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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A67173 The mourners memorial in two sermons on the death of the truly pious Mris. Susanna Soame, late wife of Bartholomew Soame of Thurlow, Esq., who deceased Febru. 14, 1691/2 : with some account of her death / by Timothy Wright, Robert Fleming. Wright, Timothy.; Fleming, Robert, 1660?-1716. 1695 (1695) Wing W3712; ESTC R25216 54,544 137

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carryed in a steady current for the most part towards those things that are above which therefore are the Subject of their daily meditation As there is nothing more natural to us than to be thinking much and often upon that which is the great Object of our desire and aim And so they have their conversation in Phil. 3. v. 20. Heaven even while their commoration and stay is yet upon earth 3. It doth further imply a strong emotion of ardent desires and earnest longings of Soul after those great and glorious enjoyments which constitute the happiness of the future state and after whatsoever is antecedently necessary in order to their attainment of a gracious Title unto and meetness for them Desire is that Affection of the Soul whereby it moves towards that which is the Object of its Choice and Love as it rests in Delight when it hath attained to the full possession of it And therefore the heavenly minded Christian in this imperfect state not having yet attained is Phil. 3. v. 13 14. earnestly reaching forth and pressing forward toward the Mark that is before him And so there is nothing in which those Noble Souls that are seriously engaged in seeking for Glory and Honour and Immortality do more frequently or intensely exercise themselves than in constant humble Addresses unto God by fervent Prayer for his Grace in Christ Jesus to fit them for and conduct them through present duty and service unto eternal Glory and Happiness And then 4. It doth in the last place imply a serious diligence and Conscientious care in the use of all divinely-prescribed and appointed means for the improvement of their Spirits in all the excellent habits of Grace and Holiness here in order to their being meetly prepared and qualified in due time for the eternal enjoyment of Glory and Happiness hereafter together with an humble dependance upon the divine Grace implored by earnest Prayer for the making all such means effectually conducive to their proper end Thirdly That which we are to consider in the next place respecting the excellent Character of these happy Persons is the regular Way or right Line in which their Desires move and their Aims are directed towards this blessed Mark and that is a patient continuance in well-doing 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which the Vulgar Latine renders thus secundum patientiam boni operis according to the patience of a good work or to bring it nearer to the words of our Translation by patience in well-doing Arias Montanus renders it secundum permanentiam by perseverance in well-doing and Beza Translates it secundum patientem expect ationem by patient expectation But I think our own Translation is the most full and emphatical of them all putting that together which is severally express'd in them Reading it thus by patient continuance in well-doing therefore I shall adhere to that and so much the rather because I find the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 doth in Scripture stile signifie both patience and perseverance And I think the Emphasis of it here cannot be better expressed than by putting them both together and so understanding it to signifie patient continuance or perseverance with patience in well-doing Nor do I see any thing in the more immediate context or in the scope of the Text it self to incline me to prefer any other Translation of these words that I have seen before this which we have in our English Bibles And therefore I shall follow in giving you a brief account of the way wherein the Heirs of future blessedness do seek for glory and honour and immortality as it is here described namely by patient continuance in well-doing In which description of it we may easily perceive these three gradations in it by well-doing by continuance or perseverance in well-doing and by patient continuance in well-doing All which I shall speak distinctly to in a few words beginning with the lowest degree first viz. 1. All that do regularly seek for glory and honour and immortality seek them in the way of well-doing which expression being indefinite is to be understood in a very large extent reaching to all the Duties incumbent upon a Christian in this present state For as this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or well-doing doth in the very formal notion of it carry a reference to some Rule by which what is done is to be measured and to which so far as it is well done it doth accord So it must be understood here to have a special reference unto the Gospel or the Law of Faith as the rule and measure of it And therefore this well-doing doth plainly import a steady conformity in a Man's Actions as to the main bent and course of his conversation unto the holy precepts of Christ Jesus lay'd down in the Gospel as the rule and standard of a Christians deportment And so that which is manifestly intended in this general expression is no less than an heedful attendance to all the duties of Christianity or a serious care studious endeavour throughout the whole course of a Mans life to yield obedience to the Laws of Christ and so to walk worthy Col. 1. 10 of the Lord unto all pleasing And being so understood it is so far from excluding that Faith in Christ whereby a sinner doth embrace and receive him according to the Offer of the Gospel as the way to obtain Salvation by him that it doth necessarily include it Forasmuch as this believing is an essential part of that well-doing by which all serious Christians do seek for glory and honour and immortality And therefore our Lord himself doth emphatically call it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the work of God It is by well-doing in John 6. v. 29. this comprehensive sense as it takes in both Faith and Good Works in conformity to the Precepts of the Gospel that we must seek for eternal glory and happiness if ever we would obtain it And whosoever they be that seek it any other way either separating the one of these from the other or carelesly neglecting and disregarding both they will find at last that they did herein miserably deceive themselves and put a destructive Cheat upon their own Souls For the Lord Jesus Christ is the Author Heb. 5. v. 9. of Eternal Salvation not promiscuously unto all but only to all those that obey him And therefore he himself also tells us that not every one that saith unto him Lord Lord shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven but he that doeth the Will of Mat. 7. v. 21. his Father which is in Heaven 2. A further gradation express'd in this discription of the only regular way of seeking for future glory and blessedness is that it is to be done by continuance in well-doing or by perseverance therein unto the end And this is no less necessary than the former For if any man draw back it will be to his own perdition because God hath declared he will
Preaching the Everlasting Gospel And would not this make us both more servicable in our several stations and capacities to glorifie God which is the great end of our Lives and I hope the great desire of our Souls And therefore I know nothing more worthy of our most earnest wrestlings and greatest importunities For since I hope God hath given us an interest in himself thorow his dear Son and our great Mediator and so hath accepted our Persous in Justification thorow the imputed righteousness of Christ I think the next work we have to do is to be dayly interceding for the Influences of the Spirit in order to carry on the great business of sanctification that so we may grow in a fitness for every duty and a meetness for the future state that we are hastning into It were long to produce all or many of the Expressions of this nature that might be given And therefore I shall only add one more in a Letter to a Friend upon a Reprieve from Death that she had providentially got beyond expectation for a time and which she was apprehensive he had some hand in with others as a Return of Prayer Now methinks says she I have been saying to you whom I believe to have been instrumental in this matter is this your kindness to your Friend When I seem'd to have got so near to the harbour of an hoped for rest to use all your force and strength to bring me back again into this stormy and troublesome Sea where I must expect to be tossed with new Tempests before I get to shore of which I have now a much clearer Prospect than of any service I can do here in this world Did I ever desire you to pray for Life Or was it not rather that I might be carried thorow the dark valley of the shadow of Death But I must submit since I know you think you have acted Duty in this and since all things of this nature are ordered by a wise and gracious God for good to us And this does abundantly satisfie me in this and I hope in all other dispensations concerning me And now from these few Expressions as well as from what hints have been besides given of this pious Person we may easily perceive what Spirit she was of and what her great work and Business in the world was She wisely chose the Better part which none could take from her The whole of her Life being one continued declaration that she sought a better Country as knowing that we have no continuing City or place of abode here Thorow a patient continuance in well-doing she sought for honour and glory and immortality both in Health and Sickness And tho' an universal Decay of Spirits in Gods wise determination did incapacitate her in the hour of Deaths approach from having that sensible joy and ravishment which somtimes the Saints then have from the prospect of the nearness of Glory yet that Faith and Affiance that Reverence and Love and that Resignation and full satisfaction which she then expressed were such clear Evidences of her Grace and such happy Prognosticks of that Happiness she was entering upon the Possession of that we may justly admire Gods Mercy in all this both to Her and Us. And now my Friends obey the Instruction and imitate the Pattern that I have at this time set before you Which that we may do let us fervently implore the divine Grace and seriously improve the Gospel-Means And then I question not but we shall come in due time to find this Doctrine verified in our own Experience That better is the Day of Death than the Day of Birth Amen TO THE MEMORY of the Truly Religious Mrs. Susanna Soame WHO Departed this Life at Thurlow in Suffolk Feb. 14. An. Dom. 169 1 2. ART thou then gone thou sweet and humble Mind Leaving thy Friends thus sorrowing behind And can our Thoughts within our breasts be pent Since sorrows double are that have no vent No! No! My weeping Muse shall drop a Verse And offer at thy much lamented Hearse Thy Piety and Worth deserve no less And if my Lines be in an humble Dress It yet may Mourners suit since 't is requir'd That such in Black not Gold should be attir'd Had I a Pen drop't from an Angels Wing Or could I hear the Anthems thou dost sing Since thou art joyn'd unto the Quire above And swallow'd up in Raptures high of Love My Thoughts might then 't is like my Pen inspire with such like Notes as mov'd Wise Sol'mons Lyre When he did sing the Mystick Loves between Heav'ns Glorious Darling and his Purchas'd Queen For now that Song thou lov'dst so here is known To thee since thou hast reach'd the Heavenly Throne Yet when I think how Holy Paul before Tho' thus rapt up to Heaven could do no more But only tell he saw Things Glorious Which he nor could nor durst express to us I 'me therefore left in silence to adore That Hand which casts a Veil such things before And wills us to believe they are too great For this Imperfect State where we await Until we also from our Corps remove And mount all Earthly Dust and Shades above Wherefore I 'm left to muse on what is past And on thy by-gone-Lise some Thoughts to cast And here methinks as present still to day I see thy Face and hear thee thus to say An Acrostical Character of her Life S oar fain I would above each earthly thing V nto my Lord of all my Joy the Spring S uch is my study but alas I find A ll my Attempts too weak too dark my Mind N ow Clouds bemist me Grief o're-pow'rs my Soul N ow Fears alternate like the Waves do rowl A nd all my Comforts Joy and Hope controul S weet Glances from my God yet now and then O blidge my Soul from Sorrow to refrain A nd blast my Griefs and cause my Fears to fly M y Case thus changeth too and fro whilst I E ach day for Heaven long yet fear to dye Yet tho' all is but Folly that is said By Living Mortals of th' Immortal Dead Yet since we justly do conclude thou' rt blest And now from Pains and Sorrows all at rest Methinks I hear thy Voice from Heaven high Drop silent to my Ear thus through the Sky An Acrostical Character of her Death Soar now I do above each earthly thing Vnto my Lord of all my Joy the Spring Such was my Aim below but then did find All my Attempts too weak too dark my Mind No Cloud bemists me now and on my Soul No Grief or Fear alternately doth rowl As an Allay my Comforts to controul Sweet Sights of God and Christ I do obtain O sweet my Life Sweet Place where I remain Angels and Saints are now my Company My Friends below I 'd pity did not I Expect to see them to Eternity The Epitaph UNderneath this Stone doth lye Dust precious for the Memory Of a sweet Saint who once did dwell In such a fadeing Mortal Cell Who having got Gods Pass took wing Upwards to Heaven to live and sing Triumphant Hallelujahs there And breath more free in Sweeter Air. An Acrostical Memorial Since Vpwards Soar'd All Notions New Attend Seen Objects Ancient Molestations End. As the last Expression of Friendship on Earth These Lines are Offered by R. F. BOOKS Printed for John Harris at the Harrow against the Church in the Poultrey and John Salusbury at the Rising Sun over against the Royal Exchange in Cornhil 1. ANgliae Metropolis Or The Present State of London with Memorials comprehending a full and succienct Account of the Antient and Modern State thereof First Written by the late Ingenious Tho. De Laune Gent. and continued to this present Year by a careful Hand 2. The Life and Death of that Old Disciple of Jesus Christ and Eminent Minister of the Gospel Mr. Hanserd Knollys who dyed in the Ninety Third Year of his Age. These Two Printed for J. Harris 3. The Certainly of the Worlds of Spirits Fully evinced by unquestionable Histories of Apparitions and Witchcrafts Operations Voices c. Proving the Immortality of Souls the Malice and Miseries of the Devils and the Damned and the Blessedness of the Justified By R. Baxter 4. An End of Doctrinal Controversies which have lately Troubled the Churches by Reconciling Explication without much Disputing By R. Baxter These Two Printed for J. Salusbury CORRIGENDA SErm 1. pag. 7. lin 20 after 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 insert and. p. 17. l. 20. after follow insert that p. 28. l. 10. after Scripture insert expressed p. 45. l. 1. for she read they p. 47. l. 14. after which insert is p. 48. l. 8. after her insert to observe her Serm. 2. p. 55. l. ult after must insert not p. 72. l. 7. for Eph. read Ep.