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A33455 A catechism containing the principles of Christian religion together with a preparation sermon before the receiving of the Holy Sacrament of the Lord's-Supper, as it was preach'd in Serjeants-Inn Chappel in Fleet-Street, London / by James Clifford. Clifford, James, 1622-1698.; Clifford, James, 1622-1698. A preparatory sermon for the worthy receiving of the Holy Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. 1694 (1694) Wing C4702; ESTC R27090 66,204 177

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it cannot be lost though for a time it may in some part as concerning some Gifts or some measure of it so that in the Elect it cannot be utterly lost For a little while have I forsaken thee Isa 54. 8. but with great compassion will I gather thee Q. What Benefits are received by the Holy Ghost A. They are such as concern the Reprobate As by virtue of the Holy Ghost they may be enabled to preach the Historical Faith As in the Example of Balaam who Numb 24. 17. Foretold of Christ To Interpret the Scriptures aright in some places As the Scribes and the Chief-Priests Mat. 2. 5 6. They may receive some measure of Illumination They may be restrained for a time from this or that Sin As in the Example of Abimilech Gen. 20. 6. They may obtain some measure of Worldly Joy or some Counterfeit Joy As in the Example of Herod and Mark 6. 20. Luk. 8. 13. the Parable of the Seed Or such as concern the Elect By the Holy Ghost they are Regenerated Joh. 3. 5. By it the Fruits of the Spirit are Gal. 5. 22. wrought in the Hearts of the Elect By it is wrought the Assurance of Rom. 8. 15. Salvation in the Elect. By virtue of the Holy Ghost the Elect Chap. 14. 4. are preserved in the State of Grace Q. What is it to Believe in the Holy Ghost A. I do not only Believe That there is a Holy Ghost but also That I by virtue of th●s Holy Ghost am truly Regenerate Comforted Preserved Settled in Faith and made Partaker of all other necessary Benefits of the Spirit Concerning the Church the Fourth Part of the Creed Q. Which is the Ninth Article of the Creed A. I Believe the Holy Catholick Church the Communion of Saints Q. Why is it not as well said I believe in as I believe the Holy Catholick Church A. It is warrantable to believe the Church but not warrantable to believe in the Church or to rest our Judgments upon the Authority of the Church without any Warrant from the Word Believe not every Spirit but try whether they are of God And the Reasons wherefore we are to Believe in the Church are 1st Because it is an Honour peculiar to God to be depended upon or to be believed in Ye believe in God believe also in Joh. 14. 1. me 2dly Because the Word is the Foundation of the Church and not the Church of the Word Ye are built upon the foundation of the Eph. 2. 20. Apostles and Prophets Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone 3dly Because the Church may err as did the Church of Corinth err about 1 Cor. 20. the Sacrament Q. What is the True Church A. The True Church is nothing but a peculiar Company of Men Elected and Called But ye are a chosen generation a 1 Pet. 2. 9. royal priesthood an holy nation a peculiar people that you should shew forth the vertues of him that hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light Q. Is there but One Church of God or be there Many Churches of Christ A. There is but One True Catholick or Universal Church There is one body and one spirit even Eph. 4. 4. as ye are called in one hope of your vocation This True Church is either Triumphant with the blessed Angels in Heaven Therefore are they in the presence of the Rev. 7. 15. throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple and he that sitteth on the throne will dwell amongst them Or Militant on Earth fighting under Christ's Banner against the World the Flesh and the Devil And there was a battel in heaven Michael Rev. 12. 7. and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon fought and his angels This Militant Church is either Visible as a Company amongst Men professing the True and Uncorrupt Doctrine of the Law and Gospel in which Company are many dead and unregenerate Members and Hypocrites Not every one that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven Or Invisible that is a Company of those that are elected to Eternal Life in whom a New Life is begun here by the Holy Ghost and is perfected in the Life to come This Church as long as it sojourneth on Earth always lieth hid in the Visible Church Those that are in this Invisible Church never perish neither are there any Hypocrites therein but the Elect only of whom it is said No man shall pluck my sheep out of my Joh. 10. 28. hands The Lord knoweth who are his 2 Tim. 2. 19. Q. Who is the Head of this Mystical Body the Church A. Only Christ himself as may appear The husband is the wife's head even Eph. 5. 23. as Christ is the head of the Church and the same is the Saviour of the body And that 1st Because he only is able to perform the Office of an Head unto his Church as to Quicken to Preserve to Nourish to Direct and Govern it 2dly Because he only is able to prescribe Laws to bind the Consciences There is one Law-giver which is able Jam. 4. 12. to save and to destroy Q. What are the Notes or Signs of the True Church A. They are either Internal Signs 1st The Spirit of God dwelling in the Heart Grieve not the holy Spirit of God by Eph. 4. 30. whom ye are sealed to the day of redemption 2dly Is True Regeneration For that which is born of flesh is flesh Joh. 3. 6. and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit 3dly True Faith is a Sign for the Church is called by the Name of the Faithful Mine eyes shall be unto the faithful of Psal 101. 6. the land that they may dwell with me Or External Signs As 1st The pure Preaching of the Word of God If ye continue in my word ye are verily Joh. 8. 31. my disciples 2dly The right Administration of the Sacraments namely Baptism and the Lord's Supper Go and teach all nations baptizing Mat. 28. 19 them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Teaching them to observe all things 20. whatsoever I have commanded you 3dly The Third Sign is A sincere Profession of Justification by Christ alone Neither is there salvation in any other Act. 4. 12. name for among men there is given no other name under heaven whereby we must be saved Q. Wherefore is the Church called Holy A. 1st Because the Holiness of Christ is imputed to it Ye are of him in Christ Jesus who of 1 Cor. 1 30. God is made unto us wisdom righteteousness sanctification and redemption 2dly Because Holiness is begun in every Soul that is regenerate in this Life Surely they work none iniquity that Psal 119. 3. walk in his ways 3dly It is Holy in respect of Prophane Persons Aaron and his Sons are
21. by the will of man but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost Q. To what end were the Scriptutes written A. To Teach Instuct Convince Correct and Comfort All scripture is given by inspiration of 2 Tim. 3. 16. God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness That the man of God may be perfect Ver. 17. throughly furnished unto all good works Rom. 15. 4 Q. What doth the Scripturs especially teach us A. The saving Knowledge of God and Jesus Christ And this is life eternal that they might Joh. 17. 3. know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent Search the scriptures for in them ye Joh. 5. 39. think ye have eternal life and they are they which testifie of me Q. What doth the Scripture teach thee concerning God A. It Teacheth me and I verily Believe it and am perswaded that there is a God as is proved For the invisible things of him that Rom. 1. 20. Act. 14. 17. is his Eternal Power and Godhead are seen by the Creation of the World being considered in his Works to the intent they should be without excuse Who is an Essence or Spiritual Substance And God said to Moses I am that Exod. 3. 14. I am God is a Spirit and must be worshipped J●h 4. 24. in spirit and truth Q. How many Gods be there A. Only One and no more Unto us there is but one God which is 1 Cor. 8. 6. the Father Unto thee it was shewed that thou Deut. 4. 35. mightest know that the Lord he is God and that there is none but he alone Q. How is this One God to be conceived of us A. Not by framing any Image of him in our Minds Take good heed therefore that ye corrupt ●t 4. 15 16. not your selves and make you a graven image or representation of any figure whether it be the likeness of male or female neither can we conceive him in his glorious Nature Why askest thou thus after my name Judg. 13. 18. which is secret but we are to conceive God as he hath revealed himself in his Word by his Properties and Works Q. What are the chief Properties of God A. He is most Wise O the depth of the riches both of the Rom. 11. 33. wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgements and his ways past finding out Most Holy Holy holy holy is the Lord God of Isa 6. 3. Hosts the whole earth is full of his glory Righteous The Lord is righteous in all his ways Psal 145. 17. and holy in all his works Just God is true and without wickedness Deut. 32. 4. just and righteous is he Merciful The Lord the Lord God merciful and Exod. 34. 6 7. gracious long-suffering and abundant in goodness and truth keeping mercy for thousands forgiving iniquities transgressions and sin True and Unchangeable My covenant will I not break nor Psal 89. 34. alter the things that is gone out of my mouth Heaven and earth shall pass away but Mat. 24. my words shall not pass Present in all Places O Lord thou hast tried me and known Psal 139. 1 2 3 4. me thou knowest my sitting and rising thou understandest my thoughts afar off Thou compasseth my path and my lying Jer. 23. 13. down and art acquainted with all my ways for there is not a word in my tongue but lo O Lord thou knowest it altogether Almighty And the Lord said I am God Almighty Gen. 17. 1. Walk before me Eternal I the Lord am the first and with the Isa 41. 4. last I am the same Infinite in Presence Am I a God at hand saith the Lord Jer. 23. 23. and not a God afar off Can any hide himself in secret pla●es Ver. 21. that I shall not see him Do not I fill heaven and earth saith the Lord. Ininite in Power For the Lord your God is God of gods Deut. 10. 17. and Lord of lords a great God mighty and terrible being able to be what soever he will Psal 115 3. Q. What are the Works of God by which we are to conceive him A. They are Two principally Creation and Preservation How are we to conceive God in respect of Creation A. That he is the most Mighty Creator of the World and of every Thing that hath a Being in the World O Lord thou art the God which hast Act. 4. 24. made the heavens and the earth the sea and all things that are in them Q. There be many Evils and hurtful Things in the World as venomous and poysonous Beasts Herbs and such like Did God create them A. Yea God did create all these things as in Gen. 1. 25. But we must understand that God made not poysonous Creatures so at the first but they became so by the Fall of Man and are now for the Correction and Punishment of Man for Sin which should not have been so if Man had not fallen Cursed be the earth for thy sake Gen. 3. 17 18. thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee Q. Did God make Sin Sickness Diseases and Death or no A. No these be no Creatures of God Sin is no Creatures of God but the Destruction of God's Image which is a Creature and Sicknesses Diseases and Death came into the World by Sin and follow Sin As by one man sin entred into the Rom. 5. 12. World and death by sin so death went over all men forasmuch as all men have sinned Q. What is the Work of Creation A. It is the Making of all Things in their several Kinds of Nothing by the mighty Power of God in the first Six Days of the World For in six days the Lord made heaven Exod. 20. 11. and earth the sea and all that in them is And are not made of things which did Heb. 11. 3. appear Q. In what Form and Manner were all Things created A. In an excellent Order and exceeding Good And God saw all that he had made Gen. 1. 31. and lo it was exceeding good Q. For what End did God make all Things A. For the Praise of his Power Goodnese Wisdom Perfection and Freedom The Lord hath made all things for his Prov. 16. 4. own sake yea the wicked for the day of evil Rev. 4. 11. Q. What is the Second Work whereby we are to conceive God in our Minds A. We are to conceive him in our Minds as the most Wise and Mighty Preserver of all Things created God is a faithful Creator He did not only 1 Pet. 4. 19. make Heaven and Earth and all Things in them and so leave them but he by his wise Providence and mighty Power doth preserve and govern the same Q. What is that Preservation or Providence of all things A. The Alimighty Power of God every
where present Can any hide himself in secret places Jer. 23. 24. that I shall not see him saith the Lord Do not I fill heaven and earth whereby he doth as it were with his Hand uphold and govern Heaven and Earth with all the Creatures therein Heb. 1. 3. So that those things which in the Earth grow as likewise Rain and Drought Fruitfulness and Barrenness Meat and Drink Health and Sickness Riches and Poverty In a word all Things come not rashly or by Chance but by his Fatherly Counsel and Will as is manifest Viz. Let us now fear the Lord our God that Jer. 5. 24. giveth rain both early and late in due season He gave us rain from heaven and Act. 14. 17. fruitful seasons filling our hearts with food and gladness The rich and the poor meet together the Prov. 22. 2. Lord is the Maker of them all Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing Mat. 10. 29. and one of them shall not fall to the ground without your Father The lot is cast into the lap but the whole Prov. 16. 13. disposition thereof is of the Lord. Q. How know you that God ordereth and governeth all things by his most wise and mighty Power and by his special Providence A. By Experiece we see that Meat and Drink being void of Life yet preserve the Life of Man Cloathing being void of Heat yet it keeps the Body warm which could not be but by the special Providence of God Q. What doth the Knowledge of the Creation and Providence of God teach us A. That in Adversity we may be Patient and Thankful in Prosperity and have herefter our chiefest Hope reposed in God our most faithful Father being sure that there is nothing which may withdraw us from his Love forasmuch as all Creatures are so in his Power that without his Will they are not able not only to do any thing but not so much a once to move Q. What are we further to Believe and Conceive concerning God A. That in One Spiritual and infinitely Perfect Essence there be Three Divine Persons the Father the Son and Holy Ghost as is proved Furthermore God said Let us make Gen. 1. 26. man Hereby shewing that in the Unity of the Godhead there is a Plurality which is not Accidental nor Effential but Personal Go therefore and teach all notions baptizing Mat. 28. 19. them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost These Three Persons are not Three several Substances but Three distinct Subsistences or Three divers Manner of Beings of One and the Same Substance and Divine Essence Q. Why is the first Person named Father A. 1st In respect of his Natural Son Christ This is my beloved Son in whom I am Mat. 3. 17. well pleased 2ly In respect of the Elect his adopted Sons Doubtless thou art our Father though Isa 63. 16. Abraham be ignorant of us and Israel know us not yet thou O Lord art our Father and our Redeemer Q. Why is the Second Person named the Son A. Because he is begotten of his Father's Substance or Nature Thou art my Son this day I have begotten thee Q. Why is he called the Word A. 1st Because the Conception of a Prov. 8. 12. Word in Man's Mind is the nearest thing that in some sort can shadow unto us the Manner how he is eternally begotten of his Fathers Substance and in this respect he is also called the Wisdom of his Father 2dly Because that by him the Father Joh. 1. 18. hath from the Beginning declared his Will for our Salvation 3dly Because he is the chief Argument Heb. 1. 1. of all the Word of God or that Word whereof God spake when he promised the Blessed Seed to the Fathers under the Old Testament Q. Why is the Third Person called the Holy Ghost A. 1st Because he is Spiritual without Joh. 4. 24. a Body 2dly Because he is Inspired and as it were Breathed from the Father and the Son that is proceeding from them Both. And he breathed on them and said Chap. 20. 22. Receive the Holy Ghost And he is called Holy both because he is Holy in his own Nature and also the immediate Sanctifier of all God's Elect. As he that hath called you is holy so 1 Pet. 1. 15. be ye holy Elect according to the fore-knowledge Ver. 2. of God the Father unto sanctification of the spirit Q. What is the Father A. The First Person of the glorious Trinity having neither his Being nor Beginning of any other but of himself begetting his Son and together with his Son sending forth the Holy Ghost from Everlasting Q. What is the Son A. The Second Person of the Trinity and the only begotten Son of his Father not by Grace but by Nature having his Being from the Father alone and the whole Being of his Father by an Eternal and Incomprehensible Generation and with the Father sendeth forth the Holy Ghost Q. What is the Holy Ghost A. The Third Person of the Trinity proceeding and sent forth equally from both the Father and the Son by an Eternal and Incomprehensible Inspiration For as the Son receiveth the whole Divine Essence by Generation so the Holy Ghost receiveth it wholly by Inspiration Q. How doth this Order between the Three Persons appear A. In that the Father Begetting must in Order be before the Son Begotten and the Father and the Son before the Holy Ghost proceeding from them both Q. Are not these Three Persons in Degree one before or after another A. This Divine Order excepted there is neither First nor Last neither Superiority nor Inferiority among the Three Persons but for Nature they are Co-essential for Dignity Coequal for Time Co-eternal the Divine Essence being in every one of the Three Persons Q. Are these Three Persons Three several Gods as three Persons amongst Men are three several Men A. No The Three Persons are but One God There be three which bear record in heaven 1 Joh. 5. 7. the Father the Word and the Spirit and these three are one In that he saith Three he noteth the Distinction of the Persons and in saying One he sheweth the Unity of the Essence Because the Divine Essence is Infinite and admits n Division and the whole Divine Essence is in every one of the Three Persons which are not severed but only distinguished one from another Q. How are we to coneive the Three Persons in the Godhead distinct one from another A. Two ways 1st In the Manner of Personal Being which each Person hath proper to himself As The Father is the Person which Begets The Son the Person who is Begotten of the Father The Holy Ghost the Person who proceeds from the Father and the Son 2ly In the Manner of Working in the Creatures For the Scripture ascribes To the Father the Beginning of Working To the Son Wisdom and Counsel and
the Dispensation of the Work To the Holy Ghost Vertue and Power and Efficacy of Operation In a Word God the Father in the Son by the Holy Ghost worketh all things By the word of the Lord were the heavens Psal 33. 6. made and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth Of all visible Creatures which is the Chiefest A. Man For in Man above all other Visible Creatures the Lord sets forth the Glory of his Wisdom Power and Goodness Q. What was the State and Condition of Man at the first by Creation A. It was an holy and happly Condition a State of Innocency and a State of Life Q. Wherein stood that holy Condition of Man A. In that he was free from Sin and created after God's own Image and Likeness And God said Let us make man in our Gen. 1. 26. image according to our likeness Q. What was that Image of God in which Man was at first created A. It was a Conformity of Man to God even a Conformity of all the Power of the Soul of Man to the Will of God standing in Wisdom and Holiness Put on the new man which after God Eph. 4. 24. Col. 3. 10. is created in righteousness and true holiness Q. What was that Wisdom that was in Man at the first A. A perfect Knowledge of God his Creator and of his Will to be obeyed and of his Wisdom and Will touching the particular Creatures for Adam named them according to their Natures Q. What was that Holiness that was in Man at the first A. It was a Conformity of the Will and Affections and the whole Disposion of Man in Body and Soul to the Will of God his Creator Q. Wherein stood that happy Condition of Man in his first Creation A. In Three things 1st In a blessed Estate which was in Communion which Man had with the True God with whom he had daily and as it were familiar Conversation 2dly In Dominion over the Creatures Gen. 1. 28. An Example whereof is when all Creatures presented themselves before him to receive their Names from Ver. 29. him 3dly In a Body endued with Beauty Strength and Immortality And that his Body was Immortal there is no question seeing Death came in by Sin Q. Man being in this happy Estate what Employment had he A. Twofold 1st Particular and Outward To Till Chap. 2. 15. and Dress the Garden 2dly General and Spiritual To Worship and serve his Creator Every one shall be called by my name Isa 43. 7. for I created him for my glory Q. How was be fitted and enabled for this Service A. He was fitted of God with Freedom of Will and Ability for perfect Obedience Being manifestly proved from the Perfection of the Image of God in which Man was created Also he having the Moral Law written in his Heart by Nature Q. How doth that appear A. 1st By the Effect of his Law in his Heart For Man having sinned the Guilt G●n 3. 8. of his Conscience forced him to hide himself from God's Presence 2dly By the Remainders of the Law of God in all Mankind who having not the Law of God are a Law unto Rom. 2. 14 themselves Q. Did Man continue in that happy State in which he was created A. No But hearkning to the poysned Gen. 3. Suggestions of the wicked Serpent and by obeying his Perswasions he lost his Free-Will and Perfection and fell from Righteousness to Sin Q. How was it that Man lost his first State and fell from Righteousness to Sin A. God suffering Satan to tempt him and leaving him to the mutability and liberty of his own Will he fell into Sin eating of the forbidden Fruit. Q. How did Man yield to Temptation being created Good A. Being left of God to the liberty Chap. 3. 6. and mutability of their own Will they voluntary enclined to that Evil whereunto they were tempted Q. What is the State of Man being fallen from his first Estate in which he was created A. It is a State of Corruption and Misery Q. What is the State of Corruption following the Fall of Man A. It is the Loss of the Image of God in which Man was created at first and the Image of Satan succeeding in the place of it so that Man in that State can do nothing but sin And this the Scripture calls the Old Man the Flesh And Adam begat a child in his own Gen. 5. 3. likeness after his image Cast ye off concerning the conversation Eph. 4. 22. in time past the old Man which is corrupt through the deceivable lusts Q. What is Sin A. Sin is any swerving from the Law of God though it be in the least want of that which the Law requireth Whosoever sinneth transgresseth the law 1 Joh. 3. 4. for sin is the transgression of the law I had not known lust except the law Rom. 7. 7. had said Thou shalt not lust Q. How many sorts of Sin be there A. Two Original and Actual Sin is either the Corruption of Nature or the evil Actions that proceed from thence as the Fruits of it Q. What is the Corruption of Man's Nature A. It is that Corruption that is deriv'd from our first Parents by Natural Generation called Lust or Concupisence But sin took an occasion by the commandment Rom. 7. 8. and wrought in me all manner of concupisence Q. Wherein standeth that corruption A. In Two things 1st In an utter Disability and Enmity to that which is good I know that in me that is in my flesh Chap. 7. 18. dwelleth no good things The wisdom of the flesh is enmity against Chap. 8. 7. God 2dly In a Proness to all manner of Evil. The law is spiritual but I am carnal Chap. 7. 14. sold under sin Q. In whom is that Corruption of Nature found A. In all Men and Women none excepted descending from Adam by Natural Generation For there is no difference for all have Chap. 3. 23. sinned and are deprived of the glory of God Q. How is it that all Men and Women are deflied with the Corruption of Nature A. Through the Infidelity and Disobedience of our first Parents in Eating the Forbidden Fruit all Men being guilty of that Sin Wherefore as by one man sin entered Rom. 5. 12. into the world and death by sin and so death went over all men forasmuch as all men have sinned Q. How are all Men Guilty of that Sin A. 1st Because they were in the Heb. 7. 9. Loins of our first Parents from whom they should by course of Nature descend 2dly Because our first Parents were by God's Appointment to stand or fall not as singular Persons only but also as Heads and Roots of all Mankind and as publick Persons representing all Mankind So that every one naturally descending of Adam is Guilty of Adam's Sin it being imputed to him as St. Paul manifesteth As in
Q. And who is that Mediator which is both very God and perfectly Iust Man A. Even our Lord Jesus Christ who is made to us of God Wisdom Righteousness Sanctification and Redemption There is one Mediator between God and 1 Tim. 2. 5. Man which is the man Jesus Christ Ye are of him in Jesus Christ who is 1 Cor. 1. 30. made of God unto us wisdom righteteousness sanctification and redemption Q. But what are we to Know and Believe touching the Distinction of the two Natures in Christ his Godhead and his Manhood A. That there is a real Distinction of Mat. 26. 39. Joh. 10. 17 18. Act. 3. 21. those two Natures without any Mixture the one with the other and without any Conversion or turning of the one into the other and that the Essential Properties and Actions of both Natures remain distinct one from the other Q. What are we to Believe and Know touching the Union of Christ's two Natures his Godhead and his Manhood A. That they are united by Personal Union that the Godhead and Manhood in Christ make but One Person Q. What is that Personal Union A. It is the assuming of the Humane Nature into the Person of the Son of God so as the Manhood being not a Person in it self is received into Unity of Person with the Second Person in Trinity and doth usually and only subsist in the same This is a Mystery of Godliness And the word was made flesh and Joh. 1. 14. dwelt among us full of grace and truth Great is the mystery of Godliness which 1 Tim. 3. 16. is God is manifested in the flesh justified in the spirit c. Q. What is the Office of Iesus Christ being God and Man in One Person A. It is his Mediatorship to be the only Mediator and Advocate between God and Man There is one mediator between God and 1 Tim. 2. 5. man Q. What is meant by a Mediator or Advocate A. A Mediator or Advocate is a third Person that takes upon him to agree and reconcile two that be at variance As Christ being both God and Man did set at one God and Man who before were separated by Sin I the Lord have called thee in righteousness Isa 42. 6. and will hold thine hand and I will keep thee and give thee for a covenant of the people and for a light of the Gentiles Q. How did he that A. By the Satisfying of God's Justice by his Death By Praying and Intreating for the Guilty And By applying forcibly and effectually his Merit through Faith on them that Believe and regenerating them by his holy Spirit effecting that they cease from sinning And lastly Hearing their Groans and Petitions when they call upon him For thus it becometh him who was our Mat. 3. 15. faithful high priest to fulfil all righteousness Q. What be the several Functions and Offices of Christ as he is Mediator A. They are Three namely his Prophetical Office Priestly Kingly Christ was anointed of his Father to be the Prophet King and Priest of his Church For Moses truly said unto the fathers A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of our brethren like unto me him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you Wherefore in all things it behoved him Heb. 2. 17. to be made like unto his brethren that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God to make reconciliation for the sins of the people The Lord said unto my Lord Sit thou Psal 110. 1. at my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool Q. What is the Prophetical Office of Christ A. It is the Office of Revealing the Will of God and the Means of Salvation to his Church in all Ages As No man hath seen God at any time Joh. 1. 18. the only begotten Son which is in the bosom of the Father he hath declared him Which Office Christ performs Two ways 1st Outwardly By the Ministry of his Word Christ was put to death concerning the 1 Pet. 3. 18. flesh but was quickened in the spirit By which spirit he went and preached Ver. 19. unto the spirits that were in prison 2dly Inwardly By the Operation and Teaching of his holy Spirit As by the Example of Lydia Whose heart the Lord opened that she Act. 16. 14. attended unto the things which Paul spake Q. VVhat is the Priestly Office of Christ A. It is that whereby Christ hath and doth reconcile God to his Elect He performing all those things to God for them whereby they may come to Eternal Life But this man because he endureth for Heb. 7. 24. ever hath an everlasting priesthood Wherefore he is able also perfectly to Ver. 25. save them that come unto God by him seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them Which Priestly Office Christ performs Three ways for God chosen First In fulfilling the Law of God and performing perfect Righteousness for them Which Perfection He is made unto us of God wisdom 1 Cor. 1. 30. righteousness sanctification and redemption standeth in Two things 1st In the Purity of his Humane Nature he being conceived and born Pure and Holy void of all Sin 2dly In the Obedience of his whole Life he doing all that the Law required of him for God's Chosen Who did no sin neither was there any 1 Pet. 2. 22. Isa 53. 9. guile found in his mouth Secondly As he was Man consisting of Body and Soul Yet the Lord would break him and Isa 53 10. make him subject to infirmities when he shall make his soul an offering for sin Offering of himself unto God his Father a sacrifice without spot thereby appeasing his Wrath for all their Sins How much more shall the blood of Heb. 9. 14. Christ which through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to God But now in the end of the world hath Ver. 26. he appeared once to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself Thirdly His entring into Heaven and there appearing before his Father continually making Intercession for all the Faithful Who shall condemn It is Christ who Rom. 8. 34. also is at the right hand of God and maketh request for us Q. After what manner doth Christ make Intercession in Heaven for the Faithful A. Not by Prostrating himself and uttering Words to his Father or by putting up a Prayer or Supplication to him But by presenting himself and the Sacrifice of himself once offered upon the Cross and the infinite and unvaluable Merit of that Sacrifice before the Eyes of his Father willing as he is God and Man and desiring as he is Man that his Father would accept of his perfect Satisfaction for all that are given unto him For Christ is not enter'd into the holy Heb. 9. 24. places that are made with hands which are similitudes of the true sanctuary but
is entred into the very heaven to appear now in the sight of God for us Q. What is the Kingly Office of Christ A. It is that whereby Christ exerciseth the Power given him of his Father over all Things distributing his Gifts and disposing of all things for the Good of God's Chosen All power is given to me both in heaven Mat. 28. 18. and in earth Which Office Christ performs Two ways 1st In the Spiritual Government of his Church which stands partly in collecting and gathering his Church and the Members of it out of the World and from under the Tyranny of the Devil Sin and Death Who hath delivered us from the Col. 1. 13. power of darkness and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son And partly in keeping it being collected and gathered in the way unto Eternal Life The encrease of his government and peace shall have none end he shall sit upon the throne of David and upon his kingdom to order it and to stablish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth and for ever 2dly In the Destruction of his and their Enemies partly in this World but most fully in the End of this World in the Day of Judgment Then shall the wicked man be revealed 2 Thes 2. 8. whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall abolish with the brightness of his coming Q. What be the Laws of Christ's Spiritual Government by which he governs it and the Members of it They are Two 1st His Word namely the Doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles written in the Old and New Testament 2dly The Power and Operation of his Spirit in the Hearts of his Servants Mark 1. 14. Isa 53. 1. Jer. 31. 33. Q. How is Christ and all his Benefits available to us A. By being made ours For otherwise they shall no way help us to the satisfying of God's Justice even as other Mens Riches avail nothing to deliver us out of Debt except they become ours Q. How therefore may his Gifts and Benefits be made ours A. If we be made one with him For by the Benefit of that Union we are made Partakers of all his Spiritual Graces and Riches which are no less imputed unto us before God than if they were ours by Nature For this cause saith the Apostle That we are by Christ reconciled in Col. 1. 22. the body of his flesh through death to make you holy and unblameable and without fault in his sight Q. Can no Man therefore be a Partaker of Christ's Gifts except he be made one with him A. He cannot even as a Woman cannot be a Partaker of the Riches and Honour of some Great Man except she be joyned with him in Marriage so that they become one Body and one Flesh The Members also cannot draw Life from the Head if they be not joyned with it Therefore there is no true partaking of Christ except there be an Union with him For this cause Christ saith Except ye eat the flesh of the son of Joh. 6. 53. man and drink his blood ye have no life in you Q. How are we United to Christ and made One with him A. As many as are United to Christ are Incorporated and made Members of that Mystical Body whereof Christ is the Head As St. Paul saith For we are members of his Body of his Eph. 4. 30. flesh and of his bones Q. What manner of Union is it whereby we are joyned and made one with Christ A. Our Incorporation into Christ and Union with him is a great Mystery As St. Paul saith This is a great mystery but I speak Eph. 4. 32. concerning Christ and the church A. And not any way Corporeal but Spiritual For He that is joyned with the Lord is one 1 Cor. 6. 17. spirit Q. How are we to conceive of that Mystical Union with Christ A. Thus That our Mystical Union with him is a most near and real Union For as the body is one and hath many 1 Cor. 12. 12. members and all the members of the body which is one though they be many yet are but one body even so is Christ And that our whole Person Body and Soul are united to the Body and Soul of Christ so that we are Members of his Body of his Flesh and of his Bones For Know you not that your bodies are the members of Christ and that we are members of his body of his flesh and of his bones And by his Flesh we are also joyned ot his Godhead to his Divine Nature For that whereby we have Fellowship with God joyns us to God Now by the Flesh of Christ we have Fellowship with God Therefore the Flesh of Christ doth joyn us to God By the new and living way which he hath prepared for us through the vail that is his flesh Q. Now shew unto me the M●ans how we are united and made one with Christ A. We are Spiritually united to Christ Two ways 1st The Spirit of Christ one and the same Spirit being both in Christ and in us First in Christ and then in us For by one spirit we are all baptized into one body whether we be Jews or Grecians And we know that we dwell in him 1 Joh. 4. 13. and he in us because he hath given us of his spirit 2dly By Faith As Christ himself testifieth in the Prayer which he made to God for all the Faithful Father I pray thee for such as shall Joh. 17. 20. believe in me that they all may be one as thou O Father art in me and I in thee that they also may be one in us Q. Seeing that by Faith we are united and made one with Christ sh●w me what true Faith is A. It is not only a certain Knowledge whereby I surely assent to all things which God hath revealed unto us in his Word As the devils they believe that there Jam. 2. 19. is one God but also an assured Trust Neither did Abraham doubt of the pro-mise Rom. 4. 20. through unbelief but was strengthned in the faith Being fully assured that he which had Ver. 21. promised was able also to do it kindled in my Heart by the Holy Ghost This is the work of God that ye Joh. 6. 29. believe in him whom he hath sent For flesh and blood hath not revealed Mat. 16. 17. it to thee but my Father which is in heaven through the Gospel For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Rom. 1. 16. Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth whereby I make my Repose in God being assuredly resolved that Remission of Sins Everlasting Righteousness and Life is given not only to others but to me also For being justified by faith we have Chap. 5. 1. peace towards God through our Lord Jesus Christ and that freely through the Mercy of God for the Merit
of Christ alone We are justified freely by his grace Chap. 3. 24. through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus Q. Shew me what are those things which are necessary for a Christian Man to Believe concerning Faith A. All things which are promised us in the Gospel As Christ saith These things are written that ye might Joh. 21. 31. believe The Sum whereof is briefly comprised in the Creed of the Apostles or in the Articles of the Catholick and Undoubted Faith of all Christians Q. Which are the Articles and Sum of Christian Faith or the Apostles Creed A. I believe in God the Father Almighty Maker of Heaven and Earth And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord Which was conceived of the Holy Ghost born of the Virgin Mary Suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried he descended into Hell The Third Day he rose again from the Dead He ascended into Heaven and sitteth at the Right-hand of God the Father Almighty From thence he shall come to judge the Quick and the Dead I believe in the Holy Ghost I believe the Holy Catholick Church the Communion of Saints The Forgiveness of Sins The Resurrection of the Body And Life Everlassting Q. Shew me the Reason why it is calld the Apostles Creed A. Because it containeth as it were a brief Sum of all the Apostolical Doctrine written in the Books of the Old and New Testament Q. What are the Parts of this Creed A. They are Four 1st Of Faith in God the Father 2dly Of Faith in God the Son 3dly Of Faith in God the Holy Ghost Q. But why is our Faith distinctly referred to every Person by it self seeing that it is One God in whom we Believe A. That our Faith may be the better strengthned Which is then done when we consider distinctly and apart what each Person according to his distinct Property hath wrought in our Salvation Notwithstanding our Faith is not at all the less referred to One God Q. How A. For it is all one as if a Man should say I put all my Hope and Trust in One God of whose Love I cannot doubt at all For whereas he is distinguished into Three Persons every one of them confirmeth in me the Assurance of that Love For the Father hath both Created me by his Omnipotency and doth also Guide me by his merciful Providence The Son hath Redeemed me by his Death Reconciled me to God the Father and even yet maketh Intercession to him for me The Holy Ghost by his Divine Power hath Sanctified me and joyned me with Christ and his Church that with it I might be made Partaker of all Gifts until he bring me even to Eternal Life Q. Which is the First Article of the Creed A. I believe in God the Father Almighty Maker of Heaven and Earth Q. Why say we rather I believe and not We believe whereas in Prayer we say not only My Father but Our Father A. Because howsoever we ma and must one Pray for another yet we cannot one Believe for another but when we come to Years every Man must believe for himself and be saved by his own and not by another's Faith As the Prophet saith The just shall live by his faith Hab. 2. 4. Q. What is meant in saying I Believe in God A. I do not only Believe God And that there is but One God But I Believe in God that is I Believe that he is my God that is I am perswaded That whatsoever God is and is said to be he is all that to me and referreth it all to my safety for his Son's sake and therefore from my Heart I put all my Confidence in him Q. What Comfort is reaped hereby A. So long as I repose all my Trust in him I may assure my self of my Salvation and of an happy Deliver●nce in all Dangers and Necessitie For Daniel when he was brought out Dan. 6. 23. of the cruel lions den had no hurt found on him because then he trusted in his God Q. Why is God called a Father A. 1st In respect of Christ his only begotten and natural Son 2dly In respect of all the Creatures as he is Creator and Preserver of them all 3dly In respect of the Elect whom he hath adopted to be his Sons Who hath predestinated us to be adopted Eph. 1. 5. through Jesus Christ unto himself according to the good pleasure of his will Q. What Comfort cometh by this A. I do therefore believe in him to be my God and my Father for Christ's sake As many as received him and believed Joh. 1. 12. in his name to them he gave power to be the sons of God But ye have received the spirit of adoption Rom. 8. 15. whereby we cry Abba Father And therefore I do trust in him and so rely on him that I may not doubt but he will provide all things necessary both for my Soul and Body Though I be poor and needy the Lord Psal 40. 17. thinketh on me Behold the fowls of the heaven they Mat. 6. 26 sow nor reap not yet your heavenly Father feedeth them Are not ye much better then they And why care ye for rayment the lillies 28 of the field they neither labour nor spin Wherefore if God so cloath the grass of 30 the field shall he not do not much more unto you O ye of little faith Therefore take no thought saying What 31 shall we eat or what shall we drink or what shall we put on For your heavenly Father knoweth that 32 ye have need of all these things But seek ye first the kingdom of heaven 33. and the righteousness thereof and all these things shall be ministred unto you And that he will bear with my Wants and Weaknesses I will spare them saith the Lord as Mal. 3. 17. a man spareth his own son that serveth him As a father hath compassion on his children Psal 10● 1● so hath the Lord compassion on them that fear him For he knoweth whereof we be made 14. he remembreth that we are but dust And what Afflictions he sendeth on me in this troublesom Life he will turn them to my Safety For all things work together for the Rom. 8. 28. best to those that love God And furthermore he never chastiseth me but for my good But the Lord chastiseth us for our profit Heb. 12. 10. that we might be made partakers of his holiness We are chastised of the Lord because 1 Cor. 11. 32. we should not be condemned with the world When ye thought evil against me God Gen. 50 20. disposed it to good Q. Now shew unto me what Profit the Faithful reap by their Afflictions A. 1st By them God bringeth us to Humility With rebukes thou chastiseth man for Psal 39. 11. iniquity 2dly By Afflictions God calleth us to true Repentance for when he correcteth our Sins he doth it to
make us understand how much he detesteth Sin that so also we might detest it and withal he tameth the Rebellion of our Flesh and daily more and more teacheth us Obedience It is good for me that I was afflicted Psal 119. 71. that I might learn thy statutes 3dly God worketh in us that we should learn to pity such as be in distress for no Man hath Compassion or suffereth with another who himself hath not suffered before For We have not an high priest which cannot Heb. 4. 15. be touched with our infirmities but such an one as was in all things tempted in the like sort yet without sin 4thly By Afflictions the Lord shaketh off our Deadness and Drowsiness and doth stir us up the more earnestly to come and call upon him by fervent and hearty Prayer Call upon me in the time of thy trouble Psal 50. 15. and I will hear thee 5thly By them the Lord maketh tryal of our Faith for they do either Consume the Wicked through Impatience or else Harden them through Despair On the other side they Soften the Hearts of the Godly to make them call upon God and to trust the more upon him Blessed is the man that endureth temptation Jam. 1. 12. for when he hath been tryed he shall receive the Crown of life 6thly By Afflictions God doth call our minds away from these Earthly things that we may the more earnestly desire the Life to come Seeing then there is so many Comforts by Affliction My son despise not the chastning of the Heb. 12. 5 Lord neither faint when thou art corrected of him For whom he loveth he chasteneth 6. Q. Why is he said to be Almighty A. Because he is able to do whatsoever he will Whatsoever pleased the Lord that did Psal 135. 6. he in heaven in earth in the sea and in all the depths Yea he is able to do more than he will For I say unto you God is able of these Mat. 3. 9. stones to raise up children to Abraham Q. What Comfort is there in that God is said to be Almighty A. It strengthneth me in my Prayer to him assuring me that he can make good whatever Promises he hath made unto me in his Word Being fully assured that he which Rom. 4. 21. had promised was also able to do it And though I be weak and unable to resist mine Enemies bodily or spiritual and no way able to help or provide for my self yet my heavenly Father is of all Majesty and Power guiding and over-ruling continually Men Angels and Devils and all Creatures to serve for his own Glory and the Good of his Children Yea though I should walk through the Psal 23. 4. valley of the shadow of death I will fear none evil for thou art with me When the ways of man please the Lord Prov. 16. 7. he will make his enemies to be at peace with him Q. What is meant in saying He was Maker of Heaven and Earth A. That he formed and framed this whole World and all the Creatures that are therein only by the Power of his Word and Commandment even of Nothing By the word of the Lord were the heavens Psal 33. 6. made and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth Q. What Comfort cometh by this A. That although through Adam I had lost the Right both of Heaven and Earth and of every Creature so as I could have no Comfort in the Use of them yet through my Saviour the Second Adam since I truly Believed in him I am restored to a far better Estate being made in him a right Heir of all and all the Creatures are blessed and sanctified to me that I may have a holy Use of them For if we be children we are also Rom. 8. 17. heirs even the heirs of God and heirs annexed with Christ 2dly All the Creatures in Heaven and Earth are at league with me to help for my Good so far as may stand with his Glory For the stones of the field shall be in Job 5. 23. Hos 2. 18. 1 Cor. 3. 21. league with thee and the beasts of the field shall be at peace with thee Q. Declare unto me the Second Part of the Creed concerning Faith in God the Son Which is the Second Article A. And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord. Q. What is signified by that Word JESUS A. This Word signifieth a Saviour Thou shalt call his name Jesus for Mat. 1. 21. he shall call his people from their sins Q. Why is the Son of God called Jesus that is a Saviour A. Because he saveth us from all our Sins Therefore he is able also perfectly to Heb. ● 25. save them that come unto God by him Neither ought any Safety to be sought for from any other nor can elsewhere be found Neither is there salvation in any other Act. 4. 12. name ●●der heaven whereby we must be saved I even I am the Lord and beside me Isa 43. 11. there is no saviour Q. Whom doth he save A. He saveth all and only the Elect and Believers which have been are or shall be even from the Beginning to the End of the World God so loved the world that he gave Joh. 3. 16. his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life Q. What Evils doth he deliver his Elect from A. From all Sin So the Angel testifieth He shall save his people from their Mat. 1. 21. sins The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us 1 Joh. 1. 7. from all sin And also from the Punishment of Sin For the Cause being taken away which is Sin the Effect is taken away which is Punishment Now then there is no condemnation to Rom. 8. 1. them that are in Christ Jesus I give unto them eternal life Q. How doth Christ save his Elect 1st He saveth us by his Merit or Satisfaction Because by his Obedience Passion Death and Intercession he hath merited for us Remission of Sins Reconciliation with God and Everlasting Life The blood of Jesus Christ his Son 1 Joh. 1. 7. cleanseth as from all sin By the obedience of one many shall be Rom. 5. 19. made righteous He was wounded for our transgressions Isa 53. 5. he was broken for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed He hath made him to be sin for us 2 Cor. 5. 21. which knew no sin that we should be made the righteousness of God in him Christ hath redeemed us from the curse Gal. 3. 13. of the law 2dly He saveth us by his Efficacy Power and Operation Because he not only obtaineth by his Meriting for us Remission of Sins and that Life which we had lost but also applieth effectually unto us by virtue of his Spirit through Faith the whole Benefit of our
suffered Behold my hands and my feet for Luk. 24. 39. it is I my self handle me and feel me 3dly He rose by his own Power he put Death to slight quickned his dead Body re-united it to his Soul and restored to himself a blessed heavenly and glorious Life and that by the Might and Power of his Godhead Destroy this temple and in three days Joh. 2. 29. I will raise it up again I have power to lay down my soul and Chap. 10. 18. have power to take it up again 4thly He rose the Third Day by his Father's and by his own Power Him God raised up the third day Act. He rose the third day according to the 1 Cor. 15. 4. scriptures Q. What Benefit redounds to the Church of God by virtue of Christ's Resurrection A. The perfect Accomplishment of the Work of Justification Who was delivered to death for our Rom. 4. 25. sins and is risen again for our justification 2dly The Resurrection of Christ our Head is a pledge unto us of a glorious Resurrection But now is Christ risen from the dead 1. Cor. 15. 20. and made the first-fruits of them that slept 3dly By virtue of Christ's Resurrection God's Church obtaineth a spiritual Resurrection from Sin We are buried with him by baptism Rom. 6. 4 into his death that like as Christ was raised up from the dead so we should walk in newness of life For if we be grafted with him to the similitude of his death even so shall we be to the similitude of his resurrection 4thly By the Resurrection of Christ we are warranted and confirmed of his Merit that he hath fully and perfectly satisfied for our Sins For one only Sin not being satisfied for had with-held Christ still in death 5thly We are assured not only of his meriting for us but also that he is able and doth bestow on us the Fruit and Benefit of his Merit For Christ is risen again for our righteousness Rom. 5. 25. Blessed be God even the Father of our 1 Pet. 1. 3. Lord Jesus Christ which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead Q. What is it to believe in Christ as he rose again the Third Day from the Dead A. It is not barely to Believe That Christ did indeed Rise the Third Day out of the Sepulchre alive but also That I by virtue of his Resurrection am fully Justified truly Regenerate Preserved in Grace Reserved to a blessed Resurrection unto Eternal Life and that Christ ever liveth to apply this unto me Q. Which is the Sixth Article A. He ascended into Heaven and sitteth at the right-hand of God the Father Almighty Q. How shall I be certain that Christ ascended into Heaven A. By the Testimony of Holy Scriptures where it is said That after the Lord had spoken to Mark 16. 19. them he was received into heaven and sat at the right-hand of God Q. What is meant by these words He ascended into Heaven A. I Believe hereby That Christ ascended into Heaven in his Humane Nature only and that the very same which was born of the Virgin dead buried and which rose again and that locally or bodily truly going from one place to another visibly and apparent to the Apostles What then if ye should see the Son of Man ascend up where he was before While they beheld he was taken up Act. 19. out of their sight The Fortieth Day after his Resurrection Forty days was he seen of them speaking Act. 1. 3. of things which appertain to the kingdom of God And that by the Power of his Godhead This Jesus by the right-hand of God Chap. 2. 33. hath been exalted Q. But Christ promised he would be with us until the end of the World how then is he ascended A. Christ is True God and True Man According to his Manhood he is not now on the Earth The poor you have always with you Mat. 26. 11. but me ye shall not have always I leave the world and go to the Father Joh. 16. 28. But according to his Godhead his Grace and Spirit he is at no time from us as he hath promised Lo I am with you until the end of the Mat. 28 20. world Q. Are not by this means the two Natures in Christ pulled asunder if his Humanity be not wheresoever his Divinity is A. No For seeing his Divinity is Incomprehensible and every where present Can any hide himself in secret places Jer. 23. 24. that I shall not see him saith the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth it followeth necessarily that the same is without the bound of his Humane Nature which he took on him and yet it is nevertheless in it and abideth personally with it For in him dwelleth all the fulness of Col. 2 9. the Godhead bodily Q. What Benefit redounds to the Church of God and every particular Member by virtue of Christ's Ascension A. 1st By virtue of Christ's Ascension Satan Sin and Death are led Captives so that now they have no Power to hurt God's Church nor any of his Members When he ascended up on high he led Eph. 4. 8. captivity captive 2dly I Believe That there is prepared in Heaven for me and God's Church a Mansion or Dwelling-place In my Fathers house are many dwelling-places Joh. 14. 2. I go to prepare a place for you 3dly The Ascension of Christ's Humane Nature is a sure Pledge unto me That it shall come to pass That he who is our Head will lift up his Members also unto him Father I will that they which thou Chap. 7. 24. hast given me be with me even where I am 4thly I am assured That he will send me and the rest of the Church of God his Spirit instead of a Pledge between him and us I will pray the Father and he shall Chap. 14. 16. give you another Comforter that may abide with you for ever Q. In what sence are we to understand the words of the rest of this Article He sitteth at the Right-Hand of God the Father Almighty A. Not in a literal sence For God hath not a Right-Hand or Left-hand like unto Men. For God is a Spirit Chap. 4. 24. And the strength of Israel is not a 1 Sam. 15. 29. man But it is evident that the Word Right-Hand is often times used in Scripture for the Power of God or for his Presence They inherited not the land by their Psal 44 3. own sword neither did their own arm save them but by thy right-hand and and thine arm and the light of thy countenance In thy presence is fullness of joy and at Psal 16. 11. thy right-hand are pleasures for evermore Also it is as manifest that Sitting is used in Scripture for Authority or Regiment Solomon thy son shall reign after me
1 King 1. 30. and he shall sit upon my throne Q. From whence then is this borrowed Speech taken A. It is taken from the manner of Men who are wont to give the Right-Hand to such as they do Preferr or Advance as by the Example of Solomon And he sate down on his throne and Chap. 2. 19. he caused a seat to be set for the kings mother and she sate at his right-hand Q. What Spiritual meaning doth this Sitting at the right-hand of God imply A. 1st A Rest from Labour and thus it signifieth That Christ is now freed from all his Passions and Miseries Blessed are the dead which die in the Rev. 14. 13. Lord for they rest from their labours 2dly It signifieth Supreme Authority and thus it signifieth that the Government of all things is committed unto Christ All power is given to me both in Mat. 28. 18. heaven and earth 3dly It signifieth a great measure of Honour and Happiness and thus it signifieth That Christ is now entred into a great and infinite State of Glory and Happiness But we see Jesus crowned with glory Heb. 2. 9. and honour Q. What Benefit cometh to the Church of God and every partiticular Member by virtue of Christ's Sitting at the Right-hand of God A. 1st Thereby Christ hath Power to gather his Church and to defend it and every Member of the same against all Force and Violence Thou art Peter and upon this rock Mat. 16. 18. will I build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it 2dly The Church and every Member thereof is made Partaker of Christ's Intercession Who shall condemn It is Christ Rom. 8. 34. which is risen again who is also at the right-hand of God and maketh request for us Q. How doth Christ make Intercession for his Church or wherein doth it consist A. 1st In Appearing for his Church before God his Father 2dly By the continual presenting of his Merits in our Name before his Father Therefore Christ is called a Priest 3dly By continual wishing Good unto Joh. 17. 24. it And Christ's Wishing of Good is a strong Intercession for Good and in this sence he is called our Advocate As formerly hath been spoken Q. Which is the Seventh Article A. From thence he shall come to judge both the Quick and the Dead Q. How are you certain that Christ shall come to Judgment A. 1st It is confirmed by Christ himself Chap. 14. 3. Rev. 22. 20. 2dly By Testimony of the Angels Act. 1. 11. 3dly By the Testimony of the Apostles Chap. 17. 31. And also by Testimony of other Scriptures The Lord shall judge for ever he hath Psal 9. 7 prepared his throne for Judgment For he shall judge the world in righteousness 8. and shall judge the people with equity The Father judgeth no man but hath Joh. 5. 22. committed all judgment to the Son Q. Shall the Father and the Holy Ghost have no part at all in the latter Iudgment A. Yes verily I believe that Judgment shall belong unto all the Three Persons in Trinity as concerning their Consen● and Authority but unto Christ as touching the Publishing and Executing of the Judgment Q. But it is said that the Saints shall Iudge the World A. The Saints shall Judge the World not by pronouncing Judgment But 1st By sitting with Christ as it were upon the Bench. 2dly By yielding Consent and Approbation unto Christ's Sentence 3dly By their good Lives Q. From whence shall the Iudge come when he cometh to Iudgment A. From Heaven as it is manifest by Scripture The Lord himself shall descend from 1 Thes 4. 16. heaven The Lord Jesus shall shew himself from heaven with his mighty angels Q. But how and after what manner shall Christ come to Iudgment A. I Believe That Christ in the appointed Time of his Father shall come truly visibly and locally to Judge both Quick and Dead They shall see the Son of man come in Mat. 24. 30. the clouds of heaven even as he was seen to go up in the same Shape Form Figure and Substance that he took in the Virgin 's Womb that being Glorified and induced with Immortality This Jesus which is taken up from Act. 1. 11. you into heaven shall so come as ye have seen him go up and that in Majesty Power and great Glory accompanied with all the holy Angels And they shall see the Son of man come Mat. 24. 30. in the clouds with power and great glory Thus shall Christ himself in his Humane Nature visibly descend from Heaven upon the Clouds with a Shout and with the Voice of the Archangel and Trump of God accompanied with thousands of his Saints Behold he cometh with clouds and Rev. 1. 7. every eye shall see him The Lord himself shall descend from 1 Thes 4. 16. heaven with a shout and with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of God Behold the Lord cometh with thousands Jude 14. of his saints And this his Coming shall be sudden The day of the Lord shall come as a 1 Thes 5. 2 thief in the night And when they shall say Peace and 3. safety then shall come upon them sudden destruction Q. Who are the Persons that shall be Iudged A. All Men both Quick and Dead that is those that shall be found Alive at the Day of Judgment and those that are and shall be Dead before the Day of Judgment We must all appear before the judgment-seat 2 Cor. 5. 10. of God And not only Men but the very Devils Know ye not that we shall judge the 1 Cor. 6. 3. angels Q. Shall all wicked Men receive the same measure of Punishment at that Day A. No For they shall receive a greater or lesser Punishment according to the degree of Sin But I say unto you It shall be easier for Mat. 11. 22. Tyre and Sidon than for you at the day of judgment Q. What is the Last Iudgment A. I Believe it to be a Manifestation of the Hearts and inward Thoughts of all Men and a Declaration of all their Actions and a Separation of the Just and Unjust who ever have lived or shall live from the Beginning of the World to the End proceeding from God by Christ and a pronouncing of Sentence on these Men and an Execution thereof according to the Doctrine of the Law and Gospel the Issue whereof shall be the perfect Delivery of the Church and the final Abjection of wicked Men and Devils into Everlasting Punishment Q. But in what Time Age or Year shall the Day of Iudgment be A. It shall be in the End of the World But of that day and hour knoweth no Chap. 24. 36. man no not the angels in heaven but my Father which is in heaven Q. What Benefit shall the Church of God and every particular Member receive by virtue of
Christ's coming to Iudgment A. I believe hereby That they shall then receive their own Bodies again which so long time had lain in the Earth and that in a far more excellent Estate than when they left them God giveth even to every seed his own 1 Cor. 15. 38 body The body is sown in dishonour and is 43. raised in glory And that they shall then receive Honour as in Rev. 3. 5 21. And that blessed Sentence of the Judge Come Mat. 25. 34. ye blessed of my Father inherit the kingdom prepared for you And also all the Benefits that Christ hath purchased for them Then lift up your heads for your redemption Luk. 21. 28. draweth nearer And they shall be freed from all the Powers of Death they shall die no more Death is swallowed up in victory Yea they shall be freed from all Sorrow and Want from all Hunger and Thirst and they shall weep no more They shall neither hunger nor thirst any Rev. 7. 16. more God shall wipe away all tears from Rev. 7. 17. their eyes Q. Wherein consisteth the Third Part of the Creed A. Of Faith in God the Holy Ghost Q. Which then is the Eighth Article of the Creed A. I Believe in the Holy Ghost Q. Wherefore is the third Person in the Trinity called a Ghost or a Spirit A. 1st Because he is a Spiritual Nature God is a Spirit Joh. 4. 24. 2dly Because he is breathed or inspired into the Hearts of the Elect by the Father and the Son He breathed on them and said unto Joh. 20. 22. them Receive the Holy Ghost 3dly Because it is his Office to inspire our Hearts with good Motions Holy men of God spake as they were 2 Pet. 1. 21. moved by the Holy Ghost Q. Wherefore is he called Holy A. It is not to deny either the Holiness of the Father or the Son but because he is the Means of the Sanctification of others and therefore he is called the Spirit of Sanctification Rom. 1. 4. Q. What is the Holy Ghost or how is he described A. The Holy Ghost is the Third Person of the Trinity There are three which bear record in 1 Joh. 5. 7. heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one proceeding from the Father and the Son But when the Comforter shall come Joh. 15. 26. whom I will send unto you from the Father even the Spirit of Truth which proceedeth from the Father being also very God with the Father and the Son There are three which bear record in 1 Joh. 5. 7. heaven the Father the Word and the Spirit and these three are one Co-eternal and Because he created the Heaven and the Earth and was from the very Beginning The Spirit of the Lord moved upon the Gen. 1. 2. waters Co-equal with the Father and the Son And that is manifest by his Divine Attributes as Omnipotency Psal 33. 6. Omnisciency 1 Cor. 2. 10. Infinite Goodness and Holiness 1 Cor. 6. 11. Unchangeableness Act. 1. 16. Truth Infallible Joh. 15. 26. Mercy Unspeakable Rom. 5. 5. 8. 26. Q. What is the Office of the Holy Ghost A. The chief Parts of his Office are 1st To Teach us The Holy Ghost whom the Father will Joh. 14. 26. send in my name he will teach you all things 2dly To Regenerate us Except a man be born of water and of Joh. 3. 5. the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God 3dly To Unite us with Christ Hereby we may know that Christ dwelleth 1 Joh. 3. 24. in us even by the Spirit that he hath given us 4thly To Rule and Govern us As many as are led by the Spirit of Rom. 8. 14. God they are the sons of God Q. By what means may the Holy Ghost be given or received A. He is given either Visibly as unto the Apostles There appeared unto them eleven tongues Act. 2. 3. like fire or Invisibly as unto the Church from the Beginning to the End of the World He which hath not the Spirit of Christ Rom. 8. 9. is none of his For without the Spirit there neither was nor should have any Church Also he is given after an ordinary way By the Ministry of the Word and by the Use of the Sacraments While Peter yet spake the Holy Ghost Act. 10. 44. fell on them which heard the word Q. To whom is the Holy Ghost given A. He is said to be given to all to whom he comunicateth his Gifts to the whole Church that are called both to the Elect and to Hypocrites To the Elect he is given not only as concerning his Common Gifts but also as concerning his Proper and Saving Graces Knowledge of God's Word Regeneration Faith and Conversion To the Hypocrite he is also given only as touching the Knowledge and Doctrine and other his Common and General Gifts The world cannot receive him because Joh. 14. 17. it seeth him not neither knoweth him Q. How is the Holy Ghost kept or retained A. 1st By diligent Use of the Ecclesiastical Ministry He gave some to be Apostles some to Eph. 4. 11. be Prophets for the edification of the body of Christ 2dly By Meditation in the Doctrine of the Gospel and by studying to Profit therein Let the word of God dwell in you plenteously Col. 3. 16. in all wisdom 3dly By Encrease and Continuance and Amendment of Life Unto him that hath shall be given Mat. 13. 12. He that is righteous let him be righteous Rev. 22. 11. still 4thly By daily earnest Prayer and Invocation How much more shall your heavenly Luk. 11. 13. Father give the Holy Ghost to him that desire him Q. How shall a Man know whether he hath the Spirit or no A. It may be known by the Effects 1st If Sin be weakned in him If Christ be in you the body is dead Rom. 8. 10. because of sin 2dly If he be freed from the Bondage and Dominion of Sin Where the Spirit of the Lord is there 2 Cor. 3. 17. is liberty 3dly If he can love his Enemies This must needs be of God's Spirit because it is above Nature Love your enemies Mat. 5. 44. 4thly If he have the Spirit of Supplication and can Pray with the Heart from a feeling and from a fervent and holy Desire The Spirit helpeth our infirmities for Rom. 8. 26. we know not what to pray for as we ought but the Spirit it self maketh request for us 5thly If he can find in himself any of the Fruits of the Spirit as Love Gal. 5. 2. joy peace long-suffering gentleness goodness faith c. Q. May the Holy Ghost once received be afterwards totally and finally lost A. In the Reprobate he may be lost totally and finally The Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul and an evil spirit of the Lord vexed him But in the Elect