factus est illis A mā whan he was in worshyp he knewe it not And therfore he lost it and was made lyke a best See now then the wretchydnes of thy soule For as the mynde was somtyme stablyd in god ryght so now it hath forgoten hym and sekith his rest in creatures now from one to an nother and neuer may fynde ful reste For he hath loste hym in whom is ful reste And ryght soo it is of reason and the loue also whiche was clene in ghostly sauour swetnes now it is tournyd into a fowle bestly lust lykynge in it self in creatures in flesshly sauours both in the wyttes as in gloteny lechery and in ymagynyng as ī pryde vaynglory couetise In somoche that thou mayst vnnethes do ony good dede but yf thou be defoyled with vaynglory Ne thou maye not wel vse none of thy .v. wyttes clenly in no creature delectable but yf thy herte be taken e●gleymed with a veyne lust lykynge of it whiche putteth out the loue of god fro the hert as in felynge and the ghostly sauour that it may not come therin Euery mā that lyueth in spyryte knowith wel al this This is the wretchydnes of the soule and the myscheyf for the fyrst synne of man without al other wretchydnes synnes whiche thou hast wylfully put therto And wyte thou well though thou had neuer done synne with thy body dedely ne venyal but oonly this that is called orygynal for it is fyrst synne and that is not elles but lesynge of thy ryghtfulnes whiche thou was made ī sholde thou neuer haue ben saued yf our lorde Ihū cryste by his precyous passyon had not delyuerde the restored y e ayen ¶ How euery man may be saued by y e passyon of cryst be he neuer so wretched Caplm̄ xliiii ANd therfore yf thou thynke that I haue here before spoken to hye to the. for thou mayst not take it ne fulfylle it as I haue sayd or shal say I wyl now fal downe to the as lowe as thou wyl for my profyte as wel as for thyn Thenne say I thus though thou be neuer somoche a wretche haue thou doo neuer somoche synne forsake thyself all thy werkes good bad crye mercy aske on̄●● saluacyō by vertue of this precyous passyō mekely trustly without dout thou shal haue it And for this oryginal syn al other thou shalt he saaf ye thou shal be saaf as an anker incluse not oonly thou but al crystē soules whiche trustē vpō his passiō meken hēself knowlegyng her wretchydnes askyng mercy foryeuenes y e fruyt of this precyous passyō only lowyng hēself to the sacramentes of holy chyrche though it beso y t they haue ben encōbred with synne al her lyftyme ne●er had felynge of ghostly ●auour or swetnes or ghostly knowyng of god they shallen ī this fayth ī her good wyl by vertue of this precious passion of our lorde Ihū cryst be saaf come to y e blysse of heuē Al this knowest thou wel but yet it lyketh me for to say it Se here y ● endles mercy of our lord how low he falleth to y ● to me to al synful caytyfs Thē aske mercy haue it Thus sayd y ● prophete in y e persone of our lorde Oīs enim quicūque inuocauerit nomē dūi saluꝰ erit Euery mā what y t he be y t calleth y e name of god y t is to say askith saluacyō by Ihū his passyō he shal be saaf This certesye of our lorde some mē takē wel bē saued therby some men ī truste of this mercy this curtesie lyen styl in her syn wene for to haue it whan hē lust then mow they not for they are taken or they were so they dampne hēself But then sayest tho● yf this be soth then wonder I gretly for y t I fynde in some holy mennes bokes Some sayē as I vnderstonde y t he y t can not loue this blessyd name Ihū ne fynde ne fele in it ghostly Ioye delectable with ghostly swetnes in the blysse of heuē he shal be alyene neuer shal he com therto Sothly thyse wordes whan Ihem red stonyed me made me gretly aferde for I hope as thou sayst y t by y e mercy of our lord shal be saaf by kepȳg of y e cōmaūdemētes by very repētaūce for her euyl lyuing before done whiche felt neuer gostli swetnes ne inly sauour ī y e name of ihū therfore I merueyl me y e more y t they say contrari herto as it semyth And vnto this I maye saye as me thynketh that her sayenge yf it be well vnderstonde is soth and is not cōtrary to that y ● I haue sayd For this name Ihesu is nought elles for to saye vpon englysshe but heler or he le Now euery man y t lyueth in this wretchyd lyfe is ghostly seke For there is no man that lyueth withoute synne whiche is ghostly syknes as saynt Iohn̄ sayth of hymselfe and of other perfyte men thus Si dixerimus qr pccm̄ non habemus ip̄i nos ceduci mus e● veritas in nobis non est If we saye that we haue no synne we begyle ourself and there is no sothfastnes in vs. And therfore he maye neuer come to the Ioy of heuen vnto he be fyrst made hole of this ghostly sykenes But this ghostly hele may no man haue that hath vse of reason but yf he desyre it loue it and haue delyte therin ī as moche as he hopyth for to gete it Now y e name of Ihū is nothynge elles but this ghostly he le Wherfore it is soth y t they say that there may no man be saaf but yf he loue and lyke in the name of Ihesu For there may no man be ghostly hole but yf he loue desyre ghostly helth For ryght as yf a man were bodely seke there were no erthly thynge so dere ne so nedful to hym ne so moche sholde be desyred of hym as bodely helth for though thou woldest yeue hym al the rychesse
worshyppes of this worlde and not make hym hole if thou myghte thou plesest hym not Right soo it is to a man that is seke ghostly felyth y e payne of ghostly syknes no thynge is so dere ne so nedefull ne so moche coueyted of hym as is ghostly helth and that is Ihesu without whiche al the Ioyes of heuen may not lyke hȳ And thys is the skylle as I hope why our lorde whā he toke mankynde for our saluacyon he wolde not be called by no name that betokenyd his endles beyng or his wysdom or his ryghtwysnes but oonly by that y e betokenyd the cause of his comynge was the saluacyon of mannes soule whiche saluacyon betokened this name Ihesu Then̄e by this it semyth soth that there shall no man be saaf but yf he loue saluacyon oonly for to haue it thrugh the mercy of our lorde Ihesu by the merytes of his passyon whiche loue he may haue that lyuyth deyeth in the lowest degree of charyte Also I maye saye on that other partye that he that can not loue thys blessyd name Ihū with gostly myrth ne encrease ī it with heuēly melodie here he shal neuer haue ne fele ī heuē y e fulhede of souereyne Ioye the whiche he that myght in this lyf by aboundaunce of perfyte charyte in Ihesu shal fele haue so maye her sayenge be vnderstonde Neuertheles he shal be faaf and haue ful mede in the syght of god yf he in this lyf be in y e lowest degre of chartte by kepynge of goddis commauudementes For our lorde sayth hymself thus In modo patris mei mansiones multisunt In my faders hous are many soundry dwellynges Some are perfyte soules y e whiche in this lyfe were fulfylled of charyte grace of the holy ghost and songe louynges to god in contemplacyon of hym with wonderful swetnes heuenly sauour Thyse soules for they had moost charyte grace of the holy ghost shal haue hyest mede in the blysse of heuen for thise arn called goddis derlynge Other soules that are not dysposyd to contemplacyon of god ne had not the fulhede of charyte as apostles marters had in the begyn̄ynge of holy chyrche shal haue lower mede in the blysse of heuen for thyse arne called goddis frendes Thus calleth our lorde in holy wrytte chosen soules sayenge thus Comedite amici ▪ et inebriamini carissimi My frendes ete ye my derlynges be ye dronken As yf our lorde sayde thus ye that arne my frendes for ye kept my cōmaūdementes sette my loue before the loue of the worlde loued me more than ony erthly thynge ye shall be fed wyth ghostly fode of the brede of lyf But ye y t arne my frendes that ye not oonly kept my cōmaūdementes but also of your owne free wyll fulfylled my counceylles ouer that ye loued oonly enterly wyth al the myghtes of your soule brenned in my loue with ghostly delyte as dyden pryncypally y e apostles marters all other soules y t myght by grace come to the yeft of perfyccyon ye shall be made dronken with the hyest fresshest wyne in my celler y t is the souereyne Ioye of loue in heuē ¶ That a man sholde be besye to rekē ayen his worthynes and reforme ayen in hym the ymage of the tryni●e Capitulum xlv NEuertheles thoughe this be sothe of the endles mercy of god vnto the to me to al mankynde we shal not therfore in trust of this be the more recheles wylfully in our lyuynge but the more besye for to pleyse hym namly nowe sythen we are restored ayen in hope by the passyon of our lorde to the dygnite the blysse whiche we had lost by adams syn̄e And though we might neuer gete it fully here yet we sholde desyre that we myght recouer here lyuynge a fygure a lyknes of the dygnytee that our soule myght be refourmed as it were in a shadowe by grace to the ymage of the trinyte whiche we had by kynde after shal haue fully ī blysse for y t is the lyfe whiche is very contēplatyf vnto begyn here in that felynge of loue ghostly knowyng of god by openynge of the ghostly eye whiche shal neuer be lost ne be taken away but y e same shall be fulfylled otherwyse in the blysse of heuen This behyght our lorde to mary mawdeleyne whiche was cōtēplatyf sayd thꝰ of her Maria optimā partē elegit qui non auferetur ab ea That mary had chose y e better party y t is y e loue of god in cōtēplacyō ●or it shal neuer be take away fro her I say not y t thou may her lyuyng recouer so hole ne so perfyte clen̄es Innocence knowyng louyng of god as thou hadest fyrste ne as thou shalt haue ne thou maye not escape al y e wrechydnes paynes of syn ne thou lyuyng ī dedely flesshe may destroy quenche al holy the false vayne loue in thyself ne fle al venyal syn̄es y t they ne wyl but yf they be stopped by grete feruour of charyte spryng out of thyn herr as water doth fro a stynkȳg wel but I wolde y t yf thou myght not fully quenche it y t thou myght sōwhat sleke it com to y e clen̄es of soule as ner̄ thou mayst for our lord behyȝt y e chyldrē of Israel whā he lad hē in to y e lōde of byhest And in fygure of hē to al crystē men thꝰ Omne quod calcauerit pestuꝰ tuū erit That is to say Al 's moche lōde as thou myght trede vpon with thy fote of very desyre so here moche shal thou haue in y e lōde of byhest y t is ī y e blysse of heuē whā thou comest thyder ¶ How Ihesu shal be sought desyred founde Caplm xlvi SEke then that thou hast lost y t thou myght finde it wel I wote who so myght ones haue an īwarde syght a lytyl of that dygnytee that ghostly fayrnes whiche a soule had by kynde and shal haue by grace he sholde lothe dyspyse in his hert al the blysse the lykynge the fayrnes of this worlde as the stynche of a cary on and he shal neuer haue wyl for to doo other dede nyght day sauynge the freylte and the bare nede of y e bodely kynde but besyre mourne praye and seke how he myght come ayen therto Neuertheles in as moche as thou haste not yet seen what it is fully For thy ghostly eye is not yet openyd I shall telle the oone worde for al the whiche thou shalt seke desyre and fynde it for ī that one worde is al that thou hast lost This worde is Ihesu I meane not this worde Ihesu paynted vpon a walle or wrytten by letters on the boke or fourmyd by lyppes in sounde of the mowthe or feyned in thy herte by traueyle of thy mynde For in thys maner wyse maye a man
of her euen crysten sothely it hyndreth hē and letteth hem fro the feruour of charyte also fro y e specyal mede whiche they sholde haue in the blysse of heuen for perfyte pouerte and that is a grete losse yf they myght se it For who so myght know ghostly mede how good how precyous and how worthy it is for it is aye lastyng he wolde not for the loue of al erthly Ioye or hauour of al erthly thyng eyf he myght haue it withouten synne lette ne lesse y e lest mede of the blysse of heuē whiche he myght haue yf that he wolde I speke ferther thā I doo But I praye the doo thus as I saye by the grace of god yf thon maye or ony other man who soo wyll For that were a comforte to my herte that yf I may not haue it in myselfe as I saye that I myghte haue it in y e Or in ony other creature whiche hathe receyued more plente of his grace than I But see nowe thenne syth couetyse in the naked grounde letteth a man or a woman soo moche fro the ghostely felynge of y e loue of god howe moche more thenne it letteth and combrethe wordly men wym̄en the whiche by al her wyttes bodely besynes nyghte daye studye traueyle how they myght gete ryches plente of worldly good They can none other delyte haue but in worldly thynges ne they wyl not for they seche it not I say no more of hē at this tyme for in this wrytyng I speke not to hem But this I saye yf they myght see wolde see what they do they sholde not do so ¶ How a man shal knowe whā he synneth not in etynge drynkyng whan he synneth venyally whan dedely Caplm lxxii yEt may thouse more in this ymage though it be derke that is flesshly loue to thyselfe in glotenye accidie lechetye Thyse flesshly lykynges makē a man ful bestly ferre fro y e inly sauour of y e loue of god fro y e clere syght of ghostly thynges But now sayest thou Syth y e behoueth nedelinges ete is no syn drynke slepe y t may thou not do without lyking therfore y e thynketh thꝭ As vnto this I say y t yf thou kepe ī etyng or in drynkyng in other nedeful thynges of thy body mesure in thy nede thou receyuest noo more lykynge than kynde askyth And alle this thou doost for ghostly delyte whiche thou felyst in the soule I graunt y e forsoth y t thou then synnest ryght nought therin for then can thou wel ete slepe Sothly withoutē doubte I am ful ferre fro y e knowyng ferder fro y e werching For to ete I haue by kynde but to cūne ete I maye not but by the grace of god Saynt poul had by grace this cunnyng as he sayth hymselfe thus Ubique in oībus institutus sū scio saciari esurire habūdare penuciā pati Oīa possū in eo qui me comfortat I am enformed kenned in all thynges For I can hūger I can ete I can with plente I can with pouerte I maye al in hym y e strenghthyth me \ Saynt austyn sayd tyll our lorde thꝰ Lorde thou hast teched me y t I sholde take mete as a medycyne Hunger is a syknes of kynde mete is a medicine therto Therfore y e lykyng y e comith with al in asmoche as it is kyndly nedful it is no syn̄e but whan it passyth into lust into wylful likyng then it is synne And therfore ther̄lyeth al y e maystry for to cūne departe wysely nede fro luste wylful lykyng they are so knyt togyder y e one comyth with y e other so y t it is harde for to receyue that one as y e nede repreue that other as wylful luste y t whiche oft comyth vnder colour of nede Neuertheles syth it is so y t nede is y e groūde of this y e nede is no syn for be a man neuer so holy hym behoueth to ete drynke slepe therfore y e lust y e lykynge that cometh vnder the colour of this nede passyth this nede is y e lesse syn For a man synneth not dedely comynly in glotenye but yf he be encōbred with other dedely synnes beforn done then may he y e lyghtlyer syn̄e dedely in this For it is soth he that chelyth ●ust lyking of his flesshe delytes ī welfare of mete or drynke as ful reste of his herte that he wolde neuer haue other lyfe ne other blisse but lyue euer in suche lustꝭ of his flesshe yf he might it is no dowte but y t he synneth dedely for he loueth his flesshe more than god But he that lyeth indedely syn of pryde or enuye or suche other he is soo blynded by y e deuyl that for y e tyme he hath no power of his free wyl therfore he may not wel ayenstōde flesshly lykinges whan they come but falleth down wylfully to hem as a beest doth to caryō And in asmoche as he hath no generall wyll before to god pryncipally by cause that he is in dedely syn therfore y e lust of glotenye y t whiche he falleth ī lyghtly is to hȳ dedely syn for he makith none ayēstōdyng general ne specyal But a nother mā or woman whiche in grace charyte hath alwaye a good general wyl to god in his soule wheder he slepe or wake ete or drynke or what good dede y t he dooth so y t it be not euyl in itself by y t whiche wyl desyre he chesyth god aboue al thyng hath leuer forbere al thyng of y e worlde than wrathe his god for loue of hym This wyl though it be but general it is of so grete vertu bi y e grace of our lorde Ihū y t yf he fal by freelte in lust in lykyng of mete of drynke or of suche other syknes eyther by excesse of tomoche eting or to oftē or to gredely or to lustly delycatly or to sone īvntyme it saueth hȳ kepith hȳ fro dely syn̄e And this is soth aslong as he is in charyte by other dedes kepyth his general wyl to al y e he dooth namly yf he knowe amonge his owne wretchydnes crye after mercy be in purpose specyally to ayenstōde suche flesshly lustes for our lorde is good mercyfull thyse venyal syn̄es of glotenye he foryeueth ryght sone vnto a meke soule For the styryng y e lykyng of glotenye in asmoche as they are hardest for to flee by cause of nede of y e bodely kynde among al other syn̄es are moost exscusable leest peryllous And therfore thou shalt not ryse ayenst y e groūde of this syn as thou shalt ayenst all other synnes \ for y e groūde of this syn is oonly nede whiche may not be escaped but if thou wylt do
Ihesu whiche is cōfortable deleccable to hem that by the mynde of it they felen hem fedde in her affeccōn And not onely of y e name but al other maner prayers as the Pater noster the Auee or ympnes or psalmes other deuoute sayenges of holy churche are turned as it were in to a ghostly mirthe swete songe by y e whiche they are cōforted strēgthed ayēst alsynnes moche releued of bodely desese Of this degree spekith saynt poul thus Nolite inebriari vico sed īpleamini sp̄u scō loquentes vobis metip̄is in ympnis canticis psalmis spūalibꝰ cantantes psallētes in cordibꝰ vr̄is dn̄o Be ye not dronken with wyne but be ye fulfylled of y e holy gost sayenge to yourself in ympnes psalmes gostly sōges syngynge psalmynge in your hertes to our lord Who so hath this grace kepe he hymself in lownes that he be euer desyrynge for to come to more knowyng felyng of god in the thyrde part of cōtemplacōn ¶ Of the thyrde part of contemplacyon Caplm viii THe thyrde part of contēplacion the wiche is perfyte as it may here lyeth both in cognycōn in affeccōn That is to say in knowynge in perfyte louynge of god And that is whan a mānys soule fyrst is reformed by fulhede of vertues to the ymage of Ihū And afterwarde whā he is vysyted he is taken in fro al erthly flesshly affeccōns fro vayne thoughtes ymagyninges of al bodely creatures as it were moche rauysshed out of the bodely wyttes And then by y e grace of the holy ghost is illumined for to see by vnderstōdynge soth fastnes whiche is good ghostly thynges wyth a soft swete brēnynge loue in hym so perfytly that he be rauysshed of his loue so the soule is onyd for the tyme cōformyd to the ymage of the trynyte The begyn̄ynge of this contēplacōn may be felyd in this lyf but the fulhede of it is kept into y e blysse of heuē Of this onynge conformynge to our lord spekyth saynt poul thus Qui adhe ●t deo vnꝰ sp̄s ē cū illo that is to say Who so by rauysshynge of loue is fastened to god then god his soule are not two but both one And sothly in thys onynge is y e maryage made betwyxt god and the soule the whiche shal neuer be broken ¶ Of the twyn̄ynge of the iii part of contēplacōn fro the ii part of the praysynge therof Caplm̄ ix THe other part may be callyd brennynge loue in deuocyon this brēnynge loue in contēplacyon y ● is lower this is y e hyer that is swetter to the bodely felynge this inwardly felynge better to the ghostly felynge For it is more īwarde more worthy more ghostly more wondful for this is verely a tastyng so lytyl as is a ernest of the syght of heuenly ioy not clerly but half in derkenes the whyche shal be fulfylled openly clered in the blysse of heuen as saynt poulsayth Uide mꝰ nūc ꝑ spclm ī enigmate tūc autē videbimꝰ facie ad faciē We see now god by a myrrour as it were in a derknes but in heuen shal we see opēly face to face This is the illuminacōn of vnderstondynge in delytes of louynge as dauid sayth in the sawter Et nox illūinacio mea in delicus meis My nyght is my lyght in my delytys The other part is mylke for chyldren this is hole mete for perfyte men the whiche haue wittes assayde to knowe good fro euyl as saynt poul sayth ꝑfectorumē solidꝰ cibus qui hēnt sēsus exercitatos ad discrecōem boni mali The werkynge of the ful vse of this yefte may no mā haue but he be fyrst refourmed to y ● lyknes of Ihū by fulhede of vertues Ne there maye no man lyuynge in dedely flesshe haue it contynuelly in his fulhede and in the ouerpassynge but by tymes whan he is vysyted And as I conceyue by the wrytynge of holy men it is a fulshort tyme for soone after he falleth in sobyrte of ●odely felynge and all this werke makyth charyte Thus as I vnderstonde sayth saynt poul of hymselfe Siue excedimus deo siue sobr● sumus vobis caritas xp̄i vrgit nos Whether we ouer passe oure bodely wyttes to god in contēplacōn or we are more sobyr to you in bodely felynge the charyte of cryst streyneth vs. Of this part of contēplacōn of reformynge to god spekyth saynt poule opēly thus Nos autē reuelata facie glaz dn̄ispeclam̄ transformati in candē ymaginē a claritate ī claritatē tāquamm a dn̄isp̄u And this is thus moche for to say Saynt poule in y e persone of hymself of perfyte men sayth thꝰ We fyrst reformed by vertues the face of our soule vnheled bi openynge of the ghostly eye beholden as in a myrrour heuēly ioye ful shapyd onyd to the ymage of our lorde fro clerete of fayth into clerete of vnderstōdynge or els fro clerete of desyre in to clerete of blessed loue al thys is wrought of the spyryte of oure lorde in a mannys soule as saynt poule sayth Thys part of contēplacōn god ye uith where y t he wyl to leryd to lewde to men to wȳ men ocupyed ī prelacye to solytary also But it is specyal not comyn and also though a mā whyche al his lyf is actyf haue the yeft of it by a specyal grace neuertheles the fulnes of it may no man haue but he be solytary in lyfe contēplatyf ¶ How y e shewynge to the bodely wyttes and the felynge of hem may be bothe good and euyl Ca. x. BY this y ● I haue sayd may thou sōwhat vndstonde that vysyōs or reuelacyons of ony maner of spyryte in bodely aperynge or in ymaginynge slepynge or wagynge or els ony other felynge in the bodely wyttys made as it were ghostly other in sownynge of ere or sauerynge in the mouth or smellynge at y e nose or els ony sēsyble hete as it were fyre glowynge warmynge y e breste or ony other parte of the body or ony other thynge y t may be felyd by bodely wytte thoughe it be neuer so confortable lykynge they ben not very cōtēplacōn ne they bē but sȳple secūdary though they ben good in rewarde of ghostly vertues of this ghostly knowyng louyng of god But al suche maner of felyng may be good wrought by a good aūgel and they may be deceyuable wrought by a wycked aūgel Whā he trāsfyguryth hym in to an aūgel of lyght Wherfore syth they may be both good and euyl it semeth wel they are not y e best For wite thou wel y t the deuyl may whā he hath leue feyne of bodely felynge the lykenes of y e same thynges the whiche a good aūgel may werke For ryght as a good aūgel comyth with lyght so can the deuyl And so of y ● other wyttꝭ who so had felid
hert yf thou myght for it is soth no lees And then thou shal desyre nyght day after thy myght for to come as nere as thou mayst to y e state whiche thou haste take trowynge stedfastly that it is best to the by the mercy of god for to traueyle in And though it be soo that thou may not come to the fulhede of it here in this lyfe y t thou myght be in the begynnynge of it trust sykerly for to haue the fulhede by the mercy of god in the blisse of heuen For sothly that is my lyf I fele me so wretched so fraile flesshly so ferre fro true felyng fro that y u I speke that I cānot ellys but crye mercy desyre after as I may with an hope y t our lorde wyl brynge me therto in the blysse of heuen Doo thou so beter after that god yeuyth y e grace The felynge of this lownes shal put out of thyn hert vnshylful beholdynge of other men̄es dedes and it shal dryue the hooly to beholde thyselfe as there were no man lyuynge but god and thou And thou shalde me holde thyself more vyle more wretche thā is ony creature y t beryth lyf that vneth shal thou suffre thyself for the gretnes nōbre of synne fylthe that thou shal fele in the Thus behouyth y e for to fele sōtyme yf thou wylt be very meke For I telle the sothly yf thou wylte be truely meke thou shalt thynke a venyal synne in thiself more greuous paynful to the and greter be in thy syght somtyme than grete dedly synnes of other men This is soth to the yf thou wyl be contēplatyf for this skyl That thynge the whiche putteth the soule or lettyth it moost fro the felynge knowyng of god oweth to be moost greuous paynful to y e But a venyalsynne of thyself lettyth the more fro the felynge perfyte loue of Ihesu cryst than other mannes synne may doo be it neuer so moche Semeth it then that thou sholde more aryse in thyn owne hert ayenst thiself for to hate and deme in thyself all maner of synne whiche lettyth the fro the syght of god more than ayenst y t defawtes of other men For yf thyn hert be clene of thyn owne synnes sothly the synnes of al other men sholde not dere the. And therfore yf thou wyl fynde rest here in the blysse of heuen after the coūseyle of one of the holy faders say euery day what am I and deme thou no man ¶ Who sholde blame mennes defawtes deme hem who not Caplm xvii BUt now seest thou how may this be syth it is a dede of charyte for to blame men of her defawtes and for to deme hem for her amendynge it is a dede of mercy As to this I answere as me thynkith that to the or to ony other the whiche hathe state and purpoos of lyfe contemplatyf it falleth not for to leue the kepynge of hemselfe and for to beholde and to blame other men of her defawtes but yf it were full grete nede soo that a man sholde perysshe but yf thou blamyd hym But y e men whiche are actyf and haue soueraynte cure ouer other as prelates curates suche other they are ●ounde by theyr offyce by way of charite for to see and seke and deme ryghtfully other mennes desawtes Not of desyre and delyte for to chastyse hem but oonly for nede with drede of god in his name for loue of saluacyon of her soules Other men that are actyf and haue no cure of other men they are bounde for to blame other men of her defawtes by the way of charyte onely that whan the synne is dedely and it maye not well be corrected by none other man and whā he trowyth that he the sooner sholde be amended by his vndertakynge Els it is beter that we cesse That this is soth it semyth by saynt Iohn̄ whiche helde the state of contemplatyf lyf saynt peter whiche had the state of actyflyf Whā our lorde in his laste sowper wyth hys dyscyples at the preuy stirynge of saynt peter to saynt Iohn̄ tolde saynt Iohn̄ how Iudas sholde bytraye hym sa yt Iohn̄ tolde it not to saynt peter as he askid but he turned hym and layed his h●ed vpon cryst is breest and was arauysshed by loue in to contemplacyon of goddis priuytees And soo medefully to hym that he forgate both Iudas and saynte peter in tokenynge and techynge to other men whiche wolde be cuotemplatyf that they sholde dyspose hem to doo the same ¶ Why men sholde worshyp other and low hemself in her owne herte vnder al other Caplm xviii THen seest thou here somwhat that thou shalt nother deme other men ne conceyue ayenst hem wylfully none euyl suspycyon but thou shalt loue hem ne see thou no defawte in hem and worshyp hemī thy hert suche as ledeth in the worlde accyflyt and suffren many tri●ulacyons temptacyons whiche thou sittinge in thy hous felyst nought of And they haue ful moche traueyle disese for her owne other mennes sustynaunce and many of hem had well leuer serue god yf they myght as thou doost in bodely rest And neuertheles they in her worldly ●esynes flee many synnes the whiche yf thou were in her state thou sholdest falle in and they do many good dedes whiche thou cowde not doo It is no doubt that many done thus whiche they ben thou wost not \ And therfore thou shalt worship al sette hem in thy herte all aboue the as thy souerayns and cast the downe vnder her fete that thou be vylest lowest in thyn owne syght for it is noo drede ne noo peryl to the how moche thou may lowe thyself bynethe al other though it were so that in goddis syght thou haddest more grace than ony other But it is peril to the to hye the lyft thiself in thy thought wylfully aboue ony other man thoughe he were the moost wretche or the moost synful cay●yf that is in erthe For our lorde sayth Qui se huliat exaltabitur et qui exaltat huliatur Who so hyeth hymself he shal be lowed who so lowyth hymself he shal be hyed This part of mekenes the behoueth for to haue in thy begynnynge and by thys by grace shal thou come to the fulhede of it soo of all other vertues For Who so hath one vertue he ha●h al other vertues Asmoche as thou hast of meknes somoche as thou hast of charyte of pacyence of other vertues though they ben not shewed outwarde Be then besye to gete mekenes holde it for it is the fyrste the last of al vertues It is the fyrst for it is the grounde as ●aynt austyn sayth If thou thynke for to bylde an hye house of vertues ordeyne y t fyrst a depe groūde of mekenes Also it is the last for it is kepynge sauynge of all other vertues
ghostly fyre as is y t loue of god brenneth wasteth al flesshly loues lykynges in a mannes soule And this fyre is stokyn in my bones as the ꝓphete sayth of hymselfe That is for to say This loue fulfyllyth y e myghtes of my soule as mynde reason and wyl of grace ghostly swetnes as marow fyllyth ful y e bone y t within and not wihout in the wyttes Neuertheles it is so myghty within y t it smyteth out in to the body makyth all the body quake tremyse It is so fer fro the bodely kynde so vnkouth y t he can no skyll on it may not bere it but falleth falleth downe as the prophete sayth And therfore our lorde temperith it withdraweth the feruour suffreth the hert to falle in to a sobyrte of more softnes who can pray thus oft he spedeth soone in his traueyle He shal gete more of vertues ī a lytyl tyme thā some man without this or a nother as gode shal gete in long tyme. for al the bodely penaunce y t he myght doo \ And who hath this it nedeth not for to charge y e bodely kinde with more penaūce thā it berith yf he haue it oft ¶ Of the thyrde maner of prayer that is on̄ly ī y e herte without speche outwarde Caplm xxxii THe iii. maner of prayer is on̄ly in the hert without speche by grece reste softnes of y e bodi of the soule A clene hert hym behoueth to haue that shall pray wel thus For it is of suche men wym̄en that by longe traueylle bodely ghostly or elles by suche sharpe smytynges of loue as I haue before sayd comen into rest of speryte so that her affeccyō is tourned in to ghostly sauour that they mowenygh contynuelly praye in her hert and loue prayse god withouut grete lettyng of temptacyons or of vanytees as I haue before sayd in the seconde part of contemplacyon Of this maner of prayer sayth saynt poule thus Nam si orem lingua spiritus meus orat mens autem mesine fructu est Quidergo Orabo et spritu orabo mente psallam spiritu psallam mente That is to say yf I pray with my tonge by the wyl of spyryte by traueyle the prayer is medeful but my soule is not fedde For it felyth not the fruit of ghostly swetnesse by vnderstondyng What shal I then do sayd saynt poul And he answeryth sayth I shal praye by traueyle desyre of the spyryte And I shal praye also more inwardly in my spyryte without trauayle in ghostly sauour swetnes of the loue y e syght of god by the whiche syght felyng of loue my soule is fedde Thus as I vnderstonde saynt poul cowde praye Of this maner of prayer speketh our lorde in holy wrytte by fygure thus ¶ Ignis in altari meo semꝑ ardebit cotidie sacerdos surgens mane subiciet ligna vt ignis nō extinguatur This is for to saye The tyre of loue shall euer be lyght in the soule of a deuoute clene man or woman the whiche is the awter of our lorde And they prest shal euery day at morne laye to styckes norysshe the fyre That is to say This mā shal by holy psalmes clene thoughtes feruent desyre norysshe the fyre of loue in his hert that it goo no tout in ony tyme This test our lorde yeuyth to some of his seruantes as it were a reward of her trauayle and a shadowe of the loue whiche they shal haue in y e blysse of heuen ¶ How men sholde do that bē traueyled with vayne thoughtes ī her prayers Ca. xxxiii BUt now seest thou that I speke ouer hye to the in this maner of prayer for it is no maystry to me for to saye it for it is no mastry to me sayest that thou canst not praye thus deuoutly ne so holy in hert as I speke of For whan thou woldest haue y e mynde of thyn hert vpwarde to god in thy prayer thou felyst so many thoughtes in vayne of thyn owne dedes before doon or what thou shalt do of other menēs dedes and suche many other lettyng taryengne so y ● thou mayst nother fele sauour ne rest ne deuocyō in thy sayeng and oft sythes the more thou trauaylest to kepe thyn hert the ferder it is fro the the harder somtyme fro the begynnyng to the laste ende that the thynke it is but lost al that thou doost And vnto this that thou sayest that I speke to hye to the of prayer I graunt wel that I speke otherwyse than I can or may do Neuertheles I say it for this entent that thou sholdeest knowe how we ought to pray yf we dyde well And sythen we may not do so that we knowe then̄e our feblenes mekely and crye god mercy Our lorde bad thus hymself whan he sayd ●Diliges dn̄m deū tuū ex toto corde tuo ex tota aīa tua exorībꝰ viribus ●uis Thou shalt loue god of al thyn hert al thy soule all thy myght It is Impossible to ony man for to fulfylle thys byddyng so fully as it is sayde lyuynge in erche And yet neuerthekes our lorde bad vs for to loue so for this entenct as sainte bernarde sayth that we sholde knowe therby our feblenes and thenne mekely crye after mercy and we ●hal haue it Neuertheles I shal telle the as me thynketh in this askynge what thou shalt praye make thyn entent thy wylle in the begynnyng as hole and as clene to god as thou mayst shortly in thy mynde then̄e begyn̄e do as thou mayst And though thou be neuer somoche letted ayents thy fyrst wyl be not adrad ne to angry wyth thyself ne inpacyent ayents god that he yeueth the not the sauour of ghostly swetnes with deuocyon as y e thynketh that he yeueth to other creatures But see therby thyn owne feblenes bere it easely holdyng in thyn owne syght thyn owne prayer feble as it is with mekeness of herte trustyng also sykerly in the mercy of our lorde that he shal make it good profytable the more than thou knowest or felest For wyte thou wel that thou arte excused of thy dette thou shalt haue mede for it as for an other good dede y t thou doost in charyte though thyn hert were not therupon in the doynge Therfore do that longeth to ye. and suffre our lorde to yeue what he wyl and teche hym not And though thou thinke thyself recheles necligent as thou were in grete defawte for suche thynges Neuertheles yet shalt thou for this defawte al other venyals whiche maye not be eschewed in this wretthyd lyf lyft vp thyn hert to god knowlegyng thy wretchydnes cry mercy with a good trust of foryeuenes stryue no more therwith ne hange no longer therupon as thou woldest by mastry not fele suche wretchydnes Leue
oute of charyte fynde hym But I meane Ihesu cryst that blessyd persone god and man sonne of vyrgyn mary whom this name betokenith that is al goodnes endles wisdom loue and swetnes thy Ioy. thy worshyp and thyn euerlastyng blysse thy god thy lorde and thy saluacyon Thenne yf it be so thou sele●t a grete desyre in thyn hert to Ihesu eyther by mynde of this name Ihesu or by mynde and sayeng of ony other worde or in prayer or in ony dede y ● thou doost whiche desyre is somoche that it putteth oute as it were by strength al other thoughtes and desyres of y e worlde of the flesshe that they maye not reste in thyn herte Then sechest thou wel thy lorde Ihesu And whā thou felyst this desyre to god to Ihesu al is one holpen and comforted by a ghostly myghte in somoche that it is tourned in to loue affeccion ghostely sauour swetnes In to lyght and knowynge of sothfastnes so moche that for the tyme the poynt of thy thought is set vpō no thynge y t is made Ne is felyth no styrynge of vayn glory ne of itselfe nother ne none other euyl affeccyon for they mow not appere that tyme But on̄ly is enclosed rested softed enoynted in Ihesu thenne hast thou somwhat of Ihesu Not hym as he is but a shadowe of hym For the better that thou fyndest hym the more shalt thou desyre hym Then by what maner prayer or medytacyon or occupacyon that thou maye haue grettest clennest desyre to hym haue moost felyng of hȳ by y e ocupacyō thou sechest hym best best fyndest hym Therfore yf it come to my mynde as it were askynge what hast thou loste what sechest thou Lyfte vp thy mynde the desyre of thy hert to Ihū cryst though thou be blynde nought may see of his godhede And say y ● hȳ hast thou lost hym wolde thou haue no thynge but hym to be with hym where he is None other Ioye none other blysse in heuē ne in erth but hym And though it be so y t thou fele hym in deuocyō or in knowyng or in ony other yefte what y ● it be rest not there as thoughe thou had dest fully founde Ihesu But for yete y ● y ● thou hast foūde And alway by desyryng after Ihesu more more for to fynde hym better as thoughe thou haddest ryght nought foūde in hym for wyte thou wel what y t thou felyst of hym be it neuer so moche ye though thou were rauysshed in to the thyrde heuē with poul yet hast thou not founde Ihesu as he is in his Ioye Know thou or fele thou neuer so moche of hym he is yet aboue it therfore yf thou wol fully fynde hym as he is in y e blysse of louyng cease thou neuer whyle thou lyuest ne of ghostly desyrynge ¶ What profyte it is to haue the desyre of Ihesu Caplm xlvii SOthly I had leuer fele haue a sothfast desyre a clene in myn hert to my lorde Ihesu crist though I see ryght lytyll of hym with my ghostly eye than ●or to haue without this desyre al ●odely penaūce of all men lyuing al vysyons or reuelacyons of aūgel sapperyng songes sowninges sauours smellīges bren̄inges ony lykynges or bodely felynges And shortly for to say or al y e Ioy of heuē of erthe whiche I myght haue without this desyre to my lorde Ihū Dauyd the prophete felte as I saye as I vnderstōde whan he sayd thꝰ Quid enim michi est ī celo ate quid volui super terrā Lorde what thynge is to me in heuen or what wolde I without y e aboue erth As yf he had sayd thꝰ Lorde Ihū what heuenly Ioy is lykyng to me without desyre of y ● whyles I am ī erth or without loue of y ● whē I come to heuē as who say ryght none Thē yf thou wyl fele oni thyng of hȳ bodely or ghostly couey●e not but for to fele sothfastly a desyre of his grace of his mercyfyl presēce y t y e thynketh y ● thyn hert may fynde none other rest ī no thyng but in hȳ Thus coueyted dauid whā he sayd thꝰ Cōcupiuit anima mea desiderare iustificaciones tuas ī om̄e tēpore Lorde my soule coueyted y ● desyre of thy ryghtwysnes ī euery tyme Seke thē as dauid dyde desyre by desyre And yf thou may fele by thy desyre in prayers ī medytacōns y e homely presence of Ihū crist in thy soule bynde thyn hert fast therto y ● it fal not therfro And yf thou stōble that thou may soone fynde hym ayen ¶ Where with what thynge Ihū shal be sought founde Caplm xlviii SEke then Ihū whō thou hast lost He wyl be sought he may then sōwhat by founden for he sayth hymself Omnes qui querit inueniet Euery mā y ● sechyth shal fynde The sekyng is traueylous but the fyndyng is blysful Do therfore after y e counseylle of y e wyse man yf thou wyl fynde hȳ Si quesieris quasi pecuniā sapienciā sicut thesaurū effoderis illā tunc intelliges timorē dn̄i sciēciā inuenies If thou seke wisdō y ● whiche is Ihū as syluer golde deluest depe ther after thou shalt fynde it The behouyth for to delue depe ī thyn hert for therin he is hylde cast out ful clēly alloues lykynges sorowes dredes of al erthly thynges so shalt thou fynde wysdō Ihū Be thou then lyke to y e womā of y e gospel of y ● whiche our lorde sayth thꝰ Que mulie● habens dragmas decē c. what woman is yt. y ● hath lost a drame y t she ne wyl lyght a lantern cast her hous vp so downe seche tyll she fynde it As who saye none And whan she hath foūden it she calleth her frendes sayth to hē thus Makyth myrth wyth me melodye for I haue foūden the drame y t I had lost This drame is Ihū y t thou hast loste And yf thou wylte fynde hȳ lyght vp a lātern y t is goddes worde as dauyd sayth Lucerna pedibm meis verbū tuū Lorde thy worde to my fete is a lātern By this lantern shalt thou see where he is how thou shalte fynde hȳ And yf thou wylte thou may with this lyght vp an other lantern y t is the reasō of thy soule For as our lorde ●ayth Lucerna corporis tui est oculꝰ tuus The lāterne of thy body is thy bodely eye Ryght so may be sayd y t y e lantern of thy soule is reasō by y e whiche y t soule may se al ghostly thīges By this lātern may thou fynde Ihū y t is soth yf thou holde vp the lantern fro vnderneth the busshel as our lorde sayth Nemo accendit lucernā poniteā sub mo di● sed super candelabrū There is
haue mede for his good traueyle in the ayenstondynge And y t is a curtesye of oure lorde graunted to al those whiche arne specyally his seruaūtes more homly of his courte as are al those y t for his loue forsaken in a good true wyl al worldly al flesshly syn euen hē holy body soule vnto his seruyse her myght her cūuyneg As done principally ancres encluse true relygous the whiche for the loue of god saluacyon of her soules entren in to ony relygyon approued by holy chyrche Or elles yf it be so y t they entrē fyrst for a worldly cause as for her bodely sustenaunce or for some other suche yf they repent hē tourne it in to a ghostly cause as for the seruyce of god Thyse as lōge as they kepe this wyll pursue it as they may vpon her freelte are true relygyous Also what mā or womā y t he be in what degree he be in holy chyrche preste clerke or lewde man wydowe or mayden or wyf y t wyl for the loue of god saluacyō of his soule forsake al y e worshippes lykynges of this worlde in this worlde in his hert truly fully betwyx god hym al wylful besynes erthly thynges to the bare nede And offre his wyl enteerly for to be his sernaunt vpon his myghte by deuoute prayers holy thoughtes with other gode dedes that he may do bodely ghostly kepith his wyl hole to god stedfastly Al thyse arne specyally goddes seruaūtes in holy chyrche And for this good wyl good purpoos y t they haue of the yefte of god they shall encrese in grace in charyte here lyuynge And they shall haue for thys specyal wyl a specyal mede in the blysse of heuen before other chosen soules whiche offred not hooly her wyll her body to goddes seruyce neyther openly ne pryuely as they dyden Al thyse whiche I calle goddis seruauntes of his courte more specyall yf they by freelte by vncunnynge whan they fele suche styrynges of vayn glory for the tyme delyten therin perceyuen it not for her reason her wytte is letted by the lykynge y t they fele that it may not see this styryng They syn not dedely in this lykyng of vaynglory For y t wyl y t they haue generally sette in her herte before to plese god for to forsake al maner of syn yf they knewe it kepyth hē here in suche styrynges in al other that comen of freelte that they synne not dedely And shal kepe as long as y e grunde of that wyl is kept hole ¶ How dyuers states in holy chyrche shal haue dyu●rs medes in heuen And of two specyal medes in heuen Capitulum lxi ANd ouer this I say more in comforte of the al other hauyng the state of anker incluse and al so by grace of god in comforte of hem all that enter ony relygyon approued in holy chyrche that al those y t by y e mercy of our lorde shal be saaf they shall haue a specyal mede a singuler worshyp in the blysse of heuen for her state of lyuynge before other soules that had not y e state in holy chyrche though they ben neuer soo holy whiche worshyp is better than al the worshyp of this worlde withouten comparysō For yf thou myght se what it were thou woldest not for the worshyp of this worlde yf thou myghtest haue it withouten synne chaunge the state eyther of anker or of relygyous ne lese that synguler mede in y e blysse of heuen whiche mede is callyd Accydental mede Neuertheles that other men mystake not thys that I saye Therfore I shal saye it more opēly Thou shalte vnderstonde that there are two medes in the blysse of heuen whiche our lorde gyuen to chosē soules The tone is souereyne and pryncypall As is louyuge and knowyng of hym after the mesure of charyte yeuen of god to a soule lyuynge in dedely flesshe This mede is beste and souereyne for it is god hymself And it is comyn to all the soules that shollen be saaf in what state or degree that they ben lyuynge in holy chyrche more or lesse after the quantite y e mochenes of her charyte in his lyf what degre he be in For he y e most loueth god in charete he shall haue mooste mede in the blysse of heuen For he shal moost loue god and knowe hym that is the souereyne mede And as for this mede it shal falle that some maner of man or woman as a lorde or a lady knyght or squyre machaunte or plough man or what degree he be in man or woman shal haue more mede than some preste or frere monke chanon or anker incluse And why Sothly for he loued god more in charyte An other mede there is that is secundary whiche our lorde gyueth for specyall good dedes that a man dooth wylfully ouer that he is boūden to Of thre dedes pryncypal doctours of holy chyrche maken mynde Of marterdome prechynge and manhode Thyse thre werkes as for an excellence in as moche as they passen al other shal haue specyal mede whiche they callen aureole And that is nought elles but a synguler worshyp and specyal token ordeyned of god in rewarde of y e specyal dede byfore other men that dyde not soo ouer the souereyne mede of loue of god whiche is comyn to hym and to al other Ryght soo it is of al other specyal good dedes the whiche yf they ben done sothfastly arne specyally acceptable to the syght of god and in y e dome of holy chyrche they arne excellent As arne enclosynge of ankers doon by y e auctoryte of holy chyrche Also entryng ī to ony relygyon approued And the streyghter that the relygyon is the more excellent is the dede in the dome in holy chyrche Also after thyse and byneth thyse the takyng of the order of preste eyther for cure of mennes soules and for to mynyster the sacramentes of holy chyrche Or elles for synguler deuocyon to pleyse god profyten her euē crysten by the sacryfyce of the precyous body of our lorde Ihū cryst Sothly they arne specyal dedes excellēt openly shewed in the dome of holy chyrche and in y e syght of our lorde whan they arne done sothfastly for god they arne excellent and they shullen haue specyal mede eche man in his degree in the blysse of heuen The state of bysshop prelate is abouen al thyse dedes as for this accydentall mede That this is sothe it semyth by holy wrytte where it sayth thus in the prophete Danyel Tu autem vade ad tempus perfinitum et requiesces et stabis in sorte tua in fine dierum This is for to saye thus moche The aūgel whan he had shewed to Danyel the pryuytees of god he sayd to hym thus Goo thou to the reste of thy bodely dethe and thou shalt stonde in thy sorte
the .ii. boke ¶ That a man is the ymage of god after the soule not after the body Caplm primum ¶ Howit neded to mankynde y e oonly thorough y e passyō of cryste it sholde be restored refourmed y ● was for shape by the fyrste synne Caplm ii That the Iewes paynyms also fals crysten men bē not refourmed effectually thorough the vertue of y e passyon for her owne defawte Caplm iii Of two maner refourmynges of this ymage one ī fulnes another in fayth Caplm iiii That refourmyng in party is ī two maners one in fayth another in felynge Caplm̄ v. That thorough the sacrament of baptym y t is grounded in the passyon of cryst this ymage is refourmed fro orygynal synne Caplm̄ vi That thorough the sacrament of penaunce y t stondeth in contrycyon confessyon satysfaccyon this ymage is re●ourmed fro actual synne Caplm̄ vii How in y ● sacrament of baptym of penaūce thorough a pryue vmperceyuable werchynge of y e holy ghost this ymage is re●ourmed thouȝe it be not seen ne felt ca. viii That we sholde by leue stedfastly refourmyng of this ymage yf our cōscience wytnes to vs a ful forsakynge of syn a true tournyng of our wyl to gode lyuȳg \ ca i● That al y e soules y t lyuen mekely in y e fayth of holy chyrche haue her fayth quyckened in loue charyte ben refourmed by this sacrament though it be so y t they maye not fele y e specyal gyfte of deuocyon or of ghostly felynge Capitulum x. That soules refourmed neded euer to fyght to stryue strongly ayenst y t styrynges of synne whyle they lyuen here And how a soule maye knowe whan it assentyth to styrynge whan not Caplm̄ xi That this ymage is bothe fayr foule whyle it is ī this lyfe here though it be rofourmed of dyuersyte of felynges pryuely had bytwene thyse soules y ● ben refourmed other that ben not Caplm̄ xii Of thre maner of men of y e whiche some ben not refourmed some ben refourmed on̄ly in fayth some in fayth in felynge Caplm̄ xiii How mē y ● ben in syn forshape hēself into dyuers bestes lyknes they ben callyd y e louers of this worlde xiiii How louers of this worlde vnable hē in dyuers maners to y e refourmyng of her owne soule Caplm̄ xv A lytyl counceyle how louers of this worlde sholden do yf they wyll be refourmed in her owne soule byfore her partyng hens Caplm̄ xvi That refourmyng in fayth in felyng maye not sodenly be goten but by grace moche bodely ghostly traueyle in lengthe of tyme Caplm̄ xvii The cause why so fewe soules in rewarde of y e multytude of other comyth to this refourmynge in fayth in felynge Caplm̄ xviii Another cause also of y e same how wylful bodely customes indiscretly rewarded vsed somtyme hyndreth soules fro felyng of more grace Caplm̄ xix How that without moche bodely ghostly besynesse without moche grace mekenesse soules may not be refourmed in felyngne be kepte therī after they come therto Caplm̄ xx An entree how a soule shal haue her in meanyng werchyng that wol come to this refourmynge by ensample of a pylgryme goynge to Ierusalem And of two maner of mekenesse Caplm̄ xxi Of taryēges a tēptacyons y e soules felen by her ghostly enmyes in her ghostly knowyng goyng to Ierusalē of remedyes ayenst hem Caplm̄ xxii Of a general remedy ayenst wycked styrynges paynful taryenges y e fallen to her hertes of the flesshe of the worlde of the fende Caplm̄ xxiii Of an enyl daye a good nyght what it meanyth and how y e loue of y e worlde is lykned to an euyl daye y e loue of god to a good nyght Caplm xxiiii How y ● the desyre of Ihesu felte in this lyghtsome derknes sleeth al styrynges of synne ableth the soule to perceyue ghostly lyghtnynges fro the heuenly Iherusalem that is Ihesu Cap̄lm xxv How a man shal knowe false illuminacyons feyned by y e fende fro y e true lyght of knowynge y e comyth out of Ihesu by what tokens Cap̄lm xxvi How grete profyte it is to the soule to be brought thoroughe grace in to lygtsome derkenesse how a man shal dyspose hym yf he wyl come therto Capm̄ xxvii That in refourmyng of a soule the werkyng of our lorde Ihesu is departed in to foure tymes y ● is callyng ryghtyng magnyfyeng gloryfyenge Caplm̄ xxviii How it fallyth sōtyme y e soules begynnyng perfytyng in grace seme to haue more loue as by outwarde tokens than some haue that ben perfyte yet it is not so in soth within Caplm̄ xxix On what maner a man shal haue knowyng of his owne soule how a man sholde sette his loue in Ihesu god man one persone Caplm̄ xxx How this manere of spekyng of refourmyng in felyng of a soule shal be take on what wyse it is refourmed how it is founde in saynt poules wordes Caplm̄ xxxi How god openyth y e Inner eye of y e soule to se hym not al at ones but by dyuers tymes of thre maner of refourmynge of a soule by ensample Caplm̄ xxxii How Ihū is heuē to y e soule and why he is called fyre Capitulum xxxiii Of two maners of loue fourmed vnfourmed what it meaneth how we ben beholde to loue Ihū moche for our makyng but more for our ayenbyenge but alther most for our sauyng thrugh y e yeftes of his loue xxxiii How y ● some soule loueth Ihesu by bodely feruours by her owne manly affeccyons y e ben styred by grace by reason And how some louen Ihesu more restfully by ghostly affeccyons oony styred In warde thorough specyal grace of the holy ghost Caplm̄ xxxv That the yefte of loue amonge al the yefter of Ihesu is worthyest moest profytable And how Ihesu dooth al y ● is wel done in his louers on̄ly for loue how loue makyth the vsyng of al vertues al good dedes lyght eesy Capitulum xxxvi How loue thorugh gracyous beholdyng of Ihesu ●leeth al styrynges of pryde makyth y e soule for to lese sauour delyte in al erthly worshyp Caplm̄ xxxvii How loue sleeth all styrynges of wrath enuye softly refourmyth in the soule the vertues of pees pacyence of perfyte charyte to his euen crysten as he dyde specyally in the appostles Caplm̄ xxxviii How loue sleeth couetyse lechery gloteny sleeth the flesshly sauour delyte in al the fyue bodely wyttes softly and easely thorough a gracyous beholdyng of Ihū Capitulum xxxix What vertues graces a soule receyueth thorugh openȳg of y ● Inner eye in to the gracyous beholdynge of Ihū And it maye not be gotē on̄ly thorugh man̄es traueyle but thorugh specyal grace traueyle also Caplm̄ xl How specyal
god For some maye be true and some may be feyned as I haue sayd before ¶ How this maner of spekynge of refourmyng in felinge of a soule shal be take And on what wyse it is refourmed and how it is founde in saynt poules wordes Caplm̄ xxxi NOw I haue sayd to the a lityll of refourmynge in faythe and also I haue towched to the a lityll of the forth goynge fro that refourmynge to the hygher refourmyng that is in felynge Not in that entent that I wolde bi thyse wordes sette goddis worchyng vnder a lawe of my spekinge As for to saye thꝰ worcheth god in a soule and none other wyse Nay I meane not soo But I saye after my symple felinge that oure lorde worcheth thus in some creatures as I hope And I hope well that he worcheth other wyse also that passyth my witte and my felinge Neuertheles whether he worche thus of other wyse by sundry meanes in lenger tyme or shorter tyme wyth moche traueyle or lityl traueyle yf all come to one ende that is to the perfyte loue of hym thenne it is good ynoughe For yf he wol yeue one soule on one daye the full grace of contemplacyon and with oute ony traueyle as he well maye as good is that to that soule as yf he had be examined pynyd mortyfyed and purifyed twenty wynter And therfore vpon this maner wise take in my sayenge as I haue sayd and nāly as I thynke to saye For now by the grace of our lorde Ihesu shall I speke a lytyll as me thynketh more openly of refourmyng in felynge what it is and how it is made and whyche are ghostly felynges that a soule receyueth Neuertheles fyrste that I take not this maner of spekynge of refourmyng of a soule in felynge as feynyng or fantasye therfore I shall grounde it in saynt poullis wordes where he sayth thus Nolite conformari huic seculo sed reformamini in nouitate sensꝰ vestri That is ye that are thrugh grace refourmed in fayth conforme you not hensforwarde to the maners of the worlde in pride in couetyse and in other synnes but be ye refourmed in newehede of felynge Loo here thou maye see that saynt poul spekyth of refourmynge in felinge And what that newe felinge is he expowneth in a nother place thus Ut impleamini in agnicione volūtatis eius in omni intellectu et sapīa spirituali That is we praye god that ye maye be fulfylled in knowinge of goddis wyll in all vnderstondynge and in all maner ghostly wysdom This is refourmynge in felinge For thou shalt vnderstonde that the soule hath ii maner of felinges One without of the fyue bodili wyttes a nother within of the ghostly wyttes the whiche are properly the myghtes of the soule Mynde reason and wylle whā thyse myghtes are thrugh grace fulfylled in al vnderstondynge of the wyll of god and ghostly wysdō thē ne hath the soule newe gracyous felynges That this is soth he sheweth in a nother place thus Renouamini spiritu mentis vestre induite nouū hominem qui secūdum deum creatus est in iusticia scītate et veritate Be ye renued in spiryte of your soule That is ye shall be refourmed not in bodily felynge ne in ymaginacion but in the ouer partye of your reason And clothe you in a newe mā that is shapen after god in rightwysnes holinesse and sothfastnesse That is your reason that is properly the ymage of god thrugh grace of the holy ghoste shall be clothed in a newe lyghte of sothfastnesse holynes and ryghtwysnes And thenne it is reformed in felynge For whan the soule hath perfyte knowynge of god thenne it is refourmed Thus fayth saynt poul Expoliantes veterē hominē cū actibus ●uis induite nouū qui renouatur in angnicōne dei scdm ymagynē eiꝰ qui creauit eum Spoyle yourself of y e olde man with al his dedes That is cast fro you y e loue of y e worlde with al worldly maners And clothe you in a newe mā That is ye shal be renewed in y e knowynge of god after y e lyckenes of hym y t made you By thyse wordes thou may vnderstonde y t saynt poul wolde haue mennes soules refourmed in perfyte knowyng of god for y t is y e nowe felynge y t he speketh of gernerally And therfore vpon his wordes I shal saye more openly of this refourmyng as god yeueth me grace For there is two maner knowynge of god One is had pryncipally in ymagynacyon lytyl in vnderstondyng This knowyng is in chosen soules begynnynge and prouffytynge in grace y t knowen god and louen hym al manly not ghostly with manly affeccyons with bodely lyknes as I haue before sayd This knowynge is good and it is lykned to mylke by y t whiche they are tenderly nourysshed as chyldern vntyl they ben able for to come to the faders borde take of his honde hole brede A nother knowyng pryncipally feled in vnderstondynge lytyl in ymagynacyon For y e vnderstondynge is lady ymagynacyon is a mayden seruynge to the vnderstondynge whan nede is knowynge his hole brede mete for profyte soules and it is refourmed in felynge ¶ How god openeth the Inner eye of the soule to see hym not al at ones but by dyuerse tymes And of thre maner of refourmynge of a soule by ensample Capitulum xxxii A Soule y t is called fro the loue of worlde after y t is ryghted assayed mortifyed puryfyed as I haue before sayd our lorde Ihū of his mercyful goodnes refourmyth it in felyng whan he wouchyth saaf He openeth the Inner eye of the soule whan he lyghtneth y e reasn̄ thrugh towychynge and shinynge of his blessyd lyght for to se hym and knowe hym not al fully at ones but lityll and lityll by dyuers tymes as the sowle maye suffre hym He seeth hym not what he is for that maye noo creature doo in heuen ne in erthe Nor he seeth hym not as he is for that syght is oonly in the blysse of heuē But he seeth hym y t he is an vnchaungable beynge a souereyne myght souereyne sothfastenes souereyne goodnes a blessed lyf an endles blysse This seeth y e soule and moche more that comyth wyth al not blyndly and nakydly vnsauourly as doth a clerke that seeth hym by his clergye on̄ly thorugh myght of his naked reason but he seeth hym in vnderstondynge that is comforted lyghted by the yefte of the holy ghost with a wōderful reuerence and a preuy brennyng loue and wyth ghostly sauour heuenly delyte more clerly more fully thā it maye be wrytē or sayd This syghte though it be but shortly lytyl is so worthy so myghty that it draweth and rauyssheth al the affecciō of the soule fro beholding the mynde of al erthly thynge therto for to reste therin euermore yf it myghte And of this manere of syghte knowynge the soule groundeth al his worchyng inwarde in al