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A33367 Look about you, for the devil that you fear is in you, or, The right devil unfolded in his descent, form, education, qualification, place and nature of torment : with many other divine secrets, never from the beginning yet extant till this last witness, so beneficial both for the seed of gain, and the seed of faith / written by Laur. Claxton. Claxton, Laurence, 1615-1667. 1659 (1659) Wing C4579; ESTC R32621 55,901 151

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in man for I 'le assure thee there is some this day in London and Country also that in my hearing hath said God is a devil and that he hath done that he cannot make good that God is a tyrant a Cock and a Bull a Horse and all such like cursed terms also that devil-man hath said That if God did damn him he would damn God nay it hath been spoken That God durst not damn him and that God was more beholding to him then he was to God Also a man hath said That the blood of Christ was of no more value then the blood of a dog if these be not the seed of Cain and at the great and terrible day shall be raysed devils then let them say the Lord spoke not by me nay there is a swarm or brood of this cursed seed of Cain that deny a God or at least they make him a cloak for all their lascivious lust running after the steps of their father Cain in all manner of wickedness And what is their saying If I can but have my Money-god let it come right or wrong its all one to me I will not put it forth to usury but I will spend it freely upon my lust and as for this glorious personal God I own no such God for what say they Our God is an infinite formless spirit or an infinite nothing or an infinite all that is to say all in beasts all in fish all in fowls all in herbs trees and plants all in men and their wickedness too even thus this cursed seed do believe that just holy glorious God to be the Author of all their uncleanness so that true is that saying Psal 50. 21. Thou thoughtest I was altogether such a one as thy self but at the mighty day of my account thou shalt then have all thy sins set in order before thee and the sentence of this despised God pass upon thee And whereas thou saith The devil is a murthering persecutor of Gods precious ones Well what devil was that think you that from the beginning to this day persecuted the people of God was it a devil without man or in man Surely the Scripture with our experience can to any sober man make it appear it was no other devil but man As instance who persecuted the Prophets of the Lord of old was it not the Priests and Elders of Israel Who was it that persecuted Christ Jesus was it not their children the holy devout Jews that murthered the Lord of glory Who persecuted the Apostles was it not the same generation of the cursed seed of Cain Who put the Martyrs to the fire was it a devil without a form or was it not a devil in Queen Marys form Who is it now that persecutes the substantial light or life of the seed of faith is it not the devil in man or man-devil Nay had it not been for the late Lord Protector whose soul was merciful to tender consciences O had it not been that God had honored him before and above all in wisdom to go in and out before Parliaments and the Priests of this Nation what a bloody persecuting day had here been in England and yet you cry out of the devil for a persecutor when it is the devil in you so that you see there is no other devil but what is that cursed seed of Cain O therefore look about you for the devil that you fear is in you Now to the last and greatest appeal the seed of Can can make for himself is this If there be no other Devil but what is in man or woman then Kings may be devils Magistrates devils Lawyers devils Merchants devils Soldiers devils Doctors devils and Preachers devils and so at the day of judgement few other but devils shall arise Answ What a Catalogue of great men is here recorded thou supposing such men as these its pity to damn them or at least God will have more mercy on them then on the poor ragged feed of Cain and that because of their greatnes Surely if possible thou wouldst turn God from being God and that because he saith He will have mercy on whom he will have mercy And with our God there is no respect of persons So that mark what is said What is a King what is a Magistrate what is a Doctor what is a Lawyer what is a Soldier what is a Merchant what is a Preacher though their houses be full of gold and silver and their body richly clad with Jewels and raiment What is all this to the Judge of Justice its but as filthy raggs no nor the persons of such men are no more esteemed then the dunghil begger Nay what doth the Lord say Not many wise not many mighty not many noble men shall be saved but the poor persecuted for his names sake are his beloved Again he saith It is easier for a Camel to go through the eye of a needle then for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven Do you hear will ye believe or understand that these sayings needs no interpretation however you may slight it take notice that what I now say you shall finde it that since God became flesh there is no promise in Scripture to those that truly knows him and so professeth him shall be rich in this world As find me out ten among ten thousand from the first of Matthew to the last of the Revelation that were true believers so living and so dying I say thou canst not find out half that number that were really of the seed of faith and rich in this would so few they were then and so few now that I think it should make the rich of this world to tremble for though you can pass the Scripture with some evations of your own and defer the application of them as concerning your selves yet from my Seed-spring this you shall know that those sayings It is easier for a Camel to go through the eye of a needle then for a rich man to enjoy in his own soul the eternal truth there being such antipathy betwixt them that they accord like two contrary elements viz. fire and water no society till one hath conquered the other As instance the riches and glory of this world it elevates the soul beyond its bounds it finds so much content here that that truth that will not maintain this perishing fleshly glory with all its lust and pride Oh it is as hard a saying as that of Christ to the young man in the Gospel when truth presents it self to a rich worldly man and yet this man a great professor of the letter and makes a great flutter in vain repetition to a God thou knows not yet I say when the eternal truth tenders it self to thy soul in a poor persecuted distressed condition and tells thee I the Lord of glory had not a bed to lay my head on and those that will raign with me in that endles glory to come must forsake all take
thou abhor a drunkard or any that is given to hospitality and that because his quality is quite contrary to thine for thou art all for toyling and moyling rising early and lying down late neglecting no opportunity wherein thou mayest enrich thy self when as the other riseth up early and lyeth down late in drunkenness spending and making away that portion which was given thee so that thou being covetous he is no companion for thee for thou hast so much care in thee and upon thee how to make thy self great on this earth that unless thou canst advantage thy self thou wilt not spend a penny but when thou hast got five pounds or more or less then whatsoever shift thou and thy family shall make that shall not be diminished in the least but to usury it must go and then thou pinchest thy belly and the bellies of thy poor wife and children by living so long upon small Beer and flet Cheese and such like stuff that thou increasest thy estate to a vast sum at last that now the greatest care and thought of thy heart is how thou shalt secure thy riches from some of thy seed that if they should break into thy house they may not plunder thee of it and to that end thou inventest all maner of subtilty to deceive the deceived that thou hidest some in the earth and some on the house-top and some in hollow trees one place or another that thy brother serpent may not steal it from thee or the Law of this thy kingdom impose great Taxes upon thee I say thy care is so much upon this thy perishing earthly treasure that thy heart thy soul is wholly wrapt up in it insomuch that thy sleep and meat goes from thee that now having what thy heart desireth after thou art more tormented now then when thou hadst little or nothing therefore remember that of Christ Luke 12. 15. where he saith Beware of covetousness for a mans life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth and where thy treasure is thy heart will be also so that what will all this thy greatness in this world and plenty of gold or silver avail thee when the tears of the poor are laid naked before thee and starved for want of bread which thou hadst in abundance and not onely this but it is read in thy soul that thou hast enriched thy self in the ruine of others and thy conscience tells thee thou never got this justly but by fraud and deceit by grinding the faces of the poor and keeping back the hire of the laborers As touching this look about you ye Tradesmen of all sorts yea from the highest to the lowest examine your own consciences how often ye have cheated and remember this ye Landlords that oppress the poor Tenents as also ye Brokers that grinde the faces of the poor in lending upon usury or commodities and that after forty or fifty pound in the Hundred I say remember this that no cheater oppressor nor extortioner shall enter into the kingdom of Heaven and therefore against you I cry wo wo wo for this shall rise up a witness against thee and shall eat thy flesh as if it were fire as it is in James the fifth the first second third and fourth verses and then even then when thou thinkest all is well and that thou hast setled thy estate to thy hearts content that now thou fearest no want but canst without trouble cherish up thy soul with the fruits of thy wits and endeavors and to take thy pleasure for the time to come then comes the messenger Death and deprives thee of all the happiness of thy riches and saith unto thee Ah fool this night thy soul shall be required of thee then whose shall those things be which thou hast provided Luke 12. 20. Now thou hast brought thy covetous heart to perfect what it longed after and now must thou leave all and knowest not what will become of thy soul on the other side of death and so in terror and fear of death thou diest and in torment thou shalt rise at the great day as in the next Chapter thou shalt hear and read at large So that I cannot but admire the wonderful wisdom of my God that notwithstanding the pleasure and pomp of this world belongs onely to the seed of Cain yet he gives them a bitter cup to drink at last which potion makes the devil afraid and to tremble at the thought of that day by which they are not onely bridled from their great cruelty and tyranny they would i●●ose upon the Seed of Faith but also the thought of death doth in some measure out-top their pleasures and greatness so that their life in this their onely heaven is not much better then our life in this our onely hell for though they have fulness and such as we have want yet we have peace and they have war yea oftentimes sad torment to think what will become of their souls when as the Seed of Faith knoweth what he is here what he shall be in the grave and what he shall be at the resurrection even glorified with his Savior So if you seriously lay to heart the vast difference of the Seed of Faith and the seed of Cain upon their bed of sickness or hour of death it would cause admiration as thus The departure of the seed of Cain out of this world is as much as if a Prince should depart not onely from his loving wife and pretty children but be banisht from his Crown and Kingdom never to enjoy it more and also where he is banisht he is shut up prisoner all the the time of his life even so is ●● death in this world he must leave not onely all his society but the pleasure of this his kingdom where he had delight as much as heart could wish and in the grave his soul and body lyeth uncapable of either joy or sorrow and then at the great day of our Saviors appearance thou shalt be raised up thy body thy hell thy soul thy devil shut up close prisoner world without end Now death is unto the Seed of Faith as a Messenger of glad tidings in that it frees him from the cruelty and oppression of the devill the seed of Cain and take him from all his hardship and wants that he hath undergone by living uprightly in this strange kingdom and then he knowing that all the time he is in the grave there is no remembrance of good or evil and as soone as ever his God comes he shall be raised to meet him in the aire with his mighty angels where he shall have a kingdom that one hours enjoyment of that will be more then ten thousand times ten thousand the greatest substance of glory could be attained unto for ten millions of years in this perishing world Thus in brief you have the difference of the two Seeds what triumph the Seed of Faith have in death over the seed of
hypocrisie and cheat of thy heart laid naked before thee for what ever woes thou their readest against them that wo concerns thy self As wo unto thee moderate heaven-like Saint for thou art like unto the whited sepulchres which indeed appear beautiful outward but within are full of dead mens bones and of all uncleanness even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men but within ye are full of hypocrisie and iniquity wo unto thee for now thou wilt make a trade of Christ and his Apostles yea garnish the sepulchres of them as righteous men and yet at this day will speak evil imprison if not put to death the true prophets and righteous of the Lord so that ye be witnesses to your selves that ye are the children of them that murthered the Lord of glory Ah wo wo as thou with the rest in the next Chapter shalt hear thy doom and endless torment CAP. IV. The devil or seed of Cain the place and nature of his torment IN that the face of the Creation is vailed with darkness and ignorance of Christs coming to judge both the quick and the dead therefore I shall treat of this most needful point from certain sayings of himself as read Matth. 24 where you shall finde As the light cometh out of the east and shineth even to the west so shall also the coming of the Son of man be and as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the days of the Son of man they ate they drank they bought they sold they married and were given in marriage until the day that Noah entred into the ark and the flood came and destroyed them all so in the days of Lot they ate they drank c. but in the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained down fire and brimstone from Heaven and destroyed them all So the day of the Lord shall come as a thief in the night in which the Heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the Elements shall melt with fervent heat the earth also and the works tbat are therein shall be burnt up then shall all the seed of Cain mourn tremble and shake when they see the Son of man in the clouds of Heaven with power and great glory yea at the sound of his coming the devil or seed of Cain will cry to the rocks and mountains Fall on us yea ye will run into Caves and Cellars to hide your selves from the presence of that glorious personal God whom in your life time ye despised and rejected yea scoffing and walking after your own lusts saying Where is the promise of his coming for since the Fathers and the Apostles fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning and so ye swear whore and be drunk yea cheat oppress imprison and destroy the Seed of Faith not in the least laying to heart that the day of Christ Jesus that glorious God is at hand and will come as a thief in the night yea as swift as lightening in the air insomuch that two shall be in the bed two in the field two in the mill or wheresoever two or more are together they shall not have time to separate themselves till the Lord of glory take to himself the Seed of Faith from the seed of Cain As sure as the Lord liveth thus it will be very suddenly with this proud covetous lustful bloody world that sport themselves about the resurrection of the dead and the day of Judgement saying it is already past or there will never be any such day I say before ye be aware of it Christ the King of Glory will open the firmament of Heaven and stand in the air with his mighty angels surrounding his person and then by the power of his word speaking as he raised Lazarus out of the grave so will he raise all the Seed of Faith both dead and alive in the twinkling of an eye as he did Elias yea in a moment changing our mortal bodies to immortal like himself for you read in that day that Lot departed out of Sodom the same day it rained down fire and brimstone and destroyed them all Oh what a dreadful and sudden desolation fire maketh in a mortal world in one day so swift the Lord will appear that he will make a quick dispatch and after all the Seed of Faith that handful or little flock are safely arrived with him in the air then the Man Jesus with a flood of fire will burn all the beauty and glory of this world to ashes or dry sand leaving behind the souls and bodies of the seed of Cain then living with the souls and bodies of their dead seed raised up burning together like fire and brimstone upon this earth in utter darkness Having in brief by Reason Faith and Scripture proved to all sober-minded men that a day of Judgement will come the maner and nature of its coming now I shall shew thee the place where that seed of Cain shall be tormented which yet from the beginning till this last Witness could never be found out nor any true infallible description given as touching the place called Hell though most of the Learned have attempted yea stretched the line of reason to the utmost yet all to no purpose for thy father before thee and thou his learned son art not in the least satisfied and that because thou hast not the seed of Faith which is the evidence of things not seen therefore being out of the bounds of reason thou writest of it thou knowest not what and so to finde it thou knowest not where and therefore it is by thee recorded that place called Hell will be under the earth in the sea or in the bottom of it if not thou supposest Hell shall be in the air or a place thou apprehendest not therefore from my seed-spring I affirm and that thy own experience shall finde that place of thy torment shall be even there where thou tookest thy pleasure that shall be the place of Hell even here in this world on this earth where now thou walkest shall be the place of thy endless misery For if you observe your own rule in the execution of your Law when a malefactor is apprehended for wilful murther or some such hideous crime when he is brought to his Tryal and by your Law found guilty then the Judge of the Law passeth Sentence that his body shall be burned or hanged even in that place where he committed his bloody filthy act and that justly where he spilt blood his blood should be required again even so the Lord of Glory Christ Jesus the Judge of the quick and dead when he comes to Judgement all you that have been guilty in the blood of the Prophets Christ Jesus and his Disciples that have put to death imprisoned or any way persecuted the Witness and righteous of the Lord that blessed Seed of Faith I say where you executed your oppression and cruelty against the sons of the
Look about you For the Devil that you fear is in you OR THE RIGHT DEVIL UNFOLDED 1 In his Desent 2 In his Form 3 In his Education 4 In his Qualification 5 In his Place and nature of Torment With many other Divine Secrets never from the beginning yet extant till this Last Witness so beneficial both for the Seed of Cain and the Seed of Faith Written by Laur. Claxton John 8. 44. Ye are of your father the devil and the lusts of your father ye will do c. He that committeth sin is of the devil c. 1 John 3. 8 9. Who soever is born of God doth not commit sin for his seed remaineth in him and be cannot sin because be is born of God LONDON Printed for the Author and are to be sold by William Learner at the Blackamoor near Fleet-bridge 1659. THE EPISTLE To you the Seed of Faith the onely beloved Family of the Lord of Glory your poor despised Brother yet heir with you of that immortal endless kingdom saluteth you as followeth IN this Treatise I have brought to publique view your grand Opposite Cain the father of all the devils children in which you may take full sight of his majestical person in this his kingdom with all his glory appertaining to him therefore you that are not onely verbally but really the Seed of Adam sing praises to Christ your Savior that your treasure is not laid up in this kingdom that shall perish and have an end and because of poverty here rejoyce that your riches is in your kingdom yet to come mourn not because of hatred here for this kingdom loves its own let this rejoyce your souls that every day you are nearer your Journeys end and let this elevate your spirits that before you be aware the Lord whom ye love have long looked for is a coming and will wipe away all tears from your eyes and sorrows from your hearts for believe it the Lord hath recorded all your enemies in his brest and will execute vengeance upon them therefore fear not the credit of this world nor the loss of thy life for thy God but rejoyce thou hast power over thy corruptions I say rejoyce for evermore for our God doth love an upright innocent soul therefore take heed of hypocrisie and deceive not thy self in acknowledging a personal God and hatest to be reformed for it is life eternal not onely to be a professor but a possessor this is the White Stone and Hidden Manna that hath so few and no name you know what I say therefore forget not that first of John 3. 17. I say remember upon what account and to whom I speak it otherwise at the last day thou shalt finde those sayings in Matthew 25. 34 c. fall heavy upon thee Now who ever shall peruse this Epistle and hath a desire to read one thing more then another then cast thy eye upon this ensuing Index and there from Page 1 to 20 and so on thou shalt finde by the Figures what thou most delightest in and the Lord give thee understanding in it and faith to observe it Vale. THE INDEX I. YOu have the Introduction of the miraculous Convert CAP. I. II. The first descent and true form of the right Devil discovered From page 1 to 20. III. Certain notable Queries answered from p. 20 to 34 IV. The Righteous Rule by which you shall finde few rich men saved and that very few if any of the Seed of Faith shall be rich in this world from p. 34 to 49 V. The difference of rich men from 49 to 54 VI. The right devil proved by Scripture from 54 to 65 VII The devil that tempted Christ interpreted from 65 to 76 VIII None but the Seed of Faith understand the Scripture from 76 to 81 CAP. II. IX No Saint educated like the devil from 81 to 87 X. Not onely a rich but a poor devil from 87 to 91 CAP. III. XI The light ranting devils quality from 91 to 100 XII The dark ranting devils quality from 100 to 108 XIII The covetous devils quality from 108 to 114 XIV The vast difference of the two seeds in death from 114 to 116 CAP. IV. XV. The Saint-like moderate devils quality from 116 to 123 XVI The maner of Christs coming to judgement from 123 to 127 XVII The place where the devils shall be tormented from 127 to 130 XVIII The nature of the devils torment from 130 to the end THE INTRODUCTION ABout the first of February 1657. I took my journey for London for the accomplishing of a place then in agitation and at my arrival there I was informed that the two Witnesses that I had often read of in Revelation the 11th was now to be seen and spoken withal unto whom I forthwith applied my self to hear what they could say for themselves then thinking in my self there was none in mortal flesh able to maintain an argument with me as to those fundamentals by them published to the world viz. God Devil Heaven Hell Angels and the mortality of the Soul but alas when I came to John Reeve so styled the Prophet of the Lord which at that time I could not be●●●ve and observed his position then stated unto me which was this Did I know the form nature and essence of God Instead of cavelling or improving the weapons of reason with which I was well guarded I was admiring that word Form how it was possible God should admit of a Form to which I replyed desiring to know what maner of Form he had His answer was God was in Form of a man clearer then Chrystal brighter then the Sun swifter then thought Then was my soul the more troubled that God being a man should be swifter then thought This I concluded it was requisite God should be swifter then thought but God having a Form I could not understand how he should be swifter then thought well notwithstanding I was not satisfied yet at that time little did I say onely took his book along with me and to my Chamber I went perusing his writing in which I found such heavenly Mysteries that the eyes nor ears of mortal flesh had never writ seen or heard the like before so that now began the travel of my soul how I should own this unparallel'd truth and hold my Benefice which was the onely livelihood of my self and five children consulting with my reason it would be well if I could injoy both and to that end I endeavored my self and to my Benefice went again improving my parts as formerly but the more I labored to preserve my self under that goard of above an hundred pounds per annum the more the beams of the eternal God did scorch and wither my shadow of rest Yea presently after there came in me a mighty conflict which did sift turn yea search the whole man in me insomuch that I was as it were in a warlike posture whether I had best yeeld up my Benefice or hold it
to her taste that she took it and did eat which is no more then this That proud beautiful glorious angelman did by his seeming divine wisdom and Angelical person bewitch Eves innocent soul to hearken unto him and her eyes to dote upon him that she admitted him enterance into her body in which and by which she found so much delight that after that she inticed her husband who had copulation with Eve as man with woman in these days so her innocent soul and body being defiled by that reprobate Dragon-angel after which her husband Adam going in unto her was also defiled as a sound woman should receive into her body a diseased man not onely her womb is defiled but she pollutes her husband also as the Pox or Gangreen doth eat throughout the whole man so Eves soul and body being defiled did putrifie the seed of Adam From hence it was there came two seeds the one pure the other impure the one righteous the other wicked Instance from the womb of Rebecca came two seeds at one travel blessed Jacob and cursed Esau thus in plainness of termes I have in short writ to plain sober-hearted men But now from the words of the Scripture I must speak to the seed of Faith that innocent soul-saved generation and that because the learned of this perishing world cannot believe though an Angel should speak from heaven as you the seed of the Lord shall hear that seed of this Serpent will hiss yea if possible sting from his venemous tongue this infallible interpretation of these ensuing words But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely dye Now if you look into the third of Genes with an eye of Faith then you may clearly see what that Tree of Knowledge of good and evil did signifie The words are these And the Serpent said to the Woman ye shall not surely die for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof then your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as Gods knowing good and evil And when the Woman saw that the Tree was good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes and a Tree to be desired to make one wise she took of the fruit thereof and did eat and gave also unto her husband and he did eat Oh my spiritual brethren in that my soul desireth your perfection as my own therefore I would gladly have you possessed with an infallible understanding between Michael and his Angels and the Dragon and his Angels or between the seed of the woman and the seed of the Serpent Why because in the knowledge of these two distinct seeds sons or generations depends a general understanding of the spirit of the Scriptures therefore let thy ear wait on thy eye and thy heart on both for now I shall unlock that secret Cabinet that hath not been opened since the creation till this last Witness therefore attend and take notice that it is a general opinion amongst learned men that the Serpent which appeared unto Eve was one of the beasts of the field which the Lord God had made and that the devil was an invisible spirit which entred into the body of the Serpent and spake those subtile speeches through his mouth and so caused the woman to eat of the fruit of the natural Tree which the Lord God had forbidden and tempting her husband to eat of that fruit with her it operated that venomous evil in them and all mankinde Note Oh the gross darkness that possesseth the learned men of this perishing world you know that the Scriptures are generally expressed in natural terms for the manifestation of spiritual things to the weak comprehension of sinful mortals and yet notwithstanding the natural wisdom of this world would perswade men to understand them exactly in the letter because they measure the glorious things of eternity by their rational learning onely as aforesaid but to enlighten thy understanding minde Scripture-records how that Christ is called a Lyon a Lamb a Stone a Door a Way a Vine a green Tree and such like expressions in reference unto spiritual meanings also you may read evil-minded men are sometimes called by the names of Devils Dragons Vipers Serpents Dogs Swines fruitless Trees and such like according to that of John the Baptist when he said Now the ax is laid to the root of the Tree every Tree therefore that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire So likewise you that are spiritual may know that yea that Angelical reprobate by whom Eve was deceived was called a Dragon an old Serpent the Devil and Satan a Deceiver or the Tree of knowledge of good and evil and such like names suteable unto his cursed nature so that the naked truth is this that Serpent that tempted Eve was that Angelical Dragon-devil beforesaid which the Lord God from the highest heavens cast down to the lowest earth where there as beforesaid he bewitched Eves innocent soul for if you know what you read you shall finde three prevalent arguments perswading her to consent unto the Serpents language 1. The Tree was good for meat 2. It was pleasant to the eyes 3. It was to be desired to make one wise But before I write of the three secrets hid in the Angelical temptation give me leave to speak a little of the dispensation of the secret wisdom of God to his chosen ones You that are of the seed of Faith and none but you doth know that in the Divine will of the infinite Majesty there is a twofold operation which is this minde what thou readest this is a great mystery When the wisdom of God seeth fit to reveal a Divine secret to his own seed then his holy Spirit is all active and when he seeth fit to obscure it from them then his Divine Spirit is all passive Why because for the manifestation of his infinite power and wisdom that he can create light out of darkness yea life out of death with a glorious advantage For understand this that if the glorious Creator for the tryal of his creature should leave the most experimental man that is to his own inspired light and suffer him to be tempted to that evil of murther or adultery overcome thereby he must of necessity lose that former joy and peace of the divine light or love of God in him and in the room thereof both see and feel nothing but spiritual darkness with a secret fear of eternal death until the light of life appears again with a new assurance of a glorious deliverance from that sinful darkness and fearful death as aforesaid truly whatever man shall imagine to the contrary as sure as there is a God this was the condition of both Adam and Eve when they were defiled with unlawful lust one towards another by that subtile temptation of that Serpents counsel called the Tree of knowledge