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A40469 A packet of nevves, yea, true faithful news, of Israels and Judahs call and the manner, place, and time of Christs coming and reign in glory among his saints upon the earth. As also, Judahs past, with Englands present miseries parallel'd; with sundry other particulars, very profitable and necessary for Christians of all degrees, to know the mysteries of God. Collected out of the Scriptures this 22. of the 11th moneth (corruptly called January) 1647. for the benefit of all, but chiefly for such, who hold the truth in unrighteousness, err in vision, and stumble in judgement. By James Frese merchant. Freize, James. 1651 (1651) Wing F2197DA; ESTC R221227 56,100 71

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Kings of the earth upon the earth and ●hey shal be gatheted together as Prisoners into the pit or grave and shall there be shut up and after many dayes ever after the thousand years of rest in Glory shall they be visited And they shall be called the border of wickedness against whom the Lord hath Indignation for ever and your eyes shall see this and you the Saints shall then say the Lord will be magnified from the border of Israel when he shall take them away as with a whirlewind both living and in his wrath then shall the righteous rejoyce when he seeth the vengeance for they shall wash their feet in the blood of the wicked And when all the host of heaven shall be rolled together like a scroll and the trump shall blow and the Judgement shall be set and the dead raised at the end of the thousand years rest in glory and Judged and cast into hell into the dry land wherein is no water even these parts of the earth or lowest of the Globe whose streams shal be turned into pitch and the dust thereof into brimstone and the land or earth shall become burning pitch and it shall never be quenched for the smoke thereof shall go up for ever O who among us shall then dwell with everlasting burnings Then the saints shall go forth to the border and look upon them that have transgressed whose fire shall not be quenched and they the wicked shall be an abhorring unto all flesh and there shall be a great gulf fixed between the Kingdom of heaven or glory and the Kingdom of hell and darkness Sathan and the wicked shal ●ee the glory and blessed state of the Saints in Christs Kingdom a far ost And shall weep and howl and gnash their teeth SECT. XLI IN thosedayes Judah shall walke with Israel in the land given for an inheritance unto their Fathers and at that time they shall call Jerusalem the throne of the Lord and all the nations shall be gathered unto it yea all nations whom the Lord hath made shall come and worship before him and Israel shall sing there the new song as in the dayes of their youth when they came out of the Land of Egypt Then shall the sword and the battel be broken out of the earth for the Lord Christ the God of Salvation light and Glory will marry his people unto himself in peace and in righteousness and in loving kindness and in mercies for he will plant his people in the earth and they shall see eye to eye yea face to face as Moses and the seventy Elders did as also all Israel Then shall they say cry out thou inhabitant of Zion for great is the holy one of Israel in the middest of thee and his place of rest shall be Glorious for then shall all the earth be fill●d with the Glory of the Lord even the earth or place of Glory for in this world ye the Saints shall have tribulations because my Kingdom is not of this world but in me or my Kingdom of Glory ye shall have rest saith our Saviour and we must through many tribulations enter into the Kingdom of heaven the land of Glory and happiness for he will make the place of his feet the earth Glorious And the Saints shall come with speed swiftly none of them shall be weary nor stumble none shall slumber nor sleepe neither shall the girdle of their loynes be loosed nor the latchet of their shooes be broken for the Lord shall set his hand againe the second time to recover the remnant of his people and shall assemble the out-casts of Israel and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth SECT. XLII Then shall the waters fail from the sea and the rivers shall be dryed up for the Egyptian sea shall be utterly destroyed that men may go over dry shod or in ●hooe● then shall there be an high way for his people the Saints as it was to Israel in the day when they came out of the land of Egyyt then shall the King of righteousnes Reigne and prosper and Execute Justice and Judgement in the earth In his dayes Judah shall be saved and Israel the ten tribes shal dwel safely and this is the Kings name that shal Reigne in the earth of glory the Lord our Righteousness for in that day there shall be but one Lord and his name one SECT. XLIII ANd he that sate on the Throne shall dwell among them the Sainto and they shall Reigne with him on the earth and he said unto me write for these words are true and faithful Blessed are they that do his Commandments that they may have Right in the Tree of life Christ Jesus and their parts in the first Resurrection on such the second death shall have no power neither shall evill the Divell dwell with him and his saints as he doth in this his own world of sin for Christ his Kingdom is not of this world but of the Glorious world to come Out of which world of Eternal glory the Divell called Evill Sathan death and Hell shall be banished and not suffered to molest disturbe or suggest any of his evill disobedient thoughts into any of the children of the Kingdom of glory or to have any rule at all there as he hath in this his world Therefore is Christ said not to Reigne in this world but only to rule and to carry the predominent power in the hearts of all his Elect who though through Sathans suggestions they fall into sin daylie yet Christ supports and holds them up by his power whom the father hath Sealed and given unto him out of this world of evill the Divell who being the Prince of this world Ruleth in the hearts of all his the Children of wickedness disobedience darkness Evill Sathan Death and Hell for so is he called in the holy Scriptures The Priests Gods ordinance of mercy sell The Lawyers by injustice them excell Thus one The word of mercy sells for Gold The other Justice Impiously and bold An Exhortation to the conscientious Reader ALye therefore that truly love and fear the Lord God of salvation Christ Jesus and by patient continuation in well doing seek for glory Immortality and eternall life and have tasted of the good word of God Christ and of the power of the world to come and look for the day of his glorious appearing When the time of refreshing shall come of the Restitution of all things and our gathering together unto him at his appearing and his Kingdom Comfort ye one another with these things that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Lord Jesus direct your hearts into the true love of God and the patient waiting for Christ and grant you to be like minded one towards another in love or in the God
shall roar and lay hold of the prey and shall carry it away safe and none shall deliver it as it was at their coming out of Egypt yea they shall mount like Eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not be faint Then the sinners in Zion shal be afraid fear shal take hold on the now inhabitants of Palestina because of the Lord God Christ who also will then plead with his people in the wilderness of their own land face to face like as he pleaded with their forefathers in the wilderness of the Land of Egypt thus will he cause them to pass under the Rod and then will he bring them into the bond of the Covenant made with Abraham Isaac and ●acob and then will he speak comfortably to them and they shall then enjoy their vineyards as in the dayes of their coming out of the land of E●●●p so will he shew unto them marvelious things SECT. XXVIII THen shall the great River Euphrates be dried up in the seven streams thereof and the Egyptian Sea utterly destroyed that the way of the Kings of the East the leaders of Israel may be prepared even of the seven shepherds and eight principal Leaders that they and all the people of Israel may go over dry-shod as when they came out of Egypt and then will he raise unto Israel S●viours called Kings such as Ioshuah for Leaders even Abraham Isaac and Iacob Hesea Amo● Micha Io●l Obadiah Ionah Nahum Habbakuk Z●phany Haggaiah Zachar●ah and Malachy For these fifteen Saviours Kings or Leaders shall come on Mount Zion to judge the Mount of Es●● or Kingdom of Edom Gog and Mag●g who are hated of Christ for they shall put all the wicked to shame because God hath despised them therefore shall they never see the light Christ Jesus in his Glory then the Kingdom shall be the Lords when he bringeth back the Captivity of his people then Jacob or Iudah shall rejoyce and Israel shall be glad when the Lord God of Israel Christ Jesus shall appeare in his glory even in the glory of God the Father which is and shall be in the face and presence of Jesus Christ being that individual glory which he had with the Father before the world was made by him For it pleased the father that in him should all the fulness of his glory dwell even in that measure of unexpressible transcendent glory which the sacred Excellen● glory and incomprehensible Maiesty the Father hath p●edetermined from all eternity to be from him by Christ the God of mercy conferred upon the Creature accordi●g to the Creatures meted out capacity or predetermined Capabillity then to be conferred on him by the invi●ible and incomprehensible Majesty of God the Father whic● shall be a fulness of joy exceeding glory and unexpress●ble pleasures in the Kingdome of glory for evermore SECT. XXIX ANd this excellent eternal life joy and glory is to be manifested to the creature and conferred on them in and by his beloved Son Christ Jesus the visible God of Salvation and in whom the invisible Godhead dwelleth bodily And thus is he the true Image of the most high invisible God the Father and also his sacred comprehensible glorious presence in the lot of his inheritance Palestina The holy land The hill of the Lord The holy place The Moun●Zion The glorious world to come given unto him by the most high God and Father of all Spirits being the Excellent Glory To whose excellency and incomprehensibleness of most glorious being man's comprehensible and limited capacity cannot attain or reach unto no more then to pourtray a true shape to a voyce to the winde or to hold the Sea in his hand for no man hath ever heard the Fathers voyce at any time nor never seen his shape Therefore what person shape or voyce can the limited frail fancy or wit of man prescribe devise imagine or attribute to this most High most Sacred most Mighty most Excellent and most Incomprehensible Unrevealed Deity and primary Fountain and Cause of all Being whom they never saw nor heard at any time So that it is very plain and most true that Christ Jesus onely and alone being the beloved and from all eternity the anointed visible God of Salvation light and eternal glory is the onely and alone true representative capable apprehensive visible personal presence of the Invisible Un-apprehensive and Incomprehensible Father and holy Spirit of God The beginning of the Creation of God the Father SECT. XXX FOr this God of salvation the Lord of life and glory Christ Jesus will yet chuse Zion the place where his Congregation hath dwelt and wherein he hath dwelt and will set Israel in their own land and the strangers or Gentiles shall joyn themselves unto them and cleave to the house of Jacob or Judah saying we will goe with you for we have heard that God is with you and the people shall take them and bring them to their place or land and the house of Israel shall possess them In the land of the Lord for servants and handmaides for Salvation is of the Jews to whom pertaineth the adoption and the Glory and the Covenants and the Promises of eternal blessedness whose are the Fathers to whom the promises were made and of whom concerning the ●lesh Christ came who is over all God blessed for ever of or by the Father SECT. XXXI THen shall this world of sin and grace be d●stroyed by fire as the firstworld of sin was by water wherein it repe●ted the Lord Christ that ever he made man but the third world of grace and eternall Glory shall continue for ever then shall they say now is Salvation and the Kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ the God of salvation The voyce of the beloved behold he commeth leaping upon the mountaines skipping upon the hills travelling in the greatnes of his strength for lo the winter of affliction and misery is past the Raine or stormes of persecution is over and gone and the flowers of glory and eternall excellency appear on the earth and the time of singing of birds of Paradice or Saints is come and the Glorious voyce of the Turtle Dove Christ Jesus is heard in our Land of Palestina saith Solomon coming from Edom from Bozra the chiefe City of Edom Glorious in his apparel travelling in the greatness of his strength nughty to save SECT. XXXII FOr the hastning of which sacred Kingdom of glory he the Lord hath taught us to pray continually saying Thy Kingdom come and thy will be done on Earth as it is now in heaven and by faith to acknowledge and beleeve that his is the Kingdom the Power and the Glory for ever and ever For then in the mount of the Lord it shall be seen saith Abraham even in Mount Zion the Transcendent Glory and Excellent perpetuity of being And
ye rejected him saying We will not have this man to reigne over us for we have no King but Caesar is now dispers d among the Nations and shall be only a Remnant For as ye w●re a curse among the Heathen saith the Lord O House of Israel and House of Judah f so will I save you and ye shall be a Blessing For in those days and at that time the children of Israel and the children of Judah shall g come together They shall ask the way to Zion with their faces thitherward saying Come Let us joyn our selves to the Lord in a Perpetual Covenant that shall never be forgotten Then shall the Tribes of Israel mourn when they see him whom their fore-fathers rejected and shall h declare my glory among the Gentiles and they the Gentiles shall bring your brethren unto the Lord out of all Nations in their Ships and upon Horses and in Litters and in Chariots and upon Mules and upon swift Beasts or Dromedaries to my holy Mountain Jerusalem and ye shall be comforted in Jerusalem saith the Lord For as the New Heaven and the New Earth which I will make shall remain before me so shall your Seed and your Name remain saith the Lord And the Gentiles i shall come to thy Light and Kings to the brightness of thy rising When I have raised you out of your graves then thy sons shall come from far and thy daughters shall be nursed at thy side And the forces of the Gentiles shall come unto thee Then will I return k to the people a pure language They shall not see Evil any more for Evil the Divel shall not dwell with thee Christ in glory saith David And because salvation is far from the wicked for they search not Gods statutes yea they are hid from their eyes neither can they know them because they are * spiritually discerned Therefore ye that truly fear the Lord God of salvation eternal life light and glory Christ Jesus Search the Scriptures l for in them ye look to have Eternal Life and they testifie of me saith our Saviour For the Scriptures only comparing spiritual things with spiritual things are able to make you wise u●to salvation Knowing this that the Scriptures are not of any private m Interpretation For we have this Treasure of Gods revealed Will by his Word in Earthen Vessels that the Excellency of the Power may be of God and not of us for none knoweth the things of God but the Spirit of God So that it plainly appeareth that all mens Interpretations of what quality or degree of Learning soever or paraphrasing upon the Scriptures is only a private Interpretation and so is uncertain for there is no man that can truly say that he is immediately sent from God as the Prophets were and hath an infallible unerring spirit and that his interpretations of the Scripture and his paraphrasing on them are most infallibly true Therefore Wo to them that are wise in their own Eys and prudent in their own sight Wo to them that put Darkness for Light and Light for Darkness That broach the Divels Doctrine of lyes for a Truth and force all men to obey and receive them as the Truth For no man can serve two masters God and Mammon Christ and the Divel But the learned Pharisees who were covetous derided Christ the Wisdom of God saying Is not this the Carpenter the Son of Joseph And Jesus said unto them Ye are they which justifie your selves before men to have much Learning Wisdom and Piety but God knoweth your hearts for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men but within ye are full of Hypocrisie and Iniquity and devour Widdows houses yet for a shew of feigned Piety make long Prayers like most of our covetous Priests Therefore beware of the Scribes which walk in long robes or garments and make merchandise of the VVord of Truth by Sermons of all Prises Sacrament Christnings Churchings of Women an burying of the Dead at several Rates Easter-book New-yeers-gifts and Excommunications with several other pecuniary offences at several Rates These several Truths with the following matter contained in this Treatise I recommend to thy conscientious and diligent perusal without a prejudicate opinion beseeching thee as thou expectest eternal life in glory in the land of the living to search the Scriptures and try the truth of this following matter even as the noble Bereans did The happy issue whereof I refer to the blessing of the Almighty God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who only in and by his Son works in us both the VVill and the Deed Desiring thee also to consider that the Testimonies of the Lord are true and wonderful giving light and understanding to the simple For by thy Word thou O Lord hast made me wiser then my Teachers saith David With which saying I also conclude committing thee to the Direction and Tuition of the Almighty Goodness of the great God and Father of all Spirits the Excellent Glory Remaining thine in the Lord Jesus the God of Salvation to my Power James Frese Being still in Bonds which fain I would not be The man I was I wish I nere had bin Thy hands affliction hath drawn me home to thee Lord grant thy work may more on me be seen That Asia's seed in Europ's Soyl may spring And bear a Pleasing fruit to Israels King And Englands Sons and Daughters also may Bring thy People in that most happy day To Sions hill and there Present to thee Themselves with Iudah a most Pleasing Tree Where they shall see thee and thy Saints be known To them their friends and children which they own Lo God hath chosen the foolish and weak things of the world to consound the wise and mighty And having hid these things from the wise and prudent hath revealed them unto Babes And thus you see it plainly doth appear To be a truth most evident and clear That some Proficients are in natures schools And yet in Christ's meer novices yea fooles Probatum est 1647. JUDAHS PAST WITH ENGLANDS Present Miseries paralleld And the holy Land of PALESTINA with ENGLAND paralleld the one being Asias the other Europes Canaan or Land of Plenty SECT. I. THUS saith the Lord smite with thine hand and with thy foot and say Alas for the evill abominations of the Land Behold an evill an only evill is come it watcheth for thee I will shortly pour out my fury upon thee and I will judge thee according to thy wayes and all thy abominations for violence is risen up among them into a Rod of wickedness The day of vengeance is near therefore let not the Buyer rejoyce nor the Seller mourn for wrath is upon all the multitude thereof neither shall any of them strengthen themselves in the iniquity of their
Behold thus have our Fathers sinned and are not and we have and still do bear their iniquity and delight in these their waies of Idolatry SECT. IX ANd as the Jews through Covetousness by Money purchased of the heathen Romans the setting up of two high Priests who also climed up with the Pharisees into Moses chair which was the Seat of Justice for Moses was a Princ● and Judge and not a Priest So had England two Arch-Bishops who by themselves and their Ministers and Agents purchased with money the Priestly and Episcopal Offices and did clime into and possess the Seats of Justice for many yeers And as the Jews imbraced the manners of the Latines or Romans to have their causes of controversie pleaded in Courts of Justice by Heathens stiled Common Prators such as Tertullus was who for a mercenary Fee accused Paul falsly So have we a very great number of the like persons called common Lawyers or Praters And as the Jews then put Justice to sale for certain Fees and Rewards So have we done ever since the Conquest for these five hundred and sixty yeers whereby the Rich and Mighty have eaten up the Rights of the Poor and Needy and murthering thousands of them in the several Goals and Prisons in this Kingdom And as those High Priests Elders Pharisces Sadduees Libertines and Lawyers for some forty yeers together persecuted the Saints and Servants of Christ stiling them Pestilent fellows Raisers of Sedition and Sectaries Heretiques or the Sect of Nazarites So did our Arch-Bishops Bishops Deans Ministers Lawyers and Magistrates from time to time and still do persecute banished imprisoned pillored whipt hangd and destroyed divers of the poor followers of Christ and in like manner falsly styling them P●stilent fellows Sectaries Heretiques and raisers of sedition stiring up the common people against them and thus like those Priests in the Lamentation they have by the spirit of errour been led and wandred like blind men and have shed the blood of the just and have polluted themselves with the blood of the innocent whereby they have discovered their own nakedness and shame for the Lord had not thus proceeded against them in his jealousie if they had not exalted the stroak of their hand and slain his chosen people wherefore the Lord hath also made them contemptible among the people of the Land for they have a Name that they live and yet are dead By oppressing him that reproveth and making a man an offender for a word Thus they add sin to sin SECT. X. ANd because O Lord God of Hosts all they that thus forsake thee the God of Justice and Mercy in thy primary Attributes Justice and Mercy shall be written in the earth Death shall swallow them Therefore will I look unto thee yea I will wait for the God of my salvation for he will hear me Rejoyce not therefore against me O mine enemy though I sit in Darkness in the bands of cruel affliction and shut up close in prison * yet the Lord shall be a light unto me and I will bear the indignation of the Lord Because I have sinned against him until he plead my cause and execute Judgement for me upon all my Oppressors for he will bring me forth in the light and I shall behold his Righteousness and Glory at his Appearing when he shall come to be glorified in his Saints and to be admired of all that believe in that day at the resurrection of the Just and not of the wicked from the Dead and not with the Dead taking vengeance on them then living that know not God nor obey the Gospel of Christ who himself shall then change our vild corruptible bodies that they may be fashioned like unto his glorious body and shall then give us rest in glory ●or ever Which shall be according to the time and number of days or yeers answering the number of yeers from the Creation of this World to the end of Noah's Flood which was 1657. yeers and thus answerably from the second Adam's work of Redemption to the time of his coming in Glory decked with eternal salvation and royal Majesty shall be the like number of yeers or days of time 1657. as doth plainly appear by Christ's own words in Mat. 24. where the Disciples ask him of the time when his coming in Glory should be and also the Manner of his coming and of the signes of the end of this world SECT. XI TO both which questions he gives them a very full and satisfactory answer 1. His Resolve for the time when followeth in these words For as the days of Noah were so shall the coming of the Son of man be And then he tells them the very manner of his coming and of the end and sudden destruction of this World in these words For as in the days that were before the Flood they were Eating and Drinking and Marrying c. So shall also the coming of the Son of Man be Even as Lightning that cometh on t of the East and shineth into the West c. SECT. XII YEt of that natural day nor hour knoweth no man no not the Angels nor the Son but the Father only therefore he chargeth all his Followers to pray That their flight or ga●hering together unto him out of all Countries may not be on the Sabbath day nor in the Winter season for then shall be great tribulation when the Lord shall send his Angels to gather together his Elect not the Damned from the four winds of Heaven into the Land of Palestina For he will raise us up after two days and the third day of Rest and Glory we shall live in his sight In that time shall a Present be brought unto the Lord of a people scattered and peeled To the Plac●●f the name of the Lord of hosts The Mount Zion SECT. XIII ANd then in this their Journey when they pass through the waters the Lord will be with them and the Rive●s shall not overflow them and when they pass through the fire when the Elements shall be on fire yet shall they not be burnt neither shall the flame kindle upon them Then shall he the Lord say to the North Give up and to the South keep not back bring my Sons from far and my Daughters from the Ends of the Earth Even every one that is called by my Name For the Lord shall come down to fight for Mount Zion and for the Hill thereof for his fire shall be in Zion and his furnace in Jerusalem For the Lord will clense his Land and throughly purge his floor and gather his wheat or Elect into his Barn or Kingdom of Glory but will burn up the Chaff or wicked when he shall appear upon Mount Zion Then shall two be in the field the one shall be taken or carried away by the Angels of Christ and the other lef● to
foundations whose builder and maker is God the Lord For it shall be built to the Lord upon the hill Gareb and shall compasse about to Goath and the whole value of the dead and all the fields unto the Brooke Kidron unto the Horse gate shall be holy unto the Lord yea it shall not be p●ucked up nor thrown down for ever Even this great City the holy Jerusalem descending out of heaven from my God ready ●●amed of material precious stones Even as Solomons Temple was brought out of the wilderness ready framed and so built and laid together without knock of hammer or axe or any other toole of Iron The streetes of this City shall be of pure transparent Gold whose wals shall be great and high built of Jasper and garnished with all manner of precious stones having twelve Gates on the East side three Gates and on the North side three Gates on the South side three Gates and on the West side three gates and the gates of the City shall not be shut and the fashion of the City shall be foure square the length bredth and height of the wals of the City shall be of equal measure Twelve thousand furlongs broad and twelve thousand long and twelve thousand furlongs high and the thickness of the Wall shall be one hundred forty and foure cubites of a man which is six foot and makes up in the whole thickness eight hundred sixtie and foure foot SECT. XXIIII ANd the most high God the Father and the Lord Christ shall be the Temple in it and the glory of God the Father and of the Lord Christ shall be the light thereof and onely those nations that are saved shall walke in it and Kings shall bring their glory and honor into it and none shall enter into it but they that are written in the Lambs Book For thus saith the Lord The place of my throne Palestina and the place of the soals of my feet where I will dwell in the midd'st of the children of Israel for ever and my holy name shall the house of Israel no more defile neither they nor their Kings The whole limit thereof shall be round about most holy And the name of the City from that day shall be The Lord is there Then the heathen or Gentiles shall know that I the Lord build and plant the ruines and desolate places of the land of Israel I the Lord have spoken it and I will do it SECT. XXV FOr God will save Zion and will build the Cities of Judah that they may dwell there The seed of his servants shall inherit it and they that love his name shall dwell therein and shall be Kings and Priests unto God and raign on the earth For when the Lord Christ shall build up Zion he shall appear in his glory when the people are gathered together and the Elect out of all Kingdoms to serve the Lord to declare his name in Zion and his praise in Jerusalem Then will he receive them unto himself that where he is in glory there they may be also and they the Father and Son will love them and will come unto them and make their abode with them For the Councell of peace and eternal glory shall be between them both in the Kingdom of Christ and of God and the people and kingdoms shall be gathered together to declare the name of the Lord in Zion and his praise in Ierusalem For unto the Father incomprehensible shall be glory given in the Church Triumphant by Christ Iesus and all his Saints world without end SECT. XXVI FOr this Mount Zion scituate on the North side of Ierusalem is the Hill which the Lord desireth to dwell in yea the Lord will dwell in it for ever where his Throne and Scepter of Righteousness shall be for ever and ever even in the World to come whereof we speak and he shall raign over the house of Jacob for ever and of his Kingdom there shall be no end even upon the throne of David Then shall they say The Lord raigneth The world also shall be established that it shall not be moved for the Lord loveth the gates of Zion more then all the dwellings of Jacob Glorious things are spoken of thee thou City of God For the highest himself shall establish her Yea he hath desired it for his habitation saying This is my rest for ever here will I dwell for I have desired it For in Salem is his Tabernacle his dwelling Place in Zion For the Lord will comfort Zion he will make her wilderness like Eden and mount Zion shall never be removed but abideth for ever Being the City of the living God the heavenly Jerusalem which cannot be shaken but shall remain like the earth which abideth for ever for I know saith Solomon whatsoever God doth it shall abide for ever and that which is to be hath already been and God requireth that which is past even the world to be restored to its first Purity Glory Excellency and determined perpetuity Spiritual which is eternal for the spirits of all men are eternal whether for Light or Darkness and the Saints continuance in glory shall be eternal For their bodies shall then be of the same eternal duration as their spirits are this being the true state of the things we call Spiritual which is eternal for there our mortal bodies shall put on immortality and this corruption shall put on incorruption to and for which a true pious and charitable life in this world ●its us by the sacred Spirit of light Christ Jesus SECT. XXVII FOr God will establish the Earth for ever when the time of refreshing shall come and Restitution of all things which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his Prophets since the world began For the Lord that hath chosen Zion will dwell in the midd'st of her And inhorit Judah his Portion in the holy land and choose Jerusalem again For heaven is the throne of God but the earth hath he given to the Sons of men to be inhabited for ever being their proper Sphere For the Lords Portion is his people Iacob is the Lot of his inheritance For he will remove the iniqui●y of that land in one day and Jerusalem shall then be called the City of Truth when the sons of Zion are raised out of the pit or grave wherein is no water and shall save them as the flock of his people and the Lord by David their leader shall save the tents of Iudah first for David shall be their Prince and Nations that know not Iudah shall run unto them who shall then be terrible as an army with Banners as it were the Company of two armies Iudah and Gentiles whose arrows are sharp and all their bowes bent their horses hoofs shall be counted like flint and their wheels like a whirl-winde their roaring of their hos●e shall be like the roaring of a Lyon yea they
field shall be at peace with them and Sathan shall be shut up al that thousand years or seventh day of rest in glory all which is typified unto us by Exo. 9. 4 6. Exo. 10. 23. SECT. XXXV IN that time shal the present be brought unto the Lord of hostes by the faithfull Gentiles of a people scattered and peeled from a people terrible from their beginning a nation meted out and trodden under foot whose Land Palestina the Rivers or Nations of the Gentiles have spoyled they shall be brought to the place of the name of the Lord to mount Zion In that day shall the branch of the Lord Israel and Iudah and all the saints be beautiful and Glorious for I am the vine saith the Lord and ye are the branches and the fruit of the earth shall then be excellent for I say unto you I will no more eat nor drink of the fruit of the vine untill the Kingdom of God shall come and untill I drink it new with you in my Fathers Kingdom and then the meek shal eat and be satisfied and shal live for ever when the Lord hath washed away the filth of the daughter of Zion then shall we see his glory and live ever in his sight For all the earth shall be filled with the Glory of the Lord Then shall it be said to the Israel of God by the Angels of Christ that shal be sent forth to gather them together Arise for the light is come and the Glory of the Lord is risen upon thee the sons of them the wicked that afflicted thee shal come bending and bow themselves down to the soals of thy feet even as Joseph's Brethren did to Joseph for thou shal suck the milk of the Gentiles and the brests of Kings then shalt thou know that I the Lord am thy Saviour the mighty one of Jacob For the Nation and Kingdom that wil not serve thee shal perish and shall be utterly wasted but the Lord shal be unto thee O Israel an everlasting light and thy God thy Glory the people also shall be all Righteous they shall Inherit the land for ever For thy maker Christ Jesu● the God of salvation light and glory is thy Husband and thy Redeemer the Lord of hostes is his Name The God of the whole Earth shal he be called then shal wee see heaven open and the Angels of God ascending and descending as Iacob did who in a vision was shewed the glory of it and by the spirit of truth was forced to confess that the place was none other then the Gate of heaven the house of God and that the Lord is in that Place SECT. XXXVI BUt darkness shall then cover the earth or the men of this part of the world of darkness and grosse darkness the people such as shall be felt typified unto us by the severall great plagues of darkness inflicted on Egypt and shall be acted in like manner on the now inhabitants of Palestina● by the two witnesses conceived to be by their workes Moses and Elias at the time of Judah's gathering together for three years and six moneths for they shall have power to send forth fire to turne the waters into blood and to smite the earth with all manner of plagues as often as they list yea they shal have power to shut heaven all that time that it raine not even for three years and six moneths as Elias did before in Ahab's time for three years and six moneths SECT. XXXVII THen all the wicked of the land shall be as though they had never bin because Israel shall be a fire and Judah shall be a flame and the wicked shall be as stubble and they even Israel and Judah shall kindle and devour them for they shall be utterly bur●t with fire in the same place of their abode and all the wicked shall become ashes under their feet for this battel against the wicked shall be with burning and fewell of fire for a fire shall devour his enemies before them death shall feed on them and the upright shall have dominion over them in the morning or when the morning Christ Jesus appeareth upon mount Zion and before his antients Abraham Isaac and Iacob and al the Prophets gloriously for Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in his own place and the Lord shall save the tents of Judah first SECT. XXXVIII THen all the nations of the world even Gog and Magog East and West Turk● and Pope shall be by the evill spirit Sathan brought into the land of Israel to fight against Judah in Ierusalem that now is where our Lord was crucified for tydings out of the East shall affright Gog and Magog when they shall hear of the gathering together of Judah and all the saints and they Gog and Magog shall go forth with great fury to destroy when they shall hear that Judah hath taken Ierusalem for Gog and Magog shall come roaring like the roaring of the Sea and shall come in like a flood but the Lord shall lift up a standard against him and they shall come upon the mountaines of Israel but then shall darkness sorrow and ●ear take hold of them as it did on the Egyptians in the red sea and a great tumult from the Lord shall be among them and every ones hand shall be against his neighbour and every mans Sword shall be against his brother for the Lord shall cause his glorious voyce to be heard and shall shew the lighting down of his arme with Indignation and anger and with devouring fire with scattering tempest and hayl stones and then shall they be destroyed upon the mountaines of Israel by the hand of the Lord for God in his Eternal decree hath scattered the bands of him that incampeth against thee O Judah who shall all be buried in the valley of Hamon Gog and they shall never see light or Christ in his glory and when the wicked are cut off the Saints shall see it SECT. XXXIX ANd with whose Innumerable carcasses will the Lord make a feast unto all the beasts of the field and fowls of the aire who shall eat the flesh of the mighty and drink the blood of the Princes of the Earth And for an eternal memorial of this great deliverance there shall be a City built in the valley of Hamon Gog and it shall be called Hamona and seven years shall the Saints be burning of their weapons of war and seven moneths shall they be burying of the bones of G●g and Magog's mighty Hoste that was as the sand of the sea for Multitude and the land shall be soaked with their blood and the dust made fat with the fatness of their bodies for it ● the day of the Lords vengeance and the year of recompence for the controversie of Zion in the latter dayes ye shall consider it SECT. XL THus shall the Lord punish the host of the high ones and of the
of love Christ Jesus according to the commandment of Jesus Christ who hath called us unto his Kingdom and Glory even the glory which he had with the father before the world was when he shall come in his glory For the time of this his glorious appearing is at hand to the eternall comfort and unexpressible joy of all the Saints of God but to the unsupportable horror dread and eternall confusion of all the dead men of this world or men of death Children of death hell and darkness called Sathan For God hath made all things for himself even the wicked for the day of wrath Evill Darkness judgement Death eternal to whom it is not given to know the truth nor the mysteries of his Kingdom of glory and joyes eternal to be there enjoyed by the Saints for ever And know this also that whatsoever things were written afore time were written for our learning that wee through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope of eternal life and Glory in the world to come Therefore pray that the light or spirit that is in you may not be of the darkness but of the true light Christ Jesus which inlighteneth every man unto Salvation whom God his God hath anoynted with the oyle of gladness above his fellowes even aboue all Spirits that so by that sacred Primary spirit of truth and light Christ Jesus whom God the father hath appointed heire of all things by whom also he made the world and who by him the father was sent in the flesh to be a light to us gentiles but shall be the glory yea a King of eternall glory to his people Israel ye may be inabled to hear his voyce and to be raised from the dead at his appearing in glory with all his saints But the rest of the dead shall not rise or live for they only that are his possessed by his spirit of life shall hear his voyce verily verily I say unto you the hour is coming when the dead shall hear the voyce of the son of God and they that hear his voyce shall live But they that hear not his voyce being the children of death shall still remaine in the bonds of death and hell for they are dead they shall not rise yea they shall not live at the resurrection of the just they shall not awake nor be raised out of their graves till the thousand years of rest and glory be fulfilled but they shall be gathered into one pit and shut up in the prison of the grave and after the thousand years or many days shall they be visited For the dead in Christ shall rise first even they that are Christs at his coming for thy dead men Christ Jesus shal live with my body shall they rise yea they which shall be accounted worthy of the worldtand tha resurrection from the dead are or shall be equall to the Angels of light and are the children of God being the children of the resurrection Christ Jesus who is the resurection and the life neither can they dy any more death hath no more dominion over them O therefore love the Lord all ye his Saints for the Lord preserveth the faithfull and plentifully rewardeth the constant doer be of good courage therefore for he shall strengthen your hearts all ye that trust in the Lord Now if this plain demonstration of the truth of Christs glorious personal reigne on the earth among his Saints in the land of Glory which God the Father hath ordained before the world unto our glorie that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God be still hid it is hid to them whose mindes are blinded by the God of this world the Divell that they should not see nor apprehend the excellency of the eternal Glorious being ordained of God for us before the world was even eternal life and glory unexpressible in the land of the living But God doth reveale them to his poor servants by his spirit for the spirit searcheth all things yea the deep things of God that we might know the excellency and become partakers of the Majestie and unexpressible glory of Christ in the glorious world to come at the appearing of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ the King of eternall life Light and Glory seen of all his Prophets who hath built an everlasting foundation with men and shall continue with their Seed And who also is by God the Father given for a covenant to the people to establish the earth even he the beloved who is ascended to his Father and our Father to his God and our God for thus saith the Lord I am Alpha and Omega which is which was and is to come The Almighty him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God and he shall go no more out and I will write upon him the name of my God and the name of the City of my God the new Jerusalem which cometh down out of heaven from my God Hear therefore O Israel or Elect the Lord thy God is one Lord For to us the Saints there is but one God even the Father of whom are all things even spirit of light and spirits of darkness and we in him and one Lord Je●us Christ by whom are all things formed and made into externall vi●ible shape and being and we by him by whom he the Father made the world that is decreed what this present world of darkness should be and what the glory of the world to come should be For known unto God the father or determined are all his works by in and from the or this sacred beginning Christ Jesus Howbeit there is not in every man that knowledge for the Councell of peace shall be between them both even between Father and Son of the most high God the light of Israel and his holy one or beloved one by whom he hath given unto us eternal life and this life is in his son and when he shall appear the second time unto salvation we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is and live ever in his sight even in the presence of his son Christ Jesus the true God and eternall life who is over all God blessed for ever of the Father For our life or eternal being is hid with Christ in God the Farher but when Christ which is our life shall appear then shall we also appear with him in his glory For He that is Elect and his name writen in the book of life or secret decree of the most high God the Father shall ever abide under the shaddow and guidance of the almighty Lord the ordained God of Salvation Christ Jesus and to whom belong the Issues of death he being the ordained resurrection and the life of eternall rest and glory to the Creature for he is gone up to prepare a
into an externall shape and being and we by him even by Jesus Christ the Son of the most high God the Father the Portion of Jacob or of the Elect the former and maker of all things for God the Father decreed the earth to be made by this his sacred power Established the world by this his sacred wisdom and stretched out the heaven by his sacred understanding the Lord of Hostes is his name the God of Israel the God of all flesh who hath made the ●arth the man and beast the portion of Iacob Christ is the former of all things the Lord of hosts is his name Thou art the Lord the God who didest choose Abraham Thou ledst them in the day by a cloud and in the night by a pillar of fire thou camest down upon mount Zion and spakest with them face to face For they saw him the God of Israel and the Lord even the God of Israel spake to Moses face to face as a man speaketh to his friend yea Iacob did see this God of Israel or of the elect face to face who testifieth of himself saying and ye shall know that I am the Lord your God even the God of Israel he is the God of Salvation he hath made us And the world was also made by him the Word of God And unto the God of Christ belong the Issues from death being the ordained resurrection and the life and so is he God over all blessed for ever Being the God of hope even to the elect the hope of glory in eternal life In the true Image of him that created him Christ the power of God the wisdom of God Righteousness and true holiness yea the beauty of Holiness and glorious in holiness Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance for they shall rejoyce for ever in the Lord God of their salvation happy are the people whose God is the Lord for he shall govern the nations upon the earth He shall say to the prisoners and them that are in darkness goe forth and shew your selves For God the Father his God hath anoynted him with the oyle of gladness eternal light life and glory above his sellowe seven above all spirits what ever For God the Father is the head of Christ even as man is the head of woman and hath ordained him to be the Prince of life The beginning the light the day the Person the Presence the face the Angel the Name the truth the goodness the power of God the Father unto Salvation the Prince of peace and love whose nature and property is even to have mercy to forgive and to preserve For he the Lord God is the preserver of Isracl yea the preserver of men The God of Salvation The Christ of God the Father for the worke of mercy and glory But darkness the divel is the Prince of death and destruction the destroyer the hater of man the roaring Lyon the raging power evil wickedness the merciless enemy the unrighteousness the night The wrath of God the star of the morning or the star darkness separated from the morning star or bright star of righteousness light and glory Christ Jesus the anoynted God of salvation whom God the Father hath appointed heir of all things and by whom he made the worlds being the word and voice of God the Father the visible brigh●ness of his Fathers glory and his expresse Image in his person for he that hath seen him hath seen the Father or the Fathers power to salvation for he upholdeth all things by the sacred power Who is made heir of all things and hath obtained a more excellent name then all other spirits what ever for the name of the Father the Lord God Ichovah the God of salvation is in him Who said I will be to him a Father and he to me a Son yea this day have I begotten thee For before the naturall day was in being he was brought forth yea before the earth was formed For according to the Fathers decree The foundations of the earth were lay'd in or by this sacred beginning yea the heavens are the work of his hand For it pleased the Father for whom are all things and of whom are all things in bringing many Sons unto glory to make the Captain or Prince of their salvation Christ perfect glorious in holiness yea the beauty of holiness fearfull in praises doing wonders For he that sancti●ieth and they who are sanctified are all of one for which cause he the Christ is not ashamed to call them brethren for of him and through him and to him are all things For he being the Resurrection and the life in him we live and move and have our being being created by God the Father in Christ Jesus who is the Beginning the day the life the light and glory Therefore are the Children of the light no more in bondage to darkness Hell and death the divel being redeemed by the light Jesus they are all become the Children of the light and Children of the day for God the Father hath not appointed or determined them unto or for wrath the divel but to obtaine or enjoy salvation in glory in and by Jesus Christ where we shall all live together with him who is the Christ of God the Father by whom all things were made to the glory of God the Father according to the eternal purpose of the Father which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord that so unto Principalities and powers of darkness in heavenly places might now be known by the Church the manifold wisdom of God the Father Christ of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named That is the spirits of life in all things named appointed and disposed of to their severall functions and conditions of being by him who after God is created in righteousness and true holiness by that one God and Father of all who is above all through all and in all and by whom is given or conferred on the elect grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ whose name is the Lord of Hostes the God of Israel or elect who shall be Glorious in the sight of God the Father and this his God shall be his strength and he shal be his servant to raise up the tribes of Iacob and to restore the preserved of Israel And to be a light to us Gentiles and the Fathers Instrument of salvation to the ends of the earth And by the Covenant to establish the earth that he may say to the Prisoners of death go forth and shew your selves when he shall put his spirit of life into them and the shall live For in the Lord Christ shall all the seed of Israel be Justified and shall glory for he shall be exalted and be very high For
For since the beginning of this world ear hath not heard nor eye seen what is prepared for them that love him the obedient and beloved Son Righteou●●e●s and are made to wait for Christ his appearing in glory whom God the Father hath exalted highly above all and hath given him a name above every name In whom the father created or decreed all things and by whom all things were made into external shape and being according to the fathers decree or production of spiri●s in this sacred beginning Christ who is the beginni●g of the creation of God the father the first created o● every creature to be the immediate image or visible personal presence of the father Incompre●en●ible Who is the God of ●ur Lord Jesus Christ who hath made or decreed that same Jesus both Lord and Ch●ist saying by Jeremy This is his name whereby he shall be called and known The Lord our rig● hteousness the God of Salvation the ordained Judge of quick and dead Even the power of God unto salvation to reign in and among the elect 〈◊〉 o● unto eternall life For the gift of God the Father to all the elect is eternall life in glory through and by Jesus Christ whom he hath made both Lord and Christ yea The only true God of salvation the living God or God of life and everlasting King of glory who proceede h from the father everlasting for him hayh God the Father sealed or decreed for the work of mercy and glory to the creature and conferred by the God of the Prince of Peace and Father of this our Lord Jesus Christ on the elect Sain●s who shall be inhabitants of the everlasting Kingdom For the Kingdoms of the world shall be the Kingdom of our great incomprehensible God the father and of his Christ and ●e the Lord God of salvation shall reigne over the Saints in Mount Zion for ever O who can think upon these things wor●●●y Or know the waies of the most ●hgh God and father of all and his power Christ Whose incorruptible Spirit is in all things for he is the ●oye of ●ou●s and by whom the heavens and all things were made into external visible form and being O therefore who can truly think what this our Lord God of salvation is much less to comprehend the infinite Majesty of God the father and Creator of all Spirits of light and Spirits of darkness who loveth none but this sacred Spirit of Wisdom Light and Glory and all his Saints For God his God hath anointed him the Emanuel with the oyl of gladness above his fellows above all Spirits and hath made him most blessed for ever Honour and Majesty hath he laid upon him and through the mercy of the most High shall he not be moved who hath given him Power over all Flesh that he should give eternal life to as many as he the Father hath given him Who of his own Will begot the Creatures with the Word of Truth Christ Jesus and thus is he 〈…〉 Beginning of the Creation of God The Word of God The King of kings and Lord of lords The God of Isr●el or Elect whose glorious coming is at hand Even so come Lord Jesus the Beauty of Holiness the Christ of the most high God the Father ordained by him to be the God of our salvation and the power of ●od ●o eternal life and glory determined for the creature for this life eternal is in his Son and his Name is in him The Lord Jehovah the Truth the Light the Life the Begining of the works of the most High God and Father of all Spirits who is above all and by his holy Spirit worketh through and in all being the Invisible or only wise God or God of wisdom Christ whom no man hath ever seen nor can see for no man hath seen God the Father at any time nor ever heard his voice by whom all things invisible were created in Christ Jesus the Beginning that are in heaven and earth but only as he hath been pleased to manifest himself to the creature in and by his Name Face Presence Power Wisdom and Love Christ the visible God of salvation the Lord God of the elect with whom Abraham Isaac Jacob Moses Joshua the 70. Elders and all the Prophets talked face to face and mouth to mouth as one friend talketh with another even with the Lords anoynted the Lord God of Israel merciful and gracious whose Nature and Property is Mercy and Love by whom the whole family of Heaven and earth is named and to whom all power is given from the Father both in Heaven and Earth who is the Image Face and Presence of the great invisible God the Father and in whom the invisible and incomprehensible God-head dwelleth personally bodily or representatively who of God the Father is made unto us creatures wisdom righteousness sanctification and Redemption Who also is the blessed Potentate the King of Kings and Lord of lords and who only hath immortality dweling in the light the Father which no man can approach unto whom no man hath seen nor can see even the Christ the Power of God the Wisdom of God the beginning of the Creation of God in whom all things were created by the Father the God of all Spirits For to us there is but one God of whom are all things and we in him and one Lord Jesus Christ the God of Israel or Elect by whom are all things made and we by him who is the Lord God former and maker of all things being the express visible likeness or Image Face Presence Hand and active Power of the Invisible God the Father for the work of mercy salvation and glory to the creatur● whose excellency of being is in no manner revealed to the Sons of men other then in and by his comprehensible beloved Son and heir of all things The visible God Christ Jesus The Lord the life and hope of glory of and by whom we shall receive the reward of the inheritance even eternal life For the Father being the author and produce of all Spirits even of light and darkness from himself his glory must needs be far ecxeeding theirs who is pleased in special to delight love and dwell in Emanuel the Anoynted or Ordained God of love and Salvation light and eternall glory by whom he made the worlds and by whom all things were made yea all things were made by him and he is before all things excepting him the Father that hath made him Lord of all things and hath put all things under him to whom all power is given from the Father both in heaven and earth who is the beginning of the workes of God the first begotten of every creature O Lord our God the God of salvation thou hast made al these things the Lord of hosts is his name Behold I the Lord
ma the God of all flesh the former and maker of all things and the Saviour of the body yea the Lord God maker of heaven and earth for thy maker is thine husband the Lord of host is his name thy redeemer the holy one of Israel the God of the whole earth shall he be called but he is not now so called by the men of this world nor by his own chosen people the Jews who do now daily deride him and call him the impostor and crucified God of the Gentiles Lo thus you see that the Father is the most high invisible and incomprehensible God and Father of all spirits Creator of all things of whom are all things and Christ is the visible Lord God the beloved Son the former and maker of all things into external form and shape being by whom are all things and thus are we Christs and Christ is Gods For he that is our God is the God of Salvation Christ or of the elect and not Lucifer the God of damnation or of the reprobates and unto God the Lord Christ belong the Issues from death Hell and Damnation Be●lzebub O the depth and power of Christ the wisdom of God! how unsearchable are his works and his ways past ●in●●●g out for of him through him and to him are all things and he is the Fathers delight before all things in wh●m he is well pleased To whom be ascribed as due is all honour glory might majesty and dominion eternal from all his workes in generall and from him in particular to whom the law of his mouth is become better then thousands of Gold and silver for unless his law had bin my delight I had perished in these mine afflictions of more then ten years continuance in these severall places of mans Inhumane cruelty but are to me Schools of Gods correction and fatherly chastisement Where if Christ the goodness mercy and power of God had not bin on my side mine enemies had swallowed me up when their wrath was kindled against me yea they had brought my life down to the ground because they are too mighty and strong for me but blessed be the Lord my God and Saviour anoynted who hath not given me over as a prey to their teeth though my soul hath long bin under the power and among these cruell ones whose teeth are speares and arrows and their tongues a sharp sword I beseech you therefore brethren marke them which cause divisions Persecutions Oppressions and Offences and avoid them for such as they serve not our Lord Jesus Christ but their father the Divel and their own bellies and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple an he●rt they have exercised with covetous practises of Oppression gain honour and preferment following the way of Baalam who loved the wages of unrighteousness And know this that there shall come in the or these last days Scoffers walking after their own lusts prescribing a service to God after their own vaine devises as our Bishops did and Priests still doe making a mercenary trade of the Gospel of Christ and his ordinances of the sacraments of baptisme and the Lords supper burying of the dead and divers other things and by speaking great high words and vanity they spoyle many through Phylosophy and vaine deceit after the vaine Traditions of men after the Idolatrous rudiments or wisdom of the world and not after Christ nor the rule of his word challenging also to have dominion over your faith they compel men to serve Christ in their vaine devised ways and thus they lord it over Gods heritage but how can such hypocrites seek Gods honour truly when they thus seek after lordship dominion and honour one of another as wicked lawyers do but where is the wise where is Scribes where is the Doctor or great disputer of this world hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world or all worldly wisdom for not many wise men after the flesh not many mighty not many noble are called but God hath chosen the foolish and weak to confound the wise and mighty for the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God he taketh the wise in their own craftiness and knoweth that their thoughts and ●rts of subtill Sathanicall Sophistry are vaine But be glad and rejoyce in the Lord O ye righteous and shout for joy all ye that are meek and upright in heart for ye shall receive the crown of glory and these your proud insulting Oppressours shall be no more For what soever is not of Christ is of Beelzebub But Covetousness Pride Injustice Tyranny Oppression and Uncharitableness is not of Christ Therefore of Beelzebub And his children or servants ye are to whom ye obey This reall truth of Christ's eternall Reigns With all his Saints in Judah land again Oxford and Cambridde with their Phi●o●●phy Their subtil Logick and cunning Sophistry Their learned quirks and their Sch 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Though back● by Egypts Art though f●●●●'d 〈◊〉 Styx Shall nere this truth obscure ●or now this light Breaks forth most clear to many Christians sight Yea though with blood they have long dampt this truth And many hundred years stiled it forsooth An heresie yet now it flames again And will consume their learned glosses Fame Their Pride Ambition Covetous tything fee Their Romish Trumpery ere long you 'l see And in this way by them call'd heresie I 'l worship still my God in verity Vntill the time he please to call me hence At his appearing in great excellence His people Israel to attend and praise With them Great Zions God in sight alwayes None knows that natures day nor hour but yet The time and year with his own words do fit For as the dayes of Noah so shall be His glorious coming then in Majesty From Noah s flood unto this worlds Creation Is sixteen hundred fifty seven by computation But now the Priests the Lord of mercy sell And by Injustice the Laywers them excell Thus one the word of mercy sells for gold The other Justice Impiously and bold FINIS Psal. 143. 10. Psal. 142. 5. Exod. 15. 13 17 18. Isa. 8. 8. Ezek. 32. 25 26 27. a 1 Kin. 12. 16. 19 20. b Psal. 48. 2 8. * Matth. 5. 35. c 1 King 17. 1 3 6. d Zeph. 3. 10 to 17. 2 Esdras 13. 40 41. 43 44. Isa. 49. 11 12. Jer. 24. 5. Jer. 29. 10. e Isa. 11. 12. Mic. 4. 6 7 ● Lu. 19. 14 27. John 19. 15. f I●a 66. 20. g Ier. 5. 4 5. Matth. 24. 30. h Zach. 12. 10. Isa. 66. 19 Isa 60. 9. Isa. 66. 13. 20. In the New or Heavenly Jerusalem i Isa. 60. 3 4 5. Ezek. 37. 14. Luke 2. 32. k Zeph. 3. 9. 15 16. Psal. 5. 4. * By the Spirit of Truth l Iohn 5. 39. 2 Tim. 3 15. 16 m 2 Pet. 1. 20 2 Cor. 4. 7. Isa. 5. 20 21. Lak 16. 13 14.